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Why are are born here - birth and rebirth why ? 9/9

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Sear RRi, Amitab,


well both of u have complimented ur work well here and may be can expand on them

slowly esp on the finer aspects of Kathopahisnad's dialouge that has some

apparent clues.


its been nice to read the whole thing though which we broadly are aware of these

through our parents, grand parents I am sure the younger generations will need

some introduction, the ones born in the NEW ECONOMY, where parents have no time

but for keeping their career graph up if not at same level. someone else may be

knocking at their seat....!


this can help in unwinding some stress levels if we know the Karma cycle catches

up with us in taken and missed opportunities-some get a rise just like that or

even out of turn many get side stepped or side tracked, thus frustrated ruining

their own efforts in either resigning and going else where-if they had waited

their time here may be will their KARMA WILL GIVE THEM A BETTER RISE HERE itself

than an unknown angel somewhere, the frustrated soul that goes to a new job may

still feel the hurt there and still under perform the chain goes on. only when

one understands , accepts the situation that their karma wants them to wait for

their turn for a rise and be contented life is healthier else a disturbed soul





best wishes


Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan wrote:

Amitabh ji,


Just focusing on one aspect of your email which I quote:

" In the process of Karma, a term " Rnanubandhan " is important. In

simple words it implies that you would only interact with a living

being, only if a IOU of Karma exists from either side. If it does not

exist there is no interaction. "


While I do not deny the significance of the concept/belief of

Rinanubandhan, if this were the exclusive basis of human interactions

in any given lifetime, then we would not be meeting any new 'souls'

ever! If that indeed is the case, then we run into the same pithy and

disturbing question similar to the ones that have plagued

philosophers and thinking theologeans for eons, such as:


What was the original karma that set it all rolling for the nascent

and pure soul when it experienced its first earthly life(chicken or

the egg, which came first)?


and many more in the same vein ...!


Surely, there is more to the reality that we all try to understand

and explain, often without direct knowledge (this is when we quote

Rishi Munis and assume that they have had it all figured out, but

even the classics have different opinions!)


I am not necessarily asking you a question, but merely thinking

aloud, so please do not feel pressured to somehow explain this cosmic

riddle in one or a series of emails, this cosmic 'guththee' that we

are befuddled with as a human race...





, Amitabh Shastri

<amitabh_shastri wrote:


> Dear Sushil,


> This is a question on which an entire Upanishad is available -

Kathopnishad is in the form of a dialogue between Yama, lord of death

and Nachiketa. The latter puts across a similar question to Yama. And

with great persuasion, Yama finally explained the cycle of life and

death to the querent. Many other scriptures have also dwelt on the

same subject.


> Now without going into the details, I would try and answer as

briefly as possible.


> To understand this cycle of life and death, it is important to

understand the cycle of Karma. There are four types of Karma.

> 1. Sanchit - These are accumulated karmas through all your

lives, past and present; in whichever form you have taken birth. This

is like a bank account where all savings, both positive and negative,

are stored.

> 2. Prarabdha - These are the Karmas whose fruit you are getting

during this life. They have already started and would end with death.

These are debited from the Sanchit Karmas.

> 3. Kriyaman - These are the Karmas pertaining to this life. All

actions taken during this life get accumulated to the Sanchit Karmas.

These are the ones you are doing and are balanced with the Sanchit

Karmas. All Karmas whose fruit would be borne in some future life are

credited to the Sanchit Karmas. Those Karmas whose fruit are borne in

this life itself are debited. Your free will plays an important part

in formulation of these Karmas.

> 3. Agami - These Karmas would be fructifying in due course of

time, maybe in some future life. As a result of your thoughts and

actions these Karmas accumulate and would bear results later on.


> Now for Moksha, the sum total of all Karmas must be zero. You

should not have to pay any one. If all karmas can be burnt in this

life, moksha would be available. However, this is very difficult

because of the environment and other situations prevailing around.

There are very few lucky ones who are privileged to this position.

But this is also cyclic. Everyone achieves Moksha - some early and

some later. What does Moksha imply? In simplest words it implies

freedom from the cycle of life and death, freedom from bondage,

liberation, bliss. But this freedom is also not permanent. Since the

freedom began, it must also end at some stage. A liberated soul has

to assume a physical form (birth) again after a period of

311,040,000,000,000 years!


> Coming to birth now. It is NOT a routine process. A soul assumes a

physical form when situations are favourable for the soul to redeem

its Sanchit Karmas. Else it would not take birth. The soul enters the

body of the parent through the food chain. All living beings (humans,

animals, birds etc) with whom interaction takes place during a life,

are part of the larger Karmic cycle, which is quite complex and not

easy to understand. In the process of Karma, a term " Rnanubandhan " is

important. In simple words it implies that you would only interact

with a living being, only if a IOU of Karma exists from either side.

If it does not exist there is no interaction. This bond exists not

only with parents, family members, relatives; it exists with all

living beings with whom you interact in daily life. If the Karma

balance can be equalised with the opposite being, that's a step

closer to Moksha!!!


> I hope there is some clarity now...


> Best wishes,

> Amitabh Shastri



> " sushil.dikshit " <sushil.dikshit

wrote: Gurujans,


> One of my friends told me what is the reason of our birth. Whether


> are born with a particular motive or it is just a routine process.


> we are born on earth and how we get moksha?


> So can anyone enlighten us reason/ motive of our birth ?


> Can we know the reason by looking into the horoscope ?


> with regards

> sushil dikshit








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