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what happens after getting moksh

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god is a big fire that has constructive and destructive soul is a spark


of fire who is same as big fire by the property but does not have creative and

construction power


the small spark merges in the big fire and is one with god again


god is ocean and soul is a glass of ocean water


ocean is v powerful with constructive and destructive powers a drop of ocean

water even though


same does not have the same powers as ocean and that drop, merges with ocean

and becomes one


soul does not return back to life and death until the life span of a brahma is



but karmas survive change of kalpa and manavantar



free_for_blue <free_for_blue >

Wednesday, June 27, 2007 8:47 PM

what happens after getting moksh



i have a seriouse question that is been going in my mind since long.......

when one cuts the cycle of death and re-birth and gets moksh or mukti then

what happens...then what happens to the atman(the soul)....if one knows that

this is his last physical life in this world and he will not be born again since

he has now cut/stop the cycle of death & re-birth then what happens to his/her

soul after this life....in this specific case where does the soul go after

leaving the body...does it get dissolved in the cosmic universe or what...what

is the final resting place or final destination for the atman(the soul) in the

infinite universe considering the scenario i gave now...

any views ...




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vedic astrology , Vikrant <free_for_blue wrote:


> i have a seriouse question that is been going in my mind since




master the mind and be a mastermind. Mind goes to the background when

one has jivanmukti. These questions recede to the background as atma

consciousness comes to the foreground.



> when one cuts the cycle of death and re-birth and gets moksh or

mukti then what happens...then what happens to the atman(the soul)....



usually departs the body via the eye socket ...




if one knows that this is his last physical life in this world and he

will not be born again since he has now cut/stop the cycle of death &

re-birth then what happens to his/her soul after this life



Welcome to the human race. Ever since the birth of consciousness, man

has been seeking the meaning of life, the goal of life. If you pray to

the manes, you go to the manes; if you pray to the gods, you go to the

gods, if you pray for Swarga, you go to Swarga; if you seek the

formless absolute, then you merge with the formless absolute.


One does not have attachment for these things and their answers, one

seeks detachment and a firm, steady mind at the moment of death,

focussed on charana kamala, the Lotus Feet.





.....in this specific case where does the soul go after leaving the

body...does it get dissolved in the cosmic universe or what...what is

the final resting place or final destination for the atman(the soul)

in the infinite universe considering the scenario i gave now...

> any views ...


> Vikrant




For those who come back, what they are thinking of at the moment of

death determines where they go in the intercostal period. For those

who do not come back, one would have to ask what it is they are

focussed on or what their awareness is of their true nature.


Perhaps, one could say " Krishnapranam " or " Sohum " with every breath;

then the consciousness is not koham, deham, aham, but I am He!

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soul that gets moksh or mukti iluminated in the skys as Nakshtra?

Certain Soul gets elevated to the rank of INDRATHI DEVATHAS according to HINDU



There are good many pandits in the list they could throw more light on the

subject if they get a sight of your query.


Chris Parnell <chris wrote:

vedic astrology , Vikrant <free_for_blue wrote:


> i have a seriouse question that is been going in my mind since




master the mind and be a mastermind. Mind goes to the background when

one has jivanmukti. These questions recede to the background as atma

consciousness comes to the foreground.



> when one cuts the cycle of death and re-birth and gets moksh or

mukti then what happens...then what happens to the atman(the soul)....



usually departs the body via the eye socket ...



if one knows that this is his last physical life in this world and he

will not be born again since he has now cut/stop the cycle of death &

re-birth then what happens to his/her soul after this life



Welcome to the human race. Ever since the birth of consciousness, man

has been seeking the meaning of life, the goal of life. If you pray to

the manes, you go to the manes; if you pray to the gods, you go to the

gods, if you pray for Swarga, you go to Swarga; if you seek the

formless absolute, then you merge with the formless absolute.


One does not have attachment for these things and their answers, one

seeks detachment and a firm, steady mind at the moment of death,

focussed on charana kamala, the Lotus Feet.



....in this specific case where does the soul go after leaving the

body...does it get dissolved in the cosmic universe or what...what is

the final resting place or final destination for the atman(the soul)

in the infinite universe considering the scenario i gave now...

> any views ...


> Vikrant



For those who come back, what they are thinking of at the moment of

death determines where they go in the intercostal period. For those

who do not come back, one would have to ask what it is they are

focussed on or what their awareness is of their true nature.


Perhaps, one could say " Krishnapranam " or " Sohum " with every breath;

then the consciousness is not koham, deham, aham, but I am He!








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i have a seriouse question that is been going in my mind since long.......

when one cuts the cycle of death and re-birth and gets moksh or mukti then what

happens...then what happens to the atman(the soul)....if one knows that this is

his last physical life in this world and he will not be born again since he has

now cut/stop the cycle of death & re-birth then what happens to his/her soul

after this life....in this specific case where does the soul go after leaving

the body...does it get dissolved in the cosmic universe or what...what is the

final resting place or final destination for the atman(the soul) in the infinite

universe considering the scenario i gave now...

any views ...










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Dear Vikrant ji,

Have you heard one story? The Atmans are fixed in number,

imperishable, and it can neither be increased or decreased and god is

alone. Now when the earth was created god looked around to put the

atman inside some living being and couldn't find none. So he captured

some atmans that are flying around put a hundred each in each

dinosaur that just started evolving! So in short the Dinosaurs had

more atmans in a single body than we have today (only a single one

inside)! Further prior to the period of Dinosaurs all these atmans

where hiding amebas and fungi and even prior to that inside rocks and

lava!! Now since there is enough human beings in number they started

living inside humans!

Well that is just a fictitious story... :) :) :)


It is possibly due to this very reason that Budha said their is no

Atman and Gurjuff that we have to acquire the atman. In short 'Atma'

or 'Soul' is just another name for 'Pure consciousness'. Please don't

start giving it individuality. Moksha just means 'merging with the

whole', 'merging with the ultimate', 'merging with Siva' and thus

getting out of the cycle and recycling of matter or the stuff. But

still the body will be re-cycled, but the pure consciousness escapes

to merge with the true reality. If that is Moksha, then what else to

happen 'after' that?!! There is no prior or after (meaning 'time

losses meaning') and no universe or recycling. What is what is - and

the reality realized! [No! Not by the I-ness! Nobody is getting

moksha. Nobody is present their.....What happens is relity -pure

consciousness - getting merged back into pure consciousness]

Now you can start 'thinking'(!) about the benefits(!) or usefulness

of Moksha; or just start 'practicing' meditation and get rid of such



Note: Logic is good for practical purpose, but not in the search of

something that is beyond the mind (beyond the logic)...there only

feeling and (at least) occasional experience of the pure

consciousness can help us...Life is a mystery and it will remain so...





, Vikrant <free_for_blue



> i have a seriouse question that is been going in my mind since


> when one cuts the cycle of death and re-birth and gets moksh or

mukti then what happens...then what happens to the atman(the

soul)....if one knows that this is his last physical life in this

world and he will not be born again since he has now cut/stop the

cycle of death & re-birth then what happens to his/her soul after

this life....in this specific case where does the soul go after

leaving the body...does it get dissolved in the cosmic universe or

what...what is the final resting place or final destination for the

atman(the soul) in the infinite universe considering the scenario i

gave now...

> any views ...


> Vikrant


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Dear Vikrant,

It merges with the Parmatman.



Vikrant wrote:


> i have a seriouse question that is been going in my mind since long.......

> when one cuts the cycle of death and re-birth and gets moksh or mukti

> then what happens...then what happens to the atman(the soul)....if one

> knows that this is his last physical life in this world and he will

> not be born again since he has now cut/stop the cycle of death &

> re-birth then what happens to his/her soul after this life....in this

> specific case where does the soul go after leaving the body...does it

> get dissolved in the cosmic universe or what...what is the final

> resting place or final destination for the atman(the soul) in the

> infinite universe considering the scenario i gave now...

> any views ...


> Vikrant



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Dear Vikrant,


> i have a seriouse question that is been going in my mind since long.......

> when one cuts the cycle of death and re-birth and gets moksh or mukti then

what happens...then what happens to the atman(the soul)....if one knows that

this is his last physical life in this world and he will not be born again since

he has now cut/stop the cycle of death & re-birth then what happens to his/her

soul after this life....in this specific case where does the soul go after

leaving the body...does it get dissolved in the cosmic universe or what...what

is the final resting place or final destination for the atman(the soul) in the

infinite universe considering the scenario i gave now...

> any views ...


> Vikrant


All that there is is Brahman. Just as ripples arise in ocean and the ripples

forget that they are just ocean and form a separate identity and look at other

parts of the same ocean as different ripples/other objects, a part of Brahman

forgets that it is Brahman and forms a separate identity. It starts looking at

other parts of Brahman as different objects.


Moksha is when one completely loses these false self-identities and realizes

one's true nature, i.e. that one is not a ripple but the ocean itself.


There are two kinds. In the first kind, one enters a Nirvikalpa samadhi. One

just merges in Brahman. One no longer has any self-identification (e.g. " I am

Vikrant " , " I am Narasimha " , " I am an astrologer " , " I am a good person " etc). One

neither perceives " self " or " other " . One's perception is clear of any objects or

duality. One just swims in the bliss that true self is (sat-chid-ananda). There

is no experience. There is no self, no objects to be experienced and no



If one reaches this state and does not return from the state (Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa used to say " salt doll went to measure the depth of the ocean and

melted and mixed with the ocean " ), that is moksha.


The second kind is even more difficult. In that kind, one enters Sahaja samadhi.

One sees different objects of this dual world and interacts with those objects

as if one is a limited object too. But yet, one fully realizes that all objects

are non-different from Brahman. In terms of our ocean-ripple analogy, one

realizes that one is not a ripple but ocean and yet acts like a ripple with

other ripples without any corruption in the understanding that all is ocean.

Being rooted in non-duality perfectly while perceiving and acting in the dual

world is indeed difficult. One who reaches this state is living and yet

liberated (jeevanmukta). This is an extremely difficult thing.


There have been many who got moksha, but very very very very few who got moksha

while living in the body and acting in the body. Yogis like Shirdi Sai Baba,

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Ramana Maharshi are indeed rare.


BTW, it is my feeling that you will benefit from performing Mahaganapathi homam

with some regularity. If interested, please pursue the link below.


Best regards,



Homam manual and audio: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org





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Dear Sri Narasimha,


I am really glad to see you back in this group. It reminds me of the

very interesting debats we had sometime ago.


I always appreciate your contribution.


Best regards,

Satya S Kolachina


, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao "

<pvr wrote:


> Dear Vikrant,


> > i have a seriouse question that is been going in my mind since


> > when one cuts the cycle of death and re-birth and gets moksh or

mukti then what happens...then what happens to the atman(the

soul)....if one knows that this is his last physical life in this

world and he will not be born again since he has now cut/stop the

cycle of death & re-birth then what happens to his/her soul after

this life....in this specific case where does the soul go after

leaving the body...does it get dissolved in the cosmic universe or

what...what is the final resting place or final destination for the

atman(the soul) in the infinite universe considering the scenario i

gave now...

> > any views ...

> >

> > Vikrant


> All that there is is Brahman. Just as ripples arise in ocean and

the ripples forget that they are just ocean and form a separate

identity and look at other parts of the same ocean as different

ripples/other objects, a part of Brahman forgets that it is Brahman

and forms a separate identity. It starts looking at other parts of

Brahman as different objects.


> Moksha is when one completely loses these false self-identities

and realizes one's true nature, i.e. that one is not a ripple but

the ocean itself.


> There are two kinds. In the first kind, one enters a Nirvikalpa

samadhi. One just merges in Brahman. One no longer has any self-

identification (e.g. " I am Vikrant " , " I am Narasimha " , " I am an

astrologer " , " I am a good person " etc). One neither perceives " self "

or " other " . One's perception is clear of any objects or duality. One

just swims in the bliss that true self is (sat-chid-ananda). There

is no experience. There is no self, no objects to be experienced and

no experience.


> If one reaches this state and does not return from the state

(Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to say " salt doll went to measure the

depth of the ocean and melted and mixed with the ocean " ), that is



> The second kind is even more difficult. In that kind, one enters

Sahaja samadhi. One sees different objects of this dual world and

interacts with those objects as if one is a limited object too. But

yet, one fully realizes that all objects are non-different from

Brahman. In terms of our ocean-ripple analogy, one realizes that one

is not a ripple but ocean and yet acts like a ripple with other

ripples without any corruption in the understanding that all is

ocean. Being rooted in non-duality perfectly while perceiving and

acting in the dual world is indeed difficult. One who reaches this

state is living and yet liberated (jeevanmukta). This is an

extremely difficult thing.


> There have been many who got moksha, but very very very very few

who got moksha while living in the body and acting in the body.

Yogis like Shirdi Sai Baba, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Ramana

Maharshi are indeed rare.


> BTW, it is my feeling that you will benefit from performing

Mahaganapathi homam with some regularity. If interested, please

pursue the link below.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------------

> Homam manual and audio: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------------




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Dear Vikrant,


After your last post this aspect has been dealt with at some length on this


Nachiketa had asked similar questions from Yamaraj. " Kathopnishad " contains

the entire explanation about happenings after death till next birth in

conversation form beautifully - read that. That would help you understand the

sibject better.


Best wishes,

Amitabh Shastri


Vikrant <free_for_blue wrote: i have

a seriouse question that is been going in my mind since long.......

when one cuts the cycle of death and re-birth and gets moksh or mukti then what

happens...then what happens to the atman(the soul)....if one knows that this is

his last physical life in this world and he will not be born again since he has

now cut/stop the cycle of death & re-birth then what happens to his/her soul

after this life....in this specific case where does the soul go after leaving

the body...does it get dissolved in the cosmic universe or what...what is the

final resting place or final destination for the atman(the soul) in the infinite

universe considering the scenario i gave now...

any views ...




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