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Respected Sir,


I am very much worried about my career advancement. My career is almost



I am working as a service engineer in an IT Hardware Company at present. I am

basically a Diploma in electronics engineering. After passing diploma i have

joined as service engineer & from last 15 years, i have worked for different

companies as the same service engineer post without having any promotion. With

the same qualification & experience my colleagues are now in senior post, but

unfortunately i am in the same post, only having changes the company.


Hence i request to u to give some remedy. When will my better time comes & i

will get my choice of job.


Should I continue with the Hardware line or should I change to another


Whether business is suitable for me please suggest & if suitable in which



My details are –


1.Date of Birth-7th OCTOBER 1969





Thanks & Regards


Manoj Kumar Kar

Sambalpur, Orissa







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Dear Frd,


Offcourse, you are not facing financial problem but stability in job

is a problem as well as promotion /satisfaction.The appropriate time

between Jan2009-june2009 can trigger for your above concerns,if

your TOB is given correct.Few past events can help to verify this.





MANOJ KAR <manoj_kar7 wrote:

Respected Sir,


I am very much worried about my career advancement. My career is almost



I am working as a service engineer in an IT Hardware Company at present. I am

basically a Diploma in electronics engineering. After passing diploma i have

joined as service engineer & from last 15 years, i have worked for different

companies as the same service engineer post without having any promotion. With

the same qualification & experience my colleagues are now in senior post, but

unfortunately i am in the same post, only having changes the company.


Hence i request to u to give some remedy. When will my better time comes & i

will get my choice of job.


Should I continue with the Hardware line or should I change to another


Whether business is suitable for me please suggest & if suitable in which line.


My details are –


1.Date of Birth-7th OCTOBER 1969





Thanks & Regards


Manoj Kumar Kar

Sambalpur, Orissa






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Respected Sir,


Many many thanks for ur mail & quick reply to my quarries.I am not able

understand the last line u have mentioned " few past events can..... " Pl

clraify it.


I am wearing White ZIRCON in right hand ring fingre,GOMED in right hand middle

fingre & Black horse shoe ring in the right middle fingre at present.Just few

days before i have removed Pearl after knowing that venus & rahu opposes moon.Is

it appropiate according to my chat or should i go for other stone/remedy.


Is hardware field is good for my career or should i choose another line.


The birth data given below is correct.


My moon sign is Leo & nakhyatra is magha.

Ascendent is Taurus,

3rd house is empty,

In 4th house - Moon,Venus & Ketu is there,

In 5th house-Sun,Jupiter & mercury is there,

6th & 7th house is empty,

In 8th house Mar is there,

9th is empty,

In 10th house Rahu is there,

11th house is empty &

In 12th house Saturn is there (debiliation)



manoj kumar kar




" Anup. M " <dalh_1 wrote:

Dear Frd,


Offcourse, you are not facing financial problem but stability in job

is a problem as well as promotion /satisfaction.The appropriate time

between Jan2009-june2009 can trigger for your above concerns,if

your TOB is given correct.Few past events can help to verify this.





MANOJ KAR <manoj_kar7 wrote:

Respected Sir,


I am very much worried about my career advancement. My career is almost



I am working as a service engineer in an IT Hardware Company at present. I am

basically a Diploma in electronics engineering. After passing diploma i have

joined as service engineer & from last 15 years, i have worked for different

companies as the same service engineer post without having any promotion. With

the same qualification & experience my colleagues are now in senior post, but

unfortunately i am in the same post, only having changes the company.


Hence i request to u to give some remedy. When will my better time comes & i

will get my choice of job.


Should I continue with the Hardware line or should I change to another


Whether business is suitable for me please suggest & if suitable in which line.


My details are –


1.Date of Birth-7th OCTOBER 1969




Thanks & Regards


Manoj Kumar Kar

Sambalpur, Orissa



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Past events means few important events good or bad in

your life in past (with date/month/year) if possible.

No need to depict anything abt gem or remedy you are





MANOJ KAR <manoj_kar7 wrote:

Respected Sir,


Many many thanks for ur mail & quick reply to my quarries.I am not able

understand the last line u have mentioned " few past events can..... " Pl clraify



I am wearing White ZIRCON in right hand ring fingre,GOMED in right hand middle

fingre & Black horse shoe ring in the right middle fingre at present.Just few

days before i have removed Pearl after knowing that venus & rahu opposes moon.Is

it appropiate according to my chat or should i go for other stone/remedy.


Is hardware field is good for my career or should i choose another line.


The birth data given below is correct.


My moon sign is Leo & nakhyatra is magha.

Ascendent is Taurus,

3rd house is empty,

In 4th house - Moon,Venus & Ketu is there,

In 5th house-Sun,Jupiter & mercury is there,

6th & 7th house is empty,

In 8th house Mar is there,

9th is empty,

In 10th house Rahu is there,

11th house is empty &

In 12th house Saturn is there (debiliation)



manoj kumar kar




" Anup. M " <dalh_1 wrote:

Dear Frd,


Offcourse, you are not facing financial problem but stability in job

is a problem as well as promotion /satisfaction.The appropriate time

between Jan2009-june2009 can trigger for your above concerns,if

your TOB is given correct.Few past events can help to verify this.




MANOJ KAR <manoj_kar7 wrote:

Respected Sir,


I am very much worried about my career advancement. My career is almost



I am working as a service engineer in an IT Hardware Company at present. I am

basically a Diploma in electronics engineering. After passing diploma i have

joined as service engineer & from last 15 years, i have worked for different

companies as the same service engineer post without having any promotion. With

the same qualification & experience my colleagues are now in senior post, but

unfortunately i am in the same post, only having changes the company.


Hence i request to u to give some remedy. When will my better time comes & i

will get my choice of job.


Should I continue with the Hardware line or should I change to another


Whether business is suitable for me please suggest & if suitable in which line.


My details are –


1.Date of Birth-7th OCTOBER 1969




Thanks & Regards


Manoj Kumar Kar

Sambalpur, Orissa



Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now



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Dear Sir,


I am giving some events of past for ur study pl.


1.June 1992 - Passed Engineering.

2.After passing worked for 2/3 companies from Sep 1992 to 16th Dec 1997.

3.17th Dec 1997-Joined in a reputed Telecom company at Delhi.

4.1st July 1998 - Marriage

5.3rd Oct 1998- Left Delhi after transfer to Bhubaneswar.

6.8th Oct 1998- Transferd & Joined in Bhubaneswar.

7.2nd July 1999- Left that company.

8.19th May 1999 - My wife left home after family tension.

9.29th Aug 1999- Gone to Bhubaneswar with my wife for starting new business.

10.1st Sep 1999-Stared new venture in Bhubaneswar.

11.17 Aug 2001-Baby boy born.

12.19th Aug 2002 - Joined in a new company after closing the business.

13.14th Feb 2005- Left that comapny & joined in a lower organisation.(Very

tough time from career point of view.)

14.11th July 2005-Rejoined again in the previous company left on 14th Feb. &

till now continuing.



Pl study my case deeply since as mentioned above i have many up & down in my

life & suffered both from career and family point of view.There is always

tension in my family because of my mother. I am worried about my career & future

very much.


Pl suggest some permanent remedy.










" Anup. M " <dalh_1 wrote:

Past events means few important events good or bad in

your life in past (with date/month/year) if possible.

No need to depict anything abt gem or remedy you are





MANOJ KAR <manoj_kar7 wrote:

Respected Sir,


Many many thanks for ur mail & quick reply to my quarries.I am not able

understand the last line u have mentioned " few past events can..... " Pl clraify



I am wearing White ZIRCON in right hand ring fingre,GOMED in right hand middle

fingre & Black horse shoe ring in the right middle fingre at present.Just few

days before i have removed Pearl after knowing that venus & rahu opposes moon.Is

it appropiate according to my chat or should i go for other stone/remedy.


Is hardware field is good for my career or should i choose another line.


The birth data given below is correct.


My moon sign is Leo & nakhyatra is magha.

Ascendent is Taurus,

3rd house is empty,

In 4th house - Moon,Venus & Ketu is there,

In 5th house-Sun,Jupiter & mercury is there,

6th & 7th house is empty,

In 8th house Mar is there,

9th is empty,

In 10th house Rahu is there,

11th house is empty &

In 12th house Saturn is there (debiliation)



manoj kumar kar


" Anup. M " <dalh_1 wrote:

Dear Frd,


Offcourse, you are not facing financial problem but stability in job

is a problem as well as promotion /satisfaction.The appropriate time

between Jan2009-june2009 can trigger for your above concerns,if

your TOB is given correct.Few past events can help to verify this.




MANOJ KAR <manoj_kar7 wrote:

Respected Sir,


I am very much worried about my career advancement. My career is almost



I am working as a service engineer in an IT Hardware Company at present. I am

basically a Diploma in electronics engineering. After passing diploma i have

joined as service engineer & from last 15 years, i have worked for different

companies as the same service engineer post without having any promotion. With

the same qualification & experience my colleagues are now in senior post, but

unfortunately i am in the same post, only having changes the company.


Hence i request to u to give some remedy. When will my better time comes & i

will get my choice of job.


Should I continue with the Hardware line or should I change to another


Whether business is suitable for me please suggest & if suitable in which line.


My details are –


1.Date of Birth-7th OCTOBER 1969




Thanks & Regards


Manoj Kumar Kar

Sambalpur, Orissa



Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now



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Respected ANUPji,


Sorry to disturb u sir.Perhaps u forgoten me,eagrly waiting for ur



thanks & regards

manoj kumar kar


MANOJ KAR <manoj_kar7 wrote:

Dear Sir,


I am giving some events of past for ur study pl.


1.June 1992 - Passed Engineering.

2.After passing worked for 2/3 companies from Sep 1992 to 16th Dec 1997.

3.17th Dec 1997-Joined in a reputed Telecom company at Delhi.

4.1st July 1998 - Marriage

5.3rd Oct 1998- Left Delhi after transfer to Bhubaneswar.

6.8th Oct 1998- Transferd & Joined in Bhubaneswar.

7.2nd July 1999- Left that company.

8.19th May 1999 - My wife left home after family tension.

9.29th Aug 1999- Gone to Bhubaneswar with my wife for starting new business.

10.1st Sep 1999-Stared new venture in Bhubaneswar.

11.17 Aug 2001-Baby boy born.

12.19th Aug 2002 - Joined in a new company after closing the business.

13.14th Feb 2005- Left that comapny & joined in a lower organisation.(Very tough

time from career point of view.)

14.11th July 2005-Rejoined again in the previous company left on 14th Feb. &

till now continuing.



Pl study my case deeply since as mentioned above i have many up & down in my

life & suffered both from career and family point of view.There is always

tension in my family because of my mother. I am worried about my career & future

very much.


Pl suggest some permanent remedy.










" Anup. M " <dalh_1 wrote:

Past events means few important events good or bad in

your life in past (with date/month/year) if possible.

No need to depict anything abt gem or remedy you are





MANOJ KAR <manoj_kar7 wrote:

Respected Sir,


Many many thanks for ur mail & quick reply to my quarries.I am not able

understand the last line u have mentioned " few past events can..... " Pl clraify



I am wearing White ZIRCON in right hand ring fingre,GOMED in right hand middle

fingre & Black horse shoe ring in the right middle fingre at present.Just few

days before i have removed Pearl after knowing that venus & rahu opposes moon.Is

it appropiate according to my chat or should i go for other stone/remedy.


Is hardware field is good for my career or should i choose another line.


The birth data given below is correct.


My moon sign is Leo & nakhyatra is magha.

Ascendent is Taurus,

3rd house is empty,

In 4th house - Moon,Venus & Ketu is there,

In 5th house-Sun,Jupiter & mercury is there,

6th & 7th house is empty,

In 8th house Mar is there,

9th is empty,

In 10th house Rahu is there,

11th house is empty &

In 12th house Saturn is there (debiliation)



manoj kumar kar


" Anup. M " <dalh_1 wrote:

Dear Frd,


Offcourse, you are not facing financial problem but stability in job

is a problem as well as promotion /satisfaction.The appropriate time

between Jan2009-june2009 can trigger for your above concerns,if

your TOB is given correct.Few past events can help to verify this.




MANOJ KAR <manoj_kar7 wrote:

Respected Sir,


I am very much worried about my career advancement. My career is almost



I am working as a service engineer in an IT Hardware Company at present. I am

basically a Diploma in electronics engineering. After passing diploma i have

joined as service engineer & from last 15 years, i have worked for different

companies as the same service engineer post without having any promotion. With

the same qualification & experience my colleagues are now in senior post, but

unfortunately i am in the same post, only having changes the company.


Hence i request to u to give some remedy. When will my better time comes & i

will get my choice of job.


Should I continue with the Hardware line or should I change to another


Whether business is suitable for me please suggest & if suitable in which line.


My details are –


1.Date of Birth-7th OCTOBER 1969




Thanks & Regards


Manoj Kumar Kar

Sambalpur, Orissa



Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now



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