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Steller Occupational effects. - GOCHARA

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                             Stellar Occupational effect:

As I posted a topic yesterday to the attention of all members on ‘Transit effect

of Jupiter 2008 - 9’, I was approached by many over phone and mail to give them

the basis on which these transit of Planets are referred to on their

‘occupational effect’

Many are in the early stage of studying Astrology, and today many students need

guidance in the basic principles. I decided to guide them with this in this


A person is born in one of the stars of 27 stars, accounted in consideration and

validity among numerous stars clustered in heaven, in Astrology. At any time a

Planet is found to transit through a particular star (zone). This star is

reconed from birth star forms the basis of descending factor whatever the planet

gives, say good or bad results.

They are in 3 cycles each of 9 stars to make the total of 27 stars. The cycle

repeats for reckoning its effects. The gradation of such effects are as follows:

Janma Nakshatra 1 Medium Result;

Sampath Nakshathras (Tharaa) 2 Very good “

Vipath Nakshathra 3 Bad “

Kshema Nakshathra 4 Good “

Prathyak Nakshatra 5 Bad “

Deivanukula Nakshatra 6 Good “

Vadha or Widhan Thara 7 Very Bad “

Maithra Nakshatra 8 Good “

Parama Maitra Nakshatra 9 Moderate “

(How to understand this?) The Planet may be occupying a star belonging to any

one of 27 stars, in the cycles 1-9, 10-18, 19-27. The count of star occupied by

a planet reckoned from Janma Rasi star my be in one of the 9 stars in any of

these cycles. That is, suppose if the planet is placed in the third star from

the Janma Rasi Star, it is called ‘Vipat Nakshathra’ and the Planet when in

transit on this star, it would cause bad effect to those born in the first star

referred to above. Similarly, the third star in the second and third ‘groups’ to

the first star will be termed as ‘ Vipat Nakshathra’.

Example: Kruthika, Uttara, Uthrashada will be termed ‘Vipat Nakshatra’ to those

born in Ashwini.



Defined categories of group of Stars counted beyond 9 individual results, from

JANMA TARA (BIRTH STAR) as above will be as follows.

10 & 19 stars from birth star :: Janma

11 & 20 “ :: Sampath

12 & 21 “ :: Vipath

13 & 22 “ :: Kshema

14 & 23 “ :: Prathyak

15 & 24 “ :: Deivanukula

16 & 25 “ :: Vada

17 & 26 “ :: Maitra

18 & 27 “ :: Parama MaithraStage II

Sun :: Gives good results while transiting in 2,4,8,9,11,13 and 24 th stars from

Janma Nakshatra

Moon :: Gives good -do- 4,6,8,9,11,13,15,26,and 27th Stars

Gives bad -do- 1,3,5,7,12,14,19 and 21st Stars

Mars :: Gives good -do- 9,11,17,22, and 24th Star

Gives bad -do- 1,3,5,7,12,14,19 and 21st Star

Mercury Gives good -do- 4,6,13,15,17,20,22,24,26 and 27th Star

Jupiter and Give good -do- 1,3,7,10,12, and 19th Star

Venus they do not give any good results when

passing through other stars.

Saturn -do- 2,4,6,8,13,15,17,18,20th star

Rahu & -do- 22 and 24th Star

Ketu Bad -do- 1,7,10,27th Star

In other stars both will not give any


In this way we can ascertain the net result of transit under following rules:

1) The full benefic Planets (Venus, Jupiter and Waxing Moon, Mercury, if joined

or aspect by benefic Planets) when passing through Trikonas (5th and 9th

house)also posited in benefic stars stated above will give maximum benefic

results during that passing time. If they pass through Kendras 1,4,7,10 and also

in benefic stars they give moderate good results.

Please Note: If these Planets pass through benefic star in other signs they will

not give good results. It will just be neutral only.

2) The Malefic Planets (Sun, waning Moon, Mercury joined and aspect by malefic

Planets Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu), if passes through 8th 12th Rasis from

Janma Rasi (the path of 2 and quarter stars in that Rasi) and also malefic stars

mentioned above for them.

Please note: Their conventional malefic results will increase and will be more

intensified. If they pass through Janma 5, 9th Thrikonas but also pass through

malefic stars, their malefic stars, there will be neutral results. If they pass

through benific stars, the malefic results will be reduced and there will be

practically no bad results.


EXAMPLE: Let us take HASTHA Nakshatra born native Moon Rasi KANYA. Let us assume

that VENUS is in the 9th house, Rishaba. Let us take as VENUS is passing through


There are 9 quarters of stars in Rishabha. They are 3 qtrs of Kruthika, 4 qtrs

of Rohini, and 2 qtrs of Mirga Sheera. (Identify these houses in Navamsa also)

Suppose VENUS pass through Mirga Sheera at the time taken for this analysis,

Mirga Sheera is the 20th Star from Janma Nakshathra HASTHA in the star group

category of 11 & 20  to gain the title ’Sampath’ and give the benifits of being

a Sampath Nakshathra. (Please above catogories)

Therefore, VENUS, with its natural good results will be intensified to many fold

according to the desa ruling results.

One has to judge the results of other planets in same way.




(wil be continued………) Pathi 25th Sept. 2008. USA





103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,

North Carolina, 27514, USA



( Private readings are chargeable. 






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good and educative.I like the kind of effort anf initiative

Thanx Sir



--- On Thu, 9/25/08, venkatachala pathi <pathiav wrote:


venkatachala pathi <pathiav

Steller Occupational effects. - GOCHARA

ALL_astrology , ,

asthikasamaj , vedic astrology ,

brahmin_world, " Bhaskar " <rajiventerprises,

dr.balakrishnamurthy.ramaraju, " Dr Ramesh C Kajuria "

<rckhajuria, " DR.PRASAD RAMKRISHNA " <drprkprasad,

" Shabnam Frei " <bioacoustics, gururangan, " brahimn tvm

group " <kbstvm, " gopala krishnan " <gopa90,

" Harish Venkatesh " <h-venky, HARE_RAM ,

Indian_Astrology_Group_Daily_Digest ,

, Jyotish_Astrology_Newsletter ,


Thursday, September 25, 2008, 2:38 PM




Stellar Occupational effect:

As I posted a topic yesterday to the attention of all members on ‘Transit

effect of Jupiter 2008 - 9’, I was approached by many over phone and mail to

give them the basis on which these transit of Planets are referred to on their

‘occupational effect’

Many are in the early stage of studying Astrology, and today many students need

guidance in the basic principles. I decided to guide them with this in this


A person is born in one of the stars of 27 stars, accounted in consideration

and validity among numerous stars clustered in heaven, in Astrology. At any time

a Planet is found to transit through a particular star (zone). This star is

reconed from birth star forms the basis of descending factor whatever the planet

gives, say good or bad results.

They are in 3 cycles each of 9 stars to make the total of 27 stars. The cycle

repeats for reckoning its effects. The gradation of such effects are as follows:

Janma Nakshatra 1 Medium Result;

Sampath Nakshathras (Tharaa) 2 Very good “

Vipath Nakshathra 3 Bad “

Kshema Nakshathra 4 Good “

Prathyak Nakshatra 5 Bad “

Deivanukula Nakshatra 6 Good “

Vadha or Widhan Thara 7 Very Bad “

Maithra Nakshatra 8 Good “

Parama Maitra Nakshatra 9 Moderate “

(How to understand this?) The Planet may be occupying a star belonging to any

one of 27 stars, in the cycles 1-9, 10-18, 19-27. The count of star occupied by

a planet reckoned from Janma Rasi star my be in one of the 9 stars in any of

these cycles. That is, suppose if the planet is placed in the third star from

the Janma Rasi Star, it is called ‘Vipat Nakshathra’ and the Planet when in

transit on this star, it would cause bad effect to those born in the first star

referred to above. Similarly, the third star in the second and third

‘groups’ to the first star will be termed as ‘ Vipat Nakshathra’.

Example: Kruthika, Uttara, Uthrashada will be termed ‘Vipat Nakshatra’ to

those born in Ashwini.



Defined categories of group of Stars counted beyond 9 individual results, from

JANMA TARA (BIRTH STAR) as above will be as follows.

10 & 19 stars from birth star :: Janma

11 & 20 “ :: Sampath

12 & 21 “ :: Vipath

13 & 22 “ :: Kshema

14 & 23 “ :: Prathyak

15 & 24 “ :: Deivanukula

16 & 25 “ :: Vada

17 & 26 “ :: Maitra

18 & 27 “ :: Parama MaithraStage II

Sun :: Gives good results while transiting in 2,4,8,9,11,13 and 24 th stars


Janma Nakshatra

Moon :: Gives good -do- 4,6,8,9,11,13,15,26,and 27th Stars

Gives bad -do- 1,3,5,7,12,14,19 and 21st Stars

Mars :: Gives good -do- 9,11,17,22, and 24th Star

Gives bad -do- 1,3,5,7,12,14,19 and 21st Star

Mercury Gives good -do- 4,6,13,15,17,20,22,24,26 and 27th Star

Jupiter and Give good -do- 1,3,7,10,12, and 19th Star

Venus they do not give any good results when

passing through other stars.

Saturn -do- 2,4,6,8,13,15,17,18,20th star

Rahu & -do- 22 and 24th Star

Ketu Bad -do- 1,7,10,27th Star

In other stars both will not give any


In this way we can ascertain the net result of transit under following rules:

1) The full benefic Planets (Venus, Jupiter and Waxing Moon, Mercury, if joined

or aspect by benefic Planets) when passing through Trikonas (5th and 9th

house)also posited in benefic stars stated above will give maximum benefic

results during that passing time. If they pass through Kendras 1,4,7,10 and also

in benefic stars they give moderate good results.

Please Note: If these Planets pass through benefic star in other signs they

will not give good results. It will just be neutral only.

2) The Malefic Planets (Sun, waning Moon, Mercury joined and aspect by malefic

Planets Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu), if passes through 8th 12th Rasis from

Janma Rasi (the path of 2 and quarter stars in that Rasi) and also malefic stars

mentioned above for them.

Please note: Their conventional malefic results will increase and will be more

intensified. If they pass through Janma 5, 9th Thrikonas but also pass through

malefic stars, their malefic stars, there will be neutral results. If they pass

through benific stars, the malefic results will be reduced and there will be

practically no bad results.


EXAMPLE: Let us take HASTHA Nakshatra born native Moon Rasi KANYA. Let us

assume that VENUS is in the 9th house, Rishaba. Let us take as VENUS is passing

through Rihabha.

There are 9 quarters of stars in Rishabha. They are 3 qtrs of Kruthika, 4 qtrs

of Rohini, and 2 qtrs of Mirga Sheera. (Identify these houses in Navamsa also)

Suppose VENUS pass through Mirga Sheera at the time taken for this analysis,

Mirga Sheera is the 20th Star from Janma Nakshathra HASTHA in the star group

category of 11 & 20  to gain the title ’Sampath’ and give the benifits

of being a Sampath Nakshathra. (Please above catogories)

Therefore, VENUS, with its natural good results will be intensified to many

fold according to the desa ruling results.

One has to judge the results of other planets in same way.




(wil be continued………) Pathi 25th Sept. 2008. USA







103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,

North Carolina, 27514, USA



( Private readings are chargeable. 






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