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please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying.. Sept 26

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dear Mr>prashant,

There is an error in the casting of the chart of Mrs>shkathi. her lagna is

simham and rasi is also simham. whereas u have mentioned her lagna as Kumbham it

is not so. U must have taken her time of birth as 5.50am instead of 5.50pm. I am

bringing this to ur notice so that u can give ur amended prediction.


DOB:March 9,1982

> Time:5.50 PM

> lagnam:Simmam

> moon sign:Simmam

> natchatharam: pooram

> place of Birth Dharmapuri.


good wishes




--- On Fri, 9/26/08, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar wrote:


Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying.. Sept 26


Friday, September 26, 2008, 1:17 AM









I remember having covered ur case like others


in a few lines itis not what someoneays, what u want [u can say] and what is

possible can be said by astrologers here it can match or be opposite to ur

expectations u need to strike the right balance and take a call


u can't have the cake and eat it too


so if u husband can't give up his parents or their wishes can u force him to

shift or be with u,? will someone foresake a 1 month relationship with a 25-30

yrs or whatever is his age? esp when u also admit u have temper tantrums, no man

likes his ego challanged esp by his wife of all the people he can go totally in

opposite to his wife concern, affection too


now coming to ur case


Kumbha lagna


7th lord sani in enemy sign in Kumbha, aspected by 6th lord chandra

7th flanked by Papagrahas sani+Kuja in 8th too much to nuteralise and in 5th

rahu, no benefic aspect


in D9 [sPOUSE 7th lord ravi is in vrishaba in the 4th again a enemy sugn


Lagna, chandra ar e varagottama hence the stubberness in urside as well


u r in peak Elnatu sani and with SAV of 3/21 in Simha and 3/27 in Kanya the

future looks v beak to ave ur marriage


Feb 21 to May 5th 09 it will take a turn for the worse and u may file it on ur



the marriage will be disolved betweeen 6/Aug/09 to 6/Jun/10


as chandr a is in Sukras star and it is its Dasa u can try prayers to any form

of Shakti-durga, lalitha, ammans etc and ask for the right step forward and

accept what u start seeing from there with some ease


concentrate on ur work it is a source of relief I alrady said


I normally don't like posting such a negative picture esp in the groups like

this esp of womens charts I am sympathetic to women as a care giver, guardian of

family, traditions too


but as it is so strong and so is ur approach giving it as plainly is better for

u to make up ur mind


i had a similar cae a few weeks ago from the group in private chat where I had

said similarly, she too was adamant when I sai dby Jan=feb next he will wind up

the marriage she said no, she is going to see him that week and save it


next day she called sying he husband has asked her to sign on the dotted line

for divorce no reconcilation,

she also wants to still try, not sure what is the outcome. yet if they met


best wishes





Sakthi Murugan <sakthim (AT) ymail (DOT) com>


Friday, September 26, 2008 12:15:29 AM

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying..


thanks for your reply Gopu sir.Everybody thinks I am willing to take revenge

against my inlaws.I have been quiet for a long time by bearing all the pains and

mental tortures.everytime when i try for our reconcilation they scold me with

very very horrible words which a girl should not hear.I accept that i am short

tempered and during the initial days i was not able to tolerate my FIL's

cunningness and greediness for my father's money and my salary..Finally my

husband was asked to run away from me to achieve their target within a month of

marriage.But i stood adamant and fought against them(i got lots of damage and

was forced to ask sorry among a big crowd gathered by my FIL) and told all the

facts about my FIL to the outside world.So he was much much furious and wanted

to take revenge in all aspects.after in our reunion (after three months) my

husband acted like a puppet as usual and gave me mental tortures like how he was

instructed.Apart from

this me and my husband had some private issues too.all together got blown up my

mind and i became furious and threw out my husband's clothes and asked him to

walk out of my life without analysing the consequences. Yes i am very raw spoken

and straight forward.this is the problem with me..i will come to my husband

directly and will question him why his parents are bad ..who will accept all

these and he is much obedient boy too like slave...not only my husband i will

question everyone whoever is doing injustice without thinking about the

consequences. I am regretting a lot about my open hearted nature which may hurt

others especially my husband.


without knowing the fact M/s sindhu Madhusudan makes fun of a girl's sufferings

by making comments like " after getting divorce i may be free " ..who wants

divorce?i am the one who is struggling all alone to save my marriage life and

run to all Navagraha temples as pointed out by you.apart from these temples, i

went to palani,thirupathi, rameshwaram and whatever temples possible before i

came to US.My FIL is saying false propaganda like I have run away from my

husband(with someone..)Thats why i want to come back to India.I want to get

mental support from my parents too.They will kill themselves if they are

supposed to do that if there is a chance of our reunion.My parents are worrying

about my future.my husband ran away from me within a month and tortured me by

hearing to his parents.so they are worrying like will he take care of me for the

rest of the life. M/s sindhu Madhusudan doesnt know about the fact about my

parents.my parents are

going for " Girivalam " in Thiruvanamalai in this old age just for the sake of my

good life.when i was in India they came with me all the temples and climbed all

the steps including " Sholinger " temple.we are not going to temples just to put

attendance.we like to visit temples.This is the practice we have been following

from our small age itself..thats my parent's broughtup.My father is handovering

all his lakhs and lakhs business to come and stay with me and give me

protection.My mother was staying with me when my husband left.My father will

come and visit us every week.My mommy is sending all her relatives to my inlaws

house to talk about our matter daily since my FIL said if my parents come they

would not invite them inside the house.My parents were already humiliated by my

husband by asking them to get out of the house..Enough humiliations for my

parents because of their daughter..whoever goes for talk finally come back and

say 'its better to

divorce..they speak like monsters " ... i feel like i will get peace of mind once

i come back to India.Since being lonely my problem gets multiplied by several

times and my inlaws are utilising my loneliness to play mind games.


I hope some miracle will happen though its not possible in the near future.But

till then i am not able to cross this period.If something would happen only

after the bad period over,why there is god and why do we need to pray him?to

give stable mind alone?this is confusing me.Though i am not very true devotee to

my fav Lord Murugan nowadays my parents do have the same devotion still.why he

is not answering to their prayers also?Why he is letting bad people to win?I

went to Thiruchendur also before came to US.There was a man helped us to dharsan

Lord Murugan very near and without any troubles.He simply asked my hubby's raasi

without knowing anything about my problem.when i said he simply replied " be

patient for two years " (it happened around January this year) and lord Murugan

will take care of the things " and he suggested some remedy like bathing cow and

giving bananas.I usually give bananas and greens to the cows in the temples.I

love to see

them eating with curiosity and definitely no intention in reducing my paaba

weight by doing punniya activites.i feel like i am missing all of them

terribly.i am sending money to mentally retarted children's home every month

when i am in US too.This has been done by me for the past two years.I dont say

Geographical location matters. we can help from anywhere.But i need mental

support and want to fight against my inlaws about demanding my legal rights to

live with my husband.My FIL says he is the creator of destiny and nothing will

move without his knowledge.If he says his son will come and live and he doesnt

like he will get him back.He is treating everyone as puppet as per his wish.is

this not adharma?


I am giving true values to marriage.i am sticking to " one man one marriage "

principle.even my parents are fedup by my adamancy sometimes.M/ s sindhu

Madhusudan mail portrays me like " an uncultured independent woman who is haste

in getting divorce " .I am a software engineer who is working in a big firm with

reputed name.But i am very very orthodox in my thoughts.as it was pointed out,i

love my husband without any reason since he is my husband.


thanks Gopu sir once again for your soothing words and remedies suggested..




K Gopu <kgopu_24 (AT) (DOT) co.uk>


Thursday, September 25, 2008 4:30:59 AM

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying..


dear Mrs. shakthi,

I saw ur chart and also the advice given by M/s sindhu Madhusudan.

U were born on a pournamasya day and almost close to sunset. so moon is

more predominant and this gives u lot of worries and mental tension, since moon

controls the mind. Secondly ur IInd house is occupied by mars and saturn, so

ur words will be more harsh and at times rash.. Ur 7th house is occupied by sun

and merc. placement of sun in saturns' house will lead to such marital discord.

Under such circumstances u can proceed to ur parent's place and probably after a

month of stay at ur parent's place u can think of reconciliation with ur husband

and in-laws. In this one month period u can go to navagraha temples situated in

and around kumbakonam, thirunallar and vaitheeswarankoil offer ur prayers.

Definitely God will help u.

ur prayers to Lord shaneeswara on saturdays will help u a lot. u can chant the


for Lord shaneeswara 108times everyday in the morning or in the evening. keep ur

cool and dont allow ur mind to be poisoned with thoughts of taking revenge

against father in law.

even if they speak to u over the phone u can be calm and state that ur sincere

prayers will help in keeping the marital status together.










--- On Thu, 9/25/08, Sindhu Madhusudan <sunshinesbrighter@ gmail.com> wrote:


Sindhu Madhusudan <sunshinesbrighter@ gmail.com>

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying..


Thursday, September 25, 2008, 2:33 PM


Hare Rama Krishna





dont let any holy man or spiritual guy (i'm quoting you) clutter your

brain. it doesnt serve any purpose. from his words, it looks as if the

spiritual person your dad spoke to has some unresolved anger and

personal issues towards dogs. dogs are adorable, intelligent and

affectionate creatures. being born a dog isnt that miserable an option

either :-)


let's get serious now.


you'll have to honestly ask yourself one thing- are you feeling so

troubled in the marriage because your in-laws & /or husband are

ill-treating you or is it because you're feeling desperately homesick?

and what kind of ill-treatment are you refering to- physical or



during our practice, we have seen some really sadistic men and the

things they do to their wives. had your husband been really bad, you

wouldnt even be in a position to type this mail or go to work.


the unfortunate truth is that single-kid families have made parents so

dsperately possessive about their daughters that sometimes they end up

destroying the latter's marriage because they want to keep their

children wiht them for as long as possible. another sorry fact is that

equal number of women end up misusing the family law previleges and

sec 498A that indian legal system gives them.


do your inlaws live with you in the US? or are they harassing you over

the phone? i'm a rank amateur in studying charts, but your chart

indicates that you had lot of expectations from the marriage but are

disappointed by it. go easy on your husband. obviously, he isnt

enjoying the fact that he is stuck in a miserable marriage. from your

mail it looks as if you have a personal vendetta against your



divorcing someone is very easy. you'll get your " freedom " , your lawyer

will make 30% of the divorce settlement that your husband gives. your

parents are going to be happy that they have thier daughter back. ,

but what exactly is that going to accomplish to you?


the concepts of next janma and karma are a bit too lopsided and it is

one way of justifying our sufferings and pacifying ourselves. if

nothing goes right, blame it on past karma. you really dont ahev to

come all teh way back to india to perform the remedies. God is

everywhere and He isnt particular about the geographical location.


you could try praying to Lord Muruga or Nrisimha to give you a clear

mind. They'll come to your rescue and start the healing process. (i'm

saying this from your chart). Nrisimha was someone who sprang out of a

stone pillar to rescue His devotee. coming to the US to get you out of

your confused state of mind wouldnt be a problem for Him. ditto with

Lord Muruga. The Guy went around teh entire universe on His Mayil

vaahanam. US is no big deal for Him.


but you'll have to decide what the actual problem is-

is your marriage really that bad?

or are you desperately missing your parents?

or are you somehow trying to separate your husband from his parents?


remember- coming back to india isnt going to change a thing if the

problem is in your head. separating your husband from his parents isnt

going to earn his goodwill either. marriage is a union of two people

and two families.


you might think this is a bitter mail, but if this helps put things in

right perspective and save your mariage from ending in a divorce, then

i'd consider this as a risk worth taking. stop looking at the past and

learn to look into the future. marriage is a relationship you ahve to

work on. you are not doing a big favor on your spouse by making a few

sacrifices and adjustments here adn there. Let go of the past. i hope

you understand what i'm refering to.


but agreed that at teh end, you are the one who has to decide if the

adjustments and compromises are worth it. we dont know the magnitude

of your problems. so, only you can decide.


with warm regards and a genuine concern to avoid a broken marriage...

Sindhu Madhusudan


On 9/25/08, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar > wrote:

> Sakthi,


> good u said it is ur 2nd post as many don't and u have not changed ur

> subject line, last time also i said it is sick to read though we understand

> and asking for help is a beter way.


> always realise the strenght inborn in everyone is there all it needs is to

> awaken and tap it, that is my intention


> and when u already have many inputs u must know it by now what is in store.

> we can't change the course or force the course of what is waid, waitfor its

> course to happen u will know it is happened or not then post afres


> right now patience is important save ur job as long as it lasts in the

> ecconomy slow down u said


> about filing a case if u want to there r NEW laws . the new DOMESTIC

> VIOLENCE BILL of nov 2006 can cover ur case well that is abuse, threats,

> emotinal blackmail etc can be covered under it it can be anyone FIL, MIL,

> SIL, or a maid servant abused at hme or a mistress, 2nd or 3rd wife etc....


> it is said such laws exist as they r more misused than used as sometimes

> helpless old in-laws are sent to jail on mere lodging of a case under this

> law or the older one 498a.


> so keep worjing and this is itself a relief, with no job and no marriage it

> is double worry and more depressing work is a medicine in itself


> and if u do file a case there is NO WAY ur husband will come back to u as no

> one likes to be dragged into court esp their parents and after that is only

> a one-way ticket, it is no USA where pppl even after seperating meet

> amicably, children move from both parents in turns, we Indians treat them as

> criminlas, demons once seperated loose all human values no harm if the

> children try to mingle with the other parent someday they can reconcile


> in urcase I know this is not there now


> follow ur readings last time all u said who read urs. I remember I had also


> best wishes


> prashant





> sakthi <sakthim (AT) ymail (DOT) com>


> Thursday, September 25, 2008 10:35:49 AM

> please help me ..My mind is restless.... I am dying..



> Hi,


> I am Sakthi.This is my second post in the forum regarding my

> troublesome marriage life.I am in US right now..me and my husband have

> been seperated for nearly 1 year and we have been married for 1

> year.I have got lots of guidance from our learned astrologers

> regarding this issue .My sincere thanks to all of them.My father-in-

> law is trying hard to get divorce.since I am not ready to give

> divorce,they started giving me mental tortures by speaking horrible

> words and false blamings in the recent days through phone.They play

> some mind game and push me in depression and ultimately wanted me to

> give divorce.Being lonely i am suffering a lot.So i wanted to travel

> back to India to my parents and wanted to fight against my inlaws and

> my husband to save my marriage life by being in India.But everywhere

> i am facing troubles. I am not getting immediate release in my

> project.They told me to wait for some days to find a suitable

> replacement. But i cannot wait.i feel very restless.I am not able to

> concentrate in my career too. i feel like sitting on fire.Why my mind

> is highly fluctuating and always depressed nowadays though i pray

> like how our astrologers guided?why my problems getting worsen after

> i do believe in god and started praying him?this makes me to loose

> confidence again.when will I go back to India and when will i

> overcome all these troubles completely?My father met a spiritual guy

> somedays before.He said 99% of our reunion is not possible and my

> husband is a sadist and he likes to make others cry..he will born as

> dog in the next jenma something he told.after hearing to these,my

> parents are quite upset.but i am the only one who still believe some

> miracle will happen and my husband will understand my love and will

> come back to me.For me he is not very bad and only his family members

> are very cruel.but these mental depressions blows out me completely.


> My details:


> DOB:March 9,1982

> Time:5.50 PM

> lagnam:Simmam

> moon sign:Simmam

> natchatharam: pooram

> place of Birth Dharmapuri/ Tamilnadu/ India


> please someone help me in predicting when will i go back to India and

> will i win if i file case in family court against my inlaws abt the

> tortures they gave (and giving)and get back my husband?i want to live

> with my husband..I desperately want to go back to India to do the

> remedies suggested by our esteemed astrologers too.My mind is

> restless in US.i feel i will get peace of mind only in India.But Due

> to economical crisis in US,lots of people are loosing their job

> including my friends currently.but my position is stable.but i want

> to break it up and go back.I am in confusion like am i doing

> something wrong.I am not able to stand strong in my decisions too.i

> hate my feeble mind..i feel like i am not worth to live with this

> weak mind.


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Thanks Gopu sir.He has put me in depression worse than my inlaws.I would like to

thank Sunil Nair sir and Sasisekaranji in this moment.you ppl are very very kind

..My sincere thanks to you all...





K Gopu <kgopu_24


Thursday, September 25, 2008 9:12:36 PM

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying.. Sept 26



dear Mr>prashant,

There is an error in the casting of the chart of Mrs>shkathi. her lagna is

simham and rasi is also simham. whereas u have mentioned her lagna as Kumbham it

is not so. U must have taken her time of birth as 5.50am instead of 5.50pm. I am

bringing this to ur notice so that u can give ur amended prediction.


DOB:March 9,1982

> Time:5.50 PM

> lagnam:Simmam

> moon sign:Simmam

> natchatharam: pooram

> place of Birth Dharmapuri.


good wishes



--- On Fri, 9/26/08, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar > wrote:


Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying.. Sept 26


Friday, September 26, 2008, 1:17 AM




I remember having covered ur case like others


in a few lines itis not what someoneays, what u want [u can say] and what is

possible can be said by astrologers here it can match or be opposite to ur

expectations u need to strike the right balance and take a call


u can't have the cake and eat it too


so if u husband can't give up his parents or their wishes can u force him to

shift or be with u,? will someone foresake a 1 month relationship with a 25-30

yrs or whatever is his age? esp when u also admit u have temper tantrums, no man

likes his ego challanged esp by his wife of all the people he can go totally in

opposite to his wife concern, affection too


now coming to ur case


Kumbha lagna


7th lord sani in enemy sign in Kumbha, aspected by 6th lord chandra

7th flanked by Papagrahas sani+Kuja in 8th too much to nuteralise and in 5th

rahu, no benefic aspect


in D9 [sPOUSE 7th lord ravi is in vrishaba in the 4th again a enemy sugn


Lagna, chandra ar e varagottama hence the stubberness in urside as well


u r in peak Elnatu sani and with SAV of 3/21 in Simha and 3/27 in Kanya the

future looks v beak to ave ur marriage


Feb 21 to May 5th 09 it will take a turn for the worse and u may file it on ur



the marriage will be disolved betweeen 6/Aug/09 to 6/Jun/10


as chandr a is in Sukras star and it is its Dasa u can try prayers to any form

of Shakti-durga, lalitha, ammans etc and ask for the right step forward and

accept what u start seeing from there with some ease


concentrate on ur work it is a source of relief I alrady said


I normally don't like posting such a negative picture esp in the groups like

this esp of womens charts I am sympathetic to women as a care giver, guardian of

family, traditions too


but as it is so strong and so is ur approach giving it as plainly is better for

u to make up ur mind


i had a similar cae a few weeks ago from the group in private chat where I had

said similarly, she too was adamant when I sai dby Jan=feb next he will wind up

the marriage she said no, she is going to see him that week and save it


next day she called sying he husband has asked her to sign on the dotted line

for divorce no reconcilation,

she also wants to still try, not sure what is the outcome. yet if they met


best wishes





Sakthi Murugan <sakthim (AT) ymail (DOT) com>


Friday, September 26, 2008 12:15:29 AM

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless....I am dying..


thanks for your reply Gopu sir.Everybody thinks I am willing to take revenge

against my inlaws.I have been quiet for a long time by bearing all the pains and

mental tortures.everytime when i try for our reconcilation they scold me with

very very horrible words which a girl should not hear.I accept that i am short

tempered and during the initial days i was not able to tolerate my FIL's

cunningness and greediness for my father's money and my salary..Finally my

husband was asked to run away from me to achieve their target within a month of

marriage.But i stood adamant and fought against them(i got lots of damage and

was forced to ask sorry among a big crowd gathered by my FIL) and told all the

facts about my FIL to the outside world.So he was much much furious and wanted

to take revenge in all aspects.after in our reunion (after three months) my

husband acted like a puppet as usual and gave me mental tortures like how he was

instructed.Apart from

this me and my husband had some private issues too.all together got blown up my

mind and i became furious and threw out my husband's clothes and asked him to

walk out of my life without analysing the consequences. Yes i am very raw spoken

and straight forward.this is the problem with me..i will come to my husband

directly and will question him why his parents are bad ...who will accept all

these and he is much obedient boy too like slave...not only my husband i will

question everyone whoever is doing injustice without thinking about the

consequences. I am regretting a lot about my open hearted nature which may hurt

others especially my husband.


without knowing the fact M/s sindhu Madhusudan makes fun of a girl's sufferings

by making comments like " after getting divorce i may be free " ..who wants

divorce?i am the one who is struggling all alone to save my marriage life and

run to all Navagraha temples as pointed out by you.apart from these temples, i

went to palani,thirupathi, rameshwaram and whatever temples possible before i

came to US.My FIL is saying false propaganda like I have run away from my

husband(with someone..)Thats why i want to come back to India.I want to get

mental support from my parents too.They will kill themselves if they are

supposed to do that if there is a chance of our reunion.My parents are worrying

about my future.my husband ran away from me within a month and tortured me by

hearing to his parents.so they are worrying like will he take care of me for the

rest of the life. M/s sindhu Madhusudan doesnt know about the fact about my

parents.my parents are

going for " Girivalam " in Thiruvanamalai in this old age just for the sake of my

good life.when i was in India they came with me all the temples and climbed all

the steps including " Sholinger " temple.we are not going to temples just to put

attendance.we like to visit temples.This is the practice we have been following

from our small age itself..thats my parent's broughtup.My father is handovering

all his lakhs and lakhs business to come and stay with me and give me

protection.My mother was staying with me when my husband left.My father will

come and visit us every week.My mommy is sending all her relatives to my inlaws

house to talk about our matter daily since my FIL said if my parents come they

would not invite them inside the house.My parents were already humiliated by my

husband by asking them to get out of the house..Enough humiliations for my

parents because of their daughter..whoever goes for talk finally come back and

say 'its better to

divorce..they speak like monsters " ... i feel like i will get peace of mind once

i come back to India.Since being lonely my problem gets multiplied by several

times and my inlaws are utilising my loneliness to play mind games.


I hope some miracle will happen though its not possible in the near future.But

till then i am not able to cross this period.If something would happen only

after the bad period over,why there is god and why do we need to pray him?to

give stable mind alone?this is confusing me.Though i am not very true devotee to

my fav Lord Murugan nowadays my parents do have the same devotion still.why he

is not answering to their prayers also?Why he is letting bad people to win?I

went to Thiruchendur also before came to US.There was a man helped us to dharsan

Lord Murugan very near and without any troubles.He simply asked my hubby's raasi

without knowing anything about my problem.when i said he simply replied " be

patient for two years " (it happened around January this year) and lord Murugan

will take care of the things " and he suggested some remedy like bathing cow and

giving bananas.I usually give bananas and greens to the cows in the temples.I

love to see

them eating with curiosity and definitely no intention in reducing my paaba

weight by doing punniya activites.i feel like i am missing all of them

terribly.i am sending money to mentally retarted children's home every month

when i am in US too.This has been done by me for the past two years.I dont say

Geographical location matters. we can help from anywhere.But i need mental

support and want to fight against my inlaws about demanding my legal rights to

live with my husband.My FIL says he is the creator of destiny and nothing will

move without his knowledge.If he says his son will come and live and he doesnt

like he will get him back.He is treating everyone as puppet as per his wish.is

this not adharma?


I am giving true values to marriage.i am sticking to " one man one marriage "

principle.even my parents are fedup by my adamancy sometimes.M/ s sindhu

Madhusudan mail portrays me like " an uncultured independent woman who is haste

in getting divorce " .I am a software engineer who is working in a big firm with

reputed name.But i am very very orthodox in my thoughts.as it was pointed out,i

love my husband without any reason since he is my husband.


thanks Gopu sir once again for your soothing words and remedies suggested..



K Gopu <kgopu_24 (AT) (DOT) co.uk>


Thursday, September 25, 2008 4:30:59 AM

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying..


dear Mrs. shakthi,

I saw ur chart and also the advice given by M/s sindhu Madhusudan.

U were born on a pournamasya day and almost close to sunset. so moon is

more predominant and this gives u lot of worries and mental tension, since moon

controls the mind. Secondly ur IInd house is occupied by mars and saturn, so

ur words will be more harsh and at times rash.. Ur 7th house is occupied by sun

and merc. placement of sun in saturns' house will lead to such marital discord.

Under such circumstances u can proceed to ur parent's place and probably after a

month of stay at ur parent's place u can think of reconciliation with ur husband

and in-laws. In this one month period u can go to navagraha temples situated in

and around kumbakonam, thirunallar and vaitheeswarankoil offer ur prayers.

Definitely God will help u.

ur prayers to Lord shaneeswara on saturdays will help u a lot. u can chant the


for Lord shaneeswara 108times everyday in the morning or in the evening. keep ur

cool and dont allow ur mind to be poisoned with thoughts of taking revenge

against father in law.

even if they speak to u over the phone u can be calm and state that ur sincere

prayers will help in keeping the marital status together.










--- On Thu, 9/25/08, Sindhu Madhusudan <sunshinesbrighter@ gmail.com> wrote:


Sindhu Madhusudan <sunshinesbrighter@ gmail.com>

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying..


Thursday, September 25, 2008, 2:33 PM


Hare Rama Krishna





dont let any holy man or spiritual guy (i'm quoting you) clutter your

brain. it doesnt serve any purpose. from his words, it looks as if the

spiritual person your dad spoke to has some unresolved anger and

personal issues towards dogs.. dogs are adorable, intelligent and

affectionate creatures. being born a dog isnt that miserable an option

either :-)


let's get serious now.


you'll have to honestly ask yourself one thing- are you feeling so

troubled in the marriage because your in-laws & /or husband are

ill-treating you or is it because you're feeling desperately homesick?

and what kind of ill-treatment are you refering to- physical or



during our practice, we have seen some really sadistic men and the

things they do to their wives. had your husband been really bad, you

wouldnt even be in a position to type this mail or go to work.


the unfortunate truth is that single-kid families have made parents so

dsperately possessive about their daughters that sometimes they end up

destroying the latter's marriage because they want to keep their

children wiht them for as long as possible. another sorry fact is that

equal number of women end up misusing the family law previleges and

sec 498A that indian legal system gives them.


do your inlaws live with you in the US? or are they harassing you over

the phone? i'm a rank amateur in studying charts, but your chart

indicates that you had lot of expectations from the marriage but are

disappointed by it. go easy on your husband. obviously, he isnt

enjoying the fact that he is stuck in a miserable marriage. from your

mail it looks as if you have a personal vendetta against your



divorcing someone is very easy. you'll get your " freedom " , your lawyer

will make 30% of the divorce settlement that your husband gives. your

parents are going to be happy that they have thier daughter back. ,

but what exactly is that going to accomplish to you?


the concepts of next janma and karma are a bit too lopsided and it is

one way of justifying our sufferings and pacifying ourselves. if

nothing goes right, blame it on past karma. you really dont ahev to

come all teh way back to india to perform the remedies. God is

everywhere and He isnt particular about the geographical location.


you could try praying to Lord Muruga or Nrisimha to give you a clear

mind. They'll come to your rescue and start the healing process. (i'm

saying this from your chart). Nrisimha was someone who sprang out of a

stone pillar to rescue His devotee. coming to the US to get you out of

your confused state of mind wouldnt be a problem for Him. ditto with

Lord Muruga. The Guy went around teh entire universe on His Mayil

vaahanam.. US is no big deal for Him.


but you'll have to decide what the actual problem is-

is your marriage really that bad?

or are you desperately missing your parents?

or are you somehow trying to separate your husband from his parents?


remember- coming back to india isnt going to change a thing if the

problem is in your head. separating your husband from his parents isnt

going to earn his goodwill either. marriage is a union of two people

and two families.


you might think this is a bitter mail, but if this helps put things in

right perspective and save your mariage from ending in a divorce, then

i'd consider this as a risk worth taking. stop looking at the past and

learn to look into the future. marriage is a relationship you ahve to

work on. you are not doing a big favor on your spouse by making a few

sacrifices and adjustments here adn there. Let go of the past. i hope

you understand what i'm refering to.


but agreed that at teh end, you are the one who has to decide if the

adjustments and compromises are worth it. we dont know the magnitude

of your problems. so, only you can decide.


with warm regards and a genuine concern to avoid a broken marriage...

Sindhu Madhusudan


On 9/25/08, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar > wrote:

> Sakthi,


> good u said it is ur 2nd post as many don't and u have not changed ur

> subject line, last time also i said it is sick to read though we understand

> and asking for help is a beter way.


> always realise the strenght inborn in everyone is there all it needs is to

> awaken and tap it, that is my intention


> and when u already have many inputs u must know it by now what is in store..

> we can't change the course or force the course of what is waid, waitfor its

> course to happen u will know it is happened or not then post afres


> right now patience is important save ur job as long as it lasts in the

> ecconomy slow down u said


> about filing a case if u want to there r NEW laws . the new DOMESTIC

> VIOLENCE BILL of nov 2006 can cover ur case well that is abuse, threats,

> emotinal blackmail etc can be covered under it it can be anyone FIL, MIL,

> SIL, or a maid servant abused at hme or a mistress, 2nd or 3rd wife etc....


> it is said such laws exist as they r more misused than used as sometimes

> helpless old in-laws are sent to jail on mere lodging of a case under this

> law or the older one 498a.


> so keep worjing and this is itself a relief, with no job and no marriage it

> is double worry and more depressing work is a medicine in itself


> and if u do file a case there is NO WAY ur husband will come back to u as no

> one likes to be dragged into court esp their parents and after that is only

> a one-way ticket, it is no USA where pppl even after seperating meet

> amicably, children move from both parents in turns, we Indians treat them as

> criminlas, demons once seperated loose all human values no harm if the

> children try to mingle with the other parent someday they can reconcile


> in urcase I know this is not there now


> follow ur readings last time all u said who read urs. I remember I had also


> best wishes


> prashant





> sakthi <sakthim (AT) ymail (DOT) com>


> Thursday, September 25, 2008 10:35:49 AM

> please help me ..My mind is restless.... I am dying..



> Hi,


> I am Sakthi.This is my second post in the forum regarding my

> troublesome marriage life.I am in US right now..me and my husband have

> been seperated for nearly 1 year and we have been married for 1

> year.I have got lots of guidance from our learned astrologers

> regarding this issue .My sincere thanks to all of them.My father-in-

> law is trying hard to get divorce.since I am not ready to give

> divorce,they started giving me mental tortures by speaking horrible

> words and false blamings in the recent days through phone.They play

> some mind game and push me in depression and ultimately wanted me to

> give divorce.Being lonely i am suffering a lot.So i wanted to travel

> back to India to my parents and wanted to fight against my inlaws and

> my husband to save my marriage life by being in India.But everywhere

> i am facing troubles. I am not getting immediate release in my

> project.They told me to wait for some days to find a suitable

> replacement. But i cannot wait.i feel very restless.I am not able to

> concentrate in my career too. i feel like sitting on fire.Why my mind

> is highly fluctuating and always depressed nowadays though i pray

> like how our astrologers guided?why my problems getting worsen after

> i do believe in god and started praying him?this makes me to loose

> confidence again.when will I go back to India and when will i

> overcome all these troubles completely?My father met a spiritual guy

> somedays before.He said 99% of our reunion is not possible and my

> husband is a sadist and he likes to make others cry..he will born as

> dog in the next jenma something he told.after hearing to these,my

> parents are quite upset.but i am the only one who still believe some

> miracle will happen and my husband will understand my love and will

> come back to me.For me he is not very bad and only his family members

> are very cruel.but these mental depressions blows out me completely.


> My details:


> DOB:March 9,1982

> Time:5.50 PM

> lagnam:Simmam

> moon sign:Simmam

> natchatharam: pooram

> place of Birth Dharmapuri/ Tamilnadu/ India


> please someone help me in predicting when will i go back to India and

> will i win if i file case in family court against my inlaws abt the

> tortures they gave (and giving)and get back my husband?i want to live

> with my husband..I desperately want to go back to India to do the

> remedies suggested by our esteemed astrologers too.My mind is

> restless in US.i feel i will get peace of mind only in India.But Due

> to economical crisis in US,lots of people are loosing their job

> including my friends currently.but my position is stable.but i want

> to break it up and go back.I am in confusion like am i doing

> something wrong.I am not able to stand strong in my decisions too.i

> hate my feeble mind..i feel like i am not worth to live with this

> weak mind.


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Dear  Sakthiji,


If u want ur husband back, u will have to accept him, FIL and MIL as they are,

unconditionally (even if they r bad). This is the oppurtunity for u to work out

ur bad karmas of past life. Just act as per ur dharma(i.e wife's dharma) and

endure all the pains. Ultimately they may change.


Trying to seperate a son from his parents will bring bad karma to u. And after

doing all this he won't come back to u. You have to go back to him, as no son

will leave his parents for  wife (in ur case you both were together for just a

month, so no way can he ditch his parents, especially after all these



I dont think there is any other solution apart from

- you go back to husband unconditionally accepting FIL and MIL

- divorce

- living seperately life long without divorce



- Vishal


--- On Fri, 9/26/08, Sakthi Murugan <sakthim wrote:


Sakthi Murugan <sakthim

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying.. Sept 26


Friday, September 26, 2008, 10:00 AM







Thanks Gopu sir.He has put me in depression worse than my inlaws.I would like to

thank Sunil Nair sir and Sasisekaranji in this moment.you ppl are very very kind

..My sincere thanks to you all...



K Gopu <kgopu_24 (AT) (DOT) co.uk>


Thursday, September 25, 2008 9:12:36 PM

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying.. Sept 26


dear Mr>prashant,

There is an error in the casting of the chart of Mrs>shkathi. her lagna is

simham and rasi is also simham. whereas u have mentioned her lagna as Kumbham it

is not so. U must have taken her time of birth as 5.50am instead of 5.50pm. I am

bringing this to ur notice so that u can give ur amended prediction.


DOB:March 9,1982

> Time:5.50 PM

> lagnam:Simmam

> moon sign:Simmam

> natchatharam: pooram

> place of Birth Dharmapuri.


good wishes



--- On Fri, 9/26/08, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar > wrote:


Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying.. Sept 26


Friday, September 26, 2008, 1:17 AM




I remember having covered ur case like others


in a few lines itis not what someoneays, what u want [u can say] and what is

possible can be said by astrologers here it can match or be opposite to ur

expectations u need to strike the right balance and take a call


u can't have the cake and eat it too


so if u husband can't give up his parents or their wishes can u force him to

shift or be with u,? will someone foresake a 1 month relationship with a 25-30

yrs or whatever is his age? esp when u also admit u have temper tantrums, no man

likes his ego challanged esp by his wife of all the people he can go totally in

opposite to his wife concern, affection too


now coming to ur case


Kumbha lagna


7th lord sani in enemy sign in Kumbha, aspected by 6th lord chandra

7th flanked by Papagrahas sani+Kuja in 8th too much to nuteralise and in 5th

rahu, no benefic aspect


in D9 [sPOUSE 7th lord ravi is in vrishaba in the 4th again a enemy sugn


Lagna, chandra ar e varagottama hence the stubberness in urside as well


u r in peak Elnatu sani and with SAV of 3/21 in Simha and 3/27 in Kanya the

future looks v beak to ave ur marriage


Feb 21 to May 5th 09 it will take a turn for the worse and u may file it on ur



the marriage will be disolved betweeen 6/Aug/09 to 6/Jun/10


as chandr a is in Sukras star and it is its Dasa u can try prayers to any form

of Shakti-durga, lalitha, ammans etc and ask for the right step forward and

accept what u start seeing from there with some ease


concentrate on ur work it is a source of relief I alrady said


I normally don't like posting such a negative picture esp in the groups like

this esp of womens charts I am sympathetic to women as a care giver, guardian of

family, traditions too


but as it is so strong and so is ur approach giving it as plainly is better for

u to make up ur mind


i had a similar cae a few weeks ago from the group in private chat where I had

said similarly, she too was adamant when I sai dby Jan=feb next he will wind up

the marriage she said no, she is going to see him that week and save it


next day she called sying he husband has asked her to sign on the dotted line

for divorce no reconcilation,

she also wants to still try, not sure what is the outcome. yet if they met


best wishes





Sakthi Murugan <sakthim (AT) ymail (DOT) com>


Friday, September 26, 2008 12:15:29 AM

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless.... I am dying..


thanks for your reply Gopu sir.Everybody thinks I am willing to take revenge

against my inlaws.I have been quiet for a long time by bearing all the pains and

mental tortures.everytime when i try for our reconcilation they scold me with

very very horrible words which a girl should not hear.I accept that i am short

tempered and during the initial days i was not able to tolerate my FIL's

cunningness and greediness for my father's money and my salary..Finally my

husband was asked to run away from me to achieve their target within a month of

marriage.But i stood adamant and fought against them(i got lots of damage and

was forced to ask sorry among a big crowd gathered by my FIL) and told all the

facts about my FIL to the outside world.So he was much much furious and wanted

to take revenge in all aspects.after in our reunion (after three months) my

husband acted like a puppet as usual and gave me mental tortures like how he was

instructed.Apart from

this me and my husband had some private issues too.all together got blown up my

mind and i became furious and threw out my husband's clothes and asked him to

walk out of my life without analysing the consequences. Yes i am very raw spoken

and straight forward.this is the problem with me..i will come to my husband

directly and will question him why his parents are bad ...who will accept all

these and he is much obedient boy too like slave...not only my husband i will

question everyone whoever is doing injustice without thinking about the

consequences. I am regretting a lot about my open hearted nature which may hurt

others especially my husband.


without knowing the fact M/s sindhu Madhusudan makes fun of a girl's sufferings

by making comments like " after getting divorce i may be free " ..who wants

divorce?i am the one who is struggling all alone to save my marriage life and

run to all Navagraha temples as pointed out by you.apart from these temples, i

went to palani,thirupathi, rameshwaram and whatever temples possible before i

came to US.My FIL is saying false propaganda like I have run away from my

husband(with someone..)Thats why i want to come back to India.I want to get

mental support from my parents too.They will kill themselves if they are

supposed to do that if there is a chance of our reunion.My parents are worrying

about my future.my husband ran away from me within a month and tortured me by

hearing to his parents.so they are worrying like will he take care of me for the

rest of the life. M/s sindhu Madhusudan doesnt know about the fact about my

parents.my parents are

going for " Girivalam " in Thiruvanamalai in this old age just for the sake of my

good life.when i was in India they came with me all the temples and climbed all

the steps including " Sholinger " temple.we are not going to temples just to put

attendance.we like to visit temples.This is the practice we have been following

from our small age itself..thats my parent's broughtup.My father is handovering

all his lakhs and lakhs business to come and stay with me and give me

protection.My mother was staying with me when my husband left.My father will

come and visit us every week.My mommy is sending all her relatives to my inlaws

house to talk about our matter daily since my FIL said if my parents come they

would not invite them inside the house.My parents were already humiliated by my

husband by asking them to get out of the house..Enough humiliations for my

parents because of their daughter..whoever goes for talk finally come back and

say 'its better to

divorce..they speak like monsters " ... i feel like i will get peace of mind once

i come back to India.Since being lonely my problem gets multiplied by several

times and my inlaws are utilising my loneliness to play mind games.


I hope some miracle will happen though its not possible in the near future.But

till then i am not able to cross this period.If something would happen only

after the bad period over,why there is god and why do we need to pray him?to

give stable mind alone?this is confusing me.Though i am not very true devotee to

my fav Lord Murugan nowadays my parents do have the same devotion still.why he

is not answering to their prayers also?Why he is letting bad people to win?I

went to Thiruchendur also before came to US.There was a man helped us to dharsan

Lord Murugan very near and without any troubles.He simply asked my hubby's raasi

without knowing anything about my problem.when i said he simply replied " be

patient for two years " (it happened around January this year) and lord Murugan

will take care of the things " and he suggested some remedy like bathing cow and

giving bananas.I usually give bananas and greens to the cows in the temples.I

love to see

them eating with curiosity and definitely no intention in reducing my paaba

weight by doing punniya activites.i feel like i am missing all of them

terribly.i am sending money to mentally retarted children's home every month

when i am in US too.This has been done by me for the past two years.I dont say

Geographical location matters. we can help from anywhere.But i need mental

support and want to fight against my inlaws about demanding my legal rights to

live with my husband.My FIL says he is the creator of destiny and nothing will

move without his knowledge.If he says his son will come and live and he doesnt

like he will get him back.He is treating everyone as puppet as per his wish.is

this not adharma?


I am giving true values to marriage.i am sticking to " one man one marriage "

principle.even my parents are fedup by my adamancy sometimes.M/ s sindhu

Madhusudan mail portrays me like " an uncultured independent woman who is haste

in getting divorce " .I am a software engineer who is working in a big firm with

reputed name.But i am very very orthodox in my thoughts.as it was pointed out,i

love my husband without any reason since he is my husband.


thanks Gopu sir once again for your soothing words and remedies suggested..



K Gopu <kgopu_24 (AT) (DOT) co.uk>


Thursday, September 25, 2008 4:30:59 AM

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying..


dear Mrs. shakthi,

I saw ur chart and also the advice given by M/s sindhu Madhusudan.

U were born on a pournamasya day and almost close to sunset. so moon is

more predominant and this gives u lot of worries and mental tension, since moon

controls the mind. Secondly ur IInd house is occupied by mars and saturn, so

ur words will be more harsh and at times rash.. Ur 7th house is occupied by sun

and merc. placement of sun in saturns' house will lead to such marital discord.

Under such circumstances u can proceed to ur parent's place and probably after a

month of stay at ur parent's place u can think of reconciliation with ur husband

and in-laws. In this one month period u can go to navagraha temples situated in

and around kumbakonam, thirunallar and vaitheeswarankoil offer ur prayers.

Definitely God will help u.

ur prayers to Lord shaneeswara on saturdays will help u a lot. u can chant the


for Lord shaneeswara 108times everyday in the morning or in the evening. keep ur

cool and dont allow ur mind to be poisoned with thoughts of taking revenge

against father in law.

even if they speak to u over the phone u can be calm and state that ur sincere

prayers will help in keeping the marital status together.










--- On Thu, 9/25/08, Sindhu Madhusudan <sunshinesbrighter@ gmail.com> wrote:


Sindhu Madhusudan <sunshinesbrighter@ gmail.com>

Re: please help me ..My mind is restless...I am dying..


Thursday, September 25, 2008, 2:33 PM


Hare Rama Krishna





dont let any holy man or spiritual guy (i'm quoting you) clutter your

brain. it doesnt serve any purpose. from his words, it looks as if the

spiritual person your dad spoke to has some unresolved anger and

personal issues towards dogs.. dogs are adorable, intelligent and

affectionate creatures. being born a dog isnt that miserable an option

either :-)


let's get serious now.


you'll have to honestly ask yourself one thing- are you feeling so

troubled in the marriage because your in-laws & /or husband are

ill-treating you or is it because you're feeling desperately homesick?

and what kind of ill-treatment are you refering to- physical or



during our practice, we have seen some really sadistic men and the

things they do to their wives. had your husband been really bad, you

wouldnt even be in a position to type this mail or go to work.


the unfortunate truth is that single-kid families have made parents so

dsperately possessive about their daughters that sometimes they end up

destroying the latter's marriage because they want to keep their

children wiht them for as long as possible. another sorry fact is that

equal number of women end up misusing the family law previleges and

sec 498A that indian legal system gives them.


do your inlaws live with you in the US? or are they harassing you over

the phone? i'm a rank amateur in studying charts, but your chart

indicates that you had lot of expectations from the marriage but are

disappointed by it. go easy on your husband. obviously, he isnt

enjoying the fact that he is stuck in a miserable marriage. from your

mail it looks as if you have a personal vendetta against your



divorcing someone is very easy. you'll get your " freedom " , your lawyer

will make 30% of the divorce settlement that your husband gives. your

parents are going to be happy that they have thier daughter back. ,

but what exactly is that going to accomplish to you?


the concepts of next janma and karma are a bit too lopsided and it is

one way of justifying our sufferings and pacifying ourselves. if

nothing goes right, blame it on past karma. you really dont ahev to

come all teh way back to india to perform the remedies. God is

everywhere and He isnt particular about the geographical location.


you could try praying to Lord Muruga or Nrisimha to give you a clear

mind. They'll come to your rescue and start the healing process. (i'm

saying this from your chart). Nrisimha was someone who sprang out of a

stone pillar to rescue His devotee. coming to the US to get you out of

your confused state of mind wouldnt be a problem for Him. ditto with

Lord Muruga. The Guy went around teh entire universe on His Mayil

vaahanam.. US is no big deal for Him.


but you'll have to decide what the actual problem is-

is your marriage really that bad?

or are you desperately missing your parents?

or are you somehow trying to separate your husband from his parents?


remember- coming back to india isnt going to change a thing if the

problem is in your head. separating your husband from his parents isnt

going to earn his goodwill either. marriage is a union of two people

and two families.


you might think this is a bitter mail, but if this helps put things in

right perspective and save your mariage from ending in a divorce, then

i'd consider this as a risk worth taking. stop looking at the past and

learn to look into the future. marriage is a relationship you ahve to

work on. you are not doing a big favor on your spouse by making a few

sacrifices and adjustments here adn there. Let go of the past. i hope

you understand what i'm refering to.


but agreed that at teh end, you are the one who has to decide if the

adjustments and compromises are worth it. we dont know the magnitude

of your problems. so, only you can decide.


with warm regards and a genuine concern to avoid a broken marriage...

Sindhu Madhusudan


On 9/25/08, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar > wrote:

> Sakthi,


> good u said it is ur 2nd post as many don't and u have not changed ur

> subject line, last time also i said it is sick to read though we understand

> and asking for help is a beter way.


> always realise the strenght inborn in everyone is there all it needs is to

> awaken and tap it, that is my intention


> and when u already have many inputs u must know it by now what is in store..

> we can't change the course or force the course of what is waid, waitfor its

> course to happen u will know it is happened or not then post afres


> right now patience is important save ur job as long as it lasts in the

> ecconomy slow down u said


> about filing a case if u want to there r NEW laws . the new DOMESTIC

> VIOLENCE BILL of nov 2006 can cover ur case well that is abuse, threats,

> emotinal blackmail etc can be covered under it it can be anyone FIL, MIL,

> SIL, or a maid servant abused at hme or a mistress, 2nd or 3rd wife etc....


> it is said such laws exist as they r more misused than used as sometimes

> helpless old in-laws are sent to jail on mere lodging of a case under this

> law or the older one 498a.


> so keep worjing and this is itself a relief, with no job and no marriage it

> is double worry and more depressing work is a medicine in itself


> and if u do file a case there is NO WAY ur husband will come back to u as no

> one likes to be dragged into court esp their parents and after that is only

> a one-way ticket, it is no USA where pppl even after seperating meet

> amicably, children move from both parents in turns, we Indians treat them as

> criminlas, demons once seperated loose all human values no harm if the

> children try to mingle with the other parent someday they can reconcile


> in urcase I know this is not there now


> follow ur readings last time all u said who read urs. I remember I had also


> best wishes


> prashant





> sakthi <sakthim (AT) ymail (DOT) com>


> Thursday, September 25, 2008 10:35:49 AM

> please help me ..My mind is restless.... I am dying..



> Hi,


> I am Sakthi.This is my second post in the forum regarding my

> troublesome marriage life.I am in US right now..me and my husband have

> been seperated for nearly 1 year and we have been married for 1

> year.I have got lots of guidance from our learned astrologers

> regarding this issue .My sincere thanks to all of them.My father-in-

> law is trying hard to get divorce.since I am not ready to give

> divorce,they started giving me mental tortures by speaking horrible

> words and false blamings in the recent days through phone.They play

> some mind game and push me in depression and ultimately wanted me to

> give divorce.Being lonely i am suffering a lot.So i wanted to travel

> back to India to my parents and wanted to fight against my inlaws and

> my husband to save my marriage life by being in India.But everywhere

> i am facing troubles. I am not getting immediate release in my

> project.They told me to wait for some days to find a suitable

> replacement. But i cannot wait.i feel very restless.I am not able to

> concentrate in my career too. i feel like sitting on fire.Why my mind

> is highly fluctuating and always depressed nowadays though i pray

> like how our astrologers guided?why my problems getting worsen after

> i do believe in god and started praying him?this makes me to loose

> confidence again.when will I go back to India and when will i

> overcome all these troubles completely?My father met a spiritual guy

> somedays before.He said 99% of our reunion is not possible and my

> husband is a sadist and he likes to make others cry..he will born as

> dog in the next jenma something he told.after hearing to these,my

> parents are quite upset.but i am the only one who still believe some

> miracle will happen and my husband will understand my love and will

> come back to me.For me he is not very bad and only his family members

> are very cruel.but these mental depressions blows out me completely.


> My details:


> DOB:March 9,1982

> Time:5.50 PM

> lagnam:Simmam

> moon sign:Simmam

> natchatharam: pooram

> place of Birth Dharmapuri/ Tamilnadu/ India


> please someone help me in predicting when will i go back to India and

> will i win if i file case in family court against my inlaws abt the

> tortures they gave (and giving)and get back my husband?i want to live

> with my husband..I desperately want to go back to India to do the

> remedies suggested by our esteemed astrologers too.My mind is

> restless in US.i feel i will get peace of mind only in India.But Due

> to economical crisis in US,lots of people are loosing their job

> including my friends currently.but my position is stable.but i want

> to break it up and go back.I am in confusion like am i doing

> something wrong.I am not able to stand strong in my decisions too.i

> hate my feeble mind..i feel like i am not worth to live with this

> weak mind.


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