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Timing of marriage

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Dear Sir


I think point no 7 is the most confusing of all. I got married at 30, when all

along the astrologers I met said I would do it at 25. (Well I met my wife, when

I was 21 and it was 9 years of courtship - 7 years long distance).


My birth details, in the group somewhere.


Amma Saranam!





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venkatachala pathi <pathiav

; vedic astrology ;

brahimn tvm group <kbstvm; CaribbeanHindus ;

dr.balakrishnamurthy.ramaraju; HARE_RAM ;

; kksabesan; m_divine2002;

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sheevani147; vedic astrology ;


Wednesday, 30 July, 2008 11:26:19 PM

Timing of Marriage


Q: Sir, how to find the ‘timing of marriage’, in a horoscope? I request you

to list the basics to find the ‘probable’ period when marriage is likely to

take place. Thank you, sir. Rita….. , Bilaspur, IndiaAs per present law, a

girl cannot marry before her attaining 18 years of age. As days of yore, early

marriage for girls is defunct and the days and individual’s out look has

changed lot, from days of early applications of Vedic Astrology. Hence, the

present day marriages could be termed as ‘delayed marriages’,

The age for qualification for marriage is, as now, 18 years for girls and 21

years for males.

There is a view among eminent astrologers, under all schools of Astrology, that

the ‘relation’ between a man and a woman happens in the ‘first’ physical

relationship between them and this will be indicated in the Astrological

analysis. The other contention is, that a man just standing next to a woman at a

selected ‘muhurtha’, declaring before the elites accepting a girl as ‘life

partner‘, is deemed to be ‘married’ and these Astrological definitions are

said to become effective indicating ’marriage’ between them However, I leave

this for the present, as these definitions are being discussed for years among

astrologers, perhaps for centuries, as no clear definition is available for the

word ‘VIVAH’ in Astrology terms.

I give the following rules for finding the ‘probable’ period when a person

is likely to be ‘married‘, to be found in a horoscope. These, I have listed

from various scriptures, over a period of time.

1. If the 7th house from the Lagna (Ascendant) in the birth chart happens to be

the Lagna in the Navamsa chart and 7th lord is in the 12th house from Lagna,

marriage before 20 years indicated*

2. If 2nd and 11th lords exchange houses in a chart of the person, marriage for

before his/her25th year is indicated.*

3. When Venus is in a kendra and the 7th lord is situated in a sign owned by

Saturn , in aspect of a benefic, marriage between 23 and 28 years is indicted.*

4. 2nd house is occupied by Venus and the seventh lord is in the 11th house, the

marriage will take place between 23 to 28 years.*

5. When second lord is in the 11th house from Lagna, and Lagna Lord is in the

10th house, marriage before 20 years indicated.*6.

7. If Sun is in 7th house from Lagna 7th Lord is in conjunction with Venus in a

Kendra, marriage may take place between 23 years to 25 years of age. If 7th Lord

or Venus is afflicted, marriage will take place between 30 and 30 years.*When

the seventh house is occupied by Venus, Moon, and Saturn, marriage for him/he

will take place after 30 years.*‘*’ The mark above is to warn an Astrologer

to be very cautious before arriving at the age, under Vimshothri desa periods,

after studying favorable Planetary combinations, which is given below. That is,

if the ‘periods’ could not ‘qualify’ for the marriage, the above age

‘indication’s, may not be effective.

8. The marriage is likely to take place during the desa period of 7th Lord. Or,

9. In the Desa and Anthar desas of the 7th Lord from the Moon or Venus, the

marriage could take place. Or

10. When Jupiter, by Gochara transits in the 2nd or 5th or 7th or 9th and 11th

from the Ascendant and Venus , marriage for that person could take place. Or,

11. When lord of 7th house Venus, transits in a sign in Gochra, Which is Rasi or

Navamsa owned by the lord of Lgna , marriage could take place. Or,

12. When Venus or Lord of 7th house transit’s a Trikona sign occupied by the

lord of the Ascendant in Rasi or in Navamsa , then marriage could be expected to

take place.

13. First, it should be found out the lord of 7th house in both Rasi and Navamsa

Kundali. The, ascertain which of these lords is stronger (by occupation,

ownership and position from Lagna, as well as in aspect from beneficial

planet/s). Marriage for that person will take place in the major period of the

stronger planet among those. Or,

14. Marriage could take place , in the Desa and Bukthi periods of the lords of

2nd and 7th houses , as well as planets, if any, associated with them. Or,

15. Marriage may also take place, when Jupiter transit’s a Trikona house , to

the Rasi ‘Navamsa occupied by lord of the 7th house. Or,

I6. If Jupiter or Venus is strong in a person’s horoscope, marriage could take

place on their Desa or Bukti periods, while these planets are well placed and in

aspect of benefic planets.

17. Venus associated with 7th lord is also a favorable period for marriage. Or,

18. The planet occupying the constellation of the 7th lord is also qualified to

favor marriage in its Desa and /or Bukthi period of that Planet. (Explanation:

Aslesha, Jeshta and Revati are the star zones for Mercury - Budha. Lagna be

Pieces - Meena. The seventh - Virgo - Kanya - lord would be Mercury. If Mars is

in one of the star zones of Mercury in the birth chart, then Mars qualifies to

perform marriage in its Desa and/or Bukthi period - of a favorable planet’s

Desa period)

19. If Rahu or Ketu is situated with lord of 7th house, and is in any house in

the birth chart, either of these will qualify to favor marriage. Or,

20. If the lord of Lgna is in the 7th house and the lord of 7th house in Lagna

either of them could cause marriage event. Or,

21. The Desa periods and sub periods of 5th, 9th and 10th Lords may also give

marriage. Or,

22. Desa and sub-periods of the lord of the sign occupied by 2nd lord may give

marriage. Or,

23. Desas and sub periods of the lords of the 9th and 10th houses may also give



These are the probable periods. Many more combinations and details are available

in various books by many others. These are few of the ‘leads‘, in which many

are able to fix the timing of marriages.






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  • 10 months later...
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Dear Pathi Sir,

I find it difficult to fix the timing of marriage while I study charts come to me for ‘Matching’. Can you please guide me?... Bhahudhari, Baroda.


Dear friend:

I agree it is difficult. It is difficult because, the time as given to prepare Natal Charts for both (boy and girl) should be ‘exact’, so that the time at which the marriage to happen could be arrived at to a near date of accuracy. There are methods available in our standard Astrology books, and I will give you what they say:


First: It should be assessed in a boy’s chart (and girl’s chart) the possibilities of a single marriage or multiple marriage. The following could be followed easily: PALADEEPIKA :

Sthri sankyam madhagyirgrahyir……..sowmyasthusowkyaavahaa : II


To mean:

It is through the number of planets in the 7th house that one ought to divine the number of woman (man) that a person may ‘associate’ with. Of these, the number that will die (at an early age) will correspond to the number of planets (in the 7th house) that are malefic, while the number of benefic will denote the number that will survive, If the Lord of 7th be benefic and possessed of strength, the native will have good natured woman. Evan a malefic will do well to the wife be in the 7th owning that house. Benefic/s in the 7th house will be good and productive, if they are not lords of

6th, 8th and 12th house/s.


We now will move to find our main subject of ‘timing of marriage’: JATHAKAPAARIJATHA::


Means ::

Add together the figures(Degrees) of the Lords of Lagna and the 7th Bhava. Find the Rasi, etc., indicated by the result. When Jupiter (in ‘Gochara’) traverses, the Rasi etc., above arrived at Degree, the Astrologer may predict a person’s marriage. (While this rule applies to male chart, the same rule should be applied to the matching female chart, to confirm that both are qualified to marry ).

The time of marriage may also be determined in the same way with total of the figures for the ruler of the star occupied by the Moon and ruler of the star, in respect to the Star of the lord of the 7th bhava.


If the Navamsa occupied by Jupiter belong to a friend of that planet, the person will have but one wife. If the Navamsa in question be owned by Jupiter, the numbers of wives will be 2 or 3. If the amsa be Jupiter’s exaltation, the person concerned will be the lord of many wives.


Paladeepika explains that the probable time for marriage could come of when Venus or the lord of 7th house in its orbit transits through sign which is triangular to the Rasi or Navamsa owned by the lord of the Lagna.


The acquisition of a wife (partner for life) may happen during the dasha period of the planet (1) posited in the 7th house, (2) or, aspecting the 2nd house.


In Sl.31 in ‘Jathakapaarijatha – Adhyaya 14 -


Astrologers say that the acquisition of a wife may take place when the Moon and Jupiter in their progress (Gochara) arrive at the 2nd place from the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Lagna at the birth of the person concerned. The same event may also happen when Jupiter reaches a sign occupied by the lord of 7th bhava or Venus. The possibility is when the Moon and Jupiter occupy a Kendra.


In Sl.32 : An auspicious time for men’s marriage (other than that mentioned before) occurs in the year of their life indicated by number made of 8 and the figure denoting the order from Mesha of the sign representing the 7th bhava. Add the figures for the lords of the 7th and 1st bhavas and find out rasi and amsa indicated by the sum total. The girl born in the rasi and amsa thus found is the one to win the heart of the person concerned. The husband elect must equally prove acceptable to the wife.


According to Mantreswara, in Phaladeepika, the direction of the area/city/country/ of the wife will be signified by the Rasi owned by any one of the three planets viz. (1) Occupying 7th house (2) owning the 7th house and (3) Venus. (Personally, I could not find this to be correct in field analysis!)




Astrologer, 'Oxton House', 6, Hawthorn Road,Cherry Willingham, 0044+01522+595996,

Lincoln LN3 4JT, United Kingdom .

(consultation fees charged for direct detailed studies)

Pl. contact 'kountinya29'

"........When there is uncertainty, He gave us hope;

When there was indecision, He gave us clarity...."

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||Jai Ramakrishna||

Dear Pati sir,

I thank you for digging out the classical principles, but my question is

how many of these techniques work?

You are experienced person in this field---how many principles you have

seen working?

Thank you,



, venkatachala pathi <pathiav



> Dear Pathi Sir,

> I find it difficult to fix the timing of marriage while I study charts

come to me for ‘Matching’. Can you please guide

me?... Bhahudhari, Baroda.

> Â

> Dear friend:Â

> I agree it is difficult. It is difficult because, the time as

given to prepare NatalCharts for both (boy and girl) should be

‘exact’, so that the time at which the marriage to happen

could be arrived at to a near date of accuracy. There are methods

available in our standard Astrology books, and I will give you what they


> Â

> First: It should be assessed in a boy’s chart (and

girl’s chart) the possibilities of a single marriage or multiple

marriage. The following could be followed easily: PALADEEPIKA :

> Sthri sankyam madhagyirgrahyir……..sowmyasthusowkyaavahaa : II

> Â

> To mean:

> It is through the number of planets in the 7th house that one ought to

divine the number of woman (man) that a person may

‘associate’ with. Of these, the number that will die

(at an early age) will correspond to the number of planets (in the 7th

house) that are malefic, while the number of benefic will denote the

number that will survive,  If the Lord of 7th be benefic and

possessed of strength, the native will have good natured woman.Â

Evan a malefic will do well to the wife be in the 7th owning that house.

 Benefic/s in the 7th house will be good and productive, if they are

not lords of 6th, 8th and 12th house/s.

> Â

> We now will move to find our main subject of ‘timing of



> Means ::

> Add together the figures(Degrees) Â of the Lords of Lagna and the

7th Bhava. Find the Rasi, etc., indicated by the result. When Jupiter

(in ‘Gochara’) traverses, the Rasi etc., above arrived at

Degree, the Astrologer may predict a person’s marriage.Â

(While this rule applies to male chart, the same rule should be applied

to the matching female chart, to confirm that both are qualified to

marry ).Â

> The time of marriage may also be determined in the same way with total

of the figures for the ruler of the star occupied by the Moon and ruler

of the star, in respect to the Star of the lord of the 7th bhava.

> Â

> Â If the Navamsa occupied by Jupiter belong to a friend of that

planet, the person will have but one wife. If the Navamsa in question be

owned by Jupiter, the numbers of wives will be 2 or 3. If the amsa

be Jupiter’s exaltation, the person concerned will be the lord of

many wives.

> Â

> Paladeepika explains that the probable time for marriage could come of

when Venus or the lord of 7th house in its orbit transits through sign

which is triangular to the Rasi or Navamsa owned by the lord of the



> The acquisition of a wife (partner for life) may happen during the

dasha period of the planet (1) posited in the 7th house, (2) or,

aspecting the 2nd house.

> Â

> In Sl.31 in ‘Jathakapaarijatha †" Adhyaya 14 -  Â


> Astrologers say that the acquisition of a wife may take place when the

Moon and Jupiter in their progress (Gochara) arrive at the 2nd place

from the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Lagna at the

birth of the person concerned. The same event may also happen when

Jupiter reaches a sign occupied by the lord of 7th bhava or Venus.Â

The possibility is when the Moon and Jupiter occupy a Kendra.

> Â

> In Sl.32 : An auspicious time for men’s marriage (other than

that mentioned before) occurs in the year of their life indicated by

number made of 8 and the figure denoting the order from Mesha of the

sign representing the 7th bhava. Add the figures for the lords of

the 7th and 1st bhavas and find out rasi and amsa indicated by the sum

total. The girl born in the rasi and amsa thus found is the one to

win the heart of the person concerned. The husband elect must equally

prove acceptable to the wife.

> Â

> According to Mantreswara, in Phaladeepika, the direction of the

area/city/country/ of the wife will be signified by the Rasi owned by

any one of the three planets viz. (1) Occupying 7th house (2) owning the

7th house and (3) Venus. (Personally, I could not find this to be

correct in field analysis!)

> Â

> Pathi

> Â

> A.V.Pathi, Â

> Astrologer, 'Oxton House', 6, Hawthorn Road,Cherry Willingham,Â


> Lincoln LN3 4JT, United Kingdom .  Â

> (consultation fees charged for direct detailed studies)

> Pl. contact 'kountinya29'

> " ........When there is uncertainty, He gave us hope;

> When there was indecision, He gave us clarity.... "


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