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job change 7/9 -thanks4feedback 19/10

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thanks for the feedback and as usual this shows how good the path laid out by

our rishies were and with a careful adaption to our times we can make the best

use of the great subject without tinkering it essence or chasing new concepts


vedic astrology is time tested and has withstood many critics, so called

scientific tempered people too


I wish u well and hope u manage the period patiently.


Best wishes




I use BV Raman & #39;s Ayanamsa=Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ from non

Raman & #39;s. NONE OTHER. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to

verify ur birth data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in the

Pictures folder in the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown folder.

Consultations outside the group or to my personal ID are chargeable. see

Database section in the group for more.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.






geetika sarpal <geetika_sarpal


Sunday, October 19, 2008 11:10:45 AM

Re: job change 7/9



Reasepected Prashant ji


As you had said there has been a change in my team and a little bit change in my

work profile also, things are getting a little smooth although there are periods

of tension and anxiet on and off but I am handling it patiently.


Thanks for all the help.




____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Sunday, 7 September, 2008 1:19:00 PM

Re: job change 7/9




13/10 to 3/12/08 there can be some relief on ur job front a change in nature of

wor/team can happen ur 10th lord Sukra with Rahu and a chara sasi changes,

friction or unhappy work environment will be there on and off esp of

opp/different region and religious people


but will grow well in such places too so not much to worry on what u c on the

face of it patience will help


prayers to Ganapathi/ganesh will help u


4/9 to 20/10/09 can see a job change too


best wishes





geetika_sarpal <geetika_sarpal@ .co. in>


Sunday, September 7, 2008 10:54:53 AM

job change


Respected astrologers


I am going through a rough time at work, just not the kind of work i

wanted to do, i want to change my job...when do my stars favour a job

change for me....will my career get any better....?


Name - Geetika Sarpal

DOB - 2nd june 1985

TOB- 11.40 PM

pob - Delhi






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  • 4 weeks later...

Respected Sir


Sorry to bother you again but I am in great trouble......as I said that things

are going a little tense....my boss today told me that I might be assigned a

project that i am not at all interested in....actually it involves field work 

i am not open for. Last month a lot of lay offs happened in my company and to be

very honest I dont think so that there is much job for me to do......at the

moment I dont fell that i am adding any value to my company nor I learning

anything..I am thinking of resigning but the problem is that i dont have any

option in my hand now....so even if i leave this one i dont know whether i will

be able to get another one soon or not......Please help me out sir, i also fear

that my layoff might as well happen.......Isnt there any bleak chance that i

might get another job soon....


My details are:


TOB- 11.40 pm

POB- Delhi


Thanking you in advance







Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar


Sunday, 19 October, 2008 12:00:25 PM

Re: job change 7/9 -thanks4feedback 19/10





thanks for the feedback and as usual this shows how good the path laid out by

our rishies were and with a careful adaption to our times we can make the best

use of the great subject without tinkering it essence or chasing new concepts


vedic astrology is time tested and has withstood many critics, so called

scientific tempered people too


I wish u well and hope u manage the period patiently.


Best wishes




I use BV Raman & #39;s Ayanamsa=Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ from non

Raman & #39;s. NONE OTHER. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to

verify ur birth data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in the

Pictures folder in the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown folder.

Consultations outside the group or to my personal ID are chargeable. see

Database section in the group for more.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.



geetika sarpal <geetika_sarpal@ .co. in>


Sunday, October 19, 2008 11:10:45 AM

Re: job change 7/9


Reasepected Prashant ji


As you had said there has been a change in my team and a little bit change in my

work profile also, things are getting a little smooth although there are periods

of tension and anxiet on and off but I am handling it patiently.


Thanks for all the help.




____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Sunday, 7 September, 2008 1:19:00 PM

Re: job change 7/9




13/10 to 3/12/08 there can be some relief on ur job front a change in nature of

wor/team can happen ur 10th lord Sukra with Rahu and a chara sasi changes,

friction or unhappy work environment will be there on and off esp of

opp/different region and religious people


but will grow well in such places too so not much to worry on what u c on the

face of it patience will help


prayers to Ganapathi/ganesh will help u


4/9 to 20/10/09 can see a job change too


best wishes





geetika_sarpal <geetika_sarpal@ .co. in>


Sunday, September 7, 2008 10:54:53 AM

job change


Respected astrologers


I am going through a rough time at work, just not the kind of work i

wanted to do, i want to change my job...when do my stars favour a job

change for me....will my career get any better....?


Name - Geetika Sarpal

DOB - 2nd june 1985

TOB- 11.40 PM

pob - Delhi






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