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when will i have children

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my date of birth is 20 may 1975

time 9.45 a.m

place hyderabad, a.p , india.


i have been married in 2006 june 8.

we donot have children yet.

i am running rahu dasa and 7 1/2 saturn period.

please tell me when will i have children . how many and when is the period



also please predict how is my professional life.

thank you in advance



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Dear Hari Priya


Wih rahu in ur 5th house & ketu & surya aspecting, rahu maha dasha currently on

& also ur saddi satti on, it will be very difficult for u to hv progeny. All the

progeny denying planets are associating with ur 5th house. Even ur career will

not be good in rahu MD.


U need to do shanti yagya for rahu/ketu/mangal/sani/surya to solve ur progeny






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haripriyagv <haripriyagv


Saturday, 20 June, 2009 11:12:48 AM

when will i have children






my date of birth is 20 may 1975

time 9.45 a.m

place hyderabad, a.p , india.


i have been married in 2006 june 8.

we donot have children yet.

i am running rahu dasa and 7 1/2 saturn period.

please tell me when will i have children . how many and when is the period



also please predict how is my professional life.

thank you in advance








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Hello Hari Priya,

Sadesati has no relation with your status of having children.For Karkataka rasi

sadesati in last leg should other way bless you with child and remove

frustation.Basic problem is in reproductive health representd by Dhanur and

Makara.signs.But during rahu dasa you will bear children after medical support.

1.Cancer as lagna represented by Moon as it's lord is in mritavstha at 28 +

degrees in Kutumbasthan.Dispositor sun in 10th from it's own sign and 11th from


Lagna interestingly is rising at less tha 1 degree and gives effects of 12th

house where venus and saturn are posited and mercury as dispositor of 12th house

from lagna is in 12th from own sign.mercury is napumsak(neutral) giving problems

in conception.

2.It is also seen you have harmonal problems and also the body due to retention

of water sounds having weight problem/The height factor and body body mass index

are not in porportion.Some physical exercise for the menarche to be corrected is

essential for pregnancy.

3.Also there is Yoni problem( Punarvasu representing Marjala Yoni requires quick

conception) with 7th lord saturn is in 12th with venus,the factor for child

bearing as sperms motility is effected.Where as Saturn gives very short life in

beeja represented by Venus.

Likely you have menustral disorders with saturn aspecting moon and variations in

your blodd pressure.These need a medical check up.

4.In 5th representing for children/putrasthan,Rahu inAnuradha nakshtra delays

pregnancy.But aspect of jupiter from 9th is saving grace.possibly you had some

missing periods too earlier giving doubt of conception in (october) 2008.

5.Around Sept 2009 chances for pregnancy with medical advice and before Dec2010

you might concieve a child.

6.Mangal /kuja in 9th need to be propitated.Regular recitation of Lord

Subrahmanya and Durga along with Santana Laxmi stotram is necessary to over come


7.Last but not least is it seems from navamsa that putra karak jupiter is also

debilitated and needs horoscope check of your husband also for further



--- On Sat, 6/20/09, haripriyagv <haripriyagv wrote:



haripriyagv <haripriyagv

when will i have children


Saturday, June 20, 2009, 1:42 AM









my date of birth is 20 may 1975

time 9.45 a.m

place hyderabad, a.p , india.


i have been married in 2006 june 8.

we donot have children yet.

i am running rahu dasa and 7 1/2 saturn period.

please tell me when will i have children . how many and when is the period



also please predict how is my professional life.

thank you in advance























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Dear Hari,


There would be delay in having children due to affliction of the Sun.

Signficator Jupiter is also afflicted by Saturn.


Current forecast for profession is not good. It would be September to find some


Job situation will be stressful. There are chances you can go abroad later this

year or next


Health of father and spouse can be concern during antara of Venus under Rahu.


Best wishes,



Consulting Astrologer






Saturday, June 20, 2009 11:12 AM

when will i have children






my date of birth is 20 may 1975

time 9.45 a.m

place hyderabad, a.p , india.


i have been married in 2006 june 8.

we donot have children yet.

i am running rahu dasa and 7 1/2 saturn period.

please tell me when will i have children . how many and when is the period



also please predict how is my professional life.

thank you in advance









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