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Required help for improving future life

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Hello Sir,

My birth details are as follows:

02-Nov-1978,10 30 AM, 13 56N 75 35 E

Can u please analyse my horo w r t following areas

1.Married life

2. Personal health

3.Success in life and which areas?

4. Any other indications.

Also, I would be greatful if I am suggested any remedy.

I have trust in mantra chanting and gems/herbs

Thanks in advance !

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Dear friend,


Please ask only one question which is most important to you.

If you ask vague and broad questions which requires a week or a

months time to reply ...no astrologer might entertain your request.


What is your problem ?


If you have no problem, then take the name of Lord and simply enjoy

your life ...not to bother yourself.


With regards and best wishes,


Mrutyunjay Tripathy


, " Nishant Jayachandra "

<jaynishant wrote:


> Hello Sir,

> My birth details are as follows:

> 02-Nov-1978,10 30 AM, 13 56N 75 35 E

> Can u please analyse my horo w r t following areas

> 1.Married life

> 2. Personal health

> 3.Success in life and which areas?

> 4. Any other indications.

> Also, I would be greatful if I am suggested any remedy.

> I have trust in mantra chanting and gems/herbs

> Thanks in advance !


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Dear Sir,


Please help me as to how I can improve my married life.

My spouse and I both are good people but I feel we are not able to

understand each other quite well and appreciate each other's view

points.Please have a look into my horo and suggest any remedies for

improving my relationship.




With best regards and sincere thanks,





, " Mrutyunjay Tripathy "

<astrologer_mrutyunjay wrote:


> Dear friend,


> Please ask only one question which is most important to you.

> If you ask vague and broad questions which requires a week or a

> months time to reply ...no astrologer might entertain your request.


> What is your problem ?


> If you have no problem, then take the name of Lord and simply enjoy

> your life ...not to bother yourself.


> With regards and best wishes,


> Mrutyunjay Tripathy


> , " Nishant Jayachandra "

> <jaynishant@> wrote:

> >

> > Hello Sir,

> > My birth details are as follows:

> > 02-Nov-1978,10 30 AM, 13 56N 75 35 E

> > Can u please analyse my horo w r t following areas

> > 1.Married life

> > 2. Personal health

> > 3.Success in life and which areas?

> > 4. Any other indications.

> > Also, I would be greatful if I am suggested any remedy.

> > I have trust in mantra chanting and gems/herbs

> > Thanks in advance !

> >


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Dear friend,


To succeed in married life.


Husband should have good health, earning capacity, a lot of patience

and control over anger, should not be sentimental or moody or

confusing in expression and action.


Mars the planet in your chart rules emotion/ sentiment is badly

placed in 12th house, along with enemy planet mercury and 8th lord



Please do necessary efforts to improve your personality.


Get control over mood/ short temperness/ lethargy/ procastination.


Get your decision making guided by practical wisdom.


Remove your shyness. You say a lot of thing but still not able to say

exactly what you want from others, what you do not like of others.

If possible take some training in public speaking or public

communication if possible for you.


Lastly get some professional training. 4th lord jupiter exalted in

8th house, but exaltation vanishes as moon is in scorpio debilited.


Please plan all your thoughts and actions by writeing them down on a

piece of paper. Prepare a routine of your activities of the whole day

in advance. Before going to bed... anlyse all that decisions and

actions made you successful and happy during the day and all that

made you not.


Mars is the wealth giving planet as per your rasi as well as navamsa

chart.It is weak on 3 counts; bad placement, afflicted by moon the

8th lord


Mercury is 7th and 10th lord of rasi chart for a stable financial

position and career life..afflicted by moon the 8th lord of

difficulty and 12th lord mars.


Another wealth giver is saturn the 2nd and 3rd lord of rasi and 7th

lord of navamsa chart though well placed in 9th house suffers due to

its lord sun being in debilition in 11th house (bad friend circle).


A lot of effort required in self grooming, self discipline, skill

improvement and avoiding of bad eating drinking or other habits/

friend circles/ investment in risk taking or speculating activities.


Considered from both rasi and navamsa all the lords of trine are

either weak or afflicted or badly placed. Jupiter also comes to 12th

house of scorpio using Rasi Tulya Navamsa principle.


(lakshmi sthana = they are called so because our wealth comes from

our good qualities and skills.....not simply because of hard work or

intelligence.......we see a lot of intelligent people working hard

and still living poor........for lack of strength of character)


Please be strong and brave...give off old unproductive habits.


Recitation of Mahamrityunjay Mantra (jupiter), Hanuman Chalisa(Mars)

and Shadakshara Ram Taraka Mantra ( Sun) for all the trine lords by

leading a pure/honest/hardworking/intelligent life will bring you

blessings of Goddess Lakshmi.


The performance of remedial measures and the personality

improvement...none of them are easy.


Please stand up to be your own self.

You are also a creation of the Almighty all powerful God.

Then why can not you succeed in overcoming in financial and

relationship problems ?


Hope you should at least be good enought to understand the 3 hours

hard labours put into analysis of your horoscope.


With regards and best wishes,


Mrutyunjay Tripathy


(Consultancy out of the group is not free)

Natal Chart


November 2, 1978

Time: 10:30:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 75 E 35' 00 " , 13 N 56' 00 "

, India

Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa


Lagna 11 Sg 32' 18.13 " Mool 4 Sg Cn

Sun - MK 15 Li 51' 55.43 " Swat 3 Li Aq

Moon - DK 3 Sc 28' 45.90 " Anu 1 Sc Le

Mars - PK 6 Sc 33' 31.60 " Anu 1 Sc Le

Mercury - GK 4 Sc 53' 56.13 " Anu 1 Sc Le

Jupiter - PiK 14 Cn 36' 15.64 " Push 4 Cn Sc

Venus ® - AmK 24 Li 53' 21.00 " Visa 2 Li Ta

Saturn - BK 17 Le 58' 07.81 " PPha 2 Le Vi

Rahu - AK 0 Vi 49' 52.28 " UPha 2 Vi Cp

Ketu 0 Pi 49' 52.28 " PBha 4 Pi Cn

Maandi 5 Sg 01' 19.79 " Mool 2 Sg Ta

Gulika 25 Sc 12' 01.59 " Jye 3 Sc Aq

Bhava Lagna 16 Sg 40' 20.18 " PSha 2 Sg Vi

Hora Lagna 17 Aq 38' 55.46 " Sata 4 Aq Pi

Ghati Lagna 20 Le 34' 41.29 " PPha 3 Le Li

Vighati Lagna 5 Pi 13' 30.47 " UBha 1 Pi Le

Varnada Lagna 11 Sc 32' 18.13 " Anu 3 Sc Ge


, " Nishant Jayachandra "

<jaynishant wrote:


> Dear Sir,


> Please help me as to how I can improve my married life.

> My spouse and I both are good people but I feel we are not able to

> understand each other quite well and appreciate each other's view

> points.Please have a look into my horo and suggest any remedies for

> improving my relationship.




> With best regards and sincere thanks,


> Nishant-----------

> ---------------------


> , " Mrutyunjay Tripathy "

> <astrologer_mrutyunjay@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear friend,

> >

> > Please ask only one question which is most important to you.

> > If you ask vague and broad questions which requires a week or a

> > months time to reply ...no astrologer might entertain your


> >

> > What is your problem ?

> >

> > If you have no problem, then take the name of Lord and simply


> > your life ...not to bother yourself.

> >

> > With regards and best wishes,

> >

> > Mrutyunjay Tripathy

> >

> > , " Nishant Jayachandra "

> > <jaynishant@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hello Sir,

> > > My birth details are as follows:

> > > 02-Nov-1978,10 30 AM, 13 56N 75 35 E

> > > Can u please analyse my horo w r t following areas

> > > 1.Married life

> > > 2. Personal health

> > > 3.Success in life and which areas?

> > > 4. Any other indications.

> > > Also, I would be greatful if I am suggested any remedy.

> > > I have trust in mantra chanting and gems/herbs

> > > Thanks in advance !

> > >

> >


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Respected Mrutyunjayji


Some of the suggestions you have given are valid for everyone. Its good

to be reminded.


The closing comment " Please stand up to be your own self. You are also

a creation of the Almighty all powerful God. Then why can not you

succeed in overcoming in financial and relationship problems ? " is very








, " Mrutyunjay Tripathy "

<astrologer_mrutyunjay wrote:


> Dear friend,


> To succeed in married life.


> Husband should have good health, earning capacity, a lot of patience

> and control over anger, should not be sentimental or moody or

> confusing in expression and action.


> Mars the planet in your chart rules emotion/ sentiment is badly

> placed in 12th house, along with enemy planet mercury and 8th lord

> moon.


> Please do necessary efforts to improve your personality.


> Get control over mood/ short temperness/ lethargy/ procastination.


> Get your decision making guided by practical wisdom.


> Remove your shyness. You say a lot of thing but still not able to say

> exactly what you want from others, what you do not like of others.

> If possible take some training in public speaking or public

> communication if possible for you.


> Lastly get some professional training. 4th lord jupiter exalted in

> 8th house, but exaltation vanishes as moon is in scorpio debilited.


> Please plan all your thoughts and actions by writeing them down on a

> piece of paper. Prepare a routine of your activities of the whole day

> in advance. Before going to bed... anlyse all that decisions and

> actions made you successful and happy during the day and all that

> made you not.


> Mars is the wealth giving planet as per your rasi as well as navamsa

> chart.It is weak on 3 counts; bad placement, afflicted by moon the

> 8th lord


> Mercury is 7th and 10th lord of rasi chart for a stable financial

> position and career life..afflicted by moon the 8th lord of

> difficulty and 12th lord mars.


> Another wealth giver is saturn the 2nd and 3rd lord of rasi and 7th

> lord of navamsa chart though well placed in 9th house suffers due to

> its lord sun being in debilition in 11th house (bad friend circle).


> A lot of effort required in self grooming, self discipline, skill

> improvement and avoiding of bad eating drinking or other habits/

> friend circles/ investment in risk taking or speculating activities.


> Considered from both rasi and navamsa all the lords of trine are

> either weak or afflicted or badly placed. Jupiter also comes to 12th

> house of scorpio using Rasi Tulya Navamsa principle.


> (lakshmi sthana = they are called so because our wealth comes from

> our good qualities and skills.....not simply because of hard work or

> intelligence.......we see a lot of intelligent people working hard

> and still living poor........for lack of strength of character)


> Please be strong and brave...give off old unproductive habits.


> Recitation of Mahamrityunjay Mantra (jupiter), Hanuman Chalisa(Mars)

> and Shadakshara Ram Taraka Mantra ( Sun) for all the trine lords by

> leading a pure/honest/hardworking/intelligent life will bring you

> blessings of Goddess Lakshmi.


> The performance of remedial measures and the personality

> improvement...none of them are easy.


> Please stand up to be your own self.

> You are also a creation of the Almighty all powerful God.

> Then why can not you succeed in overcoming in financial and

> relationship problems ?


> Hope you should at least be good enought to understand the 3 hours

> hard labours put into analysis of your horoscope.


> With regards and best wishes,


> Mrutyunjay Tripathy

> 09811971190

> (Consultancy out of the group is not free)

> Natal Chart


> November 2, 1978

> Time: 10:30:00

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 75 E 35' 00 " , 13 N 56' 00 "

> , India

> Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa


> Lagna 11 Sg 32' 18.13 " Mool 4 Sg Cn

> Sun - MK 15 Li 51' 55.43 " Swat 3 Li Aq

> Moon - DK 3 Sc 28' 45.90 " Anu 1 Sc Le

> Mars - PK 6 Sc 33' 31.60 " Anu 1 Sc Le

> Mercury - GK 4 Sc 53' 56.13 " Anu 1 Sc Le

> Jupiter - PiK 14 Cn 36' 15.64 " Push 4 Cn Sc

> Venus ® - AmK 24 Li 53' 21.00 " Visa 2 Li Ta

> Saturn - BK 17 Le 58' 07.81 " PPha 2 Le Vi

> Rahu - AK 0 Vi 49' 52.28 " UPha 2 Vi Cp

> Ketu 0 Pi 49' 52.28 " PBha 4 Pi Cn

> Maandi 5 Sg 01' 19.79 " Mool 2 Sg Ta

> Gulika 25 Sc 12' 01.59 " Jye 3 Sc Aq

> Bhava Lagna 16 Sg 40' 20.18 " PSha 2 Sg Vi

> Hora Lagna 17 Aq 38' 55.46 " Sata 4 Aq Pi

> Ghati Lagna 20 Le 34' 41.29 " PPha 3 Le Li

> Vighati Lagna 5 Pi 13' 30.47 " UBha 1 Pi Le

> Varnada Lagna 11 Sc 32' 18.13 " Anu 3 Sc Ge


> , " Nishant Jayachandra "

> jaynishant@ wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sir,

> >

> > Please help me as to how I can improve my married life.

> > My spouse and I both are good people but I feel we are not able to

> > understand each other quite well and appreciate each other's view

> > points.Please have a look into my horo and suggest any remedies for

> > improving my relationship.

> >

> >

> >

> > With best regards and sincere thanks,

> >

> > Nishant-----------

> > ---------------------

> >

> > , " Mrutyunjay Tripathy "

> > <astrologer_mrutyunjay@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear friend,

> > >

> > > Please ask only one question which is most important to you.

> > > If you ask vague and broad questions which requires a week or a

> > > months time to reply ...no astrologer might entertain your

> request.

> > >

> > > What is your problem ?

> > >

> > > If you have no problem, then take the name of Lord and simply

> enjoy

> > > your life ...not to bother yourself.

> > >

> > > With regards and best wishes,

> > >

> > > Mrutyunjay Tripathy

> > >

> > > , " Nishant Jayachandra "

> > > <jaynishant@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hello Sir,

> > > > My birth details are as follows:

> > > > 02-Nov-1978,10 30 AM, 13 56N 75 35 E

> > > > Can u please analyse my horo w r t following areas

> > > > 1.Married life

> > > > 2. Personal health

> > > > 3.Success in life and which areas?

> > > > 4. Any other indications.

> > > > Also, I would be greatful if I am suggested any remedy.

> > > > I have trust in mantra chanting and gems/herbs

> > > > Thanks in advance !

> > > >

> > >

> >







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