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Tks Rohini Ji...ts Plz Mr.JhaTks- Suresh/Vinay Ji?Kundalee

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Thank you for replying.


Now that I understand what you have done, I can only pray to give strength &

long life to carry on the work you are doing.


Actually, the image you had posted help me to indentify your work.


But, I must confess, I did not get much time to go through all the articles

(though I want to) for want of time. you will understand, if you notice the time

I had posted (2.30 am).


I shall, try to understand your work more deeply.



with warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu shenoy.



, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Namaste

> Shenoy Ji,


> There are six types of Koorma Chakras : house, kshetra (area or field),

village/town, province, nation, and world. All Koorma Chakra are based on a

basic Raashi Chakra with centre of Mesha permanently facing the East. I used

this Raashi Chakra which was the basis of not only Koorma Chakra but all medini

chakras, and drew bhaavachalita on this fixed raashi chakra according to well

known method of BPHS. There is nothing strange in my method, but some

astrologers think I am claiming of having discovered something secret, which is

not the case.


> Similarly, naming of states using their first letter is according to

Sarvatobhadra Chakra, used in MBh by Karna and described in ancient Yaamala

Tantras from which Narapatijayacharyaa took it (published by Chowkhamba).


> Read the whole page, which uses Prithvi Chakra base on Meru by a HOD of

Jyotisha, and Desha Chakra based on Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh by me :


> http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/World+Economy+%3A+Apr+2009-Mar+2010


> Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira has abundant materials (eg, about presiding

deities/planets of provinces) which I have not been able to put into my mundane

softwares as yet. After all, I am a human being.


> -VJ

> ============ ============





> ________________________________

> sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag


> Tuesday, May 5, 2009 2:28:08 AM

> Tks Rohini Ji...ts Plz Mr.JhaTks- Suresh/Vinay Ji?Re: Kundalee






> Namasthe,


> Dear Vinay Ji,


> I visited the page you had provided for annual rain forcast. Your theory &

analysis actualy sounds interesting. It is resembling the kurma theory /method

of classification of area. (or I am I wrong) and the naming of states using

their first letter - actually katapayadi system (there are a few conventions) is

also intersting, since I have (and my Guru) used this to predict the whereabouts

of missing persons in prasna alone. Sun's Nakshtra is also considered to find

Yogini position - which as you know is Maha-nakshtra- as you rightly used for

mundane astrology.


> But do we have to consider the center point as mt Meru in kenya? Why can't we

align the Kurma(if I am correct in assuming) for each country - say to Madhya

pradesh / central India, for India and compute from there. will it not be more

precise & accurate?.


> Have you considered using the name of the preciding diety of each place -

Mangala devi - Manglore ruled by Mars etc?. Unfortunately this is possible only

for India. Type of soil - red soil - mars - white soil - Moon etc. Black soil /

rectanglar shaped sate / stony - saturn etc instead of depending on names



> Just a thought - correct me if I wrong.


> with warm regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.


> , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Friends ,

> >

> > At present I have two sets of Medini softwares : for whole World and for


> > Asia. Predictions for entire astrological houses can be made, with

> > additional notes from Sarvatobhadra about individual places.. And these

> > forecasts will be in the form of solar returns and not Gregorian

> > calendar. This is Medini Astrology. What Rohini Ji wants is outside the

> > scope of any known text of Medini Jyotisha and comes under Jaadoo-tonaa

> > perhaps (please do not take it as an offence, I am stating what I feel to be


> >

> > Rohini Ji has visited my website. There, I have given an article with some

examples of the technique I use for rain forecasting :

> > http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Annual+Rains

> >

> > Exactly same technique has been used for making economic forecasts for the

world (by a Jyotisha HOD in KSD Sanskrit University, usint my software), and

economic forecast for India (by me) using another software by me :

> > http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+ %3A+Apr+2009-


> >

> > Rain forecasts made from these mesha-pravesha national horoscopes were

verified by IMD and then by Climate branch of NASA headquarters :

> > http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ NASA%27s_ Report%3B_ %26_my_Paper_

accepted_ by_CAOS%2C_ IISc

> >

> > This NASA scientist and chairman of Royal Meterological Society asked me to

convert mt forecasts into a scientific paper, which I did and sent it to IISc,

where I was invited to present it before an international conference in july

2007. This paper lies at :

> > http://weatherindia .wetpaint. com/page/ A+New+approach+ to+Rain+Forecast


> >

> > At the end of this paper, I added (in appendix) one year's forecast, making

an annual rain prediction for 2007-8 at 98% (±2%). Check its accuracy or

inaccuracy, and compare it with IMD' prediction of 93%. Actual rains for four

months Jun-Sep was 104% and less for the whole year (whose data has not been

supplied by IMD or IITM yet).. Whose prediction was better, IMD's 93% or my

98%(±2%) ? The fact is I wanted to make a slightly higher figure, but was

restrained by publication of IMD's prediction of 93%. Had IMD not published its

prediction of 93%, I would have predicted 100% (±2%).

> >

> > All these webpages can be viewed from my software website. Rohini ji knows

my site. He is himselg an astrologer and knows that an astrologer can make

predictions from horoscopes of transits into raashis or nakshatras. My paper to

IISc clearly states that arranging of data in artificial calendar months is the

cause behind failure to discover 61 year rain cycle by previous scientists which

I discovered.

> >

> > But now Rohini wants me to make predictions for Christian calendar dates and

for regions which are not listed in my software. I have demonstrated two

softwares on my website : one for world, and another for India. There are 12

houses in a horoscope. I or Rohini ji can make predictions for entire region

falling within a particular astrologiical house, but now Rohini ji wants

town-wise report instead of an astrological house-wise report from me, and that

too in artificial format of Christian calendars instead of natural formats of

solar transits. Either he has not cared to look at my weather pages cited above,

or he wants to evaluate my weather research works on the basis of what I am NOT

offering, instead of evaluating my work on the basis of what I offered.

> >

> > I have softwares which are capable of providing forecasts at 12-hour

intervals, for South Asia (divided into 12 houses) and for whole world (again

divided into 12 houses).

> >

> > If I or anyone else can make predictions for Paris or Delhi, then it will be

equally easy to make predictions for every agricultural plot of the world,

because if a method if good for an artificial man made region, it must be good

for any other unnatural plot of land, large or small. I am sure there in no

method in astrology which can do such things. I thought my work will be

evaluated ASTROLOGICALLY, which means we ought to predict according to divisions

of regions into astrological houses and division of time according to solar

transits, eg Mesha Samkraanti which gives annual rain forecast or economic


> >

> > I believe Rohini has has never read my weather pages, otherwise he would

have not asked for the impossible.

> >

> > Evaluating an astrological house quantitatively for stating predicted rains

or predicted economic growth in numerical terms is like asking an astrologer :

Do not tell me I will have a GOOD income during current Varsha pravesh, tell

me exactly how much money I will earn.

> >

> > Quatitative predictions contain some ± errors. But astrological prediction

is exact in the sense it can never predict a normal rainfall instead of a

drought as IMD did in 2002. I have checked 135 years of annual rainfall data of

IMD, plus 55 years of economic growth data of Indian govt's Economic Survey,

besides a lot of mediaeval and ancient events like wars, plagues, storms, etc,

without a singlr case of exception ever found. That is why I am confident about

Suryasiddhantic method. But unfortunately, I am always tested

non-astrologically. Can Rohini Ji please tell me why he wants to test Paris

instead of India for which I already have made a software and of which there is

plenty of past data to check the software ? I use Sarvatobhadra Chakra for

making predictions for individual places, and they come true if the place names

are ancient. For instance, my software indicated bad impact of 2004 Tsunami on

Madras but none on Chennai. Astrologers should

> > come forward to solve such problems, instead of leg pulling.

> >

> > -Vinay Jha

> > ============ ======== ============ ======== ============ ======



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Suresh Ji,


Rohinoranjan ji is a good hearted ( and good brained) person. I have not been

able to attract his attention to these facets of mundane astrology. Same is the

problem with many others in these forums. many of them lack time, do not click

the webpages I link, and therefore do not understand what I say.



================= ===========




sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 2:23:05 PM

Tks Rohini Ji...ts Plz Mr.JhaTks- Suresh/Vinay Ji?Re: Kundalee








Thank you for replying.


Now that I understand what you have done, I can only pray to give strength &

long life to carry on the work you are doing.


Actually, the image you had posted help me to indentify your work.


But, I must confess, I did not get much time to go through all the articles

(though I want to) for want of time. you will understand, if you notice the time

I had posted (2.30 am).


I shall, try to understand your work more deeply.


with warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu shenoy.


, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:


> Namaste

> Shenoy Ji,


> There are six types of Koorma Chakras : house, kshetra (area or field),

village/town, province, nation, and world. All Koorma Chakra are based on a

basic Raashi Chakra with centre of Mesha permanently facing the East. I used

this Raashi Chakra which was the basis of not only Koorma Chakra but all medini

chakras, and drew bhaavachalita on this fixed raashi chakra according to well

known method of BPHS. There is nothing strange in my method, but some

astrologers think I am claiming of having discovered something secret, which is

not the case.


> Similarly, naming of states using their first letter is according to

Sarvatobhadra Chakra, used in MBh by Karna and described in ancient Yaamala

Tantras from which Narapatijayacharyaa took it (published by Chowkhamba).


> Read the whole page, which uses Prithvi Chakra base on Meru by a HOD of

Jyotisha, and Desha Chakra based on Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh by me :


> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+ %3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010


> Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira has abundant materials (eg, about presiding

deities/planets of provinces) which I have not been able to put into my mundane

softwares as yet. After all, I am a human being.


> -VJ

> ============ ============





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag@ ...>


> Tuesday, May 5, 2009 2:28:08 AM

> Tks Rohini Ji...ts Plz Mr.JhaTks- Suresh/Vinay Ji?Re: Kundalee






> Namasthe,


> Dear Vinay Ji,


> I visited the page you had provided for annual rain forcast. Your theory &

analysis actualy sounds interesting. It is resembling the kurma theory /method

of classification of area. (or I am I wrong) and the naming of states using

their first letter - actually katapayadi system (there are a few conventions) is

also intersting, since I have (and my Guru) used this to predict the whereabouts

of missing persons in prasna alone. Sun's Nakshtra is also considered to find

Yogini position - which as you know is Maha-nakshtra- as you rightly used for

mundane astrology.


> But do we have to consider the center point as mt Meru in kenya? Why can't we

align the Kurma(if I am correct in assuming) for each country - say to Madhya

pradesh / central India, for India and compute from there. will it not be more

precise & accurate?.


> Have you considered using the name of the preciding diety of each place -

Mangala devi - Manglore ruled by Mars etc?. Unfortunately this is possible only

for India. Type of soil - red soil - mars - white soil - Moon etc. Black soil /

rectanglar shaped sate / stony - saturn etc instead of depending on names



> Just a thought - correct me if I wrong.


> with warm regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.


> , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Friends ,

> >

> > At present I have two sets of Medini softwares : for whole World and for


> > Asia. Predictions for entire astrological houses can be made, with

> > additional notes from Sarvatobhadra about individual places.. And these

> > forecasts will be in the form of solar returns and not Gregorian

> > calendar. This is Medini Astrology. What Rohini Ji wants is outside the

> > scope of any known text of Medini Jyotisha and comes under Jaadoo-tonaa

> > perhaps (please do not take it as an offence, I am stating what I feel to be


> >

> > Rohini Ji has visited my website. There, I have given an article with some

examples of the technique I use for rain forecasting :

> > http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Annual+Rains

> >

> > Exactly same technique has been used for making economic forecasts for the

world (by a Jyotisha HOD in KSD Sanskrit University, usint my software), and

economic forecast for India (by me) using another software by me :

> > http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+ %3A+Apr+2009-


> >

> > Rain forecasts made from these mesha-pravesha national horoscopes were

verified by IMD and then by Climate branch of NASA headquarters :

> > http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ NASA%27s_ Report%3B_ %26_my_Paper_

accepted_ by_CAOS%2C_ IISc

> >

> > This NASA scientist and chairman of Royal Meterological Society asked me to

convert mt forecasts into a scientific paper, which I did and sent it to IISc,

where I was invited to present it before an international conference in july

2007. This paper lies at :

> > http://weatherindia .wetpaint. com/page/ A+New+approach+ to+Rain+Forecast


> >

> > At the end of this paper, I added (in appendix) one year's forecast, making

an annual rain prediction for 2007-8 at 98% (±2%). Check its accuracy or

inaccuracy, and compare it with IMD' prediction of 93%. Actual rains for four

months Jun-Sep was 104% and less for the whole year (whose data has not been

supplied by IMD or IITM yet).. Whose prediction was better, IMD's 93% or my

98%(±2%) ? The fact is I wanted to make a slightly higher figure, but was

restrained by publication of IMD's prediction of 93%.. Had IMD not published its

prediction of 93%, I would have predicted 100% (±2%).

> >

> > All these webpages can be viewed from my software website. Rohini ji knows

my site. He is himselg an astrologer and knows that an astrologer can make

predictions from horoscopes of transits into raashis or nakshatras. My paper to

IISc clearly states that arranging of data in artificial calendar months is the

cause behind failure to discover 61 year rain cycle by previous scientists which

I discovered.

> >

> > But now Rohini wants me to make predictions for Christian calendar dates and

for regions which are not listed in my software. I have demonstrated two

softwares on my website : one for world, and another for India. There are 12

houses in a horoscope. I or Rohini ji can make predictions for entire region

falling within a particular astrologiical house, but now Rohini ji wants

town-wise report instead of an astrological house-wise report from me, and that

too in artificial format of Christian calendars instead of natural formats of

solar transits. Either he has not cared to look at my weather pages cited above,

or he wants to evaluate my weather research works on the basis of what I am NOT

offering, instead of evaluating my work on the basis of what I offered.

> >

> > I have softwares which are capable of providing forecasts at 12-hour

intervals, for South Asia (divided into 12 houses) and for whole world (again

divided into 12 houses).

> >

> > If I or anyone else can make predictions for Paris or Delhi, then it will be

equally easy to make predictions for every agricultural plot of the world,

because if a method if good for an artificial man made region, it must be good

for any other unnatural plot of land, large or small. I am sure there in no

method in astrology which can do such things. I thought my work will be

evaluated ASTROLOGICALLY, which means we ought to predict according to divisions

of regions into astrological houses and division of time according to solar

transits, eg Mesha Samkraanti which gives annual rain forecast or economic


> >

> > I believe Rohini has has never read my weather pages, otherwise he would

have not asked for the impossible.

> >

> > Evaluating an astrological house quantitatively for stating predicted rains

or predicted economic growth in numerical terms is like asking an astrologer :

Do not tell me I will have a GOOD income during current Varsha pravesh, tell

me exactly how much money I will earn.

> >

> > Quatitative predictions contain some ± errors. But astrological prediction

is exact in the sense it can never predict a normal rainfall instead of a

drought as IMD did in 2002. I have checked 135 years of annual rainfall data of

IMD, plus 55 years of economic growth data of Indian govt's Economic Survey,

besides a lot of mediaeval and ancient events like wars, plagues, storms, etc,

without a singlr case of exception ever found. That is why I am confident about

Suryasiddhantic method. But unfortunately, I am always tested

non-astrologically. Can Rohini Ji please tell me why he wants to test Paris

instead of India for which I already have made a software and of which there is

plenty of past data to check the software ? I use Sarvatobhadra Chakra for

making predictions for individual places, and they come true if the place names

are ancient.. For instance, my software indicated bad impact of 2004 Tsunami on

Madras but none on Chennai. Astrologers should

> > come forward to solve such problems, instead of leg pulling.

> >

> > -Vinay Jha

> > ============ ======== ============ ======== ============ ======



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