Guest guest Posted March 7, 2007 Report Share Posted March 7, 2007 respected and honourable sastryji pranam and my respects to you your analyses of the chart was very correct and i also found solace in that. am not suffering from any health problem except starting stage of sugar. but mentally very disturbed as you have said sir. my two daughters as asked by are as below 1 g. aishwarya dob 7.6.1996 pob; banglore tob 10.55am 2.g.soundarya dob 23.10.2000 pob chennai (madras) tob 4.53pm (16.53) kindly see the charts of my daughters and guide me sir. now i am looking upto u as i lloked upon my father kindly guide me sir Vedic Astrology , challa sastry <sastrychln220 wrote: > > > Mr. H.R. Guru, > Birth Star: Revati 1st pada Star Lord: Mercury > Janma Rasi: Pisces/Meena Rasi Lord: Jupiter > Ascendant/Lagna Rasi: Aquarius/Kumbha Rasi Lord: Saturn > Birth Day: Thursday. > Running period: Venus Dasa – Mercury Antardasa upto 18-4- 2008 > 1. Lagna lord Saturn is weak in Shadbala with 0.94, Yogakaraka Venus with 0.96 and 5th Lord Mercury with 0.94. > 2. Bhava Nos. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 12 are also very weak in strength. > 3. 6th lord Moon and 2 – 11 lord Jupiter exchanged houses ie. Dhana karaka Jupiter is placed in 6th house – Satru/Roga/Runa sthana and 6th lord is placed in Dhana sthana – 2nd house. > 4. Even though in 9th house there are 5 planets - Venus, Mercury (both are yogakarakas), they are afflicted by Sun, Ketu and Neptune. > 5. Even from Moon Lagna, the position is not better. 2nd lord from Moon lagna - Mars is in 6th house, 6th lord Sun in 8th, 3- 8 lord Venus in 8th with Ketu and Neptune. Moon lagna lord Jupiter and 5th lord Moon have exchanged houses which is a little bit consolation. > 6. Hence the Native's horoscope has a very weak foundation which cannot be remedied at this late stage. > Q.1. Will I get a good permanent job or can I go in for business? > In Rasi: From Asc. - 10th Lord is Mars who is placed in 7th house. Mars is aspecting 10th house. 2-11 lord Jupiter is also aspecting 10th house. From 10th to 10th is Leo, lord Sun is placed in 12th to 10th. From Moon sign, 10th house is Sagittarius, whose lord is placed in 5th - Ucha and 10th to 10th from Sagittarius is Virgo, which is under papa-karthiri, aspected by Moon and whose lord Mercury is also placed in 12th to 10th. In Rasi – Jupiter, Mars and Moon are the significators for Profession. > In Navamsa: Lagna is Pisces. Lagna and 10th lord is Jupiter, who is placed in 8th house. In 10th – 5th lord Moon and 3-8 lord Venus are placed together. 10th house is not aspected by any other planet. From 10th to 10th – 7th is Virgo, which is not occupied by any planet, aspected by Saturn, but the 7th lord Mercury is in 12th to 7th. From Moon sign – Sagittarius – 10th is Virgo, whose lord is in 12th to 10th – not occupied but aspected by Saturn. From 10th to 10th from Moon sign is Gemini, which is not occupied by any planet, but aspected by Moon and Venus and also Jupiter. Hence in Navamsa – Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the significators for Profession. > In Divisional Chart No.10 – Profession chart: Lagna is Cancer and 10th house is Aries. 10th lord Mars is Exalted in 7th and the Lagna lord is placed in 10th. 10th lord is aspecting 10th house and the 7th Lord Saturn is aspecting 10th lord Mars. 10th to 10th is Capricorn, whose lord Saturn is aspecting the same and Sun and Mars are placed in it. From Moon sign – Aries – 10th house is Capricorn, aspected by its lord Saturn and Sun and Mars are placed in it. 10th to 10th from Moon sign is Libra – whose lord is placed in 12th to 10th. Libra is aspected by Jupiter. Hence in D.C.10 – Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn are the significators for Profession. > Present Dasa lord Venus is placed in 6th house and aspected by Jupiter from 12th house in DC.10. Antardasa lord is Mercury, lord of 3rd and 12th houses is in 2nd aspected by 8th lord Saturn. As such, there is no hope to get a permanent job either in Mercury antar or in Ketu antar(Venus and Ketu are in 6-8 position in DC10) during Venus Dasa. Venus Dasa ends by 18-6-2009. The native should not undertake any business activities upto end of Venus Dasa. > From the onset of Sun Dasa, he will have good days far better than in Venus dasa – it is a wonder for an Aquarius Ascendant. For this Native – Sun is 7th lord – placed in 9th – neecha – with neecha- bhanga in Rasi, Sun placed in 11th in Navamsa (Lagna – Pisces) and Sun placed in 7th in DC.10 – Profession chart (Cancer Ascendant). > Q.2. Will I be able to own a house? > In Rasi: 4th house is Taurus, whose lord Venus is placed in 9th without strength. 4th to 4th is 7th, in which Mars - karaka for lands/buildings is placed. In DC.4 – chart for Lands/Buildings/Estates etc. – 4th house is of Mars and Mars is placed in 4th to 4th in 7th , aspected by 9th lord Jupiter. Hence the native can purchase/construct a house in Sun Dasa – either in Mars Antardasa ie. between 7-4-2010 and 12-8-2010 or in Jupiter Antardasa ie. Between 7-7-2011 and 24-4-2012. > Q.3. How is my health? > This is a very vague question. Are you suffering from any known disease? As per the chart in Rasi – Jupiter is in 6th without any bad aspect and also 6th to 6th -11th house is also of Jupiter without any bad aspect. In Divisional Chart No.6 – Health/Diseases etc. chart, 6th lord Jupiter is placed in 6th with the aspect of Saturn - Rasi Lagna Lord and from 6th to 6th – 11th is occupied by its own lord Venus. Hence you are not suffering from any known disease, except mental worry. > Q.4. When will my debts be cleared? > You will clear all your debts in – Sun Dasa – either in Mars Antardasa or in Jupiter Antardasa. Sun, Mars and Jupiter occupy Sun's Hora. > Q.5. How is my 2 children future? > Very vague question. Without the horoscopes of the children, how can any one predict their future? > P.S. I am analyzing the charts in so much detail for the benefit of budding Astrologers, which may not be useful to the Questioner, who is interested in the end result. As the forum is to share the knowledge in Astrology with others, I have chosen this way. It is easy to speak or tell face to face, but to put the same in black and white, it will be time consuming. Still there is more scope for analysis based on constellations and Ashtaka-vargu. > I am aged 74 years, started practicing Astrology after retirement from service as an Accountant. I learnt the fundamentals from my father at the age of 12, but could not continue the same upto retirement. When Ketu dasa started, I took up Astrology and prepared my own software, as I could not find the packages in the market to my taste. > May God Bless You, > Sastry. > > > > rg prasad <rgprasad356 wrote: Note: forwarded message attached. > sirs/madam > > My name is dob 27.10.1966 > born in bangalore > time : 14.52 > > kindly enlighten me about my future. > > will i get a good permanent job or can i go in for > business. > will i be able to own a house > how is my health > when will my debts be cleared > how are my 2 childrens future > will i lead a peaceful life > > kindly enlighten and guide me > regards > hr guru > > ________ > Looking for earth-friendly autos? > Browse Top Cars by " Green Rating " at Autos' Green Center. > http://autos./green_center/ > > > > > > > Never miss an email again! > Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 7, 2007 Report Share Posted March 7, 2007 Dear Sastry ji, It is very great of you to help everybody in the forum. I extend my good wishes for you and your family. I am also following in your footsteps and never charge for the astrological services. But the fact is I never look at my own chart as I feel I am pretty much biased when I have a look at mine. By this I am referring to the reading you did for myself a few days back. best regards, Raman Kalia Vedic Astrology [Vedic Astrology ]On Behalf Of rgprasad356Wednesday, March 07, 2007 7:52 AMVedic Astrology Subject: Fwd: Re: [] worried man respected and honourable sastryjipranam and my respects to youyour analyses of the chart was very correct and i also found solace in not suffering from any health problem except starting stage of sugar. but mentally very disturbed as you have said two daughters as asked by are as below1 g. aishwarya dob 7.6.1996 pob; banglore tob 10.55am2.g.soundarya dob 23.10.2000 pob chennai (madras) tob 4.53pm (16.53)kindly see the charts of my daughters and guide me i am looking upto u as i lloked upon my father kindly guide me sirhr.guruVedic Astrology , challa sastry <sastrychln220 wrote:>> > Mr. H.R. Guru,> Birth Star: Revati 1st pada Star Lord: Mercury> Janma Rasi: Pisces/Meena Rasi Lord: Jupiter > Ascendant/Lagna Rasi: Aquarius/Kumbha Rasi Lord: Saturn> Birth Day: Thursday.> Running period: Venus Dasa - Mercury Antardasa upto 18-4-2008> 1. Lagna lord Saturn is weak in Shadbala with 0.94, Yogakaraka Venus with 0.96 and 5th Lord Mercury with 0.94. > 2. Bhava Nos. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 12 are also very weak in strength.> 3. 6th lord Moon and 2 - 11 lord Jupiter exchanged houses ie. Dhana karaka Jupiter is placed in 6th house - Satru/Roga/Runa sthana and 6th lord is placed in Dhana sthana - 2nd house.> 4. Even though in 9th house there are 5 planets - Venus, Mercury (both are yogakarakas), they are afflicted by Sun, Ketu and Neptune.> 5. Even from Moon Lagna, the position is not better. 2nd lord from Moon lagna - Mars is in 6th house, 6th lord Sun in 8th, 3-8 lord Venus in 8th with Ketu and Neptune. Moon lagna lord Jupiter and 5th lord Moon have exchanged houses which is a little bit consolation.> 6. Hence the Native's horoscope has a very weak foundation which cannot be remedied at this late stage.> Q.1. Will I get a good permanent job or can I go in for business?> In Rasi: From Asc. - 10th Lord is Mars who is placed in 7th house. Mars is aspecting 10th house. 2-11 lord Jupiter is also aspecting 10th house. From 10th to 10th is Leo, lord Sun is placed in 12th to 10th. From Moon sign, 10th house is Sagittarius, whose lord is placed in 5th - Ucha and 10th to 10th from Sagittarius is Virgo, which is under papa-karthiri, aspected by Moon and whose lord Mercury is also placed in 12th to 10th. In Rasi - Jupiter, Mars and Moon are the significators for Profession. > In Navamsa: Lagna is Pisces. Lagna and 10th lord is Jupiter, who is placed in 8th house. In 10th - 5th lord Moon and 3-8 lord Venus are placed together. 10th house is not aspected by any other planet. From 10th to 10th - 7th is Virgo, which is not occupied by any planet, aspected by Saturn, but the 7th lord Mercury is in 12th to 7th. From Moon sign - Sagittarius - 10th is Virgo, whose lord is in 12th to 10th - not occupied but aspected by Saturn. From 10th to 10th from Moon sign is Gemini, which is not occupied by any planet, but aspected by Moon and Venus and also Jupiter. Hence in Navamsa - Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the significators for Profession. > In Divisional Chart No.10 - Profession chart: Lagna is Cancer and 10th house is Aries. 10th lord Mars is Exalted in 7th and the Lagna lord is placed in 10th. 10th lord is aspecting 10th house and the 7th Lord Saturn is aspecting 10th lord Mars. 10th to 10th is Capricorn, whose lord Saturn is aspecting the same and Sun and Mars are placed in it. From Moon sign - Aries - 10th house is Capricorn, aspected by its lord Saturn and Sun and Mars are placed in it. 10th to 10th from Moon sign is Libra - whose lord is placed in 12th to 10th. Libra is aspected by Jupiter. Hence in D.C.10 - Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn are the significators for Profession. > Present Dasa lord Venus is placed in 6th house and aspected by Jupiter from 12th house in DC.10. Antardasa lord is Mercury, lord of 3rd and 12th houses is in 2nd aspected by 8th lord Saturn. As such, there is no hope to get a permanent job either in Mercury antar or in Ketu antar(Venus and Ketu are in 6-8 position in DC10) during Venus Dasa. Venus Dasa ends by 18-6-2009. The native should not undertake any business activities upto end of Venus Dasa.> From the onset of Sun Dasa, he will have good days far better than in Venus dasa - it is a wonder for an Aquarius Ascendant. For this Native - Sun is 7th lord - placed in 9th - neecha - with neecha-bhanga in Rasi, Sun placed in 11th in Navamsa (Lagna - Pisces) and Sun placed in 7th in DC.10 - Profession chart (Cancer Ascendant). > Q.2. Will I be able to own a house?> In Rasi: 4th house is Taurus, whose lord Venus is placed in 9th without strength. 4th to 4th is 7th, in which Mars - karaka for lands/buildings is placed. In DC.4 - chart for Lands/Buildings/Estates etc. - 4th house is of Mars and Mars is placed in 4th to 4th in 7th , aspected by 9th lord Jupiter. Hence the native can purchase/construct a house in Sun Dasa - either in Mars Antardasa ie. between 7-4-2010 and 12-8-2010 or in Jupiter Antardasa ie. Between 7-7-2011 and 24-4-2012. > Q.3. How is my health?> This is a very vague question. Are you suffering from any known disease? As per the chart in Rasi - Jupiter is in 6th without any bad aspect and also 6th to 6th -11th house is also of Jupiter without any bad aspect. In Divisional Chart No.6 - Health/Diseases etc. chart, 6th lord Jupiter is placed in 6th with the aspect of Saturn - Rasi Lagna Lord and from 6th to 6th - 11th is occupied by its own lord Venus. Hence you are not suffering from any known disease, except mental worry. > Q.4. When will my debts be cleared?> You will clear all your debts in - Sun Dasa - either in Mars Antardasa or in Jupiter Antardasa. Sun, Mars and Jupiter occupy Sun's Hora. > Q.5. How is my 2 children future?> Very vague question. Without the horoscopes of the children, how can any one predict their future?> P.S. I am analyzing the charts in so much detail for the benefit of budding Astrologers, which may not be useful to the Questioner, who is interested in the end result. As the forum is to share the knowledge in Astrology with others, I have chosen this way. It is easy to speak or tell face to face, but to put the same in black and white, it will be time consuming. Still there is more scope for analysis based on constellations and Ashtaka-vargu. > I am aged 74 years, started practicing Astrology after retirement from service as an Accountant. I learnt the fundamentals from my father at the age of 12, but could not continue the same upto retirement. When Ketu dasa started, I took up Astrology and prepared my own software, as I could not find the packages in the market to my taste. > May God Bless You,> Sastry.> > > > rg prasad <rgprasad356 wrote: Note: forwarded message attached.> sirs/madam> > My name is dob 27.10.1966> born in bangalore> time : 14.52> > kindly enlighten me about my future.> > will i get a good permanent job or can i go in for> business.> will i be able to own a house> how is my health> when will my debts be cleared> how are my 2 childrens future> will i lead a peaceful life> > kindly enlighten and guide me> regards> hr guru> > ________> Looking for earth-friendly autos? > Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Autos' Green Center.> http://autos./green_center/> > > > > > > Never miss an email again!> Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 15, 2008 Report Share Posted June 15, 2008 Respected sir/ madam > > My dob is 27-09-1974 udipi 13.38 > > I have a few questions > > WHEN WILL I GET MARRIED. > > will i be successful in bussiness or service. > > > > thanks you > sandeep Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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