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Dear members,


These are some comments by the Moderator of JR, who has written today, and my replies, since he is not as democratic as he projects himself to be, He addressed one mail to me after banning me, and now I have no choie but to reply him here.



// he willapologise to TANVIR ji for accusing him and me of anti-national activities hespreads in all groups with no proof and wants to be forgiven all the time.//


I may accuse Prashant of anti-national activities for sure, if I may be given the opportunity but not Tanvir, never. I ask for proof for having spread this in all Groups. I ask for the whole mail and the sender of the mail to be mentioned too, and I also ask him to prove that the contents therein mentioned are wrong.


// I had to do this as both the onwer and me were abused repeatedly for over 15 months now. //


I ask for proof where I have abused the owner of JR Group for 15 months ??? Then at least provide one proof per month which equals to 15 proofs ? He will not even be able to provide with a single proof where I have abused Tanvir.



// I have never banned anyone till now //


What about Prashant Pandey, Sunil Nairji, Tarun agarwal , Sreeramji, etcetra. Are they not good as banned since you do not allow their postings to come up there on the Group, but only slected mails you allow ?



// WE CAN POST ON A QUERY WITH AS MANY VIEWS FROM DIFFERENT ASTROLOGERS forums r not a market place so one persons reply is not to be answered by others //


If this is not a market place then why do you offer your services with a 20 Line signature under your mail ?


// the ABUSES AND CHARGES OF ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES, ANTI NATIONAL ACTIVITIES BY THEOWNER, CEO MODERATOR if JR are given regular mileage in 3 groups i had sen notsure of moreVedic astrology, AIA, J group, and even j ganga [this from members words notthere to know them] //


Prove these .Dont talk in the air.


// u made repeated defamatory, personal abuses on me and Tanvir ji for the entireperiod of my moderatorship in other forums and I expected a "voluntary referenceand due apologies to Tanvir ji " //


I agree of abusing You. But You started this by referring to my family members, my Horoscope, and you picked up my replies and the information therein which I gave to the members for discussing astrological pointers and used that information, twisted the same to get back at me. And You always called me a "Mafia Don " referred me as a "Goonda" and called my supporters as members of my "Gang". Plus many other abuses and allegations which I dont even wish to remember.


But i have never abused Tanvir. prove this.



// I am also feeling v low and bad on this//


You are not feeling low or sad but high and top of the world today. You think you have won, but you lost one and half years back to the Jyotish Science when you removed a member like me who was contributing honestly to Jyotish, by allowing 20 fake ids to gather around me and abuse me, and when I responded created a excuse that Bhaskar is "Abusive" and a "Trouble maker" and must be moderated. My banning you have done today officially, but I was as good as banned from then on, because you never allowed my replies to the querents and only allowed them seldomly to prove to the members that I am still allowed to write there.





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