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Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study

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Death of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru

Astrological analysis




DOB : 14-Nov-1889

TOB : 21:34

POB : Lat-25:38N, Long-81:51E





As per Lahiri ayanamsa, The death occurred during the Mahadasa of Rahu & anthara

of Mercury. Keeping this in mind, Let us try to understand it systematically.


In any horoscope, we look at the longevity of the native.


For this we look at at

a) balarishta,

b) sadyomarana

c) Special yogas for early death or durmarana (accidental death)

If none of the above is present or serious enough to be considered, we try to

ascertain the category in which the Native falls

a) Alpa ayu

b) Madhya Ayu

c) Deergha ayu.


Now let us try to understand this better.

Varaha mihira says

" samaaH shashTirddvignaa manijakariNaaM pancha cha nishaaH "


The maximum age of human being and that of elephants is 120 years and 5 nights.

Hence, the poornayu is 120 years, Madhya ayu is 80 years and Alpa ayu is 40

years. 2/3 & 1/3 respectively of poorna ayu.


This is also the age when the kali yuga started. As time moved, this maximum

age limit has come down to 100.


See what phaladeepika says

" ashTau baalarishtamaadau naraaNaaM "

" yogaarishTam praahuraaviMshatissyaal "

" alpanchaadvaatiMshataM madhyamaayuH "

" aasaptatyaaH puurNaayusshataantaraH " .


For human race, the first 8 years is balarishta, upto 20 years (from the

beginning of 9th year) it is yogarishta, then upto 32 years alpa ayusha, then

upto 70 years Madhya ayush and upto 100 years poorna ayush. So in the present

era we can safely assume the maximum age of human being as 100 years. As you can

see this is only a rough estimation.


Now we have to determine the category in which this horoscope falls. What is

method (quick method) available?


Again Phaladeepika helps us here.

" lagnendostadadhiishayorapi mitholagnesharandreshayor- "

" drekaaNaal svanaavaaMshakaadipimithastaddvaadashaaMshaal kamal "

" aayurdirrghasamaalpataaM charanagadvyamgaishchare athasthire "

" brooyaal dvandvacharasthitaurbhayabhedastha dvidehaadanaiH "


Now as per the above, in this case

Lagna is in Chara rasi & Chandra is in chara rasi = 100

Lagna Lord in Chara rasi & Chandra lagna lord in Chara rasi = 100

Lagna lord in chara rasi & 8th lord in sthira rasi = 66 years

Average of the is 88 years


Hence, we know this horoscope falls in the poornayu category. This does not show

a conclusive age of the person. Then how does it help us?


It is said that generally for natives with Alpa ayu, Madhya Ayu & Deergha Ayu ,

the 3rd, 5th & 7th dasa will cause death respectively.


Hence, in this case we can assertain 7th dasa shall bring death. The 7th dasa is

of Rahu. So rahu dasa could be assumed inimical to the native. Again, we have to

see other factors to confirm this.


Further, if we calculate the pindayu of the native we get 75.6 years. This

period falls again under Rahu dasa.


Jupiter being the jeeva karaka, its 7th house becomes the Maraka Sthana. Hence,

in this case Mercury & Rahu which is posited there becomes Maraka Grihas. By

this theory also & from the above we can conclusively say that Rahu Dasa shall

bring the end of the life of this person.


Now we have to find the Anthar dasa & possibly chidra dasa planets also.


Now let us see who are generally held responsible to cause death.


Prasna Marga says.


" lagnaadvaa yadi janmato mR^itipatii mR^ityusthatadviikshakau "

" mandaH kruuradR^IgaaNapo guLikapastairyuktaraashyaMshapaaH "

" raahushchaiShu sudurbalo januShi yo bhaavena.abhiiSTe sthitaH "

" paapaalokitasaMyuto.asya hi dashaavaandardashaa mR^ityudaa.. "


a) 8th lord from lagna

b) 8th lord from Chandra lagna

c) Planets in the 8th of lagna

d) Planets in the 8th of Chandra lagna

e) Planets aspecting the 8th from Lagna

f) Planets aspecting the 8th from Chandra lagna

g) Saturn

h) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

i) 22nd drekana lord from Chandra

j) Lord of Gulika rasi (gulika rashyadhipathy)

k) Lord of the sign in which the above planets are positioned

l) Navamsa lord of the above planets

m) Rahu

n) weakest planet among the above planets

o) Planets in the 6th

p) Planets along with or aspected by malefic planets.


The dasa or anthara of the above planets shall cause death. The dasa of

debilated planet & combust shall also bring death. " dasa neechasthamooDaanaam

niyamena mritipradaa "


Now it is our endeavor to find the planet most potent enough to cause death. Pls

note that rahu is again mentioned specifically in the above list.


We also know that 12th , 2nd , 7th house are Maraka Sthana – (death causing )

and are increasing potent ie: 2nd house is more than 12th & 7th house is more

potent than the 2nd house. Similarly 3rd house is also called Nidhana sthana

(8th from the 8th house ) " bhavath bhavam " .


With the above information, let us try to understand the present horoscope.


Lagna & Moon are in same rasi. Hence, we have only a few set of planets to look

at, which is fortunate in this case. Other cases might prove to be more

complicated when more planets are involved.


a) 8th from Lagna & Moon is Aquarius (Kumbha). Hence the 8th lord is - Saturn.

b) There are no planets in the 8th

c) Planets aspecting the 8th - Saturn

d) 22nd drekana from Lagna is the 1st part of Kumbha whose lord is - Saturn

e) 22nd drekana from Moon is the 2nd part of Kumbha whose lord is - Mars

f) Gulika is in Kanya (Virgo) hence Gulika rashyadhipathy is - Mercury

g) Lord of the Sign in Saturn is posited – Sun

h) Lord of the Sign in which Mars is posited – Mercury

i) Lord of the sign in which Mercury is posited – Venus

j) Weakest Planet among Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Sun ?

k) Planets along with of aspected by Malefics – Sun does not aspect any planet,

Mars aspects Jupiter & Ketu, Saturn aspects Mercury & Venus

l) 12th lord – Mercury

m) 2nd Lord – Sun

n) 7th lord Saturn


Hence, we have Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Sun, Rahu, Venus & Jupiter. That might be

responsible for causing death.


Now let us try to find the Beneficial & Malefic aspects of these planets.


You will notice from the above that Saturn is the most common & most potent of

all planets. Saturn is also posited in the Maraka Sthana. Considering the dictum

of potency of the 12th, 2nd, 7th – Maraka sthanas , 7th being the most potent,

its lord Saturn again becomes the main contender.


Prasna Marga says

" sarveShaamapi paapaanaaM maandirdoShapradodhikaM "

" so.atidoShakaro yogadR^igvargavashataH shaneH.. "

Gulika is the most malefic than all other malefic planets. He becomes more

malefic if he is associated with Saturn.


As we already know Gulika is the son of Saturn whose lord is Yama, Hence Gulika

& its sign lord are equally capable of bringing death. Its sign lord being

mercury is debilated in Navamsa and hence very weak and is aspected by Saturn

also. Hence, Mercury is equally capable of causing death.


When considering then strength of the planets we have to actually compute

various factors like Dig bala, Drekana bala, Ayana bala Nathonatha bala , Rasmi,

Ishta & Kashta phala , Drishti Bala etc.


Without going into the above complex computations, (Some horoscopes may require

the above data also), Let us try to find out the weakest & dangerous among the


Varga of

Saturn – Uthama with 2 points

Mercury – only 1 point

Mars – Parijatha – 3 points

Sun – Parvatha – 6 points

Venus – Uthama – 2 points

Jupiter – Simhasana – 5 points


From the above we can assume the planets from weakest to beneficial in the order


Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Sun


Now let us compare with the Shashtiamsa of the planets

Mercury – Kroora

Saturn – Saumya

Venus – Kroora

Mars – Kroora

Jupiter – Kroora

Sun – Saumya

Rahu – Saumya


From the above & considering the previous findings, Mercury becomes the most

potent of all planets to cause death. Hence, we can possibly conclude that death

shall occur in the Maha dasa of Rahu & Anthara of Mercury.


Wait, why should we conclude here?. We have seen that Saturn is also very

potent. Why shouldn't the saturn's anthara cause death. The possible answer is

Saturn though is very potent it is being aspected by Jupiter who is positioned

in own rasi & navamsa in a friends sign. Hence though Jupiter is the 6th lord,

it is not potent enough to kill own its own. Being a natural benefic and benefic

varga its aspect reduces the potency of Saturn to cause death and hands over the

responsibility to the next weakest planet - Mercury.


What are factors of Mercury?.

a) Gulika rashyadhipathy

b) Aspected By Saturn

c) Drekana of Saturn

d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

e) Very weak varga points

f) Weak due to Neecha Navamsa

g) Rahu Rashyadhipathy

h) 7th Lord from Jupiter

i) 8th Lord from Sun (It is stated that the 1st portion of the life should be

considered from lagna, 2nd from Moon & the last from Sun).

j) In the Nakshtra of Rahu

k) Positioned in natural friends & equal navamsa

l) 22nd drekana lord from sun


Factors of Saturn

a) 8th lord from lagna & moon

b) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

c) Positioned in the 2nd

d) Aspects 8th house

e) Saumya Shashtiamsa

f) Aspected by Jupiter

g) In the Nakshatra of Ketu

h) Positioned in enemy's (equal by position) sign & enemy's navamsa

i) Drekana lord - Jupiter


Factors of Mars

a) associated with Gulika

b) 22nd drekana lord from moon

c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

d) In the naskshatra of Sun

e) Positioned in friends sign & friends navamsa

f) Yoga karaka & most beneficial from Karkata rasi

g) Drekana Lord - Mercury


Factors of Venus

a) aspected by Saturn

b) Associated with Gulika rashyadhipathy

c) Kendradhipathy & labhadhipathy

d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

e) In the nakshtra of Rahu

f) Positioned in Moolatrikona & own rasi and equals navamsa

g) Drekana Lord - Venus


Factors of Jupiter

a) 6th lord

b) Aspected by mars

c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

d) In the Nakshtra of Venus

e) Positioned in own sign & friends Navamsa

f) Drekana Lord - Mars


Factors for sun

a) Lord of the house where 8th lord is positioned

b) Saumya Shashtiamsa

c) Positioned in Natural friends & friends navamsa

d) Lord of the 2nd house – Marka sthana

e) Positioned in a malefic sign & Sarpa Veshtitha Drekana

f) Drekana Lord – Mars


Mercury's anthara comes after saturn's. so if conclude that the anthara of

mercury shall bring about the end. We have to find the chidra.


From the above, we can see that the next planets are sun & mars.


Out of the above, the most potent is Sun being the maraka lord itself, while

Mars is actually yoga karaka. Hence, we can say that the end came in the period

of Rahu-Mercury-Sun


Jhora gives Rahu – Mercury – Moon – Mars. I fail to see the significance of moon

here since moon is the lagna lord and well positioned in lagna. The only

negative factor is the Nakshatra of moon being Aslesha – whose lord is Mercury &

devatha is Rahu & in Sarpa drekana, hence cannot entirely rule out a minute



We also can check with Sri B.V.Ramans Ayanamsa (or any other ayanamsa) as well

as with Suryasidhanta computed values also using the same methodology.


But there other factors when the death shall occur & relationship with the dasa

lords, transit of planets also. It is not Vimshottari dasa alone that controls

the timing. Kalachakra dasa also could be compared with the timing.


Prasna Marga provides us another method to find the timing of death


From Saturn transit

a) Trikona of Gulika

b) Trikona of Gulika Navamsa

c) Trikona of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

d) Trikona of Navamsa of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

e) Trikona of Saturn

f) Trikona of Navamsa of Saturn

g) Trikona of 8th lord

h) Trikona of Navamsa of 8th lord

i) Trikona of 2nd house from Sun

j) Trikona of 12th house from Sun

k) Trikona of 22nd drekana lord


From Jupiter transit

a) Trikona of drekana lord of the lagna

b) Trikona of Kalahora lord is positioned

c) Trikona of 2nd house from Saturn

d) Trikona of 12th house from Saturn

e) Trikona of the sign of Lagna lords + 8th lord longitudes

f) 3rd, 5th, 6th, 11th house / bhava from Saturn – when Jupiter transit the

house in which it has the least aspect.

From the Transit of Sun

a) The position of 8th lord

b) Chandra Nakshatra

c) Lagna Nakshtra

d) Trikona rasi of Dwadasamsa Rasi – if sun is chara rasi

e) Trikona rasi of position of Navamsa lord of the 8th Lord – if Sun is Sthira


f) Trikona rasi of navamsa rasi of the lagna lord

g) For sun in sthira rasi – apavada : trikona rasi of the navamsa sign of the

8th lord

From the transit of Moon

a) Sun rasi & trikona signs

b) Position of 8th lord & its trikona signs

c) Rahu Nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshtra and their rasi

d) 8th lords nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshatra and their signs

e) Trikona of the 2nd lord

f) Trikona of the 7th house from the 2nd lord

g) Navamsa rasi of the 2nd Lord

h) 7th house from Gulika

From Pramana Gulika Sputa

1) if the birth is at night or in Ratri Rasi : Pramana Gulika sputa is that day

times gulika sputa

2) if the Birth is at day time or Diva rasi : Prama Gulika Sputa is the Sputa of

the Night before.

When Saturn transits the sign where the lord of Pramana Gulika is posited

When Jupiter transits the sign where the navamsa lord of pramana Gulika is


When Sun transits the sign where the dwadasamsa lord of Pramana Gulika is


When Moon transits the sign where the trimsamsa lord of pramansa Gulika is


From Yoga Sputa of Sun + Saturn longitude

When Moon the sign or its trikonas

When Moon transits its 7th rasi trikona

From Yoga sputa of Sun + Drekana lord of Saturn

When Sun transits through the sign or its trikona

When Sun transits through the navamsa sign or its trikona

When sun transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturn navamsa lord

When Jupiter transits through the sign or its trikona

When Jupiter transits through the trikona of the 7th house

When Jupiter transits through the navamsa or its trikona

From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturns dwadasamsa lord

When Saturn transits through the sign & its trikona

When Saturn transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

When Saturn transits through the trikona of navamsa sign


Death shall occur when planets transits through the above signs where it had

lowest points in the ashtavarga.


Since we know the date of death – 30-04-1965

On the day

Nakshtra – Revathi – 4th pada Lord Mercury

Aries : Sun + Venus

Taurus : Jupiter + Rahu – Labha sthana of natal horoscope

Leo – Mars – Maraka Sthana of natal horoscope

Aquarius – Saturn – 8th house from Natal Horoscope

Pisces : Mercury (debilated)


Ayana – Uthara ayana

Ritu – Vasantha rithu

Month – Vaishakha

Day – Shukra Vara

Thithy – Krishna Chaturdhasi

Nakshatra - Revathi – 4th pada


If the lagna is in the first Hora – Uthara Ayana & 2nd Hora Dakshina Hora.

Ritu from the Drakana Lord ; Vashtha Ritu – lord is venus – Drekana lord of

Venus & Rahu

Vaishaka Month – Mars & venus

Day – Venus

Nakshtra : Mercury

We can get an idea of the time of death by the above comparison also. Similarly,

we can compute prana, deha, mrithyu sputas & also check the timing of death


From the above we can understand the difficulty in computing the timing of

death. It is very rare that any once successfully predict it. Some of the

factors are extremely difficult to convert into a logical software program.


Further there other factors such as " Punya " that one accrues in this life that

may save him from death & prolong his life and similarly the same punya may give

early " Mukti " to another one who might have been destined to suffer for a long

period. Though one could technically argue that these things will be show and

can know from the horoscope, practically, it may not be possible for even for a

real yogi.


Due to time & space constraints I could not present this the way I really want

to and hence might have missed out some important factors.


I hope readers shall benefit with this humble presentation.

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

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Shenot ji,


For death of Nehru and others, Click_Here

<http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/Prediction+of+Death> . With

physical astronomy, one needs an ocean of theory in which it is very

easy to omit or forget unpalatable aspects and highlight irrelevancoes

(no comment on Shenoy ji, I am expressing my experience). No consistence

phalita can be followed in explaining death if we follow physical

astronomy. But Kundalee beautifully works with BPHS rules of death. Look

at the four examples at above website, and try to explain them along

physical astronomy, you will need as many types of phalita approaches as

there are individuals. This is not science !


-Vinay Jha

============ ======

, " sureshbabuag "

<sureshbabuag wrote:


> Death of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru

> Astrological analysis


> Birth


> DOB : 14-Nov-1889

> TOB : 21:34

> POB : Lat-25:38N, Long-81:51E


> Death

> 30-04-1965


> As per Lahiri ayanamsa, The death occurred during the Mahadasa of Rahu

& anthara of Mercury. Keeping this in mind, Let us try to understand it



> In any horoscope, we look at the longevity of the native.


> For this we look at at

> a) balarishta,

> b) sadyomarana

> c) Special yogas for early death or durmarana (accidental death)

> If none of the above is present or serious enough to be considered, we

try to ascertain the category in which the Native falls

> a) Alpa ayu

> b) Madhya Ayu

> c) Deergha ayu.


> Now let us try to understand this better.

> Varaha mihira says

> " samaaH shashTirddvignaa manijakariNaaM pancha cha nishaaH "


> The maximum age of human being and that of elephants is 120 years and

5 nights.

> Hence, the poornayu is 120 years, Madhya ayu is 80 years and Alpa ayu

is 40 years. 2/3 & 1/3 respectively of poorna ayu.


> This is also the age when the kali yuga started. As time moved, this

maximum age limit has come down to 100.


> See what phaladeepika says

> " ashTau baalarishtamaadau naraaNaaM "

> " yogaarishTam praahuraaviMshatissyaal "

> " alpanchaadvaatiMshataM madhyamaayuH "

> " aasaptatyaaH puurNaayusshataantaraH " .


> For human race, the first 8 years is balarishta, upto 20 years (from

the beginning of 9th year) it is yogarishta, then upto 32 years alpa

ayusha, then upto 70 years Madhya ayush and upto 100 years poorna ayush.

So in the present era we can safely assume the maximum age of human

being as 100 years. As you can see this is only a rough estimation.


> Now we have to determine the category in which this horoscope falls.

What is method (quick method) available?


> Again Phaladeepika helps us here.

> " lagnendostadadhiishayorapi mitholagnesharandreshayor- "

> " drekaaNaal svanaavaaMshakaadipimithastaddvaadashaaMshaal kamal "

> " aayurdirrghasamaalpataaM charanagadvyamgaishchare athasthire "

> " brooyaal dvandvacharasthitaurbhayabhedastha dvidehaadanaiH "


> Now as per the above, in this case

> Lagna is in Chara rasi & Chandra is in chara rasi = 100

> Lagna Lord in Chara rasi & Chandra lagna lord in Chara rasi = 100

> Lagna lord in chara rasi & 8th lord in sthira rasi = 66 years

> Average of the is 88 years


> Hence, we know this horoscope falls in the poornayu category. This

does not show a conclusive age of the person. Then how does it help us?


> It is said that generally for natives with Alpa ayu, Madhya Ayu &

Deergha Ayu , the 3rd, 5th & 7th dasa will cause death respectively.


> Hence, in this case we can assertain 7th dasa shall bring death. The

7th dasa is of Rahu. So rahu dasa could be assumed inimical to the

native. Again, we have to see other factors to confirm this.


> Further, if we calculate the pindayu of the native we get 75.6 years.

This period falls again under Rahu dasa.


> Jupiter being the jeeva karaka, its 7th house becomes the Maraka

Sthana. Hence, in this case Mercury & Rahu which is posited there

becomes Maraka Grihas. By this theory also & from the above we can

conclusively say that Rahu Dasa shall bring the end of the life of this



> Now we have to find the Anthar dasa & possibly chidra dasa planets



> Now let us see who are generally held responsible to cause death.


> Prasna Marga says.


> " lagnaadvaa yadi janmato mR^itipatii mR^ityusthatadviikshakau "

> " mandaH kruuradR^IgaaNapo guLikapastairyuktaraashyaMshapaaH "

> " raahushchaiShu sudurbalo januShi yo bhaavena.abhiiSTe sthitaH "

> " paapaalokitasaMyuto.asya hi dashaavaandardashaa mR^ityudaa.. "


> a) 8th lord from lagna

> b) 8th lord from Chandra lagna

> c) Planets in the 8th of lagna

> d) Planets in the 8th of Chandra lagna

> e) Planets aspecting the 8th from Lagna

> f) Planets aspecting the 8th from Chandra lagna

> g) Saturn

> h) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> i) 22nd drekana lord from Chandra

> j) Lord of Gulika rasi (gulika rashyadhipathy)

> k) Lord of the sign in which the above planets are positioned

> l) Navamsa lord of the above planets

> m) Rahu

> n) weakest planet among the above planets

> o) Planets in the 6th

> p) Planets along with or aspected by malefic planets.


> The dasa or anthara of the above planets shall cause death. The dasa

of debilated planet & combust shall also bring death. " dasa

neechasthamooDaanaam niyamena mritipradaa "


> Now it is our endeavor to find the planet most potent enough to cause

death. Pls note that rahu is again mentioned specifically in the above



> We also know that 12th , 2nd , 7th house are Maraka Sthana –

(death causing ) and are increasing potent ie: 2nd house is more than

12th & 7th house is more potent than the 2nd house. Similarly 3rd house

is also called Nidhana sthana (8th from the 8th house ) " bhavath

bhavam " .


> With the above information, let us try to understand the present



> Lagna & Moon are in same rasi. Hence, we have only a few set of

planets to look at, which is fortunate in this case. Other cases might

prove to be more complicated when more planets are involved.


> a) 8th from Lagna & Moon is Aquarius (Kumbha). Hence the 8th lord is -


> b) There are no planets in the 8th

> c) Planets aspecting the 8th - Saturn

> d) 22nd drekana from Lagna is the 1st part of Kumbha whose lord is -


> e) 22nd drekana from Moon is the 2nd part of Kumbha whose lord is -


> f) Gulika is in Kanya (Virgo) hence Gulika rashyadhipathy is - Mercury

> g) Lord of the Sign in Saturn is posited – Sun

> h) Lord of the Sign in which Mars is posited – Mercury

> i) Lord of the sign in which Mercury is posited – Venus

> j) Weakest Planet among Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Sun ?

> k) Planets along with of aspected by Malefics – Sun does not

aspect any planet, Mars aspects Jupiter & Ketu, Saturn aspects Mercury &


> l) 12th lord – Mercury

> m) 2nd Lord – Sun

> n) 7th lord Saturn


> Hence, we have Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Sun, Rahu, Venus & Jupiter. That

might be responsible for causing death.


> Now let us try to find the Beneficial & Malefic aspects of these



> You will notice from the above that Saturn is the most common & most

potent of all planets. Saturn is also posited in the Maraka Sthana.

Considering the dictum of potency of the 12th, 2nd, 7th – Maraka

sthanas , 7th being the most potent, its lord Saturn again becomes the

main contender.


> Prasna Marga says

> " sarveShaamapi paapaanaaM maandirdoShapradodhikaM "

> " so.atidoShakaro yogadR^igvargavashataH shaneH.. "

> Gulika is the most malefic than all other malefic planets. He becomes

more malefic if he is associated with Saturn.


> As we already know Gulika is the son of Saturn whose lord is Yama,

Hence Gulika & its sign lord are equally capable of bringing death. Its

sign lord being mercury is debilated in Navamsa and hence very weak and

is aspected by Saturn also. Hence, Mercury is equally capable of causing



> When considering then strength of the planets we have to actually

compute various factors like Dig bala, Drekana bala, Ayana bala

Nathonatha bala , Rasmi, Ishta & Kashta phala , Drishti Bala etc.


> Without going into the above complex computations, (Some horoscopes

may require the above data also), Let us try to find out the weakest &

dangerous among the planets

> Varga of

> Saturn – Uthama with 2 points

> Mercury – only 1 point

> Mars – Parijatha – 3 points

> Sun – Parvatha – 6 points

> Venus – Uthama – 2 points

> Jupiter – Simhasana – 5 points


> From the above we can assume the planets from weakest to beneficial in

the order of

> Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Sun


> Now let us compare with the Shashtiamsa of the planets

> Mercury – Kroora

> Saturn – Saumya

> Venus – Kroora

> Mars – Kroora

> Jupiter – Kroora

> Sun – Saumya

> Rahu – Saumya


> From the above & considering the previous findings, Mercury becomes

the most potent of all planets to cause death. Hence, we can possibly

conclude that death shall occur in the Maha dasa of Rahu & Anthara of



> Wait, why should we conclude here?. We have seen that Saturn is also

very potent. Why shouldn't the saturn's anthara cause death. The

possible answer is Saturn though is very potent it is being aspected by

Jupiter who is positioned in own rasi & navamsa in a friends sign. Hence

though Jupiter is the 6th lord, it is not potent enough to kill own its

own. Being a natural benefic and benefic varga its aspect reduces the

potency of Saturn to cause death and hands over the responsibility to

the next weakest planet - Mercury.


> What are factors of Mercury?.

> a) Gulika rashyadhipathy

> b) Aspected By Saturn

> c) Drekana of Saturn

> d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> e) Very weak varga points

> f) Weak due to Neecha Navamsa

> g) Rahu Rashyadhipathy

> h) 7th Lord from Jupiter

> i) 8th Lord from Sun (It is stated that the 1st portion of the life

should be considered from lagna, 2nd from Moon & the last from Sun).

> j) In the Nakshtra of Rahu

> k) Positioned in natural friends & equal navamsa

> l) 22nd drekana lord from sun


> Factors of Saturn

> a) 8th lord from lagna & moon

> b) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> c) Positioned in the 2nd

> d) Aspects 8th house

> e) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> f) Aspected by Jupiter

> g) In the Nakshatra of Ketu

> h) Positioned in enemy's (equal by position) sign & enemy's navamsa

> i) Drekana lord - Jupiter


> Factors of Mars

> a) associated with Gulika

> b) 22nd drekana lord from moon

> c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> d) In the naskshatra of Sun

> e) Positioned in friends sign & friends navamsa

> f) Yoga karaka & most beneficial from Karkata rasi

> g) Drekana Lord - Mercury


> Factors of Venus

> a) aspected by Saturn

> b) Associated with Gulika rashyadhipathy

> c) Kendradhipathy & labhadhipathy

> d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> e) In the nakshtra of Rahu

> f) Positioned in Moolatrikona & own rasi and equals navamsa

> g) Drekana Lord - Venus


> Factors of Jupiter

> a) 6th lord

> b) Aspected by mars

> c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> d) In the Nakshtra of Venus

> e) Positioned in own sign & friends Navamsa

> f) Drekana Lord - Mars


> Factors for sun

> a) Lord of the house where 8th lord is positioned

> b) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> c) Positioned in Natural friends & friends navamsa

> d) Lord of the 2nd house – Marka sthana

> e) Positioned in a malefic sign & Sarpa Veshtitha Drekana

> f) Drekana Lord – Mars


> Mercury's anthara comes after saturn's. so if conclude that the

anthara of mercury shall bring about the end. We have to find the



> From the above, we can see that the next planets are sun & mars.


> Out of the above, the most potent is Sun being the maraka lord itself,

while Mars is actually yoga karaka. Hence, we can say that the end came

in the period of Rahu-Mercury-Sun


> Jhora gives Rahu – Mercury – Moon – Mars. I fail to see

the significance of moon here since moon is the lagna lord and well

positioned in lagna. The only negative factor is the Nakshatra of moon

being Aslesha – whose lord is Mercury & devatha is Rahu & in Sarpa

drekana, hence cannot entirely rule out a minute role.


> We also can check with Sri B.V.Ramans Ayanamsa (or any other ayanamsa)

as well as with Suryasidhanta computed values also using the same



> But there other factors when the death shall occur & relationship with

the dasa lords, transit of planets also. It is not Vimshottari dasa

alone that controls the timing. Kalachakra dasa also could be compared

with the timing.


> Prasna Marga provides us another method to find the timing of death


> From Saturn transit

> a) Trikona of Gulika

> b) Trikona of Gulika Navamsa

> c) Trikona of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> d) Trikona of Navamsa of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> e) Trikona of Saturn

> f) Trikona of Navamsa of Saturn

> g) Trikona of 8th lord

> h) Trikona of Navamsa of 8th lord

> i) Trikona of 2nd house from Sun

> j) Trikona of 12th house from Sun

> k) Trikona of 22nd drekana lord


> From Jupiter transit

> a) Trikona of drekana lord of the lagna

> b) Trikona of Kalahora lord is positioned

> c) Trikona of 2nd house from Saturn

> d) Trikona of 12th house from Saturn

> e) Trikona of the sign of Lagna lords + 8th lord longitudes

> f) 3rd, 5th, 6th, 11th house / bhava from Saturn – when Jupiter

transit the house in which it has the least aspect.

> From the Transit of Sun

> a) The position of 8th lord

> b) Chandra Nakshatra

> c) Lagna Nakshtra

> d) Trikona rasi of Dwadasamsa Rasi – if sun is chara rasi

> e) Trikona rasi of position of Navamsa lord of the 8th Lord – if

Sun is Sthira Rasi

> f) Trikona rasi of navamsa rasi of the lagna lord

> g) For sun in sthira rasi – apavada : trikona rasi of the navamsa

sign of the 8th lord

> From the transit of Moon

> a) Sun rasi & trikona signs

> b) Position of 8th lord & its trikona signs

> c) Rahu Nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshtra and their rasi

> d) 8th lords nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshatra and their signs

> e) Trikona of the 2nd lord

> f) Trikona of the 7th house from the 2nd lord

> g) Navamsa rasi of the 2nd Lord

> h) 7th house from Gulika

> From Pramana Gulika Sputa

> 1) if the birth is at night or in Ratri Rasi : Pramana Gulika sputa is

that day times gulika sputa

> 2) if the Birth is at day time or Diva rasi : Prama Gulika Sputa is

the Sputa of the Night before.

> When Saturn transits the sign where the lord of Pramana Gulika is


> When Jupiter transits the sign where the navamsa lord of pramana

Gulika is posited

> When Sun transits the sign where the dwadasamsa lord of Pramana Gulika

is posited

> When Moon transits the sign where the trimsamsa lord of pramansa

Gulika is posited.

> From Yoga Sputa of Sun + Saturn longitude

> When Moon the sign or its trikonas

> When Moon transits its 7th rasi trikona

> From Yoga sputa of Sun + Drekana lord of Saturn

> When Sun transits through the sign or its trikona

> When Sun transits through the navamsa sign or its trikona

> When sun transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturn navamsa lord

> When Jupiter transits through the sign or its trikona

> When Jupiter transits through the trikona of the 7th house

> When Jupiter transits through the navamsa or its trikona

> From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturns dwadasamsa lord

> When Saturn transits through the sign & its trikona

> When Saturn transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> When Saturn transits through the trikona of navamsa sign


> Death shall occur when planets transits through the above signs where

it had lowest points in the ashtavarga.


> Since we know the date of death – 30-04-1965

> On the day

> Nakshtra – Revathi – 4th pada Lord Mercury

> Aries : Sun + Venus

> Taurus : Jupiter + Rahu – Labha sthana of natal horoscope

> Leo – Mars – Maraka Sthana of natal horoscope

> Aquarius – Saturn – 8th house from Natal Horoscope

> Pisces : Mercury (debilated)


> Ayana – Uthara ayana

> Ritu – Vasantha rithu

> Month – Vaishakha

> Day – Shukra Vara

> Thithy – Krishna Chaturdhasi

> Nakshatra - Revathi – 4th pada


> If the lagna is in the first Hora – Uthara Ayana & 2nd Hora

Dakshina Hora.

> Ritu from the Drakana Lord ; Vashtha Ritu – lord is venus –

Drekana lord of Venus & Rahu

> Vaishaka Month – Mars & venus

> Day – Venus

> Nakshtra : Mercury

> We can get an idea of the time of death by the above comparison also.

Similarly, we can compute prana, deha, mrithyu sputas & also check the

timing of death


> From the above we can understand the difficulty in computing the

timing of death. It is very rare that any once successfully predict it.

Some of the factors are extremely difficult to convert into a logical

software program.


> Further there other factors such as " Punya " that one accrues in this

life that may save him from death & prolong his life and similarly the

same punya may give early " Mukti " to another one who might have been

destined to suffer for a long period. Though one could technically argue

that these things will be show and can know from the horoscope,

practically, it may not be possible for even for a real yogi.


> Due to time & space constraints I could not present this the way I

really want to and hence might have missed out some important factors.


> I hope readers shall benefit with this humble presentation.

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.






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Dear Vinay Ji,


I saw your presentaion on Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, In fact I copied the whole

script in english also for later study. This one I could compare with other

software also. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone. That is the reason I posted the question.


I shall try to compare & study the other data also.


what I had presented here is how we work-out using the data from what you

mention as physical astronomy and it also explains perfectly with conditions

available from physical astronomy.


As you rightly said, there are many theories including BPHS. I dont depend only

on one system alone. I have only tried present a systematic aproach, but can or

should be varied according to type of horoscope on how to do the study with any

type of system of analysis.


Each person can follow a system aproach based on solid principles and test

Kundalee also.


I have been testing various theories now for a long time and you had read

carefully what i had written, you would note the differece in the aproach and

how each basic principle are carefully evaluated before jumping into conclusions

about the effect & strength of planets.


Infact, I saw a verse in which it was said even the great sage parasara or

brighu cannot know the timing of death with 100% accuracy, which I want to

present. Unfortunately, I could find the book on time. Yet all have given

ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say that we can only get an idea

about the timing of death.


Just to test another method, I visited Vridhachalam, where they use the ancient

method of computation etc. All the persons I contacted gave (I spend almost

12000Rs- those fellows are fleecing the public & it is not worth) a different

year of death (my own & my friends). These (palm leaves) nadi jyothisha is

supposed to have been done some 2000 years back while carbon dating test gave

only 400-500 years. Any way, this only confirms that we cannot compute death

with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100 horoscopes, the prediction should be

correct for 100 horoscope.


Consider Pindayu Calculation itself: it is one of the highly revered method. But

when I tested the method on some living persons - it showed their age far less -

meaning already dead some 10 to 15 years back. while for persons I got almost

accurate results. so we cannot say that it is 100% valid. I have added 3 type of

computations in my software & and is working on another model also. I have

noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times for the

native instead to death.


As I had pointed out there are many things I would have liked to include in the

case study. This itself took me almost 2 days to prepare.


I have an hunch that we may to change the mindset (they way we analyse) to check

events according to Kundalee, Just like changing the way one thinks when moves

from procedure type of programming to Object oriented Programing or From Visual

Basic to Visual Basic.Net. That is something not very easy for most of the



One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha. It is like providing a

statistical analysis tool to a shop keeper who had been doing business for 25 or

30 years. He would laugh at you.


Any way , I shall definetly check your aproach as per kundalee and present a

paper on it. But pls give me some time


(I have downloaded your latest version also)


I hope you understand take it in good spirit.

with warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





, " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Shenot ji,


> For death of Nehru and others, Click_Here

> <http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/Prediction+of+Death> . With

> physical astronomy, one needs an ocean of theory in which it is very

> easy to omit or forget unpalatable aspects and highlight irrelevancoes

> (no comment on Shenoy ji, I am expressing my experience). No consistence

> phalita can be followed in explaining death if we follow physical

> astronomy. But Kundalee beautifully works with BPHS rules of death. Look

> at the four examples at above website, and try to explain them along

> physical astronomy, you will need as many types of phalita approaches as

> there are individuals. This is not science !


> -Vinay Jha

> ============ ======

> , " sureshbabuag "

> <sureshbabuag@> wrote:

> >

> > Death of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru

> > Astrological analysis

> >

> > Birth

> >

> > DOB : 14-Nov-1889

> > TOB : 21:34

> > POB : Lat-25:38N, Long-81:51E

> >

> > Death

> > 30-04-1965

> >

> > As per Lahiri ayanamsa, The death occurred during the Mahadasa of Rahu

> & anthara of Mercury. Keeping this in mind, Let us try to understand it

> systematically.

> >

> > In any horoscope, we look at the longevity of the native.

> >

> > For this we look at at

> > a) balarishta,

> > b) sadyomarana

> > c) Special yogas for early death or durmarana (accidental death)

> > If none of the above is present or serious enough to be considered, we

> try to ascertain the category in which the Native falls

> > a) Alpa ayu

> > b) Madhya Ayu

> > c) Deergha ayu.

> >

> > Now let us try to understand this better.

> > Varaha mihira says

> > " samaaH shashTirddvignaa manijakariNaaM pancha cha nishaaH "

> >

> > The maximum age of human being and that of elephants is 120 years and

> 5 nights.

> > Hence, the poornayu is 120 years, Madhya ayu is 80 years and Alpa ayu

> is 40 years. 2/3 & 1/3 respectively of poorna ayu.

> >

> > This is also the age when the kali yuga started. As time moved, this

> maximum age limit has come down to 100.

> >

> > See what phaladeepika says

> > " ashTau baalarishtamaadau naraaNaaM "

> > " yogaarishTam praahuraaviMshatissyaal "

> > " alpanchaadvaatiMshataM madhyamaayuH "

> > " aasaptatyaaH puurNaayusshataantaraH " .

> >

> > For human race, the first 8 years is balarishta, upto 20 years (from

> the beginning of 9th year) it is yogarishta, then upto 32 years alpa

> ayusha, then upto 70 years Madhya ayush and upto 100 years poorna ayush.

> So in the present era we can safely assume the maximum age of human

> being as 100 years. As you can see this is only a rough estimation.

> >

> > Now we have to determine the category in which this horoscope falls.

> What is method (quick method) available?

> >

> > Again Phaladeepika helps us here.

> > " lagnendostadadhiishayorapi mitholagnesharandreshayor- "

> > " drekaaNaal svanaavaaMshakaadipimithastaddvaadashaaMshaal kamal "

> > " aayurdirrghasamaalpataaM charanagadvyamgaishchare athasthire "

> > " brooyaal dvandvacharasthitaurbhayabhedastha dvidehaadanaiH "

> >

> > Now as per the above, in this case

> > Lagna is in Chara rasi & Chandra is in chara rasi = 100

> > Lagna Lord in Chara rasi & Chandra lagna lord in Chara rasi = 100

> > Lagna lord in chara rasi & 8th lord in sthira rasi = 66 years

> > Average of the is 88 years

> >

> > Hence, we know this horoscope falls in the poornayu category. This

> does not show a conclusive age of the person. Then how does it help us?

> >

> > It is said that generally for natives with Alpa ayu, Madhya Ayu &

> Deergha Ayu , the 3rd, 5th & 7th dasa will cause death respectively.

> >

> > Hence, in this case we can assertain 7th dasa shall bring death. The

> 7th dasa is of Rahu. So rahu dasa could be assumed inimical to the

> native. Again, we have to see other factors to confirm this.

> >

> > Further, if we calculate the pindayu of the native we get 75.6 years.

> This period falls again under Rahu dasa.

> >

> > Jupiter being the jeeva karaka, its 7th house becomes the Maraka

> Sthana. Hence, in this case Mercury & Rahu which is posited there

> becomes Maraka Grihas. By this theory also & from the above we can

> conclusively say that Rahu Dasa shall bring the end of the life of this

> person.

> >

> > Now we have to find the Anthar dasa & possibly chidra dasa planets

> also.

> >

> > Now let us see who are generally held responsible to cause death.

> >

> > Prasna Marga says.

> >

> > " lagnaadvaa yadi janmato mR^itipatii mR^ityusthatadviikshakau "

> > " mandaH kruuradR^IgaaNapo guLikapastairyuktaraashyaMshapaaH "

> > " raahushchaiShu sudurbalo januShi yo bhaavena.abhiiSTe sthitaH "

> > " paapaalokitasaMyuto.asya hi dashaavaandardashaa mR^ityudaa.. "

> >

> > a) 8th lord from lagna

> > b) 8th lord from Chandra lagna

> > c) Planets in the 8th of lagna

> > d) Planets in the 8th of Chandra lagna

> > e) Planets aspecting the 8th from Lagna

> > f) Planets aspecting the 8th from Chandra lagna

> > g) Saturn

> > h) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > i) 22nd drekana lord from Chandra

> > j) Lord of Gulika rasi (gulika rashyadhipathy)

> > k) Lord of the sign in which the above planets are positioned

> > l) Navamsa lord of the above planets

> > m) Rahu

> > n) weakest planet among the above planets

> > o) Planets in the 6th

> > p) Planets along with or aspected by malefic planets.

> >

> > The dasa or anthara of the above planets shall cause death. The dasa

> of debilated planet & combust shall also bring death. " dasa

> neechasthamooDaanaam niyamena mritipradaa "

> >

> > Now it is our endeavor to find the planet most potent enough to cause

> death. Pls note that rahu is again mentioned specifically in the above

> list.

> >

> > We also know that 12th , 2nd , 7th house are Maraka Sthana –

> (death causing ) and are increasing potent ie: 2nd house is more than

> 12th & 7th house is more potent than the 2nd house. Similarly 3rd house

> is also called Nidhana sthana (8th from the 8th house ) " bhavath

> bhavam " .

> >

> > With the above information, let us try to understand the present

> horoscope.

> >

> > Lagna & Moon are in same rasi. Hence, we have only a few set of

> planets to look at, which is fortunate in this case. Other cases might

> prove to be more complicated when more planets are involved.

> >

> > a) 8th from Lagna & Moon is Aquarius (Kumbha). Hence the 8th lord is -

> Saturn.

> > b) There are no planets in the 8th

> > c) Planets aspecting the 8th - Saturn

> > d) 22nd drekana from Lagna is the 1st part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> Saturn

> > e) 22nd drekana from Moon is the 2nd part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> Mars

> > f) Gulika is in Kanya (Virgo) hence Gulika rashyadhipathy is - Mercury

> > g) Lord of the Sign in Saturn is posited – Sun

> > h) Lord of the Sign in which Mars is posited – Mercury

> > i) Lord of the sign in which Mercury is posited – Venus

> > j) Weakest Planet among Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Sun ?

> > k) Planets along with of aspected by Malefics – Sun does not

> aspect any planet, Mars aspects Jupiter & Ketu, Saturn aspects Mercury &

> Venus

> > l) 12th lord – Mercury

> > m) 2nd Lord – Sun

> > n) 7th lord Saturn

> >

> > Hence, we have Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Sun, Rahu, Venus & Jupiter. That

> might be responsible for causing death.

> >

> > Now let us try to find the Beneficial & Malefic aspects of these

> planets.

> >

> > You will notice from the above that Saturn is the most common & most

> potent of all planets. Saturn is also posited in the Maraka Sthana.

> Considering the dictum of potency of the 12th, 2nd, 7th – Maraka

> sthanas , 7th being the most potent, its lord Saturn again becomes the

> main contender.

> >

> > Prasna Marga says

> > " sarveShaamapi paapaanaaM maandirdoShapradodhikaM "

> > " so.atidoShakaro yogadR^igvargavashataH shaneH.. "

> > Gulika is the most malefic than all other malefic planets. He becomes

> more malefic if he is associated with Saturn.

> >

> > As we already know Gulika is the son of Saturn whose lord is Yama,

> Hence Gulika & its sign lord are equally capable of bringing death. Its

> sign lord being mercury is debilated in Navamsa and hence very weak and

> is aspected by Saturn also. Hence, Mercury is equally capable of causing

> death.

> >

> > When considering then strength of the planets we have to actually

> compute various factors like Dig bala, Drekana bala, Ayana bala

> Nathonatha bala , Rasmi, Ishta & Kashta phala , Drishti Bala etc.

> >

> > Without going into the above complex computations, (Some horoscopes

> may require the above data also), Let us try to find out the weakest &

> dangerous among the planets

> > Varga of

> > Saturn – Uthama with 2 points

> > Mercury – only 1 point

> > Mars – Parijatha – 3 points

> > Sun – Parvatha – 6 points

> > Venus – Uthama – 2 points

> > Jupiter – Simhasana – 5 points

> >

> > From the above we can assume the planets from weakest to beneficial in

> the order of

> > Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Sun

> >

> > Now let us compare with the Shashtiamsa of the planets

> > Mercury – Kroora

> > Saturn – Saumya

> > Venus – Kroora

> > Mars – Kroora

> > Jupiter – Kroora

> > Sun – Saumya

> > Rahu – Saumya

> >

> > From the above & considering the previous findings, Mercury becomes

> the most potent of all planets to cause death. Hence, we can possibly

> conclude that death shall occur in the Maha dasa of Rahu & Anthara of

> Mercury.

> >

> > Wait, why should we conclude here?. We have seen that Saturn is also

> very potent. Why shouldn't the saturn's anthara cause death. The

> possible answer is Saturn though is very potent it is being aspected by

> Jupiter who is positioned in own rasi & navamsa in a friends sign. Hence

> though Jupiter is the 6th lord, it is not potent enough to kill own its

> own. Being a natural benefic and benefic varga its aspect reduces the

> potency of Saturn to cause death and hands over the responsibility to

> the next weakest planet - Mercury.

> >

> > What are factors of Mercury?.

> > a) Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > b) Aspected By Saturn

> > c) Drekana of Saturn

> > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > e) Very weak varga points

> > f) Weak due to Neecha Navamsa

> > g) Rahu Rashyadhipathy

> > h) 7th Lord from Jupiter

> > i) 8th Lord from Sun (It is stated that the 1st portion of the life

> should be considered from lagna, 2nd from Moon & the last from Sun).

> > j) In the Nakshtra of Rahu

> > k) Positioned in natural friends & equal navamsa

> > l) 22nd drekana lord from sun

> >

> > Factors of Saturn

> > a) 8th lord from lagna & moon

> > b) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > c) Positioned in the 2nd

> > d) Aspects 8th house

> > e) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > f) Aspected by Jupiter

> > g) In the Nakshatra of Ketu

> > h) Positioned in enemy's (equal by position) sign & enemy's navamsa

> > i) Drekana lord - Jupiter

> >

> > Factors of Mars

> > a) associated with Gulika

> > b) 22nd drekana lord from moon

> > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > d) In the naskshatra of Sun

> > e) Positioned in friends sign & friends navamsa

> > f) Yoga karaka & most beneficial from Karkata rasi

> > g) Drekana Lord - Mercury

> >

> > Factors of Venus

> > a) aspected by Saturn

> > b) Associated with Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > c) Kendradhipathy & labhadhipathy

> > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > e) In the nakshtra of Rahu

> > f) Positioned in Moolatrikona & own rasi and equals navamsa

> > g) Drekana Lord - Venus

> >

> > Factors of Jupiter

> > a) 6th lord

> > b) Aspected by mars

> > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > d) In the Nakshtra of Venus

> > e) Positioned in own sign & friends Navamsa

> > f) Drekana Lord - Mars

> >

> > Factors for sun

> > a) Lord of the house where 8th lord is positioned

> > b) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > c) Positioned in Natural friends & friends navamsa

> > d) Lord of the 2nd house – Marka sthana

> > e) Positioned in a malefic sign & Sarpa Veshtitha Drekana

> > f) Drekana Lord – Mars

> >

> > Mercury's anthara comes after saturn's. so if conclude that the

> anthara of mercury shall bring about the end. We have to find the

> chidra.

> >

> > From the above, we can see that the next planets are sun & mars.

> >

> > Out of the above, the most potent is Sun being the maraka lord itself,

> while Mars is actually yoga karaka. Hence, we can say that the end came

> in the period of Rahu-Mercury-Sun

> >

> > Jhora gives Rahu – Mercury – Moon – Mars. I fail to see

> the significance of moon here since moon is the lagna lord and well

> positioned in lagna. The only negative factor is the Nakshatra of moon

> being Aslesha – whose lord is Mercury & devatha is Rahu & in Sarpa

> drekana, hence cannot entirely rule out a minute role.

> >

> > We also can check with Sri B.V.Ramans Ayanamsa (or any other ayanamsa)

> as well as with Suryasidhanta computed values also using the same

> methodology.

> >

> > But there other factors when the death shall occur & relationship with

> the dasa lords, transit of planets also. It is not Vimshottari dasa

> alone that controls the timing. Kalachakra dasa also could be compared

> with the timing.

> >

> > Prasna Marga provides us another method to find the timing of death

> >

> > From Saturn transit

> > a) Trikona of Gulika

> > b) Trikona of Gulika Navamsa

> > c) Trikona of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > d) Trikona of Navamsa of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > e) Trikona of Saturn

> > f) Trikona of Navamsa of Saturn

> > g) Trikona of 8th lord

> > h) Trikona of Navamsa of 8th lord

> > i) Trikona of 2nd house from Sun

> > j) Trikona of 12th house from Sun

> > k) Trikona of 22nd drekana lord

> >

> > From Jupiter transit

> > a) Trikona of drekana lord of the lagna

> > b) Trikona of Kalahora lord is positioned

> > c) Trikona of 2nd house from Saturn

> > d) Trikona of 12th house from Saturn

> > e) Trikona of the sign of Lagna lords + 8th lord longitudes

> > f) 3rd, 5th, 6th, 11th house / bhava from Saturn – when Jupiter

> transit the house in which it has the least aspect.

> > From the Transit of Sun

> > a) The position of 8th lord

> > b) Chandra Nakshatra

> > c) Lagna Nakshtra

> > d) Trikona rasi of Dwadasamsa Rasi – if sun is chara rasi

> > e) Trikona rasi of position of Navamsa lord of the 8th Lord – if

> Sun is Sthira Rasi

> > f) Trikona rasi of navamsa rasi of the lagna lord

> > g) For sun in sthira rasi – apavada : trikona rasi of the navamsa

> sign of the 8th lord

> > From the transit of Moon

> > a) Sun rasi & trikona signs

> > b) Position of 8th lord & its trikona signs

> > c) Rahu Nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshtra and their rasi

> > d) 8th lords nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshatra and their signs

> > e) Trikona of the 2nd lord

> > f) Trikona of the 7th house from the 2nd lord

> > g) Navamsa rasi of the 2nd Lord

> > h) 7th house from Gulika

> > From Pramana Gulika Sputa

> > 1) if the birth is at night or in Ratri Rasi : Pramana Gulika sputa is

> that day times gulika sputa

> > 2) if the Birth is at day time or Diva rasi : Prama Gulika Sputa is

> the Sputa of the Night before.

> > When Saturn transits the sign where the lord of Pramana Gulika is

> posited

> > When Jupiter transits the sign where the navamsa lord of pramana

> Gulika is posited

> > When Sun transits the sign where the dwadasamsa lord of Pramana Gulika

> is posited

> > When Moon transits the sign where the trimsamsa lord of pramansa

> Gulika is posited.

> > From Yoga Sputa of Sun + Saturn longitude

> > When Moon the sign or its trikonas

> > When Moon transits its 7th rasi trikona

> > From Yoga sputa of Sun + Drekana lord of Saturn

> > When Sun transits through the sign or its trikona

> > When Sun transits through the navamsa sign or its trikona

> > When sun transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturn navamsa lord

> > When Jupiter transits through the sign or its trikona

> > When Jupiter transits through the trikona of the 7th house

> > When Jupiter transits through the navamsa or its trikona

> > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturns dwadasamsa lord

> > When Saturn transits through the sign & its trikona

> > When Saturn transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > When Saturn transits through the trikona of navamsa sign

> >

> > Death shall occur when planets transits through the above signs where

> it had lowest points in the ashtavarga.

> >

> > Since we know the date of death – 30-04-1965

> > On the day

> > Nakshtra – Revathi – 4th pada Lord Mercury

> > Aries : Sun + Venus

> > Taurus : Jupiter + Rahu – Labha sthana of natal horoscope

> > Leo – Mars – Maraka Sthana of natal horoscope

> > Aquarius – Saturn – 8th house from Natal Horoscope

> > Pisces : Mercury (debilated)

> >

> > Ayana – Uthara ayana

> > Ritu – Vasantha rithu

> > Month – Vaishakha

> > Day – Shukra Vara

> > Thithy – Krishna Chaturdhasi

> > Nakshatra - Revathi – 4th pada

> >

> > If the lagna is in the first Hora – Uthara Ayana & 2nd Hora

> Dakshina Hora.

> > Ritu from the Drakana Lord ; Vashtha Ritu – lord is venus –

> Drekana lord of Venus & Rahu

> > Vaishaka Month – Mars & venus

> > Day – Venus

> > Nakshtra : Mercury

> > We can get an idea of the time of death by the above comparison also.

> Similarly, we can compute prana, deha, mrithyu sputas & also check the

> timing of death

> >

> > From the above we can understand the difficulty in computing the

> timing of death. It is very rare that any once successfully predict it.

> Some of the factors are extremely difficult to convert into a logical

> software program.

> >

> > Further there other factors such as " Punya " that one accrues in this

> life that may save him from death & prolong his life and similarly the

> same punya may give early " Mukti " to another one who might have been

> destined to suffer for a long period. Though one could technically argue

> that these things will be show and can know from the horoscope,

> practically, it may not be possible for even for a real yogi.

> >

> > Due to time & space constraints I could not present this the way I

> really want to and hence might have missed out some important factors.

> >

> > I hope readers shall benefit with this humble presentation.

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

> >





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Dear Shri Suresh Ji,

Namskarams Sir.

Iam really inspired by your extensively eloberate views furnished on the

fficacy of software.These issue are going to help all members in the forum as we

have to basically understand what the Astrological principle of our seers and

classicals help us vis a vis what data the siftware can give as a toll to better

undestnd to the state affairs one could feel from the Chart that come out of

application of siftware. 

It a very detailed approach made very with lot of insight.These words of

encouragement go long way to help in the process of complete development of the

software based on some principles.

You are absoluteley factual in sayin " This one I could compare with other

software also. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone.

Also whether such softwares are good or bad should be left to the discretion of

the Astrologers .

Perhapas branding of these software products still takes time to benifit the

cause of AstrologyYou are forth right when you suggested that "

One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha.:

When any new software proposed to be developed for the use of Astrologers they 

infact take advantage of the tool how indications are coming out of the tool.

As far as accuracy is concerned it becomes very subjective as lot of of factors

are involved including the accuaracy of the data given for analysis.

Still some how I feel the actions of the native in the form of Karmas out weigh

many considerations including the prophecies and predictions made by Astrologers

..Like in the case of ayurdaya,possible that horoscope indications are different

for his survival but then untowrd has not happened.

It is therefore necessary that all of us need to stcik to guideleines not to

overlook :yet all have given ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say

that we can only get an idea about the timing of death. I have noticed that some

times these period signifies extreme difficult times for the native instead to


Except for application of mundane Astrology,when we approach the study of basic

chart of any native our attempt basically has to be:

1.how the plantary configuarations in the chart help the native to lead a life

of happiness or otherwise

2.what kind of ordeals.\problems the native is likely to encounter with some

reasons there of

3.Is his langa strong enough to overcome and withstand utmost

hardships/difficulties and helps the native to find ways and means to counter

these hardships and tread him to find some light at the end of tunnel

Finally Astrologers words have to be words of support,encouragement and boost

the moral attitude of the native to help him overcome periods of turbulance.

5.It is not that we only say that every thing of the native is of disillusion

or  of ecstasy/excitement to make inferences as these states of life   more

or less go hand in hand in almost all 100% of cases .

The criterion for these events of life differ very much from native to native as

some have all things in life except the kind of insecurity that haunts him

through out life.Also some times has confidence on his own assessement yet there

are no tangible reason for get worried,but things happen so unanaticipatedly,the

whole situation gets transformed in to different kind to erode his courage.

Finally your advice is outstanding in advocating that " Any way, this only

confirms that we cannot compute death with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100

horoscopes, the prediction should be correct for 100 horoscope.

 I have noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times

for the native instead to death. "

iam really thankful to you sir,for  your well thought over views and certainly

forms backbone to all the members who attempt to make out in Astrological data

and prescribe for the issues raised.

Iam certain all members benift from such analytical ideas and words of filip

and encouragement

with reagrds



--- On Wed, 5/6/09, sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag wrote:


sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag

Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study


Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 5:40 PM











Dear Vinay Ji,


I saw your presentaion on Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, In fact I copied the whole

script in english also for later study. This one I could compare with other

software also. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone. That is the reason I posted the question.


I shall try to compare & study the other data also.


what I had presented here is how we work-out using the data from what you

mention as physical astronomy and it also explains perfectly with conditions

available from physical astronomy.


As you rightly said, there are many theories including BPHS. I dont depend only

on one system alone. I have only tried present a systematic aproach, but can or

should be varied according to type of horoscope on how to do the study with any

type of system of analysis.


Each person can follow a system aproach based on solid principles and test

Kundalee also.


I have been testing various theories now for a long time and you had read

carefully what i had written, you would note the differece in the aproach and

how each basic principle are carefully evaluated before jumping into conclusions

about the effect & strength of planets.


Infact, I saw a verse in which it was said even the great sage parasara or

brighu cannot know the timing of death with 100% accuracy, which I want to

present. Unfortunately, I could find the book on time. Yet all have given

ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say that we can only get an idea

about the timing of death.


Just to test another method, I visited Vridhachalam, where they use the ancient

method of computation etc. All the persons I contacted gave (I spend almost

12000Rs- those fellows are fleecing the public & it is not worth) a different

year of death (my own & my friends). These (palm leaves) nadi jyothisha is

supposed to have been done some 2000 years back while carbon dating test gave

only 400-500 years. Any way, this only confirms that we cannot compute death

with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100 horoscopes, the prediction should be

correct for 100 horoscope.


Consider Pindayu Calculation itself: it is one of the highly revered method. But

when I tested the method on some living persons - it showed their age far less -

meaning already dead some 10 to 15 years back. while for persons I got almost

accurate results. so we cannot say that it is 100% valid. I have added 3 type of

computations in my software & and is working on another model also. I have

noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times for the

native instead to death.


As I had pointed out there are many things I would have liked to include in the

case study. This itself took me almost 2 days to prepare.


I have an hunch that we may to change the mindset (they way we analyse) to check

events according to Kundalee, Just like changing the way one thinks when moves

from procedure type of programming to Object oriented Programing or From Visual

Basic to Visual Basic.Net. That is something not very easy for most of the



One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha. It is like providing a

statistical analysis tool to a shop keeper who had been doing business for 25 or

30 years. He would laugh at you.


Any way , I shall definetly check your aproach as per kundalee and present a

paper on it. But pls give me some time


(I have downloaded your latest version also)


I hope you understand take it in good spirit.

with warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


, " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ ...>



> Shenot ji,


> For death of Nehru and others, Click_Here

> <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Prediction+ of+Death> . With

> physical astronomy, one needs an ocean of theory in which it is very

> easy to omit or forget unpalatable aspects and highlight irrelevancoes

> (no comment on Shenoy ji, I am expressing my experience). No consistence

> phalita can be followed in explaining death if we follow physical

> astronomy. But Kundalee beautifully works with BPHS rules of death. Look

> at the four examples at above website, and try to explain them along

> physical astronomy, you will need as many types of phalita approaches as

> there are individuals. This is not science !


> -Vinay Jha

> ============ ======

> , " sureshbabuag "

> <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:

> >

> > Death of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru

> > Astrological analysis

> >

> > Birth

> >

> > DOB : 14-Nov-1889

> > TOB : 21:34

> > POB : Lat-25:38N, Long-81:51E

> >

> > Death

> > 30-04-1965

> >

> > As per Lahiri ayanamsa, The death occurred during the Mahadasa of Rahu

> & anthara of Mercury. Keeping this in mind, Let us try to understand it

> systematically.

> >

> > In any horoscope, we look at the longevity of the native.

> >

> > For this we look at at

> > a) balarishta,

> > b) sadyomarana

> > c) Special yogas for early death or durmarana (accidental death)

> > If none of the above is present or serious enough to be considered, we

> try to ascertain the category in which the Native falls

> > a) Alpa ayu

> > b) Madhya Ayu

> > c) Deergha ayu.

> >

> > Now let us try to understand this better.

> > Varaha mihira says

> > " samaaH shashTirddvignaa manijakariNaaM pancha cha nishaaH "

> >

> > The maximum age of human being and that of elephants is 120 years and

> 5 nights.

> > Hence, the poornayu is 120 years, Madhya ayu is 80 years and Alpa ayu

> is 40 years. 2/3 & 1/3 respectively of poorna ayu.

> >

> > This is also the age when the kali yuga started. As time moved, this

> maximum age limit has come down to 100.

> >

> > See what phaladeepika says

> > " ashTau baalarishtamaadau naraaNaaM "

> > " yogaarishTam praahuraaviMshatiss yaal "

> > " alpanchaadvaatiMsh ataM madhyamaayuH "

> > " aasaptatyaaH puurNaayusshataanta raH " .

> >

> > For human race, the first 8 years is balarishta, upto 20 years (from

> the beginning of 9th year) it is yogarishta, then upto 32 years alpa

> ayusha, then upto 70 years Madhya ayush and upto 100 years poorna ayush.

> So in the present era we can safely assume the maximum age of human

> being as 100 years. As you can see this is only a rough estimation.

> >

> > Now we have to determine the category in which this horoscope falls.

> What is method (quick method) available?

> >

> > Again Phaladeepika helps us here.

> > " lagnendostadadhiis hayorapi mitholagnesharandre shayor- "

> > " drekaaNaal svanaavaaMshakaadip imithastaddvaada shaaMshaal kamal "

> > " aayurdirrghasamaal pataaM charanagadvyamgaish chare athasthire "

> > " brooyaal dvandvacharasthitau rbhayabhedastha dvidehaadanaiH "

> >

> > Now as per the above, in this case

> > Lagna is in Chara rasi & Chandra is in chara rasi = 100

> > Lagna Lord in Chara rasi & Chandra lagna lord in Chara rasi = 100

> > Lagna lord in chara rasi & 8th lord in sthira rasi = 66 years

> > Average of the is 88 years

> >

> > Hence, we know this horoscope falls in the poornayu category. This

> does not show a conclusive age of the person. Then how does it help us?

> >

> > It is said that generally for natives with Alpa ayu, Madhya Ayu &

> Deergha Ayu , the 3rd, 5th & 7th dasa will cause death respectively.

> >

> > Hence, in this case we can assertain 7th dasa shall bring death. The

> 7th dasa is of Rahu. So rahu dasa could be assumed inimical to the

> native. Again, we have to see other factors to confirm this.

> >

> > Further, if we calculate the pindayu of the native we get 75.6 years.

> This period falls again under Rahu dasa.

> >

> > Jupiter being the jeeva karaka, its 7th house becomes the Maraka

> Sthana. Hence, in this case Mercury & Rahu which is posited there

> becomes Maraka Grihas. By this theory also & from the above we can

> conclusively say that Rahu Dasa shall bring the end of the life of this

> person.

> >

> > Now we have to find the Anthar dasa & possibly chidra dasa planets

> also.

> >

> > Now let us see who are generally held responsible to cause death.

> >

> > Prasna Marga says.

> >

> > " lagnaadvaa yadi janmato mR^itipatii mR^ityusthatadviiks hakau "

> > " mandaH kruuradR^IgaaNapo guLikapastairyuktar aashyaMshapaaH "

> > " raahushchaiShu sudurbalo januShi yo bhaavena.abhiiSTe sthitaH "

> > " paapaalokitasaMyut o.asya hi dashaavaandardashaa mR^ityudaa.. "

> >

> > a) 8th lord from lagna

> > b) 8th lord from Chandra lagna

> > c) Planets in the 8th of lagna

> > d) Planets in the 8th of Chandra lagna

> > e) Planets aspecting the 8th from Lagna

> > f) Planets aspecting the 8th from Chandra lagna

> > g) Saturn

> > h) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > i) 22nd drekana lord from Chandra

> > j) Lord of Gulika rasi (gulika rashyadhipathy)

> > k) Lord of the sign in which the above planets are positioned

> > l) Navamsa lord of the above planets

> > m) Rahu

> > n) weakest planet among the above planets

> > o) Planets in the 6th

> > p) Planets along with or aspected by malefic planets.

> >

> > The dasa or anthara of the above planets shall cause death. The dasa

> of debilated planet & combust shall also bring death. " dasa

> neechasthamooDaanaa m niyamena mritipradaa "

> >

> > Now it is our endeavor to find the planet most potent enough to cause

> death. Pls note that rahu is again mentioned specifically in the above

> list.

> >

> > We also know that 12th , 2nd , 7th house are Maraka Sthana –

> (death causing ) and are increasing potent ie: 2nd house is more than

> 12th & 7th house is more potent than the 2nd house. Similarly 3rd house

> is also called Nidhana sthana (8th from the 8th house ) " bhavath

> bhavam " .

> >

> > With the above information, let us try to understand the present

> horoscope.

> >

> > Lagna & Moon are in same rasi. Hence, we have only a few set of

> planets to look at, which is fortunate in this case. Other cases might

> prove to be more complicated when more planets are involved.

> >

> > a) 8th from Lagna & Moon is Aquarius (Kumbha). Hence the 8th lord is -

> Saturn.

> > b) There are no planets in the 8th

> > c) Planets aspecting the 8th - Saturn

> > d) 22nd drekana from Lagna is the 1st part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> Saturn

> > e) 22nd drekana from Moon is the 2nd part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> Mars

> > f) Gulika is in Kanya (Virgo) hence Gulika rashyadhipathy is - Mercury

> > g) Lord of the Sign in Saturn is posited – Sun

> > h) Lord of the Sign in which Mars is posited – Mercury

> > i) Lord of the sign in which Mercury is posited – Venus

> > j) Weakest Planet among Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Sun ?

> > k) Planets along with of aspected by Malefics – Sun does not

> aspect any planet, Mars aspects Jupiter & Ketu, Saturn aspects Mercury &

> Venus

> > l) 12th lord – Mercury

> > m) 2nd Lord – Sun

> > n) 7th lord Saturn

> >

> > Hence, we have Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Sun, Rahu, Venus & Jupiter. That

> might be responsible for causing death.

> >

> > Now let us try to find the Beneficial & Malefic aspects of these

> planets.

> >

> > You will notice from the above that Saturn is the most common & most

> potent of all planets. Saturn is also posited in the Maraka Sthana.

> Considering the dictum of potency of the 12th, 2nd, 7th – Maraka

> sthanas , 7th being the most potent, its lord Saturn again becomes the

> main contender.

> >

> > Prasna Marga says

> > " sarveShaamapi paapaanaaM maandirdoShapradodh ikaM "

> > " so.atidoShakaro yogadR^igvargavasha taH shaneH.. "

> > Gulika is the most malefic than all other malefic planets. He becomes

> more malefic if he is associated with Saturn.

> >

> > As we already know Gulika is the son of Saturn whose lord is Yama,

> Hence Gulika & its sign lord are equally capable of bringing death. Its

> sign lord being mercury is debilated in Navamsa and hence very weak and

> is aspected by Saturn also. Hence, Mercury is equally capable of causing

> death.

> >

> > When considering then strength of the planets we have to actually

> compute various factors like Dig bala, Drekana bala, Ayana bala

> Nathonatha bala , Rasmi, Ishta & Kashta phala , Drishti Bala etc.

> >

> > Without going into the above complex computations, (Some horoscopes

> may require the above data also), Let us try to find out the weakest &

> dangerous among the planets

> > Varga of

> > Saturn – Uthama with 2 points

> > Mercury – only 1 point

> > Mars – Parijatha – 3 points

> > Sun – Parvatha – 6 points

> > Venus – Uthama – 2 points

> > Jupiter – Simhasana – 5 points

> >

> > From the above we can assume the planets from weakest to beneficial in

> the order of

> > Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Sun

> >

> > Now let us compare with the Shashtiamsa of the planets

> > Mercury – Kroora

> > Saturn – Saumya

> > Venus – Kroora

> > Mars – Kroora

> > Jupiter – Kroora

> > Sun – Saumya

> > Rahu – Saumya

> >

> > From the above & considering the previous findings, Mercury becomes

> the most potent of all planets to cause death. Hence, we can possibly

> conclude that death shall occur in the Maha dasa of Rahu & Anthara of

> Mercury.

> >

> > Wait, why should we conclude here?. We have seen that Saturn is also

> very potent. Why shouldn't the saturn's anthara cause death. The

> possible answer is Saturn though is very potent it is being aspected by

> Jupiter who is positioned in own rasi & navamsa in a friends sign. Hence

> though Jupiter is the 6th lord, it is not potent enough to kill own its

> own. Being a natural benefic and benefic varga its aspect reduces the

> potency of Saturn to cause death and hands over the responsibility to

> the next weakest planet - Mercury.

> >

> > What are factors of Mercury?.

> > a) Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > b) Aspected By Saturn

> > c) Drekana of Saturn

> > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > e) Very weak varga points

> > f) Weak due to Neecha Navamsa

> > g) Rahu Rashyadhipathy

> > h) 7th Lord from Jupiter

> > i) 8th Lord from Sun (It is stated that the 1st portion of the life

> should be considered from lagna, 2nd from Moon & the last from Sun).

> > j) In the Nakshtra of Rahu

> > k) Positioned in natural friends & equal navamsa

> > l) 22nd drekana lord from sun

> >

> > Factors of Saturn

> > a) 8th lord from lagna & moon

> > b) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > c) Positioned in the 2nd

> > d) Aspects 8th house

> > e) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > f) Aspected by Jupiter

> > g) In the Nakshatra of Ketu

> > h) Positioned in enemy's (equal by position) sign & enemy's navamsa

> > i) Drekana lord - Jupiter

> >

> > Factors of Mars

> > a) associated with Gulika

> > b) 22nd drekana lord from moon

> > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > d) In the naskshatra of Sun

> > e) Positioned in friends sign & friends navamsa

> > f) Yoga karaka & most beneficial from Karkata rasi

> > g) Drekana Lord - Mercury

> >

> > Factors of Venus

> > a) aspected by Saturn

> > b) Associated with Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > c) Kendradhipathy & labhadhipathy

> > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > e) In the nakshtra of Rahu

> > f) Positioned in Moolatrikona & own rasi and equals navamsa

> > g) Drekana Lord - Venus

> >

> > Factors of Jupiter

> > a) 6th lord

> > b) Aspected by mars

> > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > d) In the Nakshtra of Venus

> > e) Positioned in own sign & friends Navamsa

> > f) Drekana Lord - Mars

> >

> > Factors for sun

> > a) Lord of the house where 8th lord is positioned

> > b) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > c) Positioned in Natural friends & friends navamsa

> > d) Lord of the 2nd house – Marka sthana

> > e) Positioned in a malefic sign & Sarpa Veshtitha Drekana

> > f) Drekana Lord – Mars

> >

> > Mercury's anthara comes after saturn's. so if conclude that the

> anthara of mercury shall bring about the end. We have to find the

> chidra.

> >

> > From the above, we can see that the next planets are sun & mars.

> >

> > Out of the above, the most potent is Sun being the maraka lord itself,

> while Mars is actually yoga karaka. Hence, we can say that the end came

> in the period of Rahu-Mercury- Sun

> >

> > Jhora gives Rahu – Mercury – Moon – Mars. I fail to see

> the significance of moon here since moon is the lagna lord and well

> positioned in lagna. The only negative factor is the Nakshatra of moon

> being Aslesha – whose lord is Mercury & devatha is Rahu & in Sarpa

> drekana, hence cannot entirely rule out a minute role.

> >

> > We also can check with Sri B.V.Ramans Ayanamsa (or any other ayanamsa)

> as well as with Suryasidhanta computed values also using the same

> methodology.

> >

> > But there other factors when the death shall occur & relationship with

> the dasa lords, transit of planets also. It is not Vimshottari dasa

> alone that controls the timing. Kalachakra dasa also could be compared

> with the timing.

> >

> > Prasna Marga provides us another method to find the timing of death

> >

> > From Saturn transit

> > a) Trikona of Gulika

> > b) Trikona of Gulika Navamsa

> > c) Trikona of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > d) Trikona of Navamsa of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > e) Trikona of Saturn

> > f) Trikona of Navamsa of Saturn

> > g) Trikona of 8th lord

> > h) Trikona of Navamsa of 8th lord

> > i) Trikona of 2nd house from Sun

> > j) Trikona of 12th house from Sun

> > k) Trikona of 22nd drekana lord

> >

> > From Jupiter transit

> > a) Trikona of drekana lord of the lagna

> > b) Trikona of Kalahora lord is positioned

> > c) Trikona of 2nd house from Saturn

> > d) Trikona of 12th house from Saturn

> > e) Trikona of the sign of Lagna lords + 8th lord longitudes

> > f) 3rd, 5th, 6th, 11th house / bhava from Saturn – when Jupiter

> transit the house in which it has the least aspect.

> > From the Transit of Sun

> > a) The position of 8th lord

> > b) Chandra Nakshatra

> > c) Lagna Nakshtra

> > d) Trikona rasi of Dwadasamsa Rasi – if sun is chara rasi

> > e) Trikona rasi of position of Navamsa lord of the 8th Lord – if

> Sun is Sthira Rasi

> > f) Trikona rasi of navamsa rasi of the lagna lord

> > g) For sun in sthira rasi – apavada : trikona rasi of the navamsa

> sign of the 8th lord

> > From the transit of Moon

> > a) Sun rasi & trikona signs

> > b) Position of 8th lord & its trikona signs

> > c) Rahu Nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshtra and their rasi

> > d) 8th lords nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshatra and their signs

> > e) Trikona of the 2nd lord

> > f) Trikona of the 7th house from the 2nd lord

> > g) Navamsa rasi of the 2nd Lord

> > h) 7th house from Gulika

> > From Pramana Gulika Sputa

> > 1) if the birth is at night or in Ratri Rasi : Pramana Gulika sputa is

> that day times gulika sputa

> > 2) if the Birth is at day time or Diva rasi : Prama Gulika Sputa is

> the Sputa of the Night before.

> > When Saturn transits the sign where the lord of Pramana Gulika is

> posited

> > When Jupiter transits the sign where the navamsa lord of pramana

> Gulika is posited

> > When Sun transits the sign where the dwadasamsa lord of Pramana Gulika

> is posited

> > When Moon transits the sign where the trimsamsa lord of pramansa

> Gulika is posited.

> > From Yoga Sputa of Sun + Saturn longitude

> > When Moon the sign or its trikonas

> > When Moon transits its 7th rasi trikona

> > From Yoga sputa of Sun + Drekana lord of Saturn

> > When Sun transits through the sign or its trikona

> > When Sun transits through the navamsa sign or its trikona

> > When sun transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturn navamsa lord

> > When Jupiter transits through the sign or its trikona

> > When Jupiter transits through the trikona of the 7th house

> > When Jupiter transits through the navamsa or its trikona

> > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturns dwadasamsa lord

> > When Saturn transits through the sign & its trikona

> > When Saturn transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > When Saturn transits through the trikona of navamsa sign

> >

> > Death shall occur when planets transits through the above signs where

> it had lowest points in the ashtavarga.

> >

> > Since we know the date of death – 30-04-1965

> > On the day

> > Nakshtra – Revathi – 4th pada Lord Mercury

> > Aries : Sun + Venus

> > Taurus : Jupiter + Rahu – Labha sthana of natal horoscope

> > Leo – Mars – Maraka Sthana of natal horoscope

> > Aquarius – Saturn – 8th house from Natal Horoscope

> > Pisces : Mercury (debilated)

> >

> > Ayana – Uthara ayana

> > Ritu – Vasantha rithu

> > Month – Vaishakha

> > Day – Shukra Vara

> > Thithy – Krishna Chaturdhasi

> > Nakshatra - Revathi – 4th pada

> >

> > If the lagna is in the first Hora – Uthara Ayana & 2nd Hora

> Dakshina Hora.

> > Ritu from the Drakana Lord ; Vashtha Ritu – lord is venus –

> Drekana lord of Venus & Rahu

> > Vaishaka Month – Mars & venus

> > Day – Venus

> > Nakshtra : Mercury

> > We can get an idea of the time of death by the above comparison also.

> Similarly, we can compute prana, deha, mrithyu sputas & also check the

> timing of death

> >

> > From the above we can understand the difficulty in computing the

> timing of death. It is very rare that any once successfully predict it.

> Some of the factors are extremely difficult to convert into a logical

> software program.

> >

> > Further there other factors such as " Punya " that one accrues in this

> life that may save him from death & prolong his life and similarly the

> same punya may give early " Mukti " to another one who might have been

> destined to suffer for a long period. Though one could technically argue

> that these things will be show and can know from the horoscope,

> practically, it may not be possible for even for a real yogi.

> >

> > Due to time & space constraints I could not present this the way I

> really want to and hence might have missed out some important factors.

> >

> > I hope readers shall benefit with this humble presentation.

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

> >





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Krishnan Ji and others,


I saw your comment ro Suresh Ji on Nehru's Death :


<<<You are absoluteley factual in sayin " This one I could compare with

other software also. But the others are outside India & I did not

know how you computed the time zone.>>>


Kundalee software clearly indicates that time input should be IST ( in Hindi

version, there is also a detailed Help file on Time Systems in Hindi Version.

English version has only essential pages, Ashtakavarga, for example , has not

been translated into English as yet).


Suresh ji made very good observations on the question of death, which are

certainly based on his experiences. But these experiences are based on physical

astronomy about which he says " it explains perfectly with conditions available

from physical astronomy " and then says " we cannot compute death with 100%

accuracy " . I am amused to note your agreeing with his contradictory statements.

Physical astronomy expains the conditions perfectly, but not with 100% accuracy.

What does it mean ?


I have deliberately raised one of the most difficult issues of astrology, and I

hope sincere responses. Suresh Ji is expressing his experimental conclusions,

but I am not sure whether you have analyzed my case studies or are commenting

only for the sake of commenting. Please take my words in positive manner. Suresh

Ji has installed Kundalee and wants to check my assertions that death can be

computed, but it does not mean we are gods. There are many subjective factors in

astrological computations due to number and complexities of charts, as Suresh ji

has rightly noted. Without removing these subjective factors, we cannot approach

the problem objectively. For those who want a serious dialogue on computation of

Death, I have some points to consider :


If killers planets like maarakesh or planets in killer conditions have

no connection with actual death in all cases, and if death occurs in MD and AD


benefics in both D1 and D30 in many cases, you must change your siddhanta

from physical astronomy to

Suryasiddhanta instead of taking a recourse to long philosophical

dissertations on complexities on problem.


If D30 is not related to death in all case studies of persons with reliable

birthdata, what should we do : expel D30 from astrology or change our

mathematical model ?


A single and consistent system must explain allcases of death. Persons like

Suresh ji who have seriously worked on Death know that physical astronomy fails

to explain all cases of death according to some consistent system of phalita

jyotisha, yet says " it also explains perfectly with conditions available from

physical astronomy " . No Sir ! The word " perfectly " is wrong here.


Suresh Ji says Pindaayu fails to explain all cases. I fear he works with other

systems. I request him ro read BPHD rules, which does not say Pindaayu or any

other Aayu works in isolation. The foremost rule is :


Death occurs in MD and AD of most killer planets among Amshaayu : Pindaayu :

Nisargaayu. If Amshaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Pindaayu, but if If Pindaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Amshaayu. There are some important exceptions to this basis rule which BPHS

clearly mentions. My experience is that this set of rules works wonderfully and

consistently.But BPHS has some interpolated verses, eg on Spashtaayu which is

entirely bogus. Kundalee has a statement : सà¥à¤ªà¤·à¥à¤Ÿà¤¾à¤¯à¥

किसी काम का नहीं होता है,

किनà¥à¤¤à¥ आजकल अधिकांश जà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤¤à¤¿à¤·à¥€

इसी को

मानते हैं।


Parashara (and Jaimini) have given some clear and simple guidelines for

computation of Death, which do not work well with ALL cases when physical

astronomy is used, but gives surprising results when Suryasiddhantic mathematics

is followed. Unfortunately, many astrologers stick to their prejudices and

refuse any impartial enquiry. I hope Suresh Ji has started an impartial

investigation with a comparative method, which I undertook for long years and

found satisfactory results. Instead of jumping to conclusions, please have

patience and let some impartial investigation be undertaken. Please do not mix

other topics in Death, and discuss one topic at a time. We may discuss other

topics in other threads.


-Vinay Jha.


================ ===============




vattem krishnan <bursar_99


Thursday, May 7, 2009 6:34:38 AM

Re: Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study






Dear Shri Suresh Ji,

Namskarams Sir.

Iam really inspired by your extensively eloberate views furnished on the fficacy

of software.These issue are going to help all members in the forum as we have to

basically understand what the Astrological principle of our seers and classicals

help us vis a vis what data the siftware can give as a toll to better undestnd

to the state affairs one could feel from the Chart that come out of application

of siftware.

It a very detailed approach made very with lot of insight.These words of

encouragement go long way to help in the process of complete development of the

software based on some principles.

You are absoluteley factual in sayin " This one I could compare with other

software also.. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone.

Also whether such softwares are good or bad should be left to the discretion of

the Astrologers .

Perhapas branding of these software products still takes time to benifit the

cause of AstrologyYou are forth right when you suggested that "

One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha.:

When any new software proposed to be developed for the use of Astrologers they

infact take advantage of the tool how indications are coming out of the tool.

As far as accuracy is concerned it becomes very subjective as lot of of factors

are involved including the accuaracy of the data given for analysis.

Still some how I feel the actions of the native in the form of Karmas out weigh

many considerations including the prophecies and predictions made by Astrologers

..Like in the case of ayurdaya,possible that horoscope indications are different

for his survival but then untowrd has not happened.

It is therefore necessary that all of us need to stcik to guideleines not to

overlook :yet all have given ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say

that we can only get an idea about the timing of death. I have noticed that some

times these period signifies extreme difficult times for the native instead to


Except for application of mundane Astrology,when we approach the study of basic

chart of any native our attempt basically has to be:

1.how the plantary configuarations in the chart help the native to lead a life

of happiness or otherwise

2.what kind of ordeals.\problems the native is likely to encounter with some

reasons there of

3.Is his langa strong enough to overcome and withstand utmost

hardships/difficult ies and helps the native to find ways and means to counter

these hardships and tread him to find some light at the end of tunnel

Finally Astrologers words have to be words of support,encourageme nt and boost

the moral attitude of the native to help him overcome periods of turbulance.

5..It is not that we only say that every thing of the native is of disillusion

or of ecstasy/excitement to make inferences as these states of life more or

less go hand in hand in almost all 100% of cases .

The criterion for these events of life differ very much from native to native as

some have all things in life except the kind of insecurity that haunts him

through out life.Also some times has confidence on his own assessement yet there

are no tangible reason for get worried,but things happen so unanaticipatedly,

the whole situation gets transformed in to different kind to erode his courage.

Finally your advice is outstanding in advocating that " Any way, this only

confirms that we cannot compute death with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100

horoscopes, the prediction should be correct for 100 horoscope.

I have noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times

for the native instead to death. "

iam really thankful to you sir,for your well thought over views and certainly

forms backbone to all the members who attempt to make out in Astrological data

and prescribe for the issues raised.

Iam certain all members benift from such analytical ideas and words of filip and


with reagrds



--- On Wed, 5/6/09, sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study


Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 5:40 PM




Dear Vinay Ji,


I saw your presentaion on Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, In fact I copied the whole

script in english also for later study. This one I could compare with other

software also. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone. That is the reason I posted the question.


I shall try to compare & study the other data also.


what I had presented here is how we work-out using the data from what you

mention as physical astronomy and it also explains perfectly with conditions

available from physical astronomy.


As you rightly said, there are many theories including BPHS. I dont depend only

on one system alone. I have only tried present a systematic aproach, but can or

should be varied according to type of horoscope on how to do the study with any

type of system of analysis.


Each person can follow a system aproach based on solid principles and test

Kundalee also.


I have been testing various theories now for a long time and you had read

carefully what i had written, you would note the differece in the aproach and

how each basic principle are carefully evaluated before jumping into conclusions

about the effect & strength of planets.


Infact, I saw a verse in which it was said even the great sage parasara or

brighu cannot know the timing of death with 100% accuracy, which I want to

present. Unfortunately, I could find the book on time. Yet all have given

ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say that we can only get an idea

about the timing of death.


Just to test another method, I visited Vridhachalam, where they use the ancient

method of computation etc. All the persons I contacted gave (I spend almost

12000Rs- those fellows are fleecing the public & it is not worth) a different

year of death (my own & my friends). These (palm leaves) nadi jyothisha is

supposed to have been done some 2000 years back while carbon dating test gave

only 400-500 years. Any way, this only confirms that we cannot compute death

with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100 horoscopes, the prediction should be

correct for 100 horoscope.


Consider Pindayu Calculation itself: it is one of the highly revered method. But

when I tested the method on some living persons - it showed their age far less -

meaning already dead some 10 to 15 years back. while for persons I got almost

accurate results. so we cannot say that it is 100% valid. I have added 3 type of

computations in my software & and is working on another model also. I have

noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times for the

native instead to death.


As I had pointed out there are many things I would have liked to include in the

case study. This itself took me almost 2 days to prepare.


I have an hunch that we may to change the mindset (they way we analyse) to check

events according to Kundalee, Just like changing the way one thinks when moves

from procedure type of programming to Object oriented Programing or From Visual

Basic to Visual Basic.Net. That is something not very easy for most of the



One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha. It is like providing a

statistical analysis tool to a shop keeper who had been doing business for 25 or

30 years. He would laugh at you.


Any way , I shall definetly check your aproach as per kundalee and present a

paper on it. But pls give me some time


(I have downloaded your latest version also)


I hope you understand take it in good spirit.

with warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


, " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ ...>



> Shenot ji,


> For death of Nehru and others, Click_Here

> <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Prediction+ of+Death> . With

> physical astronomy, one needs an ocean of theory in which it is very

> easy to omit or forget unpalatable aspects and highlight irrelevancoes

> (no comment on Shenoy ji, I am expressing my experience). No consistence

> phalita can be followed in explaining death if we follow physical

> astronomy. But Kundalee beautifully works with BPHS rules of death. Look

> at the four examples at above website, and try to explain them along

> physical astronomy, you will need as many types of phalita approaches as

> there are individuals. This is not science !


> -Vinay Jha

> ============ ======

> , " sureshbabuag "

> <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:

> >

> > Death of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru

> > Astrological analysis

> >

> > Birth

> >

> > DOB : 14-Nov-1889

> > TOB : 21:34

> > POB : Lat-25:38N, Long-81:51E

> >

> > Death

> > 30-04-1965

> >

> > As per Lahiri ayanamsa, The death occurred during the Mahadasa of Rahu

> & anthara of Mercury. Keeping this in mind, Let us try to understand it

> systematically.

> >

> > In any horoscope, we look at the longevity of the native.

> >

> > For this we look at at

> > a) balarishta,

> > b) sadyomarana

> > c) Special yogas for early death or durmarana (accidental death)

> > If none of the above is present or serious enough to be considered, we

> try to ascertain the category in which the Native falls

> > a) Alpa ayu

> > b) Madhya Ayu

> > c) Deergha ayu.

> >

> > Now let us try to understand this better.

> > Varaha mihira says

> > " samaaH shashTirddvignaa manijakariNaaM pancha cha nishaaH "

> >

> > The maximum age of human being and that of elephants is 120 years and

> 5 nights.

> > Hence, the poornayu is 120 years, Madhya ayu is 80 years and Alpa ayu

> is 40 years. 2/3 & 1/3 respectively of poorna ayu.

> >

> > This is also the age when the kali yuga started. As time moved, this

> maximum age limit has come down to 100.

> >

> > See what phaladeepika says

> > " ashTau baalarishtamaadau naraaNaaM "

> > " yogaarishTam praahuraaviMshatiss yaal "

> > " alpanchaadvaatiMsh ataM madhyamaayuH "

> > " aasaptatyaaH puurNaayusshataanta raH " .

> >

> > For human race, the first 8 years is balarishta, upto 20 years (from

> the beginning of 9th year) it is yogarishta, then upto 32 years alpa

> ayusha, then upto 70 years Madhya ayush and upto 100 years poorna ayush.

> So in the present era we can safely assume the maximum age of human

> being as 100 years. As you can see this is only a rough estimation.

> >

> > Now we have to determine the category in which this horoscope falls.

> What is method (quick method) available?

> >

> > Again Phaladeepika helps us here.

> > " lagnendostadadhiis hayorapi mitholagnesharandre shayor- "

> > " drekaaNaal svanaavaaMshakaadip imithastaddvaada shaaMshaal kamal "

> > " aayurdirrghasamaal pataaM charanagadvyamgaish chare athasthire "

> > " brooyaal dvandvacharasthitau rbhayabhedastha dvidehaadanaiH "

> >

> > Now as per the above, in this case

> > Lagna is in Chara rasi & Chandra is in chara rasi = 100

> > Lagna Lord in Chara rasi & Chandra lagna lord in Chara rasi = 100

> > Lagna lord in chara rasi & 8th lord in sthira rasi = 66 years

> > Average of the is 88 years

> >

> > Hence, we know this horoscope falls in the poornayu category. This

> does not show a conclusive age of the person. Then how does it help us?

> >

> > It is said that generally for natives with Alpa ayu, Madhya Ayu &

> Deergha Ayu , the 3rd, 5th & 7th dasa will cause death respectively.

> >

> > Hence, in this case we can assertain 7th dasa shall bring death. The

> 7th dasa is of Rahu. So rahu dasa could be assumed inimical to the

> native. Again, we have to see other factors to confirm this.

> >

> > Further, if we calculate the pindayu of the native we get 75.6 years.

> This period falls again under Rahu dasa.

> >

> > Jupiter being the jeeva karaka, its 7th house becomes the Maraka

> Sthana. Hence, in this case Mercury & Rahu which is posited there

> becomes Maraka Grihas. By this theory also & from the above we can

> conclusively say that Rahu Dasa shall bring the end of the life of this

> person.

> >

> > Now we have to find the Anthar dasa & possibly chidra dasa planets

> also.

> >

> > Now let us see who are generally held responsible to cause death.

> >

> > Prasna Marga says.

> >

> > " lagnaadvaa yadi janmato mR^itipatii mR^ityusthatadviiks hakau "

> > " mandaH kruuradR^IgaaNapo guLikapastairyuktar aashyaMshapaaH "

> > " raahushchaiShu sudurbalo januShi yo bhaavena.abhiiSTe sthitaH "

> > " paapaalokitasaMyut o.asya hi dashaavaandardashaa mR^ityudaa.. "

> >

> > a) 8th lord from lagna

> > b) 8th lord from Chandra lagna

> > c) Planets in the 8th of lagna

> > d) Planets in the 8th of Chandra lagna

> > e) Planets aspecting the 8th from Lagna

> > f) Planets aspecting the 8th from Chandra lagna

> > g) Saturn

> > h) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > i) 22nd drekana lord from Chandra

> > j) Lord of Gulika rasi (gulika rashyadhipathy)

> > k) Lord of the sign in which the above planets are positioned

> > l) Navamsa lord of the above planets

> > m) Rahu

> > n) weakest planet among the above planets

> > o) Planets in the 6th

> > p) Planets along with or aspected by malefic planets.

> >

> > The dasa or anthara of the above planets shall cause death. The dasa

> of debilated planet & combust shall also bring death. " dasa

> neechasthamooDaanaa m niyamena mritipradaa "

> >

> > Now it is our endeavor to find the planet most potent enough to cause

> death. Pls note that rahu is again mentioned specifically in the above

> list.

> >

> > We also know that 12th , 2nd , 7th house are Maraka Sthana –

> (death causing ) and are increasing potent ie: 2nd house is more than

> 12th & 7th house is more potent than the 2nd house. Similarly 3rd house

> is also called Nidhana sthana (8th from the 8th house ) " bhavath

> bhavam " .

> >

> > With the above information, let us try to understand the present

> horoscope.

> >

> > Lagna & Moon are in same rasi. Hence, we have only a few set of

> planets to look at, which is fortunate in this case. Other cases might

> prove to be more complicated when more planets are involved.

> >

> > a) 8th from Lagna & Moon is Aquarius (Kumbha). Hence the 8th lord is -

> Saturn.

> > b) There are no planets in the 8th

> > c) Planets aspecting the 8th - Saturn

> > d) 22nd drekana from Lagna is the 1st part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> Saturn

> > e) 22nd drekana from Moon is the 2nd part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> Mars

> > f) Gulika is in Kanya (Virgo) hence Gulika rashyadhipathy is - Mercury

> > g) Lord of the Sign in Saturn is posited – Sun

> > h) Lord of the Sign in which Mars is posited – Mercury

> > i) Lord of the sign in which Mercury is posited – Venus

> > j) Weakest Planet among Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Sun ?

> > k) Planets along with of aspected by Malefics – Sun does not

> aspect any planet, Mars aspects Jupiter & Ketu, Saturn aspects Mercury &

> Venus

> > l) 12th lord – Mercury

> > m) 2nd Lord – Sun

> > n) 7th lord Saturn

> >

> > Hence, we have Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Sun, Rahu, Venus & Jupiter. That

> might be responsible for causing death.

> >

> > Now let us try to find the Beneficial & Malefic aspects of these

> planets.

> >

> > You will notice from the above that Saturn is the most common & most

> potent of all planets. Saturn is also posited in the Maraka Sthana.

> Considering the dictum of potency of the 12th, 2nd, 7th – Maraka

> sthanas , 7th being the most potent, its lord Saturn again becomes the

> main contender.

> >

> > Prasna Marga says

> > " sarveShaamapi paapaanaaM maandirdoShapradodh ikaM "

> > " so.atidoShakaro yogadR^igvargavasha taH shaneH.. "

> > Gulika is the most malefic than all other malefic planets. He becomes

> more malefic if he is associated with Saturn.

> >

> > As we already know Gulika is the son of Saturn whose lord is Yama,

> Hence Gulika & its sign lord are equally capable of bringing death. Its

> sign lord being mercury is debilated in Navamsa and hence very weak and

> is aspected by Saturn also. Hence, Mercury is equally capable of causing

> death.

> >

> > When considering then strength of the planets we have to actually

> compute various factors like Dig bala, Drekana bala, Ayana bala

> Nathonatha bala , Rasmi, Ishta & Kashta phala , Drishti Bala etc.

> >

> > Without going into the above complex computations, (Some horoscopes

> may require the above data also), Let us try to find out the weakest &

> dangerous among the planets

> > Varga of

> > Saturn – Uthama with 2 points

> > Mercury – only 1 point

> > Mars – Parijatha – 3 points

> > Sun – Parvatha – 6 points

> > Venus – Uthama – 2 points

> > Jupiter – Simhasana – 5 points

> >

> > From the above we can assume the planets from weakest to beneficial in

> the order of

> > Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Sun

> >

> > Now let us compare with the Shashtiamsa of the planets

> > Mercury – Kroora

> > Saturn – Saumya

> > Venus – Kroora

> > Mars – Kroora

> > Jupiter – Kroora

> > Sun – Saumya

> > Rahu – Saumya

> >

> > From the above & considering the previous findings, Mercury becomes

> the most potent of all planets to cause death. Hence, we can possibly

> conclude that death shall occur in the Maha dasa of Rahu & Anthara of

> Mercury.

> >

> > Wait, why should we conclude here?. We have seen that Saturn is also

> very potent. Why shouldn't the saturn's anthara cause death. The

> possible answer is Saturn though is very potent it is being aspected by

> Jupiter who is positioned in own rasi & navamsa in a friends sign. Hence

> though Jupiter is the 6th lord, it is not potent enough to kill own its

> own. Being a natural benefic and benefic varga its aspect reduces the

> potency of Saturn to cause death and hands over the responsibility to

> the next weakest planet - Mercury.

> >

> > What are factors of Mercury?.

> > a) Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > b) Aspected By Saturn

> > c) Drekana of Saturn

> > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > e) Very weak varga points

> > f) Weak due to Neecha Navamsa

> > g) Rahu Rashyadhipathy

> > h) 7th Lord from Jupiter

> > i) 8th Lord from Sun (It is stated that the 1st portion of the life

> should be considered from lagna, 2nd from Moon & the last from Sun).

> > j) In the Nakshtra of Rahu

> > k) Positioned in natural friends & equal navamsa

> > l) 22nd drekana lord from sun

> >

> > Factors of Saturn

> > a) 8th lord from lagna & moon

> > b) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > c) Positioned in the 2nd

> > d) Aspects 8th house

> > e) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > f) Aspected by Jupiter

> > g) In the Nakshatra of Ketu

> > h) Positioned in enemy's (equal by position) sign & enemy's navamsa

> > i) Drekana lord - Jupiter

> >

> > Factors of Mars

> > a) associated with Gulika

> > b) 22nd drekana lord from moon

> > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > d) In the naskshatra of Sun

> > e) Positioned in friends sign & friends navamsa

> > f) Yoga karaka & most beneficial from Karkata rasi

> > g) Drekana Lord - Mercury

> >

> > Factors of Venus

> > a) aspected by Saturn

> > b) Associated with Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > c) Kendradhipathy & labhadhipathy

> > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > e) In the nakshtra of Rahu

> > f) Positioned in Moolatrikona & own rasi and equals navamsa

> > g) Drekana Lord - Venus

> >

> > Factors of Jupiter

> > a) 6th lord

> > b) Aspected by mars

> > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > d) In the Nakshtra of Venus

> > e) Positioned in own sign & friends Navamsa

> > f) Drekana Lord - Mars

> >

> > Factors for sun

> > a) Lord of the house where 8th lord is positioned

> > b) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > c) Positioned in Natural friends & friends navamsa

> > d) Lord of the 2nd house – Marka sthana

> > e) Positioned in a malefic sign & Sarpa Veshtitha Drekana

> > f) Drekana Lord – Mars

> >

> > Mercury's anthara comes after saturn's. so if conclude that the

> anthara of mercury shall bring about the end. We have to find the

> chidra.

> >

> > From the above, we can see that the next planets are sun & mars.

> >

> > Out of the above, the most potent is Sun being the maraka lord itself,

> while Mars is actually yoga karaka. Hence, we can say that the end came

> in the period of Rahu-Mercury- Sun

> >

> > Jhora gives Rahu – Mercury – Moon – Mars. I fail to see

> the significance of moon here since moon is the lagna lord and well

> positioned in lagna. The only negative factor is the Nakshatra of moon

> being Aslesha – whose lord is Mercury & devatha is Rahu & in Sarpa

> drekana, hence cannot entirely rule out a minute role.

> >

> > We also can check with Sri B.V.Ramans Ayanamsa (or any other ayanamsa)

> as well as with Suryasidhanta computed values also using the same

> methodology.

> >

> > But there other factors when the death shall occur & relationship with

> the dasa lords, transit of planets also. It is not Vimshottari dasa

> alone that controls the timing. Kalachakra dasa also could be compared

> with the timing.

> >

> > Prasna Marga provides us another method to find the timing of death

> >

> > From Saturn transit

> > a) Trikona of Gulika

> > b) Trikona of Gulika Navamsa

> > c) Trikona of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > d) Trikona of Navamsa of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > e) Trikona of Saturn

> > f) Trikona of Navamsa of Saturn

> > g) Trikona of 8th lord

> > h) Trikona of Navamsa of 8th lord

> > i) Trikona of 2nd house from Sun

> > j) Trikona of 12th house from Sun

> > k) Trikona of 22nd drekana lord

> >

> > From Jupiter transit

> > a) Trikona of drekana lord of the lagna

> > b) Trikona of Kalahora lord is positioned

> > c) Trikona of 2nd house from Saturn

> > d) Trikona of 12th house from Saturn

> > e) Trikona of the sign of Lagna lords + 8th lord longitudes

> > f) 3rd, 5th, 6th, 11th house / bhava from Saturn – when Jupiter

> transit the house in which it has the least aspect.

> > From the Transit of Sun

> > a) The position of 8th lord

> > b) Chandra Nakshatra

> > c) Lagna Nakshtra

> > d) Trikona rasi of Dwadasamsa Rasi – if sun is chara rasi

> > e) Trikona rasi of position of Navamsa lord of the 8th Lord – if

> Sun is Sthira Rasi

> > f) Trikona rasi of navamsa rasi of the lagna lord

> > g) For sun in sthira rasi – apavada : trikona rasi of the navamsa

> sign of the 8th lord

> > From the transit of Moon

> > a) Sun rasi & trikona signs

> > b) Position of 8th lord & its trikona signs

> > c) Rahu Nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshtra and their rasi

> > d) 8th lords nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshatra and their signs

> > e) Trikona of the 2nd lord

> > f) Trikona of the 7th house from the 2nd lord

> > g) Navamsa rasi of the 2nd Lord

> > h) 7th house from Gulika

> > From Pramana Gulika Sputa

> > 1) if the birth is at night or in Ratri Rasi : Pramana Gulika sputa is

> that day times gulika sputa

> > 2) if the Birth is at day time or Diva rasi : Prama Gulika Sputa is

> the Sputa of the Night before.

> > When Saturn transits the sign where the lord of Pramana Gulika is

> posited

> > When Jupiter transits the sign where the navamsa lord of pramana

> Gulika is posited

> > When Sun transits the sign where the dwadasamsa lord of Pramana Gulika

> is posited

> > When Moon transits the sign where the trimsamsa lord of pramansa

> Gulika is posited.

> > From Yoga Sputa of Sun + Saturn longitude

> > When Moon the sign or its trikonas

> > When Moon transits its 7th rasi trikona

> > From Yoga sputa of Sun + Drekana lord of Saturn

> > When Sun transits through the sign or its trikona

> > When Sun transits through the navamsa sign or its trikona

> > When sun transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturn navamsa lord

> > When Jupiter transits through the sign or its trikona

> > When Jupiter transits through the trikona of the 7th house

> > When Jupiter transits through the navamsa or its trikona

> > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturns dwadasamsa lord

> > When Saturn transits through the sign & its trikona

> > When Saturn transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > When Saturn transits through the trikona of navamsa sign

> >

> > Death shall occur when planets transits through the above signs where

> it had lowest points in the ashtavarga.

> >

> > Since we know the date of death – 30-04-1965

> > On the day

> > Nakshtra – Revathi – 4th pada Lord Mercury

> > Aries : Sun + Venus

> > Taurus : Jupiter + Rahu – Labha sthana of natal horoscope

> > Leo – Mars – Maraka Sthana of natal horoscope

> > Aquarius – Saturn – 8th house from Natal Horoscope

> > Pisces : Mercury (debilated)

> >

> > Ayana – Uthara ayana

> > Ritu – Vasantha rithu

> > Month – Vaishakha

> > Day – Shukra Vara

> > Thithy – Krishna Chaturdhasi

> > Nakshatra - Revathi – 4th pada

> >

> > If the lagna is in the first Hora – Uthara Ayana & 2nd Hora

> Dakshina Hora.

> > Ritu from the Drakana Lord ; Vashtha Ritu – lord is venus –

> Drekana lord of Venus & Rahu

> > Vaishaka Month – Mars & venus

> > Day – Venus

> > Nakshtra : Mercury

> > We can get an idea of the time of death by the above comparison also.

> Similarly, we can compute prana, deha, mrithyu sputas & also check the

> timing of death

> >

> > From the above we can understand the difficulty in computing the

> timing of death. It is very rare that any once successfully predict it.

> Some of the factors are extremely difficult to convert into a logical

> software program.

> >

> > Further there other factors such as " Punya " that one accrues in this

> life that may save him from death & prolong his life and similarly the

> same punya may give early " Mukti " to another one who might have been

> destined to suffer for a long period. Though one could technically argue

> that these things will be show and can know from the horoscope,

> practically, it may not be possible for even for a real yogi.

> >

> > Due to time & space constraints I could not present this the way I

> really want to and hence might have missed out some important factors.

> >

> > I hope readers shall benefit with this humble presentation.

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

> >





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Suresh Ji and others,


You made very good observations on the question of death, which are certainly

based on your experiences. But these experiences are based on physical astronomy

about which you say " it explains perfectly with conditions available from

physical astronomy " and then you say " we cannot compute death with 100%

accuracy " . Physical astronomy explains the conditions perfectly, but not with

100% accuracy ! Cannot you see the contradiction in your statement ? Please take

my words positively. I worked with both modern astronomy. I possess NASA-JPL as

well as Swiss and Moshier Ephemerides, with geocentric / topocentric /

heliocentric / barycentric / sidereal Fagan (with zero ayanamsha in 223 AD) /

sidereal Lahiri (with zero ayanamsha in 285 AD), etc etc. None of these physical

systems give satisfactory astrological results consistently with all horoscopes

IF we adopt some definite set of phalita rules instead of changing rules to

satisfy physical astronomy.


I have deliberately raised one of the most difficult issues of astrology, and I

hope sincere responses. Suresh Ji, you are expressing your empirical

conclusions. You have installed Kundalee and want to check my assertions that

death can be computed, but it does not mean we are gods. There are many

subjective factors in astrological computations due to number and complexities

of charts, as you rightly noted. Without removing these subjective factors, we

cannot approach the problem objectively. hence, for those who want a serious

dialogue on computation of Death, I have some points to consider :


If killers planets like maarakesh or planets in killer conditions have no

connection with actual death in all cases, and if death occurs in MD and AD of

benefics in both D1 and D30 in many cases, you must change your siddhanta

from physical astronomy to Suryasiddhanta instead of taking a recourse to long

philosophical dissertations on complexities on problem.


If D30 is not related to death in all case studies of persons with reliable

birthdata, what should we do : expel D30 from astrology or change our

mathematical model ?


A single and consistent system must explain all cases of death.


Persons like you who have seriously worked on Death know that physical astronomy

fails to explain all cases of death according to some consistent system of

phalita jyotisha, yet you say " it also explains perfectly with conditions

available from physical astronomy " . No Sir ! The word " perfectly " is wrong



You say Pindaayu fails to explain all cases. I fear you have paid no serious

attention to BPHS because you work with other systems, perhaps Varah Mihir's (I

guess). BPHD does not say Pindaayu or any other Aayu works in isolation. The

foremost rule is :


Death occurs in MD and AD of most killer planets among Amshaayu : Pindaayu :

Nisargaayu. If Amshaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Pindaayu, but if If Pindaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Amshaayu. There are some important exceptions to this basis rule which BPHS

clearly mentions. My experience is that this set of rules works wonderfully and

consistently if Suryasiddhantic mathematics is followed. But BPHS has some

interpolated verses, eg on Spashtaayu which is entirely bogus. Kundalee has a

statement : सà¥à¤ªà¤·à¥à¤Ÿà¤¾à¤¯à¥ किसी काम का

नहीं होता है, किनà¥à¤¤à¥ आजकल

अधिकांश जà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤¤à¤¿à¤·à¥€ इसी को मानते



Parashara (and Jaimini) have given some clear and simple guidelines for

computation of Death, which do not work well with ALL cases when physical

astronomy is used, but gives surprising results when Suryasiddhantic mathematics

is followed. Please leave aside non-Parashari systems FOR SOME TIME while

discussing Death, those systems may be later discussed.Unfortunately, many

astrologers stick to their prejudices and refuse any impartial enquiry. I hope

you have started an impartial investigation with a comparative method, which I

undertook for long years and found satisfactory results. Instead of jumping to

conclusions, please have patience and let some impartial investigation be

undertaken. Please do not mix other topics in Death, and discuss one topic at a

time. We may discuss other topics in other threads.


Take ten cases of well known persons with well researched biographies (four are

at my site, which I am now going to increase), then explain Death according to

MD:AD:PD , leaving Sukshma and Praana dashaas because a few minutes error in

birthtime gives many days of error in dashaa timing. Then, compare the results

of Kundalee with those from modern astronomy, both analyses based on basic

guidelines of BPHS (which is corroborated by Jaimini too). Parashara and

Jaimini were Rishis, and other systems must be neglected for the time being

because they will confuse our investigation.


If these objective and time honoured gudelines are followed, it is not difficult

to find the great Truth about Suryasiddhanta, which even Varaha Mihira called

the most clear of all siddhantas (this statement is misinterpreted as a proof of

Suryasiddhanta being comparable to physical astronomical planets around 500 AD,

which is a false opinion, what Varaha Mihira actually meant was that

Suryasiddhanta is the ONLY clear siddhanta, all other siddhantas are either

partially clear (like four extant siddhantas he could find) or totally unclear

(having been lost permanently. Without Suryasiddhanta, Vedic Jyotisha will be



Kundalee software clearly indicates that time input should be IST ( in

Hindi version, there is also a detailed Help file on Time Systems in

Hindi Version. English version has only essential pages, Ashtakavarga,

for example , has not been translated into English as yet). English

version was primarily made for those who have difficulty in Hindi

typing. I know a majority of Vedic Astrologers (most of them are

Indians) know Hindi reading. I will gradually translate the entire

software into English.


-Vinay Jha.


================ ===============







sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag


Thursday, May 7, 2009 3:10:28 AM

Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study








Dear Vinay Ji,


I saw your presentaion on Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, In fact I copied the whole

script in english also for later study. This one I could compare with other

software also. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone. That is the reason I posted the question..


I shall try to compare & study the other data also.


what I had presented here is how we work-out using the data from what you

mention as physical astronomy and it also explains perfectly with conditions

available from physical astronomy.


As you rightly said, there are many theories including BPHS. I dont depend only

on one system alone. I have only tried present a systematic aproach, but can or

should be varied according to type of horoscope on how to do the study with any

type of system of analysis.


Each person can follow a system aproach based on solid principles and test

Kundalee also.


I have been testing various theories now for a long time and you had read

carefully what i had written, you would note the differece in the aproach and

how each basic principle are carefully evaluated before jumping into conclusions

about the effect & strength of planets.


Infact, I saw a verse in which it was said even the great sage parasara or

brighu cannot know the timing of death with 100% accuracy, which I want to

present. Unfortunately, I could find the book on time. Yet all have given

ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say that we can only get an idea

about the timing of death.


Just to test another method, I visited Vridhachalam, where they use the ancient

method of computation etc.. All the persons I contacted gave (I spend almost

12000Rs- those fellows are fleecing the public & it is not worth) a different

year of death (my own & my friends). These (palm leaves) nadi jyothisha is

supposed to have been done some 2000 years back while carbon dating test gave

only 400-500 years.. Any way, this only confirms that we cannot compute death

with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100 horoscopes, the prediction should be

correct for 100 horoscope.


Consider Pindayu Calculation itself: it is one of the highly revered method. But

when I tested the method on some living persons - it showed their age far less -

meaning already dead some 10 to 15 years back. while for persons I got almost

accurate results. so we cannot say that it is 100% valid. I have added 3 type of

computations in my software & and is working on another model also. I have

noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times for the

native instead to death.


As I had pointed out there are many things I would have liked to include in the

case study. This itself took me almost 2 days to prepare.


I have an hunch that we may to change the mindset (they way we analyse) to check

events according to Kundalee, Just like changing the way one thinks when moves

from procedure type of programming to Object oriented Programing or From Visual

Basic to Visual Basic.Net. That is something not very easy for most of the



One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha. It is like providing a

statistical analysis tool to a shop keeper who had been doing business for 25 or

30 years. He would laugh at you.


Any way , I shall definetly check your aproach as per kundalee and present a

paper on it. But pls give me some time


(I have downloaded your latest version also)


I hope you understand take it in good spirit.

with warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


, " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ ...>



> Shenot ji,


> For death of Nehru and others, Click_Here

> <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Prediction+ of+Death> . With

> physical astronomy, one needs an ocean of theory in which it is very

> easy to omit or forget unpalatable aspects and highlight irrelevancoes

> (no comment on Shenoy ji, I am expressing my experience). No consistence

> phalita can be followed in explaining death if we follow physical

> astronomy. But Kundalee beautifully works with BPHS rules of death. Look

> at the four examples at above website, and try to explain them along

> physical astronomy, you will need as many types of phalita approaches as

> there are individuals. This is not science !


> -Vinay Jha

> ============ ======

> , " sureshbabuag "

> <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:

> >

> > Death of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru

> > Astrological analysis

> >

> > Birth

> >

> > DOB : 14-Nov-1889

> > TOB : 21:34

> > POB : Lat-25:38N, Long-81:51E

> >

> > Death

> > 30-04-1965

> >

> > As per Lahiri ayanamsa, The death occurred during the Mahadasa of Rahu

> & anthara of Mercury. Keeping this in mind, Let us try to understand it

> systematically.

> >

> > In any horoscope, we look at the longevity of the native.

> >

> > For this we look at at

> > a) balarishta,

> > b) sadyomarana

> > c) Special yogas for early death or durmarana (accidental death)

> > If none of the above is present or serious enough to be considered, we

> try to ascertain the category in which the Native falls

> > a) Alpa ayu

> > b) Madhya Ayu

> > c) Deergha ayu.

> >

> > Now let us try to understand this better.

> > Varaha mihira says

> > " samaaH shashTirddvignaa manijakariNaaM pancha cha nishaaH "

> >

> > The maximum age of human being and that of elephants is 120 years and

> 5 nights.

> > Hence, the poornayu is 120 years, Madhya ayu is 80 years and Alpa ayu

> is 40 years. 2/3 & 1/3 respectively of poorna ayu.

> >

> > This is also the age when the kali yuga started. As time moved, this

> maximum age limit has come down to 100.

> >

> > See what phaladeepika says

> > " ashTau baalarishtamaadau naraaNaaM "

> > " yogaarishTam praahuraaviMshatiss yaal "

> > " alpanchaadvaatiMsh ataM madhyamaayuH "

> > " aasaptatyaaH puurNaayusshataanta raH " .

> >

> > For human race, the first 8 years is balarishta, upto 20 years (from

> the beginning of 9th year) it is yogarishta, then upto 32 years alpa

> ayusha, then upto 70 years Madhya ayush and upto 100 years poorna ayush.

> So in the present era we can safely assume the maximum age of human

> being as 100 years. As you can see this is only a rough estimation.

> >

> > Now we have to determine the category in which this horoscope falls.

> What is method (quick method) available?

> >

> > Again Phaladeepika helps us here.

> > " lagnendostadadhiis hayorapi mitholagnesharandre shayor- "

> > " drekaaNaal svanaavaaMshakaadip imithastaddvaada shaaMshaal kamal "

> > " aayurdirrghasamaal pataaM charanagadvyamgaish chare athasthire "

> > " brooyaal dvandvacharasthitau rbhayabhedastha dvidehaadanaiH "

> >

> > Now as per the above, in this case

> > Lagna is in Chara rasi & Chandra is in chara rasi = 100

> > Lagna Lord in Chara rasi & Chandra lagna lord in Chara rasi = 100

> > Lagna lord in chara rasi & 8th lord in sthira rasi = 66 years

> > Average of the is 88 years

> >

> > Hence, we know this horoscope falls in the poornayu category. This

> does not show a conclusive age of the person. Then how does it help us?

> >

> > It is said that generally for natives with Alpa ayu, Madhya Ayu &

> Deergha Ayu , the 3rd, 5th & 7th dasa will cause death respectively.

> >

> > Hence, in this case we can assertain 7th dasa shall bring death. The

> 7th dasa is of Rahu. So rahu dasa could be assumed inimical to the

> native. Again, we have to see other factors to confirm this.

> >

> > Further, if we calculate the pindayu of the native we get 75.6 years.

> This period falls again under Rahu dasa.

> >

> > Jupiter being the jeeva karaka, its 7th house becomes the Maraka

> Sthana. Hence, in this case Mercury & Rahu which is posited there

> becomes Maraka Grihas. By this theory also & from the above we can

> conclusively say that Rahu Dasa shall bring the end of the life of this

> person.

> >

> > Now we have to find the Anthar dasa & possibly chidra dasa planets

> also.

> >

> > Now let us see who are generally held responsible to cause death.

> >

> > Prasna Marga says.

> >

> > " lagnaadvaa yadi janmato mR^itipatii mR^ityusthatadviiks hakau "

> > " mandaH kruuradR^IgaaNapo guLikapastairyuktar aashyaMshapaaH "

> > " raahushchaiShu sudurbalo januShi yo bhaavena.abhiiSTe sthitaH "

> > " paapaalokitasaMyut o.asya hi dashaavaandardashaa mR^ityudaa.. "

> >

> > a) 8th lord from lagna

> > b) 8th lord from Chandra lagna

> > c) Planets in the 8th of lagna

> > d) Planets in the 8th of Chandra lagna

> > e) Planets aspecting the 8th from Lagna

> > f) Planets aspecting the 8th from Chandra lagna

> > g) Saturn

> > h) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > i) 22nd drekana lord from Chandra

> > j) Lord of Gulika rasi (gulika rashyadhipathy)

> > k) Lord of the sign in which the above planets are positioned

> > l) Navamsa lord of the above planets

> > m) Rahu

> > n) weakest planet among the above planets

> > o) Planets in the 6th

> > p) Planets along with or aspected by malefic planets.

> >

> > The dasa or anthara of the above planets shall cause death. The dasa

> of debilated planet & combust shall also bring death. " dasa

> neechasthamooDaanaa m niyamena mritipradaa "

> >

> > Now it is our endeavor to find the planet most potent enough to cause

> death. Pls note that rahu is again mentioned specifically in the above

> list.

> >

> > We also know that 12th , 2nd , 7th house are Maraka Sthana –

> (death causing ) and are increasing potent ie: 2nd house is more than

> 12th & 7th house is more potent than the 2nd house. Similarly 3rd house

> is also called Nidhana sthana (8th from the 8th house ) " bhavath

> bhavam " .

> >

> > With the above information, let us try to understand the present

> horoscope.

> >

> > Lagna & Moon are in same rasi. Hence, we have only a few set of

> planets to look at, which is fortunate in this case. Other cases might

> prove to be more complicated when more planets are involved.

> >

> > a) 8th from Lagna & Moon is Aquarius (Kumbha). Hence the 8th lord is -

> Saturn.

> > b) There are no planets in the 8th

> > c) Planets aspecting the 8th - Saturn

> > d) 22nd drekana from Lagna is the 1st part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> Saturn

> > e) 22nd drekana from Moon is the 2nd part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> Mars

> > f) Gulika is in Kanya (Virgo) hence Gulika rashyadhipathy is - Mercury

> > g) Lord of the Sign in Saturn is posited – Sun

> > h) Lord of the Sign in which Mars is posited – Mercury

> > i) Lord of the sign in which Mercury is posited – Venus

> > j) Weakest Planet among Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Sun ?

> > k) Planets along with of aspected by Malefics – Sun does not

> aspect any planet, Mars aspects Jupiter & Ketu, Saturn aspects Mercury &

> Venus

> > l) 12th lord – Mercury

> > m) 2nd Lord – Sun

> > n) 7th lord Saturn

> >

> > Hence, we have Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Sun, Rahu, Venus & Jupiter. That

> might be responsible for causing death.

> >

> > Now let us try to find the Beneficial & Malefic aspects of these

> planets.

> >

> > You will notice from the above that Saturn is the most common & most

> potent of all planets. Saturn is also posited in the Maraka Sthana.

> Considering the dictum of potency of the 12th, 2nd, 7th – Maraka

> sthanas , 7th being the most potent, its lord Saturn again becomes the

> main contender.

> >

> > Prasna Marga says

> > " sarveShaamapi paapaanaaM maandirdoShapradodh ikaM "

> > " so..atidoShakaro yogadR^igvargavasha taH shaneH.. "

> > Gulika is the most malefic than all other malefic planets. He becomes

> more malefic if he is associated with Saturn.

> >

> > As we already know Gulika is the son of Saturn whose lord is Yama,

> Hence Gulika & its sign lord are equally capable of bringing death. Its

> sign lord being mercury is debilated in Navamsa and hence very weak and

> is aspected by Saturn also. Hence, Mercury is equally capable of causing

> death.

> >

> > When considering then strength of the planets we have to actually

> compute various factors like Dig bala, Drekana bala, Ayana bala

> Nathonatha bala , Rasmi, Ishta & Kashta phala , Drishti Bala etc.

> >

> > Without going into the above complex computations, (Some horoscopes

> may require the above data also), Let us try to find out the weakest &

> dangerous among the planets

> > Varga of

> > Saturn – Uthama with 2 points

> > Mercury – only 1 point

> > Mars – Parijatha – 3 points

> > Sun – Parvatha – 6 points

> > Venus – Uthama – 2 points

> > Jupiter – Simhasana – 5 points

> >

> > From the above we can assume the planets from weakest to beneficial in

> the order of

> > Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Sun

> >

> > Now let us compare with the Shashtiamsa of the planets

> > Mercury – Kroora

> > Saturn – Saumya

> > Venus – Kroora

> > Mars – Kroora

> > Jupiter – Kroora

> > Sun – Saumya

> > Rahu – Saumya

> >

> > From the above & considering the previous findings, Mercury becomes

> the most potent of all planets to cause death. Hence, we can possibly

> conclude that death shall occur in the Maha dasa of Rahu & Anthara of

> Mercury.

> >

> > Wait, why should we conclude here?. We have seen that Saturn is also

> very potent. Why shouldn't the saturn's anthara cause death. The

> possible answer is Saturn though is very potent it is being aspected by

> Jupiter who is positioned in own rasi & navamsa in a friends sign. Hence

> though Jupiter is the 6th lord, it is not potent enough to kill own its

> own. Being a natural benefic and benefic varga its aspect reduces the

> potency of Saturn to cause death and hands over the responsibility to

> the next weakest planet - Mercury.

> >

> > What are factors of Mercury?.

> > a) Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > b) Aspected By Saturn

> > c) Drekana of Saturn

> > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > e) Very weak varga points

> > f) Weak due to Neecha Navamsa

> > g) Rahu Rashyadhipathy

> > h) 7th Lord from Jupiter

> > i) 8th Lord from Sun (It is stated that the 1st portion of the life

> should be considered from lagna, 2nd from Moon & the last from Sun).

> > j) In the Nakshtra of Rahu

> > k) Positioned in natural friends & equal navamsa

> > l) 22nd drekana lord from sun

> >

> > Factors of Saturn

> > a) 8th lord from lagna & moon

> > b) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > c) Positioned in the 2nd

> > d) Aspects 8th house

> > e) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > f) Aspected by Jupiter

> > g) In the Nakshatra of Ketu

> > h) Positioned in enemy's (equal by position) sign & enemy's navamsa

> > i) Drekana lord - Jupiter

> >

> > Factors of Mars

> > a) associated with Gulika

> > b) 22nd drekana lord from moon

> > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > d) In the naskshatra of Sun

> > e) Positioned in friends sign & friends navamsa

> > f) Yoga karaka & most beneficial from Karkata rasi

> > g) Drekana Lord - Mercury

> >

> > Factors of Venus

> > a) aspected by Saturn

> > b) Associated with Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > c) Kendradhipathy & labhadhipathy

> > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > e) In the nakshtra of Rahu

> > f) Positioned in Moolatrikona & own rasi and equals navamsa

> > g) Drekana Lord - Venus

> >

> > Factors of Jupiter

> > a) 6th lord

> > b) Aspected by mars

> > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > d) In the Nakshtra of Venus

> > e) Positioned in own sign & friends Navamsa

> > f) Drekana Lord - Mars

> >

> > Factors for sun

> > a) Lord of the house where 8th lord is positioned

> > b) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > c) Positioned in Natural friends & friends navamsa

> > d) Lord of the 2nd house – Marka sthana

> > e) Positioned in a malefic sign & Sarpa Veshtitha Drekana

> > f) Drekana Lord – Mars

> >

> > Mercury's anthara comes after saturn's. so if conclude that the

> anthara of mercury shall bring about the end. We have to find the

> chidra.

> >

> > From the above, we can see that the next planets are sun & mars.

> >

> > Out of the above, the most potent is Sun being the maraka lord itself,

> while Mars is actually yoga karaka. Hence, we can say that the end came

> in the period of Rahu-Mercury- Sun

> >

> > Jhora gives Rahu – Mercury – Moon – Mars. I fail to see

> the significance of moon here since moon is the lagna lord and well

> positioned in lagna. The only negative factor is the Nakshatra of moon

> being Aslesha – whose lord is Mercury & devatha is Rahu & in Sarpa

> drekana, hence cannot entirely rule out a minute role.

> >

> > We also can check with Sri B.V.Ramans Ayanamsa (or any other ayanamsa)

> as well as with Suryasidhanta computed values also using the same

> methodology.

> >

> > But there other factors when the death shall occur & relationship with

> the dasa lords, transit of planets also. It is not Vimshottari dasa

> alone that controls the timing. Kalachakra dasa also could be compared

> with the timing.

> >

> > Prasna Marga provides us another method to find the timing of death

> >

> > From Saturn transit

> > a) Trikona of Gulika

> > b) Trikona of Gulika Navamsa

> > c) Trikona of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > d) Trikona of Navamsa of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > e) Trikona of Saturn

> > f) Trikona of Navamsa of Saturn

> > g) Trikona of 8th lord

> > h) Trikona of Navamsa of 8th lord

> > i) Trikona of 2nd house from Sun

> > j) Trikona of 12th house from Sun

> > k) Trikona of 22nd drekana lord

> >

> > From Jupiter transit

> > a) Trikona of drekana lord of the lagna

> > b) Trikona of Kalahora lord is positioned

> > c) Trikona of 2nd house from Saturn

> > d) Trikona of 12th house from Saturn

> > e) Trikona of the sign of Lagna lords + 8th lord longitudes

> > f) 3rd, 5th, 6th, 11th house / bhava from Saturn – when Jupiter

> transit the house in which it has the least aspect.

> > From the Transit of Sun

> > a) The position of 8th lord

> > b) Chandra Nakshatra

> > c) Lagna Nakshtra

> > d) Trikona rasi of Dwadasamsa Rasi – if sun is chara rasi

> > e) Trikona rasi of position of Navamsa lord of the 8th Lord – if

> Sun is Sthira Rasi

> > f) Trikona rasi of navamsa rasi of the lagna lord

> > g) For sun in sthira rasi – apavada : trikona rasi of the navamsa

> sign of the 8th lord

> > From the transit of Moon

> > a) Sun rasi & trikona signs

> > b) Position of 8th lord & its trikona signs

> > c) Rahu Nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshtra and their rasi

> > d) 8th lords nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshatra and their signs

> > e) Trikona of the 2nd lord

> > f) Trikona of the 7th house from the 2nd lord

> > g) Navamsa rasi of the 2nd Lord

> > h) 7th house from Gulika

> > From Pramana Gulika Sputa

> > 1) if the birth is at night or in Ratri Rasi : Pramana Gulika sputa is

> that day times gulika sputa

> > 2) if the Birth is at day time or Diva rasi : Prama Gulika Sputa is

> the Sputa of the Night before.

> > When Saturn transits the sign where the lord of Pramana Gulika is

> posited

> > When Jupiter transits the sign where the navamsa lord of pramana

> Gulika is posited

> > When Sun transits the sign where the dwadasamsa lord of Pramana Gulika

> is posited

> > When Moon transits the sign where the trimsamsa lord of pramansa

> Gulika is posited.

> > From Yoga Sputa of Sun + Saturn longitude

> > When Moon the sign or its trikonas

> > When Moon transits its 7th rasi trikona

> > From Yoga sputa of Sun + Drekana lord of Saturn

> > When Sun transits through the sign or its trikona

> > When Sun transits through the navamsa sign or its trikona

> > When sun transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturn navamsa lord

> > When Jupiter transits through the sign or its trikona

> > When Jupiter transits through the trikona of the 7th house

> > When Jupiter transits through the navamsa or its trikona

> > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturns dwadasamsa lord

> > When Saturn transits through the sign & its trikona

> > When Saturn transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > When Saturn transits through the trikona of navamsa sign

> >

> > Death shall occur when planets transits through the above signs where

> it had lowest points in the ashtavarga.

> >

> > Since we know the date of death – 30-04-1965

> > On the day

> > Nakshtra – Revathi – 4th pada Lord Mercury

> > Aries : Sun + Venus

> > Taurus : Jupiter + Rahu – Labha sthana of natal horoscope

> > Leo – Mars – Maraka Sthana of natal horoscope

> > Aquarius – Saturn – 8th house from Natal Horoscope

> > Pisces : Mercury (debilated)

> >

> > Ayana – Uthara ayana

> > Ritu – Vasantha rithu

> > Month – Vaishakha

> > Day – Shukra Vara

> > Thithy – Krishna Chaturdhasi

> > Nakshatra - Revathi – 4th pada

> >

> > If the lagna is in the first Hora – Uthara Ayana & 2nd Hora

> Dakshina Hora.

> > Ritu from the Drakana Lord ; Vashtha Ritu – lord is venus –

> Drekana lord of Venus & Rahu

> > Vaishaka Month – Mars & venus

> > Day – Venus

> > Nakshtra : Mercury

> > We can get an idea of the time of death by the above comparison also.

> Similarly, we can compute prana, deha, mrithyu sputas & also check the

> timing of death

> >

> > From the above we can understand the difficulty in computing the

> timing of death. It is very rare that any once successfully predict it..

> Some of the factors are extremely difficult to convert into a logical

> software program.

> >

> > Further there other factors such as " Punya " that one accrues in this

> life that may save him from death & prolong his life and similarly the

> same punya may give early " Mukti " to another one who might have been

> destined to suffer for a long period. Though one could technically argue

> that these things will be show and can know from the horoscope,

> practically, it may not be possible for even for a real yogi.

> >

> > Due to time & space constraints I could not present this the way I

> really want to and hence might have missed out some important factors.

> >

> > I hope readers shall benefit with this humble presentation.

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

> >





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Shenoy Ji,


I have two alternative birthtimes of Mr Jawaharlal Nehru, both of which give

MD:AD of Rahu:Mercury at the time of Death (in JHora), but Rahu:Venus in

Kundalee. While taking other factors into account, some people neglect aspect,

which is the basis of two out of four typses of Relations. Laghu Parashari says

that planets give their main result not in AD of same planet (eg, Rahu MD and

Rahu AD), but in AD of nearest relative. Rahu : Mercury have as aspect relation

of 26:32 when computed according to JHora longitudes, while Rahu:Venus has 33:27

totalling 60. Rahu's aspect is more important, which is 26 on Mercury and 33 on

Venus. Hence Venus is a srtronger relative of rahu than Mercury.


But another point is more important : among Amshaayu : Pindaayu : Nisargaayu,

none is cought with Rahu:Mercury while Rahu:Venus is found in Pindaayu. It is

wrong to consider Pindaayu in isolation. Amshaayu : Pindaayu : Nisargaayu are

taken simultaneously, and among these three timings only that one is preferred

which makes most killer MD:AD combination. You should not dismiss pindaayu (or

Amshaayu / Nisargaayu) on the ground that only Pindaayu does not explain all

cases. It is not good to twist rules. I fear you work with other systems and do

not use this basic rule of Parashara-Jaimini. Take my words in good spirit.


My version of JHora does not give aspects, which is essential for predictive

astrology. Jhora is a very good software, but I need aspects, and I need option

of planetary and lagna offsets to make it Suryasiddhantic.


-Vinay Jha


============== ===========




Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16


Thursday, May 7, 2009 9:15:36 AM

Re: Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study






Krishnan Ji and others,


I saw your comment ro Suresh Ji on Nehru's Death :


<<<You are absoluteley factual in sayin " This one I could compare with

other software also. But the others are outside India & I did not

know how you computed the time zone.>>>


Kundalee software clearly indicates that time input should be IST ( in Hindi

version, there is also a detailed Help file on Time Systems in Hindi Version.

English version has only essential pages, Ashtakavarga, for example , has not

been translated into English as yet).


Suresh ji made very good observations on the question of death, which are

certainly based on his experiences. But these experiences are based on physical

astronomy about which he says " it explains perfectly with conditions available

from physical astronomy " and then says " we cannot compute death with 100%

accuracy " . I am amused to note your agreeing with his contradictory statements.

Physical astronomy expains the conditions perfectly, but not with 100% accuracy.

What does it mean ?


I have deliberately raised one of the most difficult issues of astrology, and I

hope sincere responses. Suresh Ji is expressing his experimental conclusions,

but I am not sure whether you have analyzed my case studies or are commenting

only for the sake of commenting. Please take my words in positive manner. Suresh

Ji has installed Kundalee and wants to check my assertions that death can be

computed, but it does not mean we are gods. There are many subjective factors in

astrological computations due to number and complexities of charts, as Suresh ji

has rightly noted. Without removing these subjective factors, we cannot approach

the problem objectively. For those who want a serious dialogue on computation of

Death, I have some points to consider :


If killers planets like maarakesh or planets in killer conditions have

no connection with actual death in all cases, and if death occurs in MD and AD


benefics in both D1 and D30 in many cases, you must change your siddhanta

from physical astronomy to

Suryasiddhanta instead of taking a recourse to long philosophical

dissertations on complexities on problem.


If D30 is not related to death in all case studies of persons with reliable

birthdata, what should we do : expel D30 from astrology or change our

mathematical model ?


A single and consistent system must explain allcases of death. Persons like

Suresh ji who have seriously worked on Death know that physical astronomy fails

to explain all cases of death according to some consistent system of phalita

jyotisha, yet says " it also explains perfectly with conditions available from

physical astronomy " . No Sir ! The word " perfectly " is wrong here.


Suresh Ji says Pindaayu fails to explain all cases. I fear he works with other

systems. I request him ro read BPHD rules, which does not say Pindaayu or any

other Aayu works in isolation. The foremost rule is :


Death occurs in MD and AD of most killer planets among Amshaayu : Pindaayu :

Nisargaayu. If Amshaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Pindaayu, but if If Pindaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Amshaayu. There are some important exceptions to this basis rule which BPHS

clearly mentions. My experience is that this set of rules works wonderfully and

consistently. But BPHS has some interpolated verses, eg on Spashtaayu which is

entirely bogus. Kundalee has a statement : सà¥à¤ªà¤·à¥à¤Ÿà¤¾à¤¯à¥

किसी काम का नहीं होता है,

किनà¥à¤¤à¥ आजकल अधिकांश जà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤¤à¤¿à¤·à¥€

इसी को

मानते हैं।


Parashara (and Jaimini) have given some clear and simple guidelines for

computation of Death, which do not work well with ALL cases when physical

astronomy is used, but gives surprising results when Suryasiddhantic mathematics

is followed. Unfortunately, many astrologers stick to their prejudices and

refuse any impartial enquiry. I hope Suresh Ji has started an impartial

investigation with a comparative method, which I undertook for long years and

found satisfactory results. Instead of jumping to conclusions, please have

patience and let some impartial investigation be undertaken. Please do not mix

other topics in Death, and discuss one topic at a time. We may discuss other

topics in other threads.


-Vinay Jha.


============ ==== ============ ===


____________ _________ _________ __

vattem krishnan <bursar_99 >


Thursday, May 7, 2009 6:34:38 AM

Re: Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study


Dear Shri Suresh Ji,

Namskarams Sir.

Iam really inspired by your extensively eloberate views furnished on the fficacy

of software.These issue are going to help all members in the forum as we have to

basically understand what the Astrological principle of our seers and classicals

help us vis a vis what data the siftware can give as a toll to better undestnd

to the state affairs one could feel from the Chart that come out of application

of siftware.

It a very detailed approach made very with lot of insight.These words of

encouragement go long way to help in the process of complete development of the

software based on some principles.

You are absoluteley factual in sayin " This one I could compare with other

software also.. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone.

Also whether such softwares are good or bad should be left to the discretion of

the Astrologers .

Perhapas branding of these software products still takes time to benifit the

cause of AstrologyYou are forth right when you suggested that "

One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha.:

When any new software proposed to be developed for the use of Astrologers they

infact take advantage of the tool how indications are coming out of the tool.

As far as accuracy is concerned it becomes very subjective as lot of of factors

are involved including the accuaracy of the data given for analysis.

Still some how I feel the actions of the native in the form of Karmas out weigh

many considerations including the prophecies and predictions made by Astrologers

..Like in the case of ayurdaya,possible that horoscope indications are different

for his survival but then untowrd has not happened.

It is therefore necessary that all of us need to stcik to guideleines not to

overlook :yet all have given ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say

that we can only get an idea about the timing of death. I have noticed that some

times these period signifies extreme difficult times for the native instead to


Except for application of mundane Astrology,when we approach the study of basic

chart of any native our attempt basically has to be:

1.how the plantary configuarations in the chart help the native to lead a life

of happiness or otherwise

2.what kind of ordeals.\problems the native is likely to encounter with some

reasons there of

3.Is his langa strong enough to overcome and withstand utmost

hardships/difficult ies and helps the native to find ways and means to counter

these hardships and tread him to find some light at the end of tunnel

Finally Astrologers words have to be words of support,encourageme nt and boost

the moral attitude of the native to help him overcome periods of turbulance.

5..It is not that we only say that every thing of the native is of disillusion

or of ecstasy/excitement to make inferences as these states of life more or

less go hand in hand in almost all 100% of cases .

The criterion for these events of life differ very much from native to native as

some have all things in life except the kind of insecurity that haunts him

through out life.Also some times has confidence on his own assessement yet there

are no tangible reason for get worried,but things happen so unanaticipatedly,

the whole situation gets transformed in to different kind to erode his courage.

Finally your advice is outstanding in advocating that " Any way, this only

confirms that we cannot compute death with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100

horoscopes, the prediction should be correct for 100 horoscope.

I have noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times

for the native instead to death. "

iam really thankful to you sir,for your well thought over views and certainly

forms backbone to all the members who attempt to make out in Astrological data

and prescribe for the issues raised.

Iam certain all members benift from such analytical ideas and words of filip and


with reagrds



--- On Wed, 5/6/09, sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study


Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 5:40 PM




Dear Vinay Ji,


I saw your presentaion on Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, In fact I copied the whole

script in english also for later study.. This one I could compare with other

software also. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone. That is the reason I posted the question.


I shall try to compare & study the other data also.


what I had presented here is how we work-out using the data from what you

mention as physical astronomy and it also explains perfectly with conditions

available from physical astronomy.


As you rightly said, there are many theories including BPHS. I dont depend only

on one system alone. I have only tried present a systematic aproach, but can or

should be varied according to type of horoscope on how to do the study with any

type of system of analysis.


Each person can follow a system aproach based on solid principles and test

Kundalee also.


I have been testing various theories now for a long time and you had read

carefully what i had written, you would note the differece in the aproach and

how each basic principle are carefully evaluated before jumping into conclusions

about the effect & strength of planets.


Infact, I saw a verse in which it was said even the great sage parasara or

brighu cannot know the timing of death with 100% accuracy, which I want to

present. Unfortunately, I could find the book on time. Yet all have given

ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say that we can only get an idea

about the timing of death.


Just to test another method, I visited Vridhachalam, where they use the ancient

method of computation etc. All the persons I contacted gave (I spend almost

12000Rs- those fellows are fleecing the public & it is not worth) a different

year of death (my own & my friends). These (palm leaves) nadi jyothisha is

supposed to have been done some 2000 years back while carbon dating test gave

only 400-500 years. Any way, this only confirms that we cannot compute death

with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100 horoscopes, the prediction should be

correct for 100 horoscope.


Consider Pindayu Calculation itself: it is one of the highly revered method. But

when I tested the method on some living persons - it showed their age far less -

meaning already dead some 10 to 15 years back. while for persons I got almost

accurate results. so we cannot say that it is 100% valid. I have added 3 type of

computations in my software & and is working on another model also. I have

noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times for the

native instead to death.


As I had pointed out there are many things I would have liked to include in the

case study. This itself took me almost 2 days to prepare.


I have an hunch that we may to change the mindset (they way we analyse) to check

events according to Kundalee, Just like changing the way one thinks when moves

from procedure type of programming to Object oriented Programing or From Visual

Basic to Visual Basic.Net. That is something not very easy for most of the



One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha. It is like providing a

statistical analysis tool to a shop keeper who had been doing business for 25 or

30 years. He would laugh at you.


Any way , I shall definetly check your aproach as per kundalee and present a

paper on it. But pls give me some time


(I have downloaded your latest version also)


I hope you understand take it in good spirit.

with warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


, " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ ...>



> Shenot ji,


> For death of Nehru and others, Click_Here

> <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Prediction+ of+Death> . With

> physical astronomy, one needs an ocean of theory in which it is very

> easy to omit or forget unpalatable aspects and highlight irrelevancoes

> (no comment on Shenoy ji, I am expressing my experience). No consistence

> phalita can be followed in explaining death if we follow physical

> astronomy. But Kundalee beautifully works with BPHS rules of death. Look

> at the four examples at above website, and try to explain them along

> physical astronomy, you will need as many types of phalita approaches as

> there are individuals. This is not science !


> -Vinay Jha

> ============ ======

> , " sureshbabuag "

> <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:

> >

> > Death of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru

> > Astrological analysis

> >

> > Birth

> >

> > DOB : 14-Nov-1889

> > TOB : 21:34

> > POB : Lat-25:38N, Long-81:51E

> >

> > Death

> > 30-04-1965

> >

> > As per Lahiri ayanamsa, The death occurred during the Mahadasa of Rahu

> & anthara of Mercury. Keeping this in mind, Let us try to understand it

> systematically.

> >

> > In any horoscope, we look at the longevity of the native.

> >

> > For this we look at at

> > a) balarishta,

> > b) sadyomarana

> > c) Special yogas for early death or durmarana (accidental death)

> > If none of the above is present or serious enough to be considered, we

> try to ascertain the category in which the Native falls

> > a) Alpa ayu

> > b) Madhya Ayu

> > c) Deergha ayu.

> >

> > Now let us try to understand this better.

> > Varaha mihira says

> > " samaaH shashTirddvignaa manijakariNaaM pancha cha nishaaH "

> >

> > The maximum age of human being and that of elephants is 120 years and

> 5 nights.

> > Hence, the poornayu is 120 years, Madhya ayu is 80 years and Alpa ayu

> is 40 years.. 2/3 & 1/3 respectively of poorna ayu.

> >

> > This is also the age when the kali yuga started. As time moved, this

> maximum age limit has come down to 100.

> >

> > See what phaladeepika says

> > " ashTau baalarishtamaadau naraaNaaM "

> > " yogaarishTam praahuraaviMshatiss yaal "

> > " alpanchaadvaatiMsh ataM madhyamaayuH "

> > " aasaptatyaaH puurNaayusshataanta raH " .

> >

> > For human race, the first 8 years is balarishta, upto 20 years (from

> the beginning of 9th year) it is yogarishta, then upto 32 years alpa

> ayusha, then upto 70 years Madhya ayush and upto 100 years poorna ayush.

> So in the present era we can safely assume the maximum age of human

> being as 100 years. As you can see this is only a rough estimation.

> >

> > Now we have to determine the category in which this horoscope falls.

> What is method (quick method) available?

> >

> > Again Phaladeepika helps us here.

> > " lagnendostadadhiis hayorapi mitholagnesharandre shayor- "

> > " drekaaNaal svanaavaaMshakaadip imithastaddvaada shaaMshaal kamal "

> > " aayurdirrghasamaal pataaM charanagadvyamgaish chare athasthire "

> > " brooyaal dvandvacharasthitau rbhayabhedastha dvidehaadanaiH "

> >

> > Now as per the above, in this case

> > Lagna is in Chara rasi & Chandra is in chara rasi = 100

> > Lagna Lord in Chara rasi & Chandra lagna lord in Chara rasi = 100

> > Lagna lord in chara rasi & 8th lord in sthira rasi = 66 years

> > Average of the is 88 years

> >

> > Hence, we know this horoscope falls in the poornayu category. This

> does not show a conclusive age of the person. Then how does it help us?

> >

> > It is said that generally for natives with Alpa ayu, Madhya Ayu &

> Deergha Ayu , the 3rd, 5th & 7th dasa will cause death respectively.

> >

> > Hence, in this case we can assertain 7th dasa shall bring death. The

> 7th dasa is of Rahu. So rahu dasa could be assumed inimical to the

> native. Again, we have to see other factors to confirm this.

> >

> > Further, if we calculate the pindayu of the native we get 75.6 years..

> This period falls again under Rahu dasa.

> >

> > Jupiter being the jeeva karaka, its 7th house becomes the Maraka

> Sthana. Hence, in this case Mercury & Rahu which is posited there

> becomes Maraka Grihas. By this theory also & from the above we can

> conclusively say that Rahu Dasa shall bring the end of the life of this

> person.

> >

> > Now we have to find the Anthar dasa & possibly chidra dasa planets

> also.

> >

> > Now let us see who are generally held responsible to cause death.

> >

> > Prasna Marga says.

> >

> > " lagnaadvaa yadi janmato mR^itipatii mR^ityusthatadviiks hakau "

> > " mandaH kruuradR^IgaaNapo guLikapastairyuktar aashyaMshapaaH "

> > " raahushchaiShu sudurbalo januShi yo bhaavena.abhiiSTe sthitaH "

> > " paapaalokitasaMyut o.asya hi dashaavaandardashaa mR^ityudaa.. "

> >

> > a) 8th lord from lagna

> > b) 8th lord from Chandra lagna

> > c) Planets in the 8th of lagna

> > d) Planets in the 8th of Chandra lagna

> > e) Planets aspecting the 8th from Lagna

> > f) Planets aspecting the 8th from Chandra lagna

> > g) Saturn

> > h) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > i) 22nd drekana lord from Chandra

> > j) Lord of Gulika rasi (gulika rashyadhipathy)

> > k) Lord of the sign in which the above planets are positioned

> > l) Navamsa lord of the above planets

> > m) Rahu

> > n) weakest planet among the above planets

> > o) Planets in the 6th

> > p) Planets along with or aspected by malefic planets.

> >

> > The dasa or anthara of the above planets shall cause death. The dasa

> of debilated planet & combust shall also bring death. " dasa

> neechasthamooDaanaa m niyamena mritipradaa "

> >

> > Now it is our endeavor to find the planet most potent enough to cause

> death. Pls note that rahu is again mentioned specifically in the above

> list.

> >

> > We also know that 12th , 2nd , 7th house are Maraka Sthana –

> (death causing ) and are increasing potent ie: 2nd house is more than

> 12th & 7th house is more potent than the 2nd house. Similarly 3rd house

> is also called Nidhana sthana (8th from the 8th house ) " bhavath

> bhavam " .

> >

> > With the above information, let us try to understand the present

> horoscope.

> >

> > Lagna & Moon are in same rasi. Hence, we have only a few set of

> planets to look at, which is fortunate in this case. Other cases might

> prove to be more complicated when more planets are involved.

> >

> > a) 8th from Lagna & Moon is Aquarius (Kumbha). Hence the 8th lord is -

> Saturn.

> > b) There are no planets in the 8th

> > c) Planets aspecting the 8th - Saturn

> > d) 22nd drekana from Lagna is the 1st part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> Saturn

> > e) 22nd drekana from Moon is the 2nd part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> Mars

> > f) Gulika is in Kanya (Virgo) hence Gulika rashyadhipathy is - Mercury

> > g) Lord of the Sign in Saturn is posited – Sun

> > h) Lord of the Sign in which Mars is posited – Mercury

> > i) Lord of the sign in which Mercury is posited – Venus

> > j) Weakest Planet among Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Sun ?

> > k) Planets along with of aspected by Malefics – Sun does not

> aspect any planet, Mars aspects Jupiter & Ketu, Saturn aspects Mercury &

> Venus

> > l) 12th lord – Mercury

> > m) 2nd Lord – Sun

> > n) 7th lord Saturn

> >

> > Hence, we have Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Sun, Rahu, Venus & Jupiter. That

> might be responsible for causing death.

> >

> > Now let us try to find the Beneficial & Malefic aspects of these

> planets.

> >

> > You will notice from the above that Saturn is the most common & most

> potent of all planets. Saturn is also posited in the Maraka Sthana.

> Considering the dictum of potency of the 12th, 2nd, 7th – Maraka

> sthanas , 7th being the most potent, its lord Saturn again becomes the

> main contender.

> >

> > Prasna Marga says

> > " sarveShaamapi paapaanaaM maandirdoShapradodh ikaM "

> > " so.atidoShakaro yogadR^igvargavasha taH shaneH.. "

> > Gulika is the most malefic than all other malefic planets. He becomes

> more malefic if he is associated with Saturn.

> >

> > As we already know Gulika is the son of Saturn whose lord is Yama,

> Hence Gulika & its sign lord are equally capable of bringing death. Its

> sign lord being mercury is debilated in Navamsa and hence very weak and

> is aspected by Saturn also. Hence, Mercury is equally capable of causing

> death.

> >

> > When considering then strength of the planets we have to actually

> compute various factors like Dig bala, Drekana bala, Ayana bala

> Nathonatha bala , Rasmi, Ishta & Kashta phala , Drishti Bala etc.

> >

> > Without going into the above complex computations, (Some horoscopes

> may require the above data also), Let us try to find out the weakest &

> dangerous among the planets

> > Varga of

> > Saturn – Uthama with 2 points

> > Mercury – only 1 point

> > Mars – Parijatha – 3 points

> > Sun – Parvatha – 6 points

> > Venus – Uthama – 2 points

> > Jupiter – Simhasana – 5 points

> >

> > From the above we can assume the planets from weakest to beneficial in

> the order of

> > Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Sun

> >

> > Now let us compare with the Shashtiamsa of the planets

> > Mercury – Kroora

> > Saturn – Saumya

> > Venus – Kroora

> > Mars – Kroora

> > Jupiter – Kroora

> > Sun – Saumya

> > Rahu – Saumya

> >

> > From the above & considering the previous findings, Mercury becomes

> the most potent of all planets to cause death. Hence, we can possibly

> conclude that death shall occur in the Maha dasa of Rahu & Anthara of

> Mercury.

> >

> > Wait, why should we conclude here?. We have seen that Saturn is also

> very potent. Why shouldn't the saturn's anthara cause death. The

> possible answer is Saturn though is very potent it is being aspected by

> Jupiter who is positioned in own rasi & navamsa in a friends sign. Hence

> though Jupiter is the 6th lord, it is not potent enough to kill own its

> own. Being a natural benefic and benefic varga its aspect reduces the

> potency of Saturn to cause death and hands over the responsibility to

> the next weakest planet - Mercury.

> >

> > What are factors of Mercury?.

> > a) Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > b) Aspected By Saturn

> > c) Drekana of Saturn

> > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > e) Very weak varga points

> > f) Weak due to Neecha Navamsa

> > g) Rahu Rashyadhipathy

> > h) 7th Lord from Jupiter

> > i) 8th Lord from Sun (It is stated that the 1st portion of the life

> should be considered from lagna, 2nd from Moon & the last from Sun).

> > j) In the Nakshtra of Rahu

> > k) Positioned in natural friends & equal navamsa

> > l) 22nd drekana lord from sun

> >

> > Factors of Saturn

> > a) 8th lord from lagna & moon

> > b) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > c) Positioned in the 2nd

> > d) Aspects 8th house

> > e) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > f) Aspected by Jupiter

> > g) In the Nakshatra of Ketu

> > h) Positioned in enemy's (equal by position) sign & enemy's navamsa

> > i) Drekana lord - Jupiter

> >

> > Factors of Mars

> > a) associated with Gulika

> > b) 22nd drekana lord from moon

> > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > d) In the naskshatra of Sun

> > e) Positioned in friends sign & friends navamsa

> > f) Yoga karaka & most beneficial from Karkata rasi

> > g) Drekana Lord - Mercury

> >

> > Factors of Venus

> > a) aspected by Saturn

> > b) Associated with Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > c) Kendradhipathy & labhadhipathy

> > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > e) In the nakshtra of Rahu

> > f) Positioned in Moolatrikona & own rasi and equals navamsa

> > g) Drekana Lord - Venus

> >

> > Factors of Jupiter

> > a) 6th lord

> > b) Aspected by mars

> > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > d) In the Nakshtra of Venus

> > e) Positioned in own sign & friends Navamsa

> > f) Drekana Lord - Mars

> >

> > Factors for sun

> > a) Lord of the house where 8th lord is positioned

> > b) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > c) Positioned in Natural friends & friends navamsa

> > d) Lord of the 2nd house – Marka sthana

> > e) Positioned in a malefic sign & Sarpa Veshtitha Drekana

> > f) Drekana Lord – Mars

> >

> > Mercury's anthara comes after saturn's. so if conclude that the

> anthara of mercury shall bring about the end. We have to find the

> chidra.

> >

> > From the above, we can see that the next planets are sun & mars.

> >

> > Out of the above, the most potent is Sun being the maraka lord itself,

> while Mars is actually yoga karaka. Hence, we can say that the end came

> in the period of Rahu-Mercury- Sun

> >

> > Jhora gives Rahu – Mercury – Moon – Mars. I fail to see

> the significance of moon here since moon is the lagna lord and well

> positioned in lagna. The only negative factor is the Nakshatra of moon

> being Aslesha – whose lord is Mercury & devatha is Rahu & in Sarpa

> drekana, hence cannot entirely rule out a minute role.

> >

> > We also can check with Sri B.V.Ramans Ayanamsa (or any other ayanamsa)

> as well as with Suryasidhanta computed values also using the same

> methodology.

> >

> > But there other factors when the death shall occur & relationship with

> the dasa lords, transit of planets also. It is not Vimshottari dasa

> alone that controls the timing. Kalachakra dasa also could be compared

> with the timing.

> >

> > Prasna Marga provides us another method to find the timing of death

> >

> > From Saturn transit

> > a) Trikona of Gulika

> > b) Trikona of Gulika Navamsa

> > c) Trikona of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > d) Trikona of Navamsa of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > e) Trikona of Saturn

> > f) Trikona of Navamsa of Saturn

> > g) Trikona of 8th lord

> > h) Trikona of Navamsa of 8th lord

> > i) Trikona of 2nd house from Sun

> > j) Trikona of 12th house from Sun

> > k) Trikona of 22nd drekana lord

> >

> > From Jupiter transit

> > a) Trikona of drekana lord of the lagna

> > b) Trikona of Kalahora lord is positioned

> > c) Trikona of 2nd house from Saturn

> > d) Trikona of 12th house from Saturn

> > e) Trikona of the sign of Lagna lords + 8th lord longitudes

> > f) 3rd, 5th, 6th, 11th house / bhava from Saturn – when Jupiter

> transit the house in which it has the least aspect.

> > From the Transit of Sun

> > a) The position of 8th lord

> > b) Chandra Nakshatra

> > c) Lagna Nakshtra

> > d) Trikona rasi of Dwadasamsa Rasi – if sun is chara rasi

> > e) Trikona rasi of position of Navamsa lord of the 8th Lord – if

> Sun is Sthira Rasi

> > f) Trikona rasi of navamsa rasi of the lagna lord

> > g) For sun in sthira rasi – apavada : trikona rasi of the navamsa

> sign of the 8th lord

> > From the transit of Moon

> > a) Sun rasi & trikona signs

> > b) Position of 8th lord & its trikona signs

> > c) Rahu Nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshtra and their rasi

> > d) 8th lords nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshatra and their signs

> > e) Trikona of the 2nd lord

> > f) Trikona of the 7th house from the 2nd lord

> > g) Navamsa rasi of the 2nd Lord

> > h) 7th house from Gulika

> > From Pramana Gulika Sputa

> > 1) if the birth is at night or in Ratri Rasi : Pramana Gulika sputa is

> that day times gulika sputa

> > 2) if the Birth is at day time or Diva rasi : Prama Gulika Sputa is

> the Sputa of the Night before.

> > When Saturn transits the sign where the lord of Pramana Gulika is

> posited

> > When Jupiter transits the sign where the navamsa lord of pramana

> Gulika is posited

> > When Sun transits the sign where the dwadasamsa lord of Pramana Gulika

> is posited

> > When Moon transits the sign where the trimsamsa lord of pramansa

> Gulika is posited.

> > From Yoga Sputa of Sun + Saturn longitude

> > When Moon the sign or its trikonas

> > When Moon transits its 7th rasi trikona

> > From Yoga sputa of Sun + Drekana lord of Saturn

> > When Sun transits through the sign or its trikona

> > When Sun transits through the navamsa sign or its trikona

> > When sun transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturn navamsa lord

> > When Jupiter transits through the sign or its trikona

> > When Jupiter transits through the trikona of the 7th house

> > When Jupiter transits through the navamsa or its trikona

> > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturns dwadasamsa lord

> > When Saturn transits through the sign & its trikona

> > When Saturn transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > When Saturn transits through the trikona of navamsa sign

> >

> > Death shall occur when planets transits through the above signs where

> it had lowest points in the ashtavarga.

> >

> > Since we know the date of death – 30-04-1965

> > On the day

> > Nakshtra – Revathi – 4th pada Lord Mercury

> > Aries : Sun + Venus

> > Taurus : Jupiter + Rahu – Labha sthana of natal horoscope

> > Leo – Mars – Maraka Sthana of natal horoscope

> > Aquarius – Saturn – 8th house from Natal Horoscope

> > Pisces : Mercury (debilated)

> >

> > Ayana – Uthara ayana

> > Ritu – Vasantha rithu

> > Month – Vaishakha

> > Day – Shukra Vara

> > Thithy – Krishna Chaturdhasi

> > Nakshatra - Revathi – 4th pada

> >

> > If the lagna is in the first Hora – Uthara Ayana & 2nd Hora

> Dakshina Hora.

> > Ritu from the Drakana Lord ; Vashtha Ritu – lord is venus –

> Drekana lord of Venus & Rahu

> > Vaishaka Month – Mars & venus

> > Day – Venus

> > Nakshtra : Mercury

> > We can get an idea of the time of death by the above comparison also.

> Similarly, we can compute prana, deha, mrithyu sputas & also check the

> timing of death

> >

> > From the above we can understand the difficulty in computing the

> timing of death. It is very rare that any once successfully predict it.

> Some of the factors are extremely difficult to convert into a logical

> software program.

> >

> > Further there other factors such as " Punya " that one accrues in this

> life that may save him from death & prolong his life and similarly the

> same punya may give early " Mukti " to another one who might have been

> destined to suffer for a long period. Though one could technically argue

> that these things will be show and can know from the horoscope,

> practically, it may not be possible for even for a real yogi.

> >

> > Due to time & space constraints I could not present this the way I

> really want to and hence might have missed out some important factors.

> >

> > I hope readers shall benefit with this humble presentation.

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

> >





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Dear Krishna Ji,


Thank you very much for your words.


I am very glad that you have rightly understood what I had written and finds it

usefull. When I wrote this, I was reminded of an old story of 5 blind men, who

happend to touch & feel various parts of an elephant & described the form an

elephant - like who touched the legs that elephant like is tall pillar, but

continued the work.


Intelligence & logic is the karakatwa of fast moving Mercury, while the slow,

slugish, black saturn is the karaka for death(the ultimate truth) who is also a

" moorkha " , " adano " etc. Is is not very strange?.


After all the synonym if death is " Mukthi "


With warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



, vattem krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> Dear Shri Suresh Ji,

> Namskarams Sir.

> Iam really inspired by your extensively eloberate views furnished on the

fficacy of software.These issue are going to help all members in the forum as we

have to basically understand what the Astrological principle of our seers and

classicals help us vis a vis what data the siftware can give as a toll to better

undestnd to the state affairs one could feel from the Chart that come out of

application of siftware. 

> It a very detailed approach made very with lot of insight.These words of

encouragement go long way to help in the process of complete development of the

software based on some principles.

> You are absoluteley factual in sayin " This one I could compare with other

software also. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone.

> Also whether such softwares are good or bad should be left to the discretion

of the Astrologers .

> Perhapas branding of these software products still takes time to benifit the

cause of AstrologyYou are forth right when you suggested that "

> One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha.:

> When any new software proposed to be developed for the use of Astrologers

they  infact take advantage of the tool how indications are coming out of the


> As far as accuracy is concerned it becomes very subjective as lot of of

factors are involved including the accuaracy of the data given for analysis.

> Still some how I feel the actions of the native in the form of Karmas out

weigh many considerations including the prophecies and predictions made by

Astrologers .Like in the case of ayurdaya,possible that horoscope indications

are different for his survival but then untowrd has not happened.

> It is therefore necessary that all of us need to stcik to guideleines not to

overlook :yet all have given ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say

that we can only get an idea about the timing of death. I have noticed that some

times these period signifies extreme difficult times for the native instead to


> Except for application of mundane Astrology,when we approach the study of

basic chart of any native our attempt basically has to be:

> 1.how the plantary configuarations in the chart help the native to lead a life

of happiness or otherwise

> 2.what kind of ordeals.\problems the native is likely to encounter with some

reasons there of

> 3.Is his langa strong enough to overcome and withstand utmost

hardships/difficulties and helps the native to find ways and means to counter

these hardships and tread him to find some light at the end of tunnel

> Finally Astrologers words have to be words of support,encouragement and boost

the moral attitude of the native to help him overcome periods of turbulance.

> 5.It is not that we only say that every thing of the native is of disillusion

or  of ecstasy/excitement to make inferences as these states of life   more

or less go hand in hand in almost all 100% of cases .

> The criterion for these events of life differ very much from native to native

as some have all things in life except the kind of insecurity that haunts him

through out life.Also some times has confidence on his own assessement yet there

are no tangible reason for get worried,but things happen so unanaticipatedly,the

whole situation gets transformed in to different kind to erode his courage.

> Finally your advice is outstanding in advocating that " Any way, this only

confirms that we cannot compute death with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100

horoscopes, the prediction should be correct for 100 horoscope.

>  I have noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult

times for the native instead to death. "

> iam really thankful to you sir,for  your well thought over views and

certainly forms backbone to all the members who attempt to make out in

Astrological data and prescribe for the issues raised.

> Iam certain all members benift from such analytical ideas and words of filip

and encouragement

> with reagrds

> vrkrishnan


> --- On Wed, 5/6/09, sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag wrote:


> sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag

> Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study


> Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 5:40 PM





> Dear Vinay Ji,


> I saw your presentaion on Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, In fact I copied the whole

script in english also for later study. This one I could compare with other

software also. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone. That is the reason I posted the question.


> I shall try to compare & study the other data also.


> what I had presented here is how we work-out using the data from what you

mention as physical astronomy and it also explains perfectly with conditions

available from physical astronomy.


> As you rightly said, there are many theories including BPHS. I dont depend

only on one system alone. I have only tried present a systematic aproach, but

can or should be varied according to type of horoscope on how to do the study

with any type of system of analysis.


> Each person can follow a system aproach based on solid principles and test

Kundalee also.


> I have been testing various theories now for a long time and you had read

carefully what i had written, you would note the differece in the aproach and

how each basic principle are carefully evaluated before jumping into conclusions

about the effect & strength of planets.


> Infact, I saw a verse in which it was said even the great sage parasara or

brighu cannot know the timing of death with 100% accuracy, which I want to

present. Unfortunately, I could find the book on time. Yet all have given

ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say that we can only get an idea

about the timing of death.


> Just to test another method, I visited Vridhachalam, where they use the

ancient method of computation etc. All the persons I contacted gave (I spend

almost 12000Rs- those fellows are fleecing the public & it is not worth) a

different year of death (my own & my friends). These (palm leaves) nadi

jyothisha is supposed to have been done some 2000 years back while carbon dating

test gave only 400-500 years. Any way, this only confirms that we cannot compute

death with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100 horoscopes, the prediction

should be correct for 100 horoscope.


> Consider Pindayu Calculation itself: it is one of the highly revered method.

But when I tested the method on some living persons - it showed their age far

less - meaning already dead some 10 to 15 years back. while for persons I got

almost accurate results. so we cannot say that it is 100% valid. I have added 3

type of computations in my software & and is working on another model also. I

have noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times for

the native instead to death.


> As I had pointed out there are many things I would have liked to include in

the case study. This itself took me almost 2 days to prepare.


> I have an hunch that we may to change the mindset (they way we analyse) to

check events according to Kundalee, Just like changing the way one thinks when

moves from procedure type of programming to Object oriented Programing or From

Visual Basic to Visual Basic.Net. That is something not very easy for most of

the astrologers.


> One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha. It is like providing a

statistical analysis tool to a shop keeper who had been doing business for 25 or

30 years. He would laugh at you.


> Any way , I shall definetly check your aproach as per kundalee and present a

paper on it. But pls give me some time


> (I have downloaded your latest version also)


> I hope you understand take it in good spirit.

> with warm regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


> , " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> >

> > Shenot ji,

> >

> > For death of Nehru and others, Click_Here

> > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Prediction+ of+Death> . With

> > physical astronomy, one needs an ocean of theory in which it is very

> > easy to omit or forget unpalatable aspects and highlight irrelevancoes

> > (no comment on Shenoy ji, I am expressing my experience). No consistence

> > phalita can be followed in explaining death if we follow physical

> > astronomy. But Kundalee beautifully works with BPHS rules of death. Look

> > at the four examples at above website, and try to explain them along

> > physical astronomy, you will need as many types of phalita approaches as

> > there are individuals. This is not science !

> >

> > -Vinay Jha

> > ============ ======

> > , " sureshbabuag "

> > <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > Death of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru

> > > Astrological analysis

> > >

> > > Birth

> > >

> > > DOB : 14-Nov-1889

> > > TOB : 21:34

> > > POB : Lat-25:38N, Long-81:51E

> > >

> > > Death

> > > 30-04-1965

> > >

> > > As per Lahiri ayanamsa, The death occurred during the Mahadasa of Rahu

> > & anthara of Mercury. Keeping this in mind, Let us try to understand it

> > systematically.

> > >

> > > In any horoscope, we look at the longevity of the native.

> > >

> > > For this we look at at

> > > a) balarishta,

> > > b) sadyomarana

> > > c) Special yogas for early death or durmarana (accidental death)

> > > If none of the above is present or serious enough to be considered, we

> > try to ascertain the category in which the Native falls

> > > a) Alpa ayu

> > > b) Madhya Ayu

> > > c) Deergha ayu.

> > >

> > > Now let us try to understand this better.

> > > Varaha mihira says

> > > " samaaH shashTirddvignaa manijakariNaaM pancha cha nishaaH "

> > >

> > > The maximum age of human being and that of elephants is 120 years and

> > 5 nights.

> > > Hence, the poornayu is 120 years, Madhya ayu is 80 years and Alpa ayu

> > is 40 years. 2/3 & 1/3 respectively of poorna ayu.

> > >

> > > This is also the age when the kali yuga started. As time moved, this

> > maximum age limit has come down to 100.

> > >

> > > See what phaladeepika says

> > > " ashTau baalarishtamaadau naraaNaaM "

> > > " yogaarishTam praahuraaviMshatiss yaal "

> > > " alpanchaadvaatiMsh ataM madhyamaayuH "

> > > " aasaptatyaaH puurNaayusshataanta raH " .

> > >

> > > For human race, the first 8 years is balarishta, upto 20 years (from

> > the beginning of 9th year) it is yogarishta, then upto 32 years alpa

> > ayusha, then upto 70 years Madhya ayush and upto 100 years poorna ayush.

> > So in the present era we can safely assume the maximum age of human

> > being as 100 years. As you can see this is only a rough estimation.

> > >

> > > Now we have to determine the category in which this horoscope falls.

> > What is method (quick method) available?

> > >

> > > Again Phaladeepika helps us here.

> > > " lagnendostadadhiis hayorapi mitholagnesharandre shayor- "

> > > " drekaaNaal svanaavaaMshakaadip imithastaddvaada shaaMshaal kamal "

> > > " aayurdirrghasamaal pataaM charanagadvyamgaish chare athasthire "

> > > " brooyaal dvandvacharasthitau rbhayabhedastha dvidehaadanaiH "

> > >

> > > Now as per the above, in this case

> > > Lagna is in Chara rasi & Chandra is in chara rasi = 100

> > > Lagna Lord in Chara rasi & Chandra lagna lord in Chara rasi = 100

> > > Lagna lord in chara rasi & 8th lord in sthira rasi = 66 years

> > > Average of the is 88 years

> > >

> > > Hence, we know this horoscope falls in the poornayu category. This

> > does not show a conclusive age of the person. Then how does it help us?

> > >

> > > It is said that generally for natives with Alpa ayu, Madhya Ayu &

> > Deergha Ayu , the 3rd, 5th & 7th dasa will cause death respectively.

> > >

> > > Hence, in this case we can assertain 7th dasa shall bring death. The

> > 7th dasa is of Rahu. So rahu dasa could be assumed inimical to the

> > native. Again, we have to see other factors to confirm this.

> > >

> > > Further, if we calculate the pindayu of the native we get 75.6 years.

> > This period falls again under Rahu dasa.

> > >

> > > Jupiter being the jeeva karaka, its 7th house becomes the Maraka

> > Sthana. Hence, in this case Mercury & Rahu which is posited there

> > becomes Maraka Grihas. By this theory also & from the above we can

> > conclusively say that Rahu Dasa shall bring the end of the life of this

> > person.

> > >

> > > Now we have to find the Anthar dasa & possibly chidra dasa planets

> > also.

> > >

> > > Now let us see who are generally held responsible to cause death.

> > >

> > > Prasna Marga says.

> > >

> > > " lagnaadvaa yadi janmato mR^itipatii mR^ityusthatadviiks hakau "

> > > " mandaH kruuradR^IgaaNapo guLikapastairyuktar aashyaMshapaaH "

> > > " raahushchaiShu sudurbalo januShi yo bhaavena.abhiiSTe sthitaH "

> > > " paapaalokitasaMyut o.asya hi dashaavaandardashaa mR^ityudaa.. "

> > >

> > > a) 8th lord from lagna

> > > b) 8th lord from Chandra lagna

> > > c) Planets in the 8th of lagna

> > > d) Planets in the 8th of Chandra lagna

> > > e) Planets aspecting the 8th from Lagna

> > > f) Planets aspecting the 8th from Chandra lagna

> > > g) Saturn

> > > h) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > > i) 22nd drekana lord from Chandra

> > > j) Lord of Gulika rasi (gulika rashyadhipathy)

> > > k) Lord of the sign in which the above planets are positioned

> > > l) Navamsa lord of the above planets

> > > m) Rahu

> > > n) weakest planet among the above planets

> > > o) Planets in the 6th

> > > p) Planets along with or aspected by malefic planets.

> > >

> > > The dasa or anthara of the above planets shall cause death. The dasa

> > of debilated planet & combust shall also bring death. " dasa

> > neechasthamooDaanaa m niyamena mritipradaa "

> > >

> > > Now it is our endeavor to find the planet most potent enough to cause

> > death. Pls note that rahu is again mentioned specifically in the above

> > list.

> > >

> > > We also know that 12th , 2nd , 7th house are Maraka Sthana †"

> > (death causing ) and are increasing potent ie: 2nd house is more than

> > 12th & 7th house is more potent than the 2nd house. Similarly 3rd house

> > is also called Nidhana sthana (8th from the 8th house ) " bhavath

> > bhavam " .

> > >

> > > With the above information, let us try to understand the present

> > horoscope.

> > >

> > > Lagna & Moon are in same rasi. Hence, we have only a few set of

> > planets to look at, which is fortunate in this case. Other cases might

> > prove to be more complicated when more planets are involved.

> > >

> > > a) 8th from Lagna & Moon is Aquarius (Kumbha). Hence the 8th lord is -

> > Saturn.

> > > b) There are no planets in the 8th

> > > c) Planets aspecting the 8th - Saturn

> > > d) 22nd drekana from Lagna is the 1st part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> > Saturn

> > > e) 22nd drekana from Moon is the 2nd part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> > Mars

> > > f) Gulika is in Kanya (Virgo) hence Gulika rashyadhipathy is - Mercury

> > > g) Lord of the Sign in Saturn is posited †" Sun

> > > h) Lord of the Sign in which Mars is posited †" Mercury

> > > i) Lord of the sign in which Mercury is posited †" Venus

> > > j) Weakest Planet among Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Sun ?

> > > k) Planets along with of aspected by Malefics †" Sun does not

> > aspect any planet, Mars aspects Jupiter & Ketu, Saturn aspects Mercury &

> > Venus

> > > l) 12th lord †" Mercury

> > > m) 2nd Lord †" Sun

> > > n) 7th lord Saturn

> > >

> > > Hence, we have Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Sun, Rahu, Venus & Jupiter. That

> > might be responsible for causing death.

> > >

> > > Now let us try to find the Beneficial & Malefic aspects of these

> > planets.

> > >

> > > You will notice from the above that Saturn is the most common & most

> > potent of all planets. Saturn is also posited in the Maraka Sthana.

> > Considering the dictum of potency of the 12th, 2nd, 7th †" Maraka

> > sthanas , 7th being the most potent, its lord Saturn again becomes the

> > main contender.

> > >

> > > Prasna Marga says

> > > " sarveShaamapi paapaanaaM maandirdoShapradodh ikaM "

> > > " so.atidoShakaro yogadR^igvargavasha taH shaneH.. "

> > > Gulika is the most malefic than all other malefic planets. He becomes

> > more malefic if he is associated with Saturn.

> > >

> > > As we already know Gulika is the son of Saturn whose lord is Yama,

> > Hence Gulika & its sign lord are equally capable of bringing death. Its

> > sign lord being mercury is debilated in Navamsa and hence very weak and

> > is aspected by Saturn also. Hence, Mercury is equally capable of causing

> > death.

> > >

> > > When considering then strength of the planets we have to actually

> > compute various factors like Dig bala, Drekana bala, Ayana bala

> > Nathonatha bala , Rasmi, Ishta & Kashta phala , Drishti Bala etc.

> > >

> > > Without going into the above complex computations, (Some horoscopes

> > may require the above data also), Let us try to find out the weakest &

> > dangerous among the planets

> > > Varga of

> > > Saturn †" Uthama with 2 points

> > > Mercury †" only 1 point

> > > Mars †" Parijatha †" 3 points

> > > Sun †" Parvatha †" 6 points

> > > Venus †" Uthama †" 2 points

> > > Jupiter †" Simhasana †" 5 points

> > >

> > > From the above we can assume the planets from weakest to beneficial in

> > the order of

> > > Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Sun

> > >

> > > Now let us compare with the Shashtiamsa of the planets

> > > Mercury †" Kroora

> > > Saturn †" Saumya

> > > Venus †" Kroora

> > > Mars †" Kroora

> > > Jupiter †" Kroora

> > > Sun †" Saumya

> > > Rahu †" Saumya

> > >

> > > From the above & considering the previous findings, Mercury becomes

> > the most potent of all planets to cause death. Hence, we can possibly

> > conclude that death shall occur in the Maha dasa of Rahu & Anthara of

> > Mercury.

> > >

> > > Wait, why should we conclude here?. We have seen that Saturn is also

> > very potent. Why shouldn't the saturn's anthara cause death. The

> > possible answer is Saturn though is very potent it is being aspected by

> > Jupiter who is positioned in own rasi & navamsa in a friends sign. Hence

> > though Jupiter is the 6th lord, it is not potent enough to kill own its

> > own. Being a natural benefic and benefic varga its aspect reduces the

> > potency of Saturn to cause death and hands over the responsibility to

> > the next weakest planet - Mercury.

> > >

> > > What are factors of Mercury?.

> > > a) Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > > b) Aspected By Saturn

> > > c) Drekana of Saturn

> > > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > > e) Very weak varga points

> > > f) Weak due to Neecha Navamsa

> > > g) Rahu Rashyadhipathy

> > > h) 7th Lord from Jupiter

> > > i) 8th Lord from Sun (It is stated that the 1st portion of the life

> > should be considered from lagna, 2nd from Moon & the last from Sun).

> > > j) In the Nakshtra of Rahu

> > > k) Positioned in natural friends & equal navamsa

> > > l) 22nd drekana lord from sun

> > >

> > > Factors of Saturn

> > > a) 8th lord from lagna & moon

> > > b) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > > c) Positioned in the 2nd

> > > d) Aspects 8th house

> > > e) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > > f) Aspected by Jupiter

> > > g) In the Nakshatra of Ketu

> > > h) Positioned in enemy's (equal by position) sign & enemy's navamsa

> > > i) Drekana lord - Jupiter

> > >

> > > Factors of Mars

> > > a) associated with Gulika

> > > b) 22nd drekana lord from moon

> > > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > > d) In the naskshatra of Sun

> > > e) Positioned in friends sign & friends navamsa

> > > f) Yoga karaka & most beneficial from Karkata rasi

> > > g) Drekana Lord - Mercury

> > >

> > > Factors of Venus

> > > a) aspected by Saturn

> > > b) Associated with Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > > c) Kendradhipathy & labhadhipathy

> > > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > > e) In the nakshtra of Rahu

> > > f) Positioned in Moolatrikona & own rasi and equals navamsa

> > > g) Drekana Lord - Venus

> > >

> > > Factors of Jupiter

> > > a) 6th lord

> > > b) Aspected by mars

> > > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > > d) In the Nakshtra of Venus

> > > e) Positioned in own sign & friends Navamsa

> > > f) Drekana Lord - Mars

> > >

> > > Factors for sun

> > > a) Lord of the house where 8th lord is positioned

> > > b) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > > c) Positioned in Natural friends & friends navamsa

> > > d) Lord of the 2nd house †" Marka sthana

> > > e) Positioned in a malefic sign & Sarpa Veshtitha Drekana

> > > f) Drekana Lord †" Mars

> > >

> > > Mercury's anthara comes after saturn's. so if conclude that the

> > anthara of mercury shall bring about the end. We have to find the

> > chidra.

> > >

> > > From the above, we can see that the next planets are sun & mars.

> > >

> > > Out of the above, the most potent is Sun being the maraka lord itself,

> > while Mars is actually yoga karaka. Hence, we can say that the end came

> > in the period of Rahu-Mercury- Sun

> > >

> > > Jhora gives Rahu †" Mercury †" Moon †" Mars. I fail to see

> > the significance of moon here since moon is the lagna lord and well

> > positioned in lagna. The only negative factor is the Nakshatra of moon

> > being Aslesha †" whose lord is Mercury & devatha is Rahu & in Sarpa

> > drekana, hence cannot entirely rule out a minute role.

> > >

> > > We also can check with Sri B.V.Ramans Ayanamsa (or any other ayanamsa)

> > as well as with Suryasidhanta computed values also using the same

> > methodology.

> > >

> > > But there other factors when the death shall occur & relationship with

> > the dasa lords, transit of planets also. It is not Vimshottari dasa

> > alone that controls the timing. Kalachakra dasa also could be compared

> > with the timing.

> > >

> > > Prasna Marga provides us another method to find the timing of death

> > >

> > > From Saturn transit

> > > a) Trikona of Gulika

> > > b) Trikona of Gulika Navamsa

> > > c) Trikona of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > > d) Trikona of Navamsa of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > > e) Trikona of Saturn

> > > f) Trikona of Navamsa of Saturn

> > > g) Trikona of 8th lord

> > > h) Trikona of Navamsa of 8th lord

> > > i) Trikona of 2nd house from Sun

> > > j) Trikona of 12th house from Sun

> > > k) Trikona of 22nd drekana lord

> > >

> > > From Jupiter transit

> > > a) Trikona of drekana lord of the lagna

> > > b) Trikona of Kalahora lord is positioned

> > > c) Trikona of 2nd house from Saturn

> > > d) Trikona of 12th house from Saturn

> > > e) Trikona of the sign of Lagna lords + 8th lord longitudes

> > > f) 3rd, 5th, 6th, 11th house / bhava from Saturn †" when Jupiter

> > transit the house in which it has the least aspect.

> > > From the Transit of Sun

> > > a) The position of 8th lord

> > > b) Chandra Nakshatra

> > > c) Lagna Nakshtra

> > > d) Trikona rasi of Dwadasamsa Rasi †" if sun is chara rasi

> > > e) Trikona rasi of position of Navamsa lord of the 8th Lord †" if

> > Sun is Sthira Rasi

> > > f) Trikona rasi of navamsa rasi of the lagna lord

> > > g) For sun in sthira rasi †" apavada : trikona rasi of the navamsa

> > sign of the 8th lord

> > > From the transit of Moon

> > > a) Sun rasi & trikona signs

> > > b) Position of 8th lord & its trikona signs

> > > c) Rahu Nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshtra and their rasi

> > > d) 8th lords nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshatra and their signs

> > > e) Trikona of the 2nd lord

> > > f) Trikona of the 7th house from the 2nd lord

> > > g) Navamsa rasi of the 2nd Lord

> > > h) 7th house from Gulika

> > > From Pramana Gulika Sputa

> > > 1) if the birth is at night or in Ratri Rasi : Pramana Gulika sputa is

> > that day times gulika sputa

> > > 2) if the Birth is at day time or Diva rasi : Prama Gulika Sputa is

> > the Sputa of the Night before.

> > > When Saturn transits the sign where the lord of Pramana Gulika is

> > posited

> > > When Jupiter transits the sign where the navamsa lord of pramana

> > Gulika is posited

> > > When Sun transits the sign where the dwadasamsa lord of Pramana Gulika

> > is posited

> > > When Moon transits the sign where the trimsamsa lord of pramansa

> > Gulika is posited.

> > > From Yoga Sputa of Sun + Saturn longitude

> > > When Moon the sign or its trikonas

> > > When Moon transits its 7th rasi trikona

> > > From Yoga sputa of Sun + Drekana lord of Saturn

> > > When Sun transits through the sign or its trikona

> > > When Sun transits through the navamsa sign or its trikona

> > > When sun transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturn navamsa lord

> > > When Jupiter transits through the sign or its trikona

> > > When Jupiter transits through the trikona of the 7th house

> > > When Jupiter transits through the navamsa or its trikona

> > > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturns dwadasamsa lord

> > > When Saturn transits through the sign & its trikona

> > > When Saturn transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > > When Saturn transits through the trikona of navamsa sign

> > >

> > > Death shall occur when planets transits through the above signs where

> > it had lowest points in the ashtavarga.

> > >

> > > Since we know the date of death †" 30-04-1965

> > > On the day

> > > Nakshtra †" Revathi †" 4th pada Lord Mercury

> > > Aries : Sun + Venus

> > > Taurus : Jupiter + Rahu †" Labha sthana of natal horoscope

> > > Leo †" Mars †" Maraka Sthana of natal horoscope

> > > Aquarius †" Saturn †" 8th house from Natal Horoscope

> > > Pisces : Mercury (debilated)

> > >

> > > Ayana †" Uthara ayana

> > > Ritu †" Vasantha rithu

> > > Month †" Vaishakha

> > > Day †" Shukra Vara

> > > Thithy †" Krishna Chaturdhasi

> > > Nakshatra - Revathi †" 4th pada

> > >

> > > If the lagna is in the first Hora †" Uthara Ayana & 2nd Hora

> > Dakshina Hora.

> > > Ritu from the Drakana Lord ; Vashtha Ritu †" lord is venus †"

> > Drekana lord of Venus & Rahu

> > > Vaishaka Month †" Mars & venus

> > > Day †" Venus

> > > Nakshtra : Mercury

> > > We can get an idea of the time of death by the above comparison also.

> > Similarly, we can compute prana, deha, mrithyu sputas & also check the

> > timing of death

> > >

> > > From the above we can understand the difficulty in computing the

> > timing of death. It is very rare that any once successfully predict it.

> > Some of the factors are extremely difficult to convert into a logical

> > software program.

> > >

> > > Further there other factors such as " Punya " that one accrues in this

> > life that may save him from death & prolong his life and similarly the

> > same punya may give early " Mukti " to another one who might have been

> > destined to suffer for a long period. Though one could technically argue

> > that these things will be show and can know from the horoscope,

> > practically, it may not be possible for even for a real yogi.

> > >

> > > Due to time & space constraints I could not present this the way I

> > really want to and hence might have missed out some important factors.

> > >

> > > I hope readers shall benefit with this humble presentation.

> > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Vinay Ji,


Thank you for your comments. But, pls note that I had not any theory including

pindayu. pls take time and consider the article as a whole and in part.


I have also not disregarded parasara as pointed out earlier. I try to shall

explain the points raised by you later.



with warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy




, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Shenoy Ji,


> I have two alternative birthtimes of Mr Jawaharlal Nehru, both of which give

MD:AD of Rahu:Mercury at the time of Death (in JHora), but Rahu:Venus in

Kundalee. While taking other factors into account, some people neglect aspect,

which is the basis of two out of four typses of Relations. Laghu Parashari says

that planets give their main result not in AD of same planet (eg, Rahu MD and

Rahu AD), but in AD of nearest relative. Rahu : Mercury have as aspect relation

of 26:32 when computed according to JHora longitudes, while Rahu:Venus has 33:27

totalling 60. Rahu's aspect is more important, which is 26 on Mercury and 33 on

Venus. Hence Venus is a srtronger relative of rahu than Mercury.


> But another point is more important : among Amshaayu : Pindaayu : Nisargaayu,

none is cought with Rahu:Mercury while Rahu:Venus is found in Pindaayu. It is

wrong to consider Pindaayu in isolation. Amshaayu : Pindaayu : Nisargaayu are

taken simultaneously, and among these three timings only that one is preferred

which makes most killer MD:AD combination. You should not dismiss pindaayu (or

Amshaayu / Nisargaayu) on the ground that only Pindaayu does not explain all

cases. It is not good to twist rules. I fear you work with other systems and do

not use this basic rule of Parashara-Jaimini. Take my words in good spirit.


> My version of JHora does not give aspects, which is essential for predictive

astrology. Jhora is a very good software, but I need aspects, and I need option

of planetary and lagna offsets to make it Suryasiddhantic.


> -Vinay Jha


> ============== ===========



> ________________________________

> Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16


> Thursday, May 7, 2009 9:15:36 AM

> Re: Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study






> Krishnan Ji and others,


> I saw your comment ro Suresh Ji on Nehru's Death :


> <<<You are absoluteley factual in sayin " This one I could compare with

> other software also. But the others are outside India & I did not

> know how you computed the time zone.>>>


> Kundalee software clearly indicates that time input should be IST ( in Hindi

version, there is also a detailed Help file on Time Systems in Hindi Version.

English version has only essential pages, Ashtakavarga, for example , has not

been translated into English as yet).


> Suresh ji made very good observations on the question of death, which are

certainly based on his experiences. But these experiences are based on physical

astronomy about which he says " it explains perfectly with conditions available

from physical astronomy " and then says " we cannot compute death with 100%

accuracy " . I am amused to note your agreeing with his contradictory statements.

Physical astronomy expains the conditions perfectly, but not with 100% accuracy.

What does it mean ?


> I have deliberately raised one of the most difficult issues of astrology, and

I hope sincere responses. Suresh Ji is expressing his experimental conclusions,

but I am not sure whether you have analyzed my case studies or are commenting

only for the sake of commenting. Please take my words in positive manner. Suresh

Ji has installed Kundalee and wants to check my assertions that death can be

computed, but it does not mean we are gods. There are many subjective factors in

astrological computations due to number and complexities of charts, as Suresh ji

has rightly noted. Without removing these subjective factors, we cannot approach

the problem objectively. For those who want a serious dialogue on computation of

Death, I have some points to consider :


> If killers planets like maarakesh or planets in killer conditions have

> no connection with actual death in all cases, and if death occurs in MD and AD


> benefics in both D1 and D30 in many cases, you must change your siddhanta

from physical astronomy to

> Suryasiddhanta instead of taking a recourse to long philosophical

> dissertations on complexities on problem.


> If D30 is not related to death in all case studies of persons with reliable

birthdata, what should we do : expel D30 from astrology or change our

mathematical model ?


> A single and consistent system must explain allcases of death. Persons like

Suresh ji who have seriously worked on Death know that physical astronomy fails

to explain all cases of death according to some consistent system of phalita

jyotisha, yet says " it also explains perfectly with conditions available from

physical astronomy " . No Sir ! The word " perfectly " is wrong here.


> Suresh Ji says Pindaayu fails to explain all cases. I fear he works with other

systems. I request him ro read BPHD rules, which does not say Pindaayu or any

other Aayu works in isolation. The foremost rule is :


> Death occurs in MD and AD of most killer planets among Amshaayu : Pindaayu :

Nisargaayu. If Amshaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Pindaayu, but if If Pindaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Amshaayu. There are some important exceptions to this basis rule which BPHS

clearly mentions. My experience is that this set of rules works wonderfully and

consistently. But BPHS has some interpolated verses, eg on Spashtaayu which is

entirely bogus. Kundalee has a statement : सà¥à¤ªà¤·à¥à¤Ÿà¤¾à¤¯à¥

किसी काम का नहीं होता है,

किनà¥à¤¤à¥ आजकल अधिकांश जà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤¤à¤¿à¤·à¥€

इसी को

> मानते हैं।


> Parashara (and Jaimini) have given some clear and simple guidelines for

computation of Death, which do not work well with ALL cases when physical

astronomy is used, but gives surprising results when Suryasiddhantic mathematics

is followed. Unfortunately, many astrologers stick to their prejudices and

refuse any impartial enquiry. I hope Suresh Ji has started an impartial

investigation with a comparative method, which I undertook for long years and

found satisfactory results. Instead of jumping to conclusions, please have

patience and let some impartial investigation be undertaken. Please do not mix

other topics in Death, and discuss one topic at a time. We may discuss other

topics in other threads.


> -Vinay Jha.


> ============ ==== ============ ===


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> vattem krishnan <bursar_99 >


> Thursday, May 7, 2009 6:34:38 AM

> Re: Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study


> Dear Shri Suresh Ji,

> Namskarams Sir.

> Iam really inspired by your extensively eloberate views furnished on the

fficacy of software.These issue are going to help all members in the forum as we

have to basically understand what the Astrological principle of our seers and

classicals help us vis a vis what data the siftware can give as a toll to better

undestnd to the state affairs one could feel from the Chart that come out of

application of siftware.

> It a very detailed approach made very with lot of insight.These words of

encouragement go long way to help in the process of complete development of the

software based on some principles.

> You are absoluteley factual in sayin " This one I could compare with other

software also.. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone.

> Also whether such softwares are good or bad should be left to the discretion

of the Astrologers .

> Perhapas branding of these software products still takes time to benifit the

cause of AstrologyYou are forth right when you suggested that "

> One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha.:

> When any new software proposed to be developed for the use of Astrologers they

infact take advantage of the tool how indications are coming out of the tool.

> As far as accuracy is concerned it becomes very subjective as lot of of

factors are involved including the accuaracy of the data given for analysis.

> Still some how I feel the actions of the native in the form of Karmas out

weigh many considerations including the prophecies and predictions made by

Astrologers .Like in the case of ayurdaya,possible that horoscope indications

are different for his survival but then untowrd has not happened.

> It is therefore necessary that all of us need to stcik to guideleines not to

overlook :yet all have given ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say

that we can only get an idea about the timing of death. I have noticed that some

times these period signifies extreme difficult times for the native instead to


> Except for application of mundane Astrology,when we approach the study of

basic chart of any native our attempt basically has to be:

> 1.how the plantary configuarations in the chart help the native to lead a life

of happiness or otherwise

> 2.what kind of ordeals.\problems the native is likely to encounter with some

reasons there of

> 3.Is his langa strong enough to overcome and withstand utmost

hardships/difficult ies and helps the native to find ways and means to counter

these hardships and tread him to find some light at the end of tunnel

> Finally Astrologers words have to be words of support,encourageme nt and boost

the moral attitude of the native to help him overcome periods of turbulance.

> 5..It is not that we only say that every thing of the native is of disillusion

or of ecstasy/excitement to make inferences as these states of life more or

less go hand in hand in almost all 100% of cases .

> The criterion for these events of life differ very much from native to native

as some have all things in life except the kind of insecurity that haunts him

through out life.Also some times has confidence on his own assessement yet there

are no tangible reason for get worried,but things happen so unanaticipatedly,

the whole situation gets transformed in to different kind to erode his courage.

> Finally your advice is outstanding in advocating that " Any way, this only

confirms that we cannot compute death with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100

horoscopes, the prediction should be correct for 100 horoscope.

> I have noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times

for the native instead to death. "

> iam really thankful to you sir,for your well thought over views and certainly

forms backbone to all the members who attempt to make out in Astrological data

and prescribe for the issues raised.

> Iam certain all members benift from such analytical ideas and words of filip

and encouragement

> with reagrds

> vrkrishnan


> --- On Wed, 5/6/09, sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


> sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag@ >

> Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study


> Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 5:40 PM


> Namasthe,


> Dear Vinay Ji,


> I saw your presentaion on Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, In fact I copied the whole

script in english also for later study.. This one I could compare with other

software also. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone. That is the reason I posted the question.


> I shall try to compare & study the other data also.


> what I had presented here is how we work-out using the data from what you

mention as physical astronomy and it also explains perfectly with conditions

available from physical astronomy.


> As you rightly said, there are many theories including BPHS. I dont depend

only on one system alone. I have only tried present a systematic aproach, but

can or should be varied according to type of horoscope on how to do the study

with any type of system of analysis.


> Each person can follow a system aproach based on solid principles and test

Kundalee also.


> I have been testing various theories now for a long time and you had read

carefully what i had written, you would note the differece in the aproach and

how each basic principle are carefully evaluated before jumping into conclusions

about the effect & strength of planets.


> Infact, I saw a verse in which it was said even the great sage parasara or

brighu cannot know the timing of death with 100% accuracy, which I want to

present. Unfortunately, I could find the book on time. Yet all have given

ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say that we can only get an idea

about the timing of death.


> Just to test another method, I visited Vridhachalam, where they use the

ancient method of computation etc. All the persons I contacted gave (I spend

almost 12000Rs- those fellows are fleecing the public & it is not worth) a

different year of death (my own & my friends). These (palm leaves) nadi

jyothisha is supposed to have been done some 2000 years back while carbon dating

test gave only 400-500 years. Any way, this only confirms that we cannot compute

death with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100 horoscopes, the prediction

should be correct for 100 horoscope.


> Consider Pindayu Calculation itself: it is one of the highly revered method.

But when I tested the method on some living persons - it showed their age far

less - meaning already dead some 10 to 15 years back. while for persons I got

almost accurate results. so we cannot say that it is 100% valid. I have added 3

type of computations in my software & and is working on another model also. I

have noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times for

the native instead to death.


> As I had pointed out there are many things I would have liked to include in

the case study. This itself took me almost 2 days to prepare.


> I have an hunch that we may to change the mindset (they way we analyse) to

check events according to Kundalee, Just like changing the way one thinks when

moves from procedure type of programming to Object oriented Programing or From

Visual Basic to Visual Basic.Net. That is something not very easy for most of

the astrologers.


> One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha. It is like providing a

statistical analysis tool to a shop keeper who had been doing business for 25 or

30 years. He would laugh at you.


> Any way , I shall definetly check your aproach as per kundalee and present a

paper on it. But pls give me some time


> (I have downloaded your latest version also)


> I hope you understand take it in good spirit.

> with warm regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


> , " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> >

> > Shenot ji,

> >

> > For death of Nehru and others, Click_Here

> > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Prediction+ of+Death> . With

> > physical astronomy, one needs an ocean of theory in which it is very

> > easy to omit or forget unpalatable aspects and highlight irrelevancoes

> > (no comment on Shenoy ji, I am expressing my experience). No consistence

> > phalita can be followed in explaining death if we follow physical

> > astronomy. But Kundalee beautifully works with BPHS rules of death. Look

> > at the four examples at above website, and try to explain them along

> > physical astronomy, you will need as many types of phalita approaches as

> > there are individuals. This is not science !

> >

> > -Vinay Jha

> > ============ ======

> > , " sureshbabuag "

> > <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > Death of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru

> > > Astrological analysis

> > >

> > > Birth

> > >

> > > DOB : 14-Nov-1889

> > > TOB : 21:34

> > > POB : Lat-25:38N, Long-81:51E

> > >

> > > Death

> > > 30-04-1965

> > >

> > > As per Lahiri ayanamsa, The death occurred during the Mahadasa of Rahu

> > & anthara of Mercury. Keeping this in mind, Let us try to understand it

> > systematically.

> > >

> > > In any horoscope, we look at the longevity of the native.

> > >

> > > For this we look at at

> > > a) balarishta,

> > > b) sadyomarana

> > > c) Special yogas for early death or durmarana (accidental death)

> > > If none of the above is present or serious enough to be considered, we

> > try to ascertain the category in which the Native falls

> > > a) Alpa ayu

> > > b) Madhya Ayu

> > > c) Deergha ayu.

> > >

> > > Now let us try to understand this better.

> > > Varaha mihira says

> > > " samaaH shashTirddvignaa manijakariNaaM pancha cha nishaaH "

> > >

> > > The maximum age of human being and that of elephants is 120 years and

> > 5 nights.

> > > Hence, the poornayu is 120 years, Madhya ayu is 80 years and Alpa ayu

> > is 40 years.. 2/3 & 1/3 respectively of poorna ayu.

> > >

> > > This is also the age when the kali yuga started. As time moved, this

> > maximum age limit has come down to 100.

> > >

> > > See what phaladeepika says

> > > " ashTau baalarishtamaadau naraaNaaM "

> > > " yogaarishTam praahuraaviMshatiss yaal "

> > > " alpanchaadvaatiMsh ataM madhyamaayuH "

> > > " aasaptatyaaH puurNaayusshataanta raH " .

> > >

> > > For human race, the first 8 years is balarishta, upto 20 years (from

> > the beginning of 9th year) it is yogarishta, then upto 32 years alpa

> > ayusha, then upto 70 years Madhya ayush and upto 100 years poorna ayush.

> > So in the present era we can safely assume the maximum age of human

> > being as 100 years. As you can see this is only a rough estimation.

> > >

> > > Now we have to determine the category in which this horoscope falls.

> > What is method (quick method) available?

> > >

> > > Again Phaladeepika helps us here.

> > > " lagnendostadadhiis hayorapi mitholagnesharandre shayor- "

> > > " drekaaNaal svanaavaaMshakaadip imithastaddvaada shaaMshaal kamal "

> > > " aayurdirrghasamaal pataaM charanagadvyamgaish chare athasthire "

> > > " brooyaal dvandvacharasthitau rbhayabhedastha dvidehaadanaiH "

> > >

> > > Now as per the above, in this case

> > > Lagna is in Chara rasi & Chandra is in chara rasi = 100

> > > Lagna Lord in Chara rasi & Chandra lagna lord in Chara rasi = 100

> > > Lagna lord in chara rasi & 8th lord in sthira rasi = 66 years

> > > Average of the is 88 years

> > >

> > > Hence, we know this horoscope falls in the poornayu category. This

> > does not show a conclusive age of the person. Then how does it help us?

> > >

> > > It is said that generally for natives with Alpa ayu, Madhya Ayu &

> > Deergha Ayu , the 3rd, 5th & 7th dasa will cause death respectively.

> > >

> > > Hence, in this case we can assertain 7th dasa shall bring death. The

> > 7th dasa is of Rahu. So rahu dasa could be assumed inimical to the

> > native. Again, we have to see other factors to confirm this.

> > >

> > > Further, if we calculate the pindayu of the native we get 75.6 years..

> > This period falls again under Rahu dasa.

> > >

> > > Jupiter being the jeeva karaka, its 7th house becomes the Maraka

> > Sthana. Hence, in this case Mercury & Rahu which is posited there

> > becomes Maraka Grihas. By this theory also & from the above we can

> > conclusively say that Rahu Dasa shall bring the end of the life of this

> > person.

> > >

> > > Now we have to find the Anthar dasa & possibly chidra dasa planets

> > also.

> > >

> > > Now let us see who are generally held responsible to cause death.

> > >

> > > Prasna Marga says.

> > >

> > > " lagnaadvaa yadi janmato mR^itipatii mR^ityusthatadviiks hakau "

> > > " mandaH kruuradR^IgaaNapo guLikapastairyuktar aashyaMshapaaH "

> > > " raahushchaiShu sudurbalo januShi yo bhaavena.abhiiSTe sthitaH "

> > > " paapaalokitasaMyut o.asya hi dashaavaandardashaa mR^ityudaa.. "

> > >

> > > a) 8th lord from lagna

> > > b) 8th lord from Chandra lagna

> > > c) Planets in the 8th of lagna

> > > d) Planets in the 8th of Chandra lagna

> > > e) Planets aspecting the 8th from Lagna

> > > f) Planets aspecting the 8th from Chandra lagna

> > > g) Saturn

> > > h) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > > i) 22nd drekana lord from Chandra

> > > j) Lord of Gulika rasi (gulika rashyadhipathy)

> > > k) Lord of the sign in which the above planets are positioned

> > > l) Navamsa lord of the above planets

> > > m) Rahu

> > > n) weakest planet among the above planets

> > > o) Planets in the 6th

> > > p) Planets along with or aspected by malefic planets.

> > >

> > > The dasa or anthara of the above planets shall cause death. The dasa

> > of debilated planet & combust shall also bring death. " dasa

> > neechasthamooDaanaa m niyamena mritipradaa "

> > >

> > > Now it is our endeavor to find the planet most potent enough to cause

> > death. Pls note that rahu is again mentioned specifically in the above

> > list.

> > >

> > > We also know that 12th , 2nd , 7th house are Maraka Sthana †"

> > (death causing ) and are increasing potent ie: 2nd house is more than

> > 12th & 7th house is more potent than the 2nd house. Similarly 3rd house

> > is also called Nidhana sthana (8th from the 8th house ) " bhavath

> > bhavam " .

> > >

> > > With the above information, let us try to understand the present

> > horoscope.

> > >

> > > Lagna & Moon are in same rasi. Hence, we have only a few set of

> > planets to look at, which is fortunate in this case. Other cases might

> > prove to be more complicated when more planets are involved.

> > >

> > > a) 8th from Lagna & Moon is Aquarius (Kumbha). Hence the 8th lord is -

> > Saturn.

> > > b) There are no planets in the 8th

> > > c) Planets aspecting the 8th - Saturn

> > > d) 22nd drekana from Lagna is the 1st part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> > Saturn

> > > e) 22nd drekana from Moon is the 2nd part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> > Mars

> > > f) Gulika is in Kanya (Virgo) hence Gulika rashyadhipathy is - Mercury

> > > g) Lord of the Sign in Saturn is posited †" Sun

> > > h) Lord of the Sign in which Mars is posited †" Mercury

> > > i) Lord of the sign in which Mercury is posited †" Venus

> > > j) Weakest Planet among Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Sun ?

> > > k) Planets along with of aspected by Malefics †" Sun does not

> > aspect any planet, Mars aspects Jupiter & Ketu, Saturn aspects Mercury &

> > Venus

> > > l) 12th lord †" Mercury

> > > m) 2nd Lord †" Sun

> > > n) 7th lord Saturn

> > >

> > > Hence, we have Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Sun, Rahu, Venus & Jupiter. That

> > might be responsible for causing death.

> > >

> > > Now let us try to find the Beneficial & Malefic aspects of these

> > planets.

> > >

> > > You will notice from the above that Saturn is the most common & most

> > potent of all planets. Saturn is also posited in the Maraka Sthana.

> > Considering the dictum of potency of the 12th, 2nd, 7th †" Maraka

> > sthanas , 7th being the most potent, its lord Saturn again becomes the

> > main contender.

> > >

> > > Prasna Marga says

> > > " sarveShaamapi paapaanaaM maandirdoShapradodh ikaM "

> > > " so.atidoShakaro yogadR^igvargavasha taH shaneH.. "

> > > Gulika is the most malefic than all other malefic planets. He becomes

> > more malefic if he is associated with Saturn.

> > >

> > > As we already know Gulika is the son of Saturn whose lord is Yama,

> > Hence Gulika & its sign lord are equally capable of bringing death. Its

> > sign lord being mercury is debilated in Navamsa and hence very weak and

> > is aspected by Saturn also. Hence, Mercury is equally capable of causing

> > death.

> > >

> > > When considering then strength of the planets we have to actually

> > compute various factors like Dig bala, Drekana bala, Ayana bala

> > Nathonatha bala , Rasmi, Ishta & Kashta phala , Drishti Bala etc.

> > >

> > > Without going into the above complex computations, (Some horoscopes

> > may require the above data also), Let us try to find out the weakest &

> > dangerous among the planets

> > > Varga of

> > > Saturn †" Uthama with 2 points

> > > Mercury †" only 1 point

> > > Mars †" Parijatha †" 3 points

> > > Sun †" Parvatha †" 6 points

> > > Venus †" Uthama †" 2 points

> > > Jupiter †" Simhasana †" 5 points

> > >

> > > From the above we can assume the planets from weakest to beneficial in

> > the order of

> > > Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Sun

> > >

> > > Now let us compare with the Shashtiamsa of the planets

> > > Mercury †" Kroora

> > > Saturn †" Saumya

> > > Venus †" Kroora

> > > Mars †" Kroora

> > > Jupiter †" Kroora

> > > Sun †" Saumya

> > > Rahu †" Saumya

> > >

> > > From the above & considering the previous findings, Mercury becomes

> > the most potent of all planets to cause death. Hence, we can possibly

> > conclude that death shall occur in the Maha dasa of Rahu & Anthara of

> > Mercury.

> > >

> > > Wait, why should we conclude here?. We have seen that Saturn is also

> > very potent. Why shouldn't the saturn's anthara cause death. The

> > possible answer is Saturn though is very potent it is being aspected by

> > Jupiter who is positioned in own rasi & navamsa in a friends sign. Hence

> > though Jupiter is the 6th lord, it is not potent enough to kill own its

> > own. Being a natural benefic and benefic varga its aspect reduces the

> > potency of Saturn to cause death and hands over the responsibility to

> > the next weakest planet - Mercury.

> > >

> > > What are factors of Mercury?.

> > > a) Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > > b) Aspected By Saturn

> > > c) Drekana of Saturn

> > > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > > e) Very weak varga points

> > > f) Weak due to Neecha Navamsa

> > > g) Rahu Rashyadhipathy

> > > h) 7th Lord from Jupiter

> > > i) 8th Lord from Sun (It is stated that the 1st portion of the life

> > should be considered from lagna, 2nd from Moon & the last from Sun).

> > > j) In the Nakshtra of Rahu

> > > k) Positioned in natural friends & equal navamsa

> > > l) 22nd drekana lord from sun

> > >

> > > Factors of Saturn

> > > a) 8th lord from lagna & moon

> > > b) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > > c) Positioned in the 2nd

> > > d) Aspects 8th house

> > > e) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > > f) Aspected by Jupiter

> > > g) In the Nakshatra of Ketu

> > > h) Positioned in enemy's (equal by position) sign & enemy's navamsa

> > > i) Drekana lord - Jupiter

> > >

> > > Factors of Mars

> > > a) associated with Gulika

> > > b) 22nd drekana lord from moon

> > > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > > d) In the naskshatra of Sun

> > > e) Positioned in friends sign & friends navamsa

> > > f) Yoga karaka & most beneficial from Karkata rasi

> > > g) Drekana Lord - Mercury

> > >

> > > Factors of Venus

> > > a) aspected by Saturn

> > > b) Associated with Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > > c) Kendradhipathy & labhadhipathy

> > > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > > e) In the nakshtra of Rahu

> > > f) Positioned in Moolatrikona & own rasi and equals navamsa

> > > g) Drekana Lord - Venus

> > >

> > > Factors of Jupiter

> > > a) 6th lord

> > > b) Aspected by mars

> > > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > > d) In the Nakshtra of Venus

> > > e) Positioned in own sign & friends Navamsa

> > > f) Drekana Lord - Mars

> > >

> > > Factors for sun

> > > a) Lord of the house where 8th lord is positioned

> > > b) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > > c) Positioned in Natural friends & friends navamsa

> > > d) Lord of the 2nd house †" Marka sthana

> > > e) Positioned in a malefic sign & Sarpa Veshtitha Drekana

> > > f) Drekana Lord †" Mars

> > >

> > > Mercury's anthara comes after saturn's. so if conclude that the

> > anthara of mercury shall bring about the end. We have to find the

> > chidra.

> > >

> > > From the above, we can see that the next planets are sun & mars.

> > >

> > > Out of the above, the most potent is Sun being the maraka lord itself,

> > while Mars is actually yoga karaka. Hence, we can say that the end came

> > in the period of Rahu-Mercury- Sun

> > >

> > > Jhora gives Rahu †" Mercury †" Moon †" Mars. I fail to see

> > the significance of moon here since moon is the lagna lord and well

> > positioned in lagna. The only negative factor is the Nakshatra of moon

> > being Aslesha †" whose lord is Mercury & devatha is Rahu & in Sarpa

> > drekana, hence cannot entirely rule out a minute role.

> > >

> > > We also can check with Sri B.V.Ramans Ayanamsa (or any other ayanamsa)

> > as well as with Suryasidhanta computed values also using the same

> > methodology.

> > >

> > > But there other factors when the death shall occur & relationship with

> > the dasa lords, transit of planets also. It is not Vimshottari dasa

> > alone that controls the timing. Kalachakra dasa also could be compared

> > with the timing.

> > >

> > > Prasna Marga provides us another method to find the timing of death

> > >

> > > From Saturn transit

> > > a) Trikona of Gulika

> > > b) Trikona of Gulika Navamsa

> > > c) Trikona of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > > d) Trikona of Navamsa of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > > e) Trikona of Saturn

> > > f) Trikona of Navamsa of Saturn

> > > g) Trikona of 8th lord

> > > h) Trikona of Navamsa of 8th lord

> > > i) Trikona of 2nd house from Sun

> > > j) Trikona of 12th house from Sun

> > > k) Trikona of 22nd drekana lord

> > >

> > > From Jupiter transit

> > > a) Trikona of drekana lord of the lagna

> > > b) Trikona of Kalahora lord is positioned

> > > c) Trikona of 2nd house from Saturn

> > > d) Trikona of 12th house from Saturn

> > > e) Trikona of the sign of Lagna lords + 8th lord longitudes

> > > f) 3rd, 5th, 6th, 11th house / bhava from Saturn †" when Jupiter

> > transit the house in which it has the least aspect.

> > > From the Transit of Sun

> > > a) The position of 8th lord

> > > b) Chandra Nakshatra

> > > c) Lagna Nakshtra

> > > d) Trikona rasi of Dwadasamsa Rasi †" if sun is chara rasi

> > > e) Trikona rasi of position of Navamsa lord of the 8th Lord †" if

> > Sun is Sthira Rasi

> > > f) Trikona rasi of navamsa rasi of the lagna lord

> > > g) For sun in sthira rasi †" apavada : trikona rasi of the navamsa

> > sign of the 8th lord

> > > From the transit of Moon

> > > a) Sun rasi & trikona signs

> > > b) Position of 8th lord & its trikona signs

> > > c) Rahu Nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshtra and their rasi

> > > d) 8th lords nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshatra and their signs

> > > e) Trikona of the 2nd lord

> > > f) Trikona of the 7th house from the 2nd lord

> > > g) Navamsa rasi of the 2nd Lord

> > > h) 7th house from Gulika

> > > From Pramana Gulika Sputa

> > > 1) if the birth is at night or in Ratri Rasi : Pramana Gulika sputa is

> > that day times gulika sputa

> > > 2) if the Birth is at day time or Diva rasi : Prama Gulika Sputa is

> > the Sputa of the Night before.

> > > When Saturn transits the sign where the lord of Pramana Gulika is

> > posited

> > > When Jupiter transits the sign where the navamsa lord of pramana

> > Gulika is posited

> > > When Sun transits the sign where the dwadasamsa lord of Pramana Gulika

> > is posited

> > > When Moon transits the sign where the trimsamsa lord of pramansa

> > Gulika is posited.

> > > From Yoga Sputa of Sun + Saturn longitude

> > > When Moon the sign or its trikonas

> > > When Moon transits its 7th rasi trikona

> > > From Yoga sputa of Sun + Drekana lord of Saturn

> > > When Sun transits through the sign or its trikona

> > > When Sun transits through the navamsa sign or its trikona

> > > When sun transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturn navamsa lord

> > > When Jupiter transits through the sign or its trikona

> > > When Jupiter transits through the trikona of the 7th house

> > > When Jupiter transits through the navamsa or its trikona

> > > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturns dwadasamsa lord

> > > When Saturn transits through the sign & its trikona

> > > When Saturn transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > > When Saturn transits through the trikona of navamsa sign

> > >

> > > Death shall occur when planets transits through the above signs where

> > it had lowest points in the ashtavarga.

> > >

> > > Since we know the date of death †" 30-04-1965

> > > On the day

> > > Nakshtra †" Revathi †" 4th pada Lord Mercury

> > > Aries : Sun + Venus

> > > Taurus : Jupiter + Rahu †" Labha sthana of natal horoscope

> > > Leo †" Mars †" Maraka Sthana of natal horoscope

> > > Aquarius †" Saturn †" 8th house from Natal Horoscope

> > > Pisces : Mercury (debilated)

> > >

> > > Ayana †" Uthara ayana

> > > Ritu †" Vasantha rithu

> > > Month †" Vaishakha

> > > Day †" Shukra Vara

> > > Thithy †" Krishna Chaturdhasi

> > > Nakshatra - Revathi †" 4th pada

> > >

> > > If the lagna is in the first Hora †" Uthara Ayana & 2nd Hora

> > Dakshina Hora.

> > > Ritu from the Drakana Lord ; Vashtha Ritu †" lord is venus †"

> > Drekana lord of Venus & Rahu

> > > Vaishaka Month †" Mars & venus

> > > Day †" Venus

> > > Nakshtra : Mercury

> > > We can get an idea of the time of death by the above comparison also.

> > Similarly, we can compute prana, deha, mrithyu sputas & also check the

> > timing of death

> > >

> > > From the above we can understand the difficulty in computing the

> > timing of death. It is very rare that any once successfully predict it.

> > Some of the factors are extremely difficult to convert into a logical

> > software program.

> > >

> > > Further there other factors such as " Punya " that one accrues in this

> > life that may save him from death & prolong his life and similarly the

> > same punya may give early " Mukti " to another one who might have been

> > destined to suffer for a long period. Though one could technically argue

> > that these things will be show and can know from the horoscope,

> > practically, it may not be possible for even for a real yogi.

> > >

> > > Due to time & space constraints I could not present this the way I

> > really want to and hence might have missed out some important factors.

> > >

> > > I hope readers shall benefit with this humble presentation.

> > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Shenoy Ji,


I do not level any allegation on you, please try to understand my point : the

first page of Kundalee software says its Ganita is Suryasiddhantic and Phalita

is Parashari. There are a number of yogas which have a part in death, which I

will take account of when I finish my predictive pages which are progressing (in

Hindi version only). My plan is to include almost all yogas, thousands of them,

instead of 200-300 in other softwares. I am excluding only

Vriddha-Yavana-Jaataka which is an alien text based upon ideas stolen from

India. I take into account all ancient Phalita texts. It will take time.


My second plan is to make something like artificial intelligence (eg, neural

network) which may help in blind searches and timings of events. Both these

plans are midway, in Hindi version.


Please use Kundalee according to Parashara and not according to other phalita

systems, otherwise you may be disappointed.


When all my work is over, I may try to add modern astronomical mathematics as an

option, but now I really do not want to waste my time over a thing which took

three decades of my life. I was a fan of physical astronomy.










sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag


Thursday, May 7, 2009 2:47:14 PM

Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study








Dear Vinay Ji,


Thank you for your comments. But, pls note that I had not any theory including

pindayu. pls take time and consider the article as a whole and in part.


I have also not disregarded parasara as pointed out earlier. I try to shall

explain the points raised by you later.


with warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:


> Shenoy Ji,


> I have two alternative birthtimes of Mr Jawaharlal Nehru, both of which give

MD:AD of Rahu:Mercury at the time of Death (in JHora), but Rahu:Venus in

Kundalee. While taking other factors into account, some people neglect aspect,

which is the basis of two out of four typses of Relations. Laghu Parashari says

that planets give their main result not in AD of same planet (eg, Rahu MD and

Rahu AD), but in AD of nearest relative. Rahu : Mercury have as aspect relation

of 26:32 when computed according to JHora longitudes, while Rahu:Venus has 33:27

totalling 60. Rahu's aspect is more important, which is 26 on Mercury and 33 on

Venus. Hence Venus is a srtronger relative of rahu than Mercury.


> But another point is more important : among Amshaayu : Pindaayu : Nisargaayu,

none is cought with Rahu:Mercury while Rahu:Venus is found in Pindaayu. It is

wrong to consider Pindaayu in isolation. Amshaayu : Pindaayu : Nisargaayu are

taken simultaneously, and among these three timings only that one is preferred

which makes most killer MD:AD combination. You should not dismiss pindaayu (or

Amshaayu / Nisargaayu) on the ground that only Pindaayu does not explain all

cases. It is not good to twist rules. I fear you work with other systems and do

not use this basic rule of Parashara-Jaimini. Take my words in good spirit.


> My version of JHora does not give aspects, which is essential for predictive

astrology. Jhora is a very good software, but I need aspects, and I need option

of planetary and lagna offsets to make it Suryasiddhantic.


> -Vinay Jha


> ============ == ===========



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> Thursday, May 7, 2009 9:15:36 AM

> Re: Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study






> Krishnan Ji and others,


> I saw your comment ro Suresh Ji on Nehru's Death :


> <<<You are absoluteley factual in sayin " This one I could compare with

> other software also. But the others are outside India & I did not

> know how you computed the time zone.>>>


> Kundalee software clearly indicates that time input should be IST ( in Hindi

version, there is also a detailed Help file on Time Systems in Hindi Version.

English version has only essential pages, Ashtakavarga, for example , has not

been translated into English as yet)..


> Suresh ji made very good observations on the question of death, which are

certainly based on his experiences. But these experiences are based on physical

astronomy about which he says " it explains perfectly with conditions available

from physical astronomy " and then says " we cannot compute death with 100%

accuracy " . I am amused to note your agreeing with his contradictory statements.

Physical astronomy expains the conditions perfectly, but not with 100% accuracy.

What does it mean ?


> I have deliberately raised one of the most difficult issues of astrology, and

I hope sincere responses. Suresh Ji is expressing his experimental conclusions,

but I am not sure whether you have analyzed my case studies or are commenting

only for the sake of commenting. Please take my words in positive manner. Suresh

Ji has installed Kundalee and wants to check my assertions that death can be

computed, but it does not mean we are gods. There are many subjective factors in

astrological computations due to number and complexities of charts, as Suresh ji

has rightly noted. Without removing these subjective factors, we cannot approach

the problem objectively. For those who want a serious dialogue on computation of

Death, I have some points to consider :


> If killers planets like maarakesh or planets in killer conditions have

> no connection with actual death in all cases, and if death occurs in MD and AD


> benefics in both D1 and D30 in many cases, you must change your siddhanta

from physical astronomy to

> Suryasiddhanta instead of taking a recourse to long philosophical

> dissertations on complexities on problem.


> If D30 is not related to death in all case studies of persons with reliable

birthdata, what should we do : expel D30 from astrology or change our

mathematical model ?


> A single and consistent system must explain allcases of death. Persons like

Suresh ji who have seriously worked on Death know that physical astronomy fails

to explain all cases of death according to some consistent system of phalita

jyotisha, yet says " it also explains perfectly with conditions available from

physical astronomy " . No Sir ! The word " perfectly " is wrong here.


> Suresh Ji says Pindaayu fails to explain all cases. I fear he works with other

systems. I request him ro read BPHD rules, which does not say Pindaayu or any

other Aayu works in isolation. The foremost rule is :


> Death occurs in MD and AD of most killer planets among Amshaayu : Pindaayu :

Nisargaayu. If Amshaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Pindaayu, but if If Pindaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Amshaayu. There are some important exceptions to this basis rule which BPHS

clearly mentions. My experience is that this set of rules works wonderfully and

consistently. But BPHS has some interpolated verses, eg on Spashtaayu which is

entirely bogus. Kundalee has a statement :


рдХрдâ”рд╕реРрдХрд╛рдо рдХрд╛

рдирд╣реÐрдВ рд╣реЛрддрд╛ рд╣реИ,

рдХрдâ”рдиреÐрддреБ рдЖрдЬрдХрд▓




> рдорд╛рдирддреЗ рд╣реИрдВред


> Parashara (and Jaimini) have given some clear and simple guidelines for

computation of Death, which do not work well with ALL cases when physical

astronomy is used, but gives surprising results when Suryasiddhantic mathematics

is followed. Unfortunately, many astrologers stick to their prejudices and

refuse any impartial enquiry. I hope Suresh Ji has started an impartial

investigation with a comparative method, which I undertook for long years and

found satisfactory results. Instead of jumping to conclusions, please have

patience and let some impartial investigation be undertaken. Please do not mix

other topics in Death, and discuss one topic at a time. We may discuss other

topics in other threads.


> -Vinay Jha.


> ============ ==== ============ ===


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> vattem krishnan <bursar_99 >


> Thursday, May 7, 2009 6:34:38 AM

> Re: Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study


> Dear Shri Suresh Ji,

> Namskarams Sir.

> Iam really inspired by your extensively eloberate views furnished on the

fficacy of software.These issue are going to help all members in the forum as we

have to basically understand what the Astrological principle of our seers and

classicals help us vis a vis what data the siftware can give as a toll to better

undestnd to the state affairs one could feel from the Chart that come out of

application of siftware.

> It a very detailed approach made very with lot of insight.These words of

encouragement go long way to help in the process of complete development of the

software based on some principles.

> You are absoluteley factual in sayin " This one I could compare with other

software also.. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone.

> Also whether such softwares are good or bad should be left to the discretion

of the Astrologers .

> Perhapas branding of these software products still takes time to benifit the

cause of AstrologyYou are forth right when you suggested that "

> One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha.:

> When any new software proposed to be developed for the use of Astrologers they

infact take advantage of the tool how indications are coming out of the tool.

> As far as accuracy is concerned it becomes very subjective as lot of of

factors are involved including the accuaracy of the data given for analysis.

> Still some how I feel the actions of the native in the form of Karmas out

weigh many considerations including the prophecies and predictions made by

Astrologers .Like in the case of ayurdaya,possible that horoscope indications

are different for his survival but then untowrd has not happened.

> It is therefore necessary that all of us need to stcik to guideleines not to

overlook :yet all have given ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say

that we can only get an idea about the timing of death. I have noticed that some

times these period signifies extreme difficult times for the native instead to


> Except for application of mundane Astrology,when we approach the study of

basic chart of any native our attempt basically has to be:

> 1.how the plantary configuarations in the chart help the native to lead a life

of happiness or otherwise

> 2.what kind of ordeals.\problems the native is likely to encounter with some

reasons there of

> 3.Is his langa strong enough to overcome and withstand utmost

hardships/difficult ies and helps the native to find ways and means to counter

these hardships and tread him to find some light at the end of tunnel

> Finally Astrologers words have to be words of support,encourageme nt and boost

the moral attitude of the native to help him overcome periods of turbulance.

> 5..It is not that we only say that every thing of the native is of disillusion

or of ecstasy/excitement to make inferences as these states of life more or

less go hand in hand in almost all 100% of cases .

> The criterion for these events of life differ very much from native to native

as some have all things in life except the kind of insecurity that haunts him

through out life.Also some times has confidence on his own assessement yet there

are no tangible reason for get worried,but things happen so unanaticipatedly,

the whole situation gets transformed in to different kind to erode his courage.

> Finally your advice is outstanding in advocating that " Any way, this only

confirms that we cannot compute death with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100

horoscopes, the prediction should be correct for 100 horoscope.

> I have noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times

for the native instead to death. "

> iam really thankful to you sir,for your well thought over views and certainly

forms backbone to all the members who attempt to make out in Astrological data

and prescribe for the issues raised.

> Iam certain all members benift from such analytical ideas and words of filip

and encouragement

> with reagrds

> vrkrishnan


> --- On Wed, 5/6/09, sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


> sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag@ >

> Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study


> Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 5:40 PM


> Namasthe,


> Dear Vinay Ji,


> I saw your presentaion on Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, In fact I copied the whole

script in english also for later study.. This one I could compare with other

software also. But the others are outside India & I did not know how you

computed the time zone. That is the reason I posted the question.


> I shall try to compare & study the other data also.


> what I had presented here is how we work-out using the data from what you

mention as physical astronomy and it also explains perfectly with conditions

available from physical astronomy.


> As you rightly said, there are many theories including BPHS. I dont depend

only on one system alone. I have only tried present a systematic aproach, but

can or should be varied according to type of horoscope on how to do the study

with any type of system of analysis.


> Each person can follow a system aproach based on solid principles and test

Kundalee also.


> I have been testing various theories now for a long time and you had read

carefully what i had written, you would note the differece in the aproach and

how each basic principle are carefully evaluated before jumping into conclusions

about the effect & strength of planets.


> Infact, I saw a verse in which it was said even the great sage parasara or

brighu cannot know the timing of death with 100% accuracy, which I want to

present. Unfortunately, I could find the book on time. Yet all have given

ayurdaya priciples. Hence it is only prudent to say that we can only get an idea

about the timing of death.


> Just to test another method, I visited Vridhachalam, where they use the

ancient method of computation etc. All the persons I contacted gave (I spend

almost 12000Rs- those fellows are fleecing the public & it is not worth) a

different year of death (my own & my friends). These (palm leaves) nadi

jyothisha is supposed to have been done some 2000 years back while carbon dating

test gave only 400-500 years. Any way, this only confirms that we cannot compute

death with 100% accuracy - means if we get a 100 horoscopes, the prediction

should be correct for 100 horoscope.


> Consider Pindayu Calculation itself: it is one of the highly revered method.

But when I tested the method on some living persons - it showed their age far

less - meaning already dead some 10 to 15 years back. while for persons I got

almost accurate results. so we cannot say that it is 100% valid. I have added 3

type of computations in my software & and is working on another model also. I

have noticed that some times these period signifies extreme difficult times for

the native instead to death.


> As I had pointed out there are many things I would have liked to include in

the case study. This itself took me almost 2 days to prepare.


> I have an hunch that we may to change the mindset (they way we analyse) to

check events according to Kundalee, Just like changing the way one thinks when

moves from procedure type of programming to Object oriented Programing or From

Visual Basic to Visual Basic.Net. That is something not very easy for most of

the astrologers.


> One final word, Many a times a profficient astrologer do not need these

cumbersome computations to such things when the indications are very strong.

There are many factors other than mathematical data weather it is physical

astronomy as you call it or even surya sidhantha. It is like providing a

statistical analysis tool to a shop keeper who had been doing business for 25 or

30 years. He would laugh at you.


> Any way , I shall definetly check your aproach as per kundalee and present a

paper on it. But pls give me some time


> (I have downloaded your latest version also)


> I hope you understand take it in good spirit.

> with warm regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


> , " vinayjhaa16 " <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> >

> > Shenot ji,

> >

> > For death of Nehru and others, Click_Here

> > <http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Prediction+ of+Death> . With

> > physical astronomy, one needs an ocean of theory in which it is very

> > easy to omit or forget unpalatable aspects and highlight irrelevancoes

> > (no comment on Shenoy ji, I am expressing my experience). No consistence

> > phalita can be followed in explaining death if we follow physical

> > astronomy. But Kundalee beautifully works with BPHS rules of death. Look

> > at the four examples at above website, and try to explain them along

> > physical astronomy, you will need as many types of phalita approaches as

> > there are individuals. This is not science !

> >

> > -Vinay Jha

> > ============ ======

> > , " sureshbabuag "

> > <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > Death of Sri Jawaharlal Nehru

> > > Astrological analysis

> > >

> > > Birth

> > >

> > > DOB : 14-Nov-1889

> > > TOB : 21:34

> > > POB : Lat-25:38N, Long-81:51E

> > >

> > > Death

> > > 30-04-1965

> > >

> > > As per Lahiri ayanamsa, The death occurred during the Mahadasa of Rahu

> > & anthara of Mercury. Keeping this in mind, Let us try to understand it

> > systematically.

> > >

> > > In any horoscope, we look at the longevity of the native.

> > >

> > > For this we look at at

> > > a) balarishta,

> > > b) sadyomarana

> > > c) Special yogas for early death or durmarana (accidental death)

> > > If none of the above is present or serious enough to be considered, we

> > try to ascertain the category in which the Native falls

> > > a) Alpa ayu

> > > b) Madhya Ayu

> > > c) Deergha ayu.

> > >

> > > Now let us try to understand this better.

> > > Varaha mihira says

> > > " samaaH shashTirddvignaa manijakariNaaM pancha cha nishaaH "

> > >

> > > The maximum age of human being and that of elephants is 120 years and

> > 5 nights.

> > > Hence, the poornayu is 120 years, Madhya ayu is 80 years and Alpa ayu

> > is 40 years.. 2/3 & 1/3 respectively of poorna ayu.

> > >

> > > This is also the age when the kali yuga started. As time moved, this

> > maximum age limit has come down to 100.

> > >

> > > See what phaladeepika says

> > > " ashTau baalarishtamaadau naraaNaaM "

> > > " yogaarishTam praahuraaviMshatiss yaal "

> > > " alpanchaadvaatiMsh ataM madhyamaayuH "

> > > " aasaptatyaaH puurNaayusshataanta raH " .

> > >

> > > For human race, the first 8 years is balarishta, upto 20 years (from

> > the beginning of 9th year) it is yogarishta, then upto 32 years alpa

> > ayusha, then upto 70 years Madhya ayush and upto 100 years poorna ayush.

> > So in the present era we can safely assume the maximum age of human

> > being as 100 years. As you can see this is only a rough estimation.

> > >

> > > Now we have to determine the category in which this horoscope falls.

> > What is method (quick method) available?

> > >

> > > Again Phaladeepika helps us here.

> > > " lagnendostadadhiis hayorapi mitholagnesharandre shayor- "

> > > " drekaaNaal svanaavaaMshakaadip imithastaddvaada shaaMshaal kamal "

> > > " aayurdirrghasamaal pataaM charanagadvyamgaish chare athasthire "

> > > " brooyaal dvandvacharasthitau rbhayabhedastha dvidehaadanaiH "

> > >

> > > Now as per the above, in this case

> > > Lagna is in Chara rasi & Chandra is in chara rasi = 100

> > > Lagna Lord in Chara rasi & Chandra lagna lord in Chara rasi = 100

> > > Lagna lord in chara rasi & 8th lord in sthira rasi = 66 years

> > > Average of the is 88 years

> > >

> > > Hence, we know this horoscope falls in the poornayu category. This

> > does not show a conclusive age of the person. Then how does it help us?

> > >

> > > It is said that generally for natives with Alpa ayu, Madhya Ayu &

> > Deergha Ayu , the 3rd, 5th & 7th dasa will cause death respectively.

> > >

> > > Hence, in this case we can assertain 7th dasa shall bring death. The

> > 7th dasa is of Rahu. So rahu dasa could be assumed inimical to the

> > native. Again, we have to see other factors to confirm this.

> > >

> > > Further, if we calculate the pindayu of the native we get 75.6 years..

> > This period falls again under Rahu dasa.

> > >

> > > Jupiter being the jeeva karaka, its 7th house becomes the Maraka

> > Sthana. Hence, in this case Mercury & Rahu which is posited there

> > becomes Maraka Grihas. By this theory also & from the above we can

> > conclusively say that Rahu Dasa shall bring the end of the life of this

> > person.

> > >

> > > Now we have to find the Anthar dasa & possibly chidra dasa planets

> > also.

> > >

> > > Now let us see who are generally held responsible to cause death.

> > >

> > > Prasna Marga says.

> > >

> > > " lagnaadvaa yadi janmato mR^itipatii mR^ityusthatadviiks hakau "

> > > " mandaH kruuradR^IgaaNapo guLikapastairyuktar aashyaMshapaaH "

> > > " raahushchaiShu sudurbalo januShi yo bhaavena.abhiiSTe sthitaH "

> > > " paapaalokitasaMyut o.asya hi dashaavaandardashaa mR^ityudaa.. "

> > >

> > > a) 8th lord from lagna

> > > b) 8th lord from Chandra lagna

> > > c) Planets in the 8th of lagna

> > > d) Planets in the 8th of Chandra lagna

> > > e) Planets aspecting the 8th from Lagna

> > > f) Planets aspecting the 8th from Chandra lagna

> > > g) Saturn

> > > h) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > > i) 22nd drekana lord from Chandra

> > > j) Lord of Gulika rasi (gulika rashyadhipathy)

> > > k) Lord of the sign in which the above planets are positioned

> > > l) Navamsa lord of the above planets

> > > m) Rahu

> > > n) weakest planet among the above planets

> > > o) Planets in the 6th

> > > p) Planets along with or aspected by malefic planets.

> > >

> > > The dasa or anthara of the above planets shall cause death. The dasa

> > of debilated planet & combust shall also bring death. " dasa

> > neechasthamooDaanaa m niyamena mritipradaa "

> > >

> > > Now it is our endeavor to find the planet most potent enough to cause

> > death. Pls note that rahu is again mentioned specifically in the above

> > list.

> > >

> > > We also know that 12th , 2nd , 7th house are Maraka Sthana Ñ‚Ð "

> > (death causing ) and are increasing potent ie: 2nd house is more than

> > 12th & 7th house is more potent than the 2nd house. Similarly 3rd house

> > is also called Nidhana sthana (8th from the 8th house ) " bhavath

> > bhavam " .

> > >

> > > With the above information, let us try to understand the present

> > horoscope.

> > >

> > > Lagna & Moon are in same rasi. Hence, we have only a few set of

> > planets to look at, which is fortunate in this case. Other cases might

> > prove to be more complicated when more planets are involved.

> > >

> > > a) 8th from Lagna & Moon is Aquarius (Kumbha). Hence the 8th lord is -

> > Saturn.

> > > b) There are no planets in the 8th

> > > c) Planets aspecting the 8th - Saturn

> > > d) 22nd drekana from Lagna is the 1st part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> > Saturn

> > > e) 22nd drekana from Moon is the 2nd part of Kumbha whose lord is -

> > Mars

> > > f) Gulika is in Kanya (Virgo) hence Gulika rashyadhipathy is - Mercury

> > > g) Lord of the Sign in Saturn is posited Ñ‚Ð " Sun

> > > h) Lord of the Sign in which Mars is posited Ñ‚Ð " Mercury

> > > i) Lord of the sign in which Mercury is posited Ñ‚Ð " Venus

> > > j) Weakest Planet among Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Sun ?

> > > k) Planets along with of aspected by Malefics Ñ‚Ð " Sun does not

> > aspect any planet, Mars aspects Jupiter & Ketu, Saturn aspects Mercury &

> > Venus

> > > l) 12th lord Ñ‚Ð " Mercury

> > > m) 2nd Lord Ñ‚Ð " Sun

> > > n) 7th lord Saturn

> > >

> > > Hence, we have Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Sun, Rahu, Venus & Jupiter. That

> > might be responsible for causing death.

> > >

> > > Now let us try to find the Beneficial & Malefic aspects of these

> > planets.

> > >

> > > You will notice from the above that Saturn is the most common & most

> > potent of all planets. Saturn is also posited in the Maraka Sthana.

> > Considering the dictum of potency of the 12th, 2nd, 7th Ñ‚Ð " Maraka

> > sthanas , 7th being the most potent, its lord Saturn again becomes the

> > main contender.

> > >

> > > Prasna Marga says

> > > " sarveShaamapi paapaanaaM maandirdoShapradodh ikaM "

> > > " so.atidoShakaro yogadR^igvargavasha taH shaneH.. "

> > > Gulika is the most malefic than all other malefic planets. He becomes

> > more malefic if he is associated with Saturn.

> > >

> > > As we already know Gulika is the son of Saturn whose lord is Yama,

> > Hence Gulika & its sign lord are equally capable of bringing death. Its

> > sign lord being mercury is debilated in Navamsa and hence very weak and

> > is aspected by Saturn also. Hence, Mercury is equally capable of causing

> > death.

> > >

> > > When considering then strength of the planets we have to actually

> > compute various factors like Dig bala, Drekana bala, Ayana bala

> > Nathonatha bala , Rasmi, Ishta & Kashta phala , Drishti Bala etc.

> > >

> > > Without going into the above complex computations, (Some horoscopes

> > may require the above data also), Let us try to find out the weakest &

> > dangerous among the planets

> > > Varga of

> > > Saturn Ñ‚Ð " Uthama with 2 points

> > > Mercury Ñ‚Ð " only 1 point

> > > Mars Ñ‚Ð " Parijatha Ñ‚Ð " 3 points

> > > Sun Ñ‚Ð " Parvatha Ñ‚Ð " 6 points

> > > Venus Ñ‚Ð " Uthama Ñ‚Ð " 2 points

> > > Jupiter Ñ‚Ð " Simhasana Ñ‚Ð " 5 points

> > >

> > > From the above we can assume the planets from weakest to beneficial in

> > the order of

> > > Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Sun

> > >

> > > Now let us compare with the Shashtiamsa of the planets

> > > Mercury Ñ‚Ð " Kroora

> > > Saturn Ñ‚Ð " Saumya

> > > Venus Ñ‚Ð " Kroora

> > > Mars Ñ‚Ð " Kroora

> > > Jupiter Ñ‚Ð " Kroora

> > > Sun Ñ‚Ð " Saumya

> > > Rahu Ñ‚Ð " Saumya

> > >

> > > From the above & considering the previous findings, Mercury becomes

> > the most potent of all planets to cause death. Hence, we can possibly

> > conclude that death shall occur in the Maha dasa of Rahu & Anthara of

> > Mercury.

> > >

> > > Wait, why should we conclude here?. We have seen that Saturn is also

> > very potent. Why shouldn't the saturn's anthara cause death. The

> > possible answer is Saturn though is very potent it is being aspected by

> > Jupiter who is positioned in own rasi & navamsa in a friends sign. Hence

> > though Jupiter is the 6th lord, it is not potent enough to kill own its

> > own. Being a natural benefic and benefic varga its aspect reduces the

> > potency of Saturn to cause death and hands over the responsibility to

> > the next weakest planet - Mercury.

> > >

> > > What are factors of Mercury?.

> > > a) Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > > b) Aspected By Saturn

> > > c) Drekana of Saturn

> > > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > > e) Very weak varga points

> > > f) Weak due to Neecha Navamsa

> > > g) Rahu Rashyadhipathy

> > > h) 7th Lord from Jupiter

> > > i) 8th Lord from Sun (It is stated that the 1st portion of the life

> > should be considered from lagna, 2nd from Moon & the last from Sun).

> > > j) In the Nakshtra of Rahu

> > > k) Positioned in natural friends & equal navamsa

> > > l) 22nd drekana lord from sun

> > >

> > > Factors of Saturn

> > > a) 8th lord from lagna & moon

> > > b) 22nd drekana lord from lagna

> > > c) Positioned in the 2nd

> > > d) Aspects 8th house

> > > e) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > > f) Aspected by Jupiter

> > > g) In the Nakshatra of Ketu

> > > h) Positioned in enemy's (equal by position) sign & enemy's navamsa

> > > i) Drekana lord - Jupiter

> > >

> > > Factors of Mars

> > > a) associated with Gulika

> > > b) 22nd drekana lord from moon

> > > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > > d) In the naskshatra of Sun

> > > e) Positioned in friends sign & friends navamsa

> > > f) Yoga karaka & most beneficial from Karkata rasi

> > > g) Drekana Lord - Mercury

> > >

> > > Factors of Venus

> > > a) aspected by Saturn

> > > b) Associated with Gulika rashyadhipathy

> > > c) Kendradhipathy & labhadhipathy

> > > d) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > > e) In the nakshtra of Rahu

> > > f) Positioned in Moolatrikona & own rasi and equals navamsa

> > > g) Drekana Lord - Venus

> > >

> > > Factors of Jupiter

> > > a) 6th lord

> > > b) Aspected by mars

> > > c) Kroora Shashtiamsa

> > > d) In the Nakshtra of Venus

> > > e) Positioned in own sign & friends Navamsa

> > > f) Drekana Lord - Mars

> > >

> > > Factors for sun

> > > a) Lord of the house where 8th lord is positioned

> > > b) Saumya Shashtiamsa

> > > c) Positioned in Natural friends & friends navamsa

> > > d) Lord of the 2nd house Ñ‚Ð " Marka sthana

> > > e) Positioned in a malefic sign & Sarpa Veshtitha Drekana

> > > f) Drekana Lord Ñ‚Ð " Mars

> > >

> > > Mercury's anthara comes after saturn's. so if conclude that the

> > anthara of mercury shall bring about the end. We have to find the

> > chidra.

> > >

> > > From the above, we can see that the next planets are sun & mars.

> > >

> > > Out of the above, the most potent is Sun being the maraka lord itself,

> > while Mars is actually yoga karaka. Hence, we can say that the end came

> > in the period of Rahu-Mercury- Sun

> > >

> > > Jhora gives Rahu Ñ‚Ð " Mercury Ñ‚Ð " Moon Ñ‚Ð " Mars. I fail to see

> > the significance of moon here since moon is the lagna lord and well

> > positioned in lagna. The only negative factor is the Nakshatra of moon

> > being Aslesha Ñ‚Ð " whose lord is Mercury & devatha is Rahu & in Sarpa

> > drekana, hence cannot entirely rule out a minute role.

> > >

> > > We also can check with Sri B.V.Ramans Ayanamsa (or any other ayanamsa)

> > as well as with Suryasidhanta computed values also using the same

> > methodology.

> > >

> > > But there other factors when the death shall occur & relationship with

> > the dasa lords, transit of planets also. It is not Vimshottari dasa

> > alone that controls the timing. Kalachakra dasa also could be compared

> > with the timing.

> > >

> > > Prasna Marga provides us another method to find the timing of death

> > >

> > > From Saturn transit

> > > a) Trikona of Gulika

> > > b) Trikona of Gulika Navamsa

> > > c) Trikona of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > > d) Trikona of Navamsa of Gulika Rashyadhipathy

> > > e) Trikona of Saturn

> > > f) Trikona of Navamsa of Saturn

> > > g) Trikona of 8th lord

> > > h) Trikona of Navamsa of 8th lord

> > > i) Trikona of 2nd house from Sun

> > > j) Trikona of 12th house from Sun

> > > k) Trikona of 22nd drekana lord

> > >

> > > From Jupiter transit

> > > a) Trikona of drekana lord of the lagna

> > > b) Trikona of Kalahora lord is positioned

> > > c) Trikona of 2nd house from Saturn

> > > d) Trikona of 12th house from Saturn

> > > e) Trikona of the sign of Lagna lords + 8th lord longitudes

> > > f) 3rd, 5th, 6th, 11th house / bhava from Saturn Ñ‚Ð " when Jupiter

> > transit the house in which it has the least aspect.

> > > From the Transit of Sun

> > > a) The position of 8th lord

> > > b) Chandra Nakshatra

> > > c) Lagna Nakshtra

> > > d) Trikona rasi of Dwadasamsa Rasi Ñ‚Ð " if sun is chara rasi

> > > e) Trikona rasi of position of Navamsa lord of the 8th Lord Ñ‚Ð " if

> > Sun is Sthira Rasi

> > > f) Trikona rasi of navamsa rasi of the lagna lord

> > > g) For sun in sthira rasi Ñ‚Ð " apavada : trikona rasi of the navamsa

> > sign of the 8th lord

> > > From the transit of Moon

> > > a) Sun rasi & trikona signs

> > > b) Position of 8th lord & its trikona signs

> > > c) Rahu Nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshtra and their rasi

> > > d) 8th lords nakshatra & its 10th , 19th nakshatra and their signs

> > > e) Trikona of the 2nd lord

> > > f) Trikona of the 7th house from the 2nd lord

> > > g) Navamsa rasi of the 2nd Lord

> > > h) 7th house from Gulika

> > > From Pramana Gulika Sputa

> > > 1) if the birth is at night or in Ratri Rasi : Pramana Gulika sputa is

> > that day times gulika sputa

> > > 2) if the Birth is at day time or Diva rasi : Prama Gulika Sputa is

> > the Sputa of the Night before.

> > > When Saturn transits the sign where the lord of Pramana Gulika is

> > posited

> > > When Jupiter transits the sign where the navamsa lord of pramana

> > Gulika is posited

> > > When Sun transits the sign where the dwadasamsa lord of Pramana Gulika

> > is posited

> > > When Moon transits the sign where the trimsamsa lord of pramansa

> > Gulika is posited.

> > > From Yoga Sputa of Sun + Saturn longitude

> > > When Moon the sign or its trikonas

> > > When Moon transits its 7th rasi trikona

> > > From Yoga sputa of Sun + Drekana lord of Saturn

> > > When Sun transits through the sign or its trikona

> > > When Sun transits through the navamsa sign or its trikona

> > > When sun transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturn navamsa lord

> > > When Jupiter transits through the sign or its trikona

> > > When Jupiter transits through the trikona of the 7th house

> > > When Jupiter transits through the navamsa or its trikona

> > > From the yoga sputa of Sun + Saturns dwadasamsa lord

> > > When Saturn transits through the sign & its trikona

> > > When Saturn transits through the trikona of the 7th sign

> > > When Saturn transits through the trikona of navamsa sign

> > >

> > > Death shall occur when planets transits through the above signs where

> > it had lowest points in the ashtavarga.

> > >

> > > Since we know the date of death Ñ‚Ð " 30-04-1965

> > > On the day

> > > Nakshtra Ñ‚Ð " Revathi Ñ‚Ð " 4th pada Lord Mercury

> > > Aries : Sun + Venus

> > > Taurus : Jupiter + Rahu Ñ‚Ð " Labha sthana of natal horoscope

> > > Leo Ñ‚Ð " Mars Ñ‚Ð " Maraka Sthana of natal horoscope

> > > Aquarius Ñ‚Ð " Saturn Ñ‚Ð " 8th house from Natal Horoscope

> > > Pisces : Mercury (debilated)

> > >

> > > Ayana Ñ‚Ð " Uthara ayana

> > > Ritu Ñ‚Ð " Vasantha rithu

> > > Month Ñ‚Ð " Vaishakha

> > > Day Ñ‚Ð " Shukra Vara

> > > Thithy Ñ‚Ð " Krishna Chaturdhasi

> > > Nakshatra - Revathi Ñ‚Ð " 4th pada

> > >

> > > If the lagna is in the first Hora Ñ‚Ð " Uthara Ayana & 2nd Hora

> > Dakshina Hora.

> > > Ritu from the Drakana Lord ; Vashtha Ritu Ñ‚Ð " lord is venus Ñ‚Ð "

> > Drekana lord of Venus & Rahu

> > > Vaishaka Month Ñ‚Ð " Mars & venus

> > > Day Ñ‚Ð " Venus

> > > Nakshtra : Mercury

> > > We can get an idea of the time of death by the above comparison also.

> > Similarly, we can compute prana, deha, mrithyu sputas & also check the

> > timing of death

> > >

> > > From the above we can understand the difficulty in computing the

> > timing of death. It is very rare that any once successfully predict it.

> > Some of the factors are extremely difficult to convert into a logical

> > software program.

> > >

> > > Further there other factors such as " Punya " that one accrues in this

> > life that may save him from death & prolong his life and similarly the

> > same punya may give early " Mukti " to another one who might have been

> > destined to suffer for a long period. Though one could technically argue

> > that these things will be show and can know from the horoscope,

> > practically, it may not be possible for even for a real yogi.

> > >

> > > Due to time & space constraints I could not present this the way I

> > really want to and hence might have missed out some important factors.

> > >

> > > I hope readers shall benefit with this humble presentation.

> > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Vinay Ji,


I am trying to explain the points you had raised. I hope you shall read it with

patience. And do not ever think that I against your Kundalee / Surya Sidhanta,

though I may have reservation on some arguments you had put forth.



//Suresh ji made very good observations on the question of death, which are

certainly based on his experiences//


It is not just based on my experiences alone (which is negligible), but also

based on many studies including BPHS.


// " it explains perfectly with conditions available

from physical astronomy " and then says " we cannot compute death with 100%

accuracy " . I am amused to note your agreeing with his contradictory statements.

Physical astronomy expains the conditions perfectly, but not with 100% accuracy.

What does it mean ?//


It means, in this case, the period of death coincides with the data available by

using common software / computational methods & the system of analysis followed.

If another analysis system method is followed, the data may not show the

expected period of death. It is just as you are saying – Kundalee software

should be evaluated by Parasara principles only. Similar is the case with KP

system also.


It is not contradiction, rather caution. But which ever word you choose to use,

pls remember that even Parasara also has done it in numerous ways.


See the first sloka in the chapter of " ayurdaya "

" Saadhu priShTam tvayaa vipra janaanaaM cha hitecChayaa "

" kathayaamyaayuSho GYaanaM durGYeyaM yat surairapi "

Since you have asked for the welfare of the mankind, I shall tell knowledge of

longevity which is unknown even for gods. Parasara clearly says it is unknown or

difficult to know even by the gods. Then why did he continue?. It is only to get

an idea about the longevity and possible time of death. Parasara has made this

clear by providing other indicators or yogas. If the computed age is absolute

why did he provide the yogas?. Can we say that parasara is contradicting

himself? Never. It is only to show that computation is only a small part of

wholesome picture of subject of longevity.


All other sages / acharyas had the same opinion on the subject. It is not in

fact contradiction but only caution.


He continues,

" aayurGYaanavibhedaastu bahubhrbahudhoditaaH "

" teShaaM saaraaMshamaadaaya pravadaami tavaa.agrataH "

On the ayurdaya subject various methods has been told (by many) " bahubhir " ?

I shall narrate the essence of all those methods.


It is clear that there are many methods and parasara has told only tried to

explain the essence of all those methods. It is also evident that, there methods

other than his own, but he is in consensus with or approves (other wise why

should he write about them in great work?). If great sage have shared knowledge

and approved of others work, why shouldn't we?


Fact is parasara has told about the yogas & other methods shows their



" aayuSho bahudha bhedaaH kathitaa bhavataa.adhunaa "

" katithaa saa kadaa.anaayuramitaayuH kadaa bhavet " .

You have narrated different type of longevity computations. Now tell me when

shall short span & over long span of life occurs.


This verse comes after parasara has narrated various methods. But the student

was not satisfied and asked, how can we detect the short span or long span of

life. If computations are the sole basis, why should parasara continue?. Hence,

there is something more that what parasara had already narrated. Is it not what

I had tried to conveyed in the article.


After narrating the computations see what parasara himself tells.

" suyogairvadhate hyaayuH kuyogaihriiyate tathaa "

" ato yogaanahaM vakshye puurNamadhyaalpakaarakaan "

Good yogas increases longevity and bad yogas decreases it. Hence I shall tell

you the yogas which are the reasons for Poorna, Madhya & alpa ayusha. Since

Parasara narrated this after narrating the computations and not by his own , but

due to specific question by his deciple as shown above, we have to assume the

yogas increase or decreases the longevity arrived at by computations. Hence,

there is nothing wrong in what I had written. I had in fact conveyed parasaras

teachings only.


Now see the amount contradiction by parasara himself.

" dvisvabhaavagrihe lagne lagneshaad balasaMyutaat "

" dvau paapau yadi kendrathau diirghamayustadaa bhavet "

If the lagna is a dual sign with its lord strong and if two malefics are in its

Kendra, the native shall have long life.


" chatushtayagate paape shubhadrishtivivarjite "

" balahiine vilagneshe svalpamaayurvinirdishet "

Malefics in the angle without benefics aspect and lagna lord weak shall give

svalpa ayu (short span) of life.


In the above both case malefics are in the angles, yet in the first case if the

lagna lord is strong it give long life irrespective of the benefic aspect. In

fact number of malefic planet is specifically mentioned as two, while in second

nothing of the sort is mentioned. Hence, one can assume that even one malefic is

enough to reduce the life span. I hope you get the point.


//If killers planets like maarakesh or planets in killer conditions have

no connection with actual death in all cases, and if death occurs in MD and AD


benefics in both D1 and D30 in many cases, you must change your siddhanta

from physical astronomy to

Suryasiddhanta instead of taking a recourse to long philosophical

dissertations on complexities on problem.


If D30 is not related to death in all case studies of persons with reliable

birthdata, what should we do : expel D30 from astrology or change our

mathematical model ?//


Parasara has very clearly told this.

" alaabhe punareteShaaM sambandhena vyayeshituH "

" kvachicChubhaanaaM cha dashaasvaSTameshadashaasu cha "

" kevalaanaaM cha paapaanaaM dashaasu nidhanaM kvachit "

kalpaniiyaM budhairnR^iNaaM maarakaaNaamadarshane "


Sometimes the death occur before the period of Maraka planet. This may happen in

the dasa or anthara of benefics who are related the 12th lord and sometimes

during the dasa or anthara of the 8th lord or of malefic planets. In this way,

the wise should tell the death even if the dasa / anthara of maraca is not seen.


When parasara himself is telling very clearly about the doubt you have raised, I

can only but think that you have not understood the concept properly. Further on

the second aspect of D30 – trimsamsha & death.


On the divisional consideration, Parasara himself says,

" vidyaayaa vedabahvaMshe bhaaMshe chaiva balaa.abalam "

" triMshaaMshake arishtaphalaM khavedaaMshe shubhaa.ashubham "


Hence, trimsamsha indicates only Arishta. The word " arishta " as I understand it

is ari+ishta = Ishta : comfortable, pleasant etc, ari = enemy. Hence enemy of

comforts – distress , sufferings etc.


Sufferings and death are two different aspects and sometimes death could be an

escape from sufferings. Death also mean " Mukti " excape. Mukti from what ?. of

what? I am sure being a sanyasi you are far more competent to explain about it

than a mere grihastha like me.


If it is not too much permit me narrate two incidences.

There is Badra Narashimha temple near my house and there is an idol of Varahi

devi also. This idol originally belonged to an ancient Namboodiri brhamin

family. It so happened that the head of family was on lying on his death bed and

soul simply refused to depart. The problem was no other member of the family was

willing to take over the pooja of Varahi (in her Ugra form). Being a tantric

family, they conduct ashta mangalya prasna in the house. It was told " first

decide about me, them I shall allow his soul to depart " . Since no one willing to

take over, they finally approached the then head priest in the Narashimaha

temple. He gladly agreed with one condition. The idol should be given as dana.

They again took prasna and the devi agreed. The moment they handed over the idol

as dana with customary hastodaka, the old man expired.


In another incident, my own grand mother (mothers) was similarly suffering for

the last one year (she was 105 when died). One day while I was about to sleep,

my wife asked about her. I replyed that Sarpents are protecting her soul. She

used have lots of cows and as a protection she used to offer milk to the

serpants. She is still under their protection. If milk is offered to another

serpant temple they will leave her. Unfortunately next day we both forgot about

it. Days after my elder brother (who also knows astrology very well) that he has

consulted another astrologer and it seems he told that she will lie in the same

condition for another 6 months. I remembered our earlier conversation and told

him about it. He in turn telephoned another grand son to do a sankalpa to offer

milk to sarpant. Even I was surprised when I received the phone call informing

about her death after less than one hour.


I hope these incidences are good enough to understand something about death &




/A single and consistent system must explain all cases of death./


No need for further explanation.


// Death occurs in MD and AD of most killer planets among Amshaayu : Pindaayu :

Nisargaayu. If Amshaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Pindaayu, but if If Pindaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Amshaayu. There are some important exceptions to this basis rule which BPHS

clearly mentions. My experience is that this set of rules works wonderfully and

consistently.But BPHS has some interpolated verses, eg on Spashtaayu which is

entirely bogus//



How do you say that?. Generally we can identify the verses by the nature

followed throughout the work, it Chandas etc. I am not a master in Sanskrit to

say authoritatively on the authenticity of that verse. There is no comment from

Sri Girish Chandra Sharma also. But if we confirm that it is written by parasara

himself, and it is wrong, what else could be wrong in it?. If so, Logically, we

will have to see with suspicion all that has been written. But do we dare ?


In fact we cannot and he has given an idea on taking the averages or as

phaladeepika has pointed out to get the lower and upper limit of span of life.



//Parashara (and Jaimini) have given some clear and simple guidelines for

computation of Death, which do not work well with ALL cases when physical

astronomy is used, but gives surprising results when Suryasiddhantic mathematics

is followed//


Let us examine more case & make a comparative study.


//I have two alternative birthtimes of Mr Jawaharlal Nehru, both of which give

MD:AD of Rahu:Mercury at the time of Death (in JHora), but Rahu:Venus in

Kundalee. While taking other factors into account, some people neglect aspect,

which is the basis of two out of four typses of Relations. Laghu Parashari says

that planets give their main result not in AD of same planet (eg, Rahu MD and

Rahu AD), but in AD of nearest relative. Rahu : Mercury have as aspect relation

of 26:32 when computed according to JHora longitudes, while Rahu:Venus has 33:27

totalling 60. Rahu's aspect is more important, which is 26 on Mercury and 33 on

Venus. Hence Venus is a srtronger relative of rahu than Mercury.//


It is unfortunate that you are leaving out clear cut, multiple & cross verified

indications given by me on why mercury is potent enough to cause death. In spite

of that if you want to continue with your argument with only on the basis of

aspect of Rahu (which itself is controversial) , pls do so. It is upto you.


Further if you had read my article without bias & with due care, I had provided

another argument on cross verification of the data by ayana , ritu , masa ,

nakstra etc. which is logical & simple common sence. If birth of a child is

similarly written, death should also have these. Astrology gives various method

to determine ayana , ritu, masa, nakshtra etc. And if you haven't noticed,

though the anthara is not of venus, ritu is vasantha whose lord is Venus. Venus

is among the most potent planets I had mentioned and if one of the factor (which

need not be dasa/anthara/chidra/prana alone) belongs to the planet venus, I

don't have hesitation to say Surya sidhantha computation is also correct to this

point. Don't you understand, what I am trying to say is the planets need not

follow the dasa/anthara/chidra/prana sequence alone. Arugumentavely some planet

have should indicate the ayana (in this case utharayana) why did the death

happen in utharayana? And why not in dakshinayana?. Think about it. Similarly

why vasantha rithu why not grishma rithu etc.



//But another point is more important : among Amshaayu : Pindaayu : Nisargaayu,

none is cought with Rahu:Mercury while Rahu:Venus is found in Pindaayu. It is

wrong to consider Pindaayu in isolation. Amshaayu : Pindaayu : Nisargaayu are

taken simultaneously, and among these three timings only that one is preferred

which makes most killer MD:AD combination. You should not dismiss pindaayu (or

Amshaayu / Nisargaayu) on the ground that only Pindaayu does not explain all

cases. It is not good to twist rules. I fear you work with other systems and do

not use this basic rule of Parashara-Jaimini. Take my words in good spirit.//


In my software Rahu-Mercury is till 13-Oct-1966 which reasonably corresponds to

the period show by pindayu.


From the above you must have already understood, that I have not twisted any

rules nor dismissed pindayu, in fact I had cautioned in it being taken as a

authentic date. In fact I have only tried to lay down some pointers on how to do

a systematic study.


Finally, I won't blame you in any way , since you have declared many times that

you are not an astrologer, But only thank you from the bottom of my heart. It

helped me to update my own rusted knowledge on the subject.



With warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

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Dear Suresh Ji and others,

namskarams .Relating to you Astrology's guidnace is enough to reveal various

aspects of Ayus.probing further into a domain to determine actual death timing

was never the wish of sages too.That is why sages have refrained.

Even in recent cases of pronounced death that came in media,people lived beyond

even in a helpless state but not dead.

itis necessary we need to collate end of life of any native in holistic approach

as his Karmas have definete good or bad effects on timing of death.Also mother

who always(what ever age) contnues to wish for longetivity.her hidden and

obscure guidance for longevity is also related to her thought and minds.

Software based on Parasara available in market do help us for general

approach.But specific and accuarcy to be emphsised based on the data(what ever

softwaare data) is not right way as basically we give trends/indications enough

to the individuals to put in their attempts to improve lot.



" Can we say that parasara is contradicting himself? Never. It is only to show

that computation is only a small part of wholesome picture of subject of

longevity. "


" All other sages / acharyas had the same opinion on the subject. It is not in

fact contradiction but only caution. "



--- On Thu, 5/7/09, sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag wrote:


sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag

Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study


Thursday, May 7, 2009, 12:23 PM










Dear Vinay Ji,


I am trying to explain the points you had raised. I hope you shall read it with

patience. And do not ever think that I against your Kundalee / Surya Sidhanta,

though I may have reservation on some arguments you had put forth.


//Suresh ji made very good observations on the question of death, which are

certainly based on his experiences/ /


It is not just based on my experiences alone (which is negligible), but also

based on many studies including BPHS.


// " it explains perfectly with conditions available

from physical astronomy " and then says " we cannot compute death with 100%

accuracy " . I am amused to note your agreeing with his contradictory statements.

Physical astronomy expains the conditions perfectly, but not with 100% accuracy.

What does it mean ?//


It means, in this case, the period of death coincides with the data available by

using common software / computational methods & the system of analysis followed.

If another analysis system method is followed, the data may not show the

expected period of death. It is just as you are saying – Kundalee software

should be evaluated by Parasara principles only. Similar is the case with KP

system also.


It is not contradiction, rather caution. But which ever word you choose to use,

pls remember that even Parasara also has done it in numerous ways.


See the first sloka in the chapter of " ayurdaya "

" Saadhu priShTam tvayaa vipra janaanaaM cha hitecChayaa "

" kathayaamyaayuSho GYaanaM durGYeyaM yat surairapi "

Since you have asked for the welfare of the mankind, I shall tell knowledge of

longevity which is unknown even for gods. Parasara clearly says it is unknown or

difficult to know even by the gods. Then why did he continue?. It is only to get

an idea about the longevity and possible time of death. Parasara has made this

clear by providing other indicators or yogas. If the computed age is absolute

why did he provide the yogas?. Can we say that parasara is contradicting

himself? Never. It is only to show that computation is only a small part of

wholesome picture of subject of longevity.


All other sages / acharyas had the same opinion on the subject. It is not in

fact contradiction but only caution.


He continues,

" aayurGYaanavibheda astu bahubhrbahudhoditaa H "

" teShaaM saaraaMshamaadaaya pravadaami tavaa.agrataH "

On the ayurdaya subject various methods has been told (by many) " bahubhir " ?

I shall narrate the essence of all those methods.


It is clear that there are many methods and parasara has told only tried to

explain the essence of all those methods. It is also evident that, there methods

other than his own, but he is in consensus with or approves (other wise why

should he write about them in great work?). If great sage have shared knowledge

and approved of others work, why shouldn't we?


Fact is parasara has told about the yogas & other methods shows their



" aayuSho bahudha bhedaaH kathitaa bhavataa.adhunaa "

" katithaa saa kadaa.anaayuramitaa yuH kadaa bhavet " .

You have narrated different type of longevity computations. Now tell me when

shall short span & over long span of life occurs.


This verse comes after parasara has narrated various methods. But the student

was not satisfied and asked, how can we detect the short span or long span of

life. If computations are the sole basis, why should parasara continue?. Hence,

there is something more that what parasara had already narrated. Is it not what

I had tried to conveyed in the article.


After narrating the computations see what parasara himself tells.

" suyogairvadhate hyaayuH kuyogaihriiyate tathaa "

" ato yogaanahaM vakshye puurNamadhyaalpakaa rakaan "

Good yogas increases longevity and bad yogas decreases it. Hence I shall tell

you the yogas which are the reasons for Poorna, Madhya & alpa ayusha. Since

Parasara narrated this after narrating the computations and not by his own , but

due to specific question by his deciple as shown above, we have to assume the

yogas increase or decreases the longevity arrived at by computations. Hence,

there is nothing wrong in what I had written. I had in fact conveyed parasaras

teachings only.


Now see the amount contradiction by parasara himself.

" dvisvabhaavagrihe lagne lagneshaad balasaMyutaat "

" dvau paapau yadi kendrathau diirghamayustadaa bhavet "

If the lagna is a dual sign with its lord strong and if two malefics are in its

Kendra, the native shall have long life.


" chatushtayagate paape shubhadrishtivivarj ite "

" balahiine vilagneshe svalpamaayurvinirdi shet "

Malefics in the angle without benefics aspect and lagna lord weak shall give

svalpa ayu (short span) of life.


In the above both case malefics are in the angles, yet in the first case if the

lagna lord is strong it give long life irrespective of the benefic aspect. In

fact number of malefic planet is specifically mentioned as two, while in second

nothing of the sort is mentioned. Hence, one can assume that even one malefic is

enough to reduce the life span. I hope you get the point.


//If killers planets like maarakesh or planets in killer conditions have

no connection with actual death in all cases, and if death occurs in MD and AD


benefics in both D1 and D30 in many cases, you must change your siddhanta

from physical astronomy to

Suryasiddhanta instead of taking a recourse to long philosophical

dissertations on complexities on problem.


If D30 is not related to death in all case studies of persons with reliable

birthdata, what should we do : expel D30 from astrology or change our

mathematical model ?//


Parasara has very clearly told this.

" alaabhe punareteShaaM sambandhena vyayeshituH "

" kvachicChubhaanaaM cha dashaasvaSTameshada shaasu cha "

" kevalaanaaM cha paapaanaaM dashaasu nidhanaM kvachit "

kalpaniiyaM budhairnR^iNaaM maarakaaNaamadarsha ne "


Sometimes the death occur before the period of Maraka planet. This may happen in

the dasa or anthara of benefics who are related the 12th lord and sometimes

during the dasa or anthara of the 8th lord or of malefic planets. In this way,

the wise should tell the death even if the dasa / anthara of maraca is not seen.


When parasara himself is telling very clearly about the doubt you have raised, I

can only but think that you have not understood the concept properly. Further on

the second aspect of D30 – trimsamsha & death.


On the divisional consideration, Parasara himself says,

" vidyaayaa vedabahvaMshe bhaaMshe chaiva balaa.abalam "

" triMshaaMshake arishtaphalaM khavedaaMshe shubhaa.ashubham "


Hence, trimsamsha indicates only Arishta. The word " arishta " as I understand it

is ari+ishta = Ishta : comfortable, pleasant etc, ari = enemy. Hence enemy of

comforts – distress , sufferings etc.


Sufferings and death are two different aspects and sometimes death could be an

escape from sufferings. Death also mean " Mukti " excape. Mukti from what ?. of

what? I am sure being a sanyasi you are far more competent to explain about it

than a mere grihastha like me.


If it is not too much permit me narrate two incidences.

There is Badra Narashimha temple near my house and there is an idol of Varahi

devi also. This idol originally belonged to an ancient Namboodiri brhamin

family. It so happened that the head of family was on lying on his death bed and

soul simply refused to depart. The problem was no other member of the family was

willing to take over the pooja of Varahi (in her Ugra form). Being a tantric

family, they conduct ashta mangalya prasna in the house. It was told " first

decide about me, them I shall allow his soul to depart " . Since no one willing to

take over, they finally approached the then head priest in the Narashimaha

temple. He gladly agreed with one condition. The idol should be given as dana.

They again took prasna and the devi agreed. The moment they handed over the idol

as dana with customary hastodaka, the old man expired.


In another incident, my own grand mother (mothers) was similarly suffering for

the last one year (she was 105 when died). One day while I was about to sleep,

my wife asked about her. I replyed that Sarpents are protecting her soul. She

used have lots of cows and as a protection she used to offer milk to the

serpants. She is still under their protection. If milk is offered to another

serpant temple they will leave her. Unfortunately next day we both forgot about

it. Days after my elder brother (who also knows astrology very well) that he has

consulted another astrologer and it seems he told that she will lie in the same

condition for another 6 months. I remembered our earlier conversation and told

him about it. He in turn telephoned another grand son to do a sankalpa to offer

milk to sarpant. Even I was surprised when I received the phone call informing

about her death after less than one hour.


I hope these incidences are good enough to understand something about death &



/A single and consistent system must explain all cases of death./


No need for further explanation.


// Death occurs in MD and AD of most killer planets among Amshaayu : Pindaayu :

Nisargaayu. If Amshaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Pindaayu, but if If Pindaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Amshaayu. There are some important exceptions to this basis rule which BPHS

clearly mentions. My experience is that this set of rules works wonderfully and

consistently. But BPHS has some interpolated verses, eg on Spashtaayu which is

entirely bogus//


How do you say that?. Generally we can identify the verses by the nature

followed throughout the work, it Chandas etc. I am not a master in Sanskrit to

say authoritatively on the authenticity of that verse. There is no comment from

Sri Girish Chandra Sharma also. But if we confirm that it is written by parasara

himself, and it is wrong, what else could be wrong in it?. If so, Logically, we

will have to see with suspicion all that has been written. But do we dare ?


In fact we cannot and he has given an idea on taking the averages or as

phaladeepika has pointed out to get the lower and upper limit of span of life.


//Parashara (and Jaimini) have given some clear and simple guidelines for

computation of Death, which do not work well with ALL cases when physical

astronomy is used, but gives surprising results when Suryasiddhantic mathematics

is followed//


Let us examine more case & make a comparative study.


//I have two alternative birthtimes of Mr Jawaharlal Nehru, both of which give

MD:AD of Rahu:Mercury at the time of Death (in JHora), but Rahu:Venus in

Kundalee. While taking other factors into account, some people neglect aspect,

which is the basis of two out of four typses of Relations. Laghu Parashari says

that planets give their main result not in AD of same planet (eg, Rahu MD and

Rahu AD), but in AD of nearest relative. Rahu : Mercury have as aspect relation

of 26:32 when computed according to JHora longitudes, while Rahu:Venus has 33:27

totalling 60. Rahu's aspect is more important, which is 26 on Mercury and 33 on

Venus. Hence Venus is a srtronger relative of rahu than Mercury.//


It is unfortunate that you are leaving out clear cut, multiple & cross verified

indications given by me on why mercury is potent enough to cause death. In spite

of that if you want to continue with your argument with only on the basis of

aspect of Rahu (which itself is controversial) , pls do so. It is upto you.


Further if you had read my article without bias & with due care, I had provided

another argument on cross verification of the data by ayana , ritu , masa ,

nakstra etc. which is logical & simple common sence. If birth of a child is

similarly written, death should also have these. Astrology gives various method

to determine ayana , ritu, masa, nakshtra etc. And if you haven't noticed,

though the anthara is not of venus, ritu is vasantha whose lord is Venus. Venus

is among the most potent planets I had mentioned and if one of the factor (which

need not be dasa/anthara/ chidra/prana alone) belongs to the planet venus, I

don't have hesitation to say Surya sidhantha computation is also correct to this

point. Don't you understand, what I am trying to say is the planets need not

follow the dasa/anthara/ chidra/prana sequence alone. Arugumentavely some planet

have should indicate the ayana (in this case utharayana) why did the death

happen in utharayana? And why

not in dakshinayana? . Think about it. Similarly why vasantha rithu why not

grishma rithu etc.


//But another point is more important : among Amshaayu : Pindaayu : Nisargaayu,

none is cought with Rahu:Mercury while Rahu:Venus is found in Pindaayu. It is

wrong to consider Pindaayu in isolation. Amshaayu : Pindaayu : Nisargaayu are

taken simultaneously, and among these three timings only that one is preferred

which makes most killer MD:AD combination. You should not dismiss pindaayu (or

Amshaayu / Nisargaayu) on the ground that only Pindaayu does not explain all

cases. It is not good to twist rules. I fear you work with other systems and do

not use this basic rule of Parashara-Jaimini. Take my words in good spirit.//


In my software Rahu-Mercury is till 13-Oct-1966 which reasonably corresponds to

the period show by pindayu.


From the above you must have already understood, that I have not twisted any

rules nor dismissed pindayu, in fact I had cautioned in it being taken as a

authentic date. In fact I have only tried to lay down some pointers on how to do

a systematic study.


Finally, I won't blame you in any way , since you have declared many times that

you are not an astrologer, But only thank you from the bottom of my heart. It

helped me to update my own rusted knowledge on the subject.


With warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy






















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To Krishnan Ji and others,



Death is one of the most important events of life and is dealth with in chief

works of traditional astrology. There are many complications involved in timing

of death, and predictions may not prove to be accurate always, but it is our

inability. Moreover, actions and circumstances of present life also mould the

outcome, which cannot be foretold by horoscope alone. Nevertheless, examinatiopn

of actual deaths has ALWAYS corfirmed the basic rules of phalita jyotisha, hence

it is wrong to prevent an impartial enquiry.


Krishnan ji is right is saying that " Software based on Parasara available in

market do help us for general approach. " But if a different and ancient

mathematical model based on Parashara makes more specific conclusions about

possible, what is wrong in checking its validity ? My ,main point is that the

Parashara-Jaimini system of Amshaayu-Pindaayu-Nisargaayu works wonderfully if

Suryasiddhantic mathematics is followed, and when MD:AD planets of

Amshaayu-Pindaayu-Nisargaayu fail to be chief killers due to peculiarities of a

given horoscope, there are rules for such exceptions which also work well. These

rules do not ALWAYS work well when physical astronomy is used. It is wrong to

deduce that these ancient rules are crude or general. The problem lies in the

use of physical astronomy, which prevents some astrologers from even testing

Suryasiddhantic astrology impartially. But the truth will come out, in due time

, if impartial testing is not prevented.


-Vinay Jha

===================== =============




vattem krishnan <bursar_99


Friday, May 8, 2009 6:49:30 AM

Re: Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study






Dear Suresh Ji and others,

namskarams .Relating to you Astrology's guidnace is enough to reveal various

aspects of Ayus.probing further into a domain to determine actual death timing

was never the wish of sages too.That is why sages have refrained.

Even in recent cases of pronounced death that came in media,people lived beyond

even in a helpless state but not dead.

itis necessary we need to collate end of life of any native in holistic approach

as his Karmas have definete good or bad effects on timing of death.Also mother

who always(what ever age) contnues to wish for longetivity. her hidden and

obscure guidance for longevity is also related to her thought and minds.

Software based on Parasara available in market do help us for general

approach.But specific and accuarcy to be emphsised based on the data(what ever

softwaare data) is not right way as basically we give trends/indications enough

to the individuals to put in their attempts to improve lot.



" Can we say that parasara is contradicting himself? Never. It is only to show

that computation is only a small part of wholesome picture of subject of

longevity. "


" All other sages / acharyas had the same opinion on the subject. It is not in

fact contradiction but only caution. "


--- On Thu, 5/7/09, sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study


Thursday, May 7, 2009, 12:23 PM



Dear Vinay Ji,


I am trying to explain the points you had raised. I hope you shall read it with

patience. And do not ever think that I against your Kundalee / Surya Sidhanta,

though I may have reservation on some arguments you had put forth.


//Suresh ji made very good observations on the question of death, which are

certainly based on his experiences/ /


It is not just based on my experiences alone (which is negligible), but also

based on many studies including BPHS.


// " it explains perfectly with conditions available

from physical astronomy " and then says " we cannot compute death with 100%

accuracy " . I am amused to note your agreeing with his contradictory statements.

Physical astronomy expains the conditions perfectly, but not with 100% accuracy.

What does it mean ?//


It means, in this case, the period of death coincides with the data available by

using common software / computational methods & the system of analysis followed.

If another analysis system method is followed, the data may not show the

expected period of death. It is just as you are saying – Kundalee software

should be evaluated by Parasara principles only. Similar is the case with KP

system also.


It is not contradiction, rather caution. But which ever word you choose to use,

pls remember that even Parasara also has done it in numerous ways.


See the first sloka in the chapter of " ayurdaya "

" Saadhu priShTam tvayaa vipra janaanaaM cha hitecChayaa "

" kathayaamyaayuSho GYaanaM durGYeyaM yat surairapi "

Since you have asked for the welfare of the mankind, I shall tell knowledge of

longevity which is unknown even for gods. Parasara clearly says it is unknown or

difficult to know even by the gods. Then why did he continue?. It is only to get

an idea about the longevity and possible time of death. Parasara has made this

clear by providing other indicators or yogas. If the computed age is absolute

why did he provide the yogas?. Can we say that parasara is contradicting

himself? Never. It is only to show that computation is only a small part of

wholesome picture of subject of longevity.


All other sages / acharyas had the same opinion on the subject. It is not in

fact contradiction but only caution.


He continues,

" aayurGYaanavibheda astu bahubhrbahudhoditaa H "

" teShaaM saaraaMshamaadaaya pravadaami tavaa.agrataH "

On the ayurdaya subject various methods has been told (by many) " bahubhir " ?

I shall narrate the essence of all those methods.


It is clear that there are many methods and parasara has told only tried to

explain the essence of all those methods. It is also evident that, there methods

other than his own, but he is in consensus with or approves (other wise why

should he write about them in great work?). If great sage have shared knowledge

and approved of others work, why shouldn't we?


Fact is parasara has told about the yogas & other methods shows their



" aayuSho bahudha bhedaaH kathitaa bhavataa.adhunaa "

" katithaa saa kadaa.anaayuramitaa yuH kadaa bhavet " .

You have narrated different type of longevity computations. Now tell me when

shall short span & over long span of life occurs.


This verse comes after parasara has narrated various methods. But the student

was not satisfied and asked, how can we detect the short span or long span of

life. If computations are the sole basis, why should parasara continue?. Hence,

there is something more that what parasara had already narrated. Is it not what

I had tried to conveyed in the article.


After narrating the computations see what parasara himself tells.

" suyogairvadhate hyaayuH kuyogaihriiyate tathaa "

" ato yogaanahaM vakshye puurNamadhyaalpakaa rakaan "

Good yogas increases longevity and bad yogas decreases it. Hence I shall tell

you the yogas which are the reasons for Poorna, Madhya & alpa ayusha. Since

Parasara narrated this after narrating the computations and not by his own , but

due to specific question by his deciple as shown above, we have to assume the

yogas increase or decreases the longevity arrived at by computations. Hence,

there is nothing wrong in what I had written. I had in fact conveyed parasaras

teachings only.


Now see the amount contradiction by parasara himself.

" dvisvabhaavagrihe lagne lagneshaad balasaMyutaat "

" dvau paapau yadi kendrathau diirghamayustadaa bhavet "

If the lagna is a dual sign with its lord strong and if two malefics are in its

Kendra, the native shall have long life.


" chatushtayagate paape shubhadrishtivivarj ite "

" balahiine vilagneshe svalpamaayurvinirdi shet "

Malefics in the angle without benefics aspect and lagna lord weak shall give

svalpa ayu (short span) of life.


In the above both case malefics are in the angles, yet in the first case if the

lagna lord is strong it give long life irrespective of the benefic aspect. In

fact number of malefic planet is specifically mentioned as two, while in second

nothing of the sort is mentioned. Hence, one can assume that even one malefic is

enough to reduce the life span. I hope you get the point.


//If killers planets like maarakesh or planets in killer conditions have

no connection with actual death in all cases, and if death occurs in MD and AD


benefics in both D1 and D30 in many cases, you must change your siddhanta

from physical astronomy to

Suryasiddhanta instead of taking a recourse to long philosophical

dissertations on complexities on problem.


If D30 is not related to death in all case studies of persons with reliable

birthdata, what should we do : expel D30 from astrology or change our

mathematical model ?//


Parasara has very clearly told this.

" alaabhe punareteShaaM sambandhena vyayeshituH "

" kvachicChubhaanaaM cha dashaasvaSTameshada shaasu cha "

" kevalaanaaM cha paapaanaaM dashaasu nidhanaM kvachit "

kalpaniiyaM budhairnR^iNaaM maarakaaNaamadarsha ne "


Sometimes the death occur before the period of Maraka planet. This may happen in

the dasa or anthara of benefics who are related the 12th lord and sometimes

during the dasa or anthara of the 8th lord or of malefic planets. In this way,

the wise should tell the death even if the dasa / anthara of maraca is not seen.


When parasara himself is telling very clearly about the doubt you have raised, I

can only but think that you have not understood the concept properly. Further on

the second aspect of D30 – trimsamsha & death.


On the divisional consideration, Parasara himself says,

" vidyaayaa vedabahvaMshe bhaaMshe chaiva balaa.abalam "

" triMshaaMshake arishtaphalaM khavedaaMshe shubhaa.ashubham "


Hence, trimsamsha indicates only Arishta. The word " arishta " as I understand it

is ari+ishta = Ishta : comfortable, pleasant etc, ari = enemy. Hence enemy of

comforts – distress , sufferings etc.


Sufferings and death are two different aspects and sometimes death could be an

escape from sufferings. Death also mean " Mukti " excape. Mukti from what ?. of

what? I am sure being a sanyasi you are far more competent to explain about it

than a mere grihastha like me.


If it is not too much permit me narrate two incidences.

There is Badra Narashimha temple near my house and there is an idol of Varahi

devi also. This idol originally belonged to an ancient Namboodiri brhamin

family. It so happened that the head of family was on lying on his death bed and

soul simply refused to depart. The problem was no other member of the family was

willing to take over the pooja of Varahi (in her Ugra form). Being a tantric

family, they conduct ashta mangalya prasna in the house. It was told " first

decide about me, them I shall allow his soul to depart " . Since no one willing to

take over, they finally approached the then head priest in the Narashimaha

temple. He gladly agreed with one condition. The idol should be given as dana.

They again took prasna and the devi agreed. The moment they handed over the idol

as dana with customary hastodaka, the old man expired.


In another incident, my own grand mother (mothers) was similarly suffering for

the last one year (she was 105 when died). One day while I was about to sleep,

my wife asked about her. I replyed that Sarpents are protecting her soul. She

used have lots of cows and as a protection she used to offer milk to the

serpants. She is still under their protection. If milk is offered to another

serpant temple they will leave her. Unfortunately next day we both forgot about

it. Days after my elder brother (who also knows astrology very well) that he has

consulted another astrologer and it seems he told that she will lie in the same

condition for another 6 months. I remembered our earlier conversation and told

him about it. He in turn telephoned another grand son to do a sankalpa to offer

milk to sarpant. Even I was surprised when I received the phone call informing

about her death after less than one hour.


I hope these incidences are good enough to understand something about death &



/A single and consistent system must explain all cases of death./


No need for further explanation.


// Death occurs in MD and AD of most killer planets among Amshaayu : Pindaayu :

Nisargaayu. If Amshaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Pindaayu, but if If Pindaayu gives most killer combinations, it will override

Amshaayu. There are some important exceptions to this basis rule which BPHS

clearly mentions. My experience is that this set of rules works wonderfully and

consistently. But BPHS has some interpolated verses, eg on Spashtaayu which is

entirely bogus//


How do you say that?. Generally we can identify the verses by the nature

followed throughout the work, it Chandas etc. I am not a master in Sanskrit to

say authoritatively on the authenticity of that verse. There is no comment from

Sri Girish Chandra Sharma also. But if we confirm that it is written by parasara

himself, and it is wrong, what else could be wrong in it?. If so, Logically, we

will have to see with suspicion all that has been written. But do we dare ?


In fact we cannot and he has given an idea on taking the averages or as

phaladeepika has pointed out to get the lower and upper limit of span of life.


//Parashara (and Jaimini) have given some clear and simple guidelines for

computation of Death, which do not work well with ALL cases when physical

astronomy is used, but gives surprising results when Suryasiddhantic mathematics

is followed//


Let us examine more case & make a comparative study.


//I have two alternative birthtimes of Mr Jawaharlal Nehru, both of which give

MD:AD of Rahu:Mercury at the time of Death (in JHora), but Rahu:Venus in

Kundalee. While taking other factors into account, some people neglect aspect,

which is the basis of two out of four typses of Relations. Laghu Parashari says

that planets give their main result not in AD of same planet (eg, Rahu MD and

Rahu AD), but in AD of nearest relative. Rahu : Mercury have as aspect relation

of 26:32 when computed according to JHora longitudes, while Rahu:Venus has 33:27

totalling 60. Rahu's aspect is more important, which is 26 on Mercury and 33 on

Venus. Hence Venus is a srtronger relative of rahu than Mercury.//


It is unfortunate that you are leaving out clear cut, multiple & cross verified

indications given by me on why mercury is potent enough to cause death. In spite

of that if you want to continue with your argument with only on the basis of

aspect of Rahu (which itself is controversial) , pls do so. It is upto you.


Further if you had read my article without bias & with due care, I had provided

another argument on cross verification of the data by ayana , ritu , masa ,

nakstra etc. which is logical & simple common sence. If birth of a child is

similarly written, death should also have these. Astrology gives various method

to determine ayana , ritu, masa, nakshtra etc. And if you haven't noticed,

though the anthara is not of venus, ritu is vasantha whose lord is Venus. Venus

is among the most potent planets I had mentioned and if one of the factor (which

need not be dasa/anthara/ chidra/prana alone) belongs to the planet venus, I

don't have hesitation to say Surya sidhantha computation is also correct to this

point. Don't you understand, what I am trying to say is the planets need not

follow the dasa/anthara/ chidra/prana sequence alone. Arugumentavely some planet

have should indicate the ayana (in this case utharayana) why did the death

happen in utharayana? And why

not in dakshinayana? . Think about it. Similarly why vasantha rithu why not

grishma rithu etc.


//But another point is more important : among Amshaayu : Pindaayu : Nisargaayu,

none is cought with Rahu:Mercury while Rahu:Venus is found in Pindaayu. It is

wrong to consider Pindaayu in isolation. Amshaayu : Pindaayu : Nisargaayu are

taken simultaneously, and among these three timings only that one is preferred

which makes most killer MD:AD combination. You should not dismiss pindaayu (or

Amshaayu / Nisargaayu) on the ground that only Pindaayu does not explain all

cases. It is not good to twist rules. I fear you work with other systems and do

not use this basic rule of Parashara-Jaimini. Take my words in good spirit.//


In my software Rahu-Mercury is till 13-Oct-1966 which reasonably corresponds to

the period show by pindayu.


From the above you must have already understood, that I have not twisted any

rules nor dismissed pindayu, in fact I had cautioned in it being taken as a

authentic date. In fact I have only tried to lay down some pointers on how to do

a systematic study.


Finally, I won't blame you in any way , since you have declared many times that

you are not an astrologer, But only thank you from the bottom of my heart. It

helped me to update my own rusted knowledge on the subject.


With warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



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Dear Shenoyji,


Your messages on " death " made very interesting reading. This is the ongoing

chapter in the BPHS classes groups. I would be interested in the chart of your

grandmother (105yr old) . Wouild you mind sharing it with me?


Thanks and Regards,


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I am glad that it made an interesting reading to you, but I thought rather it

would have made an informative reading.


I am sorry of the birth details. No body new for sure.



A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



, " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:


> Dear Shenoyji,


> Your messages on " death " made very interesting reading. This is the ongoing

chapter in the BPHS classes groups. I would be interested in the chart of your

grandmother (105yr old) . Wouild you mind sharing it with me?


> Thanks and Regards,

> bhagavathi


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I have marked here an unwillingnessto discuss Amshaayu - Pindaayu - Nisargaayu

and accompanying rules in the cases of well known personalities. the reason is

simple : the rules of BPHS work well with Suryasiddhantic mathematics, hence

adherents of Drigganita do not discuss these rules with case studies of well

known persons.


The topic was " Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru " , not started by me but

by Shenoy Ji, and now it is diverting towards non-celebrities whose birthdata

are not universally known and attested.


-Vinay Jha


=============== =============




bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan


Saturday, May 9, 2009 8:24:50 PM

Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study






Dear Shenoyji,


Your messages on " death " made very interesting reading. This is the ongoing

chapter in the BPHS classes groups. I would be interested in the chart of your

grandmother (105yr old) . Wouild you mind sharing it with me?


Thanks and Regards,










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Shenoy Ji,


<<<I am sorry of the birth details.>>>


Thanks God ! Can we discuss deaths of persons like Nehru, Napoleon, Hitler,

Lincoln, etc, with a view to check the efficacy of Amshaayu - Pindaayu -

Nisargaayu rule and accompanying set of rules and yogas related to death ?


Instead of examining the issue impartially, two astrologers are charging me of

making " commercial " gain by claiming of correctness, ... that is what I am

getting in these forums. I never earned a paisa out of astrology, yet some

people are so annoyed with my " outdated " siddhanta that they smell imaginary

motives in my quest.


-Vinay Jha

============ ========




sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag


Saturday, May 9, 2009 9:14:04 PM

Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study








I am glad that it made an interesting reading to you, but I thought rather it

would have made an informative reading.


I am sorry of the birth details. No body new for sure.



A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


, " bhagavathi_ hariharan " <bhagavathi_

hariharan@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Shenoyji,


> Your messages on " death " made very interesting reading. This is the ongoing

chapter in the BPHS classes groups. I would be interested in the chart of your

grandmother (105yr old) . Wouild you mind sharing it with me?


> Thanks and Regards,

> bhagavathi










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, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag



> Namsthe,


> I am glad that it made an interesting reading to you, but I thought rather it

would have made an informative reading.


> I am sorry of the birth details. No body new for sure.


> regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



> , " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shenoyji,

> >

> > Your messages on " death " made very interesting reading. This is the ongoing

chapter in the BPHS classes groups. I would be interested in the chart of your

grandmother (105yr old) . Wouild you mind sharing it with me?

> >

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > bhagavathi

> >

>========================================================================= send

me both hand photo and see the clear line on hand

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To me that which is informative is interesting, not otherwise. Anyways, thank




, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag



> Namsthe,


> I am glad that it made an interesting reading to you, but I thought rather it

would have made an informative reading.


> I am sorry of the birth details. No body new for sure.


> regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



> , " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shenoyji,

> >

> > Your messages on " death " made very interesting reading. This is the ongoing

chapter in the BPHS classes groups. I would be interested in the chart of your

grandmother (105yr old) . Wouild you mind sharing it with me?

> >

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > bhagavathi

> >


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//The topic was " Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru " , not started by me but

by Shenoy Ji, and now it is diverting towards non-celebrities whose birthdata

are not universally known and attested.//



We are NEVER sure of celebrities charts either. Those are fixed and then

attested. I was particularly interested in the 105yr old woman because good

purnayu charts are difficult to find, not for the " celebrity " factor




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Bhagavathi Ji,


I knew individual horoscopy is not a faultless field for examining and comparing

siddhaantic methods, and that is why I had tried to discuss mundane astrology.

But there too, I found astrologers like to discuss theories instead of examining

the practical results,and a few of them diverted the topics. Birthdata may be

wrong, but official data of rainfall or economic growth are reliable. Why not

expalin these data to find out which techniques explains these data most

satisfactorily ?


-Vinay Jha

===================== ==========



bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan


Saturday, May 9, 2009 10:06:12 PM

Re: Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru - A study








//The topic was " Timing of death - Sri Jawaharlal Nehru " , not started by me but

by Shenoy Ji, and now it is diverting towards non-celebrities whose birthdata

are not universally known and attested.//



We are NEVER sure of celebrities charts either. Those are fixed and then

attested. I was particularly interested in the 105yr old woman because good

purnayu charts are difficult to find, not for the " celebrity " factor












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