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World Population : Saamkhya explanation 12/5

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Vinay ji,


a v informative post and interesting reading and when it ends by saying Kaliyuga

end is far away and by then what is the chance of pouplation stablization as u

say even if the population moves one step forward and 1000 steps backward surely

it will not be 7 billion but may be 7000000 Billions-theoritically well this

number is symbolic or rythic not a projection by any means.








Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16


Monday, May 11, 2009 9:36:29 PM

Re: World Population : Saamkhya explanation






Prashant ji,


You are too curious. I am supplying one of the reasons why 6227 millions and no

other figure, on the condition that I have no time for another useless

controversy. This 'reason " is rooted in ancient Saamkhya darshana, which Lord

Krishna eulogized as the culmination of Knowledge ( " na hi saamkhya samam

jnaanan, na hi yuga samam balam " ).


There are two basic entities : Prakriti and Purusha. Purusha is pure

Consciousness and intrinsically indivisible, although individual manifestations

of purusha entertain illusions of separateness by dint of their bondage to flesh

as a result of their past karmas ensuing from desires. Saamkhya is philosophy of

the liberated souls, and therefore does not differentiate individual soul from

the Universal spirit, and labels both under a single term Jna, for which many

ignorant dvaitvaadins charged Saamkhya of atheism.


Prakriti, on the other hand, has 23 constituents, apart from itself. On one

side, it has panch-mahabhootas (prithvi, jala...) and their five tan-maatraas

(roopa, rasa, gandha, sparsha, shabda). Remaing 13 elements for the kaarana

shareera and are therefore called karana (instruments) . There are three

antah-karanas : buddhi, ahamkaara and mana, and teh baahya-karanas : five

karma-indriyas and five jnaana-indriyas.


The bhautika body does not accompany the soul after death. But the 13 elements

accompany the soul from time immemorial, and will continue to accompany till

final moksha.


It is this kaarana-shareera which distinguises one jeeva from another.

Astrologers know that even twins have some dofference in their charts.

Similarly, all kaarana shareeras must have distinctive features to distinguish

one jeeva from other. These distinctive features are of two types. One type is

proportion of sins and virtues, which are stored in the form of desires with

indriyas as Gita says. Birth into human yoni is caused when sins and virtues are

approximately balanced with each other. Other type of distinctive features is

related to uniqueness of a jeeva within a particular yoni. Since there are 13

constituent elements of kaarana shareera which takes a body during rebirth,

there can be Factorial 13 (=13!) number of different distinctive combinations of

these 13 elements.


To put it otherwise, a language with 13 letters in its alphabet will have a

maximum number of 13! different words in its language, on the condition that

all words must have all 13 elements and every individual word must be unique in

the sequence of these 13 letters.


13! is equal to 1 * 2 * 3 ..... *12 * 13 = 6,627,020,800 , or nearly 6227



Sequence of 13 elements, with their unique proportions of sins and virtues,

determines the overall character of a person and it is something like a

translation of birthtime horoscope in another language. It is the actual GENETIC

code, wnich is non-physical and cannot be deciphered by biologists, but the

physical/chemical/ biological genetic code is a result of this non-physical

genetic code.


In this sequence, if antah-karana elements take precedence and are pilots, the

person will be saaatvika and pious. But if the karma organ phallus occupies the

driving seat, the person will become a sex maniac, irrespective of other good

or bad qualities.


During satyuga, antah-karana elements took precedence. Hence, Buddhi (saatvika

in-tellect capable of listening to in-tuition, different from modern

Machiavellian intelligence which is actually extelligence) was foremost leader,

followed by Ahamkaara and then my Mana (the egency of Samkalpa). These three

elements emained fixed in sequence, and only 10 indriyas could change places in

the genetic code. Hence, population was limited to 10!, or to 3,628,800 when

modern sub-specie of Homo Sapiens started evolving (actually devolving) in the

year 40000 BCE.


One khanda-kalpa is of 43200 years, 42000 years of avasarpini (devolution) and

1200 years of utsarpini (evolution). In 2000 AD (Saura Makara Samkraanti) our

avasarpini kaala-khanda ended. During its 42000 years of devolution, population

and entire world history moved along a logarithmic timescale based on ten

defined by terrestrial loxodrome which is the path on Earth traversed by

successive eclipses during millenia. Logarithmic base of ten meant population

rose by one factorial point during one point on log scale. Hence, 42000 years

befor 2000 AD, population was at 10!, but 4200 years before 2000 AD population

rose to 11! or 40 millions in 2200 BC which demographers accept. And 420 years

befor 2000 AD, human population reached 12! or 479 millions in 1580 AD ;

demographers give estimates around 480 millions.


After that the curve of population growth slowed down gradually, because 13! is

the Time Bomb for extinction of human race, which Nature strives to prevent

through various peaceful means like rise in impotency or unwillingness to have

children as well as through wars, diseases, etc.


At the time of return journey of Comet Hare Paap (Hale Bopp), 4.2 years before

14th Jan 2000 AD , human population was equal to 5784634179 , given by

following equation :


-1! + 2! - 3! + 4! - 5! + 6! - 7! + 8! - 9! + 10! - 11! + 12! - 13! =


-1 + 2 - 6 + 24 - 120 + 720 - 5040 + 40320 - 362880 + 3628800 - 39916800 +

479001600 - 6227020800


When you put these terms in a statistical Series, you get Sum = 57846 lakhs

which was actual population in the beginning of Nov 1995, 4.2 years before D-day

of 14 Jan 2000 AD.


This population was short of 13! by 4424 lakhs. They were deviants, who

deviated from norms. Half of them deviated towards virtues, or at least rejected

to abide by the rules of Kaliyugi society, and the other half rejected all

morality and were uplifted (or downlifted) by D-day. These 2212 lakh sinners

were Doomsdayers who raised a great hue and cry over impending Doomsday in 2000

AD. Instead of repenting and expiating for their sins, they tried to save

others, and went headlong to Hell which their perverted brains imagined to be

Next Higher World. Hence, world population on 14 Jan 2000 was 6005827490 at the

time of Saurpakshiya Makara Samkraanti.


Gregorian reform changed the onset of Christian calendar from Saurpakshiya

Makara Samkraanti which was Jan 1 prior to reforms in 1582 AD.


420 years before 2000 AD was a turning point in world history when 13th

factorial of population unfolded, after which Renaissance finally triumphed,

physical science and materialism suppressed astrology and religion, and pirates

looted the whole planet to bring about an Industrial Revolution, converting

farmers into labourers.


When this 13th factorial was near its culmination, the last indriya upastha

(phallus) became free to take leadership roles. Homosexuality was even legalized

in many materially " advanced " societies. Even traditional societies became open

to free sex & c, forgetting that sex was meant for procreation and not for

entertainment. Scientists say Homo Sapiens evolved out of vegetarian primate

stock, but non-veg diet became a norm among the majority of those who could

afford, including most of the scientists. To be anti-natural in all walks of

life became a sign of progress at this 13! stage.


After such (carnal) knowledge, what forgivance !(-Waste Land). Extinction of

in-tuition and of in-telligence, telepathy, religion, piety, innocence, etc, and

consequent extinction of libido and potency as well. Human potency has reduced

to half during past five decades, which is a sign of impending extinction.


But nothing to worry about. The Devolutionary phase of avasarpini is over, and

evolutionary phase of utsarpini has just begun. Real Pralaya is 2.35 billions of

years away, and even khanda pralaya at the end of Kaliyuga is 426891 years away.


If anyone thinks modern unnatural man is capable of evolving into a better

specie, it is a wishful figment of imagination. Species do not evolve

automatically. Mortals will never see the hands of Mother Nature, Who oversees

this miracle of Evolution, which we turn into Devolution.


Nine years ago, an article like this would have invited threats and

bullets from prophets of Doomsday, but now I do not expect more than

some mild personal remarks or perhaps abuses. So much evolution has

already taken place during nine years of utsarpini !


I will not engage into any controversy. Those who differ will get proofs in due

course of time.


-Vinay Jha

============ ======== =======


____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Monday, May 11, 2009 7:29:02 PM

Re: World Population.. .?


Dear Inder,


tru it is heartening to note that and we r aware from time to time the Bhoo Devi

will do its best to restore quilibrium or balance of forces in the world.


but this limit of 6227 Billion sounds a bit interesting and want to know why

this no and nothing more or less....

and in what form will nature cut its nos to size


the bird flu, swine flu, trunamis, terrorism have v little contribution on the

numbers game...

and with ever expanding W asian pouplation across the stan nations it is amazing

to see it really happen.




____________ _________ _________ __

Inder <indervohra2001@ .co. in>


Monday, May 11, 2009 5:51:43 PM

Re: World Population.. .?


Dear friends,

This prediction about human population getting ultimately limited to 6227

Millions is very intersting and soothing.

It would provide much relief to people[like me] worrying about Global Warming

and cosequent bad effects.



, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:


> RR JI,


> You will certainlly get " some delicious 'kheer' pudding (arising within ??) !

Let us see what we get next ...! "



> You will see concrete evidence of 100% accurate method. I need some time to

put it on internet. It is another point whether VJ or RR ji is 50% or 82%

correct ; our human limitations does not make the science of astrology

inaccurate, provided the methods are not whimsical and are firmly based on

shaastras. There are so many charts in a single case and so many interrelations

between those charts that we often make mistakes. Personally, I am not

foolproof. But the method I speak of is foolproof, and I know how to prove it. I

have to translate my works in Hindi, and put it on webpages, besides answering a

large number of emails and updating my software, esp the English version which

is incomplete. Hence, I need some time for presenting the proofs.


> -VJ



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ ...>


> Monday, May 11, 2009 7:42:32 AM

> Re: World Population.. .?






> Dear Krishnan Dada,


> Of course all of these are estimates because as I said, even if these relied

on census and birth and death records which are a moving 'duck' as the

expression goes (One that quacks and waddles like a duck ;-)) with births and

deaths taking place all the time second to second -- the numbers would never be

anything but underestimates as all know.


> Isn't astrology an 'estimate' also ;-) Unless we have someone here who has

been 100% accurate with their predictions etc...


> Like Great Modern Varahmihira as Raman ji has been called, and rightly so

given his astounding mundane predictions and yeoman service to the cause of

Jyotish for decades and decades mentioned, I believe that Astrology is a study

of trends and possibilities and Sri KN Rao has often mentioned that even the

best astrologers go upto something like 82% success rate, overall.


> I feel a very strong hunger for some delicious 'kheer' pudding arising within!

Let us see what we get next ...!


> RR


> , vattem krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> >

> > Dear Sirs,

> > The date given and estimated figures are always tentative and these

statistical compilation shall have some marginal errors of + or _ 2%( 07/01/09

6,790,062,216) .But can never be wild claculations.

> > Even brahma Vakyam too might have some vailidty.The base however will never

be explicable to find any logic.we accept all these pronouncements from various

siddhantas/authorit ies but very faithfully with out trying to read much into

these pronouncements.

> > I know Shri Vinaya Ji takes lot of pains and does selfless and volunatary

study in exploring siddhantas and making them useful for human consumption. For

that he utilises his time and money too but does not want to signify the immense

intrinsic value.Any information/ revealation that comes out of such great human

enedeavour should appropriately should have some tag.It is not that some one

intends to trade such immense and philonthropic efforts.To attempt and to do

that is also cruel.But if we calculate the time spent,material consumed it is

not that does not have value in pecuinary terms.For generous trading is utter

bad and meaningless. But intended seekers of Knowldge certainly appreciate

gestures of free service.keeping in mind that the future of Astrology and the

need for it's growth and development it is worth to consider to value products

on no profit and no loss basis.We also know the recent debate IPR too is meant

for value addition and

> preciousness

> > nature such great human efforts.

> > Infact mining the data and put into in meaningful way and stucture it and

prepare the material for test and utilisation further are significane

endeavours.we like it and support them and whole hearted .with no room for

insinnuations. But we can not remain as mute observers without compliments. But

these wishes when they emnate whole heartedly have no other meaning except

appreciation and only appreciation .if they sound otherwise,what else can be

done except to make our stand very lucid.Always human views/expression are

divergent and no body would like to condemn upright.But if read in a wrong sense

one has to feel sorry about it.As RR said the two cents are free and frank

opinions w/o looking for it's reactions/negative feelings

> > vrkrishnan

> > vrkrishnan

> >

> >

> > --- On Sun, 5/10/09, Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ ...>

> > World Population.. .?

> >

> > Sunday, May 10, 2009, 7:50 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I found this URL that may be of interest:

> >

> > http://www.census. gov/ipc/www/ popclockworld. html

> >

> > According to this the world population has already exceeded 6778 millions

and counting.

> >

> > It is well known that census figures are underestimates, particularly in

countries that are massively populated, for a variety of reasons.

> >

> > Very interesting. ..!

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> > ><SNIP>

> > >

> > > Human race will never reach 7 billions. Demographers are giving out

projections base on past trends. But 6227 millions is the ultimate Lakshamana

Rekhaa which mankind is incapable of crossing. You will find its proof in about

a decade or two. It is a Brahma-vaakya.

> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > >

> > > -VJ

> >

> > <SNIP>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Prashant ji,


You have misunderstood the whole point. Human population has a lower limit of

3.63 millions and an upper limit of 6227 millions, and one cycle od population

explosion and implosion is od 43200 years, which means Kaliyuga must see ten



Why you see population growing linearly ? Even scientists say one specie comes,

grows and vanishes, then another comes and goes and so on. No specie is



You do not believe in the cyclic theory of Kaala exponded in Puranas and

jyotisha siddhantas, and see population growth as a linear unending phenomenon.

Please try to understand ancient point of view. Whether it is right or wrong

will be proved within a decade when actual census reports are published. At

present you are misled by projections (estimates) which are not actual




=============== =======




Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar


Tuesday, May 12, 2009 12:18:31 AM

Re: World Population : Saamkhya explanation 12/5








Vinay ji,


a v informative post and interesting reading and when it ends by saying Kaliyuga

end is far away and by then what is the chance of pouplation stablization as u

say even if the population moves one step forward and 1000 steps backward surely

it will not be 7 billion but may be 7000000 Billions-theoritica lly well this

number is symbolic or rythic not a projection by any means.




____________ _________ _________ __

Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >


Monday, May 11, 2009 9:36:29 PM

Re: World Population : Saamkhya explanation


Prashant ji,


You are too curious. I am supplying one of the reasons why 6227 millions and no

other figure, on the condition that I have no time for another useless

controversy. This 'reason " is rooted in ancient Saamkhya darshana, which Lord

Krishna eulogized as the culmination of Knowledge ( " na hi saamkhya samam

jnaanan, na hi yuga samam balam " ).


There are two basic entities : Prakriti and Purusha. Purusha is pure

Consciousness and intrinsically indivisible, although individual manifestations

of purusha entertain illusions of separateness by dint of their bondage to flesh

as a result of their past karmas ensuing from desires. Saamkhya is philosophy of

the liberated souls, and therefore does not differentiate individual soul from

the Universal spirit, and labels both under a single term Jna, for which many

ignorant dvaitvaadins charged Saamkhya of atheism.


Prakriti, on the other hand, has 23 constituents, apart from itself. On one

side, it has panch-mahabhootas (prithvi, jala...) and their five tan-maatraas

(roopa, rasa, gandha, sparsha, shabda). Remaing 13 elements for the kaarana

shareera and are therefore called karana (instruments) . There are three

antah-karanas : buddhi, ahamkaara and mana, and teh baahya-karanas : five

karma-indriyas and five jnaana-indriyas.


The bhautika body does not accompany the soul after death. But the 13 elements

accompany the soul from time immemorial, and will continue to accompany till

final moksha.


It is this kaarana-shareera which distinguises one jeeva from another.

Astrologers know that even twins have some dofference in their charts.

Similarly, all kaarana shareeras must have distinctive features to distinguish

one jeeva from other. These distinctive features are of two types. One type is

proportion of sins and virtues, which are stored in the form of desires with

indriyas as Gita says. Birth into human yoni is caused when sins and virtues are

approximately balanced with each other. Other type of distinctive features is

related to uniqueness of a jeeva within a particular yoni. Since there are 13

constituent elements of kaarana shareera which takes a body during rebirth,

there can be Factorial 13 (=13!) number of different distinctive combinations of

these 13 elements.


To put it otherwise, a language with 13 letters in its alphabet will have a

maximum number of 13! different words in its language, on the condition that

all words must have all 13 elements and every individual word must be unique in

the sequence of these 13 letters.


13! is equal to 1 * 2 * 3 ..... *12 * 13 = 6,627,020,800 , or nearly 6227



Sequence of 13 elements, with their unique proportions of sins and virtues,

determines the overall character of a person and it is something like a

translation of birthtime horoscope in another language. It is the actual GENETIC

code, wnich is non-physical and cannot be deciphered by biologists, but the

physical/chemical/ biological genetic code is a result of this non-physical

genetic code.


In this sequence, if antah-karana elements take precedence and are pilots, the

person will be saaatvika and pious. But if the karma organ phallus occupies the

driving seat, the person will become a sex maniac, irrespective of other good

or bad qualities.


During satyuga, antah-karana elements took precedence. Hence, Buddhi (saatvika

in-tellect capable of listening to in-tuition, different from modern

Machiavellian intelligence which is actually extelligence) was foremost leader,

followed by Ahamkaara and then my Mana (the egency of Samkalpa). These three

elements emained fixed in sequence, and only 10 indriyas could change places in

the genetic code. Hence, population was limited to 10!, or to 3,628,800 when

modern sub-specie of Homo Sapiens started evolving (actually devolving) in the

year 40000 BCE.


One khanda-kalpa is of 43200 years, 42000 years of avasarpini (devolution) and

1200 years of utsarpini (evolution). In 2000 AD (Saura Makara Samkraanti) our

avasarpini kaala-khanda ended. During its 42000 years of devolution, population

and entire world history moved along a logarithmic timescale based on ten

defined by terrestrial loxodrome which is the path on Earth traversed by

successive eclipses during millenia. Logarithmic base of ten meant population

rose by one factorial point during one point on log scale. Hence, 42000 years

befor 2000 AD, population was at 10!, but 4200 years before 2000 AD population

rose to 11! or 40 millions in 2200 BC which demographers accept. And 420 years

befor 2000 AD, human population reached 12! or 479 millions in 1580 AD ;

demographers give estimates around 480 millions.


After that the curve of population growth slowed down gradually, because 13! is

the Time Bomb for extinction of human race, which Nature strives to prevent

through various peaceful means like rise in impotency or unwillingness to have

children as well as through wars, diseases, etc.


At the time of return journey of Comet Hare Paap (Hale Bopp), 4.2 years before

14th Jan 2000 AD , human population was equal to 5784634179 , given by

following equation :


-1! + 2! - 3! + 4! - 5! + 6! - 7! + 8! - 9! + 10! - 11! + 12! - 13! =


-1 + 2 - 6 + 24 - 120 + 720 - 5040 + 40320 - 362880 + 3628800 - 39916800 +

479001600 - 6227020800


When you put these terms in a statistical Series, you get Sum = 57846 lakhs

which was actual population in the beginning of Nov 1995, 4.2 years before D-day

of 14 Jan 2000 AD.


This population was short of 13! by 4424 lakhs. They were deviants, who

deviated from norms. Half of them deviated towards virtues, or at least rejected

to abide by the rules of Kaliyugi society, and the other half rejected all

morality and were uplifted (or downlifted) by D-day. These 2212 lakh sinners

were Doomsdayers who raised a great hue and cry over impending Doomsday in 2000

AD. Instead of repenting and expiating for their sins, they tried to save

others, and went headlong to Hell which their perverted brains imagined to be

Next Higher World. Hence, world population on 14 Jan 2000 was 6005827490 at the

time of Saurpakshiya Makara Samkraanti.


Gregorian reform changed the onset of Christian calendar from Saurpakshiya

Makara Samkraanti which was Jan 1 prior to reforms in 1582 AD.


420 years before 2000 AD was a turning point in world history when 13th

factorial of population unfolded, after which Renaissance finally triumphed,

physical science and materialism suppressed astrology and religion, and pirates

looted the whole planet to bring about an Industrial Revolution, converting

farmers into labourers.


When this 13th factorial was near its culmination, the last indriya upastha

(phallus) became free to take leadership roles. Homosexuality was even legalized

in many materially " advanced " societies. Even traditional societies became open

to free sex & c, forgetting that sex was meant for procreation and not for

entertainment. Scientists say Homo Sapiens evolved out of vegetarian primate

stock, but non-veg diet became a norm among the majority of those who could

afford, including most of the scientists. To be anti-natural in all walks of

life became a sign of progress at this 13! stage.


After such (carnal) knowledge, what forgivance !(-Waste Land). Extinction of

in-tuition and of in-telligence, telepathy, religion, piety, innocence, etc, and

consequent extinction of libido and potency as well. Human potency has reduced

to half during past five decades, which is a sign of impending extinction.


But nothing to worry about. The Devolutionary phase of avasarpini is over, and

evolutionary phase of utsarpini has just begun. Real Pralaya is 2.35 billions of

years away, and even khanda pralaya at the end of Kaliyuga is 426891 years away.


If anyone thinks modern unnatural man is capable of evolving into a better

specie, it is a wishful figment of imagination. Species do not evolve

automatically. Mortals will never see the hands of Mother Nature, Who oversees

this miracle of Evolution, which we turn into Devolution.


Nine years ago, an article like this would have invited threats and

bullets from prophets of Doomsday, but now I do not expect more than

some mild personal remarks or perhaps abuses. So much evolution has

already taken place during nine years of utsarpini !


I will not engage into any controversy. Those who differ will get proofs in due

course of time.


-Vinay Jha

============ ======== =======


____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Monday, May 11, 2009 7:29:02 PM

Re: World Population.. .?


Dear Inder,


tru it is heartening to note that and we r aware from time to time the Bhoo Devi

will do its best to restore quilibrium or balance of forces in the world.


but this limit of 6227 Billion sounds a bit interesting and want to know why

this no and nothing more or less....

and in what form will nature cut its nos to size


the bird flu, swine flu, trunamis, terrorism have v little contribution on the

numbers game...

and with ever expanding W asian pouplation across the stan nations it is amazing

to see it really happen.




____________ _________ _________ __

Inder <indervohra2001@ .co. in>


Monday, May 11, 2009 5:51:43 PM

Re: World Population.. .?


Dear friends,

This prediction about human population getting ultimately limited to 6227

Millions is very intersting and soothing.

It would provide much relief to people[like me] worrying about Global Warming

and cosequent bad effects.



, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:


> RR JI,


> You will certainlly get " some delicious 'kheer' pudding (arising within ??) !

Let us see what we get next ...! "



> You will see concrete evidence of 100% accurate method. I need some time to

put it on internet. It is another point whether VJ or RR ji is 50% or 82%

correct ; our human limitations does not make the science of astrology

inaccurate, provided the methods are not whimsical and are firmly based on

shaastras. There are so many charts in a single case and so many interrelations

between those charts that we often make mistakes. Personally, I am not

foolproof. But the method I speak of is foolproof, and I know how to prove it. I

have to translate my works in Hindi, and put it on webpages, besides answering a

large number of emails and updating my software, esp the English version which

is incomplete. Hence, I need some time for presenting the proofs.


> -VJ



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ ...>


> Monday, May 11, 2009 7:42:32 AM

> Re: World Population.. .?






> Dear Krishnan Dada,


> Of course all of these are estimates because as I said, even if these relied

on census and birth and death records which are a moving 'duck' as the

expression goes (One that quacks and waddles like a duck ;-)) with births and

deaths taking place all the time second to second -- the numbers would never be

anything but underestimates as all know.


> Isn't astrology an 'estimate' also ;-) Unless we have someone here who has

been 100% accurate with their predictions etc...


> Like Great Modern Varahmihira as Raman ji has been called, and rightly so

given his astounding mundane predictions and yeoman service to the cause of

Jyotish for decades and decades mentioned, I believe that Astrology is a study

of trends and possibilities and Sri KN Rao has often mentioned that even the

best astrologers go upto something like 82% success rate, overall.


> I feel a very strong hunger for some delicious 'kheer' pudding arising within!

Let us see what we get next ...!


> RR


> , vattem krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> >

> > Dear Sirs,

> > The date given and estimated figures are always tentative and these

statistical compilation shall have some marginal errors of + or _ 2%( 07/01/09

6,790,062,216) .But can never be wild claculations.

> > Even brahma Vakyam too might have some vailidty.The base however will never

be explicable to find any logic.we accept all these pronouncements from various

siddhantas/authorit ies but very faithfully with out trying to read much into

these pronouncements.

> > I know Shri Vinaya Ji takes lot of pains and does selfless and volunatary

study in exploring siddhantas and making them useful for human consumption. For

that he utilises his time and money too but does not want to signify the immense

intrinsic value.Any information/ revealation that comes out of such great human

enedeavour should appropriately should have some tag.It is not that some one

intends to trade such immense and philonthropic efforts.To attempt and to do

that is also cruel.But if we calculate the time spent,material consumed it is

not that does not have value in pecuinary terms.For generous trading is utter

bad and meaningless. But intended seekers of Knowldge certainly appreciate

gestures of free service.keeping in mind that the future of Astrology and the

need for it's growth and development it is worth to consider to value products

on no profit and no loss basis.We also know the recent debate IPR too is meant

for value addition and

> preciousness

> > nature such great human efforts.

> > Infact mining the data and put into in meaningful way and stucture it and

prepare the material for test and utilisation further are significane

endeavours.we like it and support them and whole hearted .with no room for

insinnuations. But we can not remain as mute observers without compliments. But

these wishes when they emnate whole heartedly have no other meaning except

appreciation and only appreciation .if they sound otherwise,what else can be

done except to make our stand very lucid.Always human views/expression are

divergent and no body would like to condemn upright.But if read in a wrong sense

one has to feel sorry about it.As RR said the two cents are free and frank

opinions w/o looking for it's reactions/negative feelings

> > vrkrishnan

> > vrkrishnan

> >

> >

> > --- On Sun, 5/10/09, Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ ...>

> > World Population.. .?

> >

> > Sunday, May 10, 2009, 7:50 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I found this URL that may be of interest:

> >

> > http://www.census. gov/ipc/www/ popclockworld. html

> >

> > According to this the world population has already exceeded 6778 millions

and counting.

> >

> > It is well known that census figures are underestimates, particularly in

countries that are massively populated, for a variety of reasons.

> >

> > Very interesting. ..!

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> > ><SNIP>

> > >

> > > Human race will never reach 7 billions. Demographers are giving out

projections base on past trends. But 6227 millions is the ultimate Lakshamana

Rekhaa which mankind is incapable of crossing. You will find its proof in about

a decade or two. It is a Brahma-vaakya.

> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > >

> > > -VJ

> >

> > <SNIP>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Dear Vinay Jha Ji,


If these are not 'head-counts' as in " units " then what do these 6.227 billions

represent? People that we see and can count or some non-physical representation

of people as most of us have known them to be?





, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Prashant ji,


> You have misunderstood the whole point. Human population has a lower limit of

3.63 millions and an upper limit of 6227 millions, and one cycle od population

explosion and implosion is od 43200 years, which means Kaliyuga must see ten



> Why you see population growing linearly ? Even scientists say one specie

comes, grows and vanishes, then another comes and goes and so on. No specie is



> You do not believe in the cyclic theory of Kaala exponded in Puranas and

jyotisha siddhantas, and see population growth as a linear unending phenomenon.

Please try to understand ancient point of view. Whether it is right or wrong

will be proved within a decade when actual census reports are published. At

present you are misled by projections (estimates) which are not actual



> -VJ

> =============== =======



> ________________________________

> Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar


> Tuesday, May 12, 2009 12:18:31 AM

> Re: World Population : Saamkhya explanation 12/5


Vinay ji,


> a v informative post and interesting reading and when it ends by saying

Kaliyuga end is far away and by then what is the chance of pouplation

stablization as u say even if the population moves one step forward and 1000

steps backward surely it will not be 7 billion but may be 7000000

Billions-theoritica lly well this number is symbolic or rythic not a projection

by any means.


> prashant


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >


> Monday, May 11, 2009 9:36:29 PM

> Re: World Population : Saamkhya explanation


> Prashant ji,


> You are too curious. I am supplying one of the reasons why 6227 millions and

no other figure, on the condition that I have no time for another useless

controversy. This 'reason " is rooted in ancient Saamkhya darshana, which Lord

Krishna eulogized as the culmination of Knowledge ( " na hi saamkhya samam

jnaanan, na hi yuga samam balam " ).


> There are two basic entities : Prakriti and Purusha. Purusha is pure

Consciousness and intrinsically indivisible, although individual manifestations

of purusha entertain illusions of separateness by dint of their bondage to flesh

as a result of their past karmas ensuing from desires. Saamkhya is philosophy of

the liberated souls, and therefore does not differentiate individual soul from

the Universal spirit, and labels both under a single term Jna, for which many

ignorant dvaitvaadins charged Saamkhya of atheism.


> Prakriti, on the other hand, has 23 constituents, apart from itself. On one

side, it has panch-mahabhootas (prithvi, jala...) and their five tan-maatraas

(roopa, rasa, gandha, sparsha, shabda). Remaing 13 elements for the kaarana

shareera and are therefore called karana (instruments) . There are three

antah-karanas : buddhi, ahamkaara and mana, and teh baahya-karanas : five

karma-indriyas and five jnaana-indriyas.


> The bhautika body does not accompany the soul after death. But the 13 elements

accompany the soul from time immemorial, and will continue to accompany till

final moksha.


> It is this kaarana-shareera which distinguises one jeeva from another.

Astrologers know that even twins have some dofference in their charts.

Similarly, all kaarana shareeras must have distinctive features to distinguish

one jeeva from other. These distinctive features are of two types. One type is

proportion of sins and virtues, which are stored in the form of desires with

indriyas as Gita says. Birth into human yoni is caused when sins and virtues are

approximately balanced with each other. Other type of distinctive features is

related to uniqueness of a jeeva within a particular yoni. Since there are 13

constituent elements of kaarana shareera which takes a body during rebirth,

there can be Factorial 13 (=13!) number of different distinctive combinations of

these 13 elements.


> To put it otherwise, a language with 13 letters in its alphabet will have a

maximum number of 13! different words in its language, on the condition that

all words must have all 13 elements and every individual word must be unique in

the sequence of these 13 letters.


> 13! is equal to 1 * 2 * 3 ..... *12 * 13 = 6,627,020,800 , or nearly 6227



> Sequence of 13 elements, with their unique proportions of sins and virtues,

determines the overall character of a person and it is something like a

translation of birthtime horoscope in another language. It is the actual GENETIC

code, wnich is non-physical and cannot be deciphered by biologists, but the

physical/chemical/ biological genetic code is a result of this non-physical

genetic code.


> In this sequence, if antah-karana elements take precedence and are pilots, the

person will be saaatvika and pious. But if the karma organ phallus occupies the

driving seat, the person will become a sex maniac, irrespective of other good

or bad qualities.


> During satyuga, antah-karana elements took precedence. Hence, Buddhi (saatvika

in-tellect capable of listening to in-tuition, different from modern

Machiavellian intelligence which is actually extelligence) was foremost leader,

followed by Ahamkaara and then my Mana (the egency of Samkalpa). These three

elements emained fixed in sequence, and only 10 indriyas could change places in

the genetic code. Hence, population was limited to 10!, or to 3,628,800 when

modern sub-specie of Homo Sapiens started evolving (actually devolving) in the

year 40000 BCE.


> One khanda-kalpa is of 43200 years, 42000 years of avasarpini (devolution) and

1200 years of utsarpini (evolution). In 2000 AD (Saura Makara Samkraanti) our

avasarpini kaala-khanda ended. During its 42000 years of devolution, population

and entire world history moved along a logarithmic timescale based on ten

defined by terrestrial loxodrome which is the path on Earth traversed by

successive eclipses during millenia. Logarithmic base of ten meant population

rose by one factorial point during one point on log scale. Hence, 42000 years

befor 2000 AD, population was at 10!, but 4200 years before 2000 AD population

rose to 11! or 40 millions in 2200 BC which demographers accept. And 420 years

befor 2000 AD, human population reached 12! or 479 millions in 1580 AD ;

demographers give estimates around 480 millions.


> After that the curve of population growth slowed down gradually, because 13!

is the Time Bomb for extinction of human race, which Nature strives to prevent

through various peaceful means like rise in impotency or unwillingness to have

children as well as through wars, diseases, etc.


> At the time of return journey of Comet Hare Paap (Hale Bopp), 4.2 years before

14th Jan 2000 AD , human population was equal to 5784634179 , given by

following equation :


> -1! + 2! - 3! + 4! - 5! + 6! - 7! + 8! - 9! + 10! - 11! + 12! - 13! =


> -1 + 2 - 6 + 24 - 120 + 720 - 5040 + 40320 - 362880 + 3628800 - 39916800 +

479001600 - 6227020800


> When you put these terms in a statistical Series, you get Sum = 57846 lakhs

which was actual population in the beginning of Nov 1995, 4.2 years before D-day

of 14 Jan 2000 AD.


> This population was short of 13! by 4424 lakhs. They were deviants, who

deviated from norms. Half of them deviated towards virtues, or at least rejected

to abide by the rules of Kaliyugi society, and the other half rejected all

morality and were uplifted (or downlifted) by D-day. These 2212 lakh sinners

were Doomsdayers who raised a great hue and cry over impending Doomsday in 2000

AD. Instead of repenting and expiating for their sins, they tried to save

others, and went headlong to Hell which their perverted brains imagined to be

Next Higher World. Hence, world population on 14 Jan 2000 was 6005827490 at the

time of Saurpakshiya Makara Samkraanti.


> Gregorian reform changed the onset of Christian calendar from Saurpakshiya

Makara Samkraanti which was Jan 1 prior to reforms in 1582 AD.


> 420 years before 2000 AD was a turning point in world history when 13th

factorial of population unfolded, after which Renaissance finally triumphed,

physical science and materialism suppressed astrology and religion, and pirates

looted the whole planet to bring about an Industrial Revolution, converting

farmers into labourers.


> When this 13th factorial was near its culmination, the last indriya upastha

(phallus) became free to take leadership roles. Homosexuality was even legalized

in many materially " advanced " societies. Even traditional societies became open

to free sex & c, forgetting that sex was meant for procreation and not for

entertainment. Scientists say Homo Sapiens evolved out of vegetarian primate

stock, but non-veg diet became a norm among the majority of those who could

afford, including most of the scientists. To be anti-natural in all walks of

life became a sign of progress at this 13! stage.


> After such (carnal) knowledge, what forgivance !(-Waste Land). Extinction of

in-tuition and of in-telligence, telepathy, religion, piety, innocence, etc, and

consequent extinction of libido and potency as well. Human potency has reduced

to half during past five decades, which is a sign of impending extinction.


> But nothing to worry about. The Devolutionary phase of avasarpini is over, and

evolutionary phase of utsarpini has just begun. Real Pralaya is 2.35 billions of

years away, and even khanda pralaya at the end of Kaliyuga is 426891 years away.


> If anyone thinks modern unnatural man is capable of evolving into a better

specie, it is a wishful figment of imagination. Species do not evolve

automatically. Mortals will never see the hands of Mother Nature, Who oversees

this miracle of Evolution, which we turn into Devolution.


> Nine years ago, an article like this would have invited threats and

> bullets from prophets of Doomsday, but now I do not expect more than

> some mild personal remarks or perhaps abuses. So much evolution has

> already taken place during nine years of utsarpini !


> I will not engage into any controversy. Those who differ will get proofs in

due course of time.


> -Vinay Jha

> ============ ======== =======


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


> Monday, May 11, 2009 7:29:02 PM

> Re: World Population.. .?


> Dear Inder,


> tru it is heartening to note that and we r aware from time to time the Bhoo

Devi will do its best to restore quilibrium or balance of forces in the world.


> but this limit of 6227 Billion sounds a bit interesting and want to know why

this no and nothing more or less....

> and in what form will nature cut its nos to size


> the bird flu, swine flu, trunamis, terrorism have v little contribution on

the numbers game...

> and with ever expanding W asian pouplation across the stan nations it is

amazing to see it really happen.


> Prashant


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Inder <indervohra2001@ .co. in>


> Monday, May 11, 2009 5:51:43 PM

> Re: World Population.. .?


> Dear friends,

> This prediction about human population getting ultimately limited to 6227

Millions is very intersting and soothing.

> It would provide much relief to people[like me] worrying about Global Warming

and cosequent bad effects.

> Inder


> , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > RR JI,

> >

> > You will certainlly get " some delicious 'kheer' pudding (arising within ??)

! Let us see what we get next ...! "

> >

> >

> > You will see concrete evidence of 100% accurate method. I need some time to

put it on internet. It is another point whether VJ or RR ji is 50% or 82%

correct ; our human limitations does not make the science of astrology

inaccurate, provided the methods are not whimsical and are firmly based on

shaastras. There are so many charts in a single case and so many interrelations

between those charts that we often make mistakes. Personally, I am not

foolproof. But the method I speak of is foolproof, and I know how to prove it. I

have to translate my works in Hindi, and put it on webpages, besides answering a

large number of emails and updating my software, esp the English version which

is incomplete. Hence, I need some time for presenting the proofs.

> >

> > -VJ

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ ...>

> >

> > Monday, May 11, 2009 7:42:32 AM

> > Re: World Population.. .?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Krishnan Dada,

> >

> > Of course all of these are estimates because as I said, even if these relied

on census and birth and death records which are a moving 'duck' as the

expression goes (One that quacks and waddles like a duck ;-)) with births and

deaths taking place all the time second to second -- the numbers would never be

anything but underestimates as all know.

> >

> > Isn't astrology an 'estimate' also ;-) Unless we have someone here who has

been 100% accurate with their predictions etc...

> >

> > Like Great Modern Varahmihira as Raman ji has been called, and rightly so

given his astounding mundane predictions and yeoman service to the cause of

Jyotish for decades and decades mentioned, I believe that Astrology is a study

of trends and possibilities and Sri KN Rao has often mentioned that even the

best astrologers go upto something like 82% success rate, overall.

> >

> > I feel a very strong hunger for some delicious 'kheer' pudding arising

within! Let us see what we get next ...!

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , vattem krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> > >

> > > Dear Sirs,

> > > The date given and estimated figures are always tentative and these

statistical compilation shall have some marginal errors of + or _ 2%( 07/01/09

6,790,062,216) .But can never be wild claculations.

> > > Even brahma Vakyam too might have some vailidty.The base however will

never be explicable to find any logic.we accept all these pronouncements from

various siddhantas/authorit ies but very faithfully with out trying to read much

into these pronouncements.

> > > I know Shri Vinaya Ji takes lot of pains and does selfless and volunatary

study in exploring siddhantas and making them useful for human consumption. For

that he utilises his time and money too but does not want to signify the immense

intrinsic value.Any information/ revealation that comes out of such great human

enedeavour should appropriately should have some tag.It is not that some one

intends to trade such immense and philonthropic efforts.To attempt and to do

that is also cruel.But if we calculate the time spent,material consumed it is

not that does not have value in pecuinary terms.For generous trading is utter

bad and meaningless. But intended seekers of Knowldge certainly appreciate

gestures of free service.keeping in mind that the future of Astrology and the

need for it's growth and development it is worth to consider to value products

on no profit and no loss basis.We also know the recent debate IPR too is meant

for value addition and

> > preciousness

> > > nature such great human efforts.

> > > Infact mining the data and put into in meaningful way and stucture it and

prepare the material for test and utilisation further are significane

endeavours.we like it and support them and whole hearted .with no room for

insinnuations. But we can not remain as mute observers without compliments. But

these wishes when they emnate whole heartedly have no other meaning except

appreciation and only appreciation .if they sound otherwise,what else can be

done except to make our stand very lucid.Always human views/expression are

divergent and no body would like to condemn upright.But if read in a wrong sense

one has to feel sorry about it.As RR said the two cents are free and frank

opinions w/o looking for it's reactions/negative feelings

> > > vrkrishnan

> > > vrkrishnan

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Sun, 5/10/09, Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ ...>

> > > World Population.. .?

> > >

> > > Sunday, May 10, 2009, 7:50 PM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I found this URL that may be of interest:

> > >

> > > http://www.census. gov/ipc/www/ popclockworld. html

> > >

> > > According to this the world population has already exceeded 6778 millions

and counting.

> > >

> > > It is well known that census figures are underestimates, particularly in

countries that are massively populated, for a variety of reasons.

> > >

> > > Very interesting. ..!

> > >

> > > RR

> > >

> > > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> > > ><SNIP>

> > > >

> > > > Human race will never reach 7 billions. Demographers are giving out

projections base on past trends. But 6227 millions is the ultimate Lakshamana

Rekhaa which mankind is incapable of crossing. You will find its proof in about

a decade or two. It is a Brahma-vaakya.

> > > >

> > > > Sincerely,

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > >

> > > <SNIP>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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