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Fwd: How To Test Softwares : Mundane Charts

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prashanth i will publish all ur mails last one yr u sent me to all grps why u r holding my mails which i exposed a fraud and allowing some one to attack me ,do u think i dont know ur agenda or i am a fool i

asked some one to proov his false claims which he is failing

consistently for last 4 months and then u take this opportunity to

tarnish me who upholds the rishi vakyas and i am doing my duty .i am not afriad of any thing u r holding my mails and then allowing a fraud to play against me , "vinayjhaa16" <vinayjhaa16 wrote:An Intellectual Challenge to Mr Sunil Nair & his teamTo All,Mr Sunil Nair has reverted to his old style of judging things not suitedto his likings in his dictatorial and abusive style. In AIA he and hisfriends refused to discuss anything with me and incessantly attacked mewith abuses. Initially, I was under an impression that they weremisbehaving due to misunderstanding, and I tried my best to bring themto free and fair discussion, tolerating all their abuses, esp from MrChandrahari who never stopped abusing and never agreed to discuss thingsin a civilized manner. But with all my tolerance I failed to persuadethem to discuss anything at all.I became curious at such a bizarre behaviour by apparenty educatedpersons and therefore spent some time over the writings of theirintellectual leader Mr Chandrahari. Then I recognized the reason behindintolerance and impatience of this team. They are not lunatics to abuseanyone without any provocation. They had a cause : Mr Chandrahari waspropagating a wrong ayanamsha in the name of Suryasiddhanta, which is afraud, and he was apprehensive that the presence of any person knowingthe intricacies of Suryasiddhanta will expose this fraud. hence, hewanted my instant expulsion without any discussion. He even incitedthem to kill me, literally ! Mr Chandrahari poses as an expert ofSuryasiddhanta, which needed my expulsion. When I became convinced ofthis fraudulent history of 'Chandrahari Ayanamsha' , I exposed thisfraud in AIA. Mr Chandrahari has a right to propound any theory hewishes, but he has no right to distort the original texts to suit hispersonal whims and fancies. I pointed to errors in Mr Chandrahari'sdefinition of ayanamsha and made it clear that Mr Chandrahari'sayanamsha is his own invention and has no relation to Suryasiddhanta.After this, Mr Chandrahari left the scence and Mr Sreenadh took theresponsibility of abusing me. Why an intellectual issue should besubmerged under personal attacks ? Why the people who boast of milleniaof civilization cannot discuss intellectual issues in a civilizedmanner?? There are many ignorant persons, but they are not aggressive,abusive and intolerant. Intolerance and impatience is not a mark ofignorance. Uncivilized and intolerant behaviour has vested interestswhich call for removing the apparent opponent from the scene. But thesepersons forget that even if I willingly resign from all forums,there is an external world with legal courts and other institutionswhere truth can be proven. Personal prestige is a non-issue for me, butwhen it comes to matters related to shaastras, I can go to any legalextent.As Mr Prashant ji has rightly said, Mr Sunil Nair does not even know thedefinition of "fraud". I never earned a paisa from astrology. Whom Irobbed ? What is my fraud ? If my statements are wrong, it is not afraud but a misinterpretation which should be countered with properarguments and evidences, instead of abusing.Mr Sunil Nair says the entire JR group is intellectually bankruptbecause it allows free and fair discussions, and boasts that this "grouphas no knowledge of Suryasiddhanta.... Stop discussing Suryasiddhanta inthe group. You guys are incompetent to discuss such a topic". To learnone need courage...."Incivility is not courage. Mr Sunil Nair and his team is distinguishedfor impudence, incivility, ignorance, intolerance, and above all fraud.I am not abusing them, I am telling the truth which I am capable ofproving it, provided they accept my challenge of a real shaastrartha,which I had requested Mr Chandrahari to engage in, after which MrChandrahari left the field and abusive attacks were launched on me in aconcerted manner.This team forced me to leave AIA, and is now harassing me in otherforums. It is my duty to expose their fraud. Here is a simple way todecide who is a real fraud. Even those members who have no knowledge ofancient siddhantas can easily decide who is a fraud and who knows thesiddhanta skandha of Jyotisha.Suryasiddhanta's earliest tables are Makaranda Tables (1478 AD) , inwhich readymade tables and easy methods for making panchangas are given.Even today, almost all Suryasiddhantic panchangas are being made fromMakaranda Tables, whose first verse says it is Suryasiddhantic ("ShriSuryasiddhanta matena samyag-vishva-upkaaraaya guru-prasaadaata ...").In its chapter of Spashtaadhikaara, there are tables for gettingmandaphala and shighraphala for each value of 'bhuja' ('planetaryposition reduced to a quadrant'). Burgess cound not understand thesetables and therefore gave his own faulty method of computing mandaphalaand shighraphala. Whom should we accept as Suryasiddhantic : a foreignChristian priest like Burgess, or the whole tradition of Suryasiddhanticpanchanga makers and other experts like Diwakar Daivajna, KamlakaraBhatta, Vishvanath Daivajna, Gokulnath Daivajna, Narayan Sharma(excepting the last who wrote in 1909 AD, all others are mediaevalexperts). Here is my proposition : if Mr Sunil Nair and his entire teamof socalled experts can describe the Suryasiddhantic formula ofmandaphala which was used in Makaranda mandaphala tables, I willrenounce Suryasiddhanta for ever and will accept these persons of AIA asmy gurus.I have asked a very simple question. Mandaphala means the equation ofcentre due to ellipticity of orbit. Shighraphala is more complex.Computations of eclipses are even more complex, which should not bediscussed in a forum. If Mr Sunil Nair provides a formula whichcan help one to reconstruct this mandaphala table within tolerablelimits of errors (few seconds of arc, due to absence of calculators inthose days, there are slight errors in these tables), I will stakeanything Mr Sunil Nair wants. I can give any limit of time, preferablywithin a month or two, which Mr Sunil Nair wants to learn this formulafrom any source in the world. English editions of Makaranda Tables arenow out of print, but Sanskrit original with Hindi commentary by Late PtLakhanlal Ji can be procured cheaply from Chowkhamba SurabhaaratiPrakaashan, Varanasi.Mr Sunil Nair shows much courage in non-intellectual abusing. Can hedisplay similar courage in accepting my intellectual challenge ?I know what answer he and his tean can give. After failing inunderstanding the Makaranda Tables, Mr Nair & c will resort to abusingthese tables as wrong or non-Suryasiddhantic or out-of-date. But thesegimmicks will not prove his guts : give me the formula of MakarandaTables and do not try to divert the issue.In the end, I must add a comment on Mr prashant Ji's benevolent remarks.He is right is saying that I do not relish the situation when somemembers judge a software without testing, which Mr Sunil Nair & c aredoing. But I am not impatient for everyone to use my system because itis not only impossible but unethical too : Suryasiddhanta strictlyprobits giving this knowledge to undeserving lot. Those who abuseSuryasiddhanta do not deserve it. But those who abuse it withoutunderstanding it, and pose as its experts, deserve some specialtreatment from this group. If I am proven wrong, let me and my softwarego. If Mr Sunil Nair fails to explain a simple mandaphala formula asused in Makaranda mandaphala table (do not send the wrong formula ofBurgess), what should be done with his abusive behaviour ? This fellowknows well my credentials : even recognizwed Sanskrit universities, govtSanskrit academies and other reputed institutions have accepted me as anexpert of Suryasiddhanta, who should be "killed' according to MrChandrahari and abused by his followers.Please compell this team to prove its supposed expertize. I they fail toexplain Suryasiddhanta, what right they have of abusing it or me? Let usdiscuss in a free and fair manner, which is impossible in AIA. I haveput a simple question which is part of Ganitaacharya syllabus inSanskrit universities. After failing in finding a correct answer, theycan take help from professors of Jyotisha. I can send them, if askedfor, addresses of all such recognized Sanskrit institutions wherejyotisha is taught at high levels. Suryasiddhanta's last words are thatit is "rahasyam brahma sammitam". Let me see who helps them against abrahmachaari.-Vinay Jha======================= ==== , "sunil nair"astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:>>>> dear grp>>> i can only sympathize with you guys for not developing the "sense"with> which you could differentiate a fraud. When someone comes and tellsyou> people that Suryasiddhanta is not for observed planets and positionsof> deities and planets are different - you people make it a subject of> discussion. This is not the openness needed in the inquiry for truth.> This is the intellectual bankruptcy of you people that the group hasno> knowledge of Suryasiddhanta and fails to appreciate even the right> wisdom/interpretation. You guys don't understand who may be anauthority> and who cannot be? Why such a pitiable state after spending a life> time for Jyotisha? Look inside and see - what prevents you people from> assimilating what you people read? There is only one answer. Real> knowledge comes when one surrenders to the Guru and remains anchoredto> the right knowledge. But this is not possible when 'spardha' is therein> the mind -'spardha' of judging others with ego rather than pursuingthe> quest for truth. Stop discussing Suryasiddhanta in the group. You> guys are incompetent to discuss such a topic. And when you do thingsfor> which you are incompetent you people will end up desecrating theancient> wisdom. Learn at least to call a spade a spade - Don't be victimsof> false modesty. To learn one need courage. to shed false notions and to> shed mindset one needs courage. You guys are cowards lacking courageand> I feel no sorry in speaking the truth.>>> sunil nair>> , Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@> wrote:> >> > I work on laptop due to power crisis in my region, with Win XP SP-3.> Mr Sunil Nair has same system. Run time errors of any kind meansversion> difference in DLL files already installed on your computer with the> files contained in Kundalee which you chose to ignore while> installation.> >> > Recent version of Kundalee software has revoved many, but not all,> such problems. It you downloaded Kundalee before 7th May 2009,uninstall> the previous version from Control Panel and download the new package> fromhttp://kundalee.wikidot.com/ from the first linkon that page :> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-72e639b7.html> >> >> > It will take me a few months to tune Kundalee to all other versions.> >> > Sincerely,> >> > -Vinay Jha> > ================= =====> >> >> > ________________________________> > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@> > > > Friday, May 15, 2009 1:08:58 PM> > Re: How To Test Softwares : Mundane Charts> >> >> >> >> >> > ///////only real software developers like PVR and Shyam Kansal jiare> > > sympathetic and unbiased : they know the shortcomings of modern> > > softwares and are doing their best to find ways to remove these> > > shortcomings. Shyam Kansal ji is the pioneer in software on> > > Ashtakavargas, and when he found the team of Sreenadh falsely> charging> > > me of making an "uninstallable" software based on an "outdated"> > > siddhaanta, he stepped in to report that he faced no difficulty in> > > installing Kundalee and found that no other software dealt with> > > Ashtakavargas more exhaustively than Kundalee. But such verdictsby> a> > > pioneer vedic software developer made no impact on AIA> > managers./// /////> >> > Re: Kundalee software> > Dear Group members> >> > This is my input to on-going discussions on Kundalee software.> >> > I have Windows-XP (service pack-3), Home Edition, on my notebook> > computer. I could install the software without any problem. It is> > running OK on my notebook. Most of the options are workingperfectly.> >> > However, when I try to calculate Vimshottari dasa or Ashottari dasaor> > Ashtakvarga, it always returns "Run time error 13, Type Mismatch"> error.> >> > I have not yet checked/compared any calculations of this softwarewith> > other normally used popular softwares, therefore I am unable to> comment> > about calculations aspect at the moment.> >> > Sarvatobhadra- chakra section is quite exhaustive. I heartily> compliment> > Mr. Vinay Jha for providing this section to those interested. Mostof> > the present day softwares have not been able to provide> > Sarvatobhadra- chakra vedhas so exhaustively.> >> > I would request Mr. Vinay Jha to guide me that how I may solve this> > problem of "Run time error 13, Type Mismatch".> >> > Warm regards,> > Shyam S. Kansal> >> > http://groups. / group/ancient_ indian_astrology /message/> 17716> >> > IS IT IS PROOF OF INFALIBILITY ?????? WAT A SOFTWARE GOT INSTALLEDHAS> > TO DO WITH PROOF OF SAURA PAKSHA IS CORRECT ??> >> > >>>>>

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dear grp


Here is A reply to one fruad and one moderater of a forum - due inferiority

complex /lack of subjuct knowledge is holding back my mails and allowing other

party to take mileage by approving it ( all my mails for last 14 days r hold

back by him )


i wrote to that moderater prvtly 100 times dont allow some one's unprooved

claims in grp in the name of promoting novices as astrology already has

mountains of junk created by all neo entrants and it will become head ache for

new generation who ever will come to learn it ,so it is our duty to protect its



now i dont understand what he says when i posted a prvt mail ( asking why my

mails r being held ?) -he keep on repeating me to study ,reserch on vinay and

his claims and post him ( to help him to understand some basics ) so as him to

expose some one


he is after some secrets


here is answer to vinay ji


KArye Grahesshu grahana MandanOkhtashwata: param ---


ekaika liptika sodhya thatsidhe sitagow puna

yojyeika valsare saika chatwarimsanmithe  kAla

pancha trimsath yutha shathe varshe tumke sakathatha

yojya eko rahu madhye shodhyekabdatrayathe kala

ethath samskra samyukta thatraarkadhya:smrutha


i omitted some secrets because u r a brahmachari and maya the mlecha dont allow


this is part of a oral tradition ,so i dont want to discuss any more with u


Now u proov ur software is better than any other software ,


one more thing


All chandrahari's works ( forget i accept or not or wheter we r using it or not

,as i am still doing my reserch work on it )has then i told u ,i cannot take ur

software which has not prooved in frnd of learned persons nor even general

public has even  able to downloaded it ) r published in all science journals

than ur work which u says ask this professer or that professer


Now u unleshed a propoaganda against all of us without substantiating ur claims


All this days ever since u born in net with ur fake propoagnda software ( since

last 4 months ) ,i asked u only to proov ur worth and still i am asking the same



ur claims on avasarpini yuga for population forcaste has already  meet dust

after  i posted 2 article -one on jaina Yuga concepts and other on samkhya

darshana which u were saying has vedic approval and u r mixing jaina Yuga with

samkhya philosophy ( saying in the name of sanction frm vedas and what ever u r

saying is brahma vakhya 0


so it become my duty to whistle blow it and i hav already done it


so for such persons what i shud call who is even tampering vedic Laws


fake ,fraud or Mahatma








--- On Sun, 17/5/09, hari <chandra_hari18 wrote:


hari <chandra_hari18

Re: Fwd: Re: How To Test Softwares : Mundane Charts

" Sunil Nair " <astro_tellerkerala

Sunday, 17 May, 2009, 10:23 AM


see all my claims are based on published works. u people allowed that guy to

spread his nonsense and AIA and now see he has unleashed propaganda against all

of us without substantiating all that he claims.


Did he discuss anything of ayanamsa on the net?


So many phenomenon happen in the world.


Aum Namah Sivaya


--- On Sun, 5/17/09, Sunil Nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:



Sunil Nair <astro_tellerkerala

Fwd: Re: How To Test Softwares : Mundane Charts

" Sreenadh " <sreesog, " hari " <chandra_hari18

Sunday, May 17, 2009, 12:29 AM








, " sunil nair " <astro_tellerkerala






i will publish all ur mails last one yr u sent me to all grps


why u r holding my mails which i exposed a fraud and allowing some one

to attack me ,do u think i dont know ur agenda or i am a fool


i asked some one to proov his false claims which he is failing

consistently for last 4 months and then u take this opportunity to

tarnish me who upholds the rishi vakyas and i am doing my duty .


i am not afriad of any thing


u r holding my mails and then allowing a fraud to play against me



, " vinayjhaa16 " vinayjhaa16@



An Intellectual Challenge to Mr Sunil Nair & his team


To All,


Mr Sunil Nair has reverted to his old style of judging things not suited

to his likings in his dictatorial and abusive style. In

AIA he and his

friends refused to discuss anything with me and incessantly attacked me

with abuses. Initially, I was under an impression that they were

misbehaving due to misunderstanding, and I tried my best to bring them

to free and fair discussion, tolerating all their abuses, esp from Mr

Chandrahari who never stopped abusing and never agreed to discuss things

in a civilized manner. But with all my tolerance I failed to persuade

them to discuss anything at all.


I became curious at such a bizarre behaviour by apparenty educated

persons and therefore spent some time over the writings of their

intellectual leader Mr Chandrahari. Then I recognized the reason behind

intolerance and impatience of this team. They are not lunatics to abuse

anyone without any provocation. They had a cause : Mr Chandrahari was

propagating a wrong ayanamsha in the name of Suryasiddhanta, which is a

fraud, and he was apprehensive

that the presence of any person knowing

the intricacies of Suryasiddhanta will expose this fraud. hence, he

wanted my instant expulsion without any discussion. He even incited

them to kill me, literally ! Mr Chandrahari poses as an expert of

Suryasiddhanta, which needed my expulsion. When I became convinced of

this fraudulent history of 'Chandrahari Ayanamsha' , I exposed this

fraud in AIA. Mr Chandrahari has a right to propound any theory he

wishes, but he has no right to distort the original texts to suit his

personal whims and fancies. I pointed to errors in Mr Chandrahari's

definition of ayanamsha and made it clear that Mr Chandrahari's

ayanamsha is his own invention and has no relation to Suryasiddhanta.

After this, Mr Chandrahari left the scence and Mr Sreenadh took the

responsibility of abusing me. Why an intellectual issue should be

submerged under personal attacks ? Why the people who boast of


of civilization cannot discuss intellectual issues in a civilized

manner?? There are many ignorant persons, but they are not aggressive,

abusive and intolerant. Intolerance and impatience is not a mark of

ignorance. Uncivilized and intolerant behaviour has vested interests

which call for removing the apparent opponent from the scene. But these

persons forget that even if I willingly resign from all forums,

there is an external world with legal courts and other institutions

where truth can be proven. Personal prestige is a non-issue for me, but

when it comes to matters related to shaastras, I can go to any legal



As Mr Prashant ji has rightly said, Mr Sunil Nair does not even know the

definition of " fraud " . I never earned a paisa from astrology. Whom I

robbed ? What is my fraud ? If my statements are wrong, it is not a

fraud but a misinterpretation which should be countered with


arguments and evidences, instead of abusing.


Mr Sunil Nair says the entire JR group is intellectually bankrupt

because it allows free and fair discussions, and boasts that this " group

has no knowledge of Suryasiddhanta.... Stop discussing Suryasiddhanta in

the group. You guys are incompetent to discuss such a topic " . To learn

one need courage.... "


Incivility is not courage. Mr Sunil Nair and his team is distinguished

for impudence, incivility, ignorance, intolerance, and above all fraud.

I am not abusing them, I am telling the truth which I am capable of

proving it, provided they accept my challenge of a real shaastrartha,

which I had requested Mr Chandrahari to engage in, after which Mr

Chandrahari left the field and abusive attacks were launched on me in a

concerted manner.


This team forced me to leave AIA, and is now harassing me in other

forums. It is my duty to expose their fraud. Here

is a simple way to

decide who is a real fraud. Even those members who have no knowledge of

ancient siddhantas can easily decide who is a fraud and who knows the

siddhanta skandha of Jyotisha.


Suryasiddhanta's earliest tables are Makaranda Tables (1478 AD) , in

which readymade tables and easy methods for making panchangas are given.

Even today, almost all Suryasiddhantic panchangas are being made from

Makaranda Tables, whose first verse says it is Suryasiddhantic ( " Shri

Suryasiddhanta matena samyag-vishva-upkaaraaya guru-prasaadaata ... " ).

In its chapter of Spashtaadhikaara, there are tables for getting

mandaphala and shighraphala for each value of 'bhuja' ('planetary

position reduced to a quadrant'). Burgess cound not understand these

tables and therefore gave his own faulty method of computing mandaphala

and shighraphala. Whom should we accept as Suryasiddhantic : a foreign

Christian priest like Burgess, or

the whole tradition of Suryasiddhantic

panchanga makers and other experts like Diwakar Daivajna, Kamlakara

Bhatta, Vishvanath Daivajna, Gokulnath Daivajna, Narayan Sharma

(excepting the last who wrote in 1909 AD, all others are mediaeval

experts). Here is my proposition : if Mr Sunil Nair and his entire team

of socalled experts can describe the Suryasiddhantic formula of

mandaphala which was used in Makaranda mandaphala tables, I will

renounce Suryasiddhanta for ever and will accept these persons of AIA as

my gurus.


I have asked a very simple question. Mandaphala means the equation of

centre due to ellipticity of orbit. Shighraphala is more complex.

Computations of eclipses are even more complex, which should not be

discussed in a forum. If Mr Sunil Nair provides a formula which

can help one to reconstruct this mandaphala table within tolerable

limits of errors (few seconds of arc, due to absence of

calculators in

those days, there are slight errors in these tables), I will stake

anything Mr Sunil Nair wants. I can give any limit of time, preferably

within a month or two, which Mr Sunil Nair wants to learn this formula

from any source in the world. English editions of Makaranda Tables are

now out of print, but Sanskrit original with Hindi commentary by Late Pt

Lakhanlal Ji can be procured cheaply from Chowkhamba Surabhaarati

Prakaashan, Varanasi.


Mr Sunil Nair shows much courage in non-intellectual abusing. Can he

display similar courage in accepting my intellectual challenge ?


I know what answer he and his tean can give. After failing in

understanding the Makaranda Tables, Mr Nair & c will resort to abusing

these tables as wrong or non-Suryasiddhantic or out-of-date. But these

gimmicks will not prove his guts : give me the formula of Makaranda

Tables and do not try to divert the issue.



the end, I must add a comment on Mr prashant Ji's benevolent remarks.

He is right is saying that I do not relish the situation when some

members judge a software without testing, which Mr Sunil Nair & c are

doing. But I am not impatient for everyone to use my system because it

is not only impossible but unethical too : Suryasiddhanta strictly

probits giving this knowledge to undeserving lot. Those who abuse

Suryasiddhanta do not deserve it. But those who abuse it without

understanding it, and pose as its experts, deserve some special

treatment from this group. If I am proven wrong, let me and my software

go. If Mr Sunil Nair fails to explain a simple mandaphala formula as

used in Makaranda mandaphala table (do not send the wrong formula of

Burgess), what should be done with his abusive behaviour ? This fellow

knows well my credentials : even recognizwed Sanskrit universities, govt

Sanskrit academies and other

reputed institutions have accepted me as an

expert of Suryasiddhanta, who should be " killed' according to Mr

Chandrahari and abused by his followers.


Please compell this team to prove its supposed expertize. I they fail to

explain Suryasiddhanta, what right they have of abusing it or me? Let us

discuss in a free and fair manner, which is impossible in AIA. I have

put a simple question which is part of Ganitaacharya syllabus in

Sanskrit universities. After failing in finding a correct answer, they

can take help from professors of Jyotisha. I can send them, if asked

for, addresses of all such recognized Sanskrit institutions where

jyotisha is taught at high levels. Suryasiddhanta's last words are that

it is " rahasyam brahma sammitam " . Let me see who helps them against a



-Vinay Jha

======================= ====

, " sunil nair "






> dear grp



> i can only sympathize with you guys for not developing the " sense "


> which you could differentiate a fraud. When someone comes and tells


> people that Suryasiddhanta is not for observed planets and positions


> deities and planets are different - you people make it a subject of

> discussion. This is not the openness needed in the inquiry for truth.

> This is the intellectual bankruptcy of you people that the group has


> knowledge of Suryasiddhanta and fails to appreciate even the right

> wisdom/interpretation. You guys don't understand who may be an


> and who cannot be? Why such a pitiable state after spending a life

> time for Jyotisha? Look inside and see - what prevents you people from

> assimilating what you people read? There is only one answer. Real

> knowledge comes when

one surrenders to the Guru and remains anchored


> the right knowledge. But this is not possible when 'spardha' is there


> the mind -'spardha' of judging others with ego rather than pursuing


> quest for truth. Stop discussing Suryasiddhanta in the group. You

> guys are incompetent to discuss such a topic. And when you do things


> which you are incompetent you people will end up desecrating the


> wisdom. Learn at least to call a spade a spade - Don't be victims


> false modesty. To learn one need courage. to shed false notions and to

> shed mindset one needs courage. You guys are cowards lacking courage


> I feel no sorry in speaking the truth.



> sunil nair


> , Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@

> wrote:

> >

> > I work on laptop due to power crisis in my region, with

Win XP


> Mr Sunil Nair has same system. Run time errors of any kind means


> difference in DLL files already installed on your computer with the

> files contained in Kundalee which you chose to ignore while

> installation.

> >

> > Recent version of Kundalee software has revoved many, but not all,

> such problems. It you downloaded Kundalee before 7th May 2009,


> the previous version from Control Panel and download the new package

> fromhttp://kundalee.wikidot.com/ from the first linkon that page :

> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-72e639b7.html

> >

> >

> > It will take me a few months to tune Kundalee to all other versions.

> >

> > Sincerely,

> >

> > -Vinay Jha

> > ================= =====

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> >

sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@

> >

> > Friday, May 15, 2009 1:08:58 PM

> > Re: How To Test Softwares : Mundane Charts

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ///////only real software developers like PVR and Shyam Kansal ji


> > > sympathetic and unbiased : they know the shortcomings of modern

> > > softwares and are doing their best to find ways to remove these

> > > shortcomings. Shyam Kansal ji is the pioneer in software on

> > > Ashtakavargas, and when he found the team of Sreenadh falsely

> charging

> > > me of making an " uninstallable " software based on an " outdated "

> > > siddhaanta, he stepped in to report that he faced no difficulty in

> > > installing Kundalee and found that no other software dealt with

> > >

Ashtakavargas more exhaustively than Kundalee. But such verdicts


> a

> > > pioneer vedic software developer made no impact on AIA

> > managers./// /////

> >

> > Re: Kundalee software

> > Dear Group members

> >

> > This is my input to on-going discussions on Kundalee software.

> >

> > I have Windows-XP (service pack-3), Home Edition, on my notebook

> > computer. I could install the software without any problem. It is

> > running OK on my notebook. Most of the options are working


> >

> > However, when I try to calculate Vimshottari dasa or Ashottari dasa


> > Ashtakvarga, it always returns " Run time error 13, Type Mismatch "

> error.

> >

> > I have not yet checked/compared any calculations of this software


> > other normally used popular softwares, therefore

I am unable to

> comment

> > about calculations aspect at the moment.

> >

> > Sarvatobhadra- chakra section is quite exhaustive. I heartily

> compliment

> > Mr. Vinay Jha for providing this section to those interested. Most


> > the present day softwares have not been able to provide

> > Sarvatobhadra- chakra vedhas so exhaustively.

> >

> > I would request Mr. Vinay Jha to guide me that how I may solve this

> > problem of " Run time error 13, Type Mismatch " .

> >

> > Warm regards,

> > Shyam S. Kansal

> >

> > http://groups. / group/ancient_ indian_astrology /message/

> 17716

> >




> >

> >














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Dear Shri Sunil Nairji,


He has only one agenda. To promote himself and those who act in a

servile attitude towards him, that is his chamchas. He is working hand

in hand with certain old members who are selling some products in name

of astrology after putting fear in members. He removes all smart

astrologers from that group, though that is not his own Group and he is

just a caretaker in that Group. He acts as if he owns that Group. When

the owner has allowed all astrologers to work on that Group, who is he

to act like a " Zamindaar " ?


He does not know abc of astrology, and will not allow good ones like you

to write over there, due to his zealousy and holliganism. He is a mafia

don in that group, and that Group also has now become a mafias den under

his moderatorship, unlike those old and golden days when we used to

enjoy discussing actual astrology. Now mostly crooks are making that

group active, with no new significant memberships but only fake ids and

all enemies of Bhaskar invited to that Group. And You know I have made

thousands of enemies in my journey in Internet astrology by speaking

bluntly against " Scamsters, Fake astrologers and cheap selling in name

of astrology " .


He is the biggest fraud on these Jyotish Groups, for he is an expert in

witholding mails from astrologers and deleting them, and also making

them appear like fools in front of the other members, with his various

guirella techniques which he employs 365 days of the year.







, " sunil nair "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:



> prashanth


> i will publish all ur mails last one yr u sent me to all grps


> why u r holding my mails which i exposed a fraud and allowing some one

> to attack me ,do u think i dont know ur agenda or i am a fool


> i asked some one to proov his false claims which he is failing

> consistently for last 4 months and then u take this opportunity to

> tarnish me who upholds the rishi vakyas and i am doing my duty .


> i am not afriad of any thing


> u r holding my mails and then allowing a fraud to play against me



> , " vinayjhaa16 " vinayjhaa16@

> wrote:


> An Intellectual Challenge to Mr Sunil Nair & his team


> To All,


> Mr Sunil Nair has reverted to his old style of judging things not


> to his likings in his dictatorial and abusive style. In AIA he and his

> friends refused to discuss anything with me and incessantly attacked


> with abuses. Initially, I was under an impression that they were

> misbehaving due to misunderstanding, and I tried my best to bring them

> to free and fair discussion, tolerating all their abuses, esp from Mr

> Chandrahari who never stopped abusing and never agreed to discuss


> in a civilized manner. But with all my tolerance I failed to persuade

> them to discuss anything at all.


> I became curious at such a bizarre behaviour by apparenty educated

> persons and therefore spent some time over the writings of their

> intellectual leader Mr Chandrahari. Then I recognized the reason


> intolerance and impatience of this team. They are not lunatics to


> anyone without any provocation. They had a cause : Mr Chandrahari was

> propagating a wrong ayanamsha in the name of Suryasiddhanta, which is


> fraud, and he was apprehensive that the presence of any person knowing

> the intricacies of Suryasiddhanta will expose this fraud. hence, he

> wanted my instant expulsion without any discussion. He even incited

> them to kill me, literally ! Mr Chandrahari poses as an expert of

> Suryasiddhanta, which needed my expulsion. When I became convinced of

> this fraudulent history of 'Chandrahari Ayanamsha' , I exposed this

> fraud in AIA. Mr Chandrahari has a right to propound any theory he

> wishes, but he has no right to distort the original texts to suit his

> personal whims and fancies. I pointed to errors in Mr Chandrahari's

> definition of ayanamsha and made it clear that Mr Chandrahari's

> ayanamsha is his own invention and has no relation to Suryasiddhanta.

> After this, Mr Chandrahari left the scence and Mr Sreenadh took the

> responsibility of abusing me. Why an intellectual issue should be

> submerged under personal attacks ? Why the people who boast of


> of civilization cannot discuss intellectual issues in a civilized

> manner?? There are many ignorant persons, but they are not aggressive,

> abusive and intolerant. Intolerance and impatience is not a mark of

> ignorance. Uncivilized and intolerant behaviour has vested interests

> which call for removing the apparent opponent from the scene. But


> persons forget that even if I willingly resign from all forums,

> there is an external world with legal courts and other institutions

> where truth can be proven. Personal prestige is a non-issue for me,


> when it comes to matters related to shaastras, I can go to any legal

> extent.


> As Mr Prashant ji has rightly said, Mr Sunil Nair does not even know


> definition of " fraud " . I never earned a paisa from astrology. Whom I

> robbed ? What is my fraud ? If my statements are wrong, it is not a

> fraud but a misinterpretation which should be countered with proper

> arguments and evidences, instead of abusing.


> Mr Sunil Nair says the entire JR group is intellectually bankrupt

> because it allows free and fair discussions, and boasts that this

" group

> has no knowledge of Suryasiddhanta.... Stop discussing Suryasiddhanta


> the group. You guys are incompetent to discuss such a topic " . To learn

> one need courage.... "


> Incivility is not courage. Mr Sunil Nair and his team is distinguished

> for impudence, incivility, ignorance, intolerance, and above all


> I am not abusing them, I am telling the truth which I am capable of

> proving it, provided they accept my challenge of a real shaastrartha,

> which I had requested Mr Chandrahari to engage in, after which Mr

> Chandrahari left the field and abusive attacks were launched on me in


> concerted manner.


> This team forced me to leave AIA, and is now harassing me in other

> forums. It is my duty to expose their fraud. Here is a simple way to

> decide who is a real fraud. Even those members who have no knowledge


> ancient siddhantas can easily decide who is a fraud and who knows the

> siddhanta skandha of Jyotisha.


> Suryasiddhanta's earliest tables are Makaranda Tables (1478 AD) , in

> which readymade tables and easy methods for making panchangas are


> Even today, almost all Suryasiddhantic panchangas are being made from

> Makaranda Tables, whose first verse says it is Suryasiddhantic ( " Shri

> Suryasiddhanta matena samyag-vishva-upkaaraaya guru-prasaadaata ... " ).

> In its chapter of Spashtaadhikaara, there are tables for getting

> mandaphala and shighraphala for each value of 'bhuja' ('planetary

> position reduced to a quadrant'). Burgess cound not understand these

> tables and therefore gave his own faulty method of computing


> and shighraphala. Whom should we accept as Suryasiddhantic : a foreign

> Christian priest like Burgess, or the whole tradition of


> panchanga makers and other experts like Diwakar Daivajna, Kamlakara

> Bhatta, Vishvanath Daivajna, Gokulnath Daivajna, Narayan Sharma

> (excepting the last who wrote in 1909 AD, all others are mediaeval

> experts). Here is my proposition : if Mr Sunil Nair and his entire


> of socalled experts can describe the Suryasiddhantic formula of

> mandaphala which was used in Makaranda mandaphala tables, I will

> renounce Suryasiddhanta for ever and will accept these persons of AIA


> my gurus.


> I have asked a very simple question. Mandaphala means the equation of

> centre due to ellipticity of orbit. Shighraphala is more complex.

> Computations of eclipses are even more complex, which should not be

> discussed in a forum. If Mr Sunil Nair provides a formula which

> can help one to reconstruct this mandaphala table within tolerable

> limits of errors (few seconds of arc, due to absence of calculators in

> those days, there are slight errors in these tables), I will stake

> anything Mr Sunil Nair wants. I can give any limit of time, preferably

> within a month or two, which Mr Sunil Nair wants to learn this formula

> from any source in the world. English editions of Makaranda Tables are

> now out of print, but Sanskrit original with Hindi commentary by Late


> Lakhanlal Ji can be procured cheaply from Chowkhamba Surabhaarati

> Prakaashan, Varanasi.


> Mr Sunil Nair shows much courage in non-intellectual abusing. Can he

> display similar courage in accepting my intellectual challenge ?


> I know what answer he and his tean can give. After failing in

> understanding the Makaranda Tables, Mr Nair & c will resort to abusing

> these tables as wrong or non-Suryasiddhantic or out-of-date. But these

> gimmicks will not prove his guts : give me the formula of Makaranda

> Tables and do not try to divert the issue.


> In the end, I must add a comment on Mr prashant Ji's benevolent


> He is right is saying that I do not relish the situation when some

> members judge a software without testing, which Mr Sunil Nair & c are

> doing. But I am not impatient for everyone to use my system because it

> is not only impossible but unethical too : Suryasiddhanta strictly

> probits giving this knowledge to undeserving lot. Those who abuse

> Suryasiddhanta do not deserve it. But those who abuse it without

> understanding it, and pose as its experts, deserve some special

> treatment from this group. If I am proven wrong, let me and my


> go. If Mr Sunil Nair fails to explain a simple mandaphala formula as

> used in Makaranda mandaphala table (do not send the wrong formula of

> Burgess), what should be done with his abusive behaviour ? This fellow

> knows well my credentials : even recognizwed Sanskrit universities,


> Sanskrit academies and other reputed institutions have accepted me as


> expert of Suryasiddhanta, who should be " killed' according to Mr

> Chandrahari and abused by his followers.


> Please compell this team to prove its supposed expertize. I they fail


> explain Suryasiddhanta, what right they have of abusing it or me? Let


> discuss in a free and fair manner, which is impossible in AIA. I have

> put a simple question which is part of Ganitaacharya syllabus in

> Sanskrit universities. After failing in finding a correct answer, they

> can take help from professors of Jyotisha. I can send them, if asked

> for, addresses of all such recognized Sanskrit institutions where

> jyotisha is taught at high levels. Suryasiddhanta's last words are


> it is " rahasyam brahma sammitam " . Let me see who helps them against a

> brahmachaari.


> -Vinay Jha

> ======================= ====

> , " sunil nair "

> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > dear grp

> >

> >

> > i can only sympathize with you guys for not developing the " sense "

> with

> > which you could differentiate a fraud. When someone comes and tells

> you

> > people that Suryasiddhanta is not for observed planets and positions

> of

> > deities and planets are different - you people make it a subject of

> > discussion. This is not the openness needed in the inquiry for


> > This is the intellectual bankruptcy of you people that the group has

> no

> > knowledge of Suryasiddhanta and fails to appreciate even the right

> > wisdom/interpretation. You guys don't understand who may be an

> authority

> > and who cannot be? Why such a pitiable state after spending a life

> > time for Jyotisha? Look inside and see - what prevents you people


> > assimilating what you people read? There is only one answer. Real

> > knowledge comes when one surrenders to the Guru and remains anchored

> to

> > the right knowledge. But this is not possible when 'spardha' is


> in

> > the mind -'spardha' of judging others with ego rather than pursuing

> the

> > quest for truth. Stop discussing Suryasiddhanta in the group. You

> > guys are incompetent to discuss such a topic. And when you do things

> for

> > which you are incompetent you people will end up desecrating the

> ancient

> > wisdom. Learn at least to call a spade a spade - Don't be victims

> of

> > false modesty. To learn one need courage. to shed false notions and


> > shed mindset one needs courage. You guys are cowards lacking courage

> and

> > I feel no sorry in speaking the truth.

> >

> >

> > sunil nair

> >

> > , Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > I work on laptop due to power crisis in my region, with Win XP

> SP-3.

> > Mr Sunil Nair has same system. Run time errors of any kind means

> version

> > difference in DLL files already installed on your computer with the

> > files contained in Kundalee which you chose to ignore while

> > installation.

> > >

> > > Recent version of Kundalee software has revoved many, but not all,

> > such problems. It you downloaded Kundalee before 7th May 2009,

> uninstall

> > the previous version from Control Panel and download the new package

> > fromhttp://kundalee.wikidot.com/ from the first linkon that page :

> > http://www.datafilehost.com/download-72e639b7.html

> > >

> > >

> > > It will take me a few months to tune Kundalee to all other


> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > >

> > > -Vinay Jha

> > > ================= =====

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > sunil nair astro_tellerkerala@

> > >

> > > Friday, May 15, 2009 1:08:58 PM

> > > Re: How To Test Softwares : Mundane Charts

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ///////only real software developers like PVR and Shyam Kansal ji

> are

> > > > sympathetic and unbiased : they know the shortcomings of modern

> > > > softwares and are doing their best to find ways to remove these

> > > > shortcomings. Shyam Kansal ji is the pioneer in software on

> > > > Ashtakavargas, and when he found the team of Sreenadh falsely

> > charging

> > > > me of making an " uninstallable " software based on an " outdated "

> > > > siddhaanta, he stepped in to report that he faced no difficulty


> > > > installing Kundalee and found that no other software dealt with

> > > > Ashtakavargas more exhaustively than Kundalee. But such verdicts

> by

> > a

> > > > pioneer vedic software developer made no impact on AIA

> > > managers./// /////

> > >

> > > Re: Kundalee software

> > > Dear Group members

> > >

> > > This is my input to on-going discussions on Kundalee software.

> > >

> > > I have Windows-XP (service pack-3), Home Edition, on my notebook

> > > computer. I could install the software without any problem. It is

> > > running OK on my notebook. Most of the options are working

> perfectly.

> > >

> > > However, when I try to calculate Vimshottari dasa or Ashottari


> or

> > > Ashtakvarga, it always returns " Run time error 13, Type Mismatch "

> > error.

> > >

> > > I have not yet checked/compared any calculations of this software

> with

> > > other normally used popular softwares, therefore I am unable to

> > comment

> > > about calculations aspect at the moment.

> > >

> > > Sarvatobhadra- chakra section is quite exhaustive. I heartily

> > compliment

> > > Mr. Vinay Jha for providing this section to those interested. Most

> of

> > > the present day softwares have not been able to provide

> > > Sarvatobhadra- chakra vedhas so exhaustively.

> > >

> > > I would request Mr. Vinay Jha to guide me that how I may solve


> > > problem of " Run time error 13, Type Mismatch " .

> > >

> > > Warm regards,

> > > Shyam S. Kansal

> > >

> > > http://groups. / group/ancient_ indian_astrology


> > 17716

> > >




> > >

> > > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Dear Shri Sunil Nairji,


You should have known by now, that the Moderator (CEO ??? ) of that

Group is not a reliable person and changes colours like the chamaleon.

He is a reptile whom you give milk everyday but would loose not a moment

to bite you when it gets the slightest opportunity. He got hold of a

Astrological Groups moderators seat through what means only God knows,

as none of us any members had any clue at that time how he was

consipiring behind the screen for the same. And he did not even reveal

to the members that he had become the moderator for few months till I

did some research and found out that he had become so, because my mails

of predictions were not reaching the intended members of that Group.

This is how he removes good astrologers from that Group by deleting,

withholding their mails and making them appear like dunces on the Group.

He also made friends with every single member who opposed me and formed

a gang to harass and torture me in other Groups as well. He did the most

henious crime by putting a " Abuse File " in that Groups Files sections

where he put on record all abusive mails by me to members who were his

stooges who provocated me into abuse. Does any astrologer even name sake

put a Abuse File in a Astro Group for the members to read and hate me ?

But he could not succeed because the members know my nature that I do

not abuse unless provocated. He did wonderful planning to remove me and

all other good astrologers from that Group just to stay atop. That group

was my initial Home where I got a chance to nurture myself. But this

zealous man out of zealousy and inferiority complex did all his evil

continously and finally I left the group out of exasperation and a sense

of helplessness . How could he withold the predictive mails to those

help calls I am still flabbergasted . Such zealousy and evil actions

have been unsurpassed by anyone till date. He does not know even abc of

astrology and has till date never been seen discussing on the logistics

of the principles of astrology.


Since last few months he has been sending hate mails about Bhaskar to at

least 20 members of the astrological Groups, seeking their opinions and

support for going against Bhaskar, but unsuccessfully. He does not know

that where Dharma is, Bhaskar is, and Duryodhana with his army could not

rout Arjuna where Krishna was.


I had already warned Shri Sunil Nairji not to get friendly with this

evil man, but he being innocent and child hearted did not pay heed to my

warnings and got stuck up with him once again to be shown the door. Ican

relate at least 50 tricks about that evil man which he uses on these

Groups to cause mischief, but we are not here for that.


I once again request Shri Sunil Nairji to stay away from that " Dhongi

astrologer " or else he will be tainted for no reasons and become a

object of ridicule in his Group where he is made the caretaker by the

Bangaldeshi owner whom the Moderator serves, for reasons best known to



Note- All those whom have not been able to prove their claims on AIA are

invited and given shelter there in that Group. Just check the last one

months mails in that group. Every second mail carries negative writings

about this Group.










, " sunil nair "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:



> prashanth


> i will publish all ur mails last one yr u sent me to all grps


> why u r holding my mails which i exposed a fraud and allowing some one

> to attack me ,do u think i dont know ur agenda or i am a fool


> i asked some one to proov his false claims which he is failing

> consistently for last 4 months and then u take this opportunity to

> tarnish me who upholds the rishi vakyas and i am doing my duty .


> i am not afriad of any thing


> u r holding my mails and then allowing a fraud to play against me




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Guest guest

Dear Shri Sunil Nairji,


It is better late than never. Come out of that spiders web. He does not

care for Jyotish, or Jyotishis or for any of their causes. Nobody

defiles an ashram with a abuse file, but he did it, because it came to

him for free, he has not done any hardwork to create it and bring it to

the positions what it is . It does not belong to him, it never was his

group so why would he think twice to defile it ? Most of his mails are

only pompous, self glory, pretentious, haughty, narcissistic, conceited

and egotistical. Everybody can see behind that facade of humbleness. He

says he is 90% blind, but he knows and reads every word written on every

group, and is very much aware of same. Can blind people do this ? He

just wants to gain public sympathy always. Always shows that he has got

time restraints but always available 24x7 playing games on his Group and

elsewhere. He always tries to appear as a well wisher of Astrology or

the great science, but is the worst Moderator and person who has spoiled

and brough to degenration the great science . Because he did not

understand my mails where I repeated and requested hundreds of time in

the past, not to allow many replies for free to the advantage seekers,

he did not want to understand as he is a remnant of the British who only

know to " Divide and rule " and follows the same policy. What happened ? So

many good astrologers have left that Group. Others like me and Haresh

Nathani opened their own groups. This chap if he had understood , the

only other Group that would have remained to explain was Vedic

astrology, but this Creep did not understand, and today we have hundreds

of runaways who have opened their groups and giving free astrological

replies. For me, I wanted to stop this bloody game of giving astrology

for free and people treating it like trash, but today, staying in dirt

we are also subject to rules of the mafia, and now its too late . This

idiot by intelligence did not understand then, nor he understands now.

He just feels happy sitting on a throne borrowed from a neighbouring

countries citizen, who too have been staying on a part of erstwhile

India. But then India has always produced Jaichands from those times

immemorial, who serve those who oppress us. And this guy is serving His

Master from Bangladesh well.


Another treachery he is into. He provides platform to all those who

cannot prove their theories in this Group which is undoubetdly the best

today. He gives space to those missionaries to hit us back. He is a

black spot in the name of Jyotish and will stab his brethren and

community members anytime of the day or night without any feeling .


He is boasting that within one year the membership has rose to 150o

members more after his becoming moderator . He must compare it with

J.Ganga which also has the same framework (Of answering reading

requests) . With 60 astrologers on board who are continously replying to

the queries there , he has just been able to increase the membership

with 1500+. In J.Ganga with just one active astrologer the membership in

last one year has arisen to 7600+ from 2500+ within one year. Whom is he

bragging to and about what ? He has spoiled the goodwill of that Group

by allowing all nonsense hate agenda being perpetrated by him. He is

using that platform only for hitting back at people whom he does not

like. He is using that platform for personal wars and selfish interest.

Which is why that Group has now distingreated very much to the bottom.


Only certain good members from the old lot have remained there,

otherwise all have left.


I would have taken him long back, and not allowed him to breathe

peacefully, but my bad luck, he is a Brahmin by birth (Though a Kshudra

by Karma), so do not want to defile myself with his cries of pains.


But let me see, what is my breaking point, after which I will not bother

what is he by birth.











, " sunil nair "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:



> prashanth


> i will publish all ur mails last one yr u sent me to all grps


> why u r holding my mails which i exposed a fraud and allowing some one

> to attack me ,do u think i dont know ur agenda or i am a fool


> i asked some one to proov his false claims which he is failing

> consistently for last 4 months and then u take this opportunity to

> tarnish me who upholds the rishi vakyas and i am doing my duty .


> i am not afriad of any thing


> u r holding my mails and then allowing a fraud to play against me



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