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The Truth Part 2

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The Truth Part 2


This is another mail posted by Prashant GB on the Vedic Astrology group ( About which we shall talk later on, on how they are unethically allowing abuse mails with reference to me on that Group and what kind of moderatorship is going on there under falsehood of spirituality) My comments in Blue


am replying to this repeated falsehood as usual to maling me and members ropen to search archives for the same this mail for convience sake will be splitinto a few parts 1st to set the record straight on my 4 e-mail ID's


Why does a man need 4 ids can anyone tell me ? I will tell you why . As soon as he gets caught in a certain id, he makes it official. Now as soon as he gets caught in his other fake 300 email ids he shall make them too official. I have posted for several years now that I use 3 ID's to split the mails intoinbox from 9 different groups that i had become a member in 05-06they r gbp_kumarJYOTISH REMEDIES JYOTISH SHASTRAJYOTISH GROUPVEDIC JYOTISHLal kitabP_P_SYSTEMjyotish gaga i quit this on my own. [last said grp]------------------------------as okgoteti@,comVEDIC ASTROLOGYJYOTISH VIDYASTELLAR SYSTEM a KP one i quit this on my own can't recall the actual name also.the pen name for this is Mee Shuba vela or your auspicious times


He used this id in throwing me out of Vedic astrology group out of fear that if I start writing there for free replies to members queries what will happen to his business ? He finally got caught and made this his official id. Will not a normal person think that this id is a womens id ? This is how he makes fool of people and now comes with this nonsense theory of "Auspicious times".

in TELUGU MY mother tounge as well as the owner SRI PVNarshima rao ji, pt arjunji, nemani raghunadha rao ji etc,


He is trying to equate himself with PV Narsimharaoji, Pt Arjunji, Nemani rao ji etc. and gain sympathy. What is the sense of equating with them on a Telugu speaking language base ??? Even I have a mother tongue as Telugu. So how can I equate with this insect and creep ?


last ID is astro.prashant kumarwhere mails were replied from on some of the above 2 groupsjyotish groupjyotish vidyajyotish gangak-p-system


He was kicked out of Jyotish group and came back there in another id. The rat that he is, he sneaked back in.


I taught him the basics of KP on chat and telephone and introduced him to this Forum, but he is not fit to stay in any Group and cant discuss, because he does not know astology so what will he discuss and with whom, at his levels ? Sometimes his predictions go right, but that does not need astrological knowledge . Because anyone can toss a coin and check Yes and No, so in any case 5 out of 10 predictions will come out right even for a child. So whats so great ? He does not approve many mails which declare that his prediction went wrong, though once in a while that craft man does so, to make a show to the members that he is very humble.


the pen name for this has been astro desk


astro desk


gbp_kumarokgoteti@,comastro.prashant kumarpgoteti Look at his pen names and ids under his own submission. Does any good man will have so many ? These are those which the public already knows so he has to accept, no toher choice. Is it not proof enough of having been caught everytime and forced to explain that id as official and subsequentally continue with it totalling to so many currently ?

I have a web site www.e-astrodesk.com since 1997 has never been completed todate spent quite a lot on it but to keep that identity intact i used that stillall my internet astrological cases since 92 have been replied from it earlier iused the pgoteti which closed down between 92-98 i used itin all thsese case i sign only as G B PRASHANT KUMAR only so what is the bigthing they have found out that anyone can't see straight away.so what is new on this these contents r there in so many replies to thefalsehood by the gangstersqho have a vested interest in promoting their own groups by destroying othersthan out growing them.


Who destroyed which group, may I ask? Show us the proof ? Instead see the membership of Vedic astrology group where this fellow sits 24x7 to obtain business whose membership has crossed to 12500+ whereas the group he has been given to moderate is turning from bad to worse with just 9700+ members though when he joined as a moderator both Groups had equal number of memberships. This si the Proof of him eating from the stomache which feeds him. The Good owner Tanvir who created this group from his own hard work and efforts at a young age, is now turned into a platform for personal agendas perpetrated due to jealousy and business mind of that Moderator. This is like a wife going to the neighbours house after his husband leaves for office . This is what this bugger has done with the Jyotish remedies Group. No new memberships which are very scarce, and rest fake ids. He is a member of lalkitab group under his own submission ( As above) whom too he is transferring members from the Jyotish remedies group he moderates, and once when I pointed this out to him, he blocked my mails. He is a "Dhokebaaj, ahsaan faramosh insaan " not faithful to the Group he moderates but faithful to all rest others. If he had done some proper work and managment here in this group it could have been equal to, if not better than the largest group on Internet, Vedic astrology group where he showed his loyalties lay 24 x 7.

IN this reply lin\ke others u will see my claim to be true will be very happyto see anyone anounce to the contraryas i have enough guts to use my ID to deal WITH THEM AND THAT too sometimes onlyto show I am alive.they on the other hand use fake ID's say Bhaskar maheswariwho uses i t instead of KRISHN9A KUMAR BAGRI the name given by his parents


Everybody associated with me knows that I am using "Bhaskar" due to my Nakshatra name akshar and not for spurious activities like he is into. This matter was discussed between us members which this bloody rascal knows too well even in the start when I joined the Froum Jyotish remedies. Does he mean to say that the great Palmist Cheiro was wrong in not using the name his parents gave him, or Erle Stanley Gardener and so many toehrs who have use pen names ? I entered Professional astrology only 3 Years back and previously I was not a professional astrologer for last 2 decades, hence created a new identity for Jyotish profession as Bhaskar, matching with my Janma nakshatra- Moola. But this bloody creep knows about this too well and so do thousands of the old members. My wesbite as well as this group Home Page also mentions both the names.

he left their home and assumed a fake name, fake ID till I EXPOSED IT AND NOW HEDOES use it in his site only not others why


Ask that son of a ..... when did he expose me and for what ? If he exposed me certainly he must have written some mails somewher . And that bast... to produce them. I have never concealed anything till date, so theres no question of anybody exposing me. I dare. I have not done anything I could be put at risk of being exposed. He says I left my parents home etc. etc. Please ask that idiot moron to put my whole mail in full context in which it was spoken about alongwith the full thread. We shall await that .


why did he run away from his family business as he was treated as a CHAPRASIaand never involved in any decession making, financial matters etc by his ownfather, brother [who obviously did not trust him]

this is what he has written ina post in JR to pt arjun ji not my personal views


I had written to Pundit Arjun ji, then I ask for the full thread please, put it here in public, before you talk. I am not among those who run away. I fear nothing and nobody. Except wrong actions, thoughts and God. He has written that my brother and Father obviously not trust me. I have a business in my name. I have a house in my name. I have investments in my name. I am still the signing authority for many a Financial matters, and they dont trust me as per this bast... What cock and bull story he comes up with ? This shameless nincompoop and ugly duckling ? He is not even fit to be a cobbler , I mean "mochi" because not even the worst astrologer will bring in family matters in a fight , but this rascal does so everytime. I have always shared astrological principles through my personal chart and experiences in all groups, and this bloody rat what he does, he uses what I write against me by adding flavours to the info which I myself write about . This human looking creature with a tail in the back , is the most degraded man ever to be seen on the horizons of astrological forums and he is spoiling all the Groups with his presence.

so i have nothing to gain by using a false ID or fake ID


You have everything to gain . You make a fool of people. You create fights. You spoil peoples reputations. You remove them from groups. You remove smarter and wiser people from the scene out of jealousy, a inferiority complex, and a feeling of insecirity and incompleteness before others like me. My presence makes you appear like a dwarf , so you want me out from wherever you are. on the contrary i am managing the assets of my family who r more NRI's AND SOMEOF OUR FRIENDS LIKE THEM, i don't even charge them as good will is importantthat can count when it matters


He is managing the assets of the faily ? Being himself a liability on them ? Eating free food ? This man begged me for income some time back, and I have full proof which I do not wish to put because I am not a degraded person like him fabricating things, instances and bringing personal lives out in the open . I helped him too but he was a lazy bum accustomed to free lunch and dinners served at his place by his brothers income , so he could not take advantage of the big opening I gave him, and he spoiled my reputation in that company . (If he pushes me further I may bring out those in the open). He is a well known liability in his family and get free food, so they put him to work as no women folks will like such people sitting at home and just behaving in a pompous manner all the time 24 x 7 , earning nothing, contributing nothing in the family. Due to his physical ugliness, and ugliness of his character no women he has found till date to marry him, and now he cannot serve the society anymore in his old feeble age with the evil he has in him. the trust they have helped me achive the appartment complex we builtlater rented it to MNC;s I am the GPA for them as well. what does this say isvisible isnt it


He says he built the apartment complex ?? Ha Ha. We must ask his family about this . rest of the lies will be similary exposed


Yes I can do this 365 days about thim. I have so much information about him. prashant kumar g b G B Prashant KumarPl give personal data with verifable life event dates=jobs, marriage, family,kids, high/low times. Picture or 2 for Lagna features check to myID pkgoteti, Services of this astrologer in the group only are FREE!personal consultations ARE CHARGEABLE! Mobile 09840051861 Chennai, India MeShuba Vela!


He likes getting pictures from females specially. This gives him titillations. In the name of ascertaining physical features ? HaHa. To give him company since he has no women ready to marry this monster ? What a joke of the century ? And he says that he is a great shishya of some Guru and Shri BV Raman whose name he is spoiling all the time ? He also spoke bad about BV raman, his family, his daughter, his sons, his magazine on various forums, and he still uses their name for befooling people to make them shell out money ?

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