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Vedanta, Sin and Free Will 22/3

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as u have not signed a name below we don't kbow ur ethnicity or spiritual paths.

nor what u want to convey


I can summerise this in a few lines


starting with AHAM BRAHMA ASMI I am brahman or part of the brahman whatever ur

level of evolution be [mentally]. Vedenta doesnt not classify any one as sinner

max the actions can be, else we wont have Valmiki, Pundalik, Purundara dasa,

Yogi Vemmana as saints....! life is meant to evolve and with a discriminating

intellect/mind we have to.


Swami vivekananda spoke of the quoted text in the west a broadly Christian

audience and the last paragraph summerises the church's teachings to date. that

we r sinners and the gods son will come and deliver us and the latest we can

quote as Pope John Paul the 2nd who said Asia more so India needs to be

enlightened from darkness in his last visit here.


all our epics are pointers to this effect say the mighty ravana was reduced in

his valor inspite of loosing all his men still had more power to win but was

overwhelmed with lowness when Sri Rama said go back come tomorrow armed, the

grace of life for him was his undoing., if he simply went home and came back may

be cud have still been a winner so too the other rakshasas in several other

Epics who had invincible powers on small ego points lost all they had won

through boons


all is in the mind is Jyotishya too we have the mind as the base for all our

Yogas that is why chandra is used as a dasa's starting points. the saying when

the going gets tough, the tough get going must be seen here. Mind over matter.



Sade saat tests ones mettle stronger one who observe the prayers or even

otherwise ignorant ones who with inner strength move on still win over obstacles


astrology is a guide to see that weaker souls move back to strenght from a point

of acceptance not resignation if some have gone that way astrology is not

responsible for it.


please understand vivekanands works from a western point more, now we are close

to it, looaing our base due to intellectual slavery still.


Best wishes









theblisswithin <theblisswithin wrote:

Excerpts from The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda: volume 8


Chapter: Is Vedanta the Future Religion

(Lecture Delivered in San Francisco on April 8, 1900)


..So Vedanta knows no sin. There are mistakes but no sin; and in the

long run everything is going to be all right. No Satan-none of

this ...Vedanta believes in only one sin; only one in the world, and

it is this; the moment you think you are a sinner or everybody is a

sinner; that is sin. From that follows every other mistake or what is

usually called sin. There have been mistakes in our lives. But we are

going on. Glory be unto us that have made mistakes! Take a long look

at your past life. If your present condition is good, it has been

caused by all the past mistakes as well successes. Glory be unto

success! Glory be unto mistakes! Do not look back upon what has been

done. Go ahead!


You see, Vedanta proposes no sin nor sinner. No God to be afraid of.

He is the one being of whom we shall never be afraid, because He is

our own Self. There is only one being of whom you cannot possibly be

afraid; He is that...God is man's very Self. He is that one being

whom you can never possibly fear.


...What does Vedanta teach us? In the first place, it teaches that

you need not even go out of yourself to know the truth. All the past

and all the future are here in the present. ..This present is all

that is. There is only the One. All is here right now. One moment in

the infinite time is quite as good as complete and all inclusive as

every other moment. All that is and was and will be is here in the

present. Let anybody try to imagine anything outside of it-he will

not succeed.


...Therefore Vedanta formulates, not universal brotherhood, but

universal oneness. I am the same was any other man, as any animal-

good, bad, anything. It is one body, one mind, one soul throughout.

Spirit never dies. ..The Universe is my body. See how it continues.

All minds are mine. With all feet I walk. Through all mouths I speak.

In everybody I reside.


..Whatever you dream and think of, you create. If it is hell, you die

and see hell. If it is evil and Satan, you get a Satan. If ghosts,

you get ghosts. Whatever you think, that you become. If you have to

think, think good thoughts, great thoughts. This taking for granted

that you are weak little worms! By declaring we are weak, we become

weak, we do not become better...What good does it to me to say that I

am a sinner? If I am in the dark, let me light a lamp. Yet how

curious is the nature of men! You tell them the truth-they do not see

it; they like darkness better.


Worship everything as God-every form is His temple. All else is

delusion. Always look within, never without. Such is the God that

Vedanta preaches, and such is His worship. Naturally there is no

sect, no creed, no caste in Vedanta.


..Infinite knowledge abides within everyone in fullest measure. You

are not really ignorant, though you may appear to be so. You are

incarnations of God, all of you. You are the incarnations of the

Almighty, Omnipresent, Divine Principle.


..For thousands of years millions and millions all over the world

have been taught to worship the Lord of the world, the Incarnations,

the saviours, the prophets. They have been taught to consider

themselves helpless, miserable creatures and to depend upon the mercy

of some person or persons for salvation. There are no doubt many

marvelous things in such beliefs. But even at their best, they are

but kindergartens of religions, and they have helped but little. Men

are still hypnotized into abject degradation...The hour comes when

great men shall arise and cast off these kindergartens of religion

and shall make vivid and powerful the true religion, the worship of

the spirit by the spirit.










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Would just like to summarise in one sentence - an action becomes a sin if guilt

is associated with it.





Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar wrote:



as u have not signed a name below we don't kbow ur ethnicity or spiritual paths.

nor what u want to convey


I can summerise this in a few lines


starting with AHAM BRAHMA ASMI I am brahman or part of the brahman whatever ur

level of evolution be [mentally]. Vedenta doesnt not classify any one as sinner

max the actions can be, else we wont have Valmiki, Pundalik, Purundara dasa,

Yogi Vemmana as saints....! life is meant to evolve and with a discriminating

intellect/mind we have to.


Swami vivekananda spoke of the quoted text in the west a broadly Christian

audience and the last paragraph summerises the church's teachings to date. that

we r sinners and the gods son will come and deliver us and the latest we can

quote as Pope John Paul the 2nd who said Asia more so India needs to be

enlightened from darkness in his last visit here.


all our epics are pointers to this effect say the mighty ravana was reduced in

his valor inspite of loosing all his men still had more power to win but was

overwhelmed with lowness when Sri Rama said go back come tomorrow armed, the

grace of life for him was his undoing., if he simply went home and came back may

be cud have still been a winner so too the other rakshasas in several other

Epics who had invincible powers on small ego points lost all they had won

through boons


all is in the mind is Jyotishya too we have the mind as the base for all our

Yogas that is why chandra is used as a dasa's starting points. the saying when

the going gets tough, the tough get going must be seen here. Mind over matter.


Sade saat tests ones mettle stronger one who observe the prayers or even

otherwise ignorant ones who with inner strength move on still win over obstacles


astrology is a guide to see that weaker souls move back to strenght from a point

of acceptance not resignation if some have gone that way astrology is not

responsible for it.


please understand vivekanands works from a western point more, now we are close

to it, looaing our base due to intellectual slavery still.


Best wishes


theblisswithin <theblisswithin wrote: Excerpts from The Complete

Works of Swami Vivekananda: volume 8


Chapter: Is Vedanta the Future Religion

(Lecture Delivered in San Francisco on April 8, 1900)


...So Vedanta knows no sin. There are mistakes but no sin; and in the

long run everything is going to be all right. No Satan-none of

this ...Vedanta believes in only one sin; only one in the world, and

it is this; the moment you think you are a sinner or everybody is a

sinner; that is sin. From that follows every other mistake or what is

usually called sin. There have been mistakes in our lives. But we are

going on. Glory be unto us that have made mistakes! Take a long look

at your past life. If your present condition is good, it has been

caused by all the past mistakes as well successes. Glory be unto

success! Glory be unto mistakes! Do not look back upon what has been

done. Go ahead!


You see, Vedanta proposes no sin nor sinner. No God to be afraid of.

He is the one being of whom we shall never be afraid, because He is

our own Self. There is only one being of whom you cannot possibly be

afraid; He is that...God is man's very Self. He is that one being

whom you can never possibly fear.


....What does Vedanta teach us? In the first place, it teaches that

you need not even go out of yourself to know the truth. All the past

and all the future are here in the present. ..This present is all

that is. There is only the One. All is here right now. One moment in

the infinite time is quite as good as complete and all inclusive as

every other moment. All that is and was and will be is here in the

present. Let anybody try to imagine anything outside of it-he will

not succeed.


....Therefore Vedanta formulates, not universal brotherhood, but

universal oneness. I am the same was any other man, as any animal-

good, bad, anything. It is one body, one mind, one soul throughout.

Spirit never dies. ..The Universe is my body. See how it continues.

All minds are mine. With all feet I walk. Through all mouths I speak.

In everybody I reside.


...Whatever you dream and think of, you create. If it is hell, you die

and see hell. If it is evil and Satan, you get a Satan. If ghosts,

you get ghosts. Whatever you think, that you become. If you have to

think, think good thoughts, great thoughts. This taking for granted

that you are weak little worms! By declaring we are weak, we become

weak, we do not become better...What good does it to me to say that I

am a sinner? If I am in the dark, let me light a lamp. Yet how

curious is the nature of men! You tell them the truth-they do not see

it; they like darkness better.


Worship everything as God-every form is His temple. All else is

delusion. Always look within, never without. Such is the God that

Vedanta preaches, and such is His worship. Naturally there is no

sect, no creed, no caste in Vedanta.


...Infinite knowledge abides within everyone in fullest measure. You

are not really ignorant, though you may appear to be so. You are

incarnations of God, all of you. You are the incarnations of the

Almighty, Omnipresent, Divine Principle.


...For thousands of years millions and millions all over the world

have been taught to worship the Lord of the world, the Incarnations,

the saviours, the prophets. They have been taught to consider

themselves helpless, miserable creatures and to depend upon the mercy

of some person or persons for salvation. There are no doubt many

marvelous things in such beliefs. But even at their best, they are

but kindergartens of religions, and they have helped but little. Men

are still hypnotized into abject degradation...The hour comes when

great men shall arise and cast off these kindergartens of religion

and shall make vivid and powerful the true religion, the worship of

the spirit by the spirit.







Don't be flakey. Get Mail for Mobile and

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Dear Shri Prashant Sahab,




First of all I could not understand what was meant

to be conveyed by this poster.


Has he given the copy of the exact speech,word

by word by Swami Vivekananda ? Or has he

deleted or added any words,sentences paras from

the same ? Has he let the meaning come as it

was said by Swamiji or has he twisted them to

form his own ? And what was the context ?

Most of my Books on Swami Vivekananda collected

over few decades have been donated by me

last year to missions in Calcutta, so I have no

means of checking this Lecture delivered in 1900.


But all the same what is the purport ? Looks

like some child who has just come out from school

and who has no friends and gets free food at home,

and nothing to do, is just passing time, by making

unnecessary references to such issues,and its

people like us to have to clean the Forum . We

have already witnessed unnecessary show of

misplaced theroteical knowledge yesterday,

and now this. seems the same guy wants to

create uproars.






, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:


> Member,


> as u have not signed a name below we don't kbow ur ethnicity or

spiritual paths.

> nor what u want to convey


> I can summerise this in a few lines


> starting with AHAM BRAHMA ASMI I am brahman or part of the brahman

whatever ur level of evolution be [mentally]. Vedenta doesnt not

classify any one as sinner max the actions can be, else we wont have

Valmiki, Pundalik, Purundara dasa, Yogi Vemmana as saints....! life

is meant to evolve and with a discriminating intellect/mind we have



> Swami vivekananda spoke of the quoted text in the west a broadly

Christian audience and the last paragraph summerises the church's

teachings to date. that we r sinners and the gods son will come and

deliver us and the latest we can quote as Pope John Paul the 2nd who

said Asia more so India needs to be enlightened from darkness in his

last visit here.


> all our epics are pointers to this effect say the mighty ravana was

reduced in his valor inspite of loosing all his men still had more

power to win but was overwhelmed with lowness when Sri Rama said go

back come tomorrow armed, the grace of life for him was his undoing.,

if he simply went home and came back may be cud have still been a

winner so too the other rakshasas in several other Epics who had

invincible powers on small ego points lost all they had won through



> all is in the mind is Jyotishya too we have the mind as the base

for all our Yogas that is why chandra is used as a dasa's starting

points. the saying when the going gets tough, the tough get going

must be seen here. Mind over matter.



> Sade saat tests ones mettle stronger one who observe the prayers or

even otherwise ignorant ones who with inner strength move on still

win over obstacles


> astrology is a guide to see that weaker souls move back to strenght

from a point of acceptance not resignation if some have gone that way

astrology is not responsible for it.


> please understand vivekanands works from a western point more, now

we are close to it, looaing our base due to intellectual slavery



> Best wishes



theblisswithin <theblisswithin

wrote: Excerpts from The Complete

Works of Swami Vivekananda: volume 8


> Chapter: Is Vedanta the Future Religion

> (Lecture Delivered in San Francisco on April 8, 1900)


> ..So Vedanta knows no sin. There are mistakes but no sin; and in


> long run everything is going to be all right. No Satan-none of

> this ...Vedanta believes in only one sin; only one in the world,


> it is this; the moment you think you are a sinner or everybody is


> sinner; that is sin. From that follows every other mistake or what


> usually called sin. There have been mistakes in our lives. But we


> going on. Glory be unto us that have made mistakes! Take a long


> at your past life. If your present condition is good, it has been

> caused by all the past mistakes as well successes. Glory be unto

> success! Glory be unto mistakes! Do not look back upon what has


> done. Go ahead!


> You see, Vedanta proposes no sin nor sinner. No God to be afraid


> He is the one being of whom we shall never be afraid, because He


> our own Self. There is only one being of whom you cannot possibly


> afraid; He is that...God is man's very Self. He is that one being

> whom you can never possibly fear.


> ...What does Vedanta teach us? In the first place, it teaches that

> you need not even go out of yourself to know the truth. All the


> and all the future are here in the present. ..This present is all

> that is. There is only the One. All is here right now. One moment


> the infinite time is quite as good as complete and all inclusive


> every other moment. All that is and was and will be is here in the

> present. Let anybody try to imagine anything outside of it-he will

> not succeed.


> ...Therefore Vedanta formulates, not universal brotherhood, but

> universal oneness. I am the same was any other man, as any animal-

> good, bad, anything. It is one body, one mind, one soul


> Spirit never dies. ..The Universe is my body. See how it


> All minds are mine. With all feet I walk. Through all mouths I


> In everybody I reside.


> ..Whatever you dream and think of, you create. If it is hell, you


> and see hell. If it is evil and Satan, you get a Satan. If ghosts,

> you get ghosts. Whatever you think, that you become. If you have


> think, think good thoughts, great thoughts. This taking for


> that you are weak little worms! By declaring we are weak, we


> weak, we do not become better...What good does it to me to say

that I

> am a sinner? If I am in the dark, let me light a lamp. Yet how

> curious is the nature of men! You tell them the truth-they do not


> it; they like darkness better.


> Worship everything as God-every form is His temple. All else is

> delusion. Always look within, never without. Such is the God that

> Vedanta preaches, and such is His worship. Naturally there is no

> sect, no creed, no caste in Vedanta.


> ..Infinite knowledge abides within everyone in fullest measure.


> are not really ignorant, though you may appear to be so. You are

> incarnations of God, all of you. You are the incarnations of the

> Almighty, Omnipresent, Divine Principle.


> ..For thousands of years millions and millions all over the world

> have been taught to worship the Lord of the world, the


> the saviours, the prophets. They have been taught to consider

> themselves helpless, miserable creatures and to depend upon the


> of some person or persons for salvation. There are no doubt many

> marvelous things in such beliefs. But even at their best, they are

> but kindergartens of religions, and they have helped but little.


> are still hypnotized into abject degradation...The hour comes when

> great men shall arise and cast off these kindergartens of religion

> and shall make vivid and powerful the true religion, the worship


> the spirit by the spirit.




> Don't be flakey. Get Mail for Mobile and

> always stay connected to friends.



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