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Lal Kitab : The Red Book of Astrology - 1

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Note : I m not the author of this article - Lalit Mishra.


The late Pandit Roop Chand Joshi, a native of village Pharwala, situated

in district Jalandhar, Punjab is the originator and the author of the

Lal Kitab system. He was inarguably, one of the greatest seers of all

times. Pt. Roop Chand kept an extremely low profile and avoided

publicity at all costs. That is why his name is not well known outside

his native area. Pt. Roop Chand Joshi (January 18, 1898 – December

24, 1982) was the son of Pt. Jyoti Ram Joshi, a revenue official with

the Punjab government. The family did not have a history of the

traditional Brahmanical profession. Pt.Roop Chand was a brilliant

student who was endowed with beautiful handwriting (Parts of the Lal

Kitabs are written in his own handwriting ) and a sharp intellect –

he obtained merit scholarships in the fourth and eighth grades. After

matriculation, he became a school teacher. A few years later, in early

1920's, he joined the then British Indian government in the Defence

Accounts Department from which he retired as a gazetted officer in 1954.

Pandit Roop Chand had lost his mother as a child and therefore, had

faced numerous hardships. Despite the fact that he was a very serious,

hardworking person, yet he continued to struggle. Why did he have to

struggle so much, is the question that he used to ask himself. Some of

his peers having far lesser merit than him, got all the good things of

life handed to them in the proverbial silver platter. It would be

interesting to find an answer to this hidden mystery of nature, he used

to think. Gradually, he started noticing that by looking at the facial

features of a cow, he could describe the characteristics and, to some

extent, the life events of its owner. Next, he intuitively got into

human physiognomy, that is, the ability to judge one's character and

fate by merely looking at one's face and the lines on the forehead.

Soon, he was able to decipher the lines on the hands and sole of the

feet. By this time, he was able to tell about the current happenings and

the past events quite successfully. The ability to foresee, however,

eluded him. In any event, he was not very serious about all this. It was

merely a hobby. It must be pointed out that his knowledge of physiognomy

and palmistry came to him from within, he neither studied a book on this

subject nor was he tutored by anyone. As his curiosity increased he

became interested in astronomy (not astrology) - he decided to read

about stars and the universe.

Just about then, one night, something extraordinarily amazing happened.

The history of traditional astrology was to change. In a dream, he saw

an unseen person (Panditji described this " Power " as a " Divine Being " )

who told Pt.Roop Chand that he had been " picked " to modify and bring to

the world, a revolutionary system of astrology. His entire knowledge of

physiognomy, palmistry and the prevalent surroundings was to be

amalgamated into one discipline. Further, he would have no choice but to

follow this path wholeheartedly. He will have to learn and develop the

basics of the system, and help others with it and disseminate this


Panditji's training started that night itself. Every morning, he would

be made to write down in a notebook, whatever he had learnt in his

dreams the night before. Despite his initial reluctance, he found

himself unable to resist this " Power " or the " Divine Being. " For

months, he would lit his hukkah (A smoking pipe), go into a sort of a

trance (semi-conscious state) and write down what was being dictated to

him. At times, he would find these notes hard to decipher. At this point

in time, Pandit Roop Chand was already married and had children. Every

once in a while, when Panditji would be baffled by the complexity of

these lessons, his three year old son (Pandit Som Dutt Joshi, now a

retired Land Revenue officer from Punjab government and arguably the

foremost Lal Kitab expert) would come up to him and explain to him what

the pages meant. Initially, it scared Pt. Roop Chand, " Oh now this

Divine Power is taking over my children, too, " but he understood the

responsibility he had been entrusted with and he took it as a way of

nature to get the knowledge to him.

The " Divine Being " would deliver the knowledge to Panditji who termed

these as " farmaans " (an Urdu word for directives or edicts.) The preface

of 1941 edition of Lal Kitab states:

" Kya hua tha, kya bhi hoga, shounk dil mein aa gayaa,

Hast rekha ya ki kundali, haal sab farmaya gayaa


Ishaaraa hee baat kar ke, haal sab padhvaya gayaa

Roughly translated:

" The past and the future, became my hobby.

" He " combined the knowledge of palmistry and the birth chart and

dictated to me the entire knowledge…..

He provided me with hints, and tutored me to understand this facility. "

Panditji continued to receive this knowledge. He was transferred from

place to place – Lahore and Quetta (now in Pakistan), Dharamsala,

Delhi, Madras, Bombay, Jullunder, Kangra, Simla, and Ambala Cantt, among


Pandit Roop Chand Joshi started interpreting people's horoscopes based

on this newfound knowledge. As his expertise and experience developed,

his reputation started spreading. People from all walks of life started

visiting him. This popularity became a big problem for him. He had a

full time government job, a family to raise and at the same time, he

wanted to expand on his knowledge of the Lal Kitab system. He also

wanted to spread the knowledge he had gained (by authoring the Lal

Kitabs.) The purpose behind publishing was not to make money. He just

wanted to spread the knowledge and be able to help his fellow human

beings the best way he could – through the use of remedial measures

of the Lal Kitab system.

Scholars agree that the most important feature of Lal Kitab system is to

determine the planet or planets causing ill effects in one's life and

the propitiation of these malefic effects through easy-to-perform,

low-cost, and extremely effective and easy remedial measures.

While analyzing a person's horoscope, Panditji would make short,

specific, stunningly accurate, verifiable statements pertaining to the

person whose horoscope was being analyzed. His purpose would be to

confirm the accuracy of the horoscope and to identify planets causing

ill effects rather than to dazzle the public with his knowledge (Anyone

who studies the Lal Kitab system properly, can do the same.) Following

this, Panditji would prescribe one or two remedial measures. A few weeks

later, the same people would return to him thanking him profusely

because their problems would disappear.

Even more remarkable aspect of Panditji's reading was that he would

neither charge, nor accept any money for these services. You just could

not pay him. Panditji was very specific about it.

As we have said before, making money through the use of Lal Kitab was

the farthest thing from his mind. When he authored and published the Lal

Kitabs, the selling price was set at no profit, no loss basis. Some of

these books were purchased in dozens by his well-wishers to help him

recover his money. Only a few books were offered for sale. The rest,

Panditji kept for himself for distribution to those whom he considered

worthy of it. These books were published anonymously; Panditji did not

give his name as the author. There were two reason behind this. First,

he was a government official and during those days of the British rule,

a " government servant " would almost never get official clearance to

publish anything at all. Second, he wanted absolutely no publicity for

his own self. He guarded his privacy very jealously. All his life, he

would not face a camera (except.perhaps twice.) He used to say

jokingly, that he had already gained enough " notoriety " ; he didn't need

any more. During his lifetime, he steadfastly refused to be interviewed

by the media.

After retirement, Panditji returned to Pharwala. His son, Pt.Som Dutt,

had just finished his B.A; B.T. For a few hours each day, Pt..Som Dutt

would sit with his father and prepare horoscopes and Varsh Phals and

just listen to what the father was saying. He had helped his father

during the family's stay in Shimla, Dharamsala and Lahore by learning to

cast horoscopes and, as the books were being written by the Qatibs (Urdu

calligraphers) he would help in proofing the material. He was there to

help and just watch Panditji and learn by observing. However, it was a

difficult task to work for the father who was a stern taskmaster and a

perfectionist to a fault.

Panditji constructed a separate " Baithak " (Sitting Room) detached from

his house, as his library-cum-place for visitors. He would never

interpret horoscopes past sunset. Most of the nights, he would get up

around two or three in the morning and go to his " Baithak " to write or

to reflect. He had already devised an easy way to make annual

progressed horoscope (Varshphal) which is in the form of a table - this

" Varshphal Chart " is included in most of the editions of Lal Kitab. He

also formulated a universal Lagna Sarni (table of ascendants.) From

this, one can determine the lagna (ascendant) anywhere in the world for

any year – again, all calculations have been eliminated. Panditji

used to say that one of the purposes of the Lal Kitab system is to make

astrology easy; that is why all types of complex calculations have been

eliminated from this system; even a multiplication of `2 by 2' has been

replaced. It is `2+2' in the Lal Kitab system.

Panditji quit smoking the hukkah after retirement. The only luxury he

ever enjoyed was collecting and using the best in writing instruments

and stationery. He owned numerous Mont Blancs, Parkers, Cartiers,

Shaeffers etc. If you were ever lucky to see his collection, you would

see the best writing pens ever manufactured. Panditji would also use the

best quality of writing paper and inks. In order to write Urdu, he would

rub the points (nibs) of these Mont Blancs and Parkers on a fine slate

very meticulously. Like a great workman, he would produce nibs of

varying widths. He would spend hours upon hours perfecting the points so

as to be able to write Urdu calligraphy. Other than that, everything in

his life was centered around Lal Kitab. He lived for it!


Particularly on Sundays, this scene would repeat at about five in the

morning or even earlier, around his " Baithak. " People would start lining

up and wait patiently for Panditji's arrival. He would entertain people

without any regard to one's rank or position in life. It did not matter

if you were a Deputy Commissioner or a peon; you always waited your

turn. And, there was no such thing as a " private consultation. " He would

sit in his chair, surrounded by people. His Lal Kitab (Generally, the

1952 edition) would sit in front of him along with some spare papers; a

rubber stamp which would imprint a blank horoscope, a superior quality

large magnifying glass and a collection of Pt.Devi Dayal's almanacs

(used for making horoscopes.) There were chairs all around the big green

iron table and people would sit in these chairs surrounding him.

He would take a quick look at the horoscope, ask some very particular

questions – " When you come out of your house; with the main door

being at your back, isn't there a Peepal tree across the street on your

left and isn't there a Tandoor (clay oven) under it? " Totally floored,

the visitor would say " Yes, of course sir. " " The lady who runs that

" Tandoor " , her name should begin with the letters `B, Y or E' like Bimla

or Yashodha and she is issue-less. " More amazed, the visitor could only

say " Yes, yes Panditji. Bimla but how did you know? " " This is what the

planetary configuration tells me. Are you here because you are not able

to have a child? " " Yes Sir. " Panditji would make the visitor's

Varshphal and then, he would always open the Lal Kitab and, would read

aloud a couplet from it which would pertain to this person's planetary

position, explain the meaning and prescribe an Upaya from it. In fact,

he would encircle the malefic planet on the horoscope and explain how he

reached that conclusion and write the appropriate upayas in beautifully

calligraphed Urdu. Then he would provide the person with a few more

hints and tell him to proceed on. Invariably, this person would thank

him and would ask him if he could be of any service to Panditji. " Yes, "

he would laugh and then would go on to say " Just don't send anyone else

here; I can't handle this crowd anymore; tell them that Panditji has

given up this hobby. Would you please? I know, you are not going to do

that. Moreover, " He " has commanded me to perform this duty ... Okay next

in line… " and this would continue till sunset. As long as people

were sitting in his Baithak, he would not take a lunch break. " All these

people have traveled such great distances, they have to get back, how

can I think of lunch? " he would say.

All of this would happen without any money being transacted; no fees

were ever charged or accepted.

Normally, Panditji would speak in Punjabi and at times he would switch

to Urdu or English. You had better not speak to him in grammatically

incorrect English; you could get a stern lecture on your ignorance of

the rules of grammar.

At times, people would come to him without horoscopes. For example,

someone would come inquiring about a missing person whose time of birth

was not known. They would bring a photograph of the person. One look at

it and Panditji would say " This person's Saturn is in the eighth house;

his sunken eyes tell me that. " Looking at the picture, he would also

provide the direction, location and other details of this person's

native house. He would even tell about the neighbors. " You have an old

widow living right next door – just go and get her Aashirvaad

(blessings) and everything will be fine. " He would suggest a remedial

measure (to facilitate the return of the person.) There are numerous

instances when people who had " ran away " from their homes 15 or 20 years

earlier, would show up within days of their families performing the

remedial measure. " Something made me come home, although I had no

intention of returning, " these once-missing-just-returned people would


Nobody was ever allowed to jump the queue; it did not matter who you

were. The only people exempt from this were Armed Forces personnel; he

had a very soft corner for them. Also exempt would be ladies in

distress. Generally, Panditji would not entertain any lady who was not

escorted by her male family members. He would also never permit anyone

to touch his feet. That was absolutely prohibited.

HIS SIDDHIS (God-given Powers)

Panditji also attained some " siddhis " or supernatural powers to go along

with his knowledge. It is said that he was perhaps one of the very few

people in the entire world who got these " powers " without doing any jaap

or taap or, penance. These came to him automatically. Panditji, on his

own, would use his " Lal Kalam " (Red Pen) to give an aashirvaad (a

blessing) in writing. Whatever he wrote with the Lal Kalam, would come

true; it was infalliable. He would " issue orders " for promotions,

transfers etc. through his red pen (filled with red ink) and as sure as

the Sun comes up in the East, his " Lal Kalam orders " would be carried


Another Siddhi that Panditji had attained was to give a special coin to

a person for whom he would foresee an extremely dangerous

life-threatening situation. He would provide him/her with a red shining

copper coin and would ask this person to keep it on his person at all

times. Many army personnel that came to see Panditji before China war

(1962) were given these coins. He foresaw extreme danger for these

people. All of those who had visited Panditji, survived what turned our

to be deadly for their colleagues.





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Another of a very very long article on this topic that was posted on

the dyslexic internet with attention deficit disorder!


What the internet needs is a quick and magical solution which is

painless and makes the reality we chose to be born into one too!




should have been the URL that thousands seek!


Quite frankly and candidly, I have read a lot of promises from LAL

KITAB over the last many many years but no cogent and well prepared

documentation of successes!


Please help!!


, " litsol " <mishra.lalit






> Note : I m not the author of this article - Lalit Mishra.


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Dear Rohiniranjan ji,


Go to the following group, type 'feedback / feed back' in the search

window and see for yourself how effective the Lal Kitab remedies have

been. Do the same exercise in the best known astrology groups and you

will know the difference.


The link to the group :





With great regards,


RP Singh









, " Rohiniranjan "

<rohini_ranjan wrote:


> Another of a very very long article on this topic that was posted


> the dyslexic internet with attention deficit disorder!


> What the internet needs is a quick and magical solution which is

> painless and makes the reality we chose to be born into one too!


> www.quickfix.com


> should have been the URL that thousands seek!


> Quite frankly and candidly, I have read a lot of promises from LAL

> KITAB over the last many many years but no cogent and well prepared

> documentation of successes!


> Please help!!


> , " litsol " <mishra.lalit@>

> wrote:

> >

> >


> >

> > Note : I m not the author of this article - Lalit Mishra.

> >


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Thank you for yet another invitation!


Perhaps some of the members from this forum will, and benefit from

the kind sharing on your part!





, " rpsingh2710 "

<rpsingh2710 wrote:


> Dear Rohiniranjan ji,


> Go to the following group, type 'feedback / feed back' in the


> window and see for yourself how effective the Lal Kitab remedies


> been. Do the same exercise in the best known astrology groups and


> will know the difference.


> The link to the group :


> /



> With great regards,


> RP Singh



, " Rohiniranjan "

> <rohini_ranjan@> wrote:

> >

> > Another of a very very long article on this topic that was posted

> on

> > the dyslexic internet with attention deficit disorder!

> >

> > What the internet needs is a quick and magical solution which is

> > painless and makes the reality we chose to be born into one too!

> >

> > www.quickfix.com

> >

> > should have been the URL that thousands seek!

> >

> > Quite frankly and candidly, I have read a lot of promises from


> > KITAB over the last many many years but no cogent and well


> > documentation of successes!

> >

> > Please help!!

> >

> > , " litsol " <mishra.lalit@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > > Note : I m not the author of this article - Lalit Mishra.

> > >

> >


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Resp. RR Ji,


I have read ur articles on the net too and learnt a lot from them,

earlier, i had a hesitation even in the reading the Lal Kitab as i

was under impression that it's nothing but disotorted urdu version

of BPHS.


I was wrong, Lal Kitab has it's own base, I somehow, got it's

philosphy also, that i w'd like to post tomorrow.


in a nut shell, Lal Kitab is based on mapping birth horoscope with

universal aries ascendant horoscope, it only considers transits, it

has no concept of dasa system and order.



Lalit Mishra.


, " Rohiniranjan "

<rohini_ranjan wrote:


> Another of a very very long article on this topic that was posted


> the dyslexic internet with attention deficit disorder!


> What the internet needs is a quick and magical solution which is

> painless and makes the reality we chose to be born into one too!


> www.quickfix.com


> should have been the URL that thousands seek!


> Quite frankly and candidly, I have read a lot of promises from LAL

> KITAB over the last many many years but no cogent and well


> documentation of successes!


> Please help!!


> , " litsol " <mishra.lalit@>

> wrote:

> >

> >


> >

> > Note : I m not the author of this article - Lalit Mishra.

> >


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Thanks for writing to me back.


I have not problems with taking the horoscope back to the KP chart

(Kala Purusha!)


It gives me satisfaction that the same magazine from Bangalore India

published my kalapurusha article that 30+ some years ago convinced my

father that I was not wasting my time!


, " litsol " <mishra.lalit



> Resp. RR Ji,


> I have read ur articles on the net too and learnt a lot from them,

> earlier, i had a hesitation even in the reading the Lal Kitab as i

> was under impression that it's nothing but disotorted urdu version

> of BPHS.


> I was wrong, Lal Kitab has it's own base, I somehow, got it's

> philosphy also, that i w'd like to post tomorrow.


> in a nut shell, Lal Kitab is based on mapping birth horoscope with

> universal aries ascendant horoscope, it only considers transits, it

> has no concept of dasa system and order.


> regards,

> Lalit Mishra.


> , " Rohiniranjan "

> <rohini_ranjan@> wrote:

> >

> > Another of a very very long article on this topic that was posted

> on

> > the dyslexic internet with attention deficit disorder!

> >

> > What the internet needs is a quick and magical solution which is

> > painless and makes the reality we chose to be born into one too!

> >

> > www.quickfix.com

> >

> > should have been the URL that thousands seek!

> >

> > Quite frankly and candidly, I have read a lot of promises from


> > KITAB over the last many many years but no cogent and well

> prepared

> > documentation of successes!

> >

> > Please help!!

> >

> > , " litsol " <mishra.lalit@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > > Note : I m not the author of this article - Lalit Mishra.

> > >

> >


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