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Dear friends,


Received the following comments on http://ygroupsblog.in/

which have been heart warming, and sentimental to me.


Dear members, I thank all of you for your overwhelming support.


regards and best wishes,







Bilquis said,

March 19, 2009 @ 3:36 pm

Wish u all the best & congratulation for your success.Hope all ur dreams come true.

Regards (moderator)BilquisDil Maange More


govindswamy said,

March 19, 2009 @ 5:16 pm

I have gone thru his readings it is accurate and simple in doingI wish him all sucess

govind swamy


Mel said,

March 19, 2009 @ 7:09 pm

I think astrology may help to explain why some of us get locked into abusive relationships with our adult sons and daughters. I have just started a group for persons who are having this type of problem (see URL above). Parents are human beings, too! Write and tell me what you think.


G.P.Krishna Kumar said,

March 20, 2009 @ 2:19 am

Diti Dear,

Congratulations for your effort.


Ashish Sharma said,

March 20, 2009 @ 3:39 am

This gives me immense pleasure to be part of such a wonderful group. Its really nice to read this and I must appreciate the work of Diti. I think not only Mr. Bhaskar is helping the needy with his knowledge but he is also helping other learns the nuances of astrology. Moreover, this group is interactive and there is fair blend of spiritual discussion/messages being shared.

Once again, I appreciate the efforts of Mr. Bhaskar for this group and Also Diti for highlighting this in a precise way.

Thanks and hats off…!


Sai said,

March 20, 2009 @ 5:10 am

The service which he is doing undoubtedly great and needs appreciation in each n every way. Because to get to the prediction part of any chart, it takes great amount of energy, time and some times even finances in unknown ways like internet bill, electricity bill , etc. In these days he proved that service can be done with utilization of these modern technologies.


Neelam Gupta said,

March 20, 2009 @ 5:10 pm

Thank you Diti for creating this showcase for Jyotish Ganga which is much appreciated. Bhaskar ji is doing a commendable service by maintaining this group to provide astrological guidance to genuine seekers. He has deep knowledge of this divine subject and is known for his accurate readings with an honest and straightforward approach. We wish him the best in this noble endeavour.


Nag said,

March 20, 2009 @ 5:36 pm

Congrats Bhaskarji !! and wish you grow exponentially


JS.MURTY said,

March 20, 2009 @ 5:51 pm



Nanda kumar.N said,

March 20, 2009 @ 6:11 pm

As a learning member in this group I feel really proud.

The sloka words "Pathavee poorva punyanam" has come true to GuruBhaskarji.

Best wishes.


Ravi Shanker said,

March 20, 2009 @ 11:58 pm

It gives me a great pleasure to write about Mr.Bhaskar. Personally I have not seen him but could only visualize him over the internet/emails/messages.I have been a silent member of this group. But gained/learned a lot about astrology. Undoubtedly he is doing a great service to one and all around the globe.


Anubhav said,

March 21, 2009 @ 6:19 am

A great and humanly effort lead by Bhaskarji and his team. Thanks a lot to (especially Diti of ) for the much deserved recognition extended to JYOTISH GANGA


Ram Jaswal said,

March 21, 2009 @ 5:42 pm

Namaste Diti

It is indeed wonderful to see Jyotish Ganga being recognised by , India for providing a platform to discuss Both Astrological content as well as means towards getting remedial suggestions for troubles and worries which maybe hampering ones progress within this lifetime – not many openly provide this service!!

As named after Ganga Mata may it continue for ever more!!!

Jai Sita Ram



Neelam Gupta said,

March 21, 2009 @ 5:46 pm

Thank you Diti for showcasing Jyotish Ganga. It is much appreciated. I am sure this would help many more genuine seekers reach the right place for astro guidance. Bhaskar ji has a deep knowledge of astrology and is very accurate in predictions. With his honesty and straightforwardness, he has been offering free guidance to thousands through this group. I wish him the best in this noble endeavour.

Thanks again for providing the desired impetus!


Renu said,

March 22, 2009 @ 1:56 am

#Renu said,

March 20, 2009 @ 5:07 pm

I've joined this group sometimes back and is a daily visitor to it as I do not want to miss a single post. There is much to learn for a new comer. I think the astrology course volunteered by Bhaskar ji shows the generosity of the moderator of the group. Requests for free readings are rarely ignored. Hence I consider this group as beneficial to many in varied ways.




Siddhartha Saxena said,

March 22, 2009 @ 5:48 am

jYOTISH_GANGA is indeed a Ganga doing good for so many people.I joined this group when i was looking for some answers about my pathetic life and i did found many groups which i joined.Amongst all of them this is the only one where questions are answered sincerely by Bhaskarji and Neelamji though the group gets "noisy" at times which i think is good for its health.members interact and sometimes fights about minute things "noises" takes place and then gets down like boiling milk.shoots up and settles down.My Best wishes to Bhaskarji -DIL SE.I was out of town for 4-5 days so out of touch with internet .Today when i reached home i saw this blog.oooooo.

best regardssiddhartha



March 22, 2009 @ 6:49 am

I am very happy to be memeber of the group for over 2 years. Though I am beginner in this subject, it gives me immense pleasure to be among learned persons especially Bhaskarji.

Many Thanks to DITIji for generating awareness on Jyotish Ganga group & recognising the efforts of Bhaskarji.

Warem regards,Sree


S.VIJAI said,

March 22, 2009 @ 9:04 am

When this group was formed in 22/02/2007, it was specially created to discuss about astrology for both beginners and advanced astrologers. Bhaskarji, as per his words immediately started an astrology course on the next day itself. And this year, again true to his word once again has started a course on astrology. Basic intention of the group was to help others in learningastrology and also helping people during their difficult times.Bhaskarji, Neelamji inspite of their professional pre-occupations have always tried their best to help others with their accurate readings. The recognition this group has got is undoubtedly due to the sincere efforts of Bhaskarji. He is very straight forward, honest and lays much emphasis on discipline.Those are the very reasons, why this group has been a success.

Sincerely appreciate Madam Diti's efforts in recognizing the genuine efforts put by Bhaskarji and the Jyotish_Ganga group. Thanks Madam Diti for doing such a wonderful job and wish many such sincere groups are recognized which work selflessly.

Warm regards,S.Vijai


Lata said,

March 22, 2009 @ 10:10 am

I am proud to be one of the members of "Jyotish_Ganga Group"

Respected Bhaskarji :-You're A Great Example For Others!You're Unique!You're Inspiring!Nice Going!

Respected Ditiji,Thanks for the articleSpectacular Work!You're Neat!

Lata (2866)


k.gopu said,

March 22, 2009 @ 10:48 am

dear diti,It is heartining to note that u have given a brief wirte up aboutthe group "jyotish ganga". I am sure in the coming years u willhave more to write abt the group activities in the field of astrology.thanks for the initiative taken by u.



Chandra Sekhar Sahal said,

March 22, 2009 @ 11:12 am

Dear Diti,

Thanks for your wonderful comments on Bhaskarji and the Group. The group has actually been developed has a family and it has all that takes to make a family. Am learning my lessons quietly. Hope to participate more frequently.

Thanks to for providing wonderful space

Warm RegardsChandra Sekhar Sahal


Dr a mehta said,

March 22, 2009 @ 1:19 pm

Bhaskarji is doing a yeoman service by providing answers to distressed people and also sharing his knowledge with other members of the group so that they too gain expertise in astro assessment.The group has plenty of savants of astro field who are helping and promoting members of this group to plough back into society whatever they are getting free here and also to dispel ignorance and supperstitions gripping the society.Pl keep up thiswork.And congratulations once again.Warm regards,Dr a mehta


Anil said,

March 23, 2009 @ 10:16 am

Astrology for me is a science which can be used as an eye to the future and astrologers as messengers of god. This group is doing good and all the best for you Bhaskerji.


kirann said,

March 23, 2009 @ 5:35 pm

One day 3 mnths back, while internet surfing,I stumbled upon this group by chance and now I am very happy that I did..I joined in with curiosity .[Though it's been 6-7 yrs since I am using internet, I didn't believe in joining any grps.]But now I am so attached to the grp..Of course this is also a heterogenous grp like many others & the group is visited by all age groups and most ofthem are facing problems and looking for solutions.Bhaskarji isdoing a great job by providing astro-guidance, & members like Tripura malini ji ,Neelamji & others are providing superb guidance to the distressed members in the group who are looking for solutions to their problems. { I miss Tripura ji very much.}In such a group, on the internet, we do not know the background,culture, tradition and thinking process of the ppl who joined in as members,and also the level of spiritual advancement of the members and their preparedness for any kind of discussions varies vastly..It is not easy to maintain the standards…But Bhaskarji..{whom we have come to know as a'" COCONUT'"which is very hard & tough on the outside & very sweet & soft & nourishing as well inside..}Bhaskarji has very well managed to keep out all the rubbish from the grp..I have come to know him as a very learned man indeed..who knows all his jobs well..Though I know him only from his writings on the grp…When ppl put their queries, He surely helps them, guides them..Our mantras and hymns are great tools to reach a level of awareness..He has put so many of them in the Files section…I have indeed learned a gr8 many things on this grp..I urge U to join in too……I have prospered spiritually & intellectually.,by joining JYOTISH GANGA……may all of U too prosper…. Amen… & thnx 2 DITI for the honour she did by choosing JYOTISH GANGA of all the astro grps,for coverage..Of course GANGA is the best & purest of all….

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Respected Bhaskar Ji,

I have also registered my comments on the blog on 21st but it is not here in the comments given below,was it was not registered.











Namaskaar to All,Though i am a new member to this grp. and joined only to get answer of personal querry,but,by seeing the content and service done ,I m now glad to join this grp.and look forward to contribute in this grp in a positive way.Astrology student can gain much frm this grp.Thanks to all members for making the group lively and separate from others.


posted Mar 21, 2009 .


Thanks and Regards.


Sudhanshu Pareek





































--- On Wed, 25/3/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Comments on http://ygroupsblog.in/To: Date: Wednesday, 25 March, 2009, 8:51 AM




Dear friends,


Received the following comments on http://ygroupsblog. in/

which have been heart warming, and sentimental to me.


Dear members, I thank all of you for your overwhelming support.


regards and best wishes,







Bilquis said,

March 19, 2009 @ 3:36 pm

Wish u all the best & congratulation for your success.Hope all ur dreams come true.

Regards (moderator)BilquisDil Maange More


govindswamy said,

March 19, 2009 @ 5:16 pm

I have gone thru his readings it is accurate and simple in doingI wish him all sucess

govind swamy


Mel said,

March 19, 2009 @ 7:09 pm

I think astrology may help to explain why some of us get locked into abusive relationships with our adult sons and daughters. I have just started a group for persons who are having this type of problem (see URL above). Parents are human beings, too! Write and tell me what you think.


G.P.Krishna Kumar said,

March 20, 2009 @ 2:19 am

Diti Dear,

Congratulations for your effort.


Ashish Sharma said,

March 20, 2009 @ 3:39 am

This gives me immense pleasure to be part of such a wonderful group. Its really nice to read this and I must appreciate the work of Diti. I think not only Mr. Bhaskar is helping the needy with his knowledge but he is also helping other learns the nuances of astrology. Moreover, this group is interactive and there is fair blend of spiritual discussion/messages being shared.

Once again, I appreciate the efforts of Mr. Bhaskar for this group and Also Diti for highlighting this in a precise way.

Thanks and hats off…!


Sai said,

March 20, 2009 @ 5:10 am

The service which he is doing undoubtedly great and needs appreciation in each n every way. Because to get to the prediction part of any chart, it takes great amount of energy, time and some times even finances in unknown ways like internet bill, electricity bill , etc. In these days he proved that service can be done with utilization of these modern technologies.


Neelam Gupta said,

March 20, 2009 @ 5:10 pm Thank you Diti for creating this showcase for Jyotish Ganga which is much appreciated. Bhaskar ji is doing a commendable service by maintaining this group to provide astrological guidance to genuine seekers. He has deep knowledge of this divine subject and is known for his accurate readings with an honest and straightforward approach. We wish him the best in this noble endeavour.


Nag said,

March 20, 2009 @ 5:36 pm Congrats Bhaskarji !! and wish you grow exponentially


JS.MURTY said,



Nanda kumar.N said,

March 20, 2009 @ 6:11 pm As a learning member in this group I feel really proud.

The sloka words "Pathavee poorva punyanam" has come true to GuruBhaskarji.

Best wishes.


Ravi Shanker said,

March 20, 2009 @ 11:58 pm It gives me a great pleasure to write about Mr.Bhaskar. Personally I have not seen him but could only visualize him over the internet/emails/ messages.I have been a silent member of this group. But gained/learned a lot about astrology. Undoubtedly he is doing a great service to one and all around the globe.


Anubhav said,

March 21, 2009 @ 6:19 am A great and humanly effort lead by Bhaskarji and his team. Thanks a lot to (especially Diti of ) for the much deserved recognition extended to JYOTISH GANGA


Ram Jaswal said,

March 21, 2009 @ 5:42 pm Namaste Diti

It is indeed wonderful to see Jyotish Ganga being recognised by , India for providing a platform to discuss Both Astrological content as well as means towards getting remedial suggestions for troubles and worries which maybe hampering ones progress within this lifetime – not many openly provide this service!!

As named after Ganga Mata may it continue for ever more!!!

Jai Sita Ram



Neelam Gupta said,

March 21, 2009 @ 5:46 pm Thank you Diti for showcasing Jyotish Ganga. It is much appreciated. I am sure this would help many more genuine seekers reach the right place for astro guidance. Bhaskar ji has a deep knowledge of astrology and is very accurate in predictions. With his honesty and straightforwardness , he has been offering free guidance to thousands through this group. I wish him the best in this noble endeavour.

Thanks again for providing the desired impetus!


Renu said,

March 22, 2009 @ 1:56 am #Renu said,

March 20, 2009 @ 5:07 pm

I've joined this group sometimes back and is a daily visitor to it as I do not want to miss a single post. There is much to learn for a new comer. I think the astrology course volunteered by Bhaskar ji shows the generosity of the moderator of the group. Requests for free readings are rarely ignored. Hence I consider this group as beneficial to many in varied ways.




Siddhartha Saxena said,

March 22, 2009 @ 5:48 am jYOTISH_GANGA is indeed a Ganga doing good for so many people.I joined this group when i was looking for some answers about my pathetic life and i did found many groups which i joined.Amongst all of them this is the only one where questions are answered sincerely by Bhaskarji and Neelamji though the group gets "noisy" at times which i think is good for its health.members interact and sometimes fights about minute things "noises" takes place and then gets down like boiling milk.shoots up and settles down.My Best wishes to Bhaskarji -DIL SE.I was out of town for 4-5 days so out of touch with internet .Today when i reached home i saw this blog.oooooo.

best regardssiddhartha



March 22, 2009 @ 6:49 am I am very happy to be memeber of the group for over 2 years. Though I am beginner in this subject, it gives me immense pleasure to be among learned persons especially Bhaskarji.

Many Thanks to DITIji for generating awareness on Jyotish Ganga group & recognising the efforts of Bhaskarji.

Warem regards,Sree


S.VIJAI said,

March 22, 2009 @ 9:04 am When this group was formed in 22/02/2007, it was specially created to discuss about astrology for both beginners and advanced astrologers. Bhaskarji, as per his words immediately started an astrology course on the next day itself. And this year, again true to his word once again has started a course on astrology. Basic intention of the group was to help others in learningastrology and also helping people during their difficult times.Bhaskarji, Neelamji inspite of their professional pre-occupations have always tried their best to help others with their accurate readings. The recognition this group has got is undoubtedly due to the sincere efforts of Bhaskarji. He is very straight forward, honest and lays much emphasis on discipline.Those are the very reasons, why this group has been a success.

Sincerely appreciate Madam Diti's efforts in recognizing the genuine efforts put by Bhaskarji and the Jyotish_Ganga group. Thanks Madam Diti for doing such a wonderful job and wish many such sincere groups are recognized which work selflessly.

Warm regards,S.Vijai


Lata said,

March 22, 2009 @ 10:10 am I am proud to be one of the members of "Jyotish_Ganga Group"

Respected Bhaskarji :-You're A Great Example For Others!You're Unique!You're Inspiring!Nice Going!

Respected Ditiji,Thanks for the articleSpectacular Work!You're Neat!

Lata (2866)


k.gopu said,

March 22, 2009 @ 10:48 am dear diti,It is heartining to note that u have given a brief wirte up aboutthe group "jyotish ganga". I am sure in the coming years u willhave more to write abt the group activities in the field of astrology.thanks for the initiative taken by u.



Chandra Sekhar Sahal said,

March 22, 2009 @ 11:12 am Dear Diti,

Thanks for your wonderful comments on Bhaskarji and the Group. The group has actually been developed has a family and it has all that takes to make a family. Am learning my lessons quietly. Hope to participate more frequently.

Thanks to for providing wonderful space

Warm RegardsChandra Sekhar Sahal


Dr a mehta said,

March 22, 2009 @ 1:19 pm Bhaskarji is doing a yeoman service by providing answers to distressed people and also sharing his knowledge with other members of the group so that they too gain expertise in astro assessment.The group has plenty of savants of astro field who are helping and promoting members of this group to plough back into society whatever they are getting free here and also to dispel ignorance and supperstitions gripping the society.Pl keep up thiswork.And congratulations once again.Warm regards,Dr a mehta


Anil said,

March 23, 2009 @ 10:16 am Astrology for me is a science which can be used as an eye to the future and astrologers as messengers of god. This group is doing good and all the best for you Bhaskerji.


kirann said,

March 23, 2009 @ 5:35 pm One day 3 mnths back, while internet surfing,I stumbled upon this group by chance and now I am very happy that I did..I joined in with curiosity .[Though it's been 6-7 yrs since I am using internet, I didn't believe in joining any grps.]But now I am so attached to the grp..Of course this is also a heterogenous grp like many others & the group is visited by all age groups and most ofthem are facing problems and looking for solutions.Bhaskarji isdoing a great job by providing astro-guidance, & members like Tripura malini ji ,Neelamji & others are providing superb guidance to the distressed members in the group who are looking for solutions to their problems. { I miss Tripura ji very much.}In such a group, on the internet, we do not know the background,culture, tradition and thinking process of the ppl who joined in as members,and also the level of spiritual advancement of the members and their preparedness for any kind of

discussions varies vastly..It is not easy to maintain the standards…But Bhaskarji..{ whom we have come to know as a'" COCONUT'"which is very hard & tough on the outside & very sweet & soft & nourishing as well inside..}Bhaskarji has very well managed to keep out all the rubbish from the grp..I have come to know him as a very learned man indeed..who knows all his jobs well..Though I know him only from his writings on the grp…When ppl put their queries, He surely helps them, guides them..Our mantras and hymns are great tools to reach a level of awareness..He has put so many of them in the Files section…I have indeed learned a gr8 many things on this grp..I urge U to join in too……I have prospered spiritually & intellectually. ,by joining JYOTISH GANGA……may all of U too prosper…. Amen… & thnx 2 DITI for the honour she did by choosing JYOTISH GANGA of all the astro grps,for coverage..Of course GANGA is the

best & purest of all….


Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.

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Dear Kirann ji,I wish to tell you that I enjoyed your straight-from-the-heart message on the blog and calling Bhaskar ji a 'COCONUT'! that was amusing! It is good to see members taking interest in group activities.

And yes, I also wish Tripura ji could be here more often. Bhaskar ji might be knowing why she doesn't write more often. Thanks and regardsNeelam

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Dear Neelam ji and Kirann ji,


I too found it very amusing and a honest straight from the heart mail.

In fact I was much amused . Thank God she added the letters " Coco " to

" Nut " . I genuinely enjoyed the frank revelations.


Regards to Tripuraji I am not sure where she is because have not been in

touch with her for ages.









, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07



> Dear Kirann ji,


> I wish to tell you that I enjoyed your straight-from-the-heart message


> the blog and calling Bhaskar ji a 'COCONUT'! that was amusing!

It is

> good to see members taking interest in group activities.

> And yes, I also wish Tripura ji could be here more often. Bhaskar ji


> be knowing why she doesn't write more often.


> Thanks and regards

> Neelam


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thank u neelamji...--- On Wed, 3/25/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07Re: Comments on http://ygroupsblog.in/To: Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 2:06 PM



Dear Kirann ji,I wish to tell you that I enjoyed your straight-from- the-heart message on the blog and calling Bhaskar ji a 'COCONUT'! that was amusing! It is good to see members taking interest in group activities.And yes, I also wish Tripura ji could be here more often. Bhaskar ji might be knowing why she doesn't write more often. Thanks and regardsNeelam

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