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Whom You will believe - Sri PV Narsimha or Bhaskar !!

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Smart Man Sandeepji,


What about posting my reply and

the replies of other members

of the Group from which you

have picked this mail

for cross-posting ?







, " sandeep_khare2000 "

<sandeep_khare2000 wrote:



> Dear Group Members




> Shri Bhaskar who has no basic qualification of astrology and who


> JHora developed by Sri PV Narsimha (IIT Madras Topper) only


> members with his bad intentions of exploiting money, How he twists

> astrology to kill character of good people folowing mail will make


> clear, Bhasakr tried to kill character of somebody for whom Sri PV

> Narsimha writes this, You can uderstand what's Bhaskar's level

is , He

> is the somebody we cant believe, we cant depend. or make it in ur


> words better.








> Namaste friends,


> I came to this list after a long time and checked the latest


> This

> topic attracted me - I thought I would find useful data.


> Having opened the mail, I want to respond astrologically on this

data. I

> realize

> that there may be some unpleasant dealings between some people on


> list and

> there may be some background to this that I am unaware of.

However, as

> an

> astrologer given a chart, I want to say a few words on this chart.

> Please

> forgive me if you do not welcome my comments.


> In my judgment, the native is not " mentally deranged " . He may be


> very fiery

> and unreasonably short-tempered, but I see no mental derangement


> hallucinations as mentioned below.


> Lagna and Moon are both very closely aspected by Mars (8th and 4th

> aspects

> respectively). Mars is with another fiery planet Sun in a fiery


> (Leo). Such

> Mars aspecting lagna and Moon closely makes him quite short-

tempered and

> haughty. Mars aspects Moon and lagna in trimsamsa (D-30) also. D-

30 is

> the chart

> that shows one's evils that operate at the sub-conscious plane and

> throws light

> on the paapa purusha (personified sin) that lives within one.


> This combination is bad and makes him very hot and perhaps over

the top.

> It

> shows a lot of inbuilt anger that needs to be overcome. However,


> owns

> lagna and occupies a quadrant - his moolatrikona. He has rasi

drishti as

> well as

> 3/4th graha drishti on lagna. That is the savior. Also, navamsa


> lord is

> exalted in 9th in navamsa. These factors give basic strength to the

> chart.


> I cannot understand why debilitated 5th lord Moon in 9th is so


> It is

> actually good to have the 9th lord in 5th (even if in debility).


> Moon is

> debilitated, he has neecha bhanga. The exchange between 9th lord


> and 5th

> lord Moon is quite good for spiritual progress. The placement of

> devatapada (A9)

> and mantrapada (A5) in a lagna owned by Jupiter, with Jupiter


> them, is

> a great blessing in one's spiritual pursuit. Padas (arudha padas)

are to

> bhavas

> (houses) what words (padas) are to meanings/feelings (bhavas).


> feelings

> are intangible, the words used to express them are tangible. The


> can show

> intangible matters, while their arudha padas show tangible articles

> related to

> them. Arudha padas are very important.


> Lagna is in 8th from chara atmakaraka in navamsa and that is good


> spiritual

> progress. In vimsamsa (D-20), the chart of spiritual evolution,


> lord

> Jupiter is in the 12th house of liberation. The lord of devata/guru

> sthana

> (9th), Sun, is in a friendly sign in lagna. That is excellent. The


> house of

> mantra is strong with nodes. Chandra Mangala yoga in the 6th house


> siddhis

> given by the 8th lord of occult experiences and 12th lord of


> is

> conducive to mystical experiences and visions.


> With this rasi, navamsa, trimsamsa and vimsamsa, I do not see a


> deranged person with hallucinations, but a person of some spiritual

> progress,

> mystical experiences and visions.


> Of course, my analysis can only be as good as my knowledge and it


> possible

> that I erred in my analysis and judgment. But I am stating what I

> honestly feel

> after looking at this chart.


> * * *


> Lalit, because you discussed your chart publicly, I want to offer a

> couple of

> comments. Hoping that you will tolerate some criticism from me, I


> give some

> honest advice. Please bear with me.


> You have a nice chart. Marriage is difficult with upapada lagna in

> Taurus,

> Saturn in it and 2nd lord in 3rd with Ketu. In navamsa, 7th lord

is in

> marana

> karaka sthana. It is difficult to get married. Fasting on Fridays


> praying to

> Lalita Tripurasundari at the end of the day before breaking the

fast is

> recommended for relief.


> You have Saraswati yoga in rasi chart and dhanur guru in lagna in


> (chart of

> learning). AK is in 11th house in rasi chart. You will become a


> astrologer

> in time. But please note that humility is a great virtue. As you


> more, you

> will realize that this subject is vast and one lifetime is


> to

> master it. I learnt Jyotish about 25 years back and spent a lot of


> time in

> the last 15 years learning and researching Jyotish. Though I know

> several topics

> within Jyotish reasonably well, I do know that what I know is much

> smaller than

> what is still there to learn. I am not saying this to sound

humble. I

> know it

> for a fact. I marvel at the mastery of Parasara as I discover newer

> things.


> Please continue to learn Jyotish from your gurus, but show some


> and be

> less confrontational and dismissive of others and less arrogant.


> will become

> a good astrologer with Her grace, after you develop true humility.


> Spiritually, I am confident that you have had your share of


> experiences. However, I know some who made 1,000 times more

progress and

> yet

> keep quiet mostly. You need to show some discretion and keep your

> spiritual

> progress to yourself and not make much noise in the public. Do not


> around

> touting things or giving the impression of touting. Please realize


> there is

> much much more to be experienced and it will come only when you


> more

> discretion. You are destined for bigger things and please do not

> stagnate where

> you are now.


> Praises and criticism are both Her forms. Happiness and sadness

are both

> Her

> forms. Friends and enemies are both Her forms. Learned people and


> are

> both Her forms. Knowledge and ignorance are both Her forms. Love

Her in

> Her full

> glory. Overcome your anger and short temper and fill your heart


> pure love

> for Her and all of Her different forms.


> Please let Pisces lagna and Dhanur Guru dominate your personality


> not Simha

> Mangala aspecting lagna. Let Saturn and Ketu transiting on natal


> shut down

> this aspect of your personality for ever. So much is expected from


> Please

> live up to your chart (or atleast my judgment of it!). I sincerely


> that you

> overcome your anger and hot nature, shine as a star in the Jyotish


> and

> also give direction to many spiritual seekers. You have it in you.


> * * *


> I want to make one comment on siddhis, spiritual experiences and

> knowledge.

> These are not comments on anyone, but judt generic comments on some

> sentiments I

> observed here.


> If someone has mystical experiences and visions, it does not mean


> the

> person knows everything or is a perfect person. While Brahman

(field of

> singularity) is One, the field of duality (also known as Maayaa) is

> infinite and

> it is impossible to master it. If She gives someone access to some

> aspects of

> the Maayaa that other people do not have access to, She may do it

> because of

> some reason. Each being has a specific role to play and given the

> resources

> needed for playing that role. Some beings play their role without


> and with a

> complete sense of surrender and leave the stage calmly. Some

beings have

> ego,

> take their role and " achievements " seriously and think that *they*


> doing

> things and make more noise. The latter type have more distance to


> before

> becoming liberated. However, She needs those types too and may


> even

> give more so-called siddhis to the latter type. Irrespective of


> type one

> belongs to, the bottomline is that all the knowledge and

experience one

> has is

> Hers and given because of the role one has to play. No more and no



> If a yogi has visions of a devata (deity) or other visions or other

> mystical

> experiences, it was made possible because he/she has a role to

play and

> those

> experiences are needed for that role. It absolutely does not mean


> he/she is

> somehow great and whatever he/she says is correct. One may master


> aspect of

> maayaa and be clueless on other aspects of maayaa. Astrology and


> vedaangas

> are a small part of this maayaa. Not everyone with some control


> some

> aspects of maayaa are masters of astrology.


> A true yogi neither craves for any siddhis nor does he reject them

> when/if they

> come. Also, you cannot identify a true yogi from his/her siddhis or

> other

> so-called achievements.


> Only maharishis are capable of understanding Maayaa in its


> They have

> zero attachment and sense of doership. Their egos are fully killed


> hence

> they are able to be in sahaja samadhi all the time, even when


> and

> talking. Thus, they understand Brahman as well as the entire field


> duality

> and how it works. So they are masters of all subjects. But, we


> not expect

> to find any maharshis in today's world. We can, of course, expect


> find a lot

> of advanced yogis who experience various kinds of mystical visions


> yet have

> imperfect knowledge of many aspects of maayaa.


> Sorry if you found my freewheeling 2 cents nonsensical.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha






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