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Two cents -- if I may ...? 8/5 -Jaimini-typos

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Dear Members


I had made a typos in the line below it is corrected now




Parasara from my recollection is the father, guru of Jainini a la Dronacharya,

Ashwathamma father less but Guru more. //


it is Jaimini not kaimani sorry for the typos









vattem krishnan <bursar_99


Friday, May 8, 2009 9:41:45 AM

Re: Two cents -- if I may ...?






Dear Friends,

It will be shocking for every one of us to hear that reverred science has

reached stage of cross roads.An ecclectic approach is the last one inAstrology

one can grope for.After all Music meastro may think fo as Instruments more or

less have the sam bossz(lower string) can think of jazz geeting mixed up

something of rock band.perhaps it is the strength of limbs and vocal chords that

matter.but in our field it is never so for the reason what ever short comings

one notices and dssatification in having not able to pronounce precision and

accuracy.This science is certainly beyond every one in the matters relating 27

malkhtras and 7/9 planets.

As seers have staked their wisdom and poured their by driving the darkness and

unfloding the implication of cosmic we have become blessed.For us at this satge

it is our lack of effort that could not see the fathoms of Astrology and

pronounce with precision the implication. Softwares are products of humanwit

and meant for application as conceieved by developers.For their appreciation

accuracy/near to accuracy is the commercial projection that can bring

recognition to software.For a product dveloped with certain boundaries/paramate

rs,th results too will only be iwth in boundaries.

Classicals were envisaged for timelss and boundary less usage.we are mining and

continued to mine if only our aim is not to mix up various schools of thought

only to go into deep to unfold rootcuase of planetory behaviours.

So let's continue to have the group concentrate and base our working on these

Texts with out mixing and convey with clarity how things may happen and anlyse

how the happenings took place in the past.



--- On Thu, 5/7/09, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar > wrote:


Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

Re: Two cents -- if I may ...?


Thursday, May 7, 2009, 11:06 PM


Dear RRji


a good post, u can se my reply to Vinay ji on the parasara question I had asked

him also.


Parasara from my recollection is the father, guru of Jainini a la Dronacharya,

Ashwathamma father less but Guru more.


he proposed a simple level of slokas but encryoted them in complex language


and isnt it sttrange he came up with a opp version to his father and Guru


a ravi-sani opposition=rebelous and acrimonious relationship with establishment,

father, dharma etc.


say a graha in Parasara school if in Vrudha avastha it is atmakaraka, or one

just behind it is amatya karaka


many yogakaraks in Parasari are Bhadakas in Jaimini.


ppl mix systems and literally destroy the SUPERSTRUCTURE OF HOPE, GIUDENCE TO



as if both r used we will never find a single shuba yoga possible, we will never

find a shubha graha itself all yoga karaks r but Bhadakas...!

so Gabdhis, Einsties, Michel jacksons,, sachin tendulkars, Obamas, hitlers or

godse or in the past sri rama, sri krishna etc...


one system one approach no kitchidi is desirable we will like western

astrologers predict only fatelistacally.

instead of a karmich based where we have results of past karma coming in good

and bad ways even on a single day mixed events r possible.


Best wishes




____________ _________ _________ __

Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ hotmail.com>


Friday, May 8, 2009 7:20:48 AM

Two cents -- if I may ...?


Dear Vinay Ji,


This has been an ongoing confusion recently: Parashara vs What is not Parashari!


The curious thing is, as I have pointed out a few times --


Parashara in BPHS gave the important principles that some choose to call

Jaimini-specific and adopted by Parashara. Parashara has referred to many

earlier works and earlier Rishis (hopefully in your Chowkhamba edition too) but

never once mentioned this Jaimini Rishi.


Jaimini Rishi too, did not mention Parashara! I am not sure if he mentioned

Parashara in his writings, all of which may not be available to me!


The interesting observation is:


Parashara (as we know what He Writ, including this Chowkhambhaa edition!) has

always written straight-forward and simply which even marginally

sanskrit-knowing folks can figure out!


Jaimini Ji, on the other hand, wrote in a coded manner - Katapayaadi?


Explanations may abound galore but PARANOIA, I believe is a more recent

phenomenon. Why would Jaimini Rishi feel the need to codify things so that they

are not distorted and corrupted and make sure that it is encrypted -- just like

our modern data, zipped and encrypted and password-protected?


I am not venturing to say that that is an evidence of Parashara being from older

times while Jaimini may be more recent, but one wonders! Even in a short

time-frame, those in my father's generation kept a diary, with important and

sometimes useless details, for anyone to read. The next generation started

keeping diaries in locks and vaults and I have even seen diaries with locks on

those! Then came the software with soft-locks and passwords separate for the

reader and writer/editor, and wordperfect even allows one to add a simple or

enhanced password, depending on how paranoid a reality one lives in!


Many claim and promise or assure but never demonstrate or deliver and one

wonders where the truth-lies (no double-entendre intended! Or oxymoronic



I am sure this posting would be ill-recieved and twisted into something that

goes on a tangent. Prove me to be wrong in that statement I made based on

history! Recent History!!




, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:


> Prashant Ji,


> By Sage Parashara's system, I do not mean BPHS or Madhya or Laghu Parashari

texts alone, but all those works by others, esp ancient and mediaeval authors,

who follow his system, because among all rishis only Parashara's phalita system

has survived in detail. Those texts which have important differences do not come

under Parashari system of predictive astrology. Only two chapters of Jaimini are

extant. Sage Bhrihu's original work is lost, hence among rishis Parashara is our

sole guide. Most or perhaps all ancient authors have followed Parashara's system

to greater or lesser extent.


> We may find Parashara's views in books not written by him, and wrong views

interpolated in BPHS. Even BPHS has many variants and almost all of them have

smaller or bigger segments not actually written by Sage Parashara. Hence,

Parashari is a system and not a particular book, although BPHS or Madhya or

Laghu Parashari texts are most reliable texts which can help us to learn the

original system of Sage Parashara. Unfortunately, no big effort has been made to

collect all manuscripts of BPHS and to prepare a critical edition with reference

to all variants, mainly because the ruling establishment of India has no

interest in Phalita (althogh all of them, including many scientists, consult

astrologers in private).


> I use BPHS of Chowkhamba because it was prepared after consulting a large

number of manuscripts. But even this versions has doubtful passages. Therefore,

we have to rely on our critical faculties.


> The basic rules used for assessing D1 apply to other vargas too. It is a moot

point whether yogas apply to D1 alone or to other vargas too. My experience is

that aspect has relevance in D1 only, which is natural because other vargas do

not represent planets in their actual zodiacal position.


> As for shodashvargas, Parashara has not said much on predictive

> aspects. Shodashvarga- Prakash is a mediaeval text which throws more

> light on shodashvarga than any other text. It should be studied

> critically.Shodashv arga-Prakash has enumerated a large number of combinations

which may be said to be special yogas pertinent to perticular vargas.


> -VJ


> ============ ====== ======



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@. ..>


> Thursday, May 7, 2009 5:51:25 PM

> Parasara-BPHS 7/5






> Dear vinay ji


> which version of BPHS r u using and can u list out other BPHS in circulation

and differences in them- I mean older ones only


> the Venkteswara press one from Varanasi is widely respected. one more from

Mumbai forgot the translator, and press


> the 1st said one I've seen justice kapoor of ICAS give excellent forecasts

based on varga charts and again on traditional or establied calculations model

used now


> he has a great library and quote from any work at will


> in dasamsa for instance based on the 10th lords location in the D10 chart and

occupants in D10 it is given a name by parasara which almost describes the

profesion literally


> say a metalergist for a engineer, or a accountat, a soldier, a priest a

trader... v clearly this can also be used for birth time rectification incases

where we see some mis-match


> Prashant


> * time constraints I am v in few mails todaytill 10th



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