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A question related to dietary....

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Respected all


This small query is only for Shri Bhaskar sir and Neelam ji so please ...


This is related to eating NONVEG foods and IMFL(Indian made foreign liquor) :

like now in navratri-usually in north india people stop it and IMFL for 9 days-


There is a writer on Indian history " romila thapar " who has written " pracheen

bharat ka itihaas " which is a reference book for UPSC along with " Bharat ka

pracheen itihaas " by Radha kumud Mukerjee-they both are equivocal in that ary`s

used to eat cow meat(bhaskar sir dont get angry-maine nahin likha)where romila

thapar says that it was used in daily foods and r.k.m says that it was used in

festivals and other special joyous occasions.I have those books .as i like

ancient things a lot god knows why..

In bengal side in durga pooja- meat and drinks are must and atlest meat of any

kind is must in bengali brahmins i am not sure of IMFL.

but basically my question is -- " Is eating anything to quench hunger has anything

to do with feelings of our soul(s)towards GOD ALMIGHTY "


Your views on this


GUSSA mat hona


Siddharta saxena

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Dear Siddartha,

Good Point raised by you.

First of all those who write about Pracheen itihaas of Bharat and mention that Cow meat was a staple food or advocated or eaten daily, are most uneducated, uninformed and the biggets idiots I have ever come across. You may send this comment to the person concerned. If they have said so, then i would consider them a blot on Indian society and culture. Even a small new born child in india knows that we rever the Cow as mother who gives milk, and the communities who eat Cow flesh are not humans but animals in human forms. At least it is not prevalent and nor ever was in Hindus who were the actual original people and citizens and owners of the indian territories. The invaders, the less we talk about them, the more better. My blood boils when we talk of these bloody invaders who have till today spoilt the peace and culture of india with their nonsense . One community engaged in terrorist activities and the other in missionary.

Now about meat eating in bengal, and the comment that the Brahmins would eat any meat, is all rubbish and show me any Brahmin in Bengal eating cow meat. I will kill him with my bare hands.because no real Brahmin would eat Cow meat whether a bengali Brahmin or North indian or South indian or whatever.

Now about drinks IMFL ( Most of them ) is actually not the Malt whisky we have heard about, or think that we drink, but a quality of Whisky which outside the indian boundaries would be recognised as "Indian Rum" and not whisky, because of its low quality. You can read superb descriptions about all types of Whiskies on the Wikipedia, which incidentally I was reading for half an hour last night, to know more about the Yeasts which figure in the process of making liquor.

You must have read the term and heard too , "Jaisa khaye ann waise bane mann". Which literally means that the types of food one gulps down is actually the cause for the feelings and character aroused in one person till the stay of the food in the body. For instance food like meat and drinks which go alongwith, will produce tamasic quality and feelings in the person, which may lead to lust, and gratification of the same, while eating Fruits and milk may lead one to Sattwic feelings and a bent towards God, religion and satsanga. In fact I never eat at anybodys place for the same reasons, that even though they must have prepared Vegeterian food for me, but the feelings in the person who makes the food, is reflected in the vibrations of the food one cooks, and results in transmitting of the same vibrations in the person who eats the same. theres a good story about this , a real story but i do not remember who the person was so cannot relate. But it is so that a Spiritual man was sent to Jail, and during his stay, one day after sleeping he got very wild dreams, and in the morning after contemplation as to why he got such dreams he enquired about who had cooked the food for the jail inmates, and he was informed that the regular cook had left for a small leave, and in his place a inmate prisioner who was booked for murder was assingned this task of cooking the food, in absence of the regular cook.

Now another point. For those who are having and eating Non veg since childhood as born in such families they have a chance to come back to godhead by leaving such stuff gradually, and even if they dont, its not abig crime if they eat so. because thats the way of life for them. But for those who are born in vegetarian families , turning to eating Non veg, just to look smart, and which becomes a habit thereafter, is a big crime and leads one down the scale to degenration and not upliftment. This is just like those born in foreign countries who have sex casually, and kiss on the radside and embrace each other lustily, is not considered a crime, but considered a Taboo in our country, and a big crime in Muslim countries. Thus , desh and kala also matters.

Anyway the crux of the matter under discussion , is that Meat eating is not good whether for one born in a meat eating family, or for one born in a vegetarian family, and the spiritual downfall is assured for those eating meat and drinking. Whether in name of ritual or in name of way of Life, any excuse is bad and not right.




, "numerology_works" <numerology_works wrote:>> Respected all > > This small query is only for Shri Bhaskar sir and Neelam ji so please ...> > This is related to eating NONVEG foods and IMFL(Indian made foreign liquor) : like now in navratri-usually in north india people stop it and IMFL for 9 days-> > There is a writer on Indian history"romila thapar"who has written "pracheen bharat ka itihaas" which is a reference book for UPSC along with "Bharat ka pracheen itihaas" by Radha kumud Mukerjee-they both are equivocal in that ary`s used to eat cow meat(bhaskar sir dont get angry-maine nahin likha)where romila thapar says that it was used in daily foods and r.k.m says that it was used in festivals and other special joyous occasions.I have those books .as i like ancient things a lot god knows why..> In bengal side in durga pooja- meat and drinks are must and atlest meat of any kind is must in bengali brahmins i am not sure of IMFL.> but basically my question is --"Is eating anything to quench hunger has anything to do with feelings of our soul(s)towards GOD ALMIGHTY"> > Your views on this > > GUSSA mat hona > > Siddharta saxena>

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Respected SirThanks a lot for your opinion.and I fully agree with you.warm regardssiddhartha saxena This mail is sent by siddhartha.Bhaskar

<bhaskar_jyotish Sent: Saturday, 28 March, 2009 10:58:07 PM Re: A question related to dietary....


Dear Siddartha,

Good Point raised by you.

First of all those who write about Pracheen itihaas of Bharat and mention that Cow meat was a staple food or advocated or eaten daily, are most uneducated, uninformed and the biggets idiots I have ever come across. You may send this comment to the person concerned. If they have said so, then i would consider them a blot on Indian society and culture. Even a small new born child in india knows that we rever the Cow as mother who gives milk, and the communities who eat Cow flesh are not humans but animals in human forms. At least it is not prevalent and nor ever was in Hindus who were the actual original people and citizens and owners of the indian territories. The invaders, the less we talk about them, the more better. My blood boils when we talk of these bloody invaders who have till today spoilt the peace and culture of india with their nonsense . One community engaged in terrorist activities and the other

in missionary.

Now about meat eating in bengal, and the comment that the Brahmins would eat any meat, is all rubbish and show me any Brahmin in Bengal eating cow meat. I will kill him with my bare hands.because no real Brahmin would eat Cow meat whether a bengali Brahmin or North indian or South indian or whatever.

Now about drinks IMFL ( Most of them ) is actually not the Malt whisky we have heard about, or think that we drink, but a quality of Whisky which outside the indian boundaries would be recognised as "Indian Rum" and not whisky, because of its low quality. You can read superb descriptions about all types of Whiskies on the Wikipedia, which incidentally I was reading for half an hour last night, to know more about the Yeasts which figure in the process of making liquor.

You must have read the term and heard too , "Jaisa khaye ann waise bane mann". Which literally means that the types of food one gulps down is actually the cause for the feelings and character aroused in one person till the stay of the food in the body. For instance food like meat and drinks which go alongwith, will produce tamasic quality and feelings in the person, which may lead to lust, and gratification of the same, while eating Fruits and milk may lead one to Sattwic feelings and a bent towards God, religion and satsanga. In fact I never eat at anybodys place for the same reasons, that even though they must have prepared Vegeterian food for me, but the feelings in the person who makes the food, is reflected in the vibrations of the food one cooks, and results in transmitting of the same vibrations in the person who eats the same. theres a good story about this , a real story but i do not remember who the

person was so cannot relate. But it is so that a Spiritual man was sent to Jail, and during his stay, one day after sleeping he got very wild dreams, and in the morning after contemplation as to why he got such dreams he enquired about who had cooked the food for the jail inmates, and he was informed that the regular cook had left for a small leave, and in his place a inmate prisioner who was booked for murder was assingned this task of cooking the food, in absence of the regular cook.

Now another point. For those who are having and eating Non veg since childhood as born in such families they have a chance to come back to godhead by leaving such stuff gradually, and even if they dont, its not abig crime if they eat so. because thats the way of life for them. But for those who are born in vegetarian families , turning to eating Non veg, just to look smart, and which becomes a habit thereafter, is a big crime and leads one down the scale to degenration and not upliftment. This is just like those born in foreign countries who have sex casually, and kiss on the radside and embrace each other lustily, is not considered a crime, but considered a Taboo in our country, and a big crime in Muslim countries. Thus , desh and kala also matters.

Anyway the crux of the matter under discussion , is that Meat eating is not good whether for one born in a meat eating family, or for one born in a vegetarian family, and the spiritual downfall is assured for those eating meat and drinking. Whether in name of ritual or in name of way of Life, any excuse is bad and not right.




, "numerology_ works" <numerology_works@ ...> wrote:>> Respected all > > This small query is only for Shri Bhaskar sir and Neelam ji so please ...> > This is related to eating NONVEG foods and IMFL(Indian made foreign liquor) : like now in navratri-usually in north india people stop it and IMFL for 9 days-> > There is a writer on Indian history"romila thapar"who has written "pracheen bharat ka itihaas" which is a reference book for UPSC along with "Bharat ka pracheen itihaas" by Radha kumud Mukerjee-they both are equivocal in that ary`s used to eat cow meat(bhaskar sir dont get angry-maine nahin likha)where romila thapar says that it was used in daily foods and r.k.m says that it was used in festivals and other special joyous occasions.I have those books .as i like ancient things a lot god knows why..> In bengal side in durga pooja- meat and

drinks are must and atlest meat of any kind is must in bengali brahmins i am not sure of IMFL.> but basically my question is --"Is eating anything to quench hunger has anything to do with feelings of our soul(s)towards GOD ALMIGHTY"> > Your views on this > > GUSSA mat hona > > Siddharta saxena>


From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India.

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Pranam to all,


The issue of beef eating and vedas was fabricated under the British rulers soon after the 1857 army mutiny refusing to use catridges smeared with beef tallow and the need to use the teeth to pull the cartridges.


Read carefully both the articles below:


What is the verse of to Brhadaranyaka Upanisad to which Dr. Guy L. Beck of the Dept. of Classical Studies at Tulane University, New Orleans, LA is referring...


“The issue of beef-eating in Vedic culture has had a history that goes back to the Mutiny of 1857. After the revolt of the Indians for the British use of beef-tallow in gun cartridges, the Britishers were determined to root out the Hindu reverence for the cow, and thus began to reward Indian Sanskrit scholars for finding any references to meat or beef in Hindu sastras, so as to undermine the Hindu piety. The first Indian to publish information was Raja Rajendra Lala Mitra of Calcutta, who published his essay "Beef in Ancient India" in the JOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY in 1872. His argument was based on this same passage from Brhadaranyaka Upanisad.


“Others followed his example (P.V.Kane, etc.) such that this verse is invariably quoted by almost all who support beef-eating in the Vedas. The original essay by Mitra was circulated as a booklet in 1926 just after Gandhi had taken up cow protection (1925). After the Cow Protection Movement gained momentum in 1967, once again the pamphlet was distributed. As a result of the first booklet, Indian Macaulayites formed "Beef-eating Clubs" to propagate it among certain "intellectuals", and many Hindus who eat beef use this single verse as a reference point today. However, in the original Sanskrit context of the verse, it is not apparently cow or bull meat which is referred to, but the "meat" of a certain

medicinal plant. The book, A REVIEW OF BEEF IN ANCIENT INDIA (Gorakhpur, 1971, Mathura, 1983) presents all sides of the issue including all the references from other sources (Grhya Sutras, etc.) and lays to rest any notion of widespread or "normal" beef-eating in ancient India. OF course, there were a few exceptions, but there is not enough solid evidence to say that it was condoned in the Vedas or the Vedic (Aryan) culture. The notion is more the product of a Macaulayite agenda.â€....





Notwithstanding the firm belief of some modern Hindus that this was never so, and that beef was never eaten in India in ancient times, there are references to these in canonical Hindu texts.

This does not mean that eating meat was permitted. The people themselves fell down by starting these disgraceful habits, disobeying the scriptural injunctions. In the Manu-Samhita, it is clearly stated –


"He who permits the slaughter of an animal, he who cuts it up, he who kills it, he who buys or sells meat, he who cooks it, he who serves it up, and he who eats it, must all be considered as the slayers of the animal. There is no greater sinner than that man who though not worshipping the gods or ancestors, seeks to increase the bulk of his own flesh by the flesh of other beings."- Manu-Samhita 5.51-52

And the consequence of sinning like this is also mentioned. "As many hairs as the slain beast has, so often indeed will he who killed it without a lawful reason suffer a violent death in future births." -Manu Samhita 5.38

The law of Karma acts on such people, regardless of whether they want to believe it or not.

It also appears from these lines that at one time Buddha was regarded by some as a divine incarnation (one of the avatAras).

"At one time"??? What the Vedas say continues to hold today and will continue to hold in the future. Lord Buddha is non-different from the Supreme Lord Vishnu or Krishna or Rama. Truth does not change.

What is also interesting here is that the author regards injury to animals as wicked or corrupt/ cruel (dushTa), showing that by now there had been some commendable progress in certain Hindu practices.

The Vedas have always said that it's sinful to kill animals to eat their flesh. This is one ancient example of changes in the worldviews of Hinduism.

I do not know what all present-day "Hinduism" encompasses or what their worldviews are, but as far as the Vedic literatures are concerned, they are eternal truths that NEVER change with time. They are co-eternal with the Lord Himself, as they are spoken by Him.


--- On Sat, 3/28/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Re: A question related to dietary.... Date: Saturday, March 28, 2009, 10:58 PM




Dear Siddartha,

Good Point raised by you.

First of all those who write about Pracheen itihaas of Bharat and mention that Cow meat was a staple food or advocated or eaten daily, are most uneducated, uninformed and the biggets idiots I have ever come across. You may send this comment to the person concerned. If they have said so, then i would consider them a blot on Indian society and culture. Even a small new born child in india knows that we rever the Cow as mother who gives milk, and the communities who eat Cow flesh are not humans but animals in human forms. At least it is not prevalent and nor ever was in Hindus who were the actual original people and citizens and owners of the indian territories. The invaders, the less we talk about them, the more better. My blood boils when we talk of these bloody invaders who have till today spoilt the peace and culture of india with their nonsense . One community engaged in terrorist activities and the other

in missionary.

Now about meat eating in bengal, and the comment that the Brahmins would eat any meat, is all rubbish and show me any Brahmin in Bengal eating cow meat. I will kill him with my bare hands.because no real Brahmin would eat Cow meat whether a bengali Brahmin or North indian or South indian or whatever.

Now about drinks IMFL ( Most of them ) is actually not the Malt whisky we have heard about, or think that we drink, but a quality of Whisky which outside the indian boundaries would be recognised as "Indian Rum" and not whisky, because of its low quality. You can read superb descriptions about all types of Whiskies on the Wikipedia, which incidentally I was reading for half an hour last night, to know more about the Yeasts which figure in the process of making liquor.

You must have read the term and heard too , "Jaisa khaye ann waise bane mann". Which literally means that the types of food one gulps down is actually the cause for the feelings and character aroused in one person till the stay of the food in the body. For instance food like meat and drinks which go alongwith, will produce tamasic quality and feelings in the person, which may lead to lust, and gratification of the same, while eating Fruits and milk may lead one to Sattwic feelings and a bent towards God, religion and satsanga. In fact I never eat at anybodys place for the same reasons, that even though they must have prepared Vegeterian food for me, but the feelings in the person who makes the food, is reflected in the vibrations of the food one cooks, and results in transmitting of the same vibrations in the person who eats the same. theres a good story about this , a real story but i do not remember who the

person was so cannot relate. But it is so that a Spiritual man was sent to Jail, and during his stay, one day after sleeping he got very wild dreams, and in the morning after contemplation as to why he got such dreams he enquired about who had cooked the food for the jail inmates, and he was informed that the regular cook had left for a small leave, and in his place a inmate prisioner who was booked for murder was assingned this task of cooking the food, in absence of the regular cook.

Now another point. For those who are having and eating Non veg since childhood as born in such families they have a chance to come back to godhead by leaving such stuff gradually, and even if they dont, its not abig crime if they eat so. because thats the way of life for them. But for those who are born in vegetarian families , turning to eating Non veg, just to look smart, and which becomes a habit thereafter, is a big crime and leads one down the scale to degenration and not upliftment. This is just like those born in foreign countries who have sex casually, and kiss on the radside and embrace each other lustily, is not considered a crime, but considered a Taboo in our country, and a big crime in Muslim countries. Thus , desh and kala also matters.

Anyway the crux of the matter under discussion , is that Meat eating is not good whether for one born in a meat eating family, or for one born in a vegetarian family, and the spiritual downfall is assured for those eating meat and drinking. Whether in name of ritual or in name of way of Life, any excuse is bad and not right.




, "numerology_ works" <numerology_works@ ...> wrote:>> Respected all > > This small query is only for Shri Bhaskar sir and Neelam ji so please ...> > This is related to eating NONVEG foods and IMFL(Indian made foreign liquor) : like now in navratri-usually in north india people stop it and IMFL for 9 days-> > There is a writer on Indian history"romila thapar"who has written "pracheen bharat ka itihaas" which is a reference book for UPSC along with "Bharat ka pracheen itihaas" by Radha kumud Mukerjee-they both are equivocal in that ary`s used to eat cow meat(bhaskar sir dont get angry-maine nahin likha)where romila thapar says that it was used in daily foods and r.k.m says that it was used in festivals and other special joyous occasions.I have those books .as i like ancient things a lot god knows why..> In bengal side in durga pooja- meat

and drinks are must and atlest meat of any kind is must in bengali brahmins i am not sure of IMFL.> but basically my question is --"Is eating anything to quench hunger has anything to do with feelings of our soul(s)towards GOD ALMIGHTY"> > Your views on this > > GUSSA mat hona > > Siddharta saxena>

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Respected Bhaskarji:


I am a recent member of the Group and have, so far, refrained from addressing the Group members. Reading that below has induced me to break my silence.


Let me first introduce myself. My name is also Bhaskar. [i was named Manabendranath at birth, according to family custom of names ending with 'indranath', but was enrolled in school as Bhaskar, my nick name, perhaps, because my father's name is Rabindranath - Rabi being one of the several names of Sun.]


I was born on the night of 05.02.1953 at 0046 hrs in Delhi so in terms of Western Astrology it would be 06.02.1953. Both my Rashi and Lagna are Tula.


I am a Bengali Hindu. By caste a Vaidya [Kaviraj.] My caste title is Sharma. In Bengal Vaidyas are considered as that sect of Bramhins dedicated to practicing Ayurveda. Bramhananda Keshab Chandra Sen, Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, Siddharta Shankar Ray, Satyajit Ray, Amartya Sen, Dr Triguna Sen, Priya Ranjan Das Munshi, are some of the illustrious Bengali Vaidyas.


Though most of my family members have abandoned the practice, I am an exception as I wear the sacred thread.


I suppose I am religious in the sense that unlike other members of my family I avoid speaking during meals, perform 'tarpan' during 'pitripaksha' before Durga Puja, begin my work day by going to the Temple to offer Anjali to Ma Kali. I eat only thereafter even if, on some days, interventions end up making me fast till noon.


Couple of years back Shri Shri Swaroopananda Swaraswati Maharaj Ji, the Shankaracharya of Joshimath & Dwarka, appeared in my wife's dream. Subsequently we recieved 'Diksha' from Guruji.


[According to Astro-nadi I was born in a Keralite Bramhin family in my previous birth. My name then was Jayaram. But this I have learnt only very recently.]


Most Bengalis are non-vegetarians, including Bramhins. But if any Bengalis eat proscribed meat [beef, pork,] then they are exceptions. A Bengali Bramhin eating beef would be a rarity. I personally know none except those very few who were born in Bramhin households but are either atheists or agnostics.


Bengalis are mostly either 'shaktas' or 'vaishnavs'. By and large shaktas eat non-veg but vaishnavs do not.


Traditional Bengali households have separate kitchens, and utensils, refrigerators, for Veg and Non-veg. No inter-mingling is allowed.


Bengali widows are vegetarians.


Fish is considered auspicious but no Non-veg is allowed in Puja Room especially if one prays to Lord Vishnu. [unsweetened] Dahi is also considered auspicious.


When I was a child mutton was permitted in the house but not chicken [which was considered unclean.]


In Bengal, as elsewhere in India, 'balidaan' is offered during Puja to Ma Durga and Ma Kali. Buffalo or Goats are sacrificed but never Cows or Chicken or Pigs. Tribals offer Ducks in sacrifice but not caste-Hindus. Instead of flesh vegetables are also offered in 'balidaan' in Bengal. I have never heard of any upper caste Bengali of eating the buffalo meat offered as sacrifice. I suppose it is distributed to the tribals / lower castes for consumption.


In Nepal, I am told Buffalo is sacrificed during Durga Puja and Nepali Hindus do eat Buffalo meat but not Cow meat.


Sorry for carrying on at such length.




Bhaskar DG




siddhartha saxaena

Sunday, March 29, 2009 8:54 AM

Re: Re: A question related to dietary....




Respected SirThanks a lot for your opinion.and I fully agree with you.warm regardssiddhartha saxena

This mail is sent by siddhartha.





Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish (AT) (DOT) co.in> Sent: Saturday, 28 March, 2009 10:58:07 PM Re: A question related to dietary....



Dear Siddartha,

Good Point raised by you.

First of all those who write about Pracheen itihaas of Bharat and mention that Cow meat was a staple food or advocated or eaten daily, are most uneducated, uninformed and the biggets idiots I have ever come across. You may send this comment to the person concerned. If they have said so, then i would consider them a blot on Indian society and culture. Even a small new born child in india knows that we rever the Cow as mother who gives milk, and the communities who eat Cow flesh are not humans but animals in human forms. At least it is not prevalent and nor ever was in Hindus who were the actual original people and citizens and owners of the indian territories. The invaders, the less we talk about them, the more better. My blood boils when we talk of these bloody invaders who have till today spoilt the peace and culture of india with their nonsense . One community engaged in terrorist activities and the other in missionary.

Now about meat eating in bengal, and the comment that the Brahmins would eat any meat, is all rubbish and show me any Brahmin in Bengal eating cow meat. I will kill him with my bare hands.because no real Brahmin would eat Cow meat whether a bengali Brahmin or North indian or South indian or whatever.

Now about drinks IMFL ( Most of them ) is actually not the Malt whisky we have heard about, or think that we drink, but a quality of Whisky which outside the indian boundaries would be recognised as "Indian Rum" and not whisky, because of its low quality. You can read superb descriptions about all types of Whiskies on the Wikipedia, which incidentally I was reading for half an hour last night, to know more about the Yeasts which figure in the process of making liquor.

You must have read the term and heard too , "Jaisa khaye ann waise bane mann". Which literally means that the types of food one gulps down is actually the cause for the feelings and character aroused in one person till the stay of the food in the body. For instance food like meat and drinks which go alongwith, will produce tamasic quality and feelings in the person, which may lead to lust, and gratification of the same, while eating Fruits and milk may lead one to Sattwic feelings and a bent towards God, religion and satsanga. In fact I never eat at anybodys place for the same reasons, that even though they must have prepared Vegeterian food for me, but the feelings in the person who makes the food, is reflected in the vibrations of the food one cooks, and results in transmitting of the same vibrations in the person who eats the same. theres a good story about this , a real story but i do not remember who the person was so cannot relate. But it is so that a Spiritual man was sent to Jail, and during his stay, one day after sleeping he got very wild dreams, and in the morning after contemplation as to why he got such dreams he enquired about who had cooked the food for the jail inmates, and he was informed that the regular cook had left for a small leave, and in his place a inmate prisioner who was booked for murder was assingned this task of cooking the food, in absence of the regular cook.

Now another point. For those who are having and eating Non veg since childhood as born in such families they have a chance to come back to godhead by leaving such stuff gradually, and even if they dont, its not abig crime if they eat so. because thats the way of life for them. But for those who are born in vegetarian families , turning to eating Non veg, just to look smart, and which becomes a habit thereafter, is a big crime and leads one down the scale to degenration and not upliftment. This is just like those born in foreign countries who have sex casually, and kiss on the radside and embrace each other lustily, is not considered a crime, but considered a Taboo in our country, and a big crime in Muslim countries. Thus , desh and kala also matters.

Anyway the crux of the matter under discussion , is that Meat eating is not good whether for one born in a meat eating family, or for one born in a vegetarian family, and the spiritual downfall is assured for those eating meat and drinking. Whether in name of ritual or in name of way of Life, any excuse is bad and not right.




, "numerology_ works" <numerology_works@ ...> wrote:>> Respected all > > This small query is only for Shri Bhaskar sir and Neelam ji so please ...> > This is related to eating NONVEG foods and IMFL(Indian made foreign liquor) : like now in navratri-usually in north india people stop it and IMFL for 9 days-> > There is a writer on Indian history"romila thapar"who has written "pracheen bharat ka itihaas" which is a reference book for UPSC along with "Bharat ka pracheen itihaas" by Radha kumud Mukerjee-they both are equivocal in that ary`s used to eat cow meat(bhaskar sir dont get angry-maine nahin likha)where romila thapar says that it was used in daily foods and r.k.m says that it was used in festivals and other special joyous occasions.I have those books .as i like ancient things a lot god knows why..> In bengal side in durga pooja- meat and drinks are must and atlest meat of any kind is must in bengali brahmins i am not sure of IMFL.> but basically my question is --"Is eating anything to quench hunger has anything to do with feelings of our soul(s)towards GOD ALMIGHTY"> > Your views on this > > GUSSA mat hona > > Siddharta saxena>


From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India.

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Dear Gupta ji,


I am sorry for responding late, because of pre-occupation and wanting to

re-read your mail at leisure before replying.


It is our pleasure to have you among us. Wearing the sacred thread

(necessary for Brahmins) , avoiding speaking while eating, offering

tarpan to Pitrus, going to temple, eating only after having offered Bhog

to the Diety you revere, are actually normal and usual rules which we

must follow , BUT unfortunately very few of us are doing so these days.

Its good to know that You are doing what you are supposed to do.


Yes I know something about Bengal and agree to your views about Bengali

Brahmins. Brinjals too are offered in place of flesh. I have stayed in

Calcutta every year for a month or so, in the earlier years of my Life,

and am missing the feel, freshness and the air of Calcutta with the

local people who may be poor but large hearted when it comes to Unity

and raising voice for a collective cause. the memories of cacutta make

me nostalgic. We still have our house there at Bada Bazaar.


You may please feel free to be more active on the Group.











, Bhaskar Dutta Gupta

<arundhuti_dg wrote:


> Respected Bhaskarji:


> I am a recent member of the Group and have, so far, refrained from

addressing the Group members. Reading that below has induced me to break

my silence.


> Let me first introduce myself. My name is also Bhaskar. [i was named

Manabendranath at birth, according to family custom of names ending with

'indranath', but was enrolled in school as Bhaskar, my nick name,

perhaps, because my father's name is Rabindranath - Rabi being one of

the several names of Sun.]


> I was born on the night of 05.02.1953 at 0046 hrs in Delhi so in terms

of Western Astrology it would be 06.02.1953. Both my Rashi and Lagna are



> I am a Bengali Hindu. By caste a Vaidya [Kaviraj.] My caste title is

Sharma. In Bengal Vaidyas are considered as that sect of Bramhins

dedicated to practicing Ayurveda. Bramhananda Keshab Chandra Sen,

Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, Siddharta Shankar Ray, Satyajit Ray,

Amartya Sen, Dr Triguna Sen, Priya Ranjan Das Munshi, are some of the

illustrious Bengali Vaidyas.


> Though most of my family members have abandoned the practice, I am an

exception as I wear the sacred thread.


> I suppose I am religious in the sense that unlike other members of my

family I avoid speaking during meals, perform 'tarpan' during

'pitripaksha' before Durga Puja, begin my work day by going to the

Temple to offer Anjali to Ma Kali. I eat only thereafter even if, on

some days, interventions end up making me fast till noon.


> Couple of years back Shri Shri Swaroopananda Swaraswati Maharaj Ji,

the Shankaracharya of Joshimath & Dwarka, appeared in my wife's dream.

Subsequently we recieved 'Diksha' from Guruji.


> [According to Astro-nadi I was born in a Keralite Bramhin family in my

previous birth. My name then was Jayaram. But this I have learnt only

very recently.]


> Most Bengalis are non-vegetarians, including Bramhins. But if any

Bengalis eat proscribed meat [beef, pork,] then they are exceptions. A

Bengali Bramhin eating beef would be a rarity. I personally know none

except those very few who were born in Bramhin households but are either

atheists or agnostics.


> Bengalis are mostly either 'shaktas' or 'vaishnavs'. By and large

shaktas eat non-veg but vaishnavs do not.


> Traditional Bengali households have separate kitchens, and utensils,

refrigerators, for Veg and Non-veg. No inter-mingling is allowed.


> Bengali widows are vegetarians.


> Fish is considered auspicious but no Non-veg is allowed in Puja Room

especially if one prays to Lord Vishnu. [unsweetened] Dahi is also

considered auspicious.


> When I was a child mutton was permitted in the house but not chicken

[which was considered unclean.]


> In Bengal, as elsewhere in India, 'balidaan' is offered during Puja to

Ma Durga and Ma Kali. Buffalo or Goats are sacrificed but never Cows or

Chicken or Pigs. Tribals offer Ducks in sacrifice but not caste-Hindus.

Instead of flesh vegetables are also offered in 'balidaan' in Bengal. I

have never heard of any upper caste Bengali of eating the buffalo meat

offered as sacrifice. I suppose it is distributed to the tribals / lower

castes for consumption.


> In Nepal, I am told Buffalo is sacrificed during Durga Puja and Nepali

Hindus do eat Buffalo meat but not Cow meat.


> Sorry for carrying on at such length.


> Regards,


> Bhaskar DG


> -

> siddhartha saxaena


> Sunday, March 29, 2009 8:54 AM

> Re: Re: A question related to dietary....




> Respected Sir


> Thanks a lot for your opinion.and I fully agree with you.


> warm regards

> siddhartha saxena



> This mail is sent by siddhartha.









> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish


> Saturday, 28 March, 2009 10:58:07 PM

> Re: A question related to dietary....




> Dear Siddartha,

> Good Point raised by you.

> First of all those who write about Pracheen itihaas of Bharat and

mention that Cow meat was a staple food or advocated or eaten daily, are

most uneducated, uninformed and the biggets idiots I have ever come

across. You may send this comment to the person concerned. If they have

said so, then i would consider them a blot on Indian society and

culture. Even a small new born child in india knows that we rever the

Cow as mother who gives milk, and the communities who eat Cow flesh are

not humans but animals in human forms. At least it is not prevalent and

nor ever was in Hindus who were the actual original people and citizens

and owners of the indian territories. The invaders, the less we talk

about them, the more better. My blood boils when we talk of these bloody

invaders who have till today spoilt the peace and culture of india with

their nonsense . One community engaged in terrorist activities and the

other in missionary.

> Now about meat eating in bengal, and the comment that the Brahmins

would eat any meat, is all rubbish and show me any Brahmin in Bengal

eating cow meat. I will kill him with my bare hands.because no real

Brahmin would eat Cow meat whether a bengali Brahmin or North indian or

South indian or whatever.

> Now about drinks IMFL ( Most of them ) is actually not the Malt whisky

we have heard about, or think that we drink, but a quality of Whisky

which outside the indian boundaries would be recognised as " Indian Rum "

and not whisky, because of its low quality. You can read superb

descriptions about all types of Whiskies on the Wikipedia, which

incidentally I was reading for half an hour last night, to know more

about the Yeasts which figure in the process of making liquor.

> You must have read the term and heard too , " Jaisa khaye ann waise

bane mann " . Which literally means that the types of food one gulps down

is actually the cause for the feelings and character aroused in one

person till the stay of the food in the body. For instance food like

meat and drinks which go alongwith, will produce tamasic quality and

feelings in the person, which may lead to lust, and gratification of the

same, while eating Fruits and milk may lead one to Sattwic feelings and

a bent towards God, religion and satsanga. In fact I never eat at

anybodys place for the same reasons, that even though they must have

prepared Vegeterian food for me, but the feelings in the person who

makes the food, is reflected in the vibrations of the food one cooks,

and results in transmitting of the same vibrations in the person who

eats the same. theres a good story about this , a real story but i do

not remember who the person was so cannot relate. But it is so that a

Spiritual man was sent to Jail, and during his stay, one day after

sleeping he got very wild dreams, and in the morning after contemplation

as to why he got such dreams he enquired about who had cooked the food

for the jail inmates, and he was informed that the regular cook had left

for a small leave, and in his place a inmate prisioner who was booked

for murder was assingned this task of cooking the food, in absence of

the regular cook.

> Now another point. For those who are having and eating Non veg since

childhood as born in such families they have a chance to come back to

godhead by leaving such stuff gradually, and even if they dont, its not

abig crime if they eat so. because thats the way of life for them. But

for those who are born in vegetarian families , turning to eating Non

veg, just to look smart, and which becomes a habit thereafter, is a big

crime and leads one down the scale to degenration and not upliftment.

This is just like those born in foreign countries who have sex casually,

and kiss on the radside and embrace each other lustily, is not

considered a crime, but considered a Taboo in our country, and a big

crime in Muslim countries. Thus , desh and kala also matters.

> Anyway the crux of the matter under discussion , is that Meat eating

is not good whether for one born in a meat eating family, or for one

born in a vegetarian family, and the spiritual downfall is assured for

those eating meat and drinking. Whether in name of ritual or in name of

way of Life, any excuse is bad and not right.

> regards/Bhaskar.




> , " numerology_ works "

<numerology_works@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Respected all

> >

> > This small query is only for Shri Bhaskar sir and Neelam ji so

please ...

> >

> > This is related to eating NONVEG foods and IMFL(Indian made foreign

liquor) : like now in navratri-usually in north india people stop it and

IMFL for 9 days-

> >

> > There is a writer on Indian history " romila thapar " who has written

" pracheen bharat ka itihaas " which is a reference book for UPSC along

with " Bharat ka pracheen itihaas " by Radha kumud Mukerjee-they both are

equivocal in that ary`s used to eat cow meat(bhaskar sir dont get

angry-maine nahin likha)where romila thapar says that it was used in

daily foods and r.k.m says that it was used in festivals and other

special joyous occasions.I have those books .as i like ancient things a

lot god knows why..

> > In bengal side in durga pooja- meat and drinks are must and atlest

meat of any kind is must in bengali brahmins i am not sure of IMFL.

> > but basically my question is -- " Is eating anything to quench hunger

has anything to do with feelings of our soul(s)towards GOD ALMIGHTY "

> >

> > Your views on this

> >

> > GUSSA mat hona

> >

> > Siddharta saxena

> >







> From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India.


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Namskaram ,


I am Ramakrishna ,aged 47 years, from Hyderabad, by birth i am a bhramin , my family is not a very traditional but bhakti and pooja performed every day at home. As a youngster during my age of between 20-25 I use to eat and drink alcohol , after my wedding i have given up both non-veg and drinks. I see lot of change in my attitude. Now, i am very clam and soft which was not the case during those day, I think this way consuming non-veg food may be avoided.



09949533316 - Cell





Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Sent: Thursday, 2 April, 2009 12:57:16 PM Re: A question related to dietary....


Dear Gupta ji,I am sorry for responding late, because of pre-occupation and wanting tore-read your mail at leisure before replying.It is our pleasure to have you among us. Wearing the sacred thread(necessary for Brahmins) , avoiding speaking while eating, offeringtarpan to Pitrus, going to temple, eating only after having offered Bhogto the Diety you revere, are actually normal and usual rules which wemust follow , BUT unfortunately very few of us are doing so these days. Its good to know that You are doing what you are supposed to do.Yes I know something about Bengal and agree to your views about BengaliBrahmins. Brinjals too are offered in place of flesh. I have stayed inCalcutta every year for a month or so, in the earlier years of my Life,and am missing the feel, freshness and the air of Calcutta with thelocal people who may be poor but large hearted when it comes to Unityand

raising voice for a collective cause. the memories of cacutta makeme nostalgic. We still have our house there at Bada Bazaar.You may please feel free to be more active on the Group.regards,Bhaskar., Bhaskar Dutta Gupta<arundhuti_dg@ ...> wrote:>> Respected Bhaskarji:>> I am a recent member of the Group and have, so far, refrained fromaddressing the Group members. Reading that below has induced me to breakmy silence.>> Let me first introduce myself. My name is also Bhaskar. [i was namedManabendranath at birth, according to family custom of names ending with'indranath', but was enrolled in school as Bhaskar, my nick name,perhaps, because my father's name is Rabindranath - Rabi being

one ofthe several names of Sun.]>> I was born on the night of 05.02.1953 at 0046 hrs in Delhi so in termsof Western Astrology it would be 06.02.1953. Both my Rashi and Lagna areTula.>> I am a Bengali Hindu. By caste a Vaidya [Kaviraj.] My caste title isSharma. In Bengal Vaidyas are considered as that sect of Bramhinsdedicated to practicing Ayurveda. Bramhananda Keshab Chandra Sen,Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, Siddharta Shankar Ray, Satyajit Ray,Amartya Sen, Dr Triguna Sen, Priya Ranjan Das Munshi, are some of theillustrious Bengali Vaidyas.>> Though most of my family members have abandoned the practice, I am anexception as I wear the sacred thread.>> I suppose I am religious in the sense that unlike other members of myfamily I avoid speaking during meals, perform 'tarpan' during'pitripaksha' before Durga Puja, begin my work day by going to theTemple to

offer Anjali to Ma Kali. I eat only thereafter even if, onsome days, interventions end up making me fast till noon.>> Couple of years back Shri Shri Swaroopananda Swaraswati Maharaj Ji,the Shankaracharya of Joshimath & Dwarka, appeared in my wife's dream.Subsequently we recieved 'Diksha' from Guruji.>> [According to Astro-nadi I was born in a Keralite Bramhin family in myprevious birth. My name then was Jayaram. But this I have learnt onlyvery recently.]>> Most Bengalis are non-vegetarians, including Bramhins. But if anyBengalis eat proscribed meat [beef, pork,] then they are exceptions. ABengali Bramhin eating beef would be a rarity. I personally know noneexcept those very few who were born in Bramhin households but are eitheratheists or agnostics.>> Bengalis are mostly either 'shaktas' or 'vaishnavs'. By and largeshaktas eat non-veg but vaishnavs do

not.>> Traditional Bengali households have separate kitchens, and utensils,refrigerators, for Veg and Non-veg. No inter-mingling is allowed.>> Bengali widows are vegetarians.>> Fish is considered auspicious but no Non-veg is allowed in Puja Roomespecially if one prays to Lord Vishnu. [unsweetened] Dahi is alsoconsidered auspicious.>> When I was a child mutton was permitted in the house but not chicken[which was considered unclean.]>> In Bengal, as elsewhere in India, 'balidaan' is offered during Puja toMa Durga and Ma Kali. Buffalo or Goats are sacrificed but never Cows orChicken or Pigs. Tribals offer Ducks in sacrifice but not caste-Hindus.Instead of flesh vegetables are also offered in 'balidaan' in Bengal. Ihave never heard of any upper caste Bengali of eating the buffalo meatoffered as sacrifice. I suppose it is distributed to the tribals /

lowercastes for consumption.>> In Nepal, I am told Buffalo is sacrificed during Durga Puja and NepaliHindus do eat Buffalo meat but not Cow meat.>> Sorry for carrying on at such length.>> Regards,>> Bhaskar DG>> -> siddhartha saxaena> > Sunday, March 29, 2009 8:54 AM> Re: Re: A question related to dietary....>>>> Respected Sir>> Thanks a lot for your opinion.and I fully agree with you.>> warm regards> siddhartha saxena>>> This mail is sent by siddhartha.>>>>>>------------ --------- ---------

--------- --------- --------- -\------> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish@ ...> > Saturday, 28 March, 2009 10:58:07 PM> Re: A question related to dietary....>>>> Dear Siddartha,> Good Point raised by you.> First of all those who write about Pracheen itihaas of Bharat andmention that Cow meat was a staple food or advocated or eaten daily, aremost uneducated, uninformed and the biggets idiots I have ever comeacross. You may send this comment to the person concerned. If they havesaid so, then i would consider them a blot on Indian society andculture. Even a small new born child in india knows that we rever theCow as mother who gives milk, and the communities who eat Cow

flesh arenot humans but animals in human forms. At least it is not prevalent andnor ever was in Hindus who were the actual original people and citizensand owners of the indian territories. The invaders, the less we talkabout them, the more better. My blood boils when we talk of these bloodyinvaders who have till today spoilt the peace and culture of india withtheir nonsense . One community engaged in terrorist activities and theother in missionary.> Now about meat eating in bengal, and the comment that the Brahminswould eat any meat, is all rubbish and show me any Brahmin in Bengaleating cow meat. I will kill him with my bare hands.because no realBrahmin would eat Cow meat whether a bengali Brahmin or North indian orSouth indian or whatever.> Now about drinks IMFL ( Most of them ) is actually not the Malt whiskywe have heard about, or think that we drink, but a quality of Whiskywhich

outside the indian boundaries would be recognised as "Indian Rum"and not whisky, because of its low quality. You can read superbdescriptions about all types of Whiskies on the Wikipedia, whichincidentally I was reading for half an hour last night, to know moreabout the Yeasts which figure in the process of making liquor.> You must have read the term and heard too , "Jaisa khaye ann waisebane mann". Which literally means that the types of food one gulps downis actually the cause for the feelings and character aroused in oneperson till the stay of the food in the body. For instance food likemeat and drinks which go alongwith, will produce tamasic quality andfeelings in the person, which may lead to lust, and gratification of thesame, while eating Fruits and milk may lead one to Sattwic feelings anda bent towards God, religion and satsanga. In fact I never eat atanybodys place for the same reasons,

that even though they must haveprepared Vegeterian food for me, but the feelings in the person whomakes the food, is reflected in the vibrations of the food one cooks,and results in transmitting of the same vibrations in the person whoeats the same. theres a good story about this , a real story but i donot remember who the person was so cannot relate. But it is so that aSpiritual man was sent to Jail, and during his stay, one day aftersleeping he got very wild dreams, and in the morning after contemplationas to why he got such dreams he enquired about who had cooked the foodfor the jail inmates, and he was informed that the regular cook had leftfor a small leave, and in his place a inmate prisioner who was bookedfor murder was assingned this task of cooking the food, in absence ofthe regular cook.> Now another point. For those who are having and eating Non veg sincechildhood as born in such

families they have a chance to come back togodhead by leaving such stuff gradually, and even if they dont, its notabig crime if they eat so. because thats the way of life for them. Butfor those who are born in vegetarian families , turning to eating Nonveg, just to look smart, and which becomes a habit thereafter, is a bigcrime and leads one down the scale to degenration and not upliftment.This is just like those born in foreign countries who have sex casually,and kiss on the radside and embrace each other lustily, is notconsidered a crime, but considered a Taboo in our country, and a bigcrime in Muslim countries. Thus , desh and kala also matters.> Anyway the crux of the matter under discussion , is that Meat eatingis not good whether for one born in a meat eating family, or for oneborn in a vegetarian family, and the spiritual downfall is assured forthose eating meat and drinking. Whether in name

of ritual or in name ofway of Life, any excuse is bad and not right.> regards/Bhaskar.>>>> , "numerology_ works"<numerology_ works@ ...> wrote:> >> > Respected all> >> > This small query is only for Shri Bhaskar sir and Neelam ji soplease ...> >> > This is related to eating NONVEG foods and IMFL(Indian made foreignliquor) : like now in navratri-usually in north india people stop it andIMFL for 9 days-> >> > There is a writer on Indian history"romila thapar"who has written"pracheen bharat ka itihaas" which is a reference book for UPSC alongwith "Bharat ka pracheen itihaas" by Radha kumud Mukerjee-they both areequivocal in that ary`s used to eat cow meat(bhaskar sir dont getangry-maine nahin likha)where romila thapar says that it was used indaily foods and

r.k.m says that it was used in festivals and otherspecial joyous occasions.I have those books .as i like ancient things alot god knows why..> > In bengal side in durga pooja- meat and drinks are must and atlestmeat of any kind is must in bengali brahmins i am not sure of IMFL.> > but basically my question is --"Is eating anything to quench hungerhas anything to do with feelings of our soul(s)towards GOD ALMIGHTY"> >> > Your views on this> >> > GUSSA mat hona> >> > Siddharta saxena> >>>>>------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\------> From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. >

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Respected Bhaskarji:


Thank you for your reply. I am happy to have joined the Group.




Bhaskar DG





Thursday, April 02, 2009 12:57 PM

Re: A question related to dietary....



Dear Gupta ji,I am sorry for responding late, because of pre-occupation and wanting tore-read your mail at leisure before replying.It is our pleasure to have you among us. Wearing the sacred thread(necessary for Brahmins) , avoiding speaking while eating, offeringtarpan to Pitrus, going to temple, eating only after having offered Bhogto the Diety you revere, are actually normal and usual rules which wemust follow , BUT unfortunately very few of us are doing so these days. Its good to know that You are doing what you are supposed to do.Yes I know something about Bengal and agree to your views about BengaliBrahmins. Brinjals too are offered in place of flesh. I have stayed inCalcutta every year for a month or so, in the earlier years of my Life,and am missing the feel, freshness and the air of Calcutta with thelocal people who may be poor but large hearted when it comes to Unityand raising voice for a collective cause. the memories of cacutta makeme nostalgic. We still have our house there at Bada Bazaar.You may please feel free to be more active on the Group.regards,Bhaskar. , Bhaskar Dutta Gupta<arundhuti_dg wrote:>> Respected Bhaskarji:>> I am a recent member of the Group and have, so far, refrained fromaddressing the Group members. Reading that below has induced me to breakmy silence.>> Let me first introduce myself. My name is also Bhaskar. [i was namedManabendranath at birth, according to family custom of names ending with'indranath', but was enrolled in school as Bhaskar, my nick name,perhaps, because my father's name is Rabindranath - Rabi being one ofthe several names of Sun.]>> I was born on the night of 05.02.1953 at 0046 hrs in Delhi so in termsof Western Astrology it would be 06.02.1953. Both my Rashi and Lagna areTula.>> I am a Bengali Hindu. By caste a Vaidya [Kaviraj.] My caste title isSharma. In Bengal Vaidyas are considered as that sect of Bramhinsdedicated to practicing Ayurveda. Bramhananda Keshab Chandra Sen,Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, Siddharta Shankar Ray, Satyajit Ray,Amartya Sen, Dr Triguna Sen, Priya Ranjan Das Munshi, are some of theillustrious Bengali Vaidyas.>> Though most of my family members have abandoned the practice, I am anexception as I wear the sacred thread.>> I suppose I am religious in the sense that unlike other members of myfamily I avoid speaking during meals, perform 'tarpan' during'pitripaksha' before Durga Puja, begin my work day by going to theTemple to offer Anjali to Ma Kali. I eat only thereafter even if, onsome days, interventions end up making me fast till noon.>> Couple of years back Shri Shri Swaroopananda Swaraswati Maharaj Ji,the Shankaracharya of Joshimath & Dwarka, appeared in my wife's dream.Subsequently we recieved 'Diksha' from Guruji.>> [According to Astro-nadi I was born in a Keralite Bramhin family in myprevious birth. My name then was Jayaram. But this I have learnt onlyvery recently.]>> Most Bengalis are non-vegetarians, including Bramhins. But if anyBengalis eat proscribed meat [beef, pork,] then they are exceptions. ABengali Bramhin eating beef would be a rarity. I personally know noneexcept those very few who were born in Bramhin households but are eitheratheists or agnostics.>> Bengalis are mostly either 'shaktas' or 'vaishnavs'. By and largeshaktas eat non-veg but vaishnavs do not.>> Traditional Bengali households have separate kitchens, and utensils,refrigerators, for Veg and Non-veg. No inter-mingling is allowed.>> Bengali widows are vegetarians.>> Fish is considered auspicious but no Non-veg is allowed in Puja Roomespecially if one prays to Lord Vishnu. [unsweetened] Dahi is alsoconsidered auspicious.>> When I was a child mutton was permitted in the house but not chicken[which was considered unclean.]>> In Bengal, as elsewhere in India, 'balidaan' is offered during Puja toMa Durga and Ma Kali. Buffalo or Goats are sacrificed but never Cows orChicken or Pigs. Tribals offer Ducks in sacrifice but not caste-Hindus.Instead of flesh vegetables are also offered in 'balidaan' in Bengal. Ihave never heard of any upper caste Bengali of eating the buffalo meatoffered as sacrifice. I suppose it is distributed to the tribals / lowercastes for consumption.>> In Nepal, I am told Buffalo is sacrificed during Durga Puja and NepaliHindus do eat Buffalo meat but not Cow meat.>> Sorry for carrying on at such length.>> Regards,>> Bhaskar DG>> -> siddhartha saxaena> > Sunday, March 29, 2009 8:54 AM> Re: Re: A question related to dietary....>>>> Respected Sir>> Thanks a lot for your opinion.and I fully agree with you.>> warm regards> siddhartha saxena>>> This mail is sent by siddhartha.>>>>>>-------------------------\------> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish > Saturday, 28 March, 2009 10:58:07 PM> Re: A question related to dietary....>>>> Dear Siddartha,> Good Point raised by you.> First of all those who write about Pracheen itihaas of Bharat andmention that Cow meat was a staple food or advocated or eaten daily, aremost uneducated, uninformed and the biggets idiots I have ever comeacross. You may send this comment to the person concerned. If they havesaid so, then i would consider them a blot on Indian society andculture. Even a small new born child in india knows that we rever theCow as mother who gives milk, and the communities who eat Cow flesh arenot humans but animals in human forms. At least it is not prevalent andnor ever was in Hindus who were the actual original people and citizensand owners of the indian territories. The invaders, the less we talkabout them, the more better. My blood boils when we talk of these bloodyinvaders who have till today spoilt the peace and culture of india withtheir nonsense . One community engaged in terrorist activities and theother in missionary.> Now about meat eating in bengal, and the comment that the Brahminswould eat any meat, is all rubbish and show me any Brahmin in Bengaleating cow meat. I will kill him with my bare hands.because no realBrahmin would eat Cow meat whether a bengali Brahmin or North indian orSouth indian or whatever.> Now about drinks IMFL ( Most of them ) is actually not the Malt whiskywe have heard about, or think that we drink, but a quality of Whiskywhich outside the indian boundaries would be recognised as "Indian Rum"and not whisky, because of its low quality. You can read superbdescriptions about all types of Whiskies on the Wikipedia, whichincidentally I was reading for half an hour last night, to know moreabout the Yeasts which figure in the process of making liquor.> You must have read the term and heard too , "Jaisa khaye ann waisebane mann". Which literally means that the types of food one gulps downis actually the cause for the feelings and character aroused in oneperson till the stay of the food in the body. For instance food likemeat and drinks which go alongwith, will produce tamasic quality andfeelings in the person, which may lead to lust, and gratification of thesame, while eating Fruits and milk may lead one to Sattwic feelings anda bent towards God, religion and satsanga. In fact I never eat atanybodys place for the same reasons, that even though they must haveprepared Vegeterian food for me, but the feelings in the person whomakes the food, is reflected in the vibrations of the food one cooks,and results in transmitting of the same vibrations in the person whoeats the same. theres a good story about this , a real story but i donot remember who the person was so cannot relate. But it is so that aSpiritual man was sent to Jail, and during his stay, one day aftersleeping he got very wild dreams, and in the morning after contemplationas to why he got such dreams he enquired about who had cooked the foodfor the jail inmates, and he was informed that the regular cook had leftfor a small leave, and in his place a inmate prisioner who was bookedfor murder was assingned this task of cooking the food, in absence ofthe regular cook.> Now another point. For those who are having and eating Non veg sincechildhood as born in such families they have a chance to come back togodhead by leaving such stuff gradually, and even if they dont, its notabig crime if they eat so. because thats the way of life for them. Butfor those who are born in vegetarian families , turning to eating Nonveg, just to look smart, and which becomes a habit thereafter, is a bigcrime and leads one down the scale to degenration and not upliftment.This is just like those born in foreign countries who have sex casually,and kiss on the radside and embrace each other lustily, is notconsidered a crime, but considered a Taboo in our country, and a bigcrime in Muslim countries. Thus , desh and kala also matters.> Anyway the crux of the matter under discussion , is that Meat eatingis not good whether for one born in a meat eating family, or for oneborn in a vegetarian family, and the spiritual downfall is assured forthose eating meat and drinking. Whether in name of ritual or in name ofway of Life, any excuse is bad and not right.> regards/Bhaskar.>>>> , "numerology_ works"<numerology_works@ ...> wrote:> >> > Respected all> >> > This small query is only for Shri Bhaskar sir and Neelam ji soplease ...> >> > This is related to eating NONVEG foods and IMFL(Indian made foreignliquor) : like now in navratri-usually in north india people stop it andIMFL for 9 days-> >> > There is a writer on Indian history"romila thapar"who has written"pracheen bharat ka itihaas" which is a reference book for UPSC alongwith "Bharat ka pracheen itihaas" by Radha kumud Mukerjee-they both areequivocal in that ary`s used to eat cow meat(bhaskar sir dont getangry-maine nahin likha)where romila thapar says that it was used indaily foods and r.k.m says that it was used in festivals and otherspecial joyous occasions.I have those books .as i like ancient things alot god knows why..> > In bengal side in durga pooja- meat and drinks are must and atlestmeat of any kind is must in bengali brahmins i am not sure of IMFL.> > but basically my question is --"Is eating anything to quench hungerhas anything to do with feelings of our soul(s)towards GOD ALMIGHTY"> >> > Your views on this> >> > GUSSA mat hona> >> > Siddharta saxena> >>>>>-------------------------\------> From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. >

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Respected Bhaskar ji / Neelam ji:


Hope this will find you both well.


Since joining the Group I try to follow the exchanges between you and other members of the Group. Some of the queries are quite interesting.


I believe every Planet has its distinctive traits. I am curious to learn how Saturn affects the Chart.


Here in Bengal, many Astrologers refer to Saturn as 'Graharaj' and also as 'Sadhak Graha'. According to such Astrologers Saturn is the Planet of 'trials & tribulations', a Teacher, who teaches by bringing one down to earth by inflicting pain, misery, hardship in order that one may learn 'duniyadari' and thus be purged of human failings. Further, according to such Astrologers, Saturn, by this process, turns one towards religiousness, ascetism. They also compare Saturn with the Sea / Ocean [which eventually returns to the beach what it swept away] in the sense that Saturn does not inflict permanent damage but restores manifold what it takes.


I should like to know your views.


I am particularly curious to learn how Ascendant but Retrograde Saturn posited in Lagna is likely to influence the Chart.




Bhaskar DG


- Bhaskar Dutta Gupta

Sunday, April 12, 2009 12:16 PM

Re: Re: A question related to dietary....


Respected Bhaskarji:


Thank you for your reply. I am happy to have joined the Group.




Bhaskar DG





Thursday, April 02, 2009 12:57 PM

Re: A question related to dietary....



Dear Gupta ji,I am sorry for responding late, because of pre-occupation and wanting tore-read your mail at leisure before replying.It is our pleasure to have you among us. Wearing the sacred thread(necessary for Brahmins) , avoiding speaking while eating, offeringtarpan to Pitrus, going to temple, eating only after having offered Bhogto the Diety you revere, are actually normal and usual rules which wemust follow , BUT unfortunately very few of us are doing so these days. Its good to know that You are doing what you are supposed to do.Yes I know something about Bengal and agree to your views about BengaliBrahmins. Brinjals too are offered in place of flesh. I have stayed inCalcutta every year for a month or so, in the earlier years of my Life,and am missing the feel, freshness and the air of Calcutta with thelocal people who may be poor but large hearted when it comes to Unityand raising voice for a collective cause. the memories of cacutta makeme nostalgic. We still have our house there at Bada Bazaar.You may please feel free to be more active on the Group.regards,Bhaskar. , Bhaskar Dutta Gupta<arundhuti_dg wrote:>> Respected Bhaskarji:>> I am a recent member of the Group and have, so far, refrained fromaddressing the Group members. Reading that below has induced me to breakmy silence.>> Let me first introduce myself. My name is also Bhaskar. [i was namedManabendranath at birth, according to family custom of names ending with'indranath', but was enrolled in school as Bhaskar, my nick name,perhaps, because my father's name is Rabindranath - Rabi being one ofthe several names of Sun.]>> I was born on the night of 05.02.1953 at 0046 hrs in Delhi so in termsof Western Astrology it would be 06.02.1953. Both my Rashi and Lagna areTula.>> I am a Bengali Hindu. By caste a Vaidya [Kaviraj.] My caste title isSharma. In Bengal Vaidyas are considered as that sect of Bramhinsdedicated to practicing Ayurveda. Bramhananda Keshab Chandra Sen,Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, Siddharta Shankar Ray, Satyajit Ray,Amartya Sen, Dr Triguna Sen, Priya Ranjan Das Munshi, are some of theillustrious Bengali Vaidyas.>> Though most of my family members have abandoned the practice, I am anexception as I wear the sacred thread.>> I suppose I am religious in the sense that unlike other members of myfamily I avoid speaking during meals, perform 'tarpan' during'pitripaksha' before Durga Puja, begin my work day by going to theTemple to offer Anjali to Ma Kali. I eat only thereafter even if, onsome days, interventions end up making me fast till noon.>> Couple of years back Shri Shri Swaroopananda Swaraswati Maharaj Ji,the Shankaracharya of Joshimath & Dwarka, appeared in my wife's dream.Subsequently we recieved 'Diksha' from Guruji.>> [According to Astro-nadi I was born in a Keralite Bramhin family in myprevious birth. My name then was Jayaram. But this I have learnt onlyvery recently.]>> Most Bengalis are non-vegetarians, including Bramhins. But if anyBengalis eat proscribed meat [beef, pork,] then they are exceptions. ABengali Bramhin eating beef would be a rarity. I personally know noneexcept those very few who were born in Bramhin households but are eitheratheists or agnostics.>> Bengalis are mostly either 'shaktas' or 'vaishnavs'. By and largeshaktas eat non-veg but vaishnavs do not.>> Traditional Bengali households have separate kitchens, and utensils,refrigerators, for Veg and Non-veg. No inter-mingling is allowed.>> Bengali widows are vegetarians.>> Fish is considered auspicious but no Non-veg is allowed in Puja Roomespecially if one prays to Lord Vishnu. [unsweetened] Dahi is alsoconsidered auspicious.>> When I was a child mutton was permitted in the house but not chicken[which was considered unclean.]>> In Bengal, as elsewhere in India, 'balidaan' is offered during Puja toMa Durga and Ma Kali. Buffalo or Goats are sacrificed but never Cows orChicken or Pigs. Tribals offer Ducks in sacrifice but not caste-Hindus.Instead of flesh vegetables are also offered in 'balidaan' in Bengal. Ihave never heard of any upper caste Bengali of eating the buffalo meatoffered as sacrifice. I suppose it is distributed to the tribals / lowercastes for consumption.>> In Nepal, I am told Buffalo is sacrificed during Durga Puja and NepaliHindus do eat Buffalo meat but not Cow meat.>> Sorry for carrying on at such length.>> Regards,>> Bhaskar DG>> -> siddhartha saxaena> > Sunday, March 29, 2009 8:54 AM> Re: Re: A question related to dietary....>>>> Respected Sir>> Thanks a lot for your opinion.and I fully agree with you.>> warm regards> siddhartha saxena>>> This mail is sent by siddhartha.>>>>>>-------------------------\------> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish > Saturday, 28 March, 2009 10:58:07 PM> Re: A question related to dietary....>>>> Dear Siddartha,> Good Point raised by you.> First of all those who write about Pracheen itihaas of Bharat andmention that Cow meat was a staple food or advocated or eaten daily, aremost uneducated, uninformed and the biggets idiots I have ever comeacross. You may send this comment to the person concerned. If they havesaid so, then i would consider them a blot on Indian society andculture. Even a small new born child in india knows that we rever theCow as mother who gives milk, and the communities who eat Cow flesh arenot humans but animals in human forms. At least it is not prevalent andnor ever was in Hindus who were the actual original people and citizensand owners of the indian territories. The invaders, the less we talkabout them, the more better. My blood boils when we talk of these bloodyinvaders who have till today spoilt the peace and culture of india withtheir nonsense . One community engaged in terrorist activities and theother in missionary.> Now about meat eating in bengal, and the comment that the Brahminswould eat any meat, is all rubbish and show me any Brahmin in Bengaleating cow meat. I will kill him with my bare hands.because no realBrahmin would eat Cow meat whether a bengali Brahmin or North indian orSouth indian or whatever.> Now about drinks IMFL ( Most of them ) is actually not the Malt whiskywe have heard about, or think that we drink, but a quality of Whiskywhich outside the indian boundaries would be recognised as "Indian Rum"and not whisky, because of its low quality. You can read superbdescriptions about all types of Whiskies on the Wikipedia, whichincidentally I was reading for half an hour last night, to know moreabout the Yeasts which figure in the process of making liquor.> You must have read the term and heard too , "Jaisa khaye ann waisebane mann". Which literally means that the types of food one gulps downis actually the cause for the feelings and character aroused in oneperson till the stay of the food in the body. For instance food likemeat and drinks which go alongwith, will produce tamasic quality andfeelings in the person, which may lead to lust, and gratification of thesame, while eating Fruits and milk may lead one to Sattwic feelings anda bent towards God, religion and satsanga. In fact I never eat atanybodys place for the same reasons, that even though they must haveprepared Vegeterian food for me, but the feelings in the person whomakes the food, is reflected in the vibrations of the food one cooks,and results in transmitting of the same vibrations in the person whoeats the same. theres a good story about this , a real story but i donot remember who the person was so cannot relate. But it is so that aSpiritual man was sent to Jail, and during his stay, one day aftersleeping he got very wild dreams, and in the morning after contemplationas to why he got such dreams he enquired about who had cooked the foodfor the jail inmates, and he was informed that the regular cook had leftfor a small leave, and in his place a inmate prisioner who was bookedfor murder was assingned this task of cooking the food, in absence ofthe regular cook.> Now another point. For those who are having and eating Non veg sincechildhood as born in such families they have a chance to come back togodhead by leaving such stuff gradually, and even if they dont, its notabig crime if they eat so. because thats the way of life for them. Butfor those who are born in vegetarian families , turning to eating Nonveg, just to look smart, and which becomes a habit thereafter, is a bigcrime and leads one down the scale to degenration and not upliftment.This is just like those born in foreign countries who have sex casually,and kiss on the radside and embrace each other lustily, is notconsidered a crime, but considered a Taboo in our country, and a bigcrime in Muslim countries. Thus , desh and kala also matters.> Anyway the crux of the matter under discussion , is that Meat eatingis not good whether for one born in a meat eating family, or for oneborn in a vegetarian family, and the spiritual downfall is assured forthose eating meat and drinking. Whether in name of ritual or in name ofway of Life, any excuse is bad and not right.> regards/Bhaskar.>>>> , "numerology_ works"<numerology_works@ ...> wrote:> >> > Respected all> >> > This small query is only for Shri Bhaskar sir and Neelam ji soplease ...> >> > This is related to eating NONVEG foods and IMFL(Indian made foreignliquor) : like now in navratri-usually in north india people stop it andIMFL for 9 days-> >> > There is a writer on Indian history"romila thapar"who has written"pracheen bharat ka itihaas" which is a reference book for UPSC alongwith "Bharat ka pracheen itihaas" by Radha kumud Mukerjee-they both areequivocal in that ary`s used to eat cow meat(bhaskar sir dont getangry-maine nahin likha)where romila thapar says that it was used indaily foods and r.k.m says that it was used in festivals and otherspecial joyous occasions.I have those books .as i like ancient things alot god knows why..> > In bengal side in durga pooja- meat and drinks are must and atlestmeat of any kind is must in bengali brahmins i am not sure of IMFL.> > but basically my question is --"Is eating anything to quench hungerhas anything to do with feelings of our soul(s)towards GOD ALMIGHTY"> >> > Your views on this> >> > GUSSA mat hona> >> > Siddharta saxena> >>>>>-------------------------\------> From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. >

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Dear Dutta ji,

This is a waste of time Sir.

This is like asking what would be results of a black spot on my body without you giving the details of where exactly is the black spot.

Same goes with your query. What is the ascendant Good Sir ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

What is the degrees of teh ascendant ?

Which planet is aspecting Saturn ?

What is the degrees of the planet Saturn ?

What is the constellation in which Saturn is placed ?

What is the position of this Constellation owner in the chart ?

What are the Navamsha positions of the other planets ?

What dashas is the native running ?

We know the Esoteric meaning of Saturn. And dont believe in hear say. We talk on Predictive astrology here and Esoteric is only for the people who have enough time to pass.

Answer the above and you can get a meaningful reply.

I also aexpect you to do some own homework before you talk about Planets and display some therotetical knowledge, but your Query shows otherwise.

Neelamji is not in a position to answer. You may just correspond with one bird in hand and not two in the bush.


, Bhaskar Dutta Gupta <arundhuti_dg wrote:>> Respected Bhaskar ji / Neelam ji:> > Hope this will find you both well. > > Since joining the Group I try to follow the exchanges between you and other members of the Group. Some of the queries are quite interesting.> > I believe every Planet has its distinctive traits. I am curious to learn how Saturn affects the Chart.> > Here in Bengal, many Astrologers refer to Saturn as 'Graharaj' and also as 'Sadhak Graha'. According to such Astrologers Saturn is the Planet of 'trials & tribulations', a Teacher, who teaches by bringing one down to earth by inflicting pain, misery, hardship in order that one may learn 'duniyadari' and thus be purged of human failings. Further, according to such Astrologers, Saturn, by this process, turns one towards religiousness, ascetism. They also compare Saturn with the Sea / Ocean [which eventually returns to the beach what it swept away] in the sense that Saturn does not inflict permanent damage but restores manifold what it takes.> > I should like to know your views.> > I am particularly curious to learn how Ascendant but Retrograde Saturn posited in Lagna is likely to influence the Chart. > > Respectfully,> > Bhaskar DG> > - > Bhaskar Dutta Gupta > > Sunday, April 12, 2009 12:16 PM> Re: Re: A question related to dietary....> > > Respected Bhaskarji:> > Thank you for your reply. I am happy to have joined the Group.> > Respectfully,> > Bhaskar DG> > - > Bhaskar > > Thursday, April 02, 2009 12:57 PM> Re: A question related to dietary....> > > > Dear Gupta ji,> > I am sorry for responding late, because of pre-occupation and wanting to> re-read your mail at leisure before replying.> > It is our pleasure to have you among us. Wearing the sacred thread> (necessary for Brahmins) , avoiding speaking while eating, offering> tarpan to Pitrus, going to temple, eating only after having offered Bhog> to the Diety you revere, are actually normal and usual rules which we> must follow , BUT unfortunately very few of us are doing so these days. > Its good to know that You are doing what you are supposed to do.> > Yes I know something about Bengal and agree to your views about Bengali> Brahmins. Brinjals too are offered in place of flesh. I have stayed in> Calcutta every year for a month or so, in the earlier years of my Life,> and am missing the feel, freshness and the air of Calcutta with the> local people who may be poor but large hearted when it comes to Unity> and raising voice for a collective cause. the memories of cacutta make> me nostalgic. We still have our house there at Bada Bazaar.> > You may please feel free to be more active on the Group.> > regards,> > Bhaskar.> > , Bhaskar Dutta Gupta> arundhuti_dg@ wrote:> >> > Respected Bhaskarji:> >> > I am a recent member of the Group and have, so far, refrained from> addressing the Group members. Reading that below has induced me to break> my silence.> >> > Let me first introduce myself. My name is also Bhaskar. [i was named> Manabendranath at birth, according to family custom of names ending with> 'indranath', but was enrolled in school as Bhaskar, my nick name,> perhaps, because my father's name is Rabindranath - Rabi being one of> the several names of Sun.]> >> > I was born on the night of 05.02.1953 at 0046 hrs in Delhi so in terms> of Western Astrology it would be 06.02.1953. Both my Rashi and Lagna are> Tula.> >> > I am a Bengali Hindu. By caste a Vaidya [Kaviraj.] My caste title is> Sharma. In Bengal Vaidyas are considered as that sect of Bramhins> dedicated to practicing Ayurveda. Bramhananda Keshab Chandra Sen,> Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, Siddharta Shankar Ray, Satyajit Ray,> Amartya Sen, Dr Triguna Sen, Priya Ranjan Das Munshi, are some of the> illustrious Bengali Vaidyas.> >> > Though most of my family members have abandoned the practice, I am an> exception as I wear the sacred thread.> >> > I suppose I am religious in the sense that unlike other members of my> family I avoid speaking during meals, perform 'tarpan' during> 'pitripaksha' before Durga Puja, begin my work day by going to the> Temple to offer Anjali to Ma Kali. I eat only thereafter even if, on> some days, interventions end up making me fast till noon.> >> > Couple of years back Shri Shri Swaroopananda Swaraswati Maharaj Ji,> the Shankaracharya of Joshimath & Dwarka, appeared in my wife's dream.> Subsequently we recieved 'Diksha' from Guruji.> >> > [According to Astro-nadi I was born in a Keralite Bramhin family in my> previous birth. My name then was Jayaram. But this I have learnt only> very recently.]> >> > Most Bengalis are non-vegetarians, including Bramhins. But if any> Bengalis eat proscribed meat [beef, pork,] then they are exceptions. A> Bengali Bramhin eating beef would be a rarity. I personally know none> except those very few who were born in Bramhin households but are either> atheists or agnostics.> >> > Bengalis are mostly either 'shaktas' or 'vaishnavs'. By and large> shaktas eat non-veg but vaishnavs do not.> >> > Traditional Bengali households have separate kitchens, and utensils,> refrigerators, for Veg and Non-veg. No inter-mingling is allowed.> >> > Bengali widows are vegetarians.> >> > Fish is considered auspicious but no Non-veg is allowed in Puja Room> especially if one prays to Lord Vishnu. [unsweetened] Dahi is also> considered auspicious.> >> > When I was a child mutton was permitted in the house but not chicken> [which was considered unclean.]> >> > In Bengal, as elsewhere in India, 'balidaan' is offered during Puja to> Ma Durga and Ma Kali. Buffalo or Goats are sacrificed but never Cows or> Chicken or Pigs. Tribals offer Ducks in sacrifice but not caste-Hindus.> Instead of flesh vegetables are also offered in 'balidaan' in Bengal. I> have never heard of any upper caste Bengali of eating the buffalo meat> offered as sacrifice. I suppose it is distributed to the tribals / lower> castes for consumption.> >> > In Nepal, I am told Buffalo is sacrificed during Durga Puja and Nepali> Hindus do eat Buffalo meat but not Cow meat.> >> > Sorry for carrying on at such length.> >> > Regards,> >> > Bhaskar DG> >> > -> > siddhartha saxaena> > > > Sunday, March 29, 2009 8:54 AM> > Re: Re: A question related to dietary....> >> >> >> > Respected Sir> >> > Thanks a lot for your opinion.and I fully agree with you.> >> > warm regards> > siddhartha saxena> >> >> > This mail is sent by siddhartha.> >> >> >> >> >> >> -------------------------\> ------> > Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish@> > > > Saturday, 28 March, 2009 10:58:07 PM> > Re: A question related to dietary....> >> >> >> > Dear Siddartha,> > Good Point raised by you.> > First of all those who write about Pracheen itihaas of Bharat and> mention that Cow meat was a staple food or advocated or eaten daily, are> most uneducated, uninformed and the biggets idiots I have ever come> across. You may send this comment to the person concerned. If they have> said so, then i would consider them a blot on Indian society and> culture. Even a small new born child in india knows that we rever the> Cow as mother who gives milk, and the communities who eat Cow flesh are> not humans but animals in human forms. At least it is not prevalent and> nor ever was in Hindus who were the actual original people and citizens> and owners of the indian territories. The invaders, the less we talk> about them, the more better. My blood boils when we talk of these bloody> invaders who have till today spoilt the peace and culture of india with> their nonsense . One community engaged in terrorist activities and the> other in missionary.> > Now about meat eating in bengal, and the comment that the Brahmins> would eat any meat, is all rubbish and show me any Brahmin in Bengal> eating cow meat. I will kill him with my bare hands.because no real> Brahmin would eat Cow meat whether a bengali Brahmin or North indian or> South indian or whatever.> > Now about drinks IMFL ( Most of them ) is actually not the Malt whisky> we have heard about, or think that we drink, but a quality of Whisky> which outside the indian boundaries would be recognised as "Indian Rum"> and not whisky, because of its low quality. You can read superb> descriptions about all types of Whiskies on the Wikipedia, which> incidentally I was reading for half an hour last night, to know more> about the Yeasts which figure in the process of making liquor.> > You must have read the term and heard too , "Jaisa khaye ann waise> bane mann". Which literally means that the types of food one gulps down> is actually the cause for the feelings and character aroused in one> person till the stay of the food in the body. For instance food like> meat and drinks which go alongwith, will produce tamasic quality and> feelings in the person, which may lead to lust, and gratification of the> same, while eating Fruits and milk may lead one to Sattwic feelings and> a bent towards God, religion and satsanga. In fact I never eat at> anybodys place for the same reasons, that even though they must have> prepared Vegeterian food for me, but the feelings in the person who> makes the food, is reflected in the vibrations of the food one cooks,> and results in transmitting of the same vibrations in the person who> eats the same. theres a good story about this , a real story but i do> not remember who the person was so cannot relate. But it is so that a> Spiritual man was sent to Jail, and during his stay, one day after> sleeping he got very wild dreams, and in the morning after contemplation> as to why he got such dreams he enquired about who had cooked the food> for the jail inmates, and he was informed that the regular cook had left> for a small leave, and in his place a inmate prisioner who was booked> for murder was assingned this task of cooking the food, in absence of> the regular cook.> > Now another point. For those who are having and eating Non veg since> childhood as born in such families they have a chance to come back to> godhead by leaving such stuff gradually, and even if they dont, its not> abig crime if they eat so. because thats the way of life for them. But> for those who are born in vegetarian families , turning to eating Non> veg, just to look smart, and which becomes a habit thereafter, is a big> crime and leads one down the scale to degenration and not upliftment.> This is just like those born in foreign countries who have sex casually,> and kiss on the radside and embrace each other lustily, is not> considered a crime, but considered a Taboo in our country, and a big> crime in Muslim countries. Thus , desh and kala also matters.> > Anyway the crux of the matter under discussion , is that Meat eating> is not good whether for one born in a meat eating family, or for one> born in a vegetarian family, and the spiritual downfall is assured for> those eating meat and drinking. Whether in name of ritual or in name of> way of Life, any excuse is bad and not right.> > regards/Bhaskar.> >> >> >> > , "numerology_ works"> <numerology_works@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Respected all> > >> > > This small query is only for Shri Bhaskar sir and Neelam ji so> please ...> > >> > > This is related to eating NONVEG foods and IMFL(Indian made foreign> liquor) : like now in navratri-usually in north india people stop it and> IMFL for 9 days-> > >> > > There is a writer on Indian history"romila thapar"who has written> "pracheen bharat ka itihaas" which is a reference book for UPSC along> with "Bharat ka pracheen itihaas" by Radha kumud Mukerjee-they both are> equivocal in that ary`s used to eat cow meat(bhaskar sir dont get> angry-maine nahin likha)where romila thapar says that it was used in> daily foods and r.k.m says that it was used in festivals and other> special joyous occasions.I have those books .as i like ancient things a> lot god knows why..> > > In bengal side in durga pooja- meat and drinks are must and atlest> meat of any kind is must in bengali brahmins i am not sure of IMFL.> > > but basically my question is --"Is eating anything to quench hunger> has anything to do with feelings of our soul(s)towards GOD ALMIGHTY"> > >> > > Your views on this> > >> > > GUSSA mat hona> > >> > > Siddharta saxena> > >> >> >> >> >> -------------------------\> ------> > From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. > >>

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Respected Bhaskar ji:


Not being knowledgeable, I could not frame the query properly. I accept being rebuked.


I did not realize that one must address mails either to you or to respected Neelam ji. Hope you will believe me.


Inadvertently I wrote 'Ascendant' in place of 'Exalted'.


My query relates to Exalted but Retrograde Saturn.


I will send you the details sought. Kindly confirm your charges, address, and payment mode to enable me to do so.


Rest assured I have no desire to waste your valuable time.





Bhaskar DG





Monday, April 20, 2009 11:11 PM

Fw: Re: A question related to dietary....




Dear Dutta ji,

This is a waste of time Sir.

This is like asking what would be results of a black spot on my body without you giving the details of where exactly is the black spot.

Same goes with your query. What is the ascendant Good Sir ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

What is the degrees of teh ascendant ?

Which planet is aspecting Saturn ?

What is the degrees of the planet Saturn ?

What is the constellation in which Saturn is placed ?

What is the position of this Constellation owner in the chart ?

What are the Navamsha positions of the other planets ?

What dashas is the native running ?

We know the Esoteric meaning of Saturn. And dont believe in hear say. We talk on Predictive astrology here and Esoteric is only for the people who have enough time to pass.

Answer the above and you can get a meaningful reply.

I also aexpect you to do some own homework before you talk about Planets and display some therotetical knowledge, but your Query shows otherwise.

Neelamji is not in a position to answer. You may just correspond with one bird in hand and not two in the bush.


, Bhaskar Dutta Gupta <arundhuti_dg wrote:>> Respected Bhaskar ji / Neelam ji:> > Hope this will find you both well. > > Since joining the Group I try to follow the exchanges between you and other members of the Group. Some of the queries are quite interesting.> > I believe every Planet has its distinctive traits. I am curious to learn how Saturn affects the Chart.> > Here in Bengal, many Astrologers refer to Saturn as 'Graharaj' and also as 'Sadhak Graha'. According to such Astrologers Saturn is the Planet of 'trials & tribulations', a Teacher, who teaches by bringing one down to earth by inflicting pain, misery, hardship in order that one may learn 'duniyadari' and thus be purged of human failings. Further, according to such Astrologers, Saturn, by this process, turns one towards religiousness, ascetism. They also compare Saturn with th

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I am sorry for the rebuke, but believe me it has got only to do with your, not being to the point or specific.


I have many reasons for not being interested in allowing Neelamji to reply to astrological queries, one among them, that she does not do professional consultations, leading to members harassing her, members asking for more, and she consequently referring me , for professional readings, which I am not comfortable with, the reasons for why, being another issue which is my personal problem.


You mentioned in your last mail that you are reading the replies given by me and Neelamji. Then you must have certainly read that I most of the times give a rejoinder to my replies mentioning clearly how much I charge for professional Consultations and where to look for How to pay. I do not understand why are you asking this now if you say that you read all mails.


Another point, I shall not accept your money for am not happy with your approach. If you are trying to prove or show that you have been not replied to your query because I am here for making you my customer, (Which is what the tone of your mail suggests), then you are highly mistakenly. I spend more than Rs.10000- on poor people every month,(doing this regularly for last 2 years and with a little reduced amount for last many years), and money has no great value or attraction for me, apart from being a important necessity in Life for everyone including me, but not more than that. I never compromise on principles, integrity and self respect. You can show that You can Pay, to some other astrologer, but not me. I do not get impressed easily. And I demand when I have to. In Your case I shall demand when I have to. I dont accept Dakshina, Charity or any such donations. I accept only the legitimate Fees for services given, and clear the account on both sides once having done so. You are not dealing with a mouse here but a Lion and a King of his jungle.


Since I am offering a free reply to all as per my self made injunction, and you are no enemy to me, though not my friend, it would be injustice on my part to charge you any Fees, unless you ask for more than what is offered. Therefore I request you to please give me your birth details, and put a specific query rather than what you did before.


I once again at the cost of sounding pompous wish to say that I am a busy person and have no time for Esoterics or commenting on hearsay or talking about the weather, Life in general or what have you. This is only when my mood is relaxed. While working I wish to be absolute on mark and on toes. Therefore when your query comes as what would Saturn give when retrograde in Lagna , at the stage where I am in , in astrology this does not sound tangible, specific, or make sense to me. This is like saying to the Doctor that I am not feeling well. I need to know the full details before I comment, which is why I got perturbed by the mail and the response you received was due to this.


I shall wait for your birth details. And as mentioned at the start of this reply, I once again apologise for having hurt you.


best wishes,





, Bhaskar Dutta Gupta <arundhuti_dg wrote:>> Respected Bhaskar ji:> > Not being knowledgeable, I could not frame the query properly. I accept being rebuked. > > I did not realize that one must address mails either to you or to respected Neelam ji. Hope you will believe me. > > Inadvertently I wrote 'Ascendant' in place of 'Exalted'. > > My query relates to Exalted but Retrograde Saturn.> > I will send you the details sought. Kindly confirm your charges, address, and payment mode to enable me to do so. > > Rest assured I have no desire to waste your valuable time. > > Respectfully,> > Bhaskar DG> > - > Bhaskar > > Monday, April 20, 2009 11:11 PM> Fw: Re: A question related to dietary....> > > > > > > Dear Dutta ji,> > This is a waste of time Sir.> > This is like asking what would be results of a black spot on my body without you giving the details of where exactly is the black spot.> > Same goes with your query. What is the ascendant Good Sir ????????????????????????????????????????????????????> > What is the degrees of teh ascendant ?> > Which planet is aspecting Saturn ?> > What is the degrees of the planet Saturn ?> > What is the constellation in which Saturn is placed ?> > What is the position of this Constellation owner in the chart ?> > What are the Navamsha positions of the other planets ?> > What dashas is the native running ?> > We know the Esoteric meaning of Saturn. And dont believe in hear say. We talk on Predictive astrology here and Esoteric is only for the people who have enough time to pass.> > Answer the above and you can get a meaningful reply.> > I also aexpect you to do some own homework before you talk about Planets and display some therotetical knowledge, but your Query shows otherwise.> > Neelamji is not in a position to answer. You may just correspond with one bird in hand and not two in the bush.> > Bhaskar. > > > , Bhaskar Dutta Gupta arundhuti_dg@ wrote:> >> > Respected Bhaskar ji / Neelam ji:> > > > Hope this will find you both well. > > > > Since joining the Group I try to follow the exchanges between you and other members of the Group. Some of the queries are quite interesting.> > > > I believe every Planet has its distinctive traits. I am curious to learn how Saturn affects the Chart.> > > > Here in Bengal, many Astrologers refer to Saturn as 'Graharaj' and also as 'Sadhak Graha'. According to such Astrologers Saturn is the Planet of 'trials & tribulations', a Teacher, who teaches by bringing one down to earth by inflicting pain, misery, hardship in order that one may learn 'duniyadari' and thus be purged of human failings. Further, according to such Astrologers, Saturn, by this process, turns one towards religiousness, ascetism. They also compare Saturn with th>

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