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We would continue to be good.

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Dear friends,


I have removed Astrologer Shri Nathani's posting privileges yesterday when I was informed of one of his messages which asked the member to mandatorily become a member of his Group in order to read his predictions for the month of June. That got me exasperated totally. Because I was already allowing all astrologers , and still am, to put their contact numbers , addresses and links on their messages as signature, then there was no need to go to such extremism. When this group was allowing this shade to him, why not post his predictions here itself in the Group and let the members voluntarily become members of his group, if it had some essence and worthwhile content, was my logical assumption.


I had other reasons too for removing these posting privileges which would not go into, presently.


I remember that I have always sided with him whenever he was tortured by the Moderator of JR and always given him good advices. When my group was a one man show, and a shop too, in my own words, yet I allowed him to advertise his group when he opened it. Tell me how many shopkeepers allow anyone to advertise their products of the same business from other manufacturers in their premises? Does he ? And I have only posted one message in his group till date , on congratulating him for opening his group. That too without putting my group name or advertising in any manner. Among the other well known Groups who allow other astrologers to read charts are Jyotish remedies where the owner is not having any personal desire to predict for the members for various reasons, including his being busy in his other business (Marble etc.) So he has always allowed other astrologers on board since he is not looking for gains on that Group, and neither has time to manage the same. The other one Vedic astrology is also now totally owned by the Moderator Mr.Narayan Iyer and Mr.Narsimha Rao does not have any say in that Group and no voice. There also the astrologers are allowed because since the Moderator has nothing to do with astrology predictions that Group has remained a free for all. But in close circuit Groups like this one, where evry message is screened before being posted and a One man show uptil now, my allowing other astrologers to work here must be taken as a broad minded step and not to be taken unduly advantage of, as was taken in this case.


What did I get in return from Mr.Nathani?


He has removed my posting privileges in return from his group. I am happy, because that makes one Group less for me to manevoure on my membership of around 56 Groups. I have already unsusbcribed from his Group after this knowledge. But it makes me sad at the ways of the present day world and its men.


A good deed does not always beget another good deed.


But we will continue doing good, for we are men of a different era, of a bygone one with more stronger principles, ethics of what is right or wrong, and what line of proper actions one must always take , regardless of the present day viewers thinking it as foolish or outdated.


I would prefer to be what my Grandfather and ancestors were, more stronger in convictions, more disciplined, more ethical, more orthodox and more outgiving.







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