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Why is Mars dead?

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Respected Sir,Good Evening,You have poited out that

// I don't understand why you mention Mars is " dead "


As per Tajik system, planets in the kendra is considered inauspicious.


As per traditional methods Mars is very strong in the 10th and particularly

aspecting its own sign   //

                 In this regard I have to remind you about the 3rd sloka of

chapter 3rd-Vargbhedadhyay of Book PHALDEEPIKA written by great sage Mantreswar

and Parasar Hora Sashtra and it is thus--Any planet Having Longitute more than

24 degrees posited in odd sign is treated as dead and in even sign up to 6


                    In case of Meenakshi's husband's chart the longitude of Mars

is 24 degree 50 minutes and posited in Leo,hence it is dead.The table is thus

for ready reference-----

                       odd sign                                              

even sign

Balak           up to 6 degrees                                  25 to 30


Kumar          up to 12   ''                                         19 to 24


Yuva            up to 18   ''                                         13 to 18


Praur           up to 24   ''                                          07 to 13


Mrit              up to 30  ''                                          00 to 

06 degrees

                    On the basis of above table Mars is dead as it is posited in

odd sign and its longitude is more than 24 degrees- correctly longitude of Mars

is 24-50

                     With regards,


Dhirendra Nath Misra



--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag wrote:



Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag

Re: Regarding Career and future

" Dhirendra Nath Misra " <dhirendranathmisra

Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 8:08 PM







Dear Dhirendra nath Misra Ji,


about the person you have mentioned. I remotely remember this chart or a similar



Any way,


I don't understand why you mention Mars is " dead "


As per Tajik system, planets in the kendra is considered inauspicious.


As per traditional methods Mars is very strong in the 10th and particularly

aspecting its own sign & lagna. From Chandra lagna also, he being the lord is

placed in the 5th (Trikona sign). Leo is also his friendly sign. so no issues



from the point of view of Karma sthana - 10th house,


Lagnadhipathy is placed in the karma sthana & karmadhipathy is placed in lagna.

So he should have a good career. Then what happened?


Vimshottari of

mars started in 2006 and in 2007 Saturn was in the 4th of chandra lagna -

Kantaka Sani. why should it give problems in Karkata.? (I will come to that).


Kala chakra :

Dasa of Karkata started in Jan-2005. This is dasa is a cross jump from the dasa

of Kanya dasa. This is called Mandooka Dasa Such dasas always creates serious

problems for the native.


Now you can see the why saturn caused the problems during its transit in


in simha it is again not a favourable sign to be in the 5th or chandra & 10th of

Lagna and where mars lagna lord was occupying.


So saturn's transit in the sign of leo also did not do any good.


Yogini dasa.

Ulka- Saturn started in Aug-2006


All the dasa changes almost in the same period.


Now look at the chart closely.


9th lord (Bhagyadhipathy) in the 6th (duritha) from lagna with Gulika in the

bhagya sthana

durithadhipathy (6th lord) mercury in the bhagya sthana from moon. with

bhaghyadhipathy in the chandra lagna and retrograde. so transfer of duritha is



This fellow can actually be called a " bhagya heena " .


It is mentioned in classics even if there are 100 Maha rajas yogas, if bhaghya

is not supportive, those raja yogas shall not be effective.


Kalachakra dasa of Karkataka - Karkataka is till march-2010. after which starts

karkataka - simha. Hopefully this should give him a job opurtunity.


There are also other reasons for loosing the job and not getting another one.


Saturn & Mars aspecting each other - Agni Maruti yoga. This person flairs up

pretty fast for no aparent reason even with friends and cools down as if nothing

has happened even wondering why he flaired up. But this might cause problem with

others , not able to assess him properly. This is further indicated by sun in

Lagna and angeya sign. Add to this the retrograde Jupiter in the chnadra lagna -

Pragjna karaka retrograde. some atitude problems also can be seen. He will have

a special logic and atitude different from others. Could also be highly egoistic

& arrognant / authoritative.


Further as we know this also is economicaly problematic period.


He can expect to get a job once saturn changes sign and probably after mar-2010.


Even 1 minute difference in TOB makes huge changes in kalachakra dasa. (This is

wrong in jHora).


As per traditional thinking, Green emerald is not good for him as it is the 8th

( ashtamadhipathy  & labhadhipathy) from lagna and 3rd & 6th lord from chandra

lagna - so in every respect a malefic. Hence he might land in other problems

also. mercury also do not varga bala. so also is Venus.


either he should wear a Navaratna ring - all the 9 gems. so that they will

compensate for each other or none at all.


He should propitiate Rahu & lord Narashimaha & Maha laxmi.


with regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy 






















Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra

Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 11:59:50 PM

Re: Regarding Career and future







Respected Suresh Babu Ji,Sadar Namaskar,I must appreciate you for your kindness

that a great astrologer like you make reply at once.It is quite

appreciating.Prasant ji also publishes near about all the mails.It is the K.P

forum where the sent messages are not published for masses.There are few members

whose articles and messages are published only and if any query is sent by

general public it will not be published nor it will be answered.The founder of

K.P system Sri K.S.K was open to all and he did not keep his system secret.There

are few kind members like Dr.Rath,Vishram Desh,Viswash ,Amit soman who makes

response if query is sent to him directly and that is why in Jyotish Remedies

forum  for the satisfaction of the general public I put my logic based on K.P

system with my little knowledge what I have knowing it well only in that cases

where I am confident 100% other wise I keep silent.Because I don't want to put

the poor querist at risk.

                                  The owner of the land is Mohammedan person.You

are absolutely right that I will sell this land again if I could purchase

it.Still I have to manage for  money to purchase the land.If I could not

manage,I will take my advance money back.

                                Sir,thanks very much to you that you again

reminded me to keep Tulsidal with Shaligram Ji.Please manage for real Shaligram

ji for me If it is possible.Now a days my scanner is out of order,so I am unable

to send the photograph of my Shaligram Ji.

                                Today I have again to request you about a needy

person who could not get satisfactory reply as yet from any where and K.P forum

is meant for few people only.This person  is out of Job Since December 2007.His

wife Meena has sent me query and her email id is mmeena1105 . The

birth details of Meena's husband is

thus-DOB-15-12-1964,TOB-5:35AM,POB-Delhi.This fellow is Engineer by

profession.He is wandering in the search of job here and there but his efforts

proved of no avail .This fellow has two daughters also and no male baby.Please

kindly analyse his chart keeping in view his career.

                               My reading is thus about his chart-Ascendant lor

Mars is dead. Dhanesh Jupiter is retrograde, weak and placed in 6th house.The

11th lord Mercury is retrograde but placed in Dhan Bhav.Sub lord of 10th is Mars

posited in constellation of Poorvaphalguni lord of which is Venus and strong

significator of 12th cusp,normal significator of 6th cusp, and weak significator

of 2nd,5th and 7th cusp and not of 11th in any manner.

                  Again Mars,Jupiter and Venus are dead planets and besides this

Jupiter and Mercury are retrograde planets.The native should be jobless during

Mars-Jupiter-Mercury Dasa w.e.f 25.10.2007 to12.12.2007 because Mercury is

posited in constellation lord Ketu and it is correct .Again in Mars-Saturn Dasa

was running w.e.f 22.06.2008 to 01.08.2009 and during this saturn is placed in

Leo and very weak.Besides this Saturn is posited in the constellation the lord

of which is dead Mars it self.So this period remained also very fruitless.Again

Mars -Mercury period is going on w.e.f  01.08.2009 to 29.07.2010 and this period

also seems fruitless to me.

                  Mars -Ketu Dasa will run from 29-7-2010 to 25-12-2010 and Ketu

is posited in constellation lor Mercury which is lord of 11th and posited in 2nd

house which may give money.

                  Mars -Venus period will run from 25.12.2010 to

25.02.2012.Venus is posited in constellation lord Jupiter which may give money

in its period.

                  Mars-Sun period will run from 25.02.2012 to 01.07.2012.Sun is

posited in constellation lord Mercury.Mercury may give money to him though it is


                  Again Rahu Maha Dasa will run and Rahu is posited in

constellation lor Mars which may give further good result during its period;

                  provided this native puts on 10 carat's Columbian Emerald

mounted in silver ring along with 5 carat's Real Pearl and strengthen

Mars,Mercury and Jupiter also by prayers. 

                  Please make your comment upon my readings and enrich me with

your own logics.I hope to recieve your reply as you don't run K.P forum.It is

the great forum of Suresh Babu Ji from where I ever hope.

                 With regards,                




Dhirendra Nath Misra



--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag wrote:



Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag

Re: Regarding DHAMM DHAMMM sound from roof of a room built in NE corner

in friend's house

" Dhirendra Nath Misra " <dhirendranathmisra

Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 1:51 PM







Dear Dhirendranath Misra Ji,



First regarding your land.


At the time you put the question, it was Karkataka Lagna - Chara Rasi. 4th house

is Thula - Sudha (withhout any planets).


So on first glance you can purchase this property. However there are few other

factors that should be kept in mind.

1) As far as property is concerned, chara signs are not considered to be good

due to non-permamnent nature. which means you are purchasing with a view to sell

it or will have to sell it.

2) Venus is also badha lord along with ketu. This land could have some govt

related issues with it. It also seems that the original owner of the land is a


3) Saturn in the dhana sthana being 8th lord - finance will pose a problem for

you. Sun shows you are financialy sound upto a certain portion but may need

other help also -probably from the resources of your wife also or as a loan (6th



Hence, you may purchase the land with a view to sell it later. But it will be

possible only after a few years. Because, I do not find much gain from it in

immediate future.


Otherwise, try to get back your money.


As for Shaligram, can you send me photo of the same?. The real Shaligrams are

very difficult to obtain.  I shall write after seeying the photo. do not take

any actions on this. do what ever you were doing (pooja etc) only keep a Thulasi

dal also after the abhisheka.


As for pandey problem, you can ask him to give a three digit number. do this

after sun rise and before sun set. prashna is never conducted during sandhya

times (pratha, madhyana & sayam sandhya) . Note down the time date and  let me



Forum Issues: Prashant ji seems to be removing the contact details entered by

astrologers which is against forum rules. He had anounced this several times

also. There won't be any issues with him if you don't provide any contact

details. This you can do in the database section of the forum.. Hope you



with warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy












Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra

Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 2:10:58 AM

Re: Regarding DHAMM DHAMMM sound from roof of a room built in NE corner

in friend's house






Respected Suresh Babu Ji,Sadar Namaskar,Thanks for your kind reply and for

sacrificing time for me and Pandey.Prasant ji published my few mails today

,rather he took time in edditing the non text portion of the message.He deletes

firstly every matter except signature of the poster and then publishes the mails

sent to the forum.I could not understand as to what Raghvendra Pandey has to do

for Prasna Chart.He may put his query before you in hindi language if you are

pleased to tell your contact number.You are also requested to tell me about

Saligram ji put in to the temple of my house.Should Saligram ji be replaced by

new one or may you be pleased to send me excellent Saligramji on my cost.Does

there seem any problem from present Saligramji which has no chakra and good

shape and besides this there is small cut mark in middle area of saligramji.Can

you throw some more light on my chart though you are very busy astrologer and

businessman..Can I purchase land

in the name of my wife during september,2009 or advance money Rs.61,000=00which

has been given to vendor may be lost?In hope of your reply{This question is put

at 2:10AM on 8-9-2009}.With regards,


Dhirendra Nath Misra



--- On Mon, 9/7/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag wrote:



Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag

Re: Regarding DHAMM DHAMMM sound from roof of a room built in NE corner

in friend's house

" Dhirendra Nath Misra " <dhirendranathmisra

Monday, September 7, 2009, 6:20 AM







Dear Dhirendranath Misra ji,



regarding Raghvendra Pandey's issue: This problem is best analysed by prashna.

It would be difficult to analyse such matters from horoscope at it will indicate

a lot of matters, thus confusing the issue and in some cases a person may change

house a number of times.



1) Gulika is in the 4th of lagna (Griha sthana) while Venus the 4th lord has

gone to the 6th house. Gulika navamsa is in 10th house of aries. If there are

malefics in the 4th & 10th, sthana dosha should be said.    

2) Venus is the 4th lord from both lagna & chandra lagna.

3) North-East direction is indicated by Pisces sign & Jupiter as well as Rahu.

4) Pisces is having Rahu as well as Saturn (retro) and aspected by Jupiter &

Mars. Venus is in the kendra.


So Pisces, 9th from lagna is having saturn + Rahu & 9th from Chandra is having

Gulika - Son of Saturn.

Rahu is prapitha maha.


Hence i feel, there could be some issue related with vastu dosha as well as

presence of Pitra in the house.


It would be better if he does death rites of the ancestors including Narayana

Bali , Thila Havana etc as per costumes and also vasthu pooja.


This is particulary important if the house is on the ground. Saturn + Rahu in

the Pisces - 4th from Venus (4th lord & karka) might be indicating that this

portion of the house was damaged or rebuild - some how these positions does show

that there could be some problem. But as I said this should be analysed deeply

with the help of prashna also.


Pls note that you have send this query on the day the Mahalaya (pitra) Paksha



I hope this helps.

with warm regards

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy











Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra


Monday, September 7, 2009 2:40:31 AM

Regarding DHAMM DHAMMM sound from roof of a room built in NE corner in

friend's house






Respected Sir,Sadar Namaste, I hope that you will be quite well and busy with

work.I don't know why my all mails are not being published through

.Today I posted at least 15 mails to the forum

but only 5 mails are published.Some people sent me mails on my email id and I

replied through Remedies forum and these mails are not published today.May I not

be a good astrologer or what is problem with me? I have a friend whose name is

Raghvendra Pandey.In his house ,there is a room built in NE corner of the

building and from roof of that very room sound like DHAMM DHAMM comes out

often.Why does this sound comes out.He is financially puzzled also, yet income

has encreased. His birth details is as


,Uttranchal/Uttarpradesh,Day-Wednesday.His mobile No. is 09411196165.If you can

speak in Hindi,you can have a talk with him to clear the matter.I hope that you

will check this chart and also

throw some light upon my problems...With regards,


Dhirendra Nath Misra













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