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Astrologers- Wakeup call- Fraud propogated against VA- Countered by Mathematics

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Dear Al - the basic assertion made inorder to prove entire VA fraud is that the

ephemeris is incorrect.


here it is systemtcailly proved why VA still hsolds relevance and being a very

complex method of interpretetion- no one can say conclsuively that this and this

prediction did not work as the VA- meyhod was incorrect.


Please let us do your part and put our resistance to such maverick

" sceintists " ... but yes- let us accept the right things with an open mind..


This would be great service to astrology ...

Dear Ji,

                    I think I did go through your blog.


I got a hang of it- how you are trying to educate people about ..how astrology

evolved..so why is it in-correct...fraud..



I will not get into details- but unfortunately..your understanding seems to be

fairly slop sided...- my humble apologies -please donot feel hurt...


for your benefit I am giving a very basic mathematcial treatment on the

interpretetion part as challeneged by sri AKK.


You might be a sientist..but i think you have missed quite a few things..


Few Points:


=====>1) I unfortunately dont have time to explain things to you...


======>2) Please Make AKK, prove the case based on basic set theory( I have

given a bsic proof based

on high school set theory below )



Say let us take taking 3 panchangs(raman,lahari and sri AKK's, two are faulty

and the last one belongs to the great man).


Then the question comes  how could based on some difference in

degrees/minutes...make such a  huge difference..that it is all fraud???


Let us not discuss here if astrology has a baisis or not- we are simply looking

at the argumnet put by Mr. A K kaul... that if ephemeris in-correct by some

amount..so all readings incorrect...


This assertion is incorrect can be very easily proven based on high school  set


(with some basic enhancements on the same) and using present framework of VA-

which AKK is trying to challenge...



Your theory of evolution of whys and hows of astrology evolution  has

fundamental probelms..but I will let you live with it...I ma not

going to get into discussions about the same...


The basic probelm is - as I hinted to you is that you have  " worked " may be in

one technology or model of prediction...say VA. so You have a fixed mindset on

how ancients solved probelms....this is based on fallacious reasoning ..


YES- the fundamental pranic forces behind astrology are yet to be explained and

proved  in the present times.....- but pranayama works...- we can see the

tangible effects.../empirical ...so may be smoe day these forces might also come

to fore..but yes..people are not aware of the same


You may also like to read this VM(vedci maths) article written by me on the spur

of the moment to an anit-vedic person .....(YES..there is lot of farud..on

vedas..but fraud alawys happens on genuine things...)



As I told you  by GOD " s garce - I did get a chnace to work for both the

technologies- not only one..which also people have not assimilated...properly.


Look at9If you feel like):







You could take with with AKK to prove point 2), he cannot ....and neither can

you..with fair.assumptions..- based on the kind of content I have read and my

mail interactions with you..


I would like to remove my name from your forum.....


Hint for you which you can share it with your friend AKK- which you might not

have thought as evident from your " confidence " in writings....:




1)Lahari ayamasa;


2)Raman's Ephemeris:


3) AKK's proposed epehmeris


say 1)-Lahari's ephemeris  gives degree of satrun as 28.1 Aq

2) gives

                       sat in Aqu        28.3

3) gives                         sat in Aqu       28.4


---->a) still saturn in Aqu- would have same or similar meaning  in VA as

satrun is in oldage...correct..


but still let us call these predictions as p1,p2,p3


In case of spill over into other rashis   say sag it might casue probelms.. for

example AKK's epehmreis says..no it is 1 degree in saggitarius...     so the

interpretetion of p3 changes drastically as compared to p1 and p2...- yes this

is a failure case


In most of the cases, the outcome based on this " incorrect " data would be



actually this is not incorrect- but

approximate data...which change the output/predictions only slightly instead of

p3 it becomes p3+ delta...


So even if ephemeris changes...not too significant an impact could be -

unless..in higher divisiosnal charts...where the sign is divided into say 1/20

or into more finer divisions..


Yes..timing could have an impact..but again......in dasha system..events might

get staggered by some time...but even in western transits ...all events donot

happen at the exact degree..


KEY POINT: instead of saying INCORRECT DATA..say approximate DATA.- the

inetrpretetions could still be mostly correct...as explined above


Once gain, say I take a data set based on ramans ephemeris { d0...dn}


and based on AKK's case- it is {d0'......dn'}...still the deviation in

INTERPRETETION would not be significant...as we have discussed above..





Also say the present day economists use 'm' variable to predict economy +

{v1....vm} to build up a framework for prediction...- you know slwo down

prediction was there- but not timing...that guy got a nobel prize...


Now can any one predict,,when could market come up? NO no one......Does it mean

economics is fraud?


No - the only thing is that in case of economy:


------->a) variables chosen might not be appropraite or complete-as happens in

astrology, that is what explains why different systems work and give different

accuracy- as AKK has himslef said in one of his articles  that western system

works better( I am not endorsing the same..but just letting you know.. he

believes and ack's it- he and others  might be confused about matters, that is

a seperate thing)


 ----------->b) Some of the variables

used in economic system measurement might be fuzzy(like various stocks could be

treated as variables and assumed to give approx idea of public perception, but

still it may not accurately reflect the real scenario) -the situation is same 

with planetary longitudes..- so in this case also what AKK is writing is fluff..



Regarding how astrology evolved or you and I evolved...let us leave it

here...one has to be one on one..to talk about such matters and the other person

has to have the basic receptivity...and understanding...



My apologies to you and AKK if hurt in the process, this is nothing personal,

but refers to the thought processes you are trying to propogate..


YES- the attitude with which astrology is practsed is wrong..but not the

original astrology...it has KARMA as the basis and is a TOOL just like economic

or weather



Any mails/proving beyond this would be purely based on maths...no unncessary

mails or Judgemnets..


Best Regards,




--- On Sat, 3/21/09, sanatkumar jain <sanatkumar_jain wrote:





-----Inline Attachment Follows-----





Dear Pankaj ji,




Thanks for quick response. I am shifting your mail to the forum so that other

members may also be benefited with the exchange of views.




It appears from your msg. that now-a-days you are very much preoccupied  in

your professional job. Hence you are not in a position to take any point. OK.

Does not matter. Your work is more important than interaction. I hope in near

future you may be able to go through the blog “Astrology a science or mythâ€

already posted to you and will like to have proper interaction on any point

relating to principles of predictive astrology.




You can write at any time in the forum or on my email and in the mean time

collect the view of your  friends on various points, if possible.




Waiting for your observation in our forum.






Yours truly,






















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