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2-Bhavik Thakkar: re. school and career advise? from Mark Kincaid

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(Vedic Astrology) and Remedies


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please help....kindly please respond...

Posted by: " thakkar2000 "

thakkar2000   thakkar2000


Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:33 am (PST)

I posted the question before

however it seems it went unnoticed.,,I

would really

appreciate your assistance.


Respected Jyotish,



I am a 4th year university student and would like to know what my


future has in store in terms of education and career. I am majoring in

neuroscience and biochemistry. I would like to know what i can do to

improve myself as a student, so that i can get higher marks and


concentrate more on studies.


My details are:



name: bhavik thakkar


Place of birth: Ahemdabad, India


current place of residence: markham, Canada


birth: 9 october,


time: 1:12 pm (not exactly sure about the minute part)



thank you and looking forward to your response.

Dear Bhavik Thakkar:


I've made

a chart for you.  I couldn't find " Ahemdabad " in my

software data base.  Is it spelled differently?  What is your

Jyotish chart rising sign, too?  That would help.


" I would like to know what i can do to

improve myself

as a student, so that i can get higher marks and

concentrate more on

studies. "



You've asked your

Jyotish question in an extremely good way.  You said: " What can

I do to

improve myself..... "   This is the proper attitude

to take towards astrology.  Most people say:

" When will I

be a success? or What will my future hold for me? "



better way to ask is as you've said:  " What can I do to improve

myself... "   Well done.


I'm not sure of your rising

sign so I'll stick to the different symbolisms of your different



Exalted Mars immediately stands out first of

all.  That will give you great ability to do, to act,

and to

accomplish.  Just be sure that you always get enough rest. 

Strong Mars people,

sometimes don't listen enough to the various

needs of their bodies.


#2 your Venus in Libra is also an

extremely good part of you.  So, not only do you have a strong Mars

fiery part but also a very good, affectionate and caring Venus part. 

Together they represent two extremely important parts of every human being

and for you having both strong is kind a boon!


There are

several possibly malefic patterns in your chart that you might receive

some benefit.  First of all your Mercury is in Libra and you may

notice a tendency in yourself sometimes to vascilate in your decision

makings.  This is because Mercury is a little bit too flexible,

seeing both sides and all that.


My suggestion is that you don't

allow yourself to vacilate and when you find yourself doing this, thinking

about this possibility vs. another, by suggestion is that you begin to

retrain this part of you to decide more decisively.


The 2nd

part of your chart that strikes me is your Sun in Virgo.  Are you a

little hard on yourself sometimes?  This is a typical Virgo

trait.  There's a whole symbolism of Virgo that may be important for

you to understand better.  Because Virgo seeks perfection,

" we " don't always find it in the relative and therefore have a

number of negative results.


The main one is being too critical

on oneself...and this is sometimes part of the meaning when the Sun, the

configuration of one " self " is in Virgo.


The Jyotish

solution is for you to release this habit if indeed you are a little hard

on yourself.


Finally, I'd like to talk about your Saturn. 

Saturn's in an okay sign, Scorpio but from there

fully aspects your

Exalted Mars in Capricorn.  This may mean that Sani is as if holding

your Mars back, so to speak.


Do you feel sometimes that your

progress or " life " is being held back, or developing more slowly

then you'd like?


This is a typical result whenever Saturn is

found influencing any of one's planets.


The symbolism or

meaning in this is Saturn is there to teach us how to live life from a

more balanced, centered or silent place.  So, learning to be more

patient and learning to act from a more balanced place will probably be a

very good thing for you.


Your studies, neuroscience and

biochemistry sound find.  Your Exalted Mars and good Venus both gives

you a wide range of different fields for you to excel in.  You will,

undoubtably do well in your life.


Just take to heart some of

these Jyotish " psychological " suggestions and see if you don't

do better.


Let me know if these thoughts resonate with you and

you receive some benefit from them.






Mark Kincaid




Founder Nature's Astrology














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