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Length of Divya Varsha

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Sunil Ji,


Here are pointwise answers to wrong points raised by you :



1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord Rama was

born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.


Earlier you said the concept of 4320000 years for the Mahayuga was my invention,

now you say this concept is wrong but do not specify whether I introduced this

supposedly wrong concept or it existed before I was born. Lord Rama born about

9300 years ago is your invention, having no evidence of any sort. It is based on

your fictious assumption of 12000 human years in a mahayuga.



2)When you criticise Burgess's translation as inaccurate then is it not shameful

to quote from the same translation of Burgess. Instead of gracefully accepting

your lapse you are telling me that I am poking fun at you. Did you expect me to

praise you for your double standard?


Burgess made many serious mistakes in translating some portions, but it does not

mean he is 100% wrong everywhere. In an English forum, I am forced to cite the

only available English translator of Suryasiddhanta, and when I find some wrong

portions in such translations, I have to point out the errors. It is a valid

stand, which you call " shameful " , " lapse " , " double standard " ! I also sent you

names of Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali translators of Suryasiddhanta, which you

omit to mention and divert the discussion from length of divya varsha in

Suryasiddhanta to a discussion on my " shameful " character , yet charging me of

playing " diversionary tactics " !



3)You need not give me any unsolicited details as to where to get which book

when you yourself said that you are removing your book from your website so that

I should not be able to see that. Should I send you back your email to refresh

your memory? Another example of your double-standard. Is that the nobility of a



Only 300 copies of my books were printed, and not a single copy was sold. It was

given to chosen persons, none of whom had praised the virtues of wine before me.

I cannot give my book to such a person at any cost, unless he vows never to

drink again. Manusmriti says one should not even talk to a person who drinks

wine. Communication through email is not tantamount to talking. Please do not

take it personally, it is my anability to break my principles. I knew sending

reference to websites which offer ancient texts freely will offend and provok

you , because these ancient siddhantic texts invariably speak of 4320000 solar

years for a mahayuga. For instance, in the first verse of Dashageetikaa of

Aryabhatiya, Sun's bhagana number per (maha)yuga is 4320000 and Earth's

rotations are given to be 1582237500 (1582237828 in Suryasiddhanta, this minor

difference being due to Sunrise system of day count in Aryabhatiya in contrast

to midnight system of

Suryasiddhanta). Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta(BSS) repeats the mathematics of

Mahabharata (MBh-v-231) in its first chapter verses 4-7, in which 4320000 normal

solar years of humans are said to make one mahayuga (see verses 5-6) and 1000

such mahayugas are said to make one Kalpa (BSS, ch-i, verse 10). Hence,

Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta all clearly say one

mahayuga to be equal to 4320000 years and not 43200000 days as you wrongly tried

to prove by misquoting texts. Should I cite your previous mails to remind you of

your own stand ? When I requested you to see original texts and offered you

website addresses where these texts are freely available, why you became

infuriated ? Is truth so abominable to you that you cannot restraint your

violent nature and start abusing my supposedly " shameless " character ? You stand

is refuted by all these ancient texts : Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and

Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta, Mahabharata, Narada

Purana, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, etc, all of which unanimously say that one

mahayuga is of 4320000 years or 1582237828 days which is equal to 12000 divine




4)Prafulla may be right but he has to give me the reference where it is said

that the span of the Kaliyuga has been selectively extended, as claimed by him.


The span of the Kaliyuga having been selectively extended is an invention of

Prafulla ji, there is no proof anywhere. But it means he knows the siddhanta

texts which clearly declare a mahayuga to be of 12000 divya and 4320000 human

years, which he imagines to be a later extension of original 12000 years for a

mahayuga which he infers from an out-f-context reading of MBh-ii-188, forgetting

to consult MBh-v-231 where same verse is repeated in fuller context.



5)The verse in the Mahabharata says about Daiva Varsha, and that is the same as

the polar year where the daylight is there for six months long and the night is

also six months long. Daiva here means the year of the Devas. In Mahabharata the

span is given in terns of Solar years.


It is welcome that you at least accept the existence of Daiva varsha in

Mahabharata(MBh), but here again you are deliberately distorting the verses of

MBh. MBh does not say its daiva varsha is meant for the (imaginary) residents of

Poles, but says what I earlier communicated. I know you will not accept truth,

because you have no faith neither in Suryasiddhanta(SS) nor in MBh, but I am

here quoting verses of MBh which falsify your stand :


MBh-khanda 5-chapter 231-verse15 says " ahoraatre vibhajate Suryau

maanushalaukike " , which means days and nights of manushya loka is made/divided

by Surya. verse 17 says " Daive raatryahanee varsham pravibhaagastayoh punah ,

ahastatrodagayanam raatrih syad dakshinaayanam " : in which " Daive raatryahanee

varsham " means " varsha is equal to day+night of gods " . Here varsha is varsha

of maanushalaukike which is to be taken from preceding two verses. Rest of verse

17 means " this daiva day+night is divided thus : uttara (ayana) is divine day

and dakshinaayana is divine night " . MBh clearly says that the maanushalaukika

year is solar year : see verse 15 above which says that Sun divides/makes day

and night in maanushalaukika (but not in devaloka).



6) What the verses say is that as revealed by Brahma he is going to tell about

the span of the yugas. (We all know that Brahma'sday is one Kalpa and that is

equal to 1000 Mahayugas and His night is also of the same length and these are

not included in those few verses.)


No Sir, you are deliberately misquoting this verse (MBh,v,231,18) which says :


" ye te raatryahanee poorvam keertite Jeevalaukike ,

tayoh samkhyaaya varshaagram Braahme vakshyaamyahahkshape " .


It means :

" These days and nights of Jeevaloka which have been told in preceding

verses (verses 15-17)

On the basis of those year numbers I (Vyaasa Ji) am now telling days and nights

of brahmaa (in following verses) "


In those 'following " verses, Vyaasa ji describes 12000 years in a mahayuga

divided into four yugas, but verse 18 clearly says these durations of year are

according to the ratios described in preceding verses, esp verse 17 which says

one human year is equal to one divine year. Hence, chronology of Brahmaa Ji

cannot be as per maanava varsha but as per divine varsha, if Vyaasa Ji took

Brahmaa to be a divinity.


Apply this sentence to yourself : " Please read my mail carefully and reply to

the point if you want to and not play some diversionary tactics. "


Now I have lost all hopes that you will ever listen to either fact or reason.

You have to distort ancient texts according to your imaginary conceptions. But

why you charged me wrongly of inventing a concept of 4320000 years for a

mahayuga, when it is clearly said in all relevant ancient texts ? If you have to

disown and refute these ancient texts, no one can prevent you, but do it

honestly, instead of taking recourse to deceitful tactics.








Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan


Tuesday, May 12, 2009 11:13:17 AM







Dear Vinay Jha Ji,


In Mrityuloka and Kaliyuga we all are bound in and limited by -- please educate

the great unwashed us why you call 'crap' nonsense? And why do you give up so

readily and call samkhya crap so readily? Are you not convinced that what you

propose and promote so passionately is worth no attention?


Maybe it is not " what " but 'HOW' that is the problem?


What do I know, after all, but the four yugas as everything else that is

mathematical take me back to jyotish. The quadruplicities, the four elements,

remind me as HOW!


I once wrote about Triplicities and Quadruplicities and while the concept may be

of no significance to modern jyotishis, it was a JOY when it was gifted to me to

get written.


What, How or When had never been a problem and nor has ever been WHO or WHERE!


Blessed then? Shall we leave it at that?


, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:


> I hope " sensible " persons will keep away from " crap " (nonsense) like Saamkhya

& c and will devote their precious time to precious things.


> -VJ



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> vattem krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>


> Tuesday, May 12, 2009 7:12:39 AM

> Re: World Population.. .?






> Dear Dada,

> What is needed to understand is " " Beta don't waste your time in all this 'crap'

of magic, study and learn good things. "

> The forum has to get into some kind of learning that really supports the group

and time.

> with regards

> vrkrishnan


> --- On Mon, 5/11/09, Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ hotmail.com> wrote:


> Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ hotmail.com>

> Re: World Population.. .?


> Monday, May 11, 2009, 7:09 PM


> Dear Vinay Ji,


> While I have no difficulty accepting that some bureaucracies may be fudging

some or all kinds of data for all kinds of reasons, I have a simple question:


> How will you, a serious researcher which I do not doubt at all that you are,

or anyone count the population and really figure out what the true headcount is

in the world at a given moment? I do realize that you seriously think about what

I am asking and the impossibility of such a quest!


> And secondly, do you not believe in reincarnation as many of us hindus (and

some other religions too) do? It is flattering ;-) that you make it sound as if

I am never going to come back and be reborn but I have so much to learn from

many human births still! As they say, I shall return and just as I do now in

some ways, I shall remember certain things when I return and pick up my mission

of observing the human beings and their wonderful richness, again and again.

Including their claims, myths and beliefs and above all their quest of REALITY

while they define it in so many ways, from so many perspectives.


> As to the census number, the number you quote of 6227 worldwide has already

been surpassed given that the estimates and census 'data' could be

underestimates and even they are hundreds of millions higher than this special

and concrete number that you speak of.


> Like any child I was very much enticed by magic and magicians. A magician yogi

came to our school and being the relative heavy weight he picked me out of the

crowd and asked me to stand on him as he lay down on two long serrated saw

blades! When he beckoned me to climb down, and showed his back with each

saw-tooth showing as a distinct triangle of blanched skin growing reddish as we

watched, I was very impressed and when all were gone, I asked him to teach me

how he did it. I still remember his glance which was almost wistful as he

replied sincerely, " Beta don't waste your time in all this 'crap' of magic,

study and learn good things. " I was kind of crest-fallen but looking back I

sense the sincerity in his gaze.


> Then a bit older, I had an occasion to watch the great showman magician P.C.

Sorcar. He was a great showman and all jovial and wonderful but during an act he

spilled some water on a hot flood light. The 2000Watt light popped into

smithereens and the 'light' on the stage suddenly went down perceptibly. Within

a few seconds, the jovial and all-powerful Great Magician turned into a

quivering, neurotic, mess, face twisted, contorted in subdued anger as he urged

his stage help to change the bulb " JAALDI KAARO! " .


> Only in these moments of stress which brings out the humanness that is within

all of us and which indeed makes us human are the glimpses of reality!


> RR


> , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > RR JI,

> >

> > You are citing figures based on projections of past trends. I have years of

experience in serious research works in demography. Census figures are neither

overestimates nor underestimates, esp in developing countries. They are

estimates made from sample surveys, falsely projected as real censuses by a

corrupt bureaucracy which is incapable of undertaking a rwal headcount. Times of

India had made a first page lead story of 2001 census of India, which showed ~25

million more children in 15-20 age groups (perhaps, i do not exactly remember

whether it was 10-15 or 15-20) than the age group 10 years junior in previous

census. In spite of many deaths, 0-5 0r 5-10 age group of 1991 Census added ~25

million new members in 2001 Census !!

> >

> > I hope and pray that you will live long to see my figure (6227 millions)

come true. I have used the term Brahmavaakya, which means I will go to Hell if I

am wrong. I can send you a detailed article, which is too esoteric to be made


> >

> > -VJ

> > ============ == =====

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan@ ...>

> >

> > Monday, May 11, 2009 5:20:43 AM

> > World Population.. .?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I found this URL that may be of interest:

> >

> > http://www.census. gov/ipc/www/ popclockworld. html

> >

> > According to this the world population has already exceeded 6778 millions

and counting.

> >

> > It is well known that census figures are underestimates, particularly in

countries that are massively populated, for a variety of reasons.

> >

> > Very interesting. ..!

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> > ><SNIP>

> > >

> > > Human race will never reach 7 billions. Demographers are giving out

projections base on past trends. But 6227 millions is the ultimate Lakshamana

Rekhaa which mankind is incapable of crossing. You will find its proof in about

a decade or two. It is a Brahma-vaakya.

> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > >

> > > -VJ

> >

> > <SNIP>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Vinay Jha JI

Jaya Siyaa Raam


I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time. People do

not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise why

should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.


Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa, Dwaapar

and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.


Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become - 1,728,000;

1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.


Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.


Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went to His

Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human years old -

it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.


With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled for

11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like Krishn) it

means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali Yug) + at

least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago - at least.


Am I right up to here?


Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am wrong

somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this 28th

Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?


Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in Ved

Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan gives

the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next 29th

Ved Vyaas.


Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes, then

which ones?


I hope I have not annoyed you.

With regards




, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Sunil Ji,


> Here are pointwise answers to wrong points raised by you :


> <<<

> 1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord Rama

was born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.

> >>>

> Earlier you said the concept of 4320000 years for the Mahayuga was my

invention, now you say this concept is wrong but do not specify whether I

introduced this supposedly wrong concept or it existed before I was born. Lord

Rama born about 9300 years ago is your invention, having no evidence of any

sort. It is based on your fictious assumption of 12000 human years in a



> <<<

> 2)When you criticise Burgess's translation as inaccurate then is it not

shameful to quote from the same translation of Burgess. Instead of gracefully

accepting your lapse you are telling me that I am poking fun at you. Did you

expect me to praise you for your double standard?

> >>>

> Burgess made many serious mistakes in translating some portions, but it does

not mean he is 100% wrong everywhere. In an English forum, I am forced to cite

the only available English translator of Suryasiddhanta, and when I find some

wrong portions in such translations, I have to point out the errors. It is a

valid stand, which you call " shameful " , " lapse " , " double standard " ! I also

sent you names of Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali translators of Suryasiddhanta,

which you omit to mention and divert the discussion from length of divya varsha

in Suryasiddhanta to a discussion on my " shameful " character , yet charging me

of playing " diversionary tactics " !


> <<<

> 3)You need not give me any unsolicited details as to where to get which book

when you yourself said that you are removing your book from your website so that

I should not be able to see that. Should I send you back your email to refresh

your memory? Another example of your double-standard. Is that the nobility of a


> >>>

> Only 300 copies of my books were printed, and not a single copy was sold. It

was given to chosen persons, none of whom had praised the virtues of wine before

me. I cannot give my book to such a person at any cost, unless he vows never to

drink again. Manusmriti says one should not even talk to a person who drinks

wine. Communication through email is not tantamount to talking. Please do not

take it personally, it is my anability to break my principles. I knew sending

reference to websites which offer ancient texts freely will offend and provok

you , because these ancient siddhantic texts invariably speak of 4320000 solar

years for a mahayuga. For instance, in the first verse of Dashageetikaa of

Aryabhatiya, Sun's bhagana number per (maha)yuga is 4320000 and Earth's

rotations are given to be 1582237500 (1582237828 in Suryasiddhanta, this minor

difference being due to Sunrise system of day count in Aryabhatiya in contrast

to midnight system of

> Suryasiddhanta). Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta(BSS) repeats the mathematics of

Mahabharata (MBh-v-231) in its first chapter verses 4-7, in which 4320000 normal

solar years of humans are said to make one mahayuga (see verses 5-6) and 1000

such mahayugas are said to make one Kalpa (BSS, ch-i, verse 10). Hence,

Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta all clearly say one

mahayuga to be equal to 4320000 years and not 43200000 days as you wrongly tried

to prove by misquoting texts. Should I cite your previous mails to remind you of

your own stand ? When I requested you to see original texts and offered you

website addresses where these texts are freely available, why you became

infuriated ? Is truth so abominable to you that you cannot restraint your

violent nature and start abusing my supposedly " shameless " character ? You stand

is refuted by all these ancient texts : Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and

Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta, Mahabharata, Narada

> Purana, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, etc, all of which unanimously say that one

mahayuga is of 4320000 years or 1582237828 days which is equal to 12000 divine



> <<<

> 4)Prafulla may be right but he has to give me the reference where it is said

that the span of the Kaliyuga has been selectively extended, as claimed by him.

> >>>

> The span of the Kaliyuga having been selectively extended is an invention of

Prafulla ji, there is no proof anywhere. But it means he knows the siddhanta

texts which clearly declare a mahayuga to be of 12000 divya and 4320000 human

years, which he imagines to be a later extension of original 12000 years for a

mahayuga which he infers from an out-f-context reading of MBh-ii-188, forgetting

to consult MBh-v-231 where same verse is repeated in fuller context.


> <<<

> 5)The verse in the Mahabharata says about Daiva Varsha, and that is the same

as the polar year where the daylight is there for six months long and the night

is also six months long. Daiva here means the year of the Devas. In Mahabharata

the span is given in terns of Solar years.

> >>>

> It is welcome that you at least accept the existence of Daiva varsha in

Mahabharata(MBh), but here again you are deliberately distorting the verses of

MBh. MBh does not say its daiva varsha is meant for the (imaginary) residents of

Poles, but says what I earlier communicated. I know you will not accept truth,

because you have no faith neither in Suryasiddhanta(SS) nor in MBh, but I am

here quoting verses of MBh which falsify your stand :


> MBh-khanda 5-chapter 231-verse15 says " ahoraatre vibhajate Suryau

maanushalaukike " , which means days and nights of manushya loka is made/divided

by Surya. verse 17 says " Daive raatryahanee varsham pravibhaagastayoh punah ,

ahastatrodagayanam raatrih syad dakshinaayanam " : in which " Daive raatryahanee

varsham " means " varsha is equal to day+night of gods " . Here varsha is varsha

of maanushalaukike which is to be taken from preceding two verses. Rest of verse

17 means " this daiva day+night is divided thus : uttara (ayana) is divine day

and dakshinaayana is divine night " . MBh clearly says that the maanushalaukika

year is solar year : see verse 15 above which says that Sun divides/makes day

and night in maanushalaukika (but not in devaloka).


> <<<

> 6) What the verses say is that as revealed by Brahma he is going to tell about

the span of the yugas. (We all know that Brahma'sday is one Kalpa and that is

equal to 1000 Mahayugas and His night is also of the same length and these are

not included in those few verses.)

> >>>

> No Sir, you are deliberately misquoting this verse (MBh,v,231,18) which says :


> " ye te raatryahanee poorvam keertite Jeevalaukike ,

> tayoh samkhyaaya varshaagram Braahme vakshyaamyahahkshape " .


> It means :

> " These days and nights of Jeevaloka which have been told in

preceding verses (verses 15-17)

> On the basis of those year numbers I (Vyaasa Ji) am now telling days and

nights of brahmaa (in following verses) "


> In those 'following " verses, Vyaasa ji describes 12000 years in a mahayuga

divided into four yugas, but verse 18 clearly says these durations of year are

according to the ratios described in preceding verses, esp verse 17 which says

one human year is equal to one divine year. Hence, chronology of Brahmaa Ji

cannot be as per maanava varsha but as per divine varsha, if Vyaasa Ji took

Brahmaa to be a divinity.


> Apply this sentence to yourself : " Please read my mail carefully and reply to

the point if you want to and not play some diversionary tactics. "


> Now I have lost all hopes that you will ever listen to either fact or reason.

You have to distort ancient texts according to your imaginary conceptions. But

why you charged me wrongly of inventing a concept of 4320000 years for a

mahayuga, when it is clearly said in all relevant ancient texts ? If you have to

disown and refute these ancient texts, no one can prevent you, but do it

honestly, instead of taking recourse to deceitful tactics.


> -VJ

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Sushma ji,


We are now talking humongous spans of time from a human perspective in which

memory begins to get lost by the time one is 60-70 though the odd 80 or 90 year

old may come across and dazzle us, those are rare!


Documented or not, in palmyra leaves, stones, word of mouth (oral tradition),

natural resonances or the Akashic Records of Lobsang Rampa and other sources one

wonders -- How many such 'sets of four' had the Divine been arriving on this

earth or wherever as human beings or other life forms?


10, 20, 100, infinite sets of these cycles of four?







, " bhagvatjee " <bhagvatjee wrote:


> Dear Vinay Jha JI

> Jaya Siyaa Raam


> I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time. People

do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise why

should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.


> Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa,

Dwaapar and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.


> Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become -

1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.


> Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.


> Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went to

His Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human years

old - it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.


> With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled for

11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like Krishn) it

means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali Yug) + at

least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago - at least.


> Am I right up to here?


> Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am

wrong somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this

28th Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?


> Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in Ved

Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan gives

the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next 29th

Ved Vyaas.


> Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes,

then which ones?


> I hope I have not annoyed you.

> With regards

> Sushma



> , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@> wrote:

> >

> > Sunil Ji,

> >

> > Here are pointwise answers to wrong points raised by you :

> >

> > <<<

> > 1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord Rama

was born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.

> > >>>

> > Earlier you said the concept of 4320000 years for the Mahayuga was my

invention, now you say this concept is wrong but do not specify whether I

introduced this supposedly wrong concept or it existed before I was born. Lord

Rama born about 9300 years ago is your invention, having no evidence of any

sort. It is based on your fictious assumption of 12000 human years in a


> >

> > <<<

> > 2)When you criticise Burgess's translation as inaccurate then is it not

shameful to quote from the same translation of Burgess. Instead of gracefully

accepting your lapse you are telling me that I am poking fun at you. Did you

expect me to praise you for your double standard?

> > >>>

> > Burgess made many serious mistakes in translating some portions, but it does

not mean he is 100% wrong everywhere. In an English forum, I am forced to cite

the only available English translator of Suryasiddhanta, and when I find some

wrong portions in such translations, I have to point out the errors. It is a

valid stand, which you call " shameful " , " lapse " , " double standard " ! I also

sent you names of Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali translators of Suryasiddhanta,

which you omit to mention and divert the discussion from length of divya varsha

in Suryasiddhanta to a discussion on my " shameful " character , yet charging me

of playing " diversionary tactics " !

> >

> > <<<

> > 3)You need not give me any unsolicited details as to where to get which book

when you yourself said that you are removing your book from your website so that

I should not be able to see that. Should I send you back your email to refresh

your memory? Another example of your double-standard. Is that the nobility of a


> > >>>

> > Only 300 copies of my books were printed, and not a single copy was sold. It

was given to chosen persons, none of whom had praised the virtues of wine before

me. I cannot give my book to such a person at any cost, unless he vows never to

drink again. Manusmriti says one should not even talk to a person who drinks

wine. Communication through email is not tantamount to talking. Please do not

take it personally, it is my anability to break my principles. I knew sending

reference to websites which offer ancient texts freely will offend and provok

you , because these ancient siddhantic texts invariably speak of 4320000 solar

years for a mahayuga. For instance, in the first verse of Dashageetikaa of

Aryabhatiya, Sun's bhagana number per (maha)yuga is 4320000 and Earth's

rotations are given to be 1582237500 (1582237828 in Suryasiddhanta, this minor

difference being due to Sunrise system of day count in Aryabhatiya in contrast

to midnight system of

> > Suryasiddhanta). Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta(BSS) repeats the mathematics of

Mahabharata (MBh-v-231) in its first chapter verses 4-7, in which 4320000 normal

solar years of humans are said to make one mahayuga (see verses 5-6) and 1000

such mahayugas are said to make one Kalpa (BSS, ch-i, verse 10). Hence,

Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta all clearly say one

mahayuga to be equal to 4320000 years and not 43200000 days as you wrongly tried

to prove by misquoting texts. Should I cite your previous mails to remind you of

your own stand ? When I requested you to see original texts and offered you

website addresses where these texts are freely available, why you became

infuriated ? Is truth so abominable to you that you cannot restraint your

violent nature and start abusing my supposedly " shameless " character ? You stand

is refuted by all these ancient texts : Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and

Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta, Mahabharata, Narada

> > Purana, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, etc, all of which unanimously say that

one mahayuga is of 4320000 years or 1582237828 days which is equal to 12000

divine years.

> >

> > <<<

> > 4)Prafulla may be right but he has to give me the reference where it is said

that the span of the Kaliyuga has been selectively extended, as claimed by him.

> > >>>

> > The span of the Kaliyuga having been selectively extended is an invention of

Prafulla ji, there is no proof anywhere. But it means he knows the siddhanta

texts which clearly declare a mahayuga to be of 12000 divya and 4320000 human

years, which he imagines to be a later extension of original 12000 years for a

mahayuga which he infers from an out-f-context reading of MBh-ii-188, forgetting

to consult MBh-v-231 where same verse is repeated in fuller context.

> >

> > <<<

> > 5)The verse in the Mahabharata says about Daiva Varsha, and that is the same

as the polar year where the daylight is there for six months long and the night

is also six months long. Daiva here means the year of the Devas. In Mahabharata

the span is given in terns of Solar years.

> > >>>

> > It is welcome that you at least accept the existence of Daiva varsha in

Mahabharata(MBh), but here again you are deliberately distorting the verses of

MBh. MBh does not say its daiva varsha is meant for the (imaginary) residents of

Poles, but says what I earlier communicated. I know you will not accept truth,

because you have no faith neither in Suryasiddhanta(SS) nor in MBh, but I am

here quoting verses of MBh which falsify your stand :

> >

> > MBh-khanda 5-chapter 231-verse15 says " ahoraatre vibhajate Suryau

maanushalaukike " , which means days and nights of manushya loka is made/divided

by Surya. verse 17 says " Daive raatryahanee varsham pravibhaagastayoh punah ,

ahastatrodagayanam raatrih syad dakshinaayanam " : in which " Daive raatryahanee

varsham " means " varsha is equal to day+night of gods " . Here varsha is varsha

of maanushalaukike which is to be taken from preceding two verses. Rest of verse

17 means " this daiva day+night is divided thus : uttara (ayana) is divine day

and dakshinaayana is divine night " . MBh clearly says that the maanushalaukika

year is solar year : see verse 15 above which says that Sun divides/makes day

and night in maanushalaukika (but not in devaloka).

> >

> > <<<

> > 6) What the verses say is that as revealed by Brahma he is going to tell

about the span of the yugas. (We all know that Brahma'sday is one Kalpa and that

is equal to 1000 Mahayugas and His night is also of the same length and these

are not included in those few verses.)

> > >>>

> > No Sir, you are deliberately misquoting this verse (MBh,v,231,18) which says


> >

> > " ye te raatryahanee poorvam keertite Jeevalaukike ,

> > tayoh samkhyaaya varshaagram Braahme vakshyaamyahahkshape " .

> >

> > It means :

> > " These days and nights of Jeevaloka which have been told in

preceding verses (verses 15-17)

> > On the basis of those year numbers I (Vyaasa Ji) am now telling days and

nights of brahmaa (in following verses) "

> >

> > In those 'following " verses, Vyaasa ji describes 12000 years in a mahayuga

divided into four yugas, but verse 18 clearly says these durations of year are

according to the ratios described in preceding verses, esp verse 17 which says

one human year is equal to one divine year. Hence, chronology of Brahmaa Ji

cannot be as per maanava varsha but as per divine varsha, if Vyaasa Ji took

Brahmaa to be a divinity.

> >

> > Apply this sentence to yourself : " Please read my mail carefully and reply

to the point if you want to and not play some diversionary tactics. "

> >

> > Now I have lost all hopes that you will ever listen to either fact or

reason. You have to distort ancient texts according to your imaginary

conceptions. But why you charged me wrongly of inventing a concept of 4320000

years for a mahayuga, when it is clearly said in all relevant ancient texts ? If

you have to disown and refute these ancient texts, no one can prevent you, but

do it honestly, instead of taking recourse to deceitful tactics.

> >

> > -VJ


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bhagvatjee ji,



Sorry for a double jee/ji. Why should anyone be annoyed with genuine enquiries,

excepting when the intention is personal attack mixed with deliberate

misquotations, as Sunil bhattacharjya ji is doing.


Please see To which tretayuga Lord Rama belonged ?



You say :

<<< " People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years -

otherwise why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the

same name. ...Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones?

If yes, then which ones? " >>>


I have given citations from Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya,

Brahma-sphuta-siddhanta, Mahabharata, Narada Purana, Vidhnu-dharmottara Purana,

etc in my previous mails, which Sunil Ji ignores and harps on his personal

theory that traditional mahayuga was of 12000 human years only and equating one

divine year with 360 human years is Vinay Jha's invention. Your statement

( " People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years " ) also

amounts to same if I am not misinterpreting.


It is another matter whether you believe Vedic-Puranic-Siddhantic (Jyotisha)

timescales to be right or wrong. You have a right to disagree with those texts.

You have a righ to shut down your eyes and not see the proofs. You can accept

Biblical concept of 6000 years for the age of the world, or its double which

Sunil Ji believes in. But no one has a right to misinterpret ancient texts

deliberately, which clearly differentiate divine year from human year. Should I

mention the verses of these ancient texts again, or can you invest some time to

check those sources before asking me to accept a wrong view ?


You are following a spurious version of BPHS which was thoroughly revised by a

modern pandit to suit a particular regional (modern) school of jyotisha. I have

forged a team of leading pandits of many Sanskrit universities and Sanskrit

departments of general universities for collecting and comparing all available

variants of BPHS in order to bring out a reliable critical edition of BPHS. The

sanathana edition will also be used in this critical edition, but with caution,

because NONE of its verses tally in wording with any manuscript.


You can chnange your own writings, but to tamper with ancient texts is a crime.

And a deliberate tampering with meanings is no lesser crime. Mahabharata,

suryasiddhanta, etc clearly differentiate between Divya and Maanushya years, and

explain the latter as solar, but you do not want to accept ancient view for some

unspecified reason known only to you. Please do not feel offended with my

hardline approach to texts : no one has a right to change the content of texts

written by others, esp by persons who are no more to defend themselves.




================= ====






Wednesday, May 13, 2009 5:19:21 AM

Re: Length of Divya Varsha






Dear Vinay Jha JI

Jaya Siyaa Raam


I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time. People do

not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise why

should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.


Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa, Dwaapar

and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.


Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become - 1,728,000;

1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.


Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.


Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went to His

Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human years old -

it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.


With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled for

11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like Krishn) it

means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali Yug) + at

least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago - at least.


Am I right up to here?


Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am wrong

somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this 28th

Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?


Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in Ved

Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan gives

the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next 29th

Ved Vyaas.


Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes, then

which ones?


I hope I have not annoyed you.

With regards



, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:


> Sunil Ji,


> Here are pointwise answers to wrong points raised by you :


> <<<

> 1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord Rama

was born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.

> >>>

> Earlier you said the concept of 4320000 years for the Mahayuga was my

invention, now you say this concept is wrong but do not specify whether I

introduced this supposedly wrong concept or it existed before I was born. Lord

Rama born about 9300 years ago is your invention, having no evidence of any

sort. It is based on your fictious assumption of 12000 human years in a



> <<<

> 2)When you criticise Burgess's translation as inaccurate then is it not

shameful to quote from the same translation of Burgess. Instead of gracefully

accepting your lapse you are telling me that I am poking fun at you. Did you

expect me to praise you for your double standard?

> >>>

> Burgess made many serious mistakes in translating some portions, but it does

not mean he is 100% wrong everywhere. In an English forum, I am forced to cite

the only available English translator of Suryasiddhanta, and when I find some

wrong portions in such translations, I have to point out the errors. It is a

valid stand, which you call " shameful " , " lapse " , " double standard " ! I also

sent you names of Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali translators of Suryasiddhanta,

which you omit to mention and divert the discussion from length of divya varsha

in Suryasiddhanta to a discussion on my " shameful " character , yet charging me

of playing " diversionary tactics " !


> <<<

> 3)You need not give me any unsolicited details as to where to get which book

when you yourself said that you are removing your book from your website so that

I should not be able to see that. Should I send you back your email to refresh

your memory? Another example of your double-standard. Is that the nobility of a


> >>>

> Only 300 copies of my books were printed, and not a single copy was sold. It

was given to chosen persons, none of whom had praised the virtues of wine before

me. I cannot give my book to such a person at any cost, unless he vows never to

drink again. Manusmriti says one should not even talk to a person who drinks

wine. Communication through email is not tantamount to talking. Please do not

take it personally, it is my anability to break my principles. I knew sending

reference to websites which offer ancient texts freely will offend and provok

you , because these ancient siddhantic texts invariably speak of 4320000 solar

years for a mahayuga. For instance, in the first verse of Dashageetikaa of

Aryabhatiya, Sun's bhagana number per (maha)yuga is 4320000 and Earth's

rotations are given to be 1582237500 (1582237828 in Suryasiddhanta, this minor

difference being due to Sunrise system of day count in Aryabhatiya in contrast

to midnight system of

> Suryasiddhanta) . Brahma-sphuta- siddhaanta( BSS) repeats the mathematics of

Mahabharata (MBh-v-231) in its first chapter verses 4-7, in which 4320000 normal

solar years of humans are said to make one mahayuga (see verses 5-6) and 1000

such mahayugas are said to make one Kalpa (BSS, ch-i, verse 10). Hence,

Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahma-sphuta- siddhaanta all clearly say one

mahayuga to be equal to 4320000 years and not 43200000 days as you wrongly tried

to prove by misquoting texts. Should I cite your previous mails to remind you of

your own stand ? When I requested you to see original texts and offered you

website addresses where these texts are freely available, why you became

infuriated ? Is truth so abominable to you that you cannot restraint your

violent nature and start abusing my supposedly " shameless " character ? You stand

is refuted by all these ancient texts : Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and

Brahma-sphuta- siddhaanta, Mahabharata,


> Purana, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, etc, all of which unanimously say that one

mahayuga is of 4320000 years or 1582237828 days which is equal to 12000 divine



> <<<

> 4)Prafulla may be right but he has to give me the reference where it is said

that the span of the Kaliyuga has been selectively extended, as claimed by him.

> >>>

> The span of the Kaliyuga having been selectively extended is an invention of

Prafulla ji, there is no proof anywhere. But it means he knows the siddhanta

texts which clearly declare a mahayuga to be of 12000 divya and 4320000 human

years, which he imagines to be a later extension of original 12000 years for a

mahayuga which he infers from an out-f-context reading of MBh-ii-188, forgetting

to consult MBh-v-231 where same verse is repeated in fuller context.


> <<<

> 5)The verse in the Mahabharata says about Daiva Varsha, and that is the same

as the polar year where the daylight is there for six months long and the night

is also six months long. Daiva here means the year of the Devas. In Mahabharata

the span is given in terns of Solar years.

> >>>

> It is welcome that you at least accept the existence of Daiva varsha in

Mahabharata( MBh), but here again you are deliberately distorting the verses of

MBh. MBh does not say its daiva varsha is meant for the (imaginary) residents of

Poles, but says what I earlier communicated. I know you will not accept truth,

because you have no faith neither in Suryasiddhanta( SS) nor in MBh, but I am

here quoting verses of MBh which falsify your stand :


> MBh-khanda 5-chapter 231-verse15 says " ahoraatre vibhajate Suryau

maanushalaukike " , which means days and nights of manushya loka is made/divided

by Surya. verse 17 says " Daive raatryahanee varsham pravibhaagastayoh punah ,

ahastatrodagayanam raatrih syad dakshinaayanam " : in which " Daive raatryahanee

varsham " means " varsha is equal to day+night of gods " . Here varsha is varsha

of maanushalaukike which is to be taken from preceding two verses. Rest of verse

17 means " this daiva day+night is divided thus : uttara (ayana) is divine day

and dakshinaayana is divine night " . MBh clearly says that the maanushalaukika

year is solar year : see verse 15 above which says that Sun divides/makes day

and night in maanushalaukika (but not in devaloka).


> <<<

> 6) What the verses say is that as revealed by Brahma he is going to tell about

the span of the yugas. (We all know that Brahma'sday is one Kalpa and that is

equal to 1000 Mahayugas and His night is also of the same length and these are

not included in those few verses.)

> >>>

> No Sir, you are deliberately misquoting this verse (MBh,v,231,18) which says :


> " ye te raatryahanee poorvam keertite Jeevalaukike ,

> tayoh samkhyaaya varshaagram Braahme vakshyaamyahahkshap e " .


> It means :

> " These days and nights of Jeevaloka which have been told in

preceding verses (verses 15-17)

> On the basis of those year numbers I (Vyaasa Ji) am now telling days and

nights of brahmaa (in following verses) "


> In those 'following " verses, Vyaasa ji describes 12000 years in a mahayuga

divided into four yugas, but verse 18 clearly says these durations of year are

according to the ratios described in preceding verses, esp verse 17 which says

one human year is equal to one divine year. Hence, chronology of Brahmaa Ji

cannot be as per maanava varsha but as per divine varsha, if Vyaasa Ji took

Brahmaa to be a divinity.


> Apply this sentence to yourself : " Please read my mail carefully and reply to

the point if you want to and not play some diversionary tactics. "


> Now I have lost all hopes that you will ever listen to either fact or reason.

You have to distort ancient texts according to your imaginary conceptions. But

why you charged me wrongly of inventing a concept of 4320000 years for a

mahayuga, when it is clearly said in all relevant ancient texts ? If you have to

disown and refute these ancient texts, no one can prevent you, but do it

honestly, instead of taking recourse to deceitful tactics.


> -VJ









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Hello Sushma ,


Let me narrate one incident which may help us to bring some light on this topic.


Once Shankara Bhagwan was reciting the name " Rama " " Ram " " Ram " and HE told

Parvati matajee that any one who would medidate of the word " Ram " would be free

from all sins and would attain moksha.


Now this incident is recorded much before the birth of Lord Rama.




So the question comes how come Shankara Bhagwan was talking about Ram naam even

before HIS birth.



The argument forwarded was that in each yuga of each manvantara the same God

takes birth again and again.



Hence if this is 7th manvantara and this is the 28th mahayuga, then Lord Rama ,

Lord Krishna etc have taken birth 6*71+28 times.



Hence to answer your question , Lord Rama was born also in the 28th Mahayuga of

current Manvantara and also he re-incarnated himself before that.




Our knowledge is limited to what God's did in each yuga and

manvantara........Looking at the time span our knowledge is not even a drop of

water in a large ocean.




--- On Wed, 13/5/09, Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan wrote:



Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan

Re: Length of Divya Varsha


Wednesday, 13 May, 2009, 5:27 AM









Sushma ji,


We are now talking humongous spans of time from a human perspective in which

memory begins to get lost by the time one is 60-70 though the odd 80 or 90 year

old may come across and dazzle us, those are rare!


Documented or not, in palmyra leaves, stones, word of mouth (oral tradition),

natural resonances or the Akashic Records of Lobsang Rampa and other sources one

wonders -- How many such 'sets of four' had the Divine been arriving on this

earth or wherever as human beings or other life forms?


10, 20, 100, infinite sets of these cycles of four?






, " bhagvatjee " <bhagvatjee@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Vinay Jha JI

> Jaya Siyaa Raam


> I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time. People

do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise why

should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.


> Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa,

Dwaapar and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.


> Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become -

1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.


> Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.


> Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went to

His Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human years

old - it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.


> With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled for

11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like Krishn) it

means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali Yug) + at

least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago - at least.


> Am I right up to here?


> Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am

wrong somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this

28th Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?


> Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in Ved

Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan gives

the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next 29th

Ved Vyaas.


> Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes,

then which ones?


> I hope I have not annoyed you.

> With regards

> Sushma



> , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> >

> > Sunil Ji,

> >

> > Here are pointwise answers to wrong points raised by you :

> >

> > <<<

> > 1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord Rama

was born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.

> > >>>

> > Earlier you said the concept of 4320000 years for the Mahayuga was my

invention, now you say this concept is wrong but do not specify whether I

introduced this supposedly wrong concept or it existed before I was born. Lord

Rama born about 9300 years ago is your invention, having no evidence of any

sort. It is based on your fictious assumption of 12000 human years in a


> >

> > <<<

> > 2)When you criticise Burgess's translation as inaccurate then is it not

shameful to quote from the same translation of Burgess. Instead of gracefully

accepting your lapse you are telling me that I am poking fun at you. Did you

expect me to praise you for your double standard?

> > >>>

> > Burgess made many serious mistakes in translating some portions, but it does

not mean he is 100% wrong everywhere. In an English forum, I am forced to cite

the only available English translator of Suryasiddhanta, and when I find some

wrong portions in such translations, I have to point out the errors. It is a

valid stand, which you call " shameful " , " lapse " , " double standard " ! I also

sent you names of Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali translators of Suryasiddhanta,

which you omit to mention and divert the discussion from length of divya varsha

in Suryasiddhanta to a discussion on my " shameful " character , yet charging me

of playing " diversionary tactics " !

> >

> > <<<

> > 3)You need not give me any unsolicited details as to where to get which book

when you yourself said that you are removing your book from your website so that

I should not be able to see that. Should I send you back your email to refresh

your memory? Another example of your double-standard. Is that the nobility of a


> > >>>

> > Only 300 copies of my books were printed, and not a single copy was sold. It

was given to chosen persons, none of whom had praised the virtues of wine before

me. I cannot give my book to such a person at any cost, unless he vows never to

drink again. Manusmriti says one should not even talk to a person who drinks

wine. Communication through email is not tantamount to talking. Please do not

take it personally, it is my anability to break my principles. I knew sending

reference to websites which offer ancient texts freely will offend and provok

you , because these ancient siddhantic texts invariably speak of 4320000 solar

years for a mahayuga. For instance, in the first verse of Dashageetikaa of

Aryabhatiya, Sun's bhagana number per (maha)yuga is 4320000 and Earth's

rotations are given to be 1582237500 (1582237828 in Suryasiddhanta, this minor

difference being due to Sunrise system of day count in Aryabhatiya in contrast

to midnight system of

> > Suryasiddhanta) . Brahma-sphuta- siddhaanta( BSS) repeats the mathematics of

Mahabharata (MBh-v-231) in its first chapter verses 4-7, in which 4320000 normal

solar years of humans are said to make one mahayuga (see verses 5-6) and 1000

such mahayugas are said to make one Kalpa (BSS, ch-i, verse 10). Hence,

Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahma-sphuta- siddhaanta all clearly say one

mahayuga to be equal to 4320000 years and not 43200000 days as you wrongly tried

to prove by misquoting texts. Should I cite your previous mails to remind you of

your own stand ? When I requested you to see original texts and offered you

website addresses where these texts are freely available, why you became

infuriated ? Is truth so abominable to you that you cannot restraint your

violent nature and start abusing my supposedly " shameless " character ? You stand

is refuted by all these ancient texts : Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and

Brahma-sphuta- siddhaanta, Mahabharata,


> > Purana, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, etc, all of which unanimously say that

one mahayuga is of 4320000 years or 1582237828 days which is equal to 12000

divine years.

> >

> > <<<

> > 4)Prafulla may be right but he has to give me the reference where it is said

that the span of the Kaliyuga has been selectively extended, as claimed by him.

> > >>>

> > The span of the Kaliyuga having been selectively extended is an invention of

Prafulla ji, there is no proof anywhere. But it means he knows the siddhanta

texts which clearly declare a mahayuga to be of 12000 divya and 4320000 human

years, which he imagines to be a later extension of original 12000 years for a

mahayuga which he infers from an out-f-context reading of MBh-ii-188, forgetting

to consult MBh-v-231 where same verse is repeated in fuller context.

> >

> > <<<

> > 5)The verse in the Mahabharata says about Daiva Varsha, and that is the same

as the polar year where the daylight is there for six months long and the night

is also six months long. Daiva here means the year of the Devas. In Mahabharata

the span is given in terns of Solar years.

> > >>>

> > It is welcome that you at least accept the existence of Daiva varsha in

Mahabharata( MBh), but here again you are deliberately distorting the verses of

MBh. MBh does not say its daiva varsha is meant for the (imaginary) residents of

Poles, but says what I earlier communicated. I know you will not accept truth,

because you have no faith neither in Suryasiddhanta( SS) nor in MBh, but I am

here quoting verses of MBh which falsify your stand :

> >

> > MBh-khanda 5-chapter 231-verse15 says " ahoraatre vibhajate Suryau

maanushalaukike " , which means days and nights of manushya loka is made/divided

by Surya. verse 17 says " Daive raatryahanee varsham pravibhaagastayoh punah ,

ahastatrodagayanam raatrih syad dakshinaayanam " : in which " Daive raatryahanee

varsham " means " varsha is equal to day+night of gods " . Here varsha is varsha of

maanushalaukike which is to be taken from preceding two verses. Rest of verse 17

means " this daiva day+night is divided thus : uttara (ayana) is divine day and

dakshinaayana is divine night " . MBh clearly says that the maanushalaukika year

is solar year : see verse 15 above which says that Sun divides/makes day and

night in maanushalaukika (but not in devaloka).

> >

> > <<<

> > 6) What the verses say is that as revealed by Brahma he is going to tell

about the span of the yugas. (We all know that Brahma'sday is one Kalpa and that

is equal to 1000 Mahayugas and His night is also of the same length and these

are not included in those few verses.)

> > >>>

> > No Sir, you are deliberately misquoting this verse (MBh,v,231,18) which says


> >

> > " ye te raatryahanee poorvam keertite Jeevalaukike ,

> > tayoh samkhyaaya varshaagram Braahme vakshyaamyahahkshap e " .

> >

> > It means :

> > " These days and nights of Jeevaloka which have been told in preceding verses

(verses 15-17)

> > On the basis of those year numbers I (Vyaasa Ji) am now telling days and

nights of brahmaa (in following verses) "

> >

> > In those 'following " verses, Vyaasa ji describes 12000 years in a mahayuga

divided into four yugas, but verse 18 clearly says these durations of year are

according to the ratios described in preceding verses, esp verse 17 which says

one human year is equal to one divine year. Hence, chronology of Brahmaa Ji

cannot be as per maanava varsha but as per divine varsha, if Vyaasa Ji took

Brahmaa to be a divinity.

> >

> > Apply this sentence to yourself : " Please read my mail carefully and reply

to the point if you want to and not play some diversionary tactics. "

> >

> > Now I have lost all hopes that you will ever listen to either fact or

reason. You have to distort ancient texts according to your imaginary

conceptions. But why you charged me wrongly of inventing a concept of 4320000

years for a mahayuga, when it is clearly said in all relevant ancient texts ? If

you have to disown and refute these ancient texts, no one can prevent you, but

do it honestly, instead of taking recourse to deceitful tactics.

> >

> > -VJ



















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Dear Rohini Ranjan Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam


In fact, I took the following sentence quoted in the mail below, of Vinay Jha



> > > 1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord

Rama was born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.


I just wanted to say that if 4,320,000 year concept of a Mahaa Yug is wrong then

to which source to look into for measuring time?


Secondly, f the above statement is correct then what is the surity that Raam was

born 9,300 years ago?


That is what I wanted to ask?

Even if you clear hese points out of the context, I will be grateful.

With regards





, " Rohiniranjan " <rohini_ranjan



> Sushma ji,


> We are now talking humongous spans of time from a human perspective in which

memory begins to get lost by the time one is 60-70 though the odd 80 or 90 year

old may come across and dazzle us, those are rare!


> Documented or not, in palmyra leaves, stones, word of mouth (oral tradition),

natural resonances or the Akashic Records of Lobsang Rampa and other sources one

wonders -- How many such 'sets of four' had the Divine been arriving on this

earth or wherever as human beings or other life forms?


> 10, 20, 100, infinite sets of these cycles of four?


> :-)


> RR



> , " bhagvatjee " <bhagvatjee@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vinay Jha JI

> > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> >

> > I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time.

People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise

why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.

> >

> > Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa,

Dwaapar and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.

> >

> > Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become -

1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.

> >

> > Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.

> >

> > Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went to

His Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human years

old - it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.

> >

> > With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled

for 11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like

Krishn) it means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali

Yug) + at least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago

- at least.

> >

> > Am I right up to here?

> >

> > Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am

wrong somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this

28th Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?

> >

> > Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in Ved

Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan gives

the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next 29th

Ved Vyaas.

> >

> > Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes,

then which ones?

> >

> > I hope I have not annoyed you.

> > With regards

> > Sushma

> >

> >

> > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Sunil Ji,

> > >

> > > Here are pointwise answers to wrong points raised by you :

> > >

> > > <<<

> > > 1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord

Rama was born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.

> > > >>>

> > > Earlier you said the concept of 4320000 years for the Mahayuga was my

invention, now you say this concept is wrong but do not specify whether I

introduced this supposedly wrong concept or it existed before I was born. Lord

Rama born about 9300 years ago is your invention, having no evidence of any

sort. It is based on your fictious assumption of 12000 human years in a


> > >

> > > <<<

> > > 2)When you criticise Burgess's translation as inaccurate then is it not

shameful to quote from the same translation of Burgess. Instead of gracefully

accepting your lapse you are telling me that I am poking fun at you. Did you

expect me to praise you for your double standard?

> > > >>>

> > > Burgess made many serious mistakes in translating some portions, but it

does not mean he is 100% wrong everywhere. In an English forum, I am forced to

cite the only available English translator of Suryasiddhanta, and when I find

some wrong portions in such translations, I have to point out the errors. It is

a valid stand, which you call " shameful " , " lapse " , " double standard " ! I also

sent you names of Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali translators of Suryasiddhanta,

which you omit to mention and divert the discussion from length of divya varsha

in Suryasiddhanta to a discussion on my " shameful " character , yet charging me

of playing " diversionary tactics " !

> > >

> > > <<<

> > > 3)You need not give me any unsolicited details as to where to get which

book when you yourself said that you are removing your book from your website so

that I should not be able to see that. Should I send you back your email to

refresh your memory? Another example of your double-standard. Is that the

nobility of a Brahmachari?

> > > >>>

> > > Only 300 copies of my books were printed, and not a single copy was sold.

It was given to chosen persons, none of whom had praised the virtues of wine

before me. I cannot give my book to such a person at any cost, unless he vows

never to drink again. Manusmriti says one should not even talk to a person who

drinks wine. Communication through email is not tantamount to talking. Please do

not take it personally, it is my anability to break my principles. I knew

sending reference to websites which offer ancient texts freely will offend and

provok you , because these ancient siddhantic texts invariably speak of 4320000

solar years for a mahayuga. For instance, in the first verse of Dashageetikaa of

Aryabhatiya, Sun's bhagana number per (maha)yuga is 4320000 and Earth's

rotations are given to be 1582237500 (1582237828 in Suryasiddhanta, this minor

difference being due to Sunrise system of day count in Aryabhatiya in contrast

to midnight system of

> > > Suryasiddhanta). Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta(BSS) repeats the mathematics of

Mahabharata (MBh-v-231) in its first chapter verses 4-7, in which 4320000 normal

solar years of humans are said to make one mahayuga (see verses 5-6) and 1000

such mahayugas are said to make one Kalpa (BSS, ch-i, verse 10). Hence,

Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta all clearly say one

mahayuga to be equal to 4320000 years and not 43200000 days as you wrongly tried

to prove by misquoting texts. Should I cite your previous mails to remind you of

your own stand ? When I requested you to see original texts and offered you

website addresses where these texts are freely available, why you became

infuriated ? Is truth so abominable to you that you cannot restraint your

violent nature and start abusing my supposedly " shameless " character ? You stand

is refuted by all these ancient texts : Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and

Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta, Mahabharata, Narada

> > > Purana, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, etc, all of which unanimously say that

one mahayuga is of 4320000 years or 1582237828 days which is equal to 12000

divine years.

> > >

> > > <<<

> > > 4)Prafulla may be right but he has to give me the reference where it is

said that the span of the Kaliyuga has been selectively extended, as claimed by


> > > >>>

> > > The span of the Kaliyuga having been selectively extended is an invention

of Prafulla ji, there is no proof anywhere. But it means he knows the siddhanta

texts which clearly declare a mahayuga to be of 12000 divya and 4320000 human

years, which he imagines to be a later extension of original 12000 years for a

mahayuga which he infers from an out-f-context reading of MBh-ii-188, forgetting

to consult MBh-v-231 where same verse is repeated in fuller context.

> > >

> > > <<<

> > > 5)The verse in the Mahabharata says about Daiva Varsha, and that is the

same as the polar year where the daylight is there for six months long and the

night is also six months long. Daiva here means the year of the Devas. In

Mahabharata the span is given in terns of Solar years.

> > > >>>

> > > It is welcome that you at least accept the existence of Daiva varsha in

Mahabharata(MBh), but here again you are deliberately distorting the verses of

MBh. MBh does not say its daiva varsha is meant for the (imaginary) residents of

Poles, but says what I earlier communicated. I know you will not accept truth,

because you have no faith neither in Suryasiddhanta(SS) nor in MBh, but I am

here quoting verses of MBh which falsify your stand :

> > >

> > > MBh-khanda 5-chapter 231-verse15 says " ahoraatre vibhajate Suryau

maanushalaukike " , which means days and nights of manushya loka is made/divided

by Surya. verse 17 says " Daive raatryahanee varsham pravibhaagastayoh punah ,

ahastatrodagayanam raatrih syad dakshinaayanam " : in which " Daive raatryahanee

varsham " means " varsha is equal to day+night of gods " . Here varsha is varsha

of maanushalaukike which is to be taken from preceding two verses. Rest of verse

17 means " this daiva day+night is divided thus : uttara (ayana) is divine day

and dakshinaayana is divine night " . MBh clearly says that the maanushalaukika

year is solar year : see verse 15 above which says that Sun divides/makes day

and night in maanushalaukika (but not in devaloka).

> > >

> > > <<<

> > > 6) What the verses say is that as revealed by Brahma he is going to tell

about the span of the yugas. (We all know that Brahma'sday is one Kalpa and that

is equal to 1000 Mahayugas and His night is also of the same length and these

are not included in those few verses.)

> > > >>>

> > > No Sir, you are deliberately misquoting this verse (MBh,v,231,18) which

says :

> > >

> > > " ye te raatryahanee poorvam keertite Jeevalaukike ,

> > > tayoh samkhyaaya varshaagram Braahme vakshyaamyahahkshape " .

> > >

> > > It means :

> > > " These days and nights of Jeevaloka which have been told in

preceding verses (verses 15-17)

> > > On the basis of those year numbers I (Vyaasa Ji) am now telling days and

nights of brahmaa (in following verses) "

> > >

> > > In those 'following " verses, Vyaasa ji describes 12000 years in a mahayuga

divided into four yugas, but verse 18 clearly says these durations of year are

according to the ratios described in preceding verses, esp verse 17 which says

one human year is equal to one divine year. Hence, chronology of Brahmaa Ji

cannot be as per maanava varsha but as per divine varsha, if Vyaasa Ji took

Brahmaa to be a divinity.

> > >

> > > Apply this sentence to yourself : " Please read my mail carefully and reply

to the point if you want to and not play some diversionary tactics. "

> > >

> > > Now I have lost all hopes that you will ever listen to either fact or

reason. You have to distort ancient texts according to your imaginary

conceptions. But why you charged me wrongly of inventing a concept of 4320000

years for a mahayuga, when it is clearly said in all relevant ancient texts ? If

you have to disown and refute these ancient texts, no one can prevent you, but

do it honestly, instead of taking recourse to deceitful tactics.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> >


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To All ,


Mr Sunil Bhattacharjya, a chemist having no interest in practical astrology, has

taken an oath to distort siddhantic jyotisha of ancient India. He falsely argues

that 4320000 years for a mahayuga is Vinay Jha's invention, and one mahayuga is

of 12000 years only. I supplied him quotations, website addresses, names of

translators and publishers of ancient texts, and even scanned copies of

original documents like Mahabharata, Suryasiddhanta, etc, but he does not care

for facts. He has no interest in astrology and I now believe he has joined this

forum merely to destroy astrology. Why Sushma ji takes the false and baseless

statements of Mr Sunil Bhattacharjya as granted is surprising. Sushma ji should

read the previous posts to be acquainted with opinions and facts of both Mr

Sunil Bhattacharjya and me before rushing to any conclusion.


Those who have no time to read books may ask the opinions of heads of

departments of jyotisha in any recognized Sanskrit university. Here are

telephone numbers of three heads of departments of jyotisha :


Dr Nagendra Pandey 09452564645 , HOD in Sampoornanand Sanskrit University,


Dr Chandrama Pandey 09415303818 , HOD in Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Dr Radhakant Mishra 09430638401 , HOD in KSD Sanskrit University, Darbhanga



================ ===






bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee


Wednesday, May 13, 2009 3:53:18 PM

Re: Length of Divya Varsha






Dear Rohini Ranjan Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam


In fact, I took the following sentence quoted in the mail below, of Vinay Jha



> > > 1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord

Rama was born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.


I just wanted to say that if 4,320,000 year concept of a Mahaa Yug is wrong then

to which source to look into for measuring time?


Secondly, f the above statement is correct then what is the surity that Raam was

born 9,300 years ago?


That is what I wanted to ask?

Even if you clear hese points out of the context, I will be grateful.

With regards



, " Rohiniranjan " <rohini_ranjan@ ...>



> Sushma ji,


> We are now talking humongous spans of time from a human perspective in which

memory begins to get lost by the time one is 60-70 though the odd 80 or 90 year

old may come across and dazzle us, those are rare!


> Documented or not, in palmyra leaves, stones, word of mouth (oral tradition),

natural resonances or the Akashic Records of Lobsang Rampa and other sources one

wonders -- How many such 'sets of four' had the Divine been arriving on this

earth or wherever as human beings or other life forms?


> 10, 20, 100, infinite sets of these cycles of four?


> :-)


> RR



> , " bhagvatjee " <bhagvatjee@ > wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vinay Jha JI

> > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> >

> > I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time.

People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise

why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.

> >

> > Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa,

Dwaapar and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.

> >

> > Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become -

1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.

> >

> > Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.

> >

> > Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went to

His Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human years

old - it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.

> >

> > With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled

for 11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like

Krishn) it means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali

Yug) + at least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago

- at least.

> >

> > Am I right up to here?

> >

> > Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am

wrong somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this

28th Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?

> >

> > Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in Ved

Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan gives

the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next 29th

Ved Vyaas.

> >

> > Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes,

then which ones?

> >

> > I hope I have not annoyed you.

> > With regards

> > Sushma

> >

> >

> > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > Sunil Ji,

> > >

> > > Here are pointwise answers to wrong points raised by you :

> > >

> > > <<<

> > > 1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord

Rama was born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.

> > > >>>

> > > Earlier you said the concept of 4320000 years for the Mahayuga was my

invention, now you say this concept is wrong but do not specify whether I

introduced this supposedly wrong concept or it existed before I was born. Lord

Rama born about 9300 years ago is your invention, having no evidence of any

sort. It is based on your fictious assumption of 12000 human years in a


> > >

> > > <<<

> > > 2)When you criticise Burgess's translation as inaccurate then is it not

shameful to quote from the same translation of Burgess. Instead of gracefully

accepting your lapse you are telling me that I am poking fun at you. Did you

expect me to praise you for your double standard?

> > > >>>

> > > Burgess made many serious mistakes in translating some portions, but it

does not mean he is 100% wrong everywhere. In an English forum, I am forced to

cite the only available English translator of Suryasiddhanta, and when I find

some wrong portions in such translations, I have to point out the errors. It is

a valid stand, which you call " shameful " , " lapse " , " double standard " ! I also

sent you names of Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali translators of Suryasiddhanta,

which you omit to mention and divert the discussion from length of divya varsha

in Suryasiddhanta to a discussion on my " shameful " character , yet charging me

of playing " diversionary tactics " !

> > >

> > > <<<

> > > 3)You need not give me any unsolicited details as to where to get which

book when you yourself said that you are removing your book from your website so

that I should not be able to see that. Should I send you back your email to

refresh your memory? Another example of your double-standard. Is that the

nobility of a Brahmachari?

> > > >>>

> > > Only 300 copies of my books were printed, and not a single copy was sold.

It was given to chosen persons, none of whom had praised the virtues of wine

before me. I cannot give my book to such a person at any cost, unless he vows

never to drink again. Manusmriti says one should not even talk to a person who

drinks wine. Communication through email is not tantamount to talking. Please do

not take it personally, it is my anability to break my principles. I knew

sending reference to websites which offer ancient texts freely will offend and

provok you , because these ancient siddhantic texts invariably speak of 4320000

solar years for a mahayuga. For instance, in the first verse of Dashageetikaa of

Aryabhatiya, Sun's bhagana number per (maha)yuga is 4320000 and Earth's

rotations are given to be 1582237500 (1582237828 in Suryasiddhanta, this minor

difference being due to Sunrise system of day count in Aryabhatiya in contrast

to midnight system of

> > > Suryasiddhanta) . Brahma-sphuta- siddhaanta( BSS) repeats the mathematics

of Mahabharata (MBh-v-231) in its first chapter verses 4-7, in which 4320000

normal solar years of humans are said to make one mahayuga (see verses 5-6) and

1000 such mahayugas are said to make one Kalpa (BSS, ch-i, verse 10). Hence,

Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahma-sphuta- siddhaanta all clearly say one

mahayuga to be equal to 4320000 years and not 43200000 days as you wrongly tried

to prove by misquoting texts. Should I cite your previous mails to remind you of

your own stand ? When I requested you to see original texts and offered you

website addresses where these texts are freely available, why you became

infuriated ? Is truth so abominable to you that you cannot restraint your

violent nature and start abusing my supposedly " shameless " character ? You stand

is refuted by all these ancient texts : Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and

Brahma-sphuta- siddhaanta,

Mahabharata, Narada

> > > Purana, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, etc, all of which unanimously say that

one mahayuga is of 4320000 years or 1582237828 days which is equal to 12000

divine years.

> > >

> > > <<<

> > > 4)Prafulla may be right but he has to give me the reference where it is

said that the span of the Kaliyuga has been selectively extended, as claimed by


> > > >>>

> > > The span of the Kaliyuga having been selectively extended is an invention

of Prafulla ji, there is no proof anywhere. But it means he knows the siddhanta

texts which clearly declare a mahayuga to be of 12000 divya and 4320000 human

years, which he imagines to be a later extension of original 12000 years for a

mahayuga which he infers from an out-f-context reading of MBh-ii-188, forgetting

to consult MBh-v-231 where same verse is repeated in fuller context.

> > >

> > > <<<

> > > 5)The verse in the Mahabharata says about Daiva Varsha, and that is the

same as the polar year where the daylight is there for six months long and the

night is also six months long. Daiva here means the year of the Devas. In

Mahabharata the span is given in terns of Solar years.

> > > >>>

> > > It is welcome that you at least accept the existence of Daiva varsha in

Mahabharata( MBh), but here again you are deliberately distorting the verses of

MBh. MBh does not say its daiva varsha is meant for the (imaginary) residents of

Poles, but says what I earlier communicated. I know you will not accept truth,

because you have no faith neither in Suryasiddhanta( SS) nor in MBh, but I am

here quoting verses of MBh which falsify your stand :

> > >

> > > MBh-khanda 5-chapter 231-verse15 says " ahoraatre vibhajate Suryau

maanushalaukike " , which means days and nights of manushya loka is made/divided

by Surya. verse 17 says " Daive raatryahanee varsham pravibhaagastayoh punah ,

ahastatrodagayanam raatrih syad dakshinaayanam " : in which " Daive raatryahanee

varsham " means " varsha is equal to day+night of gods " . Here varsha is varsha

of maanushalaukike which is to be taken from preceding two verses. Rest of verse

17 means " this daiva day+night is divided thus : uttara (ayana) is divine day

and dakshinaayana is divine night " . MBh clearly says that the maanushalaukika

year is solar year : see verse 15 above which says that Sun divides/makes day

and night in maanushalaukika (but not in devaloka).

> > >

> > > <<<

> > > 6) What the verses say is that as revealed by Brahma he is going to tell

about the span of the yugas. (We all know that Brahma'sday is one Kalpa and that

is equal to 1000 Mahayugas and His night is also of the same length and these

are not included in those few verses.)

> > > >>>

> > > No Sir, you are deliberately misquoting this verse (MBh,v,231,18) which

says :

> > >

> > > " ye te raatryahanee poorvam keertite Jeevalaukike ,

> > > tayoh samkhyaaya varshaagram Braahme vakshyaamyahahkshap e " .

> > >

> > > It means :

> > > " These days and nights of Jeevaloka which have been told in

preceding verses (verses 15-17)

> > > On the basis of those year numbers I (Vyaasa Ji) am now telling days and

nights of brahmaa (in following verses) "

> > >

> > > In those 'following " verses, Vyaasa ji describes 12000 years in a mahayuga

divided into four yugas, but verse 18 clearly says these durations of year are

according to the ratios described in preceding verses, esp verse 17 which says

one human year is equal to one divine year. Hence, chronology of Brahmaa Ji

cannot be as per maanava varsha but as per divine varsha, if Vyaasa Ji took

Brahmaa to be a divinity.

> > >

> > > Apply this sentence to yourself : " Please read my mail carefully and reply

to the point if you want to and not play some diversionary tactics. "

> > >

> > > Now I have lost all hopes that you will ever listen to either fact or

reason. You have to distort ancient texts according to your imaginary

conceptions. But why you charged me wrongly of inventing a concept of 4320000

years for a mahayuga, when it is clearly said in all relevant ancient texts ? If

you have to disown and refute these ancient texts, no one can prevent you, but

do it honestly, instead of taking recourse to deceitful tactics.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> >










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Dear Sushama jee,


I am sure Vinay Ji would be able to provide you with the answers that you seek.

I have never researched all these ancient and Divine horoscopes. Even with

modern celebrities, birth data is difficult to research and corroborate.


Good luck with your pursuit, whereever it may lead you...





, " bhagvatjee " <bhagvatjee wrote:


> Dear Rohini Ranjan Ji

> Jaya Siyaa Raam


> In fact, I took the following sentence quoted in the mail below, of Vinay Jha



> > > > 1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord

Rama was born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.


> I just wanted to say that if 4,320,000 year concept of a Mahaa Yug is wrong

then to which source to look into for measuring time?


> Secondly, f the above statement is correct then what is the surity that Raam

was born 9,300 years ago?


> That is what I wanted to ask?

> Even if you clear hese points out of the context, I will be grateful.

> With regards

> Sushma




> , " Rohiniranjan " <rohini_ranjan@>


> >

> > Sushma ji,

> >

> > We are now talking humongous spans of time from a human perspective in which

memory begins to get lost by the time one is 60-70 though the odd 80 or 90 year

old may come across and dazzle us, those are rare!

> >

> > Documented or not, in palmyra leaves, stones, word of mouth (oral

tradition), natural resonances or the Akashic Records of Lobsang Rampa and other

sources one wonders -- How many such 'sets of four' had the Divine been arriving

on this earth or wherever as human beings or other life forms?

> >

> > 10, 20, 100, infinite sets of these cycles of four?

> >

> > :-)

> >

> > RR

> >

> >

> > , " bhagvatjee " <bhagvatjee@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Vinay Jha JI

> > > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > >

> > > I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time.

People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise

why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.

> > >

> > > Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa,

Dwaapar and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.

> > >

> > > Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become -

1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.

> > >

> > > Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.

> > >

> > > Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went

to His Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human

years old - it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.

> > >

> > > With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled

for 11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like

Krishn) it means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali

Yug) + at least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago

- at least.

> > >

> > > Am I right up to here?

> > >

> > > Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am

wrong somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this

28th Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?

> > >

> > > Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in

Ved Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan

gives the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next

29th Ved Vyaas.

> > >

> > > Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes,

then which ones?

> > >

> > > I hope I have not annoyed you.

> > > With regards

> > > Sushma

> > >

> > >

> > > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Sunil Ji,

> > > >

> > > > Here are pointwise answers to wrong points raised by you :

> > > >

> > > > <<<

> > > > 1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord

Rama was born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.

> > > > >>>

> > > > Earlier you said the concept of 4320000 years for the Mahayuga was my

invention, now you say this concept is wrong but do not specify whether I

introduced this supposedly wrong concept or it existed before I was born. Lord

Rama born about 9300 years ago is your invention, having no evidence of any

sort. It is based on your fictious assumption of 12000 human years in a


> > > >

> > > > <<<

> > > > 2)When you criticise Burgess's translation as inaccurate then is it not

shameful to quote from the same translation of Burgess. Instead of gracefully

accepting your lapse you are telling me that I am poking fun at you. Did you

expect me to praise you for your double standard?

> > > > >>>

> > > > Burgess made many serious mistakes in translating some portions, but it

does not mean he is 100% wrong everywhere. In an English forum, I am forced to

cite the only available English translator of Suryasiddhanta, and when I find

some wrong portions in such translations, I have to point out the errors. It is

a valid stand, which you call " shameful " , " lapse " , " double standard " ! I also

sent you names of Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali translators of Suryasiddhanta,

which you omit to mention and divert the discussion from length of divya varsha

in Suryasiddhanta to a discussion on my " shameful " character , yet charging me

of playing " diversionary tactics " !

> > > >

> > > > <<<

> > > > 3)You need not give me any unsolicited details as to where to get which

book when you yourself said that you are removing your book from your website so

that I should not be able to see that. Should I send you back your email to

refresh your memory? Another example of your double-standard. Is that the

nobility of a Brahmachari?

> > > > >>>

> > > > Only 300 copies of my books were printed, and not a single copy was

sold. It was given to chosen persons, none of whom had praised the virtues of

wine before me. I cannot give my book to such a person at any cost, unless he

vows never to drink again. Manusmriti says one should not even talk to a person

who drinks wine. Communication through email is not tantamount to talking.

Please do not take it personally, it is my anability to break my principles. I

knew sending reference to websites which offer ancient texts freely will offend

and provok you , because these ancient siddhantic texts invariably speak of

4320000 solar years for a mahayuga. For instance, in the first verse of

Dashageetikaa of Aryabhatiya, Sun's bhagana number per (maha)yuga is 4320000 and

Earth's rotations are given to be 1582237500 (1582237828 in Suryasiddhanta,

this minor difference being due to Sunrise system of day count in Aryabhatiya in

contrast to midnight system of

> > > > Suryasiddhanta). Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta(BSS) repeats the mathematics

of Mahabharata (MBh-v-231) in its first chapter verses 4-7, in which 4320000

normal solar years of humans are said to make one mahayuga (see verses 5-6) and

1000 such mahayugas are said to make one Kalpa (BSS, ch-i, verse 10). Hence,

Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta all clearly say one

mahayuga to be equal to 4320000 years and not 43200000 days as you wrongly tried

to prove by misquoting texts. Should I cite your previous mails to remind you of

your own stand ? When I requested you to see original texts and offered you

website addresses where these texts are freely available, why you became

infuriated ? Is truth so abominable to you that you cannot restraint your

violent nature and start abusing my supposedly " shameless " character ? You stand

is refuted by all these ancient texts : Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and

Brahma-sphuta-siddhaanta, Mahabharata, Narada

> > > > Purana, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, etc, all of which unanimously say

that one mahayuga is of 4320000 years or 1582237828 days which is equal to 12000

divine years.

> > > >

> > > > <<<

> > > > 4)Prafulla may be right but he has to give me the reference where it is

said that the span of the Kaliyuga has been selectively extended, as claimed by


> > > > >>>

> > > > The span of the Kaliyuga having been selectively extended is an

invention of Prafulla ji, there is no proof anywhere. But it means he knows the

siddhanta texts which clearly declare a mahayuga to be of 12000 divya and

4320000 human years, which he imagines to be a later extension of original 12000

years for a mahayuga which he infers from an out-f-context reading of

MBh-ii-188, forgetting to consult MBh-v-231 where same verse is repeated in

fuller context.

> > > >

> > > > <<<

> > > > 5)The verse in the Mahabharata says about Daiva Varsha, and that is the

same as the polar year where the daylight is there for six months long and the

night is also six months long. Daiva here means the year of the Devas. In

Mahabharata the span is given in terns of Solar years.

> > > > >>>

> > > > It is welcome that you at least accept the existence of Daiva varsha in

Mahabharata(MBh), but here again you are deliberately distorting the verses of

MBh. MBh does not say its daiva varsha is meant for the (imaginary) residents of

Poles, but says what I earlier communicated. I know you will not accept truth,

because you have no faith neither in Suryasiddhanta(SS) nor in MBh, but I am

here quoting verses of MBh which falsify your stand :

> > > >

> > > > MBh-khanda 5-chapter 231-verse15 says " ahoraatre vibhajate Suryau

maanushalaukike " , which means days and nights of manushya loka is made/divided

by Surya. verse 17 says " Daive raatryahanee varsham pravibhaagastayoh punah ,

ahastatrodagayanam raatrih syad dakshinaayanam " : in which " Daive raatryahanee

varsham " means " varsha is equal to day+night of gods " . Here varsha is varsha

of maanushalaukike which is to be taken from preceding two verses. Rest of verse

17 means " this daiva day+night is divided thus : uttara (ayana) is divine day

and dakshinaayana is divine night " . MBh clearly says that the maanushalaukika

year is solar year : see verse 15 above which says that Sun divides/makes day

and night in maanushalaukika (but not in devaloka).

> > > >

> > > > <<<

> > > > 6) What the verses say is that as revealed by Brahma he is going to tell

about the span of the yugas. (We all know that Brahma'sday is one Kalpa and that

is equal to 1000 Mahayugas and His night is also of the same length and these

are not included in those few verses.)

> > > > >>>

> > > > No Sir, you are deliberately misquoting this verse (MBh,v,231,18) which

says :

> > > >

> > > > " ye te raatryahanee poorvam keertite Jeevalaukike ,

> > > > tayoh samkhyaaya varshaagram Braahme vakshyaamyahahkshape " .

> > > >

> > > > It means :

> > > > " These days and nights of Jeevaloka which have been told in

preceding verses (verses 15-17)

> > > > On the basis of those year numbers I (Vyaasa Ji) am now telling days and

nights of brahmaa (in following verses) "

> > > >

> > > > In those 'following " verses, Vyaasa ji describes 12000 years in a

mahayuga divided into four yugas, but verse 18 clearly says these durations of

year are according to the ratios described in preceding verses, esp verse 17

which says one human year is equal to one divine year. Hence, chronology of

Brahmaa Ji cannot be as per maanava varsha but as per divine varsha, if Vyaasa

Ji took Brahmaa to be a divinity.

> > > >

> > > > Apply this sentence to yourself : " Please read my mail carefully and

reply to the point if you want to and not play some diversionary tactics. "

> > > >

> > > > Now I have lost all hopes that you will ever listen to either fact or

reason. You have to distort ancient texts according to your imaginary

conceptions. But why you charged me wrongly of inventing a concept of 4320000

years for a mahayuga, when it is clearly said in all relevant ancient texts ? If

you have to disown and refute these ancient texts, no one can prevent you, but

do it honestly, instead of taking recourse to deceitful tactics.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > >

> >


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Dear Tamobhedi Surya Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam


You may be right in your saying that Raam and Krishn take Avataar in every Mahaa

Yug in Tretaa and Dwaapar Yug respectively. There is no need to say it again

that Kalp is different from Mahaa Yug.


I remember reading when Raajaa Sagar's children were digging the Earth to find

the horse (it is written in Bhaagvat Puraan, that " Prithvi has been dug in every

Kalp " Maybe they meant Mahaa Yug not the Kalp.


From you writing it seems that every Mahaa Yug repeats itself; while Bhagvat

Puraan says - Brahmaa Jee creates his Creation when his day starts, and leave

the Creation as it was when his day ends, then he starts it again from where he

left his Creation. Sometimes they say that Every Kalp repeats itself. In Vishnu

Puraan where the 28 names of Ved Vyaas are given - it shows that really every

Mahaa Yug repeats itself, not the Kalp.


This means that whatever we have read in Bhaagvat as history, the same goes on

repeating in every Mahaa Yug. It means that I will also be there in next Kali

Yug as Sushma and live my life like this only as I have lived now, with the same

parents, husband and children etc - not the changed one?


Sometimes it really seems strange and requires more clarification.

Your mail is indeed an enlightening one.


With regards




, tamobhedi surya <tamobhedi wrote:




> Hello Sushma ,


> Let me narrate one incident which may help us to bring some light on this



> Once Shankara Bhagwan was reciting the name " Rama " " Ram " " Ram " and HE told

Parvati matajee that any one who would medidate of the word " Ram " would be free

from all sins and would attain moksha.


> Now this incident is recorded much before the birth of Lord Rama.




> So the question comes how come Shankara Bhagwan was talking about Ram naam

even before HIS birth.



> The argument forwarded was that in each yuga of each manvantara the same God

takes birth again and again.



> Hence if this is 7th manvantara and this is the 28th mahayuga, then Lord Rama

, Lord Krishna etc have taken birth 6*71+28 times.



> Hence to answer your question , Lord Rama was born also in the 28th Mahayuga

of current Manvantara and also he re-incarnated himself before that.




> Our knowledge is limited to what God's did in each yuga and

manvantara........Looking at the time span our knowledge is not even a drop of

water in a large ocean.

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Rgveda,x,191 says that every Kalpa repeats itself. Nowhere it is said that

mahayugas repeat themselves. Indras and other permanent entities are invested

with new Jivas, which bring in their own samskaaras to shape the future

accordingly. 28 Veda Vyaasas are 28 different Jivas filling one post one by one.


Tge fact that every Kalpa repeats itself does not mean that every event will be

repeated. Many Jivas will get permanent moksha and will not come in next Kalpa

in any form. Many Jivas will change their roles due to their karmas. A Jiva is

male this time, female in next birth (see Yoga Vasishtha). Soul in itself has no





=============== ====




bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee


Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:08:07 AM

Re: Length of Divya Varsha






Dear Tamobhedi Surya Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam


You may be right in your saying that Raam and Krishn take Avataar in every Mahaa

Yug in Tretaa and Dwaapar Yug respectively. There is no need to say it again

that Kalp is different from Mahaa Yug.


I remember reading when Raajaa Sagar's children were digging the Earth to find

the horse (it is written in Bhaagvat Puraan, that " Prithvi has been dug in every

Kalp " Maybe they meant Mahaa Yug not the Kalp.


From you writing it seems that every Mahaa Yug repeats itself; while Bhagvat

Puraan says - Brahmaa Jee creates his Creation when his day starts, and leave

the Creation as it was when his day ends, then he starts it again from where he

left his Creation. Sometimes they say that Every Kalp repeats itself. In Vishnu

Puraan where the 28 names of Ved Vyaas are given - it shows that really every

Mahaa Yug repeats itself, not the Kalp.


This means that whatever we have read in Bhaagvat as history, the same goes on

repeating in every Mahaa Yug. It means that I will also be there in next Kali

Yug as Sushma and live my life like this only as I have lived now, with the same

parents, husband and children etc - not the changed one?


Sometimes it really seems strange and requires more clarification.

Your mail is indeed an enlightening one.


With regards



, tamobhedi surya <tamobhedi@. ..>





> Hello Sushma ,


> Let me narrate one incident which may help us to bring some light on this



> Once Shankara Bhagwan was reciting the name " Rama " " Ram " " Ram " and HE told

Parvati matajee that any one who would medidate of the word " Ram " would be free

from all sins and would attain moksha.


> Now this incident is recorded much before the birth of Lord Rama.




> So the question comes how come Shankara Bhagwan was talking about Ram naam

even before HIS birth.



> The argument forwarded was that in each yuga of each manvantara the same God

takes birth again and again.



> Hence if this is 7th manvantara and this is the 28th mahayuga, then Lord Rama

, Lord Krishna etc have taken birth 6*71+28 times.



> Hence to answer your question , Lord Rama was born also in the 28th Mahayuga

of current Manvantara and also he re-incarnated himself before that.




> Our knowledge is limited to what God's did in each yuga and manvantara..

.......Looking at the time span our knowledge is not even a drop of water in a

large ocean.









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Dear Vinay Jha Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam

I wrote this, because if somebody does not agree with this measurement (one

Divine year = 360 Human years) then some other statements also go either wrong

or out of place. Such as Now a days there is a lot of hype that on 12th December

of 2012 this world is going to end.


This date does not fit anywhere according to our measurement of Time. If Kali

Yug is of 432,000 years long, and Kalki Avataar is yet to come then there is no

question that this worl can end on 12th Dec 2012. AND even if we say that Kali

Yug is only 1200 years long, then it should have ended some 4,000 years ago, and

the present Yug should be Sat Yug and it shold also be finishing soon being only

4,800 years long but since there are no signs of Sat Yug now, we cannot agree

with the second assumption.


In fact it shows that we must agree with the first assumption and there are no

chances that the world is going to end in Dec 2012.


And if we go for the first asumption, then I am really doubtful that all the

physical places which are related to Raam are still at the same place where they

were when Raam was there.


Do you agree?

With regards





, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> bhagvatjee ji,



> Sorry for a double jee/ji. Why should anyone be annoyed with genuine

enquiries, excepting when the intention is personal attack mixed with deliberate

misquotations, as Sunil bhattacharjya ji is doing.


> Please see To which tretayuga Lord Rama belonged ?



> You say :

> <<< " People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years -

otherwise why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the

same name. ...Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones?

If yes, then which ones? " >>>


> I have given citations from Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya,

Brahma-sphuta-siddhanta, Mahabharata, Narada Purana, Vidhnu-dharmottara Purana,

etc in my previous mails, which Sunil Ji ignores and harps on his personal

theory that traditional mahayuga was of 12000 human years only and equating one

divine year with 360 human years is Vinay Jha's invention. Your statement

( " People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years " ) also

amounts to same if I am not misinterpreting.


> It is another matter whether you believe Vedic-Puranic-Siddhantic (Jyotisha)

timescales to be right or wrong. You have a right to disagree with those texts.

You have a righ to shut down your eyes and not see the proofs. You can accept

Biblical concept of 6000 years for the age of the world, or its double which

Sunil Ji believes in. But no one has a right to misinterpret ancient texts

deliberately, which clearly differentiate divine year from human year. Should I

mention the verses of these ancient texts again, or can you invest some time to

check those sources before asking me to accept a wrong view ?


> You are following a spurious version of BPHS which was thoroughly revised by a

modern pandit to suit a particular regional (modern) school of jyotisha. I have

forged a team of leading pandits of many Sanskrit universities and Sanskrit

departments of general universities for collecting and comparing all available

variants of BPHS in order to bring out a reliable critical edition of BPHS. The

sanathana edition will also be used in this critical edition, but with caution,

because NONE of its verses tally in wording with any manuscript.


> You can chnange your own writings, but to tamper with ancient texts is a

crime. And a deliberate tampering with meanings is no lesser crime. Mahabharata,

suryasiddhanta, etc clearly differentiate between Divya and Maanushya years, and

explain the latter as solar, but you do not want to accept ancient view for some

unspecified reason known only to you. Please do not feel offended with my

hardline approach to texts : no one has a right to change the content of texts

written by others, esp by persons who are no more to defend themselves.


> -VJ


> ================= ====



> ________________________________

> <bhagvatjee


> Wednesday, May 13, 2009 5:19:21 AM

> Re: Length of Divya Varsha






> Dear Vinay Jha JI

> Jaya Siyaa Raam


> I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time. People

do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise why

should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.


> Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa,

Dwaapar and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.


> Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become -

1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.


> Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.


> Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went to

His Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human years

old - it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.


> With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled for

11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like Krishn) it

means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali Yug) + at

least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago - at least.


> Am I right up to here?


> Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am

wrong somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this

28th Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?


> Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in Ved

Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan gives

the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next 29th

Ved Vyaas.


> Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes,

then which ones?


> I hope I have not annoyed you.

> With regards

> Sushma

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Dear Vinay Jha Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam


Sir, with due respect I quote you below ---


[[Why Sushma ji takes the false and baseless statements of Mr Sunil

Bhattacharjya as granted is surprising. Sushma ji should read the previous posts

to be acquainted with opinions and facts of both Mr Sunil Bhattacharjya and me

before rushing to any conclusion.]]


Ithink you have understood me wrongly, I myself do not believe that Divine year

and Human year are of the same length, that is why, if you read my other mail

addressed to you havegiven the plea why we should take one Divine year equal to

360 Human years.


I said quoted him that some people do not agree with this, Not that I agree with



I hope I have cleared the confusion.


With regards




, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> To All ,


> Mr Sunil Bhattacharjya, a chemist having no interest in practical astrology,

has taken an oath to distort siddhantic jyotisha of ancient India. He falsely

argues that 4320000 years for a mahayuga is Vinay Jha's invention, and one

mahayuga is of 12000 years only. I supplied him quotations, website addresses,

names of translators and publishers of ancient texts, and even scanned copies

of original documents like Mahabharata, Suryasiddhanta, etc, but he does not

care for facts. He has no interest in astrology and I now believe he has joined

this forum merely to destroy astrology. Why Sushma ji takes the false and

baseless statements of Mr Sunil Bhattacharjya as granted is surprising. Sushma

ji should read the previous posts to be acquainted with opinions and facts of

both Mr Sunil Bhattacharjya and me before rushing to any conclusion.


> Those who have no time to read books may ask the opinions of heads of

departments of jyotisha in any recognized Sanskrit university. Here are

telephone numbers of three heads of departments of jyotisha :


> Dr Nagendra Pandey 09452564645 , HOD in Sampoornanand Sanskrit University,


> Dr Chandrama Pandey 09415303818 , HOD in Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

> Dr Radhakant Mishra 09430638401 , HOD in KSD Sanskrit University,



> -VJ

> ================ ===





> ________________________________

> bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee


> Wednesday, May 13, 2009 3:53:18 PM

> Re: Length of Divya Varsha






> Dear Rohini Ranjan Ji

> Jaya Siyaa Raam


> In fact, I took the following sentence quoted in the mail below, of Vinay Jha



> > > > 1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord

Rama was born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.


> I just wanted to say that if 4,320,000 year concept of a Mahaa Yug is wrong

then to which source to look into for measuring time?


> Secondly, f the above statement is correct then what is the surity that Raam

was born 9,300 years ago?


> That is what I wanted to ask?

> Even if you clear hese points out of the context, I will be grateful.

> With regards

> Sushma


> , " Rohiniranjan " <rohini_ranjan@ ...>


> >

> > Sushma ji,

> >

> > We are now talking humongous spans of time from a human perspective in which

memory begins to get lost by the time one is 60-70 though the odd 80 or 90 year

old may come across and dazzle us, those are rare!

> >

> > Documented or not, in palmyra leaves, stones, word of mouth (oral

tradition), natural resonances or the Akashic Records of Lobsang Rampa and other

sources one wonders -- How many such 'sets of four' had the Divine been arriving

on this earth or wherever as human beings or other life forms?

> >

> > 10, 20, 100, infinite sets of these cycles of four?

> >

> > :-)

> >

> > RR

> >

> >

> > , " bhagvatjee " <bhagvatjee@ >


> > >

> > > Dear Vinay Jha JI

> > > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > >

> > > I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time.

People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise

why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.

> > >

> > > Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa,

Dwaapar and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.

> > >

> > > Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become -

1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.

> > >

> > > Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.

> > >

> > > Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went

to His Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human

years old - it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.

> > >

> > > With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled

for 11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like

Krishn) it means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali

Yug) + at least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago

- at least.

> > >

> > > Am I right up to here?

> > >

> > > Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am

wrong somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this

28th Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?

> > >

> > > Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in

Ved Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan

gives the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next

29th Ved Vyaas.

> > >

> > > Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes,

then which ones?

> > >

> > > I hope I have not annoyed you.

> > > With regards

> > > Sushma

> > >

> > >

> > > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ >


> > > >

> > > > Sunil Ji,

> > > >

> > > > Here are pointwise answers to wrong points raised by you :

> > > >

> > > > <<<

> > > > 1)Yes, the concept of 4320,000 years for the Mahayuga is wrong as Lord

Rama was born only about 9300 years ago in the Treta yuga.

> > > > >>>

> > > > Earlier you said the concept of 4320000 years for the Mahayuga was my

invention, now you say this concept is wrong but do not specify whether I

introduced this supposedly wrong concept or it existed before I was born. Lord

Rama born about 9300 years ago is your invention, having no evidence of any

sort. It is based on your fictious assumption of 12000 human years in a


> > > >

> > > > <<<

> > > > 2)When you criticise Burgess's translation as inaccurate then is it not

shameful to quote from the same translation of Burgess. Instead of gracefully

accepting your lapse you are telling me that I am poking fun at you. Did you

expect me to praise you for your double standard?

> > > > >>>

> > > > Burgess made many serious mistakes in translating some portions, but it

does not mean he is 100% wrong everywhere. In an English forum, I am forced to

cite the only available English translator of Suryasiddhanta, and when I find

some wrong portions in such translations, I have to point out the errors. It is

a valid stand, which you call " shameful " , " lapse " , " double standard " ! I also

sent you names of Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali translators of Suryasiddhanta,

which you omit to mention and divert the discussion from length of divya varsha

in Suryasiddhanta to a discussion on my " shameful " character , yet charging me

of playing " diversionary tactics " !

> > > >

> > > > <<<

> > > > 3)You need not give me any unsolicited details as to where to get which

book when you yourself said that you are removing your book from your website so

that I should not be able to see that. Should I send you back your email to

refresh your memory? Another example of your double-standard. Is that the

nobility of a Brahmachari?

> > > > >>>

> > > > Only 300 copies of my books were printed, and not a single copy was

sold. It was given to chosen persons, none of whom had praised the virtues of

wine before me. I cannot give my book to such a person at any cost, unless he

vows never to drink again. Manusmriti says one should not even talk to a person

who drinks wine. Communication through email is not tantamount to talking.

Please do not take it personally, it is my anability to break my principles. I

knew sending reference to websites which offer ancient texts freely will offend

and provok you , because these ancient siddhantic texts invariably speak of

4320000 solar years for a mahayuga. For instance, in the first verse of

Dashageetikaa of Aryabhatiya, Sun's bhagana number per (maha)yuga is 4320000 and

Earth's rotations are given to be 1582237500 (1582237828 in Suryasiddhanta,

this minor difference being due to Sunrise system of day count in Aryabhatiya in

contrast to midnight system of

> > > > Suryasiddhanta) . Brahma-sphuta- siddhaanta( BSS) repeats the

mathematics of Mahabharata (MBh-v-231) in its first chapter verses 4-7, in which

4320000 normal solar years of humans are said to make one mahayuga (see verses

5-6) and 1000 such mahayugas are said to make one Kalpa (BSS, ch-i, verse 10).

Hence, Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and Brahma-sphuta- siddhaanta all clearly say

one mahayuga to be equal to 4320000 years and not 43200000 days as you wrongly

tried to prove by misquoting texts. Should I cite your previous mails to remind

you of your own stand ? When I requested you to see original texts and offered

you website addresses where these texts are freely available, why you became

infuriated ? Is truth so abominable to you that you cannot restraint your

violent nature and start abusing my supposedly " shameless " character ? You stand

is refuted by all these ancient texts : Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya and

Brahma-sphuta- siddhaanta,

> Mahabharata, Narada

> > > > Purana, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, etc, all of which unanimously say

that one mahayuga is of 4320000 years or 1582237828 days which is equal to 12000

divine years.

> > > >

> > > > <<<

> > > > 4)Prafulla may be right but he has to give me the reference where it is

said that the span of the Kaliyuga has been selectively extended, as claimed by


> > > > >>>

> > > > The span of the Kaliyuga having been selectively extended is an

invention of Prafulla ji, there is no proof anywhere. But it means he knows the

siddhanta texts which clearly declare a mahayuga to be of 12000 divya and

4320000 human years, which he imagines to be a later extension of original 12000

years for a mahayuga which he infers from an out-f-context reading of

MBh-ii-188, forgetting to consult MBh-v-231 where same verse is repeated in

fuller context.

> > > >

> > > > <<<

> > > > 5)The verse in the Mahabharata says about Daiva Varsha, and that is the

same as the polar year where the daylight is there for six months long and the

night is also six months long. Daiva here means the year of the Devas. In

Mahabharata the span is given in terns of Solar years.

> > > > >>>

> > > > It is welcome that you at least accept the existence of Daiva varsha in

Mahabharata( MBh), but here again you are deliberately distorting the verses of

MBh. MBh does not say its daiva varsha is meant for the (imaginary) residents of

Poles, but says what I earlier communicated. I know you will not accept truth,

because you have no faith neither in Suryasiddhanta( SS) nor in MBh, but I am

here quoting verses of MBh which falsify your stand :

> > > >

> > > > MBh-khanda 5-chapter 231-verse15 says " ahoraatre vibhajate Suryau

maanushalaukike " , which means days and nights of manushya loka is made/divided

by Surya. verse 17 says " Daive raatryahanee varsham pravibhaagastayoh punah ,

ahastatrodagayanam raatrih syad dakshinaayanam " : in which " Daive raatryahanee

varsham " means " varsha is equal to day+night of gods " . Here varsha is varsha

of maanushalaukike which is to be taken from preceding two verses. Rest of verse

17 means " this daiva day+night is divided thus : uttara (ayana) is divine day

and dakshinaayana is divine night " . MBh clearly says that the maanushalaukika

year is solar year : see verse 15 above which says that Sun divides/makes day

and night in maanushalaukika (but not in devaloka).

> > > >

> > > > <<<

> > > > 6) What the verses say is that as revealed by Brahma he is going to tell

about the span of the yugas. (We all know that Brahma'sday is one Kalpa and that

is equal to 1000 Mahayugas and His night is also of the same length and these

are not included in those few verses.)

> > > > >>>

> > > > No Sir, you are deliberately misquoting this verse (MBh,v,231,18) which

says :

> > > >

> > > > " ye te raatryahanee poorvam keertite Jeevalaukike ,

> > > > tayoh samkhyaaya varshaagram Braahme vakshyaamyahahkshap e " .

> > > >

> > > > It means :

> > > > " These days and nights of Jeevaloka which have been told in

preceding verses (verses 15-17)

> > > > On the basis of those year numbers I (Vyaasa Ji) am now telling days and

nights of brahmaa (in following verses) "

> > > >

> > > > In those 'following " verses, Vyaasa ji describes 12000 years in a

mahayuga divided into four yugas, but verse 18 clearly says these durations of

year are according to the ratios described in preceding verses, esp verse 17

which says one human year is equal to one divine year. Hence, chronology of

Brahmaa Ji cannot be as per maanava varsha but as per divine varsha, if Vyaasa

Ji took Brahmaa to be a divinity.

> > > >

> > > > Apply this sentence to yourself : " Please read my mail carefully and

reply to the point if you want to and not play some diversionary tactics. "

> > > >

> > > > Now I have lost all hopes that you will ever listen to either fact or

reason. You have to distort ancient texts according to your imaginary

conceptions. But why you charged me wrongly of inventing a concept of 4320000

years for a mahayuga, when it is clearly said in all relevant ancient texts ? If

you have to disown and refute these ancient texts, no one can prevent you, but

do it honestly, instead of taking recourse to deceitful tactics.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > >

> >



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Dear Vinay Jha Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam

So as per your explanation, Raam and Krishn come only once in a Kalp. In fact

repetition of a Mahaa Yug is too much, but yes, repetition of Kalp is all right

and seems logical. Since Hindi translations are not very consistent in using

right words, sometimes they give confusion to the reader, especially who is

reading first time and trying to absorb the things from the scratch.


Tulasee Daas Ji also writes in his Maanas while giving the reasons of Raam

Avataar that He took Avataar in separate Kalp for a separate reason. It shows

that Raam doesn't come in every Mahaa Yug, but maybe in every Kalp, or as you

say that every Kalp does not repeat 100% then maybe not even in every Kalp.


I read your article bout the date of Raam's birth. If it is true then do you

think that the same Ayodhyaa is still present?


Thanks for clearing the concepts

With regards




, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Rgveda,x,191 says that every Kalpa repeats itself. Nowhere it is said that

mahayugas repeat themselves. Indras and other permanent entities are invested

with new Jivas, which bring in their own samskaaras to shape the future

accordingly. 28 Veda Vyaasas are 28 different Jivas filling one post one by one.


> Tge fact that every Kalpa repeats itself does not mean that every event will

be repeated. Many Jivas will get permanent moksha and will not come in next

Kalpa in any form. Many Jivas will change their roles due to their karmas. A

Jiva is male this time, female in next birth (see Yoga Vasishtha). Soul in

itself has no linga.


> -VJ


> =============== ====



> ________________________________

> bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee


> Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:08:07 AM

> Re: Length of Divya Varsha






> Dear Tamobhedi Surya Ji

> Jaya Siyaa Raam


> You may be right in your saying that Raam and Krishn take Avataar in every

Mahaa Yug in Tretaa and Dwaapar Yug respectively. There is no need to say it

again that Kalp is different from Mahaa Yug.


> I remember reading when Raajaa Sagar's children were digging the Earth to find

the horse (it is written in Bhaagvat Puraan, that " Prithvi has been dug in every

Kalp " Maybe they meant Mahaa Yug not the Kalp.


> From you writing it seems that every Mahaa Yug repeats itself; while Bhagvat

Puraan says - Brahmaa Jee creates his Creation when his day starts, and leave

the Creation as it was when his day ends, then he starts it again from where he

left his Creation. Sometimes they say that Every Kalp repeats itself. In Vishnu

Puraan where the 28 names of Ved Vyaas are given - it shows that really every

Mahaa Yug repeats itself, not the Kalp.


> This means that whatever we have read in Bhaagvat as history, the same goes on

repeating in every Mahaa Yug. It means that I will also be there in next Kali

Yug as Sushma and live my life like this only as I have lived now, with the same

parents, husband and children etc - not the changed one?


> Sometimes it really seems strange and requires more clarification.

> Your mail is indeed an enlightening one.

> Thanks

> With regards

> Sushma


> , tamobhedi surya <tamobhedi@ ..>


> >

> >

> >

> > Hello Sushma ,

> >

> > Let me narrate one incident which may help us to bring some light on this


> >

> > Once Shankara Bhagwan was reciting the name " Rama " " Ram " " Ram " and HE told

Parvati matajee that any one who would medidate of the word " Ram " would be free

from all sins and would attain moksha.

> >

> > Now this incident is recorded much before the birth of Lord Rama.

> >

> >

> >

> > So the question comes how come Shankara Bhagwan was talking about Ram naam

even before HIS birth.

> >

> >

> > The argument forwarded was that in each yuga of each manvantara the same God

takes birth again and again.

> >

> >

> > Hence if this is 7th manvantara and this is the 28th mahayuga, then Lord

Rama , Lord Krishna etc have taken birth 6*71+28 times.

> >

> >

> > Hence to answer your question , Lord Rama was born also in the 28th Mahayuga

of current Manvantara and also he re-incarnated himself before that.

> >

> >

> >

> > Our knowledge is limited to what God's did in each yuga and manvantara..

.......Looking at the time span our knowledge is not even a drop of water in a

large ocean.



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Sushma ji,


World ending on 12-12-2012 is a figment of imagination created my some light

minded persons who misused Mayan calendar out of context. Mayan calendar only

says that old cycle will be completed in 2012, which does not mean world will



Internet is full of pseudo-experts who more often than not defeat the real

experts by harassing and abusing.


-Vinay jha


=============== =====




bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee


Thursday, May 14, 2009 4:06:32 PM

Re: Length of Divya Varsha






Dear Vinay Jha Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam

I wrote this, because if somebody does not agree with this measurement (one

Divine year = 360 Human years) then some other statements also go either wrong

or out of place. Such as Now a days there is a lot of hype that on 12th December

of 2012 this world is going to end.


This date does not fit anywhere according to our measurement of Time. If Kali

Yug is of 432,000 years long, and Kalki Avataar is yet to come then there is no

question that this worl can end on 12th Dec 2012. AND even if we say that Kali

Yug is only 1200 years long, then it should have ended some 4,000 years ago, and

the present Yug should be Sat Yug and it shold also be finishing soon being only

4,800 years long but since there are no signs of Sat Yug now, we cannot agree

with the second assumption.


In fact it shows that we must agree with the first assumption and there are no

chances that the world is going to end in Dec 2012.


And if we go for the first asumption, then I am really doubtful that all the

physical places which are related to Raam are still at the same place where they

were when Raam was there.


Do you agree?

With regards



, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:


> bhagvatjee ji,



> Sorry for a double jee/ji. Why should anyone be annoyed with genuine

enquiries, excepting when the intention is personal attack mixed with deliberate

misquotations, as Sunil bhattacharjya ji is doing.


> Please see To which tretayuga Lord Rama belonged ? (http://jyotirvidya.

wetpaint. com/page/ Lord_Rama_ %3A_Dating)


> You say :

> <<< " People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years -

otherwise why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the

same name. ...Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones?

If yes, then which ones? " >>>


> I have given citations from Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya, Brahma-sphuta-

siddhanta, Mahabharata, Narada Purana, Vidhnu-dharmottara Purana, etc in my

previous mails, which Sunil Ji ignores and harps on his personal theory that

traditional mahayuga was of 12000 human years only and equating one divine year

with 360 human years is Vinay Jha's invention. Your statement ( " People do not

agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years " ) also amounts to same if

I am not misinterpreting.


> It is another matter whether you believe Vedic-Puranic- Siddhantic (Jyotisha)

timescales to be right or wrong. You have a right to disagree with those texts.

You have a righ to shut down your eyes and not see the proofs. You can accept

Biblical concept of 6000 years for the age of the world, or its double which

Sunil Ji believes in. But no one has a right to misinterpret ancient texts

deliberately, which clearly differentiate divine year from human year. Should I

mention the verses of these ancient texts again, or can you invest some time to

check those sources before asking me to accept a wrong view ?


> You are following a spurious version of BPHS which was thoroughly revised by a

modern pandit to suit a particular regional (modern) school of jyotisha. I have

forged a team of leading pandits of many Sanskrit universities and Sanskrit

departments of general universities for collecting and comparing all available

variants of BPHS in order to bring out a reliable critical edition of BPHS. The

sanathana edition will also be used in this critical edition, but with caution,

because NONE of its verses tally in wording with any manuscript.


> You can chnange your own writings, but to tamper with ancient texts is a

crime. And a deliberate tampering with meanings is no lesser crime. Mahabharata,

suryasiddhanta, etc clearly differentiate between Divya and Maanushya years, and

explain the latter as solar, but you do not want to accept ancient view for some

unspecified reason known only to you. Please do not feel offended with my

hardline approach to texts : no one has a right to change the content of texts

written by others, esp by persons who are no more to defend themselves.


> -VJ


> ============ ===== ====



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> <bhagvatjee@ ...>


> Wednesday, May 13, 2009 5:19:21 AM

> Re: Length of Divya Varsha






> Dear Vinay Jha JI

> Jaya Siyaa Raam


> I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time. People

do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise why

should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.


> Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa,

Dwaapar and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.


> Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become -

1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.


> Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.


> Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went to

His Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human years

old - it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.


> With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled for

11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like Krishn) it

means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali Yug) + at

least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago - at least.


> Am I right up to here?


> Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am

wrong somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this

28th Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?


> Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in Ved

Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan gives

the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next 29th

Ved Vyaas.


> Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes,

then which ones?


> I hope I have not annoyed you.

> With regards

> Sushma









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Sushma ji,

Your queries are about millions and billions of years, not about real problems

of present age, esp of astrology. I am developing many free softwares, making 7

panchangas, writing research articles and books, delivering lectures in

conferences, etc etc. Please remember that I work 16 hour a day, yet most of my

tasks are behind schedule.







bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee


Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:50:24 PM

Re: Length of Divya Varsha






Dear Vinay Jha Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam

So as per your explanation, Raam and Krishn come only once in a Kalp. In fact

repetition of a Mahaa Yug is too much, but yes, repetition of Kalp is all right

and seems logical. Since Hindi translations are not very consistent in using

right words, sometimes they give confusion to the reader, especially who is

reading first time and trying to absorb the things from the scratch.


Tulasee Daas Ji also writes in his Maanas while giving the reasons of Raam

Avataar that He took Avataar in separate Kalp for a separate reason. It shows

that Raam doesn't come in every Mahaa Yug, but maybe in every Kalp, or as you

say that every Kalp does not repeat 100% then maybe not even in every Kalp.


I read your article bout the date of Raam's birth. If it is true then do you

think that the same Ayodhyaa is still present?


Thanks for clearing the concepts

With regards



, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:


> Rgveda,x,191 says that every Kalpa repeats itself. Nowhere it is said that

mahayugas repeat themselves. Indras and other permanent entities are invested

with new Jivas, which bring in their own samskaaras to shape the future

accordingly. 28 Veda Vyaasas are 28 different Jivas filling one post one by one.


> Tge fact that every Kalpa repeats itself does not mean that every event will

be repeated. Many Jivas will get permanent moksha and will not come in next

Kalpa in any form. Many Jivas will change their roles due to their karmas. A

Jiva is male this time, female in next birth (see Yoga Vasishtha). Soul in

itself has no linga.


> -VJ


> ============ === ====



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@ ...>


> Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:08:07 AM

> Re: Length of Divya Varsha






> Dear Tamobhedi Surya Ji

> Jaya Siyaa Raam


> You may be right in your saying that Raam and Krishn take Avataar in every

Mahaa Yug in Tretaa and Dwaapar Yug respectively. There is no need to say it

again that Kalp is different from Mahaa Yug.


> I remember reading when Raajaa Sagar's children were digging the Earth to find

the horse (it is written in Bhaagvat Puraan, that " Prithvi has been dug in every

Kalp " Maybe they meant Mahaa Yug not the Kalp.


> From you writing it seems that every Mahaa Yug repeats itself; while Bhagvat

Puraan says - Brahmaa Jee creates his Creation when his day starts, and leave

the Creation as it was when his day ends, then he starts it again from where he

left his Creation. Sometimes they say that Every Kalp repeats itself. In Vishnu

Puraan where the 28 names of Ved Vyaas are given - it shows that really every

Mahaa Yug repeats itself, not the Kalp.


> This means that whatever we have read in Bhaagvat as history, the same goes on

repeating in every Mahaa Yug. It means that I will also be there in next Kali

Yug as Sushma and live my life like this only as I have lived now, with the same

parents, husband and children etc - not the changed one?


> Sometimes it really seems strange and requires more clarification.

> Your mail is indeed an enlightening one.

> Thanks

> With regards

> Sushma


> , tamobhedi surya <tamobhedi@ ..>


> >

> >

> >

> > Hello Sushma ,

> >

> > Let me narrate one incident which may help us to bring some light on this


> >

> > Once Shankara Bhagwan was reciting the name " Rama " " Ram " " Ram " and HE told

Parvati matajee that any one who would medidate of the word " Ram " would be free

from all sins and would attain moksha.

> >

> > Now this incident is recorded much before the birth of Lord Rama.

> >

> >

> >

> > So the question comes how come Shankara Bhagwan was talking about Ram naam

even before HIS birth.

> >

> >

> > The argument forwarded was that in each yuga of each manvantara the same God

takes birth again and again.

> >

> >

> > Hence if this is 7th manvantara and this is the 28th mahayuga, then Lord

Rama , Lord Krishna etc have taken birth 6*71+28 times.

> >

> >

> > Hence to answer your question , Lord Rama was born also in the 28th Mahayuga

of current Manvantara and also he re-incarnated himself before that.

> >

> >

> >

> > Our knowledge is limited to what God's did in each yuga and manvantara..

.......Looking at the time span our knowledge is not even a drop of water in a

large ocean.



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Guest guest

Yes it has been interpreted every which way it could be, particularly by those

of the new-age mindset. Very few things change in the world in a global sense,

overnight or abruptly. Whether it be wars or climate change or extinction of

species (let alone the entire world). However there is genuinely growing concern

about people with nihilistic mentality and weakly governed nations with

technical know-how and nuclear power...




, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Sushma ji,


> World ending on 12-12-2012 is a figment of imagination created my some light

minded persons who misused Mayan calendar out of context. Mayan calendar only

says that old cycle will be completed in 2012, which does not mean world will



> Internet is full of pseudo-experts who more often than not defeat the real

experts by harassing and abusing.


> -Vinay jha


> =============== =====



> ________________________________

> bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee


> Thursday, May 14, 2009 4:06:32 PM

> Re: Length of Divya Varsha






> Dear Vinay Jha Ji

> Jaya Siyaa Raam

> I wrote this, because if somebody does not agree with this measurement (one

Divine year = 360 Human years) then some other statements also go either wrong

or out of place. Such as Now a days there is a lot of hype that on 12th December

of 2012 this world is going to end.


> This date does not fit anywhere according to our measurement of Time. If Kali

Yug is of 432,000 years long, and Kalki Avataar is yet to come then there is no

question that this worl can end on 12th Dec 2012. AND even if we say that Kali

Yug is only 1200 years long, then it should have ended some 4,000 years ago, and

the present Yug should be Sat Yug and it shold also be finishing soon being only

4,800 years long but since there are no signs of Sat Yug now, we cannot agree

with the second assumption.


> In fact it shows that we must agree with the first assumption and there are no

chances that the world is going to end in Dec 2012.


> And if we go for the first asumption, then I am really doubtful that all the

physical places which are related to Raam are still at the same place where they

were when Raam was there.


> Do you agree?

> With regards

> Sushma


> , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > bhagvatjee ji,

> >

> >

> > Sorry for a double jee/ji. Why should anyone be annoyed with genuine

enquiries, excepting when the intention is personal attack mixed with deliberate

misquotations, as Sunil bhattacharjya ji is doing.

> >

> > Please see To which tretayuga Lord Rama belonged ? (http://jyotirvidya.

wetpaint. com/page/ Lord_Rama_ %3A_Dating)

> >

> > You say :

> > <<< " People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years -

otherwise why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the

same name. ...Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones?

If yes, then which ones? " >>>

> >

> > I have given citations from Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya, Brahma-sphuta-

siddhanta, Mahabharata, Narada Purana, Vidhnu-dharmottara Purana, etc in my

previous mails, which Sunil Ji ignores and harps on his personal theory that

traditional mahayuga was of 12000 human years only and equating one divine year

with 360 human years is Vinay Jha's invention. Your statement ( " People do not

agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years " ) also amounts to same if

I am not misinterpreting.

> >

> > It is another matter whether you believe Vedic-Puranic- Siddhantic

(Jyotisha) timescales to be right or wrong. You have a right to disagree with

those texts. You have a righ to shut down your eyes and not see the proofs. You

can accept Biblical concept of 6000 years for the age of the world, or its

double which Sunil Ji believes in. But no one has a right to misinterpret

ancient texts deliberately, which clearly differentiate divine year from human

year. Should I mention the verses of these ancient texts again, or can you

invest some time to check those sources before asking me to accept a wrong view


> >

> > You are following a spurious version of BPHS which was thoroughly revised by

a modern pandit to suit a particular regional (modern) school of jyotisha. I

have forged a team of leading pandits of many Sanskrit universities and Sanskrit

departments of general universities for collecting and comparing all available

variants of BPHS in order to bring out a reliable critical edition of BPHS. The

sanathana edition will also be used in this critical edition, but with caution,

because NONE of its verses tally in wording with any manuscript.

> >

> > You can chnange your own writings, but to tamper with ancient texts is a

crime. And a deliberate tampering with meanings is no lesser crime. Mahabharata,

suryasiddhanta, etc clearly differentiate between Divya and Maanushya years, and

explain the latter as solar, but you do not want to accept ancient view for some

unspecified reason known only to you. Please do not feel offended with my

hardline approach to texts : no one has a right to change the content of texts

written by others, esp by persons who are no more to defend themselves.

> >

> > -VJ

> >

> > ============ ===== ====

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > <bhagvatjee@ ...>

> >

> > Wednesday, May 13, 2009 5:19:21 AM

> > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Vinay Jha JI

> > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> >

> > I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time.

People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise

why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.

> >

> > Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa,

Dwaapar and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.

> >

> > Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become -

1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.

> >

> > Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.

> >

> > Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went to

His Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human years

old - it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.

> >

> > With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled

for 11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like

Krishn) it means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali

Yug) + at least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago

- at least.

> >

> > Am I right up to here?

> >

> > Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am

wrong somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this

28th Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?

> >

> > Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in Ved

Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan gives

the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next 29th

Ved Vyaas.

> >

> > Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes,

then which ones?

> >

> > I hope I have not annoyed you.

> > With regards

> > Sushma



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Guest guest

Dear Vinay Jee,


Your posting touched my heart.


Why do we humans have only 24 hours available to us? Maybe we should not remain

subservient to

surya who is our STAR although jyotishis keep quibbling about Revati or Revathi

and Chitta or Chitra etc!


What if we could move away from the geo-solar to some other realization? Like

what if the other SUN as it has been called: JUPITER the DEAD STAR were still

driving our reality?


Just a thought!




, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Sushma ji,

> Your queries are about millions and billions of years, not about real problems

of present age, esp of astrology. I am developing many free softwares, making 7

panchangas, writing research articles and books, delivering lectures in

conferences, etc etc. Please remember that I work 16 hour a day, yet most of my

tasks are behind schedule.

> -VJ





> ________________________________

> bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee


> Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:50:24 PM

> Re: Length of Divya Varsha






> Dear Vinay Jha Ji

> Jaya Siyaa Raam

> So as per your explanation, Raam and Krishn come only once in a Kalp. In fact

repetition of a Mahaa Yug is too much, but yes, repetition of Kalp is all right

and seems logical. Since Hindi translations are not very consistent in using

right words, sometimes they give confusion to the reader, especially who is

reading first time and trying to absorb the things from the scratch.


> Tulasee Daas Ji also writes in his Maanas while giving the reasons of Raam

Avataar that He took Avataar in separate Kalp for a separate reason. It shows

that Raam doesn't come in every Mahaa Yug, but maybe in every Kalp, or as you

say that every Kalp does not repeat 100% then maybe not even in every Kalp.


> I read your article bout the date of Raam's birth. If it is true then do you

think that the same Ayodhyaa is still present?


> Thanks for clearing the concepts

> With regards

> Sushma


> , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Rgveda,x,191 says that every Kalpa repeats itself. Nowhere it is said that

mahayugas repeat themselves. Indras and other permanent entities are invested

with new Jivas, which bring in their own samskaaras to shape the future

accordingly. 28 Veda Vyaasas are 28 different Jivas filling one post one by one.

> >

> > Tge fact that every Kalpa repeats itself does not mean that every event will

be repeated. Many Jivas will get permanent moksha and will not come in next

Kalpa in any form. Many Jivas will change their roles due to their karmas. A

Jiva is male this time, female in next birth (see Yoga Vasishtha). Soul in

itself has no linga.

> >

> > -VJ

> >

> > ============ === ====

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@ ...>

> >

> > Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:08:07 AM

> > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Tamobhedi Surya Ji

> > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> >

> > You may be right in your saying that Raam and Krishn take Avataar in every

Mahaa Yug in Tretaa and Dwaapar Yug respectively. There is no need to say it

again that Kalp is different from Mahaa Yug.

> >

> > I remember reading when Raajaa Sagar's children were digging the Earth to

find the horse (it is written in Bhaagvat Puraan, that " Prithvi has been dug in

every Kalp " Maybe they meant Mahaa Yug not the Kalp.

> >

> > From you writing it seems that every Mahaa Yug repeats itself; while Bhagvat

Puraan says - Brahmaa Jee creates his Creation when his day starts, and leave

the Creation as it was when his day ends, then he starts it again from where he

left his Creation. Sometimes they say that Every Kalp repeats itself. In Vishnu

Puraan where the 28 names of Ved Vyaas are given - it shows that really every

Mahaa Yug repeats itself, not the Kalp.

> >

> > This means that whatever we have read in Bhaagvat as history, the same goes

on repeating in every Mahaa Yug. It means that I will also be there in next Kali

Yug as Sushma and live my life like this only as I have lived now, with the same

parents, husband and children etc - not the changed one?

> >

> > Sometimes it really seems strange and requires more clarification.

> > Your mail is indeed an enlightening one.

> > Thanks

> > With regards

> > Sushma

> >

> > , tamobhedi surya <tamobhedi@ ..>


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hello Sushma ,

> > >

> > > Let me narrate one incident which may help us to bring some light on this


> > >

> > > Once Shankara Bhagwan was reciting the name " Rama " " Ram " " Ram " and HE told

Parvati matajee that any one who would medidate of the word " Ram " would be free

from all sins and would attain moksha.

> > >

> > > Now this incident is recorded much before the birth of Lord Rama.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > So the question comes how come Shankara Bhagwan was talking about Ram naam

even before HIS birth.

> > >

> > >

> > > The argument forwarded was that in each yuga of each manvantara the same

God takes birth again and again.

> > >

> > >

> > > Hence if this is 7th manvantara and this is the 28th mahayuga, then Lord

Rama , Lord Krishna etc have taken birth 6*71+28 times.

> > >

> > >

> > > Hence to answer your question , Lord Rama was born also in the 28th

Mahayuga of current Manvantara and also he re-incarnated himself before that.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Our knowledge is limited to what God's did in each yuga and manvantara..

.......Looking at the time span our knowledge is not even a drop of water in a

large ocean.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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RR Ji,


You are right, but there is another loner term perspective : dinosaurs and

superpowers become extinct more readily than unrecognizable entities which adapt

themselves to new conditions readily. If a superpower should know its unwelcome

fate beforehand, it will try to take whole world alongwith itself. Nature works

secretly. Mortals will never know how evolution works, because such a knowledge

will give them a power over Evolution, and power over such a sensitive issue to

ignorant and conceited mortals will be fatal for everyone.








Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan


Friday, May 15, 2009 4:43:37 AM

Re: Length of Divya Varsha






Yes it has been interpreted every which way it could be, particularly by those

of the new-age mindset. Very few things change in the world in a global sense,

overnight or abruptly. Whether it be wars or climate change or extinction of

species (let alone the entire world). However there is genuinely growing concern

about people with nihilistic mentality and weakly governed nations with

technical know-how and nuclear power...




, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:


> Sushma ji,


> World ending on 12-12-2012 is a figment of imagination created my some light

minded persons who misused Mayan calendar out of context. Mayan calendar only

says that old cycle will be completed in 2012, which does not mean world will



> Internet is full of pseudo-experts who more often than not defeat the real

experts by harassing and abusing.


> -Vinay jha


> ============ === =====



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@ ...>


> Thursday, May 14, 2009 4:06:32 PM

> Re: Length of Divya Varsha






> Dear Vinay Jha Ji

> Jaya Siyaa Raam

> I wrote this, because if somebody does not agree with this measurement (one

Divine year = 360 Human years) then some other statements also go either wrong

or out of place. Such as Now a days there is a lot of hype that on 12th December

of 2012 this world is going to end.


> This date does not fit anywhere according to our measurement of Time. If Kali

Yug is of 432,000 years long, and Kalki Avataar is yet to come then there is no

question that this worl can end on 12th Dec 2012. AND even if we say that Kali

Yug is only 1200 years long, then it should have ended some 4,000 years ago, and

the present Yug should be Sat Yug and it shold also be finishing soon being only

4,800 years long but since there are no signs of Sat Yug now, we cannot agree

with the second assumption.


> In fact it shows that we must agree with the first assumption and there are no

chances that the world is going to end in Dec 2012.


> And if we go for the first asumption, then I am really doubtful that all the

physical places which are related to Raam are still at the same place where they

were when Raam was there.


> Do you agree?

> With regards

> Sushma


> , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > bhagvatjee ji,

> >

> >

> > Sorry for a double jee/ji. Why should anyone be annoyed with genuine

enquiries, excepting when the intention is personal attack mixed with deliberate

misquotations, as Sunil bhattacharjya ji is doing.

> >

> > Please see To which tretayuga Lord Rama belonged ? (http://jyotirvidya.

wetpaint. com/page/ Lord_Rama_ %3A_Dating)

> >

> > You say :

> > <<< " People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years -

otherwise why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the

same name. ...Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones?

If yes, then which ones? " >>>

> >

> > I have given citations from Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya, Brahma-sphuta-

siddhanta, Mahabharata, Narada Purana, Vidhnu-dharmottara Purana, etc in my

previous mails, which Sunil Ji ignores and harps on his personal theory that

traditional mahayuga was of 12000 human years only and equating one divine year

with 360 human years is Vinay Jha's invention. Your statement ( " People do not

agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years " ) also amounts to same if

I am not misinterpreting.

> >

> > It is another matter whether you believe Vedic-Puranic- Siddhantic

(Jyotisha) timescales to be right or wrong. You have a right to disagree with

those texts. You have a righ to shut down your eyes and not see the proofs. You

can accept Biblical concept of 6000 years for the age of the world, or its

double which Sunil Ji believes in. But no one has a right to misinterpret

ancient texts deliberately, which clearly differentiate divine year from human

year. Should I mention the verses of these ancient texts again, or can you

invest some time to check those sources before asking me to accept a wrong view


> >

> > You are following a spurious version of BPHS which was thoroughly revised by

a modern pandit to suit a particular regional (modern) school of jyotisha. I

have forged a team of leading pandits of many Sanskrit universities and Sanskrit

departments of general universities for collecting and comparing all available

variants of BPHS in order to bring out a reliable critical edition of BPHS. The

sanathana edition will also be used in this critical edition, but with caution,

because NONE of its verses tally in wording with any manuscript.

> >

> > You can chnange your own writings, but to tamper with ancient texts is a

crime. And a deliberate tampering with meanings is no lesser crime. Mahabharata,

suryasiddhanta, etc clearly differentiate between Divya and Maanushya years, and

explain the latter as solar, but you do not want to accept ancient view for some

unspecified reason known only to you. Please do not feel offended with my

hardline approach to texts : no one has a right to change the content of texts

written by others, esp by persons who are no more to defend themselves.

> >

> > -VJ

> >

> > ============ ===== ====

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > <bhagvatjee@ ...>

> >

> > Wednesday, May 13, 2009 5:19:21 AM

> > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Vinay Jha JI

> > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> >

> > I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time.

People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise

why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.

> >

> > Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa,

Dwaapar and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.

> >

> > Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become -

1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.

> >

> > Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.

> >

> > Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went to

His Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human years

old - it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.

> >

> > With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled

for 11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like

Krishn) it means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali

Yug) + at least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago

- at least.

> >

> > Am I right up to here?

> >

> > Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am

wrong somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this

28th Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?

> >

> > Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in Ved

Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan gives

the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next 29th

Ved Vyaas.

> >

> > Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes,

then which ones?

> >

> > I hope I have not annoyed you.

> > With regards

> > Sushma



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Namaste RR,


You've raised a very interesting issue. We can ask the same questions relating

to the galactic Sun, if there is such an entity. From what I understand about

the current developments in astronomy, the center of the Milky Way may contain a

black hole. We can equate this to be a dark sun.


With this new cosmology, the interpretations of the effects of the galactic Sun

could be as diverse as there are stars in the galaxy itself.








, " Rohiniranjan " <rohini_ranjan



> Dear Vinay Jee,


> Your posting touched my heart.


> Why do we humans have only 24 hours available to us? Maybe we should not

remain subservient to

> surya who is our STAR although jyotishis keep quibbling about Revati or

Revathi and Chitta or Chitra etc!


> What if we could move away from the geo-solar to some other realization? Like

what if the other SUN as it has been called: JUPITER the DEAD STAR were still

driving our reality?


> Just a thought!


> RR


> , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@> wrote:

> >

> > Sushma ji,

> > Your queries are about millions and billions of years, not about real

problems of present age, esp of astrology. I am developing many free softwares,

making 7 panchangas, writing research articles and books, delivering lectures in

conferences, etc etc. Please remember that I work 16 hour a day, yet most of my

tasks are behind schedule.

> > -VJ

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@>

> >

> > Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:50:24 PM

> > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Vinay Jha Ji

> > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > So as per your explanation, Raam and Krishn come only once in a Kalp. In

fact repetition of a Mahaa Yug is too much, but yes, repetition of Kalp is all

right and seems logical. Since Hindi translations are not very consistent in

using right words, sometimes they give confusion to the reader, especially who

is reading first time and trying to absorb the things from the scratch.

> >

> > Tulasee Daas Ji also writes in his Maanas while giving the reasons of Raam

Avataar that He took Avataar in separate Kalp for a separate reason. It shows

that Raam doesn't come in every Mahaa Yug, but maybe in every Kalp, or as you

say that every Kalp does not repeat 100% then maybe not even in every Kalp.

> >

> > I read your article bout the date of Raam's birth. If it is true then do you

think that the same Ayodhyaa is still present?

> >

> > Thanks for clearing the concepts

> > With regards

> > Sushma

> >

> > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> > >

> > > Rgveda,x,191 says that every Kalpa repeats itself. Nowhere it is said

that mahayugas repeat themselves. Indras and other permanent entities are

invested with new Jivas, which bring in their own samskaaras to shape the future

accordingly. 28 Veda Vyaasas are 28 different Jivas filling one post one by one.

> > >

> > > Tge fact that every Kalpa repeats itself does not mean that every event

will be repeated. Many Jivas will get permanent moksha and will not come in next

Kalpa in any form. Many Jivas will change their roles due to their karmas. A

Jiva is male this time, female in next birth (see Yoga Vasishtha). Soul in

itself has no linga.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > >

> > > ============ === ====

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@ ...>

> > >

> > > Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:08:07 AM

> > > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Tamobhedi Surya Ji

> > > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > >

> > > You may be right in your saying that Raam and Krishn take Avataar in every

Mahaa Yug in Tretaa and Dwaapar Yug respectively. There is no need to say it

again that Kalp is different from Mahaa Yug.

> > >

> > > I remember reading when Raajaa Sagar's children were digging the Earth to

find the horse (it is written in Bhaagvat Puraan, that " Prithvi has been dug in

every Kalp " Maybe they meant Mahaa Yug not the Kalp.

> > >

> > > From you writing it seems that every Mahaa Yug repeats itself; while

Bhagvat Puraan says - Brahmaa Jee creates his Creation when his day starts, and

leave the Creation as it was when his day ends, then he starts it again from

where he left his Creation. Sometimes they say that Every Kalp repeats itself.

In Vishnu Puraan where the 28 names of Ved Vyaas are given - it shows that

really every Mahaa Yug repeats itself, not the Kalp.

> > >

> > > This means that whatever we have read in Bhaagvat as history, the same

goes on repeating in every Mahaa Yug. It means that I will also be there in next

Kali Yug as Sushma and live my life like this only as I have lived now, with the

same parents, husband and children etc - not the changed one?

> > >

> > > Sometimes it really seems strange and requires more clarification.

> > > Your mail is indeed an enlightening one.

> > > Thanks

> > > With regards

> > > Sushma

> > >

> > > , tamobhedi surya <tamobhedi@ ..>


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hello Sushma ,

> > > >

> > > > Let me narrate one incident which may help us to bring some light on

this topic.

> > > >

> > > > Once Shankara Bhagwan was reciting the name " Rama " " Ram " " Ram " and HE

told Parvati matajee that any one who would medidate of the word " Ram " would be

free from all sins and would attain moksha.

> > > >

> > > > Now this incident is recorded much before the birth of Lord Rama.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > So the question comes how come Shankara Bhagwan was talking about Ram

naam even before HIS birth.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > The argument forwarded was that in each yuga of each manvantara the same

God takes birth again and again.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hence if this is 7th manvantara and this is the 28th mahayuga, then Lord

Rama , Lord Krishna etc have taken birth 6*71+28 times.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hence to answer your question , Lord Rama was born also in the 28th

Mahayuga of current Manvantara and also he re-incarnated himself before that.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Our knowledge is limited to what God's did in each yuga and manvantara..

.......Looking at the time span our knowledge is not even a drop of water in a

large ocean.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Einstein's use of Lobachevskian geometry shows planetary orbits near the rim of

a pseodospherical space like a loudspeaker's horn, this rim being what we call

ecliptic. But according to Einstein's theory, real Sun does not lie at the

centre of this rim/ecliptic, but towards the narrow end of this lounspeaker-horn

type pseudosphere at an incalculable distance ! This produces same amount of

curvature in space which was empirically attested during an eclipse when a star

appered to change its place while being being to Sun.


Due to curvatures of incalculable varietires in every parts of the universe,

light does not travel linearly, and what we observe is not real positions of

things, but apparent positions.




============== ==




John <jr_esq


Friday, May 15, 2009 12:37:03 PM

Re: Length of Divya Varsha






Namaste RR,


You've raised a very interesting issue. We can ask the same questions relating

to the galactic Sun, if there is such an entity. From what I understand about

the current developments in astronomy, the center of the Milky Way may contain a

black hole. We can equate this to be a dark sun.


With this new cosmology, the interpretations of the effects of the galactic Sun

could be as diverse as there are stars in the galaxy itself.






, " Rohiniranjan " <rohini_ranjan@ ...>



> Dear Vinay Jee,


> Your posting touched my heart.


> Why do we humans have only 24 hours available to us? Maybe we should not

remain subservient to

> surya who is our STAR although jyotishis keep quibbling about Revati or

Revathi and Chitta or Chitra etc!


> What if we could move away from the geo-solar to some other realization? Like

what if the other SUN as it has been called: JUPITER the DEAD STAR were still

driving our reality?


> Just a thought!


> RR


> , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> >

> > Sushma ji,

> > Your queries are about millions and billions of years, not about real

problems of present age, esp of astrology. I am developing many free softwares,

making 7 panchangas, writing research articles and books, delivering lectures in

conferences, etc etc. Please remember that I work 16 hour a day, yet most of my

tasks are behind schedule.

> > -VJ

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@ >

> >

> > Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:50:24 PM

> > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Vinay Jha Ji

> > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > So as per your explanation, Raam and Krishn come only once in a Kalp. In

fact repetition of a Mahaa Yug is too much, but yes, repetition of Kalp is all

right and seems logical. Since Hindi translations are not very consistent in

using right words, sometimes they give confusion to the reader, especially who

is reading first time and trying to absorb the things from the scratch.

> >

> > Tulasee Daas Ji also writes in his Maanas while giving the reasons of Raam

Avataar that He took Avataar in separate Kalp for a separate reason. It shows

that Raam doesn't come in every Mahaa Yug, but maybe in every Kalp, or as you

say that every Kalp does not repeat 100% then maybe not even in every Kalp.

> >

> > I read your article bout the date of Raam's birth. If it is true then do you

think that the same Ayodhyaa is still present?

> >

> > Thanks for clearing the concepts

> > With regards

> > Sushma

> >

> > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> > >

> > > Rgveda,x,191 says that every Kalpa repeats itself. Nowhere it is said

that mahayugas repeat themselves. Indras and other permanent entities are

invested with new Jivas, which bring in their own samskaaras to shape the future

accordingly. 28 Veda Vyaasas are 28 different Jivas filling one post one by one.

> > >

> > > Tge fact that every Kalpa repeats itself does not mean that every event

will be repeated. Many Jivas will get permanent moksha and will not come in next

Kalpa in any form. Many Jivas will change their roles due to their karmas. A

Jiva is male this time, female in next birth (see Yoga Vasishtha). Soul in

itself has no linga.

> > >

> > > -VJ

> > >

> > > ============ === ====

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@ ...>

> > >

> > > Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:08:07 AM

> > > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Tamobhedi Surya Ji

> > > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > >

> > > You may be right in your saying that Raam and Krishn take Avataar in every

Mahaa Yug in Tretaa and Dwaapar Yug respectively. There is no need to say it

again that Kalp is different from Mahaa Yug.

> > >

> > > I remember reading when Raajaa Sagar's children were digging the Earth to

find the horse (it is written in Bhaagvat Puraan, that " Prithvi has been dug in

every Kalp " Maybe they meant Mahaa Yug not the Kalp.

> > >

> > > From you writing it seems that every Mahaa Yug repeats itself; while

Bhagvat Puraan says - Brahmaa Jee creates his Creation when his day starts, and

leave the Creation as it was when his day ends, then he starts it again from

where he left his Creation. Sometimes they say that Every Kalp repeats itself.

In Vishnu Puraan where the 28 names of Ved Vyaas are given - it shows that

really every Mahaa Yug repeats itself, not the Kalp.

> > >

> > > This means that whatever we have read in Bhaagvat as history, the same

goes on repeating in every Mahaa Yug. It means that I will also be there in next

Kali Yug as Sushma and live my life like this only as I have lived now, with the

same parents, husband and children etc - not the changed one?

> > >

> > > Sometimes it really seems strange and requires more clarification.

> > > Your mail is indeed an enlightening one.

> > > Thanks

> > > With regards

> > > Sushma

> > >

> > > , tamobhedi surya <tamobhedi@ ..>


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hello Sushma ,

> > > >

> > > > Let me narrate one incident which may help us to bring some light on

this topic.

> > > >

> > > > Once Shankara Bhagwan was reciting the name " Rama " " Ram " " Ram " and HE

told Parvati matajee that any one who would medidate of the word " Ram " would be

free from all sins and would attain moksha.

> > > >

> > > > Now this incident is recorded much before the birth of Lord Rama.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > So the question comes how come Shankara Bhagwan was talking about Ram

naam even before HIS birth.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > The argument forwarded was that in each yuga of each manvantara the same

God takes birth again and again.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hence if this is 7th manvantara and this is the 28th mahayuga, then Lord

Rama , Lord Krishna etc have taken birth 6*71+28 times.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hence to answer your question , Lord Rama was born also in the 28th

Mahayuga of current Manvantara and also he re-incarnated himself before that.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Our knowledge is limited to what God's did in each yuga and manvantara..

.......Looking at the time span our knowledge is not even a drop of water in a

large ocean.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Or heliocentric astrology perhaps! Never quite followed up where that one is at

these days. If not mistakenly remembering it was Michael Erlewine (MATRIX)'s

brain child, right?





, " John " <jr_esq wrote:


> Namaste RR,


> You've raised a very interesting issue. We can ask the same questions

relating to the galactic Sun, if there is such an entity. From what I

understand about the current developments in astronomy, the center of the Milky

Way may contain a black hole. We can equate this to be a dark sun.


> With this new cosmology, the interpretations of the effects of the galactic

Sun could be as diverse as there are stars in the galaxy itself.


> Regards,


> JR




> , " Rohiniranjan " <rohini_ranjan@>


> >

> > Dear Vinay Jee,

> >

> > Your posting touched my heart.

> >

> > Why do we humans have only 24 hours available to us? Maybe we should not

remain subservient to

> > surya who is our STAR although jyotishis keep quibbling about Revati or

Revathi and Chitta or Chitra etc!

> >

> > What if we could move away from the geo-solar to some other realization?

Like what if the other SUN as it has been called: JUPITER the DEAD STAR were

still driving our reality?

> >

> > Just a thought!

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Sushma ji,

> > > Your queries are about millions and billions of years, not about real

problems of present age, esp of astrology. I am developing many free softwares,

making 7 panchangas, writing research articles and books, delivering lectures in

conferences, etc etc. Please remember that I work 16 hour a day, yet most of my

tasks are behind schedule.

> > > -VJ

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@>

> > >

> > > Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:50:24 PM

> > > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Vinay Jha Ji

> > > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > > So as per your explanation, Raam and Krishn come only once in a Kalp. In

fact repetition of a Mahaa Yug is too much, but yes, repetition of Kalp is all

right and seems logical. Since Hindi translations are not very consistent in

using right words, sometimes they give confusion to the reader, especially who

is reading first time and trying to absorb the things from the scratch.

> > >

> > > Tulasee Daas Ji also writes in his Maanas while giving the reasons of Raam

Avataar that He took Avataar in separate Kalp for a separate reason. It shows

that Raam doesn't come in every Mahaa Yug, but maybe in every Kalp, or as you

say that every Kalp does not repeat 100% then maybe not even in every Kalp.

> > >

> > > I read your article bout the date of Raam's birth. If it is true then do

you think that the same Ayodhyaa is still present?

> > >

> > > Thanks for clearing the concepts

> > > With regards

> > > Sushma

> > >

> > > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> > > >

> > > > Rgveda,x,191 says that every Kalpa repeats itself. Nowhere it is said

that mahayugas repeat themselves. Indras and other permanent entities are

invested with new Jivas, which bring in their own samskaaras to shape the future

accordingly. 28 Veda Vyaasas are 28 different Jivas filling one post one by one.

> > > >

> > > > Tge fact that every Kalpa repeats itself does not mean that every event

will be repeated. Many Jivas will get permanent moksha and will not come in next

Kalpa in any form. Many Jivas will change their roles due to their karmas. A

Jiva is male this time, female in next birth (see Yoga Vasishtha). Soul in

itself has no linga.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > >

> > > > ============ === ====

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@ ...>

> > > >

> > > > Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:08:07 AM

> > > > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Tamobhedi Surya Ji

> > > > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > > >

> > > > You may be right in your saying that Raam and Krishn take Avataar in

every Mahaa Yug in Tretaa and Dwaapar Yug respectively. There is no need to say

it again that Kalp is different from Mahaa Yug.

> > > >

> > > > I remember reading when Raajaa Sagar's children were digging the Earth

to find the horse (it is written in Bhaagvat Puraan, that " Prithvi has been dug

in every Kalp " Maybe they meant Mahaa Yug not the Kalp.

> > > >

> > > > From you writing it seems that every Mahaa Yug repeats itself; while

Bhagvat Puraan says - Brahmaa Jee creates his Creation when his day starts, and

leave the Creation as it was when his day ends, then he starts it again from

where he left his Creation. Sometimes they say that Every Kalp repeats itself.

In Vishnu Puraan where the 28 names of Ved Vyaas are given - it shows that

really every Mahaa Yug repeats itself, not the Kalp.

> > > >

> > > > This means that whatever we have read in Bhaagvat as history, the same

goes on repeating in every Mahaa Yug. It means that I will also be there in next

Kali Yug as Sushma and live my life like this only as I have lived now, with the

same parents, husband and children etc - not the changed one?

> > > >

> > > > Sometimes it really seems strange and requires more clarification.

> > > > Your mail is indeed an enlightening one.

> > > > Thanks

> > > > With regards

> > > > Sushma

> > > >

> > > > , tamobhedi surya <tamobhedi@

...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hello Sushma ,

> > > > >

> > > > > Let me narrate one incident which may help us to bring some light on

this topic.

> > > > >

> > > > > Once Shankara Bhagwan was reciting the name " Rama " " Ram " " Ram " and HE

told Parvati matajee that any one who would medidate of the word " Ram " would be

free from all sins and would attain moksha.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now this incident is recorded much before the birth of Lord Rama.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > So the question comes how come Shankara Bhagwan was talking about Ram

naam even before HIS birth.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The argument forwarded was that in each yuga of each manvantara the

same God takes birth again and again.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hence if this is 7th manvantara and this is the 28th mahayuga, then

Lord Rama , Lord Krishna etc have taken birth 6*71+28 times.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hence to answer your question , Lord Rama was born also in the 28th

Mahayuga of current Manvantara and also he re-incarnated himself before that.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Our knowledge is limited to what God's did in each yuga and

manvantara.. ......Looking at the time span our knowledge is not even a drop of

water in a large ocean.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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To Vinay and all:


Here are a few more questions to ponder: We now know that many of the stars in

the galaxy, aside from our local Sun, have planets in their exo-solar system.

It is likely that these exoplanets may have intelligent beings living there. If

yes, would the effects of the parent star be different from our local Sun? If

there are other planets in that exosolar system, would the effects of the vedic

grahas be replicated in that system?






, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Einstein's use of Lobachevskian geometry shows planetary orbits near the rim

of a pseodospherical space like a loudspeaker's horn, this rim being what we

call ecliptic. But according to Einstein's theory, real Sun does not lie at the

centre of this rim/ecliptic, but towards the narrow end of this lounspeaker-horn

type pseudosphere at an incalculable distance ! This produces same amount of

curvature in space which was empirically attested during an eclipse when a star

appered to change its place while being being to Sun.


> Due to curvatures of incalculable varietires in every parts of the universe,

light does not travel linearly, and what we observe is not real positions of

things, but apparent positions.


> -VJ


> ============== ==



> ________________________________

> John <jr_esq


> Friday, May 15, 2009 12:37:03 PM

> Re: Length of Divya Varsha






> Namaste RR,


> You've raised a very interesting issue. We can ask the same questions

relating to the galactic Sun, if there is such an entity. From what I

understand about the current developments in astronomy, the center of the Milky

Way may contain a black hole. We can equate this to be a dark sun.


> With this new cosmology, the interpretations of the effects of the galactic

Sun could be as diverse as there are stars in the galaxy itself.


> Regards,


> JR


> , " Rohiniranjan " <rohini_ranjan@ ...>


> >

> > Dear Vinay Jee,

> >

> > Your posting touched my heart.

> >

> > Why do we humans have only 24 hours available to us? Maybe we should not

remain subservient to

> > surya who is our STAR although jyotishis keep quibbling about Revati or

Revathi and Chitta or Chitra etc!

> >

> > What if we could move away from the geo-solar to some other realization?

Like what if the other SUN as it has been called: JUPITER the DEAD STAR were

still driving our reality?

> >

> > Just a thought!

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > Sushma ji,

> > > Your queries are about millions and billions of years, not about real

problems of present age, esp of astrology. I am developing many free softwares,

making 7 panchangas, writing research articles and books, delivering lectures in

conferences, etc etc. Please remember that I work 16 hour a day, yet most of my

tasks are behind schedule.

> > > -VJ

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@ >

> > >

> > > Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:50:24 PM

> > > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Vinay Jha Ji

> > > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > > So as per your explanation, Raam and Krishn come only once in a Kalp. In

fact repetition of a Mahaa Yug is too much, but yes, repetition of Kalp is all

right and seems logical. Since Hindi translations are not very consistent in

using right words, sometimes they give confusion to the reader, especially who

is reading first time and trying to absorb the things from the scratch.

> > >

> > > Tulasee Daas Ji also writes in his Maanas while giving the reasons of Raam

Avataar that He took Avataar in separate Kalp for a separate reason. It shows

that Raam doesn't come in every Mahaa Yug, but maybe in every Kalp, or as you

say that every Kalp does not repeat 100% then maybe not even in every Kalp.

> > >

> > > I read your article bout the date of Raam's birth. If it is true then do

you think that the same Ayodhyaa is still present?

> > >

> > > Thanks for clearing the concepts

> > > With regards

> > > Sushma

> > >

> > > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> > > >

> > > > Rgveda,x,191 says that every Kalpa repeats itself. Nowhere it is said

that mahayugas repeat themselves. Indras and other permanent entities are

invested with new Jivas, which bring in their own samskaaras to shape the future

accordingly. 28 Veda Vyaasas are 28 different Jivas filling one post one by one.

> > > >

> > > > Tge fact that every Kalpa repeats itself does not mean that every event

will be repeated. Many Jivas will get permanent moksha and will not come in next

Kalpa in any form. Many Jivas will change their roles due to their karmas. A

Jiva is male this time, female in next birth (see Yoga Vasishtha). Soul in

itself has no linga.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > >

> > > > ============ === ====

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@ ...>

> > > >

> > > > Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:08:07 AM

> > > > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Tamobhedi Surya Ji

> > > > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > > >

> > > > You may be right in your saying that Raam and Krishn take Avataar in

every Mahaa Yug in Tretaa and Dwaapar Yug respectively. There is no need to say

it again that Kalp is different from Mahaa Yug.

> > > >

> > > > I remember reading when Raajaa Sagar's children were digging the Earth

to find the horse (it is written in Bhaagvat Puraan, that " Prithvi has been dug

in every Kalp " Maybe they meant Mahaa Yug not the Kalp.

> > > >

> > > > From you writing it seems that every Mahaa Yug repeats itself; while

Bhagvat Puraan says - Brahmaa Jee creates his Creation when his day starts, and

leave the Creation as it was when his day ends, then he starts it again from

where he left his Creation. Sometimes they say that Every Kalp repeats itself.

In Vishnu Puraan where the 28 names of Ved Vyaas are given - it shows that

really every Mahaa Yug repeats itself, not the Kalp.

> > > >

> > > > This means that whatever we have read in Bhaagvat as history, the same

goes on repeating in every Mahaa Yug. It means that I will also be there in next

Kali Yug as Sushma and live my life like this only as I have lived now, with the

same parents, husband and children etc - not the changed one?

> > > >

> > > > Sometimes it really seems strange and requires more clarification.

> > > > Your mail is indeed an enlightening one.

> > > > Thanks

> > > > With regards

> > > > Sushma

> > > >

> > > > , tamobhedi surya <tamobhedi@

...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hello Sushma ,

> > > > >

> > > > > Let me narrate one incident which may help us to bring some light on

this topic.

> > > > >

> > > > > Once Shankara Bhagwan was reciting the name " Rama " " Ram " " Ram " and HE

told Parvati matajee that any one who would medidate of the word " Ram " would be

free from all sins and would attain moksha.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now this incident is recorded much before the birth of Lord Rama.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > So the question comes how come Shankara Bhagwan was talking about Ram

naam even before HIS birth.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The argument forwarded was that in each yuga of each manvantara the

same God takes birth again and again.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hence if this is 7th manvantara and this is the 28th mahayuga, then

Lord Rama , Lord Krishna etc have taken birth 6*71+28 times.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hence to answer your question , Lord Rama was born also in the 28th

Mahayuga of current Manvantara and also he re-incarnated himself before that.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Our knowledge is limited to what God's did in each yuga and

manvantara.. ......Looking at the time span our knowledge is not even a drop of

water in a large ocean.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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John Ji,


Addressing strangers with first name is regarded highly insulting in India, and

is not welcome even in the West.


<<< We now know that many of the

stars in the galaxy, aside from our local Sun, have planets in their

exo-solar system. It is likely that these exoplanets may have

intelligent beings living there. If yes, would the effects of the

parent star be different from our local Sun? If there are other planets

in that exosolar system, would the effects of the vedic grahas be

replicated in that system? "


Vedic astrology is based upon the concept of nakshatra orbit which is of 60

years cf. Suryasiddhanta), beyond which nothing is regarded as a graha and has

no influence of birth chart.


Vedic astrology is neither heliocentric nor geocentric, it is Merucentric. Meru

is centre of the Cosmos, while Sun's centre is a near the physical barycentre of

a physical solar system only. Sun has no power to move the centre of Universe

around it. That centre, Meru, is 29 Kms above Mt Kenya in the sky. Its

mathematics is highly intricate, but its existence is very easy to prove. Life

is possible only at Earth according to Merucentric Vedic tradition, and there is

concrete astrological proof. Please wait for 1-2 weeks to see some proofs in JR





============= ======




John <jr_esq


Sunday, May 17, 2009 1:21:29 PM

Re: Length of Divya Varsha






To Vinay and all:


Here are a few more questions to ponder: We now know that many of the stars in

the galaxy, aside from our local Sun, have planets in their exo-solar system.

It is likely that these exoplanets may have intelligent beings living there. If

yes, would the effects of the parent star be different from our local Sun? If

there are other planets in that exosolar system, would the effects of the vedic

grahas be replicated in that system?




, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:


> Einstein's use of Lobachevskian geometry shows planetary orbits near the rim

of a pseodospherical space like a loudspeaker' s horn, this rim being what we

call ecliptic. But according to Einstein's theory, real Sun does not lie at the

centre of this rim/ecliptic, but towards the narrow end of this lounspeaker-

horn type pseudosphere at an incalculable distance ! This produces same amount

of curvature in space which was empirically attested during an eclipse when a

star appered to change its place while being being to Sun.


> Due to curvatures of incalculable varietires in every parts of the universe,

light does not travel linearly, and what we observe is not real positions of

things, but apparent positions.


> -VJ


> ============ == ==



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> John <jr_esq


> Friday, May 15, 2009 12:37:03 PM

> Re: Length of Divya Varsha






> Namaste RR,


> You've raised a very interesting issue. We can ask the same questions

relating to the galactic Sun, if there is such an entity. From what I

understand about the current developments in astronomy, the center of the Milky

Way may contain a black hole. We can equate this to be a dark sun.


> With this new cosmology, the interpretations of the effects of the galactic

Sun could be as diverse as there are stars in the galaxy itself.


> Regards,


> JR


> , " Rohiniranjan " <rohini_ranjan@ ...>


> >

> > Dear Vinay Jee,

> >

> > Your posting touched my heart.

> >

> > Why do we humans have only 24 hours available to us? Maybe we should not

remain subservient to

> > surya who is our STAR although jyotishis keep quibbling about Revati or

Revathi and Chitta or Chitra etc!

> >

> > What if we could move away from the geo-solar to some other realization?

Like what if the other SUN as it has been called: JUPITER the DEAD STAR were

still driving our reality?

> >

> > Just a thought!

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > Sushma ji,

> > > Your queries are about millions and billions of years, not about real

problems of present age, esp of astrology. I am developing many free softwares,

making 7 panchangas, writing research articles and books, delivering lectures in

conferences, etc etc. Please remember that I work 16 hour a day, yet most of my

tasks are behind schedule.

> > > -VJ

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@ >

> > >

> > > Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:50:24 PM

> > > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Vinay Jha Ji

> > > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > > So as per your explanation, Raam and Krishn come only once in a Kalp. In

fact repetition of a Mahaa Yug is too much, but yes, repetition of Kalp is all

right and seems logical. Since Hindi translations are not very consistent in

using right words, sometimes they give confusion to the reader, especially who

is reading first time and trying to absorb the things from the scratch.

> > >

> > > Tulasee Daas Ji also writes in his Maanas while giving the reasons of Raam

Avataar that He took Avataar in separate Kalp for a separate reason. It shows

that Raam doesn't come in every Mahaa Yug, but maybe in every Kalp, or as you

say that every Kalp does not repeat 100% then maybe not even in every Kalp.

> > >

> > > I read your article bout the date of Raam's birth. If it is true then do

you think that the same Ayodhyaa is still present?

> > >

> > > Thanks for clearing the concepts

> > > With regards

> > > Sushma

> > >

> > > , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...>


> > > >

> > > > Rgveda,x,191 says that every Kalpa repeats itself. Nowhere it is said

that mahayugas repeat themselves. Indras and other permanent entities are

invested with new Jivas, which bring in their own samskaaras to shape the future

accordingly. 28 Veda Vyaasas are 28 different Jivas filling one post one by one.

> > > >

> > > > Tge fact that every Kalpa repeats itself does not mean that every event

will be repeated. Many Jivas will get permanent moksha and will not come in next

Kalpa in any form. Many Jivas will change their roles due to their karmas. A

Jiva is male this time, female in next birth (see Yoga Vasishtha). Soul in

itself has no linga.

> > > >

> > > > -VJ

> > > >

> > > > ============ === ====

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee@ ...>

> > > >

> > > > Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:08:07 AM

> > > > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Tamobhedi Surya Ji

> > > > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > > >

> > > > You may be right in your saying that Raam and Krishn take Avataar in

every Mahaa Yug in Tretaa and Dwaapar Yug respectively. There is no need to say

it again that Kalp is different from Mahaa Yug.

> > > >

> > > > I remember reading when Raajaa Sagar's children were digging the Earth

to find the horse (it is written in Bhaagvat Puraan, that " Prithvi has been dug

in every Kalp " Maybe they meant Mahaa Yug not the Kalp.

> > > >

> > > > From you writing it seems that every Mahaa Yug repeats itself; while

Bhagvat Puraan says - Brahmaa Jee creates his Creation when his day starts, and

leave the Creation as it was when his day ends, then he starts it again from

where he left his Creation. Sometimes they say that Every Kalp repeats itself.

In Vishnu Puraan where the 28 names of Ved Vyaas are given - it shows that

really every Mahaa Yug repeats itself, not the Kalp.

> > > >

> > > > This means that whatever we have read in Bhaagvat as history, the same

goes on repeating in every Mahaa Yug. It means that I will also be there in next

Kali Yug as Sushma and live my life like this only as I have lived now, with the

same parents, husband and children etc - not the changed one?

> > > >

> > > > Sometimes it really seems strange and requires more clarification.

> > > > Your mail is indeed an enlightening one.

> > > > Thanks

> > > > With regards

> > > > Sushma

> > > >

> > > > , tamobhedi surya <tamobhedi@

...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hello Sushma ,

> > > > >

> > > > > Let me narrate one incident which may help us to bring some light on

this topic.

> > > > >

> > > > > Once Shankara Bhagwan was reciting the name " Rama " " Ram " " Ram " and HE

told Parvati matajee that any one who would medidate of the word " Ram " would be

free from all sins and would attain moksha.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now this incident is recorded much before the birth of Lord Rama.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > So the question comes how come Shankara Bhagwan was talking about Ram

naam even before HIS birth.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The argument forwarded was that in each yuga of each manvantara the

same God takes birth again and again.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hence if this is 7th manvantara and this is the 28th mahayuga, then

Lord Rama , Lord Krishna etc have taken birth 6*71+28 times.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hence to answer your question , Lord Rama was born also in the 28th

Mahayuga of current Manvantara and also he re-incarnated himself before that.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Our knowledge is limited to what God's did in each yuga and

manvantara.. ......Looking at the time span our knowledge is not even a drop of

water in a large ocean.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Dear Vinay Jha Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam

<<World ending on 12-12-2012 is a figment of imagination created my some light

minded persons who misused Mayan calendar out of context. Mayan calendar only

says that old cycle will be completed in 2012, which does not mean world will



So you are also of the opinion that the world is not going to end on that day.

Good, I am happy to know that.


If this is true what you said above, then what kind of old cycle will be ending

on that day? and do you think that the old cycle ends in such an abrupt manner

that one can give its date also?


I think this should be the area of astrologers as they might be knowing by the

combinations of planets and stars that what special even is going to happen on

that day or around that day.


Can somebody throw some light on this?


With regards





, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Sushma ji,


> World ending on 12-12-2012 is a figment of imagination created my some light

minded persons who misused Mayan calendar out of context. Mayan calendar only

says that old cycle will be completed in 2012, which does not mean world will



> Internet is full of pseudo-experts who more often than not defeat the real

experts by harassing and abusing.


> -Vinay jha


> =============== =====



> ________________________________

> bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee


> Thursday, May 14, 2009 4:06:32 PM

> Re: Length of Divya Varsha






> Dear Vinay Jha Ji

> Jaya Siyaa Raam

> I wrote this, because if somebody does not agree with this measurement (one

Divine year = 360 Human years) then some other statements also go either wrong

or out of place. Such as Now a days there is a lot of hype that on 12th December

of 2012 this world is going to end.


> This date does not fit anywhere according to our measurement of Time. If Kali

Yug is of 432,000 years long, and Kalki Avataar is yet to come then there is no

question that this worl can end on 12th Dec 2012. AND even if we say that Kali

Yug is only 1200 years long, then it should have ended some 4,000 years ago, and

the present Yug should be Sat Yug and it shold also be finishing soon being only

4,800 years long but since there are no signs of Sat Yug now, we cannot agree

with the second assumption.


> In fact it shows that we must agree with the first assumption and there are no

chances that the world is going to end in Dec 2012.


> And if we go for the first asumption, then I am really doubtful that all the

physical places which are related to Raam are still at the same place where they

were when Raam was there.


> Do you agree?

> With regards

> Sushma


> , Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > bhagvatjee ji,

> >

> >

> > Sorry for a double jee/ji. Why should anyone be annoyed with genuine

enquiries, excepting when the intention is personal attack mixed with deliberate

misquotations, as Sunil bhattacharjya ji is doing.

> >

> > Please see To which tretayuga Lord Rama belonged ? (http://jyotirvidya.

wetpaint. com/page/ Lord_Rama_ %3A_Dating)

> >

> > You say :

> > <<< " People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years -

otherwise why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the

same name. ...Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones?

If yes, then which ones? " >>>

> >

> > I have given citations from Suryasiddhanta, Aryabhatiya, Brahma-sphuta-

siddhanta, Mahabharata, Narada Purana, Vidhnu-dharmottara Purana, etc in my

previous mails, which Sunil Ji ignores and harps on his personal theory that

traditional mahayuga was of 12000 human years only and equating one divine year

with 360 human years is Vinay Jha's invention. Your statement ( " People do not

agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years " ) also amounts to same if

I am not misinterpreting.

> >

> > It is another matter whether you believe Vedic-Puranic- Siddhantic

(Jyotisha) timescales to be right or wrong. You have a right to disagree with

those texts. You have a righ to shut down your eyes and not see the proofs. You

can accept Biblical concept of 6000 years for the age of the world, or its

double which Sunil Ji believes in. But no one has a right to misinterpret

ancient texts deliberately, which clearly differentiate divine year from human

year. Should I mention the verses of these ancient texts again, or can you

invest some time to check those sources before asking me to accept a wrong view


> >

> > You are following a spurious version of BPHS which was thoroughly revised by

a modern pandit to suit a particular regional (modern) school of jyotisha. I

have forged a team of leading pandits of many Sanskrit universities and Sanskrit

departments of general universities for collecting and comparing all available

variants of BPHS in order to bring out a reliable critical edition of BPHS. The

sanathana edition will also be used in this critical edition, but with caution,

because NONE of its verses tally in wording with any manuscript.

> >

> > You can chnange your own writings, but to tamper with ancient texts is a

crime. And a deliberate tampering with meanings is no lesser crime. Mahabharata,

suryasiddhanta, etc clearly differentiate between Divya and Maanushya years, and

explain the latter as solar, but you do not want to accept ancient view for some

unspecified reason known only to you. Please do not feel offended with my

hardline approach to texts : no one has a right to change the content of texts

written by others, esp by persons who are no more to defend themselves.

> >

> > -VJ

> >

> > ============ ===== ====

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > <bhagvatjee@ ...>

> >

> > Wednesday, May 13, 2009 5:19:21 AM

> > Re: Length of Divya Varsha

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Vinay Jha JI

> > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> >

> > I have been reading about the length of the Divine year for some time.

People do not agree that one Divine year is equal to 360 human years - otherwise

why should it be called Divine year? Both year can be called by the same name.

> >

> > Bhaagvat Puraan says that one Mahaa Yug consists of 4 Yug - Sat, Tretaa,

Dwaapar and Kali. And they are in the proportion of 4:3:2:1 - means that Sat Yug

contains 4800 Divine years, Tretaa 3600 Divine years, Dwaapar 2400 Divine years

and Kali Yug is the shortest - only 1200 Divine years.

> >

> > Then if we convert these Divine years into Human years they become -

1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000 and 432,000 Human years respectively.

> >

> > Am I right up to here? I think the same measurementis given in MBH also.

> >

> > Since Krishn lived only for 123 Human years on this Earth, and as He went to

His Lok, Kali Yug came; and people say that Kali Yug is only 5,000 Human years

old - it means that Krishn was born only some 5123 Human years before.

> >

> > With the same assumption Raam was born in the end of Tretaa Yug. He ruled

for 11,000 Human years. If Dwaapar Yug came when He left this Earth (like

Krishn) it means that He should have been born 5,000 Human Years of (of Kali

Yug) + at least 862,900 Human years (of Dwaapar Yug) = 867,900 Human years ago

- at least.

> >

> > Am I right up to here?

> >

> > Further, Sir I beg your pardon for my ignorance, please correct me if I am

wrong somewhere - is there any proof which can prove that Raam was born in this

28th Mahaa Yug only? And was not born in some other Mahaa Yug or even Kalp?

> >

> > Krishn's birth proof in this 28th Maha Yug is this that He was living in Ved

Vyaas' times and Ved Vyaas Jee was in this 28th Dwaapar Yug. Vishnu Puraan gives

the list of 28 Ved Vyaas and declares that Ashwatthaamaa will be the next 29th

Ved Vyaas.

> >

> > Can we trust these sources? or do we have to seek some other ones? If yes,

then which ones?

> >

> > I hope I have not annoyed you.

> > With regards

> > Sushma



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Dear Vinaya Jha Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam

In fact these queries arise in my mind when poor Bhakt go to Mathura or Ayodhya

or Badaree Naath Jee, and there people show them the places saying that " This is

the place where Raam was born " or " This is the place where Shyaam did such and

such thing " . And the Bhakt believe that. There should be some logic behind all

these things.


If one asks them how do you say that, they reply, " It is written in our

religious books. " Once my husband and daughter went to Pushkar Jee, I was

reading some Puraan in those days and luckily I read about the importance of

Pushkar Jee, so I told them to take bathn in Pushkar Jee and drink its water (at

least a little bit). When he came back I asked them whether they did it? They

said - " It was a very small pond and lots of fishes died in that water. It was

smelling badly. You said to drink water, we culd not even touch the water. "


Now how can one read about these Teerth and follow the things they talk about



I mean it is not the talk of millions or billions of years, it is about relating

them to present. After reading Bhaagvat I felt that it did not happen on this

Earth. There should have been some other Earth or Earth-like planet. Later I

came to know that its all description is of Saaraswat Kalp. Other Puraan are

also of other Kalp.


How then all these things are inter-related?

With regrds





, Vinay Jha <vinayjhaa16 wrote:


> Sushma ji,

> Your queries are about millions and billions of years, not about real problems

of present age, esp of astrology. I am developing many free softwares, making 7

panchangas, writing research articles and books, delivering lectures in

conferences, etc etc. Please remember that I work 16 hour a day, yet most of my

tasks are behind schedule.

> -VJ



> bhagvatjee <bhagvatjee


> Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:50:24 PM

> Re: Length of Divya Varsha






> Dear Vinay Jha Ji

> Jaya Siyaa Raam

> So as per your explanation, Raam and Krishn come only once in a Kalp. In fact

repetition of a Mahaa Yug is too much, but yes, repetition of Kalp is all right

and seems logical. Since Hindi translations are not very consistent in using

right words, sometimes they give confusion to the reader, especially who is

reading first time and trying to absorb the things from the scratch.


> Tulasee Daas Ji also writes in his Maanas while giving the reasons of Raam

Avataar that He took Avataar in separate Kalp for a separate reason. It shows

that Raam doesn't come in every Mahaa Yug, but maybe in every Kalp, or as you

say that every Kalp does not repeat 100% then maybe not even in every Kalp.


> I read your article bout the date of Raam's birth. If it is true then do you

think that the same Ayodhyaa is still present?


> Thanks for clearing the concepts

> With regards

> Sushma

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