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2-Elaine re. What makes up a hero?

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5a. Re: Heroes



nBHN0aW1lAzExNzUwNjgwNzg-> Posted by: " Elaine Gardner "



elaineg_60 <http://profiles./elaineg_60>

Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:34 pm (PST) I just want to THANK

everyone who replied to my question of what makes aHero in todays

society. It's been QUITE an eye opening experience for me as I

interviewed quite a few people while I was BACK in the damned

hospital..... Elaine....


Dear Elaine: Greetings! Sorry, I missed your good question about what

makes up a hero!


If you don't mind me contributing my 2cents I wanted to share a few more

thoughts more about this great subject!


One of the things I've loved the most about Jyotish is it's #1 ability

to recongize the true Astrological nature of life....and people....


For example, Jyotish says those with strong 3rd Houses and/or Mars' have

good courage. Those also with good Jupiter's have strong spiritual

sense and morality which of course contributes to being a hero.


If you study the charts to of leaders of society you'll see that there

are a number of Benefic sources...that contribute to being successful,

courageous and being a or Hero or heroine!


A Hero cares...and so some strong Cancer and/or Sun nature might be



A Hero fights for what is right....and that's a definite Mars flavor....


Mars has to be benefic however, because a strong, but 'malefic' natured

Mars can be a strong criminal, mobster, or bad politician.


Fascinating to me that the planets can be both symbolic of strong

goodness and strong evil....


Morality then,..has to be considered.... which makes a dominant

Mars...more righteous....!


For that of course, we look primarily to Jupiter....


Practical experience shows too that there are many kinds of planetary

combinations that all describe various kinds of human strength,

development and hero ness if there is such a word! hehe


Fun focusing on how Jyotish can identify the good in us!


In our many discussions about the essential Benefic and Malefic ness or

benefic or malefic planets...we sometimes get too wrapped up in malefic



So, it's nice for a change to focus on the good!


This of course, is partly due to Jupiter's present day 5th house aspect

upon the Sun which is presently moving through the Sign of Pisces!


Last year when the Sun went through Pisces, it was not being aspected by

Jupiter and this added morality, satvic and purity from Jupiter was not

as strong as today!


Finally, one last thought...is...


that in addition to recognizing what makes up a hero...I think it's even

more important to reflect on how we all can become more spiritual or



For example, Jyotish has this connotation of remedies and remedial



Remedies and prescriptions, even Vedic techniques of self-development

like meditation,... and yaguas.... all are really there to help us

become stronger, more pure and more benfic where previously only malefic

values were dominating!


And, this is one of the reasons why I like this Jyotish Remedies group

so much is it gives us a focus...to think about and research and study

exactly how we're meant to transform our malefics into strengths!


So, in this context when we think about what makes a hero, let's also

reflect upon what is needed to become more hero like!


For example, if we are timid or shy,...then we want to look at our Mars

to see if it can be strengthened!


We may also need to be strengthening our Moons if Moon is small or

Waning....and too tender...or weak.....


If Mars is lacking in any way...then we can become more courageous

through a very act of choice!


One of the practices I recomend to people is to study the heroic

adventures of one's ancients.....


In Indian culture there are all these great heroic stories in the

Bhagavad-gita, Mahabaratta and all the Vedic literature....


In the West we have the great heroes of ancient Greece....Homer, the

Iliad, etc....

There are even heroes of the bible that millions of people revere...

Christ was the ultimate hero....for christians...

He stood up against all evil,...and ignornance....


Likewise...Krishna....is the ultimate hero for Hindus.......


For all of us who are not quite saints yet.... we only need to study our

charts and figuring out what is lacking in our Stars...


Resolve.... to strengthend ourselves in the exact ways our charts



Wherever there is a malefic story!...RESOLVE.... to change that....

to transform....and improve your malefic....into a benefic strength!


It can be done!


This is the great hope of Vedic Knowledge...that life can be improved...

and made more heroic!


Also, consider stirring one's Jupiter too,...because Jupiter gives an

increasing closenss with God...which gives us the greatest internal



Fun talking with you....and all....


Jai Guru!


Jai God....!





Mark Kincaid


PS... One last thing I'd like to reflect on is...the #1 Jyotish or Vedic

remedy is Vedic meditation.... Meditation is the best Jyotish and Vedic

remedy because it goes exactly to the real need of human life which is

to have more of one's innate, unusued, latent potential.


Both in Christianity and in Vedic knowledge there is the belief that

within every human being is a literal infinite human potential....


Some call it God.... some call it full human potential...however we want

to descirbe it...


Heck, even modern day Physicists have discovered something they call the

Unified Field...


Deep witin every atom, every molecule, every scrap of the universe,...

is a literal field of pure energy.... which has already been

discovered... to be limitless...unfounded and literally invincible...


This state of pure energy....or unified field being the source of every

atom and bit of the creation...is that full potential that each one of

us is carrying around inside and don't know about!


Those with strong and benefic planets have certain parts of us, already

in-tune with this deep power and potential....


Heron ness is just a mirror reflection of some of that great inner



Meditation is the time honored tradition that seeks to find and develop

that inner potential or oneness...


Modern day experience today gives witness to the fact that for the first

time, millions and millions of people are beginning to get onto that

great glory!


I, myself have been meditating for over 36 years...and I have to tell

you, of all the things I've done to improve my life and develop

myself.... all that time invested in meditation has given me the

greatest benefits.....


Then, when I discovered Jyotish I learned how one could combine the

power and wisdom of Vedic Pshycology...(ie. Jyotish) to the other Vedic

remedies like meditation, ayurveda, yoga and yaguas.....


Now, I enjoy prescribing...wonderful Jyotish remedies,... in addition to

meditation... to improve, literally any weakened or undeveloped malefic

planet into a more strong and healthy one!


Now, that's becoming a true hero!




Founder Nature's Astrology


Personal email:







(AGAIN :() The GOOD part is it was just for a couple of days and it

gave me

the opportunity to do some writing. My daughter, as I said, is on


so I've basically written the paper for her. It's OK...I've kind of

developed a reputation for writing papers among my family and friends.


fiance (deceased now), was in school (Pre-Law-->Law) and made copies of


diplomas, whiting out his name and putting mine in--said it was a

" dual-degree for us both since I'd done as much work as he did ;) While


have diplomas I earned on my own awhile ago, this one means more to me


ANY of the diplomas or certifications I have. :) It looks like my


are going to take ME to school with them also. Only fitting I suppose.

When they were young, they came to MY classes almost every day ;)

Again, thank you all for your words of wisdom!!!

Peace, Love and Light,







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