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Most of the members writing here have been asking quesions about their financial state, or marriage. Here is a short story to help those who are finding themselves in an uncomfortable situation. Have heart and patience.....






Living In Abundance– by Tamara Baruhovich Abundance literally means having a great or large quantity of something, as opposed to scarcity or a condition of having "too little." Abundance can present itself in a variety of areas like financial abundance, health abundance or emotional abundance. Let's explore these concepts and see where you stand... There are people who may have just about everything money can buy, yet they do not live in abundance. And, there are people who may not have the financial means to buy everything they desire, but they do live in abundance. This is the paradox of abundance, and the secret lays in their attitude and mindset. With the right attitude, we develop an abundance mindset. These two elements are key when it comes to abundance in every aspect of life. While money is one manifestation of abundance, there are other areas through which abundance can

be seen and measured, like good health, peace of mind, mental clarity, and a strong spiritual belief and purpose in life. People that live in true abundance have a combination of these areas present in their lives, not just cash in the bank. To live in real abundance there must be balance in all areas of your life. You will notice when a person lives in abundance not necessarily by the clothes he wears or the car she drives, but by their general outlook on life. These people smile frequently and delight at the smallest of events, like watching a sunset or hearing a bird sing. They never seem to be in a rush... they enjoy life as it comes, and they do not fear trouble. They are aware that problems are a fact of life, and learn to deal with them as they show up. Most of us want to bring in more financial abundance to our lives believing that this type of abundance can be the answer to our problems. Don't fall prey to this

belief. Despite common beliefs, money doesn't solve everything.Moreover, by wanting money from a desperate standpoint, you will never get what you want. Going by the Law of Attraction, giving in to feelings of helplessness in attracting financial abundance may just lead to lesser financial abundance. It is important to create and maintain a mindset that is both positive and determined, and combine it with dedicated work, for financial abundance to come into your life. When we are bombarded with financial problems, we spend a lot of time thinking about the problem of not having the money to solve our problems, instead of planning on how to generate more money and spend the money we have wisely. When money is scarce it is better to instead focus on what we can give of ourselves to others in order to generate cash; focus from the heart on how many people we can help and the money will follow. What I'm trying to convey is that

worrying about money will get us nowhere and definitely, it won't get us the money we need. This is a waste of time, and more importantly, of energy. Let's remember Einstein's principle... energy cannot be created nor destroyed, just modified. It is then much more effective to concentrate our energy on being of service to generate money that spending our energy in worrying and complaining about not having it. Possessing abundance in terms of emotions means we are capable of feeling love, joy, hatred and other emotions that we as humans normally feel. A person who has emotional abundance is not in a position to feel greater than others, but such person has more feelings of sympathy, generosity, love, compassion, and other emotions towards others, feelings that make us "fully" human. Thus, being in a state of emotional abundance means to possess emotions that bring about a balance in one's humanity. It means feeling more sympathy

than apathy, being more tolerant of what others may be feeling in certain circumstances. An emotionally abundant person will have more space in his/her heart to accept the shortcomings of other people and life in general. Physical abundance is a state of feeling healthy, robust, and possesses a body that is always attuned to the demands of nature. It means being able to heal the body when it is confronted with sickness or other physical challenges. Attitude is also a must in these circumstances. I'm sure you have heard of two people with the same diagnosis that had very different outcomes despite having followed the same treatment, all because of attitude. To have emotional abundance, physical abundance, or financial abundance, as well as any other type of abundance is a choice. And we all are capable of making choices. Where do you stand? Choose to create abundance in every aspect of your life without feeling

anxious or in scarcity. Know that there are ups and downs in every human life, and go with the flow. Nothing stays forever. Start by adopting the right attitude and develop the mindset for success. Do not focus on what's lacking. Go to work and focus on your final destination. Be patient, it's worth it. Remember that life is a process, an experience that we must learn to enjoy one step at a time. Realize that you already have abundance in life, at least in one aspect. Whatever it is you possess, learn to appreciate your particular area of abundance and be grateful for it. Now, use your abundance wisely and as a point of reference to create more abundance in other aspects of your life. Be positive in every way. Be determined to achieve what you want to create in life. It is truly a matter of choice. Choose to live a life in abundance, and go get it! – Tamara Baruhovich

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