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wat do my stars say ??? read UR story 31/5

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I must start with the line again I use ramans so dasa, dates, amsas will differ

and time will demonstrate it, if u accept this u can see how the indications

given work and get back either way if I fail or it comes out true as what i

quite is more traditional works only


for the health of the group skip the basis of my readings [is purely classical

texts based though]


u will have a child and will know soon max by Nov this yr of the progress.


from urs I feel between 27/11 /07 to 15/9/08 u can have a child


and his before 17/5/08 will show him becoming a father.


his chart does show some fertility issues there and a delayed father hood with

some losses [over] w.r.t children and even otherwise we can say children are a

source of anxiety strain in gen for both of u but will do well I mean get good

children who will grow and live away from u.


be hopeful all will be fine, devlop a +ve minset it can improve matters and ur

sade saat is not responsible for that loss.


there are combinations for Putra shokha in ur charts which is over 25/12/06 to

12/5/07 in this the time frame of Jan 8-10 was v high and dramatic- ] so look


and follow the prayer indications given earlier.



if u want any Tech info on this write to me I want to save group space.



best wishes


Sweety <royalnpt wrote:

Sir ,


With regards ..U must have studied my horoscope as well as my

husbands .. i will place it again


Mine - 14th april 1976 at 2.30 afternoon in thane city Maharashtra

Husband - 1st march 1976 at 11 night in Amethi


We both are 31 now ..We had a beautiful daughter last year on 31st

may 2006 at 11.11 afternoon in vishapatnam ( today is her

birthday) .. She was 7days old when i came to know she had a hole in

the heart .. large inlet vsd .. afetr that I had only been getting

worse news on the holes .. the number went up (Multiple vsd )as she

grew .. we got her operated in jan 2007 and she expired on 9th jan



I always had faith in kundli .. was married only after my kundli

matched with my husbands 16 gunas i think but i wanted to marry him (

arranged marriage). Prior to that one of the trusted astrolgers in

thane had asked us to perform kumbh vivah and kaal sarp shanti

poojs .we had these poojas done.


When i discovered about my daughter .. My mother , father , myself

have approched every astrologer we knew ... some said she had shani

mahadasa .. I did tula daan every 15 days or 1 month .Every sat i

took her to temple . One said she had chandra doshas .. i did the

pooja in oct last year donating 11 silver moons etc.


I did everything i could but she didnot survive .. Gods plan and my

past karmas .. I was told by one punditjee that since I was from

kanya rashi my sade saati had begun from nov last year .. I thought i

was suffereing saturns anger.


Now I am being told ther was no sade saati .. tuh woh kya tha??

without a sade saati i have suffered so much .. so I dread the worst

that is being predicted for me ..if next 2 yrs i will have abortions

when will have children i will be 33 yrs old by then .the chances of

children born to late parent they suffer from down syndroome etc..


7 yrs of worst sade saati yet to come..worse than what i have gone

through or samiliar..


there is no planet there to help ?? I wonder wat bad karmas i have

collecetd to get such a life??


U have told about my horoscope .. wat about my husbands fate?? .. if

i suffer so will he seeing me suffer .after marriage certain

sufferings are mutual .. can u put some light on this i have a

problem with begetting children soon .. is his horoscope also the

same .. pls help with consideration .. I am running from pillar to

post and Yes i will and have approached everyone who I think can

help .


Thanking all of u and if any one any more inputs pls advise ..




, " Tarun " <tarun_vst



> From Raman's chart my dasha changes by nearly 16 months...and that


> due to my first dasha.


> if the first dasha is lengthy than the dates will differ on large

> scale. if the planets are on margin the prediction will differ alot,

> the navamsa will be changed and all the calculations will too.


> now even in KP ..new kp ayanamsa is introduced. which also differes

> from the older kp ayanamsa.


> The new KP ayanamsa according to kp forum is - Ayanamsa: 23° 32' 14 "

> where as the older is - Ayanamsa: 23-51-37.81



> I hope this is only due to ayanamsa problem.


> Regards,












> , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> >

> > Baskar

> >

> > why I should see some where u can see many of my forecasts come to

> the date in this group itself or VA or JS where we use just

> traditional systems and no non vedic system u will find many to the

> date readings this is by chance and I HAVE ALWAYS SAID to people


> they give feedback it is a great tribute to our rishis for their

> knowledge and we just need to follow them and need not tinker but

> adapt the possible interpretations to our times. not a single one I

> said it is my individual greatness i thanked feed back as feed back

> on astrology esp after one disaapointed member wrote on astrology


> his wife died due tocancer now he has slowly accepted it and HE HAS

> GOT RE-MARRIED AS I SAID that too he has posted here.

> > some members children's or their sisters etc I have given the

> star.rasi, Lagna too here and they have posted u can see here itself

> in archives.

> >

> > IT IS AS SAID ONLY THE RISHIS WORK if it works well and good else


> need to go back and see where i went wrong in using their works. I

> always check my failures and appricate those feedbacks 1st as they


> our Gurus as well.

> >

> >

> > I do make mistakes while entering data at times due to my eye


> I mentioned a few times but u can see some posts where i immideately

> correct them saying in subject line correction if I am still online

> else next day when i read i have

> >


> WRITTEN WHICH USES 32 decimal accuracy most s/w give max 5 by

> calculator 2 these with some engineers from BHEL and L & T and ICAS

> people to back up and verify most parts took years and after a level

> gave it up as features what parasara light, visual jyotish goravani,

> future systems etc give is what I had in mind and as they r ready in

> market did not waste time on it further

> >

> > about reading charts posted in groups I said any member can


> on a query and asked to to comment on mine so many times, can give u

> the chats if u want

> >

> > look at VA or jyotish or KP site one chart is commented by avg 20

> ppl it only makes the forum better. when there is discussion

> >

> > but I REPEAT I Never read urs as urs is based on KP

> > and I use traditional system s so no point and what I told u


> to me as well

> > if i comment on urs I must see thru KP screen, which I know


> work even KN RAO for that matter doesn't use KP does he just

> traditional systems.

> >

> > KP was a gifted man not his system I said last yr too else why his

> sons r still selling books in single room diaplated single room


> and selling other books say on IT, management, health CAT, yoga,


> than KP in same stalls.

> >

> > while ramans family most of them are well known astrologers in

> their own right.

> > they also sell books of other authors even KP but no non astro


> unlike KP sons.

> >

> > and if u accept raman's works and not his ayanamsa then all his


> is not there at all he has given his workings for most predictions


> anyone who can read the same in his ayanamsa will see it as


> try doing the same in other ayanamsa and still get all he did KN RAO

> wrte a book on ramans predicions that came yrs before they happened

> and called them greatness of Hindu astrology too when he used raman


> become pouplar. later ditched him once he was famous.

> >

> >

> > in KP astro site u saw so many post on world cups max failed i

> wrote on few using non KP methods u can see the results there just


> > again if u feel I am crossing on ur readings pl show one line


> i picked holes on any as u did on mine jsut to pick holes and


> that my writings are wrong no way I did these.

> >

> > i wrote it independently may have come earlier or later than yours

> doesn't mean I am crossing urs if that is there point a line where I

> said so he said so and it is wrong... as u did

> >

> > if groups allow attachments can post charts I cast also no issue

> >

> > J Hora has some errors I had pointed to some members on the


> moving planets. i checked this with few s/w

> >

> > he is doing a great service giiving freee s/w is good he needs


> as well to rectify them he will do some day [PVN Rao is from chennai

> IIT and many of icas PPL WERE PART OF IIT, ICAS And a great effort

> tosve people's money as many companies swindled ppl for s/w even


> sold s/w for 40,000 rs FORESIGHT FOR 2.6 LAKS a franchisee with

> royalty and no ownership etc

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> The time You are talking about when I mentioned that

> > 2 astrologers had said Raman uses wrong ayanamsha,

> > was purposely said to end you peoples argument,when you

> > were fighting about which ayanamsha to use. I only entered

> > as a third person to finish your fight,

> > and i did not comment about Ramans ayanamsha from my side.

> >

> > Sir talking about defending Hinduism and practising same

> > is different.I will not elaborate on that.

> >

> > Personally I say today for the first time, that yes

> > Ramans ayanamsha does not work in pinpointing events.

> > If so n so is my father does not mean that everything

> > would be right about him, and my showing some wrong

> > aspect of him, does not mean that he does not

> > remain my father no more.

> >

> > In same way, I say today for the first time, that

> > Ramans ayanamsha is outdated, and does not work anymore,

> > this willnot make him less as my Guru in any way.

> >

> > we have to be progressive.

> >

> > I have given on date (Day itself) predictions to the

> > great Mr. Dhoot (Industrialist-Videocon) 2 months back about


> > property which he was not able to purchase for last 4 years,

> > but I predicted the day, and within 48 hours of the time

> > period i predicted, he struck the deal. This is

> > a public Forum, and when I mentiosn such big name , naturally

> > i have done so, that is why i am bold enough to

> > say it. You can check with him, if you or anyone have access

> > to him.

> > Coming nearer I predicted the day when a person will come

> > out of the hospital , who was in danger and in ICU, and

> > he came out of the hospital exactly on the same day (11th of this

> > month) as predicted. You may check the hospital records and

> > ask the family in Rajasthan.

> > How can I make such predictions which are so perfect?.

> > certainly not with the ramans ayanamsha. No way.

> > In KP Forum, you will see many of my Posts, I have mentioned I


> > Share market predictions, and these involve money,to

> > Share Market Brokers, I have given hundreds in last few months,


> > the people have earned on those days I have mentioned.

> > These are all recorded atmy place in 2 Big Box Files, if anyone


> > to inspect, with name of Client,

> > Date and Time of Query with the Charts.

> > Today itself I predicted to a Lady officer of MetLife Insurance


> > phone itself without her birth details or even Year or day of


> > (She had challenged me), and I did not know this lady before,

> > all about her Life, including Marks and cuts on her body, and

she was

> > shocked. That is the power of ayanamsha and mathematics

> > coupled with astronomy and astrology.

> >

> > This can happen only with KP ayanamsha.

> >

> > Now let me tell you Lahiris is also very effective.

> > But ramans, no way in todays times.

> >

> > All above does not mean that I dont respect the man as

> > My first Guru, or my eternal Guru and companion. I am sorry

> > to say , but You may not believe, I sleep

> > with him in form of his books besides me.

> >

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> > >

> > > I have and YOU have also asked members not to post in multiple


> > same time but give a gap

> > >

> > > u can cheek ur posts too it is ONLY FOR THEM NOT TO GET


> > WITH MANY READINGS a few will do [as they get disillusioned with


> > readings and also ask why so many differences there r many mails


> > every group on this]

> > >

> > > allow time to pasS for any FRESH POSTS OR IF THEY FAILED LET



> > >

> > > even saying that now a days I am replying earlier i had felt

it is

> > not needed u can see same msg in diff times I had to change as we

> > never know if it is really serious a benifit of doubt even to

sweety i

> > said same.

> > >

> > > ON RAMANS I MSUT REMIND you last what u had posted on raman

> > >


> > >


> > >

> > > I KNOW MANY WHO BASh RAMAN but no astrological body worth its


> > has ever lived without using his name even if the decry him out


> > jealousy he is man beyond words a sage.

> > >

> > > i have always defended him , vivekananda and Hinduism

> > > if u remember my battles with u started on RAMANS only same

Jul 17

> > 06 posts are to be read again to refresh ur memory

> > >

> > > on other issues I have never supported or opposed any


> > that is why u feel in pratosh time i did not help u. i defend

only 3

> > areas

> > >

> > > but pratosh and u r almost same boat so why get suck in

between did

> > anyone else do?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@>


> > Boss,

> > >

> > > Whenever anyone addresses any query for Bhaskar, you

> > > immediately advise that member that one should ask

> > > for readings from more astrologers, and not one so

> > > that he gets more views on his Query.

> > >

> > > But I have seen this weeks posting of Yours in Vedic

> > > astrology and Jyotish Shastra telling natives, not

> > > to ask from more people when they have been already

> > > advised by You.

> > >

> > > In the same week you are talking two opposites in

> > > three fdifferent Forums, as per Your convenience.

> > > Why this double standards ?

> > >

> > > I have many more matters to write, but will not.

> > > because many members respect you, and do not wish to

> > > lowee your dignity in front of them.

> > > That has never been my aim.

> > > Ultimately you are helping the natives in your own

> > > way, whatever may be the motives.

> > > So I respect your actions.

> > >

> > > there is no sense fighting between ourselves and giving

> > > food to the trouble makers here.

> > >

> > > We should continue to do our respective works with

> > > due respect to each other.

> > >

> > > Bhaskar.

> > >

> > > , " Bhaskar "

> > > <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Boss,

> > > >

> > > > I never have pointed out your mistakes, though I have known


> > > > have made hundreds, because that is not my

> > > > nature to insult any astrologer,I have also been watching


> > > > behaviour since last 8 months, You never leave any

opportunity to

> > > > point out and write about Bhaskar not listening,to the

> Moderator. Yet

> > > > I kept quiet. I have also seen you regularly reply to all


> > whom I

> > > > have already replied , within minutes after me having


> them.

> > > > Yet I kept quiet.

> > > > And even today I have kept quiet. But

> > > > taking natives for a ride has to come to an end,some day.

> > > > As per the law of probability if 50% out of 100 queries

> > > > are considered right,

> > > > will not make me an astrologer (Mind it , I am talking

> > > > about me and not You), in the same way., total wrong

> > > > calculations and predictions are not going to serve true


> > > > to astrolgy.

> > > >

> > > > You are talking of Ramans ayanamsha. By the way Raman has

> > > > been my first Guru. I have his correspondence with me

> > > > if you wish to see it , come to my place. I still

> > > > have them in my files.

> > > >

> > > > You have been using a wromng software (God knows what one)

> > > > and making predictions as per that.

> > > >

> > > > You may just now immediately open the Jagannath Hora and

input the

> > > > birth details of this native and check the same

> > > > as per Ramans ayanamsha and you will find a major difference

> in the

> > > > degrees of Ascendant and Chandra (Though the Rashi will be


> > > > naturally), in what You have mentioned, and what the


> says.

> > > > I never talk without base my dear Prashant.

> > > >

> > > > Prove that either You are right and the Jagannath Hora is


> > > >

> > > > The ball now lies in Your court.

> > > >

> > > > Also explain with whatever software you are using, how many

> > > > times the mistakes must have been made when the degrees

> > > > may have shifted to another Raashi (God saved this girl in


> > > > and you must have made predictions on that ?

> > > >

> > > > I can talk with any ayanamsha.

> > > >

> > > > I am ready , You may please now check your own home


> > > > before discussing with me.

> > > >

> > > > I dont jump in all Forums and in all queries, to reply each

> and every

> > > > one. By Gods grace I have enough to eat,

> > > > and do this service for a few natives only as per my

principle in

> > > > Life, and not look at 50-60 charts and reply daily, so


> > do not

> > > > happen with my case, uptil now they have not happened,

> tomorrow God

> > > knows.

> > > >

> > > > Last week also you did a mistake in dasha for one native.


> > type of

> > > > things happen when one is wanting to reply to each and

every query

> > > > coming on every Forum, but for those who do selective


> > > > with non-commercial interests in view, then the mistakes

are rare,

> > > > You will agree.

> > > >

> > > > Bhaskar.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > > > <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Sweety

> > > > >

> > > > > I just happened to read messages of replies to my posts


> saw urs

> > > > on the sade saat and replied to it i [saw them after


> todays

> > > > querries].

> > > > >

> > > > > and some members pointed to this post of ....

> > > > >

> > > > > as FAR AS BASKAR is concerned at least before he pours

his usual

> > > > scorn on everyone must have the decency to write such a


> when he

> > > > know I use RAMAN'S AYANAMSA AND there r bound to be changes

> > > > >


> > > > >

> > > > > I post that to may posts I may have missed in ur case

> > > > >

> > > > > so if he OPEN HIS MIND AND HEART Then he will open any of


> posts

> > > > in RAMANS AYANAMSA AND COMMENT if he wants to

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > i don't use systems or any KP methods but purely


> > methods

> > > > as taught by my Gurus in a pure Guru shishya parampara for


> > 22 yrs

> > > > with my own study since 1977 i need not say more.

> > > > >

> > > > > rest is left to the members to decide on what he says on

me too

> > often

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish@>


> > > > Dear Sweety,

> > > > >

> > > > > Its good to know that there is knowledge all around.

> > > > > Though you were PREDICTED WRONG and it was a MAJOR


> > > > > by the astrologer (Mr.Prashant) to tell you that Your

> > > > > sadesathi is 3 years away, when it is just 2 months away,

> > > > > yet you being a knowledgable

> > > > > querent, were able to point out this mistake to him.

> > > > > I always appreciate such natives who have done some home

> > > > > work.

> > > > >

> > > > > Well my intention of writing this mail is to just re-


> > > > > you to visit Hanuman temple every Saturday, and offer

> > > > > tel (Oil) to Shri Hanuman Baba. Also if possible,

> > > > > please donate food packets every Saturdays to poor

> > > > > old needy people.

> > > > >

> > > > > This is for Your Shani sadesathi.

> > > > >

> > > > > best wishes,

> > > > > Bhaskar.

> > > > >

> > > > > , " Bhaskar "

> > > > > <bhaskar_jyotish@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Sweety,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You are right. Your sadesathi starts in mid of July


> > > > > >

> > > > > > It is not Kala Sarpa Dosh you are having, but Punarphoo

> > > > > > Dosha, which some may call as sarpa Dosha, as Moon

> > > > > > is the Sub Lord of Saturn.

> > > > > > Till August 2008 You are going to have a difficult


> > > > > > with regards to health,wealth and relationships too.,

> > > > > > because the Shukra antar is not good for you,

> > > > > > let me be honest. There may have been some problems to


> > > > > > mother too last year, and some loss of property if

> > > > > > you have any. You may have had to undergo long journeys

> > > > > > since last year.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Please visit Shiva temple every Monday and offer milk

> > > > > > to ShivLinga, Till Shukra antar,remains, also

> > > > > > recite Durga Chalisa daily, and wear a Pearl for best

> > > > > > effects, but as a pendant in necklace.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > with regards to children, be careful, you may

> > > > > > have abortions.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > and regards to Dosha, You should life long recite


> > > > > > Chalisa daily and visit Hanuman temple every Saturday.,

> > > > > > because Saturn is 8th Lord too (Of Obstructions)

> > > > > > and sitting in Lagna, and will obstruct matters in

Your life,

> > > > > > create hurdles and impediments, Your ascendant itself

> > > > > > and the Lagna Lord(Moon)itself have subLord as


> > > > > > the 7th Cusp which denotes marriage, therefore it does

> > > > > > good for you to do Hanuman Pooja daily for mangalya.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The Lord of the badhak sthana Venus itself , sitting

> > > > > > in the Bhagya sthana does create trouble for your

> > > > > > Bhagya at times to open up. And this badhakasthanapati

> > > > > > Venus is running currently as antar Lord, therefore

> > > > > > do not forget to do good Pooja of Devi Durga daily.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I have just seen your chart only.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > best wishes,

> > > > > > Bhaskar.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > , " Sweety "


> > > wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Sir,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This is the first time I have approached your forum


> help

> > > .. u

> > > > > > > must have helped someone else..I m glad I got a

reply so

> > > early But

> > > > > > > again there is a discrepancy.... with all

regards ... I

> have

> > > been

> > > > > > > told (only on seeing my horoscope not husbands) My


> sati

> > > is to

> > > > > > > begin mid july 2007..also I have been told that i


> > sarp NOT

> > > > kaal

> > > > > > > sarp dosha (confused??) Then I have guru chandala yog

> ... some

> > > > said I

> > > > > > > have kuja dosha ... Sir .. I need help pls ...

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > thks

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > -- In , Prashant

Kumar G B

> > > > > > > <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Sweety,

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I remember a post or tow from ur name/ID earlier

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > well anyway here I see from his chart

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > 23/3/08 to 23/8/09

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > and urs from 15/9/08 to 15/1/10, surely u will


> > child

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > here u will haveto see the common time span and

> deduce the

> > > > result.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > if u rasking abt Doshas in gen every chart has a


> > > w.r.t any

> > > > > > > issue else life of humans will be like inanimate


> which

> > > also

> > > > > > > are subject to weather, environment.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > as far as children no as u will have them soon.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > his sad saat is far waway say 2023 and urs is

in 3 yrs

> > > > from now

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > he can pray to any form of vishnu say Krishna

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > and u any form of shiva for overall happiness in


> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Best wishes

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Sweety <royalnpt@> wrote:

> > > > > > > > hello sir,

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I wonder wat my stars say ... badly confused. I

> consulted so

> > > > many

> > > > > > > > astrologers n got so many different answers to my


> > > that i m

> > > > > > > > shocked n wonder if is there is anything such as

> astrology

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > My date of birth 14th april 1976 thane maharashtra


> > > > afternoon.

> > > > > > > My

> > > > > > > > husbands 1st march 1976 amethi night 11.00.

> > > > > > > > can we have healthy children??n when?? when do we

> sade sati

> > > > ?? do

> > > > > > > we

> > > > > > > > have any doshas in our chart ?? any remedies?? how


> > our life

> > > > > > > going to

> > > > > > > > be financially , mentally ?? etc

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > pls help and guide .. we are not getting ptoper


> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! -


> life,

> > > your

> > > > > > > story.

> > > > > > > > Play Sims Stories at Games.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been


> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Looking for earth-friendly autos?

> > > > > Browse Top Cars by " Green Rating " at Autos' Green

> Center.

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Prashant ji ,


sorry to interfere in this mail


but as when i looked her chart , her chart and even her lagna changes, so you

can ask her symptoms

related with the Raman's ayanamsa chart and if it matches her than fine

otherwise ....she have

other options.

like for leo lagna, her venus gets in 8th , and moon and rahu position changes ,

so each can be

verified as per house results.






--- Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar wrote:


> Sweety.


> I must start with the line again I use ramans so dasa, dates, amsas will

differ and time will

> demonstrate it, if u accept this u can see how the indications given work and

get back either

> way if I fail or it comes out true as what i quite is more traditional works



> for the health of the group skip the basis of my readings [is purely

classical texts based

> though]


> u will have a child and will know soon max by Nov this yr of the progress.


> from urs I feel between 27/11 /07 to 15/9/08 u can have a child


> and his before 17/5/08 will show him becoming a father.


> his chart does show some fertility issues there and a delayed father hood with

some losses

> [over] w.r.t children and even otherwise we can say children are a source of

anxiety strain in

> gen for both of u but will do well I mean get good children who will grow and

live away from u.


> be hopeful all will be fine, devlop a +ve minset it can improve matters and ur

sade saat is not

> responsible for that loss.


> there are combinations for Putra shokha in ur charts which is over 25/12/06

to 12/5/07 in this

> the time frame of Jan 8-10 was v high and dramatic- ] so look ahead

> and follow the prayer indications given earlier.



> if u want any Tech info on this write to me I want to save group space.



> best wishes


> Sweety <royalnpt wrote:

> Sir ,


> With regards ..U must have studied my horoscope as well as my

> husbands .. i will place it again


> Mine - 14th april 1976 at 2.30 afternoon in thane city Maharashtra

> Husband - 1st march 1976 at 11 night in Amethi


> We both are 31 now ..We had a beautiful daughter last year on 31st

> may 2006 at 11.11 afternoon in vishapatnam ( today is her

> birthday) .. She was 7days old when i came to know she had a hole in

> the heart .. large inlet vsd .. afetr that I had only been getting

> worse news on the holes .. the number went up (Multiple vsd )as she

> grew .. we got her operated in jan 2007 and she expired on 9th jan

> 2007.


> I always had faith in kundli .. was married only after my kundli

> matched with my husbands 16 gunas i think but i wanted to marry him (

> arranged marriage). Prior to that one of the trusted astrolgers in

> thane had asked us to perform kumbh vivah and kaal sarp shanti

> poojs .we had these poojas done.


> When i discovered about my daughter .. My mother , father , myself

> have approched every astrologer we knew ... some said she had shani

> mahadasa .. I did tula daan every 15 days or 1 month .Every sat i

> took her to temple . One said she had chandra doshas .. i did the

> pooja in oct last year donating 11 silver moons etc.


> I did everything i could but she didnot survive .. Gods plan and my

> past karmas .. I was told by one punditjee that since I was from

> kanya rashi my sade saati had begun from nov last year .. I thought i

> was suffereing saturns anger.


> Now I am being told ther was no sade saati .. tuh woh kya tha??

> without a sade saati i have suffered so much .. so I dread the worst

> that is being predicted for me ..if next 2 yrs i will have abortions

> when will have children i will be 33 yrs old by then .the chances of

> children born to late parent they suffer from down syndroome etc..


> 7 yrs of worst sade saati yet to come..worse than what i have gone

> through or samiliar..


> there is no planet there to help ?? I wonder wat bad karmas i have

> collecetd to get such a life??


> U have told about my horoscope .. wat about my husbands fate?? .. if

> i suffer so will he seeing me suffer .after marriage certain

> sufferings are mutual .. can u put some light on this i have a

> problem with begetting children soon .. is his horoscope also the

> same .. pls help with consideration .. I am running from pillar to

> post and Yes i will and have approached everyone who I think can

> help .


> Thanking all of u and if any one any more inputs pls advise ..


> grateful


> , " Tarun " <tarun_vst

> wrote:

> >

> > From Raman's chart my dasha changes by nearly 16 months...and that

> is

> > due to my first dasha.

> >

> > if the first dasha is lengthy than the dates will differ on large

> > scale. if the planets are on margin the prediction will differ alot,

> > the navamsa will be changed and all the calculations will too.

> >

> > now even in KP ..new kp ayanamsa is introduced. which also differes

> > from the older kp ayanamsa.

> >

> > The new KP ayanamsa according to kp forum is - Ayanamsa: 23° 32' 14 "

> > where as the older is - Ayanamsa: 23-51-37.81

> >

> >

> > I hope this is only due to ayanamsa problem.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Baskar

> > >

> > > why I should see some where u can see many of my forecasts come to

> > the date in this group itself or VA or JS where we use just

> > traditional systems and no non vedic system u will find many to the

> > date readings this is by chance and I HAVE ALWAYS SAID to people

> when

> > they give feedback it is a great tribute to our rishis for their

> > knowledge and we just need to follow them and need not tinker but

> > adapt the possible interpretations to our times. not a single one I

> > said it is my individual greatness i thanked feed back as feed back

> > on astrology esp after one disaapointed member wrote on astrology

> when

> > his wife died due tocancer now he has slowly accepted it and HE HAS

> > GOT RE-MARRIED AS I SAID that too he has posted here.

> > > some members children's or their sisters etc I have given the

> > star.rasi, Lagna too here and they have posted u can see here itself

> > in archives.

> > >

> > > IT IS AS SAID ONLY THE RISHIS WORK if it works well and good else

> i

> > need to go back and see where i went wrong in using their works. I

> > always check my failures and appricate those feedbacks 1st as they

> are

> > our Gurus as well.

> > >

> > >

> > > I do make mistakes while entering data at times due to my eye

> sight

> > I mentioned a few times but u can see some posts where i immideately

> > correct them saying in subject line correction if I am still online

> > else next day when i read i have

> > >


> > WRITTEN WHICH USES 32 decimal accuracy most s/w give max 5 by

> > calculator 2 these with some engineers from BHEL and L & T and ICAS

> > people to back up and verify most parts took years and after a level

> > gave it up as features what parasara light, visual jyotish goravani,

> > future systems etc give is what I had in mind and as they r ready in

> > market did not waste time on it further

> > >

> > > about reading charts posted in groups I said any member can

> comment

> > on a query and asked to to comment on mine so many times, can give u

> > the chats if u want

> > >

> > > look at VA or jyotish or KP site one chart is commented by avg 20

> > ppl it only makes the forum better. when there is discussion

> > >

> > > but I REPEAT I Never read urs as urs is based on KP

> > > and I use traditional system s so no point and what I told u

> applies

> > to me as well

> > > if i comment on urs I must see thru KP screen, which I know

> doesn't

> > work even KN RAO for that matter doesn't use KP does he just

> > traditional systems.

> > >

> > > KP was a gifted man not his system I said last yr too else why his

> > sons r still selling books in single room diaplated single room

> shops

> > and selling other books say on IT, management, health CAT, yoga,

> more

> > than KP in same stalls.

> > >

> > > while ramans family most of them are well known astrologers in

> > their own right.

> > > they also sell books of other authors even KP but no non astro

> books

> > unlike KP sons.

> > >

> > > and if u accept raman's works and not his ayanamsa then all his

> work

> > is not there at all he has given his workings for most predictions

> and

> > anyone who can read the same in his ayanamsa will see it as


=== message truncated ===




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that is the accepted point u accept the picture wholly not in bits and all we do

accept our Masters foot steps and if it worked for them it must work for us too,


my borth details are here when many asked


in lahiris i have kuja in 12, ramans in lagna


my star in Lahiri is Kritika 4 , ramans Rohini -1 doesnt it change it does


an exalted chandra gave a change of house to my parents and to me 3 weeks after

I was born if lahiris it wud be 6 months later the fact is we moved


my gurus were v high people too as exalted chandra in 9th


Mr K ASHWATAPPA was a architect with 16 degrees to his credit and a lot of

knowledge in various subjects


my 2nd and Main guru is well respeted wprld over with 4 generations of Mysore

Maharaja asthana jyotishis. he worked in 22 jobs last job for 35 yrs with


BRANCHHEAD OF MNC's etc. and many political industirialists visit him even now

at 85 yrs almost entire SC visits him. from world bank, IMF, NASA, AT & T INTEL

etc many come to him


all these in ramans foot steps, made no money still lives of little income he



best wishes



~~Tarun~~ <tarun_vst wrote: Prashant

ji ,


sorry to interfere in this mail


but as when i looked her chart , her chart and even her lagna changes, so you

can ask her symptoms

related with the Raman's ayanamsa chart and if it matches her than fine

otherwise ....she have

other options.

like for leo lagna, her venus gets in 8th , and moon and rahu position changes

, so each can be

verified as per house results.






--- Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar wrote:


> Sweety.


> I must start with the line again I use ramans so dasa, dates, amsas will

differ and time will

> demonstrate it, if u accept this u can see how the indications given work and

get back either

> way if I fail or it comes out true as what i quite is more traditional works



> for the health of the group skip the basis of my readings [is purely

classical texts based

> though]


> u will have a child and will know soon max by Nov this yr of the progress.


> from urs I feel between 27/11 /07 to 15/9/08 u can have a child


> and his before 17/5/08 will show him becoming a father.


> his chart does show some fertility issues there and a delayed father hood

with some losses

> [over] w.r.t children and even otherwise we can say children are a source of

anxiety strain in

> gen for both of u but will do well I mean get good children who will grow and

live away from u.


> be hopeful all will be fine, devlop a +ve minset it can improve matters and

ur sade saat is not

> responsible for that loss.


> there are combinations for Putra shokha in ur charts which is over 25/12/06

to 12/5/07 in this

> the time frame of Jan 8-10 was v high and dramatic- ] so look ahead

> and follow the prayer indications given earlier.



> if u want any Tech info on this write to me I want to save group space.



> best wishes


> Sweety <royalnpt wrote:

> Sir ,


> With regards ..U must have studied my horoscope as well as my

> husbands .. i will place it again


> Mine - 14th april 1976 at 2.30 afternoon in thane city Maharashtra

> Husband - 1st march 1976 at 11 night in Amethi


> We both are 31 now ..We had a beautiful daughter last year on 31st

> may 2006 at 11.11 afternoon in vishapatnam ( today is her

> birthday) .. She was 7days old when i came to know she had a hole in

> the heart .. large inlet vsd .. afetr that I had only been getting

> worse news on the holes .. the number went up (Multiple vsd )as she

> grew .. we got her operated in jan 2007 and she expired on 9th jan

> 2007.


> I always had faith in kundli .. was married only after my kundli

> matched with my husbands 16 gunas i think but i wanted to marry him (

> arranged marriage). Prior to that one of the trusted astrolgers in

> thane had asked us to perform kumbh vivah and kaal sarp shanti

> poojs .we had these poojas done.


> When i discovered about my daughter .. My mother , father , myself

> have approched every astrologer we knew ... some said she had shani

> mahadasa .. I did tula daan every 15 days or 1 month .Every sat i

> took her to temple . One said she had chandra doshas .. i did the

> pooja in oct last year donating 11 silver moons etc.


> I did everything i could but she didnot survive .. Gods plan and my

> past karmas .. I was told by one punditjee that since I was from

> kanya rashi my sade saati had begun from nov last year .. I thought i

> was suffereing saturns anger.


> Now I am being told ther was no sade saati .. tuh woh kya tha??

> without a sade saati i have suffered so much .. so I dread the worst

> that is being predicted for me ..if next 2 yrs i will have abortions

> when will have children i will be 33 yrs old by then .the chances of

> children born to late parent they suffer from down syndroome etc..


> 7 yrs of worst sade saati yet to come..worse than what i have gone

> through or samiliar..


> there is no planet there to help ?? I wonder wat bad karmas i have

> collecetd to get such a life??


> U have told about my horoscope .. wat about my husbands fate?? .. if

> i suffer so will he seeing me suffer .after marriage certain

> sufferings are mutual .. can u put some light on this i have a

> problem with begetting children soon .. is his horoscope also the

> same .. pls help with consideration .. I am running from pillar to

> post and Yes i will and have approached everyone who I think can

> help .


> Thanking all of u and if any one any more inputs pls advise ..


> grateful


> , " Tarun " <tarun_vst

> wrote:

> >

> > From Raman's chart my dasha changes by nearly 16 months...and that

> is

> > due to my first dasha.

> >

> > if the first dasha is lengthy than the dates will differ on large

> > scale. if the planets are on margin the prediction will differ alot,

> > the navamsa will be changed and all the calculations will too.

> >

> > now even in KP ..new kp ayanamsa is introduced. which also differes

> > from the older kp ayanamsa.

> >

> > The new KP ayanamsa according to kp forum is - Ayanamsa: 23° 32' 14 "

> > where as the older is - Ayanamsa: 23-51-37.81

> >

> >

> > I hope this is only due to ayanamsa problem.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Baskar

> > >

> > > why I should see some where u can see many of my forecasts come to

> > the date in this group itself or VA or JS where we use just

> > traditional systems and no non vedic system u will find many to the

> > date readings this is by chance and I HAVE ALWAYS SAID to people

> when

> > they give feedback it is a great tribute to our rishis for their

> > knowledge and we just need to follow them and need not tinker but

> > adapt the possible interpretations to our times. not a single one I

> > said it is my individual greatness i thanked feed back as feed back

> > on astrology esp after one disaapointed member wrote on astrology

> when

> > his wife died due tocancer now he has slowly accepted it and HE HAS

> > GOT RE-MARRIED AS I SAID that too he has posted here.

> > > some members children's or their sisters etc I have given the

> > star.rasi, Lagna too here and they have posted u can see here itself

> > in archives.

> > >

> > > IT IS AS SAID ONLY THE RISHIS WORK if it works well and good else

> i

> > need to go back and see where i went wrong in using their works. I

> > always check my failures and appricate those feedbacks 1st as they

> are

> > our Gurus as well.

> > >

> > >

> > > I do make mistakes while entering data at times due to my eye

> sight

> > I mentioned a few times but u can see some posts where i immideately

> > correct them saying in subject line correction if I am still online

> > else next day when i read i have

> > >


> > WRITTEN WHICH USES 32 decimal accuracy most s/w give max 5 by

> > calculator 2 these with some engineers from BHEL and L & T and ICAS

> > people to back up and verify most parts took years and after a level

> > gave it up as features what parasara light, visual jyotish goravani,

> > future systems etc give is what I had in mind and as they r ready in

> > market did not waste time on it further

> > >

> > > about reading charts posted in groups I said any member can

> comment

> > on a query and asked to to comment on mine so many times, can give u

> > the chats if u want

> > >

> > > look at VA or jyotish or KP site one chart is commented by avg 20

> > ppl it only makes the forum better. when there is discussion

> > >

> > > but I REPEAT I Never read urs as urs is based on KP

> > > and I use traditional system s so no point and what I told u

> applies

> > to me as well

> > > if i comment on urs I must see thru KP screen, which I know

> doesn't

> > work even KN RAO for that matter doesn't use KP does he just

> > traditional systems.

> > >

> > > KP was a gifted man not his system I said last yr too else why his

> > sons r still selling books in single room diaplated single room

> shops

> > and selling other books say on IT, management, health CAT, yoga,

> more

> > than KP in same stalls.

> > >

> > > while ramans family most of them are well known astrologers in

> > their own right.

> > > they also sell books of other authors even KP but no non astro

> books

> > unlike KP sons.

> > >

> > > and if u accept raman's works and not his ayanamsa then all his

> work

> > is not there at all he has given his workings for most predictions

> and

> > anyone who can read the same in his ayanamsa will see it as


=== message truncated ===


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