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Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian

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Dear friends,


Thank Heavens, Bhaskarji this time did not lose his cool when Siddharthaji posted his question on Vegetarianism or Non-Vegetarianism, particularly in respect to beef !!! Thank you Bhaskarji !


I would just like to add to the discussions :


I am a resident of Bengal, though not a native of this area, but having been born and brought up here, and having spent the better part of my life in the villages of Bengal, I can say with absolute surerity that the Brahmins in Bengal, DO NOT consume cow-meat at any time. Yes they do consume meat - fish, chicken and goat, called "khasi" - and some are indeed fond of their "peg", but cow's meat, no way !


As for the effect meat has on those who consume it, I agree with the little story about the saint in prison, which Bhaskarji has narrated. Have any one of you ever looked into the eyes of an animal being taken to slaughter? The pain and anguish that can be seen in their eyes, is embedded in their entire system, including the flesh which is consumed, and it is this pain and anguish which enters the body of the person consuming the meat and results in the manifestation of "tamsic" qualities in the consumer of meat. I cannot paint every meat eater with the same brush, but it will be observed that they are generally short-tempered and hot-headed, compared to the vegetarians. This explains the "tamsic" attributes in them.


To carry on with the Saint's story. Every household, practically, has a person who cooks. And have you felt the difference in taste in food when it is cooked by the ladies of the house, compared to that which is cooked by the servant? This has been explained in one of the narrations on the Srimad Bhagavat, probably it is by Sri Dongreji Maharaj, where he has explained it by saying that the servant when cooking has his mind on the money he will get by way of wages/salary and so his intention is in his own earnings, rather the welfare of the

family members. But when the mother/wife/daughter/sister is cooking, they have only love and the well-being of their family members in heart and thus their LOVE is transmitted into the food, and thus the taste ! The "satvic" qualities !


I am not in a position to comment on the facts regarding the quotes in the Upanishads, as I am not aware of these. But what I can say is that mythological stories that we have been reading at various times, in our lives, refer to "aakhets" and "shikars" by our Rajas and Maharajas, even if they were manifestations of Lord Vishnu. If they did kill animals in the name of "shikar" or "aakhet", they did it not do it solely for fun, but also to consume their meat. So non-vegetarianism did exist in that age also..











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Ha Ha dear Naresh ji,


I have my good moods too.


This problem about eating food is also a headache with the ladies in my

own house, because I do not eat from anybody else making the food, for

the same reasons you mentioned. So one of them always has to be there in

the house whenever I am staying in Bombay, and they have to leave

together for some family function, out of town it becomes a problem. And

most of the times I do not eat what comes from my cousins place too, if

ever they are having some gathering or party or function. So my quest

for a perfect " Maharaja " who fits my Bill, and who will be saaf suthra

like I want, to relieve the ladies from the kitchen, will always remain,

it seems like .


Has anyone noticed that all animals who are not meat eaters like cow,

elephant etc. ( One may add many more ) are able to carry weights on

their backs and help in load lifting and carrying ? This is the power of

eating vegetarian food. And those animals who eat meat are actually not

load carriers.


Dear Naresh ji, I have seen umpteem times cattle being carried in small

vans and enclosed and pushed in crowded spaces, to be taken to the

slaughter house, and same with birds chickents etc. being crammed in

cages , again to be taken for the same purpose. But in this corrupted

society where even the law enforcing agencies are at most of the times

corrupted and willing to be purchased by money, one has to keep quiet

and remain helpless. Unless one has good power at his disposal it is not

easy to change the system of highly corrupted societies. Will await the

day, if am made an instrument to tackle cow slaughter in india , and

remove it totally from the country with help and support of like minded

people like your goodself. As regards to killing of other animals , we

cannot ask for that to be checked, since there are many amongst us too,

who enjoy eating their flesh.


best regards,









, nareshmintri wrote:



> Dear friends,


> Thank Heavens, Bhaskarji this time did not lose his cool when

Siddharthaji posted his question on Vegetarianism or Non-Vegetarianism,

particularly in respect to beef !!! Thank you Bhaskarji !


> I would just like to add to the discussions :


> I am a resident of Bengal, though not a native of this area, but

having been born and brought up here, and having spent the better part

of my life in the villages of Bengal, I can say with absolute surerity

that the Brahmins in Bengal, DO NOT consume cow-meat at any time. Yes

they do consume meat - fish, chicken and goat, called " khasi " - and some

are indeed fond of their " peg " , but cow's meat, no way !


> As for the effect meat has on those who consume it, I agree with the

little story about the saint in prison, which Bhaskarji has narrated.

Have any one of you ever looked into the eyes of an animal being taken

to slaughter? The pain and anguish that can be seen in their eyes, is

embedded in their entire system, including the flesh which is consumed,

and it is this pain and anguish which enters the body of the person

consuming the meat and results in the manifestation of " tamsic "

qualities in the consumer of meat. I cannot paint every meat eater with

the same brush, but it will be observed that they are generally

short-tempered and hot-headed, compared to the vegetarians. This

explains the " tamsic " attributes in them.


> To carry on with the Saint's story. Every household, practically, has

a person who cooks. And have you felt the difference in taste in food

when it is cooked by the ladies of the house, compared to that which is

cooked by the servant? This has been explained in one of the narrations

on the Srimad Bhagavat, probably it is by Sri Dongreji Maharaj, where he

has explained it by saying that the servant when cooking has his mind on

the money he will get by way of wages/salary and so his intention is in

his own earnings, rather the welfare of the

> family members. But when the mother/wife/daughter/sister is cooking,

they have only love and the well-being of their family members in heart

and thus their LOVE is transmitted into the food, and thus the taste !

The " satvic " qualities !


> I am not in a position to comment on the facts regarding the quotes in

the Upanishads, as I am not aware of these. But what I can say is that

mythological stories that we have been reading at various times, in our

lives, refer to " aakhets " and " shikars " by our Rajas and Maharajas, even

if they were manifestations of Lord Vishnu. If they did kill animals in

the name of " shikar " or " aakhet " , they did it not do it solely for fun,

but also to consume their meat. So non-vegetarianism did exist in that

age also.


> Regards.


> Naresh



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Dear All renowned and respectable beings,


I personally don't agree with the views put forth by the members although I know the meal cooked by any family members(irrespective of gender) definitely taste better and is more hygienic.Also the world is moving towards vegetarianism because of health hazards.

The kind of food we eat totally depends on our family values and the place we live in.It has nothing to do with ones traits or qualities.I quote the living example of Dalai Lama n Mother Theresa who ate what they ate n are no lesser saints than our vegetarian saints like Asha ram ji? or umpteen numbers one can quote.


I don't want to sound cynical or a lesser being.One question that always bothered me since my childhood : Do we have enough of agricultural land and resources to feed all living beings on vegetarian diet? Please enlighten me.


I love all animals and sincerely wish that (atleast) their slaughter for human consumption be banned.

Thank you all so much for given us opportunity n forum to indulge in many meaningful issues.Sorry in anticipation if I hurt your feelings.


Warm regards,


mridul--- On Sun, 3/29/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Re: Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian Date: Sunday, March 29, 2009, 3:19 PM



Ha Ha dear Naresh ji,I have my good moods too.This problem about eating food is also a headache with the ladies in myown house, because I do not eat from anybody else making the food, forthe same reasons you mentioned. So one of them always has to be there inthe house whenever I am staying in Bombay, and they have to leavetogether for some family function, out of town it becomes a problem. Andmost of the times I do not eat what comes from my cousins place too, ifever they are having some gathering or party or function. So my questfor a perfect "Maharaja" who fits my Bill, and who will be saaf suthralike I want, to relieve the ladies from the kitchen, will always remain,it seems like .Has anyone noticed that all animals who are not meat eaters like cow,elephant etc. ( One may add many more ) are able to carry weights ontheir backs and help in load lifting and carrying ? This is

the power ofeating vegetarian food. And those animals who eat meat are actually notload carriers.Dear Naresh ji, I have seen umpteem times cattle being carried in smallvans and enclosed and pushed in crowded spaces, to be taken to theslaughter house, and same with birds chickents etc. being crammed incages , again to be taken for the same purpose. But in this corruptedsociety where even the law enforcing agencies are at most of the timescorrupted and willing to be purchased by money, one has to keep quietand remain helpless. Unless one has good power at his disposal it is noteasy to change the system of highly corrupted societies. Will await theday, if am made an instrument to tackle cow slaughter in india , andremove it totally from the country with help and support of like mindedpeople like your goodself. As regards to killing of other animals , wecannot ask for that to be checked, since

there are many amongst us too,who enjoy eating their flesh.best regards,Bhaskar., nareshmintri@ ... wrote:>>> Dear friends,>> Thank Heavens, Bhaskarji this time did not lose his cool whenSiddharthaji posted his question on Vegetarianism or Non-Vegetarianism,particularly in respect to beef !!! Thank you Bhaskarji !>> I would just like to add to the discussions :>> I am a resident of Bengal, though not a native of this area, buthaving been born and brought up here, and having spent the better partof my life in the villages of Bengal, I can say with absolute sureritythat the Brahmins in Bengal, DO NOT consume cow-meat at any time. Yesthey do consume meat - fish, chicken and goat, called "khasi" - and someare indeed fond of

their "peg", but cow's meat, no way !>> As for the effect meat has on those who consume it, I agree with thelittle story about the saint in prison, which Bhaskarji has narrated.Have any one of you ever looked into the eyes of an animal being takento slaughter? The pain and anguish that can be seen in their eyes, isembedded in their entire system, including the flesh which is consumed,and it is this pain and anguish which enters the body of the personconsuming the meat and results in the manifestation of "tamsic"qualities in the consumer of meat. I cannot paint every meat eater withthe same brush, but it will be observed that they are generallyshort-tempered and hot-headed, compared to the vegetarians. Thisexplains the "tamsic" attributes in them.>> To carry on with the Saint's story. Every household, practically, hasa person who cooks. And have you felt the difference in taste in

foodwhen it is cooked by the ladies of the house, compared to that which iscooked by the servant? This has been explained in one of the narrationson the Srimad Bhagavat, probably it is by Sri Dongreji Maharaj, where hehas explained it by saying that the servant when cooking has his mind onthe money he will get by way of wages/salary and so his intention is inhis own earnings, rather the welfare of the> family members. But when the mother/wife/ daughter/ sister is cooking,they have only love and the well-being of their family members in heartand thus their LOVE is transmitted into the food, and thus the taste !The "satvic" qualities !>> I am not in a position to comment on the facts regarding the quotes inthe Upanishads, as I am not aware of these. But what I can say is thatmythological stories that we have been reading at various times, in ourlives, refer to "aakhets" and "shikars" by

our Rajas and Maharajas, evenif they were manifestations of Lord Vishnu. If they did kill animals inthe name of "shikar" or "aakhet", they did it not do it solely for fun,but also to consume their meat. So non-vegetarianism did exist in thatage also.>> Regards.>> Naresh>>>>>>>>> Connect with friends all over the world. Get India Messenger athttp://in.messenger ./ ?wm=n/>

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Dear Mridul ji,There are many misconceptions in our minds and the same are reflected in your message.Heard about the food chain? Level 2 is bigger than level 3 and can accommodate all of us and more. We can ensure every human being on this planet was well fed if we

adopted a vegetarian diet. In fact, if the Americans alone cut back

their current meat consumption by 10% they could feed the 60 million

around this world who are starving today. There is no shortage of food,

just too few vegetarians.  Meat production turns abundance into scarcity. You need an average 16 lbs of grain to produce one pound of beef, 6 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of park, 3 pounds of grain to produce one pound of chicken and 5.3 pounds of fishmeal to produce 1 pound of farmed fish, Doesn't it make sense to eat the grain and feed more people?

Meat is wasteful. It takes 3.25 acres to apply one meat eater for one year. It only requires one sixth of an acre to feed a full vegetarian for a year. Cattle eat between one third and half of all crops grown in the world. They get their protein from plants. And then we absorb it (along with accumulated pesticides) for our protein. This is a very inefficient way to produce food. 

The world's cattle - excluding pigs and chickens - consume quantity of food the equivalent to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people. That's nearly double the entire population of the world today. A cow has to eat 7 pounds of protein from grain and soybeans to produce one pound of beef. 

An acre of farmland devoted to soybeans will provide roughly 30 times more protein than an acre devoted to cattle grazing. Do you know how our body is designed?It is designed for a vegetarian diet. The human intestines are 16-29 feet long and wind round and round. This is typical of a herbivore (grass eaters). Carnivores always have short, straight intestines. This means they pass out the write from the meat before it rots. In humans it remains in the digestive system too long.

Of course you must be aware of many other benefits of vegetarian diet.Hope this helps.RegardsNeelam

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Dear Mridul ji and all,


Hope my previous message will help you solve the conundrum: What food is it that the more we produce, the more people starve to death? The answer’s meat!


Whether one should or should not become a vegetarian depends entirely

on one’s lifestyle and beliefs. But even a moderate decline in the meat

industry could seriously impact starvation levels for the entire world.

Many experts agree that a reduction in meat-eating could lead to the

eventual end of world hunger.


An increase in plant agriculture and a decrease in animal agriculture

could have a tremendous effect on starvation levels, as currently 70

per cent of all grain grown in the world goes to feed livestock rather

than people. 75 per cent of grain exported to poor nations goes to

feeding livestock, which are then exported back to industrial countries

as meat. Instead of being used to combat hunger in the worst areas, the

grain is simply returning to its place of origin in wealthy countries.If

the whole world ate a vegetarian diet and cut out all dairy products

and eggs, the world’s population could be fed on one quarter of the

land used at present!




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Dear Mridul ji,

// I personally don't agree with the views put forth by the members although I know the meal cooked by any family members(irrespective of gender) definitely taste better and is more hygienic.Also the world is moving towards vegetarianism because of health hazards. //


Thats okay. Its not necessary to agree to every view.


// The kind of food we eat totally depends on our family values and the place we live in.It has nothing to do with ones traits or qualities.//


We are not talking on the why of what we eat. We are talking on the results of what we eat and the why of the same.


// I quote the living example of Dalai Lama n Mother Theresa who ate what they ate n are no lesser saints than our vegetarian saints like Asha ram ji? or umpteen numbers one can quote. //


You must read my previous mail properly. I have already mentioned about the difference between people for whom Non veg is a way of Life since birth, and for others who develop this type of Non veg eating consciously as the grow. For those who are eating Non veg since birth , it would still be a less of crime, than those who develop eating this as they grow in age. Dalai Lama ate what he ate as per the regional eating habits where he was born. And Mother Theresa was not a Hindu. You cannot equate her with Hindus, or Hindu Brahmins at least. There is something like sakhra,nakhra which I doubt many Hindus too would be knowing properly about, unless they have lived in too traditional and orthodox families who are into yama and niyama. In such families one does not enter the kitchen, or touch anybody if he she has visited the toilet, before having a bath. And if after eating anybody touches a food vessel with that hand which was meant to be served to other people too, then it is termed as jhootha in such families. That vessel will not go back to the kitchen now. At least i am from such a family, and though we are becoming modernised fast, but yet i like to cling to these dictums for "shuddhta" purposes. ( But such revelations may sound funny to you, since you have never been a part of this apparently )

// I don't want to sound cynical or a lesser being.One question that always bothered me since my childhood : Do we have enough of agricultural land and resources to feed all living beings on vegetarian diet? Please enlighten me. //


You may support your statement by proving us that we do not have enough agricultural land.


best wishes,








, mridul kothiyal <mridulkothiyal wrote:>> Dear All renowned and respectable beings,> > I personally don't agree with the views put forth by the members although I know the meal cooked by any family members(irrespective of gender) definitely taste better and is more hygienic.Also the world is moving towards vegetarianism because of health hazards.> The kind of food we eat totally depends on our family values and the place we live in.It has nothing to do with ones traits or qualities.I quote the living example of Dalai Lama n Mother Theresa who ate what they ate n are no lesser saints than our vegetarian saints like Asha ram ji? or umpteen numbers one can quote.> > I don't want to sound cynical or a lesser being.One question that always bothered me since my childhood : Do we have enough of agricultural land and resources to feed all living beings on vegetarian diet? Please enlighten me.> > I love all animals and sincerely wish that (atleast) their slaughter for human consumption be banned.> Thank you all so much for given us opportunity n forum to indulge in many meaningful issues.Sorry in anticipation if I hurt your feelings.> > Warm regards,> > mridul> > --- On Sun, 3/29/09, Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish wrote:> > Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish Re: Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian> > Sunday, March 29, 2009, 3:19 PM> > > > > > > > Ha Ha dear Naresh ji,> > I have my good moods too.> > This problem about eating food is also a headache with the ladies in my> own house, because I do not eat from anybody else making the food, for> the same reasons you mentioned. So one of them always has to be there in> the house whenever I am staying in Bombay, and they have to leave> together for some family function, out of town it becomes a problem. And> most of the times I do not eat what comes from my cousins place too, if> ever they are having some gathering or party or function. So my quest> for a perfect "Maharaja" who fits my Bill, and who will be saaf suthra> like I want, to relieve the ladies from the kitchen, will always remain,> it seems like .> > Has anyone noticed that all animals who are not meat eaters like cow,> elephant etc. ( One may add many more ) are able to carry weights on> their backs and help in load lifting and carrying ? This is the power of> eating vegetarian food. And those animals who eat meat are actually not> load carriers.> > Dear Naresh ji, I have seen umpteem times cattle being carried in small> vans and enclosed and pushed in crowded spaces, to be taken to the> slaughter house, and same with birds chickents etc. being crammed in> cages , again to be taken for the same purpose. But in this corrupted> society where even the law enforcing agencies are at most of the times> corrupted and willing to be purchased by money, one has to keep quiet> and remain helpless. Unless one has good power at his disposal it is not> easy to change the system of highly corrupted societies. Will await the> day, if am made an instrument to tackle cow slaughter in india , and> remove it totally from the country with help and support of like minded> people like your goodself. As regards to killing of other animals , we> cannot ask for that to be checked, since there are many amongst us too,> who enjoy eating their flesh.> > best regards,> > Bhaskar.> > , nareshmintri@ ... wrote:> >> >> > Dear friends,> >> > Thank Heavens, Bhaskarji this time did not lose his cool when> Siddharthaji posted his question on Vegetarianism or Non-Vegetarianism,> particularly in respect to beef !!! Thank you Bhaskarji !> >> > I would just like to add to the discussions :> >> > I am a resident of Bengal, though not a native of this area, but> having been born and brought up here, and having spent the better part> of my life in the villages of Bengal, I can say with absolute surerity> that the Brahmins in Bengal, DO NOT consume cow-meat at any time. Yes> they do consume meat - fish, chicken and goat, called "khasi" - and some> are indeed fond of their "peg", but cow's meat, no way !> >> > As for the effect meat has on those who consume it, I agree with the> little story about the saint in prison, which Bhaskarji has narrated.> Have any one of you ever looked into the eyes of an animal being taken> to slaughter? The pain and anguish that can be seen in their eyes, is> embedded in their entire system, including the flesh which is consumed,> and it is this pain and anguish which enters the body of the person> consuming the meat and results in the manifestation of "tamsic"> qualities in the consumer of meat. I cannot paint every meat eater with> the same brush, but it will be observed that they are generally> short-tempered and hot-headed, compared to the vegetarians. This> explains the "tamsic" attributes in them.> >> > To carry on with the Saint's story. Every household, practically, has> a person who cooks. And have you felt the difference in taste in food> when it is cooked by the ladies of the house, compared to that which is> cooked by the servant? This has been explained in one of the narrations> on the Srimad Bhagavat, probably it is by Sri Dongreji Maharaj, where he> has explained it by saying that the servant when cooking has his mind on> the money he will get by way of wages/salary and so his intention is in> his own earnings, rather the welfare of the> > family members. But when the mother/wife/ daughter/ sister is cooking,> they have only love and the well-being of their family members in heart> and thus their LOVE is transmitted into the food, and thus the taste !> The "satvic" qualities !> >> > I am not in a position to comment on the facts regarding the quotes in> the Upanishads, as I am not aware of these. But what I can say is that> mythological stories that we have been reading at various times, in our> lives, refer to "aakhets" and "shikars" by our Rajas and Maharajas, even> if they were manifestations of Lord Vishnu. If they did kill animals in> the name of "shikar" or "aakhet", they did it not do it solely for fun,> but also to consume their meat. So non-vegetarianism did exist in that> age also.> >> > Regards.> >> > Naresh> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > Connect with friends all over the world. Get India Messenger at> http://in.messenger ./ ?wm=n/> >>

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Dear Neelamji,

Both Your mails are worth recording in Golden letters and a message to mankind.



, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Mridul ji and all,> > Hope my previous message will help you solve the conundrum: *What food is it> that the more we produce, the more people starve to death? The answer's> meat!*> > Whether one should or should not become a vegetarian depends entirely on> one's lifestyle and beliefs. But even a moderate decline in the meat> industry could seriously impact starvation levels for the entire world. Many> experts agree that a reduction in meat-eating could lead to the eventual end> of world hunger.> > An increase in plant agriculture and a decrease in animal agriculture could> have a tremendous effect on starvation levels, as currently 70 per cent of> all grain grown in the world goes to feed livestock rather than people. 75> per cent of grain exported to poor nations goes to feeding livestock, which> are then exported back to industrial countries as meat. Instead of being> used to combat hunger in the worst areas, the grain is simply returning to> its place of origin in wealthy countries.> > If the whole world ate a vegetarian diet and cut out all dairy products and> eggs, the world's population could be fed on one quarter of the land used at> present!> > Regards> Neelam>

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Dear Neelam-ji, Hats off you! So convincing, analytical and balanced view....--- On Mon, 3/30/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07Re: Re: Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 6:20 AM



Dear Mridul ji,There are many misconceptions in our minds and the same are reflected in your message.Heard about the food chain? Level 2 is bigger than level 3 and can accommodate all of us and more. We can ensure every human being on this planet was well fed if we adopted a vegetarian diet. In fact, if the Americans alone cut back their current meat consumption by 10% they could feed the 60 million around this world who are starving today. There is no shortage of food, just too few vegetarians. Meat production turns abundance into scarcity. You need an average 16 lbs of grain to produce one pound of beef, 6 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of park, 3 pounds of grain to produce one pound of chicken and 5.3 pounds of fishmeal to produce 1 pound of farmed fish, Doesn't it make sense to eat the grain and feed more people?Meat is wasteful. It takes 3.25 acres to apply one meat eater for one

year. It only requires one sixth of an acre to feed a full vegetarian for a year. Cattle eat between one third and half of all crops grown in the world. They get their protein from plants. And then we absorb it (along with accumulated pesticides) for our protein. This is a very inefficient way to produce food. The world's cattle - excluding pigs and chickens - consume quantity of food the equivalent to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people. That's nearly double the entire population of the world today. A cow has to eat 7 pounds of protein from grain and soybeans to produce one pound of beef. An acre of farmland devoted to soybeans will provide roughly 30 times more protein than an acre devoted to cattle grazing. Do you know how our body is designed?It is designed for a vegetarian diet. The human intestines are 16-29 feet long and wind round and round. This is typical of a

herbivore (grass eaters). Carnivores always have short, straight intestines. This means they pass out the write from the meat before it rots. In humans it remains in the digestive system too long. Of course you must be aware of many other benefits of vegetarian diet.Hope this helps.RegardsNeelam

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Dear Bhaskar ji,Thanks, we can only make a small effort. I suppose non-vegetarian diet is something that should have been left behind as we became gradually more civilized. Why some communities still remain uncivilized even in the first principle of life, that is eating? Eating meat is amongst the world’s most significant problems of human beings and for collective consciousness of the world. The problem is perhaps more serious than war, global warming, nuclear armament, overpopulation, pollution, etc.

Besides, why people are so indifferent to animals? All objective evidence shows that animals have the capacity to experience emotions, suffer pain, and fight back when they feel threatened. Is it any measure of the progress of soul? Haven't all spiritually evolved persons been vegetarian, even if they worked as scientists? Thinking of Einstein, Edison, Newton...


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