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what is islam?

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What is Islam?-1


Please forgive me for any disturbance, but I have an important subject to

address to you regarding FAITH, and I Don’t intend to overload your email with

unnecessary messages…

  What is Islam?-1




The name of this religion is Islam, the root of which is S-L-M, which

means peace. The word " Salam, " derived from the same root, may also

mean greeting one another with peace.

One of the beautiful names of God is that He is Peace. But Islam means

more than that: it means submission to the One God, and it means

living in peace with the Creator — peace within one’s self, peace

with other people, and peace with the environment.

Thus, Islam is a total system of living. A Muslim is supposed to live

in peace and harmony with all these segments. It follows that a Muslim

is any person, anywhere in the world, whose obedience, allegiance, and

loyalty are to God, the Lord of the Universe.



The followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are not to be

confused with Arabs.

Muslims may be Arabs, Turks, Persians, Indians, Pakistanis,

Malaysians, Indonesians, Europeans, Africans, Americans, Chinese, or

other nationalities.

An Arab could be a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew or an atheist. Any

person who adopts the Arabic language is called an Arab.

The language of the Qur’an (the Holy Book of Islam) is Arabic. Muslims

all over the world try to learn or improve their Arabic, so that they

may be able to read the Qur’an and understand its meaning. They pray

in the language of the Qur’an, Arabic. Islamic supplications to God

could be (and are) delivered in any language.

There are one billion Muslims in the world; there are about 200

million Arabs. Among those two hundred million Arabs, approximately

ten percent are not Muslims. Thus Arab Muslims constitute only about

twenty percent of the Muslim population of the world.



" Allah " was the Arabic word for God long before the birth of Muhammad,

peace be upon him.

Muslims believe that Allah is the name of the One and Only God. He is

the Creator of all human beings. He is the God for the Christians, the

Jews, the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the atheists, and all

others. Muslims worship God, whose name is Allah. They put their trust

in Him and they seek His help and His guidance.


Muhammad was chosen by God to deliver His Message of Peace, namely

Islam. He was born in 570 C.E. (Common Era) in Makkah, Arabia. He was

entrusted with the Message of Islam when he was at the age of forty

years. The revelation that he received is called the Qur’an, while the

message is called Islam.

Muhammad is the very last Prophet of God to mankind. He is the final

Messenger of God. His message was and is still to the Christians, the

Jews and the rest of mankind. He was sent to those religious people to

inform them about the true mission of Jesus, Moses, Jacob, Isaac, and


Muhammad is considered to be the summation and the culmination of all

the prophets and messengers that came before him. He purified the

previous messages from adulteration and completed the Message of God

for all humanity. He was entrusted with the power of explaining,

interpreting and living the teaching of the Qur’an.


Muslims are required to respect all those who are faithful and God

conscious people, namely those who received messages. Christians and

Jews are called People of the Book. Muslims are asked to call upon the

People of the Book for common terms, namely, to worship One God, and

to work together for the solutions of the many problems in the


Christians and Jews lived peacefully with Muslims throughout centuries

in the Middle East and other Asian and African countries. The second

Caliph, Umar, chose not to pray in the church in Jerusalem, so as not

to give later Muslims an excuse to take it over. Christians entrusted

the Muslims, and as such the key of the Church in Jerusalem is still

in the hands of the Muslims.

When Jews fled from Spain during the Inquisition, they were welcomed

by the Muslims. They settled in the heart of the Islamic Caliphate.

They enjoyed positions of power and authority. Throughout the Muslim

world, churches, synagogues and missionary schools were built within

the Muslim neighborhoods. These places were protected by Muslims

during bad times and good, and have continued to receive this

protection during the contemporary crises in the Middle East


Thank You



For more information about Islam










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Dear Member/s


it doesn't what it stands for it is up to its moderate and intelligent members

to stand and keep passing the the content have waid here to people by words

else the ones by bomb,s and medival ways who still live in the dark ages will

prevai as it is now in most places moderates r in good numbers with no visible

presence and the latter are there all over the news in every part of the world

with over 1.5Billion pouplation the y claim it is under threat; threat of what

may be the real fact is extinction of moderates in them.


all over the world where they hardliners r there theyhave made the world a

desert devopid of all its natural wealth, and humane qualities in rigid forms I

wish the peaceful side of it will emerge and prevail all members of humankind

must co-exist in peace with ones who belive or disbelive in any of the

religions. just as we have rains on the land , sea and deserts, its use is felt

best on land isn't it


best wishes


hope love and compassion for all living beings prevail







alshimaa <alshimaa_eg2


Thursday, December 4, 2008 2:45:15 PM

what is islam?


What is Islam?-1


Please forgive me for any disturbance, but I have an important subject to

address to you regarding FAITH, and I Don’t intend to overload your email with

unnecessary messages…

What is Islam?-1




The name of this religion is Islam, the root of which is S-L-M, which

means peace. The word " Salam, " derived from the same root, may also

mean greeting one another with peace.

One of the beautiful names of God is that He is Peace. But Islam means

more than that: it means submission to the One God, and it means

living in peace with the Creator — peace within one’s self, peace

with other people, and peace with the environment.

Thus, Islam is a total system of living. A Muslim is supposed to live

in peace and harmony with all these segments. It follows that a Muslim

is any person, anywhere in the world, whose obedience, allegiance, and

loyalty are to God, the Lord of the Universe.



The followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are not to be

confused with Arabs.

Muslims may be Arabs, Turks, Persians, Indians, Pakistanis,

Malaysians, Indonesians, Europeans, Africans, Americans, Chinese, or

other nationalities.

An Arab could be a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew or an atheist. Any

person who adopts the Arabic language is called an Arab.

The language of the Qur’an (the Holy Book of Islam) is Arabic. Muslims

all over the world try to learn or improve their Arabic, so that they

may be able to read the Qur’an and understand its meaning. They pray

in the language of the Qur’an, Arabic. Islamic supplications to God

could be (and are) delivered in any language.

There are one billion Muslims in the world; there are about 200

million Arabs. Among those two hundred million Arabs, approximately

ten percent are not Muslims. Thus Arab Muslims constitute only about

twenty percent of the Muslim population of the world.



" Allah " was the Arabic word for God long before the birth of Muhammad,

peace be upon him.

Muslims believe that Allah is the name of the One and Only God. He is

the Creator of all human beings. He is the God for the Christians, the

Jews, the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the atheists, and all

others. Muslims worship God, whose name is Allah. They put their trust

in Him and they seek His help and His guidance.


Muhammad was chosen by God to deliver His Message of Peace, namely

Islam. He was born in 570 C.E. (Common Era) in Makkah, Arabia. He was

entrusted with the Message of Islam when he was at the age of forty

years. The revelation that he received is called the Qur’an, while the

message is called Islam.

Muhammad is the very last Prophet of God to mankind. He is the final

Messenger of God. His message was and is still to the Christians, the

Jews and the rest of mankind. He was sent to those religious people to

inform them about the true mission of Jesus, Moses, Jacob, Isaac, and


Muhammad is considered to be the summation and the culmination of all

the prophets and messengers that came before him. He purified the

previous messages from adulteration and completed the Message of God

for all humanity. He was entrusted with the power of explaining,

interpreting and living the teaching of the Qur’an.


Muslims are required to respect all those who are faithful and God

conscious people, namely those who received messages. Christians and

Jews are called People of the Book. Muslims are asked to call upon the

People of the Book for common terms, namely, to worship One God, and

to work together for the solutions of the many problems in the


Christians and Jews lived peacefully with Muslims throughout centuries

in the Middle East and other Asian and African countries. The second

Caliph, Umar, chose not to pray in the church in Jerusalem, so as not

to give later Muslims an excuse to take it over. Christians entrusted

the Muslims, and as such the key of the Church in Jerusalem is still

in the hands of the Muslims.

When Jews fled from Spain during the Inquisition, they were welcomed

by the Muslims. They settled in the heart of the Islamic Caliphate.

They enjoyed positions of power and authority. Throughout the Muslim

world, churches, synagogues and missionary schools were built within

the Muslim neighborhoods. These places were protected by Muslims

during bad times and good, and have continued to receive this

protection during the contemporary crises in the Middle East


Thank You



For more information about Islam










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dear prashanth ji




   I think u r moderater of this forum and u allow a messge like this .


can u allow my messges i will tell wat is the truth abt islam ,those ppl

plundered india and utilised hindu dharma yudha and hindu sentimnts of we will

not kill cows .So babar came to india hiding behind cows .No rajputh warrier

will dare to hurt a cow .Result is babar established a dynasty .


all hindu war code of conducts they used to discard and come in nite like same

this terrorist in mumbai ,where as no hindu will kill an enmy if he is sleeping

,will not attack when he is not ready ,also will not attack without informing

him .also will not kill innocents /kids/old ppl .


all muslim armies were living on booty shared and girls.kids  and weman they

catch and sell them as slaves or make then as dasies in own house hold ..


if u allow me i can talk to her /he abt islam the reality ,if islam is such a

great religion why there is no peace any where in countries called islamic

??either they fight with themselves or fight with others ,but fight is a common

thing this is because of islam ( peace ) came into earth tru fighting ,they can

never ever sit peacefully the innocents killed in war needs justice ,so it is

the punishmnt frm god .


I expect u to pass this messge as i hav right to talk at least one time


other wise pls dont pass such messges


regrds prashanth Nair



--- On Sat, 12/6/08, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar wrote:


Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar

Re: what is islam?


Saturday, December 6, 2008, 5:18 PM


Dear Member/s


it doesn't what it stands for it is up to its moderate and intelligent

members to stand and keep passing the the content have waid here to people by

words else the ones by bomb,s and medival ways who still live in the dark ages

will prevai as it is now in most places moderates r in good numbers with no

visible presence and the latter are there all over the news in every part of the

world with over 1.5Billion pouplation the y claim it is under threat; threat of

what may be the real fact is extinction of moderates in them.


all over the world where they hardliners r there theyhave made the world a

desert devopid of all its natural wealth, and humane qualities in rigid forms I

wish the peaceful side of it will emerge and prevail all members of humankind

must co-exist in peace with ones who belive or disbelive in any of the

religions. just as we have rains on the land , sea and deserts, its use is felt

best on land isn't it


best wishes


hope love and compassion for all living beings prevail







alshimaa <alshimaa_eg2


Thursday, December 4, 2008 2:45:15 PM

what is islam?


What is Islam?-1


Please forgive me for any disturbance, but I have an important subject to

address to you regarding FAITH, and I Don’t intend to overload your email with

unnecessary messages…

What is Islam?-1




The name of this religion is Islam, the root of which is S-L-M, which

means peace. The word " Salam, " derived from the same root, may also

mean greeting one another with peace.

One of the beautiful names of God is that He is Peace. But Islam means

more than that: it means submission to the One God, and it means

living in peace with the Creator — peace within one’s self, peace

with other people, and peace with the environment.

Thus, Islam is a total system of living. A Muslim is supposed to live

in peace and harmony with all these segments. It follows that a Muslim

is any person, anywhere in the world, whose obedience, allegiance, and

loyalty are to God, the Lord of the Universe.



The followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are not to be

confused with Arabs.

Muslims may be Arabs, Turks, Persians, Indians, Pakistanis,

Malaysians, Indonesians, Europeans, Africans, Americans, Chinese, or

other nationalities.

An Arab could be a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew or an atheist. Any

person who adopts the Arabic language is called an Arab.

The language of the Qur’an (the Holy Book of Islam) is Arabic. Muslims

all over the world try to learn or improve their Arabic, so that they

may be able to read the Qur’an and understand its meaning. They pray

in the language of the Qur’an, Arabic. Islamic supplications to God

could be (and are) delivered in any language.

There are one billion Muslims in the world; there are about 200

million Arabs. Among those two hundred million Arabs, approximately

ten percent are not Muslims. Thus Arab Muslims constitute only about

twenty percent of the Muslim population of the world.



" Allah " was the Arabic word for God long before the birth of


peace be upon him.

Muslims believe that Allah is the name of the One and Only God. He is

the Creator of all human beings. He is the God for the Christians, the

Jews, the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the atheists, and all

others. Muslims worship God, whose name is Allah. They put their trust

in Him and they seek His help and His guidance.


Muhammad was chosen by God to deliver His Message of Peace, namely

Islam. He was born in 570 C.E. (Common Era) in Makkah, Arabia. He was

entrusted with the Message of Islam when he was at the age of forty

years. The revelation that he received is called the Qur’an, while the

message is called Islam.

Muhammad is the very last Prophet of God to mankind. He is the final

Messenger of God. His message was and is still to the Christians, the

Jews and the rest of mankind. He was sent to those religious people to

inform them about the true mission of Jesus, Moses, Jacob, Isaac, and


Muhammad is considered to be the summation and the culmination of all

the prophets and messengers that came before him. He purified the

previous messages from adulteration and completed the Message of God

for all humanity. He was entrusted with the power of explaining,

interpreting and living the teaching of the Qur’an.


Muslims are required to respect all those who are faithful and God

conscious people, namely those who received messages. Christians and

Jews are called People of the Book. Muslims are asked to call upon the

People of the Book for common terms, namely, to worship One God, and

to work together for the solutions of the many problems in the


Christians and Jews lived peacefully with Muslims throughout centuries

in the Middle East and other Asian and African countries. The second

Caliph, Umar, chose not to pray in the church in Jerusalem, so as not

to give later Muslims an excuse to take it over. Christians entrusted

the Muslims, and as such the key of the Church in Jerusalem is still

in the hands of the Muslims.

When Jews fled from Spain during the Inquisition, they were welcomed

by the Muslims. They settled in the heart of the Islamic Caliphate.

They enjoyed positions of power and authority. Throughout the Muslim

world, churches, synagogues and missionary schools were built within

the Muslim neighborhoods. These places were protected by Muslims

during bad times and good, and have continued to receive this

protection during the contemporary crises in the Middle East


Thank You



For more information about Islam










Contact Us At







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Dear Nair,


Well it is a hard decision I made to pass it as it has come several times

before and never allowed it as it is not JYOTISH in content, but after some deep

thinking in the light of the repeated terrorist activities and the claim by such

TEXT BOOK preachers I felt it can be apssed as DESHA, KALA , PARISTHITHI IS NEED



The 6th house infliction can mean trouble to non Muslims and if associated in

some way to Rahu, ketu and the 8th, 12 lords either losses, setbacks sabatotage

or distruction of wealth by them is possible.


wanted a open debate amoung members both Islamic and non islamic as we r dealing

with prashna and Mundane questions in astrology also, the owner of the group is

a good Muslim there r many good ppl, my point was they all MUST STAND UP and be

counted else the hardliners, terrorists alone will remain if they can kill

innocet Hindus, chrisitians, jews they can kill themsevles also is close to what

is there as u said in most ISLAMIC countries there is hardly any peace worth its


they claim women r treated best in Quran's laws in practice it is not visible


they give good share to womens property inheritance and even dowry she can get a

full refund in a divorce


the divorce is supposed to be said in 3 separate sittings each month after her

menstrual period which many Islamic countires follow except India-what is

visible is a few only may be part of such a privelege.



the main problem for them is their own LACK of understanding of large families

may be in early days it was valid to have large families not any more with over

1.5 Bn in the world they can not share available food, air, water, natural

resources equally even with themselves how can they share it rest of the non

Islamic owrld, but for Oil there is some prosperity in them else it is more of

desert where ever it has ben prevalent and once Oil is replaced by a chaper and

less environmental damaginf fuel or an alternate fule like solar or air, or seea

water etc that is surplus in the world we can expect them to crumble on their

own weight. just as we saw America and West currently challanged by over use of

their own resources.




all things small r beautiful, large one must be natural resources like forests,

glaciers, rivers, green cover on earth small families is key to prosperity as

has been done now in Iran, Bangladesh, and south India. they r all prosperous

and more peaceful large ones have no means to support themselves and for

survival do indulge in petty crimes, underworld or terror taks for a small buck


they r damaging the reir own religion more than anyone none Islamic


high time for reforms like how Hinduis, christanity have gone thru we agree to

disagree BUT NEVER GET TO KILLING to prove a point like what we see today in

various parts of the world.


Ireland had oroblems being catholic and england protestants now they have also

sough peace with a few years of bloodshed good sense has rrevailed same too with

Siekhs be it wihin themselves or with others after a short bad phase they too

have come of age change is permenant, rigidity will presih by nature sometime or



peace be with the world







Prashanth Nair <prashanthnair999


Cc: ; HinduCalendar

Sunday, December 7, 2008 3:25:38 AM

Re: what is islam?



dear prashanth ji




I think u r moderater of this forum and u allow a messge like this .


can u allow my messges i will tell wat is the truth abt islam ,those ppl

plundered india and utilised hindu dharma yudha and hindu sentimnts of we will

not kill cows .So babar came to india hiding behind cows .No rajputh warrier

will dare to hurt a cow .Result is babar established a dynasty .


all hindu war code of conducts they used to discard and come in nite like same

this terrorist in mumbai ,where as no hindu will kill an enmy if he is sleeping

,will not attack when he is not ready ,also will not attack without informing

him .also will not kill innocents /kids/old ppl .


all muslim armies were living on booty shared and girls.kids and weman they

catch and sell them as slaves or make then as dasies in own house hold ..


if u allow me i can talk to her /he abt islam the reality ,if islam is such a

great religion why there is no peace any where in countries called islamic

??either they fight with themselves or fight with others ,but fight is a common

thing this is because of islam ( peace ) came into earth tru fighting ,they can

never ever sit peacefully the innocents killed in war needs justice ,so it is

the punishmnt frm god .


I expect u to pass this messge as i hav right to talk at least one time


other wise pls dont pass such messges


regrds prashanth Nair



--- On Sat, 12/6/08, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar wrote:


Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar

Re: what is islam?


Saturday, December 6, 2008, 5:18 PM


Dear Member/s


it doesn't what it stands for it is up to its moderate and intelligent

members to stand and keep passing the the content have waid here to people by

words else the ones by bomb,s and medival ways who still live in the dark ages

will prevai as it is now in most places moderates r in good numbers with no

visible presence and the latter are there all over the news in every part of the

world with over 1.5Billion pouplation the y claim it is under threat; threat of

what may be the real fact is extinction of moderates in them.


all over the world where they hardliners r there theyhave made the world a

desert devopid of all its natural wealth, and humane qualities in rigid forms I

wish the peaceful side of it will emerge and prevail all members of humankind

must co-exist in peace with ones who belive or disbelive in any of the

religions. just as we have rains on the land , sea and deserts, its use is felt

best on land isn't it


best wishes


hope love and compassion for all living beings prevail







alshimaa <alshimaa_eg2


Thursday, December 4, 2008 2:45:15 PM

what is islam?


What is Islam?-1


Please forgive me for any disturbance, but I have an important subject to

address to you regarding FAITH, and I Don’t intend to overload your email with

unnecessary messages…

What is Islam?-1




The name of this religion is Islam, the root of which is S-L-M, which

means peace. The word " Salam, " derived from the same root, may also

mean greeting one another with peace.

One of the beautiful names of God is that He is Peace. But Islam means

more than that: it means submission to the One God, and it means

living in peace with the Creator — peace within one’s self, peace

with other people, and peace with the environment.

Thus, Islam is a total system of living. A Muslim is supposed to live

in peace and harmony with all these segments. It follows that a Muslim

is any person, anywhere in the world, whose obedience, allegiance, and

loyalty are to God, the Lord of the Universe.



The followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are not to be

confused with Arabs.

Muslims may be Arabs, Turks, Persians, Indians, Pakistanis,

Malaysians, Indonesians, Europeans, Africans, Americans, Chinese, or

other nationalities.

An Arab could be a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew or an atheist. Any

person who adopts the Arabic language is called an Arab.

The language of the Qur’an (the Holy Book of Islam) is Arabic. Muslims

all over the world try to learn or improve their Arabic, so that they

may be able to read the Qur’an and understand its meaning. They pray

in the language of the Qur’an, Arabic. Islamic supplications to God

could be (and are) delivered in any language.

There are one billion Muslims in the world; there are about 200

million Arabs. Among those two hundred million Arabs, approximately

ten percent are not Muslims. Thus Arab Muslims constitute only about

twenty percent of the Muslim population of the world.



" Allah " was the Arabic word for God long before the birth of


peace be upon him.

Muslims believe that Allah is the name of the One and Only God. He is

the Creator of all human beings. He is the God for the Christians, the

Jews, the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the atheists, and all

others. Muslims worship God, whose name is Allah. They put their trust

in Him and they seek His help and His guidance.


Muhammad was chosen by God to deliver His Message of Peace, namely

Islam. He was born in 570 C.E. (Common Era) in Makkah, Arabia. He was

entrusted with the Message of Islam when he was at the age of forty

years. The revelation that he received is called the Qur’an, while the

message is called Islam.

Muhammad is the very last Prophet of God to mankind. He is the final

Messenger of God. His message was and is still to the Christians, the

Jews and the rest of mankind. He was sent to those religious people to

inform them about the true mission of Jesus, Moses, Jacob, Isaac, and


Muhammad is considered to be the summation and the culmination of all

the prophets and messengers that came before him. He purified the

previous messages from adulteration and completed the Message of God

for all humanity. He was entrusted with the power of explaining,

interpreting and living the teaching of the Qur’an.


Muslims are required to respect all those who are faithful and God

conscious people, namely those who received messages. Christians and

Jews are called People of the Book. Muslims are asked to call upon the

People of the Book for common terms, namely, to worship One God, and

to work together for the solutions of the many problems in the


Christians and Jews lived peacefully with Muslims throughout centuries

in the Middle East and other Asian and African countries. The second

Caliph, Umar, chose not to pray in the church in Jerusalem, so as not

to give later Muslims an excuse to take it over. Christians entrusted

the Muslims, and as such the key of the Church in Jerusalem is still

in the hands of the Muslims.

When Jews fled from Spain during the Inquisition, they were welcomed

by the Muslims. They settled in the heart of the Islamic Caliphate.

They enjoyed positions of power and authority. Throughout the Muslim

world, churches, synagogues and missionary schools were built within

the Muslim neighborhoods. These places were protected by Muslims

during bad times and good, and have continued to receive this

protection during the contemporary crises in the Middle East


Thank You



For more information about Islam










Contact Us At







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dear prashanth ji








regrds prashanth nair



, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:


> Dear Nair,


> Well it is a hard decision I made to pass it as it has come several

times before and never allowed it as it is not JYOTISH in content, but

after some deep thinking in the light of the repeated terrorist

activities and the claim by such TEXT BOOK preachers I felt it can be



> The 6th house infliction can mean trouble to non Muslims and if

associated in some way to Rahu, ketu and the 8th, 12 lords either

losses, setbacks sabatotage or distruction of wealth by them is



> wanted a open debate amoung members both Islamic and non islamic as we

r dealing with prashna and Mundane questions in astrology also, the

owner of the group is a good Muslim there r many good ppl, my point was

they all MUST STAND UP and be counted else the hardliners, terrorists

alone will remain if they can kill innocet Hindus, chrisitians, jews

they can kill themsevles also is close to what is there as u said in

most ISLAMIC countries there is hardly any peace worth its name

> they claim women r treated best in Quran's laws in practice it is not



> they give good share to womens property inheritance and even dowry she

can get a full refund in a divorce


> the divorce is supposed to be said in 3 separate sittings each month

after her menstrual period which many Islamic countires follow except

India-what is visible is a few only may be part of such a privelege.



> the main problem for them is their own LACK of understanding of large

families may be in early days it was valid to have large families not

any more with over 1.5 Bn in the world they can not share available

food, air, water, natural resources equally even with themselves how can

they share it rest of the non Islamic owrld, but for Oil there is some

prosperity in them else it is more of desert where ever it has ben

prevalent and once Oil is replaced by a chaper and less environmental

damaginf fuel or an alternate fule like solar or air, or seea water etc

that is surplus in the world we can expect them to crumble on their own

weight. just as we saw America and West currently challanged by over use

of their own resources.




> all things small r beautiful, large one must be natural resources like

forests, glaciers, rivers, green cover on earth small families is key to

prosperity as has been done now in Iran, Bangladesh, and south India.

they r all prosperous and more peaceful large ones have no means to

support themselves and for survival do indulge in petty crimes,

underworld or terror taks for a small buck


> they r damaging the reir own religion more than anyone none Islamic


> high time for reforms like how Hinduis, christanity have gone thru we

agree to disagree BUT NEVER GET TO KILLING to prove a point like what we

see today in various parts of the world.


> Ireland had oroblems being catholic and england protestants now they

have also sough peace with a few years of bloodshed good sense has

rrevailed same too with Siekhs be it wihin themselves or with others

after a short bad phase they too have come of age change is permenant,

rigidity will presih by nature sometime or other.


> peace be with the world






> ________________________________

> Prashanth Nair prashanthnair999


> Cc: ; HinduCalendar

> Sunday, December 7, 2008 3:25:38 AM

> Re: what is islam?



> dear prashanth ji


> Namaskar


> I think u r moderater of this forum and u allow a messge like this .


> can u allow my messges i will tell wat is the truth abt islam ,those

ppl plundered india and utilised hindu dharma yudha and hindu sentimnts

of we will not kill cows .So babar came to india hiding behind cows .No

rajputh warrier will dare to hurt a cow .Result is babar established a

dynasty .


> all hindu war code of conducts they used to discard and come in nite

like same this terrorist in mumbai ,where as no hindu will kill an enmy

if he is sleeping ,will not attack when he is not ready ,also will not

attack without informing him .also will not kill innocents /kids/old ppl



> all muslim armies were living on booty shared and girls.kids and weman

they catch and sell them as slaves or make then as dasies in own house

hold ..


> if u allow me i can talk to her /he abt islam the reality ,if islam is

such a great religion why there is no peace any where in countries

called islamic ??either they fight with themselves or fight with others

,but fight is a common thing this is because of islam ( peace ) came

into earth tru fighting ,they can never ever sit peacefully the

innocents killed in war needs justice ,so it is the punishmnt frm god .


> I expect u to pass this messge as i hav right to talk at least one



> other wise pls dont pass such messges


> regrds prashanth Nair



> --- On Sat, 12/6/08, Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar wrote:


> Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar

> Re: what is islam?


> Saturday, December 6, 2008, 5:18 PM


> Dear Member/s


> it doesn't what it stands for it is up to its moderate and intelligent

> members to stand and keep passing the the content have waid here to

people by

> words else the ones by bomb,s and medival ways who still live in the

dark ages

> will prevai as it is now in most places moderates r in good numbers

with no

> visible presence and the latter are there all over the news in every

part of the

> world with over 1.5Billion pouplation the y claim it is under threat;

threat of

> what may be the real fact is extinction of moderates in them.


> all over the world where they hardliners r there theyhave made the

world a

> desert devopid of all its natural wealth, and humane qualities in

rigid forms I

> wish the peaceful side of it will emerge and prevail all members of


> must co-exist in peace with ones who belive or disbelive in any of the

> religions. just as we have rains on the land , sea and deserts, its

use is felt

> best on land isn't it


> best wishes


> hope love and compassion for all living beings prevail






> ________________________________

> alshimaa alshimaa_eg2


> Thursday, December 4, 2008 2:45:15 PM

> what is islam?


> What is Islam?-1


> Please forgive me for any disturbance, but I have an important subject


> address to you regarding FAITH, and I Don't intend to overload

your email with

> unnecessary messages…

> What is Islam?-1




> The name of this religion is Islam, the root of which is S-L-M, which

> means peace. The word " Salam, " derived from the same root, may also

> mean greeting one another with peace.

> One of the beautiful names of God is that He is Peace. But Islam means

> more than that: it means submission to the One God, and it means

> living in peace with the Creator — peace within one's self,


> with other people, and peace with the environment.

> Thus, Islam is a total system of living. A Muslim is supposed to live

> in peace and harmony with all these segments. It follows that a Muslim

> is any person, anywhere in the world, whose obedience, allegiance, and

> loyalty are to God, the Lord of the Universe.



> The followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are not to be

> confused with Arabs.

> Muslims may be Arabs, Turks, Persians, Indians, Pakistanis,

> Malaysians, Indonesians, Europeans, Africans, Americans, Chinese, or

> other nationalities.

> An Arab could be a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew or an atheist. Any

> person who adopts the Arabic language is called an Arab.

> The language of the Qur'an (the Holy Book of Islam) is Arabic.


> all over the world try to learn or improve their Arabic, so that they

> may be able to read the Qur'an and understand its meaning. They


> in the language of the Qur'an, Arabic. Islamic supplications to


> could be (and are) delivered in any language.

> There are one billion Muslims in the world; there are about 200

> million Arabs. Among those two hundred million Arabs, approximately

> ten percent are not Muslims. Thus Arab Muslims constitute only about

> twenty percent of the Muslim population of the world.

> -


> " Allah " was the Arabic word for God long before the birth of

> Muhammad,

> peace be upon him.

> Muslims believe that Allah is the name of the One and Only God. He is

> the Creator of all human beings. He is the God for the Christians, the

> Jews, the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the atheists, and all

> others. Muslims worship God, whose name is Allah. They put their trust

> in Him and they seek His help and His guidance.


> Muhammad was chosen by God to deliver His Message of Peace, namely

> Islam. He was born in 570 C.E. (Common Era) in Makkah, Arabia. He was

> entrusted with the Message of Islam when he was at the age of forty

> years. The revelation that he received is called the Qur'an, while


> message is called Islam.

> Muhammad is the very last Prophet of God to mankind. He is the final

> Messenger of God. His message was and is still to the Christians, the

> Jews and the rest of mankind. He was sent to those religious people to

> inform them about the true mission of Jesus, Moses, Jacob, Isaac, and

> Abraham.

> Muhammad is considered to be the summation and the culmination of all

> the prophets and messengers that came before him. He purified the

> previous messages from adulteration and completed the Message of God

> for all humanity. He was entrusted with the power of explaining,

> interpreting and living the teaching of the Qur'an.


> Muslims are required to respect all those who are faithful and God

> conscious people, namely those who received messages. Christians and

> Jews are called People of the Book. Muslims are asked to call upon the

> People of the Book for common terms, namely, to worship One God, and

> to work together for the solutions of the many problems in the

> society.

> Christians and Jews lived peacefully with Muslims throughout centuries

> in the Middle East and other Asian and African countries. The second

> Caliph, Umar, chose not to pray in the church in Jerusalem, so as not

> to give later Muslims an excuse to take it over. Christians entrusted

> the Muslims, and as such the key of the Church in Jerusalem is still

> in the hands of the Muslims.

> When Jews fled from Spain during the Inquisition, they were welcomed

> by the Muslims. They settled in the heart of the Islamic Caliphate.

> They enjoyed positions of power and authority. Throughout the Muslim

> world, churches, synagogues and missionary schools were built within

> the Muslim neighborhoods. These places were protected by Muslims

> during bad times and good, and have continued to receive this

> protection during the contemporary crises in the Middle East


> Thank You


> ————————–

> For more information about Islam

> http://english.islamway.com/

> http://www.islamhouse.com/

> http://www.discoverislam.com/

> http://www.islambasics.com/index.php

> http://english.islamway.com/

> http://www.islamtoday.net/english/

> http://www.islamweb.net/ver2/MainPage/indexe.php

> http://www.sultan.org/

> http://www.islamonline.net/

> Contact Us At

> Imanway.group






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Dear Nair ji,


can u post some data of urself, what u r amd where u r from and now at as u r

partly my name sake there is a similar prashant kumar namesake also whom I

asked to publish his data and picture in the photo section will be happy if u do



there r other prashant dubey, prashant dixit too, no issue there either it is

good to know one another








prashanthnair999 <prashanthnair999


Sunday, December 7, 2008 1:17:24 PM

Re: what is islam?





dear prashanth ji




regrds prashanth nair





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dear prashanth ji



  thanks for ur suggestions ,but u know i dont want to practise astrology as a

profession or even to giv  free consultancy due to  my  professional pressures

and its demands ,and i work in a non english foreign company and has a heavy

responsibility and targets to meet every month .( also it is against the

policies of company  as in agreemnt itself its mentioned that any other

work(even if it is freelancing or anything i am doing can back fire on me

without prior approval frm company  )


also shud b willing  to  mov depending on companies expansion plan



other wise i am frm kerala and trivandrum , married and has one kid in early 30s


 i got intiated in astrology frm v young age ( a traditional guru ) tho most of

our family ( not parents but other senior elders members of family ) dont like

that idea .also initiated into siva sidha yoga by one tamil yogi ( agastya

tradition ) whom i met accidently  during my visit to kurukshetra .haryana ,as i

was there to view surya grahan and do some pitru santhi karmas .


hope u understand me and will  keep on allow my relevent posts in connection

with astrology .


actualy i become activ in grps due to  some evil elemts Like avatar

krishna kaul and company , who r against astrology and our culture  in general

but they hav a hidden agenda and i am answering  them with my little knowldge

,exprnce , blessing and  grace of My guru .


and i am glad that we share a common name ,


once i happen to get permission i will surely post my data and details  in ur

august forum ,also i appreciate u for ur selfless efforts and u r doing a great

service .


thanking u in advance


regrds prashanth nair



--- On Sun, 12/7/08, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar wrote:


Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar

Re: what is islam?


Sunday, December 7, 2008, 1:00 PM



Dear Nair ji,


can u post some data of urself, what u r amd where u r from and now at as u r

partly my name sake there is a similar prashant kumar namesake also whom I asked

to publish his data and picture in the photo section will be happy if u do too


there r other prashant dubey, prashant dixit too, no issue there either it is

good to know one another




____________ _________ _________ __

prashanthnair999 <prashanthnair999@ >


Sunday, December 7, 2008 1:17:24 PM

Re: what is islam?


dear prashanth ji




regrds prashanth nair

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Share on other sites




Ø MUHAMMAD - Muhammad was chosen by God


Ø Muslims are required to respect all those who are faithful and God


Dear Fools,

Bhaj Govindam ! Sanprapye sannihit_e kaale_

Nahin rakshati dunkrinj karane

Acharya Bhagvatpadar salutes you people as 'Fools " just gossipping and


your time. One asks 'what is islam' another replies from his junk.

Nobody knows what is religion, what is society, what is geography and


Children enjoys in playing, youngsters in love affairs and old aged in

their dreams of

past. Nobody utters 'Govind' !

Listen ! Religion is a system of social life, formed in certain areas

of the globe on the

basis of the geographical features. < example : When there is no

water, use sand, for cleaning> this is a religious creed and not

social or human routine.

A group born in Israyel, listened the voice of Jesus and followed a

life-style called 'Christianity " .

Another group in the desert who listened the Muhammed, followed him

and called themselves 'Islam'.

A life-style followed by a people at eatern side of River Sind, are

called 'hindo' and thus hindustan was borne.

There is a story where a few Swans came to South India from Alkapuri

or Himalayas,

and landed in an old pond in the country side where some Cranes were

sitTing. Seeing the beautiful Swans (foreigners) they started

conversation - where are you coming from - we are from Alkapuri - the

place of Kuber; (After some chating,..) What is your food for eating.

" We eat the lotus petals, flowers and fruits, and so on - some of the

wonderful foods that birds like " Swans replied.

" Is there crabs and shrimps available in yur place " .

" Oh ! no no, we did not see them " .

" Heiee.... you unlucky, even the most tasty crabs are not there in

your place "

Cranes criticised and played fun against the Swans is the STORY.

Like those Cranes, you fools are arguing about Islam and Muslims in

this 21st century.

When the people are hungry, all becomes under one religion.

Human beings are not different from animals, birds, plants or other

lively beings.

All of them exist here, inherit here, with a feeling of 'I' and

'myself' and mine.

My wife, my property, my children, my pen, my book, my house, my food

and so on.

The 'I' is merely a feeling from awakening in the morning till

sleeping in the night and

after that there is no 'I' or 'mine'.

Regarding astrology, it is one of the top most lofty part of human


nobody has yet been matured to study or research and find out the

correct future prediction.

I can also be a good Medical Officer, getting consulting fee and

prescribe medicines

by keeping a big name plate at my gate saying " Dr. M. Varma, Ph.D,

M.B.B.S., MD., A,B,C,D; FGH; IJKL, MN (London), and so on.

Acharya Bhagavatpadar again sings - " Jadilee, Mundee, Lunchit Kesh_a;

Kashay_ambar bahukrit_vesha, pasyan_api_ca_na pasya_iti moodhah;


All lives for filling up the Stomach, for which everybody bends the

Science and History to their interest.

You children of Aryas, children of Hindusthan - STOP talking about

religions, else see what is going on in Brazil, Argentina, South

African countries and other places of the earth by the christian

missioneries imposing the religious creeds and penalties on the poor

people of the land, for " Udaranimittam' - sake of belly-filling.


-Prof. M. Varma


, Prashanth Nair

<prashanthnair999 wrote:


> �

> dear prashanth ji

> Namaskar

> �

> � thanks for ur suggestions ,but u know i dont want to practise

astrology as a profession or even to�giv �free consultancy�due to �my�

professional pressures and its demands ,and i work in a non english

foreign company and has a�heavy responsibility and targets to meet

every month .( also it is against the policies of company� as in

agreemnt itself its mentioned that any other work(even if it is

freelancing�or anything i am doing can back fire on me without prior

approval frm�company �)

> �

> also�shud b willing �to �mov depending on companies expansion plan

> �

> �

> other wise i am frm kerala and trivandrum�, married and has one kid

in early 30s

> �

> �i got intiated in astrology frm v young age ( a traditional guru )

tho most of our family ( not parents but other senior elders members

of family ) dont like that idea .also initiated into siva sidha yoga

by one tamil yogi ( agastya tradition ) whom i met accidently �during

my visit to kurukshetra .haryana ,as i was there to view surya grahan

and do some pitru santhi karmas .

> �

> hope u understand me and will �keep on allow my relevent posts in

connection with astrology .

> �

> actualy i become activ in grps due to� some evil elemts Like

avatar krishna kaul and company ,�who r against astrology and

our�culture �in general but they hav a hidden agenda and i

am�answering �them with my little knowldge ,exprnce�, blessing and

�grace of My guru .

> �

> and i am glad that we share a common name ,

> �

> once i happen to get permission i will surely post my data and

details �in ur august forum ,also i appreciate u for ur selfless

efforts and u r doing a great service .

> �

> thanking u in advance

> �

> regrds prashanth nair

> �


> --- On Sun, 12/7/08, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar wrote:


> Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar

> Re: what is islam?


> Sunday, December 7, 2008, 1:00 PM



> Dear Nair ji,


> can u post some data of urself, what u r amd where u r from and now

at as u r partly my name sake there is a similar prashant kumar

namesake also whom I asked to publish his data and picture in the

photo section will be happy if u do too


> there r other prashant dubey, prashant dixit too, no issue there

either it is good to know one another


> prashant


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> prashanthnair999 <prashanthnair999@ >


> Sunday, December 7, 2008 1:17:24 PM

> Re: what is islam?


> dear prashanth ji


> Thanks


> regrds prashanth nair


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i teach you the ordinary. I teach you the simple, I teach you the natural, I

teach you that you are where you have been trying to reach, exactly at home.

Don't waste your time running here and there


you are never at home. You are looking into other people's homes. Somebody is in

Gautam Buddha's, somebody in Lao Tzu's, somebody in Jesus Christ's, somebody in

Moses'... it is a very strange situation that you have been diverted in such a

way that everybody is somewhere else, where he is not expected to be, and he is

not where existence wants him to be.



For centuries people have been improving and improving and improving, and

nothing is improved.

Just give me a chance.

Stop improving.


And you will be surprised to know that the energy that was involved in improving

becomes  your relaxation and celebration.



Just enjoy your life.

It is perfect as it is.

The whole idea of perfectionism creates only neurosis, pathology and a

derangement of the mind. Esp for u


Father Murphy is chosen to do some missionary work for the Catholic church, and

is sent to a remote part of the Arctic .

After a few months, a bishop comes to visit.

" How do you like it here, " asks the bishop, " among the ice and polar bears? "

" Just fine, " says Father Murphy. " The Eskimos are very friendly people. "

" And what about the weather? " asks the bishop.

" Ah, " says the priest, " as long as I have my rosary and my whiskey, I don't care

a bit about the weather. "

" I am glad to hear of it, " says the bishop. " Speaking of whiskey, how about a

glass or two? "

" Great idea! " says Father Murphy. " Rosary! Can you bring us the whiskey? "


Hymie is a little drunk when he comes home. " Becky, " he calls to his wife in the

bedroom, " start nagging, or else I won't be able to find the bed! "



Om Mani Padme Hum




--- On Tue, 12/9/08, Marthanda Varma <mvarma6 wrote:


Marthanda Varma <mvarma6

Re: what is islam?


Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 6:34 AM










Ø MUHAMMAD - Muhammad was chosen by God


Ø Muslims are required to respect all those who are faithful and God


Dear Fools,

Bhaj Govindam ! Sanprapye sannihit_e kaale_

Nahin rakshati dunkrinj karane

Acharya Bhagvatpadar salutes you people as 'Fools " just gossipping and


your time. One asks 'what is islam' another replies from his junk.

Nobody knows what is religion, what is society, what is geography and


Children enjoys in playing, youngsters in love affairs and old aged in

their dreams of

past. Nobody utters 'Govind' !

Listen ! Religion is a system of social life, formed in certain areas

of the globe on the

basis of the geographical features. < example : When there is no

water, use sand, for cleaning> this is a religious creed and not

social or human routine.

A group born in Israyel, listened the voice of Jesus and followed a

life-style called 'Christianity " .

Another group in the desert who listened the Muhammed, followed him

and called themselves 'Islam'.

A life-style followed by a people at eatern side of River Sind, are

called 'hindo' and thus hindustan was borne.

There is a story where a few Swans came to South India from Alkapuri

or Himalayas,

and landed in an old pond in the country side where some Cranes were

sitTing. Seeing the beautiful Swans (foreigners) they started

conversation - where are you coming from - we are from Alkapuri - the

place of Kuber; (After some chating,..) What is your food for eating.

" We eat the lotus petals, flowers and fruits, and so on - some of the

wonderful foods that birds like " Swans replied.

" Is there crabs and shrimps available in yur place " .

" Oh ! no no, we did not see them " .

" Heiee.... you unlucky, even the most tasty crabs are not there in

your place "

Cranes criticised and played fun against the Swans is the STORY.

Like those Cranes, you fools are arguing about Islam and Muslims in

this 21st century.

When the people are hungry, all becomes under one religion.

Human beings are not different from animals, birds, plants or other

lively beings.

All of them exist here, inherit here, with a feeling of 'I' and

'myself' and mine.

My wife, my property, my children, my pen, my book, my house, my food

and so on.

The 'I' is merely a feeling from awakening in the morning till

sleeping in the night and

after that there is no 'I' or 'mine'.

Regarding astrology, it is one of the top most lofty part of human


nobody has yet been matured to study or research and find out the

correct future prediction.

I can also be a good Medical Officer, getting consulting fee and

prescribe medicines

by keeping a big name plate at my gate saying " Dr. M. Varma, Ph.D,

M.B.B.S., MD., A,B,C,D; FGH; IJKL, MN (London), and so on.

Acharya Bhagavatpadar again sings - " Jadilee, Mundee, Lunchit Kesh_a;

Kashay_ambar bahukrit_vesha, pasyan_api_ca_ na pasya_iti moodhah;


All lives for filling up the Stomach, for which everybody bends the

Science and History to their interest.

You children of Aryas, children of Hindusthan - STOP talking about

religions, else see what is going on in Brazil, Argentina, South

African countries and other places of the earth by the christian

missioneries imposing the religious creeds and penalties on the poor

people of the land, for " Udaranimittam' - sake of belly-filling.


-Prof. M. Varma


, Prashanth Nair

<prashanthnair999@ ...> wrote:


> �

> dear prashanth ji

> Namaskar

> �

> � thanks for ur suggestions ,but u know i dont want to practise

astrology as a profession or even to�giv �free consultancy�due to �my�

professional pressures and its demands ,and i work in a non english

foreign company and has a�heavy responsibility and targets to meet

every month .( also it is against the policies of company� as in

agreemnt itself its mentioned that any other work(even if it is

freelancing�or anything i am doing can back fire on me without prior

approval frm�company �)

> �

> also�shud b willing �to �mov depending on companies expansion plan

> �

> �

> other wise i am frm kerala and trivandrum�, married and has one kid

in early 30s

> �

> �i got intiated in astrology frm v young age ( a traditional guru )

tho most of our family ( not parents but other senior elders members

of family ) dont like that idea .also initiated into siva sidha yoga

by one tamil yogi ( agastya tradition ) whom i met accidently �during

my visit to kurukshetra .haryana ,as i was there to view surya grahan

and do some pitru santhi karmas .

> �

> hope u understand me and will �keep on allow my relevent posts in

connection with astrology .

> �

> actualy i become activ in grps due to� some evil elemts Like

avatar krishna kaul and company ,�who r against astrology and

our�culture �in general but they hav a hidden agenda and i

am�answering �them with my little knowldge ,exprnce�, blessing and

�grace of My guru .

> �

> and i am glad that we share a common name ,

> �

> once i happen to get permission i will surely post my data and

details �in ur august forum ,also i appreciate u for ur selfless

efforts and u r doing a great service .

> �

> thanking u in advance

> �

> regrds prashanth nair

> �


> --- On Sun, 12/7/08, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@. ..> wrote:


> Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@. ..>

> Re: what is islam?


> Sunday, December 7, 2008, 1:00 PM



> Dear Nair ji,


> can u post some data of urself, what u r amd where u r from and now

at as u r partly my name sake there is a similar prashant kumar

namesake also whom I asked to publish his data and picture in the

photo section will be happy if u do too


> there r other prashant dubey, prashant dixit too, no issue there

either it is good to know one another


> prashant


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> prashanthnair999 <prashanthnair999@ >


> Sunday, December 7, 2008 1:17:24 PM

> Re: what is islam?


> dear prashanth ji


> Thanks


> regrds prashanth nair





















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