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Guest Column



Wages of Our Sins

by C. Chatterjee

December 9, 2008

When the nation is under siege by Islamic terrorists, and hundreds killed, this is not the






Guest Column

time to say that this was expected. In times like this, we are angry, despondent, and insecure. We are justifiably angry at our politicians and at our intelligence and security apparatus as well as the criminals. It is natural for us to blame others.

However, this is not the time to feel helpless and weak. Instead we should take a closer look at ourselves. Unbelievably, the Mumbai attacks have leveled our differences. Rich or poor, employed or unemployed, famous or ordinary, we are all likely to die with equal probability anywhere, anytime. If we felt proud of our achievements or wealth or education, we all stand bared and exposed.

What can us as individuals do? Swami Vivekananda used to say that given 1000 good men, we can change the world and we sure can. We need to start this with some self-examination.

Are we ready to fight back? Shyamaprasad Mukherjee, the valiant freedom fighter of Bengal used to say that there are three stages of any struggle – protibad (protest), protirodh (defiance) and protisodh (revenge). Are we not at the last stage? Are you ready for revenge? Every one of us can contribute to all three to our extent with physical contribution, vision and money.

1. Fight the Political Elite

It is time to punish the current political class by unilaterally rising above self-interest to write, speak and vote against every one of the ruling candidates and demand their resignation as soon as possible. There is a feeling among these guys that they are above and beyond and somehow better than us. Otherwise, how can the Kerala chief minister verbally abuse the martyr’s father for not allowing him in his home and how can the “prince†Rahul Gandhi party all night when the nation was up and defending through a sleepless night.

We are not saying that the alternatives are better. We throw the current rulers out to make a point so that when and if they come back they have learned their lessons that they are also accountable and punishable. The politicians have divided us along caste, favored some over others, and protected criminals like Afzal Guru while punishing innocents.

2. Fight the Complicit Media Yes, you read it right – a vast majority of Indian media and intelligentsia are complicit. They have systematically weakened the police by criminalizing them for small to minor events, weakened the military through constant criticisms, opinions and editorials. They have systematically protested against necessary laws against terrorism and have persistently projected anyone defending the nation’s security as “Hindu Fundamentalistâ€. They have successfully painted themselves as the defenders of “secularismâ€. So a fair question to ask ourselves – “How is this so-called secularism working out for us?â€

Ladies and gentlemen, we need a nationalistic media – one that will protect the nation’s interest. It should include comments from long-serving honest and dedicated members of the police and military as well as common folks who have generations of national service to speak for our nation without the fear of being called a Hindu Fundamentalist. Being a nationalist is not fundamentalism. Instead, not being a nationalist should be equated to complicity with Islamic terrorism.






"This is not saying that every Muslim is bad or that Islam is bad. This is saying that those who are killing us are Muslims and have a religion."


The politicians and media have distorted our perspectives and have turned good people into bad. Let us look at a good man like Hemant Karkare. As an ATS officer, he dedicated his life to defending the country. But the politicians, media, and the secularists found it necessary to create a “balance†by looking for the fictitious “Hindu terroristâ€. The pressure was immense and so was the media scrutiny. So much so that the real terrorism was ignored and four innocent Hindus were captured and tortured. The result was the fateful loss of his own life and the nation shamed and bared by the Islamic fundamentalists. Hope that this will create some perspective within us.

3. Terrorists have a religion

Yes they do. Shamelessly repeating that they do not is laying the groundwork for more. It is necessary to admit that the terrorists who pulled the trigger to kill innocents were trained and smart individuals. They are not cowards or stupid. They were Muslims and they wanted to kill us because we are infidels or kafirs and we are a land of kafirs – deserving to die. There is intense hate in their hearts for us, and for our religion. This is not saying that every Muslim is bad or that Islam is bad. This is saying that those who are killing us are Muslims and have a religion.

4. There are local muslims helping them

We need to admit that these Islamic terrorists were helped greatly by the locals. They give them safe houses, food, clothing, ammunition, intelligence and access. There are many among us who are helping and aiding them. Many of these locals are also aided, abetted, empowered and emboldened by the politicians, intelligentsia, and media.

5. We are faced with dire consequences

It has been said over and over again that such a time will come when no one will feel secure or will be able to do business or travel in India. If this is bad, the worse may be disintegration and destruction of Bharat as we know it. It is very real and Rajeev Srinivasan aptly described it in The Daily Pioneer on Dec 2, 2008. The intensity of attacks will grow.

6. It is not intelligence failure

Every time an incident like Mumbai happens, the political class and media rise up and blame it on “intelligence failureâ€. While there is some truth to that, our intelligence, police and military are by far the only reason these events have not destroyed and disintegrated our nation. They are one of the few still defending us. So while they need to be empowered and improved (not blamed), we need to blame the cause and root of this terrorism that is in Pakistan and within India, that is based on religion and hate.

7. It is not our fault

The tolerant (read coward) in us helped by the so-called intelligentsia have told us that this is all our fault and the reason is our own “intoleranceâ€. No Sir, the few among us who have fought back are not the cause. They are the reason this is not far worse. The fault lies with the perpetrators, the real criminals in Pakistan and within India that have launched this religious war aided and abetted by our politicians, intelligentsia and media.

Circling back to the question, what can we do? We can help support those among us that are willing to fight back. We need to allow ourselves to think independently of the media (out of the box) and selflessly to see who to support, and yes we should include Modi, Thackeray, VHP, Bajrang Dal, Abinav Bharat, nationalistic NGOs and everyone else. Why not when our very existence is threatened and we are faced with disintegration? We can support by voicing our opinions freely and frankly to everyone, write, vote and also help physically and with money.






"We need to be vocal and oppose any politician, member of the intelligentsia, or media who weakens our nation..."

We need to create a nationalistic media and intelligentsia. We need one of our own that is created, managed and funded by us. We need our own newspapers, talk radio, television and journalism. We need our own intelligentsia. We can directly participate and also fund them.

We need to be vocal and oppose any politician, member of the intelligentsia, or media who weakens our nation by writing, pulling their funding such as advertisements, canceling publications, writing vociferously to all media outlets and sympathetic media, and inundating them with letters, faxes and phone calls, and also make it very difficult for them to operate in India. We should vote them out and speak persistently against each and every one of them.

A small team can make an immense difference. An example is Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities. This organization was started by three individuals and with their dedication and persistence and the able leadership of Dhiman Chowdhury, this organization has flourished in several countries and has many offices within Bangladesh defending the rights of the minorities from rape, murder and attacks by islamic fundamentalists. They are now members of the UN and are challenging biased laws in UN and Bangladeshi courts. Dhiman is not a Hindu Fundamentalist. He is smart, intelligent, helpful, selfless, and one great gentleman. Dhiman also needs our support.



Chanchal Chatterjee lives in San Diego. He can be reached at Cchatterj2.

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Dear All


Mr. Chatterji is very right.We should make our own media ,

newspaper....................... to protect our country.

Now the time has come when we should unite.Please start a Group and let me


Most important is to grab these Politicians who are damaging the country for

their Posts.



Pawan Saini

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