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The Exciting New Moon in Pisces March 7, 2008 by Terry Nazon, Astrologer

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In the month of March we have the New Moon in Pisces very close to

the planet Uranus, and occurring on the same day as the Mars-Pluto

opposition. Of course that the way we calculate the calendar could

be off a bit...now if we look at the sign of Pisces the ruling planet

of Pisces Neptune is in Aquarius and the ruling planet of Aquarius is

in Pisces what's going on here...what used to be Neptune is now

looking Aquarian and what used to be Uranus is not watered down to

Pisces? Uranus de-structures everything, it looks for where ever the

rules are not being followed. Neptune operates in an insidious way

where the rules are not so much bent just bent because of this or

that, or we say the rules don't really apply because of this or that.

The planet Saturn looks for structure and situations that follow the


Why is this so important? Because we have a whole group of people

affected by this configuration. The baby boomer generation has both

Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, transited by the planet of Saturn, and

aspected by Uranus in Pisces! You are square pegs trying to fit into

round holes sometimes! The universe right now is tapping on your

shoulders say " it's time " ! Understanding yourself and accepting

yourself more deeply will only be good for the world! Meaning for

example if you try to pull a Neptune by being secretive, evasive, use

hidden tactics, or even be really spiritual, it could turn into a

Uranus free for all, with sudden explosive attacks or being taken the

wrong way even tested… if your motives are not right ...you won't get

a way with a thing...on e the other hand if your try to do a Uranus

thing and make quick and sudden changes you don't get to far either,

people will ignore you or in your craziest moment...no one

cares ...we've all heard it said ...deal with it.. So with the New

Moon here...what can we expect, what should we expect? Nothing to be

predictable that's for sure...as we all end a long year period before

New beginnings are upon us with the Sun in Aries...we can expect

abrupt changes ...sudden twists of fate and divine providence...you

know when someone has lorded it over you or treated you

insignificantly and then all of a sudden the sky falls on them and

they need you big time! the solar 12th house of Pisces and the planet

Uranus is in the sign of Pisces the 1st house of Pisces... The ruling

planet of Aquarius Uranus is in the 2nd house of morals values money

and assets So it seems that the sign of Pisces or those with a heavy

influence of planets there would be in positions of influence,

leadership or sudden changes of circumstances... That's heavy... So

there is a relationship between the signs of Aquarius and Pisces is

this how the Pisces age is going to start... Now another thing is

that we have all the outer planets excluding Saturn in the 4th

quadrant of the natural zodiac...The 4th quadrant is finishing's...we

are all being compelled in our individual karmas to complete learn

and grow... It's interesting to note that Uranus the ruler of

Aquarius was discovered in 1781 The dates of Pluto ending it's

transit through Capricorn and The discovery of Aquarius own ruler

Uranus are very close! The last transit of Pluto in Capricorn was

1762-1778 and that was when the sign of Aquarius shared the ruler

Saturn with Capricorn. The sign of Aquarius shared Saturn as a ruler

up until the discovery of Uranus in 1781 Aquarius now has a

relationship with Pisces as their individual rulers are in each

other's houses. When the rulers of one sign are in the house of

another it's like saying our parents knew each other and we did

things together…so we know each other.. in the case of Capricorn and

Aquarius ...Aquarius was the adopted child and so Capricorn knows

Aquarius...they both know Saturn Capricorn as the child and Aquarius

in an adopted child way.

Normally planets transiting the 12th house make for an uncomfortable

feel, a being shut or having to face problems alone, even feeling

like being in a waiting room ...think about what do you do when you

are in a waiting room? You look around, think to yourself, make calls

to people who can't talk or won't answer...this is the 12th house

experience...it's karma time we have things to do to pay off and the

time for New beginnings hasn't arrived yet...so with the New Moon

it's time to get your act together and finish things, projects,

relationships before we have an influx of New things and can't catch

up but have to sweep things under the carpet for a bother time when

we have time and that may not come for another year when we again

have a New Moon in Pisces. This month in March with so many planets

lined up in the 4th quadrant of the zodiac...it a time of finishing's

before we jut forward in April for New starts... This is going to

mark a pivotal time of maturing, growing spiritually and evolving.

Aquarius understands Capricorn...Now Aquarius and Pisces can

understand each other a little more ...Where do this remarkable

placements occur in your chart ... It was during the 1700's that our

great nation was born...so what can we expect now ..Perhaps as

globalization takes hold larger mega countries...like the European

union...are you ready for that to happen in the Americas? South and

North America becoming one big Union ...Africa becoming on big union?

or one big World economy? back to the subject. the New Moon in

Pisces ...should be exciting on that should propel you out of your

chairs with the potential of exciting things to come... Uranus rules

the higher octave of time ...creating sudden sets of circumstances

like the carpet being pulled out from underneath you...but yet in

Pisces we should have prior knowledge as Pisces is a very intuitive

sign...we can foresee changes... This New Moon could mean the endings

and New beginnings ...perhaps past relationships ...Uranus rules ex's

and people from the past right ...A change in your consciousness

where you become more aware of your own downfalls, where you create

troubles and problems not just with others and for others but for

yourself too...This is a time of ultimate maturing and

growth ...listen to that inner voice and grow, and reach for the


For more information you can visit my wecsite www.terrynazon.com

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