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Dear Shree Raju Jee,


I am profusely sorry for inadvertent typing mistakes of your name.


With regards and best wishes,




Mrutyunjay Tripathy,

(Consultancy out of groups is not free)


, " Mrutyunjay Tripathy "

<astrologer_mrutyunjay wrote:


> Dear friends,


> May I ask your permission to jostle into your good discussion uninvitedly !


> Excellent queries and analysis on the horoscope by Shree Raju and


> ever energetic Shree Suresh Jee towards astrology in his true and noble



> The group members would be proud to find increase in the number of energetic

and sincere astrolgy pursures like Shree Suresh Jee, Gaurav Jee besides the

sineriors like Shree Krishnan Jee, ShreeRR Ji, Shree Prashant Jee, Pt Arjun Jee

and other nobler souls.


> If we have a good number of sincere and hardworking astrologers particiapting,

naturally the space for insincere ones would be lesser and lesser.


> Hope sooner the group would find at least 10 to 20 sincere astrologers

finding their valuable times to help the peoples in need to get appropriate

guidance to make their life happier and prosperous.


> In the chart of Shree Raju- the key factors of weakness in weakening of good

yoga are;


> close affliction of houses by the rahu ketu axis.


> rasi sandhi placement of venus


> rasi sandhi placement of saturn




> combustion of 10th and 11th lord besides its closeness to 8th cusp robs the

planets mars and venus out of strength.


> The lagna lord ( will power, decision making capacity, power to judge people)

even if the lagna changes to pisces gets weakened.




> Planets Saturn, Venus, Moon and Mars needs to be made powerful.


> Sincere and persistent remedial measures need to be taken to get rid of Nodal



> Meditation of Lord Sudarshan and his mantra ' Om Shashraram Hum Phat' in

addition to mantra for lord Ganapati 'Om Gam Ganapatey Namah'


> Maintaininng purity in speech and food and drink will go a long way in helping

sustence of the good yogas. 11th lord saturn weak indicates ability to improve

stable friendly and cooperative relationships need to be imporved , if required

with formal behavioural traings also.


> Mars is the practical planet- so writing down every communication, expenses,

planning etc. on pen and paper in formal way would be more helpful in successful



> Rahu in constellation of sun.


> Sun in navamsa of Saturn.


> Saturn is combust in 8th house. So friends may not be helpful in job or

financial matters at all.


> Saturn/Moon can be strengthened with worship of Narayana/ Narayani


> With regards and best wishes,



> Mrutyunjay Tripathy


> , " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vishnu,

> >

> > I have added my comments below each of your questions.

> >

> > Questions

> >

> > 1) Sir what are the notable features or indications or pointers which is


> > gift in my life (birth & navamsa & other charts)?

> >

> > #a) Amala Yoga (benefic planets in the 10th of lagna).

> > #b) Kesari Yoga (Jupiter in the 10th of lagna in its own moolatrikona sign)

> > #c) Maltya Yoga (malefic planet in the 9th, benefic planets with strength,

moon also having strength, malefic in the 8th with strength and in the 5th). The

only short coming here is the factor malefic in the 5th.

> > #d) Partial sreenatha yoga (7th lord in the 10th, 10th lord with strength

and with 9th lord).

> > #e) Vasumath yoga (all the benefic Jupiter , venus & mercury in 10 & 11th)

> > #f) 2nd house lord in paravathamsa – enterprising in the acquisition of


> > #g) 10th lord in Kendra – loves music/ poetry efficient, wears ornaments,

and loves to travel considerably.

> >

> > #I have only noted certain yogas and need not manifest in full.

> > #(I do not consider yogas in varga charts).

> >

> > 2) Sir any bad / unwanted / unfortunate or unpleasant indications or


> > that I need to take care of or change myself or anything else that is wrong


> > the charts (birth & navamsa & others)? If any what do I need to do(poojas /

> > prayers / japams / mantras / temple visits / holy bath )?

> >

> > #a) 2nd house lord along with 9th lord – loss of money. Spendthrift?.

> > #b) Moon along with Rahu and aspected by a malefic (sun) – This basically

indicates defect / disfiguring of teeth. Though you may not have this, there is

a possibility of accident. Moon in the 3rd and 3rd being a female planet, you

must be having a sister and there is a possibility that she will marry a person

of her choice?

> > #c) venus along with mars – makes you fond of women and may spend a lot of

money on them.

> > #d) 2nd house lord along with venus – eyesight problems.

> >

> >

> > 3)Sir, which lines of Business is most suitable to me sir? Which planets are

> > signifying about Business and nature of Business in my charts sir?

> >

> > #You have 10th lord very strong in the lagna itself and along with the lord

of 4th and 7th. The 10th lord from Chandra lagna is also very strong in Tula

sign and aspects the 10th lord from lagna. You will have multiple source of

income / multiple business. You may start business in partnership. However, it

is likely that the partnership may break out, partially due to your own

attitude. The 10th lord Jupiter is also aspecting your 2nd house and being

reasonably strong in own house, wealth acquired by your independent efforts is


> >

> > #The nature of the planets involved (Jupiter & Saturn) being the largest

planets indicate a business capable of expansion, such as C & F agency,

distribution network, financial investment consultancy etc. Venus in the 9th

indicate textiles. Jupiter in the 8th of moon indicate service . combining these

indications, I feel you can think about C & F agency/ distribution in textile

related fields also.

> >

> > 4) Ketu being 8'th in birth chart, does it indicate any karmic effects ? If


> > can I overcome them by gods blessing by doing any poojas/ prayers etc¦.

> >

> > #Ketu is in the 9th of lagna & 7th of Moon along with Sun in the Birth chart

but in the 8th of lagna in the bhava chart. See below.

> >

> >

> > 5)Will the SUN & MOON in my birth and navamsa chart help in complete

> > fructifying of all / important or major good yogas/combinations present as

> > lords blessings? or do I need to do any remedial exercise to strengthen


> > SUN & MOON) ?

> >

> > #Moon being in Taurus, its ucha sign and sun being in 7th definitely is very

good. But the proximity of rahu creates some problems. Rahu is called " chaya " a

shadow / fog. Due to its effect, you might find it difficult to understand as to

where the road leads you. Moon is the sign of 5th lord, your pragjna sthana.

Higher intelligence / commonsence. The karaka Jupiter is strong but with a

retrograde mercury. Mercury is also the 5th lord from moon. In reality planets

do not have retro motion. This is an illusion. The association of such planets

and rahu with moon tend to create illusions about various aspects of life /

career / business / partners (mercury is also 7th lord). But you have an in born

capability to see through this illusion. Hence always beware of this factor.

Always keep in mind the famous adage " think twice before you speak / act " .

> >

> >

> > 6)Sir, is rahu afflicting my 2nd house and thereby my financial prosperity

> > and other related things to it? If yes, what can I do about it ?

> >

> > #Rahu is in the 2nd only in bhava chart. Just about gracing the 2nd bhava.

Hence the affliction is not too much. Yet some times this may cause financial

loses due to unforeseen reasons or buy cheating. You may also find it difficult

to honor financial commitments. You are also going through Rahu dasa till

jan-2011. This makes the affliction more prominent. During Rahu dasa, what I

found is though the native might be good person, he should never be depended

upon. Such persons though unwillingly tends to dishonor their commitments.

Hence. Beware of this characteristic, make commitments very carefully, otherwise

you shall end up loosing the trust of others. After all trust is essence of


> >

> > #The next dasa of Jupiter shall be much prosperous. Jupiter being the Guru,

doesn't like dishonesty, cheating etc. understand him and you will find peace

with yourself.

> >

> > #In fact, the yoga of mercury and Jupiter in dhanu and your name also

indicate a vaishnavite and a worshiper of shaligrama of laxmi-narayana?. Saturns

aspect from the 8th house makes me think that either poojas are not properly or

this is lost / forsaken. Sun being in the 4th lord from Chandra in the Kendra ,

and being in the 9th of lagna, shows that your are also a worshiper Lord shiva

(naga linga?).

> >

> > 7) Sir if I were to wear any gemstone/s by gods grace what should it be and

> > why sir (which planets)? What good things will it help bring across to me.

> >

> > #Since the lagna is Pisces & Chandra lagna is Taurus, the planet which is

benefic is a malefic for the other. Hence I tend not to recommend wearing any

stones, rather it is best to do conduct navagraha shathi pooja occassionaly. If

you are particular in wearing any precious stones, the least malefic for Chandra

lagna and benefic for lagna is Mars – red coral & Jupiter – golden yellow topaz

– that too only after conducting a navagrava shanthi pooja.

> >

> > #You are also running the kalachakra dasa of Kanya rasi. Starting with Leo

till may-1987, going back to Karkataka rasi, I suspect some changes took place

in your life related with your parents. Then again from Karkata to Kanya in

may-2008 a quantum jump which also indicate some changes. Mercury the lord of

kanya do not have much support form other planets in varga. Hence you are

practically on your own.

> >

> > #Both the lagna lord and Chandra lagna (Jupiter & venus) show a brahmanical

nature. Hence considering the weakness of mercury, I would advice you to either

recite " Purusha Sookta " daily or do " Purusha Sookta Pushpanjali " in a Vishnu


> >

> > #Finally, you have the capacity to overcome any hurdles and come up in life.

Be humble and keep smiling & follow family traditions also.

> >

> > I hope I have not missed anything and answered to your satisfaction.

> >

> > May lord Laxmi Narayana bless you with prosperity.

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , vishnu vardhan raju <vvr3456@>


> > >

> > > Namaste Sureshji,,

> > > Â

> > > Sir I have few concerns that i want to seek your guidance on. Sir please

consider to answer my questions.Sir please be merciful in answering the below

mentioned questions.

> > > Â

> > > My details

> > > DOB:8-DEC-1984;Â POB: Hyderabad;Â TOB:14:25(2:25 PM)

> > > Â

> > > Questions

> > > Â

> > > 1) Sir what are the notable features or indications or pointers which is

god’s gift in my life (birth & navamsa & other charts)?

> > > Â

> > > 2) Sir any bad / unwanted / unfortunate or unpleasant indications or

something that I need to take care of or change myself or anything else that is

wrong in the charts (birth & navamsa & others)? If any what do I need to

do(poojas / prayers / japams / mantras / temple visits / holy bath )?

> > > Â

> > > 3)Sir, which lines of Business is most suitable to me sir?Which planets

are signifying about Business and nature of Business in my charts sir?

> > > Â

> > > 4) Ketu being 8'th in birth chart, does it indicate any karmic effects ?

If yes, can I overcome them by god’s blessing by doing any poojas/ prayers


> > > Â

> > > 5)Will the SUN Â & MOONÂ in my birth and navamsa chart help in complete

fructifying of all / important or major good yoga’s/combinations present as

lords blessings? or do I need to do any remedial exercise to strengthen them(


> > > Â

> > > 6)Sir, is rahu afflicting my 2’nd house and thereby my financial

prosperity and other related things to it? If yes, what can I do about it ?

> > > Â

> > > 7) Sir if I were to wear any gemstone/s by god’s grace what should it be

and why sir

> > > Â Â (which planets)? What good things will it help bring across to me.

> > > Â

> > > Â

> > > Suresh sir, might be, these questions of mine are probably not in the

lines of your interest to help people from their problems.But sir for a long

time i have been contemplating on knowing these answers from a enlightened

guruji.Having seen your postings in the fourm i have made the courage to seek

guidance from you. Kindly help me sir.

> > > Â

> > > Waiting to hear from your sir. Thank you in advance sir.

> > > Â

> > > Regards

> > > Vishnu Vardhana Raju CH.

> > > Â

> > > Â

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> > >

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> > >

> > >

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