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Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

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Dear Members,



All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the huge body of

knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this message as a

" Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no mistake - there are many

people out there who are only eager to take your hard earned money and give

nothing but heartache in return-some of them are very well known. These

charlatans prey upon people's desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds

even comprise the founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might be

found running massive " specializing " in jyotish remedies.


First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle for

prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as possible. The

farther one strays from this principle the more one has to become educated about

possible negative repercussions. As you will see later I believe that a

prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most suitable of all remedies.

Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it does not have to be an undying

absolutely resolute faith but it is doubtful that one who does not believe at

least somewhat will get any substantial results. Lastly, please understand that

many times much of our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to

completely remedy.


Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a time. Let's first

start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's favorite. It bears

mentioning that there are many schools of thought regarding remedies,

particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules for gemstone prescription

given herein are quite conservative; I fully realize some exceptions can be made

if one's constellations indicate so. In addition, if we really examine most

people's charts, we soon realize that its not really our moderately favorable

planets that need to be strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets

which need to be pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of

troublesome planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic

planet casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For instance, take

Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of course, so it is especially

important to the native, as it is lagna lord and also ruling the house of

career. What if we find Jupiter debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two

first class malefics? Will a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it

won't. Not according to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this

situation could really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine-

5th house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a pearl

could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying all this is

that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.





Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS, other texts

such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite exhaustively, the Agni

purana too but to a much lesser extent. The legendary astrologer, Varahahimira,

extensively treats the " mystical " power of gems in his magnificent astrological

treatise, the Brihat Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga,

offers explicit advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems.

Selecting and wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an

expensive and often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a

gemstone recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different





To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for functional benefics,

meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when the graha (Unless it is

Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a dusthana, if this is the case we

must look at whether the dusthana is the mooltrikona sign of the graha in

question; if it is, it may be wise to pass on wearing the stone. Many may

disagree with my position but I am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also,

I personally would not advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic

(Unless perhaps it is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well

placed inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics (Unless

perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending quite a bit of

money and you want to get it right the first time! Now, what do I mean by

moderately well placed? It means that the graha whose gemstone you will be

donning in the hope of bettering your life should be placed in trine or kendra

AND in at least a neutral sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I

see no point in wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is

not always better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9

and other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given planet is

emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good guys but they can

make good guys into better guys.



Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone can be worn,

as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I think this view has

substantial merit. For those of you who are really interested in all this

gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the Shukra Nadi in particular)

which have their own specific suggestions for stone usage depending on one's

planetary configurations!



As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may be helpful to

look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or Rajya Pada- this is a

more controversial statement as a precious few very fine astrologers I know of

do not take a planet's position from AL as an important consideration, though

only insofar as gemstone prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you

crazy by introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this rule.

Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must never wear the

stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh. In addition, one must

never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.


As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or rather the

dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how ashtakavarga analysis and

dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an

unabashed inherent and functional benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately

well placed and not possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to

ashtakavarga Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this juncture?

I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.


Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many questions abound in

this area with mostly no real definitive answers. Among a few of the most oft

repeated queries: Should the stone be natural or can it be treated? Does it have

to touch the skin? What are the clarity and size requirements? What hand should

I wear it on? Which finger should I put it on?


Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe side I highly

suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each stone has treatments that

are specific to it. For instance; red coral could by dyed, a yellow sapphire

could be heated, an emerald could be filled with oil...etc...Don't let your gem

dealer talk you into getting a treated stone, insist on getting certification

from a reputable laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there

are other reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in

any way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500 to 1000

USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire? I've seen some

yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy these you are essentially

buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk that will not do anything for you.

The pearl may be an exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to spend

thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue -nucleated South Sea

pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I cannot guarantee that these

will work for you though!


Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this question is

cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must pick one over the

other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the least. Eye clean means there

are no visible " defects " in the gem that can be seen without the aid of

magnification. The following is NOT an exhaustive list of common flaws found in

particular gemstones: no black specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls,

no specks in diamonds, no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red

corals (Most Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as

many defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually impossible

to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine hairline fractures)

- my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't find one then don't get one.

We cannot bend the rules and allow for exceptions just because mother nature

does not gift us with the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient

texts dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl bending

the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that either. Are you

beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of gems as remedial

measures; there are simply too many qualifications to consider.


I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to become effective

or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric authors like Harish Johari

spell out very specific size requirements and prohibitions. I can't really say

if this is valid. My instinct tells me that one should get something reasonably

large, say a yellow sapphire that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be

done with diamonds or rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask,

what do you need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby

may exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to afford a

stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also offer much less

expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I cannot comment on their

efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a modest price it might be worth

trying. In fact, Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat



I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to wear the

stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine too. Of course

there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves donating a stone in order

to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the stone never touches the body at

all! To be on the safe side have the stone set so it touches the skin- though it

will probably work fine even if its somewhere really close but not touching your

skin. When you are ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day

of the graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may even

wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question each week on

the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial consideration I have

left out and this involves testing the stone before purchasing it.


You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing it. If your

jeweler refuses then you need to find another more accommodating jeweler.

Speaking of jewelers...don't ever let a jeweler give you a gem recommendation,

the conflict of interest is simply too high. Back to the topic at hand,

carefully tape the stone to your hand or tuck it under your pillow and

" test-drive " it. Bad thoughts, feelings, dreams and events apart from the

every-day bad stuff we think about and experience would instantly lead me to

discard the stone- don't throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT

ignore a negative Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to

other commonly prescribed remedial measures.








Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually the dried

seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore available on the

subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen in Puranic literature is

the mapping of various rudraksha beads to different planets; this seems a

marketing gimmick concocted by con artists of yesteryear and continuously

perpetuated by con artists ever since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead

is associated with Lord Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha

is suitable for all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can

likely do so. Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice Shiva

mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha beads are

priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is better. I have only

experimented with the Nepalese variety. Some people say that all rudraksha

beads are user-friendly; in my personal experience this statement does not at

all hold water. There is a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist

association who touts the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of

remedies, as you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the

very expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world I do

not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall claims made by

the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead hypsters. There is a very well

known seller of rudraksha beads on the internet- they market the beads as if

they are some kind of talisman that can be used to gain advantage is any type of

situation. They sell custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for winning

in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects...well the list goes on and

on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish quality " gemstones. Caveat

emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted to say about rudraksha beads.






If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it. Nothing is sacred,

perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least. Dear reader, have you

noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya promoters on the world wide web?

Crudely put, yagya or yajna is essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by

priests on your behalf, in order to attain certain goals which are essentially

stated in the sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with

many, many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded to

in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the not so small

price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money for most Westerners

and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A yagya should be performed by

the pious and pure, and by those who thoroughly know the strict procedures!

Individuals like these are rare- they mostly belonged to another Yuga.

Furthermore, a yagya should not be arranged by the ravenously money minded

charging exorbitant sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa

in the sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at all, to

chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected at this point to

inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a money-minded jeweler

versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded intermediary and a just as

money-minded priest! I think the main issue here is that a gem is an object

that it will do its job no matter the character of the person who sells it to

you (assuming it is prescribed correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a

yagya heavily depends on the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In

the same way a judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged

attorney it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in a yagya

will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there are many). Please do

not waste your time or money on these yagya services. Much better to learn how

to perform them in a simple manner by yourself, sincerely and on a consistent







To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and complicated subject

known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for both material and spiritual

benefits. Often, a mantra will make an impact on both a material and spiritual

level- this is a great thing! When practicing mantra, three items are critical:

devotion, pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't do the

trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two everyday, or at

least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't go by this 40 day rule

nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more than a few people have experienced

amazing things from the outset of their practice this is more the exception than

the rule. Think about anything you have done in life that was worth achieving,

did the results come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth

achieving takes time to fructify, there are no short-cuts.




Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo Narayanaya " ,

" Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do not require initiation

and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is also prasiddha but I believe is

better recited after receiving initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras

like the Gayatri really require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus

your fire " then reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be

simply fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata correspondence with

the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or Jaimini.




If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know that there are

various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex rules governing the

prescription of such mantras- these are quite complicated and much beyond my

comprehension at present. In my estimation it would take a life-time to fully

understand and master all the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if

you desire to practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts

here because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras- they could

be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are perfect!




As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of caution first, I

know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast on the day of the upapada

lord in order to improve relationship prospects. Others say fasting on the day

of the UL lord cannot be done if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite

frankly do not who is correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that

fasting on any day would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people

fast on days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know if

fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a week would

be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor first) so you really

have nothing to lose by trying it.




The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting. Perhaps try giving

on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the planet which is troubling

you, it is prudent to either give an article related to the planet in question

or give money to a charity that is associated with the troublesome planet. For

example, if Saturn is troubling you then you might want to make a substantial

(But reasonable, I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the

hora of Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own food. In

the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not personally gone

this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a serious way.




The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native has to be

determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use to prescribe a

mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an exceedingly weak 5th lord

(Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some planetary configuration may preclude

the use of charity as an effective remedial measure but may demand fasting as

the optimal route etc...








Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions and/or to correct

my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give gemstone recommendations

nor do I prescribe any remedies for that matter. I do NOT give recommendations

for jewelers. I will NOT refer you to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to

astrologers selling expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the

web comes to mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because

he uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few " select "

others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will work- please do

not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall prey to any astrologer

trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things of this sort.



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A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and applying the

subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great books) as well as

exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological world.

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just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a single color

will make some exclusively holy!


have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their own or when ppl

ask them?

same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u paint them just

some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as some people like the WHITE


there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl were

admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it many people

with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.


only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.


I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna ji, myself,

rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt arjun ji harry ji etc

HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by members



part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one has to do their part

gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification, energisation

merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even if u follow half

truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the back with no

purification, energisation with mantras it has no value same goes with Yantras,

Rudrakshas etc.



merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging won't take u

too far./


walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must we come

somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u r doing here

surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to offer.



Best wishes







" astro_explorer " <astro_explorer


Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!



http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_



Dear Members,


All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the huge body of

knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this message as a

" Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no mistake - there are many

people out there who are only eager to take your hard earned money and give

nothing but heartache in return-some of them are very well known. These

charlatans prey upon people's desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds

even comprise the founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might be

found running massive " specializing " in jyotish remedies.


First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle for

prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as possible. The

farther one strays from this principle the more one has to become educated about

possible negative repercussions. As you will see later I believe that a

prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most suitable of all remedies.

Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it does not have to be an undying

absolutely resolute faith but it is doubtful that one who does not believe at

least somewhat will get any substantial results. Lastly, please understand that

many times much of our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to

completely remedy.


Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a time. Let's first

start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's favorite. It bears

mentioning that there are many schools of thought regarding remedies,

particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules for gemstone prescription

given herein are quite conservative; I fully realize some exceptions can be made

if one's constellations indicate so. In addition, if we really examine most

people's charts, we soon realize that its not really our moderately favorable

planets that need to be strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets

which need to be pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of

troublesome planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic

planet casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For instance, take

Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is lagna lord and

also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter debilitated in

Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will a yellow sapphire help

in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according to my knowledge at least. A

yellow sapphire in this situation could really make things worse! Though perhaps

if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably

placed in the chart a pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My

point in saying all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.




Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS, other texts

such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite exhaustively, the Agni

purana too but to a much lesser extent. The legendary astrologer, Varahahimira,

extensively treats the " mystical " power of gems in his magnificent astrological

treatise, the Brihat Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga,

offers explicit advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems.

Selecting and wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an

expensive and often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a

gemstone recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different



To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for functional benefics,

meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when the graha (Unless it is

Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a dusthana, if this is the case we

must look at whether the dusthana is the mooltrikona sign of the graha in

question; if it is, it may be wise to pass on wearing the stone. Many may

disagree with my position but I am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also,

I personally would not advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic

(Unless perhaps it is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well

placed inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics (Unless

perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending quite a bit of

money and you want to get it right the first time! Now, what do I mean by

moderately well placed? It means that the

graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering your life

should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral sign. If the graha

in question is very well placed I see no point in wearing its stone, as it is

already strong. Remember, more is not always better! Some astrologers may look

at the planet's position in D-9 and other divisional charts as well, not to

mention a chalita chart. Just remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the

energies that a given planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad

guys into good guys but they can make good guys into better guys.


Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone can be worn,

as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I think this view has

substantial merit. For those of you who are really interested in all this

gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the Shukra Nadi in particular)

which have their own specific suggestions for stone usage depending on one's

planetary configurations!


As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may be helpful to

look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or Rajya Pada- this is a

more controversial statement as a precious few very fine astrologers I know of

do not take a planet's position from AL as an important consideration, though

only insofar as gemstone prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you

crazy by introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this rule.

Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must never wear the

stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh. In addition, one must

never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.


As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or rather the

dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how ashtakavarga analysis and

dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an

unabashed inherent and functional benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately

well placed and not possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to

ashtakavarga Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this juncture?

I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.


Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many questions abound in

this area with mostly no real definitive answers. Among a few of the most oft

repeated queries: Should the stone be natural or can it be treated? Does it have

to touch the skin? What are the clarity and size requirements? What hand should

I wear it on? Which finger should I put it on?


Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe side I highly

suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each stone has treatments that

are specific to it. For instance; red coral could by dyed, a yellow sapphire

could be heated, an emerald could be filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem

dealer talk you into getting a treated stone, insist on getting certification

from a reputable laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there

are other reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in

any way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500 to 1000

USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire? I've seen some

yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy these you are essentially

buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk that will not do anything for you.

The pearl may be an

exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely natural, white

pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to spend thousands of

dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big

and white and round as possible- I cannot guarantee that these will work for you



Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this question is

cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must pick one over the

other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the least. Eye clean means there

are no visible " defects " in the gem that can be seen without the aid of

magnification. The following is NOT an exhaustive list of common flaws found in

particular gemstones: no black specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls,

no specks in diamonds, no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red

corals (Most Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as

many defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually impossible

to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine hairline fractures)

- my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't find one then don't get one.

We cannot bend the rules and allow for exceptions just because mother nature

does not gift us with

the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts dealing with

gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he say what he said

about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl bending the rules? Yes,

it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that either. Are you beginning to

see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of gems as remedial measures; there are

simply too many qualifications to consider.


I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to become effective

or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric authors like Harish Johari

spell out very specific size requirements and prohibitions. I can't really say

if this is valid. My instinct tells me that one should get something reasonably

large, say a yellow sapphire that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be

done with diamonds or rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask,

what do you need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby

may exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to afford a

stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also offer much less

expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I cannot comment on their

efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a modest price it might be worth

trying. In fact,

Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat Samhita.


I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to wear the

stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine too. Of course

there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves donating a stone in order

to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the stone never touches the body at

all! To be on the safe side have the stone set so it touches the skin- though it

will probably work fine even if its somewhere really close but not touching your

skin. When you are ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day

of the graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may even

wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question each week on

the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial consideration I have

left out and this involves testing the stone before purchasing it.


You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing it. If your

jeweler refuses then you need to find another more accommodating jeweler.

Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler give you a gem recommendation,

the conflict of interest is simply too high. Back to the topic at hand,

carefully tape the stone to your hand or tuck it under your pillow and

" test-drive " it. Bad thoughts, feelings, dreams and events apart from the

every-day bad stuff we think about and experience would instantly lead me to

discard the stone- don't throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT

ignore a negative Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to

other commonly prescribed remedial measures.




Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually the dried

seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore available on the

subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen in Puranic literature is

the mapping of various rudraksha beads to different planets; this seems a

marketing gimmick concocted by con artists of yesteryear and continuously

perpetuated by con artists ever since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead

is associated with Lord Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha

is suitable for all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can

likely do so. Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice Shiva

mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha beads are

priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is better. I have only

experimented with the Nepalese variety.

Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my personal

experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is a very famous

member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts the 14 Mukhi rudraksha

bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as you might guess by now; one size

does not fit all, especially the very expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that

rudraksha beads are primarily tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I

have experienced their tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the

material world I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the

tall claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead hypsters.

There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the internet- they

market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman that can be used to gain

advantage is any type of situation. They sell custom malas for attracting the

opposite sex, for winning

in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the list goes on

and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish quality " gemstones.

Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted to say about rudraksha





If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it. Nothing is sacred,

perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least. Dear reader, have you

noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya promoters on the world wide web?

Crudely put, yagya or yajna is essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by

priests on your behalf, in order to attain certain goals which are essentially

stated in the sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with

many, many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded to

in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the not so small

price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money for most Westerners

and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A yagya should be performed by

the pious and pure, and by those who thoroughly know the strict procedures!

Individuals like these are rare- they mostly belonged to another Yuga.

Furthermore, a yagya should not

be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant sums. Far better

to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the sanctity of one's home - this

is how real progress can be made. Not by paying off a money-minded mercenary to

pay God knows who, if anyone at all, to chant away your sins. It would be

totally logical and expected at this point to inquire into the difference

between buying a gem from a money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a

money-minded intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main

issue here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed correctly

and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on the individual

psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a judge will not listen to

the statements of a mentally deranged attorney it is doubtful that whatever

forces are being called upon in

a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there are many).

Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya services. Much better to

learn how to perform them in a simple manner by yourself, sincerely and on a

consistent basis.




To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and complicated subject

known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for both material and spiritual

benefits. Often, a mantra will make an impact on both a material and spiritual

level- this is a great thing! When practicing mantra, three items are critical:

devotion, pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't do the

trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two everyday, or at

least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't go by this 40 day rule

nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more than a few people have experienced

amazing things from the outset of their practice this is more the exception than

the rule. Think about anything you have done in life that was worth achieving,

did the results come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth

achieving takes time

to fructify, there are no short-cuts.


Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo Narayanaya " ,

" Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do not require initiation

and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is also prasiddha but I believe is

better recited after receiving initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras

like the Gayatri really require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus

your fire " then reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be

simply fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata correspondence with

the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or Jaimini.


If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know that there are

various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex rules governing the

prescription of such mantras- these are quite complicated and much beyond my

comprehension at present. In my estimation it would take a life-time to fully

understand and master all the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if

you desire to practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts

here because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras- they could

be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are perfect!


As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of caution first, I

know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast on the day of the upapada

lord in order to improve relationship prospects. Others say fasting on the day

of the UL lord cannot be done if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite

frankly do not who is correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that

fasting on any day would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people

fast on days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know if

fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a week would

be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor first) so you really

have nothing to lose by trying it.


The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting. Perhaps try giving

on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the planet which is troubling

you, it is prudent to either give an article related to the planet in question

or give money to a charity that is associated with the troublesome planet. For

example, if Saturn is troubling you then you might want to make a substantial

(But reasonable, I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the

hora of Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own food. In

the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not personally gone

this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a serious way.


The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native has to be

determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use to prescribe a

mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an exceedingly weak 5th lord

(Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some planetary configuration may preclude

the use of charity as an effective remedial measure but may demand fasting as

the optimal route etc...




Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions and/or to correct

my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give gemstone recommendations

nor do I prescribe any remedies for that matter. I do NOT give recommendations

for jewelers. I will NOT refer you to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to

astrologers selling expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the

web comes to mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because

he uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few " select "

others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will work- please do

not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall prey to any astrologer

trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things of this sort.


If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:


http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_



A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and applying the

subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great books) as well as

exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological world.









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You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group is a link

for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some very desperate

people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why should I believe

anything else you say? What I have written is 100% correct. You must learn to

read more carefully.


As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they are energized

but if you think they will not work at all if they are not energized then you

are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about quality. Size is a very

controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE article. I have spoken extensively

about how most jewelers in India are selling " junk " stones and what flaws to

look out for. Do you even know the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl

and a natural pearl? Do you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10

percent of all examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still

cannot be properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?



How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby or emerald?

I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are wearing the genuine

article? Probably many, many more.


Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?




, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar



> Member,



> just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a single color

will make some exclusively holy!


> have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their own or when

ppl ask them?

> same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u paint them

just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as some people like the


> there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl were

admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it many people

with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.


> only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.


> I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna ji, myself,

rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt arjun ji harry ji etc

HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by members



r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one has to do their part

> gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even if u

follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the back with no

purification, energisation with mantras it has no value same goes with Yantras,

Rudrakshas etc.



> merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging won't take u

too far./


> walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must we come

somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u r doing here

surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to offer.



> Best wishes






> ________________________________

> " astro_explorer " <astro_explorer


> Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!



> http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_



> Dear Members,


> All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the huge body

of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this message as a

" Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no mistake - there are many

people out there who are only eager to take your hard earned money and give

nothing but heartache in return-some of them are very well known. These

charlatans prey upon people's desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds

even comprise the founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might be

found running massive " specializing " in jyotish remedies.


> First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle for

prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as possible. The

farther one strays from this principle the more one has to become educated about

possible negative repercussions. As you will see later I believe that a

prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most suitable of all remedies.

Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it does not have to be an undying

absolutely resolute faith but it is doubtful that one who does not believe at

least somewhat will get any substantial results. Lastly, please understand that

many times much of our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to

completely remedy.


> Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a time. Let's

first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's favorite. It bears

mentioning that there are many schools of thought regarding remedies,

particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules for gemstone prescription

given herein are quite conservative; I fully realize some exceptions can be made

if one's constellations indicate so. In addition, if we really examine most

people's charts, we soon realize that its not really our moderately favorable

planets that need to be strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets

which need to be pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of

troublesome planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic

planet casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For instance, take

Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is lagna lord and

also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter debilitated in

Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will a yellow sapphire help

in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according to my knowledge at least. A

yellow sapphire in this situation could really make things worse! Though perhaps

if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably

placed in the chart a pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My

point in saying all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.


> *****


> Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS, other texts

such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite exhaustively, the Agni

purana too but to a much lesser extent. The legendary astrologer, Varahahimira,

extensively treats the " mystical " power of gems in his magnificent astrological

treatise, the Brihat Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga,

offers explicit advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems.

Selecting and wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an

expensive and often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a

gemstone recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different



> To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for functional

benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when the graha (Unless it

is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a dusthana, if this is the case

we must look at whether the dusthana is the mooltrikona sign of the graha in

question; if it is, it may be wise to pass on wearing the stone. Many may

disagree with my position but I am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also,

I personally would not advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic

(Unless perhaps it is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well

placed inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics (Unless

perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending quite a bit of

money and you want to get it right the first time! Now, what do I mean by

moderately well placed? It means that the

> graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering your life

should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral sign. If the graha

in question is very well placed I see no point in wearing its stone, as it is

already strong. Remember, more is not always better! Some astrologers may look

at the planet's position in D-9 and other divisional charts as well, not to

mention a chalita chart. Just remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the

energies that a given planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad

guys into good guys but they can make good guys into better guys.


> Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone can be worn,

as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I think this view has

substantial merit. For those of you who are really interested in all this

gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the Shukra Nadi in particular)

which have their own specific suggestions for stone usage depending on one's

planetary configurations!


> As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may be helpful to

look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or Rajya Pada- this is a

more controversial statement as a precious few very fine astrologers I know of

do not take a planet's position from AL as an important consideration, though

only insofar as gemstone prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you

crazy by introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this rule.

Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must never wear the

stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh. In addition, one must

never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.


> As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or rather the

dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how ashtakavarga analysis and

dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an

unabashed inherent and functional benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately

well placed and not possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to

ashtakavarga Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this juncture?

I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.


> Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many questions abound

in this area with mostly no real definitive answers. Among a few of the most oft

repeated queries: Should the stone be natural or can it be treated? Does it have

to touch the skin? What are the clarity and size requirements? What hand should

I wear it on? Which finger should I put it on?


> Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe side I

highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each stone has

treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral could by dyed, a

yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be filled with oil...etc...

Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting a treated stone, insist on

getting certification from a reputable laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for

colored stones- there are other reputable labs) that the stone in question has

not been treated in any way- this is important as most jewelers in India

essentially sell junk stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from

anywhere from 500 to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow

sapphire? I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk that will

not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely natural, white

pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to spend thousands of

dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big

and white and round as possible- I cannot guarantee that these will work for you



> Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this question is

cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must pick one over the

other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the least. Eye clean means there

are no visible " defects " in the gem that can be seen without the aid of

magnification. The following is NOT an exhaustive list of common flaws found in

particular gemstones: no black specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls,

no specks in diamonds, no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red

corals (Most Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as

many defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually impossible

to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine hairline fractures)

- my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't find one then don't get one.

We cannot bend the rules and allow for exceptions just because mother nature

does not gift us with

> the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts dealing with

gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he say what he said

about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl bending the rules? Yes,

it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that either. Are you beginning to

see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of gems as remedial measures; there are

simply too many qualifications to consider.


> I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to become

effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric authors like Harish

Johari spell out very specific size requirements and prohibitions. I can't

really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me that one should get something

reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire that is 2 carats or more-obviously this

can't be done with diamonds or rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I

must ask, what do you need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish

quality Ruby may exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you

are completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also offer

much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I cannot comment

on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a modest price it might

be worth trying. In fact,

> Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat Samhita.


> I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to wear the

stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine too. Of course

there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves donating a stone in order

to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the stone never touches the body at

all! To be on the safe side have the stone set so it touches the skin- though it

will probably work fine even if its somewhere really close but not touching your

skin. When you are ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day

of the graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may even

wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question each week on

the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial consideration I have

left out and this involves testing the stone before purchasing it.


> You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing it. If your

jeweler refuses then you need to find another more accommodating jeweler.

Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler give you a gem recommendation,

the conflict of interest is simply too high. Back to the topic at hand,

carefully tape the stone to your hand or tuck it under your pillow and

" test-drive " it. Bad thoughts, feelings, dreams and events apart from the

every-day bad stuff we think about and experience would instantly lead me to

discard the stone- don't throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT

ignore a negative Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to

other commonly prescribed remedial measures.


> *****


> Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually the dried

seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore available on the

subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen in Puranic literature is

the mapping of various rudraksha beads to different planets; this seems a

marketing gimmick concocted by con artists of yesteryear and continuously

perpetuated by con artists ever since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead

is associated with Lord Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha

is suitable for all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can

likely do so. Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice Shiva

mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha beads are

priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is better. I have only

experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my personal

experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is a very famous

member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts the 14 Mukhi rudraksha

bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as you might guess by now; one size

does not fit all, especially the very expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that

rudraksha beads are primarily tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I

have experienced their tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the

material world I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the

tall claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead hypsters.

There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the internet- they

market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman that can be used to gain

advantage is any type of situation. They sell custom malas for attracting the

opposite sex, for winning

> in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the list goes on

and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish quality " gemstones.

Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted to say about rudraksha



> *****


> If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it. Nothing is

sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least. Dear reader, have

you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya promoters on the world wide web?

Crudely put, yagya or yajna is essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by

priests on your behalf, in order to attain certain goals which are essentially

stated in the sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with

many, many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded to

in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the not so small

price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money for most Westerners

and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A yagya should be performed by

the pious and pure, and by those who thoroughly know the strict procedures!

Individuals like these are rare- they mostly belonged to another Yuga.

Furthermore, a yagya should not

> be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant sums. Far

better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the sanctity of one's home -

this is how real progress can be made. Not by paying off a money-minded

mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at all, to chant away your sins. It

would be totally logical and expected at this point to inquire into the

difference between buying a gem from a money-minded jeweler versus arranging a

yagya via a money-minded intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I

think the main issue here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no

matter the character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is

prescribed correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends

on the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a judge

will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney it is doubtful

that whatever forces are being called upon in

> a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there are many).

Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya services. Much better to

learn how to perform them in a simple manner by yourself, sincerely and on a

consistent basis.


> *****


> To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and complicated subject

known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for both material and spiritual

benefits. Often, a mantra will make an impact on both a material and spiritual

level- this is a great thing! When practicing mantra, three items are critical:

devotion, pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't do the

trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two everyday, or at

least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't go by this 40 day rule

nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more than a few people have experienced

amazing things from the outset of their practice this is more the exception than

the rule. Think about anything you have done in life that was worth achieving,

did the results come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth

achieving takes time

> to fructify, there are no short-cuts.


> Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo Narayanaya " ,

" Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do not require initiation

and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is also prasiddha but I believe is

better recited after receiving initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras

like the Gayatri really require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus

your fire " then reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be

simply fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata correspondence with

the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or Jaimini.


> If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know that there

are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex rules governing the

prescription of such mantras- these are quite complicated and much beyond my

comprehension at present. In my estimation it would take a life-time to fully

understand and master all the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if

you desire to practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts

here because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras- they could

be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are perfect!


> As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of caution first,

I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast on the day of the

upapada lord in order to improve relationship prospects. Others say fasting on

the day of the UL lord cannot be done if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I

quite frankly do not who is correct. It is personally hard for me to believe

that fasting on any day would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen

people fast on days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess

you can fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a week

would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor first) so you

really have nothing to lose by trying it.


> The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting. Perhaps try

giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the planet which is

troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article related to the planet in

question or give money to a charity that is associated with the troublesome

planet. For example, if Saturn is troubling you then you might want to make a

substantial (But reasonable, I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a

Saturday- on the hora of Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra

elements to a charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their

own food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a serious way.


> The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native has to be

determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use to prescribe a

mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an exceedingly weak 5th lord

(Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some planetary configuration may preclude

the use of charity as an effective remedial measure but may demand fasting as

the optimal route etc...


> *****


> Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions and/or to correct

my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give gemstone recommendations

nor do I prescribe any remedies for that matter. I do NOT give recommendations

for jewelers. I will NOT refer you to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to

astrologers selling expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the

web comes to mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because

he uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few " select "

others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will work- please do

not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall prey to any astrologer

trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things of this sort.


> If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:


> http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_



> A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and applying the

subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great books) as well as

exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological world.



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u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to say


who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I doubt any i

remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology forum before he left

2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me know any esp inJR as u

falsely accuse


we have max said


pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose from

available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself


and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested


except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones merchant


2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent



and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical and

cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

if it can speak


and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested such to anyone





get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish we r merely

discussing, debating and answering genuine interests, concerns of members here.

shaping future generation astrologers also in the process.






" astro_explorer " <astro_explorer


Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!





You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group is a link

for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some very desperate

people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why should I believe

anything else you say? What I have written is 100% correct. You must learn to

read more carefully.


As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they are energized

but if you think they will not work at all if they are not energized then you

are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about quality. Size is a very

controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE article. I have spoken extensively

about how most jewelers in India are selling " junk " stones and what flaws to

look out for. Do you even know the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl

and a natural pearl? Do you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10

percent of all examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still

cannot be properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?


How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby or emerald?

I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are wearing the genuine

article? Probably many, many more.


Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?


, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@. ..>



> Member,



> just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a single color

will make some exclusively holy!


> have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their own or when

ppl ask them?

> same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u paint them

just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as some people like the


> there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl were

admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it many people

with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.


> only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.


> I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna ji, myself,

rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt arjun ji harry ji etc

HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by members



r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one has to do their part

> gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even if u

follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the back with no

purification, energisation with mantras it has no value same goes with Yantras,

Rudrakshas etc.



> merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging won't take u

too far./


> walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must we come

somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u r doing here

surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to offer.



> Best wishes






> ____________ _________ _________ __

> " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>


> Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!



> http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_



> Dear Members,


> All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the huge body

of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this message as a

" Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no mistake - there are many

people out there who are only eager to take your hard earned money and give

nothing but heartache in return-some of them are very well known. These

charlatans prey upon people's desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds

even comprise the founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might be

found running massive " specializing " in jyotish remedies.


> First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle for

prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as possible. The

farther one strays from this principle the more one has to become educated about

possible negative repercussions. As you will see later I believe that a

prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most suitable of all remedies.

Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it does not have to be an undying

absolutely resolute faith but it is doubtful that one who does not believe at

least somewhat will get any substantial results. Lastly, please understand that

many times much of our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to

completely remedy.


> Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a time. Let's

first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's favorite. It bears

mentioning that there are many schools of thought regarding remedies,

particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules for gemstone prescription

given herein are quite conservative; I fully realize some exceptions can be made

if one's constellations indicate so. In addition, if we really examine most

people's charts, we soon realize that its not really our moderately favorable

planets that need to be strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets

which need to be pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of

troublesome planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic

planet casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For instance, take

Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is lagna lord and

also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter debilitated in

Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will a yellow sapphire help

in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according to my knowledge at least. A

yellow sapphire in this situation could really make things worse! Though perhaps

if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably

placed in the chart a pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My

point in saying all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.


> *****


> Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS, other texts

such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite exhaustively, the Agni

purana too but to a much lesser extent. The legendary astrologer, Varahahimira,

extensively treats the " mystical " power of gems in his magnificent astrological

treatise, the Brihat Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga,

offers explicit advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems.

Selecting and wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an

expensive and often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a

gemstone recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different



> To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for functional

benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when the graha (Unless it

is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a dusthana, if this is the case

we must look at whether the dusthana is the mooltrikona sign of the graha in

question; if it is, it may be wise to pass on wearing the stone. Many may

disagree with my position but I am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also,

I personally would not advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic

(Unless perhaps it is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well

placed inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics (Unless

perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending quite a bit of

money and you want to get it right the first time! Now, what do I mean by

moderately well placed? It means that the

> graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering your life

should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral sign. If the graha

in question is very well placed I see no point in wearing its stone, as it is

already strong. Remember, more is not always better! Some astrologers may look

at the planet's position in D-9 and other divisional charts as well, not to

mention a chalita chart. Just remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the

energies that a given planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad

guys into good guys but they can make good guys into better guys.


> Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone can be worn,

as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I think this view has

substantial merit. For those of you who are really interested in all this

gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the Shukra Nadi in particular)

which have their own specific suggestions for stone usage depending on one's

planetary configurations!


> As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may be helpful to

look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or Rajya Pada- this is a

more controversial statement as a precious few very fine astrologers I know of

do not take a planet's position from AL as an important consideration, though

only insofar as gemstone prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you

crazy by introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this rule.

Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must never wear the

stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh. In addition, one must

never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.


> As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or rather the

dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how ashtakavarga analysis and

dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an

unabashed inherent and functional benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately

well placed and not possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to

ashtakavarga Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this juncture?

I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.


> Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many questions abound

in this area with mostly no real definitive answers. Among a few of the most oft

repeated queries: Should the stone be natural or can it be treated? Does it have

to touch the skin? What are the clarity and size requirements? What hand should

I wear it on? Which finger should I put it on?


> Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe side I

highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each stone has

treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral could by dyed, a

yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be filled with oil...etc...

Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting a treated stone, insist on

getting certification from a reputable laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for

colored stones- there are other reputable labs) that the stone in question has

not been treated in any way- this is important as most jewelers in India

essentially sell junk stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from

anywhere from 500 to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow

sapphire? I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk that will

not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely natural, white

pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to spend thousands of

dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big

and white and round as possible- I cannot guarantee that these will work for you



> Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this question is

cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must pick one over the

other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the least. Eye clean means there

are no visible " defects " in the gem that can be seen without the aid of

magnification. The following is NOT an exhaustive list of common flaws found in

particular gemstones: no black specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls,

no specks in diamonds, no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red

corals (Most Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as

many defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually impossible

to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine hairline fractures)

- my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't find one then don't get one.

We cannot bend the rules and allow for exceptions just because mother nature

does not gift us with

> the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts dealing with

gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he say what he said

about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl bending the rules? Yes,

it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that either. Are you beginning to

see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of gems as remedial measures; there are

simply too many qualifications to consider.


> I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to become

effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric authors like Harish

Johari spell out very specific size requirements and prohibitions. I can't

really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me that one should get something

reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire that is 2 carats or more-obviously this

can't be done with diamonds or rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I

must ask, what do you need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish

quality Ruby may exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you

are completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also offer

much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I cannot comment

on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a modest price it might

be worth trying. In fact,

> Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat Samhita.


> I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to wear the

stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine too. Of course

there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves donating a stone in order

to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the stone never touches the body at

all! To be on the safe side have the stone set so it touches the skin- though it

will probably work fine even if its somewhere really close but not touching your

skin. When you are ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day

of the graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may even

wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question each week on

the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial consideration I have

left out and this involves testing the stone before purchasing it.


> You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing it. If your

jeweler refuses then you need to find another more accommodating jeweler.

Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler give you a gem recommendation,

the conflict of interest is simply too high. Back to the topic at hand,

carefully tape the stone to your hand or tuck it under your pillow and

" test-drive " it. Bad thoughts, feelings, dreams and events apart from the

every-day bad stuff we think about and experience would instantly lead me to

discard the stone- don't throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT

ignore a negative Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to

other commonly prescribed remedial measures.


> *****


> Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually the dried

seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore available on the

subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen in Puranic literature is

the mapping of various rudraksha beads to different planets; this seems a

marketing gimmick concocted by con artists of yesteryear and continuously

perpetuated by con artists ever since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead

is associated with Lord Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha

is suitable for all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can

likely do so. Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice Shiva

mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha beads are

priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is better. I have only

experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my personal

experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is a very famous

member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts the 14 Mukhi rudraksha

bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as you might guess by now; one size

does not fit all, especially the very expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that

rudraksha beads are primarily tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I

have experienced their tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the

material world I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the

tall claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead hypsters.

There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the internet- they

market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman that can be used to gain

advantage is any type of situation. They sell custom malas for attracting the

opposite sex, for


> in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the list goes on

and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish quality " gemstones.

Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted to say about rudraksha



> *****


> If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it. Nothing is

sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least. Dear reader, have

you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya promoters on the world wide web?

Crudely put, yagya or yajna is essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by

priests on your behalf, in order to attain certain goals which are essentially

stated in the sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with

many, many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded to

in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the not so small

price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money for most Westerners

and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A yagya should be performed by

the pious and pure, and by those who thoroughly know the strict procedures!

Individuals like these are rare- they mostly belonged to another Yuga.

Furthermore, a yagya should


> be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant sums. Far

better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the sanctity of one's home -

this is how real progress can be made. Not by paying off a money-minded

mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at all, to chant away your sins. It

would be totally logical and expected at this point to inquire into the

difference between buying a gem from a money-minded jeweler versus arranging a

yagya via a money-minded intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I

think the main issue here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no

matter the character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is

prescribed correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends

on the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a judge

will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney it is doubtful

that whatever forces are being called upon in

> a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there are many).

Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya services. Much better to

learn how to perform them in a simple manner by yourself, sincerely and on a

consistent basis.


> *****


> To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and complicated subject

known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for both material and spiritual

benefits. Often, a mantra will make an impact on both a material and spiritual

level- this is a great thing! When practicing mantra, three items are critical:

devotion, pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't do the

trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two everyday, or at

least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't go by this 40 day rule

nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more than a few people have experienced

amazing things from the outset of their practice this is more the exception than

the rule. Think about anything you have done in life that was worth achieving,

did the results come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth

achieving takes


> to fructify, there are no short-cuts.


> Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo Narayanaya " ,

" Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do not require initiation

and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is also prasiddha but I believe is

better recited after receiving initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras

like the Gayatri really require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus

your fire " then reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be

simply fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata correspondence with

the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or Jaimini.


> If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know that there

are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex rules governing the

prescription of such mantras- these are quite complicated and much beyond my

comprehension at present. In my estimation it would take a life-time to fully

understand and master all the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if

you desire to practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts

here because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras- they could

be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are perfect!


> As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of caution first,

I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast on the day of the

upapada lord in order to improve relationship prospects. Others say fasting on

the day of the UL lord cannot be done if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I

quite frankly do not who is correct. It is personally hard for me to believe

that fasting on any day would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen

people fast on days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess

you can fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a week

would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor first) so you

really have nothing to lose by trying it.


> The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting. Perhaps try

giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the planet which is

troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article related to the planet in

question or give money to a charity that is associated with the troublesome

planet. For example, if Saturn is troubling you then you might want to make a

substantial (But reasonable, I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a

Saturday- on the hora of Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra

elements to a charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their

own food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a serious way.


> The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native has to be

determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use to prescribe a

mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an exceedingly weak 5th lord

(Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some planetary configuration may preclude

the use of charity as an effective remedial measure but may demand fasting as

the optimal route etc...


> *****


> Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions and/or to correct

my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give gemstone recommendations

nor do I prescribe any remedies for that matter. I do NOT give recommendations

for jewelers. I will NOT refer you to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to

astrologers selling expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the

web comes to mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because

he uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few " select "

others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will work- please do

not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall prey to any astrologer

trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things of this sort.


> If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:


> http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_



> A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and applying the

subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great books) as well as

exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological world.



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Guest guest

Yes, please avoid my question of yagya, you are an expert at doing so.


Why does this group owner sell mass marketed yagya for very exorbitant prices?

What is your stand on this?


Shaping future generations of astrologers here? Oh my god..



, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar




> Member,


> u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to say


> who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I doubt any i

remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology forum before he left

2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me know any esp inJR as u

falsely accuse


> we have max said


> pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose from

available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself


> and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested


> except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones merchant


> 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent



> and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical and

cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> if it can speak


> and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested such to






> get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish we r merely

discussing, debating and answering genuine interests, concerns of members here.

shaping future generation astrologers also in the process.


> Prashant



> ________________________________

> " astro_explorer " <astro_explorer


> Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!



> Sir,


> You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group is a link

for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some very desperate

people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why should I believe

anything else you say? What I have written is 100% correct. You must learn to

read more carefully.


> As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they are

energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not energized

then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about quality. Size is a

very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE article. I have spoken

extensively about how most jewelers in India are selling " junk " stones and what

flaws to look out for. Do you even know the difference between a tissue

nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do you know that even after x-ray analysis,

roughly 10 percent of all examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists)

still cannot be properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl

to to demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?


> How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby or

emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are wearing the

genuine article? Probably many, many more.


> Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?


> , Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@ ..>


> >

> > Member,

> >

> >

> > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a single color

will make some exclusively holy!

> >

> > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their own or when

ppl ask them?

> > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u paint them

just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as some people like the


> > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl were

admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it many people

with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> >

> > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> >

> > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna ji,

myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt arjun ji harry

ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by members

> >


u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one has to do their


> > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even if u

follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the back with no

purification, energisation with mantras it has no value same goes with Yantras,

Rudrakshas etc.

> >

> >

> > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging won't take

u too far./

> >

> > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must we come

somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u r doing here

surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to offer.

> >

> >

> > Best wishes

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> >

> > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> >

> >

> > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_


> >

> > Dear Members,

> >

> > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the huge body

of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this message as a

" Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no mistake - there are many

people out there who are only eager to take your hard earned money and give

nothing but heartache in return-some of them are very well known. These

charlatans prey upon people's desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds

even comprise the founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might be

found running massive " specializing " in jyotish remedies.

> >

> > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle for

prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as possible. The

farther one strays from this principle the more one has to become educated about

possible negative repercussions. As you will see later I believe that a

prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most suitable of all remedies.

Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it does not have to be an undying

absolutely resolute faith but it is doubtful that one who does not believe at

least somewhat will get any substantial results. Lastly, please understand that

many times much of our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to

completely remedy.

> >

> > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a time. Let's

first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's favorite. It bears

mentioning that there are many schools of thought regarding remedies,

particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules for gemstone prescription

given herein are quite conservative; I fully realize some exceptions can be made

if one's constellations indicate so. In addition, if we really examine most

people's charts, we soon realize that its not really our moderately favorable

planets that need to be strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets

which need to be pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of

troublesome planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic

planet casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For instance, take

Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is lagna lord

and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter debilitated in

Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will a yellow sapphire help

in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according to my knowledge at least. A

yellow sapphire in this situation could really make things worse! Though perhaps

if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably

placed in the chart a pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My

point in saying all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> >

> > *****

> >

> > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS, other

texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite exhaustively, the

Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The legendary astrologer,

Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical " power of gems in his magnificent

astrological treatise, the Brihat Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work,

Prasna Marga, offers explicit advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for

gems. Selecting and wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an

expensive and often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a

gemstone recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different


> >

> > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for functional

benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when the graha (Unless it

is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a dusthana, if this is the case

we must look at whether the dusthana is the mooltrikona sign of the graha in

question; if it is, it may be wise to pass on wearing the stone. Many may

disagree with my position but I am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also,

I personally would not advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic

(Unless perhaps it is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well

placed inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics (Unless

perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending quite a bit of

money and you want to get it right the first time! Now, what do I mean by

moderately well placed? It means that the

> > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering your life

should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral sign. If the graha

in question is very well placed I see no point in wearing its stone, as it is

already strong. Remember, more is not always better! Some astrologers may look

at the planet's position in D-9 and other divisional charts as well, not to

mention a chalita chart. Just remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the

energies that a given planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad

guys into good guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> >

> > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone can be

worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I think this view

has substantial merit. For those of you who are really interested in all this

gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the Shukra Nadi in particular)

which have their own specific suggestions for stone usage depending on one's

planetary configurations!

> >

> > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may be helpful

to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or Rajya Pada- this is a

more controversial statement as a precious few very fine astrologers I know of

do not take a planet's position from AL as an important consideration, though

only insofar as gemstone prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you

crazy by introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this rule.

Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must never wear the

stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh. In addition, one must

never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> >

> > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or rather the

dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how ashtakavarga analysis and

dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an

unabashed inherent and functional benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately

well placed and not possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to

ashtakavarga Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this juncture?

I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> >

> > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many questions

abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers. Among a few of the

most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be natural or can it be treated?

Does it have to touch the skin? What are the clarity and size requirements? What

hand should I wear it on? Which finger should I put it on?

> >

> > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe side I

highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each stone has

treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral could by dyed, a

yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be filled with oil...etc...

Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting a treated stone, insist on

getting certification from a reputable laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for

colored stones- there are other reputable labs) that the stone in question has

not been treated in any way- this is important as most jewelers in India

essentially sell junk stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from

anywhere from 500 to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow

sapphire? I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk that will

not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely natural, white

pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to spend thousands of

dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big

and white and round as possible- I cannot guarantee that these will work for you


> >

> > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this question

is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must pick one over the

other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the least. Eye clean means there

are no visible " defects " in the gem that can be seen without the aid of

magnification. The following is NOT an exhaustive list of common flaws found in

particular gemstones: no black specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls,

no specks in diamonds, no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red

corals (Most Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as

many defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually impossible

to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine hairline fractures)

- my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't find one then don't get one.

We cannot bend the rules and allow for exceptions just because mother nature

does not gift us with

> > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts dealing

with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he say what he

said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl bending the rules?

Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that either. Are you beginning

to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of gems as remedial measures; there

are simply too many qualifications to consider.

> >

> > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to become

effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric authors like Harish

Johari spell out very specific size requirements and prohibitions. I can't

really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me that one should get something

reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire that is 2 carats or more-obviously this

can't be done with diamonds or rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I

must ask, what do you need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish

quality Ruby may exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you

are completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also offer

much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I cannot comment

on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a modest price it might

be worth trying. In fact,

> > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat Samhita.

> >

> > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to wear the

stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine too. Of course

there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves donating a stone in order

to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the stone never touches the body at

all! To be on the safe side have the stone set so it touches the skin- though it

will probably work fine even if its somewhere really close but not touching your

skin. When you are ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day

of the graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may even

wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question each week on

the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial consideration I have

left out and this involves testing the stone before purchasing it.

> >

> > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing it. If your

jeweler refuses then you need to find another more accommodating jeweler.

Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler give you a gem recommendation,

the conflict of interest is simply too high. Back to the topic at hand,

carefully tape the stone to your hand or tuck it under your pillow and

" test-drive " it. Bad thoughts, feelings, dreams and events apart from the

every-day bad stuff we think about and experience would instantly lead me to

discard the stone- don't throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT

ignore a negative Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to

other commonly prescribed remedial measures.

> >

> > *****

> >

> > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually the dried

seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore available on the

subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen in Puranic literature is

the mapping of various rudraksha beads to different planets; this seems a

marketing gimmick concocted by con artists of yesteryear and continuously

perpetuated by con artists ever since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead

is associated with Lord Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha

is suitable for all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can

likely do so. Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice Shiva

mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha beads are

priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is better. I have only

experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my personal

experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is a very famous

member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts the 14 Mukhi rudraksha

bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as you might guess by now; one size

does not fit all, especially the very expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that

rudraksha beads are primarily tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I

have experienced their tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the

material world I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the

tall claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead hypsters.

There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the internet- they

market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman that can be used to gain

advantage is any type of situation. They sell custom malas for attracting the

opposite sex, for

> winning

> > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the list goes

on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish quality " gemstones.

Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted to say about rudraksha


> >

> > *****

> >

> > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it. Nothing is

sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least. Dear reader, have

you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya promoters on the world wide web?

Crudely put, yagya or yajna is essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by

priests on your behalf, in order to attain certain goals which are essentially

stated in the sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with

many, many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded to

in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the not so small

price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money for most Westerners

and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A yagya should be performed by

the pious and pure, and by those who thoroughly know the strict procedures!

Individuals like these are rare- they mostly belonged to another Yuga.

Furthermore, a yagya should

> not

> > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant sums. Far

better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the sanctity of one's home -

this is how real progress can be made. Not by paying off a money-minded

mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at all, to chant away your sins. It

would be totally logical and expected at this point to inquire into the

difference between buying a gem from a money-minded jeweler versus arranging a

yagya via a money-minded intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I

think the main issue here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no

matter the character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is

prescribed correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends

on the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a judge

will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney it is doubtful

that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there are many).

Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya services. Much better to

learn how to perform them in a simple manner by yourself, sincerely and on a

consistent basis.

> >

> > *****

> >

> > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and complicated subject

known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for both material and spiritual

benefits. Often, a mantra will make an impact on both a material and spiritual

level- this is a great thing! When practicing mantra, three items are critical:

devotion, pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't do the

trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two everyday, or at

least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't go by this 40 day rule

nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more than a few people have experienced

amazing things from the outset of their practice this is more the exception than

the rule. Think about anything you have done in life that was worth achieving,

did the results come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth

achieving takes

> time

> > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> >

> > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo Narayanaya "

, " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do not require initiation

and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is also prasiddha but I believe is

better recited after receiving initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras

like the Gayatri really require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus

your fire " then reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be

simply fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata correspondence with

the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or Jaimini.

> >

> > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know that there

are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex rules governing the

prescription of such mantras- these are quite complicated and much beyond my

comprehension at present. In my estimation it would take a life-time to fully

understand and master all the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if

you desire to practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts

here because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras- they could

be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are perfect!

> >

> > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of caution

first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast on the day of the

upapada lord in order to improve relationship prospects. Others say fasting on

the day of the UL lord cannot be done if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I

quite frankly do not who is correct. It is personally hard for me to believe

that fasting on any day would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen

people fast on days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess

you can fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a week

would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor first) so you

really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> >

> > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting. Perhaps try

giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the planet which is

troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article related to the planet in

question or give money to a charity that is associated with the troublesome

planet. For example, if Saturn is troubling you then you might want to make a

substantial (But reasonable, I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a

Saturday- on the hora of Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra

elements to a charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their

own food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a serious way.

> >

> > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native has to be

determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use to prescribe a

mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an exceedingly weak 5th lord

(Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some planetary configuration may preclude

the use of charity as an effective remedial measure but may demand fasting as

the optimal route etc...

> >

> > *****

> >

> > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions and/or to

correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give gemstone

recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that matter. I do NOT give

recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you to anybody either. Please do

not fall prey to astrologers selling expensive remedies . One astrologer with a

presence on the web comes to mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed

to work because he uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a

few " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will work-

please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall prey to any

astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things of this sort.

> >

> > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> >

> > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_


> >

> > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and applying

the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great books) as well as

exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological world.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on this

group ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to one of our very

esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer here?


But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient Indian

Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their astrologers are

almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the jyotish_ganga moderators

tried to squeeze every last penny out of me when I asked him for a consultation.

Needless to say, the consultation was rubbish.


BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and experiencing

fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor of this as your board

owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a yagya!!


Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy " that your

board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.



, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar




> Member,


> u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to say


> who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I doubt any i

remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology forum before he left

2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me know any esp inJR as u

falsely accuse


> we have max said


> pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose from

available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself


> and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested


> except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones merchant


> 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent



> and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical and

cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> if it can speak


> and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested such to






> get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish we r merely

discussing, debating and answering genuine interests, concerns of members here.

shaping future generation astrologers also in the process.


> Prashant



> ________________________________

> " astro_explorer " <astro_explorer


> Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!



> Sir,


> You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group is a link

for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some very desperate

people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why should I believe

anything else you say? What I have written is 100% correct. You must learn to

read more carefully.


> As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they are

energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not energized

then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about quality. Size is a

very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE article. I have spoken

extensively about how most jewelers in India are selling " junk " stones and what

flaws to look out for. Do you even know the difference between a tissue

nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do you know that even after x-ray analysis,

roughly 10 percent of all examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists)

still cannot be properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl

to to demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?


> How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby or

emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are wearing the

genuine article? Probably many, many more.


> Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?


> , Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@ ..>


> >

> > Member,

> >

> >

> > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a single color

will make some exclusively holy!

> >

> > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their own or when

ppl ask them?

> > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u paint them

just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as some people like the


> > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl were

admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it many people

with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> >

> > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> >

> > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna ji,

myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt arjun ji harry

ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by members

> >


u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one has to do their


> > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even if u

follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the back with no

purification, energisation with mantras it has no value same goes with Yantras,

Rudrakshas etc.

> >

> >

> > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging won't take

u too far./

> >

> > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must we come

somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u r doing here

surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to offer.

> >

> >

> > Best wishes

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> >

> > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> >

> >

> > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_


> >

> > Dear Members,

> >

> > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the huge body

of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this message as a

" Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no mistake - there are many

people out there who are only eager to take your hard earned money and give

nothing but heartache in return-some of them are very well known. These

charlatans prey upon people's desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds

even comprise the founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might be

found running massive " specializing " in jyotish remedies.

> >

> > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle for

prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as possible. The

farther one strays from this principle the more one has to become educated about

possible negative repercussions. As you will see later I believe that a

prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most suitable of all remedies.

Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it does not have to be an undying

absolutely resolute faith but it is doubtful that one who does not believe at

least somewhat will get any substantial results. Lastly, please understand that

many times much of our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to

completely remedy.

> >

> > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a time. Let's

first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's favorite. It bears

mentioning that there are many schools of thought regarding remedies,

particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules for gemstone prescription

given herein are quite conservative; I fully realize some exceptions can be made

if one's constellations indicate so. In addition, if we really examine most

people's charts, we soon realize that its not really our moderately favorable

planets that need to be strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets

which need to be pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of

troublesome planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic

planet casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For instance, take

Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is lagna lord

and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter debilitated in

Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will a yellow sapphire help

in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according to my knowledge at least. A

yellow sapphire in this situation could really make things worse! Though perhaps

if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably

placed in the chart a pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My

point in saying all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> >

> > *****

> >

> > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS, other

texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite exhaustively, the

Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The legendary astrologer,

Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical " power of gems in his magnificent

astrological treatise, the Brihat Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work,

Prasna Marga, offers explicit advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for

gems. Selecting and wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an

expensive and often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a

gemstone recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different


> >

> > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for functional

benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when the graha (Unless it

is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a dusthana, if this is the case

we must look at whether the dusthana is the mooltrikona sign of the graha in

question; if it is, it may be wise to pass on wearing the stone. Many may

disagree with my position but I am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also,

I personally would not advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic

(Unless perhaps it is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well

placed inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics (Unless

perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending quite a bit of

money and you want to get it right the first time! Now, what do I mean by

moderately well placed? It means that the

> > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering your life

should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral sign. If the graha

in question is very well placed I see no point in wearing its stone, as it is

already strong. Remember, more is not always better! Some astrologers may look

at the planet's position in D-9 and other divisional charts as well, not to

mention a chalita chart. Just remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the

energies that a given planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad

guys into good guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> >

> > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone can be

worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I think this view

has substantial merit. For those of you who are really interested in all this

gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the Shukra Nadi in particular)

which have their own specific suggestions for stone usage depending on one's

planetary configurations!

> >

> > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may be helpful

to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or Rajya Pada- this is a

more controversial statement as a precious few very fine astrologers I know of

do not take a planet's position from AL as an important consideration, though

only insofar as gemstone prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you

crazy by introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this rule.

Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must never wear the

stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh. In addition, one must

never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> >

> > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or rather the

dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how ashtakavarga analysis and

dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an

unabashed inherent and functional benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately

well placed and not possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to

ashtakavarga Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this juncture?

I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> >

> > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many questions

abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers. Among a few of the

most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be natural or can it be treated?

Does it have to touch the skin? What are the clarity and size requirements? What

hand should I wear it on? Which finger should I put it on?

> >

> > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe side I

highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each stone has

treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral could by dyed, a

yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be filled with oil...etc...

Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting a treated stone, insist on

getting certification from a reputable laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for

colored stones- there are other reputable labs) that the stone in question has

not been treated in any way- this is important as most jewelers in India

essentially sell junk stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from

anywhere from 500 to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow

sapphire? I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk that will

not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely natural, white

pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to spend thousands of

dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big

and white and round as possible- I cannot guarantee that these will work for you


> >

> > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this question

is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must pick one over the

other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the least. Eye clean means there

are no visible " defects " in the gem that can be seen without the aid of

magnification. The following is NOT an exhaustive list of common flaws found in

particular gemstones: no black specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls,

no specks in diamonds, no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red

corals (Most Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as

many defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually impossible

to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine hairline fractures)

- my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't find one then don't get one.

We cannot bend the rules and allow for exceptions just because mother nature

does not gift us with

> > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts dealing

with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he say what he

said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl bending the rules?

Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that either. Are you beginning

to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of gems as remedial measures; there

are simply too many qualifications to consider.

> >

> > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to become

effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric authors like Harish

Johari spell out very specific size requirements and prohibitions. I can't

really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me that one should get something

reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire that is 2 carats or more-obviously this

can't be done with diamonds or rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I

must ask, what do you need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish

quality Ruby may exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you

are completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also offer

much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I cannot comment

on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a modest price it might

be worth trying. In fact,

> > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat Samhita.

> >

> > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to wear the

stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine too. Of course

there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves donating a stone in order

to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the stone never touches the body at

all! To be on the safe side have the stone set so it touches the skin- though it

will probably work fine even if its somewhere really close but not touching your

skin. When you are ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day

of the graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may even

wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question each week on

the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial consideration I have

left out and this involves testing the stone before purchasing it.

> >

> > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing it. If your

jeweler refuses then you need to find another more accommodating jeweler.

Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler give you a gem recommendation,

the conflict of interest is simply too high. Back to the topic at hand,

carefully tape the stone to your hand or tuck it under your pillow and

" test-drive " it. Bad thoughts, feelings, dreams and events apart from the

every-day bad stuff we think about and experience would instantly lead me to

discard the stone- don't throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT

ignore a negative Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to

other commonly prescribed remedial measures.

> >

> > *****

> >

> > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually the dried

seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore available on the

subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen in Puranic literature is

the mapping of various rudraksha beads to different planets; this seems a

marketing gimmick concocted by con artists of yesteryear and continuously

perpetuated by con artists ever since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead

is associated with Lord Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha

is suitable for all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can

likely do so. Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice Shiva

mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha beads are

priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is better. I have only

experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my personal

experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is a very famous

member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts the 14 Mukhi rudraksha

bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as you might guess by now; one size

does not fit all, especially the very expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that

rudraksha beads are primarily tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I

have experienced their tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the

material world I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the

tall claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead hypsters.

There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the internet- they

market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman that can be used to gain

advantage is any type of situation. They sell custom malas for attracting the

opposite sex, for

> winning

> > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the list goes

on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish quality " gemstones.

Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted to say about rudraksha


> >

> > *****

> >

> > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it. Nothing is

sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least. Dear reader, have

you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya promoters on the world wide web?

Crudely put, yagya or yajna is essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by

priests on your behalf, in order to attain certain goals which are essentially

stated in the sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with

many, many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded to

in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the not so small

price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money for most Westerners

and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A yagya should be performed by

the pious and pure, and by those who thoroughly know the strict procedures!

Individuals like these are rare- they mostly belonged to another Yuga.

Furthermore, a yagya should

> not

> > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant sums. Far

better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the sanctity of one's home -

this is how real progress can be made. Not by paying off a money-minded

mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at all, to chant away your sins. It

would be totally logical and expected at this point to inquire into the

difference between buying a gem from a money-minded jeweler versus arranging a

yagya via a money-minded intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I

think the main issue here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no

matter the character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is

prescribed correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends

on the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a judge

will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney it is doubtful

that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there are many).

Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya services. Much better to

learn how to perform them in a simple manner by yourself, sincerely and on a

consistent basis.

> >

> > *****

> >

> > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and complicated subject

known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for both material and spiritual

benefits. Often, a mantra will make an impact on both a material and spiritual

level- this is a great thing! When practicing mantra, three items are critical:

devotion, pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't do the

trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two everyday, or at

least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't go by this 40 day rule

nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more than a few people have experienced

amazing things from the outset of their practice this is more the exception than

the rule. Think about anything you have done in life that was worth achieving,

did the results come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth

achieving takes

> time

> > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> >

> > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo Narayanaya "

, " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do not require initiation

and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is also prasiddha but I believe is

better recited after receiving initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras

like the Gayatri really require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus

your fire " then reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be

simply fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata correspondence with

the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or Jaimini.

> >

> > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know that there

are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex rules governing the

prescription of such mantras- these are quite complicated and much beyond my

comprehension at present. In my estimation it would take a life-time to fully

understand and master all the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if

you desire to practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts

here because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras- they could

be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are perfect!

> >

> > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of caution

first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast on the day of the

upapada lord in order to improve relationship prospects. Others say fasting on

the day of the UL lord cannot be done if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I

quite frankly do not who is correct. It is personally hard for me to believe

that fasting on any day would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen

people fast on days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess

you can fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a week

would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor first) so you

really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> >

> > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting. Perhaps try

giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the planet which is

troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article related to the planet in

question or give money to a charity that is associated with the troublesome

planet. For example, if Saturn is troubling you then you might want to make a

substantial (But reasonable, I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a

Saturday- on the hora of Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra

elements to a charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their

own food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a serious way.

> >

> > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native has to be

determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use to prescribe a

mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an exceedingly weak 5th lord

(Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some planetary configuration may preclude

the use of charity as an effective remedial measure but may demand fasting as

the optimal route etc...

> >

> > *****

> >

> > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions and/or to

correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give gemstone

recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that matter. I do NOT give

recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you to anybody either. Please do

not fall prey to astrologers selling expensive remedies . One astrologer with a

presence on the web comes to mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed

to work because he uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a

few " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will work-

please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall prey to any

astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things of this sort.

> >

> > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> >

> > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_


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> > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and applying

the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great books) as well as

exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological world.

> >

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Dear Sharmaji,


There is a saying in English:


" Dont Wrestle with a Pig, You will get Dirty and the Pig Loves it " .




PS- I am not saying anubody a BIG PIG


, " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma wrote:


You want the truth Bhaskar , why don't we meet at my good friend, Milind Deora's

house. We were very close schoolmates in college in the USA, Massachusetts to be

more precise. You live in Bombay no?


You third rate servant.


Yes Prashant, protect some Bangladeshi kid offering yagya services for

exorbitant prices.



, " Bhaskar " <rajiventerprises@> wrote:




> Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried to

squeeze money from you ?

> Dont talk in the air.


> Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

> hote hain.


> Bhaskar.


> Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

> Let him come out with the truth.





> , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Sir,

> >

> > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

> this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

> one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer

> here?

> >

> > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

> Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

> was rubbish.

> >

> > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

> experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

> of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a

> yagya!!

> >

> > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

> that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> >

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@

> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Member,

> > >

> > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to

> say

> > >

> > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

> forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

> know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > >

> > > we have max said

> > >

> > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

> from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > >

> > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > >

> > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> merchant

> > >

> > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > >

> > >

> > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

> and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > if it can speak

> > >

> > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> such to anyone


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

> we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

> the process.

> > >

> > > Prashant

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > >

> > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > >

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

> is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

> very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

> should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > >

> > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

> are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

> energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

> quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

> selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

> the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

> you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

> properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

> demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > >

> > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

> or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

> wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > >

> > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > >

> > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

> single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > >

> > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

> own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

> paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

> some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

> were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

> many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > > >

> > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > >

> > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

> ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> members

> > > >

> > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

> REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

> has to do their part

> > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

> energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

> if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

> back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

> won't take u too far./

> > > >

> > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

> we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

> r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> offer.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Best wishes

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > >

> > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > >

> > > > Dear Members,

> > > >

> > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

> huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

> message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

> them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

> be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> remedies.

> > > >

> > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

> for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

> become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

> later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

> does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

> substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

> our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> remedy.

> > > >

> > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

> favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

> for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

> realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

> In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

> that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

> pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

> casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

> with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

> debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

> a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

> to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

> all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

> other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

> power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

> advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

> wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

> often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

> recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> suggestions.

> > > >

> > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

> the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

> dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

> the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

> to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

> am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

> advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

> is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

> we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

> quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

> what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

> your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

> sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

> better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

> other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

> remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

> guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > >

> > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

> can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

> interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

> Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

> stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > >

> > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

> be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

> as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

> rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

> In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > >

> > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

> you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

> benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

> juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > >

> > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

> Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

> the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

> finger should I put it on?

> > > >

> > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

> side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

> could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

> filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

> a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

> reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

> way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

> stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

> to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

> spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

> cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > >

> > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

> question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

> can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

> exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

> specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

> no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

> Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

> defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

> hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

> find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

> dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

> say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

> bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

> either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

> gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to

> consider.

> > > >

> > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

> prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

> that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

> that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

> rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

> need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

> exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

> afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

> offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

> cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

> modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> Samhita.

> > > >

> > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

> wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

> too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

> stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

> if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

> ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

> early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

> even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

> each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

> purchasing it.

> > > >

> > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

> it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

> give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

> high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

> or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

> about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

> throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

> Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

> prescribed remedial measures.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

> the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

> in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

> since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

> Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

> all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

> Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

> Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

> beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

> personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

> a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

> the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

> you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

> expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

> tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

> tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

> I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

> claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

> internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

> custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > winning

> > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

> list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

> to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

> Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

> order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

> many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

> to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

> not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

> for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

> yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

> they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > not

> > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

> paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

> all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

> at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

> money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

> here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

> character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

> correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

> the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

> it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

> are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

> yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

> When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

> mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

> do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

> go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

> come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving

> takes

> > > time

> > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > >

> > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

> Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

> not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

> also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

> require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

> reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

> mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or

> Jaimini.

> > > >

> > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

> that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

> rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

> the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are

> perfect!

> > > >

> > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

> on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

> if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

> would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

> fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

> if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

> week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > >

> > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

> planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

> related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

> I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

> Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

> food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

> personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> serious way.

> > > >

> > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

> has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

> to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

> remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

> gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

> to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

> mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

> uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

> work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

> prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

> of this sort.

> > > >

> > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > >

> > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

> applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

> books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> world.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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u r going too far in falsehood, and what proof u have of any Yagnas conducted by

the owner or me? certainly it is a different level of scholars to do them not



and if at all it is done it may be at the request of a member and MAX we can do

is ask the membership to guide them in their area if not their friends,

relatives. u can find queries by members asking for any good astrologers in such

and such city in many groups this is a open forum so answers also r in the open


also the database section has members contact info, i don't see anyone selling

Yagnas, if u do let us know surely we can give them some publicity as well

through their articles only on the different yagnas, procedures and benefits we

all need to learn, know them at least



as long as u don;t have a name worth calling urself so is ur accusations


have the guts and also some respect to ur parents who have given u a iddentiy

with some hope u will be a nice person not a person remaining in the dark









" astro_explorer " <astro_explorer


Friday, July 24, 2009 6:06:18 PM

Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!




Yes, please avoid my question of yagya, you are an expert at doing so.


Why does this group owner sell mass marketed yagya for very exorbitant prices?

What is your stand on this?


Shaping future generations of astrologers here? Oh my god..


, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@. ..>




> Member,


> u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to say


> who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I doubt any i

remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology forum before he left

2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me know any esp inJR as u

falsely accuse


> we have max said


> pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose from

available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself


> and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested


> except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones merchant


> 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent



> and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical and

cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> if it can speak


> and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested such to






> get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish we r merely

discussing, debating and answering genuine interests, concerns of members here.

shaping future generation astrologers also in the process.


> Prashant



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>


> Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!



> Sir,


> You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group is a link

for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some very desperate

people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why should I believe

anything else you say? What I have written is 100% correct. You must learn to

read more carefully.


> As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they are

energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not energized

then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about quality. Size is a

very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE article. I have spoken

extensively about how most jewelers in India are selling " junk " stones and what

flaws to look out for. Do you even know the difference between a tissue

nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do you know that even after x-ray analysis,

roughly 10 percent of all examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists)

still cannot be properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl

to to demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?


> How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby or

emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are wearing the

genuine article? Probably many, many more.


> Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?


> , Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@ ..>


> >

> > Member,

> >

> >

> > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a single color

will make some exclusively holy!

> >

> > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their own or when

ppl ask them?

> > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u paint them

just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as some people like the


> > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl were

admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it many people

with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> >

> > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> >

> > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna ji,

myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt arjun ji harry

ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by members

> >


u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one has to do their


> > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even if u

follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the back with no

purification, energisation with mantras it has no value same goes with Yantras,

Rudrakshas etc.

> >

> >

> > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging won't take

u too far./

> >

> > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must we come

somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u r doing here

surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to offer.

> >

> >

> > Best wishes

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> >

> > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> >

> >

> > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_


> >

> > Dear Members,

> >

> > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the huge body

of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this message as a

" Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no mistake - there are many

people out there who are only eager to take your hard earned money and give

nothing but heartache in return-some of them are very well known. These

charlatans prey upon people's desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds

even comprise the founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might be

found running massive " specializing " in jyotish remedies.

> >

> > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle for

prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as possible. The

farther one strays from this principle the more one has to become educated about

possible negative repercussions. As you will see later I believe that a

prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most suitable of all remedies.

Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it does not have to be an undying

absolutely resolute faith but it is doubtful that one who does not believe at

least somewhat will get any substantial results. Lastly, please understand that

many times much of our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to

completely remedy.

> >

> > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a time. Let's

first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's favorite. It bears

mentioning that there are many schools of thought regarding remedies,

particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules for gemstone prescription

given herein are quite conservative; I fully realize some exceptions can be made

if one's constellations indicate so. In addition, if we really examine most

people's charts, we soon realize that its not really our moderately favorable

planets that need to be strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets

which need to be pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of

troublesome planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic

planet casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For instance, take

Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is lagna lord

and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter debilitated in

Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will a yellow sapphire help

in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according to my knowledge at least. A

yellow sapphire in this situation could really make things worse! Though perhaps

if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably

placed in the chart a pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My

point in saying all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> >

> > *****

> >

> > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS, other

texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite exhaustively, the

Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The legendary astrologer,

Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical " power of gems in his magnificent

astrological treatise, the Brihat Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work,

Prasna Marga, offers explicit advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for

gems. Selecting and wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an

expensive and often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a

gemstone recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different


> >

> > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for functional

benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when the graha (Unless it

is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a dusthana, if this is the case

we must look at whether the dusthana is the mooltrikona sign of the graha in

question; if it is, it may be wise to pass on wearing the stone. Many may

disagree with my position but I am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also,

I personally would not advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic

(Unless perhaps it is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well

placed inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics (Unless

perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending quite a bit of

money and you want to get it right the first time! Now, what do I mean by

moderately well placed? It means that the

> > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering your life

should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral sign. If the graha

in question is very well placed I see no point in wearing its stone, as it is

already strong. Remember, more is not always better! Some astrologers may look

at the planet's position in D-9 and other divisional charts as well, not to

mention a chalita chart. Just remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the

energies that a given planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad

guys into good guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> >

> > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone can be

worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I think this view

has substantial merit. For those of you who are really interested in all this

gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the Shukra Nadi in particular)

which have their own specific suggestions for stone usage depending on one's

planetary configurations!

> >

> > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may be helpful

to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or Rajya Pada- this is a

more controversial statement as a precious few very fine astrologers I know of

do not take a planet's position from AL as an important consideration, though

only insofar as gemstone prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you

crazy by introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this rule.

Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must never wear the

stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh. In addition, one must

never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> >

> > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or rather the

dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how ashtakavarga analysis and

dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an

unabashed inherent and functional benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately

well placed and not possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to

ashtakavarga Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this juncture?

I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> >

> > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many questions

abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers. Among a few of the

most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be natural or can it be treated?

Does it have to touch the skin? What are the clarity and size requirements? What

hand should I wear it on? Which finger should I put it on?

> >

> > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe side I

highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each stone has

treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral could by dyed, a

yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be filled with oil...etc...

Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting a treated stone, insist on

getting certification from a reputable laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for

colored stones- there are other reputable labs) that the stone in question has

not been treated in any way- this is important as most jewelers in India

essentially sell junk stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from

anywhere from 500 to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow

sapphire? I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk that will

not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely natural, white

pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to spend thousands of

dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big

and white and round as possible- I cannot guarantee that these will work for you


> >

> > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this question

is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must pick one over the

other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the least. Eye clean means there

are no visible " defects " in the gem that can be seen without the aid of

magnification. The following is NOT an exhaustive list of common flaws found in

particular gemstones: no black specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls,

no specks in diamonds, no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red

corals (Most Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as

many defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually impossible

to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine hairline fractures)

- my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't find one then don't get one.

We cannot bend the rules and allow for exceptions just because mother nature

does not gift us


> > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts dealing

with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he say what he

said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl bending the rules?

Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that either. Are you beginning

to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of gems as remedial measures; there

are simply too many qualifications to consider.

> >

> > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to become

effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric authors like Harish

Johari spell out very specific size requirements and prohibitions. I can't

really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me that one should get something

reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire that is 2 carats or more-obviously this

can't be done with diamonds or rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I

must ask, what do you need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish

quality Ruby may exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you

are completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also offer

much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I cannot comment

on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a modest price it might

be worth trying. In fact,

> > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat Samhita.

> >

> > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to wear the

stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine too. Of course

there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves donating a stone in order

to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the stone never touches the body at

all! To be on the safe side have the stone set so it touches the skin- though it

will probably work fine even if its somewhere really close but not touching your

skin. When you are ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day

of the graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may even

wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question each week on

the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial consideration I have

left out and this involves testing the stone before purchasing it.

> >

> > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing it. If your

jeweler refuses then you need to find another more accommodating jeweler.

Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler give you a gem recommendation,

the conflict of interest is simply too high. Back to the topic at hand,

carefully tape the stone to your hand or tuck it under your pillow and

" test-drive " it. Bad thoughts, feelings, dreams and events apart from the

every-day bad stuff we think about and experience would instantly lead me to

discard the stone- don't throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT

ignore a negative Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to

other commonly prescribed remedial measures.

> >

> > *****

> >

> > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually the dried

seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore available on the

subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen in Puranic literature is

the mapping of various rudraksha beads to different planets; this seems a

marketing gimmick concocted by con artists of yesteryear and continuously

perpetuated by con artists ever since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead

is associated with Lord Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha

is suitable for all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can

likely do so. Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice Shiva

mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha beads are

priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is better. I have only

experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my personal

experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is a very famous

member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts the 14 Mukhi rudraksha

bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as you might guess by now; one size

does not fit all, especially the very expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that

rudraksha beads are primarily tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I

have experienced their tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the

material world I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the

tall claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead hypsters.

There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the internet- they

market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman that can be used to gain

advantage is any type of situation. They sell custom malas for attracting the

opposite sex, for

> winning

> > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the list goes

on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish quality " gemstones.

Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted to say about rudraksha


> >

> > *****

> >

> > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it. Nothing is

sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least. Dear reader, have

you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya promoters on the world wide web?

Crudely put, yagya or yajna is essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by

priests on your behalf, in order to attain certain goals which are essentially

stated in the sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with

many, many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded to

in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the not so small

price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money for most Westerners

and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A yagya should be performed by

the pious and pure, and by those who thoroughly know the strict procedures!

Individuals like these are rare- they mostly belonged to another Yuga.

Furthermore, a yagya should

> not

> > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant sums. Far

better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the sanctity of one's home -

this is how real progress can be made. Not by paying off a money-minded

mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at all, to chant away your sins. It

would be totally logical and expected at this point to inquire into the

difference between buying a gem from a money-minded jeweler versus arranging a

yagya via a money-minded intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I

think the main issue here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no

matter the character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is

prescribed correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends

on the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a judge

will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney it is doubtful

that whatever forces are being called upon


> > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there are many).

Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya services. Much better to

learn how to perform them in a simple manner by yourself, sincerely and on a

consistent basis.

> >

> > *****

> >

> > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and complicated subject

known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for both material and spiritual

benefits. Often, a mantra will make an impact on both a material and spiritual

level- this is a great thing! When practicing mantra, three items are critical:

devotion, pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't do the

trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two everyday, or at

least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't go by this 40 day rule

nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more than a few people have experienced

amazing things from the outset of their practice this is more the exception than

the rule. Think about anything you have done in life that was worth achieving,

did the results come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth

achieving takes

> time

> > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> >

> > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo Narayanaya "

, " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do not require initiation

and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is also prasiddha but I believe is

better recited after receiving initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras

like the Gayatri really require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus

your fire " then reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be

simply fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata correspondence with

the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or Jaimini.

> >

> > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know that there

are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex rules governing the

prescription of such mantras- these are quite complicated and much beyond my

comprehension at present. In my estimation it would take a life-time to fully

understand and master all the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if

you desire to practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts

here because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras- they could

be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are perfect!

> >

> > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of caution

first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast on the day of the

upapada lord in order to improve relationship prospects. Others say fasting on

the day of the UL lord cannot be done if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I

quite frankly do not who is correct. It is personally hard for me to believe

that fasting on any day would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen

people fast on days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess

you can fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a week

would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor first) so you

really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> >

> > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting. Perhaps try

giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the planet which is

troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article related to the planet in

question or give money to a charity that is associated with the troublesome

planet. For example, if Saturn is troubling you then you might want to make a

substantial (But reasonable, I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a

Saturday- on the hora of Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra

elements to a charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their

own food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a serious way.

> >

> > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native has to be

determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use to prescribe a

mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an exceedingly weak 5th lord

(Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some planetary configuration may preclude

the use of charity as an effective remedial measure but may demand fasting as

the optimal route etc...

> >

> > *****

> >

> > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions and/or to

correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give gemstone

recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that matter. I do NOT give

recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you to anybody either. Please do

not fall prey to astrologers selling expensive remedies . One astrologer with a

presence on the web comes to mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed

to work because he uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a

few " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will work-

please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall prey to any

astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things of this sort.

> >

> > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> >

> > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_


> >

> > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and applying

the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great books) as well as

exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological world.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried to squeeze

money from you ?

Dont talk in the air.


Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

hote hain.




Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

Let him come out with the truth.





, " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma



> Sir,


> I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer



> But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

was rubbish.


> BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a



> Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.



> , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@


> >

> >

> > Member,

> >

> > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to


> >

> > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> >

> > we have max said

> >

> > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> >

> > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> >

> > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones


> >

> > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> >

> >

> > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > if it can speak

> >

> > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

such to anyone


> >

> >

> >

> > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

the process.

> >

> > Prashant

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> >

> > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> >

> >

> > Sir,

> >

> > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> >

> > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> >

> > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> >

> > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > >

> > > Member,

> > >

> > >

> > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > >

> > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

own or when ppl ask them?

> > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > >

> > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > >

> > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by


> > >

> > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

has to do their part

> > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > >

> > >

> > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

won't take u too far./

> > >

> > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to


> > >

> > >

> > > Best wishes

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > >

> > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > >

> > >

> > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > >

> > > Dear Members,

> > >

> > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish


> > >

> > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely


> > >

> > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different


> > >

> > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

(Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > >

> > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > >

> > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > >

> > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > >

> > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

finger should I put it on?

> > >

> > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

-nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > >

> > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to


> > >

> > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat


> > >

> > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

purchasing it.

> > >

> > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

prescribed remedial measures.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > winning

> > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

to say about rudraksha beads.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > not

> > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving


> > time

> > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > >

> > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or


> > >

> > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are


> > >

> > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > >

> > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

serious way.

> > >

> > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

" select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

of this sort.

> > >

> > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > >

> > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > >

> > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Dear Sharma,


What message was not allowed by the Jyotish Ganga Group, pl let me know

? Also let me know which Moderator took your every penny and fleeced You

? Give us the name, because just calling anyone " cowards " behind his

back, does not make sense .


Give us the proof that someone has fleeced you, and the Moderators of

Jyotish_Ganga are cowards ?







, " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma



> Sir,


> I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer



> But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

was rubbish.


> BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a



> Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.



> , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@


> >

> >

> > Member,

> >

> > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to


> >

> > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> >

> > we have max said

> >

> > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> >

> > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> >

> > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones


> >

> > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> >

> >

> > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > if it can speak

> >

> > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

such to anyone


> >

> >

> >

> > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

the process.

> >

> > Prashant

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> >

> > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> >

> >

> > Sir,

> >

> > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> >

> > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> >

> > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> >

> > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > >

> > > Member,

> > >

> > >

> > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > >

> > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

own or when ppl ask them?

> > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > >

> > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > >

> > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by


> > >

> > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

has to do their part

> > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > >

> > >

> > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

won't take u too far./

> > >

> > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to


> > >

> > >

> > > Best wishes

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > >

> > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > >

> > >

> > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > >

> > > Dear Members,

> > >

> > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish


> > >

> > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely


> > >

> > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different


> > >

> > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

(Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > >

> > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > >

> > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > >

> > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > >

> > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

finger should I put it on?

> > >

> > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

-nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > >

> > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to


> > >

> > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat


> > >

> > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

purchasing it.

> > >

> > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

prescribed remedial measures.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > winning

> > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

to say about rudraksha beads.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > not

> > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving


> > time

> > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > >

> > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or


> > >

> > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are


> > >

> > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > >

> > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

serious way.

> > >

> > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

" select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

of this sort.

> > >

> > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > >

> > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > >

> > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

dear member




now it appears u and the astro-explorer ID r one and the same as u have cited

the group owner as one of the exploiters of YAGNA


can u prove it? i asked last time also


u must ADMIRE THE OWNER'S SPIRIT HERE WHOM U R ACCUSING of exploiting he started

a democratic forum to discuss, share Jyotish concepts, principles, just on 2

occasions there has been moderation 1st was short and good

this is the longest period of moderation and that too members who joined after i

became moderator on 28/4/08. to wean away fake ID's who abused members here and

still participated with original ID's-shadow boxing.





now have put the group interest back to Jyotishya and the membership has crossed

steadily into 10,002+ and growing messages have been steady avg of 900+ all i

wanted is a peaceful forum where each one gets what they came here for, in the

process learn or get relived of their issues, bothering them. rather than our

mutual mudslinging.



THERE IS A SUSPICION ALWAYS ON ME I have a ulterior motive in the views

expressed by u.


so to take it to the logical end pl name the moderator of JG u mentioned, when

and how much too u were asked/charged so that the owner of JG takes notice of

the same after all his groups image is at stake [i iave his word on this so u

can reply]



PL name them no issue and also ask them to post ur messages in their group and

freely discuss the same and







SO PLEASE CONDUCT urselves in a civilised manner and do the needful









, " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma wrote:


> Sir,


> I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on this

group ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to one of our very

esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer here?


> But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient Indian

Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their astrologers are

almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the jyotish_ganga moderators

tried to squeeze every last penny out of me when I asked him for a consultation.

Needless to say, the consultation was rubbish.


> BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor of this

as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a yagya!!


> Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy " that

your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.



> , Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@>


> >

> >

> > Member,

> >

> > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to say

> >

> > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I doubt any i

remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology forum before he left

2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me know any esp inJR as u

falsely accuse

> >

> > we have max said

> >

> > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose from

available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> >

> > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> >

> > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones merchant

> >

> > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> >

> >

> > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical and

cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > if it can speak

> >

> > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested such to



> >

> >

> >

> > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish we r

merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests, concerns of members

here. shaping future generation astrologers also in the process.

> >

> > Prashant

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > " astro_explorer@ " <astro_explorer@>

> >

> > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> >

> >

> > Sir,

> >

> > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group is a

link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some very

desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why should I

believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100% correct. You must

learn to read more carefully.

> >

> > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they are

energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not energized

then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about quality. Size is a

very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE article. I have spoken

extensively about how most jewelers in India are selling " junk " stones and what

flaws to look out for. Do you even know the difference between a tissue

nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do you know that even after x-ray analysis,

roughly 10 percent of all examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists)

still cannot be properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl

to to demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> >

> > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby or

emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are wearing the

genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> >

> > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@

...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Member,

> > >

> > >

> > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a single

color will make some exclusively holy!

> > >

> > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their own or

when ppl ask them?

> > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u paint them

just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as some people like the


> > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl were

admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it many people

with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > >

> > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > >

> > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna ji,

myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt arjun ji harry

ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by members

> > >


as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one has to do their


> > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even if u

follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the back with no

purification, energisation with mantras it has no value same goes with Yantras,

Rudrakshas etc.

> > >

> > >

> > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging won't

take u too far./

> > >

> > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must we come

somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u r doing here

surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to offer.

> > >

> > >

> > > Best wishes

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > >

> > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > >

> > >

> > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_


> > >

> > > Dear Members,

> > >

> > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the huge

body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this message as a

" Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no mistake - there are many

people out there who are only eager to take your hard earned money and give

nothing but heartache in return-some of them are very well known. These

charlatans prey upon people's desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds

even comprise the founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might be

found running massive " specializing " in jyotish remedies.

> > >

> > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle for

prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as possible. The

farther one strays from this principle the more one has to become educated about

possible negative repercussions. As you will see later I believe that a

prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most suitable of all remedies.

Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it does not have to be an undying

absolutely resolute faith but it is doubtful that one who does not believe at

least somewhat will get any substantial results. Lastly, please understand that

many times much of our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to

completely remedy.

> > >

> > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a time. Let's

first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's favorite. It bears

mentioning that there are many schools of thought regarding remedies,

particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules for gemstone prescription

given herein are quite conservative; I fully realize some exceptions can be made

if one's constellations indicate so. In addition, if we really examine most

people's charts, we soon realize that its not really our moderately favorable

planets that need to be strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets

which need to be pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of

troublesome planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic

planet casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For instance, take

Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is lagna lord

and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter debilitated in

Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will a yellow sapphire help

in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according to my knowledge at least. A

yellow sapphire in this situation could really make things worse! Though perhaps

if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably

placed in the chart a pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My

point in saying all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS, other

texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite exhaustively, the

Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The legendary astrologer,

Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical " power of gems in his magnificent

astrological treatise, the Brihat Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work,

Prasna Marga, offers explicit advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for

gems. Selecting and wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an

expensive and often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a

gemstone recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different


> > >

> > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for functional

benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when the graha (Unless it

is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a dusthana, if this is the case

we must look at whether the dusthana is the mooltrikona sign of the graha in

question; if it is, it may be wise to pass on wearing the stone. Many may

disagree with my position but I am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also,

I personally would not advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic

(Unless perhaps it is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well

placed inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics (Unless

perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending quite a bit of

money and you want to get it right the first time! Now, what do I mean by

moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering your

life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral sign. If the

graha in question is very well placed I see no point in wearing its stone, as it

is already strong. Remember, more is not always better! Some astrologers may

look at the planet's position in D-9 and other divisional charts as well, not to

mention a chalita chart. Just remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the

energies that a given planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad

guys into good guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > >

> > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone can be

worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I think this view

has substantial merit. For those of you who are really interested in all this

gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the Shukra Nadi in particular)

which have their own specific suggestions for stone usage depending on one's

planetary configurations!

> > >

> > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may be

helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or Rajya Pada-

this is a more controversial statement as a precious few very fine astrologers I

know of do not take a planet's position from AL as an important consideration,

though only insofar as gemstone prescription is concerned. At the risk of

driving you crazy by introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to

wear the stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of

this rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must never

wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh. In addition,

one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > >

> > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or rather the

dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how ashtakavarga analysis and

dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an

unabashed inherent and functional benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately

well placed and not possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to

ashtakavarga Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this juncture?

I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > >

> > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many questions

abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers. Among a few of the

most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be natural or can it be treated?

Does it have to touch the skin? What are the clarity and size requirements? What

hand should I wear it on? Which finger should I put it on?

> > >

> > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe side I

highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each stone has

treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral could by dyed, a

yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be filled with oil...etc...

Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting a treated stone, insist on

getting certification from a reputable laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for

colored stones- there are other reputable labs) that the stone in question has

not been treated in any way- this is important as most jewelers in India

essentially sell junk stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from

anywhere from 500 to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow

sapphire? I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk that will

not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely natural,

white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to spend thousands of

dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big

and white and round as possible- I cannot guarantee that these will work for you


> > >

> > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this question

is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must pick one over the

other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the least. Eye clean means there

are no visible " defects " in the gem that can be seen without the aid of

magnification. The following is NOT an exhaustive list of common flaws found in

particular gemstones: no black specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls,

no specks in diamonds, no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red

corals (Most Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as

many defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually impossible

to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine hairline fractures)

- my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't find one then don't get one.

We cannot bend the rules and allow for exceptions just because mother nature

does not gift us with

> > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts dealing

with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he say what he

said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl bending the rules?

Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that either. Are you beginning

to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of gems as remedial measures; there

are simply too many qualifications to consider.

> > >

> > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to become

effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric authors like Harish

Johari spell out very specific size requirements and prohibitions. I can't

really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me that one should get something

reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire that is 2 carats or more-obviously this

can't be done with diamonds or rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I

must ask, what do you need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish

quality Ruby may exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you

are completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also offer

much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I cannot comment

on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a modest price it might

be worth trying. In fact,

> > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat Samhita.

> > >

> > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to wear

the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine too. Of course

there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves donating a stone in order

to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the stone never touches the body at

all! To be on the safe side have the stone set so it touches the skin- though it

will probably work fine even if its somewhere really close but not touching your

skin. When you are ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day

of the graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may even

wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question each week on

the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial consideration I have

left out and this involves testing the stone before purchasing it.

> > >

> > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing it. If

your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more accommodating jeweler.

Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler give you a gem recommendation,

the conflict of interest is simply too high. Back to the topic at hand,

carefully tape the stone to your hand or tuck it under your pillow and

" test-drive " it. Bad thoughts, feelings, dreams and events apart from the

every-day bad stuff we think about and experience would instantly lead me to

discard the stone- don't throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT

ignore a negative Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to

other commonly prescribed remedial measures.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually the

dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore available on the

subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen in Puranic literature is

the mapping of various rudraksha beads to different planets; this seems a

marketing gimmick concocted by con artists of yesteryear and continuously

perpetuated by con artists ever since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead

is associated with Lord Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha

is suitable for all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can

likely do so. Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice Shiva

mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha beads are

priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is better. I have only

experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is a very

famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts the 14 Mukhi

rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as you might guess by now;

one size does not fit all, especially the very expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my

belief that rudraksha beads are primarily tools to be used to aid in meditation;

indeed I have experienced their tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a

remedy for the material world I do not think these are very appropriate. So

don't fall for the tall claims made by the various too numerous to count

rudraksha bead hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on

the internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman that

can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell custom malas

for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > winning

> > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the list

goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish quality "

gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted to say about

rudraksha beads.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it. Nothing is

sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least. Dear reader, have

you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya promoters on the world wide web?

Crudely put, yagya or yajna is essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by

priests on your behalf, in order to attain certain goals which are essentially

stated in the sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with

many, many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded to

in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the not so small

price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money for most Westerners

and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A yagya should be performed by

the pious and pure, and by those who thoroughly know the strict procedures!

Individuals like these are rare- they mostly belonged to another Yuga.

Furthermore, a yagya should

> > not

> > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant sums. Far

better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the sanctity of one's home -

this is how real progress can be made. Not by paying off a money-minded

mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at all, to chant away your sins. It

would be totally logical and expected at this point to inquire into the

difference between buying a gem from a money-minded jeweler versus arranging a

yagya via a money-minded intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I

think the main issue here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no

matter the character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is

prescribed correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends

on the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a judge

will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney it is doubtful

that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there are

many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya services. Much

better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by yourself, sincerely

and on a consistent basis.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and complicated

subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for both material and

spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an impact on both a material and

spiritual level- this is a great thing! When practicing mantra, three items are

critical: devotion, pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha

mala or tulsi mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there

won't do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't go by

this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more than a few people

have experienced amazing things from the outset of their practice this is more

the exception than the rule. Think about anything you have done in life that was

worth achieving, did the results come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no.

Anything worth achieving takes

> > time

> > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > >

> > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do not

require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is also prasiddha

but I believe is better recited after receiving initiation from a competent

guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really require good pronunciation. If you

really want to " focus your fire " then reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta

Devata would be simply fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't

jump around from mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or Jaimini.

> > >

> > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know that

there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex rules

governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite complicated and much

beyond my comprehension at present. In my estimation it would take a life-time

to fully understand and master all the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist

you if you desire to practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the

texts here because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras- they could

be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are perfect!

> > >

> > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of caution

first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast on the day of the

upapada lord in order to improve relationship prospects. Others say fasting on

the day of the UL lord cannot be done if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I

quite frankly do not who is correct. It is personally hard for me to believe

that fasting on any day would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen

people fast on days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess

you can fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a week

would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor first) so you

really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > >

> > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting. Perhaps try

giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the planet which is

troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article related to the planet in

question or give money to a charity that is associated with the troublesome

planet. For example, if Saturn is troubling you then you might want to make a

substantial (But reasonable, I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a

Saturday- on the hora of Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra

elements to a charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their

own food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a serious way.

> > >

> > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native has to be

determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use to prescribe a

mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an exceedingly weak 5th lord

(Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some planetary configuration may preclude

the use of charity as an effective remedial measure but may demand fasting as

the optimal route etc...

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions and/or to

correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give gemstone

recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that matter. I do NOT give

recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you to anybody either. Please do

not fall prey to astrologers selling expensive remedies . One astrologer with a

presence on the web comes to mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed

to work because he uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a

few " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will work-

please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall prey to any

astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things of this sort.

> > >

> > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > >

> > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic s_true_vedic_


> > >

> > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and applying

the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great books) as well as

exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological world.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Bhaskar ji



,,,// , this member is accusing my Group as

well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating //


PL see every post i have replied to astro-explorer i have ASKED HIM to prove

what he has to accuse Sri TANVIR ji, i have repeatedly asked and also praised

and reminded him that it is such a forum owner who belived in a democratic

sharing, gave the platfrom for many ppl to be seenm known we may be in our own

private areas not on such world stages



group, whevr it was atacked by some of ur groups also i have pointed it out only

politely as gossip clubs and never abused anyone.



u can see the difference my mails too were never allowed in AIA, when u critised

me i could not defend myself even once


i like the spirit of tanvir ji and do the same, just avoiding fakes is

important, rest if pointed out to me i have always restored order


the Saptarishi rr ji issue, a v pathi ji issues with RRji etc were handled in

the best interest of both of them above all JYOTISHYA if we quarrel we lose a

lot more, if we agree to disagree and live with one another's faults all of us

and people who have faith in us will be nenifited









Bhaskar <rajiventerprises


Friday, July 24, 2009 10:47:45 PM

Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!





Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried to squeeze

money from you ?

Dont talk in the air.


Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

hote hain.




Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

Let him come out with the truth.


, " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@ ...>



> Sir,


> I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer



> But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

was rubbish.


> BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a



> Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.



> , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@


> >

> >

> > Member,

> >

> > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to


> >

> > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> >

> > we have max said

> >

> > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> >

> > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> >

> > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones


> >

> > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> >

> >

> > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > if it can speak

> >

> > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

such to anyone


> >

> >

> >

> > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

the process.

> >

> > Prashant

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> >

> > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> >

> >

> > Sir,

> >

> > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> >

> > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> >

> > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> >

> > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > >

> > > Member,

> > >

> > >

> > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > >

> > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

own or when ppl ask them?

> > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > >

> > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > >

> > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by


> > >

> > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

has to do their part

> > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > >

> > >

> > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

won't take u too far./

> > >

> > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to


> > >

> > >

> > > Best wishes

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > >

> > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > >

> > >

> > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > >

> > > Dear Members,

> > >

> > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish


> > >

> > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely


> > >

> > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different


> > >

> > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

(Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > >

> > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > >

> > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > >

> > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > >

> > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

finger should I put it on?

> > >

> > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

-nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > >

> > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to


> > >

> > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat


> > >

> > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

purchasing it.

> > >

> > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

prescribed remedial measures.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > winning

> > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

to say about rudraksha beads.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > not

> > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving


> > time

> > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > >

> > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or


> > >

> > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are


> > >

> > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > >

> > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

serious way.

> > >

> > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > >

> > > *****

> > >

> > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

" select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

of this sort.

> > >

> > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > >

> > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > >

> > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dear Prashant ji,


Pl do not bring in the past. I too have many grivenaces which were not

allowed to be posted here. So lets call it quits for the past, and make

a new beginning, where one understands each other along with the

individuals shortcomings.


best wishes,









, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:


> Bhaskar ji



> ,,,// , this member is accusing my Group as

> well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating //


> PL see every post i have replied to astro-explorer i have ASKED HIM to

prove what he has to accuse Sri TANVIR ji, i have repeatedly asked and

also praised and reminded him that it is such a forum owner who belived

in a democratic sharing, gave the platfrom for many ppl to be seenm

known we may be in our own private areas not on such world stages



JI or the group, whevr it was atacked by some of ur groups also i have

pointed it out only politely as gossip clubs and never abused anyone.



> u can see the difference my mails too were never allowed in AIA, when

u critised me i could not defend myself even once


> i like the spirit of tanvir ji and do the same, just avoiding fakes is

important, rest if pointed out to me i have always restored order


> the Saptarishi rr ji issue, a v pathi ji issues with RRji etc were

handled in the best interest of both of them above all JYOTISHYA if we

quarrel we lose a lot more, if we agree to disagree and live with one

another's faults all of us and people who have faith in us will be



> prashant






> ________________________________

> Bhaskar rajiventerprises


> Friday, July 24, 2009 10:47:45 PM

> Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!





> Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried

to squeeze money from you ?

> Dont talk in the air.


> Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

> hote hain.


> Bhaskar.


> Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

> Let him come out with the truth.


> , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@


> wrote:

> >

> > Sir,

> >

> > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

> this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa


> one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the


> here?

> >

> > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on


> Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

> was rubbish.

> >

> > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

> experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

> of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a

> yagya!!

> >

> > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya

" remedy "

> that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> >

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B


> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Member,

> > >

> > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to

> say

> > >

> > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

> forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let


> know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > >

> > > we have max said

> > >

> > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can


> from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > >

> > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > >

> > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> merchant

> > >

> > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > >

> > >

> > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are


> and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > if it can speak

> > >

> > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> such to anyone


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

> we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also


> the process.

> > >

> > > Prashant

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > >

> > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > >

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies


> is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to


> very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work?


> should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > >

> > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

> are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are


> energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

> quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India


> selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

> the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl?


> you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

> properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

> demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > >

> > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality


> or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they


> wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > >

> > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > >

> > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

> single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > >

> > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

> own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

> paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

> some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

> were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

> many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > > >

> > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > >

> > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

> ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> members

> > > >

> > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

> REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse


> has to do their part

> > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size,


> energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either


> if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on


> back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

> won't take u too far./

> > > >

> > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why


> we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if


> r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> offer.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Best wishes

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > >

> > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > >

> > > > Dear Members,

> > > >

> > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address


> huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

> message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some


> them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they


> be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> remedies.

> > > >

> > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding


> for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has


> become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

> later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies,


> does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

> substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

> our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> remedy.

> > > >

> > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

> favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

> for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

> realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate


> In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon


> that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

> pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

> casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

> with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find


> debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics?


> a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not


> to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

> all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the


> other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

> power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers


> advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

> wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive


> often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a


> recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> suggestions.

> > > >

> > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

> the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

> dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

> the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be


> to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

> am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

> advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

> is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety


> we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely


> quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

> what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of


> your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a


> sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not


> better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

> other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

> remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

> guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > >

> > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's


> can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

> interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See


> Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions


> stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > >

> > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

> be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from


> as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of


> rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to


> In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > >

> > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

> you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

> benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

> juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > >

> > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

> Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

> the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on?


> finger should I put it on?

> > > >

> > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the


> side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

> could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

> filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into


> a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are


> reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

> way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

> stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from


> to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

> spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

> cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > >

> > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to


> question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

> can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

> exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no


> specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

> no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

> Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as


> defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without


> hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

> find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

> dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did


> say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated


> bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get


> either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond


> gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to

> consider.

> > > >

> > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements


> prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells


> that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

> that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

> rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

> need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

> exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able


> afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

> offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

> cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for


> modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> Samhita.

> > > >

> > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is


> wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

> too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case


> stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine


> if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

> ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

> early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You


> even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in


> each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone


> purchasing it.

> > > >

> > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

> it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a


> give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

> high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

> or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we


> about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone-


> throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a


> Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other


> prescribed remedial measures.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are


> the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not


> in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

> since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with


> Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable


> all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do


> Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely


> Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese


> beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in


> personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There


> a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

> the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

> you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

> expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

> tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

> tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material


> I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

> claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

> internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

> custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > winning

> > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

> list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I


> to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at


> Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf,


> order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

> many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

> to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

> not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of


> for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

> yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are


> they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > not

> > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

> paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

> all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

> at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from


> money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

> here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

> character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

> correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends


> the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged


> it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

> are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner


> yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

> When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

> mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

> do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

> go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the


> come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth


> takes

> > > time

> > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > >

> > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

> Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

> not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

> also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri


> require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire "


> reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around


> mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or

> Jaimini.

> > > >

> > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should


> that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly


> rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master


> the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm


> perfect!

> > > >

> > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

> on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

> if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any


> would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you


> fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

> if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once


> week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > >

> > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of


> planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

> related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But


> I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora


> Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

> food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

> personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> serious way.

> > > >

> > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

> has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no


> to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an


> remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT


> gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer


> to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes


> mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

> uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

> work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not


> prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and


> of this sort.

> > > >

> > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > >

> > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

> applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

> books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> world.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Guest guest

Bhaskar ji


it is not just the past even the present just his issue u shot 2 abusive mails

to me when i actually saw the mail just then and also was checking with a senior

member what to do allow or refer to it and ask them to settle it between them


i was also searching for sbm_sharma's membership history too before commenting

- rush of blood doesn't help


i am sure some mud slinging is already on in other groups too but it doesnt

matter as i am not there.


for me to be fair to what i have to do i am doing, in the worst messages i

carried the essence of urs and replied, never outright rejected any. today too i

have aksed u to revise the msg and send u complied well this is a v good


and i had also edited the earlier post after consulting the senior member here

[ones who r here before i joined here]

and who i trust, respect


so if u r patient all will be fine see me in a long term time frame no one reads

all messages in every group do they i mean any moderator.


bring it to my notice i will do the needful in the earliest time


it is one thing whether i agree or disagreee withwhat others say


the forum must be clean and free from bickering

and pl alow such members to post in ur groups and deal with it there and spare

us once the 2 chances given to both dies lapse this thread must close







in meantime I took the initative to chat with u and say






Bhaskar <rajiventerprises


Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:05:45 AM

Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!




Dear Prashant ji,


Pl do not bring in the past. I too have many grivenaces which were not

allowed to be posted here. So lets call it quits for the past, and make

a new beginning, where one understands each other along with the

individuals shortcomings.


best wishes,




, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar@. ..> wrote:


> Bhaskar ji



> ,,,// , this member is accusing my Group as

> well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating //


> PL see every post i have replied to astro-explorer i have ASKED HIM to

prove what he has to accuse Sri TANVIR ji, i have repeatedly asked and

also praised and reminded him that it is such a forum owner who belived

in a democratic sharing, gave the platfrom for many ppl to be seenm

known we may be in our own private areas not on such world stages



JI or the group, whevr it was atacked by some of ur groups also i have

pointed it out only politely as gossip clubs and never abused anyone.



> u can see the difference my mails too were never allowed in AIA, when

u critised me i could not defend myself even once


> i like the spirit of tanvir ji and do the same, just avoiding fakes is

important, rest if pointed out to me i have always restored order


> the Saptarishi rr ji issue, a v pathi ji issues with RRji etc were

handled in the best interest of both of them above all JYOTISHYA if we

quarrel we lose a lot more, if we agree to disagree and live with one

another's faults all of us and people who have faith in us will be



> prashant






> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Bhaskar rajiventerprises@ ...


> Friday, July 24, 2009 10:47:45 PM

> Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!





> Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried

to squeeze money from you ?

> Dont talk in the air.


> Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

> hote hain.


> Bhaskar.


> Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

> Let him come out with the truth.


> , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@


> wrote:

> >

> > Sir,

> >

> > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

> this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa


> one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the


> here?

> >

> > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on


> Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

> was rubbish.

> >

> > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

> experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

> of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a

> yagya!!

> >

> > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya

" remedy "

> that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> >

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B


> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Member,

> > >

> > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to

> say

> > >

> > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

> forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let


> know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > >

> > > we have max said

> > >

> > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can


> from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > >

> > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > >

> > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> merchant

> > >

> > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > >

> > >

> > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are


> and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > if it can speak

> > >

> > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> such to anyone


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

> we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also


> the process.

> > >

> > > Prashant

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > >

> > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > >

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies


> is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to


> very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work?


> should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > >

> > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

> are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are


> energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

> quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India


> selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

> the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl?


> you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

> properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

> demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > >

> > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality


> or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they


> wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > >

> > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > >

> > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

> single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > >

> > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

> own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

> paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

> some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

> were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

> many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > > >

> > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > >

> > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

> ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> members

> > > >

> > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

> REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse


> has to do their part

> > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size,


> energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either


> if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on


> back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

> won't take u too far./

> > > >

> > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why


> we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if


> r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> offer.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Best wishes

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > >

> > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > >

> > > > Dear Members,

> > > >

> > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address


> huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

> message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some


> them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they


> be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> remedies.

> > > >

> > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding


> for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has


> become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

> later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies,


> does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

> substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

> our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> remedy.

> > > >

> > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

> favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

> for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

> realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate


> In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon


> that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

> pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

> casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

> with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find


> debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics?


> a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not


> to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

> all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the


> other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

> power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers


> advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

> wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive


> often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a


> recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> suggestions.

> > > >

> > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

> the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

> dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

> the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be


> to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

> am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

> advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

> is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety


> we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely


> quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

> what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of


> your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a


> sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not


> better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

> other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

> remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

> guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > >

> > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's


> can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

> interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See


> Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions


> stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > >

> > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

> be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from


> as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of


> rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to


> In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > >

> > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

> you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

> benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

> juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > >

> > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

> Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

> the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on?


> finger should I put it on?

> > > >

> > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the


> side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

> could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

> filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into


> a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are


> reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

> way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

> stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from


> to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

> spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

> cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > >

> > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to


> question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

> can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

> exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no


> specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

> no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

> Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as


> defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without


> hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

> find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

> dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did


> say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated


> bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get


> either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond


> gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to

> consider.

> > > >

> > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements


> prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells


> that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

> that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

> rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

> need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

> exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able


> afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

> offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

> cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for


> modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> Samhita.

> > > >

> > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is


> wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

> too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case


> stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine


> if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

> ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

> early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You


> even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in


> each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone


> purchasing it.

> > > >

> > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

> it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a


> give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

> high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

> or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we


> about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone-


> throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a


> Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other


> prescribed remedial measures.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are


> the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not


> in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

> since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with


> Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable


> all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do


> Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely


> Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese


> beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in


> personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There


> a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

> the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

> you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

> expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

> tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

> tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material


> I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

> claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

> internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

> custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > winning

> > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

> list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I


> to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at


> Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf,


> order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

> many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

> to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

> not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of


> for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

> yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are


> they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > not

> > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

> paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

> all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

> at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from


> money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

> here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

> character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

> correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends


> the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged


> it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

> are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner


> yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

> When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

> mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

> do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

> go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the


> come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth


> takes

> > > time

> > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > >

> > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

> Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

> not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

> also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri


> require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire "


> reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around


> mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or

> Jaimini.

> > > >

> > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should


> that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly


> rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master


> the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm


> perfect!

> > > >

> > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

> on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

> if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any


> would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you


> fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

> if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once


> week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > >

> > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of


> planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

> related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But


> I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora


> Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

> food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

> personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> serious way.

> > > >

> > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

> has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no


> to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an


> remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT


> gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer


> to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes


> mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

> uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

> work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not


> prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and


> of this sort.

> > > >

> > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > >

> > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

> applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

> books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> world.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Guest guest

Dear Prashant ji,


Whenever I write any mail on this Group, You use it to mailgn me and

show yourself as a great person. Please do not do this and stop this. I

have not shot any abusive mails to You, and it is only me who has always

asked you plenty of times, and approached you on more than a dozen

occasions to stop this. You are selectively approving mails, and then

using my own mails to show me in bad light.


Please stop this, so that we can continue our relations in a good frame

of mind. Do not bring in the past in every mail, and do not twist the

facts of the present to make me look abusive, and yourself as a saint, I

request you once again.


None of us is a saint, and none of us is a sinner, but if we continue to

show the other as a sinner, then it will make the person doing this as a

real sinner, so please abstain from using my postings as a brick to

stand upon.


In My group everyone is allowed to post even criticism, you can check

this , there are at least 20 mails where people have criticised me and I

have replied back, so no question of me not approving. You keep your

Home clean instead and approve every mail instead of doing this



This is my last request to You.











, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:




> Bhaskar ji


> it is not just the past even the present just his issue u shot 2

abusive mails to me when i actually saw the mail just then and also was

checking with a senior member what to do allow or refer to it and ask

them to settle it between them


> i was also searching for sbm_sharma's membership history too before

commenting - rush of blood doesn't help


> i am sure some mud slinging is already on in other groups too but it

doesnt matter as i am not there.


> for me to be fair to what i have to do i am doing, in the worst

messages i carried the essence of urs and replied, never outright

rejected any. today too i have aksed u to revise the msg and send u

complied well this is a v good begining

> and i had also edited the earlier post after consulting the senior

member here [ones who r here before i joined here]

> and who i trust, respect


> so if u r patient all will be fine see me in a long term time frame no

one reads all messages in every group do they i mean any moderator.


> bring it to my notice i will do the needful in the earliest time


> it is one thing whether i agree or disagreee withwhat others say


> the forum must be clean and free from bickering

> and pl alow such members to post in ur groups and deal with it there

and spare us once the 2 chances given to both dies lapse this thread

must close



> prashant




> in meantime I took the initative to chat with u and say





> ________________________________

> Bhaskar rajiventerprises


> Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:05:45 AM

> Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!




> Dear Prashant ji,


> Pl do not bring in the past. I too have many grivenaces which were not

> allowed to be posted here. So lets call it quits for the past, and


> a new beginning, where one understands each other along with the

> individuals shortcomings.


> best wishes,


> Bhaskar.


> , Prashant Kumar G B

> gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> >

> > Bhaskar ji

> >

> >

> > ,,,// , this member is accusing my Group as

> > well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating //

> >

> > PL see every post i have replied to astro-explorer i have ASKED HIM


> prove what he has to accuse Sri TANVIR ji, i have repeatedly asked and

> also praised and reminded him that it is such a forum owner who


> in a democratic sharing, gave the platfrom for many ppl to be seenm

> known we may be in our own private areas not on such world stages

> >



> JI or the group, whevr it was atacked by some of ur groups also i have

> pointed it out only politely as gossip clubs and never abused anyone.

> >

> >

> > u can see the difference my mails too were never allowed in AIA,


> u critised me i could not defend myself even once

> >

> > i like the spirit of tanvir ji and do the same, just avoiding fakes


> important, rest if pointed out to me i have always restored order

> >

> > the Saptarishi rr ji issue, a v pathi ji issues with RRji etc were

> handled in the best interest of both of them above all JYOTISHYA if we

> quarrel we lose a lot more, if we agree to disagree and live with one

> another's faults all of us and people who have faith in us will be

> nenifited

> >

> > prashant

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Bhaskar rajiventerprises@ ...

> >

> > Friday, July 24, 2009 10:47:45 PM

> > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried

> to squeeze money from you ?

> > Dont talk in the air.

> >

> > Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh


> > hote hain.

> >

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> > Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> > well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the


> > Let him come out with the truth.

> >

> > , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@

> ...>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list


> > this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa

> to

> > one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the

> answer

> > here?

> > >

> > > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on

> Ancient

> > Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> > astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> > jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> > when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the


> > was rubbish.

> > >

> > > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes


> > experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in


> > of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for


> > yagya!!

> > >

> > > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya

> " remedy "

> > that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> > >

> > >

> > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> gbp_kumar@

> > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want


> > say

> > > >

> > > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> > doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic


> > forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl


> me

> > know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > > >

> > > > we have max said

> > > >

> > > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can

> choose

> > from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > > >

> > > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > > >

> > > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> > merchant

> > > >

> > > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are

> artifical

> > and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > > if it can speak

> > > >

> > > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> > such to anyone


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur


> > we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> > concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also

> in

> > the process.

> > > >

> > > > Prashant

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > > >

> > > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sir,

> > > >

> > > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies

> group

> > is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to

> some

> > very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work?

> Why

> > should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> > correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > > >

> > > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if


> > are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are

> not

> > energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively


> > quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> > article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India

> are

> > selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even


> > the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl?

> Do

> > you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> > examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot


> > properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to


> > demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > > >

> > > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality

> ruby

> > or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they

> are

> > wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > > >

> > > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > > >

> > > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Member,

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and


> > single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > > >

> > > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on


> > own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what


> > paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name


> > some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where


> > were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in


> > many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt


> > > > >

> > > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > > >

> > > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem


> > ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> > arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> > members

> > > > >

> > > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES


> > REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse

> one

> > has to do their part

> > > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for


> > > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size,

> purification,

> > energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either

> even

> > if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on

> the

> > back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> > same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud


> > won't take u too far./

> > > > >

> > > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why

> must

> > we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here


> u

> > r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> > offer.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Best wishes

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > > >

> > > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Members,

> > > > >

> > > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address

> the

> > huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of


> > message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> > mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> > your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some

> of

> > them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> > desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> > founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> > organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they

> might

> > be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> > remedies.

> > > > >

> > > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding

> principle

> > for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> > possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one


> to

> > become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will


> > later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> > suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies,

> it

> > does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> > doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get


> > substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much


> > our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> > remedy.

> > > > >

> > > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> > time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be


> > favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> > regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The


> > for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I


> > realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate

> so.

> > In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon

> realize

> > that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> > strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to


> > pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> > planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic


> > casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be


> > with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> > instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> > lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find

> Jupiter

> > debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics?

> Will

> > a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not

> according

> > to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> > really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> > house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> > pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in


> > all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the


> > other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> > exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> > legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the

" mystical "

> > power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> > Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers

> explicit

> > advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting


> > wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive

> and

> > often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a

> gemstone

> > recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> > suggestions.

> > > > >

> > > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> > functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise


> > the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and


> > dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana


> > the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be

> wise

> > to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but


> > am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would


> > advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps


> > is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> > inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety

> first-

> > we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> > (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely

> spending

> > quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time!


> > what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of

> bettering

> > your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a

> neutral

> > sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> > wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not

> always

> > better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9


> > other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart.


> > remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> > planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into


> > guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's

> stone

> > can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> > think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are


> > interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See

> the

> > Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions

> for

> > stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > > >

> > > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it


> > be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> > Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> > very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from

> AL

> > as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> > prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> > introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> > stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of

> this

> > rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> > never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to

> lagnesh.

> > In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > > >

> > > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> > rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> > ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play.


> > you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and


> > benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> > possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> > Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> > transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at


> > juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> > questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive


> > Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> > natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What


> > the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on?

> Which

> > finger should I put it on?

> > > > >

> > > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the

> safe

> > side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> > stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red


> > could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could


> > filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into

> getting

> > a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> > laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are

> other

> > reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in


> > way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell


> > stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from

> 500

> > to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> > I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> > these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> > that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> > natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing


> > spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> > -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible-


> > cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > > >

> > > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to

> this

> > question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> > pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> > least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem


> > can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT


> > exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no

> black

> > specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in


> > no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals


> > Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as

> many

> > defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> > impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without

> fine

> > hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you


> > find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> > exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient


> > dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why


> he

> > say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated

> pearl

> > bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get

> that

> > either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond

> of

> > gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications


> > consider.

> > > > >

> > > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> > become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> > authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements

> and

> > prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells

> me

> > that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow


> > that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds


> > rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do


> > need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby


> > exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> > completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able

> to

> > afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers


> > offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them,


> > cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one


> a

> > modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> > Samhita.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet


> to

> > wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be


> > too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> > donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case

> the

> > stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> > stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine

> even

> > if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you


> > ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> > graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well,


> > early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You

> may

> > even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in

> question

> > each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> > consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone

> before

> > purchasing it.

> > > > >

> > > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before


> > it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> > accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a

> jeweler

> > give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply


> > high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your


> > or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> > feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we

> think

> > about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone-

> don't

> > throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a

> negative

> > Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other

> commonly

> > prescribed remedial measures.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are

> actually

> > the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> > available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not

> seen

> > in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> > different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> > artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists


> > since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with

> Lord

> > Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable

> for

> > all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do

> so.

> > Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> > inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely

> practice

> > Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese

> rudraksha

> > beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> > better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in

> my

> > personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There

> is

> > a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who


> > the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies,


> > you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the


> > expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are


> > tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced


> > tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material

> world

> > I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the


> > claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> > hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on


> > internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> > that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They


> > custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > > winning

> > > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well


> > list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> > quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I

> wanted

> > to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> > Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at

> least.

> > Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> > promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> > essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your


> in

> > order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> > sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with


> > many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I


> > to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for


> > not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of

> money

> > for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian.


> > yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> > thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are

> rare-

> > they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > > not

> > > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> > sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> > sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not


> > paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone


> > all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and


> > at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem


> a

> > money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> > intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main


> > here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter


> > character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is


> > correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends

> on

> > the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> > judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged

> attorney

> > it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me,


> > are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> > services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple


> by

> > yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> > complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> > both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> > impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great


> > When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> > pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or


> > mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there


> > do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> > everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes.


> > go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> > than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> > their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> > anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the

> results

> > come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth

> achieving

> > takes

> > > > time

> > > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > > >

> > > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om


> > Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these


> > not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra


> > also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> > initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri

> really

> > require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire "

> then

> > reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> > fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around

> from

> > mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> > correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga


> > Jaimini.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should

> know

> > that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly

> complex

> > rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> > complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> > estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master

> all

> > the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> > practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> > because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> > wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> > they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm

> are

> > perfect!

> > > > >

> > > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> > caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to


> > on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> > prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be


> > if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> > correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any

> day

> > would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> > days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you

> can

> > fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not


> > if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting


> a

> > week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> > first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > > >

> > > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> > Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of

> the

> > planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an


> > related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> > associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> > troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But

> reasonable,

> > I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora

> of

> > Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> > charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their


> > food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have


> > personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> > serious way.

> > > > >

> > > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the


> > has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no

> use

> > to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> > exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> > planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an

> effective

> > remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> > and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT

> give

> > gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> > matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer

> you

> > to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> > expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes

> to

> > mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because


> > uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> > " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription


> > work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not

> fall

> > prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and

> things

> > of this sort.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register


> > > > >

> > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > >

> > > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching


> > applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other


> > books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> > world.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Guest guest

Prashant ji,


You are back to Your old tactics. You are saying i sent 2 abusive mails

to You, which I did not. You are using my mails to talk of the past. If

I write about the past in retaliation , I know you will not approve that

mail. You are now saying that we must close the thread, but I am sure

you will not allow this to be closed, but use this as a platform to show

yourself in good light, and show me in bad light, knowing very well that

You have the power to control which message must pass through, and which

must not. You are now writing that I must allow mails on My Group and

spare your Group. But then why did you allow this stupid mail in the

first place from the member who was talking rot about Jyotish Ganga and

AIA ? Just yesterday I had sent a mail to You in peace as I have done so

a dozen times before, but you do not wish to change and see reason in

living Life peacefully and morally. If You dont want bickering on this

Forum, then why do you allow contrioversial mails in the first place ?

And when we write back why do you approve mails selectivelya nd use

those mails to write your sob stories and the hurt you have been

subjected to, wthout allowing the other person to talk about himself and

his aggrivenaces too ?


Youa re not going to change. You are playing smart as usual. Now this is

final and understood,. I was a fool to have come back to you with a hand

of peace as I have done a dozen times before too, and You have never

responded genuinely but always with mischief.









, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:




> Bhaskar ji


> it is not just the past even the present just his issue u shot 2

abusive mails to me when i actually saw the mail just then and also was

checking with a senior member what to do allow or refer to it and ask

them to settle it between them


> i was also searching for sbm_sharma's membership history too before

commenting - rush of blood doesn't help


> i am sure some mud slinging is already on in other groups too but it

doesnt matter as i am not there.


> for me to be fair to what i have to do i am doing, in the worst

messages i carried the essence of urs and replied, never outright

rejected any. today too i have aksed u to revise the msg and send u

complied well this is a v good begining

> and i had also edited the earlier post after consulting the senior

member here [ones who r here before i joined here]

> and who i trust, respect


> so if u r patient all will be fine see me in a long term time frame no

one reads all messages in every group do they i mean any moderator.


> bring it to my notice i will do the needful in the earliest time


> it is one thing whether i agree or disagreee withwhat others say


> the forum must be clean and free from bickering

> and pl alow such members to post in ur groups and deal with it there

and spare us once the 2 chances given to both dies lapse this thread

must close



> prashant




> in meantime I took the initative to chat with u and say





> ________________________________

> Bhaskar rajiventerprises


> Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:05:45 AM

> Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!




> Dear Prashant ji,


> Pl do not bring in the past. I too have many grivenaces which were not

> allowed to be posted here. So lets call it quits for the past, and


> a new beginning, where one understands each other along with the

> individuals shortcomings.


> best wishes,


> Bhaskar.


> , Prashant Kumar G B

> gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> >

> > Bhaskar ji

> >

> >

> > ,,,// , this member is accusing my Group as

> > well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating //

> >

> > PL see every post i have replied to astro-explorer i have ASKED HIM


> prove what he has to accuse Sri TANVIR ji, i have repeatedly asked and

> also praised and reminded him that it is such a forum owner who


> in a democratic sharing, gave the platfrom for many ppl to be seenm

> known we may be in our own private areas not on such world stages

> >



> JI or the group, whevr it was atacked by some of ur groups also i have

> pointed it out only politely as gossip clubs and never abused anyone.

> >

> >

> > u can see the difference my mails too were never allowed in AIA,


> u critised me i could not defend myself even once

> >

> > i like the spirit of tanvir ji and do the same, just avoiding fakes


> important, rest if pointed out to me i have always restored order

> >

> > the Saptarishi rr ji issue, a v pathi ji issues with RRji etc were

> handled in the best interest of both of them above all JYOTISHYA if we

> quarrel we lose a lot more, if we agree to disagree and live with one

> another's faults all of us and people who have faith in us will be

> nenifited

> >

> > prashant

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Bhaskar rajiventerprises@ ...

> >

> > Friday, July 24, 2009 10:47:45 PM

> > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried

> to squeeze money from you ?

> > Dont talk in the air.

> >

> > Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh


> > hote hain.

> >

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> > Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> > well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the


> > Let him come out with the truth.

> >

> > , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@

> ...>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list


> > this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa

> to

> > one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the

> answer

> > here?

> > >

> > > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on

> Ancient

> > Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> > astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> > jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> > when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the


> > was rubbish.

> > >

> > > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes


> > experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in


> > of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for


> > yagya!!

> > >

> > > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya

> " remedy "

> > that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> > >

> > >

> > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> gbp_kumar@

> > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want


> > say

> > > >

> > > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> > doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic


> > forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl


> me

> > know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > > >

> > > > we have max said

> > > >

> > > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can

> choose

> > from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > > >

> > > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > > >

> > > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> > merchant

> > > >

> > > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are

> artifical

> > and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > > if it can speak

> > > >

> > > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> > such to anyone


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur


> > we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> > concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also

> in

> > the process.

> > > >

> > > > Prashant

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > > >

> > > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sir,

> > > >

> > > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies

> group

> > is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to

> some

> > very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work?

> Why

> > should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> > correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > > >

> > > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if


> > are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are

> not

> > energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively


> > quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> > article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India

> are

> > selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even


> > the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl?

> Do

> > you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> > examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot


> > properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to


> > demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > > >

> > > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality

> ruby

> > or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they

> are

> > wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > > >

> > > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > > >

> > > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Member,

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and


> > single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > > >

> > > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on


> > own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what


> > paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name


> > some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where


> > were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in


> > many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt


> > > > >

> > > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > > >

> > > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem


> > ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> > arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> > members

> > > > >

> > > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES


> > REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse

> one

> > has to do their part

> > > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for


> > > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size,

> purification,

> > energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either

> even

> > if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on

> the

> > back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> > same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud


> > won't take u too far./

> > > > >

> > > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why

> must

> > we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here


> u

> > r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> > offer.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Best wishes

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > > >

> > > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Members,

> > > > >

> > > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address

> the

> > huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of


> > message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> > mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> > your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some

> of

> > them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> > desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> > founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> > organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they

> might

> > be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> > remedies.

> > > > >

> > > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding

> principle

> > for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> > possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one


> to

> > become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will


> > later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> > suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies,

> it

> > does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> > doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get


> > substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much


> > our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> > remedy.

> > > > >

> > > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> > time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be


> > favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> > regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The


> > for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I


> > realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate

> so.

> > In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon

> realize

> > that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> > strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to


> > pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> > planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic


> > casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be


> > with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> > instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> > lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find

> Jupiter

> > debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics?

> Will

> > a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not

> according

> > to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> > really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> > house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> > pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in


> > all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the


> > other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> > exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> > legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the

" mystical "

> > power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> > Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers

> explicit

> > advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting


> > wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive

> and

> > often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a

> gemstone

> > recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> > suggestions.

> > > > >

> > > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> > functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise


> > the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and


> > dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana


> > the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be

> wise

> > to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but


> > am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would


> > advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps


> > is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> > inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety

> first-

> > we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> > (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely

> spending

> > quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time!


> > what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of

> bettering

> > your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a

> neutral

> > sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> > wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not

> always

> > better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9


> > other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart.


> > remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> > planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into


> > guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's

> stone

> > can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> > think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are


> > interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See

> the

> > Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions

> for

> > stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > > >

> > > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it


> > be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> > Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> > very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from

> AL

> > as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> > prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> > introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> > stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of

> this

> > rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> > never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to

> lagnesh.

> > In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > > >

> > > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> > rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> > ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play.


> > you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and


> > benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> > possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> > Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> > transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at


> > juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> > questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive


> > Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> > natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What


> > the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on?

> Which

> > finger should I put it on?

> > > > >

> > > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the

> safe

> > side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> > stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red


> > could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could


> > filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into

> getting

> > a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> > laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are

> other

> > reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in


> > way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell


> > stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from

> 500

> > to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> > I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> > these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> > that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> > natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing


> > spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> > -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible-


> > cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > > >

> > > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to

> this

> > question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> > pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> > least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem


> > can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT


> > exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no

> black

> > specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in


> > no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals


> > Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as

> many

> > defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> > impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without

> fine

> > hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you


> > find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> > exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient


> > dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why


> he

> > say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated

> pearl

> > bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get

> that

> > either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond

> of

> > gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications


> > consider.

> > > > >

> > > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> > become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> > authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements

> and

> > prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells

> me

> > that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow


> > that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds


> > rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do


> > need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby


> > exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> > completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able

> to

> > afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers


> > offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them,


> > cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one


> a

> > modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> > Samhita.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet


> to

> > wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be


> > too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> > donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case

> the

> > stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> > stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine

> even

> > if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you


> > ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> > graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well,


> > early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You

> may

> > even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in

> question

> > each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> > consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone

> before

> > purchasing it.

> > > > >

> > > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before


> > it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> > accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a

> jeweler

> > give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply


> > high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your


> > or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> > feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we

> think

> > about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone-

> don't

> > throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a

> negative

> > Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other

> commonly

> > prescribed remedial measures.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are

> actually

> > the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> > available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not

> seen

> > in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> > different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> > artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists


> > since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with

> Lord

> > Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable

> for

> > all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do

> so.

> > Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> > inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely

> practice

> > Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese

> rudraksha

> > beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> > better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in

> my

> > personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There

> is

> > a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who


> > the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies,


> > you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the


> > expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are


> > tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced


> > tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material

> world

> > I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the


> > claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> > hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on


> > internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> > that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They


> > custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > > winning

> > > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well


> > list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> > quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I

> wanted

> > to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> > Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at

> least.

> > Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> > promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> > essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your


> in

> > order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> > sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with


> > many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I


> > to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for


> > not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of

> money

> > for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian.


> > yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> > thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are

> rare-

> > they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > > not

> > > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> > sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> > sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not


> > paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone


> > all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and


> > at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem


> a

> > money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> > intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main


> > here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter


> > character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is


> > correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends

> on

> > the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> > judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged

> attorney

> > it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me,


> > are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> > services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple


> by

> > yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> > complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> > both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> > impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great


> > When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> > pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or


> > mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there


> > do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> > everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes.


> > go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> > than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> > their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> > anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the

> results

> > come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth

> achieving

> > takes

> > > > time

> > > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > > >

> > > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om


> > Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these


> > not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra


> > also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> > initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri

> really

> > require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire "

> then

> > reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> > fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around

> from

> > mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> > correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga


> > Jaimini.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should

> know

> > that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly

> complex

> > rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> > complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> > estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master

> all

> > the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> > practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> > because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> > wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> > they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm

> are

> > perfect!

> > > > >

> > > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> > caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to


> > on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> > prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be


> > if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> > correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any

> day

> > would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> > days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you

> can

> > fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not


> > if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting


> a

> > week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> > first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > > >

> > > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> > Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of

> the

> > planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an


> > related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> > associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> > troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But

> reasonable,

> > I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora

> of

> > Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> > charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their


> > food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have


> > personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> > serious way.

> > > > >

> > > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the


> > has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no

> use

> > to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> > exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> > planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an

> effective

> > remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> > and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT

> give

> > gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> > matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer

> you

> > to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> > expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes

> to

> > mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because


> > uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> > " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription


> > work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not

> fall

> > prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and

> things

> > of this sort.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register


> > > > >

> > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > >

> > > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching


> > applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other


> > books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> > world.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Guest guest

Why not wrestle with the pig, in that case -- a praani that holds importance for

many 'others'? Even if you think of it as a life/lifeform wasted and useless!


Dirt can be readily washed away in few minutes courtesy of Lifebuoy soap and

nice copious amounts of water if such were available ...!


Think of it this way: If a pig is all you made happy today, perhaps your day was

worth it! A pig a day made happier will get you to the blessings bestowed by the








vedic astrology , " vkohli38 " <vkohli38 wrote:


> Dear Sharmaji,


> There is a saying in English:


> " Dont Wrestle with a Pig, You will get Dirty and the Pig Loves it " .


> thanks


> PS- I am not saying anubody a BIG PIG


> , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@> wrote:


> You want the truth Bhaskar , why don't we meet at my good friend, Milind

Deora's house. We were very close schoolmates in college in the USA,

Massachusetts to be more precise. You live in Bombay no?


> You third rate servant.


> Yes Prashant, protect some Bangladeshi kid offering yagya services for

exorbitant prices.



> , " Bhaskar " <rajiventerprises@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried to

squeeze money from you ?

> > Dont talk in the air.

> >

> > Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

> > hote hain.

> >

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> > Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> > well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

> > Let him come out with the truth.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

> > this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

> > one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer

> > here?

> > >

> > > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

> > Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> > astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> > jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> > when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

> > was rubbish.

> > >

> > > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

> > experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

> > of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a

> > yagya!!

> > >

> > > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

> > that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> > >

> > >

> > > , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@

> > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to

> > say

> > > >

> > > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> > doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

> > forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

> > know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > > >

> > > > we have max said

> > > >

> > > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

> > from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > > >

> > > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > > >

> > > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> > merchant

> > > >

> > > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

> > and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > > if it can speak

> > > >

> > > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> > such to anyone


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

> > we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> > concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

> > the process.

> > > >

> > > > Prashant

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ________________________________

> > > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > > >

> > > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sir,

> > > >

> > > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

> > is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

> > very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

> > should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> > correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > > >

> > > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

> > are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

> > energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

> > quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> > article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

> > selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

> > the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

> > you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> > examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

> > properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

> > demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > > >

> > > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

> > or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

> > wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > > >

> > > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > > >

> > > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Member,

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

> > single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > > >

> > > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

> > own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

> > paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

> > some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

> > were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

> > many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > > > >

> > > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > > >

> > > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

> > ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> > arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> > members

> > > > >

> > > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

> > REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

> > has to do their part

> > > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

> > energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

> > if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

> > back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> > same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

> > won't take u too far./

> > > > >

> > > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

> > we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

> > r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> > offer.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Best wishes

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > > >

> > > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Members,

> > > > >

> > > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

> > huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

> > message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> > mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> > your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

> > them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> > desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> > founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> > organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

> > be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> > remedies.

> > > > >

> > > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

> > for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> > possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

> > become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

> > later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> > suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

> > does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> > doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

> > substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

> > our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> > remedy.

> > > > >

> > > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> > time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

> > favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> > regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

> > for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

> > realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

> > In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

> > that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> > strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

> > pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> > planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

> > casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

> > with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> > instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> > lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

> > debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

> > a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

> > to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> > really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> > house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> > pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

> > all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

> > other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> > exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> > legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

> > power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> > Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

> > advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

> > wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

> > often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

> > recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> > suggestions.

> > > > >

> > > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> > functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

> > the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

> > dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

> > the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

> > to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

> > am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

> > advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

> > is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> > inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

> > we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> > (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

> > quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

> > what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

> > your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

> > sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> > wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

> > better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

> > other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

> > remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> > planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

> > guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

> > can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> > think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

> > interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

> > Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

> > stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > > >

> > > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

> > be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> > Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> > very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

> > as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> > prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> > introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> > stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

> > rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> > never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

> > In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > > >

> > > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> > rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> > ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

> > you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

> > benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> > possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> > Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> > transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

> > juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> > questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

> > Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> > natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

> > the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

> > finger should I put it on?

> > > > >

> > > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

> > side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> > stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

> > could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

> > filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

> > a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> > laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

> > reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

> > way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

> > stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

> > to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> > I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> > these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> > that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> > natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

> > spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> > -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

> > cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > > >

> > > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

> > question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> > pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> > least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

> > can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

> > exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

> > specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

> > no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

> > Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

> > defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> > impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

> > hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

> > find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> > exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

> > dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

> > say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

> > bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

> > either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

> > gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to

> > consider.

> > > > >

> > > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> > become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> > authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

> > prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

> > that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

> > that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

> > rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

> > need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

> > exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> > completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

> > afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

> > offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

> > cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

> > modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> > Samhita.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

> > wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

> > too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> > donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

> > stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> > stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

> > if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

> > ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> > graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

> > early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

> > even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

> > each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> > consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

> > purchasing it.

> > > > >

> > > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

> > it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> > accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

> > give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

> > high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

> > or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> > feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

> > about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

> > throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

> > Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

> > prescribed remedial measures.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

> > the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> > available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

> > in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> > different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> > artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

> > since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

> > Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

> > all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

> > Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> > inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

> > Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

> > beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> > better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

> > personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

> > a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

> > the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

> > you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

> > expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

> > tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

> > tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

> > I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

> > claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> > hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

> > internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> > that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

> > custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > > winning

> > > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

> > list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> > quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

> > to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> > Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

> > Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> > promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> > essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

> > order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> > sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

> > many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

> > to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

> > not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

> > for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

> > yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> > thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

> > they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > > not

> > > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> > sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> > sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

> > paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

> > all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

> > at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

> > money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> > intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

> > here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

> > character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

> > correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

> > the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> > judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

> > it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

> > are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> > services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

> > yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> > complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> > both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> > impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

> > When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> > pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

> > mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

> > do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> > everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

> > go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> > than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> > their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> > anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

> > come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving

> > takes

> > > > time

> > > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > > >

> > > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

> > Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

> > not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

> > also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> > initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

> > require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

> > reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> > fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

> > mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> > correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or

> > Jaimini.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

> > that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

> > rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> > complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> > estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

> > the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> > practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> > because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> > wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> > they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are

> > perfect!

> > > > >

> > > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> > caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

> > on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> > prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

> > if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> > correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

> > would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> > days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

> > fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

> > if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

> > week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> > first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > > >

> > > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> > Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

> > planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

> > related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> > associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> > troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

> > I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

> > Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> > charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

> > food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

> > personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> > serious way.

> > > > >

> > > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

> > has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

> > to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> > exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> > planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

> > remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> > and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

> > gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> > matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

> > to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> > expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

> > mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

> > uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> > " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

> > work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

> > prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

> > of this sort.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > > > >

> > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > >

> > > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

> > applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

> > books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> > world.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Guest guest

You want the truth Bhaskar , why don't we meet at my good friend, Milind Deora's

house. We were very close schoolmates in college in the USA, Massachusetts to be

more precise. You live in Bombay no?


You third rate servant.


Yes Prashant, protect some Bangladeshi kid offering yagya services for

exorbitant prices.



, " Bhaskar " <rajiventerprises wrote:




> Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried to

squeeze money from you ?

> Dont talk in the air.


> Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

> hote hain.


> Bhaskar.


> Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

> Let him come out with the truth.





> , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Sir,

> >

> > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

> this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

> one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer

> here?

> >

> > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

> Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

> was rubbish.

> >

> > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

> experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

> of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a

> yagya!!

> >

> > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

> that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> >

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@

> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Member,

> > >

> > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to

> say

> > >

> > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

> forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

> know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > >

> > > we have max said

> > >

> > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

> from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > >

> > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > >

> > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> merchant

> > >

> > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > >

> > >

> > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

> and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > if it can speak

> > >

> > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> such to anyone


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

> we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

> the process.

> > >

> > > Prashant

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > >

> > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > >

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

> is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

> very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

> should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > >

> > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

> are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

> energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

> quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

> selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

> the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

> you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

> properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

> demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > >

> > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

> or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

> wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > >

> > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > >

> > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

> single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > >

> > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

> own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

> paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

> some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

> were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

> many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > > >

> > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > >

> > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

> ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> members

> > > >

> > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

> REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

> has to do their part

> > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

> energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

> if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

> back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

> won't take u too far./

> > > >

> > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

> we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

> r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> offer.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Best wishes

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > >

> > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > >

> > > > Dear Members,

> > > >

> > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

> huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

> message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

> them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

> be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> remedies.

> > > >

> > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

> for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

> become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

> later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

> does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

> substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

> our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> remedy.

> > > >

> > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

> favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

> for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

> realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

> In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

> that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

> pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

> casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

> with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

> debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

> a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

> to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

> all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

> other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

> power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

> advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

> wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

> often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

> recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> suggestions.

> > > >

> > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

> the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

> dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

> the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

> to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

> am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

> advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

> is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

> we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

> quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

> what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

> your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

> sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

> better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

> other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

> remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

> guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > >

> > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

> can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

> interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

> Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

> stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > >

> > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

> be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

> as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

> rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

> In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > >

> > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

> you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

> benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

> juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > >

> > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

> Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

> the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

> finger should I put it on?

> > > >

> > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

> side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

> could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

> filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

> a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

> reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

> way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

> stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

> to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

> spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

> cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > >

> > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

> question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

> can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

> exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

> specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

> no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

> Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

> defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

> hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

> find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

> dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

> say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

> bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

> either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

> gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to

> consider.

> > > >

> > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

> prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

> that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

> that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

> rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

> need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

> exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

> afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

> offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

> cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

> modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> Samhita.

> > > >

> > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

> wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

> too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

> stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

> if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

> ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

> early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

> even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

> each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

> purchasing it.

> > > >

> > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

> it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

> give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

> high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

> or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

> about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

> throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

> Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

> prescribed remedial measures.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

> the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

> in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

> since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

> Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

> all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

> Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

> Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

> beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

> personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

> a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

> the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

> you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

> expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

> tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

> tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

> I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

> claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

> internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

> custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > winning

> > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

> list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

> to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

> Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

> order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

> many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

> to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

> not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

> for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

> yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

> they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > not

> > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

> paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

> all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

> at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

> money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

> here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

> character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

> correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

> the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

> it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

> are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

> yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

> When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

> mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

> do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

> go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

> come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving

> takes

> > > time

> > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > >

> > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

> Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

> not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

> also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

> require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

> reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

> mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or

> Jaimini.

> > > >

> > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

> that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

> rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

> the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are

> perfect!

> > > >

> > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

> on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

> if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

> would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

> fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

> if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

> week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > >

> > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

> planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

> related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

> I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

> Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

> food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

> personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> serious way.

> > > >

> > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

> has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

> to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

> remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

> gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

> to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

> mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

> uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

> work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

> prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

> of this sort.

> > > >

> > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > >

> > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

> applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

> books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> world.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Guest guest

Bagri alias Bhaskar


Let me know where our msgs would not be moderated, there we will see who is the

real Gladiator


Choose the ground and let me know and witness all about the real fight, what

type of the fight you need verbal or real one of Bullets


I need your blood


, " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma wrote:


> You want the truth Bhaskar , why don't we meet at my good friend, Milind

Deora's house. We were very close schoolmates in college in the USA,

Massachusetts to be more precise. You live in Bombay no?


> You third rate servant.


> Yes Prashant, protect some Bangladeshi kid offering yagya services for

exorbitant prices.



> , " Bhaskar " <rajiventerprises@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried to

squeeze money from you ?

> > Dont talk in the air.

> >

> > Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

> > hote hain.

> >

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> > Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> > well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

> > Let him come out with the truth.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

> > this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

> > one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer

> > here?

> > >

> > > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

> > Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> > astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> > jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> > when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

> > was rubbish.

> > >

> > > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

> > experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

> > of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a

> > yagya!!

> > >

> > > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

> > that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> > >

> > >

> > > , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@

> > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to

> > say

> > > >

> > > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> > doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

> > forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

> > know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > > >

> > > > we have max said

> > > >

> > > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

> > from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > > >

> > > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > > >

> > > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> > merchant

> > > >

> > > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

> > and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > > if it can speak

> > > >

> > > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> > such to anyone


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

> > we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> > concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

> > the process.

> > > >

> > > > Prashant

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ________________________________

> > > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > > >

> > > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sir,

> > > >

> > > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

> > is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

> > very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

> > should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> > correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > > >

> > > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

> > are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

> > energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

> > quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> > article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

> > selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

> > the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

> > you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> > examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

> > properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

> > demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > > >

> > > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

> > or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

> > wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > > >

> > > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > > >

> > > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Member,

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

> > single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > > >

> > > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

> > own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

> > paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

> > some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

> > were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

> > many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > > > >

> > > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > > >

> > > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

> > ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> > arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> > members

> > > > >

> > > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

> > REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

> > has to do their part

> > > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

> > energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

> > if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

> > back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> > same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

> > won't take u too far./

> > > > >

> > > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

> > we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

> > r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> > offer.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Best wishes

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > > >

> > > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Members,

> > > > >

> > > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

> > huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

> > message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> > mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> > your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

> > them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> > desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> > founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> > organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

> > be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> > remedies.

> > > > >

> > > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

> > for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> > possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

> > become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

> > later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> > suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

> > does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> > doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

> > substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

> > our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> > remedy.

> > > > >

> > > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> > time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

> > favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> > regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

> > for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

> > realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

> > In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

> > that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> > strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

> > pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> > planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

> > casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

> > with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> > instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> > lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

> > debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

> > a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

> > to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> > really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> > house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> > pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

> > all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

> > other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> > exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> > legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

> > power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> > Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

> > advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

> > wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

> > often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

> > recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> > suggestions.

> > > > >

> > > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> > functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

> > the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

> > dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

> > the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

> > to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

> > am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

> > advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

> > is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> > inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

> > we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> > (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

> > quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

> > what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

> > your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

> > sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> > wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

> > better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

> > other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

> > remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> > planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

> > guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

> > can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> > think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

> > interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

> > Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

> > stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > > >

> > > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

> > be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> > Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> > very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

> > as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> > prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> > introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> > stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

> > rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> > never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

> > In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > > >

> > > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> > rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> > ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

> > you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

> > benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> > possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> > Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> > transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

> > juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> > questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

> > Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> > natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

> > the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

> > finger should I put it on?

> > > > >

> > > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

> > side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> > stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

> > could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

> > filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

> > a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> > laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

> > reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

> > way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

> > stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

> > to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> > I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> > these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> > that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> > natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

> > spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> > -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

> > cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > > >

> > > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

> > question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> > pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> > least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

> > can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

> > exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

> > specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

> > no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

> > Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

> > defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> > impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

> > hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

> > find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> > exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

> > dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

> > say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

> > bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

> > either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

> > gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to

> > consider.

> > > > >

> > > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> > become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> > authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

> > prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

> > that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

> > that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

> > rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

> > need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

> > exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> > completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

> > afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

> > offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

> > cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

> > modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> > Samhita.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

> > wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

> > too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> > donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

> > stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> > stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

> > if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

> > ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> > graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

> > early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

> > even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

> > each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> > consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

> > purchasing it.

> > > > >

> > > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

> > it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> > accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

> > give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

> > high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

> > or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> > feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

> > about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

> > throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

> > Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

> > prescribed remedial measures.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

> > the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> > available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

> > in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> > different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> > artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

> > since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

> > Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

> > all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

> > Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> > inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

> > Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

> > beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> > better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

> > personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

> > a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

> > the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

> > you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

> > expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

> > tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

> > tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

> > I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

> > claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> > hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

> > internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> > that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

> > custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > > winning

> > > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

> > list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> > quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

> > to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> > Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

> > Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> > promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> > essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

> > order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> > sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

> > many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

> > to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

> > not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

> > for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

> > yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> > thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

> > they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > > not

> > > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> > sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> > sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

> > paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

> > all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

> > at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

> > money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> > intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

> > here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

> > character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

> > correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

> > the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> > judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

> > it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

> > are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> > services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

> > yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> > complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> > both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> > impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

> > When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> > pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

> > mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

> > do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> > everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

> > go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> > than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> > their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> > anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

> > come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving

> > takes

> > > > time

> > > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > > >

> > > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

> > Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

> > not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

> > also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> > initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

> > require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

> > reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> > fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

> > mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> > correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or

> > Jaimini.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

> > that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

> > rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> > complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> > estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

> > the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> > practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> > because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> > wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> > they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are

> > perfect!

> > > > >

> > > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> > caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

> > on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> > prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

> > if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> > correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

> > would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> > days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

> > fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

> > if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

> > week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> > first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > > >

> > > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> > Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

> > planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

> > related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> > associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> > troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

> > I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

> > Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> > charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

> > food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

> > personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> > serious way.

> > > > >

> > > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

> > has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

> > to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> > exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> > planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

> > remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> > and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

> > gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> > matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

> > to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> > expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

> > mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

> > uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> > " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

> > work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

> > prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

> > of this sort.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > > > >

> > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > >

> > > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

> > applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

> > books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> > world.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Guest guest

Prashanth ji,


Just to clear the air, I personally never had any " issues " with Saptarishi ji or

Pathi ji or another ji or two who could not handle my innocent and direct

questioning and went a bit ballistic and began a bit of a short-lasting tirade.

Despite their insults and so on, I never lost my cool and answered them as

pleasantly as I would have even if they had not tried to express their baseless

frustration against me. Now the following has nothing to do with Pathi ji, who

is a senior by age and likes to share his knowledge with all and gives an

address and name, so if he is reading this please do not misunderstand the



I think when a cohesive group approaches milestones, for example crossing 10000

members it begins to upset individuals and in fact in doing whether they attack

individuals or groups, usually behind their back for fear of being expelled,

they actually test the mettle of the group. Sadly it results in wastage of time,

particularly when it means talking to nameless people or people with fake IDs,

but they just drift in and out. I am not saying that such disrespect should be

condoned or tolerated beyond a certain point, but people are smart. If someone

keeps writing annonymously, no matter how much sensationalism he or she wishes

to create, people will tune out very quickly.


But perhaps God has a purpose for these distractions as well because it gives us

the practice to not waste time on such individuals who have a real or imaginary

axe to grind.


Let it pass...


Bhaskar ji, Nice to hear your voice on J_R after a long time. Not being a member

of or familiar with Jyotish_Ganga contents I understand that as a owner (? or

moderator?) of that forum why you would get upset that someone is maligning your

forum on another forum. Please carry on your good work without getting upset.

Remember, when the Lion (Simha) walks crows will make noise!


Best regards,






, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar



> Bhaskar ji



> ,,,// , this member is accusing my Group as

> well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating //


> PL see every post i have replied to astro-explorer i have ASKED HIM to prove

what he has to accuse Sri TANVIR ji, i have repeatedly asked and also praised

and reminded him that it is such a forum owner who belived in a democratic

sharing, gave the platfrom for many ppl to be seenm known we may be in our own

private areas not on such world stages



the group, whevr it was atacked by some of ur groups also i have pointed it out

only politely as gossip clubs and never abused anyone.



> u can see the difference my mails too were never allowed in AIA, when u

critised me i could not defend myself even once


> i like the spirit of tanvir ji and do the same, just avoiding fakes is

important, rest if pointed out to me i have always restored order


> the Saptarishi rr ji issue, a v pathi ji issues with RRji etc were handled in

the best interest of both of them above all JYOTISHYA if we quarrel we lose a

lot more, if we agree to disagree and live with one another's faults all of us

and people who have faith in us will be nenifited


> prashant






> ________________________________

> Bhaskar <rajiventerprises


> Friday, July 24, 2009 10:47:45 PM

> Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!





> Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried to

squeeze money from you ?

> Dont talk in the air.


> Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

> hote hain.


> Bhaskar.


> Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

> Let him come out with the truth.


> , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@ ...>

> wrote:

> >

> > Sir,

> >

> > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

> this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

> one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer

> here?

> >

> > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

> Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

> was rubbish.

> >

> > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

> experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

> of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a

> yagya!!

> >

> > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

> that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> >

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@

> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Member,

> > >

> > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to

> say

> > >

> > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

> forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

> know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > >

> > > we have max said

> > >

> > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

> from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > >

> > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > >

> > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> merchant

> > >

> > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > >

> > >

> > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

> and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > if it can speak

> > >

> > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> such to anyone


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

> we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

> the process.

> > >

> > > Prashant

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > >

> > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > >

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

> is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

> very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

> should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > >

> > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

> are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

> energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

> quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

> selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

> the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

> you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

> properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

> demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > >

> > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

> or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

> wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > >

> > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > >

> > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

> single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > >

> > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

> own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

> paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

> some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

> were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

> many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > > >

> > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > >

> > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

> ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> members

> > > >

> > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

> REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

> has to do their part

> > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

> energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

> if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

> back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

> won't take u too far./

> > > >

> > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

> we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

> r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> offer.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Best wishes

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > >

> > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > >

> > > > Dear Members,

> > > >

> > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

> huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

> message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

> them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

> be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> remedies.

> > > >

> > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

> for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

> become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

> later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

> does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

> substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

> our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> remedy.

> > > >

> > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

> favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

> for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

> realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

> In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

> that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

> pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

> casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

> with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

> debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

> a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

> to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

> all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

> other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

> power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

> advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

> wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

> often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

> recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> suggestions.

> > > >

> > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

> the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

> dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

> the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

> to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

> am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

> advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

> is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

> we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

> quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

> what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

> your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

> sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

> better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

> other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

> remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

> guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > >

> > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

> can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

> interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

> Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

> stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > >

> > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

> be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

> as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

> rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

> In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > >

> > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

> you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

> benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

> juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > >

> > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

> Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

> the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

> finger should I put it on?

> > > >

> > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

> side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

> could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

> filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

> a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

> reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

> way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

> stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

> to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

> spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

> cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > >

> > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

> question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

> can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

> exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

> specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

> no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

> Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

> defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

> hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

> find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

> dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

> say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

> bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

> either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

> gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to

> consider.

> > > >

> > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

> prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

> that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

> that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

> rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

> need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

> exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

> afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

> offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

> cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

> modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> Samhita.

> > > >

> > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

> wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

> too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

> stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

> if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

> ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

> early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

> even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

> each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

> purchasing it.

> > > >

> > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

> it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

> give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

> high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

> or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

> about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

> throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

> Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

> prescribed remedial measures.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

> the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

> in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

> since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

> Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

> all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

> Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

> Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

> beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

> personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

> a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

> the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

> you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

> expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

> tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

> tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

> I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

> claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

> internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

> custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > winning

> > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

> list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

> to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

> Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

> order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

> many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

> to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

> not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

> for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

> yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

> they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > not

> > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

> paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

> all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

> at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

> money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

> here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

> character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

> correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

> the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

> it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

> are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

> yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

> When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

> mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

> do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

> go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

> come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving

> takes

> > > time

> > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > >

> > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

> Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

> not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

> also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

> require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

> reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

> mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or

> Jaimini.

> > > >

> > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

> that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

> rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

> the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are

> perfect!

> > > >

> > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

> on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

> if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

> would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

> fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

> if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

> week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > >

> > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

> planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

> related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

> I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

> Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

> food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

> personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> serious way.

> > > >

> > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

> has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

> to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

> remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

> gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

> to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

> mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

> uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

> work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

> prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

> of this sort.

> > > >

> > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > >

> > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

> applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

> books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> world.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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dear prashantji


whenever such flow of critical or challenging mails come, kindly edit and delete

direct personal attacking languages and let only the gist of non-objectionable



for example, the first para of this messageis fine but you should have deleted

the second and third paras which are objectionable.


no message or sentence shall be allowed which criticises a person on

geographical or religious grounds as the third para denotes.


please send a polite message to such objectionable language writing members to

convey whatever they wish to in a non-objectionable language and you approve the



the bottomline i wish to convey is that we shall not let a member err and

approve it to show that he is erring and then take action against him. no, we

shall edit, correct, advise and let the members contribute in a positive manner

and get the best out of such members in a friendly manner. hope you take this

in right spirit.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun



, " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma wrote:


> You want the truth Bhaskar , why don't we meet at my good friend, Milind

Deora's house. We were very close schoolmates in college in the USA,

Massachusetts to be more precise. You live in Bombay no?


> You third rate servant.


> Yes Prashant, protect some Bangladeshi kid offering yagya services for

exorbitant prices.



> , " Bhaskar " <rajiventerprises@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried to

squeeze money from you ?

> > Dont talk in the air.

> >

> > Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

> > hote hain.

> >

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> > Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> > well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

> > Let him come out with the truth.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

> > this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

> > one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer

> > here?

> > >

> > > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

> > Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> > astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> > jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> > when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

> > was rubbish.

> > >

> > > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

> > experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

> > of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a

> > yagya!!

> > >

> > > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

> > that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> > >

> > >

> > > , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@

> > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to

> > say

> > > >

> > > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> > doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

> > forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

> > know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > > >

> > > > we have max said

> > > >

> > > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

> > from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > > >

> > > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > > >

> > > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> > merchant

> > > >

> > > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

> > and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > > if it can speak

> > > >

> > > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> > such to anyone


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

> > we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> > concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

> > the process.

> > > >

> > > > Prashant

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ________________________________

> > > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > > >

> > > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sir,

> > > >

> > > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

> > is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

> > very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

> > should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> > correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > > >

> > > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

> > are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

> > energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

> > quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> > article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

> > selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

> > the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

> > you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> > examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

> > properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

> > demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > > >

> > > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

> > or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

> > wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > > >

> > > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > > >

> > > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Member,

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

> > single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > > >

> > > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

> > own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

> > paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

> > some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

> > were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

> > many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > > > >

> > > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > > >

> > > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

> > ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> > arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> > members

> > > > >

> > > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

> > REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

> > has to do their part

> > > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

> > energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

> > if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

> > back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> > same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

> > won't take u too far./

> > > > >

> > > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

> > we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

> > r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> > offer.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Best wishes

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > > >

> > > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Members,

> > > > >

> > > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

> > huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

> > message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> > mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> > your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

> > them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> > desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> > founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> > organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

> > be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> > remedies.

> > > > >

> > > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

> > for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> > possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

> > become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

> > later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> > suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

> > does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> > doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

> > substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

> > our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> > remedy.

> > > > >

> > > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> > time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

> > favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> > regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

> > for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

> > realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

> > In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

> > that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> > strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

> > pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> > planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

> > casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

> > with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> > instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> > lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

> > debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

> > a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

> > to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> > really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> > house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> > pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

> > all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

> > other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> > exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> > legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

> > power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> > Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

> > advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

> > wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

> > often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

> > recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> > suggestions.

> > > > >

> > > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> > functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

> > the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

> > dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

> > the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

> > to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

> > am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

> > advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

> > is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> > inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

> > we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> > (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

> > quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

> > what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

> > your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

> > sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> > wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

> > better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

> > other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

> > remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> > planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

> > guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

> > can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> > think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

> > interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

> > Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

> > stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > > >

> > > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

> > be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> > Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> > very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

> > as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> > prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> > introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> > stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

> > rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> > never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

> > In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > > >

> > > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> > rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> > ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

> > you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

> > benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> > possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> > Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> > transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

> > juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> > questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

> > Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> > natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

> > the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

> > finger should I put it on?

> > > > >

> > > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

> > side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> > stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

> > could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

> > filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

> > a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> > laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

> > reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

> > way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

> > stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

> > to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> > I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> > these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> > that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> > natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

> > spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> > -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

> > cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > > >

> > > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

> > question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> > pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> > least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

> > can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

> > exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

> > specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

> > no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

> > Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

> > defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> > impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

> > hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

> > find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> > exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

> > dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

> > say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

> > bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

> > either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

> > gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to

> > consider.

> > > > >

> > > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> > become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> > authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

> > prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

> > that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

> > that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

> > rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

> > need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

> > exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> > completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

> > afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

> > offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

> > cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

> > modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> > Samhita.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

> > wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

> > too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> > donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

> > stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> > stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

> > if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

> > ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> > graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

> > early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

> > even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

> > each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> > consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

> > purchasing it.

> > > > >

> > > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

> > it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> > accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

> > give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

> > high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

> > or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> > feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

> > about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

> > throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

> > Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

> > prescribed remedial measures.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

> > the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> > available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

> > in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> > different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> > artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

> > since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

> > Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

> > all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

> > Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> > inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

> > Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

> > beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> > better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

> > personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

> > a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

> > the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

> > you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

> > expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

> > tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

> > tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

> > I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

> > claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> > hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

> > internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> > that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

> > custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > > winning

> > > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

> > list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> > quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

> > to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> > Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

> > Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> > promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> > essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

> > order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> > sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

> > many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

> > to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

> > not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

> > for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

> > yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> > thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

> > they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > > not

> > > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> > sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> > sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

> > paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

> > all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

> > at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

> > money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> > intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

> > here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

> > character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

> > correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

> > the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> > judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

> > it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

> > are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> > services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

> > yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> > complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> > both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> > impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

> > When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> > pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

> > mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

> > do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> > everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

> > go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> > than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> > their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> > anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

> > come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving

> > takes

> > > > time

> > > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > > >

> > > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

> > Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

> > not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

> > also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> > initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

> > require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

> > reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> > fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

> > mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> > correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or

> > Jaimini.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

> > that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

> > rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> > complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> > estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

> > the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> > practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> > because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> > wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> > they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are

> > perfect!

> > > > >

> > > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> > caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

> > on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> > prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

> > if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> > correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

> > would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> > days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

> > fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

> > if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

> > week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> > first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > > >

> > > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> > Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

> > planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

> > related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> > associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> > troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

> > I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

> > Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> > charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

> > food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

> > personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> > serious way.

> > > > >

> > > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

> > has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

> > to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> > exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> > planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

> > remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> > and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

> > gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> > matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

> > to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> > expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

> > mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

> > uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> > " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

> > work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

> > prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

> > of this sort.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > > > >

> > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > >

> > > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

> > applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

> > books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> > world.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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dear friends


the occassion of appreciating the group for achieving a numeric milestone shall

not be marred by learnt contributing members wasting energy in mails that are of

no use in either learning something or sharing something.


treat this group as an exhibition of astrology where many natives come to see

various facets of astrology, get readings, ask queries to seek answers and also

to get doubts clarified. some natives come and seek answers only from few

particular members. imagine how ugly it looks when the contributing astrologers

who are on the stage are fighting between themselves and the august audience is

sored to see it helplessly.


while appreciating prashantji for his good work for the past year or two as a

moderator, i request learnt members not to waste their energies on clarification

of individuals and if few individuals keep writing peronal mails let them do so

with nonobjectionable language and once they dont find any response they too

would stop their thread.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun


, " Rohiniranjan " <rohini_ranjan



> Prashanth ji,


> Just to clear the air, I personally never had any " issues " with Saptarishi ji

or Pathi ji or another ji or two who could not handle my innocent and direct

questioning and went a bit ballistic and began a bit of a short-lasting tirade.

Despite their insults and so on, I never lost my cool and answered them as

pleasantly as I would have even if they had not tried to express their baseless

frustration against me. Now the following has nothing to do with Pathi ji, who

is a senior by age and likes to share his knowledge with all and gives an

address and name, so if he is reading this please do not misunderstand the



> I think when a cohesive group approaches milestones, for example crossing

10000 members it begins to upset individuals and in fact in doing whether they

attack individuals or groups, usually behind their back for fear of being

expelled, they actually test the mettle of the group. Sadly it results in

wastage of time, particularly when it means talking to nameless people or people

with fake IDs, but they just drift in and out. I am not saying that such

disrespect should be condoned or tolerated beyond a certain point, but people

are smart. If someone keeps writing annonymously, no matter how much

sensationalism he or she wishes to create, people will tune out very quickly.


> But perhaps God has a purpose for these distractions as well because it gives

us the practice to not waste time on such individuals who have a real or

imaginary axe to grind.


> Let it pass...


> Bhaskar ji, Nice to hear your voice on J_R after a long time. Not being a

member of or familiar with Jyotish_Ganga contents I understand that as a owner

(? or moderator?) of that forum why you would get upset that someone is

maligning your forum on another forum. Please carry on your good work without

getting upset. Remember, when the Lion (Simha) walks crows will make noise!


> Best regards,


> Rohiniranjan




> , Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@>


> >

> > Bhaskar ji

> >

> >

> > ,,,// , this member is accusing my Group as

> > well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating //

> >

> > PL see every post i have replied to astro-explorer i have ASKED HIM to prove

what he has to accuse Sri TANVIR ji, i have repeatedly asked and also praised

and reminded him that it is such a forum owner who belived in a democratic

sharing, gave the platfrom for many ppl to be seenm known we may be in our own

private areas not on such world stages

> >


the group, whevr it was atacked by some of ur groups also i have pointed it out

only politely as gossip clubs and never abused anyone.

> >

> >

> > u can see the difference my mails too were never allowed in AIA, when u

critised me i could not defend myself even once

> >

> > i like the spirit of tanvir ji and do the same, just avoiding fakes is

important, rest if pointed out to me i have always restored order

> >

> > the Saptarishi rr ji issue, a v pathi ji issues with RRji etc were handled

in the best interest of both of them above all JYOTISHYA if we quarrel we lose a

lot more, if we agree to disagree and live with one another's faults all of us

and people who have faith in us will be nenifited

> >

> > prashant

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > Bhaskar <rajiventerprises@>

> >

> > Friday, July 24, 2009 10:47:45 PM

> > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried to

squeeze money from you ?

> > Dont talk in the air.

> >

> > Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

> > hote hain.

> >

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> > Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> > well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

> > Let him come out with the truth.

> >

> > , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@ ...>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

> > this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

> > one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer

> > here?

> > >

> > > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

> > Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> > astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> > jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> > when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

> > was rubbish.

> > >

> > > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

> > experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

> > of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a

> > yagya!!

> > >

> > > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

> > that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> > >

> > >

> > > , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@

> > wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to

> > say

> > > >

> > > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> > doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

> > forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

> > know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > > >

> > > > we have max said

> > > >

> > > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

> > from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > > >

> > > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > > >

> > > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> > merchant

> > > >

> > > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

> > and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > > if it can speak

> > > >

> > > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> > such to anyone


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

> > we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> > concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

> > the process.

> > > >

> > > > Prashant

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > > >

> > > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sir,

> > > >

> > > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

> > is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

> > very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

> > should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> > correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > > >

> > > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

> > are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

> > energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

> > quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> > article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

> > selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

> > the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

> > you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> > examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

> > properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

> > demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > > >

> > > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

> > or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

> > wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > > >

> > > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > > >

> > > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Member,

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

> > single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > > >

> > > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

> > own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

> > paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

> > some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

> > were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

> > many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > > > >

> > > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > > >

> > > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

> > ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> > arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> > members

> > > > >

> > > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

> > REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

> > has to do their part

> > > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

> > energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

> > if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

> > back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> > same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

> > won't take u too far./

> > > > >

> > > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

> > we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

> > r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> > offer.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Best wishes

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > > >

> > > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Members,

> > > > >

> > > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

> > huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

> > message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> > mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> > your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

> > them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> > desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> > founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> > organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

> > be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> > remedies.

> > > > >

> > > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

> > for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> > possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

> > become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

> > later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> > suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

> > does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> > doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

> > substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

> > our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> > remedy.

> > > > >

> > > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> > time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

> > favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> > regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

> > for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

> > realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

> > In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

> > that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> > strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

> > pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> > planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

> > casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

> > with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> > instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> > lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

> > debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

> > a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

> > to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> > really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> > house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> > pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

> > all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

> > other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> > exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> > legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

> > power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> > Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

> > advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

> > wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

> > often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

> > recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> > suggestions.

> > > > >

> > > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> > functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

> > the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

> > dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

> > the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

> > to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

> > am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

> > advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

> > is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> > inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

> > we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> > (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

> > quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

> > what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

> > your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

> > sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> > wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

> > better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

> > other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

> > remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> > planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

> > guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

> > can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> > think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

> > interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

> > Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

> > stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > > >

> > > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

> > be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> > Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> > very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

> > as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> > prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> > introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> > stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

> > rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> > never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

> > In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > > >

> > > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> > rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> > ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

> > you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

> > benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> > possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> > Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> > transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

> > juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > > >

> > > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> > questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

> > Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> > natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

> > the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

> > finger should I put it on?

> > > > >

> > > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

> > side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> > stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

> > could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

> > filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

> > a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> > laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

> > reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

> > way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

> > stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

> > to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> > I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> > these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> > that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> > natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

> > spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> > -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

> > cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > > >

> > > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

> > question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> > pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> > least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

> > can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

> > exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

> > specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

> > no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

> > Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

> > defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> > impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

> > hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

> > find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> > exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

> > dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

> > say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

> > bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

> > either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

> > gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to

> > consider.

> > > > >

> > > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> > become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> > authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

> > prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

> > that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

> > that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

> > rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

> > need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

> > exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> > completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

> > afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

> > offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

> > cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

> > modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> > Samhita.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

> > wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

> > too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> > donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

> > stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> > stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

> > if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

> > ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> > graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

> > early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

> > even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

> > each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> > consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

> > purchasing it.

> > > > >

> > > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

> > it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> > accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

> > give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

> > high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

> > or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> > feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

> > about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

> > throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

> > Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

> > prescribed remedial measures.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

> > the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> > available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

> > in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> > different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> > artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

> > since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

> > Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

> > all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

> > Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> > inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

> > Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

> > beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> > better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

> > personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

> > a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

> > the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

> > you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

> > expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

> > tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

> > tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

> > I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

> > claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> > hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

> > internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> > that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

> > custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > > winning

> > > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

> > list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> > quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

> > to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> > Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

> > Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> > promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> > essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

> > order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> > sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

> > many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

> > to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

> > not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

> > for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

> > yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> > thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

> > they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > > not

> > > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> > sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> > sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

> > paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

> > all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

> > at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

> > money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> > intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

> > here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

> > character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

> > correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

> > the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> > judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

> > it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

> > are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> > services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

> > yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> > complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> > both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> > impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

> > When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> > pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

> > mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

> > do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> > everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

> > go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> > than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> > their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> > anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

> > come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving

> > takes

> > > > time

> > > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > > >

> > > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

> > Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

> > not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

> > also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> > initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

> > require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

> > reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> > fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

> > mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> > correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or

> > Jaimini.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

> > that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

> > rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> > complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> > estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

> > the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> > practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> > because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> > wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> > they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are

> > perfect!

> > > > >

> > > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> > caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

> > on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> > prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

> > if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> > correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

> > would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> > days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

> > fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

> > if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

> > week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> > first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > > >

> > > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> > Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

> > planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

> > related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> > associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> > troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

> > I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

> > Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> > charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

> > food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

> > personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> > serious way.

> > > > >

> > > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

> > has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

> > to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> > exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> > planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

> > remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > > >

> > > > > *****

> > > > >

> > > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> > and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

> > gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> > matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

> > to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> > expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

> > mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

> > uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> > " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

> > work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

> > prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

> > of this sort.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > > > >

> > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > >

> > > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

> > applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

> > books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> > world.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Guest guest

Dear Arjun-ji,


While I agree with your recommendation, unfortunately, such are these harsh

times -- such editings would be readily misinterpreted as " manipulation " and

attempts on part of the moderator to control!


What we need here is for well-meaning members like you and I and others who

really think this forum is important and worthy of coming back to and support --

to come back and not advise Tanvir or Prashanth ji but to take on the unofficial

advisor role! I have tried to do that at times and was attacked by being called

as " trying to act as moderator! " .


We need more ENGAGED members as opposed to DISENGAGED advisors!


And if the former are figments of my imagination, then perhaps that view must be

openly and bravely stated so -- so that we can all know who stands where in this

Mayavini reality!


Please help if/when you can ...



Respectfully and affectionately submitted,








, " panditarjun2004 " <panditarjun2004



> dear prashantji


> whenever such flow of critical or challenging mails come, kindly edit and

delete direct personal attacking languages and let only the gist of

non-objectionable language.


> for example, the first para of this messageis fine but you should have deleted

the second and third paras which are objectionable.


> no message or sentence shall be allowed which criticises a person on

geographical or religious grounds as the third para denotes.


> please send a polite message to such objectionable language writing members to

convey whatever they wish to in a non-objectionable language and you approve the



> the bottomline i wish to convey is that we shall not let a member err and

approve it to show that he is erring and then take action against him. no, we

shall edit, correct, advise and let the members contribute in a positive manner

and get the best out of such members in a friendly manner. hope you take this

in right spirit.


> with best wishes and blessings

> pandit arjun



> , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@> wrote:

> >

> > You want the truth Bhaskar , why don't we meet at my good friend, Milind

Deora's house. We were very close schoolmates in college in the USA,

Massachusetts to be more precise. You live in Bombay no?

> >

> > You third rate servant.

> >

> > Yes Prashant, protect some Bangladeshi kid offering yagya services for

exorbitant prices.

> >

> >

> > , " Bhaskar " <rajiventerprises@>


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried to

squeeze money from you ?

> > > Dont talk in the air.

> > >

> > > Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

> > > hote hain.

> > >

> > > Bhaskar.

> > >

> > > Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> > > well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

> > > Let him come out with the truth.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Sir,

> > > >

> > > > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

> > > this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

> > > one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer

> > > here?

> > > >

> > > > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

> > > Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> > > astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> > > jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> > > when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

> > > was rubbish.

> > > >

> > > > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

> > > experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

> > > of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a

> > > yagya!!

> > > >

> > > > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

> > > that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@

> > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Member,

> > > > >

> > > > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to

> > > say

> > > > >

> > > > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> > > doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

> > > forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

> > > know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > > > >

> > > > > we have max said

> > > > >

> > > > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

> > > from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > > > >

> > > > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > > > >

> > > > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> > > merchant

> > > > >

> > > > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

> > > and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > > > if it can speak

> > > > >

> > > > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> > > such to anyone


> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

> > > we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> > > concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

> > > the process.

> > > > >

> > > > > Prashant

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ________________________________

> > > > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > > > >

> > > > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Sir,

> > > > >

> > > > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

> > > is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

> > > very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

> > > should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> > > correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > > > >

> > > > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

> > > are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

> > > energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

> > > quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> > > article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

> > > selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

> > > the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

> > > you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> > > examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

> > > properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

> > > demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > > > >

> > > > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

> > > or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

> > > wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > > > >

> > > > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > > > >

> > > > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > > <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Member,

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

> > > single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

> > > own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

> > > paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

> > > some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

> > > were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

> > > many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

> > > ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> > > arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> > > members

> > > > > >

> > > > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

> > > REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

> > > has to do their part

> > > > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

> > > energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

> > > if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

> > > back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> > > same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

> > > won't take u too far./

> > > > > >

> > > > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

> > > we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

> > > r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> > > offer.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Best wishes

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Members,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

> > > huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

> > > message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> > > mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> > > your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

> > > them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> > > desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> > > founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> > > organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

> > > be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> > > remedies.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

> > > for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> > > possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

> > > become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

> > > later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> > > suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

> > > does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> > > doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

> > > substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

> > > our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> > > remedy.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> > > time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

> > > favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> > > regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

> > > for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

> > > realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

> > > In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

> > > that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> > > strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

> > > pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> > > planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

> > > casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

> > > with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> > > instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> > > lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

> > > debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

> > > a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

> > > to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> > > really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> > > house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> > > pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

> > > all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > *****

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

> > > other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> > > exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> > > legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

> > > power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> > > Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

> > > advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

> > > wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

> > > often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

> > > recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> > > suggestions.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> > > functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

> > > the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

> > > dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

> > > the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

> > > to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

> > > am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

> > > advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

> > > is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> > > inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

> > > we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> > > (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

> > > quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

> > > what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

> > > your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

> > > sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> > > wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

> > > better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

> > > other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

> > > remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> > > planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

> > > guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

> > > can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> > > think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

> > > interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

> > > Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

> > > stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

> > > be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> > > Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> > > very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

> > > as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> > > prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> > > introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> > > stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

> > > rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> > > never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

> > > In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> > > rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> > > ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

> > > you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

> > > benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> > > possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> > > Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> > > transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

> > > juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> > > questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

> > > Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> > > natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

> > > the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

> > > finger should I put it on?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

> > > side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> > > stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

> > > could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

> > > filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

> > > a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> > > laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

> > > reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

> > > way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

> > > stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

> > > to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> > > I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> > > these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> > > that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> > > natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

> > > spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> > > -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

> > > cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

> > > question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> > > pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> > > least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

> > > can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

> > > exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

> > > specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

> > > no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

> > > Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

> > > defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> > > impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

> > > hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

> > > find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> > > exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

> > > dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

> > > say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

> > > bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

> > > either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

> > > gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to

> > > consider.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> > > become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> > > authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

> > > prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

> > > that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

> > > that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

> > > rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

> > > need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

> > > exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> > > completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

> > > afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

> > > offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

> > > cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

> > > modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> > > Samhita.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

> > > wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

> > > too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> > > donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

> > > stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> > > stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

> > > if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

> > > ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> > > graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

> > > early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

> > > even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

> > > each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> > > consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

> > > purchasing it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

> > > it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> > > accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

> > > give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

> > > high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

> > > or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> > > feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

> > > about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

> > > throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

> > > Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

> > > prescribed remedial measures.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > *****

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

> > > the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> > > available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

> > > in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> > > different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> > > artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

> > > since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

> > > Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

> > > all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

> > > Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> > > inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

> > > Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

> > > beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> > > better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

> > > personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

> > > a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

> > > the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

> > > you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

> > > expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

> > > tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

> > > tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

> > > I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

> > > claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> > > hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

> > > internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> > > that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

> > > custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > > > winning

> > > > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

> > > list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> > > quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

> > > to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > *****

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> > > Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

> > > Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> > > promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> > > essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

> > > order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> > > sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

> > > many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

> > > to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

> > > not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

> > > for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

> > > yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> > > thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

> > > they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > > > not

> > > > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> > > sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> > > sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

> > > paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

> > > all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

> > > at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

> > > money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> > > intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

> > > here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

> > > character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

> > > correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

> > > the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> > > judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

> > > it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

> > > are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> > > services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

> > > yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > *****

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> > > complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> > > both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> > > impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

> > > When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> > > pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

> > > mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

> > > do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> > > everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

> > > go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> > > than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> > > their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> > > anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

> > > come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving

> > > takes

> > > > > time

> > > > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

> > > Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

> > > not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

> > > also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> > > initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

> > > require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

> > > reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> > > fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

> > > mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> > > correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or

> > > Jaimini.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

> > > that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

> > > rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> > > complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> > > estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

> > > the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> > > practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> > > because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> > > wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> > > they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are

> > > perfect!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> > > caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

> > > on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> > > prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

> > > if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> > > correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

> > > would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> > > days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

> > > fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

> > > if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

> > > week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> > > first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> > > Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

> > > planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

> > > related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> > > associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> > > troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

> > > I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

> > > Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> > > charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

> > > food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

> > > personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> > > serious way.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

> > > has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

> > > to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> > > exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> > > planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

> > > remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > *****

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> > > and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

> > > gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> > > matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

> > > to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> > > expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

> > > mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

> > > uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> > > " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

> > > work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

> > > prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

> > > of this sort.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > > >

> > > > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

> > > applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

> > > books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> > > world.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

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Guest guest

dear RRji


you stand tallest in contributions in this group consistently for the past

several years and surely we are all with you in doing our bit of service to this

exhibition of jyotisha.


once i told prashantji that internet is like maya and we dont know who is the

real owner of an id. hence it is better not to take names and accept that we

have to live with this maya. a rich person having lot of wealth to burn will

open multiple accounts and find ways to dilute and spend. similarly a person

who has all the time and energy in the world would open multiple ids and write

various things. hence as a first step, we shall accept all these realities of

mayajaal (internet) thanks to rahu and agree to live with them. then we dont

find any problem with such multiple id posters.


secondly, we all shall exhibit tolerance and respect to the liberty and freedom

of any member for expressing anything in the beginning if it is in a civilised

language. then we shall disengage from such posts which are of no use either to

astrologers or to querents.


last but most important in my view is what you expressed precisely that if good

contributers like you, krishnanji, prashantji and others keep on writing more

and contributing more, naturally the negative objectionable mails get obfuscated

and ignored.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun



, " Rohiniranjan " <rohini_ranjan



> Dear Arjun-ji,


> While I agree with your recommendation, unfortunately, such are these harsh

times -- such editings would be readily misinterpreted as " manipulation " and

attempts on part of the moderator to control!


> What we need here is for well-meaning members like you and I and others who

really think this forum is important and worthy of coming back to and support --

to come back and not advise Tanvir or Prashanth ji but to take on the unofficial

advisor role! I have tried to do that at times and was attacked by being called

as " trying to act as moderator! " .


> We need more ENGAGED members as opposed to DISENGAGED advisors!


> And if the former are figments of my imagination, then perhaps that view must

be openly and bravely stated so -- so that we can all know who stands where in

this Mayavini reality!


> Please help if/when you can ...



> Respectfully and affectionately submitted,


> Rohiniranjan






> , " panditarjun2004 " <panditarjun2004@>


> >

> > dear prashantji

> >

> > whenever such flow of critical or challenging mails come, kindly edit and

delete direct personal attacking languages and let only the gist of

non-objectionable language.

> >

> > for example, the first para of this messageis fine but you should have

deleted the second and third paras which are objectionable.

> >

> > no message or sentence shall be allowed which criticises a person on

geographical or religious grounds as the third para denotes.

> >

> > please send a polite message to such objectionable language writing members

to convey whatever they wish to in a non-objectionable language and you approve

the same.

> >

> > the bottomline i wish to convey is that we shall not let a member err and

approve it to show that he is erring and then take action against him. no, we

shall edit, correct, advise and let the members contribute in a positive manner

and get the best out of such members in a friendly manner. hope you take this

in right spirit.

> >

> > with best wishes and blessings

> > pandit arjun

> >

> >

> > , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@> wrote:

> > >

> > > You want the truth Bhaskar , why don't we meet at my good friend, Milind

Deora's house. We were very close schoolmates in college in the USA,

Massachusetts to be more precise. You live in Bombay no?

> > >

> > > You third rate servant.

> > >

> > > Yes Prashant, protect some Bangladeshi kid offering yagya services for

exorbitant prices.

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Bhaskar " <rajiventerprises@>


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried to

squeeze money from you ?

> > > > Dont talk in the air.

> > > >

> > > > Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

> > > > hote hain.

> > > >

> > > > Bhaskar.

> > > >

> > > > Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> > > > well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

> > > > Let him come out with the truth.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@>

> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Sir,

> > > > >

> > > > > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

> > > > this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

> > > > one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer

> > > > here?

> > > > >

> > > > > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

> > > > Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> > > > astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> > > > jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> > > > when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

> > > > was rubbish.

> > > > >

> > > > > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

> > > > experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

> > > > of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a

> > > > yagya!!

> > > > >

> > > > > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

> > > > that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@

> > > > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Member,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to

> > > > say

> > > > > >

> > > > > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> > > > doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

> > > > forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

> > > > know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > > > > >

> > > > > > we have max said

> > > > > >

> > > > > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

> > > > from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > > > > >

> > > > > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > > > > >

> > > > > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> > > > merchant

> > > > > >

> > > > > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

> > > > and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > > > > if it can speak

> > > > > >

> > > > > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> > > > such to anyone


> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

> > > > we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> > > > concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

> > > > the process.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Prashant

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ________________________________

> > > > > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > > > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sir,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

> > > > is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

> > > > very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

> > > > should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> > > > correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

> > > > are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

> > > > energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

> > > > quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> > > > article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

> > > > selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

> > > > the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

> > > > you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> > > > examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

> > > > properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

> > > > demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

> > > > or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

> > > > wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > > > <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Member,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

> > > > single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

> > > > own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

> > > > paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

> > > > some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

> > > > were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

> > > > many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

> > > > ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> > > > arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> > > > members

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

> > > > REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

> > > > has to do their part

> > > > > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > > > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

> > > > energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

> > > > if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

> > > > back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> > > > same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

> > > > won't take u too far./

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

> > > > we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

> > > > r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> > > > offer.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Best wishes

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > > > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Dear Members,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

> > > > huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

> > > > message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> > > > mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> > > > your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

> > > > them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> > > > desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> > > > founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> > > > organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

> > > > be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> > > > remedies.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

> > > > for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> > > > possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

> > > > become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

> > > > later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> > > > suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

> > > > does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> > > > doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

> > > > substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

> > > > our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> > > > remedy.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> > > > time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

> > > > favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> > > > regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

> > > > for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

> > > > realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

> > > > In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

> > > > that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> > > > strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

> > > > pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> > > > planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

> > > > casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

> > > > with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> > > > instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> > > > lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

> > > > debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

> > > > a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

> > > > to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> > > > really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> > > > house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> > > > pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

> > > > all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > *****

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

> > > > other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> > > > exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> > > > legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

> > > > power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> > > > Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

> > > > advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

> > > > wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

> > > > often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

> > > > recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> > > > suggestions.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> > > > functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

> > > > the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

> > > > dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

> > > > the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

> > > > to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

> > > > am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

> > > > advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

> > > > is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> > > > inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

> > > > we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> > > > (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

> > > > quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

> > > > what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

> > > > your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

> > > > sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> > > > wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

> > > > better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

> > > > other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

> > > > remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> > > > planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

> > > > guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

> > > > can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> > > > think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

> > > > interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

> > > > Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

> > > > stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

> > > > be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> > > > Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> > > > very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

> > > > as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> > > > prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> > > > introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> > > > stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

> > > > rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> > > > never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

> > > > In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> > > > rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> > > > ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

> > > > you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

> > > > benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> > > > possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> > > > Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> > > > transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

> > > > juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> > > > questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

> > > > Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> > > > natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

> > > > the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

> > > > finger should I put it on?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

> > > > side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> > > > stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

> > > > could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

> > > > filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

> > > > a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> > > > laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

> > > > reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

> > > > way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

> > > > stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

> > > > to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> > > > I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> > > > these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> > > > that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> > > > natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

> > > > spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> > > > -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

> > > > cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

> > > > question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> > > > pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> > > > least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

> > > > can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

> > > > exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

> > > > specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

> > > > no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

> > > > Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

> > > > defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> > > > impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

> > > > hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

> > > > find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> > > > exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

> > > > dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

> > > > say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

> > > > bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

> > > > either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

> > > > gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to

> > > > consider.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> > > > become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> > > > authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

> > > > prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

> > > > that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

> > > > that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

> > > > rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

> > > > need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

> > > > exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> > > > completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

> > > > afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

> > > > offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

> > > > cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

> > > > modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> > > > Samhita.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

> > > > wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

> > > > too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> > > > donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

> > > > stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> > > > stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

> > > > if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

> > > > ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> > > > graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

> > > > early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

> > > > even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

> > > > each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> > > > consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

> > > > purchasing it.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

> > > > it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> > > > accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

> > > > give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

> > > > high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

> > > > or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> > > > feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

> > > > about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

> > > > throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

> > > > Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

> > > > prescribed remedial measures.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > *****

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

> > > > the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> > > > available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

> > > > in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> > > > different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> > > > artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

> > > > since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

> > > > Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

> > > > all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

> > > > Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> > > > inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

> > > > Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

> > > > beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> > > > better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

> > > > personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

> > > > a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

> > > > the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

> > > > you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

> > > > expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

> > > > tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

> > > > tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

> > > > I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

> > > > claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> > > > hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

> > > > internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> > > > that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

> > > > custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > > > > winning

> > > > > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

> > > > list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> > > > quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

> > > > to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > *****

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> > > > Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

> > > > Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> > > > promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> > > > essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

> > > > order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> > > > sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

> > > > many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

> > > > to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

> > > > not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

> > > > for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

> > > > yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> > > > thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

> > > > they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > > > > not

> > > > > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> > > > sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> > > > sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

> > > > paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

> > > > all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

> > > > at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

> > > > money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> > > > intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

> > > > here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

> > > > character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

> > > > correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

> > > > the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> > > > judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

> > > > it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

> > > > are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> > > > services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

> > > > yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > *****

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> > > > complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> > > > both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> > > > impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

> > > > When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> > > > pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

> > > > mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

> > > > do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> > > > everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

> > > > go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> > > > than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> > > > their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> > > > anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

> > > > come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving

> > > > takes

> > > > > > time

> > > > > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

> > > > Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

> > > > not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

> > > > also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> > > > initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

> > > > require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

> > > > reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> > > > fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

> > > > mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> > > > correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or

> > > > Jaimini.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

> > > > that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

> > > > rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> > > > complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> > > > estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

> > > > the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> > > > practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> > > > because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> > > > wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> > > > they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are

> > > > perfect!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> > > > caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

> > > > on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> > > > prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

> > > > if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> > > > correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

> > > > would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> > > > days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

> > > > fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

> > > > if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

> > > > week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> > > > first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> > > > Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

> > > > planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

> > > > related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> > > > associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> > > > troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

> > > > I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

> > > > Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> > > > charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

> > > > food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

> > > > personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> > > > serious way.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

> > > > has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

> > > > to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> > > > exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> > > > planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

> > > > remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > *****

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> > > > and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

> > > > gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> > > > matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

> > > > to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> > > > expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

> > > > mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

> > > > uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> > > > " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

> > > > work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

> > > > prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

> > > > of this sort.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> > > > s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

> > > > applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

> > > > books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> > > > world.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

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Guest guest

Dear RRji,


I never meant there were issues, I said the potential flash points had been

defused easily when it was brought to my notice and this is possible only when

two mature individuals r involved and it did happen else whatever I or the owner

do it can't work isn't it, and it is good that both eposodes ended well unlike

many others where we younger brigade do take it a bit further, so seniors like

u, a v pathi ji do show us some ways to see how u came out in this regard I do

always admire sri P V Narshima rao ji who has withstood all such critism with

the best poise, dignity required of astrologers all of the rest ME INCLUDED have

erred quite a few times, I wish some day i can reach such a poise myself a

benchmark worth emulating. for all that he is worth, done to the subject he got

terrible treatment continus to be maligned with every reading he gives out.

where there is so much to read in the material he posts than what failed in his



rest of the post is quite good and hope the faceless members do learn from

their mistakes and come in the open

this way issues can be resolved faster, better


I also do agree that other groups topics r bestr avoided here by members.










Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan


Saturday, July 25, 2009 4:42:07 AM

Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!



Prashanth ji,


Just to clear the air, I personally never had any " issues " with Saptarishi ji or

Pathi ji or another ji or two who could not handle my innocent and direct

questioning and went a bit ballistic and began a bit of a short-lasting tirade.

Despite their insults and so on, I never lost my cool and answered them as

pleasantly as I would have even if they had not tried to express their baseless

frustration against me. Now the following has nothing to do with Pathi ji, who

is a senior by age and likes to share his knowledge with all and gives an

address and name, so if he is reading this please do not misunderstand the



I think when a cohesive group approaches milestones, for example crossing 10000

members it begins to upset individuals and in fact in doing whether they attack

individuals or groups, usually behind their back for fear of being expelled,

they actually test the mettle of the group. Sadly it results in wastage of time,

particularly when it means talking to nameless people or people with fake IDs,

but they just drift in and out. I am not saying that such disrespect should be

condoned or tolerated beyond a certain point, but people are smart. If someone

keeps writing annonymously, no matter how much sensationalism he or she wishes

to create, people will tune out very quickly.


But perhaps God has a purpose for these distractions as well because it gives us

the practice to not waste time on such individuals who have a real or imaginary

axe to grind.


Let it pass...


Bhaskar ji, Nice to hear your voice on J_R after a long time. Not being a member

of or familiar with Jyotish_Ganga contents I understand that as a owner (? or

moderator?) of that forum why you would get upset that someone is maligning your

forum on another forum. Please carry on your good work without getting upset.

Remember, when the Lion (Simha) walks crows will make noise!


Best regards,




, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@. ..>



> Bhaskar ji



> ,,,// , this member is accusing my Group as

> well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating //


> PL see every post i have replied to astro-explorer i have ASKED HIM to prove

what he has to accuse Sri TANVIR ji, i have repeatedly asked and also praised

and reminded him that it is such a forum owner who belived in a democratic

sharing, gave the platfrom for many ppl to be seenm known we may be in our own

private areas not on such world stages



the group, whevr it was atacked by some of ur groups also i have pointed it out

only politely as gossip clubs and never abused anyone.



> u can see the difference my mails too were never allowed in AIA, when u

critised me i could not defend myself even once


> i like the spirit of tanvir ji and do the same, just avoiding fakes is

important, rest if pointed out to me i have always restored order


> the Saptarishi rr ji issue, a v pathi ji issues with RRji etc were handled in

the best interest of both of them above all JYOTISHYA if we quarrel we lose a

lot more, if we agree to disagree and live with one another's faults all of us

and people who have faith in us will be nenifited


> prashant






> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Bhaskar <rajiventerprises@ ...>


> Friday, July 24, 2009 10:47:45 PM

> Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!





> Dont call Jyotish Ganga people cowards.tell me which Moderator tried to

squeeze money from you ?

> Dont talk in the air.


> Peeth peeche " cowards " nahin bolte kisi ko. Joh bolte hain woh hinjde

> hote hain.


> Bhaskar.


> Mr. Prashant GB- Dear Moderator, this member is accusing my Group as

> well as the Owner of the Group you are moderating. We want the truth.

> Let him come out with the truth.


> , " sbm_sharma " <sbm_sharma@ ...>

> wrote:

> >

> > Sir,

> >

> > I have even seen a member of the " professional " astrologers list on

> this ask a question about the intricacies of Pushkaramsa to

> one of our very esteemed group members. Why couldn't he find the answer

> here?

> >

> > But I will credit you for posting my messages, the cowards on Ancient

> Indian Astrology and Jyotish_Ganga will not post my questions. Their

> astrologers are almost as inept as the one's found here. One of the

> jyotish_ganga moderators tried to squeeze every last penny out of me

> when I asked him for a consultation. Needless to say, the consultation

> was rubbish.

> >

> > BTW: Many are conducted simplified Ganesha homas in their homes and

> experiencing fantastic results. But I suppose you will not be in favor

> of this as your board owner wants to charge a minimum of 600 USD for a

> yagya!!

> >

> > Now please answer my question about the very expensive yagya " remedy "

> that your board owner, a boy from Bangladesh, is promoting.

> >

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar@

> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Member,

> > >

> > > u have no idea of the subject or the group so making all u want to

> say

> > >

> > > who is qualifiedin the membership here to conduct Yagnas here, I

> doubt any i remember Pt R dakshinamurthy ji used to in vedic astrology

> forum before he left 2 yrs ago now no group ha s such members, pl let me

> know any esp inJR as u falsely accuse

> > >

> > > we have max said

> > >

> > > pray to such a such deity, graha [devatha] and this they can choose

> from available prayers inthe net or public, published domain itself

> > >

> > > and gemstones unless members have asked we have never suggested

> > >

> > > except one or two members noone has any tie up with a gem stones

> merchant

> > >

> > > 2 were doing ione quit yrs ago other a yr ago is absent

> > >

> > >

> > > and we know pearls are a rare phenomina and what u get are artifical

> and cultured ones even a donkey will tell u this

> > > if it can speak

> > >

> > > and we know no one can really afford gems so we rarely suggested

> such to anyone


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > get ur facts right and talk, else find other places for ur rubbish

> we r merely discussing, debating and answering genuine interests,

> concerns of members here. shaping future generation astrologers also in

> the process.

> > >

> > > Prashant

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > " astro_explorer@ " astro_explorer@

> > >

> > > Friday, July 24, 2009 1:00:23 AM

> > > Re: Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > >

> > >

> > > Sir,

> > >

> > > You have no validity in your arguments. This jyotish remedies group

> is a link for mass-marketed yagya sold at very expensive prices to some

> very desperate people! Are you telling me that these actually work? Why

> should I believe anything else you say? What I have written is 100%

> correct. You must learn to read more carefully.

> > >

> > > As I mentioned, gems and rudrakasha will likely work best if they

> are energized but if you think they will not work at all if they are not

> energized then you are very mistaken. I have spoken extensively about

> quality. Size is a very controversial issue. Please READ the WHOLE

> article. I have spoken extensively about how most jewelers in India are

> selling " junk " stones and what flaws to look out for. Do you even know

> the difference between a tissue nucleated pearl and a natural pearl? Do

> you know that even after x-ray analysis, roughly 10 percent of all

> examined Pearls, (examined by experienced gemologists) still cannot be

> properly identified? Have you told anybody you suggested a pearl to to

> demand an X-ray analysis to see if it is natural?

> > >

> > > How many people on this board can afford a real jyotish quality ruby

> or emerald? I can count on 1 hand probably. But how many think they are

> wearing the genuine article? Probably many, many more.

> > >

> > > Its not mudslinging to expose fraudulent practices now is it?

> > >

> > > , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > just by branding everyone with a single stroke of a brush and a

> single color will make some exclusively holy!

> > > >

> > > > have u seen astrologers in most groups prescribe stones on their

> own or when ppl ask them?

> > > > same too in professional face to face sittings not all r what u

> paint them just some do, those who feel they can earn a quick name as

> some people like the WHITE PILL

> > > > there was a simple test conducted by some US drugs R & D where ppl

> were admininsered a simple white drug with no medicinal elements in it

> many people with whatever complaints they had taken it felt relieved.

> > > >

> > > > only thse can be gullible even to bad doctors, lawyers, etc.

> > > >

> > > > I can show u in the forum here members like RRji, vattem krishna

> ji, myself, rafel G, Mrityunjaya tripathi ji, anum ji, Nikit ji, pt

> arjun ji harry ji etc HAVE NEVER SUGGESTED GEMSTONES unless asked by

> members

> > > >

> > > > in most cases we do say PRAYERS R THE BEST FORM OF PALLATIVES OR

> REMEDIES as u r part of the remedy, and any thing one has to cleanse one

> has to do their part

> > > > gemstones also work if one can afford or ha no time for prayers

> > > > also u need some experts views on the quality, size, purification,

> energisation merely wearing it like a ornament will not help either even

> if u follow half truth like touching the skin with a open setting on the

> back with no purification, energisation with mantras it has no value

> same goes with Yantras, Rudrakshas etc.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > merely promoting ur group as holier by branding and mud slinging

> won't take u too far./

> > > >

> > > > walk with the rest of us abe seen reading good cases here why must

> we come somewhee else noone has stopped u from airing ur views here if u

> r doing here surely ppl will come to ur place and see what u have to

> offer.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Best wishes

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > " astro_explorer@ ... " <astro_explorer@ ...>

> > > >

> > > > Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:01:34 PM

> > > > Gemstones, Rudraksha, Yagya, Mantra, Oh My!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > >

> > > > Dear Members,

> > > >

> > > > All kidding aside, let me try to briefly but concisely address the

> huge body of knowledge concerning astrological remedies. Think of this

> message as a " Consumer's Guide " to astrological remedies. Make no

> mistake - there are many people out there who are only eager to take

> your hard earned money and give nothing but heartache in return-some of

> them are very well known. These charlatans prey upon people's

> desperation and ignorance. Some of these frauds even comprise the

> founding membership of a fancy sounding, so-called watch-dog

> organization called the Planetary Gemologists Association. Or they might

> be found running massive " specializing " in jyotish

> remedies.

> > > >

> > > > First and foremost please keep in mind that the guiding principle

> for prescribing any type of remedy is that it must be as Sattvic as

> possible. The farther one strays from this principle the more one has to

> become educated about possible negative repercussions. As you will see

> later I believe that a prasiddha mantra is the most Sattvic and most

> suitable of all remedies. Secondly, one must have faith in remedies, it

> does not have to be an undying absolutely resolute faith but it is

> doubtful that one who does not believe at least somewhat will get any

> substantial results. Lastly, please understand that many times much of

> our most difficult karma is fixed and quite difficult to completely

> remedy.

> > > >

> > > > Let me address each major category of remedy one section at a

> time. Let's first start with gemstones as these seem to be everybody's

> favorite. It bears mentioning that there are many schools of thought

> regarding remedies, particularly when it comes to gemstones. The rules

> for gemstone prescription given herein are quite conservative; I fully

> realize some exceptions can be made if one's constellations indicate so.

> In addition, if we really examine most people's charts, we soon realize

> that its not really our moderately favorable planets that need to be

> strengthened but rather our most troublesome planets which need to be

> pacified (Certainly you can do both!)- pacification of troublesome

> planets cannot be accomplished with gemstones (Though a benefic planet

> casting a favorable aspect on a troubled planet might be strengthened

> with a gemstone- as long as certain other conditions apply). For

> instance, take Pisces lagna. Jupiter is lord of 1st and 10th of

> > > > course, so it is especially important to the native, as it is

> lagna lord and also ruling the house of career. What if we find Jupiter

> debilitated in Capricorn and aspected by two first class malefics? Will

> a yellow sapphire help in this situation? No, no it won't. Not according

> to my knowledge at least. A yellow sapphire in this situation could

> really make things worse! Though perhaps if Moon (Lord of trine- 5th

> house) casts an aspect on Ju and was favorably placed in the chart a

> pearl could then be used to indirectly aid Jupiter. My point in saying

> all this is that gems are seldom the remedy we think we need.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Although gemstone usage is not indicated as a remedy in the BPHS,

> other texts such as the Garuda purana speak of their power quite

> exhaustively, the Agni purana too but to a much lesser extent. The

> legendary astrologer, Varahahimira, extensively treats the " mystical "

> power of gems in his magnificent astrological treatise, the Brihat

> Samhita. Harihara, in his monumental work, Prasna Marga, offers explicit

> advice on imbibing procedures that can be used for gems. Selecting and

> wearing gemstones, jyotish quality gemstone that is, is an expensive and

> often confusing proposition. Ask 5 different astrologers for a gemstone

> recommendation and you may very well end up with 5 different

> suggestions.

> > > >

> > > > To get straight to the point, gems should only be worn for

> functional benefics, meaning, trinal rulers. Complications arise when

> the graha (Unless it is Lagnesh) in question rules both a trine and a

> dusthana, if this is the case we must look at whether the dusthana is

> the mooltrikona sign of the graha in question; if it is, it may be wise

> to pass on wearing the stone. Many may disagree with my position but I

> am trying to be as safe as possible here. Also, I personally would not

> advise anybody to wear a gem of an inherent malefic (Unless perhaps it

> is lagnesh) but rather, to wear the gem of a moderately well placed

> inherent AND functional benefic (trinal ruler). Remember, safety first-

> we do not want to take any chances with stones of inherent malefics

> (Unless perhaps lagnesh), especially because you will be likely spending

> quite a bit of money and you want to get it right the first time! Now,

> what do I mean by moderately well placed? It means that the

> > > > graha whose gemstone you will be donning in the hope of bettering

> your life should be placed in trine or kendra AND in at least a neutral

> sign. If the graha in question is very well placed I see no point in

> wearing its stone, as it is already strong. Remember, more is not always

> better! Some astrologers may look at the planet's position in D-9 and

> other divisional charts as well, not to mention a chalita chart. Just

> remember, stones indiscriminately amplify the energies that a given

> planet is emanating in your chart. They do not turn bad guys into good

> guys but they can make good guys into better guys.

> > > >

> > > > Now there is a theory that even a badly placed lagna lord's stone

> can be worn, as it is said that lagnesh always works for the best. I

> think this view has substantial merit. For those of you who are really

> interested in all this gemstone business, there are Nadi texts (See the

> Shukra Nadi in particular) which have their own specific suggestions for

> stone usage depending on one's planetary configurations!

> > > >

> > > > As most people are wearing stones for material upliftment it may

> be helpful to look at the planet's position from arudha lagna and/or

> Rajya Pada- this is a more controversial statement as a precious few

> very fine astrologers I know of do not take a planet's position from AL

> as an important consideration, though only insofar as gemstone

> prescription is concerned. At the risk of driving you crazy by

> introducing yet another theory, some astrologers say not to wear the

> stone of the atma karaka- though I don't really see the validity of this

> rule. Here are two points that you can take very seriously. One must

> never wear the stone of a planet that is inherently inimical to lagnesh.

> In addition, one must never simultaneously wear two inimical stones.

> > > >

> > > > As an aside, I've not seen anyone really discuss the timing or

> rather the dynamic use of gemstones. I am very curious to see how

> ashtakavarga analysis and dasha/gochara analysis comes into play. Say

> you have Pisces lagna, Jupiter is an unabashed inherent and functional

> benefic for this lagna. Say Ju is moderately well placed and not

> possessing extremely high shad-bala but according to ashtakavarga

> Jupiter gives a very low BAV score in XYZ house and is currently

> transiting XYZ house. Might it be wise then to shelve the gem at this

> juncture? I don't know. But the question is highly interesting.

> > > >

> > > > Now we come to how to select and wear the stone itself. Many

> questions abound in this area with mostly no real definitive answers.

> Among a few of the most oft repeated queries: Should the stone be

> natural or can it be treated? Does it have to touch the skin? What are

> the clarity and size requirements? What hand should I wear it on? Which

> finger should I put it on?

> > > >

> > > > Let's start with the natural vs. treated issue. To be on the safe

> side I highly suggest getting an all natural, non-heated stone. Each

> stone has treatments that are specific to it. For instance; red coral

> could by dyed, a yellow sapphire could be heated, an emerald could be

> filled with oil...etc... Don't let your gem dealer talk you into getting

> a treated stone, insist on getting certification from a reputable

> laboratory (GIA for diamonds and AGL for colored stones- there are other

> reputable labs) that the stone in question has not been treated in any

> way- this is important as most jewelers in India essentially sell junk

> stones. A jyotish quality yellow sapphire can go from anywhere from 500

> to 1000 USD per carat. How much did you pay for you yellow sapphire?

> I've seen some yellow sapphires sell for 100 to 200 USD. If you buy

> these you are essentially buying yellow colored glass- its pure junk

> that will not do anything for you. The pearl may be an

> > > > exception to the " all-natural " rule. Real, round, completely

> natural, white pearls are simply unavailable unless you are willing to

> spend thousands of dollars. If you must, try going for a tissue

> -nucleated South Sea pearl, as big and white and round as possible- I

> cannot guarantee that these will work for you though!

> > > >

> > > > Now let's discuss clarity and size. In my mind the answer to this

> question is cut and dried. Always pick clarity over size if you must

> pick one over the other. You, must, must get an eye-clean gem at the

> least. Eye clean means there are no visible " defects " in the gem that

> can be seen without the aid of magnification. The following is NOT an

> exhaustive list of common flaws found in particular gemstones: no black

> specks in yellow sapphires, no dents in pearls, no specks in diamonds,

> no white specks or hairline cracks on the backside of red corals (Most

> Red Corals come in a cabochon cut- you must inspect the backside as many

> defects are usually present here). They say that it is virtually

> impossible to get a suitable eye clean emerald these days (without fine

> hairline fractures) - my answer to this is quite simple- if you can't

> find one then don't get one. We cannot bend the rules and allow for

> exceptions just because mother nature does not gift us with

> > > > the same treasures she gave in abundance when the ancient texts

> dealing with gems were written. I know what you are thinking. Why did he

> say what he said about the Pearl ? Isn't an artificially nucleated pearl

> bending the rules? Yes, it probably is...so maybe you shouldn't get that

> either. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? I'm not really fond of

> gems as remedial measures; there are simply too many qualifications to

> consider.

> > > >

> > > > I just don't know how big a particular stone must be for it to

> become effective or whether this even matters at all. Some tantric

> authors like Harish Johari spell out very specific size requirements and

> prohibitions. I can't really say if this is valid. My instinct tells me

> that one should get something reasonably large, say a yellow sapphire

> that is 2 carats or more-obviously this can't be done with diamonds or

> rubies unless you are mega-rich. In which case I must ask, what do you

> need a stone for any way?! I estimate that a jyotish quality Ruby may

> exceed 10,000 USD in cost! Yes, you read that right. Before you are

> completely overcome with disappointment at thought of not being able to

> afford a stone you should know that many astrological gem dealers also

> offer much less expensive alternate stones. Having never used them, I

> cannot comment on their efficacy. I suppose if you can acquire one for a

> modest price it might be worth trying. In fact,

> > > > Varahamihira does mention some of the alternates in his Brihat

> Samhita.

> > > >

> > > > I'll quickly go over some other considerations. The best bet is to

> wear the stone on the right hand, ring finger. Pendants should be fine

> too. Of course there is the concept of Ratna- Arpana which involves

> donating a stone in order to reap it benefits, clearly in this case the

> stone never touches the body at all! To be on the safe side have the

> stone set so it touches the skin- though it will probably work fine even

> if its somewhere really close but not touching your skin. When you are

> ready to put the stone on for the first time do it on the day of the

> graha who rules the stone, do it in the hora of that graha as well, so

> early morning. Though do soak the stone in milk overnight first. You may

> even wish to recite the graha or devata mantra for the stone in question

> each week on the appropriate day and hour. There is one last crucial

> consideration I have left out and this involves testing the stone before

> purchasing it.

> > > >

> > > > You must, must test the stone for a week or so before purchasing

> it. If your jeweler refuses then you need to find another more

> accommodating jeweler. Speaking of jewelers...don' t ever let a jeweler

> give you a gem recommendation, the conflict of interest is simply too

> high. Back to the topic at hand, carefully tape the stone to your hand

> or tuck it under your pillow and " test-drive " it. Bad thoughts,

> feelings, dreams and events apart from the every-day bad stuff we think

> about and experience would instantly lead me to discard the stone- don't

> throw it away, send it back to your jeweler :) Do NOT ignore a negative

> Nimmita (Omen)! Ok, I've said a mouthful, lets move on to other commonly

> prescribed remedial measures.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Moving on to rudraksha beads. These fascinating beads are actually

> the dried seeds of the rudraksha berry. There is much Puranic lore

> available on the subject of rudraksha beads. However, one thing not seen

> in Puranic literature is the mapping of various rudraksha beads to

> different planets; this seems a marketing gimmick concocted by con

> artists of yesteryear and continuously perpetuated by con artists ever

> since. Most Indians know that the rudraksha bead is associated with Lord

> Shiva. The Padma purana says that the 5 Mukhi rudraksha is suitable for

> all to wear. So if you want to wear a 5 Mukhi then you can likely do so.

> Legitimate 5 mukhi rudraksha beads are easy to find and very

> inexpensive- though my guess is that you will need to sincerely practice

> Shiva mantras on a consistent basis to empower them. Nepalese rudraksha

> beads are priced higher than the Java variety. Don't ask me which is

> better. I have only experimented with the Nepalese variety.

> > > > Some people say that all rudraksha beads are user-friendly; in my

> personal experience this statement does not at all hold water. There is

> a very famous member of the Planetary Gemologist association who touts

> the 14 Mukhi rudraksha bead as the be-all and end-all of remedies, as

> you might guess by now; one size does not fit all, especially the very

> expensive 14 Mukhi. It is my belief that rudraksha beads are primarily

> tools to be used to aid in meditation; indeed I have experienced their

> tranquilizing effects first-hand. But as a remedy for the material world

> I do not think these are very appropriate. So don't fall for the tall

> claims made by the various too numerous to count rudraksha bead

> hypsters. There is a very well known seller of rudraksha beads on the

> internet- they market the beads as if they are some kind of talisman

> that can be used to gain advantage is any type of situation. They sell

> custom malas for attracting the opposite sex, for

> > > winning

> > > > in litigation, for enhancing your business prospects... well the

> list goes on and on. Oh yes, and they also sell 200 dollar " jyotish

> quality " gemstones. Caveat emptor. Well, I think I've said all I wanted

> to say about rudraksha beads.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > If something can be sold, people will figure out how sell it.

> Nothing is sacred, perhaps nothing ever was, not in this yuga at least.

> Dear reader, have you noticed the proliferation of dubious yagya

> promoters on the world wide web? Crudely put, yagya or yajna is

> essentially a Vedic fire ritual, performed by priests on your behalf, in

> order to attain certain goals which are essentially stated in the

> sankalpa (An opening statement if you will). A (with many,

> many members), that " specializes' in jyotish remedies, which I alluded

> to in my introductory paragraph, sells all varieties of yagya for the

> not so small price of 600 USD and up. That's not a small amount of money

> for most Westerners and is a staggering sum for your typical Indian. A

> yagya should be performed by the pious and pure, and by those who

> thoroughly know the strict procedures! Individuals like these are rare-

> they mostly belonged to another Yuga. Furthermore, a yagya should

> > > not

> > > > be arranged by the ravenously money minded charging exorbitant

> sums. Far better to learn how to do a simple yagya or homa in the

> sanctity of one's home - this is how real progress can be made. Not by

> paying off a money-minded mercenary to pay God knows who, if anyone at

> all, to chant away your sins. It would be totally logical and expected

> at this point to inquire into the difference between buying a gem from a

> money-minded jeweler versus arranging a yagya via a money-minded

> intermediary and a just as money-minded priest! I think the main issue

> here is that a gem is an object that it will do its job no matter the

> character of the person who sells it to you (assuming it is prescribed

> correctly and is of jyotish quality) whereas a yagya heavily depends on

> the individual psyche of the one who performs it. In the same way a

> judge will not listen to the statements of a mentally deranged attorney

> it is doubtful that whatever forces are being called upon in

> > > > a yagya will listen to a corrupted priest (and believe me, there

> are many). Please do not waste your time or money on these yagya

> services. Much better to learn how to perform them in a simple manner by

> yourself, sincerely and on a consistent basis.

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > To conclude, I will ever so briefly tackle the vast and

> complicated subject known as mantra shastra. Mantras can be used for

> both material and spiritual benefits. Often, a mantra will make an

> impact on both a material and spiritual level- this is a great thing!

> When practicing mantra, three items are critical: devotion,

> pronunciation and consistency. A good 108 bead rudraksha mala or tulsi

> mala would be VERY nice as well. A few repetitions here or there won't

> do the trick- stick with one mantra and practice for an hour or two

> everyday, or at least 30 to 40 minutes- for as long as it takes. Don't

> go by this 40 day rule nonsense; while I am certainly sure that more

> than a few people have experienced amazing things from the outset of

> their practice this is more the exception than the rule. Think about

> anything you have done in life that was worth achieving, did the results

> come quickly or easily? I bet the answer is no. Anything worth achieving

> takes

> > > time

> > > > to fructify, there are no short-cuts.

> > > >

> > > > Choose a prasiddha mantra which is safe to recite like " Om Namo

> Narayanaya " , " Om Namah Shivaya " , or simply " Namah Shivaya " , these do

> not require initiation and as stated, are safe. The Gayatri mantra is

> also prasiddha but I believe is better recited after receiving

> initiation from a competent guru. Vedic mantras like the Gayatri really

> require good pronunciation. If you really want to " focus your fire " then

> reciting a prasiddha mantra of one's Ishta Devata would be simply

> fantastic. Just remember, stick with one mantra- don't jump around from

> mantra to mantra. Various texts have mapped out the devata

> correspondence with the planets- please refer to BPHS, Prasna Marga or

> Jaimini.

> > > >

> > > > If you want to recite a non-prasiddha mantra then you should know

> that there are various tantric texts which specialize in highly complex

> rules governing the prescription of such mantras- these are quite

> complicated and much beyond my comprehension at present. In my

> estimation it would take a life-time to fully understand and master all

> the rules. Seek somebody qualified to assist you if you desire to

> practice a non-prasiddha mantra. I won't name any of the texts here

> because I do not want to encourage their casual use. You can't just

> wily-nily start reciting bija mantras or even certain Vedic mantras-

> they could be inimical to you even if your pronunciation and rhythm are

> perfect!

> > > >

> > > > As a bonus I'll quickly address fasting and charity. A word of

> caution first, I know the least about these remedies. Some say to fast

> on the day of the upapada lord in order to improve relationship

> prospects. Others say fasting on the day of the UL lord cannot be done

> if the UL lord rules the 2nd house. I quite frankly do not who is

> correct. It is personally hard for me to believe that fasting on any day

> would incur you negative karma. Of course I have seen people fast on

> days owned by the troublesome planets in their chart- so I guess you can

> fast on Saturday if you Saturn is not favorable for you. I do not know

> if fasting works- I have not tried it. At the very least fasting once a

> week would be very beneficial to your health (Please ask your doctor

> first) so you really have nothing to lose by trying it.

> > > >

> > > > The concept of charity as a remedial measure is interesting.

> Perhaps try giving on the day, hour and proper nakshatra transit of the

> planet which is troubling you, it is prudent to either give an article

> related to the planet in question or give money to a charity that is

> associated with the troublesome planet. For example, if Saturn is

> troubling you then you might want to make a substantial (But reasonable,

> I want you to still be able to eat!) gift on a Saturday- on the hora of

> Saturn, perhaps also incorporating tithi and nakshatra elements to a

> charity that feeds lonely, elders who are unable to procure their own

> food. In the end I cannot say how effective this would be. I have not

> personally gone this route nor have spoken to anybody who has in a

> serious way.

> > > >

> > > > The form of remedial measure that will work best for the native

> has to be determined by somebody competent . It will likely be of no use

> to prescribe a mantra to somebody who will not recite it or has an

> exceedingly weak 5th lord (Lord of house of mantra). Similarly, some

> planetary configuration may preclude the use of charity as an effective

> remedial measure but may demand fasting as the optimal route etc...

> > > >

> > > > *****

> > > >

> > > > Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions

> and/or to correct my very limited knowledge. PLEASE note: I do NOT give

> gemstone recommendations nor do I prescribe any remedies for that

> matter. I do NOT give recommendations for jewelers. I will NOT refer you

> to anybody either. Please do not fall prey to astrologers selling

> expensive remedies . One astrologer with a presence on the web comes to

> mind, he claims his remedies are almost guaranteed to work because he

> uses a " special " prasna methodology only known to him (and a few

> " select " others) in order to determine if his remedy prescription will

> work- please do not succumb to this patent nonsense. Please do not fall

> prey to any astrologer trying to sell you an expensive kavach and things

> of this sort.

> > > >

> > > > If you like this content please do not hesitate to register at:

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com revati_energetic

> s_true_vedic_ astrology/

> > > >

> > > > A new astrology group charged with a dual task: researching and

> applying the subtle principles found embedded in BPHS (and other great

> books) as well as exposing fraudulent practices in the astrological

> world.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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