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Subtle Everyday Astrology

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Subtle Everyday Astrology :

Bits of Personal Experiences

and Some Things to Note


Navagrahas. Nine planets. The agents of karmas. They are always with us, does

not matter wherever we go, and whatever we do. No escaping. And their presence

in our lives are reflected through our happiness, unhappiness, joy, sorrow, and

whatever else we experience. Many of the people do not believe in astrology, and

many among us who do, do it in a rather half-hearted way. They do believe about

the effects of planets but do not really know how far can it go. Many also have

a wrong understanding about how planetary effects really work. I had a client

whom I told that she must have had some serious problems with her siblings in

such such time. Surprising me, she said, no. She reported that the time actually

brought her and her brother closer, making her more caring towards him. When I

investigated further, she mentioned about her brother's attempt of suicide! So,

she totally forgets about the problem and all her worries about it when it

happened, interpreting the event in a wrong way. She totally fails to see that

it had it's negativity when her brother was about to die and when it made her

worried enough. Anyway.


Many of us, thus, fail to understand the things actually happening around us. A

person who remains unmarried for life claiming he is happy this way is wrong in

his happiness, and with proper remedies, he will have an optimistic view and

effort and will end up marrying and being happy. He will then understand that he

is better happy being married than he was as unmarried. So, he was just

interpreting his unmarried condition in a wrong way.


I will now describe some small, unimportant events from my personal life to

demonstrate how far planetary effects can really go. It is always the best to

consult a good astrologer for problems, but when a person has a better

understanding of how it works, he can help his astrologer understand his karma

even better. Because as I mentioned, many interprete events in a wrong way, that

often confuses the astrologer himself.


First of all my birth information: 24 Dec 1982, 00.34 hrs, Dhaka, Bangladesh

that means 90E25, 24N43, GMT+6, no DST. Reported time was 00.30 hrs, which I

rectified to 00.34 hrs watching Vimsottari Dasha closely. All the events confirm

this rectified time.


I will now discuss a few events to show how planets affect the most subtle

things and the smallest incidents around us and how we can understand their



Starting with a recent event, I just started my Me-Sa-Sa this month (Sep 2006).

As per 00.34 hrs birth time, I should start my Saturn antardasha (Me-Sa) on 2nd

September. Right on 31st August, I was going to a distant town to attend a

wedding of my cousin as well as a death ceremony. Now let us watch, I was in the

junction of 7th lord antardasha (7th lord=marriage) and 6th lord Saturn's

antardasha (Saturn=death). My 7th lord Jupiter is in 3rd, ruling short journeys

and also brothers, cousins. So it was a short journey, and the wedding was of my

cousin indeed. Coming antardasha lord Saturn is in 2nd house, again relatives.

[Many say 4th for relatives and 2nd for family, that is wrong to my mind.]


6th lord means poverty, struggle, lack of comfort, unnecessary troubles. So

while leaving home, I was thinking that my exalted 6th lord should not allow

myself such a comfortable, pleasant ship journey. So it was. My other cousins

who were going with me were late by an hour, (for a nonsense taxi driver) and so

they missed the ship, and I had to wait for them. Delay = Saturn, person without

common sense is ruled by Saturn again.


As we missed the ship we had to go by another ship where we did not find any

cabin, so the journey was very discomforting, going with other poor people.

(Discomfort=6th lord, poor people=Saturn). Also, a cousin who was with us was

insulted by someone, he went to the dining to eat and they tell him to come

later. (As he did not have a cabin ticket.) Please note that dining, eating=2nd

house, where my Saturn is. Cousin insulted, cousin=3rd lord, Jupiter, whose

antardasha is ending. Saturn is insult. Also, Jupiter and Mars are in sign

aspect in my chart, Mars is the 8th lord of insult. That is why Jupiter causes

insult in my life, and I have written a lot on my site about why we should use

sign aspect more than planetary aspects and I have demonstrated with a lot of

true incidents. Parasara mentions sign aspects long before he does planetary

aspects, and Jaimini mentions only sign aspects, no planetary aspects at all.


Anyway, in the night we brothers slept on the open deck where it was cold;

Saturn again.


Everything else was okay. There were some other events in there in the ceremony

which shows Saturn being with me all the times, forgetting about those - let me

mention a small, but interesting event.


My Saturn antardasha started 2nd September and in the evening of 3rd September,

I cut my ring finger while trying to access my wallet in my back pocket. I was

wearing a new jean trouser which had zipper on back pockets, which was very

sharp. Please note, Saturn is my 6th lord, who is cut, infections, wounds, and

Saturn is in 2nd house. (Both clothes and money is ruled by the 2nd house. I cut

myself while trying to access money.)


Thus, we see how the small incidents of everyday life can show astrology.


Now I will mention another event. My Jupiter antardasha started in the end of

May 2004, and that time I knew that Jupiter antardasha will start sometime soon.

One day, I was on a pleasure walk in the afternoon, and I found three

car-drivers playing chess before a building. I like chess, so I stood there, and

eventually engaged in playing. I played two games, lost both. And right after

leaving, I knew that the dasha has started. How?


My expected dashalord Jupiter is my 4th lord and 7th lord. It is in my 3rd

house. 3rd house rules servants. Jupiter is in the star of Saturn, 6th lord that

rules battles, competition, competitive games. In the periods of only three

planets I face competitions, fights, etc. in my life. They are Saturn, Jupiter,

and Moon. Saturn is the 6th lord itself, and the other two are in the star of

Saturn. Jupiter and Moon are in the star of 6th lord, so involves me in

competition, battle, fight. But they make me lose because they are natural

benefics. (Scriptures say malefics in 6th house is good for winning enemies and

in 3rd they are good for courage. Benefics in 6th house, on the other hand,

makes one lose battles and in 3rd they make people coward.)


So, when I played two chess games with drivers (servants, 3rd house) and lost

both, I knew, that the period of Jupiter in 3rd house has started. It cannot be

a coincidence, because I had not played chess, or any board game for last

two-three years that time.


Within a weak I visit my cousins home (cousin=3rd) and there a young maid

servant (3rd) was playing a board game (ludo) and I playfully play with her, and

I lost with that kid too! It can't be a coincidence again, cause I had not

played ludo for a long time then. Not that I often played.


To further illustrate the role of Moon and Jupiter about fights, in my Me-Mo-Sa

I win a web design competition, (Moon and Saturn both involved about 6th, so

both antardasha and pratyantar dasha lords related to 6th makes it sure to have

competition or interaction with enemies. But Saturn is positive so good outcome,

winning competition) while in Me-Mo-Ju I was seriously troubled by suddenly

poped up enemies, causing much grief, agony. (Moon and Jupiter both involved

about 6th house and both benefics so I lose.) If I have to just pick up the

worst time of my life when I was troubled by enemies, its Me-Mo-Ju.


We can understand by planetary effects not only by watching such small events

but also how we 'feel'. My Me-Ra-Sa period was exceptionally problematic, Rahu

co-lord of 6th and Saturn lord of 6th, so much struggle and problems. That time,

one evening I was working on my PC and suddenly I felt so different, so fresh,

so light from the karmic load I was carrying last few days. I also suddenly

noted that that day I wore a deep green tshirt after a long time. So, suspected

that perhaps my Saturn pratyantar has just ended and Mercury pratyantar started

(Green=Mercury) and I quickly opened my software and see that yes Mercury

pratyantar should be starting sometime now. (I did not write the dates.) Right

from the next day, a lot of problems started to become easier.


Another very small incident. We first have to know that in different dashas we

also meet and interact with people ruled and signified by the planets related to

the dasha. (Like in my Me-Ma servants were my only companions, I have never

interacted with servants like that, Mars being my 3rd lord. Also in my Me-Ju I

got friend to someone who is actually my teacher, and right at the end of my Ju

antardasha he left for Canada.) Anyway, in my Me-Ma-Ve I had met a young lady

who could no more be represented by Venus. Stylish, trendy, attractive, and all

those. So somehow in my life she signifies Venus. Later I lost contact with her

having her cellphone always off and homephone being changed. Much later in July

2005, a friend of me, who was obsessed by her, told me that after a long time he

got her cellphone open. (He kept trying now and then.) I was expecting my Ve

pratyantar than anything and right when he said that I knew that Ve pratyantar

just started. It was the 7th of July and as per birthtime 00.34 hrs my Ve

pratyantar starts right that day ! Just like birthtime 00.34 matches with other

dashas very precisely as well.


Finishing the write up, my Saturn antardasha (Me-Sa) caused me Jaundice in Nov

2006. Saturn = 6th lord, disease. Liver ruled by Jupiter, who is under the

effect of Saturn by being in it's star. So liver affected. And on Feb 8th, 2007

- one of my cousins were leaving for the US, trying to lift her suitcase I

suddenly got a spine pain ! Spine=bone=Saturn. People say Saturn is blood but

that's wrong. Blood is Mars and Mars is red also, I can give many examples.

Well, that cousin was a more of 'Female friend' to me than a cousin or sister,

and opposite sex friend = 2nd house. Whenever I do mantras related to Saturn, I

have my female friends really better with me, and lots of time pass with them.

And relationship with that cousin is affected too. So the reason was female

friend (2nd house, where Saturn is) and a bone problem (Saturn). And it could be

possibly a chronic problem (Saturn) because the pain was gone but came back

after one month when I worked out at home. Made me scared. I consulted doctor

and before that did mantras and so the good news came that it can heal

completely. Now it's better but I know if I discontinue mantras it will again

come out as chronic. This is the wonder of the creation / remedies.


Tanvir Chowdhury

Completed on 17.3.07

Dhaka, Bangladesh






What cannot happen, can never happen.

Which is mine, is forever mine.


http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving remedies

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Dear Tanvirji,


You are realy honest. I have seen this aspect before too

several times in you that you write even personal things

without any worry about giving out anything, or any

feeling of discomfort when doing so .

Just to accentuate what You have written,and in short,

the day I started my Rahu Maha Dasha I had a swollen Gum

on top of my teeth which I noticed at

midnight, and I removed a piece of supari with a

toothpick which lay inside and was causing all the

bleeding. (Rahu is also related to Gums and of course Cuts).

Within few weeks of my Mars MahaDasha (Lord of 9th),

I had some Bhagyodaya and when needed money Urgently

to pay off old Loans I receieved Cash (Rs.2.5 lakhs),

within 12 hours in my bedroom next day morning

even before I had my bath or breakfast.This

money was received as a Gift (Though I treat it as

another Loan). When My Moon MahaDasha(12th Lord)

started, within a period of six months time, I left

my house after quarelling with my own people to stay

seperate for another years period.

My Venus is in Aries. In my Days of Venus MahaDasha,

I was having the best of relationships with the best

of beautiful girls, best of money, 5 star Hotels,

travelling in Cars, costliest of clothes,

accessories etcetra.


One gets an inkling with the changes in day to day

actvities and relationships,that what the current

Dasha is going to bring in. because these changes

are not normal, and these changes make You remember

that some new Dasha has entered and makes one open

the Horoscope and check the Dasha dates.


I can write plenty of things which can denote the

power of planets in our day to day lives, with

first person experiences, but will just end with one

more example. One of my contacts who was trying to

buy a Flat,and finally bought one in a very posh

society at Worli seaface at Bombay, paid up

Rs. 2 Crores, but till one week the Seller was

dilly dallying in giving the keys on some pretext

or the other. he got the keys only on the day on

which his Jupiter Mahadasha (4th Lord)started .

Such was the co-incidence.


In my place my people (Immediate family ) is fed

up with me spending my time in pooja or free astrology

readings. Since few months I stopped doing pooja ,

after hearing their taunts and rebukes, and

I tell you my financial stability dropped

simultaneously to nil. This has happened 3 times

with me, in last few years, whenever I stopped

daily Mantras, my financial stability dropped to

zero., and whenever I resumed the Mantras, this

same stability jumped to comfortable levels. From

somewhere or the other Orders keep coming in,

money keeps coming in, opportunities keep knocking

whenever I continue with my Mantras.


that is the power of remedial measures if one

does with belief,love devotion and faith.

Thats why now I have no strength, feeling or

desire, to ever discontinue my Mantras whatever

one may say to me.







, " Tanvir " <tanweera



> Subtle Everyday Astrology :

> Bits of Personal Experiences

> and Some Things to Note


> Navagrahas. Nine planets. The agents of karmas. They are always

with us, does not matter wherever we go, and whatever we do. No

escaping. And their presence in our lives are reflected through our

happiness, unhappiness, joy, sorrow, and whatever else we experience.

Many of the people do not believe in astrology, and many among us who

do, do it in a rather half-hearted way. They do believe about the

effects of planets but do not really know how far can it go. Many

also have a wrong understanding about how planetary effects really

work. I had a client whom I told that she must have had some serious

problems with her siblings in such such time. Surprising me, she

said, no. She reported that the time actually brought her and her

brother closer, making her more caring towards him. When I

investigated further, she mentioned about her brother's attempt of

suicide! So, she totally forgets about the problem and all her

worries about it when it happened, interpreting the event in a wrong

way. She totally fails to see that it had it's negativity when her

brother was about to die and when it made her worried enough. Anyway.


> Many of us, thus, fail to understand the things actually happening

around us. A person who remains unmarried for life claiming he is

happy this way is wrong in his happiness, and with proper remedies,

he will have an optimistic view and effort and will end up marrying

and being happy. He will then understand that he is better happy

being married than he was as unmarried. So, he was just interpreting

his unmarried condition in a wrong way.


> I will now describe some small, unimportant events from my personal

life to demonstrate how far planetary effects can really go. It is

always the best to consult a good astrologer for problems, but when a

person has a better understanding of how it works, he can help his

astrologer understand his karma even better. Because as I mentioned,

many interprete events in a wrong way, that often confuses the

astrologer himself.


> First of all my birth information: 24 Dec 1982, 00.34 hrs, Dhaka,

Bangladesh that means 90E25, 24N43, GMT+6, no DST. Reported time was

00.30 hrs, which I rectified to 00.34 hrs watching Vimsottari Dasha

closely. All the events confirm this rectified time.


> I will now discuss a few events to show how planets affect the most

subtle things and the smallest incidents around us and how we can

understand their presence.


> Starting with a recent event, I just started my Me-Sa-Sa this month

(Sep 2006). As per 00.34 hrs birth time, I should start my Saturn

antardasha (Me-Sa) on 2nd September. Right on 31st August, I was

going to a distant town to attend a wedding of my cousin as well as a

death ceremony. Now let us watch, I was in the junction of 7th lord

antardasha (7th lord=marriage) and 6th lord Saturn's antardasha

(Saturn=death). My 7th lord Jupiter is in 3rd, ruling short journeys

and also brothers, cousins. So it was a short journey, and the

wedding was of my cousin indeed. Coming antardasha lord Saturn is in

2nd house, again relatives. [Many say 4th for relatives and 2nd for

family, that is wrong to my mind.]


> 6th lord means poverty, struggle, lack of comfort, unnecessary

troubles. So while leaving home, I was thinking that my exalted 6th

lord should not allow myself such a comfortable, pleasant ship

journey. So it was. My other cousins who were going with me were late

by an hour, (for a nonsense taxi driver) and so they missed the ship,

and I had to wait for them. Delay = Saturn, person without common

sense is ruled by Saturn again.


> As we missed the ship we had to go by another ship where we did not

find any cabin, so the journey was very discomforting, going with

other poor people. (Discomfort=6th lord, poor people=Saturn). Also, a

cousin who was with us was insulted by someone, he went to the dining

to eat and they tell him to come later. (As he did not have a cabin

ticket.) Please note that dining, eating=2nd house, where my Saturn

is. Cousin insulted, cousin=3rd lord, Jupiter, whose antardasha is

ending. Saturn is insult. Also, Jupiter and Mars are in sign aspect

in my chart, Mars is the 8th lord of insult. That is why Jupiter

causes insult in my life, and I have written a lot on my site about

why we should use sign aspect more than planetary aspects and I have

demonstrated with a lot of true incidents. Parasara mentions sign

aspects long before he does planetary aspects, and Jaimini mentions

only sign aspects, no planetary aspects at all.


> Anyway, in the night we brothers slept on the open deck where it

was cold; Saturn again.


> Everything else was okay. There were some other events in there in

the ceremony which shows Saturn being with me all the times,

forgetting about those - let me mention a small, but interesting



> My Saturn antardasha started 2nd September and in the evening of

3rd September, I cut my ring finger while trying to access my wallet

in my back pocket. I was wearing a new jean trouser which had zipper

on back pockets, which was very sharp. Please note, Saturn is my 6th

lord, who is cut, infections, wounds, and Saturn is in 2nd house.

(Both clothes and money is ruled by the 2nd house. I cut myself while

trying to access money.)


> Thus, we see how the small incidents of everyday life can show



> Now I will mention another event. My Jupiter antardasha started in

the end of May 2004, and that time I knew that Jupiter antardasha

will start sometime soon. One day, I was on a pleasure walk in the

afternoon, and I found three car-drivers playing chess before a

building. I like chess, so I stood there, and eventually engaged in

playing. I played two games, lost both. And right after leaving, I

knew that the dasha has started. How?


> My expected dashalord Jupiter is my 4th lord and 7th lord. It is in

my 3rd house. 3rd house rules servants. Jupiter is in the star of

Saturn, 6th lord that rules battles, competition, competitive games.

In the periods of only three planets I face competitions, fights,

etc. in my life. They are Saturn, Jupiter, and Moon. Saturn is the

6th lord itself, and the other two are in the star of Saturn. Jupiter

and Moon are in the star of 6th lord, so involves me in competition,

battle, fight. But they make me lose because they are natural

benefics. (Scriptures say malefics in 6th house is good for winning

enemies and in 3rd they are good for courage. Benefics in 6th house,

on the other hand, makes one lose battles and in 3rd they make people



> So, when I played two chess games with drivers (servants, 3rd

house) and lost both, I knew, that the period of Jupiter in 3rd house

has started. It cannot be a coincidence, because I had not played

chess, or any board game for last two-three years that time.


> Within a weak I visit my cousins home (cousin=3rd) and there a

young maid servant (3rd) was playing a board game (ludo) and I

playfully play with her, and I lost with that kid too! It can't be a

coincidence again, cause I had not played ludo for a long time then.

Not that I often played.


> To further illustrate the role of Moon and Jupiter about fights, in

my Me-Mo-Sa I win a web design competition, (Moon and Saturn both

involved about 6th, so both antardasha and pratyantar dasha lords

related to 6th makes it sure to have competition or interaction with

enemies. But Saturn is positive so good outcome, winning competition)

while in Me-Mo-Ju I was seriously troubled by suddenly poped up

enemies, causing much grief, agony. (Moon and Jupiter both involved

about 6th house and both benefics so I lose.) If I have to just pick

up the worst time of my life when I was troubled by enemies, its Me-



> We can understand by planetary effects not only by watching such

small events but also how we 'feel'. My Me-Ra-Sa period was

exceptionally problematic, Rahu co-lord of 6th and Saturn lord of

6th, so much struggle and problems. That time, one evening I was

working on my PC and suddenly I felt so different, so fresh, so light

from the karmic load I was carrying last few days. I also suddenly

noted that that day I wore a deep green tshirt after a long time. So,

suspected that perhaps my Saturn pratyantar has just ended and

Mercury pratyantar started (Green=Mercury) and I quickly opened my

software and see that yes Mercury pratyantar should be starting

sometime now. (I did not write the dates.) Right from the next day, a

lot of problems started to become easier.


> Another very small incident. We first have to know that in

different dashas we also meet and interact with people ruled and

signified by the planets related to the dasha. (Like in my Me-Ma

servants were my only companions, I have never interacted with

servants like that, Mars being my 3rd lord. Also in my Me-Ju I got

friend to someone who is actually my teacher, and right at the end of

my Ju antardasha he left for Canada.) Anyway, in my Me-Ma-Ve I had

met a young lady who could no more be represented by Venus. Stylish,

trendy, attractive, and all those. So somehow in my life she

signifies Venus. Later I lost contact with her having her cellphone

always off and homephone being changed. Much later in July 2005, a

friend of me, who was obsessed by her, told me that after a long time

he got her cellphone open. (He kept trying now and then.) I was

expecting my Ve pratyantar than anything and right when he said that

I knew that Ve pratyantar just started. It was the 7th of July and as

per birthtime 00.34 hrs my Ve pratyantar starts right that day ! Just

like birthtime 00.34 matches with other dashas very precisely as well.


> Finishing the write up, my Saturn antardasha (Me-Sa) caused me

Jaundice in Nov 2006. Saturn = 6th lord, disease. Liver ruled by

Jupiter, who is under the effect of Saturn by being in it's star. So

liver affected. And on Feb 8th, 2007 - one of my cousins were leaving

for the US, trying to lift her suitcase I suddenly got a spine pain !

Spine=bone=Saturn. People say Saturn is blood but that's wrong. Blood

is Mars and Mars is red also, I can give many examples. Well, that

cousin was a more of 'Female friend' to me than a cousin or sister,

and opposite sex friend = 2nd house. Whenever I do mantras related to

Saturn, I have my female friends really better with me, and lots of

time pass with them. And relationship with that cousin is affected

too. So the reason was female friend (2nd house, where Saturn is) and

a bone problem (Saturn). And it could be possibly a chronic problem

(Saturn) because the pain was gone but came back after one month when

I worked out at home. Made me scared. I consulted doctor and before

that did mantras and so the good news came that it can heal

completely. Now it's better but I know if I discontinue mantras it

will again come out as chronic. This is the wonder of the creation /



> Tanvir Chowdhury

> Completed on 17.3.07

> Dhaka, Bangladesh






> What cannot happen, can never happen.

> Which is mine, is forever mine.


> http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving


> Where relief and solutions are found





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Namaste Bhaskar Ji


Thanks for sharing the experiences. I too cannot think of my life without

mantras. What I always say that my whole life is an expression of spiritual

powers. Everyday I make small things happen with mantras and big things have

fully or partially happened with other spiritual powers many of that I have to

sustain with my mantras. While many of the major difficulties that I hate in my

life still remains with me, could not still fully cure them. May be some day.







What cannot happen, can never happen.

Which is mine, is forever mine.


http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving remedies

Where relief and solutions are found





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Dear Tanvirji,




//While many of the major difficulties that I hate in my

life still remains with me, could not still fully cure them.

May be some day//


That is true with all of us people. Those come with our

dhridha karmas,the effect of which have to be endured,

whether we like or not. Certain matters in my life though

how hard I have tried, I have not been able to change,

neither the matters nor the people causing those.And

most of these people who create big difficulties ,

and are unchangeable,are our own,or who become our

own with passage of time,so we cannot do much

about it. (those whom we love do not become our own,and

those who become our own, they do not love us the way

we wish them to).

And they have been brought in our fold and

made our own, only because past debts have to be cleared

with them,so we have to endure them and their actions

which make life uneasy for us.Even I live with hope for

a better tomorrow, knowing well that certain matters

from these would never be brought to a comfortable level,

but Life is a hope for a better tmorrow and we have to

keep living till breath is allowed.







, " Tanvir " <tanweera



> Namaste Bhaskar Ji


> Thanks for sharing the experiences. I too cannot think of my life

without mantras. What I always say that my whole life is an

expression of spiritual powers. Everyday I make small things happen

with mantras and big things have fully or partially happened with

other spiritual powers many of that I have to sustain with my

mantras. While many of the major difficulties that I hate in my life

still remains with me, could not still fully cure them. May be some



> Regards

> Tanvir




> What cannot happen, can never happen.

> Which is mine, is forever mine.


> http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving


> Where relief and solutions are found





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<those whom we love do not become our own,and

those who become our own, they do not love us the way

we wish them to>

Bhaskar Bhai, a million dollar quote. I just loved


Take care


--- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


> Dear Tanvirji,


> Namaste.


> //While many of the major difficulties that I hate

> in my

> life still remains with me, could not still fully

> cure them.

> May be some day//


> That is true with all of us people. Those come with

> our

> dhridha karmas,the effect of which have to be

> endured,

> whether we like or not. Certain matters in my life

> though

> how hard I have tried, I have not been able to

> change,

> neither the matters nor the people causing those.And

> most of these people who create big difficulties ,

> and are unchangeable,are our own,or who become our

> own with passage of time,so we cannot do much

> about it. (those whom we love do not become our

> own,and

> those who become our own, they do not love us the

> way

> we wish them to).

> And they have been brought in our fold and

> made our own, only because past debts have to be

> cleared

> with them,so we have to endure them and their

> actions

> which make life uneasy for us.Even I live with hope

> for

> a better tomorrow, knowing well that certain matters

> from these would never be brought to a comfortable

> level,

> but Life is a hope for a better tmorrow and we have

> to

> keep living till breath is allowed.


> regards,

> Bhaskar.




> , " Tanvir "

> <tanweera

> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Bhaskar Ji

> >

> > Thanks for sharing the experiences. I too cannot

> think of my life

> without mantras. What I always say that my whole

> life is an

> expression of spiritual powers. Everyday I make

> small things happen

> with mantras and big things have fully or partially

> happened with

> other spiritual powers many of that I have to

> sustain with my

> mantras. While many of the major difficulties that I

> hate in my life

> still remains with me, could not still fully cure

> them. May be some

> day.

> >

> > Regards

> > Tanvir

> >

> >

> >

> > What cannot happen, can never happen.

> > Which is mine, is forever mine.

> >

> > http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology

> (Jyotish)

> > Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful

> problem solving

> remedies

> > Where relief and solutions are found

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >




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ll HARE RAM ll

Dear Bhai Manoj,

This is " AASAKTI " attachment,the main problem of our grief.Serve the human

being physically having 100% devotion but without any attachment or hoping any

consideration but serve the God with 100% inner devotion.No one is our own in

this universe.


God bless

Shashie Shekhar



Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000 wrote:

<those whom we love do not become our own,and

those who become our own, they do not love us the way

we wish them to>

Bhaskar Bhai, a million dollar quote. I just loved


Take care


--- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


> Dear Tanvirji,


> Namaste.


> //While many of the major difficulties that I hate

> in my

> life still remains with me, could not still fully

> cure them.

> May be some day//


> That is true with all of us people. Those come with

> our

> dhridha karmas,the effect of which have to be

> endured,

> whether we like or not. Certain matters in my life

> though

> how hard I have tried, I have not been able to

> change,

> neither the matters nor the people causing those.And

> most of these people who create big difficulties ,

> and are unchangeable,are our own,or who become our

> own with passage of time,so we cannot do much

> about it. (those whom we love do not become our

> own,and

> those who become our own, they do not love us the

> way

> we wish them to).

> And they have been brought in our fold and

> made our own, only because past debts have to be

> cleared

> with them,so we have to endure them and their

> actions

> which make life uneasy for us.Even I live with hope

> for

> a better tomorrow, knowing well that certain matters

> from these would never be brought to a comfortable

> level,

> but Life is a hope for a better tmorrow and we have

> to

> keep living till breath is allowed.


> regards,

> Bhaskar.




> , " Tanvir "

> <tanweera

> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Bhaskar Ji

> >

> > Thanks for sharing the experiences. I too cannot

> think of my life

> without mantras. What I always say that my whole

> life is an

> expression of spiritual powers. Everyday I make

> small things happen

> with mantras and big things have fully or partially

> happened with

> other spiritual powers many of that I have to

> sustain with my

> mantras. While many of the major difficulties that I

> hate in my life

> still remains with me, could not still fully cure

> them. May be some

> day.

> >

> > Regards

> > Tanvir

> >

> >

> >

> > What cannot happen, can never happen.

> > Which is mine, is forever mine.

> >

> > http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology

> (Jyotish)

> > Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful

> problem solving

> remedies

> > Where relief and solutions are found

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >










Shashi Shekhar Sharma




8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time

with the Search movie showtime shortcut.



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Ram Ram Bhai Shashieji,


Yes absolutely right. No one is our own actually.

All relations based on some motives. better not to

get attached to anyone, just be attached to ones

duty, because loyalty can come only from Him, and

betrayal can be seen often from them, from whom we

expect. So Love God and Duty, rest too love, but

without being attached and entangled emotionally,

or else will suffer in time to come.







, Shashie Shekhar

<polite_astro wrote:


> ll HARE RAM ll

> Dear Bhai Manoj,

> This is " AASAKTI " attachment,the main problem of our grief.Serve

the human being physically having 100% devotion but without any

attachment or hoping any consideration but serve the God with 100%

inner devotion.No one is our own in this universe.


> God bless

> Shashie Shekhar



> Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000 wrote:

> <those whom we love do not become our own,and

> those who become our own, they do not love us the way

> we wish them to>

> Bhaskar Bhai, a million dollar quote. I just loved

> this...

> Take care

> MS

> --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


> > Dear Tanvirji,

> >

> > Namaste.

> >

> > //While many of the major difficulties that I hate

> > in my

> > life still remains with me, could not still fully

> > cure them.

> > May be some day//

> >

> > That is true with all of us people. Those come with

> > our

> > dhridha karmas,the effect of which have to be

> > endured,

> > whether we like or not. Certain matters in my life

> > though

> > how hard I have tried, I have not been able to

> > change,

> > neither the matters nor the people causing those.And

> > most of these people who create big difficulties ,

> > and are unchangeable,are our own,or who become our

> > own with passage of time,so we cannot do much

> > about it. (those whom we love do not become our

> > own,and

> > those who become our own, they do not love us the

> > way

> > we wish them to).

> > And they have been brought in our fold and

> > made our own, only because past debts have to be

> > cleared

> > with them,so we have to endure them and their

> > actions

> > which make life uneasy for us.Even I live with hope

> > for

> > a better tomorrow, knowing well that certain matters

> > from these would never be brought to a comfortable

> > level,

> > but Life is a hope for a better tmorrow and we have

> > to

> > keep living till breath is allowed.

> >

> > regards,

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Tanvir "

> > <tanweera@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Bhaskar Ji

> > >

> > > Thanks for sharing the experiences. I too cannot

> > think of my life

> > without mantras. What I always say that my whole

> > life is an

> > expression of spiritual powers. Everyday I make

> > small things happen

> > with mantras and big things have fully or partially

> > happened with

> > other spiritual powers many of that I have to

> > sustain with my

> > mantras. While many of the major difficulties that I

> > hate in my life

> > still remains with me, could not still fully cure

> > them. May be some

> > day.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Tanvir

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > What cannot happen, can never happen.

> > > Which is mine, is forever mine.

> > >

> > > http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology

> > (Jyotish)

> > > Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful

> > problem solving

> > remedies

> > > Where relief and solutions are found

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> > >

> >

> >

> >

Shashi Shekhar Sharma




> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time

> with the Search movie showtime shortcut.



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ll HARE RAM ll

Ram Ram Pyare Bhai,



Jite Raho!


God bless

Shashie Shekhar



Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

Ram Ram Bhai Shashieji,


Yes absolutely right. No one is our own actually.

All relations based on some motives. better not to

get attached to anyone, just be attached to ones

duty, because loyalty can come only from Him, and

betrayal can be seen often from them, from whom we

expect. So Love God and Duty, rest too love, but

without being attached and entangled emotionally,

or else will suffer in time to come.





, Shashie Shekhar

<polite_astro wrote:


> ll HARE RAM ll

> Dear Bhai Manoj,

> This is " AASAKTI " attachment,the main problem of our grief.Serve

the human being physically having 100% devotion but without any

attachment or hoping any consideration but serve the God with 100%

inner devotion.No one is our own in this universe.


> God bless

> Shashie Shekhar



> Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000 wrote:

> <those whom we love do not become our own,and

> those who become our own, they do not love us the way

> we wish them to>

> Bhaskar Bhai, a million dollar quote. I just loved

> this...

> Take care

> MS

> --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


> > Dear Tanvirji,

> >

> > Namaste.

> >

> > //While many of the major difficulties that I hate

> > in my

> > life still remains with me, could not still fully

> > cure them.

> > May be some day//

> >

> > That is true with all of us people. Those come with

> > our

> > dhridha karmas,the effect of which have to be

> > endured,

> > whether we like or not. Certain matters in my life

> > though

> > how hard I have tried, I have not been able to

> > change,

> > neither the matters nor the people causing those.And

> > most of these people who create big difficulties ,

> > and are unchangeable,are our own,or who become our

> > own with passage of time,so we cannot do much

> > about it. (those whom we love do not become our

> > own,and

> > those who become our own, they do not love us the

> > way

> > we wish them to).

> > And they have been brought in our fold and

> > made our own, only because past debts have to be

> > cleared

> > with them,so we have to endure them and their

> > actions

> > which make life uneasy for us.Even I live with hope

> > for

> > a better tomorrow, knowing well that certain matters

> > from these would never be brought to a comfortable

> > level,

> > but Life is a hope for a better tmorrow and we have

> > to

> > keep living till breath is allowed.

> >

> > regards,

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Tanvir "

> > <tanweera@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Bhaskar Ji

> > >

> > > Thanks for sharing the experiences. I too cannot

> > think of my life

> > without mantras. What I always say that my whole

> > life is an

> > expression of spiritual powers. Everyday I make

> > small things happen

> > with mantras and big things have fully or partially

> > happened with

> > other spiritual powers many of that I have to

> > sustain with my

> > mantras. While many of the major difficulties that I

> > hate in my life

> > still remains with me, could not still fully cure

> > them. May be some

> > day.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Tanvir

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > What cannot happen, can never happen.

> > > Which is mine, is forever mine.

> > >

> > > http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology

> > (Jyotish)

> > > Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful

> > problem solving

> > remedies

> > > Where relief and solutions are found

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> > >

> >

> >

> >

Shashi Shekhar Sharma




> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time

> with the Search movie showtime shortcut.



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Respected Learned Gurujans of this group,


- without motive we do not go to temples even and

remember the GOD. universal trouth !

- but not understanding no one is our actually ?

generation started from where and now branches

becoming the root ?

- every living soul in body is part of GOD, GOD is

ours, then how come no one is ours ?

I am a no one person in terms of learning but my level

of thinking say so. NEED GUIDANCE PLEASE.


question for ever....

- i come out from lap of my mother (infant)

- feeded by mother but cannot go again for such

feeding to mother ? have grown up ! acting as father

now !

- i grew and so as level of thinking, character,

KARMAS (good/bad) as per requirement / situations did

things for my own, no matter sin or good deeds.

developed own world in terms of property / relations /

by hook and crook. a day will come i will leave from






sincerely yours,


--- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


> Ram Ram Bhai Shashieji,


> Yes absolutely right. No one is our own actually.

> All relations based on some motives. better not to

> get attached to anyone, just be attached to ones

> duty, because loyalty can come only from Him, and

> betrayal can be seen often from them, from whom we

> expect. So Love God and Duty, rest too love, but

> without being attached and entangled emotionally,

> or else will suffer in time to come.


> regards,

> Bhaskar.




> , Shashie

> Shekhar

> <polite_astro wrote:

> >

> > ll HARE RAM ll

> > Dear Bhai Manoj,

> > This is " AASAKTI " attachment,the main problem of

> our grief.Serve

> the human being physically having 100% devotion but

> without any

> attachment or hoping any consideration but serve the

> God with 100%

> inner devotion.No one is our own in this universe.

> >

> > God bless

> > Shashie Shekhar

> >

> >

> > Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000 wrote:

> > <those whom we love do not become our

> own,and

> > those who become our own, they do not love us the

> way

> > we wish them to>

> > Bhaskar Bhai, a million dollar quote. I just loved

> > this...

> > Take care

> > MS

> > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

> >

> > > Dear Tanvirji,

> > >

> > > Namaste.

> > >

> > > //While many of the major difficulties that I

> hate

> > > in my

> > > life still remains with me, could not still

> fully

> > > cure them.

> > > May be some day//

> > >

> > > That is true with all of us people. Those come

> with

> > > our

> > > dhridha karmas,the effect of which have to be

> > > endured,

> > > whether we like or not. Certain matters in my

> life

> > > though

> > > how hard I have tried, I have not been able to

> > > change,

> > > neither the matters nor the people causing

> those.And

> > > most of these people who create big difficulties

> ,

> > > and are unchangeable,are our own,or who become

> our

> > > own with passage of time,so we cannot do much

> > > about it. (those whom we love do not become our

> > > own,and

> > > those who become our own, they do not love us

> the

> > > way

> > > we wish them to).

> > > And they have been brought in our fold and

> > > made our own, only because past debts have to be

> > > cleared

> > > with them,so we have to endure them and their

> > > actions

> > > which make life uneasy for us.Even I live with

> hope

> > > for

> > > a better tomorrow, knowing well that certain

> matters

> > > from these would never be brought to a

> comfortable

> > > level,

> > > but Life is a hope for a better tmorrow and we

> have

> > > to

> > > keep living till breath is allowed.

> > >

> > > regards,

> > > Bhaskar.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ,

> " Tanvir "

> > > <tanweera@>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste Bhaskar Ji

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for sharing the experiences. I too

> cannot

> > > think of my life

> > > without mantras. What I always say that my whole

> > > life is an

> > > expression of spiritual powers. Everyday I make

> > > small things happen

> > > with mantras and big things have fully or

> partially

> > > happened with

> > > other spiritual powers many of that I have to

> > > sustain with my

> > > mantras. While many of the major difficulties

> that I

> > > hate in my life

> > > still remains with me, could not still fully

> cure

> > > them. May be some

> > > day.

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > > Tanvir

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > What cannot happen, can never happen.

> > > > Which is mine, is forever mine.

> > > >

> > > > http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic

> Astrology

> > > (Jyotish)

> > > > Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful

> > > problem solving

> > > remedies

> > > > Where relief and solutions are found

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > > removed]

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Shashi Shekhar Sharma

> >

> >

> >

> > 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time

> > with the Search movie showtime shortcut.

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >









India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something new


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Dear Seeker,


Motive behind this world-

Before Man was made, God was Alone, in his

self created Joy (Satchidananada). Then he decided

to Play, and he created many from Himself so that Many

could enjoy and not He Alone. That is why we are known as

atma and he as parmatma and we are called His ansha. We

are all parts of a whole. And that Whole is he, Himself

all permeating, Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient.

Because the basic essence of God is Love, He has

created us out of Love.


//every living soul in body is part of GOD, GOD is

> ours, then how come no one is ours ? //


We are in God and not the vice Versa. That is, He is

not in us. Do You think God is in Rapists,Murderers,

and the torturers and tyrants ? Would You call

them as Your own ?


To explain properly-

so that one may understand, The Air in the earthern

pot is in the Air all around, and NOT the Air all around

in the earthern pot. It wont fit in that small pot.

Same way the each man has a spark of God in Him. But

God is not there in each man. To make God come and sit

in Him, one has to keep on clearing all the Koshas

or coverings attached to the soul (Sapta Koshas).

First this physical body goes, then the other Koshas

if we are eligible for that.

That is why all souls differ from one another because

of various vasanas attached to each soul in his/her

own Vasanamaya kosha.A person who is a rapist, would you

call him your own even though he is a part of God ?

The Human excreta which is a part of the food(The waste

matter) though one knows its part of food eaten ,would

he use it as food again or call it Food ?

Same way, though we know all living souls is part

of God, but we will not call all living souls as

Ours, until and unless we meet on a common Platform

after attaining Kaivalya (Emancipation).


You and me and all around, when first released by God,

as individual souls, to enjoy with powers of discretion

and action, we all have taken advantage of these God

given powers at some point of our evolution..

And some have not. Those who have taken advantage are

suffering a lot, and would after dying have to be

re-born either in the human wombs or more worser

animal wombs. For those who have not taken advantage

of God given powers , for them after dying ,a new

road is ready with a new cloak and a new kingdom,

which would be progressive to other stages of the

souls evolution, where also companions would be there,

and other Angels to help and assist the soul for further

devlopment, till it is cleansed fully from all its sheaths

(koshas), and gets immersed with the Supreme for ever

(But allowed to keep its individuality).


So the motive for you is that You have to be clear off

your bad karmas and good karmas both, attain a Zero

state of karmas, and till you do that ,some or the other

Kosha would be covering Your body, and You would be

born/or remain for some ages either in human body,animal body,

plant bodies, or as spirit or elevated ethereal beings,

till you come back to the orginal Form which God made when

he dissected a part of Him and created You as a small part.


So Dear freind we all have powers given to us by God,

to do good to others, to cheat, to rape or just be.

God is not going to hold our finger and stop us. We

have to use our intelligence and discriminations to

do satkarmas as far as possible and where these do

not happen unconsciously or unintenionally we have

to beg to be forgiven and bear the consequences.

This is What Life is all about.





, prasad chandra

<cpgahtyari wrote:


> Respected Learned Gurujans of this group,


> - without motive we do not go to temples even and

> remember the GOD. universal trouth !

> - but not understanding no one is our actually ?

> generation started from where and now branches

> becoming the root ?

> - every living soul in body is part of GOD, GOD is

> ours, then how come no one is ours ?

> I am a no one person in terms of learning but my level

> of thinking say so. NEED GUIDANCE PLEASE.


> question for ever....

> - i come out from lap of my mother (infant)

> - feeded by mother but cannot go again for such

> feeding to mother ? have grown up ! acting as father

> now !

> - i grew and so as level of thinking, character,

> KARMAS (good/bad) as per requirement / situations did

> things for my own, no matter sin or good deeds.

> developed own world in terms of property / relations /

> by hook and crook. a day will come i will leave from






> sincerely yours,


> --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


> > Ram Ram Bhai Shashieji,

> >

> > Yes absolutely right. No one is our own actually.

> > All relations based on some motives. better not to

> > get attached to anyone, just be attached to ones

> > duty, because loyalty can come only from Him, and

> > betrayal can be seen often from them, from whom we

> > expect. So Love God and Duty, rest too love, but

> > without being attached and entangled emotionally,

> > or else will suffer in time to come.

> >

> > regards,

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> > , Shashie

> > Shekhar

> > <polite_astro@> wrote:

> > >

> > > ll HARE RAM ll

> > > Dear Bhai Manoj,

> > > This is " AASAKTI " attachment,the main problem of

> > our grief.Serve

> > the human being physically having 100% devotion but

> > without any

> > attachment or hoping any consideration but serve the

> > God with 100%

> > inner devotion.No one is our own in this universe.

> > >

> > > God bless

> > > Shashie Shekhar

> > >

> > >

> > > Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@> wrote:

> > > <those whom we love do not become our

> > own,and

> > > those who become our own, they do not love us the

> > way

> > > we wish them to>

> > > Bhaskar Bhai, a million dollar quote. I just loved

> > > this...

> > > Take care

> > > MS

> > > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > >

> > > > Dear Tanvirji,

> > > >

> > > > Namaste.

> > > >

> > > > //While many of the major difficulties that I

> > hate

> > > > in my

> > > > life still remains with me, could not still

> > fully

> > > > cure them.

> > > > May be some day//

> > > >

> > > > That is true with all of us people. Those come

> > with

> > > > our

> > > > dhridha karmas,the effect of which have to be

> > > > endured,

> > > > whether we like or not. Certain matters in my

> > life

> > > > though

> > > > how hard I have tried, I have not been able to

> > > > change,

> > > > neither the matters nor the people causing

> > those.And

> > > > most of these people who create big difficulties

> > ,

> > > > and are unchangeable,are our own,or who become

> > our

> > > > own with passage of time,so we cannot do much

> > > > about it. (those whom we love do not become our

> > > > own,and

> > > > those who become our own, they do not love us

> > the

> > > > way

> > > > we wish them to).

> > > > And they have been brought in our fold and

> > > > made our own, only because past debts have to be

> > > > cleared

> > > > with them,so we have to endure them and their

> > > > actions

> > > > which make life uneasy for us.Even I live with

> > hope

> > > > for

> > > > a better tomorrow, knowing well that certain

> > matters

> > > > from these would never be brought to a

> > comfortable

> > > > level,

> > > > but Life is a hope for a better tmorrow and we

> > have

> > > > to

> > > > keep living till breath is allowed.

> > > >

> > > > regards,

> > > > Bhaskar.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ,

> > " Tanvir "

> > > > <tanweera@>

> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste Bhaskar Ji

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks for sharing the experiences. I too

> > cannot

> > > > think of my life

> > > > without mantras. What I always say that my whole

> > > > life is an

> > > > expression of spiritual powers. Everyday I make

> > > > small things happen

> > > > with mantras and big things have fully or

> > partially

> > > > happened with

> > > > other spiritual powers many of that I have to

> > > > sustain with my

> > > > mantras. While many of the major difficulties

> > that I

> > > > hate in my life

> > > > still remains with me, could not still fully

> > cure

> > > > them. May be some

> > > > day.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards

> > > > > Tanvir

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > What cannot happen, can never happen.

> > > > > Which is mine, is forever mine.

> > > > >

> > > > > http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic

> > Astrology

> > > > (Jyotish)

> > > > > Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful

> > > > problem solving

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> > > > >

> > > >

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> > > >

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> > > Shashi Shekhar Sharma

> > >

> > >

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Respected Sir,

Apprricate comprehensive and practical / scientific


The bottom line i could get is GOD IS PLAYING FROM

BEHIND it is me to decide for anything.


How I can be a motivefree human ?

will have to leave aside this MAYAJAAL ?

sacrifice for desires ?

the time when it will like that everywhere it will a


Sincerely yours,

eagerly looking for yours blessings and suggesting a




--- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


> Dear Seeker,


> Motive behind this world-

> Before Man was made, God was Alone, in his

> self created Joy (Satchidananada). Then he decided

> to Play, and he created many from Himself so that

> Many

> could enjoy and not He Alone. That is why we are

> known as

> atma and he as parmatma and we are called His ansha.

> We

> are all parts of a whole. And that Whole is he,

> Himself

> all permeating, Omnipresent, Omnipotent and

> Omniscient.

> Because the basic essence of God is Love, He has

> created us out of Love.


> //every living soul in body is part of GOD, GOD is

> > ours, then how come no one is ours ? //


> We are in God and not the vice Versa. That is, He is

> not in us. Do You think God is in Rapists,Murderers,

> and the torturers and tyrants ? Would You call

> them as Your own ?


> To explain properly-

> so that one may understand, The Air in the earthern

> pot is in the Air all around, and NOT the Air all

> around

> in the earthern pot. It wont fit in that small pot.

> Same way the each man has a spark of God in Him. But


> God is not there in each man. To make God come and

> sit

> in Him, one has to keep on clearing all the Koshas

> or coverings attached to the soul (Sapta Koshas).

> First this physical body goes, then the other Koshas


> if we are eligible for that.

> That is why all souls differ from one another

> because

> of various vasanas attached to each soul in his/her

> own Vasanamaya kosha.A person who is a rapist, would

> you

> call him your own even though he is a part of God ?

> The Human excreta which is a part of the food(The

> waste

> matter) though one knows its part of food eaten

> ,would

> he use it as food again or call it Food ?

> Same way, though we know all living souls is part

> of God, but we will not call all living souls as

> Ours, until and unless we meet on a common Platform

> after attaining Kaivalya (Emancipation).


> You and me and all around, when first released by

> God,

> as individual souls, to enjoy with powers of

> discretion

> and action, we all have taken advantage of these God


> given powers at some point of our evolution..

> And some have not. Those who have taken advantage

> are

> suffering a lot, and would after dying have to be

> re-born either in the human wombs or more worser

> animal wombs. For those who have not taken advantage


> of God given powers , for them after dying ,a new

> road is ready with a new cloak and a new kingdom,

> which would be progressive to other stages of the

> souls evolution, where also companions would be

> there,

> and other Angels to help and assist the soul for

> further

> devlopment, till it is cleansed fully from all its

> sheaths

> (koshas), and gets immersed with the Supreme for

> ever

> (But allowed to keep its individuality).


> So the motive for you is that You have to be clear

> off

> your bad karmas and good karmas both, attain a Zero

> state of karmas, and till you do that ,some or the

> other

> Kosha would be covering Your body, and You would be

> born/or remain for some ages either in human

> body,animal body,

> plant bodies, or as spirit or elevated ethereal

> beings,

> till you come back to the orginal Form which God

> made when

> he dissected a part of Him and created You as a

> small part.


> So Dear freind we all have powers given to us by

> God,

> to do good to others, to cheat, to rape or just be.

> God is not going to hold our finger and stop us. We

> have to use our intelligence and discriminations to

> do satkarmas as far as possible and where these do

> not happen unconsciously or unintenionally we have

> to beg to be forgiven and bear the consequences.

> This is What Life is all about.


> regards,

> bhaskar.


> , prasad

> chandra

> <cpgahtyari wrote:

> >

> > Respected Learned Gurujans of this group,

> >

> > - without motive we do not go to temples even and

> > remember the GOD. universal trouth !

> > - but not understanding no one is our actually ?

> > generation started from where and now branches

> > becoming the root ?

> > - every living soul in body is part of GOD, GOD is

> > ours, then how come no one is ours ?

> > I am a no one person in terms of learning but my

> level

> > of thinking say so. NEED GUIDANCE PLEASE.


> > question for ever....

> > - i come out from lap of my mother (infant)

> > - feeded by mother but cannot go again for such

> > feeding to mother ? have grown up ! acting as

> father

> > now !

> > - i grew and so as level of thinking, character,

> > KARMAS (good/bad) as per requirement / situations

> did

> > things for my own, no matter sin or good deeds.

> > developed own world in terms of property /

> relations /

> > by hook and crook. a day will come i will leave

> from






> >

> > sincerely yours,

> >

> > --- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:

> >

> > > Ram Ram Bhai Shashieji,

> > >

> > > Yes absolutely right. No one is our own

> actually.

> > > All relations based on some motives. better not

> to

> > > get attached to anyone, just be attached to ones


> > > duty, because loyalty can come only from Him,

> and

> > > betrayal can be seen often from them, from whom

> we

> > > expect. So Love God and Duty, rest too love, but

> > > without being attached and entangled

> emotionally,

> > > or else will suffer in time to come.

> > >

> > > regards,

> > > Bhaskar.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , Shashie

> > > Shekhar

> > > <polite_astro@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > ll HARE RAM ll

> > > > Dear Bhai Manoj,

> > > > This is " AASAKTI " attachment,the main

> problem of

> > > our grief.Serve

> > > the human being physically having 100% devotion

> but

> > > without any

> > > attachment or hoping any consideration but serve

> the

> > > God with 100%

> > > inner devotion.No one is our own in this

> universe.

> > > >

> > > > God bless

> > > > Shashie Shekhar

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@> wrote:

> > > > <those whom we love do not become

> our

> > > own,and

> > > > those who become our own, they do not love us

> the


=== message truncated ===






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Well said Bhaskar Ji. I know this is about karma. My personal views about dridha

karmas etc. are quite different though.







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Tuesday, March 20, 2007 1:02 AM

Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology



Dear Tanvirji,




//While many of the major difficulties that I hate in my

life still remains with me, could not still fully cure them.

May be some day//


That is true with all of us people. Those come with our

dhridha karmas,the effect of which have to be endured,

whether we like or not. Certain matters in my life though

how hard I have tried, I have not been able to change,

neither the matters nor the people causing those.And

most of these people who create big difficulties ,

and are unchangeable,are our own,or who become our

own with passage of time,so we cannot do much

about it. (those whom we love do not become our own,and

those who become our own, they do not love us the way

we wish them to).

And they have been brought in our fold and

made our own, only because past debts have to be cleared

with them,so we have to endure them and their actions

which make life uneasy for us.Even I live with hope for

a better tomorrow, knowing well that certain matters

from these would never be brought to a comfortable level,

but Life is a hope for a better tmorrow and we have to

keep living till breath is allowed.







, " Tanvir " <tanweera



> Namaste Bhaskar Ji


> Thanks for sharing the experiences. I too cannot think of my life

without mantras. What I always say that my whole life is an

expression of spiritual powers. Everyday I make small things happen

with mantras and big things have fully or partially happened with

other spiritual powers many of that I have to sustain with my

mantras. While many of the major difficulties that I hate in my life

still remains with me, could not still fully cure them. May be some



> Regards

> Tanvir




> What cannot happen, can never happen.

> Which is mine, is forever mine.


> http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving


> Where relief and solutions are found





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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Dear Tanvir ji,


I am member of this forum for long time, and i always thought to ask

you that what is your profession.


actually i am also virgo lagna with saturn in 2nd house. i m july 83



So can u please tell me what do u think abt mercury in your chart.

and what is ur professional field.?


Warm Regards













, " Tanvir " <tanweera



> Well said Bhaskar Ji. I know this is about karma. My personal

views about dridha karmas etc. are quite different though.


> Regards

> Tanvir




> What cannot happen, can never happen.

> Which is mine, is forever mine.


> http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving


> Where relief and solutions are found



> -

> Bhaskar


> Tuesday, March 20, 2007 1:02 AM

> Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology



> Dear Tanvirji,


> Namaste.


> //While many of the major difficulties that I hate in my

> life still remains with me, could not still fully cure them.

> May be some day//


> That is true with all of us people. Those come with our

> dhridha karmas,the effect of which have to be endured,

> whether we like or not. Certain matters in my life though

> how hard I have tried, I have not been able to change,

> neither the matters nor the people causing those.And

> most of these people who create big difficulties ,

> and are unchangeable,are our own,or who become our

> own with passage of time,so we cannot do much

> about it. (those whom we love do not become our own,and

> those who become our own, they do not love us the way

> we wish them to).

> And they have been brought in our fold and

> made our own, only because past debts have to be cleared

> with them,so we have to endure them and their actions

> which make life uneasy for us.Even I live with hope for

> a better tomorrow, knowing well that certain matters

> from these would never be brought to a comfortable level,

> but Life is a hope for a better tmorrow and we have to

> keep living till breath is allowed.


> regards,

> Bhaskar.




> , " Tanvir " <tanweera@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Bhaskar Ji

> >

> > Thanks for sharing the experiences. I too cannot think of my


> without mantras. What I always say that my whole life is an

> expression of spiritual powers. Everyday I make small things


> with mantras and big things have fully or partially happened


> other spiritual powers many of that I have to sustain with my

> mantras. While many of the major difficulties that I hate in my


> still remains with me, could not still fully cure them. May be


> day.

> >

> > Regards

> > Tanvir

> >

> >

> >

> > What cannot happen, can never happen.

> > Which is mine, is forever mine.

> >

> > http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> > Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving

> remedies

> > Where relief and solutions are found

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hello Tarun Ji


I am late in my studies and studying for my bachelors in a reputed university. I

have break in my studies in 1998-1999 and I put that on a blue sapphire I was

wearing then.


In my Rahu bhukti (2003) I opened this forum and gained some sort of recognition

on the net as it grew big to be the second largest forum on the net. I also

received lots of appreciation from people etc. for the free readings I have

given. Rahu is in the 10th house of professional success. I also wrote for

Express Starteller once and I knew if I wrote again they'd publish it.


Next in my Ju AD I started paid readings and earned a lot of money through it.

(Ju is 7th lord of business and rules money by default). In mid of Ju bhukti I

started a real estate business (Ju is also 4th lord of land etc.). It was going

fine but as Saturn AD started in late 2006, I have been facing difficulty in it.

Saturn is 6th lord disfavouring business.


That is all about my profession.


PS. I don't feel anything special about Mercury. It does not bless me much.

Rather it gives me skin problems (Afflicted Mercury). Planets favouring me are

Venus (9th lord) and Jupiter. Mercury rather puts me in mild problems sometimes.







What cannot happen, can never happen.

Which is mine, is forever mine.


http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving remedies

Where relief and solutions are found





Saturday, May 05, 2007 5:46 PM

Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology



Dear Tanvir ji,


I am member of this forum for long time, and i always thought to ask

you that what is your profession.


actually i am also virgo lagna with saturn in 2nd house. i m july 83



So can u please tell me what do u think abt mercury in your chart.

and what is ur professional field.?


Warm Regards






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Dear Tanvir ji,


Thanks for your mail.


ooops..little complication abt my mercury than.


i have in 11th house with sun.


abt my saturn dasha. i felt it in 3 phases ...i can divide it in 6 yrs x 3

so first phase started in 1990, for 3-4 yrs it was damn good for me.


but after that my studies got to affect.

middle was average.

and the worst phase is going on :)


saturn rahu was the worst yet..complete downfall , mental agony.


currently saturn-jupiter is going on. so hopefully waiting for the transits of

saturn to change to



Can u please tell me that was this transit of saturn over your rahu..caused you

disturbance. ??

i.e. when saturn was in gemini.


even your budh is along with venus in nearly same degrees. so it is forming

1/2/10/9 conjuct.


saturn as 6th lord gave me health troubles alot, and rashness in speech being in

2nd house.

my studies too broke when Saturn-Rahu started. and now i am trying to go for

distance learning



I hope to have your more experinces , as you post on forums :-)








--- Tanvir <tanweera wrote:


> Hello Tarun Ji


> I am late in my studies and studying for my bachelors in a reputed university.

I have break in

> my studies in 1998-1999 and I put that on a blue sapphire I was wearing then.


> In my Rahu bhukti (2003) I opened this forum and gained some sort of

recognition on the net as

> it grew big to be the second largest forum on the net. I also received lots of

appreciation from

> people etc. for the free readings I have given. Rahu is in the 10th house of


> success. I also wrote for Express Starteller once and I knew if I wrote again

they'd publish it.


> Next in my Ju AD I started paid readings and earned a lot of money through it.

(Ju is 7th lord

> of business and rules money by default). In mid of Ju bhukti I started a real

estate business

> (Ju is also 4th lord of land etc.). It was going fine but as Saturn AD started

in late 2006, I

> have been facing difficulty in it. Saturn is 6th lord disfavouring business.


> That is all about my profession.


> PS. I don't feel anything special about Mercury. It does not bless me much.

Rather it gives me

> skin problems (Afflicted Mercury). Planets favouring me are Venus (9th lord)

and Jupiter.

> Mercury rather puts me in mild problems sometimes.


> Thanks

> Tanvir




> What cannot happen, can never happen.

> Which is mine, is forever mine.


> http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving remedies

> Where relief and solutions are found



> -

> Tarun


> Saturday, May 05, 2007 5:46 PM

> Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology



> Dear Tanvir ji,


> I am member of this forum for long time, and i always thought to ask

> you that what is your profession.


> actually i am also virgo lagna with saturn in 2nd house. i m july 83

> borned.


> So can u please tell me what do u think abt mercury in your chart.

> and what is ur professional field.?


> Warm Regards


> Tarun




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Fasting on Sunday, worship and remedials of sun in a way that is

acceptable to you by faith, should help you, if you wish to follow

that. It should have been done since birth or at least since 1997,

but it is never too late to start...


Best wishes,





, " Tanvir " <tanweera



> Hello Tarun Ji


> I am late in my studies and studying for my bachelors in a reputed

university. I have break in my studies in 1998-1999 and I put that on

a blue sapphire I was wearing then.


> In my Rahu bhukti (2003) I opened this forum and gained some sort

of recognition on the net as it grew big to be the second largest

forum on the net. I also received lots of appreciation from people

etc. for the free readings I have given. Rahu is in the 10th house of

professional success. I also wrote for Express Starteller once and I

knew if I wrote again they'd publish it.


> Next in my Ju AD I started paid readings and earned a lot of money

through it. (Ju is 7th lord of business and rules money by default).

In mid of Ju bhukti I started a real estate business (Ju is also 4th

lord of land etc.). It was going fine but as Saturn AD started in

late 2006, I have been facing difficulty in it. Saturn is 6th lord

disfavouring business.


> That is all about my profession.


> PS. I don't feel anything special about Mercury. It does not bless

me much. Rather it gives me skin problems (Afflicted Mercury).

Planets favouring me are Venus (9th lord) and Jupiter. Mercury rather

puts me in mild problems sometimes.


> Thanks

> Tanvir




> What cannot happen, can never happen.

> Which is mine, is forever mine.


> http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving


> Where relief and solutions are found



> -

> Tarun


> Saturday, May 05, 2007 5:46 PM

> Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology



> Dear Tanvir ji,


> I am member of this forum for long time, and i always thought to


> you that what is your profession.


> actually i am also virgo lagna with saturn in 2nd house. i m july


> borned.


> So can u please tell me what do u think abt mercury in your


> and what is ur professional field.?


> Warm Regards


> Tarun




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Is that for me RR ji?


What makes you draw such conclusion putting imp on Sun? Close association with

Lagna Lord?








What cannot happen, can never happen.

Which is mine, is forever mine.


http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving remedies

Where relief and solutions are found





Sunday, May 06, 2007 8:29 PM

Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology



Fasting on Sunday, worship and remedials of sun in a way that is

acceptable to you by faith, should help you, if you wish to follow

that. It should have been done since birth or at least since 1997,

but it is never too late to start...


Best wishes,






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Please try what I suggested, if you wish for a few years. If it does

not work, then we can do all the discussions and dissections, god

willing, if still needed, either way. :-)




, " Tanvir " <tanweera



> Is that for me RR ji?


> What makes you draw such conclusion putting imp on Sun? Close

association with Lagna Lord?


> Regards

> Tanvir





> What cannot happen, can never happen.

> Which is mine, is forever mine.


> http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving


> Where relief and solutions are found



> -

> Rohiniranjan


> Sunday, May 06, 2007 8:29 PM

> Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology



> Fasting on Sunday, worship and remedials of sun in a way that is

> acceptable to you by faith, should help you, if you wish to


> that. It should have been done since birth or at least since


> but it is never too late to start...


> Best wishes,


> RR




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Dear Ranjan ji,


Can you please share your views more on Sun's role for Virgo lagna specially.

Yes it is 12th lord so , i also had lost 2 fingures of my left hand fingures

when i had guru-sun

dasha. I was one year old that time it happened in 7 days of the start of Sun's



my sun is in 11th house with lagnesh mercury.







--- Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan wrote:


> Tanvir,


> Please try what I suggested, if you wish for a few years. If it does

> not work, then we can do all the discussions and dissections, god

> willing, if still needed, either way. :-)


> RR


> , " Tanvir " <tanweera

> wrote:

> >

> > Is that for me RR ji?

> >

> > What makes you draw such conclusion putting imp on Sun? Close

> association with Lagna Lord?

> >

> > Regards

> > Tanvir

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > What cannot happen, can never happen.

> > Which is mine, is forever mine.

> >

> > http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> > Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving

> remedies

> > Where relief and solutions are found

> >

> >

> > -

> > Rohiniranjan

> >

> > Sunday, May 06, 2007 8:29 PM

> > Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology

> >

> >

> > Fasting on Sunday, worship and remedials of sun in a way that is

> > acceptable to you by faith, should help you, if you wish to

> follow

> > that. It should have been done since birth or at least since

> 1997,

> > but it is never too late to start...

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > RR

> >

> >

> >

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Thanks for your email. Your kind request has been noted. I have added

it to my " To Write " list in future articles, god-willing!




, ~~Tarun~~ <tarun_vst



> Dear Ranjan ji,


> Can you please share your views more on Sun's role for Virgo lagna


> Yes it is 12th lord so , i also had lost 2 fingures of my left hand

fingures when i had guru-sun

> dasha. I was one year old that time it happened in 7 days of the

start of Sun's AD.


> my sun is in 11th house with lagnesh mercury.


> Regards


> Tarun



> --- Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan wrote:


> > Tanvir,

> >

> > Please try what I suggested, if you wish for a few years. If it


> > not work, then we can do all the discussions and dissections, god

> > willing, if still needed, either way. :-)

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , " Tanvir " <tanweera@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Is that for me RR ji?

> > >

> > > What makes you draw such conclusion putting imp on Sun? Close

> > association with Lagna Lord?

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Tanvir

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > What cannot happen, can never happen.

> > > Which is mine, is forever mine.

> > >

> > > http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> > > Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving

> > remedies

> > > Where relief and solutions are found

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > Rohiniranjan

> > >

> > > Sunday, May 06, 2007 8:29 PM

> > > Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology

> > >

> > >

> > > Fasting on Sunday, worship and remedials of sun in a way that


> > > acceptable to you by faith, should help you, if you wish to

> > follow

> > > that. It should have been done since birth or at least since

> > 1997,

> > > but it is never too late to start...

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > >

> > > RR

> > >

> > >

> > >

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RR Ji - your valuable suggestion is appreciated and I have sometimes tried Sun

remedies and it had worked as I expected. But if you discussed we could all

learn a lot, that's it ! :-)






What cannot happen, can never happen.

Which is mine, is forever mine.


http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving remedies

Where relief and solutions are found





Sunday, May 06, 2007 8:48 PM

Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology





Please try what I suggested, if you wish for a few years. If it does

not work, then we can do all the discussions and dissections, god

willing, if still needed, either way. :-)






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Quite honestly, given the general atmosphere of *jyotish*

forums these days, I do not wish to do so, Tanvir. Also, increasingly

I am beginning to re-realize that internet is not the right medium

any longer to discuss jyotish seriously. Moreover, given my use of

non-mainstream values of ayanamsha etc it would only lead to

confusion in others and futile beating of gums (or fingers on

keyboard). Finally, I have always relied on simple straightforward

rules as given in classical jyotish (and not even in classical-

esoteric texts many of which are attributed to arising in South

India. I have never used any special, secret techniques. It would be

redundant therefore to try and rehash in a hasty and brief internet

message what has been written eruditely again and again by many

jyotishis and jyotish-writers.


You or others may interpret this as whatever you wish and choose to

accept and follow or not whatever advice I felt like giving

unsolicitedly (something I typically only do for a very few

individuals), but I have clearly stated all my reasons.


Perhaps someday I will write an article on this topic which seems to

be of interest to you and Tarun.







, " Tanvir " <tanweera



> RR Ji - your valuable suggestion is appreciated and I have

sometimes tried Sun remedies and it had worked as I expected. But if

you discussed we could all learn a lot, that's it ! :-)


> Tanvir




> What cannot happen, can never happen.

> Which is mine, is forever mine.


> http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving


> Where relief and solutions are found



> -

> Rohiniranjan


> Sunday, May 06, 2007 8:48 PM

> Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology



> Tanvir,


> Please try what I suggested, if you wish for a few years. If it


> not work, then we can do all the discussions and dissections, god

> willing, if still needed, either way. :-)


> RR




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Guest guest

Dear Ranjan ji,


Thanks for your mail.


It would be great to hear from you more in your articles. Hopefully that day

comes soon.

Actually writings comes by heart ..and we cannot force to make writeups.


But what i observed is that sun is the most malefic for virgo lagna, even more

than saturn.


Because saturn for virgo lagna teaches being 6th lord., and all know how 6th

lord teach.


My observation is that sun mostly gives health troubles for Virgo native. and it

tries to hurt

badly in its Dasha / AD. or trys to ruin that hoouse it occupies. This is my

personal views,

havent got chance to share views of other virgo born natives. :-)


Some say Sun rules bones , so i feel that my accident and loss of fingures was

due to that only.


Waiting for your writeup soon.


Warm Regards






--- Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan wrote:


> Quite honestly, given the general atmosphere of *jyotish*

> forums these days, I do not wish to do so, Tanvir. Also, increasingly

> I am beginning to re-realize that internet is not the right medium

> any longer to discuss jyotish seriously. Moreover, given my use of

> non-mainstream values of ayanamsha etc it would only lead to

> confusion in others and futile beating of gums (or fingers on

> keyboard). Finally, I have always relied on simple straightforward

> rules as given in classical jyotish (and not even in classical-

> esoteric texts many of which are attributed to arising in South

> India. I have never used any special, secret techniques. It would be

> redundant therefore to try and rehash in a hasty and brief internet

> message what has been written eruditely again and again by many

> jyotishis and jyotish-writers.


> You or others may interpret this as whatever you wish and choose to

> accept and follow or not whatever advice I felt like giving

> unsolicitedly (something I typically only do for a very few

> individuals), but I have clearly stated all my reasons.


> Perhaps someday I will write an article on this topic which seems to

> be of interest to you and Tarun.


> Regards,


> RR



> , " Tanvir " <tanweera

> wrote:

> >

> > RR Ji - your valuable suggestion is appreciated and I have

> sometimes tried Sun remedies and it had worked as I expected. But if

> you discussed we could all learn a lot, that's it ! :-)

> >

> > Tanvir

> >

> >

> >

> > What cannot happen, can never happen.

> > Which is mine, is forever mine.

> >

> > http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> > Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving

> remedies

> > Where relief and solutions are found

> >

> >

> > -

> > Rohiniranjan

> >

> > Sunday, May 06, 2007 8:48 PM

> > Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology

> >

> >

> > Tanvir,

> >

> > Please try what I suggested, if you wish for a few years. If it

> does

> > not work, then we can do all the discussions and dissections, god

> > willing, if still needed, either way. :-)

> >

> > RR

> >

> >

> >

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Good Lord no!

Poems come from the heart!


Writings (articles) come from the very same area from where speech

comes from!


I am sorry but I do not agree with your blanket observations posted

on this forum about sun and virgo.


You have the choice to question that by posting examples that led you

to your strong conclusions!


The reason why many do not post their *examples* is that they risk

being ignored! So it is important that they are really confident when

they post and not just seeking confirmation from disinterested



I am just being very direct and saying what I see in cyberreality on

a daily basis!


In other words, do not wait to be asked. Post what you feel is

essential and important and then move on ...


There is such a lot of area to be covered that you cannot camp in one

place, forever!!




, ~~Tarun~~ <tarun_vst



> Dear Ranjan ji,


> Thanks for your mail.


> It would be great to hear from you more in your articles. Hopefully

that day comes soon.

> Actually writings comes by heart ..and we cannot force to make



> But what i observed is that sun is the most malefic for virgo

lagna, even more than saturn.


> Because saturn for virgo lagna teaches being 6th lord., and all

know how 6th lord teach.


> My observation is that sun mostly gives health troubles for Virgo

native. and it tries to hurt

> badly in its Dasha / AD. or trys to ruin that hoouse it occupies.

This is my personal views,

> havent got chance to share views of other virgo born natives. :-)


> Some say Sun rules bones , so i feel that my accident and loss of

fingures was due to that only.


> Waiting for your writeup soon.


> Warm Regards


> Tarun




> --- Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan wrote:


> > Quite honestly, given the general atmosphere of *jyotish*

> > forums these days, I do not wish to do so, Tanvir. Also,


> > I am beginning to re-realize that internet is not the right


> > any longer to discuss jyotish seriously. Moreover, given my use


> > non-mainstream values of ayanamsha etc it would only lead to

> > confusion in others and futile beating of gums (or fingers on

> > keyboard). Finally, I have always relied on simple


> > rules as given in classical jyotish (and not even in classical-

> > esoteric texts many of which are attributed to arising in South

> > India. I have never used any special, secret techniques. It would


> > redundant therefore to try and rehash in a hasty and brief


> > message what has been written eruditely again and again by many

> > jyotishis and jyotish-writers.

> >

> > You or others may interpret this as whatever you wish and choose


> > accept and follow or not whatever advice I felt like giving

> > unsolicitedly (something I typically only do for a very few

> > individuals), but I have clearly stated all my reasons.

> >

> > Perhaps someday I will write an article on this topic which seems


> > be of interest to you and Tarun.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > RR

> >

> >

> > , " Tanvir " <tanweera@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > RR Ji - your valuable suggestion is appreciated and I have

> > sometimes tried Sun remedies and it had worked as I expected. But


> > you discussed we could all learn a lot, that's it ! :-)

> > >

> > > Tanvir

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > What cannot happen, can never happen.

> > > Which is mine, is forever mine.

> > >

> > > http://www.jyotish-remedies.com - Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

> > > Predictive astrology with incredibly powerful problem solving

> > remedies

> > > Where relief and solutions are found

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > Rohiniranjan

> > >

> > > Sunday, May 06, 2007 8:48 PM

> > > Re: Subtle Everyday Astrology

> > >

> > >

> > > Tanvir,

> > >

> > > Please try what I suggested, if you wish for a few years. If


> > does

> > > not work, then we can do all the discussions and dissections,


> > > willing, if still needed, either way. :-)

> > >

> > > RR

> > >

> > >

> > >

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