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Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August / September 2009

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I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.


In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my predictions in

" A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the Lakshmi Yoga and

enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this yoga.


Please visit my website, www.Jyotish.ws at your convenience. The best articles

from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an excellent

yagya program.


- Michael Laughrin (michael)



A Possible Future


By Michael Laughrin (michael)


To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back to

Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.


However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about October 13

2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What this

means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression, from

October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of debilitation for

at least another decade.


Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.


To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).



1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet for

prosperity, is fallen during that time.

2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is fallen

from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in the US

11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses - the 5th

(by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house, where it

will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so perhaps we

can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at that time.

3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from the 9th

house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout October but

will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses - the 8th



But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At last,

Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great friend,

Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be placed),

will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of the U.S.

as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some kind of

universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these matters

will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17, 2009.

Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign for

healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.


On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion, into

Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:


1. Be out of debilitation

2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.


This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be better and

better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more and more

while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until May



What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in real

estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then be in

the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real estate and

the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real estate house).

I do think that there will be more government programs to help working class

people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper loans, and even

acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out West as Saturn

rules the Westerly direction).


Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect the

real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February 2011

(when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just based

on the transits of Mars and Saturn.


When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April 2010 to

May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate recovery,

new building and appreciation of property values should occur.


The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009, although it

may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of strength.


When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in the

USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S. Congress

will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in April

2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands for the



View USA birth chart: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartq1_lg.jpg

Chart source: James Kelleher




The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth


By Alison Berker


In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).


When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the lagna

and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the more

the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize them.


Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural framework in

which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created equally. If a

yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality from a

particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved antique

made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply remark that a

person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at least own a

piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless antique,

the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about. And just

as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse much talk,

but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single yoga is

unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full of good

yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is not a

relevant yoga bhanga present.


With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi Yoga.

Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.


The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth lord and

Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga can be

formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in its own

sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.


The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "


Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all wealthy

horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and prosperity

because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga can give

some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five example

charts with comments.


View the charts online at: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartR.html


Christophe Auguin

Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the world's

best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing prizes

tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is teaching,

which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of Lakshmi yoga

that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for and received

a boat especially built for him in which he won two around-the-world races. His

Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First of all, it is formed by only

a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for Aquarius ascendant.

Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and while the chart

does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house, they are not tied

to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by himself. And lastly,

Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around money because Jupiter is

the lord of two money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers

wisdom to money.


Eddie Arcaro

Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times with

winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into good

investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His net

worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi Yoga

is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth house.

Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana yoga

opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that capped

his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th house.

Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the bad

eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.


Fred Astaire

Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere between

50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus in the

fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this level

because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the chart does

contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved with any other

planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in the ninth house.


Stephen Bechtel

Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in its own

sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in the yoga

(although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of those

charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve the

ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas needed

to make a billionaire's horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as

did Eddie Arcaro's, it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas

and owns only positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus

Mercury is in the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a

poverty yoga. These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping

him in the low billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the

Moon in the eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury,

further strengthening the lagna.


Bill Gates

The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a Lakshmi

Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the fifth house.

Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association with Venus

does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury is exalted

and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who also form a

Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really counts in this

horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the Moon is almost

full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole yoga conjoins the

lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by harassing planets

with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly afflicts his Lakshmi

yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really malefic, and is only

the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless, Gates did lose money when

the US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly issues.


Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and understand

about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings are


- Allison Berker



Website: Jyotish.ws


Michael Laughrin, Michael, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell

phone: (440) 263-2159


To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-


Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the jyotish.ws



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Dear All,


laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians what

they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology, just

like casned food for which they are famous


Just look at this statement


// In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen

but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong



which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.


At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





, " laughgrin " <laughgrin wrote:


> I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.


> In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my predictions

in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the Lakshmi Yoga

and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this yoga.


> Please visit my website, www.Jyotish.ws at your convenience. The best articles

from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an excellent

yagya program.


> - Michael Laughrin (michael)



> A Possible Future

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> By Michael Laughrin (michael)


> To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back to

Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.


> However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about October 13

2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What this

means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression, from

October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of debilitation for

at least another decade.


> Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.


> To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).


> Why?

> 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet for

prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in

the US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses -

the 5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from the

9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout October

but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses - the 8th



> But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At

last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.


> On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion, into

Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:


> 1. Be out of debilitation

> 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.


> This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be better

and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more and

more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until May



> What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in real

estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then be in

the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real estate and

the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real estate house).

I do think that there will be more government programs to help working class

people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper loans, and even

acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out West as Saturn

rules the Westerly direction).


> Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect the

real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February 2011

(when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just based

on the transits of Mars and Saturn.


> When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April 2010

to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.


> The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009, although

it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of strength.


> When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in the

USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S. Congress

will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in April

2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands for the



> View USA birth chart: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartq1_lg.jpg

> Chart source: James Kelleher




> The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> By Alison Berker


> In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).


> When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the lagna

and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the more

the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize them.


> Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural framework

in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created equally. If

a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality from a

particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved antique

made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply remark that a

person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at least own a

piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless antique,

the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about. And just

as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse much talk,

but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single yoga is

unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full of good

yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is not a

relevant yoga bhanga present.


> With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi Yoga.

Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.


> The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth lord

and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga can

be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in its

own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.


> The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "


> Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.


> View the charts online at: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartR.html


> Christophe Auguin

> Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the world's

best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing prizes

tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is teaching,

which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of Lakshmi yoga

that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for and received

a boat especially built for him in which he won two around-the-world races. His

Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First of all, it is formed by only

a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for Aquarius ascendant.

Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and while the chart

does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house, they are not tied

to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by himself. And lastly,

Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around money because Jupiter is

the lord of two money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers

wisdom to money.


> Eddie Arcaro

> Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times with

winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into good

investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His net

worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi Yoga

is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth house.

Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana yoga

opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that capped

his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th house.

Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the bad

eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.


> Fred Astaire

> Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere between

50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus in the

fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this level

because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the chart does

contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved with any other

planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in the ninth house.


> Stephen Bechtel

> Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in its

own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in the

yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of those

charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve the

ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas needed

to make a billionaire's horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as

did Eddie Arcaro's, it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas

and owns only positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus

Mercury is in the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a

poverty yoga. These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping

him in the low billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the

Moon in the eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury,

further strengthening the lagna.


> Bill Gates

> The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the US government (a signification of the Sun) sued

him over monopoly issues.


> Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and understand

about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings are


> - Allison Berker


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Website: Jyotish.ws


> Michael Laughrin, Michael, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159


> To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-


> Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the jyotish.ws



> Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think it may

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Namaste Shenoyji,


//At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //


They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.









, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag




> Dear All,


> laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous


> Just look at this statement


> // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong



> which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.


> At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> >

> > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> >

> > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> >

> > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish.ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> >

> > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> >

> > A Possible Future

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back

to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> >

> > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about October

13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What this

means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression, from

October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of debilitation for

at least another decade.

> >

> > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> >

> > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> >

> > Why?

> > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet for

prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in

the US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses -

the 5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from the

9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout October

but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses - the 8th


> >

> > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At

last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> >

> > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion,

into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> >

> > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> >

> > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be better

and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more and

more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until May


> >

> > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in real

estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then be in

the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real estate and

the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real estate house).

I do think that there will be more government programs to help working class

people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper loans, and even

acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out West as Saturn

rules the Westerly direction).

> >

> > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect

the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February

2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just

based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> >

> > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> >

> > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009, although

it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of strength.

> >

> > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in

the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands

for the government.

> >

> > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartq1_lg.jpg

> > Chart source: James Kelleher

> >

> >

> >

> > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > By Alison Berker

> >

> > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> >

> > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> >

> > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural framework

in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created equally. If

a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality from a

particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved antique

made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply remark that a

person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at least own a

piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless antique,

the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about. And just

as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse much talk,

but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single yoga is

unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full of good

yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is not a

relevant yoga bhanga present.

> >

> > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi Yoga.

Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> >

> > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth lord

and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga can

be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in its

own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> >

> > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> >

> > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> >

> > View the charts online at: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartR.html

> >

> > Christophe Auguin

> > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two money houses, the second and the

eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to money.

> >

> > Eddie Arcaro

> > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times

with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into

good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His

net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi

Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth

house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana

yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that

capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th

house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the

bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> >

> > Fred Astaire

> > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> >

> > Stephen Bechtel

> > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in its

own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in the

yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of those

charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve the

ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas needed

to make a billionaire's horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as

did Eddie Arcaro's, it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas

and owns only positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus

Mercury is in the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a

poverty yoga. These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping

him in the low billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the

Moon in the eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury,

further strengthening the lagna.

> >

> > Bill Gates

> > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the US government (a signification of the Sun) sued

him over monopoly issues.

> >

> > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and understand

about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings are


> > - Allison Berker

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > Website: Jyotish.ws

> >

> > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

> >

> > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-

> >

> > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the jyotish.ws


> >

> > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think it

may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-

> >


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Namaste Shenoyji and all,


I forgot to mention. I came accross an americanized vedic astrology post mortem

analysis of Michael Jackson. The chart was fixed as Tula lagna, Rahu in lagna.

Reading said " presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face of an

individual. MJ was known for plastic surgery " . Rahu in lagna and changing the

face.....? Anybody want to shed some light?






, " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:


> Namaste Shenoyji,


> //At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //


> They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.


> Regards,

> bhagavathi






> , " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous

> >

> > Just look at this statement

> >

> > // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong


> >

> > which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.

> >

> > At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> > >

> > > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> > >

> > > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> > >

> > > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish.ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> > >

> > > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > >

> > >

> > > A Possible Future

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > >

> > > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back

to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> > >

> > > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about

October 13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction.

What this means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by

retrogression, from October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state

of debilitation for at least another decade.

> > >

> > > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> > >

> > > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> > >

> > > Why?

> > > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet

for prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in

the US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses -

the 5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from

the 9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout

October but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses -

the 8th house.

> > >

> > > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At

last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> > >

> > > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion,

into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> > >

> > > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> > >

> > > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be

better and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more

and more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until

May 2011).

> > >

> > > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in

real estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then

be in the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real

estate and the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real

estate house). I do think that there will be more government programs to help

working class people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper

loans, and even acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out

West as Saturn rules the Westerly direction).

> > >

> > > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect

the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February

2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just

based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> > >

> > > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> > >

> > > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009,

although it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of


> > >

> > > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in

the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands

for the government.

> > >

> > > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartq1_lg.jpg

> > > Chart source: James Kelleher

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > By Alison Berker

> > >

> > > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> > >

> > > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> > >

> > > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural

framework in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created

equally. If a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality

from a particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved

antique made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply

remark that a person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at

least own a piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless

antique, the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about.

And just as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse

much talk, but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single

yoga is unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full

of good yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is

not a relevant yoga bhanga present.

> > >

> > > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi

Yoga. Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> > >

> > > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth

lord and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga

can be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in

its own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> > >

> > > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> > >

> > > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> > >

> > > View the charts online at: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartR.html

> > >

> > > Christophe Auguin

> > > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two money houses, the second and the

eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to money.

> > >

> > > Eddie Arcaro

> > > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times

with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into

good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His

net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi

Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth

house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana

yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that

capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th

house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the

bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> > >

> > > Fred Astaire

> > > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> > >

> > > Stephen Bechtel

> > > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in

its own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in

the yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of

those charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve

the ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas

needed to make a billionaire's horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as

did Eddie Arcaro's, it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas

and owns only positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus

Mercury is in the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a

poverty yoga. These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping

him in the low billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the

Moon in the eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury,

further strengthening the lagna.

> > >

> > > Bill Gates

> > > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the US government (a signification of the Sun) sued

him over monopoly issues.

> > >

> > > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and

understand about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings

are everything.

> > > - Allison Berker

> > >

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > Website: Jyotish.ws

> > >

> > > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

> > >

> > > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-

> > >

> > > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the

jyotish.ws website.

> > >

> > > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think it

may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-

> > >

> >


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Americans miite may lie in their exploitation and use of technology.it took

almost centuries to have an idea of  what Jyotish is as envisaged by Sages(in


Then the great " wisdom', root of the Astrology written for the sake of future

can not come through Internet.A tool at disposal for modern living that is

seamless and allows for interaction but does it really promote the concepts that

were introduced by devoted,wise and selfless Maharishis with whose contributions

our culture is known for.

Americans with material resources at their disposal were always anxious to

control the universe and also  the hold world at large.Now with Asians

countering their abilities,certainly an unknown fear lurks in their mind.If we

just brood and find with explosive strength of human resources and without

aniticiapating for any laurels and rewards are able to move forward in every

field and tell the world we are not behind.This positive resource and God given

always remains as our supreem contribution in every walk of life,though it looks

as a burden on avilable resources.

Late realisation to promote technology and the emphsis it acquired with support

of respective Governements, no doubt is paving way for development in each and

every field.Jyotish is no exception.Today v hace boundless awareness of jyotish

and r ready to take this knowledge into stride and think basically to minimise

the obstructions that come through retrograde planets,malefic planets like mars

or saturn.

It is the judgement that goes with understanding and assimilating the subject

jyotish.But not the bash nor the speed with which the claims and patents for

commercial acquisitions can be made.

v have also witnessed even with in this decade the " superior knowledge " has

become worthless when concern for insecurity / peace has grown.Nobody can answer

how such ghastly incidents that questioned the very basic huaman existence ?The

worry should not be for patents.The concern and effort should be for collective

wisdom to reason out the basis given in the vedas and develop further.Ultimately

cosmic influnce of planets discovered ages back and lying in dormant stage is

now being understood.yet for full comprehension the environment too is essentail

whcih comes through several factors.Apart from the fundamental sanskrit and

other oriental knowledge which our ancients have used can be understood with

like mindedness.That is in divinity,unalduterated dedication to do good to the

mankind and enlighten several hidden aspects of the cosmic universe.let them

come up in their possible ways.our strength still lies in anlysis that requires

basically depth of

knowledge and ability to assimilate.

universities with jyotish as curriculam are also putting efforts.certainly we

will make a difference in acquistion of proper knowledge of vedic jyotish

regardless of patents or no patents.let publications and debates happening in

the otherside should not frieghten us.

we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with  real and

scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya.It's commercial value that

come through patents has to be secondary.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Thu, 8/20/09, bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan




bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan

Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009


Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:20 PM







Namaste Shenoyji,


//At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //


They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.





, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ ...>




> Dear All,


> laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous


> Just look at this statement


> // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong



> which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.


> At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> >

> > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> >

> > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> >

> > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> >

> > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> >

> > A Possible Future

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back

to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In Jyotish

terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> >

> > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about October

13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What this

means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression, from

October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of debilitation for

at least another decade.

> >

> > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> >

> > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> >

> > Why?

> > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet for

prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in the

US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses - the

5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from the

9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout October

but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses - the 8th


> >

> > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At

last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> >

> > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion,

into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> >

> > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> >

> > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be better

and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more and

more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until May


> >

> > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in real

estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then be in

the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real estate and

the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real estate house).

I do think that there will be more government programs to help working class

people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper loans, and even

acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out West as Saturn

rules the Westerly direction).

> >

> > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect

the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February

2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just

based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> >

> > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> >

> > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009, although

it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of strength.

> >

> > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in

the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands for

the government.

> >

> > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > Chart source: James Kelleher

> >

> >

> >

> > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Alison Berker

> >

> > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> >

> > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> >

> > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural framework

in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created equally. If

a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality from a

particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved antique

made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply remark that a

person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at least own a

piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless antique,

the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about. And just

as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse much talk,

but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single yoga is

unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full of good

yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is not a

relevant yoga bhanga


> >

> > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi Yoga.

Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> >

> > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth lord

and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga can

be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in its

own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> >

> > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> >

> > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> >

> > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> >

> > Christophe Auguin

> > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two

money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to money.

> >

> > Eddie Arcaro

> > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times

with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into

good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His

net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi

Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth

house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana

yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that

capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th

house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the

bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> >

> > Fred Astaire

> > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> >

> > Stephen Bechtel

> > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in its

own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in the

yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of those

charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve the

ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas needed

to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie Arcaro's,

it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns only

positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is in

the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> >

> > Bill Gates

> > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the

US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly issues.

> >

> > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and understand

about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings are


> > - Allison Berker

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > Website: Jyotish.ws

> >

> > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

> >

> > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> >

> > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the jyotish.ws


> >

> > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think it

may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> >






















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Dear Bhagavathi, Suresh ji,. kirshna ji,


well this is a sad state of our isecular politics that we have lost respect for

everything that is our own but react only when the US taks patents over this in

both these it is the left brigade guilty


they have doctered histroy and taught us to feel ashamed of our past, our

herigate, culture, but they also hate USA only when USA patents our culture they

will react,


CAN WE NOT SEE HOW MANY INDIAN/VEDIC cultural; teraditions r denegraded,

ridiculed by left members in any pannel discussion on TV


when there was a discussion post Bhuj earthquake the HIDDEN/LOST SASASVATHI

RIVER was found from the shakeup instead of being happy it is not a myth and

exploring under it for our own history, authenticating our heritage as not of a

invader but invaded reace, we still gloat over the politicially driven history

of the imperial Europeans, chinnese r far better at all costs despite a

communist hard copre state they do value their past.


in a way i will be happy for India if we don't wake up and nourish our culture

to health


WE MUST THANK AMERICA TO PATENT EVEN THE VEDAS and xport it to India for us to

appreciate it, how many universites,, colleges in Idnia teach sanskrit here than

in US is a case in point


we like to promote Urud not our own Sanskrit or reginal languages with full

vigor but which country can nuruish sanskrit max USA but we have a moral

obligation to do it as it has deepeset leaset expensive scientici truths already

in it, all our costly expolrations discoveries r all documented in long ago time

we unreveal it else USA will do and patent them


there r some good points in Michels post, let me seperate them in next mail I

mean some so lets take them on board.









bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan


Friday, August 21, 2009 3:50:33 AM

Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009



Namaste Shenoyji,


//At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //


They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.





, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ ...>




> Dear All,


> laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous


> Just look at this statement


> // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong



> which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.


> At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> >

> > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> >

> > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> >

> > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> >

> > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> >

> > A Possible Future

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back

to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> >

> > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about October

13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What this

means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression, from

October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of debilitation for

at least another decade.

> >

> > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> >

> > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> >

> > Why?

> > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet for

prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in

the US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses -

the 5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from the

9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout October

but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses - the 8th


> >

> > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At

last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> >

> > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion,

into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> >

> > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> >

> > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be better

and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more and

more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until May


> >

> > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in real

estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then be in

the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real estate and

the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real estate house).

I do think that there will be more government programs to help working class

people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper loans, and even

acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out West as Saturn

rules the Westerly direction).

> >

> > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect

the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February

2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just

based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> >

> > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> >

> > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009, although

it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of strength.

> >

> > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in

the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands

for the government.

> >

> > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > Chart source: James Kelleher

> >

> >

> >

> > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Alison Berker

> >

> > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> >

> > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> >

> > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural framework

in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created equally. If

a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality from a

particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved antique

made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply remark that a

person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at least own a

piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless antique,

the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about. And just

as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse much talk,

but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single yoga is

unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full of good

yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is not a

relevant yoga bhanga


> >

> > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi Yoga.

Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> >

> > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth lord

and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga can

be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in its

own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> >

> > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> >

> > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> >

> > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> >

> > Christophe Auguin

> > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two

money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to money.

> >

> > Eddie Arcaro

> > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times

with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into

good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His

net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi

Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth

house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana

yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that

capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th

house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the

bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> >

> > Fred Astaire

> > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> >

> > Stephen Bechtel

> > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in its

own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in the

yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of those

charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve the

ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas needed

to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie Arcaro's,

it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns only

positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is in

the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> >

> > Bill Gates

> > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the

US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly issues.

> >

> > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and understand

about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings are


> > - Allison Berker

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > Website: Jyotish.ws

> >

> > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

> >

> > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> >

> > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the jyotish.ws


> >

> > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think it

may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> >










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Dear Krishna Ji,

//we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with  real

and scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya//


Sorry to say, you missed the point.


" affirm that v also can "


there is no question of " Can " . It is is we who DID it.


There is no doubt about it.


No matter what others would try to prove otherwise.    


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99


Friday, August 21, 2009 7:50:11 AM

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009




Americans miite may lie in their exploitation and use of technology.it took

almost centuries to have an idea of  what Jyotish is as envisaged by Sages(in


Then the great " wisdom', root of the Astrology written for the sake of future

can not come through Internet.A tool at disposal for modern living that is

seamless and allows for interaction but does it really promote the concepts that

were introduced by devoted,wise and selfless Maharishis with whose contributions

our culture is known for.

Americans with material resources at their disposal were always anxious to

control the universe and also  the hold world at large.Now with Asians

countering their abilities,certainly an unknown fear lurks in their mind.If we

just brood and find with explosive strength of human resources and without

aniticiapating for any laurels and rewards are able to move forward in every

field and tell the world we are not behind.This positive resource and God given

always remains as our supreem contribution in every walk of life,though it looks

as a burden on avilable resources.

Late realisation to promote technology and the emphsis it acquired with support

of respective Governements,  no doubt is paving way for development in each and

every field.Jyotish is no exception.Today v hace boundless awareness of jyotish

and r ready to take this knowledge into stride and think basically to minimise

the obstructions that come through retrograde planets,malefic planets like mars

or saturn.

It is the judgement that goes with understanding and assimilating the subject

jyotish.But not the bash nor the speed with which the claims and patents for

commercial acquisitions can be made.

v have also witnessed even with in this decade the " superior knowledge " has

become worthless when concern for insecurity / peace has grown.Nobody can answer

how such ghastly incidents that questioned the very basic huaman existence ?The

worry should not be for patents.The concern and effort should be for collective

wisdom to reason out the basis given in the vedas and develop further.Ultimately

cosmic influnce of planets discovered ages back and lying in dormant stage is

now being understood.yet for full comprehension the environment too is essentail

whcih comes through several factors.Apart from the fundamental sanskrit and

other oriental knowledge which our ancients have used can be understood with

like mindedness.That is in divinity,unaldutera ted dedication to do good to the

mankind and enlighten several hidden aspects of the cosmic universe.let them

come up in their possible ways.our strength still lies in anlysis that requires

basically depth of

knowledge and ability to assimilate.

universities with jyotish as curriculam are also putting efforts.certainly we

will make a difference in acquistion of proper knowledge of vedic jyotish

regardless of patents or no patents.let publications and debates happening in

the otherside should not frieghten us.

we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with  real and

scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya.It's commercial value that

come through patents has to be secondary.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Thu, 8/20/09, bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_harihara n



bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_harihara n

Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009


Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:20 PM




Namaste Shenoyji,


//At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //


They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.





, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ ...>




> Dear All,


> laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous


> Just look at this statement


> // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong



> which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.


> At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> >

> > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> >

> > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> >

> > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> >

> > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> >

> > A Possible Future

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back

to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In Jyotish

terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> >

> > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about October

13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What this

means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression, from

October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of debilitation for

at least another decade.

> >

> > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> >

> > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> >

> > Why?

> > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet for

prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in the

US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses - the

5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from the

9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout October

but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses - the 8th


> >

> > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At

last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> >

> > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion,

into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> >

> > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> >

> > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be better

and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more and

more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until May


> >

> > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in real

estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then be in

the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real estate and

the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real estate house).

I do think that there will be more government programs to help working class

people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper loans, and even

acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out West as Saturn

rules the Westerly direction).

> >

> > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect

the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February

2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just

based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> >

> > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> >

> > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009, although

it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of strength.

> >

> > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in

the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands for

the government.

> >

> > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > Chart source: James Kelleher

> >

> >

> >

> > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Alison Berker

> >

> > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> >

> > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> >

> > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural framework

in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created equally. If

a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality from a

particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved antique

made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply remark that a

person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at least own a

piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless antique,

the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about. And just

as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse much talk,

but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single yoga is

unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full of good

yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is not a

relevant yoga bhanga


> >

> > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi Yoga.

Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> >

> > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth lord

and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga can

be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in its

own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> >

> > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> >

> > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> >

> > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> >

> > Christophe Auguin

> > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two

money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to money.

> >

> > Eddie Arcaro

> > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times

with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into

good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His

net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi

Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth

house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana

yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that

capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th

house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the

bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> >

> > Fred Astaire

> > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> >

> > Stephen Bechtel

> > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in its

own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in the

yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of those

charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve the

ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas needed

to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie Arcaro's,

it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns only

positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is in

the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> >

> > Bill Gates

> > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the

US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly issues.

> >

> > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and understand

about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings are


> > - Allison Berker

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > Website: Jyotish.ws

> >

> > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

> >

> > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> >

> > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the jyotish.ws


> >

> > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think it

may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> >




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Dear Suresh ji,


there r good and bad sides to what the americans do, at times they r helping us

also the original research they do based on stats also help give it a scientific

gloss. can't give it a lable sure as the subject is not meant for such

perfection it is more a human face to counselling, a time frame on the cours eof

our lives and also who and why karma has shaped us this far.


i hope u can see works of astrlogers like james t brahma,




THE FRAME WORK to study a entire family for any research is well emphasised by

him to show how we can interpret the results which we had and don't use. a good

or bad event in a family is visible in all its members charts some explicitly

some not so explicitly when u put them on a panaromic plane u will see the

pattern clearly



this is one reason why b v raman ji has appealed for some team work based works

from us this west does we rarely do


I have also been asking our members we can and should do this my latest appeal

on raman's birth day sia also there we have to share and expand our research on

a long term basis as not all can single handely do the same.







Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag


Friday, August 21, 2009 10:46:11 AM

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009



Dear Krishna Ji,

//we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with real

and scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya//


Sorry to say, you missed the point.


" affirm that v also can "


there is no question of " Can " . It is is we who DID it.


There is no doubt about it.


No matter what others would try to prove otherwise.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Friday, August 21, 2009 7:50:11 AM

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009




Americans miite may lie in their exploitation and use of technology.it took

almost centuries to have an idea of what Jyotish is as envisaged by Sages(in


Then the great " wisdom', root of the Astrology written for the sake of future

can not come through Internet.A tool at disposal for modern living that is

seamless and allows for interaction but does it really promote the concepts that

were introduced by devoted,wise and selfless Maharishis with whose contributions

our culture is known for.

Americans with material resources at their disposal were always anxious to

control the universe and also the hold world at large.Now with Asians

countering their abilities,certainly an unknown fear lurks in their mind.If we

just brood and find with explosive strength of human resources and without

aniticiapating for any laurels and rewards are able to move forward in every

field and tell the world we are not behind.This positive resource and God given

always remains as our supreem contribution in every walk of life,though it looks

as a burden on avilable resources.

Late realisation to promote technology and the emphsis it acquired with support

of respective Governements, no doubt is paving way for development in each and

every field.Jyotish is no exception.Today v hace boundless awareness of jyotish

and r ready to take this knowledge into stride and think basically to minimise

the obstructions that come through retrograde planets,malefic planets like mars

or saturn.

It is the judgement that goes with understanding and assimilating the subject

jyotish.But not the bash nor the speed with which the claims and patents for

commercial acquisitions can be made.

v have also witnessed even with in this decade the " superior knowledge " has

become worthless when concern for insecurity / peace has grown.Nobody can answer

how such ghastly incidents that questioned the very basic huaman existence ?The

worry should not be for patents.The concern and effort should be for collective

wisdom to reason out the basis given in the vedas and develop further.Ultimately

cosmic influnce of planets discovered ages back and lying in dormant stage is

now being understood.yet for full comprehension the environment too is essentail

whcih comes through several factors.Apart from the fundamental sanskrit and

other oriental knowledge which our ancients have used can be understood with

like mindedness.That is in divinity,unaldutera ted dedication to do good to the

mankind and enlighten several hidden aspects of the cosmic universe.let them

come up in their possible ways.our strength still lies in anlysis that requires

basically depth of

knowledge and ability to assimilate.

universities with jyotish as curriculam are also putting efforts.certainly we

will make a difference in acquistion of proper knowledge of vedic jyotish

regardless of patents or no patents.let publications and debates happening in

the otherside should not frieghten us.

we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with real and

scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya.It's commercial value that

come through patents has to be secondary.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Thu, 8/20/09, bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_ harihara n



bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_ harihara n

Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009


Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:20 PM




Namaste Shenoyji,


//At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //


They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.





, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ ...>




> Dear All,


> laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous


> Just look at this statement


> // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong



> which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.


> At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> >

> > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> >

> > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> >

> > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> >

> > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> >

> > A Possible Future

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back

to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In Jyotish

terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> >

> > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about October

13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What this

means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression, from

October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of debilitation for

at least another decade.

> >

> > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> >

> > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> >

> > Why?

> > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet for

prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in the

US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses - the

5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from the

9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout October

but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses - the 8th


> >

> > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At

last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> >

> > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion,

into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> >

> > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> >

> > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be better

and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more and

more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until May


> >

> > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in real

estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then be in

the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real estate and

the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real estate house).

I do think that there will be more government programs to help working class

people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper loans, and even

acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out West as Saturn

rules the Westerly direction).

> >

> > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect

the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February

2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just

based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> >

> > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> >

> > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009, although

it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of strength.

> >

> > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in

the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands for

the government.

> >

> > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > Chart source: James Kelleher

> >

> >

> >

> > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Alison Berker

> >

> > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> >

> > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> >

> > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural framework

in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created equally. If

a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality from a

particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved antique

made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply remark that a

person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at least own a

piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless antique,

the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about. And just

as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse much talk,

but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single yoga is

unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full of good

yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is not a

relevant yoga bhanga


> >

> > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi Yoga.

Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> >

> > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth lord

and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga can

be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in its

own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> >

> > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> >

> > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> >

> > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> >

> > Christophe Auguin

> > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two

money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to money.

> >

> > Eddie Arcaro

> > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times

with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into

good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His

net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi

Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth

house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana

yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that

capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th

house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the

bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> >

> > Fred Astaire

> > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> >

> > Stephen Bechtel

> > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in its

own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in the

yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of those

charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve the

ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas needed

to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie Arcaro's,

it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns only

positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is in

the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> >

> > Bill Gates

> > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the

US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly issues.

> >

> > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and understand

about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings are


> > - Allison Berker

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > Website: Jyotish.ws

> >

> > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

> >

> > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> >

> > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the jyotish.ws


> >

> > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think it

may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> >




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Dear Prashant Ji,


//THE FRAME WORK to study a entire family for any research is well emphasised by

him to show how we can interpret the results which we had and don't use. a good

or bad event in a family is visible in all its members charts some explicitly

some not so explicitly when u put them on a panaromic plane u will see the

pattern clearly

> //


There is nothing new in this and that is excatly what we are doing (Atleast in

kerala) if time & situation warrnts its analysis. We don't require any foreigner

to teach us about it. In fact thousands of real astrologers do not have any

presence on the internet. Most of them do not believe in it.


It is the self centered values & situations and ofcourse the people who have

made the astrology the it is now. 99% percent of the people wnat only easy

solutions even for strong afflictions. They think or hope and WANT that a gem

stone or a mantra alone can solve all their problems within days. They will go

through all the pain in life but cannot do or won't do any thing regarding

remedies. My own Guruji, never used to give consultation in private. He used to

say every one must understand the mistakes so that they won't do it.


Today Astrology has become something like what cristians do - you commit a sin,

go to the church and tell it to the padre in private and he will pardon you of

your sins. well that is their BELEIF. I cannot question it. But Indians,



Some people may or may not agree with me. It is their choise. But we can learn a

lot by studying our own scriptures more closely & deeply.


This is also why I had advised new commers to buy books with original sanskrit

verses. They may find it difficult to learn in the begining, but will know that

it was the right choise if they are really serious about learning.


It is a false notion that one cannot learn or understand Sanskrit. Today scores

of young people are going to other countries and they learn the local language.

If they can do it why not Sanskrit? But they won't do, because there is no

reward to study Sanskrit or other benefits. One do not need Masters in Sanskrit

to understand the basics. Any one will progress, as he goes deep into the



Sorry for the bother, I would be wasting my time and others also, if I continue

writing on this.


In Kerala, there is a saying " Muttathe Mullaku Manamilla " - the lavender flower

in your own front lawn dosn't smell good. This is our condition now.



A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar



> Dear Suresh ji,


> there r good and bad sides to what the americans do, at times they r helping

us also the original research they do based on stats also help give it a

scientific gloss. can't give it a lable sure as the subject is not meant for

such perfection it is more a human face to counselling, a time frame on the

cours eof our lives and also who and why karma has shaped us this far.


> i hope u can see works of astrlogers like james t brahma,


> robert hauck ON ASTROLOGY OF DEATH


> THE FRAME WORK to study a entire family for any research is well emphasised by

him to show how we can interpret the results which we had and don't use. a good

or bad event in a family is visible in all its members charts some explicitly

some not so explicitly when u put them on a panaromic plane u will see the

pattern clearly



> this is one reason why b v raman ji has appealed for some team work based

works from us this west does we rarely do


> I have also been asking our members we can and should do this my latest appeal

on raman's birth day sia also there we have to share and expand our research on

a long term basis as not all can single handely do the same.


> prashant

> prashant



> ________________________________

> Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag


> Friday, August 21, 2009 10:46:11 AM

> Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009



> Dear Krishna Ji,

> //we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with real

and scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya//


> Sorry to say, you missed the point.


> " affirm that v also can "


> there is no question of " Can " . It is is we who DID it.


> There is no doubt about it.


> No matter what others would try to prove otherwise.


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


> Friday, August 21, 2009 7:50:11 AM

> Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009



> Sirs,

> Americans miite may lie in their exploitation and use of technology.it took

almost centuries to have an idea of what Jyotish is as envisaged by Sages(in


> Then the great " wisdom', root of the Astrology written for the sake of future

can not come through Internet.A tool at disposal for modern living that is

seamless and allows for interaction but does it really promote the concepts that

were introduced by devoted,wise and selfless Maharishis with whose contributions

our culture is known for.

> Americans with material resources at their disposal were always anxious to

control the universe and also the hold world at large.Now with Asians

countering their abilities,certainly an unknown fear lurks in their mind.If we

just brood and find with explosive strength of human resources and without

aniticiapating for any laurels and rewards are able to move forward in every

field and tell the world we are not behind.This positive resource and God given

always remains as our supreem contribution in every walk of life,though it looks

as a burden on avilable resources.

> Late realisation to promote technology and the emphsis it acquired with

support of respective Governements, no doubt is paving way for development in

each and every field.Jyotish is no exception.Today v hace boundless awareness of

jyotish and r ready to take this knowledge into stride and think basically to

minimise the obstructions that come through retrograde planets,malefic planets

like mars or saturn.

> It is the judgement that goes with understanding and assimilating the subject

jyotish.But not the bash nor the speed with which the claims and patents for

commercial acquisitions can be made.

> v have also witnessed even with in this decade the " superior knowledge " has

become worthless when concern for insecurity / peace has grown.Nobody can answer

how such ghastly incidents that questioned the very basic huaman existence ?The

worry should not be for patents.The concern and effort should be for collective

wisdom to reason out the basis given in the vedas and develop further.Ultimately

cosmic influnce of planets discovered ages back and lying in dormant stage is

now being understood.yet for full comprehension the environment too is essentail

whcih comes through several factors.Apart from the fundamental sanskrit and

other oriental knowledge which our ancients have used can be understood with

like mindedness.That is in divinity,unaldutera ted dedication to do good to the

mankind and enlighten several hidden aspects of the cosmic universe.let them

come up in their possible ways.our strength still lies in anlysis that requires

basically depth of

> knowledge and ability to assimilate.

> universities with jyotish as curriculam are also putting efforts.certainly we

will make a difference in acquistion of proper knowledge of vedic jyotish

regardless of patents or no patents.let publications and debates happening in

the otherside should not frieghten us.

> we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with real

and scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya.It's commercial value

that come through patents has to be secondary.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)



> --- On Thu, 8/20/09, bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_ harihara n



> bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_ harihara n

> Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August

/ September 2009


> Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:20 PM




> Namaste Shenoyji,


> //At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //


> They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.


> Regards,

> bhagavathi


> , " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ ...>


> >

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous

> >

> > Just look at this statement

> >

> > // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong


> >

> > which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.

> >

> > At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> > >

> > > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> > >

> > > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> > >

> > > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> > >

> > > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > >

> > >

> > > A Possible Future

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > >

> > > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back

to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In Jyotish

terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> > >

> > > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about

October 13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What

this means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression,

from October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of

debilitation for at least another decade.

> > >

> > > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> > >

> > > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> > >

> > > Why?

> > > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet

for prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in the

US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses - the

5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from

the 9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout

October but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses -

the 8th house.

> > >

> > > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At

last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> > >

> > > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion,

into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> > >

> > > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> > >

> > > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be

better and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more

and more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until

May 2011).

> > >

> > > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in

real estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then

be in the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real

estate and the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real

estate house). I do think that there will be more government programs to help

working class people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper

loans, and even acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out

West as Saturn rules the Westerly direction).

> > >

> > > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect

the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February

2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just

based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> > >

> > > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> > >

> > > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009,

although it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of


> > >

> > > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in

the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands for

the government.

> > >

> > > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > > Chart source: James Kelleher

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > By Alison Berker

> > >

> > > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> > >

> > > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> > >

> > > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural

framework in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created

equally. If a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality

from a particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved

antique made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply

remark that a person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at

least own a piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless

antique, the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about.

And just as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse

much talk, but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single

yoga is unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full

of good yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is

not a relevant yoga bhanga

> present.

> > >

> > > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi

Yoga. Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> > >

> > > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth

lord and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga

can be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in

its own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> > >

> > > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> > >

> > > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> > >

> > > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> > >

> > > Christophe Auguin

> > > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two

> money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to


> > >

> > > Eddie Arcaro

> > > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times

with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into

good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His

net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi

Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth

house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana

yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that

capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th

house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the

bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> > >

> > > Fred Astaire

> > > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> > >

> > > Stephen Bechtel

> > > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in

its own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in

the yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of

those charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve

the ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas

needed to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

> houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie

Arcaro's, it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns

only positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is

in the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> > >

> > > Bill Gates

> > > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the

> US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly issues.

> > >

> > > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and

understand about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings

are everything.

> > > - Allison Berker

> > >

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > Website: Jyotish.ws

> > >

> > > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

> > >

> > > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> > >

> > > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the

jyotish.ws website.

> > >

> > > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think it

may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> > >

> >



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Dear Suresh ji


ur last line is the crux of my post


we r loosing our own rishes by so called secular rather leftist driven thinking

but only when the wwst is trying to gain from it we go after it


I AM NOT IN AGREEMENT TO THEM but am saddened equally at it.


so if a american patents astrology esp vedic surely it will be fought tooth and

nail and become part of our education system so has ayurvedha, yoga only when

west took over we r stydying it else ridicule, rebuke people who belive,

practice it


abt the framework i clearly said we had it dont use it and if u say in kerala it

is so it is on other family astrologers not the new generation ones or the net

or books based ones.


what members have learnt under a guru can always carry all the ingridents even

robert hauck ha sstudied under a guru so he has followed it, how many really

seek one here or get one


we r ashamed to be seen consulting astrologers


i had a few requests in this and other groups that they felt ashamed, or

backward in front of their friends when in a search [ or google] they

found their personal questions in public


they did not feel so when they post, but what their friends belive or make of

them worries them


one person in VA used her friends in India regularly to remover oneof her

cousins mails Mukesh verma if i recall right some felt their superiors may feel

bad some their friends some posted false charges on their spouses and in diff

names but data, details can't change it isnt it they all have u can see any grp

with such requests to delete them which most dont oblige as it is made clear

that u thinkl b4 u post on personal data


so untill we respect our traditionl wisdom this will happen


my only point in [sarcasm at our double standards of so called scienticif

temper] if the wst call it theirs then we run and claim it till then it is not

worthy for them all that comes from the west is great



i will post a new story from history enter the sooth sayer in next post pl study

it and see why we have become like this our leaders r to blame.






sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag


Friday, August 21, 2009 12:29:16 PM

Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009



Dear Prashant Ji,


//THE FRAME WORK to study a entire family for any research is well emphasised by

him to show how we can interpret the results which we had and don't use. a good

or bad event in a family is visible in all its members charts some explicitly

some not so explicitly when u put them on a panaromic plane u will see the

pattern clearly

> //


There is nothing new in this and that is excatly what we are doing (Atleast in

kerala) if time & situation warrnts its analysis. We don't require any foreigner

to teach us about it. In fact thousands of real astrologers do not have any

presence on the internet. Most of them do not believe in it.


It is the self centered values & situations and ofcourse the people who have

made the astrology the it is now. 99% percent of the people wnat only easy

solutions even for strong afflictions. They think or hope and WANT that a gem

stone or a mantra alone can solve all their problems within days. They will go

through all the pain in life but cannot do or won't do any thing regarding

remedies. My own Guruji, never used to give consultation in private. He used to

say every one must understand the mistakes so that they won't do it.


Today Astrology has become something like what cristians do - you commit a sin,

go to the church and tell it to the padre in private and he will pardon you of

your sins. well that is their BELEIF. I cannot question it. But Indians,



Some people may or may not agree with me. It is their choise. But we can learn a

lot by studying our own scriptures more closely & deeply.


This is also why I had advised new commers to buy books with original sanskrit

verses. They may find it difficult to learn in the begining, but will know that

it was the right choise if they are really serious about learning.


It is a false notion that one cannot learn or understand Sanskrit. Today scores

of young people are going to other countries and they learn the local language.

If they can do it why not Sanskrit? But they won't do, because there is no

reward to study Sanskrit or other benefits. One do not need Masters in Sanskrit

to understand the basics. Any one will progress, as he goes deep into the



Sorry for the bother, I would be wasting my time and others also, if I continue

writing on this.


In Kerala, there is a saying " Muttathe Mullaku Manamilla " - the lavender flower

in your own front lawn dosn't smell good. This is our condition now.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@. ..>



> Dear Suresh ji,


> there r good and bad sides to what the americans do, at times they r helping

us also the original research they do based on stats also help give it a

scientific gloss. can't give it a lable sure as the subject is not meant for

such perfection it is more a human face to counselling, a time frame on the

cours eof our lives and also who and why karma has shaped us this far.


> i hope u can see works of astrlogers like james t brahma,


> robert hauck ON ASTROLOGY OF DEATH


> THE FRAME WORK to study a entire family for any research is well emphasised by

him to show how we can interpret the results which we had and don't use. a good

or bad event in a family is visible in all its members charts some explicitly

some not so explicitly when u put them on a panaromic plane u will see the

pattern clearly



> this is one reason why b v raman ji has appealed for some team work based

works from us this west does we rarely do


> I have also been asking our members we can and should do this my latest appeal

on raman's birth day sia also there we have to share and expand our research on

a long term basis as not all can single handely do the same.


> prashant

> prashant



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...>


> Friday, August 21, 2009 10:46:11 AM

> Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009



> Dear Krishna Ji,

> //we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with real

and scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya//


> Sorry to say, you missed the point.


> " affirm that v also can "


> there is no question of " Can " . It is is we who DID it.


> There is no doubt about it.


> No matter what others would try to prove otherwise.


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


> Friday, August 21, 2009 7:50:11 AM

> Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009



> Sirs,

> Americans miite may lie in their exploitation and use of technology.it took

almost centuries to have an idea of what Jyotish is as envisaged by Sages(in


> Then the great " wisdom', root of the Astrology written for the sake of future

can not come through Internet.A tool at disposal for modern living that is

seamless and allows for interaction but does it really promote the concepts that

were introduced by devoted,wise and selfless Maharishis with whose contributions

our culture is known for.

> Americans with material resources at their disposal were always anxious to

control the universe and also the hold world at large.Now with Asians

countering their abilities,certainly an unknown fear lurks in their mind.If we

just brood and find with explosive strength of human resources and without

aniticiapating for any laurels and rewards are able to move forward in every

field and tell the world we are not behind.This positive resource and God given

always remains as our supreem contribution in every walk of life,though it looks

as a burden on avilable resources.

> Late realisation to promote technology and the emphsis it acquired with

support of respective Governements, no doubt is paving way for development in

each and every field.Jyotish is no exception.Today v hace boundless awareness of

jyotish and r ready to take this knowledge into stride and think basically to

minimise the obstructions that come through retrograde planets,malefic planets

like mars or saturn.

> It is the judgement that goes with understanding and assimilating the subject

jyotish.But not the bash nor the speed with which the claims and patents for

commercial acquisitions can be made.

> v have also witnessed even with in this decade the " superior knowledge " has

become worthless when concern for insecurity / peace has grown.Nobody can answer

how such ghastly incidents that questioned the very basic huaman existence ?The

worry should not be for patents.The concern and effort should be for collective

wisdom to reason out the basis given in the vedas and develop further.Ultimately

cosmic influnce of planets discovered ages back and lying in dormant stage is

now being understood.yet for full comprehension the environment too is essentail

whcih comes through several factors.Apart from the fundamental sanskrit and

other oriental knowledge which our ancients have used can be understood with

like mindedness.That is in divinity,unaldutera ted dedication to do good to the

mankind and enlighten several hidden aspects of the cosmic universe.let them

come up in their possible ways.our strength still lies in anlysis that requires

basically depth of

> knowledge and ability to assimilate.

> universities with jyotish as curriculam are also putting efforts.certainly we

will make a difference in acquistion of proper knowledge of vedic jyotish

regardless of patents or no patents.let publications and debates happening in

the otherside should not frieghten us.

> we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with real

and scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya.It's commercial value

that come through patents has to be secondary.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)



> --- On Thu, 8/20/09, bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_ harihara n



> bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_ harihara n

> Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August

/ September 2009


> Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:20 PM




> Namaste Shenoyji,


> //At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //


> They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.


> Regards,

> bhagavathi


> , " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ ...>


> >

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous

> >

> > Just look at this statement

> >

> > // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong


> >

> > which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.

> >

> > At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> > >

> > > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> > >

> > > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> > >

> > > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> > >

> > > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > >

> > >

> > > A Possible Future

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > >

> > > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back

to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In Jyotish

terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> > >

> > > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about

October 13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What

this means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression,

from October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of

debilitation for at least another decade.

> > >

> > > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> > >

> > > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> > >

> > > Why?

> > > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet

for prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in the

US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses - the

5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from

the 9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout

October but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses -

the 8th house.

> > >

> > > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At

last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> > >

> > > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion,

into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> > >

> > > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> > >

> > > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be

better and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more

and more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until

May 2011).

> > >

> > > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in

real estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then

be in the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real

estate and the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real

estate house). I do think that there will be more government programs to help

working class people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper

loans, and even acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out

West as Saturn rules the Westerly direction).

> > >

> > > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect

the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February

2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just

based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> > >

> > > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> > >

> > > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009,

although it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of


> > >

> > > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in

the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands for

the government.

> > >

> > > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > > Chart source: James Kelleher

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > By Alison Berker

> > >

> > > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> > >

> > > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> > >

> > > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural

framework in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created

equally. If a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality

from a particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved

antique made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply

remark that a person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at

least own a piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless

antique, the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about.

And just as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse

much talk, but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single

yoga is unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full

of good yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is

not a relevant yoga


> present.

> > >

> > > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi

Yoga. Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> > >

> > > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth

lord and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga

can be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in

its own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> > >

> > > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> > >

> > > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> > >

> > > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> > >

> > > Christophe Auguin

> > > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two

> money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to


> > >

> > > Eddie Arcaro

> > > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times

with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into

good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His

net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi

Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth

house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana

yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that

capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th

house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the

bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> > >

> > > Fred Astaire

> > > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> > >

> > > Stephen Bechtel

> > > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in

its own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in

the yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of

those charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve

the ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas

needed to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

> houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie

Arcaro's, it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns

only positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is

in the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> > >

> > > Bill Gates

> > > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when


> US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly issues.

> > >

> > > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and

understand about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings

are everything.

> > > - Allison Berker

> > >

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > Website: Jyotish.ws

> > >

> > > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

> > >

> > > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> > >

> > > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the

jyotish.ws website.

> > >

> > > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think it

may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> > >

> >



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Madam Namasthe,


Very much glad to find you here. I had posted a study on the subject earlier.

However, no body cared to discuss it except prashant ji. I don't claim it to be

absolute. But most of the principles I laid where according to classical works.



//presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face of an individual//


Isn't that taking the priciples too far?. with 100 million people in Inida

alone, you would find plastic sergons on every street, if that is the case.


I would rather go by his physcial appearence, split personality or duel

personality and you would find mercurian trait.


what is your openion?


with regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





, " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:


> Namaste Shenoyji and all,


> I forgot to mention. I came accross an americanized vedic astrology post

mortem analysis of Michael Jackson. The chart was fixed as Tula lagna, Rahu in

lagna. Reading said " presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face

of an individual. MJ was known for plastic surgery " . Rahu in lagna and changing

the face.....? Anybody want to shed some light?


> Regards,

> bhagavathi



> , " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Shenoyji,

> >

> > //At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //

> >

> > They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.

> >

> > Regards,

> > bhagavathi

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@>


> > >

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous

> > >

> > > Just look at this statement

> > >

> > > // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong


> > >

> > > which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.

> > >

> > > At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "

> > >

> > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of

Vedic Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> > > >

> > > > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> > > >

> > > > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish.ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> > > >

> > > > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > A Possible Future

> > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > >

> > > > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went

back to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would

see another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> > > >

> > > > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about

October 13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction.

What this means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by

retrogression, from October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state

of debilitation for at least another decade.

> > > >

> > > > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> > > >

> > > > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> > > >

> > > > Why?

> > > > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet

for prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > > > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in

the US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses -

the 5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > > > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from

the 9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout

October but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses -

the 8th house.

> > > >

> > > > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events.

At last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> > > >

> > > > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde

motion, into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news

and bad news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent

glance on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> > > >

> > > > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > > > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> > > >

> > > > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be

better and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more

and more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until

May 2011).

> > > >

> > > > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in

real estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then

be in the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real

estate and the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real

estate house). I do think that there will be more government programs to help

working class people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper

loans, and even acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out

West as Saturn rules the Westerly direction).

> > > >

> > > > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully

expect the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until

February 2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that

is just based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> > > >

> > > > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> > > >

> > > > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009,

although it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of


> > > >

> > > > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is,

in the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands

for the government.

> > > >

> > > > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartq1_lg.jpg

> > > > Chart source: James Kelleher

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > > By Alison Berker

> > > >

> > > > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is

of primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the

preeminent themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such

as knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership,

musical skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such

as strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> > > >

> > > > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> > > >

> > > > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural

framework in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created

equally. If a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality

from a particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved

antique made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply

remark that a person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at

least own a piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless

antique, the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about.

And just as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse

much talk, but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single

yoga is unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full

of good yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is

not a relevant yoga bhanga present.

> > > >

> > > > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi

Yoga. Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> > > >

> > > > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth

lord and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga

can be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in

its own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> > > >

> > > > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and

amiable women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess

Lakshmi, and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like

horses, elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all

his subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> > > >

> > > > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> > > >

> > > > View the charts online at: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartR.html

> > > >

> > > > Christophe Auguin

> > > > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two money houses, the second and the

eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to money.

> > > >

> > > > Eddie Arcaro

> > > > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779

times with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings

into good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business.

His net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His

Lakshmi Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the

ninth house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good

dhana yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas

that capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the

12th house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of

the bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> > > >

> > > > Fred Astaire

> > > > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> > > >

> > > > Stephen Bechtel

> > > > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > > > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in

its own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in

the yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of

those charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve

the ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas

needed to make a billionaire's horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as

did Eddie Arcaro's, it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas

and owns only positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus

Mercury is in the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a

poverty yoga. These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping

him in the low billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the

Moon in the eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury,

further strengthening the lagna.

> > > >

> > > > Bill Gates

> > > > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the US government (a signification of the Sun) sued

him over monopoly issues.

> > > >

> > > > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and

understand about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings

are everything.

> > > > - Allison Berker

> > > >

> > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > > Website: Jyotish.ws

> > > >

> > > > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

> > > >

> > > > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-

> > > >

> > > > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the

jyotish.ws website.

> > > >

> > > > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think

it may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-

> > > >

> > >

> >


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rahu is in my lagna , i never thought of plastic surgery. wht I thnk that rahu

in lagna gives me unusual thinking against customs and rituals. very logical

analysis of everything, in details. not emotionl t all.

, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag



> Madam Namasthe,


> Very much glad to find you here. I had posted a study on the subject earlier.

However, no body cared to discuss it except prashant ji. I don't claim it to be

absolute. But most of the principles I laid where according to classical works.



> //presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face of an



> Isn't that taking the priciples too far?. with 100 million people in Inida

alone, you would find plastic sergons on every street, if that is the case.


> I would rather go by his physcial appearence, split personality or duel

personality and you would find mercurian trait.


> what is your openion?


> with regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Shenoyji and all,

> >

> > I forgot to mention. I came accross an americanized vedic astrology post

mortem analysis of Michael Jackson. The chart was fixed as Tula lagna, Rahu in

lagna. Reading said " presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face

of an individual. MJ was known for plastic surgery " . Rahu in lagna and changing

the face.....? Anybody want to shed some light?

> >

> > Regards,

> > bhagavathi

> >

> >

> > , " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Shenoyji,

> > >

> > > //At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent

for " Vedic astrology " //

> > >

> > > They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > bhagavathi

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@>


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching

Indians what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned

astrology, just like casned food for which they are famous

> > > >

> > > > Just look at this statement

> > > >

> > > > // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that

is fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very

strong indeed.//

> > > >

> > > > which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.

> > > >

> > > > At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent

for " Vedic astrology "

> > > >

> > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of

Vedic Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> > > > >

> > > > > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> > > > >

> > > > > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish.ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> > > > >

> > > > > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > A Possible Future

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > > >

> > > > > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went

back to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would

see another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> > > > >

> > > > > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about

October 13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction.

What this means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by

retrogression, from October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state

of debilitation for at least another decade.

> > > > >

> > > > > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> > > > >

> > > > > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors

that indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in

October 2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> > > > >

> > > > > Why?

> > > > > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest

planet for prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > > > > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart,

is fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in

the US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses -

the 5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > > > > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th

from the 9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout

October but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses -

the 8th house.

> > > > >

> > > > > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events.

At last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> > > > >

> > > > > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde

motion, into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news

and bad news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent

glance on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> > > > >

> > > > > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > > > > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> > > > >

> > > > > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be

better and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more

and more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until

May 2011).

> > > > >

> > > > > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery

in real estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will

then be in the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real

estate and the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real

estate house). I do think that there will be more government programs to help

working class people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper

loans, and even acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out

West as Saturn rules the Westerly direction).

> > > > >

> > > > > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully

expect the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until

February 2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that

is just based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> > > > >

> > > > > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from

April 2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real

estate recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> > > > >

> > > > > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009,

although it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of


> > > > >

> > > > > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun

is, in the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands

for the government.

> > > > >

> > > > > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartq1_lg.jpg

> > > > > Chart source: James Kelleher

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > By Alison Berker

> > > > >

> > > > > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein

is of primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the

preeminent themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such

as knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership,

musical skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such

as strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> > > > >

> > > > > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of

the lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and

the more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> > > > >

> > > > > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural

framework in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created

equally. If a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality

from a particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved

antique made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply

remark that a person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at

least own a piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless

antique, the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about.

And just as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse

much talk, but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single

yoga is unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full

of good yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is

not a relevant yoga bhanga present.

> > > > >

> > > > > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi

Yoga. Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> > > > >

> > > > > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the

ninth lord and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This

yoga can be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the

second in its own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money


> > > > >

> > > > > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and

amiable women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess

Lakshmi, and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like

horses, elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all

his subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> > > > >

> > > > > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in

all wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> > > > >

> > > > > View the charts online at: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartR.html

> > > > >

> > > > > Christophe Auguin

> > > > > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two money houses, the second and the

eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to money.

> > > > >

> > > > > Eddie Arcaro

> > > > > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779

times with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings

into good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business.

His net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His

Lakshmi Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the

ninth house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good

dhana yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas

that capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the

12th house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of

the bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> > > > >

> > > > > Fred Astaire

> > > > > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> > > > >

> > > > > Stephen Bechtel

> > > > > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > > > > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus

in its own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in

the yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of

those charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve

the ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas

needed to make a billionaire's horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as

did Eddie Arcaro's, it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas

and owns only positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus

Mercury is in the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a

poverty yoga. These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping

him in the low billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the

Moon in the eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury,

further strengthening the lagna.

> > > > >

> > > > > Bill Gates

> > > > > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have

a Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the US government (a signification of the Sun) sued

him over monopoly issues.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and

understand about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings

are everything.

> > > > > - Allison Berker

> > > > >

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > Website: Jyotish.ws

> > > > >

> > > > > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell

phone: (440) 263-2159

> > > > >

> > > > > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-

> > > > >

> > > > > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the

jyotish.ws website.

> > > > >

> > > > > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you

think it may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Suresh ji,


true some of the generalisations like rahu in lagna r far fetched unless he

added lagna lord and its aflictions if any or Mesha Kalapurusha being aflicted

above all there r sookshma, sthoola properties of all the 12 rasis from the

Lagna to bestudied and considered.


on his other aspects sure there r some good points will seperate them in a later



above all any considering MJ's chart must explain not his physical feathres more

than his


abused childhood,, stardom, ;otigations,

his assets, his liablities, his deceit by his own people esp on drugs to

death.HIS CHARITABLE ACTS for people of African famine and other places,

injuries to the head in 93 that ended his career literally the pepsi add that

burnt his head to the scalp. his abuses on children by their standards sleeping

with children is offensive in asian homes not so children like to be with

parents, in USA the child from the earliest is given a seperate room monitors

placed to say it is awake needs a feed etc what a pity a child is born into a A

CLASS JAIL from day one.


so we need to see it interms of desha, kaala, paristhiti on the abuses of










sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag


Friday, August 21, 2009 5:42:22 PM

Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009



Madam Namasthe,


Very much glad to find you here. I had posted a study on the subject earlier.

However, no body cared to discuss it except prashant ji. I don't claim it to be

absolute. But most of the principles I laid where according to classical works.


//presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face of an individual//


Isn't that taking the priciples too far?. with 100 million people in Inida

alone, you would find plastic sergons on every street, if that is the case.


I would rather go by his physcial appearence, split personality or duel

personality and you would find mercurian trait.


what is your openion?


with regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


, " bhagavathi_ hariharan " <bhagavathi_

hariharan@ ...> wrote:


> Namaste Shenoyji and all,


> I forgot to mention. I came accross an americanized vedic astrology post

mortem analysis of Michael Jackson. The chart was fixed as Tula lagna, Rahu in

lagna. Reading said " presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face

of an individual. MJ was known for plastic surgery " . Rahu in lagna and changing

the face.....? Anybody want to shed some light?


> Regards,

> bhagavathi



> , " bhagavathi_ hariharan "

<bhagavathi_ hariharan@ > wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Shenoyji,

> >

> > //At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //

> >

> > They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.

> >

> > Regards,

> > bhagavathi

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ >


> > >

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous

> > >

> > > Just look at this statement

> > >

> > > // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong


> > >

> > > which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.

> > >

> > > At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "

> > >

> > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of

Vedic Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> > > >

> > > > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> > > >

> > > > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> > > >

> > > > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > A Possible Future

> > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > >

> > > > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went

back to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would

see another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> > > >

> > > > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about

October 13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction.

What this means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by

retrogression, from October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state

of debilitation for at least another decade.

> > > >

> > > > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> > > >

> > > > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> > > >

> > > > Why?

> > > > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet

for prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > > > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in

the US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses -

the 5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > > > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from

the 9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout

October but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses -

the 8th house.

> > > >

> > > > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events.

At last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> > > >

> > > > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde

motion, into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news

and bad news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent

glance on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> > > >

> > > > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > > > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> > > >

> > > > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be

better and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more

and more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until

May 2011).

> > > >

> > > > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in

real estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then

be in the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real

estate and the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real

estate house). I do think that there will be more government programs to help

working class people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper

loans, and even acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out

West as Saturn rules the Westerly direction).

> > > >

> > > > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully

expect the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until

February 2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that

is just based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> > > >

> > > > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> > > >

> > > > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009,

although it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of


> > > >

> > > > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is,

in the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands

for the government.

> > > >

> > > > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > > > Chart source: James Kelleher

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > > By Alison Berker

> > > >

> > > > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is

of primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the

preeminent themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such

as knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership,

musical skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such

as strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> > > >

> > > > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> > > >

> > > > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural

framework in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created

equally. If a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality

from a particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved

antique made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply

remark that a person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at

least own a piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless

antique, the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about.

And just as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse

much talk, but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single

yoga is unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full

of good yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is

not a relevant yoga

bhanga present.

> > > >

> > > > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi

Yoga. Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> > > >

> > > > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth

lord and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga

can be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in

its own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> > > >

> > > > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and

amiable women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess

Lakshmi, and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like

horses, elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all

his subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> > > >

> > > > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> > > >

> > > > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> > > >

> > > > Christophe Auguin

> > > > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of

two money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to


> > > >

> > > > Eddie Arcaro

> > > > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779

times with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings

into good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business.

His net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His

Lakshmi Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the

ninth house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good

dhana yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas

that capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the

12th house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of

the bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> > > >

> > > > Fred Astaire

> > > > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> > > >

> > > > Stephen Bechtel

> > > > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > > > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in

its own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in

the yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of

those charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve

the ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas

needed to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie Arcaro's,

it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns only

positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is in

the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> > > >

> > > > Bill Gates

> > > > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when

the US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly issues.

> > > >

> > > > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and

understand about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings

are everything.

> > > > - Allison Berker

> > > >

> > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > > Website: Jyotish.ws

> > > >

> > > > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

> > > >

> > > > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> > > >

> > > > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the

jyotish.ws website.

> > > >

> > > > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think

it may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> > > >

> > >

> >










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We " did in past " was mentioned in my write up(through their wisdom).But about

exploitation of technology to aquire commercial value I used I implied " can " as 

we r yet not familiar with modern technics of cyber media.

what we have made known to the universe thorugh efforts of seers is now going

into the creamy layers with the aid of technology(for Amercan Pandits ?)



Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag wrote:



Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009


Friday, August 21, 2009, 1:16 AM







Dear Krishna Ji,

//we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with  real

and scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya//


Sorry to say, you missed the point.


" affirm that v also can "


there is no question of " Can " . It is is we who DID it.


There is no doubt about it.


No matter what others would try to prove otherwise.    


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Friday, August 21, 2009 7:50:11 AM

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009




Americans miite may lie in their exploitation and use of technology.it took

almost centuries to have an idea of  what Jyotish is as envisaged by Sages(in


Then the great " wisdom', root of the Astrology written for the sake of future

can not come through Internet.A tool at disposal for modern living that is

seamless and allows for interaction but does it really promote the concepts that

were introduced by devoted,wise and selfless Maharishis with whose contributions

our culture is known for.

Americans with material resources at their disposal were always anxious to

control the universe and also  the hold world at large.Now with Asians

countering their abilities,certainly an unknown fear lurks in their mind.If we

just brood and find with explosive strength of human resources and without

aniticiapating for any laurels and rewards are able to move forward in every

field and tell the world we are not behind.This positive resource and God given

always remains as our supreem contribution in every walk of life,though it looks

as a burden on avilable resources.

Late realisation to promote technology and the emphsis it acquired with support

of respective Governements,  no doubt is paving way for development in each and

every field.Jyotish is no exception.Today v hace boundless awareness of jyotish

and r ready to take this knowledge into stride and think basically to minimise

the obstructions that come through retrograde planets,malefic planets like mars

or saturn.

It is the judgement that goes with understanding and assimilating the subject

jyotish.But not the bash nor the speed with which the claims and patents for

commercial acquisitions can be made.

v have also witnessed even with in this decade the " superior knowledge " has

become worthless when concern for insecurity / peace has grown.Nobody can answer

how such ghastly incidents that questioned the very basic huaman existence ?The

worry should not be for patents.The concern and effort should be for collective

wisdom to reason out the basis given in the vedas and develop further.Ultimately

cosmic influnce of planets discovered ages back and lying in dormant stage is

now being understood.yet for full comprehension the environment too is essentail

whcih comes through several factors.Apart from the fundamental sanskrit and

other oriental knowledge which our ancients have used can be understood with

like mindedness.That is in divinity,unaldutera ted dedication to do good to the

mankind and enlighten several hidden aspects of the cosmic universe.let them

come up in their possible ways.our strength still lies in anlysis that requires

basically depth of

knowledge and ability to assimilate.

universities with jyotish as curriculam are also putting efforts.certainly we

will make a difference in acquistion of proper knowledge of vedic jyotish

regardless of patents or no patents.let publications and debates happening in

the otherside should not frieghten us.

we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with  real and

scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya.It's commercial value that

come through patents has to be secondary.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Thu, 8/20/09, bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_ harihara n



bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_ harihara n

Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009


Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:20 PM




Namaste Shenoyji,


//At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //


They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.





, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ ....>




> Dear All,


> laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous


> Just look at this statement


> // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong



> which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.


> At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> >

> > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> >

> > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> >

> > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> >

> > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> >

> > A Possible Future

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back

to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In Jyotish

terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> >

> > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about October

13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What this

means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression, from

October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of debilitation for

at least another decade.

> >

> > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> >

> > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> >

> > Why?

> > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet for

prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in the

US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses - the

5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from the

9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout October

but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses - the 8th


> >

> > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At

last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> >

> > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion,

into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> >

> > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> >

> > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be better

and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more and

more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until May


> >

> > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in real

estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then be in

the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real estate and

the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real estate house).

I do think that there will be more government programs to help working class

people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper loans, and even

acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out West as Saturn

rules the Westerly direction).

> >

> > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect

the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February

2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just

based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> >

> > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> >

> > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009, although

it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of strength.

> >

> > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in

the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S..

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands for

the government.

> >

> > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > Chart source: James Kelleher

> >

> >

> >

> > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Alison Berker

> >

> > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> >

> > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> >

> > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural framework

in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created equally. If

a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality from a

particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved antique

made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply remark that a

person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at least own a

piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless antique,

the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about. And just

as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse much talk,

but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single yoga is

unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full of good

yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is not a

relevant yoga bhanga


> >

> > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi Yoga.

Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> >

> > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth lord

and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga can

be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in its

own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> >

> > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> >

> > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> >

> > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> >

> > Christophe Auguin

> > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two

money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to money.

> >

> > Eddie Arcaro

> > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times

with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into

good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His

net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi

Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth

house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana

yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that

capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th

house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the

bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> >

> > Fred Astaire

> > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> >

> > Stephen Bechtel

> > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in its

own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in the

yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of those

charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve the

ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas needed

to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie Arcaro's,

it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns only

positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is in

the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> >

> > Bill Gates

> > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga.. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the

US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly issues.

> >

> > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and understand

about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings are


> > - Allison Berker

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > Website: Jyotish.ws

> >

> > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

> >

> > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> >

> > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the jyotish.ws


> >

> > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think it

may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> >




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I too have Rahu in lagna...and I never thought of doing anything with my face :)

Actually speaking, I do not even pay any attention to look good...but yes, Rahu

has made made me ugly looking...and further more, it is eclipsing my Sun as Sun

is also in lagna...and I am also not unusual thinker.on the contrary, I strongly

believe in customs, karma kanda and all the religious rituals...







proudmum786 <proudmum786


Friday, August 21, 2009 8:22:38 AM

Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009



rahu is in my lagna , i never thought of plastic surgery. wht I thnk that rahu

in lagna gives me unusual thinking against customs and rituals. very logical

analysis of everything, in details. not emotionl t all.

, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ ...>



> Madam Namasthe,


> Very much glad to find you here. I had posted a study on the subject earlier.

However, no body cared to discuss it except prashant ji. I don't claim it to be

absolute. But most of the principles I laid where according to classical works.



> //presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face of an



> Isn't that taking the priciples too far?. with 100 million people in Inida

alone, you would find plastic sergons on every street, if that is the case.


> I would rather go by his physcial appearence, split personality or duel

personality and you would find mercurian trait.


> what is your openion?


> with regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " bhagavathi_ hariharan "

<bhagavathi_ hariharan@ > wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Shenoyji and all,

> >

> > I forgot to mention. I came accross an americanized vedic astrology post

mortem analysis of Michael Jackson. The chart was fixed as Tula lagna, Rahu in

lagna. Reading said " presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face

of an individual. MJ was known for plastic surgery " . Rahu in lagna and changing

the face.....? Anybody want to shed some light?

> >

> > Regards,

> > bhagavathi

> >

> >

> > , " bhagavathi_ hariharan "

<bhagavathi_ hariharan@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Shenoyji,

> > >

> > > //At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent

for " Vedic astrology " //

> > >

> > > They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > bhagavathi

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ >


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching

Indians what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned

astrology, just like casned food for which they are famous

> > > >

> > > > Just look at this statement

> > > >

> > > > // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that

is fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very

strong indeed.//

> > > >

> > > > which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.

> > > >

> > > > At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent

for " Vedic astrology "

> > > >

> > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@>


> > > > >

> > > > > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of

Vedic Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> > > > >

> > > > > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> > > > >

> > > > > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> > > > >

> > > > > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > A Possible Future

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > > >

> > > > > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went

back to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would

see another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> > > > >

> > > > > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about

October 13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction.

What this means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by

retrogression, from October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state

of debilitation for at least another decade.

> > > > >

> > > > > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> > > > >

> > > > > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors

that indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in

October 2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> > > > >

> > > > > Why?

> > > > > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest

planet for prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > > > > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart,

is fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in

the US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses -

the 5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > > > > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th

from the 9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout

October but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses -

the 8th house.

> > > > >

> > > > > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events.

At last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> > > > >

> > > > > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde

motion, into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news

and bad news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent

glance on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> > > > >

> > > > > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > > > > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> > > > >

> > > > > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be

better and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more

and more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until

May 2011).

> > > > >

> > > > > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery

in real estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will

then be in the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real

estate and the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real

estate house). I do think that there will be more government programs to help

working class people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper

loans, and even acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out

West as Saturn rules the Westerly direction).

> > > > >

> > > > > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully

expect the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until

February 2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that

is just based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> > > > >

> > > > > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from

April 2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real

estate recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> > > > >

> > > > > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009,

although it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of


> > > > >

> > > > > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun

is, in the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands

for the government.

> > > > >

> > > > > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > > > > Chart source: James Kelleher

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > By Alison Berker

> > > > >

> > > > > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein

is of primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the

preeminent themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such

as knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership,

musical skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such

as strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> > > > >

> > > > > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of

the lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and

the more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> > > > >

> > > > > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural

framework in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created

equally. If a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality

from a particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved

antique made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply

remark that a person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at

least own a piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless

antique, the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about.

And just as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse

much talk, but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single

yoga is unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full

of good yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is

not a relevant yoga

bhanga present.

> > > > >

> > > > > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi

Yoga. Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> > > > >

> > > > > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the

ninth lord and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This

yoga can be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the

second in its own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money


> > > > >

> > > > > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and

amiable women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess

Lakshmi, and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like

horses, elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all

his subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> > > > >

> > > > > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in

all wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> > > > >

> > > > > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> > > > >

> > > > > Christophe Auguin

> > > > > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of

two money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to


> > > > >

> > > > > Eddie Arcaro

> > > > > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779

times with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings

into good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business.

His net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His

Lakshmi Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the

ninth house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good

dhana yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas

that capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the

12th house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of

the bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> > > > >

> > > > > Fred Astaire

> > > > > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> > > > >

> > > > > Stephen Bechtel

> > > > > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > > > > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus

in its own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in

the yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of

those charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve

the ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas

needed to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie Arcaro's,

it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns only

positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is in

the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> > > > >

> > > > > Bill Gates

> > > > > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have

a Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money

when the US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly


> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and

understand about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings

are everything.

> > > > > - Allison Berker

> > > > >

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > Website: Jyotish.ws

> > > > >

> > > > > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell

phone: (440) 263-2159

> > > > >

> > > > > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> > > > >

> > > > > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the

jyotish.ws website.

> > > > >

> > > > > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you

think it may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >








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Hi, All


Skins Problem, is always due to by budha, mercury.  SEE the position of mercury

in chart.

Rahu in lagna is not a responsible for any skin decease.


Rahu in lagna, make native straggler, Cheated by many. Late in marriage,

compromise in marriage, Infact face problem in all aspect of life.


Budha gives  allergy,  nervous system and skin decease.




Barkot, Tan




--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000 wrote:


Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009


Friday, August 21, 2009, 12:16 PM













I too have Rahu in lagna...and I never thought of doing

anything with my face :) Actually speaking, I do not even pay any attention to

look good...but yes, Rahu has made made me ugly looking...and further more, it

is eclipsing my Sun as Sun is also in lagna...and I am also not unusual

thinker.on the contrary, I strongly believe in customs, karma kanda and all the

religious rituals...






____________ _________ _________ __


proudmum786 <proudmum786@ >




Friday, August 21, 2009 8:22:38 AM


Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009




rahu is in my lagna , i never thought of plastic surgery. wht I thnk that rahu

in lagna gives me unusual thinking against customs and rituals. very logical

analysis of everything, in details. not emotionl t all.


, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ ...>





> Madam Namasthe,




> Very much glad to find you here. I had posted a study on the subject earlier.

However, no body cared to discuss it except prashant ji. I don't claim it to be

absolute. But most of the principles I laid where according to classical works.






> //presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face of an





> Isn't that taking the priciples too far?. with 100 million people in Inida

alone, you would find plastic sergons on every street, if that is the case.




> I would rather go by his physcial appearence, split personality or duel

personality and you would find mercurian trait.




> what is your openion?




> with regards


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy










> , " bhagavathi_ hariharan "

<bhagavathi_ hariharan@ > wrote:


> >


> > Namaste Shenoyji and all,


> >


> > I forgot to mention. I came accross an americanized vedic astrology post

mortem analysis of Michael Jackson. The chart was fixed as Tula lagna, Rahu in

lagna. Reading said " presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face

of an individual. MJ was known for plastic surgery " . Rahu in lagna and changing

the face.....? Anybody want to shed some light?


> >


> > Regards,


> > bhagavathi


> >


> >


> > , " bhagavathi_ hariharan "

<bhagavathi_ hariharan@ > wrote:


> > >


> > > Namaste Shenoyji,


> > >


> > > //At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent

for " Vedic astrology " //


> > >


> > > They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.


> > >


> > > Regards,


> > > bhagavathi


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > > , " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ >



> > > >


> > > >


> > > > Dear All,


> > > >


> > > > laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching

Indians what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned

astrology, just like casned food for which they are famous


> > > >


> > > > Just look at this statement


> > > >


> > > > // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that

is fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very

strong indeed.//


> > > >


> > > > which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.


> > > >


> > > > At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent

for " Vedic astrology "


> > > >


> > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > > , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@>



> > > > >


> > > > > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of

Vedic Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.


> > > > >


> > > > > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this



> > > > >


> > > > > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.


> > > > >


> > > > > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)


> > > > >


> > > > >


> > > > > A Possible Future


> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


> > > > > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)


> > > > >


> > > > > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went

back to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would

see another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.


> > > > >


> > > > > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about

October 13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction.

What this means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by

retrogression, from October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state

of debilitation for at least another decade.


> > > > >


> > > > > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.


> > > > >


> > > > > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors

that indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in

October 2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).


> > > > >


> > > > > Why?


> > > > > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest

planet for prosperity, is fallen during that time.


> > > > > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart,

is fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in

the US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses -

the 5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.


> > > > > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th

from the 9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout

October but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses -

the 8th house.


> > > > >


> > > > > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events.

At last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.


> > > > >


> > > > > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde

motion, into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news

and bad news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent

glance on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:


> > > > >


> > > > > 1. Be out of debilitation


> > > > > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.


> > > > >


> > > > > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be

better and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more

and more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until

May 2011).


> > > > >


> > > > > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery

in real estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will

then be in the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real

estate and the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real

estate house). I do think that there will be more government programs to help

working class people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper

loans, and even acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out

West as Saturn rules the Westerly direction).


> > > > >


> > > > > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully

expect the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until

February 2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that

is just based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.


> > > > >


> > > > > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from

April 2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real

estate recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.


> > > > >


> > > > > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009,

although it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of



> > > > >


> > > > > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun

is, in the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands

for the government.


> > > > >


> > > > > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg


> > > > > Chart source: James Kelleher


> > > > >


> > > > >


> > > > >


> > > > > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth


> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


> > > > > By Alison Berker


> > > > >


> > > > > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein

is of primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the

preeminent themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such

as knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership,

musical skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such

as strength of moral character (or lack thereof).


> > > > >


> > > > > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of

the lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and

the more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize



> > > > >


> > > > > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural

framework in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created

equally. If a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality

from a particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved

antique made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply

remark that a person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at

least own a piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless

antique, the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about.

And just as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse

much talk, but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single

yoga is unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full

of good yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is

not a relevant yoga


bhanga present.


> > > > >


> > > > > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi

Yoga. Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.


> > > > >


> > > > > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the

ninth lord and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This

yoga can be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the

second in its own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money



> > > > >


> > > > > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and

amiable women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess

Lakshmi, and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like

horses, elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all

his subjects and liberal in his gifts. "


> > > > >


> > > > > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in

all wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.


> > > > >


> > > > > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html


> > > > >


> > > > > Christophe Auguin


> > > > > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of


two money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to



> > > > >


> > > > > Eddie Arcaro


> > > > > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779

times with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings

into good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business.

His net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His

Lakshmi Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the

ninth house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good

dhana yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas

that capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the

12th house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of

the bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.


> > > > >


> > > > > Fred Astaire


> > > > > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.


> > > > >


> > > > > Stephen Bechtel


> > > > > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.


> > > > > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus

in its own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in

the yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of

those charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve

the ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas

needed to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive


houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie Arcaro's,

it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns only

positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is in

the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.


> > > > >


> > > > > Bill Gates


> > > > > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have

a Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money


when the US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly



> > > > >


> > > > > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and

understand about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings

are everything.


> > > > > - Allison Berker


> > > > >


> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


> > > > > Website: Jyotish.ws


> > > > >


> > > > > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell

phone: (440) 263-2159


> > > > >


> > > > > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e


> > > > >


> > > > > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the

jyotish.ws website.


> > > > >


> > > > > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you

think it may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e


> > > > >


> > > >


> > >


> >






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Dear Manoj an dothers

Rahu has extreemities and behaves as a planet in the sign placed and when joined

with benifics like jupiter tahu tends them orthodoxial but at the same time

their faith is ritualistic.they also do not mind to say contarry things.

like wise rahu with can be ugly if a sign like Aries,lorded by Mars  for that

matter Scorpio too may may make the pendulam swing other way.

As far as surgery is concerned and connected with skin is concerned Ketu and/or

mars influnece is necessary with venus.Being an artificial and cosemetic make

up,Rahu involvement can not be denied.

The point however as far as MJ is concerned it is a case hypocrasy due to racial

feeling (in US)emerged due to black complexion.Lagna in his case (if confirmed

birth particulars r avilable) certainly involves (lagna's) affliction can not be


Even considering his demise is untimely,affliction of lagna for one or other

reason gets inferred. 

For us(Indians) it does not matter whether black or gorye,except that v think

that v can not afford a luxury of palstic surgery and living in our way was

taught to us by our elders and v continue to live.

Finally Values that come into the fore in the discussion on this topic,as our

Indian past and History from times imemorial regarde hard work,contentment and

reward and benifts as per our Bhagyas.So v r not copy cats nor would like to

boast success by commercialisation in the name of patents. 


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000 wrote:



Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009


Friday, August 21, 2009, 12:16 PM







I too have Rahu in lagna...and I never thought of doing anything with my face :)

Actually speaking, I do not even pay any attention to look good...but yes, Rahu

has made made me ugly looking...and further more, it is eclipsing my Sun as Sun

is also in lagna...and I am also not unusual thinker.on the contrary, I strongly

believe in customs, karma kanda and all the religious rituals...



____________ _________ _________ __

proudmum786 <proudmum786@ >


Friday, August 21, 2009 8:22:38 AM

Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009


rahu is in my lagna , i never thought of plastic surgery. wht I thnk that rahu

in lagna gives me unusual thinking against customs and rituals. very logical

analysis of everything, in details. not emotionl t all.

, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ ....>



> Madam Namasthe,


> Very much glad to find you here. I had posted a study on the subject earlier.

However, no body cared to discuss it except prashant ji. I don't claim it to be

absolute. But most of the principles I laid where according to classical works.



> //presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face of an



> Isn't that taking the priciples too far?. with 100 million people in Inida

alone, you would find plastic sergons on every street, if that is the case.


> I would rather go by his physcial appearence, split personality or duel

personality and you would find mercurian trait.


> what is your openion?


> with regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " bhagavathi_ hariharan "

<bhagavathi_ hariharan@ > wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Shenoyji and all,

> >

> > I forgot to mention. I came accross an americanized vedic astrology post

mortem analysis of Michael Jackson. The chart was fixed as Tula lagna, Rahu in

lagna. Reading said " presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face

of an individual. MJ was known for plastic surgery " . Rahu in lagna and changing

the face.....? Anybody want to shed some light?

> >

> > Regards,

> > bhagavathi

> >

> >

> > , " bhagavathi_ hariharan "

<bhagavathi_ hariharan@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Shenoyji,

> > >

> > > //At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent

for " Vedic astrology " //

> > >

> > > They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > bhagavathi

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ >


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching

Indians what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned

astrology, just like casned food for which they are famous

> > > >

> > > > Just look at this statement

> > > >

> > > > // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that

is fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very

strong indeed.//

> > > >

> > > > which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.

> > > >

> > > > At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent

for " Vedic astrology "

> > > >

> > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@>


> > > > >

> > > > > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of

Vedic Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> > > > >

> > > > > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> > > > >

> > > > > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> > > > >

> > > > > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > A Possible Future

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > > >

> > > > > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went

back to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would

see another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> > > > >

> > > > > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about

October 13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What

this means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression,

from October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of

debilitation for at least another decade.

> > > > >

> > > > > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> > > > >

> > > > > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors

that indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in

October 2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> > > > >

> > > > > Why?

> > > > > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest

planet for prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > > > > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart,

is fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in

the US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses -

the 5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > > > > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th

from the 9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout

October but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses -

the 8th house.

> > > > >

> > > > > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events.

At last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> > > > >

> > > > > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde

motion, into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news

and bad news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent

glance on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> > > > >

> > > > > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > > > > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> > > > >

> > > > > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be

better and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more

and more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until

May 2011).

> > > > >

> > > > > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in

real estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then

be in the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real

estate and the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real

estate house). I do think that there will be more government programs to help

working class people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper

loans, and even acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out

West as Saturn rules the Westerly direction).

> > > > >

> > > > > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully

expect the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until

February 2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is

just based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> > > > >

> > > > > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from

April 2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real

estate recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> > > > >

> > > > > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009,

although it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of


> > > > >

> > > > > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun

is, in the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands for

the government.

> > > > >

> > > > > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > > > > Chart source: James Kelleher

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > By Alison Berker

> > > > >

> > > > > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein

is of primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the

preeminent themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such

as knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership,

musical skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such

as strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> > > > >

> > > > > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of

the lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and

the more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> > > > >

> > > > > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural

framework in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created

equally. If a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality

from a particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved

antique made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker.. So, to simply

remark that a person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at

least own a piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless

antique, the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about.

And just as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse

much talk, but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single

yoga is unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full

of good yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is

not a relevant yoga

bhanga present.

> > > > >

> > > > > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi

Yoga. Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> > > > >

> > > > > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the

ninth lord and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis..

This yoga can be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the

second in its own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money


> > > > >

> > > > > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and

amiable women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess

Lakshmi, and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like

horses, elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all

his subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> > > > >

> > > > > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in

all wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> > > > >

> > > > > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> > > > >

> > > > > Christophe Auguin

> > > > > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of

two money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to


> > > > >

> > > > > Eddie Arcaro

> > > > > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779

times with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings

into good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business.

His net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His

Lakshmi Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the

ninth house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good

dhana yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas

that capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the

12th house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of

the bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> > > > >

> > > > > Fred Astaire

> > > > > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> > > > >

> > > > > Stephen Bechtel

> > > > > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > > > > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus

in its own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in

the yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of

those charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve

the ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas

needed to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie Arcaro's,

it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns only

positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is in

the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> > > > >

> > > > > Bill Gates

> > > > > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have

a Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money

when the US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly


> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and

understand about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings

are everything.

> > > > > - Allison Berker

> > > > >

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > Website: Jyotish.ws

> > > > >

> > > > > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell

phone: (440) 263-2159

> > > > >

> > > > > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e (AT) (DOT) .


> > > > >

> > > > > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the

jyotish.ws website.

> > > > >

> > > > > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you

think it may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >



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Dear Krishna Ji,


From my writing, One might think that I am a backward superstitious person. We

should definitely see the good and what is acceptable from every country.

America & Amercinas surely does have their own merits in many fields.


For ex: You might have seen the speach of barak obama on his swearing day. How

many of our leaders of 100 million people can talk so strongly without reading

from a write up. One can see the power of words, The thrust he gave to the word

" We are Americans "  how many of our people talk so intensily about being a

Indian. This is the culture, a strong sence that they are americans,  they

inculcate in their children - a strong trait we should learn from them. It is

quite natural that when you hold certain values strongly, you tend to defend it

equally strongly. both of which, unfortunately we don't teach our children.


Both India & America where colonies of british, But America gained their

independance way back inspite of being a less populant country. Why did it take

so long for India to be independant. A problem we don't address still.


When Mr Ford made cars by making nuts & bolts and up, we are still begging for

technology and are proud to send astronoughts to moon while people down here do

not have enough to eat, no pure drinking water in not only villages but cities



The only thing we have learned in the last few years is probably the recorded

stereotype messages to stay calm when every bomb blasts and that we will

overcome every thing.


The biggest joke of the year might be statement by another minister that India

is capable of building nuclear war ships - while 32 Mig jets have crashed within

18 months - russian made old age technology for which we still are running after

and pay billions of our hard earned money- and dream of building nuclear war

ships. to top it all, Arunachal pradesh is at brink of being part of china. 


So, it is no doubt that we have to learn much from others, and they can learn

and surely spread Indian Astrology. But trying to sell the same back is another

matter. It would like my son trying to teach how to walk.


Yes they would dare to do it, as long we don't come up claim to better. As long

as our own children feel ashamed, as Shri prashant ji mentioned about consulting

astrologer. the very same person probably doesn't realise that his/her boss

might be doing it without their knowldge. Believe me - I know.


A few days saw a picture of police offers checking & discussing about the

security at Sabarimala temple. Every one of them including Hindus were wearing

shoes - Color photo in the Hindu / matrubhoomi paper. 25 years back I would be

on the streets campaigning for a protest.


Once again sorry for writing very strongly. Some times the pain felt simply

flows out.  


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

















Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99


Friday, August 21, 2009 9:01:25 PM

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009




We " did in past " was mentioned in my write up(through their wisdom).But about

exploitation of technology to aquire commercial value I used I implied " can " as 

we r yet not familiar with modern technics of cyber media.

what we have made known to the universe thorugh efforts of seers is now going

into the creamy layers with the aid of technology(for Amercan Pandits ?)


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009


Friday, August 21, 2009, 1:16 AM




Dear Krishna Ji,

//we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with  real

and scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya//


Sorry to say, you missed the point.


" affirm that v also can "


there is no question of " Can " . It is is we who DID it.


There is no doubt about it.


No matter what others would try to prove otherwise.    


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Friday, August 21, 2009 7:50:11 AM

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009




Americans miite may lie in their exploitation and use of technology.it took

almost centuries to have an idea of  what Jyotish is as envisaged by Sages(in


Then the great " wisdom', root of the Astrology written for the sake of future

can not come through Internet.A tool at disposal for modern living that is

seamless and allows for interaction but does it really promote the concepts that

were introduced by devoted,wise and selfless Maharishis with whose contributions

our culture is known for.

Americans with material resources at their disposal were always anxious to

control the universe and also  the hold world at large.Now with Asians

countering their abilities,certainly an unknown fear lurks in their mind.If we

just brood and find with explosive strength of human resources and without

aniticiapating for any laurels and rewards are able to move forward in every

field and tell the world we are not behind.This positive resource and God given

always remains as our supreem contribution in every walk of life,though it looks

as a burden on avilable resources.

Late realisation to promote technology and the emphsis it acquired with support

of respective Governements,  no doubt is paving way for development in each and

every field.Jyotish is no exception.Today v hace boundless awareness of jyotish

and r ready to take this knowledge into stride and think basically to minimise

the obstructions that come through retrograde planets,malefic planets like mars

or saturn.

It is the judgement that goes with understanding and assimilating the subject

jyotish.But not the bash nor the speed with which the claims and patents for

commercial acquisitions can be made.

v have also witnessed even with in this decade the " superior knowledge " has

become worthless when concern for insecurity / peace has grown.Nobody can answer

how such ghastly incidents that questioned the very basic huaman existence ?The

worry should not be for patents.The concern and effort should be for collective

wisdom to reason out the basis given in the vedas and develop further.Ultimately

cosmic influnce of planets discovered ages back and lying in dormant stage is

now being understood.yet for full comprehension the environment too is essentail

whcih comes through several factors.Apart from the fundamental sanskrit and

other oriental knowledge which our ancients have used can be understood with

like mindedness.That is in divinity,unaldutera ted dedication to do good to the

mankind and enlighten several hidden aspects of the cosmic universe.let them

come up in their possible ways.our strength still lies in anlysis that requires

basically depth of

knowledge and ability to assimilate.

universities with jyotish as curriculam are also putting efforts.certainly we

will make a difference in acquistion of proper knowledge of vedic jyotish

regardless of patents or no patents.let publications and debates happening in

the otherside should not frieghten us.

we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with  real and

scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya.It's commercial value that

come through patents has to be secondary.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Thu, 8/20/09, bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_ harihara n



bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_ harihara n

Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009


Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:20 PM




Namaste Shenoyji,


//At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //


They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.





, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ ....>




> Dear All,


> laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous


> Just look at this statement


> // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong



> which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.


> At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> >

> > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> >

> > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> >

> > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> >

> > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> >

> > A Possible Future

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back

to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In Jyotish

terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> >

> > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about October

13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What this

means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression, from

October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of debilitation for

at least another decade.

> >

> > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> >

> > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> >

> > Why?

> > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet for

prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in the

US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses - the

5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from the

9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout October

but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses - the 8th


> >

> > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At

last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> >

> > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion,

into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> >

> > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> >

> > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be better

and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more and

more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until May


> >

> > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in real

estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then be in

the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real estate and

the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real estate house).

I do think that there will be more government programs to help working class

people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper loans, and even

acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out West as Saturn

rules the Westerly direction).

> >

> > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect

the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February

2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just

based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> >

> > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> >

> > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009, although

it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of strength.

> >

> > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in

the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S..

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands for

the government.

> >

> > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > Chart source: James Kelleher

> >

> >

> >

> > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Alison Berker

> >

> > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> >

> > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> >

> > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural framework

in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created equally. If

a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality from a

particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved antique

made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply remark that a

person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at least own a

piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless antique,

the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about. And just

as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse much talk,

but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single yoga is

unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full of good

yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is not a

relevant yoga bhanga


> >

> > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi Yoga.

Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> >

> > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth lord

and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga can

be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in its

own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> >

> > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> >

> > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> >

> > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> >

> > Christophe Auguin

> > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two

money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to money.

> >

> > Eddie Arcaro

> > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times

with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into

good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His

net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi

Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth

house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana

yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that

capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th

house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the

bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> >

> > Fred Astaire

> > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> >

> > Stephen Bechtel

> > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in its

own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in the

yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of those

charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve the

ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas needed

to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie Arcaro's,

it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns only

positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is in

the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> >

> > Bill Gates

> > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga.. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the

US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly issues.

> >

> > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and understand

about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings are


> > - Allison Berker

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > Website: Jyotish.ws

> >

> > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

> >

> > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> >

> > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the jyotish.ws


> >

> > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you think it

may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> >




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I agree with you. What I felt is Rahu in 2nd can cause something related to

face, why rahu in lagna would give a plastic surgey on the face , it should give

on the head. Anyways, I found that Rahu in lagna can give a person foreign

birth. Foreign means birth in a place not native to both parents. I came across

this in many charts of kids of Indian origin born in the US.






, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag



> Madam Namasthe,


> Very much glad to find you here. I had posted a study on the subject earlier.

However, no body cared to discuss it except prashant ji. I don't claim it to be

absolute. But most of the principles I laid where according to classical works.



> //presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face of an



> Isn't that taking the priciples too far?. with 100 million people in Inida

alone, you would find plastic sergons on every street, if that is the case.


> I would rather go by his physcial appearence, split personality or duel

personality and you would find mercurian trait.


> what is your openion?


> with regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Shenoyji and all,

> >

> > I forgot to mention. I came accross an americanized vedic astrology post

mortem analysis of Michael Jackson. The chart was fixed as Tula lagna, Rahu in

lagna. Reading said " presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face

of an individual. MJ was known for plastic surgery " . Rahu in lagna and changing

the face.....? Anybody want to shed some light?

> >

> > Regards,

> > bhagavathi

> >

> >

> > , " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Shenoyji,

> > >

> > > //At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent

for " Vedic astrology " //

> > >

> > > They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > bhagavathi

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@>


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching

Indians what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned

astrology, just like casned food for which they are famous

> > > >

> > > > Just look at this statement

> > > >

> > > > // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that

is fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very

strong indeed.//

> > > >

> > > > which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.

> > > >

> > > > At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent

for " Vedic astrology "

> > > >

> > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of

Vedic Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> > > > >

> > > > > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> > > > >

> > > > > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish.ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> > > > >

> > > > > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > A Possible Future

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > > >

> > > > > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went

back to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would

see another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> > > > >

> > > > > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about

October 13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction.

What this means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by

retrogression, from October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state

of debilitation for at least another decade.

> > > > >

> > > > > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> > > > >

> > > > > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors

that indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in

October 2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> > > > >

> > > > > Why?

> > > > > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest

planet for prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > > > > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart,

is fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in

the US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses -

the 5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > > > > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th

from the 9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout

October but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses -

the 8th house.

> > > > >

> > > > > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events.

At last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> > > > >

> > > > > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde

motion, into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news

and bad news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent

glance on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> > > > >

> > > > > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > > > > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> > > > >

> > > > > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be

better and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more

and more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until

May 2011).

> > > > >

> > > > > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery

in real estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will

then be in the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real

estate and the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real

estate house). I do think that there will be more government programs to help

working class people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper

loans, and even acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out

West as Saturn rules the Westerly direction).

> > > > >

> > > > > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully

expect the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until

February 2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that

is just based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> > > > >

> > > > > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from

April 2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real

estate recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> > > > >

> > > > > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009,

although it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of


> > > > >

> > > > > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun

is, in the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands

for the government.

> > > > >

> > > > > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartq1_lg.jpg

> > > > > Chart source: James Kelleher

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > By Alison Berker

> > > > >

> > > > > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein

is of primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the

preeminent themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such

as knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership,

musical skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such

as strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> > > > >

> > > > > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of

the lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and

the more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> > > > >

> > > > > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural

framework in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created

equally. If a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality

from a particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved

antique made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply

remark that a person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at

least own a piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless

antique, the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about.

And just as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse

much talk, but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single

yoga is unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full

of good yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is

not a relevant yoga bhanga present.

> > > > >

> > > > > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi

Yoga. Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> > > > >

> > > > > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the

ninth lord and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This

yoga can be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the

second in its own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money


> > > > >

> > > > > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and

amiable women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess

Lakshmi, and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like

horses, elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all

his subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> > > > >

> > > > > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in

all wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> > > > >

> > > > > View the charts online at: http://jyotish.ws/materials/chartR.html

> > > > >

> > > > > Christophe Auguin

> > > > > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two money houses, the second and the

eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to money.

> > > > >

> > > > > Eddie Arcaro

> > > > > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779

times with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings

into good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business.

His net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His

Lakshmi Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the

ninth house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good

dhana yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas

that capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the

12th house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of

the bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> > > > >

> > > > > Fred Astaire

> > > > > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> > > > >

> > > > > Stephen Bechtel

> > > > > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > > > > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus

in its own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in

the yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of

those charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve

the ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas

needed to make a billionaire's horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as

did Eddie Arcaro's, it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas

and owns only positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus

Mercury is in the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a

poverty yoga. These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping

him in the low billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the

Moon in the eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury,

further strengthening the lagna.

> > > > >

> > > > > Bill Gates

> > > > > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have

a Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when the US government (a signification of the Sun) sued

him over monopoly issues.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and

understand about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings

are everything.

> > > > > - Allison Berker

> > > > >

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > Website: Jyotish.ws

> > > > >

> > > > > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell

phone: (440) 263-2159

> > > > >

> > > > > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-

> > > > >

> > > > > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the

jyotish.ws website.

> > > > >

> > > > > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you

think it may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Ffollowing is birth details for a girl( rahu in lagna). They are anglo indian..

even though stayin in india since many many years they have foreigness in their

life style. i personally know this family.



Brithdate: 6th November 1982

birthtime: 21:50 (9:50 PM)  

Birth place: Ahmedabad(gujarat)











bhagavathi_hariharan <bhagavathi_hariharan


Saturday, 22 August, 2009 12:57:24 AM

Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009





I agree with you. What I felt is Rahu in 2nd can cause something related to

face, why rahu in lagna would give a plastic surgey on the face , it should give

on the head. Anyways, I found that Rahu in lagna can give a person foreign

birth. Foreign means birth in a place not native to both parents. I came across

this in many charts of kids of Indian origin born in the US.





, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ ...>



> Madam Namasthe,


> Very much glad to find you here. I had posted a study on the subject earlier.

However, no body cared to discuss it except prashant ji. I don't claim it to be

absolute. But most of the principles I laid where according to classical works.



> //presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face of an



> Isn't that taking the priciples too far?. with 100 million people in Inida

alone, you would find plastic sergons on every street, if that is the case.


> I would rather go by his physcial appearence, split personality or duel

personality and you would find mercurian trait.


> what is your openion?


> with regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " bhagavathi_ hariharan "

<bhagavathi_ hariharan@ > wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Shenoyji and all,

> >

> > I forgot to mention. I came accross an americanized vedic astrology post

mortem analysis of Michael Jackson. The chart was fixed as Tula lagna, Rahu in

lagna. Reading said " presence of Rahu in lagna can give many changes to the face

of an individual. MJ was known for plastic surgery " . Rahu in lagna and changing

the face.....? Anybody want to shed some light?

> >

> > Regards,

> > bhagavathi

> >

> >

> > , " bhagavathi_ hariharan "

<bhagavathi_ hariharan@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Shenoyji,

> > >

> > > //At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent

for " Vedic astrology " //

> > >

> > > They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > bhagavathi

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ >


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching

Indians what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned

astrology, just like casned food for which they are famous

> > > >

> > > > Just look at this statement

> > > >

> > > > // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that

is fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very

strong indeed.//

> > > >

> > > > which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.

> > > >

> > > > At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent

for " Vedic astrology "

> > > >

> > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@>


> > > > >

> > > > > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of

Vedic Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> > > > >

> > > > > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> > > > >

> > > > > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> > > > >

> > > > > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > A Possible Future

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> > > > >

> > > > > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went

back to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would

see another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In

Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> > > > >

> > > > > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about

October 13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What

this means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression,

from October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of

debilitation for at least another decade.

> > > > >

> > > > > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> > > > >

> > > > > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors

that indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in

October 2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> > > > >

> > > > > Why?

> > > > > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest

planet for prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > > > > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart,

is fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in

the US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses -

the 5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > > > > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th

from the 9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout

October but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses -

the 8th house.

> > > > >

> > > > > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events.

At last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> > > > >

> > > > > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde

motion, into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news

and bad news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent

glance on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> > > > >

> > > > > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > > > > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> > > > >

> > > > > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be

better and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more

and more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until

May 2011).

> > > > >

> > > > > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in

real estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then

be in the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real

estate and the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real

estate house). I do think that there will be more government programs to help

working class people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper

loans, and even acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out

West as Saturn rules the Westerly direction).

> > > > >

> > > > > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully

expect the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until

February 2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is

just based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> > > > >

> > > > > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from

April 2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real

estate recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> > > > >

> > > > > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009,

although it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of


> > > > >

> > > > > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun

is, in the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S.

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands for

the government.

> > > > >

> > > > > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > > > > Chart source: James Kelleher

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > By Alison Berker

> > > > >

> > > > > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein

is of primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the

preeminent themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such

as knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership,

musical skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such

as strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> > > > >

> > > > > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of

the lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and

the more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> > > > >

> > > > > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural

framework in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created

equally. If a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality

from a particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved

antique made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply

remark that a person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at

least own a piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless

antique, the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about.

And just as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse

much talk, but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single

yoga is unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full

of good yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is

not a relevant yoga

bhanga present.

> > > > >

> > > > > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi

Yoga. Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> > > > >

> > > > > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the

ninth lord and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This

yoga can be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the

second in its own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money


> > > > >

> > > > > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and

amiable women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess

Lakshmi, and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like

horses, elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all

his subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> > > > >

> > > > > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in

all wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> > > > >

> > > > > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> > > > >

> > > > > Christophe Auguin

> > > > > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of

two money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to


> > > > >

> > > > > Eddie Arcaro

> > > > > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779

times with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings

into good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business.

His net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His

Lakshmi Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the

ninth house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good

dhana yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas

that capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the

12th house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of

the bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> > > > >

> > > > > Fred Astaire

> > > > > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> > > > >

> > > > > Stephen Bechtel

> > > > > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > > > > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus

in its own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in

the yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of

those charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve

the ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas

needed to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie Arcaro's,

it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns only

positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is in

the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> > > > >

> > > > > Bill Gates

> > > > > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have

a Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga. This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money

when the US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly


> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and

understand about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings

are everything.

> > > > > - Allison Berker

> > > > >

> > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > > > > Website: Jyotish.ws

> > > > >

> > > > > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell

phone: (440) 263-2159

> > > > >

> > > > > To , send an email to: jyotish_ws-subscrib e

> > > > >

> > > > > Articles from past issues of this newsletter are archived at the

jyotish.ws website.

> > > > >

> > > > > Please feel free to share the newsletter with anyone for whom you

think it may be appropriate. You can also post it to appropriate email lists or

listservs. If your friends wish to receive the newsletter directly, tell them to

send an email message to jyotish_ws-subscrib e

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> > >

> >







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Madame Namasthe,


There is logic in that.


" mrityushchacharabhe vedeshe ubhaye maarhe svadeshe sthire "


if the 8th is " Chara " sign the death shall take place in a foreign land, if it

is " Ubhaya " , while traveling and in " Sthira " in own country.


" Chara " Rasi and so also " Chara " Grihas can be linked to " Vidhesh " foreign.


Rahu is considered a " Chara griha " .


What is needed to be analysed whether this is the only factor involved or other

natures of those birth, since Rahu aquires its quality from other sources such

as sign or planet it is associated with by aspect or yuti or navamsa.


One of the way to confirm this would to analyse those born in own country /

village / district and have rahu in Lagna.


That is a good observation.



A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy




, " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan wrote:


> Shenoyji,


> I agree with you. What I felt is Rahu in 2nd can cause something related to

face, why rahu in lagna would give a plastic surgey on the face , it should give

on the head. Anyways, I found that Rahu in lagna can give a person foreign

birth. Foreign means birth in a place not native to both parents. I came across

this in many charts of kids of Indian origin born in the US.


> Regards,

> bhagavathi


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//One of the way to confirm this would to analyse those born in own country /

village / district and have rahu in Lagna.//


Rahu in lagna is affliction to lagna. In the cases of foreign births, I found

the presence of Rahu in lagna in most of them. Foreign travel itself is

considered as a sin, although we fancy this now. So I assume that if the native

is born in a foreign land and with Rahu in lagna, he will not experience the

malefic influences of Rahu to self as much as the person who is born in his own

place with Rahu in lagna. Indeed second generation immigrants are better off

than their parents in the US.









, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag



> Madame Namasthe,


> There is logic in that.


> " mrityushchacharabhe vedeshe ubhaye maarhe svadeshe sthire "


> if the 8th is " Chara " sign the death shall take place in a foreign land, if it

is " Ubhaya " , while traveling and in " Sthira " in own country.


> " Chara " Rasi and so also " Chara " Grihas can be linked to " Vidhesh " foreign.


> Rahu is considered a " Chara griha " .


> What is needed to be analysed whether this is the only factor involved or

other natures of those birth, since Rahu aquires its quality from other sources

such as sign or planet it is associated with by aspect or yuti or navamsa.


> One of the way to confirm this would to analyse those born in own country /

village / district and have rahu in Lagna.


> That is a good observation.


> regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy




> , " bhagavathi_hariharan "

<bhagavathi_hariharan@> wrote:

> >

> > Shenoyji,

> >

> > I agree with you. What I felt is Rahu in 2nd can cause something related to

face, why rahu in lagna would give a plastic surgey on the face , it should give

on the head. Anyways, I found that Rahu in lagna can give a person foreign

birth. Foreign means birth in a place not native to both parents. I came across

this in many charts of kids of Indian origin born in the US.

> >

> > Regards,

> > bhagavathi

> >


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Dear Shri Shenoy Ji, Madam Ji and others,

Iam not sure whther generalisations with reference to individuals fit into the

situation to decipher and make out something as a postmortem study and work out

in an inductive manner.

i agree that rahu in lagna promotes experimentation.rather thinking differently

like a " fallen sheep out of herd " .But other things like lagna,2nd house linking

to Kalpurusha aspects might need a definete individual horoscopic approach with

reference consistent data.(available through reliable data from individual or

family members)

Mundane approach ofcourse is broad and certainly does help all of us from

research point of view.

No doubt MJ is renowned and an Internationally known artist that coulf influence

of musical and artistic minds through out the globe knowing the nuances of music

and dance and even otherwise.MJ for some is an inspiration.Child from the age of

2 yrs starts to imitate the MJ.That is the brand value he carried with him.His

loss,untimely death and his unique representation is definetely a loss to the

Nation/Country he is born and represented and made his abode.These are mundane

aspects that are of utmost importance for every one of to give cusriosity to

analyse as loss of an internationally known artist.so Rahu has a major role

in the events with whcih has become an acclaimed figure.

In my own house v have our kith and kin  having rahu in lagna as well as in 2nd

house.None of the inferences ascribed thought in on going mails are found to

bear relvance.yet I found they are people of different frame.of mind and

appearence.i have no hesitation to post them here for any astrological study and

as research materials.

Only thing that was haunting my mind in these mails is about

Americans(particularly) getting certified in terms of quality as advanced or

able to glorify the Astrology and acquire international standards.

I differed these views and continue to hold that Indian Astrology whatever way

has evolved till date has conssitency and better appreciation a sit perfectly

fits into our origin,history and changing culture.it is ofcourse that the on

going millenium has added different plane to traditional subjects of Eastren

diversity and the oriental countries are held in regard for their out look right

from beginning.

it is ok thatv read American jyotish news letter to percieve American

understanding and their approach towards this reverred science.But these

American appraoches can never contribute any meaningful undrstanding to the

systematic,culturally important and traditionally bound concepts of

jyotis.Jyotis is undergoing reformation and is on thresh hold and let's

understand  how changing times influence the system approach to think in

universal mode.

Individual horoscopy as pointed out by Shri KN Rao has importance in the case of

needy people but not cases for generalisation.International and figurative

personality like President of US and Intrnational Artist including Late MS,Raj

Kapoor and Fidel castro of foreign artist have importance in mundane matters.let

the News letter to write in a very significant way to understand these

issues.Even till date, the POB and DOB some of the people in Power(including one

holding US Presedinet ) are put under scanner in their own countries/nations





Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag wrote:



Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009


Friday, August 21, 2009, 1:16 PM







Dear Krishna Ji,


From my writing, One might think that I am a backward superstitious person. We

should definitely see the good and what is acceptable from every country.

America & Amercinas surely does have their own merits in many fields.


For ex: You might have seen the speach of barak obama on his swearing day. How

many of our leaders of 100 million people can talk so strongly without reading

from a write up. One can see the power of words, The thrust he gave to the word

" We are Americans "  how many of our people talk so intensily about being a

Indian. This is the culture, a strong sence that they are americans,  they

inculcate in their children - a strong trait we should learn from them. It is

quite natural that when you hold certain values strongly, you tend to defend it

equally strongly. both of which, unfortunately we don't teach our children.


Both India & America where colonies of british, But America gained their

independance way back inspite of being a less populant country. Why did it take

so long for India to be independant. A problem we don't address still.


When Mr Ford made cars by making nuts & bolts and up, we are still begging for

technology and are proud to send astronoughts to moon while people down here do

not have enough to eat, no pure drinking water in not only villages but cities



The only thing we have learned in the last few years is probably the recorded

stereotype messages to stay calm when every bomb blasts and that we will

overcome every thing.


The biggest joke of the year might be statement by another minister that India

is capable of building nuclear war ships - while 32 Mig jets have crashed within

18 months - russian made old age technology for which we still are running after

and pay billions of our hard earned money- and dream of building nuclear war

ships. to top it all, Arunachal pradesh is at brink of being part of china. 


So, it is no doubt that we have to learn much from others, and they can learn

and surely spread Indian Astrology. But trying to sell the same back is another

matter. It would like my son trying to teach how to walk.


Yes they would dare to do it, as long we don't come up claim to better. As long

as our own children feel ashamed, as Shri prashant ji mentioned about consulting

astrologer. the very same person probably doesn't realise that his/her boss

might be doing it without their knowldge. Believe me - I know.


A few days saw a picture of police offers checking & discussing about the

security at Sabarimala temple. Every one of them including Hindus were wearing

shoes - Color photo in the Hindu / matrubhoomi paper. 25 years back I would be

on the streets campaigning for a protest.


Once again sorry for writing very strongly. Some times the pain felt simply

flows out.  


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy




____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Friday, August 21, 2009 9:01:25 PM

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009




We " did in past " was mentioned in my write up(through their wisdom).But about

exploitation of technology to aquire commercial value I used I implied " can " as 

we r yet not familiar with modern technics of cyber media.

what we have made known to the universe thorugh efforts of seers is now going

into the creamy layers with the aid of technology(for Amercan Pandits ?)


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009


Friday, August 21, 2009, 1:16 AM




Dear Krishna Ji,

//we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with  real

and scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya//


Sorry to say, you missed the point.


" affirm that v also can "


there is no question of " Can " . It is is we who DID it.


There is no doubt about it.


No matter what others would try to prove otherwise.    


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Friday, August 21, 2009 7:50:11 AM

Re: Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter

August / September 2009




Americans miite may lie in their exploitation and use of technology.it took

almost centuries to have an idea of  what Jyotish is as envisaged by Sages(in


Then the great " wisdom', root of the Astrology written for the sake of future

can not come through Internet.A tool at disposal for modern living that is

seamless and allows for interaction but does it really promote the concepts that

were introduced by devoted,wise and selfless Maharishis with whose contributions

our culture is known for.

Americans with material resources at their disposal were always anxious to

control the universe and also  the hold world at large.Now with Asians

countering their abilities,certainly an unknown fear lurks in their mind.If we

just brood and find with explosive strength of human resources and without

aniticiapating for any laurels and rewards are able to move forward in every

field and tell the world we are not behind.This positive resource and God given

always remains as our supreem contribution in every walk of life,though it looks

as a burden on avilable resources.

Late realisation to promote technology and the emphsis it acquired with support

of respective Governements,  no doubt is paving way for development in each and

every field.Jyotish is no exception.Today v hace boundless awareness of jyotish

and r ready to take this knowledge into stride and think basically to minimise

the obstructions that come through retrograde planets,malefic planets like mars

or saturn.

It is the judgement that goes with understanding and assimilating the subject

jyotish.But not the bash nor the speed with which the claims and patents for

commercial acquisitions can be made.

v have also witnessed even with in this decade the " superior knowledge " has

become worthless when concern for insecurity / peace has grown.Nobody can answer

how such ghastly incidents that questioned the very basic huaman existence ?The

worry should not be for patents.The concern and effort should be for collective

wisdom to reason out the basis given in the vedas and develop further.Ultimately

cosmic influnce of planets discovered ages back and lying in dormant stage is

now being understood.yet for full comprehension the environment too is essentail

whcih comes through several factors.Apart from the fundamental sanskrit and

other oriental knowledge which our ancients have used can be understood with

like mindedness.That is in divinity,unaldutera ted dedication to do good to the

mankind and enlighten several hidden aspects of the cosmic universe.let them

come up in their possible ways.our strength still lies in anlysis that requires

basically depth of

knowledge and ability to assimilate.

universities with jyotish as curriculam are also putting efforts.certainly we

will make a difference in acquistion of proper knowledge of vedic jyotish

regardless of patents or no patents.let publications and debates happening in

the otherside should not frieghten us.

we need to energise ourselves and affirm that v also can come up with  real and

scietific knwoledge and application of jyotish vidya.It's commercial value that

come through patents has to be secondary.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Thu, 8/20/09, bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_ harihara n



bhagavathi_harihara n <bhagavathi_ harihara n

Re: Michael Laughrin's North American Jyotish Newsletter August /

September 2009


Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:20 PM




Namaste Shenoyji,


//At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology " //


They have already taken over everything. The internet is full of american

egurus. The worst part is Indians learning from such astrologers. I often

wonder, Parashara said that in kaliyug ashtakavarga will be a good system for

mandabuddhis. AV is definitely not easily understood even to the learned, then

what to talk of mandabuddhis. I think Parashara referred to the " internet " . If

you know the sanskrit word for " internet " , please let me know.





, " sureshbabuag " <sureshbabuag@ .....>




> Dear All,


> laughgrin - yes laugh & grin ; what is more pitifull than teaching Indians

what they had given to the world?. and too in a twisted way as canned astrology,

just like casned food for which they are famous


> Just look at this statement


> // In Jyotish terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is

fallen but retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong



> which astrologers? traditional or the modern?.


> At this rate, the day is not far when Americans may even take a patent for

" Vedic astrology "


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





> , " laughgrin " <laughgrin@> wrote:

> >

> > I offer you this newsletter to enhance and deepen your experience of Vedic

Astrology. In these newsletters, expect to find a combination of helpful

articles, book reviews, Jyotish links and more. The purpose of this newsletter

is to educate and titillate the Jyotish-loving public. The opinions given within

are solely those of the author.

> >

> > In this issue, it's all about money! Worried the economy? Read my

predictions in " A Possible Future. " Also, see Alison Berker's article on the

Lakshmi Yoga and enjoy five amazing examples of wealthy people who have this


> >

> > Please visit my website, www.Jyotish. ws at your convenience. The best

articles from these newsletters are archived on this site. I offer access to an

excellent yagya program.

> >

> > - Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> >

> > A Possible Future

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Michael Laughrin (michael@)

> >

> > To be honest, I thought that when Jupiter, by retrograde motion, went back

to Capricorn (its sign of debilitation) on around August 1, 2009, we would see

another crash in the stock market. I am glad to say that I was wrong. In Jyotish

terms, it is said by some astrologers that a planet that is fallen but

retrograde is almost like an exalted planet - e.g., very, very strong indeed.

So, apparently, that is the case now for Jupiter in Capricorn.

> >

> > However, if we look forward for a few months, we see that, on about October

13 2009, Jupiter starts to move in an apparently forward direction. What this

means is that it will be just fallen, and not blessed by retrogression, from

October 13 until December 19, 2009, when it leaves its state of debilitation for

at least another decade.

> >

> > Then, on October 17, 2009, the Sun enters sidereal Libra, its sign of

debilitation. On October 27, the Sun is at its maximum degree of debilitation.

Going back to the beginning of October 2009, we see that Mars (the dasha lord

for the chart of the United States), enters Cancer, Mars' debilitation sign, on

October 4 and it stays there until May 26, 2010.

> >

> > To me, the picture is clear: there are at least three major factors that

indicate a grand bust in the financial markets in the United States in October

2009 (and it probably will last until December 2009 or more).

> >

> > Why?

> > 1. Jupiter, the ruler of America's natal chart and the strongest planet for

prosperity, is fallen during that time.

> > 2. The Sun, the ruler of the 9th house (of luck) in the U.S.A. chart, is

fallen from October 17 until November 17, 2009. Furthermore, it is fallen in the

US 11th house (the house of gains), hurting three important money houses - the

5th (by opposition aspect), the 9th (ruled by the Sun), and the 11th house,

where it will be placed by transit. Also, the Sun stands for government, so

perhaps we can expect some other financial crisis in our national government at

that time.

> > 3. Mars, the ruler of the 5th house of investments (and, being 9th from the

9th house, a secondary luck house) will not only be fallen throughout October

but will also be placed, by transit, in that most difficult of houses - the 8th


> >

> > But, stepping back for a moment, let us look at other Jyotish events. At

last, Saturn leaves the enemy sign of Leo and enters the sign of its great

friend, Mercury, on about September 9, 2009. Also, Virgo (where Saturn will be

placed), will then be fully aspected by the divine Jupiter (also an indicator of

the U.S. as a whole). Therefore, I expect that we will have, more or less, some

kind of universal health care in America and that the new laws regarding these

matters will, most likely, be passed between September 9, 2009 and October 17,

2009. Saturn rules the working people and the sign of Virgo is the natural sign

for healthcare, so it makes sense - to me, at least.

> >

> > On about November 4, 2009, both Rahu and Ketu move, by retrograde motion,

into Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. This indicates both good news and bad

news. Good news because they will no longer be casting their malevolent glance

on the US's sign of money, Capricorn. Not so good because they will be

negatively affecting the US chart's 1st house of the Self and 7th house of other

countries. As the 1st house is the main house of health, and both Rahu and Ketu

indicate possible epidemics or viruses, this could possibly indicate some

virulent health attack on the US population. However, once transiting Jupiter

enters sidereal Aquarius on December 19, 2009, it bodes very well for the US and

its foreign relations because Jupiter in Aquarius will:

> >

> > 1. Be out of debilitation

> > 2. Aspect natal Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the Sun.

> >

> > This means, at least to me, that our international reputation will be better

and better around the world. Also, international trade will pick up more and

more while Jupiter is in Aquarius and then Pisces (from December 2009 until May


> >

> > What about real estate values? I do not see any tremendous recovery in real

estate in 2009, although Saturn entering Virgo in September 2009 will then be in

the US chart's 10th house, fully aspecting both the 4th house of real estate and

the 7th house (which, being 4th from the 4th, is a secondary real estate house).

I do think that there will be more government programs to help working class

people (indicated by Saturn) escape foreclosure, get cheaper loans, and even

acquire new homes in some parts of the country (probably out West as Saturn

rules the Westerly direction).

> >

> > Once Mars enters the sidereal sign of Leo (May 2010), then I fully expect

the real estate market to really heat up and stay up at least until February

2011 (when Mars leaves its sign of exaltation - Capricorn). And that is just

based on the transits of Mars and Saturn.

> >

> > When Jupiter, by transit, is crossing its own sign of Pisces, from April

2010 to May of 2011, that is when the most important indicators of real estate

recovery, new building and appreciation of property values should occur.

> >

> > The stock market should recover decently starting in December 2009, although

it may have to wait until Spring 2010 to show any real signs of strength.

> >

> > When Ketu, by retrograde motion, goes over the degree where the Sun is, in

the USA's natal chart (around 23 degrees Gemini), I expect that the U.S...

Congress will start to deal with immigration issues seriously. This occurs in

April 2010. Why then? Because Ketu stands for foreigners and the Sun stands for

the government.

> >

> > View USA birth chart: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartq1_lg. jpg

> > Chart source: James Kelleher

> >

> >

> >

> > The Lakshmi Yoga: Wealth

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > By Alison Berker

> >

> > In order to properly assess a horoscope, analyzing the yogas therein is of

primary importance. Yogas trump house analysis. They give rise to the preeminent

themes of life. They influence the level of attainment in arenas such as

knowledge and wisdom, wealth, spiritual power, governmental leadership, musical

skill, etc. Certain yogas may also be indicative of other qualities such as

strength of moral character (or lack thereof).

> >

> > When assessing yogas, it is also important to assess the strength of the

lagna and any ties it may have to existent yogas. The stronger the lagna and the

more the yogas are tied to it, the greater the person's capacity to utilize


> >

> > Yogas are like a home and its furniture: they provide a structural framework

in which a life will operate. Like furniture, yogas are not created equally. If

a yoga were an armoire, for example, well, armoires range in quality from a

particle board self-assembly unit from Wal-mart to a perfectly preserved antique

made of rare wood by an exceptional furniture maker. So, to simply remark that a

person has an armoire reveals almost nothing except that they at least own a

piece of furniture. If one discovers that the armoire is a priceless antique,

the armoire starts to become a piece of furniture worth talking about. And just

as a single priceless antique in someone's home is unlikely to arouse much talk,

but a house full of priceless antiques becomes noteworthy, a single yoga is

unlikely to elevate a life to an exceptional level. But a horoscope full of good

yogas, in decent condition, will elevate that life, provided there is not a

relevant yoga bhanga


> >

> > With those caveats, one of the premier yogas of wealth is the Lakshmi Yoga.

Shastra offers two definitions of this yoga. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

states the yoga is formed when the ninth lord occupies a Kendra in its own,

exaltation or mulatrikona rashi and the first lord is strong. This yoga cannot

be formed in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces ascendants. This

form of Lakshmi Yoga will be considered in a subsequent article.

> >

> > The second form of Lakshmi Yoga is defined in Phaladeepika as the ninth lord

and Venus in kendras or konas in their own or exaltation rashis. This yoga can

be formed in any ascendant. Some astrologers include Venus in the second in its

own sign or exaltation for this yoga since the second is a money house.

> >

> > The yoga is described: " Will always enjoy the company of young and amiable

women, be free from ailments, wealthy, sharp, blessed by the goddess Lakshmi,

and protector of his people. He will have the best of transport, like horses,

elephants and palanquins. As ruler, he will be the most pleasing to all his

subjects and liberal in his gifts. "

> >

> > Lakshmi yoga is not the only wealth yoga and one will not find it in all

wealthy horoscopes; however, its presence is a strong indicator of luck and

prosperity because it is an extremely rare yoga. A refined analysis of the yoga

can give some clues as to the level of prosperity it may bring. Below are five

example charts with comments.

> >

> > View the charts online at: http://jyotish. ws/materials/ chartR.html

> >

> > Christophe Auguin

> > Auguin is the poorest of our Lakshmi Yoga contenders. He is one of the

world's best sailors and has won multiple sailing prizes. Unfortunately, sailing

prizes tend to be smallish, only thousands of dollars. His chosen vocation is

teaching, which is not a giant moneymaker either. However, one indication of

Lakshmi yoga that does hold true for him is that of " best vehicle. " He asked for

and received a boat especially built for him in which he won two

around-the-world races. His Lakshmi yoga is weak for a number of reasons. First

of all, it is formed by only a single planet because Venus is the ninth lord for

Aquarius ascendant. Secondly, Venus does not participate in any other yogas, and

while the chart does contain some other nice dhana yogas in the tenth house,

they are not tied to the lagna lord who is Saturn and who is also all by

himself. And lastly, Aquarius people often do not successfully orient around

money because Jupiter is the lord of two

money houses, the second and the eleventh, and Jupiter prefers wisdom to money.

> >

> > Eddie Arcaro

> > Eddie Arcaro was America's richest jockey. He rode to victory 4,779 times

with winnings totaling over 30 million dollars. He parlayed those winnings into

good investments, successful oil speculation and part of a saddle business. His

net worth was probably in the neighborhood of 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi

Yoga is beautifully formed with exalted Venus and swa Jupiter in the ninth

house. Plus, his lagna lord Moon is in the second house, making a good dhana

yoga opposite Sun in the eighth. However, the blight on both these yogas that

capped his prosperity at 100 million is the aspect of Rx Saturn from the 12th

house. Saturn's aspect is potent because he is Rx, plus he is the lord of the

bad eighth house and he is aspecting from the twelfth house of loss.

> >

> > Fred Astaire

> > Fred Astaire, one of America's best known dancers, was worth somewhere

between 50 and 100 million dollars. His Lakshmi yoga is formed by exalted Venus

in the fifth house and exalted Moon in the seventh. His wealth capped at this

level because, although there is no affliction to Venus or the Moon and the

chart does contain other dhana yogas, neither Venus nor the Moon is involved

with any other planet, nor is Mars, the ascendant lord, who is debilitated in

the ninth house.

> >

> > Stephen Bechtel

> > Stephen Bechtel is one of the 793 billionaires in the world, the third

generation leader of Bechtel corporation. But he is a poor billionaire. He has

only 2.5 billion dollars.

> > His Lakshmi yoga consists of Jupiter swa in the ninth house and Venus in its

own sign in the second, which I mentioned before is sometimes included in the

yoga (although it is not part of its technical definition). This is one of those

charts where there are many, many yogas, most of which directly involve the

ascendant or its lord. This chart has the quantity and quality of yogas needed

to make a billionaire' s horoscope. Nearly every planet in the chart must

contribute something to wealth promotion for this outcome. And this is the case

in this horoscope. Firstly, the lagna lord Mars sits opposite Jupiter in the

ninth, directly involving it with the Lakshmi yoga. Secondly, the fifth lord and

eleventh lord sit opposite each other on the 1/7 axis. The lords of 5 and 11 are

another huge dhana yoga. This one is especially strong because both Sun and

Saturn are exalted, plus Saturn is Rx. This Saturn is also special because it

rules only positive

houses, so although it aspects the ninth house and lord, as did Eddie Arcaro's,

it is an entirely different Saturn, because it makes yogas and owns only

positive houses. Nonetheless, it is still a Saturn aspect. Plus Mercury is in

the ascendant as the sixth lord aspected by Saturn, which is a poverty yoga.

These two factors weighted against all the good yogas are keeping him in the low

billions. Also, Venus participates in another dhana yoga with the Moon in the

eighth house. And there is a parivartana between Mars and Mercury, further

strengthening the lagna.

> >

> > Bill Gates

> > The mother of all money charts, the richest man in the world does have a

Lakshmi Yoga. His yoga consists of Venus and exalted Saturn in Libra in the

fifth house. Because Saturn is a direct participant in the yoga, his association

with Venus does not diminish the yoga. In addition, the ascendant lord Mercury

is exalted and participates in multiple dhana yogas with Mars and the Moon, who

also form a Chandra-Mangala yoga, another prosperity yoga... This yoga really

counts in this horoscope because both Mars and the Moon rule money houses, the

Moon is almost full, in a watery rashi, in the sign of a friend and the whole

yoga conjoins the lagnesha who is powerful. All of his yogas are unafflicted by

harassing planets with the exception of the Sun, lord of the third who mildly

afflicts his Lakshmi yoga; however, it is the Sun, who is cruel but not really

malefic, and is only the ruler of the third, a mild dussthana. Nonetheless,

Gates did lose money when


US government (a signification of the Sun) sued him over monopoly issues.

> >

> > Thank you to my jyotish gurus who have taught me what I know and understand

about this vidya. The gifts of their knowledge and their blessings are


> > - Allison Berker

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

> > Website: Jyotish.ws

> >

> > Michael Laughrin, Michael@, business phone: (440) 582-9848; cell phone:

(440) 263-2159

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