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Sree DharmaSasta alias Sree Ayyappan-Lord of Growth

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Sasta alias Ayyappan is the lord of Saturn. By pleasing the lord one

could reduce the bad affects of Saturn. Offering Neerajanam to Lord

Ayyappa on Saturdays ward of Sade-sati dosa of Saturn.

Shiva succumbed to the beauty of Mohini and Ayyappan was born out of

this union. Hence the name Hari Hara Putra - Hari (Vishnu), Hara

(Shiva), Putra (son). Ayyappan is regarded as the third son of Shiva,

the other two being Ganesha and Muruga.


Mythology apart, the etymological significance of Hari Hara is one

who, with rays of knowledge (Haribhi), dispels the darkness of

ignorance (Horanthi).

The name " Ayyappa " , which stands for Universal Father, is a

vernacular form of the Sanskrit term Aryabha, which represents

nobility and effulgence. Lord Ayyappa is also addressed as Sree

Dharma Sastha - the stern, strict, upholder of righteousness, one who

punishes the wicked and protects the virtuous. He is also addressed

as Kaliyuga Varadha - since legend has it that Lord Vishnu has

blessed this most recent, or Kali, Yuga, with His

reincarnation - which can be conceptuallyassumed as a reinforcement

of the philosophy " God descends in order to help Man ascend " .


Ayyappan was born on the auspicious day of Makara Sankranthi, when

the star Uttrarn was on the ascendence. His mortal life was to

annihilate Mahishi (buffalo faced asura). As directed by Ayyappan, a

sanctum was built to install an idol made of panchaloha (an alloy of

five metals), climbing 18 steps to reach the sanctum. These 18 steps

to represent 5 indriyas, 8 ragas, 3 gunas, vidya and avidya. Ayyappan

also advised the king of the nature of the austerities to be observed

before the pilgrimage to this temple.

On the day of consecration and installation of the idol, amidst the

sound of saranam chanting and conches, pipes and drums, Ayyappan was

transformed into a stroke of lightning and got absorbed in the idol

of Dharma Sasta. This was his birthday, the auspicious day of Makara

Sankrathi. The 3 austerities prescribed for devotees are:


1). Austerity of body

Purity, uprightness, continence and non violence

2). Austerity of mind

Tranquility, gentleness, silence, self control and purity of thought

3). Austerity of speech

Speech that causes no annoyance to others, truthful, pleasant and

beneficial and recitation of scriptures.


Vegetarianism has been prescribed during the 41 days vritharn to help

achieve the above austerities. Brahmacharya (continence) will help

convert the physical energy to spiritual energy. Self surrender leads

to self realization. The self that surrenders is the ego and the self

that realizes is God. The carrying of irrurnudi on the head and

chanting of saranammantrain is a total surrender to God.


The spiritual discipline, prayers, and practice of a pure, spiritually

conscious lifestyle during these 41 days is mandatory for a devotee

seeking to ascend the sacred Pathinettu Padi that lead to the sanctum

at Sabarimala. Apart from the fact that this exercise prepares a

devotee to get the darshan of the Ultimate Ascetic (Sadh Gurunathan),

the rigor espoused behind the Vratham owes its origin also to the

Eighteen Steps themselves.

The first five of the steps symbolize Man's five senses (Pancha

Indriyas) viz. the visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, and

gustatory senses. The next eight steps symbolize the eight base

emotions of Man (Ashta Gunas) --viz. love (Kama), anger (Krodha),

avarice (Lobha), lust (Moha), pride (Madha), unhealthy competition

(Matsarya), jealousy (Asooya), boastfulness (Dhumb).

The next three steps symbolize the nature-born qualities (TriGunas)

endowed in Man - viz. perspicuity and discernment (Satva), activity

and enjoyment (Rajas), and inactivity and stupor (Thamas). The final

two steps symbolize knowledge (Vidhya) and ignorance (Avidhya). The

fundamental, all-powerful,all-truthful symbolism is that the Man who

ascends these sacred Eighteen

Steps has gained control over all these metaphysical aspects of his

being, and ascended to a spiritual state to unite with his

UltimateCreator (Tatwam Asi).


In temples, the celebration of Makara Vilakku Pooja is conducted

along the tradition of Tantra, Mantra and Yantra rituals interwoven

in its pooja programs. Mantrayana tradition is incorporated in the

bhajan program. Ayyapp an prayer songs, kirthans and chanting

of " Swamiyee Saranarn Ayyappa " are meant to activate the breath

control vibrational activity.

Ayyappa sahasranarnarn (recitation of 1000 times of Ayyappan's name)

together with other bhajan songs, create an elevated mental condition

conducive to invoke a powerful and unique method of recharging the

sub-conscious mind with spiritual vibrations.


According to Brahmopanishad, a deity is to be worshipped

simultaneously at 4


1). Idol (Bimba)

2). Fire (Vahini)

3). Water pitcher (Kumbha)

4). Mystic diagrams (Mandala - yantra)


All the above are incorporated in the pooja system during the last 3

days of Makara Vilakku. Arathi is the culmination of the offerings of

prayers to the deity. Mandalaradhana (yantra worship) originated in

the early period of A.D. 300 and was perfected over the next 500

years. It was used in the beginning for the yaga yajna sacrificial

rituals at a specially constructed pandal by the side of a hermitage,

on the bank of a river or on a mountain top. At a later stage, it was

adopted to be conducted inside a temple's premises. Yantra

helps the process of editation. There are very many types of yantras

in use according to the deities. The main few are Sri Yantra of

Goddess Lakshmi, yantra of Gayatri, yantra of Lord Vishnu (Sudurshan

mahachakra), yantra of Lord Shiva, Rama and Krishna. Ayyappan yantra

is one of the most powerful yantras.

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