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General Guidelines for gems/stones/mantra for astrological use

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Dear friends,


I am posting here a few guidelines on astrological use of gems/

stones etc based on the experiences of mine as well as other




(1) Please avoid gemstones for functional malefics unless they are

placed in a trine or kendra housess along with frinedly yoga karaka

planets ( a planets who owns a trine and a kendra- or owns a kendra

and placed in a trine)


(2) always avoid gemstones of planets who owns/ occupies or

associated with another friendly planet who owns/ occupies houses

2,7, 12 and badhaka houses as they would create a lot of problems

and tensions


(3)avoid gemstone/ mantra or prayer of the planet who are enemy of

lagna lord/navamsa lagna lord


(4) avoid gemstone/mantra of planets whose rasi/navamsa dispositors

are badly placed in the rasi chart from the lagna, moon or arudha

lagna or karya bhava-- as the result of these efforts might go in

vain a create serious doubt about the efficacy of remedial measures

in the mind of the people.




With best wishes,


Mrutyunjay Tripathy

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Dated: 26.8.2008


Mr.Mrutyunjay Tripathy


Respected Sir,


I chant :-

On tuesday :- 108 Times Om angarkay Namh.

On Thursdays:- 108 Times Om namoh narayanay.

On Friday :- 108 Times Om Shukray Namah

On Saturday :- 108 Times Om san sanaischaraya namah & Dasrathkrit sani strot.




Kindly advise me which mantra should I leave. As you have advised that one

should avoid gemstone/ mantra or prayer of the planet who are enemy of

lagna lord/navamsa lagna lord.

As I have had no knowledge about the above instructions.

Regarding how I started to chant the above mantras - JUST FOR MY PEACE OF MIND.




My additional details are:-

Name -Kunal Nitin

POB- Ranchi

DOB- 18.5.1984

TOB- 02.50AM (24hrs)


Waiting for your kind advise.


With warm regards,








--- On Mon, 25/8/08, Mrutyunjay Tripathy <astrologer_mrutyunjay



Mrutyunjay Tripathy <astrologer_mrutyunjay

General Guidelines for gems/stones/mantra for astrological use


Monday, 25 August, 2008, 5:06 PM







Dear friends,


I am posting here a few guidelines on astrological use of gems/

stones etc based on the experiences of mine as well as other



(1) Please avoid gemstones for functional malefics unless they are

placed in a trine or kendra housess along with frinedly yoga karaka

planets ( a planets who owns a trine and a kendra- or owns a kendra

and placed in a trine)


(2) always avoid gemstones of planets who owns/ occupies or

associated with another friendly planet who owns/ occupies houses

2,7, 12 and badhaka houses as they would create a lot of problems

and tensions


(3)avoid gemstone/ mantra or prayer of the planet who are enemy of

lagna lord/navamsa lagna lord


(4) avoid gemstone/mantra of planets whose rasi/navamsa dispositors

are badly placed in the rasi chart from the lagna, moon or arudha

lagna or karya bhava-- as the result of these efforts might go in

vain a create serious doubt about the efficacy of remedial measures

in the mind of the people.


With best wishes,


Mrutyunjay Tripathy

















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Dear friend,


Just make a small change from graha mantra to

ruling deties mantra.


for example- recite 'OM SHREEM' for goddess lakshmi ruling over


Hanuman Chalisa- for Mars and


'Om Namo Narayanaya' for Saturn


to ward off the evil effects of functional malefics Saturn, Venus

and maraka planet mars.


Your lagna is Pisces, Sunsign- Taurus and Moonsign-Sagitarius as per

Indian Astrology.


With best wishes,





Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa


Lagna 21 Pi 08' 29.34 " Reva 2 Pi Cp

Sun - DK 3 Ta 30' 58.97 " Krit 3 Ta Aq

Moon - GK 7 Sg 52' 28.29 " Mool 3 Sg Ge

Mars ® - AmK 24 Li 53' 01.56 " Visa 2 Li Ta

Mercury - PK 8 Ar 12' 50.21 " Aswi 3 Ar Ge

Jupiter ® - BK 18 Sg 49' 15.05 " PSha 2 Sg Vi

Venus - AK 25 Ar 39' 52.58 " Bhar 4 Ar Sc

Saturn ® - MK 18 Li 21' 00.36 " Swat 4 Li Pi

Rahu - PiK 13 Ta 36' 32.65 " Rohi 2 Ta Ta

Ketu 13 Sc 36' 32.65 " Anu 4 Sc Sc

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Dear Tripathy Ji

Thanks for publishing this information. It is very useful. But the

people who cannot do so much calculations of Grahas, it is difficult

to decide as for which Graha they can wear the gem or they should

wear the gem and for which they should never wear it.


Kindly guide me that which gem should be beneficial for which Graha

for me and which I must avoid, in general. If some gem is really

beneficial for me, then please indicate its weight, in which metal,

in what way (pendant, ring or anything else), and the method of

wearing it (which day and how to wear it for the first time) etc

necessary information.


My details are as follows:

Birth Date = 27th May 1943

Birth Place = Aligarh, UP

Birth Time = 8.10 pm


Thanks a lot for your kind guidance




> --- On Mon, 25/8/08, Mrutyunjay Tripathy

<astrologer_mrutyunjay wrote:


> Mrutyunjay Tripathy <astrologer_mrutyunjay

> General Guidelines for gems/stones/mantra for

astrological use


> Monday, 25 August, 2008, 5:06 PM


> Dear friends,


> I am posting here a few guidelines on astrological use of gems/

> stones etc based on the experiences of mine as well as other

> astrologers;


> (1) Please avoid gemstones for functional malefics unless they are

> placed in a trine or kendra housess along with frinedly yoga karaka

> planets ( a planets who owns a trine and a kendra- or owns a kendra

> and placed in a trine)


> (2) always avoid gemstones of planets who owns/ occupies or

> associated with another friendly planet who owns/ occupies houses

> 2,7, 12 and badhaka houses as they would create a lot of problems

> and tensions


> (3)avoid gemstone/ mantra or prayer of the planet who are enemy of

> lagna lord/navamsa lagna lord


> (4) avoid gemstone/mantra of planets whose rasi/navamsa dispositors

> are badly placed in the rasi chart from the lagna, moon or arudha

> lagna or karya bhava-- as the result of these efforts might go in

> vain a create serious doubt about the efficacy of remedial measures

> in the mind of the people.


> With best wishes,


> Mrutyunjay Tripathy











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Dear friend,



The general guidelines was for the members who are either learners

of astrology having basic knowledge of astrology and the astrologer

friends in this group.



Gemstones etc. are used as remedial measures. Like medicinces for

cure for a disease.


You have not told us what is your problem ?


I do not think it is a fancy to take medicines without disease !


( No astrological calculation is needed to be done to worship or

prayer of the family deity or the Ishta Devta or the god/ goddess

advised by the Guru).


With best wishes,



Mrutyunjay Tripathy




, " bhagvatjee "

<bhagvatjee wrote:


> Dear Tripathy Ji

> Thanks for publishing this information. It is very useful. But the

> people who cannot do so much calculations of Grahas, it is


> to decide as for which Graha they can wear the gem or they should

> wear the gem and for which they should never wear it.


> Kindly guide me that which gem should be beneficial for which


> for me and which I must avoid, in general. If some gem is really

> beneficial for me, then please indicate its weight, in which


> in what way (pendant, ring or anything else), and the method of

> wearing it (which day and how to wear it for the first time) etc

> necessary information.


> My details are as follows:

> Birth Date = 27th May 1943

> Birth Place = Aligarh, UP

> Birth Time = 8.10 pm


> Thanks a lot for your kind guidance

> Sushma



> > --- On Mon, 25/8/08, Mrutyunjay Tripathy

> <astrologer_mrutyunjay@> wrote:

> >

> > Mrutyunjay Tripathy <astrologer_mrutyunjay@>

> > General Guidelines for gems/stones/mantra for

> astrological use

> >

> > Monday, 25 August, 2008, 5:06 PM


> > Dear friends,

> >

> > I am posting here a few guidelines on astrological use of gems/

> > stones etc based on the experiences of mine as well as other

> > astrologers;

> >

> > (1) Please avoid gemstones for functional malefics unless they


> > placed in a trine or kendra housess along with frinedly yoga


> > planets ( a planets who owns a trine and a kendra- or owns a


> > and placed in a trine)

> >

> > (2) always avoid gemstones of planets who owns/ occupies or

> > associated with another friendly planet who owns/ occupies


> > 2,7, 12 and badhaka houses as they would create a lot of


> > and tensions

> >

> > (3)avoid gemstone/ mantra or prayer of the planet who are enemy


> > lagna lord/navamsa lagna lord

> >

> > (4) avoid gemstone/mantra of planets whose rasi/navamsa


> > are badly placed in the rasi chart from the lagna, moon or


> > lagna or karya bhava-- as the result of these efforts might go


> > vain a create serious doubt about the efficacy of remedial


> > in the mind of the people.

> >

> > With best wishes,

> >

> > Mrutyunjay Tripathy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger.


> to http://in.webmessenger./

> >

> >

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Dear Tripathy Ji

Thanks for replying. In fact I have heard that every chart has some

strong and good planets as well as some bad and badly placed planets.

According to this nature, one should strengthen his good planets and

propitiate his bad planets so that one can save himself form their

bad aspects.


Since we normally wear jewlery, we can make it according to our

planets, lest by wearing some gem we do the opposite - propitiate

good planets and strengthen good planets.


By the way I have severe severe arthritis problem in my knees for

about 10 years. It has been increasing day by day, so much so that I

am confined to my house, that is why I asked you about this.


With regrds



, " Mrutyunjay Tripathy "

<astrologer_mrutyunjay wrote:


> Dear friend,


> The general guidelines was for the members who are either learners

> of astrology having basic knowledge of astrology and the astrologer

> friends in this group.



> Gemstones etc. are used as remedial measures. Like medicinces for

> cure for a disease.


> You have not told us what is your problem ?


> I do not think it is a fancy to take medicines without disease !


> ( No astrological calculation is needed to be done to worship or

> prayer of the family deity or the Ishta Devta or the god/ goddess

> advised by the Guru).


> With best wishes,



> Mrutyunjay Tripathy




> , " bhagvatjee "

> <bhagvatjee@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Tripathy Ji

> > Thanks for publishing this information. It is very useful. But


> > people who cannot do so much calculations of Grahas, it is

> difficult

> > to decide as for which Graha they can wear the gem or they should

> > wear the gem and for which they should never wear it.

> >

> > Kindly guide me that which gem should be beneficial for which

> Graha

> > for me and which I must avoid, in general. If some gem is really

> > beneficial for me, then please indicate its weight, in which

> metal,

> > in what way (pendant, ring or anything else), and the method of

> > wearing it (which day and how to wear it for the first time) etc

> > necessary information.

> >

> > My details are as follows:

> > Birth Date = 27th May 1943

> > Birth Place = Aligarh, UP

> > Birth Time = 8.10 pm

> >

> > Thanks a lot for your kind guidance

> > Sushma

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