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case study on 7th house (GURUS PLS RESPOND)

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Dear Kiran ji

The question of sustenance of marriage is dependant on the nature of the

ascendant.being a cancer ascendant with lagna raising in aslesha in 3rd quarter

and the sun is also behind lagna indicates.person worldly and of good

logic.Placement of lagna lord in poorvabhadra nakshtra,indicates even in her

family is of good social status and values.However being an airy sign owned by

malefic saturn is in shadashtaka in mecury sign which is friends house where

venus gets debilitated.it is understandable is some what and less outspoken.Due

to influence of chitta nakshtra may carry a bit complexity.

For this lagna,yogakarak being mangal,posited in 12 th along with in rahu

nakshtra and guru also very close to malefic mars,indicates extra social

activities.Also malefic dridhti of saturn on 5th too is not conducive with

reference to poorva janma/intellect.added to this lagna lord in 9th,though a

good indication,can not be said as strong in Libra.

Lagna lord in 7th andposited in 7th too indicates that she may look for a person

of her acquaintence with differences in religion,culture and may be locally

influenced family.But jupiter ,karak for husband for girl in own house also

protects her maer marriage.May have other difficulties withh reference getting


Rasi kumbha with moon at dhanishta is likely to give results of 7th ,the sign of

makara.here ego problems cause strains.but hopefully drishti of jupiter in sukh

sthan again will be safeguarding her.

Atmakarak venus in rahu-ketu axis as lord of 4th and 11th is palced making her

some what discontended. moon's position being weak and also in airy sign of

saturn leads to tempermental problems.

over all I agree that proper matching of her life partner is to be made.

unless she is keen to maintain her relationships,problems are possible in

married life.

Important planets like moon, jupiter and venus are all located in moksh

bahvas.This indicates also the out look of person.darakarak in this case is in

fiery sign,with it's lord once again in 12 th from there.again indicating bit of

her extravert nature,

i only emphsize proper matching as it is an relating to marriage.The native

chart,let me ephsise has strong lagna with sun , a satwic planet that provides

her to asses and understand all her social relations.


--- On Sun, 8/24/08, kiran.rama <kiran.rama wrote:


kiran.rama <kiran.rama

case study on 7th house (GURUS PLS> RESPOND)


Sunday, August 24, 2008, 12:00 PM










I am doing a reading on the marital life of a lady:

Date of birth: 6-Aug-1982

Place-of-birth: Puttur, 12N47, 75E1 (Puttur in Karnataka not AP in JHOra)

Time of birth: 5:13 AM


From natal chart:

* 7th lord is in 3rd house (house of initiative): so she will take the

initiative in all matters of married life and sustain the marriage.

7th lord is also the 8th lord and so effort will be required on her

part to sustain the marriage

* Sun is the 2nd lord aspecting the 7th house by graha drishti -

indicating his desire to get involved in matters relating to marriage.

But as Sun dasa starts late in life, he may not be able to influence

matters relating to marriage much

* Lagna lord moon has subhaargala which is cancelled by exalted Ke's


* Mercury the 3rd and 12th lord (lord of initiative and loss/giving

away) has rasi dristhi on 7th house - this is not good and can imply

something bad - we need to confirm

* Venus is in 12th house - could mean not much enjoyment from husband

and in matters relating to marriage - as 12th house is house of

loss/giving away

* Jupiter is with Yogakarak Mars and this is good. Yogakarak Mars is

also having graha drishti on 7th house indicating his keenness to get



From Navamsa:

* 7th lord in 12th house - he is also 6th lord (obstacles)


So net-net: Marriage for this lady will have obstacles, effort

required to sustain and may not be a very happy marriage with chance

for separation.


Please confirm your thoughts on the analysis






















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Dear friend,


(1) UL with jupiter as well as 6th lord and 10th lord in Navamsa.


(2)7th lord of Navamsa Venus is in 12th house in Rasi chart with

Rahu in 12th


(3) affliction of 4th cusp in rasi by 6th lord


(4) severe weakness of female planets moon as well as venus


Finally, second to UL is the Rasi containing Arudha lagna aspected

by Rasi Drishti from 12th house moon, 6th house mercury and 9th

house Gulika


therefore, she would be held responsible by the people for all her

marital/ relationship problems.


But still we can hope her to strengthen her moon by prayers to Gauri

and worship of Tulsi plant in the evening to surpass all obstacles

and lead a very pious, spiritual and stable married life.



Please avoid matching her chart with jupiter and mars strong and

favourable for marriage happiness.


(for example- avoid scoripio lagna- mars being 6th lord, sagittarius

and rasi and navamsa, if jupiter is otherwise not quite strong)



With best wishes,


Mrutyunjay Tripathy


> Team,


> I am doing a reading on the marital life of a lady:

> Date of birth: 6-Aug-1982

> Place-of-birth: Puttur, 12N47, 75E1 (Puttur in Karnataka not AP in


> Time of birth: 5:13 AM


> From natal chart:

> * 7th lord is in 3rd house (house of initiative): so she will take


> initiative in all matters of married life and sustain the marriage.

> 7th lord is also the 8th lord and so effort will be required on her

> part to sustain the marriage

> * Sun is the 2nd lord aspecting the 7th house by graha drishti -

> indicating his desire to get involved in matters relating to


> But as Sun dasa starts late in life, he may not be able to


> matters relating to marriage much

> * Lagna lord moon has subhaargala which is cancelled by exalted


> Virodhargala

> * Mercury the 3rd and 12th lord (lord of initiative and loss/giving

> away) has rasi dristhi on 7th house - this is not good and can


> something bad - we need to confirm

> * Venus is in 12th house - could mean not much enjoyment from


> and in matters relating to marriage - as 12th house is house of

> loss/giving away

> * Jupiter is with Yogakarak Mars and this is good. Yogakarak Mars


> also having graha drishti on 7th house indicating his keenness to


> involved


> From Navamsa:

> * 7th lord in 12th house - he is also 6th lord (obstacles)


> So net-net: Marriage for this lady will have obstacles, effort

> required to sustain and may not be a very happy marriage with


> for separation.


> Please confirm your thoughts on the analysis

> Regards

> Kiran

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