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Aug 12, Sep 11th 07

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Dear Members,


from Aug 12th to Sep 11th between 2 amavasyas we have 2 eclipses too

on 28th Aug and sep 11th.07


this coupled with KUJA, SANI, RAVI, , RAhU, KETU AXIS will see far reaching

changes in several govts WORLD over with authority threatened with some violence

on them or their personal , insane, suicidal jihadi fires destroying many

precious human lives and human achievements.


families with disturbed people and hyper active kids need to watch for some

eccentric times in them many may be prone to injuries


natural disasters can also claim many lives, [volcanic, seismic activities,



in Eastern regions, in power centers [of govt] say capitals and important

centers. and western areas too. extreme parts of countirs.


apart from this month there can be some 6 month window for eclipses driven

changes to happen in the said lines I quote B V RAMAN's experiences here. I have

studied the pattern from his writings and found them workable I have posted such

content in a few groups from time to time.


let peace be with all of us



Best wishes








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