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Dear Friends,We are all so much busy with our respective sundry activities which are never ending, targets which never seem to get over and new ones are set as soon as the backlog comes to expiry, so many promises broken, so many wishes unfulfilled, so many tasks undone, so many hours not spent with the family members we love etc.etc. In this fast paced life, we have to . BUT give some time to our Friends and colleagues in need for advise, or whatever we may be able to assist in. This much we owe to the Nature which allows us to breath.Below I have pasted a Mail sent to me by our Member Elaine, and after taking permission from her , have put it on Board, for all to read. because this Mail needs full justice and proper advise, which I may not be able to impart in league of expectation. I have full confidence that few Wise and good astrologers of this Forum would share their inputs to this mail and render the much needed advise , which the lady requires.I just request all to be considerate in their mode of expressions, as the Kind Member has suffered very much as You will read through her Mail, and yet more suffering is in store for her. She has fought her battles bravely and ready for another. And we have to do our part of giving her mental strength ,and share her other pains , if not physical then mental. Solace and good wishes is what one can giveabundantly and should be given lavishly to the deserved person.Please put Your valuable Astrological inputs, and do not worry even if they are conflicting with each other. A penny, from one, a Pound from one, a dollar from one, all goes to the same Kitty and forms a booty.Best wishes,Bhaskar.Namaste Bhaskarji,

I hope you and your family are well. J I'm sorry to hear about Shri Shashieji's mother and will pray for his strength and his mother is not suffering.

I honestly have meant to keep in touch with you more, however, my health problems as well as problems with my computer have kept me from doing as much as I would like. I AM happy to say though, that despite my illnesses and problems related to my genetic disorder, these past few months have been free from the usual chaos and non-stop crisis. For the first time since my fiance's passing 18 months ago, I am feeling MUCH more content and peaceful. J I firmly believe that most of this is due to my renewed sadhana as well as my, often slow, BUT, still SOME progress in my studies of Jyotish and Sanskrit. Two weeks ago I got a VERY unexpected phone call from an old friend who said that she did not have the time or patience to utilize a $600 Sanskrit course (Books, DVD's, CD's and Internet support from the Ashram I lived and worked at), and asked me if I would like it, for free!! J I was elated!! She also gave me her discs for Parasharas Light 6.1 AND Goravani Jyotish 2.5 that she'd purchased!! I JUST got the programs installed a few days ago and am enjoying "playing" with my children's and my own charts—TRYING to absorb and learn as much as possible. This month is also my birthday and my brother has ordered 3 books at my request: The Greatness of Saturn—by Svoboda as well as 2 of James Brahas' beginning books on Jyotish. I just SO wish the Divine Mother would bless me with more waking hours to read and absorb all of these wonderful tools I'm being blessed with!! So, this is basically what has been happening in my life lately, however, I DID want to ask you a favor IF you have the time, I would be honored.

First, I wanted to catch you up with the research I have been doing concerning my time of birth. I'm awaiting a call from the State VS Office in Massachusetts as they want $120 to further research this matter—and, honestly, I don't have it. The hospital I had always been told I was born in and the one listed on my copy of my "birth record", (It was actually a "record" for my baptism shortly after my birth but after being transferred to another hospital because they didn't know anything about my genetic disorder and whether it could be life-threatening), has no record of my birth. However, apparently, because of the circumstances, and the fact it was a VERY small hospital that is no longer in existence, I'm told this isn't unusual. Both my mother and I had complications during the childbirth which caused us to be transferred to two different hospitals—and somehow the records have been lost—or weren't done properly in the first place. SO, the ONE thing I HAVE found out, is that my time of birth is definitely between 11:30 and 11:45AM EST/DST. My Uncle has stated that it is more likely closer to 11:30, so, until I get further confirmation, this is the time I'm using.

They have FINALLY scheduled me for the major surgery that was actually supposed to have been done months ago. There have been so many obstacles to trying to schedule and get this done, that I have to wonder what the reasons could be. The surgery is going to be an extraction of 22 of my teeth, breaking and re-setting my jaw and restructuring the bone to be able to accept implants. My dental problems are related to my genetic disorder. (Nail-Patella Syndrome—my son and I have a variation/mutation of it consisting of ALL of the known anomalies as well as some not yet recorded in medical literature. I am the only person with NPS to this degree, over 40yrs old, with ANY of her own teeth…so I'm grateful I was able to go this long. They also feel that the cancer and last years chemotherapy exacerbated the dental problems). At the same time I have this dental procedure, they are also planning on doing another exploratory laparoscopy to check on the status of the few small tumors I have left.

The surgery is scheduled for May 16th and I have done a Muhurta for that day in Parasharas Light, (using Lahiri) and I took a snapshot of it for you, saved as a jpg. The reasons I would like you to take a look at it are first because of the Tarabala=Pratyak, Sani in 1st (I'm NOT an expert, but I suppose ANY possible negative signs—with this serious of a surgery, tend to give me pause. ) 2. BECAUSE of all of the obstacles…I DO have an alternative. (This surgery is being paid for by my disablitiy—so the surgeon is almost "volunteering". My family is willing to pay for me to go to a private surgeon, although this would, again, delay this MUCH needed surgery.)

More than anything right now, I wish to get this over with…I can't wait to be able to eat my normal diet of raw veggies, much fruit, MUCH less carbs, (although I doubt I'll ever tire of my 2 favorites: Kichari and Tamarind rice J While the tamarind rice isn't exactly sattvic <I am VERY "Vatta" J>, I justify it because I often bring the Prasad home from the Temple J), home baked bread and sweets… I have also isolated myself these past few months because of my appearance. While I understand there wasn't anything else *I* could have done to prevent this, and I'm normally NOT very vain..I just feel VERY embarrassed right now missing teeth. When I DO go out, I rarely open my mouth. (A FIRST according to my friends J ) I look forward to getting back to volunteering, and, IF my health allows, doing some *real* work and possibly even becoming a foster parent. With my appearance right now, none of this is possible.

I would appreciate ANY insight you may be able to give on whether I should go ahead with this surgery on the 16th, or talk to my family again and schedule it with the other doctor. Also, if you can suggest any mantras (I'm already doing a Japa of Maha Mrtyunjaya along with my regular Sadhana), Poojas, Readings—or any other practice that may help, I would be very honored.

Although I'm unable to donate anything to you at this time, (Disability doesn't pay very much, and although I DO have a trust, my family keeps it from me because I have a history of "giving it all away" J. When I get my inheritance it WILL be difficult for me..luckily, it will be enough that I shouldn't have to worry and I can still help people out—I just need to develop a more discriminating mind somehow.. J ) I WILL donate any type of service I could do for you? I was thinking of putting your lessons together into a PDF file when you are finished and this way you could distribute them in this form at your leisure. This would also enable things like color, charts and other images if you wished. Please, let me know if there is anything I could assist you with!! J

THANK YOU for taking the time to read this Bhaskarji. I pray we will be hearing more from you in the coming weeks as far as the lessons and look forward to them. I'm going to "hop" down to the Post Office and see if possibly any of my books have arrived yet!! J I'm afraid I'm BACK in a cast again with ANOTHER broken ankle…we don't know why it's happening, but I think it's probably related to my weight gain from eating so much rice these past few months!! J My small ankles weren't built for more than 105lbs or so!! (I've gained about 20lbs, but now that the snow and cold weather has mostly passed, I'll be out walking more, so hopefully, will lose the weight so I'll quit breaking my ankles!! This was the 4th fracture in less than 3 months!!)

In the Mother's Divine Love, and in Her Service, as ever,


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And the Astrologers present here should know the full details .


best wishes,






, " Bhaskar " <bhaskar_jyotish



> Dear Friends,

> We are all so much busy with our respective sundry activities which are

> never ending, targets which never seem to get over and new ones are set

> as soon as the backlog comes to expiry, so many promises broken, so

> many wishes unfulfilled, so many tasks undone, so many hours not spent

> with the family members we love etc.etc. In this fast paced life, we

> have to . BUT give some time to our Friends and colleagues in need for

> advise, or whatever we may be able to assist in. This much we owe to

> the Nature which allows us to breath.


> Below I have pasted a Mail sent to me by our Member Elaine, and after

> taking permission from her , have put it on Board, for all to read.

> because this Mail needs full justice and proper advise, which I may not

> be able to impart in league of expectation. I have full confidence that

> few Wise and good astrologers of this Forum would share their inputs to

> this mail and render the much needed advise , which the lady requires.

> I just request all to be considerate in their mode of expressions, as

> the Kind Member has suffered very much as You will read through her

> Mail, and yet more suffering is in store for her. She has fought her

> battles bravely and ready for another. And we have to do our part of

> giving her mental strength ,and share her other pains , if not physical

> then mental. Solace and good wishes is what one can give

> abundantly and should be given lavishly to the deserved person.


> Please put Your valuable Astrological inputs, and do not worry even if

> they are conflicting with each other. A penny, from one, a Pound from

> one, a dollar from one, all goes to the same Kitty and forms a booty.


> Best wishes,

> Bhaskar.



> Namaste Bhaskarji,


> I hope you and your family are well. J I'm sorry to hear about Shri

> Shashieji's mother and will pray for his strength and his mother is

> not suffering.


> I honestly have meant to keep in touch with you more, however, my

> health problems as well as problems with my computer have kept me from

> doing as much as I would like. I AM happy to say though, that despite

> my illnesses and problems related to my genetic disorder, these past

> few months have been free from the usual chaos and non-stop crisis.

> For the first time since my fiance's passing 18 months ago, I am

> feeling MUCH more content and peaceful. J I firmly believe that most

> of this is due to my renewed sadhana as well as my, often slow, BUT,

> still SOME progress in my studies of Jyotish and Sanskrit. Two weeks

> ago I got a VERY unexpected phone call from an old friend who said that

> she did not have the time or patience to utilize a $600 Sanskrit course

> (Books, DVD's, CD's and Internet support from the Ashram I

> lived and worked at), and asked me if I would like it, for free!! J I

> was elated!! She also gave me her discs for Parasharas Light 6.1 AND

> Goravani Jyotish 2.5 that she'd purchased!! I JUST got the

> programs installed a few days ago and am enjoying " playing "

> with my children's and my own charts—TRYING to absorb and learn

> as much as possible. This month is also my birthday and my brother has

> ordered 3 books at my request: The Greatness of Saturn—by Svoboda

> as well as 2 of James Brahas' beginning books on Jyotish. I just

> SO wish the Divine Mother would bless me with more waking hours to read

> and absorb all of these wonderful tools I'm being blessed with!!

> So, this is basically what has been happening in my life lately,

> however, I DID want to ask you a favor IF you have the time, I would be

> honored.


> First, I wanted to catch you up with the research I have been doing

> concerning my time of birth. I'm awaiting a call from the State VS

> Office in Massachusetts as they want $120 to further research this

> matter—and, honestly, I don't have it. The hospital I had

> always been told I was born in and the one listed on my copy of my

> " birth record " , (It was actually a " record " for my

> baptism shortly after my birth but after being transferred to another

> hospital because they didn't know anything about my genetic disorder

> and whether it could be life-threatening), has no record of my birth.

> However, apparently, because of the circumstances, and the fact it was

> a VERY small hospital that is no longer in existence, I'm told this

> isn't unusual. Both my mother and I had complications during the

> childbirth which caused us to be transferred to two different

> hospitals—and somehow the records have been lost—or weren't

> done properly in the first place. SO, the ONE thing I HAVE found out,

> is that my time of birth is definitely between 11:30 and 11:45AM

> EST/DST. My Uncle has stated that it is more likely closer to 11:30,

> so, until I get further confirmation, this is the time I'm using.


> They have FINALLY scheduled me for the major surgery that was actually

> supposed to have been done months ago. There have been so many

> obstacles to trying to schedule and get this done, that I have to wonder

> what the reasons could be. The surgery is going to be an extraction of

> 22 of my teeth, breaking and re-setting my jaw and restructuring the

> bone to be able to accept implants. My dental problems are related to

> my genetic disorder. (Nail-Patella Syndrome—my son and I have a

> variation/mutation of it consisting of ALL of the known anomalies as

> well as some not yet recorded in medical literature. I am the only

> person with NPS to this degree, over 40yrs old, with ANY of her own

> teeth…so I'm grateful I was able to go this long. They also

> feel that the cancer and last years chemotherapy exacerbated the dental

> problems). At the same time I have this dental procedure, they are

> also planning on doing another exploratory laparoscopy to check on the

> status of the few small tumors I have left.


> The surgery is scheduled for May 16th and I have done a Muhurta for

> that day in Parasharas Light, (using Lahiri) and I took a snapshot of

> it for you, saved as a jpg. The reasons I would like you to take a

> look at it are first because of the Tarabala=Pratyak, Sani in 1st

> (I'm NOT an expert, but I suppose ANY possible negative

> signs—with this serious of a surgery, tend to give me pause. ) 2.

> BECAUSE of all of the obstacles…I DO have an alternative. (This

> surgery is being paid for by my disablitiy—so the surgeon is almost

> " volunteering " . My family is willing to pay for me to go to a

> private surgeon, although this would, again, delay this MUCH needed

> surgery.)



> More than anything right now, I wish to get this over with…I

> can't wait to be able to eat my normal diet of raw veggies, much

> fruit, MUCH less carbs, (although I doubt I'll ever tire of my 2

> favorites: Kichari and Tamarind rice J While the tamarind rice

> isn't exactly sattvic <I am VERY " Vatta " J>, I justify it

> because I often bring the Prasad home from the Temple J), home baked

> bread and sweets… I have also isolated myself these past few months

> because of my appearance. While I understand there wasn't anything

> else *I* could have done to prevent this, and I'm normally NOT very

> vain..I just feel VERY embarrassed right now missing teeth. When I DO

> go out, I rarely open my mouth. (A FIRST according to my friends J ) I

> look forward to getting back to volunteering, and, IF my health allows,

> doing some *real* work and possibly even becoming a foster parent.

> With my appearance right now, none of this is possible.


> I would appreciate ANY insight you may be able to give on whether I

> should go ahead with this surgery on the 16th, or talk to my family

> again and schedule it with the other doctor. Also, if you can suggest

> any mantras (I'm already doing a Japa of Maha Mrtyunjaya along with

> my regular Sadhana), Poojas, Readings—or any other practice that

> may help, I would be very honored.


> Although I'm unable to donate anything to you at this time,

> (Disability doesn't pay very much, and although I DO have a trust,

> my family keeps it from me because I have a history of " giving it

> all away " J. When I get my inheritance it WILL be difficult for

> me..luckily, it will be enough that I shouldn't have to worry and I

> can still help people out—I just need to develop a more

> discriminating mind somehow.. J ) I WILL donate any type of service I

> could do for you? I was thinking of putting your lessons together into

> a PDF file when you are finished and this way you could distribute them

> in this form at your leisure. This would also enable things like color,

> charts and other images if you wished. Please, let me know if there is

> anything I could assist you with!! J


> THANK YOU for taking the time to read this Bhaskarji. I pray we will

> be hearing more from you in the coming weeks as far as the lessons and

> look forward to them. I'm going to " hop " down to the Post

> Office and see if possibly any of my books have arrived yet!! J

> I'm afraid I'm BACK in a cast again with ANOTHER broken

> ankle…we don't know why it's happening, but I think it's

> probably related to my weight gain from eating so much rice these past

> few months!! J My small ankles weren't built for more than 105lbs

> or so!! (I've gained about 20lbs, but now that the snow and cold

> weather has mostly passed, I'll be out walking more, so hopefully,

> will lose the weight so I'll quit breaking my ankles!! This was the

> 4th fracture in less than 3 months!!)


> In the Mother's Divine Love, and in Her Service, as ever,


> Elaine


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Dear Bhaskar ji,


No doubt, we should help this lady as much as we could. Though I

don't know much about murhurtha etc., I would be happy to offer

my help in rectifying her chart as I have just started learning

this area.


I don't see her birth details in the included mail. I would like

to get her birth data.





--- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


> Dear Friends,

> We are all so much busy with our respective sundry activities

> which are

> never ending, targets which never seem to get over and new

> ones are set

> as soon as the backlog comes to expiry, so many promises

> broken, so

> many wishes unfulfilled, so many tasks undone, so many hours

> not spent

> with the family members we love etc.etc. In this fast paced

> life, we

> have to . BUT give some time to our Friends and colleagues in

> need for

> advise, or whatever we may be able to assist in. This much we

> owe to

> the Nature which allows us to breath.


> Below I have pasted a Mail sent to me by our Member Elaine,

> and after

> taking permission from her , have put it on Board, for all to

> read.

> because this Mail needs full justice and proper advise, which

> I may not

> be able to impart in league of expectation. I have full

> confidence that

> few Wise and good astrologers of this Forum would share their

> inputs to

> this mail and render the much needed advise , which the lady

> requires.

> I just request all to be considerate in their mode of

> expressions, as

> the Kind Member has suffered very much as You will read

> through her

> Mail, and yet more suffering is in store for her. She has

> fought her

> battles bravely and ready for another. And we have to do our

> part of

> giving her mental strength ,and share her other pains , if not

> physical

> then mental. Solace and good wishes is what one can give

> abundantly and should be given lavishly to the deserved

> person.


> Please put Your valuable Astrological inputs, and do not worry

> even if

> they are conflicting with each other. A penny, from one, a

> Pound from

> one, a dollar from one, all goes to the same Kitty and forms a

> booty.


> Best wishes,

> Bhaskar.



> Namaste Bhaskarji,


> I hope you and your family are well. J I'm sorry to hear

> about Shri

> Shashieji's mother and will pray for his strength and his

> mother is

> not suffering.


> I honestly have meant to keep in touch with you more,

> however, my

> health problems as well as problems with my computer have kept

> me from

> doing as much as I would like. I AM happy to say though, that

> despite

> my illnesses and problems related to my genetic disorder,

> these past

> few months have been free from the usual chaos and non-stop

> crisis.

> For the first time since my fiance's passing 18 months ago, I

> am

> feeling MUCH more content and peaceful. J I firmly believe

> that most

> of this is due to my renewed sadhana as well as my, often

> slow, BUT,

> still SOME progress in my studies of Jyotish and Sanskrit.

> Two weeks

> ago I got a VERY unexpected phone call from an old friend who

> said that

> she did not have the time or patience to utilize a $600

> Sanskrit course

> (Books, DVD's, CD's and Internet support from the Ashram I

> lived and worked at), and asked me if I would like it, for

> free!! J I

> was elated!! She also gave me her discs for Parasharas Light

> 6.1 AND

> Goravani Jyotish 2.5 that she'd purchased!! I JUST got the

> programs installed a few days ago and am enjoying " playing "

> with my children's and my own charts—TRYING to absorb and

> learn

> as much as possible. This month is also my birthday and my

> brother has

> ordered 3 books at my request: The Greatness of Saturn—by

> Svoboda

> as well as 2 of James Brahas' beginning books on Jyotish. I

> just

> SO wish the Divine Mother would bless me with more waking

> hours to read

> and absorb all of these wonderful tools I'm being blessed

> with!!

> So, this is basically what has been happening in my life

> lately,

> however, I DID want to ask you a favor IF you have the time, I

> would be

> honored.


> First, I wanted to catch you up with the research I have been

> doing

> concerning my time of birth. I'm awaiting a call from the

> State VS

> Office in Massachusetts as they want $120 to further research

> this

> matter—and, honestly, I don't have it. The hospital I had

> always been told I was born in and the one listed on my copy

> of my

> " birth record " , (It was actually a " record " for my

> baptism shortly after my birth but after being transferred to

> another

> hospital because they didn't know anything about my genetic

> disorder

> and whether it could be life-threatening), has no record of

> my birth.

> However, apparently, because of the circumstances, and the

> fact it was

> a VERY small hospital that is no longer in existence, I'm

> told this

> isn't unusual. Both my mother and I had complications during

> the

> childbirth which caused us to be transferred to two different

> hospitals—and somehow the records have been lost—or weren't

> done properly in the first place. SO, the ONE thing I HAVE

> found out,

> is that my time of birth is definitely between 11:30 and

> 11:45AM

> EST/DST. My Uncle has stated that it is more likely closer

> to 11:30,

> so, until I get further confirmation, this is the time I'm

> using.


> They have FINALLY scheduled me for the major surgery that was

> actually

> supposed to have been done months ago. There have been so

> many

> obstacles to trying to schedule and get this done, that I have

> to wonder

> what the reasons could be. The surgery is going to be an

> extraction of

> 22 of my teeth, breaking and re-setting my jaw and

> restructuring the

> bone to be able to accept implants. My dental problems are

> related to

> my genetic disorder. (Nail-Patella Syndrome—my son and I have

> a

> variation/mutation of it consisting of ALL of the known

> anomalies as

> well as some not yet recorded in medical literature. I am

> the only

> person with NPS to this degree, over 40yrs old, with ANY of

> her own

> teeth…so I'm grateful I was able to go this long. They also

> feel that the cancer and last years chemotherapy exacerbated

> the dental

> problems). At the same time I have this dental procedure,

> they are

> also planning on doing another exploratory laparoscopy to

> check on the

> status of the few small tumors I have left.


> The surgery is scheduled for May 16th and I have done a

> Muhurta for

> that day in Parasharas Light, (using Lahiri) and I took a

> snapshot of

> it for you, saved as a jpg. The reasons I would like you to

> take a

> look at it are first because of the Tarabala=Pratyak, Sani in

> 1st

> (I'm NOT an expert, but I suppose ANY possible negative

> signs—with this serious of a surgery, tend to give me pause.

> ) 2.

> BECAUSE of all of the obstacles…I DO have an alternative.

> (This

> surgery is being paid for by my disablitiy—so the surgeon is

> almost

> " volunteering " . My family is willing to pay for me to go to a


> private surgeon, although this would, again, delay this MUCH

> needed

> surgery.)



> More than anything right now, I wish to get this over with…I

> can't wait to be able to eat my normal diet of raw veggies,

> much

> fruit, MUCH less carbs, (although I doubt I'll ever tire of

> my 2

> favorites: Kichari and Tamarind rice J While the tamarind

> rice

> isn't exactly sattvic <I am VERY " Vatta " J>, I justify it


=== message truncated ===











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Dear Bhaskar Ji, Yes the lady really need something from this grp and all wise men here should help her , one more thing If u can give her id with her permission then may be some people directly approach her for help!! Thanks and regards Rajkrishna verma Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote: Dear Friends,We are all so much busy with our

respective sundry activities which are never ending, targets which never seem to get over and new ones are set as soon as the backlog comes to expiry, so many promises broken, so many wishes unfulfilled, so many tasks undone, so many hours not spent with the family members we love etc.etc. In this fast paced life, we have to . BUT give some time to our Friends and colleagues in need for advise, or whatever we may be able to assist in. This much we owe to the Nature which allows us to breath.Below I have pasted a Mail sent to me by our Member Elaine, and after taking permission from her , have put it on Board, for all to read. because this Mail needs full justice and proper advise, which I may not be able to impart in league of expectation. I have full confidence that few Wise and good astrologers of this Forum would share their inputs to this mail and render the much needed advise , which the lady requires.I just request all

to be considerate in their mode of expressions, as the Kind Member has suffered very much as You will read through her Mail, and yet more suffering is in store for her. She has fought her battles bravely and ready for another. And we have to do our part of giving her mental strength ,and share her other pains , if not physical then mental. Solace and good wishes is what one can giveabundantly and should be given lavishly to the deserved person.Please put Your valuable Astrological inputs, and do not worry even if they are conflicting with each other. A penny, from one, a Pound from one, a dollar from one, all goes to the same Kitty and forms a booty.Best wishes,Bhaskar. Namaste Bhaskarji, I hope you and your family are well. J I'm sorry to hear about Shri Shashieji's

mother and will pray for his strength and his mother is not suffering. I honestly have meant to keep in touch with you more, however, my health problems as well as problems with my computer have kept me from doing as much as I would like. I AM happy to say though, that despite my illnesses and problems related to my genetic disorder, these past few months have been free from the usual chaos and non-stop crisis. For the first time since my fiance's passing 18 months ago, I am feeling MUCH more content and peaceful. J I firmly believe that most of this is due to my renewed sadhana as well as my, often slow, BUT, still SOME progress in my studies of Jyotish and Sanskrit. Two weeks ago I got a VERY unexpected phone call from an old friend who said that she did not have the time or patience to utilize a $600 Sanskrit course (Books, DVD's, CD's and

Internet support from the Ashram I lived and worked at), and asked me if I would like it, for free!! J I was elated!! She also gave me her discs for Parasharas Light 6.1 AND Goravani Jyotish 2.5 that she'd purchased!! I JUST got the programs installed a few days ago and am enjoying "playing" with my children's and my own charts—TRYING to absorb and learn as much as possible. This month is also my birthday and my brother has ordered 3 books at my request: The Greatness of Saturn—by Svoboda as well as 2 of James Brahas' beginning books on Jyotish. I just SO wish the Divine Mother would bless me with more waking hours to read and absorb all of these wonderful tools I'm being blessed with!! So, this is basically what has been happening in my life lately, however, I DID want to ask you a favor IF you have the time, I would be honored. First, I wanted to catch you up with the research I have been doing concerning my time of birth. I'm awaiting a call from the State VS Office in Massachusetts as they want $120 to further research this matter—and, honestly, I don't have it. The hospital I had always been told I was born in and the one listed on my copy of my "birth record", (It was actually a "record" for my baptism shortly after my birth but after being transferred to another hospital because they didn't know anything about my genetic disorder and whether it could be life-threatening), has no record of my birth. However, apparently, because of the circumstances, and the fact it was a VERY small hospital that is no longer in existence, I'm told this isn't unusual. Both my mother and I had complications during the childbirth which caused us to be transferred to two different hospitals—and somehow the records have been lost—or weren't done properly in the first

place. SO, the ONE thing I HAVE found out, is that my time of birth is definitely between 11:30 and 11:45AM EST/DST. My Uncle has stated that it is more likely closer to 11:30, so, until I get further confirmation, this is the time I'm using. They have FINALLY scheduled me for the major surgery that was actually supposed to have been done months ago. There have been so many obstacles to trying to schedule and get this done, that I have to wonder what the reasons could be. The surgery is going to be an extraction of 22 of my teeth, breaking and re-setting my jaw and restructuring the bone to be able to accept implants. My dental problems are related to my genetic disorder. (Nail-Patella Syndrome—my son and I have a variation/mutation of it consisting of ALL of the known anomalies as well as some not yet recorded in medical literature. I am the only person with NPS to this

degree, over 40yrs old, with ANY of her own teeth…so I'm grateful I was able to go this long. They also feel that the cancer and last years chemotherapy exacerbated the dental problems). At the same time I have this dental procedure, they are also planning on doing another exploratory laparoscopy to check on the status of the few small tumors I have left. The surgery is scheduled for May 16th and I have done a Muhurta for that day in Parasharas Light, (using Lahiri) and I took a snapshot of it for you, saved as a jpg. The reasons I would like you to take a look at it are first because of the Tarabala=Pratyak, Sani in 1st (I'm NOT an expert, but I suppose ANY possible negative signs—with this serious of a surgery, tend to give me pause. ) 2. BECAUSE of all of the obstacles…I DO have an alternative. (This surgery is being paid for by my disablitiy—so the

surgeon is almost "volunteering". My family is willing to pay for me to go to a private surgeon, although this would, again, delay this MUCH needed surgery.) More than anything right now, I wish to get this over with…I can't wait to be able to eat my normal diet of raw veggies, much fruit, MUCH less carbs, (although I doubt I'll ever tire of my 2 favorites: Kichari and Tamarind rice J While the tamarind rice isn't exactly sattvic <I am VERY "Vatta" J>, I justify it because I often bring the Prasad home from the Temple J), home baked bread and sweets… I have also isolated myself these past few months because of my appearance. While I understand there wasn't anything else *I* could have done to prevent this, and I'm normally NOT very

vain..I just feel VERY embarrassed right now missing teeth. When I DO go out, I rarely open my mouth. (A FIRST according to my friends J ) I look forward to getting back to volunteering, and, IF my health allows, doing some *real* work and possibly even becoming a foster parent. With my appearance right now, none of this is possible. I would appreciate ANY insight you may be able to give on whether I should go ahead with this surgery on the 16th, or talk to my family again and schedule it with the other doctor. Also, if you can suggest any mantras (I'm already doing a Japa of Maha Mrtyunjaya along with my regular Sadhana), Poojas, Readings—or any other practice that may help, I would be very honored. Although I'm unable to donate anything to you at this time,

(Disability doesn't pay very much, and although I DO have a trust, my family keeps it from me because I have a history of "giving it all away" J. When I get my inheritance it WILL be difficult for me..luckily, it will be enough that I shouldn't have to worry and I can still help people out—I just need to develop a more discriminating mind somehow.. J ) I WILL donate any type of service I could do for you? I was thinking of putting your lessons together into a PDF file when you are finished and this way you could distribute them in this form at your leisure. This would also enable things like color, charts and other images if you wished. Please, let me know if there is anything I could assist you with!! J THANK YOU for taking the time to read this

Bhaskarji. I pray we will be hearing more from you in the coming weeks as far as the lessons and look forward to them. I'm going to "hop" down to the Post Office and see if possibly any of my books have arrived yet!! J I'm afraid I'm BACK in a cast again with ANOTHER broken ankle…we don't know why it's happening, but I think it's probably related to my weight gain from eating so much rice these past few months!! J My small ankles weren't built for more than 105lbs or so!! (I've gained about 20lbs, but now that the snow and cold weather has mostly passed, I'll be out walking more, so hopefully, will lose the weight so I'll quit breaking my ankles!! This was the 4th fracture in less than 3 months!!) In the Mother's Divine Love, and in Her Service, as ever, Elaine

Office firewalls, cyber cafes, college labs, don't allow you to download CHAT? Here's a solution!

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Guest guest

dear mr. bhaskar,

u will have to get the time and place of surgery to

cast the horoscope on 16th May which is the tentative

date of surgery. 16th may is amavasya upto 3pm, the

thithi is favourable. but tarabala or chandrabala can

be ascertained only after casting the native's

horoscope. so the details are required for the native

as well as the date, time and place of surgery.


may god bless Mrs. Elaine,










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Dear Varma ji,


I am happy that people are noticing the state of our Member and

interested in presenting thei inputs on the case.


Any members mail id can be searched by Typing the members name in

the search box above and pressing Enter button.


I also wish and hope that

not a single member reading these mails would try to approach and sell

any stuff (Products or services for promising Cure)to the

Members already suffering, as this would carry a heavy burden of

Rinabandhan ( Evil Karmic Consequences )on the person who does

this act.


best wishes,




, Rajkrishna Verma

<rajkrishna_rajkrishna wrote:


> Dear Bhaskar Ji,

> Yes the lady really need something from this grp and all wise men

here should help her , one more thing If u can give her id with her

permission then may be some people directly approach her for help!!

> Thanks and regards

> Rajkrishna verma



> Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

> Dear Friends,

> We are all so much busy with our respective sundry activities which

are never ending, targets which never seem to get over and new ones

are set as soon as the backlog comes to expiry, so many promises

broken, so many wishes unfulfilled, so many tasks undone, so many

hours not spent with the family members we love etc.etc. In this fast

paced life, we have to . BUT give some time to our Friends and

colleagues in need for advise, or whatever we may be able to assist

in. This much we owe to the Nature which allows us to breath.


> Below I have pasted a Mail sent to me by our Member Elaine, and

after taking permission from her , have put it on Board, for all to

read. because this Mail needs full justice and proper advise, which I

may not be able to impart in league of expectation. I have full

confidence that few Wise and good astrologers of this Forum would

share their inputs to this mail and render the much needed advise ,

which the lady requires.

> I just request all to be considerate in their mode of expressions,

as the Kind Member has suffered very much as You will read through her

Mail, and yet more suffering is in store for her. She has fought her

battles bravely and ready for another. And we have to do our part of

giving her mental strength ,and share her other pains , if not

physical then mental. Solace and good wishes is what one can give

> abundantly and should be given lavishly to the deserved person.


> Please put Your valuable Astrological inputs, and do not worry even

if they are conflicting with each other. A penny, from one, a Pound

from one, a dollar from one, all goes to the same Kitty and forms a booty.


> Best wishes,

> Bhaskar.


> Namaste Bhaskarji,

> I hope you and your family are well. J I'm sorry to hear about

Shri Shashieji's mother and will pray for his strength and his mother

is not suffering.

> I honestly have meant to keep in touch with you more, however, my

health problems as well as problems with my computer have kept me from

doing as much as I would like. I AM happy to say though, that despite

my illnesses and problems related to my genetic disorder, these past

few months have been free from the usual chaos and non-stop crisis.

For the first time since my fiance's passing 18 months ago, I am

feeling MUCH more content and peaceful. J I firmly believe that most

of this is due to my renewed sadhana as well as my, often slow, BUT,

still SOME progress in my studies of Jyotish and Sanskrit. Two weeks

ago I got a VERY unexpected phone call from an old friend who said

that she did not have the time or patience to utilize a $600 Sanskrit

course (Books, DVD's, CD's and Internet support from the Ashram I

lived and worked at), and asked me if I would like it, for free!! J I

was elated!! She also gave me her discs for Parasharas Light 6.1 AND

Goravani Jyotish 2.5

> that she'd purchased!! I JUST got the programs installed a few

days ago and am enjoying " playing " with my children's and my own

charts—TRYING to absorb and learn as much as possible. This month is

also my birthday and my brother has ordered 3 books at my request:

The Greatness of Saturn—by Svoboda as well as 2 of James Brahas'

beginning books on Jyotish. I just SO wish the Divine Mother would

bless me with more waking hours to read and absorb all of these

wonderful tools I'm being blessed with!! So, this is basically what

has been happening in my life lately, however, I DID want to ask you a

favor IF you have the time, I would be honored.

> First, I wanted to catch you up with the research I have been

doing concerning my time of birth. I'm awaiting a call from the State

VS Office in Massachusetts as they want $120 to further research this

matter—and, honestly, I don't have it. The hospital I had always been

told I was born in and the one listed on my copy of my " birth record " ,

(It was actually a " record " for my baptism shortly after my birth but

after being transferred to another hospital because they didn't know

anything about my genetic disorder and whether it could be

life-threatening), has no record of my birth. However, apparently,

because of the circumstances, and the fact it was a VERY small

hospital that is no longer in existence, I'm told this isn't unusual.

Both my mother and I had complications during the childbirth which

caused us to be transferred to two different hospitals—and somehow the

records have been lost—or weren't done properly in the first place.

SO, the ONE thing I HAVE found

> out, is that my time of birth is definitely between 11:30 and

11:45AM EST/DST. My Uncle has stated that it is more likely closer to

11:30, so, until I get further confirmation, this is the time I'm using.

> They have FINALLY scheduled me for the major surgery that was

actually supposed to have been done months ago. There have been so

many obstacles to trying to schedule and get this done, that I have to

wonder what the reasons could be. The surgery is going to be an

extraction of 22 of my teeth, breaking and re-setting my jaw and

restructuring the bone to be able to accept implants. My dental

problems are related to my genetic disorder. (Nail-Patella Syndrome—my

son and I have a variation/mutation of it consisting of ALL of the

known anomalies as well as some not yet recorded in medical

literature. I am the only person with NPS to this degree, over 40yrs

old, with ANY of her own teeth…so I'm grateful I was able to go this

long. They also feel that the cancer and last years chemotherapy

exacerbated the dental problems). At the same time I have this dental

procedure, they are also planning on doing another exploratory

laparoscopy to check on the status of the few small

> tumors I have left.

> The surgery is scheduled for May 16th and I have done a Muhurta

for that day in Parasharas Light, (using Lahiri) and I took a snapshot

of it for you, saved as a jpg. The reasons I would like you to take a

look at it are first because of the Tarabala=Pratyak, Sani in 1st

(I'm NOT an expert, but I suppose ANY possible negative signs—with

this serious of a surgery, tend to give me pause. ) 2. BECAUSE of all

of the obstacles…I DO have an alternative. (This surgery is being

paid for by my disablitiy—so the surgeon is almost " volunteering " . My

family is willing to pay for me to go to a private surgeon, although

this would, again, delay this MUCH needed surgery.)


> More than anything right now, I wish to get this over with…I can't

wait to be able to eat my normal diet of raw veggies, much fruit, MUCH

less carbs, (although I doubt I'll ever tire of my 2 favorites:

Kichari and Tamarind rice J While the tamarind rice isn't exactly

sattvic <I am VERY " Vatta " J>, I justify it because I often bring the

Prasad home from the Temple J), home baked bread and sweets… I have

also isolated myself these past few months because of my appearance.

While I understand there wasn't anything else *I* could have done to

prevent this, and I'm normally NOT very vain..I just feel VERY

embarrassed right now missing teeth. When I DO go out, I rarely open

my mouth. (A FIRST according to my friends J ) I look forward to

getting back to volunteering, and, IF my health allows, doing some

*real* work and possibly even becoming a foster parent. With my

appearance right now, none of this is possible.

> I would appreciate ANY insight you may be able to give on whether

I should go ahead with this surgery on the 16th, or talk to my family

again and schedule it with the other doctor. Also, if you can suggest

any mantras (I'm already doing a Japa of Maha Mrtyunjaya along with my

regular Sadhana), Poojas, Readings—or any other practice that may

help, I would be very honored.

> Although I'm unable to donate anything to you at this time,

(Disability doesn't pay very much, and although I DO have a trust, my

family keeps it from me because I have a history of " giving it all

away " J. When I get my inheritance it WILL be difficult for

me..luckily, it will be enough that I shouldn't have to worry and I

can still help people out—I just need to develop a more discriminating

mind somehow.. J ) I WILL donate any type of service I could do for

you? I was thinking of putting your lessons together into a PDF file

when you are finished and this way you could distribute them in this

form at your leisure. This would also enable things like color,

charts and other images if you wished. Please, let me know if there

is anything I could assist you with!! J

> THANK YOU for taking the time to read this Bhaskarji. I pray we

will be hearing more from you in the coming weeks as far as the

lessons and look forward to them. I'm going to " hop " down to the Post

Office and see if possibly any of my books have arrived yet!! J I'm

afraid I'm BACK in a cast again with ANOTHER broken ankle…we don't

know why it's happening, but I think it's probably related to my

weight gain from eating so much rice these past few months!! J My

small ankles weren't built for more than 105lbs or so!! (I've gained

about 20lbs, but now that the snow and cold weather has mostly passed,

I'll be out walking more, so hopefully, will lose the weight so I'll

quit breaking my ankles!! This was the 4th fracture in less than 3


> In the Mother's Divine Love, and in Her Service, as ever,

> Elaine


> Office firewalls, cyber cafes, college labs, don't allow you to

download CHAT? Here's a solution!


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dear Gopuji,


Thank You for responding to this call. Your wise counsel is

always appreciated in such cases. I hope Elaine is reading this

and would answer all the queries required from the good members

who have responded.






, K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:


> dear mr. bhaskar,

> u will have to get the time and place of surgery to

> cast the horoscope on 16th May which is the tentative

> date of surgery. 16th may is amavasya upto 3pm, the

> thithi is favourable. but tarabala or chandrabala can

> be ascertained only after casting the native's

> horoscope. so the details are required for the native

> as well as the date, time and place of surgery.


> may god bless Mrs. Elaine,

> k.gopu










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Namaste All,


First, I apologize for the delay in responding. I had to

go for a test yesterday and it took much longer than expected.

I must admit that I’m a bit embarrassed by the compliments

you have honored me with. I’m not exactly used to them and really

don’t feel that I’m handling my situation any differently than most

other people would. Compared to the suffering I have seen this past year,

patients that are not as blessed as I have been and many who have either

already left this Life, or will be leaving soon…those folks that continue

to fight even when there is no chance of winning the battle—THEY are the

real “hero’s” in my eyes. Yesterday, one of

my fellow Chemo patients told me that she has signed up for “clinical

trials” for testing of some new cancer drugs. She has been told she

is terminal with probably less than 6 months left. While there is very

little to No chance any of these medications prolonging HER “fight”,

she’s doing it in the hopes that it may help others in the future.

I feel SO blessed to be given the opportunity to get to know these folks.

I’ve learned more taking the time to sit down and talk to them, (the

nurses joke about me being the “Welcome Wagon”---NOT sure if that

should be viewed as a positive thing on a cancer floor.. ;), than all of my

doctors and my own medical research combined!!

Hehee, ONE doctor who may take issue on you’re comment

about my positive attitude? The Gastro/stomach doctor who performed my

endoscopy yesterday. I’ve, unfortunately had quite a few of these

over the past 6 months because the chemo, radiotherapy and other meds they

given me have literally torn up my stomach. I tend to be a little “hyper-sensitive”

as far as my gag reflex and unfortunately, instead of “jumping”

when the try and pass the tube down,…I KICK!! Honestly, I DON’T

mean to…but this poor young resident yesterday felt the brunt of my

frustrations “kick” him in a place NO man wants to be kicked!!

This has become a BAD habit of mine, albeit “reflexive”.

<sigh> And this man was SO nice—handsome too!! J

I went down to th e

gift shop, picked him out a “Get Well” card and apologized

profusely. I certainly pray he IS the forgiving type as he will be

assisting in my surgery next week, (IF I have it then!! )

Which brings me to my birth information. I apologize to

those of you who may have participated several months ago when a few people “read”

my chart. At that time I was unsure @ my birthdata—we believe we

have narrowed it down to within 10 minutes. Shortly after I received the

responses, I was out of town for medical treatments. When I returned, I’m

afraid I’d lost ALL my email as well as everything else on my hard drives

There was a defect with my laptop I received for Christmas—it has been

replaced and this laptop seems MUCH more stable.

My Birth Details:

Elaine M. Gardner

May 30, 1960

11:30AM (EST/DST)

Place: Boston, MA, USA

I am currently living in Honesdale, PA and am scheduled to have

the surgery done May 16th @ 10:00am in Scranton, PA.

(I wasn’t sure if THIS information should somehow be taken into

account when calculating Muhurta).

I’m also unsure IF I can do this, but I’m attempting

to attach the Muhurta chart I did (Just using birthplace) in Parashara’s

Lite, If I am unable to attach, is there a way I can upload it to the


Thank you all SO much for this opportunity!! If

there is anything else I need to provide, please do not hesitate to ask.

In the Mother's Divine Love, and in Her Service, as ever,













Behalf Of Bhaskar

Tuesday, May 08, 2007 10:42 AM



















And the Astrologers present here should know the full details .


best wishes,




" Bhaskar " <bhaskar_jyotish



> Dear Friends,

> We are all so much busy with our respective sundry activities which are

> never ending, targets which never seem to get over and new ones are set

> as soon as the backlog comes to expiry, so many promises broken, so

> many wishes unfulfilled, so many tasks undone, so many hours not spent

> with the family members we love etc.etc. In this fast paced life, we

> have to . BUT give some time to our Friends and colleagues in need for

> advise, or whatever we may be able to assist in. This much we owe to

> the Nature which allows us to breath.


> Below I have pasted a Mail sent to me by our Member Elaine, and after

> taking permission from her , have put it on Board, for all to read.

> because this Mail needs full justice and proper advise, which I may not

> be able to impart in league of expectation. I have full confidence that

> few Wise and good astrologers of this Forum would share their inputs to

> this mail and render the much needed advise , which the lady requires.

> I just request all to be considerate in their mode of expressions, as

> the Kind Member has suffered very much as You will read through her

> Mail, and yet more suffering is in store for her. She has fought her

> battles bravely and ready for another. And we have to do our part of

> giving her mental strength ,and share her other pains , if not physical

> then mental. Solace and good wishes is what one can give

> abundantly and should be given lavishly to the deserved person.


> Please put Your valuable Astrological inputs, and do not worry even if

> they are conflicting with each other. A penny, from one, a Pound from

> one, a dollar from one, all goes to the same Kitty and forms a booty.


> Best wishes,

> Bhaskar.



> Namaste Bhaskarji,


> I hope you and your family are well. J I'm sorry to hear about Shri

> Shashieji's mother and will pray for his strength and his mother is

> not suffering.


> I honestly have meant to keep in touch with you more, however, my

> health problems as well as problems with my computer have kept me from

> doing as much as I would like. I AM happy to say though, that despite

> my illnesses and problems related to my genetic disorder, these past

> few months have been free from the usual chaos and non-stop crisis.

> For the first time since my fiance's passing 18 months ago, I am

> feeling MUCH more content and peaceful. J I firmly believe that most

> of this is due to my renewed sadhana as well as my, often slow, BUT,

> still SOME progress in my studies of Jyotish and Sanskrit. Two weeks

> ago I got a VERY unexpected phone call from an old friend who said that

> she did not have the time or patience to utilize a $600 Sanskrit course

> (Books, DVD's, CD's and Internet support from the Ashram I

> lived and worked at), and asked me if I would like it, for free!! J I

> was elated!! She also gave me her discs for Parasharas Light 6.1 AND

> Goravani Jyotish 2.5 that she'd purchased!! I JUST got the

> programs installed a few days ago and am enjoying " playing "

> with my children's and my own charts—TRYING to absorb and learn

> as much as possible. This month is also my birthday and my brother has

> ordered 3 books at my request: The Greatness of Saturn—by Svoboda

> as well as 2 of James Brahas' beginning books on Jyotish. I just

> SO wish the Divine Mother would bless me with more waking hours to read

> and absorb all of these wonderful tools I'm being blessed with!!

> So, this is basically what has been happening in my life lately,

> however, I DID want to ask you a favor IF you have the time, I would be

> honored.


> First, I wanted to catch you up with the research I have been doing

> concerning my time of birth. I'm awaiting a call from the State VS

> Office in Massachusetts as they want $120 to further research this

> matter—and, honestly, I don't have it. The hospital I had

> always been told I was born in and the one listed on my copy of my

> " birth record " , (It was actually a " record " for my

> baptism shortly after my birth but after being transferred to another

> hospital because they didn't know anything about my genetic disorder

> and whether it could be life-threatening), has no record of my birth.

> However, apparently, because of the circumstances, and the fact it was

> a VERY small hospital that is no longer in existence, I'm told this

> isn't unusual. Both my mother and I had complications during the

> childbirth which caused us to be transferred to two different

> hospitals—and somehow the records have been lost—or weren't

> done properly in the first place. SO, the ONE thing I HAVE found out,

> is that my time of birth is definitely between 11:30 and 11:45AM

> EST/DST. My Uncle has stated that it is more likely closer to 11:30,

> so, until I get further confirmation, this is the time I'm using.


> They have FINALLY scheduled me for the major surgery that was actually

> supposed to have been done months ago. There have been so many

> obstacles to trying to schedule and get this done, that I have to wonder

> what the reasons could be. The surgery is going to be an extraction of

> 22 of my teeth, breaking and re-setting my jaw and restructuring the

> bone to be able to accept implants. My dental problems are related to

> my genetic disorder. (Nail-Patella Syndrome—my son and I have a

> variation/mutation of it consisting of ALL of the known anomalies as

> well as some not yet recorded in medical literature. I am the only

> person with NPS to this degree, over 40yrs old, with ANY of her own

> teeth…so I'm grateful I was able to go this long. They also

> feel that the cancer and last years chemotherapy exacerbated the dental

> problems). At the same time I have this dental procedure, they are

> also planning on doing another exploratory laparoscopy to check on the

> status of the few small tumors I have left.


> The surgery is scheduled for May 16th and I have done a Muhurta for

> that day in Parasharas Light, (using Lahiri) and I took a snapshot of

> it for you, saved as a jpg. The reasons I would like you to take a

> look at it are first because of the Tarabala=Pratyak, Sani in 1st

> (I'm NOT an expert, but I suppose ANY possible negative

> signs—with this serious of a surgery, tend to give me pause. ) 2.

> BECAUSE of all of the obstacles…I DO have an alternative. (This

> surgery is being paid for by my disablitiy—so the surgeon is almost

> " volunteering " . My family is willing to pay for me to go to a

> private surgeon, although this would, again, delay this MUCH needed

> surgery.)



> More than anything right now, I wish to get this over with…I

> can't wait to be able to eat my normal diet of raw veggies, much

> fruit, MUCH less carbs, (although I doubt I'll ever tire of my 2

> favorites: Kichari and Tamarind rice J While the tamarind rice

> isn't exactly sattvic <I am VERY " Vatta " J>, I justify it

> because I often bring the Prasad home from the Temple J), home baked

> bread and sweets… I have also isolated myself these past few months

> because of my appearance. While I understand there wasn't anything

> else *I* could have done to prevent this, and I'm normally NOT very

> vain..I just feel VERY embarrassed right now missing teeth. When I DO

> go out, I rarely open my mouth. (A FIRST according to my friends J ) I

> look forward to getting back to volunteering, and, IF my health allows,

> doing some *real* work and possibly even becoming a foster parent.

> With my appearance right now, none of this is possible.


> I would appreciate ANY insight you may be able to give on whether I

> should go ahead with this surgery on the 16th, or talk to my family

> again and schedule it with the other doctor. Also, if you can suggest

> any mantras (I'm already doing a Japa of Maha Mrtyunjaya along with

> my regular Sadhana), Poojas, Readings—or any other practice that

> may help, I would be very honored.


> Although I'm unable to donate anything to you at this time,

> (Disability doesn't pay very much, and although I DO have a trust,

> my family keeps it from me because I have a history of " giving it

> all away " J. When I get my inheritance it WILL be difficult for

> me..luckily, it will be enough that I shouldn't have to worry and I

> can still help people out—I just need to develop a more

> discriminating mind somehow.. J ) I WILL donate any type of service I

> could do for you? I was thinking of putting your lessons together into

> a PDF file when you are finished and this way you could distribute them

> in this form at your leisure. This would also enable things like color,

> charts and other images if you wished. Please, let me know if there is

> anything I could assist you with!! J


> THANK YOU for taking the time to read this Bhaskarji. I pray we will

> be hearing more from you in the coming weeks as far as the lessons and

> look forward to them. I'm going to " hop " down to the Post

> Office and see if possibly any of my books have arrived yet!! J

> I'm afraid I'm BACK in a cast again with ANOTHER broken

> ankle…we don't know why it's happening, but I think it's

> probably related to my weight gain from eating so much rice these past

> few months!! J My small ankles weren't built for more than 105lbs

> or so!! (I've gained about 20lbs, but now that the snow and cold

> weather has mostly passed, I'll be out walking more, so hopefully,

> will lose the weight so I'll quit breaking my ankles!! This was the

> 4th fracture in less than 3 months!!)


> In the Mother's Divine Love, and in Her Service, as ever,


> Elaine





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dear Mrs. Elaine,

I have cast ur horoscope based on ur details. I have

used Boston heights california Longititude and

latitude. Ur lagna is Simham (leo) and rasi is Katakam

(cancer) ur birth star is Pushyam 4th pada. let me

know whether the above is correct and also the

longititude and latitude. and also I have cast the

horoscope based on the place ur currently residing and

where ur going to have ur surgery. I have reffered

B.V. Raman's priniciples of Muhurtha for doing


He recommends Tuesdays and saturdays and 8th house

from lagna on that days shud be unoccupied and Mars

shuld be strong. mutual aspect of saturn and mars to

be avoided. While taking consideration in relation to

ur horoscope I would recommend that u have ur surgery

5th june 2007 at 2pm. lagna is virgo and lagna is not

occupied by malefics. jupiter's aspect on Mars is

there and 8th house is empty. tarabla, chandrabala and

Panchaka are good. the star at the time given is

sravana and the rasi is capricorn. if there is any

change in ur horoscope then let me know i will recast

the same and find out the best day for surgery. if the

horoscope details given above are correct then u can

fix it on 5th june 07. 16th may the date u have chosen

isnt that favourable.


wishing u success and speedy recovery,


May 30, 1960


11:30AM (EST/DST)


Place: Boston, MA, USA


surgery done May 16th @ 10:00am in Scranton, PA.














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Sri Gopuji,


I AM sorry sir..I 8thought* I put in that it was Boston Massachusetts?

If not, I apologize. My mind doesn’t seem to work quite the same

these days---probably a combination of medications, lack of sleep ---and just “plain

old getting OLD”!! J

The Long. And Lat. For Boston, MA are Long.=71W03’37

Lat.=42N21’30 Timezone: 5 DST +1 hour

Coordinates for place of Surgery=Scranton Long.=75W39’46


Where I currently reside, (about 45 minutes from where the

surgery will be scheduled) Honesdale, PA: Long.=75W15’33


I’m not sure how or IF these will change anything.


When I read your recommendations…I was shocked!!! J

PLEASENTLY, but nonetheless… See, right now I am scheduled in

Philadelphia for minor surgery on my shoulder to TRY and stabilize it and give

me SOME range of motion. Currently, my left shoulder is dislocated most

of the time. They will also be taking biopsies of my bones in my ankle

because of the recent fractures. ( have a hairline fracture, right now,

of my left ankle and 3 months ago BOTH were fractured—and we don’t

know how or why. I didn’t injure them and, my bone density test was



If I can provide you with ANYTHING else, PLEASE let me

know!! It is almost 4:30AM here and I am going to do my Sadhana and then

try and get a little sleep. Thank you again for your time and

attention. J

Have a Beautiful Day!!!

In the Mother's Divine Love, and

in Her Service, as ever,











On Behalf Of K Gopu

Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:59 AM









dear Mrs. Elaine,

I have cast ur horoscope based on ur details. I have

used Boston heights california Longititude and

latitude. Ur lagna is Simham (leo) and rasi is Katakam

(cancer) ur birth star is Pushyam 4th pada. let me

know whether the above is correct and also the

longititude and latitude. and also I have cast the

horoscope based on the place ur currently residing and

where ur going to have ur surgery. I have reffered

B.V. Raman's priniciples of Muhurtha for doing


He recommends Tuesdays and saturdays and 8th house

from lagna on that days shud be unoccupied and Mars

shuld be strong. mutual aspect of saturn and mars to

be avoided. While taking consideration in relation to

ur horoscope I would recommend that u have ur surgery

5th june 2007 at 2pm. lagna is virgo and lagna is not

occupied by malefics. jupiter's aspect on Mars is

there and 8th house is empty. tarabla, chandrabala and

Panchaka are good. the star at the time given is

sravana and the rasi is capricorn. if there is any

change in ur horoscope then let me know i will recast

the same and find out the best day for surgery. if the

horoscope details given above are correct then u can

fix it on 5th june 07. 16th may the date u have chosen

isnt that favourable.


wishing u success and speedy recovery,


May 30, 1960


11:30AM (EST/DST)


Place: Boston, MA, USA


surgery done May 16th @ 10:00am in Scranton, PA.



Don't pick lemons.

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dear mrs. elaine,

there isnt much change in planetary positions in

relations to the house when i use masachussetts

longitude and latitude, there is a change in the

degrees and hence ur star Pushyam instead of 4thpadam

it goes to 3rd padam. Otherwise I still recommend June

5th as an ideal date for any major surgical procedure.

anyway i am not sure of ur getting appointments for

surgery for jun5th. however u can try otherwise leave

it to god and prayers will definitely see thro ur

surgery with great success.


good luck,










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Namaste Everyone,

I’m sorry for not keeping up with mail very well this

week. I wasn’t expecting all of the tests they are putting me

through as well as I’ve had an allergic reaction to one of the dyes they

used and my whole face is swollen—my eyes have been swelling shut several

times a day.

According to the doctors right now, they DO want to move ahead

with the surgery on the 16th to “get it over with”.

Also, when I mentioned June 5, they reminded me that the arthroscopy I have

scheduled already for that day would be MUCH more difficult to try and change.

SO, At least I’ll have ONE surgery on the more auspicious day. J

I’m also unable to sit up at the computer for very long,…so,

below are links to the 2 charts I did in Parashara’s Light. (Thank you

for the suggestion Rajkrishna J )

Sri Gopuji and Bhaskarji: are there any other Mantras or

practices (besides Maha Mrytunajaya which is already a part of my Sadhana) that

I could do before the 16th to counteract any inauspicious

aspects---or to enhance any positive ones?

At this point in time, although I DO have a “choice”

up until the morning of the surgery—the closer we get, the more *I*

want to just get in and get this over with!!




Birth Chart and associated information:


Muhurta Chart for May 16th, 10:30AM (Time and day of

surgery—but I did it with my birth coordinates.:







On Behalf Of Elaine Gardner







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dear Elaine,

U can continue chanting Maha Mritunjaya Japam. that is

enough it will take care of all the negative factors

on May16th,


May god bless u good health,









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