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importants of mantra and 108 ???

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Dear Sudhanshu ji,

In short and laymans language -

Mantra .

It is a set of words used to pronounce or recite, for relaisation of a specific purpose, and addressed to a particualr Diety or just to Nirvikaar.

Why 108 times ?

We have 27 Nakshatras with 4 padas each. Thus 27 x 4 = 108. It is said that each part of the Nakshatra is pacified when one recites a mantra 108 times. The Nakshatras are nothing but physical manifestation of the Supreme Lord and one of his countless attributes in the universe. If the nakshatras are pacified, in turn the planets are also modified in our individual charts, because the Planets all appear in one or the other constellation behind the backdrop of the Screen. Therefore continous recitation of Mantras or Nama Japa always tends to decrease the malefic tendencies in ones Horoscope.

Recitation does have a conclusive effect if done properly. You know a beggar if he repeats this continously in a polite appealing tone " Sahab kuch paise de do, main bhookha hoon . Roti khila do". You are bound to yield and spend a few rupees for him . By continous recitation of songs and Bhajans one can become a good singer too like Lata Mangeshkar. By continously reciting stotras accurately one can become a SubbhaLakshmi too. But we are not here to become them. We are ordinary people. We are just here to recite mantras and reduce the paap karma of this and previous Life.

This number of japas we are able to recite is the Bank balance we shall take up when we leave this mortal sheath here to be burnt alongwith our personal things.

Shri Dongreji Maharaj who gave discources on the Ramayana, has written clearly in his Ramayan that a person who keeps on reciting a Lakh Number of "Raam " where 1 Lakh names taken is equal to one House of your Horoscope, has the ability to clean his whole Horoscope of the malefic and evils it portends.

Well we can write a hundred books on this, there is so much material already written on Mantra Shakti.

best wishes,




, sudhanshu yadav <sudhansh007 wrote:>> > Dear bhaskarji and my friends,> i want to know the importance of mantra and why we have do it 108 times??> and what is reason behind the 108 number.Please, give more details and share the knowledge.> > thanking you,> > Sudhanshu.> > > Cricket on your mind? Visit the ultimate cricket website. Enter http://beta.cricket.>

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dear Bhaskarji,

I am giving below the replies given by Shri susheel dixit and Shri Pt. Dakshnamoorthy which has relevance to Sri Sudhanshu's query. Hope it will benefit other members.





Actually there are 27 Nakshatras and every Nakshtras has 4 Charan so total charans are 27 x 4 = 108 Charan. Each Charan has 3 degree and 20 minutes so if you multiply 3 degree and 20 minutes to 108 it comes out to be 360 degress i.e. one cycle (Circle). This cycle represetns whole brahmand because all the rashis, planets and nakshatra are between these 360 degree in 2 dimensional horoscope. So chanting a Mantra completes one cycle of this brahmand. Further One who has visited Brahamand at least one time i.e. he is brahmagyani he is entitiled to place 108 Shri before his name.


sushil dikshit


Dear Member:

I think you are mostly referring to the ashtottara sada archanaas or japa counts.....Because generally not just 108, but other numbers like 32, 54, 64, 72, 108, 254, 324, 336, 504, 1008, or even 100008 are also sometimes prescribed for japa depending on the Deity concerned. 108 is a number that is generally prescribed because it is ample enough to produce the desired subtle changes that we seek and also concise enough as it will not too much time (like say 1008 times!).


Other than this, the no. 108 itself has a great occult significance. It denotes accomplishment of tasks as per one's desires, and Blessing of immense Will Power according to ancient Tantrik shastras dealing with this (there are ancient numerological yantras prescribed by siddha tradition - the most famous one being Bhuavanai Kakkisham by Thirumoolar) .

In India,some wonderful traditions have been just incorporated in to our everyday life and by following our customs, we will be automatically doing things that have wonderful positive occult significance even without consciously realizing them! This 108 is an example of this phenomenon.

Blessed be.Pandit R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI.


he following is excerpted from that article which might interestastrologers of this group.

>>>>Three facts that any book on astronomy will verify:

* Distance between earth and sun = 108 times sun-diameter,

* Distance between earth and moon = 108 times moon-diameter, and mostremarkably,

* Diameter of the sun = 108 times the earth diameter.

That the Indians knew of the first two shouldn't surprise, because it can be calculated by anyone without the need for any instruments. Take a pole, mark its height, and then remove it to a place 108 times itsheight. The pole will look exactly of the same angular size as the moon or the sun.

I don't believe Indians knew the third fact, that the sun is 108 times as large as the earth, because there is no evidence of that in the old astronomy manuals. If they did, it would be as amazing a coincidence as the knowledge of the correct speed of light before modern measurements.

Indian thought takes the outer cosmology to be mirrored in the inner cosmology of the human. Therefore, the number 108 is also taken to represent the 'distance' from the body of the devotee to the God within. The chain of 108 'links' is held together by 107 joints, which is the number of marmas, or weak spots, of the body in Ayurveda.

We can understand that the 108 beads of the rosary (japamala) must map the steps between the body and the inner sun. The devotee, while saying beads, is making a symbolic journey from the physical body tothe heavens.

The number 108 joined to the name is merely a boast that one is a spiritual adept, a master of the journey of 108 steps through the intermediate regions of danger.

The other number 1,008 has a slightly different basis. Early Indian astronomy divides the kalpa -- the total period within a creation, the day of Brahma, which is part of an infinite cycle -- into 1,008 yugas.The use of this number as a title is to boast that one knows the mystery of time from creation to annihilation.

The number 108 appears in many settings in the Indian tradition. The Natya Shastra of Bharata speaks of the 108 karanas -- combined movements of hand and feet -- of dance. A few months ago in Chennai,Padma Subramaniam, the great dancer and dance theorist, told me a story of discovery connected with this number.

In the 1960s, Padmaji had come to the realization that the four handsof the Shiva figures in Thanjavur represented animation. Then, in 1980, Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamigal, the Shankaracharya of the Kanchi Peetham -- who was to pass away at the age of 100, fourteenyears later -- asked her to design a fresh set of karana figures for the panels of the new Uttara Chidambaram Nataraja Mandir in Satara,Maharashtra, based on the Natya Shastra descriptions. Each panel hadto show Shiva and Parvati.

She first had to decide whether to use Shiva with four arms as atThanjavur or Shiva with two arms as at Kumbakonam, together withParvati with two arms as at Chidambaram. She took pictures for adviceto the Swamiji, but he said there was to be no copying of existingimages. Ultimately, she chose four arms for Shiva and two for Parvati,and created the 108 new designs.

Later in the 1990s, Padmaji was approached by Alessandra Iyer, an Italian scholar, who wished to study the influence of the Natya Shastra on the Far East. They discovered that the Satara temple panels of Padmaji were similar in form to the 53 surviving dance panels ofthe 9th century Prambanam temple of Java, Indonesia, that was largelydestroyed by earthquake in the 15th century.

This established that Padmaji's choices were right and herunderstanding of the four-armed poses as frozen movements was correct.Since her reconstruction were based on brief description, it alsosuggests that the karanas are archetypes of motion.

The idea of archetypes brings me to Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung who,in a book they wrote in 1952 called The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, argued that our discoveries are a consequence of the preexisting patterns in our mind. Pauli wrote once, "I prefer to say that mind and matter are governed by common, neutral orderingprinciples 'that are not in themselves determinable' ." The idea ofarchetype, borrowed by Jung from Yoga, makes it possible for us to seehow different people can come to the same discovery independently.Parenthetically, Jung took the idea of divinity as male-female(Harihara), suggesting that each man had a female within (anima), andeach woman had a male within (animus).

In his contribution to the book, Pauli indicated how the great Keplerhad come by his three laws of planetary motion upon the use of Fibonacci sequences. From there the next step was the Newtonian synthesis that viewed the universe as a machine. But now we have comefull circle in our realization that if the universe is a machine, it is one where the components are all connected together -- it is a holistic machine.

Reading: To get an overview of the astronomy and cosmology of theancient world, see Subhash Kak, The Astronomical Code of the Rgveda.Munshiram, 2000.


--- On Sun, 4/26/09, sudhanshu yadav <sudhansh007 wrote:

sudhanshu yadav <sudhansh007 importants of mantra and 108 ??? Date: Sunday, April 26, 2009, 9:53 AM



Dear bhaskarji and my friends,i want to know the importance of mantra and why we have do it 108 times??and what is reason behind the 108 number.Please, give more details and share the knowledge.thanking you,Sudhanshu.Cricket on your mind? Visit the ultimate cricket website. Enter http://beta. cricket.. com

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Dear Bhaskar ji, Gopu ji and all,Thank you for valuable information shared. If I may add my one cent to this:The number 108 is among the most sacred and appears as the true or fictitious cardinal number in Hindu religious thoughts and philosophy. But it appears to be a more meaningful symbol, not only in religious, astronomical and cosmological, but also natural and aesthetical realms.

There is an intimate link between the number 108 and the Golden Section. An angle of 108 has a unique property. The ratio between the straight line uniting two points at 108 deg from each other on a circle’s circumference (in effect one of the sides of a 10-pointed star) and the radius of that circle equals the Golden Section. Likewise, the inside of every angle of a pentagon measures 108 degrees, and the pentagon is an embodiment of the Golden Section, e.g. the ratio between a side of the 5-pointed star and a side of the pentagon is the Golden Section. A lot of tantric rahasya is in the use of figures and yantras having golden sections.  

In art and architecture, it is found that the Golden Proportion is naturally pleasing to our inborn tastes. Many ancient buildings are standing examples of this. In living nature, there are plenty of sequences where every member stands to the preceding member in a Golden Proportion or its derivatives (square root etc.), e.g. the distances between or the sizes of the successive twigs growing on a branch, the layers of petals on a flower, etc. Practically everything meaningful, pleasing and long lasting has to be based on this golden section.

This symbolizes is the law of invariance: in every stage of a development, the same pattern repeats itself.  The son is to the father as the father was to the grandfather. Wheels within wheels: every whole consisting of parts is itself likewise part of a larger whole.  And the principle of order: the underling obeys the orders of his master to the same extent that the master obeys the requirements of the whole.  Even extended to an old pauranic concept that the wife serves the husband because (and to the extent that) the husband serves the cosmic order defining his duties.  

A google search would reveal a wealth of information on golden section and golden ratio.Hope members will find this interesting.RegardsNeelam

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dear M/s. Neelam gupta,

thanks for throwing more information on "108".



k.gopu--- On Sun, 4/26/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07Re: importants of mantra and 108 ??? Date: Sunday, April 26, 2009, 6:11 PM



Dear Bhaskar ji, Gopu ji and all,Thank you for valuable information shared. If I may add my one cent to this:The number 108 is among the most sacred and appears as the true or fictitious cardinal number in Hindu religious thoughts and philosophy. But it appears to be a more meaningful symbol, not only in religious, astronomical and cosmological, but also natural and aesthetical realms.There is an intimate link between the number 108 and the Golden Section. An angle of 108 has a unique property. The ratio between the straight line uniting two points at 108 deg from each other on a circle’s circumference (in effect one of the sides of a 10-pointed star) and the radius of that circle equals the Golden Section. Likewise, the inside of every angle of a pentagon measures 108 degrees, and the pentagon is an embodiment of the Golden Section, e.g. the ratio between a side of the 5-pointed star and a side of the

pentagon is the Golden Section. A lot of tantric rahasya is in the use of figures and yantras having golden sections. In art and architecture, it is found that the Golden Proportion is naturally pleasing to our inborn tastes. Many ancient buildings are standing examples of this. In living nature, there are plenty of sequences where every member stands to the preceding member in a Golden Proportion or its derivatives (square root etc.), e.g. the distances between or the sizes of the successive twigs growing on a branch, the layers of petals on a flower, etc. Practically everything meaningful, pleasing and long lasting has to be based on this golden section.This symbolizes is the law of invariance: in every stage of a development, the same pattern repeats itself. The son is to the father as the father was to the grandfather. Wheels within wheels: every whole consisting of parts is itself likewise part of a larger whole.

And the principle of order: the underling obeys the orders of his master to the same extent that the master obeys the requirements of the whole. Even extended to an old pauranic concept that the wife serves the husband because (and to the extent that) the husband serves the cosmic order defining his duties. A google search would reveal a wealth of information on golden section and golden ratio.Hope members will find this interesting.RegardsNeelam

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Dear Neelam ji,


Your mail brought in some memories of recent past. A 5 years ago I was worried

about a start Formation on my palm under the Mount of Saturn.This was not a

normal star like we see in Palmistry books but like a Christmas star a big one,

with 5 sides and exactly a Pentagon. I got worried about it and then searched

the Net but could nto find such a symbol on any palmistry site to give me the

meaning of the same. Finally instead of searching on Palmistry sites, I put the

search for a " 5 Pointed Star " on Google search and then I got what I was looking

for. This was not to be worried about and in fact was a blessing from The Lord,

and which fact was confirmed by My Palmistry Professor too after a fortnight

when I met him. The normal star or Cross on the Mount of Saturn below the

Saturn finger gives a violent death. i still have the Pentagon on my Palm.









, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:


> Dear Bhaskar ji, Gopu ji and all,


> Thank you for valuable information shared. If I may add my one cent to this:


> The number 108 is among the most sacred and appears as the true or

> fictitious cardinal number in Hindu religious thoughts and philosophy. But

> it appears to be a more meaningful symbol, not only in religious,

> astronomical and cosmological, but also natural and aesthetical realms.


> There is an intimate link between the *number 108 and the Golden Section*. An

> angle of 108 has a unique property. The ratio between the straight line

> uniting two points at 108 deg from each other on a circle's circumference

> (in effect one of the sides of a 10-pointed star) and the radius of that

> circle equals the Golden Section. Likewise, the inside of every angle of a

> pentagon measures 108 degrees, and the pentagon is an embodiment of the

> Golden Section, e.g. the ratio between a side of the 5-pointed star and a

> side of the pentagon is the Golden Section. A lot of tantric rahasya is in

> the use of figures and yantras having golden sections.


> In art and architecture, it is found that the Golden Proportion is naturally

> pleasing to our inborn tastes. Many ancient buildings are standing examples

> of this. In living nature, there are plenty of sequences where every member

> stands to the preceding member in a Golden Proportion or its derivatives

> (square root etc.), e.g. the distances between or the sizes of the

> successive twigs growing on a branch, the layers of petals on a flower, etc.

> Practically everything meaningful, pleasing and long lasting has to be based

> on this golden section.


> This symbolizes is the law of invariance: in every stage of a development,

> the same pattern repeats itself. The son is to the father as the father was

> to the grandfather. Wheels within wheels: every whole consisting of parts is

> itself likewise part of a larger whole. And the principle of order: the

> underling obeys the orders of his master to the same extent that the master

> obeys the requirements of the whole. Even extended to an old pauranic

> concept that the wife serves the husband because (and to the extent that)

> the husband serves the cosmic order defining his duties.


> A google search would reveal a wealth of information on golden section and

> golden ratio.


> Hope members will find this interesting.


> Regards

> Neelam


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The Pentagram on the mount of saturn….. that is interesting! Hope it’s no witch work:)It could mean an awakening of consciousness and your own psyche moving beyond the realms of physical form and beyond the perceptions of the five senses. The pentagram shows the ruling of the higher mind over the lower elements. It would certainly allow the infinite possibilities existing within the universe to grow within.


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Do not worry. I am more than protected. No witch or her male version can

bring me, any harm. I am now past all those vulnerabilities when I was

made to suffer about 24 years back. I have interacted with female

Dakinis though from the astral sphere ( This may sound wierd to You ) on

quite a few occasions. I have my own set of Mantras and Gurus

instructions which have been abided by, for my security.


You are right about what You wrote about the Pentagon. This mark will

always provide Divine blanket to me whenever I begin tresspassing the

normal norms of behaviour or someone else does so with me. It will also

lead me to where I belong.









, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07



> The Pentagram on the mount of saturn….. that is interesting! Hope

it's no

> witch work:)


> It could mean an awakening of consciousness and your own psyche moving

> beyond the realms of physical form and beyond the perceptions of the


> senses. The pentagram shows the ruling of the higher mind over the


> elements. It would certainly allow the infinite possibilities existing

> within the universe to grow within.


> Regards

> Neelam


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if i cud add to the significance of 108.......,

there are 108 elements in the world and ultimately everything is a combination of these 108 element. so when we recite one MALA (108 beads) we are in a way paying homage to these 108 elements. hence the the importance of 108 number.

tikka--- On Mon, 27/4/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Re: importants of mantra and 108 ??? Date: Monday, 27 April, 2009, 4:13 AM



Dear Neelam ji,Your mail brought in some memories of recent past. A 5 years ago I was worried about a start Formation on my palm under the Mount of Saturn.This was not a normal star like we see in Palmistry books but like a Christmas star a big one, with 5 sides and exactly a Pentagon. I got worried about it and then searched the Net but could nto find such a symbol on any palmistry site to give me the meaning of the same. Finally instead of searching on Palmistry sites, I put the search for a "5 Pointed Star" on Google search and then I got what I was looking for. This was not to be worried about and in fact was a blessing from The Lord, and which fact was confirmed by My Palmistry Professor too after a fortnight when I met him. The normal star or Cross on the Mount of Saturn below the Saturn finger gives a violent death. i still have the Pentagon on my Palm. regards,Bhaskar., neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ ....> wrote:>> Dear Bhaskar ji, Gopu ji and all,> > Thank you for valuable information shared. If I may add my one cent to this:> > The number 108 is among the most sacred and appears as the true or> fictitious cardinal number in Hindu religious thoughts and philosophy. But> it appears to be a more meaningful symbol, not only in religious,> astronomical and cosmological, but also natural and aesthetical realms.> > There is an intimate link between the *number 108 and the Golden Section*. An> angle of 108 has a unique property. The ratio between the straight line> uniting two points at 108 deg from each other on a circle's circumference> (in effect one of the sides of a 10-pointed star) and the radius of that>

circle equals the Golden Section. Likewise, the inside of every angle of a> pentagon measures 108 degrees, and the pentagon is an embodiment of the> Golden Section, e.g. the ratio between a side of the 5-pointed star and a> side of the pentagon is the Golden Section. A lot of tantric rahasya is in> the use of figures and yantras having golden sections.> > In art and architecture, it is found that the Golden Proportion is naturally> pleasing to our inborn tastes. Many ancient buildings are standing examples> of this. In living nature, there are plenty of sequences where every member> stands to the preceding member in a Golden Proportion or its derivatives> (square root etc.), e.g. the distances between or the sizes of the> successive twigs growing on a branch, the layers of petals on a flower, etc.> Practically everything meaningful, pleasing and long lasting has to be

based> on this golden section.> > This symbolizes is the law of invariance: in every stage of a development,> the same pattern repeats itself. The son is to the father as the father was> to the grandfather. Wheels within wheels: every whole consisting of parts is> itself likewise part of a larger whole. And the principle of order: the> underling obeys the orders of his master to the same extent that the master> obeys the requirements of the whole. Even extended to an old pauranic> concept that the wife serves the husband because (and to the extent that)> the husband serves the cosmic order defining his duties.> > A google search would reveal a wealth of information on golden section and> golden ratio.> > Hope members will find this interesting.> > Regards> Neelam>

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Dear Bhaskarji & Neelamji,

Read both the mails. Each bringing in a set of insights not easily available

to even the most inquisitive minds. Thank you so much.


I am glad Bhaskarji got his clarifications. The star , the usual one under the mount of saturn is

indeed a disturbing one. U r right, it gives a violent death. Mahatma Gandhi i read long ago,

had one.


I am so glad u pointed out the marked difference. Will save many from the anxiety.




From: bhaskar_jyotishDate: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 04:13:32 +0000 Re: importants of mantra and 108 ???




Dear Neelam ji,Your mail brought in some memories of recent past. A 5 years ago I was worried about a start Formation on my palm under the Mount of Saturn.This was not a normal star like we see in Palmistry books but like a Christmas star a big one, with 5 sides and exactly a Pentagon. I got worried about it and then searched the Net but could nto find such a symbol on any palmistry site to give me the meaning of the same. Finally instead of searching on Palmistry sites, I put the search for a "5 Pointed Star" on Google search and then I got what I was looking for. This was not to be worried about and in fact was a blessing from The Lord, and which fact was confirmed by My Palmistry Professor too after a fortnight when I met him. The normal star or Cross on the Mount of Saturn below the Saturn finger gives a violent death. i still have the Pentagon on my Palm. regards,Bhaskar. , neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Bhaskar ji, Gopu ji and all,> > Thank you for valuable information shared. If I may add my one cent to this:> > The number 108 is among the most sacred and appears as the true or> fictitious cardinal number in Hindu religious thoughts and philosophy. But> it appears to be a more meaningful symbol, not only in religious,> astronomical and cosmological, but also natural and aesthetical realms.> > There is an intimate link between the *number 108 and the Golden Section*. An> angle of 108 has a unique property. The ratio between the straight line> uniting two points at 108 deg from each other on a circle's circumference> (in effect one of the sides of a 10-pointed star) and the radius of that> circle equals the Golden Section. Likewise, the inside of every angle of a> pentagon measures 108 degrees, and the pentagon is an embodiment of the> Golden Section, e.g. the ratio between a side of the 5-pointed star and a> side of the pentagon is the Golden Section. A lot of tantric rahasya is in> the use of figures and yantras having golden sections.> > In art and architecture, it is found that the Golden Proportion is naturally> pleasing to our inborn tastes. Many ancient buildings are standing examples> of this. In living nature, there are plenty of sequences where every member> stands to the preceding member in a Golden Proportion or its derivatives> (square root etc.), e.g. the distances between or the sizes of the> successive twigs growing on a branch, the layers of petals on a flower, etc.> Practically everything meaningful, pleasing and long lasting has to be based> on this golden section.> > This symbolizes is the law of invariance: in every stage of a development,> the same pattern repeats itself. The son is to the father as the father was> to the grandfather. Wheels within wheels: every whole consisting of parts is> itself likewise part of a larger whole. And the principle of order: the> underling obeys the orders of his master to the same extent that the master> obeys the requirements of the whole. Even extended to an old pauranic> concept that the wife serves the husband because (and to the extent that)> the husband serves the cosmic order defining his duties.> > A google search would reveal a wealth of information on golden section and> golden ratio.> > Hope members will find this interesting.> > Regards> Neelam>


The new . You don’t want to miss this.

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importants of mantra and 108

ans is,

it has concern with our sawas (breath) we take approx 27648 swas

in 24 hrs,it count like this 16*108*16=27648. (+ - 75)

16 shabd 108 manke 16 times,this is the way we should do iteg:- hare hare hare hare hare hare hare hare

krishna krishna krishna krishna

ram ram ram ram

Maha Mantra

hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare

hare ram hare ram ram ram hare hare




these are the three name of bhagwan othere than like mahesh ,devies,comes

under devtas


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Please explain this properly .







, Suresh Awasthi

<suresh.awasthi wrote:




> importants of mantra and 108

> ans is,

> it has concern with our sawas (breath) we take approx 27648 swas

> in 24 hrs,it count like this 16*108*16=27648. (+ - 75)

> 16 shabd 108 manke 16 times,this is the way we should do it

> eg:- hare hare hare hare hare hare hare hare

> krishna krishna krishna krishna

> ram ram ram ram

> Maha Mantra

> hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare

> hare ram hare ram ram ram hare hare

> hare

> krishna

> ram

> these are the three name of bhagwan othere than like mahesh


> under devtas



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Dear Suresh,


I have read this mail of yours 4 times, but it still does not make any

sense to me. What you are trying to say, teach us, share with us exactly



Even a small child in India knows about Brahma , Vishnu and Mahesh, and

also about the mahamantra.


What are you trying to convey ?


We breath around 21600 times by the way in a day.











, Suresh Awasthi

<suresh.awasthi wrote:




> importants of mantra and 108

> ans is,

> it has concern with our sawas (breath) we take approx 27648 swas

> in 24 hrs,it count like this 16*108*16=27648. (+ - 75)

> 16 shabd 108 manke 16 times,this is the way we should do it

> eg:- hare hare hare hare hare hare hare hare

> krishna krishna krishna krishna

> ram ram ram ram

> Maha Mantra

> hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare

> hare ram hare ram ram ram hare hare

> hare

> krishna

> ram

> these are the three name of bhagwan othere than like mahesh


> under devtas



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Dear Suresh Awasthi ji,I do not think what you've given makes any sense.Tantra estimates the average number of breaths per day at 21,600, of which 10,800 are from Sun, and 10,800 are lunar energy. If one is able to be so calm in meditation as to have only 108 breaths in a day, it is said that one gets enlightenment.

For more on significance of 108 (apart from what has been said earlier):There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.On the Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect, and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersection has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti qualities. 54 times 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.

The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization. Marmas or marmasthanas are like energy intersections called chakras, except have fewer energy lines converging to form them. There are said to be 108 marmas in the subtle body.

108 is a Harshad number, which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits (Harshad is from Sanskrit, and means " great joy " )Metal silver is said to represent the moon. The atomic weight of silver is 108.

Some more interesting facts are:There have been 108 Upanishads.There are said to be 108 earthly desires in mortals.There are said to be 108 lies that humans tell.There are said to be 108 human delusions or forms of ignorance.

It is said that there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.Hope members will find it useful.RegardsNeelam

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Very well said Neelum ji

--- On Wed, 29/4/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07Re: Re: importants of mantra and 108 ??? Date: Wednesday, 29 April, 2009, 4:10 PM



Dear Suresh Awasthi ji,I do not think what you've given makes any sense.Tantra estimates the average number of breaths per day at 21,600, of which 10,800 are from Sun, and 10,800 are lunar energy. If one is able to be so calm in meditation as to have only 108 breaths in a day, it is said that one gets enlightenment.For more on significance of 108 (apart from what has been said earlier):There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.On the Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect, and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersection has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti qualities. 54 times 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form

the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization. Marmas or marmasthanas are like energy intersections called chakras, except have fewer energy lines converging to form them. There are said to be 108 marmas in the subtle body.108 is a Harshad number, which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits (Harshad is from Sanskrit, and means "great joy")Metal silver is said to represent the moon. The atomic weight of silver is 108.Some more interesting facts are:There have been 108 Upanishads.There are said to be 108 earthly desires in mortals.There are said to be 108 lies that humans tell.There are said to be 108 human delusions or forms of ignorance.It is said that there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.Hope members will find it


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Some People dont even know how many teeth are there in a mans mouth, yet they open a Dental Surgeons clinic and put a Board outside their clinics.



, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Suresh Awasthi ji,> > I do not think what you've given makes any sense.> > *Tantra estimates the average number of breaths per day at 21,600, of which> 10,800 are from Sun, and 10,800 are lunar energy. If one is able to be so> calm in meditation as to have only 108 breaths in a day, it is said that one> gets enlightenment.*> > For more on significance of 108 (apart from what has been said earlier):> > There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and> feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.> > On the Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect, and there> are 54 such intersections. Each intersection has masculine and feminine,> shiva and shakti qualities. 54 times 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108> points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.> > The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be> a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of> them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to> Self-realization. Marmas or marmasthanas are like energy intersections> called chakras, except have fewer energy lines converging to form them.> There are said to be 108 marmas in the subtle body.> > 108 is a Harshad number, which is an integer divisible by the sum of its> digits (Harshad is from Sanskrit, and means "great joy")> > Metal silver is said to represent the moon. The atomic weight of silver is> 108.> > *Some more interesting facts are:*> > There have been 108 Upanishads.> > There are said to be 108 earthly desires in mortals.> > There are said to be 108 lies that humans tell.> > There are said to be 108 human delusions or forms of ignorance.> > It is said that there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36> related to the present, and 36 related to the future.> > Hope members will find it useful.> > Regards> Neelam>

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Dear All,


With all due repect for everybody here I have a different view towards this

discussion of mantras 108 times.In my view.....most of you may not agree.....it

is the intensitity and the sincerity that matters rather than the number itself.

As Bhagwan Krishna says in Geeta " myev manaadhasva maanityayukta upaasate "

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Dear Libran,


I agree with You . Nobody can fool the Lord with numbers. Prem, atut

Shraddha, Bhakti, Vishwas, are the pillars to receive His Grace.


Numbers are just an help for us to develop a daily discipline of Japa,

eventually to make it come with every breath , ie. Non stop, without any



This is just like the Moorthi kept in a temple which is just meant fpor

one to concentrate, eventually to make the disciple realise that He is

everywhere and not just here.


" Patram Pushpam Phalam Toyam yo me bhaktya Prayachati ........... " (Ch

9 Shloka 26)


- Whosoever offers to Me with Love, a Leaf, a flower, a fruit or even

water, I appear in person before that disinterested devotee of sinless

mind, and delightfully partake of that article offered by him with Love.


best wishes,




N.B. Big theories are for the Copy Paste Masters. We believe in

practicals of day to day living. Too much of rules and regulations may

take one no where, but a little of Bhakti and shraddha take one






, " libran " <libbran66 wrote:


> Dear All,


> With all due repect for everybody here I have a different view towards

this discussion of mantras 108 times.In my view.....most of you may not

agree.....it is the intensitity and the sincerity that matters rather

than the number itself. As Bhagwan Krishna says in Geeta " myev

manaadhasva maanityayukta upaasate "


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Dear Libran,I agree with you, and of course Bhaskar ji. The discussion was only on 'why the number 108 could've been of significance'? And we find many all around us.Ultimately one has to move beyond numbers, to shunya and realise the formless, the nothingness...

But why do we start with something? Because a beginner cannot see 'nothing'.The numbers were only meant to discipline the mind and body, so that one remained focussed for a sufficient duration of time and slowly develop his own consciousness to move forward on his spiritual journey.

RegardsNeelam2009/4/30 Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish







Dear Libran,


I agree with You . Nobody can fool the Lord with numbers. Prem, atut

Shraddha, Bhakti, Vishwas, are the pillars to receive His Grace.


Numbers are just an help for us to develop a daily discipline of Japa,

eventually to make it come with every breath , ie. Non stop, without any



This is just like the Moorthi kept in a temple which is just meant fpor

one to concentrate, eventually to make the disciple realise that He is

everywhere and not just here.


" Patram Pushpam Phalam Toyam yo me bhaktya Prayachati ........... " (Ch

9 Shloka 26)


- Whosoever offers to Me with Love, a Leaf, a flower, a fruit or even

water, I appear in person before that disinterested devotee of sinless

mind, and delightfully partake of that article offered by him with Love.


best wishes,




N.B. Big theories are for the Copy Paste Masters. We believe in

practicals of day to day living. Too much of rules and regulations may

take one no where, but a little of Bhakti and shraddha take one



, " libran " <libbran66 wrote:


> Dear All,


> With all due repect for everybody here I have a different view towards

this discussion of mantras 108 times.In my view.....most of you may not

agree.....it is the intensitity and the sincerity that matters rather

than the number itself. As Bhagwan Krishna says in Geeta " myev

manaadhasva maanityayukta upaasate "


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Thanks Bhaskarji


Sudhanshu--- On Sun, 26/4/09, Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Re: importants of mantra and 108 ??? Date: Sunday, 26 April, 2009, 10:53 AM




Dear Sudhanshu ji,

In short and laymans language -

Mantra .

It is a set of words used to pronounce or recite, for relaisation of a specific purpose, and addressed to a particualr Diety or just to Nirvikaar.

Why 108 times ?

We have 27 Nakshatras with 4 padas each. Thus 27 x 4 = 108. It is said that each part of the Nakshatra is pacified when one recites a mantra 108 times. The Nakshatras are nothing but physical manifestation of the Supreme Lord and one of his countless attributes in the universe. If the nakshatras are pacified, in turn the planets are also modified in our individual charts, because the Planets all appear in one or the other constellation behind the backdrop of the Screen. Therefore continous recitation of Mantras or Nama Japa always tends to decrease the malefic tendencies in ones Horoscope.

Recitation does have a conclusive effect if done properly. You know a beggar if he repeats this continously in a polite appealing tone " Sahab kuch paise de do, main bhookha hoon . Roti khila do". You are bound to yield and spend a few rupees for him . By continous recitation of songs and Bhajans one can become a good singer too like Lata Mangeshkar. By continously reciting stotras accurately one can become a SubbhaLakshmi too. But we are not here to become them. We are ordinary people. We are just here to recite mantras and reduce the paap karma of this and previous Life.

This number of japas we are able to recite is the Bank balance we shall take up when we leave this mortal sheath here to be burnt alongwith our personal things.

Shri Dongreji Maharaj who gave discources on the Ramayana, has written clearly in his Ramayan that a person who keeps on reciting a Lakh Number of "Raam " where 1 Lakh names taken is equal to one House of your Horoscope, has the ability to clean his whole Horoscope of the malefic and evils it portends.

Well we can write a hundred books on this, there is so much material already written on Mantra Shakti.

best wishes,




, sudhanshu yadav <sudhansh007@ ...> wrote:>> > Dear bhaskarji and my friends,> i want to know the importance of mantra and why we have do it 108 times??> and what is reason behind the 108 number.Please, give more details and share the knowledge.> > thanking you,> > Sudhanshu.> > > Cricket on your mind? Visit the ultimate cricket website. Enter http://beta. cricket.. com>

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