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, "sunil nair" <astro_tellerkerala wrote:The following article was published in "The Times of Astrology"magazine, NewDelhi, India Jan 2000.Nadi Astrology – An Introduction – By P.V.R RayuduNadi astrology was written on palm leaves in ancient India. It is saidthat thousands of years ago, 18 rishis including the Saptarishis (theseven sages), drafted future predictions of humans by creatingclassifications that were very specific, scientific and based on thezodiac volatility. These were inscribed on palm leaves which can nowonly be deciphered by expert Nadi astrologers. These sets of manuscriptsand the science of predicting the past, present and the future throughthem were passed down from generation to generation. Apart frompredictions, Naadi Shastra can also be used for solving certain problemsand avoiding misfortunes. The palm leaves carry predictions for all,irrespective of caste, creed, country. Each Naadi or set of leaves ismade up of ola or palm leaf, written in Vatta ezhuthu, a Tamil script,with a sharp, nail-like instrument called ezhuthani. Rubbing peacock oilon auspicious occasions preserves the palm leaves.Naadi in Tamil means "in search of". It is believed that anindividual goes in search of his details of his past and seeks to knowmore of the unknown future. Hence it is a search. These palm leafinscriptions are scattered throughout India. It is mostly prevalent inSouth India particularly in the Tamilnadu State. The primary center forNaadi Shastra is in Vaitheeswarankoil, near Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu, astate in South India. Here Lord Shiva is said to have assumed the roleof a vaidhyar (a doctor), who alleviated the miseries of his devotees.It is also available in some other places of Chennai, Kanchipuram,Salem, Hyderabad/Secunderabad, Tirupati, Bangalore etc. There are manyNadi Grandhas and they are named after Hindu Gods, Sages and Planetssuch as Mahasiva Nadi, Kowmara Nadi, Bhrugu Nadi, Koushika Nadi,Vashishta Nadi, Sapta Rishi Nadi, Agastya Nadi, Irrattai Nadi, MeenakshiNadi, Kak Bhujandar Naadi, Ganesh Nadi, Murugan Naadi, Satya NadiChandra Kala Nadi etc. They are available in the languages of Tamil,Sanskrit mainly. The palm leaves are held by certain families who readthe results from the palm leaves mostly by taking the thumb impressionand some from palm and birth data.HISTORYThe origin of the Naadi inscriptions can be traced back to approximately2000 years ago. It is said that the ancient Indian rishis or sages hadwritten the life patterns of each person on palm leaves using theiryogic and intuitive powers. These unique leaves were kept in theSaraswati Mahal' library of Tanjore city of Tamilnadu State in India.Later during the British Rule the British were very keen to acquirethese types of ancient leaves dealing with herbal cure, alchemy,fortune-telling etc; but left some of the astrological leaves to theirloyalists. Some were put to auction also. People belonging to aparticular sect called Valluvar community who specialized in astrologybought these leaves. Some of these were acquired by the astrologyfamilies in Vaitheeswarankoil about 60 years ago from ThanjavurSaraswati Mahal Library .The leaves were found in Vaitheeswaran Koil around the 13th century.Those interested in Astrology realised their values and copied thecontents on palm leaves and made exact replicas. These leaves have beenhanded down over generations to make predictions about the future. Theyearned their livelihood through Naadi Shashtra. They got trained bytheir elders to do the Naadi reading. What is written on the leaves isread and explained by them. The language is poetic and the script isalso different. It is the same as in the ancient temples. Some of theNadis are available in the Oriental Manuscripts Library at Chennai,India though in mutilated condition and the Sapta Rishi Nadi waspublished in Tamil in six volumes lagna wise. The Sanskrit texts weretranslated and written on palmyra or palm leaves in old archaic tamillanguage. There were some nadigranthas translated into another SouthIndian Telugu language. Marata King Sarabhoji and Chola Kings patronizedthis form of astrology and translations. It is stated that Sage Agasthyahas written in Tamil. They have a certain amount of collection leaves.For each thumb print there will be 6 granthas. In each granthas therewill be 108 sizes and 12 parts according to Siva Nadi and 50 sizes inAgastyanadi that means for one thumb print many stories of person can beread. In Siva Nadi more details are given as discussion between LordSiva and Parvati than in Agastya Nadi . It seems that these Nadis wereoriginally written on animal skins and some leaves and later they werecopied on palm leaves. They re preserved by applying oil extracted frompeacock's blood.The Nadi readers say that natives whose leaves are there will somehow orother comes to them at the appropriate age specified on the leaves fromany corner of the world. Leaves are there not only for Indian but forforeigners also belonging to other religions. Who ever are desired tolook into the leaves will go to them on his own accord. They very wordNadi in Tamil mean (destined) to come own accord. Those who are notdestined may not even know such a type of astrology exists. Even thevery age when the native is destined to go to them is marked on theleaves. So they say they do not adventure for their profession. Whoeveris destined to come will come faith is the root of their system. It isalso stated that about 40% of the people in the world only are likely toget these results as available.PROCEDUREThe Nadi Astrologer is generally busy and one has to take an appointmentwith him a month before approximately When you go there on the appointedday he checks his dairy and take the three impressions of the rightthumb for males and the left thumb for females on a paper giving serialorder number and ask you to wait till he calls you. Then he goes insidehis library room where the palm leaves are kept which is not accessibleto others. After an hour or so, sometimes quicker, he comes back with anold palm leaf bundle called index leaves. After making himselfcomfortable he carefully unwinds the long string which keeps the bundlein tact. He tells you to answer yes or no to his questions. With greatdevotion he takes the first palm leaf and starts reading on one side.The reading style is of funny accent in a poetic way, not understandableto even Tamilians. After reading one or two lines or even less sometimeshe asks you some questions and you have to answer yes or no only. If yousay 'No' he proceeds to the other side of leaf or next leaf andcontinues his questions. The questions are generally one or two at atime , such as whether our name is after some God /Goddess contains 3 or4 or so letters or so, starts ends with a particular letter in a Varga(series) of the Hindu alphabets, Similarly about the names of parentsand wife/husband whether anyone of them or both are alive or dead,number of elder and younger brothers and sisters, number of childrennumber of uncles, type of profession, whether you are born in rainyseason /summer etc. whether you are born in moveable /fixed/dual Moonand lagna rasis, whether you are born in a particular Moon Birth starwhether you are born in a particular day in a particular year whetheryour age is so and so etc. He says that h e does not know what questionsto ask unless he scans the leaves and that is why they generally insistthe concerned person or a person who knows every detail about thepersons consulted, should be present to answer the questions correctly,otherwise they say the readings won't go wrong. They do no bother muchof you cannot answer questions about birth date month age, Moon rasi andstar, lagna and they seem to bother more about matching of your namenames of parents and wife/husband. If he gets 'No' answers to all theleaves of the first bundle which he goes back into his library andbrings another bundle. This process continues for an hour or sogenerally covering generally up to bundles each consisting about 50leaves or sometimes quickly even in the first bundle till he and yourare satisfied and the answers to all the questions in a particular leafare 'yes' only Concerning names, parents, wife /husband, co-bornsprofession etc.Then he goes inside and bring another particular bundle and reads inpoetic style your actual birth date month land year the astrologicalbirth chart with position of planets sometimes with lagna also exactnames of yourself, parents, wife/ husband, co-born, education,profession and gist of future predictions in a broad way and this iscalled General Kandam (chapter) of first bhava. You can verify the chartgiven if you know your birth chart he writes the concerned verses fromthe leaf in a note book . Then he records the same in an audio tape withtranslation into common understandable Tamil or some other languageswith the help of a translator if necessary . He generally charges aminimum of 400 rupees upto this General Kandam Then he asks you whetheryou want to more details about any particular aspect of your life suchas marriage, profession, etc and if so he picks up corresponding bundleand charges a similar amount extra for each aspect which he calls it aseparate kandam or chapter. Some chapters give details about previousbirth, remedial measures etc. At the end he hands over the note book andaudio tape to you with devotion and takes money generally at the placewhere the photos of Gods /Goddess are there.NADI ASTROLOGY- DETAILS OF KANDAMS (CHAPTERS)The details covered in each Kandam generally are as follows:-Kandam 1- To be found through thumb impression (gents right, ladies leftor sometimes by horoscope of the concerned person or palm, will containnameparents and wife/husband's names brothers, sisters, maternal uncles,children,profession and general list of future predictions for all the 12 houses.Kandam 2 - Money family speech, eyes, education.Kandam 3 - Brothers and SistersKandm 4 Mother ,House, Lands, Vehicles, PleasuresKandam 5 - Children Birth of children, reasons for not having children.Kandam 6- Enemies, Diseases, Debts, cases in court.Kandam 7 - Marriage., Married lifeKandam8 - Danger to life, longevity, period of death.Kandam9 - Father, Wealth, luck, Temple devotion to God ,Preaching fromHolymanKandam 10 - Business, Job, ProfessionKandam 11 -Gain , Second Marriage.Kandam12.-Expenditure , Foreign visit, salvation,next birth.Kandam13- Shanthi Kandam - Last Birth, Sins committed, remedial measuresKandam 14 - Deekshakandam- Mantra Japam and wearing of talisman (Raksha)Kandam 15 - Avushathakandam Medicines for long standing diseases.Kandam 16- Dasa Bhuktikandam prediction for the present major andsubperiod of the planet.Kandam 17- Predictions about social service and political lifeKandam 18- Predictions about attainment of spiritual wisdom throughyoga, path to attain salvation, divine advice, appearance of the Deityto one's spiritual eye and divine help.In addition to these, there is also a special chapter for 'Prasna' whereanyquery is answered.Generally Remedial measures are like visiting particular temple, feedingthepoor etc, corresponding to sins the remedial measures re suggested.Suggestion of giving alms to the Nadi reader.Identification Process From Thumb Print ImpressionLines on the thumb are classified in 1008 types, some say 108 types.Palm leaves are arranged according to these types. The Nadi readersidentify the particular types of lines on the thumb and thecorresponding set of palm leaves is taken. For example, a particulartype is called Conch Shell with a circle. Among these there are manysub-divisions based on the number of dots on the thumb. Impressions with5 or more dots are very rare. The time duration to pick up your leafdepends upon the identification of the thumb impression. Someimpressions are identified easily and the corresponding leaves are foundsoon, for legal purposes, the whole thumb is studied minutely. But theyconcentrate only on the centre part of the thumb and the sub-divisionstherein.Claims Of Nadi ReadersAccording to the claim of Nadi astrologers the contents of the leaf are99% accurate. And it is the accuracy that has made people from diversewalks of life throng his residence. Generally he insists on seeing onlyabout 5 people a day on appointment, which is usually fixed a month inadvance. Without the truth and integrity, they cannot survive for somany years and generations. Of course, there are places where there arefake leaves. They will not be able to show the leaf with your name andother details they have clients from USA, Canada , Japan, Hongkong,Singapore, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and other places. Some even faxes theirthumb impressions and gets the predictions. They have translators withthem to serve them their children are also inherent in this professionand they are learning the old script and other languages. With theblessings of their ancestors, they will continue for generations. Theyhave so many people benefited by the remedial measures and they get feedback from the clients. Pleased with their service, they bring theirfriends and other relatives for Nadi reading. They would like to tellthe people that they are only 'Nadi readers'. What is written on theleaves is read and explained by them. They themselves do not addanything. Some clients get irritated when some of the facts areunpleasant. They cannot help it. With utmost patience they clear theirdoubts. Common people and VIPs (very important persons) from all walksof life have consulted them. They show them the particulars of where thepredictions for the native are given. Some of their customers are ableto read the leaves on their own. Some even buys their leaves forpreservation. They can even take photographs of the names in the leaf.It is possible to train those who are interested in learning nadiJyotish in terms of Guru-Shishya parampapra (teacher-Disciplinesystem)and Sanskrit languages, and this knowledge of Nadi Jyotish couldbe acquired by those who are totally dedicated lifelong to this Shastra(science).However, the future of the leaves themselves seems to be uncertain.Though the leaves are smeared with Ayurvedic act, the leaves would turnblack after 100 years or so. While they plan to save the contents of theleaf on the computer, they have their own doubts about doing that. Theywill not feel the same reverence reading the computer prints out as theydo when they read the leaf.Some Examples Of Actual Nadi ReadingsI prefer to give below three Nadi Readings taken from me from differentNadis and Readers, so that their veracity can be discussedauthentically, since I cannot give here all the readings from variousNadis consulted at different places at different times which also gavesome correct future results.Kowmara Nadi Reading In ChennaiMy first encounter with a Nadi Grantha was on 22nd February 1968 (in my29th year) when my father -in-law Shri U.G.Krishna Murthy (Philosopherand World traveler , popularly known as U.G.) having known my interestin the study and research of astrology, took me personally to KowmaraNadi astrologer (Shri T.Chandrasekhar) in Madras (now Chennai) India,since h e knew Tamil also. I happened to see the correct Kowmara NadiReadings of my father-in-law much earlier , which was given by thefather of the present nadi reader.The Nadi Reader asked whether I knew my date and birth chart and he saidit would be faster to pick up the concerned leaf. I gave him the same./Then the procedure was the same , he brought back some index cards andasked me questions to answer yes or no leaf after leaf. Some of thequestions whether my name and my father's name were given after the nameof Lord Venkateswara, whether I have one sister and one son, whether mywife's name was after one of the names of wives of Trimurthy's (Bhrahma,Vishnu,Maheshwara) etc. I asked for my profession (10th Kanda) and hewrote the readings in Tamil verses in a notebook and translated inEnglish as follows."After praying to Goddess Parvati , Vasista and Viswamitra are narratingthe tenth part of a person having following horoscope"- Ravi Buddha andKuja in Simha, Guru in Khumba, Ketu in Mesha , Chandra in Makara , Saniin Meena, Tula Linga, Sucker and Rahu in Lagna. Name Venkata Ramana ,Mother Annapurna, Father Venkat Rao. The Lord of the 10th house beingChandra is deposited in kendra. Sukra is in his own house and isexpected by ketu. Guru and Sani are in parivartana. Kuja and Buddha inthe 11th house. For these reasons he will have average ancestralproperty. He will have a very good start in his career and makes a greatdeal of progress in all his enterprises. The details are as follows."He completes his education in 21st year and proficiency will be shownin vocational education . He will be employed in the following year. Hewill be skillful in making the necessary parts of machines and servicewill be rendered to a private commercial firm. He will be paidadequately. Government will be helpful to him in the part of his workfrom 23rd year . He will be engaged in the manufacture of defensearticles He will show his efficiency in planning and designing variousequipments. He will have a great name in 27th year. He will be occupiedin the making of high explosives which is planned by tube-like thingsand also things, which are useful shooting with the intention damaginglives and properties. The practical work will be intensified in the 28thyear. The scientific knowledge in the matter will be made full. Hispower will raise. He will see whether the work is carried out properly.His skill will be encouraged in the 30th year and he enriches hisknowledge by scrutinizing and analyzing the operation of variousmissiles. He will be engaged in miscellaneous kind of activities hiscapacities for organization will be developed in the following threeyears. His income will be satisfactory. He makes out various plans andexecutes. He earned a good name in 35th year. Takes charge of varioussub divisions The number of tools and machines to be operated by himwill be increased various departments will come under his control. Goodresults will be achieved in 38th year. Work relating to planningsketches will be on the increase. He will be well- known in distantplaces or countries. He will be able to conduct and control all theaffairs of the department. New schemes will be prepared in the 40th yearand the scale of pay will be better than before. He is capable of givingtraining to others and will have great name in the industrial circles.He offers advice in all matters of manufacture in the following twoyears. He will show his strength in the technical side and he will holdan extraordinary power. He will be honored by Central Government. Hewins the confidence of the administrators and works for them withgreater enthusiasm. Administrative responsibilities will be taken overby him in 48th year. His attention will be concentrated on rawmaterials. He will be held in high esteem by an association wherescientific and technical people join together for promoting theirstudies. His strength and efficiency will go in 50th year and makesnecessary arrangements for the development of the work he undertakes. Hewill be able to manage the establishment more efficiently than ever andmaintains his position through out . When Maharishis said so Parvatiremarked that those who are closely associated with him in the workwould hinder him . She said that he will get away from the these evilsby performing Karma Kanda."Comments on this ReadingI should comment that all the past and future details are correct,covering the birth chart, exact names, engineering degree, first job inprivate paper mills, and latter in central government in defenseresearch and development laboratories in guns and rockets., promotions,hidden enemies etc except the" maintaining this position throughout"since I took voluntary retirement at my 52nd age and not work any wheresubsequently having specific profession except pursuing my astrology andphilosophy hobbies. But strangely it may be noticed that no detailedprofession was given after 50th year. Some astrological discussions aremade. I took karma kanda also and the reading prescribed prayers tocertain gods/goddesses each day in a week along with certain diet forcertain number of weeks etc, the details of which h I do not give heredue to problem of space. I did the prescribed remedial measures and Icannot vouchsafe that they really helped me, but generally theprofession was all right with some usual disappointments. Subsequently Iwent to him after my retirement but he said that my leaf of professionwas not available which almost confirmed that I will not have any joblater. The readings seem to be based on Saturn transit of 2 ½ year ineach rasi. The readings are crisp and straightforward.Vasishta Nadi In VaitheeswarankoilThe following are the readings given by Sri I T.Ravi nadi reader inVasisthanadi in Vaitheeswarankoil on 27 June 1991(age 52) after the thumbimpression and initial usual questions for general kanda, professionkanda and shanti kanda.General Kanda"Vasishta is narrating. Tamil year Vegudhanya, Tamil 22nd day,Wednesday, thula lagna, Lagna Sukra Rahu, Shravana Star, Makara Chandra,Meena Starun, Jupiter Khumba, Mesham Ketu, Surya Kuja Budha in Leo, thisis planet position,Birth place Andhra Brahmin, father mother died, oneborther one sister, your are graduate, no ancestral property, now house,male one son, now 71/2 year Sani, so results will be dull, longevity 75,son and wife Deergha Ayushu (long life) brother , sister deerghaayushu.Jeevanakarara Moon in kendrasthana in Makara - Government jobengineering job, retired and then get money from government, ever afterretirement you will get money through other subsidiary (not permanent)jobs, temporary business and also possible , son good education , gotmarried and living with his wife, now in present period the problems dueto curse in last janma, the troubles are restlessness, not peaceful, inorder toward off curses, parihara is to be done in a religious way, from55 you are having good life name and fame are assured, as Saturn transitkeeps on happening you will get improvement towards end of life willhave enough wealth, by 60 you will be able get several lakhs of rupees,at 60 you may get nervous trouble, there is no gandam (life danger) theassets will be basically of permanent nature and you will not lose them,in family God's blessings are everlast, wife also will get often healthproblems, kalatrakaraka in 7th and Mars and sun in one place it givesproblems to wife, even though some troubles due to Sani dasa once comingsucceeding dasa will give prosperity to him, father nameVenkata Rao,mother name Annapurna, wife name Bharathi, your name Venkata RamanaRayudu, you will have good life only after end of sani all obstructionswill be over, after that desires will be fulfilled.Profession Kanda"Vasishta bowed to Eshwari and then telling about Jeevana sthana, goodeducation, good job, you have retired, after marriage wife is there oneson, now 71/2 year Sani, in this you will have some troubles anddejection, becauseJeevanasthana got spoiled even after retirement from government servicethere is no business life, now your are doing subsidiary jobs, now y ourdoing new type latest jyothisham even in that you will get someobstructions, you won'' get much income on that only after Jupitertransit August 7th you will find improvement in your new astrology, youwill be making the use of computers, after 7th August foreign travel islikely with wife, your visit abroad will give a link with astrology,after this foreign visit there is a chance for publishing a book onastrology, because of this publication you will get a good name, at 55you will get many more successes and fame, you will be employing lot ofpeople (assistants) lot of people will come in search of you, that alsoyou get through God's blessing after that you will have establishmentwith foreign countries vehicles etc, at 58 you will be really in themuch more advance stop of your career, you can gain famous only throughyour new astrology because of this you will gain lot of income after 58you will build a new house, after Sani period your foreign travels willbe quite often you will derive happiness in your mind for yourachievements. You will be a torch bearer for others to lead a good life,you will get good concentration God's Bhakti without any lack your lifewill be prosperous and you will be always thinking about God also at 62dyou will establish good contacts with holy people and big political andinfluential people without any fear you will lead good life, God'sblessings will ever continue, but Pariharam is a must, Jnanamarg can beachieved due to your planetary position, your name will be remembered inmany countries,you will earn money through many sources by 70 you will amass wealth . Always you will live comfortably with wife, son childrenfamily.Shanti Kanda"Vasishta is naratting, next poornima in Tanjore district, AnandaMangalam Place, temple Anjaneya, deepam, archana, feeding poor peoplethen come to nadi place, three fruits, three flowers, clothes to onemale (Dhoti towel and shirt) and female (saree and blouse) Rs.324/-toNadi person and get his blessings, this dosha will vanish, future lifeprosperous, comforts in rest of life, reciting God's name as well as newastrology will give peace of mind, people will be surprised to see sucha nice life to you, never you will lose the property, you will never bein debt, no separation in family if pariharam is done religiously thenwithout fear the above phalas will materialize."Comments On This ReadingI should comment again almost all the past and future events till noware correct covering birth date 7th Sept,1938, Shravana star, ThulaLagna) birth chart names retirement, new research computer astrology,first foreign trip to USA in June 1992 with wife as astrology to givelecture in the conventions of American Federation of Astrologers ,Publishing of book "How to read a Horoscope A scientific model ofpredictions based on benefic and malefic analysis of planets and bhavas"by M/s.Motilal Banarsidass Publisher of Delhi, India, assistantshelping in computer astrology print outs, people coming in search of me,extension of present house, more research in astrology, meditations,nervous trouble wife's ill health etc, except for some funnyastrological statement of "Kalatra Karaka in 7th and Jeevanakaraka Moonin Kendrasthana Makara Government job and engineering job "you will gainlot of income through y our new astrology" Since I get only very limitedamount only. Here also the stress of the reading s seems to be more fromtransits of Saturn and Jupiter though touching the main dasa periods.The readings are again very crisp and straightforward. ".I hope thatfurther future readings will also agree. The remedial measuresprescribed certain place and God in Tamilnadu and to give money andclothes to Nadi Reader. This seems of a bit of manipulation of reading.I did not do the, specifically since I go usually to Anjaneya templenearby my house. The future results are given from the date ofconsultation at certain ages and the timing of past events are notgiven.Another Vasishtanadi in VastheeshwarankoilHere is another reading by the nadi reader, V.Sellaiyan(in Shri CPoosumutthu group) from Vasistha nadi same date 27June 1999(age 52)after taking thump impression & scanning index leaves:-General Reading:"This is the horoscope of Venkata Ramana. After worshiping lord Brahma & Ammal, Vasistha is describing the life history of VenkataRamana Ayya.Janmalagnam Thula, bahudhanya varsham, avani masam(around September)Wednesday 22day, tiruvanam 9(sravana) nakshatra, is born in reputedfamily, at the age of around 5 & 6 bodily ailments due to heat, motheralso would have got similar ailments; family hesitance is there, fatheralso got social source, among friends circle status and fame, life isvery peaceful without any downfall; not when even through his educationcould not progress well after 10th year good advance in education, whatever work undertaken that will be done to satisfaction, you will able toaccumulate wealth & navadhanyam, after 18th year graduation study,mechanical engineering, before 23rd he will attain degree, after thatalso he will continue studies, after 25th year you will be inresponsible government position, the job will be in defense machine ,at26 married, good wife & lives with her in comforts, before 30 age youwill get birth of child, you will continue in defense forces, after 40age you will go up in profession, during this period children will getgood education, before attainment of 45, you will earn good wealth & gold, after 45 age you will you will be in administrative type of job,god's blessings are always there in the family, good events will takeplace in the family related to children, in good family care. Themarriage of son will take place, Mother's name Annapurna, father's nameVenkata Rao, Your name Venkata Ramana, wife's name Bharati, You willhave one brother and sister, no daughter for you only one son, nowfather & mother no more, 7.5 years Saturn is running, now the dasaperiod effects will not be so good, within yourself you will be feelingsome type of dis-satisfaction, now you don't have any job, you don'thave any interest in doing any job, sometimes accidents for children, atage of 53 you start this type of vedas to ward of evils which have beendone earlier, for that purpose if shanti is to be done you should do itonce you remove these events by shanti, there is no need to befrightened for anything for the rest of life, gradually there will berise in life style, children will be well off, that ever things you feel & desire they will be fulfilled, live happily with wife and children,your son will be continuing his work, son will be doing computer work,at 55 life will be really good, you will purchase some house & plots, youwill be enjoying with your grand son, you will be having unity with yourbrother & sister, you won't have any decease long-lasting, you will nothave any litigation problem, court cases, any thing business you want todo you should do in your wife's name, finance type of activities youwill do in an earnest way, before 58 enough accumulation of wealth infamily, at 60 your wife will have gandam, it will come just like that & go off, your son will go abroad, two years he will be working outside inforeign lands, at 60 you will get much more wealth, grains and what not,through your son you will derive entire satisfaction & happiness at theage of around 60 , all comforts in life whatever you want before 62 youwill get, around 62,63 you will have breathing problems like Asthama,this will come most unexpected way, people who are around you & your owncaste people they will also praise you, you will do help & some donationtype of activities, most of the people will appreciate you, you willhave like a royal king, at 67 you will be looked after by your son, youwill do religious activities in temples, till end of life, you will dosocial service, because you earns lot of money your kith & kin willprosper well , at 72 there is gandam like heart attack, senses beingaffected, but it will not effect you, around that time, your son willget left in job, son will lead a royal life, till the end God'sblessings are there, whatever it is, pariharam is to be done, once youwill do pariharam, you will live happily with family, your own communitypeople will respect you, till the end you will live with your wife andson, your desire will be fulfilled, ever after age 77, you will live,subham". (The birth chart is also given).Pariharam"Bowing down to Lord Eswara, he is telling the parihara. You have gotsome papas done in earlier life, on a Sunday Abhisekham to be done forKali, Sahasranama Archana, put red flowers garland & red cloth, make'mala' out of line equivalent to your age at that time, five timespradakshina, feed 51 blind children, like that repeat for 21 Sundays,the evening in Rahu Kala you should go to Durga and put deepam, by meansof doing this, whatever regards to sun you have committed will beerased, once you do this pariharm, you will get all comforts in life,with doing this with Good's blessings you will have Deergha AyushSubham".Comments on This ReadingI should comment here again that almost all past & future all past & future events tell now correct except for some small mistakes here andthere, and they are not more specific as in the earlier quoted VasisthaNadi and here also Saturn transit only is mentioned. There is adifference in the life span and parihara mentioned, though it is alsoVasistha Nadi but the reader is different. Here the ages of past eventsare given in more detail. I did not do the prescribed remedies as Durgatemple also.It would not be very easy to correlate and predict the eventsspecifically traditional astrological principles, as given by the Nadireader. Since 10th lord Moon is in Mars Exaltation house & Mars is withSun, we can say that the profession may be connected to technical & government. Since 5th & 6th lord parivarthana (exchange of houses) and5th lord aspect by 12th lord Mercury there can less be children. Since3rd lord is Retrograde & parivarthana with Saturn and Mars and 11th lordSun in 11th house with 12th lord Mercury, there can be less number ofcoborns. Since Saturn in 6th in Meena Rasi aspecting 12th house, and oneto being retrograde considered to be in Kumbha aspected by 9th & 12thlord Mercury, and Sun is with 9th & 12th lord foreign travels can beexpected in Saturn Dasa-Sun bhukti. The voluntary retirement can beexpected in Saturn-Venus period due to shashtashtaka (6thand 8thpositions to each other), Saturn in 6th house of service and Venus islagna lord in lagna giving self involvement and this combination is notconsidered good as per 'Uttarakalamrutha' grantha when they are bothbenefit planets. The publication of book can be expected in Saturn -Rahuperiod Since Saturn aspects 3rd house relating to writings and Rahu isin Jupiter Star connected to astrology. The study of transits of Saturn,Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu may reveal these events . Anyway this would beonly a postmortem analysis unless one is very thorough with hisastrological principles and highly experienced to progress the chartvery professionally to prefix that exact future events before the eventsoccur. However, it would be highly impossible to tell the exact names. My ExperiencesI consulted Kowmara Nadi, Vasistha Nadi, Maha siva vakya tulyaNadi,Kaushika Nadi, Kashyapa Nadi, Suka Nadi, Viswamitra Nadi, VyasaNadi, Agastya Nadi, Skanda Nadi in Chennai, Salem, Kanchipuram,Bangalore, Hyderabad, Secunderabad and Tirupati from 1968 onwards tillnow for myself, wife, son and other friends. Only at places recently atHyderabad I was told that my leaf was not available and it should be gotfrom Vaitheeswarankoil.Here are some of my brief reactions about the same; - After taking thethumb print, nobody asked me my date and time of birth no differentappointments, nobody monitored behind the screen in other room, being anastrologer myself I was very careful not to give any clues. In the indexscanning, leaf after leaf they asked whether moon star or lagna in charaor sthira or dwiswabhava rasi whether my name and names of wife andparents certain names after some God or Goddess or contained certainnumber of letter, sounds of letters whether present age is so and sowhether coborns are so many numbers whether parents alive or dead,whether born certain seasons year month and dates etc Moon star etc etcThey never asked the exact ones and I never told the exact ones tillend.Now the real trick to tell exactly about your date of birth, namesco-borns etc comes into play. Even if an exact chart with degrees ofplanets given can an astrologer tell these purely from astrologicalprinciples may be if he is thorough with his subject highly experiencesbut definitely no as far as telling the exact names probably in nameslikely may sound unless he has got some extraordinary psychic powers .Then how do they tell with a broad chart. The exact past events andnames when the detailed charts of twins also differ. I did not check thetwins' charts with them and it would be worthwhile to do that for thisresearch. So at this stage there must be having some method to correctthe available nearest chart to give your readings. I heard that theyrewrite the leaves at certain intervals of time as per the coding andsystem mentioned in some introductory to such to the cycles of time I amnot sure. Or their recitation of some mantra would be enabling them totell the events through some spirit.How did Sage Satyacharya write in Dhruvanadi a life pattern for eachnadi amsha and, without fixing the nadi amsha one should not proceedfurther and he did not tell how to tell exact names. Are these so-callednadi readers are conversant with intricacies of astrology at all. Iinterviewed with some of them with some astrological talk, while readingthey said they did not know much of astrology and said they were trainedfor 10 to 12 years how to pick up and read the leaves. Even if youcannot answer some of his questions pertaining to astrological debutsuch as moon position, moon star, lagna position etc, and some timeseven your birth date and month year since you do not know your birthdata and chart, the nadi fellow tells your date of birth, chart, exactnames etc. So it seems to me that the linking the exact names play avital role and you can easily see the veracity of this since anotherperson with some chart cannot have the same names of theirs and parents.Even in twins with 3 minutes birth difference the names of twins differbut sound similar but with different charts, but same names of parents.Being an astrologer I can easily see this whole process is to know theposition of planets Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Moon, Lagna forexample if he asks whether I am 60 years old and I agree by workingbackwards from now the position of Saturn 2 ½ years Jupiter (1 year)Rahu and Ketu (1 ½ yrs) one approximately can know my birth year andtheir position at my birth year, If he asks whether I was born in rainseason and I agree, sun position can be known approximately, similarlyMoon position generally do not bother about the lagna that means birthtime. They get satisfied with the approximate names also after somescanning. But still the whole chart is not known at this stage, theseindex leaves have got some linking charts to be picked up .Then theybring the leaf if available and give the whole chart exact date ofbirth, names, past events, future etc as a general Kandam and you willbe impressed. This is their training process and they generally do notagree for reading without thumbprint even if you want to give chart.They never give the degree portion of planets and lagna in the chart. Soobviously other Vargas charts the nearest one which matches your pastevents since it is not possible to have records of all charts.On 31st May 1993 (age 55) in Salem I tried to jot down points as theNadi reader was reading leaf after leaf from the index bundles and henoticed and objected to the same. However, for the benefit of thereaders, there are some questions which I noted as he was asking leafafter leaf till a correct details matched - " Brahmin, hospital born,father and mother expired, eldest, one maternal uncle, no sisters, ownbusiness, two brothers (total 3) mother name Ammal, married, wife there,one son, son government job, son teaching line, age 55 running, ownvehicle, government job, union/collector office; no sister, Simha rasifather Vishnu name, wife name Susheela, house rents, two daughters,foreign visited twice, mother government job, wife job, intercastemarriage, rasi dual sign, 1938/39born rain season, two marriages, wifehousewife, one daughter, agricultural land, father government job, wifedegree, housewife, only one brother, government job teaching line selfdoctor, rasi sthira rasi, no daughter, arts degree, finance business,father Venkata, mother Parvati name, intercaste marriage, factory job,son degree, chara rasi Mesham, birth night wife name starting with 'sa',, son government job, army department officer technical B.E. degreeself temple degree, in politics son married intercaste, house rents,thula rasi, date 15to 30 , birth Sunday, star sravana, wife threeletters, mother government job, father expired 20 years back, to son nochildren, temple constructed, wife name starting with "pa,paa,pi,pe" jobtransport job, own house, wife housewife, one son ,. Born Wednesday,lagna ubhaya lagna, father temple constructed, mother name starting with"pa.paa.pi.pe" court case problem; sthira lagna, transport department,side business cine production son living with you, lagna chara lagna ,birth night, mother name starting with "pa paa, pi pe",B.Sc.,M.Sc.rasayana blood pressure mother name starting with "ya,ra,lava.." eatables business, now government job wife ulcer stomach , mother3 letter name , father visit foreign; mother 5 letter name, house rents,thula lagna, avani month wife name starting with "sa,saa,si,se" familycourt cases, sugar problem, father government job mother name startingwith "a,aa,e,ee…" father alive, mother died, mother name 4 lettersfirst letter 'a' wife ulcer, business now, computer astrology in ownplace, wife house wife , mother name last letter 'ra' self ulcer, wifeoperation, father own business and government job, wife name Rani,voluntarily retired before 4 years son in job, born Thursday sugarcomplaint, broker, government job, one sister housewife degree, selfdiploma, second house, mother expired 10 years back father templeadministration, self arts degree, father in the beginning private jobclerical, mother name 3rd letter 'pa,paa,pi,pe,pu,puu' 4th letter 'ra ,raa, ri , ru' father real estate, black money income, no lottery income,court case, fight with son, self two marriages, self MSc, commerce, selfengineering degree, also master's degree first job computer line, norailway air line job, mother name 3rd letter 'pa,paa,pi,pe,pu,puu' 1stletter 'a' father name Ramalingam, self technical civil engineering,operation heart, stomach, mother name Annapurna, one maternal uncle,self last child, Thursday born, hospital born wife name Saroja, smallbusiness in technical computer, son government job defense technical,self second child, born in fathers house, date of birth 7th sept,1938,Wednesday , voluntary retirement, one brother degree government job, onesister married degree". In 5th bundle of index leaves in about 15th leafall the details about names, profession, lagna, rasi matched, the nadireader told me when the thumb impressed would be connected to 5 to 12bundles of General Kandam each bundle roughly containing about 50leaves, any one of bundle and any one of leaf would be connected to you.In fact the nadi reader got fed up reading so many leaves and after 3bundles he refused to continue even, but upon my request he finally gotit in 5th bundle ie. After reading about 200 leaves (an enormousstrenuous job for both of us!) can we get any clues fromthese types of series of questions to arrive at the correct leafmatching your data?Recently I had a funny experience while reading the index cards for myfriend the nadi astrologer asked whether moon is in cancer in Asleshaand also asked about the approximate names of parents. We said theparents' names are correct, but the star is wrong. Then after someleaves, he again said the same parents names but with Pushyami star,which we again denied. After some more leaves, he again said same namesbut with Punarvasu star and we agreed since we knew the star and thechart. If we do not know the exact moon star what leaf the nadiastrologer decides and he may choose the wrong leaf. If he is notpatient to scan thoroughly to verify other past events and the readingscan be wrong. So it is possible, that somebody might have been born withsimilar parents named but with different moon stars, such as in twins orotherwise also elsewhere in different places.In olden days, the names were given as per the letters sounds mentionedfor moon stars, though nowadays nobody follows those rules to givenames., Even then the nadi astrologers tell the exact names not only ofHindus but some extent of foreigners also so what is that astrologicalprinciple from which one can tell exact names ? As far as I know thereis none. Therefore, it is possible that the nadi astrologers propitiatesome spirit to tell these exact names including exact past events, sincethey are not conversant with astrology thoroughly., The future eventswould come correct or not depends on theexperience and attention of thenadi astrologers. Also I found that all the nadi astrologers would nottell exactly the same future and events remedial measures defending uponthe nadi grantha they follow, through they tell the past correctly Ipresume that the same is time when they tell about the past life.Invariably the remedial measures, they ask for some money to be given tonadi reader and the prescribed pujas to Gods/Goddess would be related toplaces the Tamilnadu. So these cannot be relied upon.You go to the same nadi reader after one year and take the readingsagain from the same nadi grantha, will he give the same readings as hehad given one year back. I have yet to check this, without telling himthat I consulted him a year back. I presume that it would be differentreadings of the nadi reader changer even if the same nadi grantha wereconsulted because I feel the person who reads is also involved in theprocess defending upon his experience.Just as an off-track, I gave on prediction to some client with probableturning, he came back later to me & told me that it happened, and wantedto ask some other thing. I again looked at his chart at his second visitand could not find the astrological reason how I told that furyprediction, so is it some other extra sense working at the time ofprediction along with astrological reasons to decide the event dependingon your meditations & experience. Yes, I feel it would be so, when thereis doubt about the decision for giving prediction, purely from astrologyangle. That is why, it is said in sastras that the astrologers shouldfollow the ethics and Dharamas to couple real excellent reasons alongwith the analysis following the astrological principles, so that thecorrect predictions would come out.So what is difference between these Nadi Astrologers and the other realgood astrologers? I feel the former would purely use his training withMantra or spirit without any astrological background. Another safeescape a for the nadi astrologers is that he would say that he readwhatever was there and you have no means of meeting & discussing withhim again. Where as the other astrologer is answerable subsequent forhis predictions, of course he can also escape saying that the birth timemay be wrong, but it would be his moral duty & certify the birth timedepending on the events and the birth date. The nadi astrologers suedthe Vakya Siddhanta for casting the horoscopes and some times theposition of planets differ from what we get usually. One Tamil languageexpert told me that it is not possible to read the scripts understand.Some say that astrology is not a pure service. I feel that other sourcesi.e. medicine, space travel etc. Are also not exact & there are failuresin spite of lot of literature & research is available in these areas.Unfortunately the total literature, research & experience in the fieldof astrology is not available. It is true that no exact future can betold in astrology or even in other sciences when the space rockets burstin spite of lot of computer calcultions, experiments.Some Doubts and QuestionsIn view of the above discussions, several doubts and questions whicharise on Nadi Jyotish are consolidated here as far as possible atrandom:-What is the real origin of this Nadi Jyotish?Are they really written by some Sages and only by professionalastrologers?Are they the records of those born in earlier written on palm leaves inthosetimes?Why a right thumb impression for male and left for female is to betaken?In what language they were written originally?When were they translated into other languages ?How many bundles of leaves are available in total?Is each set of leaves after some name of Nadi Jyotish is different ?Is there really anything written on the leaves at all or somethingappear thenand there?Is there any Mantra or some other means used by the Nadi astrologers?Is there any specific science written to get the birth chart and birthdata fromthe thumb impressions?How the exact names can be told?What is the procedure followed by the nadi reader to pick up the indexleavesfrom his library from thumb impression?How is it on some leaves only some type of funny pattern of lines waswrittenwithout any normal language form of script ?How is it that some type of Tamil script found on the leaves could notbeunderstood?Why do the readers give the future readings from the date ofconsultation onlyat some intervals of age only?Why do they not give the occurrence of past events age wise generally?How do they give the names of foreigners also sometimes?Is there any privacy issue?Why do some readers ask y u to come again?Which collections are considered largest and carefully reserved etc?Which nadi readers are held reliable?How the small place in Tamilnadu,Vaitheeswaran koil has got differentreaderseven in small houses offering readers.?Are there leaves were distributed amongst members of that family fortheirdifferent businesses charging different fees?What is the material and sole of the leaf and and how they havepreserved solong?Are they rewritten at different intervals of time?How are they trained and how long?How the leaves are with mostly a particular sect of people who are doingbusiness from them?How do they link up the index leaf with the actual leaf of generalKandam andother chapters of?How can some readers say that such and such person is going to consulton thatday?Do the readings for the same person from different Nadis match exactly?Do the readings for the same person from the same nadi reader from thesame nadi taken at different interval of time say a year later matchexactly?Are you really to be destined to consult Nadi?How many consult Nadi?Are the past readings given always perfectly correct ?How far the future reading goes perfectly right upto what time to nearbyfuture or to long future also?Do the reader himself involved in giving correct readings, includes histrainingand experience?Why do the remedial measures given in Shanti Kanda mostly refer to theGods/Goddess /Temples in Tamilnadu?Why do they prescribe the alms to be given to the nadi reader and is itreallywritten on the leaves ?Are they actually reading what was written on the leaves ?Why are some of them in some form of trance with half closed eyes as ifthey arenot reading it from the leaves at all?Why don't nadi readers give your leaf to you, if it really belongs to yu?Can you read what is written there?Will they show it you?How many readings are there on each leaf?How many index bundles are normally to be scanned to arrive at yourdata?How many leaves are there in each bundle?Do they read without thumb impression, if the chart is given ?Are the previous life readings given in different Nadis for the samepersonwould be the same?Is there any luck in the leaves from the previous life to the presentlife tothe future life ?How far the remedial measures given work?Why do every nadi reader prescribe shanti definitely for every personwheneverconsulted?Why do the chart given by them differ from the one prepared by you incomputers?Is their ephemeris from Vakya Siddhanta as told different from othersand howfar is it correct?Why do they tell the firth date, month and year in Tamil calendar andthencorrelate it Christian calendar, is it because the records were in Tamil?If the records were in Sanskrit or Telugu language, how are the birthdata found in which calendar?Why are the readings are only at intervals of 1 year or 2 ½ hrs etc ?Are they following only the transits of major planets of Jupiter Saturnetc?Why do they give readings of future events only age wise, not at aparticularcalendar date, month and year ?Do they know astrology at all?Do they tell the exact names of twins , if the thumbprints are given ?Do they give the readings without the presence of the person consultingand with the date presented by some person?Do they give the reading by post if the required data is given and feessent?How far they take the responsibility if the future readings given bythem do notcome true and what excuse do they give in such cases ?Is whole thing a foax only?Is there cheating by them?Are there any real astrological principles involved in those Nadis?Why do they charge exorbitantly which many poor people cannot afford?Do poor people are distend to consult them?Is it worth spending lot of money in finding out the tricks of this nadiastrology?Is it possible to do any research at all in this filed?Are there any Nadis with some Swamijis or in some Ashram or with someotherpersons who are not using it for professional commercial purposes andgivereadings when consulted?Are there any Nadis published fully, if so in what language?Why do some astrologers, who have got nadi Grantha not publish itcompletely in a book form?Are there other aspects natural calamities, political set ups wars,countriesetc written also nadi granthas other than about persons and if so whydon't they publish it before hand?Are these Nadis written restricted to certain regions only, if so withinhowmany kilometers /miles and within what longitudes and latitudes?Is there any law, which is given in the Nadis to extend it other personsandother regions?How can a few bundles of leaves ,however large they re cover all lifepatternsof all persons?What the addresses of all the nadi readers?Are there any persons who are really doing any genuine serious researchto find out the secrets of the nadi Jyotish if so what are theiraddresses and what are their findings so far, have they published theirresearch anywhere?Are there any persons who are exchanging their experience and researchwith each in this field and if so what are their addresses?Are there any persons who had consulted all Nadis about thempersonalities and published their readings comparing and verifying theresults if so what aretheir addresses?Why can't the nadi readers tell the exact names of the wife/husbandbeforemarriage, but can tell the e names of after marriage?Why can't they tell the names of the children when they can tell yourname, your wife/husband name and names of parents?Is there any danger or calamity or curse or those who possess these nadigranthas and to their families when they practice it?How did Sage Satyacharya, supposed to be inventor of nadi amshas of 150write the general life patterns for each nadi amsha and to whatpercentage they match with a person's life pattern, if the person birthamsha falls in one of the nadi amshas or is it that the person shouldselect the nearest nadi amsha pattern which matches with most of hislife events and if it is to be chosen for a newly born baby who has notmuch specific events to check then how to fix up the nadi amsha?Is there any method, if at all any, to draw the nadi amsha chart just asotherVargas (divisional) charts and if so how to prepare such a nadi chartand how to use it vis-à-vis rasi and other Vargas charts (though itis not mostly known how to use the known Vargas charts themselvesspecifically for a particular event in life!)Which are the mantra Nadis , the tantra Nadis, prasna Nadis etc and whatare the differences and how do they operate?Where are we now in our research on nadi Jyotish in finding out thesecrets,when they have existing from so many years?Are there any specific astrological principles used in nadi Jyotishliteratureother than normal principles enunciated in standard ancient text booksby sageParasara, Jaimini,Varahamihira, Mantreswara, Vidyanatha, Kalidasa,Venkatesdaivagna, Bhaskara Jyotish, Bhruhatjataka, Phaladeepika ,Jatakaparijata, Uttara Kalamithra, Sarvartha Chinthamani, Bhavadeepika,Sanketanidhi, Saravali etc ?Do the nadi readers allow to record all the questions they ask as theyproceedwith the index leaves and is there any person who got such recorded datain his personal case and if what is his address?How can the Nadi Reader tell that your parents are alive when y youconsult him when they are alive and tell that they are dead when youconsult him after their death and can such a thing can be told fromapplying normal astrological principles?Similarly how can h e tell the exact number of brothers and sisters andat ageyou were married etc and can these can be told so precisely from anynormalastrological rules?Will all the Nadis give the e life span for a person or different lifespans,when the names and chart and other past details match exactly in allNadis ?Why some Nadis mention certain age as "Gandam" (danger to life) and ifit issurpassed the person would live upto certain other age ?Has anybody found any clues to give exact predictions from the textbooksavailable in the market on nadi Jyotish presently such as "Bhrugu NandiNadi" by Shri R.G.Rao, Devakeralam (Chandrakala Nadi )3 vols by ShriLate R.Santhanam commentary on "Saptarishi Nadi" by Shri J.H.Bhasin,"Transits of planets on they birth chart" lesson of nadi are the essenceof astrology" by Shri R.G.Rao, "Kashyapa Hora - essesnce of nadiastrology" by Shri R.G.Rao, "Nadi jyothisha or the Stellar system ofastrology"(out of print) by Shri Late R.Gopalakrishna Rao (Pen namemeena) "Satya jatakam (basis of Dhruvanadi) Sage Satyacharya, "PracticalStellar Astrology (Based on Nadi Principles) by Shri Late NVRaghavachari (Pen name Meena II), "Nadi system of Prediction(Stellar-theory) by Shri Rattan Lal , "Doctrines of Suka Nadi Retold -mysteries of nadi system of astrology unfurled" by Shri LateR.Santhanam, "Profession from the position of planets -in rare nadigranthas by Shri RG Ro, "Vedic Astrology and career" by ShriV.Raghuraman, "Your Destiny in thumb" by Shri R.G.Rao "Bhrigu SutramSage Bhrigu, "Bhrugu Prashna Nadi" by Shri R.G.Rao, General life patternfrom Dhruva Nadi and Nandi Nadi published for some Nadi Amshas in the"Astrological Magazine", several articles published on Nadi Astrology inthe Astrological Magazines " other magazines and new papers etc etc?Has anybody able to correlate the standard astrological principles withthe nadiastrology predictions authentically?Can exact birth time be told by Nadi Readers?Whether the Nadi reader and the translator add anything on their ownwhilereading and explaining?Further Research RequiredThough one can try to find out answers to all the above questions I feelthat further important research required to be carried out in nadiastrology should be concentrated on the following points:-Whether a complete Natural Birth chart with planetary positions & lagnawithexact degrees and birth data can be formed from the thumb impression?Why a right hand thumb impression for male & left hand thumb print forfemaleshould be taken?What is the technique used by Nadi Readers to pick up the Index leavesbundles from the thumb print and subsequent Kandam leaves?What are the scripts written on the leaves?Whether the Nadi Readers reads the same thing on the leaf?Whether we or the experts in linguistics can read the same & understand?Whether there is any script at all in the leaves?Can we record what all he reads and questions leaf after leaf till hearrives atour data in the index leaves?Whether he writes the same thing in the notebook, records in theaudiotape and translates?Do the leaves contain some old records of life histories of personswritten inolden days for certain planetary configurations for research for futurecyclesand if so how to modify the results for the present consultant's chartwhich and could be only a nearby chart since it takes very long time toget to the same planetary configuration again?How one can tell exact names, numbers of brothers and sisters with helpof achart even with exact degrees of planets & lagna?Can we get our leaf from the Nadi readers and even if so will it be ofany use?Whether the same nadi reader from same nadi grantha gives same resultswhenconsulted at different time intervals, say one year?Why the nadi readers gives results age-wise only for events, notparticulardates?Would they use mostly the transits of major planets on the natal chartto tellevents?Would different readers of same nadi give different results?Would different Nadis give different results?Why the remedial measures (Shantis) are prescribed for every one whetherconsulted at any time, why they are mostly connected toTemples/Gods/Goddessesin Tamilnadu only, whether they work at all to overcome the difficultiesreadin the leaves or is at another gimmick of the nadi reading to get moneyfrom the person consulted by invoking fear and faith into him?Why not collect as much data as possible from persons who consulted nadialong with their experiences about the veracity of the futurepredictions?Is it possible to find how the past life data is given by nadi readersand checkthe same?Is there any method to link the past life data with the present & futurereadings?Which nadi & nadi reader is giving more accurate results?Is there any way to arrive at nadi astrologers principles in correlationwiththe normal standard astrology , as given in the palm leaves by the nadireadersor is the whole thing a process of hoax using some Upasana of spirits orMantraby the nadi readers?What percentage of correct results would come from nadi readers comparedto the readings from well-experienced sincere normal astrologers?Can one can erect a nadi amsha chart (1/150) and use it for exactpredictionsalong with other Vargas charts?Can one find out how the general life pattern is given for each nadiamsha?Whether anybody consulted the same nadi at same place or at differentplaces at same time read by different nadi readers and what are theresults?Whether anybody consulted the same nadi at same place read by the sameperson at different times say a year later and what are the results andare they same particularly with respect to the future events?Whether anybody got the results without knowing the birthdate/month/year/lagna/Moon rasi & nakshatra/chart and if so how?Whether anybody got the exact name of wife / husband before marriage?Whether anybody got future results every year or only at intervals of 2to 3years or at some random future ages?Whether anybody got the same life span (age) mentioned in differentnadis?Whether anybody got the same life span (age) mentioned in differentnadis?Whether anybody got the future result about the birth of a child male orfemalespecifically?Whether any astrologer could succeed so far in analyzing the resultsgiven bynadi as per the known astrological rules?(ask astrologers)?How many are visiting the nadis and getting results also not findingtheir nadileaves.(ask nadi readers)?What would be the percentage of people consulting nasi?Whether anybody recorded the various questions asked by the nadi readerleafafter leaf in the index bundles till he hits the correct one with exactnames number of brothers and sisters etc?ConclusionI have discussed many important points on nadi Jyotish as far aspossible due to restriction of space from my experience. It is fartherfor the readers & experienced astrologers to get into real research intothe mysteries of this nadi jyothish. Since this research would be verylong time process involving lot of expenses, it will not be possible forany single individual to carryout this research. I earnestly request allserious research astrologers to come together exchanging theirinformation freely on this subject, which is very easy now a daysbecause of inter-net & E-mails. I also request the rich individuals,trusts, government, private agencies, Swamis, Ashrams help financiallyfor this research. I pray God also to help all these astrology researchaspirants to unveil the secrets of this ancient Nadi Jyotish upliftingthe Vedic astrologyfor the benefit of world community. I also give my blessings to allthose sincere young astrologers with their advanced computer astrologysoftware to succeed in their research efforts.OM SHANTI.--- End forwarded message ---

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Sri Rayudu ji, How can we know who is most authentic in vaitheeswarankoil?could you please send me the adress of real and most authentic man who does Nadi astrology,whom you know, in Vaitheeswaran koil?Or, pls give the name and adress of the man to whom you visited?I'll be very thankful to you if you send this to my email,

Thanking u very much,Jayan, kerala.

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