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Fwd: Fall Of Abhijit And Falure Of Hindu Calender Vadies

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, "sunil nair" <astro_tellerkerala wrote:Dear grp .There is no short of European-centric western-centric, `so calledindian scholar', who always advocates the obsolete views or oldviews which may have already been discarded even by themselves. They maynot accept it in public but in private based on the proofs presentedthey know that their argument is wrong. They use the same points;repeats the same lies always even after showing proofs 1000 times;because usually it is NOT sincerity and research attitude that rulesthem but hidden agendas and thoughts about benefits. Always the truth is– arguing in favor of the poor Indian mass or ancient Indianknowledge and history will not give you any monetary benefit, butbecoming instrumental in implementing the western or Christian agendaswill provide monetary and other benefits such as awards provided bywestern organizations.One of the arguments presented by such tools (instruments of westernhands), is that – "Indians got Nakshatra system from Babyloniansor Mesopotamians". With masked identities and prolonged acting,these charlatans are even able to influence some Hindu dharma wieldingwarriors in the name of dharma (!), and use them too very cunningly. Itis interesting to note that these all happens even after, and even when,these charlatans fail to prove their arguments! The jackals like AKK arean excellent example for the above type of masked identities with ahidden agenda.Some psudo scholars with such hidden agendas ( financial benefit ismain attraction ) calling themself as carriers of hindu flag andclaiming some high pedigree and acting scholarly and saintly ,they comeand ask some innocent questions ,They hav no concern or respect forother persons ,but if the responder miss it they remind of their age orthis or that and running under the frock of moderater calling foul game.They hav always same escape route .Point a western scholar to the poorindian who came to refute it ,and ask him same questions where thismissionarries presented in it as their doubts .Even this missionarriesbased their studies on some 2nd hand information without any knowledgeof their own and it is amrit for this so called Hindu dharma calenderrevivalists .They hav no shame ,no sincerity or no decency even .Eventhey dont blv in the arguemnts they put forwards .As an example, you can read David Pingree's and Eric Forbes' papers onMesopotamian influence on Indian astronomy. You can find the full textof David Pingree's paper "The Mesopotamian Origin of Early IndianMathematical Astronomy" at: http://articles. <http://articles./> adsabs.harvard. edu/full/ 1973JHA.. ...4....1P/ 0000001..000. htm.Another similar paper (in PDF) by Eric G. Forbes, "Mesopotamian andGreek influences on Ancient Indian Astronomy and on the work ofÂryabhaTa at: http://www.new. <http://www.new./> dli.ernet.in/rawdataupload /upload/insa/ INSA_1/20005af8_ 150.pdf Read both thesearticles. What they mean? * It means that even Veda has to demolished. * It means all those Mesopotamian Babylonian source and Greekinfluence is there from day one the Vedas were written and to savedharma Hindus should burn the Vedas and go to some barbarian lifethan following some one's knowledge. * In the name of dharma all this circus! In the name ofprotecting Hindu dharma astrology should be banned from Hindus! * Then comes the questions such as - where is Rasi in Vedas?What is Vedic astrology, if no Rasies in Veda then even Nakshatrais got from foreign source! * And alas! All this is getting approval from Hindu forums andHindu volunteers who has no brain and supporting all this claims asif they are protecting dharma! * They even don't know who these writers are! All of themwere Christine priests. Most of them were financed and sponsored tofind reasons to challenge Hindu superiority of knowledge! But theso called `Hindu warriors' of forums blind to suchbasic understanding! * So for them they give burden of proof of prooving to us (poorIndians and astrologers) ,where as some similarity in some claytablets is source of origin where as millions of books Hindus hasgot is not a proof and not showing its authenticity for them! Yes,they agree that Greeks were superior and what ever little knowledgewe got whether it be Vedas or astrology came from the Greeks! Howbeautifully they `protect Hindu dharma'! * Even many don't know (even the shouting brigade don'tknow) what is real translation mentioned in those clay tablets.Hundreds of people are trying to present the Sanskrit quotes inEnglish scripts with translations to the world, trying to bear theburden of proof; but how many clay tablets and ancient Greek textshave you seen with original words in English script along with translations? I bet, almost none! But who is bothered? No body is interested in saving indian knowledge, true history, Vedas or astrology– the true interest lies in proving that everything came fromthe Greek, even before having even primary knowledge about what isthere in those tablets! And still the dogs bark in the name ofHindu dharma! They still say that they are `protecting Hindudharma'! And the fools still follow them and believe that whatthey are saying is true! What a pity! * We are even waiting for some westerner to spend his money andtime to read the scripts of Harappan Sarasawthi and we Hindus arewho believe in spirituality so our money should be safe in ourpocket and let some one toil and teach us what ever they wantSome astronomical proofs for the far ancient nature and origin ofancient Indian astrology are given below as quoted from some netresources.As i dont hav much time to spoil for this waiste exercise on educatingthis so called real Hindus .The fall of Abhijit (the star Vega):(Source: http://members.tripod.com/~Jyotishi/abhijit.html<http://members.tripod.com/%7EJyotishi/abhijit.html> . The belowstatements are made by Dr. P. V. Vartak)The Fall of Abhijit (the star Vega) -The truth of 12,000 years BCErecorded in the Mahabharat). Maharshi Vyas has recorded in Mahabharat,Vana Parva (Chap.230, Verses 8-11), a dialogue between Indra andSkanda wherein it is stated that, "Contesting against Abhijit (Vega),the constellation Krittika (Pleiades) went to "Vana" the Summer Solsticeto heat the summer. Then the star Abhijit slipped down in the sky. Atthat time Dhanishtta was given the first place in the list ofNakshatras. Rohini was also the first some time back. Now you decidewhat to do," said Indra. This dialogue shows that when Indra went toSummer Solstice, Vega started falling down. Many scholars have ridiculedthis idea of Star Falling; but now it is proved by modern astronomy thatit was a true fact that 12,000 years BCE, Vega had really come down tothe horizon from the heights of the sky, to become a pole star.Krittikas were at the Summer Solstice between 21,800 and 20,840 yearsBCE. At this time Dhansishtth was at the vernal equinox and hence wasgiven the first place in theNakshatras. From this period, the sages noticed the gradual fall ofAbhijit. Falling steadily, it is assumed the position of the CelestialPole at 12,000 BCE, whenIndra met Skanda to think on the problem of time- reckoning. The storyshows that the Indian sages were observing the stars and constellationsat least from23,000 years BCE.What is the mythological story of Abhijit Star? And its subsequent fall?(Source: Pattars/message/5160<../../../../Pattars/message/5160> ;http://www.trsiyengar.com/id28.shtml<http://www.trsiyengar.com/id28.shtml> )In that Vedic Era, a constellation - Star named Abhijit existed then.Abhijit Nakshatra, an auspicious one was placed in-between Uthrashadaand Shravan (in-between Uthiradam and Thiruvonam). And the NakshatraLord is said to be Brahma. To achieve success in every act, persons usedto start their activities on this day.During the Mahabharata time, Lord Sri Krishna came to know, thatDhuriyodhana is planning to start the War with PanchaPandavas on thisauspicious day, combining with Amavasya & Abhijit Nakshatra! On gettingDhuriyodhana's plans and knowing his intentions, Abhijit Nakshatra wasplucked from the stellar system, by the Lord Sri Krishna, to avoidmisuse of this auspicious Nakshatra during Kali Yuga. However AbhijitMuhurta after 12 and before 1 PM (should be calculated depending thegeographical location) every day is followed.Now u can form ur opinions based on ur fancy or intelleigence ,what wasthe purpose of so called Hindu calanderists what is the finacial sourceof their untiring work and what may b reasons .who even failed to giv acalender on their terms even without so called NASA /JPL datas ,based ontheir own claims .Why no one asking them to present their model b4 accepting a call fordestruction on some thing to protect hindu culture or is it for whatis this Hindu grps are formed ? Why No one thinks seeing is blving and1000 of write ups to and fro or for and against has no use .is any body is asking them to proov ??rgrds sunil nair

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