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meru parvat - to vinayji 4/5- Mike Davis

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Dear Vinay ji


u must read, re-read my posts again and again and then comment I want u to

practice this for all mails u read at least in THIS GROUP where v r discussing

ur threads in a civilised manner and if u treat us also ONLY WITH UR TWISTED OR


* u r misunderstanding me [when it other way around

** u r not prepared to test my s/w [when uave to give comparitive studies from

ur end]


** any study, invention, discovery that comes up in the scientific, medical,

litarcheogical world has to be demonstrated in some measure with a comparitive


THE ONUS OF PROVING IT one who propese something new or different from the ones

in circulation.



present/PROJECT UR VIEWS if u loose patience and also misinterpret and also hurt

members u will end up with a good subject and NO USERS of it. choices is urs.


we r open and tolerant so from our side u can;'t expect trouble but if u r

careless it can happen unwittingly.


don't react on a mail, act on it is waht i last said




I NEVER SAID PANGEA is Jambhoo dwipam, but if say it is part of Vedic land then

there must be a connection of some sorts


but if u accept Jamboo dwipa as the Pangea then ur argument of Kenya as Meru

point is easily swallowable for the critics of vedic culture plus western

scientis at the same time


this is ur conceding it NOT MINE


u can't have it both ways that it is not part of a bigger continent sometime ago

and has split

and it was/is near Equator


and remember when u argeue how did ppl communicate their cultural , spiritual

discussions fif the sea seperated them?


sea faring was sin, crossing the oceans was sin in vedic times OFFICIALLY TILL









please read Mike davis now re-raned as Pavan Kumar his articles in the

Astrological magazine in the late 80;s


he shows with a lot of research that


MAHARISHIS disciples r




please read my posts a few times and get back, ho hurry!


alsos ee the animated pictutre of the pangea in the link


also consider if pangea was not there also the Indian sub continent must have

drifted upwards from Equitor over a period of time current MAPS is no basis to

suggest any THING HARD.








Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16


Monday, May 4, 2009 4:43:36 PM

Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5






Prashant ji,


I devoted 12 years on comparative linguistics and I know vedic language is the

original language, but as long as Western hegemony remains it will be impossible

to establish truth.


If you think Africa's ancient past was pagan then you are mistaken. Vedic

culture was practised over entire Jamboodvipa, of which Bharata-varsha was only

a small, although most important, part. Creation was created from Mt Meru in

Kenya, but actual history of Vedic peoples was centred in India from the very

beginning. It is a long history everywhere forgotten, only some portions of

Puranas mention it.


Read my article Yajna posted today, it provides an irrefutable proof of Vedic

origin of prehistoric Greeks. AKK is just opposite of facts.




____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Monday, May 4, 2009 10:24:36 AM

Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5


Vinay ji




nor did I say Vedic culture is imported from greece, egypy etc...


pl re-read my post


I am clear that egypt got the knowledge by hijacking many scholars from India

and killed them after their scholars learnt the subject and from egypt it

sprread to West-europe ZERO, CHEMISTRY OR RASAYANA SHASTRA BY Charaka and his

compatriot [i forget the name for the moment]


I have said by ur ALLUDING Mt Meru to Kenya u r approving AKK so make sure it is

so nothe otherway as u assume I said


also read the PANGEA link i sent u i am actually using the word for the 1st time

[in the sarch as i heard the word never read about it till now earlier i had

only heard of the word may be 35 yrs ago never had a chance to read it though

understood it from the time i heard it in a radio program in apr 74 while I was

in my 7th std in Bangalore


there is no way one language can be part of such a vast spread of mankind even

Bharatha varsha, bharata khande had the Prakruit, sanskirt and other local

strains, culture, rituals also do differ and there can be similarities as said

in the way fire, Sun was worshipped in all cultures [except the Monoliths that

came later, church, mosues]






____________ _________ _________ __

Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >


Sunday, May 3, 2009 7:05:52 PM

Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5


Prashant Ji,


MBh gives Jamboodvip's dimensions as 18600 yojanas. Measure of yojana changes

from time to time. All astronomical texts of ancient India give Earth's diameter

as 1100-1600 yojanas only, hence 18600 yojana for Jamboodvip cannot belong to

that period in history when yojana's value was much larhe. Sayana refers to a

shruti in RV,i,50 that Surya (which Mr subhash Kak reads as spped of light)

moves at a speed of 2202 yojana per half nimisha. If this is actually the speed

of light, then this value of yojana makes 18600 yojana exactly equal to the

distance from Cape Town to Bering Starits in far east of Siberia.


You are misled by forerunners of AKK who distorted Indian history. Geographical

India is a small country, but what we know as Indian culture was practised over

entire Jamboodvip, which is narrated in ancient texts. Names of countries in

Jamboodvip which were outside India can be found in many Puranas and MBh. On the

other hand, there is no ancient proof to limit Jamboodvip to merely India, India

is a small part of Jamboodvip. Secondly, no ancient text says Mt Meru was within

India. But it does not mean Indian culture was imported from Greece or Egypt.

The contrary is true :


The greatest Greek comedian Aristophanes wrote a comedy The Birds around ~400

BC, which said the ancestors of Greeks offered oblations into fire whose smoke

went into Heavens to feed gods. It proves the existence of ritualistic Vedic

Yajna among the ancestors of greeks. Yet, Europeans falsely teach us that the

ancestors of Aryans practised a simple religion based on prayers like the psalms

of Bible, and declared Rgveda to be the original Veda because it was a book of

prayers, and Yajurveda was the invention of non Aryan brahmins who invented

Yajna. Rgveda and YV name each other innumerable times, and their language is

also contemporary. Yet, many Indians believe in this false propaganda and fail

to read Greek evidences which show Yajna was practised bt their remote

ancestors. The word Europa in Greek meant " easterlies (winds " and European

means " those who came from the East " !


The existence of Sanskrit placenames like Meru in Kenya or Kinyangiri in

Tanzania does not mean India was a part of Kenya. It means a single language and

culture was practised in the whole the world. It tallies with the descriptions

of cultures in various parts of Jamboodvipa found in Puranas and MBh.




============ ===== ============


____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:55:08 PM

Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5


Dear Vinay ji


if u r refering to to Jamboo dweepa as what the westerners called the Pangea

here is the link


http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Pangaea


which shows the continetal drift theory where AMERICAS [north south] and europe,

saudi arabia, australia, India and smaller pieces that could not join the big

break ups as islands


then u r close to AKK's call that all of Hindu/vedic knowledge is purely lifted

from the greek


which is beyond the truth


as the multiple discpplines in any subject Vedic heritage is way ahead


Egyptians did steal/smuggle many vedic scholars and took most of our traditional



Mayan civilisation has many close similarities to Vedic and in all

civiilisations the fire, sun etc are supreme forces-gods and almost represt

whatever astrology attributes to ravi.


the ;onk also suggests some period where it cud have happened also


but superimpose this witht ye Yugas, the puranas etc and come up with something



and till then pl treat every source of info as INFO and none of us can claim

possession to original source anyday as vedic heritage never believed in

claiming, bragging knowledge just lived by practice alone


transfered knowledge by word of mouth only palm leaves were just intermediate

sources till it was memorised and each guru had it written for his sishyas and

they once memorised it were asked to destroy it by sprinkling water on it daily

after prayers they decayed naturally


u won't find misuse of knowledge like Einstiens Nuke bomb -info of it was for

nuclear energy not bombs and he regreted sharing that info of dual use in public

after the dirty bombs were used in his lifetime itself


Vidya vinaya sampanae is vedic rest is barbaric




____________ _________ _________ __

Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >


Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:30:45 PM

Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5


Krishnan Ji,

You are making wrong statements. Jamboodvip was much bigger than Meru, and there

are many ancient references which put it outside India. It was regarded as the

highest point, being the centre of Cosmos, hence Varah Mihira called it North

Pole. Suryasiddhanta says it is at equator. Neither North Pole nor equator can

be located in India. Narapatijayacharya says it is said to be at the centre of

Earth but is not found there , the reason was people had lost the knowledge of

Africa which was known to ancient sages who said Meru was at equator in

Jamboodvip. Jamboodvip is a sigle big contintnt which Euripeans have

artificially named as Africa, Europe and Asia. This new nomenclature is

misleading you.



____________ _________ _________ __

vattem krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sunday, May 3, 2009 11:29:02 AM

Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5


Dear Sirs,

The evolutionary trends continue to be there.Our reverred scriptures identified

MERU as part of Bharat varshe,Bharat Khande.This position is not contested or

changed so far by any one.The importance of MERU for the people of Inidian

origin is Supreme and continues to be there.There should not be a second thought

about it.Till the end of kaliyug ,it continues to be related to Jambu dweepe and

can never be altered



--- On Sun, 5/3/09, Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ hotmail.com> wrote:


Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ hotmail.com>

Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5


Sunday, May 3, 2009, 1:45 AM


For the curious. ////CAVEAT: This is not scientific or superscientific

evidence!/// /


http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Human_evolution




, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@. ..>






> Dear Arjun ji


> a very valied point the sankalpa part when we say


> Bharatha varasha, Bharatha Khande

> Meru dakshina dik bhagae.


> for southern ppl Ganga -Kaveri madhyae...


> the continental drift theory propounder belive Indian sub-continent broke away

from E.AFRICA and joined the Asian plate and as it moves northwards the Himalays

formed etc...


> Erdy Australia similarly is belived to be part of S Indian plateau even the

soil is similar in chennaim perth it is said....


> the later part is non astrological or Hindu scriptures based but does suggest

the way some ppl see History, geography in the eyes of the Imperialists version

of history to suit their version


> we r partsuperior they r as they r from European blood


> but there is also a theory tha Mankind was born in South africa and moved

upwards to Europe, asia...

> of African breed


> Prashant



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004@ ...>


> Sunday, May 3, 2009 6:19:44 AM

> meru parvat - to vinayji






> dear vinayji


> from few old posts of you and from a link provided by you, i guess you are

suggesting the holy meru parvat is in africa. if this surmise of mine is wrong,

kindly ignore this mail as a misunderstood query.


> if you are indeed suggesting mount meru as the one from africa, i fail to

understand why the puranas and other ancient scriptures described meru parvant

or mount meru as different and not surely as in africa.


> the significance of mount meru in hindu mythology as well as in hindu

tradition is so high that one purana narrates three full CHAPTERS on describing

the mount meru where THOUSANDS of lines were narrating not on the mythical

properties but pure mathematical and geographical descriptions of the meru

parvat with distances and names of all the mountains far and near and much more.

of course all these names were medieval names but surely from these various

chapters, i understand mount meru is not from africa in my limited history



> besides your version of mount meru in africa, i also request professors like

vattem krishnanji on their understanding from history as to where this mount

meru lies. if this mount meru is not what we believe and is in africa as

presented by vinayji, then crores of brahmins are committing an error in their

daily sankalpam as to which direction from meru they are. your answer helps us

understand to which side of meru we are so that we can pronounce the sankalpam



> with best wishes and blessings

> pandit arjun

> www.rudraksharemedy .com



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Prashant Ji,


(1) I clearly said Jamboodvip has been renamed as Africa + Europe +

Asia, but it is one great island even today, in spite of artificial Suez

Canal. I deliberately avoided any comment on Pangea because I did not

want to open another non-astrological thread which will lead to wastage

of time.


(2) You said Egypt stole India' Knowledge. I did not refute. I added

Egyptians were originally same as Indians culturally, the area of Vedic

influence was much bigger in earlier ages.


(3) You said " there is no way one language can be part of such a vast

spread of mankind " . Here you shoe difference with me. I believe human

race had one language, because all scientists say that there is one

common source of present specie of humans. That one language seems to be



(4) <<<* u r misunderstanding me [when it other way around>>>


If I say, even wrongly, that you are misunderstanding me, is it an

insulting remark to invite words like " twisted and bent " mind ?


(5) <<<* u r not prepared to test my s/w [when uave to give comparitive

studies from ur end]>>>


I said to Pankujj Dhar Ji many days ago that I will give case studies

from my software, but I cannot undertake comparative studies with other

softwares, because it will mean an offence against other software

makers. Why Should I belittle PVR's Jhora or ParasharaLight ? Why should

I start a war with them ? There were six individual case studies on my

website, besides 3 mundane studies, now one has been removed due to

insistence of the native.


I said " u r not prepared to test my s/w " because these nine case studies

were rotting at my website, for which you had no time, but now you have

plenty of time on Meru and Pangea which you want to discuss with a

software developer. I had commented on Meru in what I supposed was a

private talk with Rohini Ji, and now it is going to be made a big issue.


(6) <<<** any study, invention, discovery that comes up in the

scientific, medical, litarcheogical world has to be demonstrated in some

measure with a comparitive analysis THE ONUS OF PROVING IT one who

propese something new or different from the ones in circulation.>>>


I have not made any invention or discovery, so I am under no obligation

to prove anything. It is a rumour spred by some members of AIA. Those

who do not want to test my free software may forget it. I made a

software on the basis of texts already prescribed in Jyotishaachaarya

syllabus of all Sanskrit universities, which was duly recognized after

three pandit sabhaas ( Here ) after a high court order ( ClickHere

<http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/Credentials> ) ; if a university

order following a high court order of enquiry is unreliable, what is the

worth of verdict by private persons?


(7) <<<if u accept Jamboo dwipa as the Pangea then ur argument of Kenya

as Meru point is easily swallowable for the critics of vedic culture>>>


I do not want to answer such remarks. You have not read my previous

messages in which I quoted verses from Suryasiddhanta,

Narapatijayacharyaa, etc about the location of Meru. I deliberately

avoided any reference to Pangea. You are viewing the whole issue from a

different perspective, oblivious of the fact that my mundane softwares

(not kundalee) are based on the Suryasiddhantic concept of Mt Meru at

equator in Jamboodvip, and dozens of Medini Jyotisha softwares based on

Mt Meru in Kenya are giving astonishing results. I have a long list of

evidences and credentials, verified by NASA


cepted_by_CAOS%2C_IISc> , IISc


g?t=anon> , KSDS university


0> , which show that horoscopes made from Mt Meru give astonishing



My only mistake was that I decided to call it by its Suryasiddhantic

name. Had I called it Mt Kenya, there would have been better response

for my work in internet fora. But why should I care for abuses or



I work ~ 16 hours a day. Do you know how my time is spent ? I am asked

to make a rainfall prediction for Paris for ~40 days , I am asked to

publish analysis of Tsunami, I am asked to prove Suryasiddhanta by

rhetoric alone, I am asked to prove Meru, I am asked to publish

comparative studies with other softwares (I really want to add more case

studies but I cannot attack other softwares by making comparative

studies), etc etc. All these are in addition to my normal work of

software development (adding new modules & c). And then comes almost a

daily dose of abuses by a drunkard in Australia who poses as a

scientist, to which even a slight addition by anyone else is too much.

Can you work under such a pressure ? I have already left two forums in

order to spend time on my work.


Prashant Ji, cool down. My students are heads of departments. I do not

have a " twisted and bent " mind. I never used any foul word. I am under

an oath before God never to lie. If I say Mt Meru is not Mt Kenya, I

will go to Hell. But if you say the same thing, you will not go to Hell,

because you do not possess the PROOF, which I possess and want to

show,but instead of viewing these astrological evidences in an

astrological forum, I am being diverted towards geology, linguistics,

history, etc. Same thing happened in AIA. Cool down and think for a

while. If you really think I am unwanted, say it plainly and I will

leave your forum. I came for an astrological discussion, which is not

happenning. I have much work before me. If I cannot display my

astrological work here, what will I do here ?


To summarize , I made two types of softwares :


(1) One horoscopic software, which can be tested here ONLY if I make

comparisons with other softwares , insulting them.

(2) Some mundane softwares which either cannot be tested or viewed

because they are based upon a mountain outside India.


Strange arguments are given by you : " crossing the oceans was sin in

vedic times! " Then, Lord Rama and Hanuman ji sinned by crossing the sea

! RV speaks of great seagoing boats. Practices of decadent phase of

Indian history should not be imposed on its past.


When I told Punkujj Dhar ji that 6 individual and some mundane case

studies already lie at my website, and I will add more when I get time,

but I cannot insult other softwares by making comparisons with them, he

left the thread, because he has no time to view my case studies !


You say the choice is mine. Given the conditions put forth by you, you

know my answer. If my works are not tested in this forum, I am not going

to lose anything, because I do not sell softwares.


Do not show me Pangea. I read about it decades ago.


Exchanges of ideas and counter-ideas should not be misunderstood as

" twisted and bent mind " . Read this message twice, and answer in a cool

manner, or do not answer at all. I really do not want to disturb you

over my softwares. If you have no time, there is no need of testing my

software. Why make it an issue ??



============ ===========

, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:


> Dear Vinay ji


> u must read, re-read my posts again and again and then comment I want

u to practice this for all mails u read at least in THIS GROUP where v r

discussing ur threads in a civilised manner and if u treat us also ONLY


> * u r misunderstanding me [when it other way around

> ** u r not prepared to test my s/w [when uave to give comparitive

studies from ur end]


> ** any study, invention, discovery that comes up in the scientific,

medical, litarcheogical world has to be demonstrated in some measure

with a comparitive analysis

> THE ONUS OF PROVING IT one who propese something new or different from

the ones in circulation.



AND present/PROJECT UR VIEWS if u loose patience and also misinterpret

and also hurt members u will end up with a good subject and NO USERS of

it. choices is urs.


> we r open and tolerant so from our side u can;'t expect trouble but if

u r careless it can happen unwittingly.


> don't react on a mail, act on it is waht i last said




> I NEVER SAID PANGEA is Jambhoo dwipam, but if say it is part of Vedic

land then there must be a connection of some sorts


> but if u accept Jamboo dwipa as the Pangea then ur argument of Kenya

as Meru point is easily swallowable for the critics of vedic culture

plus western scientis at the same time


> this is ur conceding it NOT MINE


> u can't have it both ways that it is not part of a bigger continent

sometime ago and has split

> and it was/is near Equator


> and remember when u argeue how did ppl communicate their cultural ,

spiritual discussions fif the sea seperated them?


> sea faring was sin, crossing the oceans was sin in vedic times










> please read Mike davis now re-raned as Pavan Kumar his articles in the

Astrological magazine in the late 80;s


> he shows with a lot of research that


> MAHARISHIS disciples r




> please read my posts a few times and get back, ho hurry!


> alsos ee the animated pictutre of the pangea in the link


> also consider if pangea was not there also the Indian sub continent

must have drifted upwards from Equitor over a period of time current

MAPS is no basis to suggest any THING HARD.


> Prashant





> ________________________________

> Vinay Jha vinayjhaa16


> Monday, May 4, 2009 4:43:36 PM

> Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5






> Prashant ji,


> I devoted 12 years on comparative linguistics and I know vedic

language is the original language, but as long as Western hegemony

remains it will be impossible to establish truth.


> If you think Africa's ancient past was pagan then you are mistaken.

Vedic culture was practised over entire Jamboodvipa, of which

Bharata-varsha was only a small, although most important, part. Creation

was created from Mt Meru in Kenya, but actual history of Vedic peoples

was centred in India from the very beginning. It is a long history

everywhere forgotten, only some portions of Puranas mention it.


> Read my article Yajna posted today, it provides an irrefutable proof

of Vedic origin of prehistoric Greeks. AKK is just opposite of facts.


> -VJ


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar >


> Monday, May 4, 2009 10:24:36 AM

> Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5


> Vinay ji




> nor did I say Vedic culture is imported from greece, egypy etc...


> pl re-read my post


> I am clear that egypt got the knowledge by hijacking many scholars

from India and killed them after their scholars learnt the subject and

from egypt it sprread to West-europe ZERO, CHEMISTRY OR RASAYANA SHASTRA

BY Charaka and his compatriot [i forget the name for the moment]


> I have said by ur ALLUDING Mt Meru to Kenya u r approving AKK so make

sure it is so nothe otherway as u assume I said


> also read the PANGEA link i sent u i am actually using the word for

the 1st time [in the sarch as i heard the word never read about it till

now earlier i had only heard of the word may be 35 yrs ago never had a

chance to read it though understood it from the time i heard it in a

radio program in apr 74 while I was in my 7th std in Bangalore


> there is no way one language can be part of such a vast spread of

mankind even Bharatha varsha, bharata khande had the Prakruit, sanskirt

and other local strains, culture, rituals also do differ and there can

be similarities as said in the way fire, Sun was worshipped in all

cultures [except the Monoliths that came later, church, mosues]


> Thanks


> prashant


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >


> Sunday, May 3, 2009 7:05:52 PM

> Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5


> Prashant Ji,


> MBh gives Jamboodvip's dimensions as 18600 yojanas. Measure of yojana

changes from time to time. All astronomical texts of ancient India give

Earth's diameter as 1100-1600 yojanas only, hence 18600 yojana for

Jamboodvip cannot belong to that period in history when yojana's value

was much larhe. Sayana refers to a shruti in RV,i,50 that Surya (which

Mr subhash Kak reads as spped of light) moves at a speed of 2202 yojana

per half nimisha. If this is actually the speed of light, then this

value of yojana makes 18600 yojana exactly equal to the distance from

Cape Town to Bering Starits in far east of Siberia.


> You are misled by forerunners of AKK who distorted Indian history.

Geographical India is a small country, but what we know as Indian

culture was practised over entire Jamboodvip, which is narrated in

ancient texts. Names of countries in Jamboodvip which were outside India

can be found in many Puranas and MBh. On the other hand, there is no

ancient proof to limit Jamboodvip to merely India, India is a small part

of Jamboodvip. Secondly, no ancient text says Mt Meru was within India.

But it does not mean Indian culture was imported from Greece or Egypt.

The contrary is true :


> The greatest Greek comedian Aristophanes wrote a comedy The Birds

around ~400 BC, which said the ancestors of Greeks offered oblations

into fire whose smoke went into Heavens to feed gods. It proves the

existence of ritualistic Vedic Yajna among the ancestors of greeks. Yet,

Europeans falsely teach us that the ancestors of Aryans practised a

simple religion based on prayers like the psalms of Bible, and declared

Rgveda to be the original Veda because it was a book of prayers, and

Yajurveda was the invention of non Aryan brahmins who invented Yajna.

Rgveda and YV name each other innumerable times, and their language is

also contemporary. Yet, many Indians believe in this false propaganda

and fail to read Greek evidences which show Yajna was practised bt their

remote ancestors. The word Europa in Greek meant " easterlies (winds "

and European means " those who came from the East " !


> The existence of Sanskrit placenames like Meru in Kenya or Kinyangiri

in Tanzania does not mean India was a part of Kenya. It means a single

language and culture was practised in the whole the world. It tallies

with the descriptions of cultures in various parts of Jamboodvipa found

in Puranas and MBh.


> -VJ


> ============ ===== ============


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar >


> Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:55:08 PM

> Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5


> Dear Vinay ji


> if u r refering to to Jamboo dweepa as what the westerners called the

Pangea here is the link


> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Pangaea


> which shows the continetal drift theory where AMERICAS [north south]

and europe, saudi arabia, australia, India and smaller pieces that could

not join the big break ups as islands


> then u r close to AKK's call that all of Hindu/vedic knowledge is

purely lifted from the greek


> which is beyond the truth


> as the multiple discpplines in any subject Vedic heritage is way ahead


> Egyptians did steal/smuggle many vedic scholars and took most of our

traditional wisdom


> Mayan civilisation has many close similarities to Vedic and in all

civiilisations the fire, sun etc are supreme forces-gods and almost

represt whatever astrology attributes to ravi.


> the ;onk also suggests some period where it cud have happened also


> but superimpose this witht ye Yugas, the puranas etc and come up with

something fresh


> and till then pl treat every source of info as INFO and none of us can

claim possession to original source anyday as vedic heritage never

believed in claiming, bragging knowledge just lived by practice alone


> transfered knowledge by word of mouth only palm leaves were just

intermediate sources till it was memorised and each guru had it written

for his sishyas and they once memorised it were asked to destroy it by

sprinkling water on it daily after prayers they decayed naturally


> u won't find misuse of knowledge like Einstiens Nuke bomb -info of it

was for nuclear energy not bombs and he regreted sharing that info of

dual use in public after the dirty bombs were used in his lifetime



> Vidya vinaya sampanae is vedic rest is barbaric


> Prashant


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >


> Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:30:45 PM

> Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5


> Krishnan Ji,

> You are making wrong statements. Jamboodvip was much bigger than Meru,

and there are many ancient references which put it outside India. It was

regarded as the highest point, being the centre of Cosmos, hence Varah

Mihira called it North Pole. Suryasiddhanta says it is at equator.

Neither North Pole nor equator can be located in India.

Narapatijayacharya says it is said to be at the centre of Earth but is

not found there , the reason was people had lost the knowledge of Africa

which was known to ancient sages who said Meru was at equator in

Jamboodvip. Jamboodvip is a sigle big contintnt which Euripeans have

artificially named as Africa, Europe and Asia. This new nomenclature is

misleading you.

> -vj


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> vattem krishnan bursar_99 >


> Sunday, May 3, 2009 11:29:02 AM

> Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5


> Dear Sirs,

> The evolutionary trends continue to be there.Our reverred scriptures

identified MERU as part of Bharat varshe,Bharat Khande.This position is

not contested or changed so far by any one.The importance of MERU for

the people of Inidian origin is Supreme and continues to be there.There

should not be a second thought about it.Till the end of kaliyug ,it

continues to be related to Jambu dweepe and can never be altered

> vrkrishnan


> --- On Sun, 5/3/09, Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ hotmail.com> wrote:


> Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ hotmail.com>

> Re: meru parvat - to vinayji 3/5


> Sunday, May 3, 2009, 1:45 AM


> For the curious. ////CAVEAT: This is not scientific or superscientific

evidence!/// /


> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Human_evolution


> RR


> , Prashant Kumar G B

gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Arjun ji

> >

> > a very valied point the sankalpa part when we say

> >

> > Bharatha varasha, Bharatha Khande

> > Meru dakshina dik bhagae.

> >

> > for southern ppl Ganga -Kaveri madhyae...

> >

> > the continental drift theory propounder belive Indian sub-continent

broke away from E.AFRICA and joined the Asian plate and as it moves

northwards the Himalays formed etc...

> >

> > Erdy Australia similarly is belived to be part of S Indian plateau

even the soil is similar in chennaim perth it is said....

> >

> > the later part is non astrological or Hindu scriptures based but

does suggest the way some ppl see History, geography in the eyes of the

Imperialists version of history to suit their version

> >

> > we r partsuperior they r as they r from European blood

> >

> > but there is also a theory tha Mankind was born in South africa and

moved upwards to Europe, asia...

> > of African breed

> >

> > Prashant

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004@ ...>

> >

> > Sunday, May 3, 2009 6:19:44 AM

> > meru parvat - to vinayji

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > dear vinayji

> >

> > from few old posts of you and from a link provided by you, i guess

you are suggesting the holy meru parvat is in africa. if this surmise of

mine is wrong, kindly ignore this mail as a misunderstood query.

> >

> > if you are indeed suggesting mount meru as the one from africa, i

fail to understand why the puranas and other ancient scriptures

described meru parvant or mount meru as different and not surely as in


> >

> > the significance of mount meru in hindu mythology as well as in

hindu tradition is so high that one purana narrates three full CHAPTERS

on describing the mount meru where THOUSANDS of lines were narrating not

on the mythical properties but pure mathematical and geographical

descriptions of the meru parvat with distances and names of all the

mountains far and near and much more. of course all these names were

medieval names but surely from these various chapters, i understand

mount meru is not from africa in my limited history knowledge.

> >

> > besides your version of mount meru in africa, i also request

professors like vattem krishnanji on their understanding from history as

to where this mount meru lies. if this mount meru is not what we believe

and is in africa as presented by vinayji, then crores of brahmins are

committing an error in their daily sankalpam as to which direction from

meru they are. your answer helps us understand to which side of meru we

are so that we can pronounce the sankalpam correctly.

> >

> > with best wishes and blessings

> > pandit arjun

> > www.rudraksharemedy .com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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