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do not know - what subject or topic ?? may you name it --

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Dear friends,

as we are human , evidently any thing which we do not know , we are

curious to know, and time to time few questions arose in our mind,

mainly on astrology, Tantra, god and his administration on universe

etc, there are so many other questions also, still people have their

mind set in black magic or white magic , left or right Tantra, it is

very difficult to answer all those questions becoz in reply of

questions again few questions will come and this will be no ending of



These things in my opinion are not for discussion until you do not

feel, now the question come how we feel, the main problem with us ,

we feel we are more intelligent then other one.


It's like when we did not pass 5th standard and we heard or read some

where about atom weapon, then we start asking what is this? How we

can make this? Ok make in front of us? Like wise so many questions,

in answering of those question the scientist who know all these cant


For discussion we will take 3 subjects 1. Astrology 2. God 3.Tantra



Some says this is science, some says some other things, it is diff

for diff people, this has all possibilities and various combinations;

it is divided in to two parts (A) Ganit (B) Falit. Ganit is

authenticate about Falit it is not it vary astrologer to astrologer

why? Because it depends what you understands with equals and

combinations it all depend on your Buddhi and gyan and vivek, how

much practical you are? How much wisdom you have to understand the

things. All things can not be predicted through astrology, even

prashn shastra is their, few things can be known by it , this is a

torch through which you can understand how is the path is it ok or it

have potholes for walk.

As we say every thing is destined , it also have difference in

opinion, no everything is not destined , people have Buddhi, gyan ,

vivek to decide what to do or what not to do. The supreme power it

may be in any form never interfere in any one's doing because every

one have Buddhi, gyan, vivek to perform the things it may be one have

in which measurement and it doesn't have any measurement. As human

you can do only karma the result is not in your hand as Lord Krishna



Yes as the question about the Destiny: it can be changed by 4 ways:

1. a king can change, 2. hard work can change, 3. Shraap or Boon can

change 4. Tapasya or through (tapa) can change.


There are lot of if and but in all this and I believe that if any

thing doesn't exist, then it cant have a name, as you cant give a new

name which doesn't exist, it may be you or we have not seen it, or

feel it.

Astrology never says you depend 100% on it , and sit idle do not do

any karma. I Feel I am kid still learning so it's end of my comment

on this topic.



2. God : I feel I am nothing not a molecule of dust , I cant say

any thing about almighty, what I feel I can share only those things

with you, Almighty is one, have unlimited forms, not only in my view

but billions have blind belief and trust in his power's , generally

he never interfere in any one's doing, because he is far above form

any acts, through shastras or Vedas you came to know very little bit

of him, not fully, for this galaxy he made this 9P27N12Z ERP fully

automatic system and as self is creator of not only this galaxy , the

creator of Cosmos.


One can not know almighty through these 5 senses; there are 2 reason

of it , one all senses are extrovert mean it give us feeling of outer

things , like you cant hear sound which generate inside, you cant see

inside of your body, like that, Second the base power which provide

power to act these senses is given by almighty, and power always in

root, not on top.

There are only 2 things as per UPNISHAD (Kathopnished) one is " ASTI "

means present second is " NASTI " means not present, if you believe

that god is Present it is present for you, if you don't belief that

not present it not present for you, it doesn't mean that you will not

get result of your karma, for example you do not know all laws which

are applicable in our country in detail, but as you breach any law it

may be late but you will be caught and get the result of breach of

law. I think it is enough about almighty. As we never arose question

about our parents same we can't arose any question about almighty.

Start loving him without fear or begging any thing you must feel his



3. Tantra: this is name of system – there is no white or black

or left or right in this, only usage of powers (power of vibration)

define it. As i have post in my previous post the Mantra (knitting of

words) is soul of this system.


For example you chant Mritunjay mantra for recovery from sickness or

unknown fears it take you far from death, it is good side of it, but

if you just change 2 words in it and chant in reverse it may cause

death of wanted person.

Same is gayatri mantra in right way it take care of you from all evil

effects , but just changing of 4 words in different order it is

mantra of Brhamastra .

Here you see there is no fault of power , it fault of user, if user

have bad intention, it may cause harm to others, like terrorist they

also have same weapons ans our army have, they kill innocents, forces

try to save innocents.


Tantra was actually made for justice, in old time when some time king

or other powerful people do sins more the limits then saints use

these Tantra to make balance in society, because they do not have any

army or any other things to fight, as time passed things some how

came in wrong hands, and after that slowly it is going to disappear,

now you can see, good and bad usage also in minimum situation as it

was more in previous Yuga like dwapar, treata.


At these time because people does not worth for perform so these

things not in picture too much, only hearing of it , yes lot of

people do worship through various mantra, or stotras for many form of

almighty, but very few of them get benefited, because they do not

know how to use , if they get any benefit through it that is only

because they have trust and faith in their deity. Power is power it

depend on you that how you are going to use it.

For getting blessing of almighty only chanting of his name is more

then enough, you can see any example of any saints, like kabeer,

tulsi, meera naanak, they just chant his name and did not chant any

mantra, no mantra is needed to make almighty happy, only

unconditional love is needed. Until one is not pure by heart and soul

cant feel, or cant get his blessing, which changes system for you.

It may not be suffice may be more question can come, but before

asking any question try to make your self Knowledgeable, earn gyan,

study your books of your dharma, sagas, Vedas if you can, more over

try to listen voice of your soul and heart, ask questions to your

self , certainly you will get answers.

May be I made so many mistakes in writing , pls pardon, if any thing

hurts your beliefs or your self.




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