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calculation of life span

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Pujay Shri Pathi ji,


What is the correct method to calculate life from the chart -or which house are connected to know roughly - how long he is going to survive? Mr. PK Kotak.


Let me answer your question in step by step:


1. 8th and 12th Bhava from Lagna in a birth chart is primarily considered as pointers for the end of life. First I will list, what is said in “Jathaka Parijatgha†- Adyaya V – ‘Ayudhayaya’ :: gives several methods for finding lengths of human life under various Planetary positions as treated by “Parasara’. They list under heads: (a) Nisargaja, (b) Pindaja, ©

Amsaja, (d) Rasmija, (e) Chakraja, (f) Nakshatraja, (g) Dayaja, (h) Ashtak Varga Ayus.

2. Each Planet is prescribed certain years, and its exaltation points. The interval between actual position and its highest exaltation point of a Planet, if less than six signs, that should be subtracted from 12 signs. The result reduced to minutes must be multiplied by the number of assigned years for that Planet and devided by 21,600. i.e., the number of minutes in the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The years and months thus arrived at correspond to ‘Ayurdhaya’ of the Planet, and similar

results on other Planets too (except Raghu and Ketu) upon the application of Neechardha and similar proportionate reduction.

3. Most of the pointers are from 8th House of the Birth Chart (a) the 8th House (nature and qualities), Its Lord, its occupants, its indicator (Karaka). These indicates to ‘Bala Arishta’ (early death upto 8 years); ‘Alpayu’ – 8 to 32 years; Madyayu (Medium Life) – 32 years to 75 years; Purna Ayush 75 to 120 years.

4. The life of a native may be fixed as long medium or short according as the Lagna Lord and all BENEFIC Planets are in Kendras (1,4,7 & 10); Panaparas (2,5,8, & 11) and Apoklimas (3,6,9 & 12) respectively. If the lord of 8th House and Malefic occupy Kendras, Panapara or Apoklimas, the span of life will be respectively be short, medium or long.


Just finding in a chart which contains the planetary positions given above, a conclusion on the ‘longevity’ cannot be made as absolute result, at once. Relative strengths of Planets under ‘Ashtaka Varga' rules are to be counted before assessment of longevity can be made.


Also selective combinations of Planets in related positions in a chart also act as pointer the nature of the person’s ‘end’ – whether peaceful or painful – has to be carefully assessed before pronouncing the arrived results. Further, Planets and afflictions to the 7th house indicate the nature of death. Then it should collaborate to the periods Desa, Bukti and Anthara must add to the nature of ‘end’, as also the pain to be endured leading to ‘end’. This will have to be 'charged' by the movement of Planets related to the findings in the disadvantageous positions to cause the 'end'.




Astrologer, (consultation fees payable for direct detailed studies)

'Oxton House', 6, Hawthorn Road,

Cherry Willingham, 0044+01522+595996,

Lincoln LN3 4JT, United Kingdom. Pl. contact 'kountinya29'

"........When there is uncertainty, He gave us hope;

When there was indecision,He gave us clarity...."





pdk kotak <ganeshji101 Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 11:09:54 PMRe: calculation of life span







Pujay shri Pathi ji,


what is the correct method to calculate life from the chart -

or which house are connnected to know roughly - how long

he is going to survive?


hari bol pdk--- On Mon, 1/6/09, venkatachala pathi <pathiav > wrote:

venkatachala pathi <pathiav > Transit of Retrograde Planets/"Latha" Starsastro_remedies, asthikasamaj@ . co.in, vedic astrology, astroriber@gro ups.com, brahmin_world@ . co.in, "Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish@ .co. in>, "brahimn tvm group" <kbstvm (AT) (DOT) co.in>, CaribbeanHindus, delhindu@ s.com, "DR.PRASAD RAMKRISHNA" <drprkprasad@ hotmail.com>, jyothish_remedies, Jyotish_Astrology_ Newsletter@ , , , , , "neelam gupta" <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com>, "N.S.Parasuraman" <parasu41 (AT) grouply (DOT) com>Cc: sadhaka@ .com, shaneeswara,

sheevani147@ .co. uk, sohamsa@ .com, vighneshare@ .co. inMonday, 1 June, 2009, 12:06 PM







Qn : I believe that the ‘Gochara’ results made available in periodicals mostly refer to the forward movements of Planets. I am not sure on this. However, I request you, sir, to let me know about any special result of change for effects of Planets when they are in ‘retrograde’ motion for a particular period in a house of transit. Also, I was told that some stars are termed as ‘Latha’ Stars of Planets. I request you to inform me on this more in detail. Thanks – K.P. Sourinathan……


Ans : I am making an attempt to give you details to answer above two questions.


Q1. Transit of retrograde planets::

Normally, periodical predictions include the results of the period of retro-gradation (Vakra ghathi) and its results for periods in transit of Planets in houses, by Astrologers. However, during this period of retrograde of a Planet, the effects differ in most cases, related to their nature, houses of transit and other relevant details. I will list them below: Before going into details, I would recommend that a comprehensive and a consolidated study of Power, Position, Aspect, Movement and other details of each of the Planets in a chart must be listed, and this must be well understood. a. We know that the Sun, the Moon, and Nodal Planets (Raghu and Ketu) will not be in retrograde motion from their fixed directional motion. (Raghu and Ketu always move in retrograde motion – opposite direction – to the forward motion of other planets); b. The following is the period of retrograde motion and Stationary period from movement of Planet before changing their direction of movement on either direction: Planet Distance from SUN No. of days No. of days Retro. Direct Stationary Retrograde Before – After

Mars------- 228º -------132º ------------ 3 ------------ -- 80 Mercury---14º to20º -- 17ºto20º ------ 1 ------------ -- 24 Jupiter----- 245º ------ 115º ----------- 5 ------------ -- 120 Venus------ 29º------- 29º ----------- 2 ------------ -- 42 Saturn----- 251º------- 109º ----------- 5 ------------ -- 140 Uranus---- 257º ------ 103º ----------- 6 ------------ -- 155 Neptune--- 259º-------111º ----------- 6 ------------ -- 157 Pluto------- 260º------ 100º--------- -- 7 ------------ -- 160 c. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars (major planets) produce considerable effect when transiting, especially over the Natal planets, or ‘sensitive’ parts of chart. d. While retrograde planets are ‘stationary’ over the Natal planet position in a Birth Chart (same or any other planet) or sensitive points (Kendra, Thrikona, Moolathrikona, or Benefic or malefic points) the effects are powerful which could result in some extraordinary unexpected memorable events to occur either before or after that time, they become stationary. (This must be related to Desha periods with sub periods etc) e. When a Planet in the move to Retrograde (in either direction) becomes stationary before changing the direction deemed to be more powerful (positive or negative in quality)in producing effects, and this changes interpretations in natal chart for its original findings, as Planets changing ‘directions’ radiate great energy on earth and this can change the ‘general’ readings in a birth chart of a Natal for that ‘period’. f. Retrograde and stationary Planets are powerful in producing effect, than when they move in normal direction, especially when the retrograde Planet turns direct. g. A retrograde benefic Planet when transits a favorable position will intensify the good results. If the position is unfavorable the evil effects are reduced to minimum. h. It is to be very carefully noted and interpreted, when a Planet gets retrograde while in transit and enters the previous sign and re-enters the original sign, in which it was transiting where it was, after getting directed, make the behaviors of that Planet of transit equal to ‘triple’ transit. Consequently, the transit time will be either favorable or unfavorable, as the case may be, pertaining to the original sign of transit, it was occupying before turning into retrograde status. i. A retrograde malefic planet while transiting a favorable position will neutralize the benefic results – while, in an unfavorable position the malefic results will be intensified. As aforesaid, the results for interpreting a chart at the period of a Planet in retrograde status, is directly related to various assessments, as well as the Desha and sub-periods the Natal is passing through at that time. The intensity of effects will be many fold with ‘surprises’, and exclusive to the individual – good or bad. As in a Graph, the ‘fall’ of the ‘growth’ line will have to be gained again, to ‘climb’, to cause precious loss of ‘time’ for such recovery. This is true in charts, when we see the ‘climb’ and ‘decline’ due to ‘retrograde’ periods of the Planets.

2. Now I will give details on ‘Latha’ Stars of the Planets: a. The following stars counted from (including) the star occupied by the referred Planet, in the forward direction. (i) Twelfth star of that occupied by The Sun (ii) Third star of that occupied by Mars (iii) Sixth Star of that occupied by Jupiter (iv) Eighth Star of that occupied by Saturn Example: If the Sun is in the star zone of Chitra, then Sathabisha (Sathayam) will be its 12th star (including star in which Sun is positioned). b. The following will be the star counted backward direction from that occupied, are called ALSO ‘Latha’ stars of the Planets. (i) The 22nd Star counted from the star occupied by the Moon (ii) The 7th star from that of Mercury. (iii) The 5th star from that of Venus. (iv) The 9th star from that occupied Raghu and Ketu. Example: If Mercury in Jeyshta Star, then star Uttira will be in Latha position for the Planet in this ‘rule’. (Natal Star means, the star in which the person is born – Birth star) Some of the ‘indications’ on Latha position of planetary movements: 1. If the Latha Position of Star position falls on both directions of a Natal Star, this could indicate sickness and worries. This will get magnified or reduced according the contributive Desha Periods during this time of transit of the moving Planet related to its ‘connections’ in the Natal chart. 2. During Sun’s ‘Latha’ over the natal star, the person’s business could collapse, or family disputes for a woman could go beyond tolerating limits. ( the Sun moves 1º approximately a day, and would move 13º20’ in 13 days in a star zone) 3. During Jupiter’s ‘Latha’ over the natal star, there may be misery and / or death to relation (his chart must also be checked for such happenings), insecurity and fear could take over. 4. There will be insurmountable miseries and difficulties from varied and unexpected sources, if Latha of Raghu and Ketu over the natal star. 5. During Latha of Venus over natal star there will be quarrels of all kind leading to separation and or litigation. 6. During Latha or Moon over the natal star there will be humiliation and loss of honor (Moon moves in a star zone in a day approximately) 7. During Latha of Mercury over the natal star there will be loss of status and other unwanted events. 8. During Latha of Saturn over the natal star there will be many difficulties, including danger to ones life. Thank you Pathi (1st June 2009) Qn : I believe that the ‘Gochara’ results made available in periodicals mostly refer to the forward movements of Planets. I am not sure on this. However, I request you, sir, to let me know about any special result of change for effects of Planets when they are in ‘retrograde’ motion for a particular period in a house of transit. Also, I was told that some stars are termed as ‘Latha’ Stars of Planets. I request you to inform me on this more in detail. Thanks – K.P. Sourinathan…… Ans : I am making an attempt to give you details to answer above two questions. Q1. Transit of retrograde planets:: Normally, periodical predictions include the results of the period of retro-gradation (Vakra ghathi) and its results for periods in transit of Planets in houses, by Astrologers. However, during this period of retrograde of a Planet, the effects differ in most cases, related to their nature, houses of transit and other relevant details. I will list them below: Before going into details, I would recommend that a comprehensive and a consolidated study of Power, Position, Aspect, Movement and other details of each of the Planets in a chart must be listed, and this must be well understood. a. We know that the Sun, the Moon, and Nodal Planets (Raghu and Ketu) will not be in retrograde motion from their fixed directional motion. (Raghu and Ketu always move in retrograde motion – opposite direction – to the forward motion of other planets); b. The following is the period of retrograde motion and Stationary period from movement of Planet before changing their direction of movement on either direction: Planet Distance from SUN No. of days No. of days Retro. Direct Stationary Retrograde Before – After

Mars------- 228º -------132º ------------ 3 ------------ -- 80 Mercury---14º to20º -- 17ºto20º ------ 1 ------------ -- 24 Jupiter----- 245º ------ 115º ----------- 5 ------------ -- 120 Venus------ 29º------- 29º ----------- 2 ------------ -- 42 Saturn----- 251º------- 109º ----------- 5 ------------ -- 140 Uranus---- 257º ------ 103º ----------- 6 ------------ -- 155 Neptune--- 259º-------111º ----------- 6 ------------ -- 157 Pluto------- 260º------ 100º--------- -- 7 ------------ -- 160 c. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars (major planets) produce considerable effect when transiting, especially over the Natal planets, or ‘sensitive’ parts of chart. d. While retrograde planets are ‘stationary’ over the Natal planet position in a Birth Chart (same or any other planet) or sensitive points (Kendra, Thrikona, Moolathrikona, or Benefic or malefic points) the effects are powerful which could result in some extraordinary unexpected memorable events to occur either before or after that time, they become stationary. (This must be related to Desha periods with sub periods etc) e. When a Planet in the move to Retrograde (in either direction) becomes stationary before changing the direction deemed to be more powerful (positive or negative in quality)in producing effects, and this changes interpretations in natal chart for its original findings, as Planets changing ‘directions’ radiate great energy on earth and this can change the ‘general’ readings in a birth chart of a Natal for that ‘period’. f. Retrograde and stationary Planets are powerful in producing effect, than when they move in normal direction, especially when the retrograde Planet turns direct. g. A retrograde benefic Planet when transits a favorable position will intensify the good results. If the position is unfavorable the evil effects are reduced to minimum. h. It is to be very carefully noted and interpreted, when a Planet gets retrograde while in transit and enters the previous sign and re-enters the original sign, in which it was transiting where it was, after getting directed, make the behaviors of that Planet of transit equal to ‘triple’ transit. Consequently, the transit time will be either favorable or unfavorable, as the case may be, pertaining to the original sign of transit, it was occupying before turning into retrograde status. i. A retrograde malefic planet while transiting a favorable position will neutralize the benefic results – while, in an unfavorable position the malefic results will be intensified. As aforesaid, the results for interpreting a chart at the period of a Planet in retrograde status, is directly related to various assessments, as well as the Desha and sub-periods the Natal is passing through at that time. The intensity of effects will be many fold with ‘surprises’, and exclusive to the individual – good or bad. As in a Graph, the ‘fall’ of the ‘growth’ line will have to be gained again, to ‘climb’, to cause precious loss of ‘time’ for such recovery. This is true in charts, when we see the ‘climb’ and ‘decline’ due to ‘retrograde’ periods of the Planets.

2. Now I will give details on ‘Latha’ Stars of the Planets: a. The following stars counted from (including) the star occupied by the referred Planet, in the forward direction. (i) Twelfth star of that occupied by The Sun (ii) Third star of that occupied by Mars (iii) Sixth Star of that occupied by Jupiter (iv) Eighth Star of that occupied by Saturn Example: If the Sun is in the star zone of Chitra, then Sathabisha (Sathayam) will be its 12th star (including star in which Sun is positioned). b. The following will be the star counted backward direction from that occupied, are called ALSO ‘Latha’ stars of the Planets. (i) The 22nd Star counted from the star occupied by the Moon (ii) The 7th star from that of Mercury. (iii) The 5th star from that of Venus. (iv) The 9th star from that occupied Raghu and Ketu. Example: If Mercury in Jeyshta Star, then star Uttira will be in Latha position for the Planet in this ‘rule’. (Natal Star means, the star in which the person is born – Birth star) Some of the ‘indications’ on Latha position of planetary movements: 1. If the Latha Position of Star position falls on both directions of a Natal Star, this could indicate sickness and worries. This will get magnified or reduced according the contributive Desha Periods during this time of transit of the moving Planet related to its ‘connections’ in the Natal chart. 2. During Sun’s ‘Latha’ over the natal star, the person’s business could collapse, or family disputes for a woman could go beyond tolerating limits. ( the Sun moves 1º approximately a day, and would move 13º20’ in 13 days in a star zone) 3. During Jupiter’s ‘Latha’ over the natal star, there may be misery and / or death to relation (his chart must also be checked for such happenings), insecurity and fear could take over. 4. There will be insurmountable miseries and difficulties from varied and unexpected sources, if Latha of Raghu and Ketu over the natal star. 5. During Latha of Venus over natal star there will be quarrels of all kind leading to separation and or litigation. 6. During Latha or Moon over the natal star there will be humiliation and loss of honor (Moon moves in a star zone in a day approximately) 7. During Latha of Mercury over the natal star there will be loss of status and other unwanted events. 8. During Latha of Saturn over the natal star there will be many difficulties, including danger to ones life. Thank you Pathi (1st June 2009) A.V.Pathi,

Astrologer, (consultation fees payable for direct detailed studies)

'Oxton House', 6, Hawthorn Road,

Cherry Willingham, 0044+01522+595996,

Lincoln LN3 4JT, United Kingdom. Pl. contact 'kountinya29@ gmail.com'

"........When there is uncertainty, He gave us hope;

When there was indecision,He gave us clarity...."

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