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Video Analysis of Peru Earthquake

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I uploaded a new video that shows the charts of the

moment when the earthquake happened in Peru last week.

As I discuss in this chart, there are many planets on

the opposite sides of the earth, all bunched up in

close proximity to each other. Also, the fact that the

sun and Mercury were at the edge of Sidereal Cancer

and Leo, the Gandantha points, made for lot of

unstable energy. Also, retrograde Venus was close by

and the moon was exerting a lot of gravitational



I realized that i had the local time wrong, due to

some initial confusion about the time. I first heard

about 8PM then it was corrected to 6:40, so the

ascendant would not be right at the edge or Pisces and

Aquarius, it would be about 8 Sidereal Aquarius, which

is actually makes much more sense given the stellium

in Sidereal Leo would be opposing at the time.


Astrological Analysis of Peru Earthquake


You will notice there is a disclaimer under this video

upload about deleting inflammatory comments. This is

because when I first uploaded the video there were

many obnoxious and belligerent comments about

astrology and me personally (you can imagine). There

is still a lot of astrological ignorance out there

which I will be addressing soon. If you would like to

leave constructive comments at the video page it would

go a long way to giving credibility to astrology in



I actually predicted this earthquake the day before it

happened. In my forecasts of August 15th and 16th, I

very clearly stated the ominous possibility. If you

check out these videos, you will notice they were

uploaded August 14, the day before the earthquake. I

am not pointing this out to brag, just to illustrate

that astrology is predictive and does work on that

level. I am more interested in natal Astrology (the

charts of people, etc.) But in keeping a close eye on

how planets affect mundane events I get a better

feeling for their effects on people as well. Many of

us are having earthquakes of our own these days.


August 15 Vedic Astrology Forecast


August 16 Vedic Astrology Forecast


You can also to this page is you like. I am

constantly uploading videos here.


best wishes,


http://Vedic Astrologycenter.net

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hi Sam

I cannot make the video work so would appreciate the original mail about the EQ

in Peru?

Also have you charted the recent hurricane Dean?





sam geppi


Monday, August 20, 2007 8:08 PM

Video Analysis of Peru Earthquake




I uploaded a new video that shows the charts of the

moment when the earthquake happened in Peru last week.

As I discuss in this chart, there are many planets on

the opposite sides of the earth, all bunched up in

close proximity to each other. Also, the fact that the

sun and Mercury were at the edge of Sidereal Cancer

and Leo, the Gandantha points, made for lot of

unstable energy. Also, retrograde Venus was close by

and the moon was exerting a lot of gravitational



I realized that i had the local time wrong, due to

some initial confusion about the time. I first heard

about 8PM then it was corrected to 6:40, so the

ascendant would not be right at the edge or Pisces and

Aquarius, it would be about 8 Sidereal Aquarius, which

is actually makes much more sense given the stellium

in Sidereal Leo would be opposing at the time.


Astrological Analysis of Peru Earthquake


You will notice there is a disclaimer under this video

upload about deleting inflammatory comments. This is

because when I first uploaded the video there were

many obnoxious and belligerent comments about

astrology and me personally (you can imagine). There

is still a lot of astrological ignorance out there

which I will be addressing soon. If you would like to

leave constructive comments at the video page it would

go a long way to giving credibility to astrology in



I actually predicted this earthquake the day before it

happened. In my forecasts of August 15th and 16th, I

very clearly stated the ominous possibility. If you

check out these videos, you will notice they were

uploaded August 14, the day before the earthquake. I

am not pointing this out to brag, just to illustrate

that astrology is predictive and does work on that

level. I am more interested in natal Astrology (the

charts of people, etc.) But in keeping a close eye on

how planets affect mundane events I get a better

feeling for their effects on people as well. Many of

us are having earthquakes of our own these days.


August 15 Vedic Astrology Forecast


August 16 Vedic Astrology Forecast


You can also to this page is you like. I am

constantly uploading videos here.


best wishes,


http://Vedic Astrologycenter.net






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